When should a puppy be vaccinated? What vaccinations do puppies need? Possible complications of the procedure

A vaccine helps a dog develop immunity to a specific infection. It contains fragments of an infectious agent, which, when entering a living organism, causes a corresponding reaction in the form of the production of antibodies. Subsequently, if the pet encounters a similar invasion of infection, it will not get sick or the disease will be mild.

Dangerous diseases of dogs for which mandatory vaccination is carried out:

  • rabies;
  • plague;
  • enteritis (parvovirus, coronavirus);
  • adenoviral infections;
  • leptospirosis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • parvovirus

There are also vaccines against lichen, trichophytosis, and microsporia.

Types of vaccines for dogs

Based on the active component, dog vaccines are divided into attenuated and inactivated. The former are pathogens capable of reproducing. However, due to their weakening, they cannot cause the disease itself, but only stimulate the production of antibodies. The inactivated version is represented by dead microbes. Such vaccinations have a slow and short-term effect, so they need to be repeated.

In addition, there are mono- and multivalent vaccines. In the first case, the composition includes antigens of only one infectious agent. Examples of such vaccines are: Biovac-D, Multikan-1, EPM, Primodog, Kanivac-SN, Rabizin. Several infections are included in the composition of polyvalent drugs. These include: Multikan-4 (6.8), Nobivak, Hexakanivac, Vanguard-7 and others. Multi-strain drugs, as a rule, are not given to puppies, as they put too much strain on the immune system.

Vaccines can be of domestic or foreign origin. Among the Russian drugs that have proven themselves well are: Hexakanivac, Multikan, Vakderm, Polivac. Among the “foreigners” the following stand out: Nobivak, Eurikan, Vanguard, Hexadog. Each drug has its own characteristics and administration regimens.

Vaccination of dogs up to one year old

You can start vaccinating your puppy as early as 1.5 months of age. At this time, vaccination against dermatomycosis, distemper and parvovirus enteritis is allowed. However, most often preventive measures begin when the puppy is 2-2.5 months old.

In general terms, the vaccination scheme is as follows:

  • comprehensive vaccination against infectious diseases (enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, plague, parainfluenza);
  • after 3-4 weeks, comprehensive revaccination against infectious diseases and vaccination against rabies;
  • after 3-4 months, revaccination against rabies and repeated against infectious diseases are carried out;
  • Subsequently, vaccinations are given once a year.

When to start vaccinations is decided by the veterinarian after examining the puppy. Weakened and sick dogs require a delay. If the pet is healthy, and taking into account that disease prevention begins at 2 months, the vaccination schedule for dogs up to a year will look like this.

What is the vaccine for?

2-2.5 months

Infectious diseases (primary)

3-3.5 months

Contagious diseases (revaccination), rabies (primary)

6-7 months

Infectious diseases (repeated), rabies (revaccination)

12 months

Infectious diseases, including ringworm (repeated)

Vaccination of adult dogs

Dogs over one year old are required to receive annual vaccinations: injections are given once at regular intervals. It is allowed to vaccinate four-legged friends against infectious diseases once every 2 or 3 years, but the rabies vaccination must be given strictly after 12 months.

If the dog is elderly or elderly, then the decision about whether to give injections or not is made based on its health condition. The vaccine can provoke an exacerbation of the pet’s chronic diseases and further weaken the immune system. Again, a rabies vaccination should be given in any case. According to current legislation, the owner cannot refuse it.

How to vaccinate correctly

In order for the vaccination procedure to have only a positive effect on the dog’s body and not lead to complications, you need to adhere to some rules.

  • The dog must be completely healthy. Even the slightest malaise, lack of appetite, fatigue and other conditions are reasons for postponing the injection.
  • Before vaccination, your pet must be dewormed. Anti-worm medication should be given 14 days before the procedure.
  • It is not advisable to vaccinate dogs while they are changing their teeth. A number of drugs have the ability to change the color of tooth enamel.
  • Vaccinations are not recommended for puppies under 8 weeks of age. Early administration of the vaccine will weaken the immunity acquired from breast milk. And since they don’t yet have their own, the puppies may be completely defenseless against infectious diseases.
  • In addition to deworming, the dog must be treated for external insects. The treatment is carried out the same way two weeks before vaccination.
  • Most vaccines have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, so if dogs are to be mated, the vaccine should not be given. At least 12 weeks must pass between vaccination and mating.
  • It is best to vaccinate on an empty stomach.
  • If your dog is prone to allergic reactions, you can first give it an antihistamine. Which one it is better to consult a doctor.

