In a dream, a shaggy wolf attacked. Interpretation of dreams with wolves: positive and negative options. Why do you dream about a wolf in spring?

Why did Wolves dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Dreaming of wolves is rarely a favorable symbol. Often this is a sign of imminent danger, betrayal of a loved one, ferocity or loneliness. Seeing wolves in a dream means you will meet an avid enemy or experience the betrayal of a comrade. If in a dream you watch a pack of wolves, it means that someone will cause great anger.

To enter into a fight with wolves when they attack is a serious struggle with competitors at work, “not for life or death.”

Why did the Wolf dream (Psychiatric dream book)

The wolf is perceived by our subconscious as a solitary animal. Dreaming of wolves, according to the dream book, suggests a lack of friendship or camaraderie. A dream about wolves means personal gain and foretells that soon loved ones will show their true colors. If you are insincere, the scenario will go differently - everyone will know about your selfish intentions.

Why did Wolves dream (Romantic dream book)

  • Seeing wolves eating greedily means you will soon need the support of a loved one.
  • If in a dream the wolf appeared in a deplorable state, disheveled, dirty, wet, disagreements with your soulmate cannot be avoided in life.
  • Why do you dream of wolves roaming in a pack in search of prey - an imminent loss of your partner’s trust.
  • You dream of large, well-fed wolves with shiny fur - the image means that in tandem with your loved one everything will be calm and smooth.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

  • Dreaming of wolves is an alarming sign, warning of danger in reality. This is a symbol of a cruel and treacherous person who stops at nothing. A dream about wolves warns that you should not trust this person under any circumstances.
  • Why do you dream of wolves attacking and biting you - big losses.
  • Killing wolves in a dream means success and wealth.
  • According to the dream book, seeing a pack of wolves in a dream is a negative omen. Years of disasters and suffering.

The meaning of a dream about a Wolf (Vangi's Dream Book)

  • A girl dreams of wolves - to a strong intimate connection with her husband.
  • Seeing a pack of wolves in a dream means a wedding.
  • To encounter wolves in a dream means to fight fears in reality.
  • You dreamed of an attacking wolf, an aggressive pack of wolves - you are losing support from your loved ones.
  • If you dreamed of a wolf that bites you, it means a scandal or conflict.

Why do women dream about Wolves (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

A dreamed wolf is a symbol of a cruel and treacherous person; the dream warns of such a person in one’s immediate environment, probably a worker. Beware of betrayal or theft. Try to be less frank about your plans. I dreamed of killing a wolf, according to the dream book, identify ill-wishers, expose them and disrupt plans.

Wolves according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

  • I dreamed of wolves in the house - conversations.
  • Why do you dream of a gray or white wolf - there will be matchmakers; black is a disease.
  • The wolf will drag away what is a wedding; the foal was bitten to death - failure, loss.
  • According to the dream book, a girl fighting a wolf means a bad guy.
  • A man can go with the wolves calmly - he will marry the girl.
  • I dreamed of wolves with wolf cubs - a quarrel with the enemy.
  • Why do you dream of wolves and dogs in the forest - talking to an important person.
  • Why do you dream of a pack of wolves - loss.
  • According to the dream book, eating wolf meat means defeating the enemy.
  • Turning into a wolf means bad friends.

I dreamed about Wolves (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of dark wolves - a sign of a quarrel with a strong, stingy and unscrupulous person.
  • Being bitten by a wolf is a sign of oppression and evil.
  • Killing a wolf, according to the dream book, is a sign of triumph over a strong enemy.
  • Catching wolves in a dream foreshadows reconciliation with friends.
  • Fighting with wolves means quarreling and scolding.
  • Riding a wolf is a triumph over the tricks of a strong enemy.
  • Eating wolf meat means overcoming the enemy.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Wolves (allegory of the writer Aesop)

Why do you dream of wolves according to the dream book? It is a symbol of ferocity, anger and insatiability. The predator acts independently and brings a lot of evil to people and other forest inhabitants. Folk expressions dedicated to wolves are deposited in the subconscious and become a kind of message for the appearance of the image of the beast in a dream.

