The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated by an example. The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated

The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated by an example

1. A common feature that unites nature and society is
1) are complex systems developing according to their own laws
2) act as an external, natural habitat for people
3) form and create universal forms of culture
4) develop spontaneously, without the intervention of a subjective factor
Answer: 1
2. The dynamic nature of society as a system can be confirmed by the fact that -
1) society includes subsystems and institutions
2) society is part of the material world
3) society isolated itself from nature, but retained a connection with it
4) society and its constituent elements are constantly changing
Answer: 4
3. Society is characterized as a dynamic system
1) presence of subsystems and elements
2) the withering away of individual social institutions
3) isolation from nature while maintaining connections with it
4) lack of interaction between spheres
Answer: 2
4. Integrative (unifying) processes of modernity have found their manifestation in (in)
1) the emergence of a number of conflicts on interfaith grounds.
2) the formation of common supranational currencies, the creation of supranational parliaments.
3) introduction of customs barriers protecting national markets.
4) the persistence of traditionalist and authoritarian regimes in a number of countries.
Answer: 2
5. The essential features of a traditional type of society include
1) entrepreneurship and initiative of citizens in the economic sphere

3) guarantee by the state of the rights and freedoms of the individual
4) secular nature of education and culture
Answer: 2
6. The essential features of a post-industrial society include
1) the emergence of standardized production
2) merging power with land ownership
3) formation of online communities
4) the predominance of religion in the sphere of spiritual culture
Answer: 3
7. In which of the following sentences is the concept of “society” used in the sense of “a group of people united by common interests and hobbies”?
1) Since ancient times, human society has revered gods and believed in supernatural forces.
2) The Society of Military History Lovers held a performance-reconstruction of the battle between the Vikings and the ancient Slavs
3) Modern Russian society is characterized by a significant gap in the quality and standard of living between rich and poor.
4) Medieval society was distinguished by conservatism and the strong influence of church and religion
Answer: 2
8. Scientists define a person as a biopsychosocial being. What
refers to the mental qualities of a person?
1) values ​​and life principles
2) memory properties, volitional qualities
3) genotypic characteristics, hair and eye color
4) social experience, practical skills
Answer: 2
9. Industrial and information societies have a common feature -
1) widespread use of social networks
2) creation of unified global financial centers
3) the predominance of large industry and transport
4) recognition of the value of individual freedom and private property
Answer: 4
10. In cognitive activity, in contrast to labor
1) people acquire knowledge about the world and themselves
2) practically useful results are obtained
3) the spiritual and material needs of the individual are realized
4) means must correspond to goals
Answer: 1
11. An example of constructive interaction between human society and nature is
1) destruction of tropical forests in the Amazon basin
2.) commissioning of pulp and paper mills that pollute water bodies with chemical waste
3.) introduction of environmental standards for fuel production
4) disposal of nuclear waste in third world countries
Answer: 3
12. The common quality of both humans and higher animals is
1) ideas about supernatural forces
2) the ability to teach offspring
3) purposeful activity
4) creation of something new that has no analogues in nature
Answer: 2
13. Reform is a form of social change that differs
1) radicalism, the destruction of old social structures
2) initiative from below, spontaneous actions of the masses
3) swiftness, qualitative renewal of the entire system of social relations
4) carried out at the initiative of the authorities, affecting certain areas of society
Answer: 4
14. Which values ​​are characteristic of a traditional type of society?
1.) priority of collectivism, belonging to the community
2) independence of the individual from the state
3) dynamism, speed of social transformations
4.) secular nature of education and culture
Answer: 1
15. What feature distinguishes labor activity from other types of human activity?
1) communication and interaction with partners
2) the presence of an imaginary environment
3) perception of new information about the world
4) satisfaction of material needs
Answer: 4
16. The result of constructive interaction between society and nature can be
1) overcoming the environmental crisis
2.) deepening economic crisis
3) mitigation of the demographic situation
4) the problem of “North” and “South”
Answer: 1
17. What quality is common to both humans and animals?
1.) experience the world in ideal images
2.) believe in supernatural forces
3.) create new tools
4) the ability to care for offspring
Answer: 4
18. The essence of the global North-South problem is
1) aging of European nations, declining birth rates
2) pollution of the environment, waters of the world’s oceans, reduction of ocean flora and fauna
3) the growth of international extremism and terrorism, equipping terrorists with modern weapons
4) the widening gap in the level of development between the rich and the poorest, most backward countries of the world
Answer: 4
19. Nature, unlike society,
1) is a complex system
2) capable of evolutionary development
3) can exist independently of a person
4) is a creator of culture
Answer: 3
20. The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated with an example:
1) preservation of traditional reindeer husbandry and marine fisheries among the peoples of the North, their adaptability to life in permafrost conditions
2) discovery of Antarctica by the expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev at the beginning of the 19th century
3) construction of large enterprises and cities beyond the Arctic Circle, for example Norilsk
4) discharge of waste products from the pulp and paper mill into Lake Baikal
Answer: 1


Answer: 4


Society is characterized as a dynamic system

Answer: 4


The political sphere of social life directly relates to

Answer: 1


A. Society is a universal form of interconnection and interaction between people.

B. At the present stage, society has completely concentrated control over natural resources in its hands.

Answer: 1


The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated by an example:

Answer: 3


Young scientists held a conference dedicated to the prospects for the development of domestic science, expressing the danger that low incomes and the lack of material incentives to work contribute to “brain drain” and the mass departure of young specialists abroad. This example can be used to illustrate the relationship between such areas of society as

Answer: 2


It is typical for a traditional society

Answer: 1


Gradual transformations in society, involving an organic combination of old and new, are characteristic of

Answer: 1


Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. Social progress does not apply to relationships between people and the moral qualities of people.

B. Social progress includes the introduction of new technologies that make human work easier and free up his time for rest and creativity.

Answer: 2


Global environmental problems include

Answer: 2

Tribes of nomads invaded a rich, prosperous country from the north, ruining irrigated farming systems, cities, and cutting off traditional trade routes. Cities and villages were deserted for many decades. This example illustrates such a form of social change as

Answer: 3


Are the following statements about society correct?

A. Society is a complex dynamic system in which there are elements and subsystems that interact with each other.

B. The development of society is influenced by the natural environment; natural conditions can promote or hinder social development.

Answer: 3


The political global problems of the modern world include

Answer: 2


Are the following statements about terrorism true?

And international terrorism is a powerful economic structure and is ahead of national states in the development of a network of interaction.

B. International terrorism is a response to the aggressive invasion of the values ​​of the Western world into other regions of the world.

Answer: 3


Globalization processes are associated with

Answer: 3


Using such a criterion of social progress as strengthening the moral foundations of society, we can illustrate

Answer: 3


Three of the statements below are objective FACTS and one is a subjective OPINION. Which statement is an opinion?

Answer: 3


Below is a list of social science concepts. Indicate which of them is the most particular, the narrowest in meaning.

Answer: 4

Part B.


Write down the word missing in the diagram:

Form of social change –


includes all progressive changes

determines the vector of development of society from less perfect to more perfect

one of the criteria is the improvement of the moral foundations of society

Answer: ________________________________

Answer: progress (social progress)


Indicate the features that distinguish society from nature.


Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.
The following most general indicators can be distinguished: _______________(1). From epoch to epoch there is an increase in labor productivity based on the improvement of means and organization of labor; which in turn entails the improvement of the workforce, brings to life new production skills and knowledge and changes the existing __________ (2). Simultaneously with the progress of productive forces, there is an increase in the volume of scientific information. Science is becoming a direct ___________(3) of society. Under the influence of progress in social production, social needs rise, and methods of satisfying them, lifestyle, culture and way of life are improved. There is an increasing tendency for society to master the spontaneous forces of nature and liberate people from the yoke of spontaneous social factors. ____________(4) social life occurs on a planetary scale, leading to the formation and functioning of ___________(5) ideals, norms and values. Humanity is gradually turning into a single whole.