We should not forget that after vaccination, the pet may develop anaphylactic shock, so for the first few minutes you need to stay close to the veterinary clinic.

Features of rabies vaccination

Although the overall situation with rabies in Russia is favorable, the possibility of an outbreak of this dangerous disease remains. Russian legislation obliges every owner of a four-legged friend to vaccinate him once a year. If the dog owner refuses to vaccinate his pet, he will face administrative punishment.

The law also provides for free rabies vaccination. Such vaccinations are not included in the cost of services even in private clinics. To get an injection, you can go to a state veterinary hospital. Often, primary comprehensive vaccination against infectious diseases in a state hospital is paid for, and further actions according to the scheme will be free. Moreover, if you get a rabies vaccination in such an institution, then the accompanying events will also be carried out free of charge. Among them: examination of the animal, anthelmintic therapy, registration of a dog passport, installation of a chip.

Contraindications to vaccination

Not all dogs are eligible for routine vaccination. Among the contraindications it should be noted:

  • feverish condition;
  • acute diseases;
  • 14 days before and after ear and tail docking;
  • change of teeth;
  • planned mating;
  • severe weakening, exhaustion of the dog’s body (for example, after illness, surgery);
  • pregnancy.

How much does vaccination cost?

Prices for preventive vaccinations for dogs vary depending on many factors:

  • features of the vaccine (manufacturer, composition);
  • vaccination location (home or clinic);
  • pricing policy of the veterinary institution (budget, average, premium, luxury).

For example, giving an injection at home will cost 500 rubles more than if you bring your pet to the clinic. It will be more expensive to vaccinate a dog with an imported complex vaccine than a domestically produced one. On average, the cost of a comprehensive vaccination is about 1,500 rubles.

Where is the best place to vaccinate?

Many owners try to vaccinate their pet at home. On the one hand, the dog feels more confident, which has a positive effect on its health and ability to tolerate vaccination. However, there is a danger that the animal’s condition may sharply worsen, for example, due to an allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, and then emergency veterinary care will be required.

It is best to bring your pet to the clinic, undergo a preliminary examination, get a vaccine and wait a while. You can walk around the clinic or sit in the car. After making sure that everything is in order with the body’s response, you can go home.

Any owner wants to see their pet healthy and cheerful. The key to such a dog’s condition is timely vaccination.


It is necessary to take the issue of protecting your pet from contagious infections seriously. After all, there are diseases that are dangerous not only for dogs, but also for humans. In this regard, dogs need to be vaccinated according to a ready-made scheme. This procedure is very important and responsible. And it doesn’t matter whether your pet has a pedigree or is an ordinary yard dog. There is a concept that yard dogs tolerate various diseases much more easily than purebred dogs. But this does not mean that they do not have to be vaccinated. To avoid terrible and irreversible consequences, for a good and loving owner, vaccination of his pet should come first. It is better to strictly follow all the rules and recommendations of the veterinarian regarding vaccination once, than to regret it for the rest of your life.

A puppy, like many other animals, has two immunities - innate and acquired. Innate immunity is the one that a puppy receives from its mother at birth and through mother's milk. This immunity lasts only a couple of weeks for the baby at the beginning of life. Already at two months of age, a puppy requires vaccination against various diseases, which helps strengthen its innate immunity.

A four-legged friend up to one year old must be vaccinated three times - at 2-4 months of age, at 6-8 months and at a year. After this, annual vaccinations are prescribed for life so that the acquired immunity is much stronger. Veterinary medicine has developed a number of vaccines. All of them are divided into monovalent and polyvalent, domestic and foreign.

The most dangerous diseases of dogs are rabies, plague, viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, adenovirosis and enteritis. Rabies and leptospirosis are transmitted from animals to humans and are fatal diseases. Vaccines have been invented to combat these terrible diseases. Some of them help to develop immunity against one disease, while others help to overcome several viruses at once. The veterinarian will help you choose the necessary vaccination regimen that will help combat the most pressing dog diseases in the area.