  • Seeing wolves hunting for a kid - do not expect help from other people; Solve any problems yourself. If the animal does not catch up with the kid, do not take on the proposed business, otherwise you will lose everything.
  • Why do you dream of wolves secretly quenching their thirst from the trough of domestic animals - the dreamer is surrounded by an evil person whose actions are secretive. Be careful, otherwise you yourself will not understand how you will lose your job, property, family and even life.
  • Watching a pack of wolves standing by the mountain and looking at a grazing goat - find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will be able to get out with honor and even benefit. If the goat stands on a mountain on which there is no vegetation, and the predator is below in a green meadow, the enemies will show themselves, but, despite your efforts, you will not be able to win, because you are much smarter and more savvy.
  • Taking care of a wounded wolf in a dream, according to the dream book, means meeting a person about whom you have previously only heard bad things. But the dream also suggests that these rumors will not come true, and you will understand that this person is not as bad as they say.
  • Threatening a child with a wolf: “A little gray top will come and drag him away by the barrel,” words are at odds with deeds.
  • Listening to the howling of wolves is a false accusation.
  • Why do you dream of wolves lying in wait for prey not far from a herd of grazing cattle - you will not prevent evil.

Seeing Wolves, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

People and wolves are enemies. Seeing an animal in a dream means a clash and fight with enemies. A dream from Monday to Tuesday symbolizes the news of a possible illness or even death of friends. If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday, it means tragic loneliness as a result of a misfortune that will temporarily deprive you of your loved ones. A dream about wolves on Wednesday is evidence that you need to find strength in yourself and, despite the difficulties, fight the unsettled life and material difficulties. If wolves are aggressive, you will soon learn about what has already happened, but the consequences of which have begun to be felt.

Why do Wolves dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing wolves in a dream means an employee is giving away industrial secrets and is capable of stealing.
  • If you dream of killing a wolf, you will be able to cope with cunning enemies.
  • I dreamed of a black wolf in a dream - the revelation of a secret conspiracy.

The meaning of dreams about Wolves (Nostradamus dream book)

  • Wolves are a symbol of cruelty, courage, open struggle for life and death, love of freedom and independence. Seeing wolves in a fight with a fox is a symbol of open confrontation, which will end the long-term, decency-covered enmity between Russia and Ukraine, which will break out after February 2006.
  • Why do black wolves dream - the coming of a werewolf who will disrupt a quiet life and force you to turn to God for salvation and help.
  • Seeing a wolf in a red cap means a dubious position that Russia will occupy at the meeting of countries at the end of 2018 - this will be expressed in the absence of compelling arguments and material support.
  • Seeing a wolf covered with sheep's clothing is a symbol of hidden meanness that a treacherous ally is preparing. This is something to be wary of in the year of the rooster.
  • Wolves taking food from a person's hands - a maniac who has kept thousands of people in fear for a long time will be condemned and isolated.
  • Dreaming of wolves symbolizes the envy of others towards the person who saw this dream.
  • Why do you dream of wolves entering a house - a sign warning of a conflict with the authorities.
  • If wolves cause damage to a house, according to the dream book, persecution threatens!
  • If the wolves did not cause damage to the house - a visit from a dignitary.
  • I happened to see a wolf in my own bed, and even in the company of a partner - the family idyll will come to an end due to the machinations of an influential and powerful person.
  • Finding a wolf's head means glory.
  • Taste the milk of a she-wolf - be prepared to face danger in reality!


Why do you dream about Wolves:
14.12.2018, 19:20:24

Saw 3 wolves. I felt threatened by them, so I started hunting them. They ran away and hid in different places. I also had a dog with me that helped me track them down. The dog sensed the first wolf behind some wall and rushed there, they began to fight, but I quickly arrived in time and killed the wolf. The second wolf was also not difficult to kill. The first two wolves were dark in color and of normal size.
The third wolf was always visible in the distance and slipped out of sight. In the end, I saw him from a distance lying behind some small partition, facing me. It was a light gray wolf. I fired two shots from a rifle with a telescopic sight and both hit, as blood was visible. But at that moment the wolf quickly approached me and, standing on its hind legs, grabbed me with its front paw and began to lift me. It was a huge wolf, twice my height. And at that moment, when he just started to lift me up, I fired another shot at him point-blank with a gun. He said something to me, let me go, and slowly lay down and died. I felt a little sorry for him, but I understood that I had no other choice.

Why do you dream about Wolves:

Dreams about animals happen in the life of every person, and quite often - yet we are inseparable from nature, and each of its components symbolizes something for us. Even if subconsciously, contrary to the proclaimed skepticism and distrust of omens, interpretations of dreams and other superstitions. And the question of why a pack of wolves dreams will be asked by anyone, even those who are not at all superstitious; usually everyone associates them with something evil, the dark side of life, mystical secrets - it is not for nothing that one of the most widely replicated images in cinema is the wolf werewolf.