But the main indicator and criterion of social progress is the expansion of freedom. Freedom is a person’s ability to be active in accordance with his intentions, desires and interests, during which he achieves his goals. Consequently, in order to determine whether a given stage in the development of society is more progressive compared to the previous one, it is necessary to find out how fully the essential features of ____________ (6) are realized in the life of the people of a given society.

Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.









Establish a correspondence between the type of society and its characteristic features: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




The speed of change




Variety of development paths




The predominance of collectivist principles


Development of microprocessor technologies

Enter the answer you received into the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).





Answer: BBAB


Indicate the features of a traditional society.


Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

Determine which provisions of the text are

Answer: AABA
Part C

Eastern civilization

It is known that world history began with the East; it is the center of civilization. The most ancient social and political institutions arose and acquired stable forms here. No wonder the ancient Romans said with respect: “The light comes from the East.”

What is the East? We are talking not about a geographical, but about a civilizational, historical and cultural concept. This is a gigantic human integrity, very heterogeneous and contradictory. It has some common features: reproduction of established social cultures, stability of lifestyle, strict priority of religious and mythological ideas and canonized styles of thinking, dissolution of the individual in the team.

The East is, first of all, a traditional society and a traditional path of development. Where did this tradition come from, how and by whom was it established? According to orientalists, the tradition was, firstly, borrowed from the cyclical nature of agricultural work, on which the prosperity of the first centers of civilization directly depended. Secondly, having formed the first state formations, they tried in every possible way to oppose themselves to the barbarians and establish their priorities as decisive and extremely important.

The main cultural dominant here are myths, religious cults, rituals and ceremonies...

The most important element characterizing the East is “oriental despotism.” Despotism as a form of power and the general structure of society arises where private property has no priority and the land belongs to the rural community. In order to organize intercommunal work, a government body is formed, which, gradually gaining strength, becomes despotic in relation to the community members. However, this power does not deprive the community of autonomy in solving its own problems. By deducting rent-tax to the state, the community lived with its own concerns, and the community members were of little interest in who was replacing whom at the top of the political pyramid. However, both state rulers and their servants were not interested in the joys and misfortunes of the peasants. The main thing is to receive the traditionally established rent-tax on time.

1. Based on the text, reveal the author’s understanding of Eastern civilization (“East”). Give four features that distinguish Eastern society.



  1. formulated understanding Eastern civilization:
The author understands the East not in a geographical, but in a historical, cultural, civilizational sense, as “a gigantic human integrity, very heterogeneous and contradictory”;

  1. given signs eastern societies:
- reproduction of existing social cultures;

Lifestyle stability;

Strict priority of religious and mythological ideas and canonized styles of thinking;

Dissolution of the individual in the team.

An understanding of the essence of Eastern civilization is formulated, four signs are indicated


An understanding of the essence of Eastern civilization is formulated, one or three signs are indicated


An understanding of the essence of Eastern civilization is formulated OR one or two signs are indicated OR

Wrong answer.


Maximum score


2. What conditions for the formation of an eastern traditional society does the author give, referring to oriental scientists? Give them based on the text and illustrate any of them with a specific example.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer must include the following: elements:

  1. indicated conditions (signs) formation of eastern societies:
- firstly, the cyclical nature of agricultural work, on which the prosperity of the first centers of civilization directly depended;

Secondly, the desire to oppose oneself to the barbarians and establish one’s priorities as decisive and extremely important.

2) given example, illustrating one of the signs, for example:

The life of the ancient Egyptians was completely dependent on the floods of the Nile and the fertile silt deposited by the floods (the first sign);

The ancient Greeks in every possible way emphasized their uniqueness and superiority in relation to other peoples, whom they considered savages, barbarians, and opposed themselves to other peoples (the second sign).
Other valid examples can be given.

Two conditions are specified, an example is given


Two conditions are specified, no example given


One OR condition specified

Wrong answer.


Maximum score


3. What does the author see as the most important element characterizing the East? What, according to the author, are the reasons for the formation of a special political organization in the East? (give two reasons). What are the specifics of relations between the state and the community in the East. Based on your knowledge of the course, give any sign of Eastern society, in addition to those indicated in the text.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer should include elements:

  1. “the most important element” characterizing eastern society is “oriental despotism”;

  2. reasons contributing to its occurrence:
- lack of priority for private property, land belonging to the rural community;

The need to organize inter-community work, contributing to the formation of a government body that, gradually gaining strength, becomes despotic in relation to the community members.

  1. An additional feature is given, for example:
- predominance of statics, wary attitude towards changes, changes.

Other additional features may be given.

The most important element, two reasons are indicated, an additional sign is given


The most important element is indicated, two reasons are indicated, the sign is not given.


The most important element is specified, one reason, OR the element is not specified, but two reasons are given.


The most important element is indicated OR one reason is given OR

Wrong answer


Maximum score


4. The author emphasizes that the main cultural dominant of Eastern society is myths, religious cults, rituals and ceremonies. Explain the author's idea. Based on social studies and history courses, give three specific examples that illustrate the cultural heritage of Eastern civilization.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer may include the following: elements:

  1. explanation, For example:
The author believes that the spiritual potential of the East is based on mythological religious and philosophical systems, rituals, to a lesser extent than science and technology.

  1. given examples, let's say:
- ideological spiritual foundations of Buddhism created in India;

The philosophy of Confucianism, created in ancient China;

The spiritual foundations of Zoroastrianism, "Avesta", the oldest sacred book, created in ancient Iran.

Other explanations and other examples may be given.

An explanation is provided and three examples are given.


Clarification is given, one or two examples are given OR the explanation is given in an implicit form, but three examples are given.


Explanation is given OR explanation is given in an implicit form, but two examples are given


One example given OR

Wrong answer.


Maximum score


5. American political scientist Samuel Huntington noted that “it is easier to destroy a traditional society than to modernize it.” How is modernization understood by modern scientists? What problems of modernization of traditional societies does the author have in mind? Explain the author’s words and give at least two problems.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) formulated concept of modernization, For example :

  • into the concept modernization modern scientists include the transformation of a traditional society with an agricultural economy into a modern one, characterized by rapid growth rates, the leading role of industry, the service sector, modern modes of transport and communications.

2) indicated Problems, For example:

  • – commitment of traditional societies to their way of life, values ​​associated with customs, religion, and foundations that have developed over centuries;

  • weak dynamism of traditional societies, their focus on reproducing existing relationships rather than on development;

  • modernization is a painful process that can lead to the destruction of old orders and structures.
Other problems may also be indicated.

The concept of modernization is formulated and two problems are identified.


The concept of modernization is formulated, one problem is indicated OR the concept of modernization is formulated implicitly, but two problems are given.


The concept of modernization is formulated OR one problem is indicated


The answer is incorrect.


Maximum score


6. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The problem of international terrorism as a global problem of our time”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions
(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:

– the correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic and the clarity of expression of thoughts;

– reflection in terms of the main aspects of the topic in a certain (adequate to the given topic) sequence.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) Threats and challenges of modern humanity.

2) International terrorism as a threat to the world community.

3) Features of terrorism at the present stage:

a) supranational character;

b) use of modern electronic networks and means.

4) Manifestations of terrorist activity.

5) Ways and means of the world community’s fight against terrorists.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of the plan items is possible.

The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic. The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.


The wording of the plan items is correct.
Certain issues essential to this topic have been omitted. The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.
Some of the wording of the plan items is incorrect. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic. The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.


The plan does not reveal the proposed topic.
OR The response structure does not conform to the complex type plan.