There are some rules when vaccinating dogs that must be followed. The main thing is that you should never vaccinate a sick dog. If an animal is sick at the time of vaccination, it is strictly forbidden to vaccinate it. By doing this, you additionally introduce a new type of infection, which in most cases will lead to death. In such a situation, you need to cure the animal and vaccinate it after 14 days.

By purchasing a puppy, the owner takes responsibility for the little creature. For a dog to grow up healthy, it needs good care and proper nutrition. But besides this, in modern conditions of detention it is almost impossible to protect a pet from infections without resorting to vaccinations. Vaccinations for dogs in our country are given at the request of the owner. Therefore, sooner or later, every owner faces the question - what vaccinations should he give his dog? And at what age should they be placed? After all, you need to protect against the disease within a certain period of time, otherwise an incorrectly administered vaccine will be useless or even dangerous.

Let us immediately note that there is no single vaccination schedule for dogs. Each veterinarian makes a decision based on an assessment of the risk of disease for a particular dog. What is important here is the living conditions of the animal, its contacts, health status, and the well-being of the area as a whole in terms of infectious diseases.

What diseases are dogs vaccinated against?

What vaccinations are most often given to dogs under one year of age? The standard vaccination schedule recommended by veterinarians includes five infectious diseases.

In some areas, annual vaccinations for dogs may include vaccination against Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis), piroplasmosis, fungal diseases (trichophytosis and microsporia), and coronavirus enteritis.

Sometimes experts recommend vaccinating your pet against canine parainfluenza. This infection occurs with signs of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract - runny nose, cough. The disease itself is easy, but can cause complications in the form of pneumonia. Therefore, animals that are kept in a group or have unfavorable living conditions are vaccinated to be on the safe side.

At what age are puppies vaccinated?

Babies are usually taken from their mother at one month of age or a little older. At this time, they are still protected by maternal immunity, passed on to them from their mother dog. Let’s make a reservation right away that protection will only be for those infections against which the mother was vaccinated or with which she suffered in the recent past. Some diseases leave lifelong immunity, but its intensity is usually low and it is not transmitted to puppies to the required extent.

At what age is it best to vaccinate puppies? The age at which a puppy is first vaccinated depends on risk factors and the time of weaning. The fact is that approximately three to four weeks after weaning, the level of maternal antibodies in the puppy’s blood decreases - at this age they begin to vaccinate the animal against most diseases. An earlier introduction of the vaccine is undesirable, since the puppy’s immune system is still poorly able to produce its own antibodies and provides weak protection. Vaccination at four weeks of age can be carried out if the risk of contracting a particular infection is high. Veterinarians recommend gentle “puppy” vaccines in such a situation (for example, “Nobivak Puppy DP”). Vaccination at a late puppy age is also bad, because you need to do it before the baby teeth change.

Typically, primary vaccination is given in two injections with an interval of 14 days. Most veterinarians recommend the use of complex vaccines containing antigens from pathogens of several infections. In this case, the dog vaccination schedule by age looks like this:

  • at the age of 8–10 weeks, a quadrivalent vaccine against distemper, parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and leptospirosis;
  • at 11–13 weeks of age, revaccination against these four diseases plus rabies vaccination.

Vaccinations for adult dogs

Adult dogs are revaccinated once a year. Moreover, if the animal has not been vaccinated previously or its vaccination history is unknown, then the primary vaccination is done immediately after purchasing the dog, and the second one three to four weeks after the primary one. Some veterinarians recommend pre-testing the level of antibodies in the blood, but this procedure is quite expensive and cannot be performed in all clinics.

If the dog was vaccinated as a puppy, the injection is given once every 12 months. Some veterinarians, despite the instructions for vaccines, recommend revaccination once every three years to reduce the load on the immune system.

Until what age are dogs vaccinated? Old animals with good blood counts are recommended to be vaccinated once every three years. But for adult dogs in poor health (large breeds older than seven years and small breeds older than ten), it is advisable not to receive any vaccinations other than against rabies.