General value

Oddly enough for a modern person, but first of all it does not mean aggression, but greed and envy resulting from it. In any case, aggression will appear later, but as a consequence. So the first interpretation of what a pack of wolves dreams about is intrigues on the part of the native work collective. Even if a crowd of animals just ran past or you saw it from afar, you should be careful for three days: your colleagues have something against you, and inadvertently secret discontent can turn into protracted troubles. If in a dream a flock surrounds you, it means that underlying disturbances and currents are close to a breakthrough. You should behave more carefully and without conflict with employees, since manipulations may begin with the involvement of superiors and various kinds of “set-ups”.


It is quite easy to guess why you dream of a pack of wolves attacking you directly. Naturally, the dream predicts damage - in money, health or wasted time. Moreover, the cause of loss will be the betrayal of someone whom you fully trusted and considered him almost a relative. However, it is explained somewhat differently why one dreams of a pack of wolves attacking a stranger or pursuing animal prey. In the first case, there is a high probability that your loved one is in danger, and you can avert it. The likelihood of a correct interpretation increases if you confidently identify the victim. In the second version, the dream symbolizes the uncertainty of the situation around you. It requires some action, but you cannot understand which will be correct. Here you just need to behave naturally, as is typical for you personally, but at the same time try not to run into unnecessary conflicts.

a pack of wolves as a family

The dream of a wolf community, of which you are a member, can be “translated” in two contexts, depending on the circumstances.

  1. If in a dream you are an equal member of a pack, that is, you hunt, move and sleep in a heap with other individuals, then some danger awaits you. For a certain time, you should take your time, delve into new proposals and not aggravate relationships with people.
  2. If in your dreams you eat with wolves, then you will soon achieve a very important goal. The interpretation is enhanced if you are fed by a mother wolf. However, the dream contains a parallel warning: do not deceive, be cunning and be mean during this period - it will return a hundredfold.

Color of the beast

As always in the interpretation of visions, little things and details have global significance. The most unfavorable interpretation is that of dreaming of a pack of wolves having black skin in a dream. In any case, it does not bode well for you. A solitary predator can mean a traitor in your close circle who will cause you significant harm in the very near future. But if there are a lot of animals, at the very least, a whole series of troubles awaits you, fraught with further consequences. If a pack is chasing you, danger is closer than ever. Perhaps from a completely unexpected direction for you. However, if in a dream you managed to break away or hide from such a chase, you will happily avoid significant problems. And if one of your pursuers is killed by you, you can also expect benefits from a dubious situation. Most interpreters, when asked why a pack of wolves dream of, will answer: to troubles, and even black ones - to big troubles. And if you managed to kill their personification, then you can get out of them.

The color white is less clearly interpreted. You can understand why you dream about a pack of wolves with snowy skin only by looking at the context. In any case, this is for meetings with If it turns out that these wolves represent friendly people, you will be able to cope with any problem. If they represent enemies, you will have a hard time, since they are definitely powerful, brave and, perhaps, have a high status in society.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a wolf in a dream is a symbol of an enemy, evil and merciless. Seeing him in a dream is a sign that you have an insidious enemy and that your close friend may betray or rob you. If a wolf is in your house, then a friend will betray you. Seeing a lot of wolves in a dream is a harbinger that soon someone will cause a strong outburst of your anger. If you are being chased by a wolf (or wolves) in a dream, then expect a fight to the death with the enemy. The same thing means a dream in which you catch wolves. Defeating or killing him in a dream is a sign of victory over difficulties or strong enemies in real life. If a wolf attacks you in a dream, then beware of the intrigues and revenge of your enemies. If in a dream you see that you have the head of a wolf, then your wildest desires will come true. Seeing a wolf pack in a dream means robbery or losses. A wolf howl in a dream means that you are in danger due to the conspiracy of your enemies and losses. See animals.

Why do you dream of a wolf according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Lone wolf in a dream:
In a dream, to see a lone wolf - in reality, fate will bring you together with a cruel and cunning person, who will cause big trouble until you recognize his meanness.

Wolf attack in a dream:
If you dreamed that wolves were attacking you, then expect trouble from your imaginary friends; Apparently, you will give them a reason for revenge and reprisals against you.