Maximum score


7. Select one from the statements below and express your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) regarding the problem raised. Provide the necessary arguments to justify your position.

When completing the task, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience:

Section 2 “Man, individual, personality”

Part A.


An important difference between humans and other living beings is







DocLib43 -> Society Society is a special part of the world. Society is a complex, dynamically developing system
School 5 -> The expert gave 0 points for criterion K1, then the answer is not checked further
School 5 -> Explanatory note This program is additional and is aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the study of basic educational material
Question A1

The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated by an example:

1construction of stepped towers - ziggurats - in ancient Mesopotamia

2development of irrigated agriculture and urban centers in the Tigris-Euphrates valley

3the emergence of ancient writing among the Sumerians in the form of cuneiform on clay tablets

4 the compilation by the Babylonian king Hammurabi of the oldest written code of laws protecting property and enshrining the legal inequality of residents

Artistic (aesthetic) knowledge is based on

1putting forward scientific hypotheses

2summarizing data obtained experimentally

3accumulation and generalization of life experience

4representation of the world in artistic images

In the country of R., the sociological service conducted a survey among citizens of different age groups. Respondents (participating in the survey) were asked to answer the question: “What factor do you consider to be the main determining factor in the formation of human personality?”

The following results were obtained (in %) presented in the diagram:

Factors influencing the formation of human personality.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the data in the chart?

1The largest proportion of respondents believe that personal qualities are formed mainly by school

2 citizens surveyed least identify the immediate environment as a factor influencing personality

3 family and household, according to respondents, in modern society have generally lost their influence on the formation of personality.

Are the following judgments about the ethics of modern science and the responsibility of scientists correct?

A. The power of modern science and the capabilities of scientists are so great that they need to remember the moral boundaries of their research activities.

B. Scientists need to take a particularly responsible approach to research into the human psyche and intellectual resources, since any impact on these processes can be unpredictable.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Historically, the earliest type of economic system is the traditional economy. Its characteristic feature is

1domination of the interests of the producer over the interests of the consumer

2regulation of volumes and range of production through customs

3formation of monopolies dictating prices and rules of the game to the market

4economic freedom of the consumer making a choice of goods in alternative conditions

The farm reduced the number of workers after harvesting. Machine operators and combine operators will again be recruited to the farm only in the spring of next year. The above example illustrates unemployment





An instrument of the state's monetary policy includes:

1coordination of the terms of concluding collective agreements

2control over the conclusion of merger deals between large companies

3determination of the discount rate of bank interest

4sale by the state to private hands of ineffective enterprises

The figure shows the situation on the desktop computer market: demand line D has moved to

new position D1.

(P – price of the product, Q – volume of demand for the product)

1increasing number of computer sellers on the market

2the transition of many users to laptops and netbooks

3reduction of duties on the input of components for desktop computers

4significant reduction in the cost of system units and monitors

Are the following statements about production costs correct?

A. External (explicit, accounting) costs are all the costs of an enterprise recorded according to accounting documents, for example, payment of wages to employees.

B. Hidden (internal) costs can be costs associated with lost profits, with the expenses of the enterprise’s own funds (for example, on the purchase of shares), with the placement of the enterprise in its own building.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A10

On what basis are such social groups identified as city dwellers, villagers, provincials, and metropolitan residents?





Question A11

In which of the following situations can a person’s behavior in society be assessed as conformal?

1A person consistently defends his principles and, even if this is fraught with conflict, tries not to betray himself.

2At a rest stop, one of the participants in the hike tells the other a joke, and both begin to laugh loudly together. Not knowing the reason for the laughter, a third and a fourth join these two guys, and soon everyone is laughing.

3 Out of a sense of contradiction, a person always strives to be different from the people around him; his position is to be different from everyone else.

4The student decided not to express his point of view at the class meeting, to accept the position of the majority, since he realized that it was at odds with the opinions of his classmates.

Question A16

Property and personal non-property relations associated with them, the order of inheritance are regulated by the rules of law

1 labor

2 criminal



Question A17

The production association sued the supplier company for improper performance of the supply contract. This case will be heard in court




Question A18

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the provision of Russia as a rule-of-law state. It means that

1The state provides citizens with a decent standard of living

2the state implements the principle of separation and independence of powers

3the church is separated from the state and the education system is separated from the church

4the state guarantees a variety of forms of ownership

Question A19

Which situation is a criminal offense (crime)?

1The plumber did not show up for work without a good reason.

2A citizen was crossing the street in the wrong place and was stopped by a traffic police inspector

3A citizen made counterfeit banknotes using a color copying machine and sold them on the market

4The construction team did not complete the finishing work within the deadlines established by the contract

Question A20

Are the following statements about international law true?

A. Sources of international law can be conventions, international customs, and court decisions.

B. The source of international law is not general principles of law.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “manufacturer”.

1 sentence


3balance sheet profit

4management system

5consumer income


7fixed capital

8utility of a good

Find and indicate terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

(1) Human knowledge is distinguished by a variety of types and forms. (2) One of the forms of knowledge is mythological knowledge. (3) Mythological knowledge is a syncretic unity of rational and emotional reflection of reality. (4) An example of mythological knowledge can be ancient tales about the origin of the world and man. (5) Without a doubt, a careful study of the myth provides significant information about the way of life of people, various spheres of life of ancient society.

A) factual nature

Write down the resulting sequence of letters.

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“Both individual citizens and collective entities that have the characteristics provided for by law can join civil __________________(1): organizations called ________________(2), as well as special subjects of civil law - state and municipal entities. The content of __________________(3) of citizens (individuals) is defined by the legislator in the Civil Code as a set of rights and obligations that a citizen may have in accordance with civil __________________(4): to have property for __________________(5); inherit and bequeath it; engage in any activity not prohibited by law; create legal entities; make transactions and participate in obligations; choose a place of residence; have the rights of the author.

If legal capacity is recognized equally for all citizens from the moment of birth to death, then __________________(6) arises from the moment of reaching a certain age, and in full - from the age of majority, which presupposes the achievement of a certain level of mental maturity.”

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted into the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

A) legislation

B) legal relations

B) legal capacity

D) legal capacity

D) legal entities

E) equality of parties

G) government

H) ownership

I) tort

C1.make a plan

International humanitarian law consists of two sections called the “law of the Hague” and the “law of Geneva”. Historically, the primary one is the “law of the Hague”, or “law of war”, which establishes the rights and obligations of the warring parties during combat operations and limits the methods and means of causing damage to the enemy in order to avoid excessive suffering, unnecessary, as well as unjustified by military necessity, casualties and destruction. .

A new stage in the development of international humanitarian law, which was based on the principles and norms of the human dimension, came after the adoption of the UN Charter, which outlawed war... The same period saw the intensive development of Geneva law, the birth of a regulatory framework which is usually associated with the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864, for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field during a Land War. This document introduced a new and very important principle of neutrality of medical personnel into the international law of that time, according to which medical care should be provided to all injured participants in hostilities, regardless of which side they fought on. The principle of maintaining a strict balance between the requirements of humanity and military necessity was established... 

In its modern form, Geneva law, or humanitarian law itself... is a system of principles and norms directly aimed at protecting the individual in armed conflicts of an international and internal nature. International humanitarian law provides protection to those not taking part in hostilities, such as civilians and medical personnel. Under its protection are also persons who have stopped participating in hostilities, namely: the wounded, shipwrecked, sick and prisoners. Geneva law prohibits attacks on persons under its protection, violation of their physical integrity, and subjecting them to humiliating and degrading treatment. Rules have been developed to provide prisoners of war and those detained during the conflict with the necessary food, housing, and judicial guarantees.