What vaccinations do dogs need to get every year? Most often, complex vaccines are used against canine distemper, viral hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis and rabies. Some vaccinations can be given at longer intervals, for example, the rabies vaccine NOBIVAC RABBIES produced by the Dutch company Intervet is administered once every three years.

Mandatory vaccination

As already noted, in our country there is a law on mandatory vaccination of dogs against only one disease - rabies. Without a vaccination note in the passport made by a veterinarian and confirmed by a stamp, the dog will not be released abroad, will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions and competitions, or will not be fostered. Some clinics refuse to serve animals that are not vaccinated against rabies. There are no other mandatory vaccinations in our country. When exporting an animal abroad, it is necessary to clarify the rules for importing dogs of the receiving party. For example, in the EU countries and the USA only vaccination against rabies is required, and the vaccination must be done no earlier than 30 days before crossing the border and no later than 11 months.

Review of vaccines and manufacturers

Vaccines for dogs are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. The world's leading manufacturers of animal vaccines are the following companies.

Intervet, Holland. The trade name of vaccines for dogs is “Nobivak”. They produce both monovalent drugs and complex vaccines:

Merial, France:

  • "Eurikan DHPPI2-L";
  • "Eurikan DHPPI2-LR";
  • "Pirodog" (Pirodog);
  • "Hexadog";
  • "Primodog";
  • "Rabisin"

Pfizer, USA:

  • "Vangard 5/L";
  • "Vangard 7";
  • "Duramun Max 5-CvK/4L";
  • "Defensor 3".

Among domestic manufacturers, it is worth noting NPO Narvak, which produces a wide range of biological products for dogs of the Multikan and Asterion series, as well as polyvalent vaccines against four and five diseases produced by LLC Biocenter and CJSC Firm NPViZTs Vetzverotsentr.

In conclusion, we emphasize that the decision on the timing of vaccination and types of vaccine should be made only by a veterinarian. The dog must first be examined and dewormed. In some cases, additional research may be necessary. And only after this can a vaccination schedule be drawn up, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog and the risk factors in its environment.

Typically, puppies are recommended to be vaccinated twice, with complex vaccines against four or five diseases at the discretion of the veterinarian, and with a mandatory rabies vaccination. The vaccine is given at the age of 8–10 and 11–12 weeks. Then the animals are revaccinated every year according to the instructions for the drugs.

Vaccination of dogs allows them to develop strong immunity, which will protect the animal from terrible infectious diseases for some time. When, how much, why and where it is best to vaccinate pets under one year of age, we will tell you in this article.


Why is vaccination needed?

Both humans and dogs are susceptible to a variety of infectious diseases that can cause severe symptoms and even death. When a puppy is born, his fragile body is most susceptible to infection, and therefore, at the age of up to one year, it is vital to get several vaccinations even before you start walking with him.

Some people believe that vaccination can awaken in the body of a young dog (up to a year) the development of a particular disease through the administered drug. There is also an opinion that several dog breeds do not need vaccinations because they have natural immunity. These statements are true indirectly and have not been proven for sure.

When a dog embryo develops in the womb, through the umbilical cord it receives the antibodies necessary for protection, which are effective for several weeks after birth. Therefore, it is possible to vaccinate puppies in the first month and a half of life, but it is not at all advisable. The standard vaccination schedule does not include vaccinations at this time.

Today it is possible to vaccinate dogs against the following infectious diseases:

  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • plague;
  • leptospirosis;
  • infectious hepatitis;

There are diseases against which there is still no vaccination. So, for example, in Russia they do not produce a vaccine against Adenovirosis. However, it is included in some foreign drugs.

All about decoding the drug on the bottles

If you get your hands on a container with a vaccine, you will see on it a combination of Latin symbols that have their own meaning:

  1. D – plague.
  2. H – viral hepatitis.
  3. P – parvovirus enetritis.
  4. Pi – parainfluenza.
  5. L – leptospirosis.
  6. R – rabies.

It is also very important before use to check when the drug was released and its expiration date, the conditions of its transportation and storage. Before the procedure, you can ask your doctor what features a particular drug has.