Wolves torment prey in a dream:
A dream in which wolves are tormenting prey is a harbinger of the collapse of some solid organization, which will be bought up piece by piece by enterprising and cunning people.

Hunting wolves in a dream:
To see a wolf hunt in a dream - in reality you will hear about a high-profile trial of officials mired in corruption.

A she-wolf with her cubs in a dream:
If you dreamed of a she-wolf with her cubs, then this means that you will be surrounded by unworthy people, but you will understand this only when you yourself are drawn into trouble.

Why do you dream of a wolf according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

Seeing a wolf in a dream - be careful, you have a strong opponent; fight with a wolf in a dream - you will defend your ideas; playing with a wolf in a dream - receiving good news; defeating a wolf in a dream means getting out of a difficult situation successfully; taming a wolf in a dream means coming to terms with deadly enemies; feeding a wolf in a dream - your enemy will inadvertently provide you with a good, worthwhile service.

In reality, the attitude towards gray wild predators is ambivalent. They certainly inspire fear. At the same time, wolves are considered “orderlies of the forest” and command respect for their beauty, ingenuity and clear hierarchy. In addition, for many peoples around the world they are one of the most revered and powerful totems. We should not forget that it was gray predators who became the ancestors of domestic dogs, pets and protectors. Therefore, wolves in a dream can evoke the most contradictory emotions. In order to correctly understand why a wolf or an entire flock is dreaming, it is necessary to remember and analyze in great detail everything that happened in the dream, what feelings were experienced.

Dream Interpretation: seeing wolves in a dream

There are two different approaches to interpreting forest predators as a reflection of the negative qualities of the sleeper himself or unfavorable external circumstances.

Dream book of Gustav Miller warns that wolves symbolize a corrupt employee. He shamelessly reveals secrets to competitors. Hear the howling of animals - you will be able to bring the pest to clean water.

Killing a wolf is a successful fight against ill-wishers. Defeating a gray predator with a knife means rapid career growth.

Loff's Dream Book interprets dreaming wolves as a symbol of the fact that the dreamer lacks friendly relations. He feels emotionally deprived.

According to Vanga's dream book wolves turning into people mean that the sleeper has come under hostile influence. Someone has a negative influence and has literally taken over the dreamer’s soul and thoughts.

Russian dream book suggests that dreams of a wolf are a sign of danger. Ride a predator and, like in a fairy tale, ride a horse - the enemy will be defeated.

When you dream of a wolf biting your hand, this is a harbinger of illness. The disease will affect the upper part of the body. A wound on the leg means that the joints, pelvis, and blood vessels will be affected.

According to the dream book of Ukraine I dream of wolves before a serious conversation with the authorities. It is also a symbol of a difficult matter. For the French, a dream means a joint project with a treacherous partner.

Esoteric dream book interprets: wolves in a dream, seen from afar, mean that all troubles will pass by. Aggressive animals reflect the sleeper’s excessive anxiety.

According to the 21st century dream book I dream of wolves as a messenger of conversations. The howling of animals is a deterioration in material well-being. An evil pack of predators portends losses due to enemies.

For the fair sex, an attacking predatory animal means an unpleasant situation. The dreamer will be drawn into the epicenter of a serious scandal. If proactive measures are not taken, your reputation can be seriously damaged.

Peaceful, even affectionate, wolf in a dream married for women means absolute harmony with your spouse. In the near future, the lady will be satisfied with the quality and quantity of intimate relationships, as well as the material well-being of the family. An aggressive predator means that ties with family have weakened. This loss of support from loved ones is still reversible. You just have to spend more time with your loved ones, and everything will get better.

If you dream about a wolf girl shortly before her marriage, and even more so, appears in a dream on the eve of this important event, this is a favorable sign. Marriage will bring happiness to the young lady; quarrels and misunderstandings will not darken the bright feelings of the newlyweds.

When I dreamed of a wolf unmarried woman, but aggression is felt in the behavior of the predator, then you should carefully consider the situation in the workplace. One of the colleagues is preparing a vile trap against the sleeping woman. If wolves surround a woman in a dream, then she needs to be more careful with her friends. One of them is hypocritical, and is intensively collecting dirt on the dreamer. To avoid getting into an awkward situation, you should not tell all the ins and outs.

Dreaming of danger in reality howl of wolves woman. This plot foretells loneliness and financial difficulties for the dreamer. But the growl of predators means news of a pleasant event for someone from the immediate environment. For a pregnant lady, aggressive animals showing their fangs are a warning sign. It is worth making an unscheduled visit to the antenatal clinic to prevent troubles in advance.