With the development of international rule-making and the adoption of new documents in the field of human rights, international humanitarian law is enriched with principles and norms that guarantee an individual the right to enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms during armed conflicts, minimizing the disasters caused by armed actions and protecting people from arbitrariness and violence...

For the protection of human rights, it is important to extend the application of international humanitarian law to armed conflicts of a non-international character, which are limited to the territory of one state and occur between armed forces and anti-government armed groups...

Question A1

Society as a dynamic system is distinguished by the following feature:

1presence of certain social institutions and subsystems.

2isolation from the natural environment, loss of connection with it.

3the emergence of new social institutions and the withering away of old ones

4the entry of nature and society into a single material world.

Having entered the tenth grade, student T. chose several specialized elective courses in various subjects. He is most interested in the social and human sciences, so he will take some additional courses in philosophy, sociology, law, and history. At what level of education is student M.?

1primary vocational education

2basic general education

3complete (secondary) general education

4secondary vocational education

Social scientists interviewed a group of citizens of different ages, conducting a study on the sources of knowledge acquired by people. Respondents (citizens participating in the survey) were asked to choose the correct continuation of the phrase from their point of view:
« Most of the knowledge we acquire throughout life is based on...»
The results were obtained (in %) presented in diagram:

The results were obtained (in%) presented in the diagram:

1 respondents believe that scientific research provides more knowledge than life experience

2The largest percentage of respondents believe that human knowledge is mainly based on life experience

3folk wisdom, according to a third of respondents, enriches us with knowledge

4The smallest percentage of respondents spoke in favor of divine revelation as the main source of knowledge

Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. A sense of freedom is inextricably linked with an understanding of personal responsibility for choices made in the face of alternatives.

B. Many scientists have emphasized that freedom imposes additional duties and obligations on a person, and is a kind of burden that a person accepts when gaining freedom.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Citizen R., a qualified accountant, after a long break from work, cannot find a job in her specialty. She refused the positions of secretary and concierge offered to her and is awaiting offers in her specialty. The above example illustrates unemployment





Which of the following acts as budget revenue items?

1payment of interest on public debt

2taxes from individuals and legal entities

3financing of defense orders

4implementation of priority national projects

The figure shows the situation at fish and seafood market: offer line WITH moved to a new position C1.
(P- the price of the product, Q– volume of supply of goods)
This movement may be associated primarily with (with)

1a significant increase in incomes of the population 2launching new trawlers for the country’s fishing fleet 3increasing import duties on the import of seafood and fish 4increasing the number of fish and seafood sellers

Are the following judgments about the purpose of tax policy correct?

A. The purpose of the state's tax policy is to redistribute income from rich to poor in order to stabilize social relations.

B. The purpose of the state's tax policy is to ensure government spending.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

On what basis are such social groups identified as women, men, children, and the elderly?





Question A10

In which situation were informal positive sanctions applied?

1The young composer’s new work was greeted with thunderous applause and standing ovations from the public.

2The scientist received a prestigious international award for research in the field of energy-saving technologies.

3For winning the “Best in the Profession” competition, the worker received the keys to a new car as a gift.

4The serviceman was promoted to a new military rank ahead of schedule.

Question A12

Are the following judgments about trends in the development of the social sphere correct?

A. In the conditions of informatization and computerization, the strengthening of the role of high technologies in the social sphere, the number of workers in knowledge-intensive industries and the service sector is increasing.

B. The leading role in the social sphere of the advanced countries of the world is played by a large and influential middle class, including people economically independent of the state.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A13

The organization decided to prepare and submit documents for state registration as a political party. What characteristics must she have to submit such an application?

1Nomination of a bright, influential leader who is ready to lead the party in the elections.

2The presence among party members of representatives of big business who are ready to finance the election campaign.

3The absence of persons among party leaders who were previously prosecuted.

4The presence of the legally required number of members of the organization who have formally secured their membership in its ranks.

Question A14

The parliament of a given country is formed from representatives of the main political parties who were able to overcome the ten percent electoral threshold. Select one more feature from the following that is characteristic of the electoral system of a given country.

1A single national constituency is created in the country.

2Deputies represent various social groups.

3Political parties do not play a significant role in nominating candidates.

Question A15

Are the following judgments about mass and cadre parties correct?

A. A common feature of mass and cadre parties is the organization of work with party activists.

B. A common feature of mass and cadre parties is the compactness of primary organizations and the intensification of their actions during election campaigns.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A16

The lowest, primary, structural link in the system of Russian law is

1institute of law

2branch of law

3legal norm

4sub-branch of law

Question A17

In what case is it necessary to contact a notary?

1 citizen K. needs to file a complaint against the management of the institution where she works

2Citizen M., being a witness to an offense, decided to get advice about his rights if he decides to testify in court

3Citizen D. needs to certify a power of attorney for the right to drive a car that belongs to her to her son

4 citizen M. decided to file a complaint against the actions of the police officers, who, in her opinion. violated her rights

Question A18

The political rights of Russian citizens established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation include the right

1elect and be elected to government bodies

2 to receive free education

3 to obtain a profession in accordance with your abilities

4to privacy and correspondence

Question A19

An athlete involved in crossbow shooting decided to hunt ducks on vacation. After another shot from a crossbow and the defeat of a duck, a huntsman approached him and demanded permission to hunt. The athlete did not have such permission. What type of legal liability can he be held liable for?





Question A20

Are the following statements about jury trials correct?

A. In some cases, jurors take part in criminal proceedings.

B. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can become a juror.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Short answer questions

When completing tasks with a short answer, carefully follow the instructions, write down the answer in the form of a word (phrase), a sequence of letters or numbers

Write down the word missing in the diagram:

Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “science”.

1 hypothesis

2 experiment






Find terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) The concept of progress expresses the idea of ​​improvement, transition to higher stages of development, overcoming the obsolete, outdated, and the victory of the new, advanced. (2) Social progress, that is, progress in the development of society, has, in our opinion, a similar meaning. (3) The idea of ​​social progress, that is, the progressive movement of society, is, without a doubt, a revolutionary idea. (4) It means the development of society along an ascending line, in other words, the obligatory replacement of outdated and outdated institutions with new, young and growing ones. (5) The idea of ​​social progress originated in philosophy on the basis of objective observations of socio-cultural transformations of human society.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

C) the nature of theoretical statements

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

Worldview is a system of generalized views on the world and the place _______________(1) in it, on the attitude of people to the reality around them and themselves, as well as the basic _______________(2) people determined by these views, their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity, value orientation. Worldview is not all views and _______________(3) about the world around us, but only their utmost generalization. The content of the worldview is grouped around one or another decision of _______________(4) philosophy. The _______________(5) worldview is actually represented by the group and the individual. Worldview is the core of social and individual consciousness. Developing a worldview is a significant indicator of the maturity of not only an individual, but also a certain _______________(6), social class. In its essence, worldview is a socio-political phenomenon that arose with the advent of human society.

Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

A) objects

B) subject

B) social group

D) life positions

D) person

E) reason

G) abilities

H) representations

I) main question

Please note that the gaps are numbered. The table below shows the pass numbers. Under each number, write down the letter that represents the word you chose in the list.

C1.make a plan.

Processes continuously occur in a social system that can lead to both the emergence of new elements and the disappearance of previously existing elements and relationships. We are talking about the problem of social change.

There are two main forms of social change: evolution and revolution. The equilibrium model of social change is evolution. Even the sociologist G. Spencer defined evolution as a gradual process of the emergence of increasingly complex social forms.

Revolution is an unbalanced model of social change. A social revolution is a way of transition to a new quality in which the social system finds itself in an unstable state: it is destabilized and the balance of social forces is disrupted.<...>

Social progress should be understood as one of the forms of development of society, based on such irreversible changes in it, as a result of which a transition to a higher level of material well-being and spiritual development of the individual occurs.