Types of vaccinations

All vaccinations for puppies and adult dogs are divided into mono- and polyvalent. In the first case, we are talking about a vaccine against one disease, and in the second, about a complex drug. In addition, vaccinations differ between manufacturers, which also often affects the choice of a dog breeder. You can choose domestic vaccines, which, according to many veterinarians, are more effective in practice. More than once there have been situations where dogs under one year of age fell ill a few days after imported vaccinations (no matter how many diseases they prevented).

Today the following vaccines are considered more popular:

  1. Duramune (Duramun) - made in the USA.
  2. Eurican (Eurikan) - made in France.
  3. Nobivac (Nobivak) - made in Holland.
  4. Biovac - made in Russia.
  5. Dipentavak - made in Russia.

When choosing a vaccine, a dog breeder should take into account that polyvalent vaccinations, which supposedly protect against five or six diseases at once, most often turn out to be ineffective in practice. Therefore, they can be done, but still not recommended. It is better to simply follow the vaccination schedule according to age.

Vaccination rules

If all rules are strictly followed, the effectiveness of using a particular vaccine will be maximum. Here are the main recommendations:

  1. A dog breeder can and should know exactly what vaccinations are given to dogs and at what age.
  2. A couple of weeks before the planned vaccination, the pet should be prepared, namely, to drive away worms, fleas and ticks, or have feces tested.
  3. When you get vaccinated, your pet must be absolutely healthy.
  4. After the first and second vaccinations, you need to avoid contact with other animals, do not burden your pet, do not go for walks, and generally observe quarantine.
  5. There is no need to vaccinate your puppy at the slightest sign of illness (fever, diarrhea, runny nose, vomiting, etc.).
  6. When revaccinating, it is vital to use drugs from the same manufacturers that were used for the primary vaccination. In order not to get confused, it is necessary to keep a vaccination schedule in a special dog passport.
  7. Walking with the dog is allowed only after the second vaccination and quarantine, starting from the fourth month of life.
  8. You should keep a vaccination calendar, into which labels from the bottles are pasted.

Vaccinations for puppies can be done both at home and in medical settings. The ideal option is vaccination at home, but with the participation of a specialist. If this is not possible, then you should go to the clinic (do not walk on the street). Well, if you have the necessary vaccine for dogs, then in principle you can give the injection yourself, but only if you have experience behind you. Usually the injection is given to the dog in the area of ​​the shoulder blade or thigh.

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Remember that after the vaccine is administered, the pet’s immunity is weakened, so it is very important to comply with quarantine and not walk outside. In total, your pet will have to undergo 4-5 vaccinations in the first year of life. According to the vaccination calendar, the puppy’s first vaccination is given at one and a half months from birth. After each vaccination, you need to monitor your pet and its condition and immediately inform the doctor about any new symptoms that appear.

Rabies vaccination must be done exclusively with the participation of a veterinarian in appropriate conditions.

Vaccination calendar for puppies up to one year old

Vaccination calendar

Below is the vaccination schedule for puppies six weeks to one year of age:

* – at this age, you can skip the rabies vaccination if you are planning a long trip or the dog will be walking among other animals. Then you can wait a few days or a couple of weeks.

Consequences after vaccinations

Unfortunately, they do happen. In order to alleviate the pet’s condition, it needs to be provided with proper care after vaccination. Do not physically burden the puppy, do not bathe it, and especially do not put it on the ground if you go outside. And, of course, do not forget to follow the vaccination schedule.

Complications that can result from vaccinations for dogs:

  1. Mild malaise, which manifests itself in decreased appetite, lethargy, drowsiness, and increased fatigue. These symptoms usually disappear quickly.
  2. The appearance of an allergic reaction a couple of days after vaccination. This may include itching, redness of the skin, hair loss, hives, and nausea. Many of these symptoms can be treated or go away on their own within a few days.
  3. Immune system attack on blood cells. A very serious disease that can even cause the death of a pet. Until now, the reasons for the appearance of such a reaction in the animal’s body have not been studied for certain. It is believed that, most likely, the disease has little to do with vaccination, which only stimulates its manifestation.

The presence of complications is not at all a reason to refuse vaccinations, which in most cases still need to be done for every puppy between the ages of one and a half months and one year.

Video “How to give a dog an injection”

This video shows how to properly inject a dog at the withers.