Why does a man dream about a wolf?

First, it’s worth analyzing what kind of wolves a representative of the stronger sex dreams about. Peace-loving or neutral-minded animals mean that in the near future there is no need to fear the vicissitudes of fate. However, you should be on your guard - the serene period will come to an end quite quickly. Attack a wolf on a man symbolizes the dreamer’s strong feelings. For an entrepreneur or businessman, the plot portends difficulties in implementing projects. For other men, aggressive animals promise troubles of various kinds: work and personal.

Dream about significant changes in the area of ​​relationships wolf bite on hand to a man. A wound with blood also symbolizes the deterioration of health of the sleeping person and his relatives; a clean bite without blood indicates the problems of friends.

As a symbol of victory over ill-wishers, a man dreams of kill the wolf. He will be able to expose secret enemies, defeat competitors, and bypass rivals. Hunters who, shortly before the dream, happened to get a toothy gray predator as a trophy should not even interpret such a dream separately. Real experiences and worries turned out to be so strong that they ended up in a dream. For other dreamers, who do not even dream of hunting, participation in it during sleep means the emergence of conflict situations in reality. Baiting wolves means that you will have to witness an unpleasant quarrel that almost turns into a fight. The best solution in this situation is non-interference in what is happening, then the scandal will go out on its own. A hunt in which fanged predators outwitted people and escaped predicts an unsuccessful love interest for the sleeper. The lady will not reciprocate, and may even make the unlucky boyfriend laugh. To see a wolf caught in a trap in a dream means that in reality you will inevitably find out someone else’s secret. It is necessary to dispose of the secret wisely, and not make it available to everyone around you. It can cause moral suffering to too many.

Why do you dream about a pack of wolves?

If you appeared in a dream a pack of wolves that attack, this, in addition to the machinations of enemies, means the sleeper’s lack of confidence in his own abilities. Because of this, ill-wishers are increasing the pressure. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering your behavior and trying to get rid of complexes. When you dream of wolves in large numbers, and at the same time aggressive, you should try to remember their exact number. It is believed that it coincides with an unfavorable period expressed in months. After the expiration of the period suggested by the predators, life will gradually improve for the better.

Therefore, when very a lot of wolves in a pack, and it is impossible to determine their number, the unfavorable period will be protracted. It will take significant actions and changes in the way you think and live to turn the tide. To enter into a fight with animals means to find yourself in the midst of scandalous events. The plot also reflects the willingness to defend one’s own point of view.

Run away from a pack of wolves symbolizes an attempt to avoid trouble. A good sign if the predators failed to catch up. Victory in battle, as well as a successful escape from predators, means the triumph of the sleeper over his enemies. If wolves are chasing someone else in a dream, and the sleeper calmly watches this, in reality he will experience remorse due to his own weak character and inability to withstand unfavorable circumstances, ridicule and intrigue of enemies.

When the wolves are chasing in a dream about one of your friends or relatives, this person is in danger. The dreamer's support may be needed.

If wolves in a dream accepted the dreamer into their pack, this means a difficult situation. In reality, you will have to act very carefully in order to prevent ill-wishers from ruining your life or taking away the opportunity to earn money. Eating “human food” with predators means achieving your desires or successfully promoting an idea. However, the unusual plot of such a dream warns of the need to be honest with business partners and others. It is very advisable not to overstep your own moral principles, then even the most hostile individuals will be disarmed. Any trick after the dream will result in failure and dishonor.

Interpretation of sleep based on the type and color of the wolf

When deciphering a dream, it is important what kind of wolf you dream about. You need to remember its relationship to the sleeping person, size and color.

Most often, dreams of wolves of the usual color. This is quite natural, because these are the people most often depicted in children’s books and shown in films and cartoons. Peaceful grey wolf does not mean an enemy at all. This dream symbolizes that fears do not have any serious basis. The sleeper is worried about the smallest trifles. You should calm down and live happily.

As a symbol of the fact that the dreamer is able to pass the tests of fate with honor, he dreams white wolf. If at the same time a person experiences pleasant emotions: he admires the animal or even caresses it, in reality there is powerful support. These are friends, relatives, a high-ranking patron. Even natural forces act on the side of the sleeper.