Progress as a concept can be applied both to the system as a whole and to its individual elements. The attitude towards the results of social progress in science is far from clear. Some scientists believe that hopes for limitless progress have not come true, that social changes are more complex and contradictory, their types and pace are different. Possible stagnant, backward development of society, movement in a circle. However, the concept of “progress” is still used to describe social change.

To determine the level of progressiveness of a particular society, two criteria have traditionally been used: the level of labor productivity and the degree of individual freedom in society. The more progressive the society, the higher these criteria are. In modern social science, both of these criteria are questioned due to the changing nature of labor (labor is becoming more and more intellectual, and therefore more difficult to quantify) and the complication of human social behavior (the phenomenon of “flight from freedom,” discovered by E. Fromm). In scientific discussions about the “price of progress”, a third criterion is gradually beginning to emerge and be established - the level of morality in society. Apparently, this criterion is destined, having developed and taken shape, to become an integral criterion reflecting the most important trends in changes in social relations.

The reform, which involves the introduction of a single tax on real estate, is an activity

1material and production

2socially transformative



The study of the phenomena of reality in controlled and manageable (changeable) conditions is the essence of the method of cognition


2 hypotheses


4 experiments

Sociological scientists in the country of V. conducted a study. The study involved a survey of citizens of different ages. Respondents (citizens participating in the survey) were asked the question: “Which area of ​​culture, in your opinion, most influences the formation of the spiritual world of an individual?”

The results obtained from the survey (in%) are presented in the diagram:

The influence of various areas of culture on the spiritual world of the individual.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the data in the diagram?

1The importance of morality in modern society, judging by the survey data, is significantly underestimated compared to other areas of culture.

2Respondents consider the role of art to be more important than the role of science.

3Science and religion, according to respondents, are almost equal in the degree of influence on the individual.

4In the age of scientific and technological progress, science, according to the majority of respondents, has become a leading factor in the formation of the spiritual world of people.

Are the following statements about the forms of social change true?

A. The destruction of previous social relations and the emergence of qualitatively new ones is a characteristic sign of a social revolution.

B. A variety of revolutions taking place in society - scientific and technical revolutions, leading to the emergence of fundamentally new ways of interaction between man and nature.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

The government of the country V. approved new rules for certification of agricultural products. What economic function of the state can be illustrated by the example given?

1management of state-owned enterprises

2formation of a legal basis for the functioning of a market economy

3protection of domestic producers from competition from foreign producers

4fighting unfair competition and collusion leading to inflated prices on the market

The company employs 100 workers, each of whom works 40 hours a week. The company assembles 1,000 system units per week. What indicator reflects labor productivity at an enterprise?

1The enterprise is part of a large holding company that produces electronics.

2During one working day, the company assembles 200 system units.

3Technical control at the enterprise is carried out automatically.

4Most of the employees completed an internship at a foreign partner enterprise.

State expenditures this year have exceeded the amount of revenue collected from taxes and duties. This indicates

1increasing labor productivity

2the emergence of a state budget deficit

3growth in the number of private enterprises

4reducing consumer spending

In the country of M. in the period from 2000 to 2010. Economic analysis and forecasting services studied the ratio of the minimum and average wages and the average pension to the minimum subsistence level.
Based on the results of the research, a schedule:

What conclusions can be drawn based on this graphic information?

1The average wage, in terms of its indicators, has become closer to the minimum wage.2The average pension, compared to the initial period, has increased significantly compared to the subsistence level.3An alarming trend has emerged that the minimum wage is lagging behind the subsistence level.4The hardest thing for pensioners is their income throughout during the study period were below the subsistence level.

Are the following statements about taxes correct?

A. Indirect taxes differ from direct taxes in that their payment is voluntary.

B. The payroll tax for businesses is a direct tax.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A10

According to data obtained as a result of sociological research, during the second half of the 20th century, the period for young people to start working has increased on average from 17 to 25 years. Indicate one of the reasons for this change.

1decrease in the level of material well-being of families and the need to contribute youth earnings to the family budget

2complication of the nature of work activity and the associated increase in the period of vocational training.

3increasing the share of unskilled manual labor in large-scale industry

4reduced life expectancy, deterioration in the quality of medical care

Question A11

There are various social norms in society. Which of the following examples illustrates the manifestation of such a social norm as custom?

1When meeting familiar people, it is customary to say hello and extend your open right hand for greeting.

2At the enterprise, certain rules of conduct are observed; wearing uniforms or formal suits is mandatory (for management representatives).

3Explosives, flammable liquids, gas cartridges and weapons cannot be carried on the subway.

4 Every year, men, representatives of the Khakass people, gather at their ancestral mountains on a certain day and are treated to national dishes.

Question A12

Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. Conflict resolution should be distinguished from its suppression, i.e. the violent elimination of one or both parties without eliminating the causes and subject of the confrontation.

B. Social conflict can play a positive role in the development of society and help find solutions to complex problems facing society.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A13

Unlike other types of power, political power presupposes that

1relationships between participants are built on the principle of “dominance - submission”

2the manager exerts a strong influence on the governed, limiting their freedom

3it is based on established norms and rules of behavior

4it is obligatory and compulsory for all members of society

Question A14

Supreme power in this state is inherited. What additional information would lead to the conclusion that this state is a constitutional monarchy?

1The monarch appoints the head of the cabinet.

2The powers of the monarch are limited by law.

3 Ambassadors of foreign states present their credentials to the monarch.

4The monarch is the supreme commander.

Question A15

For a number of years, sociological services in the country of M. have been conducting a survey of citizens (city dwellers and villagers) in order to identify the extent to which government bodies enjoy the trust of the population.
Citizens were asked: “ Which government institution do you trust the most?
Based on the survey results, a diagram was compiled:

president parliament government

What conclusions can be drawn based on the data in the diagram?

1Rural residents trust parliament more than the president

2City residents have the greatest confidence in the representative body of government

3most of all, both villagers and townspeople trust the executive authority

4The government has the maximum level of trust among villagers

Question A16

Law is a regulator of social relations, ensured

1solely by the force of public opinion

3habits and traditions of people

4by the force of state coercion

Question A17

Select a special feature of administrative legal relations from the list.

1legal equality of all parties to the legal relationship

2 endowment of subjects of legal relations with rights and responsibilities

3 subjects of legal relations are only legal entities

4relationships between subjects are based on the principle of “power-subordination”

Question A18

The highest value according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation is

1interests of the state

2human rights and freedoms

3state borders

4 sanctions against those responsible

Question A19

A major government official was exposed for receiving a bribe in the amount of 25 million rubles from an entrepreneur for assistance in opening a branch of the company. The actions of a civil servant will be qualified by the court as


2 embezzlement


4abuse of official position

Question A20

Are the following judgments about the legal foundations of marriage and family correct?

A. To enter into marriage, the voluntary consent of the bride and groom is required.

B. Obstruction of marriage by third parties may become a criminal offense.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A1

The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated by an example:

1construction of stepped towers - ziggurats - in ancient Mesopotamia

2development of irrigated agriculture and urban centers in the Tigris-Euphrates valley

3the emergence of ancient writing among the Sumerians in the form of cuneiform on clay tablets

4 the compilation by the Babylonian king Hammurabi of the oldest written code of laws protecting property and enshrining the legal inequality of residents

Artistic (aesthetic) knowledge is based on

1putting forward scientific hypotheses

2summarizing data obtained experimentally

3accumulation and generalization of life experience

4representation of the world in artistic images

In the country of R., the sociological service conducted a survey among citizens of different age groups. Respondents (participating in the survey) were asked to answer the question: “What factor do you consider to be the main determining factor in the formation of human personality?”

The following results were obtained (in %) presented in the diagram:

Factors influencing the formation of human personality.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the data in the chart?