In many countries, Vaccination of dogs is considered a necessary condition for their keeping. Exhibitions, moving, taking pets abroad - all this requires the animals to have vaccinations and a properly issued veterinary passport.

This passport must contain information about the breeder, the owner of the dog, the names of the animals, and its breed. Be sure to indicate age and color. The veterinarian must include in the passport the series number of the administered vaccine, its name, dose and date of vaccination, and put the organization’s stamp and his seal. Only if you have a properly issued passport, permission to export a pet is issued. However, such permission will not be issued if less than one month or more than one year has passed since the dog was vaccinated. The export permit has a validity period of three days.

Of course, the main function of this procedure is to prevent infectious diseases. Such as, etc. Vaccination of pets is a very important event that should never be ignored. Veterinarians often have to deal with cases where it was necessary. If vaccinations had been done in a timely manner, there would not have been such a sad outcome.

Dog vaccination rules

For the most effective results, animal owners need to follow a number of simple

  • So, the most The first rule of dog vaccination- This is vaccination of exclusively healthy pets. It is for this reason that vaccinations are done after a thorough examination of the animal. As a rule, depending on the type and manufacturer of the vaccine, the doctor draws up an individual schedule of preventive vaccinations. For example, dogs are vaccinated against parainfluenza and distemper, hepatitis and viral enteritis, rabies and leptospirosis. The dog’s place of residence is not decisive for vaccination. This is explained by the high resistance of viruses to various conditions. Even a pet that does not appear on the street can easily become infected with any infection brought by the owner on outerwear or shoes.
  • The second rule of dog vaccination- this is a special preparation of the animal, which includes mandatory deworming and treatment of fur from fleas and ticks. Limit all possible contacts of the pet with strangers and other animals. This preparation is carried out a couple of weeks before vaccination.
  • The third rule of dog vaccination- carrying it out two or three months before the intended mating. Otherwise, there is a high possibility of obtaining inferior offspring.

Puppy vaccination schedule

The vaccination schedule for puppies involves the first vaccination when the animal is 8 - 9 weeks old. Repeated revaccination is carried out at the age of 12 weeks. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure before this period, since the development of the baby’s immunity is hampered by the high content of antibodies in his blood, which he received with his mother’s colostrum in the early days of his life.

The level of antibodies in puppies' blood gradually decreases and they may become susceptible to infections when they are 6 to 12 weeks old. Since the pathogens included in vaccines are not as aggressive as natural forms, an immune reaction to the vaccine can be formed in a puppy only at a lower level of antibodies, that is, at a later date: 8 - 12 weeks.

Stable immune protection against infections develops only 1-2 weeks after vaccination. It is important to remember that during this period of time the puppy’s body is weakened and is even more susceptible to natural infection. For vaccines that need to be repeated, during primary vaccination, final immunity to infections will develop after 14 days have passed from the date of REVACCINATION, that is, two weeks after the repeated administration of the vaccine.

In the future, to maintain immunity, vaccination is carried out once a year.

It is carried out starting from 12 weeks of age, the vaccination is done once, and then an annual revaccination is carried out.

All dog owners should know that in the life of a puppy there is a so-called immune gap - this is the period of time when the mother’s immunity, transmitted with colostrum, no longer protects, and the vaccine has not yet formed. At this time, you should especially carefully protect the puppy from possible infection. Puppies should not be allowed to come into contact with suspected sources of infection; in addition, it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not have overwork, hypothermia, or stressful situations.

Particular attention should be paid to a complete, balanced diet containing vitamins and minerals. After vaccination, for at least 10 days, do not allow the puppy to undergo prolonged physical activity, avoid hypothermia or overheating, avoid long and tiring trips, and do not have contact with other dogs.

After the animal has been vaccinated, it needs to be observed for a couple of days. If any complications arise, you should contact your veterinarian.

Dog vaccination price

How much does dog vaccination cost? The cost of the procedure depends on a number of factors. Firstly, do you want your animal to be vaccinated at home or in a veterinary hospital and secondly, what vaccine do you prefer - domestic or imported?

We will give the average prices for dog vaccination in Moscow. Usually in the regions the cost of this service is 20-30% lower

If dog vaccination is carried out in a veterinary clinic, the cost of the procedure is usually 500-600 rubles cheaper.

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