Black A wolf in a dream means trouble if he is aggressive. This is a symbol of activating enemies. A peaceful wild animal means a lucky coincidence of circumstances. Enemy intrigues will turn against them, and the dreamer will make a profit with minimal effort.

Amazing events in reality are indicated by “forest orderlies” of unusual color. What happened can be stunning, and the stranger the color, the more unusual it will be.

A red-colored predator dreams of bold adventures. They will pass safely in the case of a friendly predator.

It is necessary to remember that if you dreamed attack wolf, this almost always means that enemies will become active very quickly. From the very morning after waking up, you should be on alert so that the machinations of ill-wishers do not take you by surprise.

When dreaming a big wolf, calm and friendly, this means that in reality you can completely rely on a close friend or friend.

The plot has a double interpretation, in which one dreams of a crippled or dead wolf. Showing mercy and trying to help a suffering animal means that after close communication with a person considered unpleasant and harmful, the dreamer will radically change his attitude for the better.

Wounded a wolf as a result of the sleeper's actions means good luck. It will become clear to all enemies that they cannot compete. The dreamer will be able to simply solve all the troubles that arise.

Dead a wolf in a dream means complete victory over ill-wishers. Now you can breathe easy. A favorable environment will finally be established at work, and your family will be happy.

Wolves and other animals in a dream

Often dream about wolves and dogs simultaneously. If these relatives squabble among themselves in a dream, the dreamer rushes about before making a difficult decision. This is how the moral dilemma of choosing between a sense of duty and human justice is subconsciously displayed. If wild wolves and their distant descendants play together in a dream, the problem will be solved simply, and the person will experience harmony. A she-wolf feeding her own cubs, as well as the babies of any other animals, is a very favorable symbol. The dreamer need not fear anything. Strong people patronize him, and everything in life will go just fine.

For entrepreneurs wolves and bears in a dream means minor troubles. However, competitors will not hesitate to take advantage of minor mistakes, and then the situation can very quickly approach critical. To avoid this, in the near future it is necessary to carefully check all incoming information and supervise personnel. It is quite possible that someone from middle management is working for the benefit of rivals.

Whatever the dream book promises, in any case, when you dream of a wolf, it is much safer than facing a toothy predator in reality!

The image of a wolf is always associated with cruelty, ferocity, and attack. Very often this animal comes to us in our dreams. Understanding why a wolf or a pack of wolves appeared in a vision is not easy, especially when they behave aggressively. It’s worth turning to the dream book. So why do you dream about wolves attacking?

The wolf symbolizes caution. You need to soberly assess situations and your friends, colleagues and relatives. Fate warns that envious people, scandals and gossip are hovering around you.

It’s easy to reveal the meaning of a dream, but you need to remember all the nuances and little things. Close your eyes and scroll back to the beginning of the dream. What did you saw? Why do you dream about a wolf?

Interpretation of sleep according to popular dream books

Miller's Dream Book

Gray wolf portends a showdown with employees and business partners who have been leading you by the nose for a long time.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Attacking animals promise actions from enemies, their intrigues.

French dream book

A pack of aggressive wolves promises troubles, problems and quarrels. If you can escape or overcome them, then wealth and success will soon overtake you. If an animal bites you, then the business started will bring great losses. Think and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of partnering with a new person.

Vanga's Dream Book

Animal attack by a pack speaks of great adversity from colleagues or acquaintances. Perhaps they will act together.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Aggressive wolf against a woman predicts a quarrel with her husband and his relatives. Started to fight the wolf? Your fears are trying to break out. It is important to defeat them and understand yourself. Bite for a woman promises a change in personal life.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Attacking wolf in winter and at night predicts abusive parents.

Dream Interpreter

Bitten by a wolf? Someone will bring you harm. Fight with the wolf to a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Bite during a wolf attack, it promises losses and troubles. Be surrounded by wolves preparing to attack, dreams of threats and actions from enemies. Reconsider your surroundings.

Esoteric dream book

Aggressive animal speaks about your fears, but they are groundless, you should not be afraid of them. rushing beast on you symbolizes defenselessness. Do not rely on friends, they will not help, but will only worsen the situation.

Ukrainian dream book

The wolf is a symbol of theft and theft. If he attacks on you, then you should expect robbery or theft. The amount of loss depends on the number of wolves.

Modern dream book

Wolf in action says that the enemies have already done something against you. Be careful and attentive.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Wolf attacking a fox, predicts the end of a long confrontation and struggle.

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