1The largest proportion of respondents believe that personal qualities are formed mainly by school

2 citizens surveyed least identify the immediate environment as a factor influencing personality

3 family and household, according to respondents, in modern society have generally lost their influence on the formation of personality.

Are the following judgments about the ethics of modern science and the responsibility of scientists correct?

A. The power of modern science and the capabilities of scientists are so great that they need to remember the moral boundaries of their research activities.

B. Scientists need to take a particularly responsible approach to research into the human psyche and intellectual resources, since any impact on these processes can be unpredictable.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Historically, the earliest type of economic system is the traditional economy. Its characteristic feature is

1domination of the interests of the producer over the interests of the consumer

2regulation of volumes and range of production through customs

3formation of monopolies dictating prices and rules of the game to the market

4economic freedom of the consumer making a choice of goods in alternative conditions

The farm reduced the number of workers after harvesting. Machine operators and combine operators will again be recruited to the farm only in the spring of next year. The above example illustrates unemployment





An instrument of the state's monetary policy includes:

1coordination of the terms of concluding collective agreements

2control over the conclusion of merger deals between large companies

3determination of the discount rate of bank interest

4sale by the state to private hands of ineffective enterprises

The figure shows the situation on the desktop computer market: demand line D has moved to

new position D1.

(P – price of the product, Q – volume of demand for the product)

1increasing number of computer sellers on the market

2the transition of many users to laptops and netbooks

3reduction of duties on the input of components for desktop computers

4significant reduction in the cost of system units and monitors

Are the following statements about production costs correct?

A. External (explicit, accounting) costs are all the costs of an enterprise recorded according to accounting documents, for example, payment of wages to employees.

B. Hidden (internal) costs can be costs associated with lost profits, with the expenses of the enterprise’s own funds (for example, on the purchase of shares), with the placement of the enterprise in its own building.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A10

On what basis are such social groups identified as city dwellers, villagers, provincials, and metropolitan residents?





Question A11

In which of the following situations can a person’s behavior in society be assessed as conformal?

1A person consistently defends his principles and, even if this is fraught with conflict, tries not to betray himself.

2At a rest stop, one of the participants in the hike tells the other a joke, and both begin to laugh loudly together. Not knowing the reason for the laughter, a third and a fourth join these two guys, and soon everyone is laughing.

3 Out of a sense of contradiction, a person always strives to be different from the people around him; his position is to be different from everyone else.

4The student decided not to express his point of view at the class meeting, to accept the position of the majority, since he realized that it was at odds with the opinions of his classmates.

Question A16

Property and personal non-property relations associated with them, the order of inheritance are regulated by the rules of law

1 labor

2 criminal



Question A17

The production association sued the supplier company for improper performance of the supply contract. This case will be heard in court




Question A18

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the provision of Russia as a rule-of-law state. It means that

1The state provides citizens with a decent standard of living

2the state implements the principle of separation and independence of powers

3the church is separated from the state and the education system is separated from the church

4the state guarantees a variety of forms of ownership

Question A19

Which situation is a criminal offense (crime)?

1The plumber did not show up for work without a good reason.

2A citizen was crossing the street in the wrong place and was stopped by a traffic police inspector

3A citizen made counterfeit banknotes using a color copying machine and sold them on the market

4The construction team did not complete the finishing work within the deadlines established by the contract

Question A20

Are the following statements about international law true?

A. Sources of international law can be conventions, international customs, and court decisions.

B. The source of international law is not general principles of law.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “manufacturer”.

1 sentence


3balance sheet profit

4management system

5consumer income


7fixed capital

8utility of a good

Find and indicate terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

(1) Human knowledge is distinguished by a variety of types and forms. (2) One of the forms of knowledge is mythological knowledge. (3) Mythological knowledge is a syncretic unity of rational and emotional reflection of reality. (4) An example of mythological knowledge can be ancient tales about the origin of the world and man. (5) Without a doubt, a careful study of the myth provides significant information about the way of life of people, various spheres of life of ancient society.

A) factual nature

Write down the resulting sequence of letters.

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“Both individual citizens and collective entities that have the characteristics provided for by law can join civil __________________(1): organizations called ________________(2), as well as special subjects of civil law - state and municipal entities. The content of __________________(3) of citizens (individuals) is defined by the legislator in the Civil Code as a set of rights and obligations that a citizen may have in accordance with civil __________________(4): to have property for __________________(5); inherit and bequeath it; engage in any activity not prohibited by law; create legal entities; make transactions and participate in obligations; choose a place of residence; have the rights of the author.

If legal capacity is recognized equally for all citizens from the moment of birth to death, then __________________(6) arises from the moment of reaching a certain age, and in full - from the age of majority, which presupposes the achievement of a certain level of mental maturity.”

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted into the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

A) legislation

B) legal relations

B) legal capacity

D) legal capacity

D) legal entities

E) equality of parties

G) government

H) ownership

I) tort

C1.make a plan

International humanitarian law consists of two sections called the “law of the Hague” and the “law of Geneva”. Historically, the primary one is the “law of the Hague”, or “law of war”, which establishes the rights and obligations of the warring parties during combat operations and limits the methods and means of causing damage to the enemy in order to avoid excessive suffering, unnecessary, as well as unjustified by military necessity, casualties and destruction. .

A new stage in the development of international humanitarian law, which was based on the principles and norms of the human dimension, came after the adoption of the UN Charter, which outlawed war... The same period saw the intensive development of Geneva law, the birth of a regulatory framework which is usually associated with the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864, for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field during a Land War. This document introduced a new and very important principle of neutrality of medical personnel into the international law of that time, according to which medical care should be provided to all injured participants in hostilities, regardless of which side they fought on. The principle of maintaining a strict balance between the requirements of humanity and military necessity was established... 

In its modern form, Geneva law, or humanitarian law itself... is a system of principles and norms directly aimed at protecting the individual in armed conflicts of an international and internal nature. International humanitarian law provides protection to those not taking part in hostilities, such as civilians and medical personnel. Under its protection are also persons who have stopped participating in hostilities, namely: the wounded, shipwrecked, sick and prisoners. Geneva law prohibits attacks on persons under its protection, violation of their physical integrity, and subjecting them to humiliating and degrading treatment. Rules have been developed to provide prisoners of war and those detained during the conflict with the necessary food, housing, and judicial guarantees.

With the development of international rule-making and the adoption of new documents in the field of human rights, international humanitarian law is enriched with principles and norms that guarantee an individual the right to enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms during armed conflicts, minimizing the disasters caused by armed actions and protecting people from arbitrariness and violence...

For the protection of human rights, it is important to extend the application of international humanitarian law to armed conflicts of a non-international character, which are limited to the territory of one state and occur between armed forces and anti-government armed groups...

Question A1

Society as a dynamic system is distinguished by the following feature:

1presence of certain social institutions and subsystems.

2isolation from the natural environment, loss of connection with it.

3the emergence of new social institutions and the withering away of old ones

4the entry of nature and society into a single material world.

Having entered the tenth grade, student T. chose several specialized elective courses in various subjects. He is most interested in the social and human sciences, so he will take some additional courses in philosophy, sociology, law, and history. At what level of education is student M.?

1primary vocational education

2basic general education

3complete (secondary) general education

4secondary vocational education

Social scientists interviewed a group of citizens of different ages, conducting a study on the sources of knowledge acquired by people. Respondents (citizens participating in the survey) were asked to choose the correct continuation of the phrase from their point of view:
« Most of the knowledge we acquire throughout life is based on...»
The results were obtained (in %) presented in diagram:

The results were obtained (in%) presented in the diagram:

1 respondents believe that scientific research provides more knowledge than life experience

2The largest percentage of respondents believe that human knowledge is mainly based on life experience

3folk wisdom, according to a third of respondents, enriches us with knowledge

4The smallest percentage of respondents spoke in favor of divine revelation as the main source of knowledge

Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. A sense of freedom is inextricably linked with an understanding of personal responsibility for choices made in the face of alternatives.

B. Many scientists have emphasized that freedom imposes additional duties and obligations on a person, and is a kind of burden that a person accepts when gaining freedom.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Citizen R., a qualified accountant, after a long break from work, cannot find a job in her specialty. She refused the positions of secretary and concierge offered to her and is awaiting offers in her specialty. The above example illustrates unemployment





Which of the following acts as budget revenue items?

1payment of interest on public debt

2taxes from individuals and legal entities

3financing of defense orders

4implementation of priority national projects

The figure shows the situation at fish and seafood market: offer line WITH moved to a new position C1.
(P- the price of the product, Q– volume of supply of goods)
This movement may be associated primarily with (with)

1a significant increase in incomes of the population 2launching new trawlers for the country’s fishing fleet 3increasing import duties on the import of seafood and fish 4increasing the number of fish and seafood sellers

Are the following judgments about the purpose of tax policy correct?

A. The purpose of the state's tax policy is to redistribute income from rich to poor in order to stabilize social relations.

B. The purpose of the state's tax policy is to ensure government spending.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

On what basis are such social groups identified as women, men, children, and the elderly?





Question A10

In which situation were informal positive sanctions applied?

1The young composer’s new work was greeted with thunderous applause and standing ovations from the public.

2The scientist received a prestigious international award for research in the field of energy-saving technologies.

3For winning the “Best in the Profession” competition, the worker received the keys to a new car as a gift.

4The serviceman was promoted to a new military rank ahead of schedule.

Question A12

Are the following judgments about trends in the development of the social sphere correct?

A. In the conditions of informatization and computerization, the strengthening of the role of high technologies in the social sphere, the number of workers in knowledge-intensive industries and the service sector is increasing.

B. The leading role in the social sphere of the advanced countries of the world is played by a large and influential middle class, including people economically independent of the state.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A13

The organization decided to prepare and submit documents for state registration as a political party. What characteristics must she have to submit such an application?

1Nomination of a bright, influential leader who is ready to lead the party in the elections.

2The presence among party members of representatives of big business who are ready to finance the election campaign.

3The absence of persons among party leaders who were previously prosecuted.

4The presence of the legally required number of members of the organization who have formally secured their membership in its ranks.

Question A14

The parliament of a given country is formed from representatives of the main political parties who were able to overcome the ten percent electoral threshold. Select one more feature from the following that is characteristic of the electoral system of a given country.

1A single national constituency is created in the country.

2Deputies represent various social groups.

3Political parties do not play a significant role in nominating candidates.

Question A15

Are the following judgments about mass and cadre parties correct?

A. A common feature of mass and cadre parties is the organization of work with party activists.

B. A common feature of mass and cadre parties is the compactness of primary organizations and the intensification of their actions during election campaigns.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A16

The lowest, primary, structural link in the system of Russian law is

1institute of law

2branch of law

3legal norm

4sub-branch of law

Question A17

In what case is it necessary to contact a notary?

1 citizen K. needs to file a complaint against the management of the institution where she works

2Citizen M., being a witness to an offense, decided to get advice about his rights if he decides to testify in court

3Citizen D. needs to certify a power of attorney for the right to drive a car that belongs to her to her son

4 citizen M. decided to file a complaint against the actions of the police officers, who, in her opinion. violated her rights

Question A18

The political rights of Russian citizens established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation include the right

1elect and be elected to government bodies

2 to receive free education

3 to obtain a profession in accordance with your abilities

4to privacy and correspondence

Question A19

An athlete involved in crossbow shooting decided to hunt ducks on vacation. After another shot from a crossbow and the defeat of a duck, a huntsman approached him and demanded permission to hunt. The athlete did not have such permission. What type of legal liability can he be held liable for?





Question A20

Are the following statements about jury trials correct?

A. In some cases, jurors take part in criminal proceedings.

B. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can become a juror.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Short answer questions

When completing tasks with a short answer, carefully follow the instructions, write down the answer in the form of a word (phrase), a sequence of letters or numbers

Write down the word missing in the diagram:

Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “science”.

1 hypothesis

2 experiment






Find terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) The concept of progress expresses the idea of ​​improvement, transition to higher stages of development, overcoming the obsolete, outdated, and the victory of the new, advanced. (2) Social progress, that is, progress in the development of society, has, in our opinion, a similar meaning. (3) The idea of ​​social progress, that is, the progressive movement of society, is, without a doubt, a revolutionary idea. (4) It means the development of society along an ascending line, in other words, the obligatory replacement of outdated and outdated institutions with new, young and growing ones. (5) The idea of ​​social progress originated in philosophy on the basis of objective observations of socio-cultural transformations of human society.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

C) the nature of theoretical statements

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

Worldview is a system of generalized views on the world and the place _______________(1) in it, on the attitude of people to the reality around them and themselves, as well as the basic _______________(2) people determined by these views, their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity, value orientation. Worldview is not all views and _______________(3) about the world around us, but only their utmost generalization. The content of the worldview is grouped around one or another decision of _______________(4) philosophy. The _______________(5) worldview is actually represented by the group and the individual. Worldview is the core of social and individual consciousness. Developing a worldview is a significant indicator of the maturity of not only an individual, but also a certain _______________(6), social class. In its essence, worldview is a socio-political phenomenon that arose with the advent of human society.

Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

A) objects

B) subject

B) social group

D) life positions

D) person

E) reason

G) abilities

H) representations

I) main question

Please note that the gaps are numbered. The table below shows the pass numbers. Under each number, write down the letter that represents the word you chose in the list.

C1.make a plan.

Processes continuously occur in a social system that can lead to both the emergence of new elements and the disappearance of previously existing elements and relationships. We are talking about the problem of social change.

There are two main forms of social change: evolution and revolution. The equilibrium model of social change is evolution. Even the sociologist G. Spencer defined evolution as a gradual process of the emergence of increasingly complex social forms.

Revolution is an unbalanced model of social change. A social revolution is a way of transition to a new quality in which the social system finds itself in an unstable state: it is destabilized and the balance of social forces is disrupted.<...>

Social progress should be understood as one of the forms of development of society, based on such irreversible changes in it, as a result of which a transition to a higher level of material well-being and spiritual development of the individual occurs.

Progress as a concept can be applied both to the system as a whole and to its individual elements. The attitude towards the results of social progress in science is far from clear. Some scientists believe that hopes for limitless progress have not come true, that social changes are more complex and contradictory, their types and pace are different. Possible stagnant, backward development of society, movement in a circle. However, the concept of “progress” is still used to describe social change.

To determine the level of progressiveness of a particular society, two criteria have traditionally been used: the level of labor productivity and the degree of individual freedom in society. The more progressive the society, the higher these criteria are. In modern social science, both of these criteria are questioned due to the changing nature of labor (labor is becoming more and more intellectual, and therefore more difficult to quantify) and the complication of human social behavior (the phenomenon of “flight from freedom,” discovered by E. Fromm). In scientific discussions about the “price of progress”, a third criterion is gradually beginning to emerge and be established - the level of morality in society. Apparently, this criterion is destined, having developed and taken shape, to become an integral criterion reflecting the most important trends in changes in social relations.

The reform, which involves the introduction of a single tax on real estate, is an activity

1material and production

2socially transformative



The study of the phenomena of reality in controlled and manageable (changeable) conditions is the essence of the method of cognition


2 hypotheses


4 experiments

Sociological scientists in the country of V. conducted a study. The study involved a survey of citizens of different ages. Respondents (citizens participating in the survey) were asked the question: “Which area of ​​culture, in your opinion, most influences the formation of the spiritual world of an individual?”

The results obtained from the survey (in%) are presented in the diagram:

The influence of various areas of culture on the spiritual world of the individual.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the data in the diagram?

1The importance of morality in modern society, judging by the survey data, is significantly underestimated compared to other areas of culture.

2Respondents consider the role of art to be more important than the role of science.

3Science and religion, according to respondents, are almost equal in the degree of influence on the individual.

4In the age of scientific and technological progress, science, according to the majority of respondents, has become a leading factor in the formation of the spiritual world of people.

Are the following statements about the forms of social change true?

A. The destruction of previous social relations and the emergence of qualitatively new ones is a characteristic sign of a social revolution.

B. A variety of revolutions taking place in society - scientific and technical revolutions, leading to the emergence of fundamentally new ways of interaction between man and nature.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

The government of the country V. approved new rules for certification of agricultural products. What economic function of the state can be illustrated by the example given?

1management of state-owned enterprises

2formation of a legal basis for the functioning of a market economy

3protection of domestic producers from competition from foreign producers

4fighting unfair competition and collusion leading to inflated prices on the market

The company employs 100 workers, each of whom works 40 hours a week. The company assembles 1,000 system units per week. What indicator reflects labor productivity at an enterprise?

1The enterprise is part of a large holding company that produces electronics.

2During one working day, the company assembles 200 system units.

3Technical control at the enterprise is carried out automatically.

4Most of the employees completed an internship at a foreign partner enterprise.

State expenditures this year have exceeded the amount of revenue collected from taxes and duties. This indicates

1increasing labor productivity

2the emergence of a state budget deficit

3growth in the number of private enterprises

4reducing consumer spending

In the country of M. in the period from 2000 to 2010. Economic analysis and forecasting services studied the ratio of the minimum and average wages and the average pension to the minimum subsistence level.
Based on the results of the research, a schedule:

What conclusions can be drawn based on this graphic information?

1The average wage, in terms of its indicators, has become closer to the minimum wage.2The average pension, compared to the initial period, has increased significantly compared to the subsistence level.3An alarming trend has emerged that the minimum wage is lagging behind the subsistence level.4The hardest thing for pensioners is their income throughout during the study period were below the subsistence level.

Are the following statements about taxes correct?

A. Indirect taxes differ from direct taxes in that their payment is voluntary.

B. The payroll tax for businesses is a direct tax.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A10

According to data obtained as a result of sociological research, during the second half of the 20th century, the period for young people to start working has increased on average from 17 to 25 years. Indicate one of the reasons for this change.

1decrease in the level of material well-being of families and the need to contribute youth earnings to the family budget

2complication of the nature of work activity and the associated increase in the period of vocational training.

3increasing the share of unskilled manual labor in large-scale industry

4reduced life expectancy, deterioration in the quality of medical care

Question A11

There are various social norms in society. Which of the following examples illustrates the manifestation of such a social norm as custom?

1When meeting familiar people, it is customary to say hello and extend your open right hand for greeting.

2At the enterprise, certain rules of conduct are observed; wearing uniforms or formal suits is mandatory (for management representatives).

3Explosives, flammable liquids, gas cartridges and weapons cannot be carried on the subway.

4 Every year, men, representatives of the Khakass people, gather at their ancestral mountains on a certain day and are treated to national dishes.

Question A12

Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. Conflict resolution should be distinguished from its suppression, i.e. the violent elimination of one or both parties without eliminating the causes and subject of the confrontation.

B. Social conflict can play a positive role in the development of society and help find solutions to complex problems facing society.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

Question A13

Unlike other types of power, political power presupposes that

1relationships between participants are built on the principle of “dominance - submission”

2the manager exerts a strong influence on the governed, limiting their freedom

3it is based on established norms and rules of behavior

4it is obligatory and compulsory for all members of society

Question A14

Supreme power in this state is inherited. What additional information would lead to the conclusion that this state is a constitutional monarchy?

1The monarch appoints the head of the cabinet.

2The powers of the monarch are limited by law.

3 Ambassadors of foreign states present their credentials to the monarch.

4The monarch is the supreme commander.

Question A15

For a number of years, sociological services in the country of M. have been conducting a survey of citizens (city dwellers and villagers) in order to identify the extent to which government bodies enjoy the trust of the population.
Citizens were asked: “ Which government institution do you trust the most?
Based on the survey results, a diagram was compiled:

president parliament government

What conclusions can be drawn based on the data in the diagram?

1Rural residents trust parliament more than the president

2City residents have the greatest confidence in the representative body of government

3most of all, both villagers and townspeople trust the executive authority

4The government has the maximum level of trust among villagers

Question A16

Law is a regulator of social relations, ensured

1solely by the force of public opinion

3habits and traditions of people

4by the force of state coercion

Question A17

Select a special feature of administrative legal relations from the list.

1legal equality of all parties to the legal relationship

2 endowment of subjects of legal relations with rights and responsibilities

3 subjects of legal relations are only legal entities

4relationships between subjects are based on the principle of “power-subordination”

Question A18

The highest value according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation is

1interests of the state

2human rights and freedoms

3state borders

4 sanctions against those responsible

Question A19

A major government official was exposed for receiving a bribe in the amount of 25 million rubles from an entrepreneur for assistance in opening a branch of the company. The actions of a civil servant will be qualified by the court as


2 embezzlement


4abuse of official position

Question A20

Are the following judgments about the legal foundations of marriage and family correct?

A. To enter into marriage, the voluntary consent of the bride and groom is required.

B. Obstruction of marriage by third parties may become a criminal offense.

1only A is correct

2only B is correct

3both judgments are correct

4both judgments are wrong

The influence of natural factors on the development of society is great.

For example, it affects the structure of the economy. Countries in more favorable climatic conditions, southern countries have higher yield levels. Northern countries are forced to pay more attention to the development of their economy; they have more incentive due to difficult climatic conditions, which is why most northern countries have achieved greater economic success than the southern ones. The north of Europe (Scandinavian countries, Germany) is more economically developed than the south of Europe (Greece, Italy, Spain). In the southern countries, agriculture is more developed and this leaves its mark on the culture; in the northern countries, heavy industry is developing more, and engineering industries are developing more strongly.

Natural factors influence culture and religion. For example, in Asian countries, Arab countries, where high temperatures are constant, traditionally pagan peoples worshiped gods in one way or another associated with coolness and ridding people of heat. This is why, for example, many Arab (Islamic) flags feature a crescent moon.
In the northern countries during the period of paganism, on the contrary, a special attitude towards the sun was always cultivated as a source of heat and life.

Climate and natural factors influence language. For example, the inhabitants of the far north have a huge number of words in their languages ​​that denote shades of snow. Residents of the middle zone do not know such words, because they are not necessary. For example, the inhabitants of Polynesia, on the contrary, in their language have a huge number of words denoting the color of water.

Natural factors influence human evolution. People in the south have darker skin color, while people in the north have lighter skin color. The same goes for eye color and hair.

More comfortable natural conditions attract more people. Therefore, such areas of the world are usually more populated than areas with harsh natural conditions. High population and density of people also affects human communications, the ability to communicate, and the emotionality of people. Therefore, southern people are more sociable and emotional, while northern people, on the contrary, are more reserved, emotionally cold, and less sociable.

Historically, human settlements were formed near bodies of water, river valleys, etc. Therefore, the planet is unevenly populated by people. High population density leads to increased competition between people for land in particular. Therefore, conflicts and wars occur there more often.

Peoples who are located near seas and oceans have more opportunities for sea travel. Which at some point in history gave them great opportunities for development and exchange of experience. For example, England and Portugal were maritime powers, traded with the whole world, were at the center of the intersection of trade routes, and this at one time gave impetus to their development.

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