Raising and training huskies - rules and basic principles, advice from dog handlers. Rules for training and raising huskies Exercises for huskies

The long-awaited moment has arrived, and a small furry miracle called a Siberian Husky has appeared in your home. A small, unintelligent lump, trying to adapt to new conditions, gives a lot of joy, positivity and funny, sometimes ridiculous moments to its owners. Everything would be fine, but in the process of learning about the world, an inquisitive kid strives to do something forbidden, showing all his ingenuity and ingenuity.

Raising a puppy

Raising a Siberian Husky puppy should be done starting from the first day after its birth, and first of all, the pet must be accustomed to the order of behavior in the house and gradually, patiently instill the correct skills. It is worth noting that Siberian Huskies are very smart, quick-witted dogs; they are excellent at grasping intuition and grasping all commands on the fly. However, given their wayward and freedom-loving disposition, huskies will have to be taught to obey and follow commands gradually. Dogs are incredibly loyal to all family members, but training should only be carried out by the “leader” of the pack, the owner, whom the dog trusts infinitely. For successful training, the owner of the husky must be an authority. The maturation period of representatives of this breed lasts up to 1.5 years, after which the dogs become calmer, balanced and obedient.

The method of reward and punishment is suitable for training a Siberian Husky, but this does not mean at all that in case of disobedience or misconduct you need to use physical force, beat or scream hysterically. As already noted, the husky picks up voice intonation well and can be said to understand human speech.

Huskies have a hard time with loneliness, especially when staying in an enclosed space. When bored, a puppy can do mischief and even turn the house upside down, so from the first months you need to gradually accustom your baby to the fact that he will have to be alone for some time. Before leaving your husky alone, it is advisable to take your pet for a walk and leave him with as many different toys as possible. And even if the baby still does a mischief, do not hit the puppy under any circumstances, but show your dissatisfaction with all your appearance. The dog must understand what is allowed and what is prohibited. You should not follow the puppy’s lead, allowing him to break prohibitions. Huskies very quickly learn “bad” habits and over time it will be difficult to wean the dog. Owners must remember that the puppy should not be allowed to do things that it will not be allowed to do when it is older.

How to train a Siberian Husky

The process of training a husky can begin immediately after the end of the adaptation period, at the age of 2-3 months. After the puppy remembers its name and has been socialized, you can begin teaching the simplest commands. Owners of Siberian Huskies, when training their pets, must show patience, perseverance and always get the dog to complete the task. Proper training will help raise an intelligent, controllable dog and prevent many problems in the future.

When training a Siberian Husky, you should try to simulate situations that will help get rid of bad habits. For example, huskies have a developed hunting instinct, so dogs can organize impromptu hunts for cats, birds and other animals, and in pursuit a husky can run out onto the roadway, run too far and get lost. To avoid this, you need to teach your pets not only to behave correctly at home, but also when walking.

Training a Siberian Husky at home involves learning to perform standard commands - “Come”, “Fu” or “No”, “Place”, “Near”, “Sit”, “Lie down”. Siberian Huskies are diligent students and quickly understand what their owner requires of them, but they can be stubborn, refusing to follow commands. Commands must be given clearly, in a strict, persistent intonation, and for each execution, be sure to motivate the pet with praise or a treat. It is best to teach Husky commands gradually. To begin with, let the puppy master one command well, then you can move on to teaching the next skills. To prevent the dog from getting confused, commands should be simple and understandable.

If the dog has done something wrong, do not punish your pet by calling him to you, because over time the dog will stop trusting you or will carry out the command “Come to me” over and over again. Don't forget to praise your pet for following commands, and use pieces of your pet's favorite treat as a reward.

The Siberian Husky is a very intelligent and smart breed that is easy to train and train, but an obedient, controllable and well-trained dog is the best reward for your time and efforts!

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He is distinguished by his friendliness and exceptional devotion. A strong, hardy dog ​​with a huge amount of agility.

The article describes the main diseases of representatives of this breed.

From the moment a puppy appears in the home, breeders must know how to feed puppies correctly and what foods should form the basis of their beloved pet’s diet.

Husky has gained popularity among pet lovers due to its original appearance and lack of aggression towards humans. Thanks to their intelligence, quick wit, and friendliness, representatives of this breed make loyal friends and caring nannies for children. However, such results can only be achieved with the help of a well-thought-out education system, since the pet’s activity and temperamental nature sometimes interfere with learning. Husky training is a necessary element of human-animal interaction. This is the only way for the owner to gain control over the pet and take the control levers into his own hands. During training and when communicating with a dog, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its wayward character, formed in the harsh conditions of northern latitudes.

Character traits and basic principles of education

Huskies are native to Siberia, where they are used as sled dogs. They are distinguished by incredible endurance and speed, since their duties include transporting light loads over long distances. The Chukchi were the first to tame these dogs, in whose veins flows the blood of northern dogs and wolves. Unlike Alaskan Malamutes, which are often confused with Huskies due to their similar appearance, the latter are a natural creation of nature and not the result of selection.

The harsh conditions of northern latitudes left their mark on the husky's character traits. To understand how to properly raise representatives of this breed, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts presented in the table.

Character traits Features of behavior
Autonomy and independenceIn natural habitats, when setting out on a journey, the leader of the pack chooses the route himself, focusing on a given direction. This habit, developed over decades, has led to the fact that representatives of this breed, who have never been to their homeland and were raised in nurseries, often make decisions on their own and do not listen to the owner. Disobedience manifests itself at a very early age, so the owner needs to be patient and stubbornly defend his rightness and confirm his status as the leader
Tendency to dominateThe husky has a strong and stubborn disposition, so it will only obey the one it perceives as the leader. If there is no candidate nearby, in his opinion, worthy, he will set his own rules and impose them on his household. Since the husky lives according to the laws of the pack, and at home the pack is the human family, the owner needs to make every effort to indicate his leadership. Otherwise, the dog will become uncontrollable and uncontrollable.
Love of freedomHusky loves freedom very much and cannot accept the fact that his movements and actions are limited. For this reason, representatives of this breed are prone to running away and wandering. Running away from home and finding better conditions, they rarely return back, especially since they do not feel much attachment to the owner, even the best one.

Dog handlers give a real-life example when a husky ran away from home and settled on the other side of the city near the railway station. He was fed by store clerks, he slept in the entrance, and during the day he happily frolicked with the children on the playground. When his owners found him, he looked and felt much better than before he escaped, and did not want to go back home.

To prevent this, you need to try to minimize the risks of escape:

  • do not let your dog off the leash while walking outside;
  • when living in an outdoor enclosure, strengthen its foundation so that the husky cannot dig under it;
  • close windows and doors in the apartment tightly;
  • If you try to open windows or doors on your own (and huskies are great at this), punish them severely.

When living in a private house behind a high fence, it is recommended to give the dog a sense of freedom by leaving the front door ajar, so so she will not feel any special restrictions in her actions

Friendliness and high level of intelligenceYou can understand the degree of friendliness of a dog from a real example from life: in severe frosts, Eskimos put a husky with a child so that the animal would warm the baby in the cold. Dogs have absolutely no aggression towards humans, so they easily make contact with strangers. Another reason for this behavior is the fact that in the north the sled was used by different people, therefore, on a subconscious level, huskies are weakly attached to the owner.

Representatives of this breed have a poorly developed guarding instinct, so a husky will never guard the territory and can be affectionate with a stranger due to its excessive sociability. The lack of a sense of ownership reduces all attempts at training for the purpose of protecting the house to zero, since the dog simply does not understand what is wanted from it and why it is needed

Easy adaptationRepresentatives of this breed easily adapt to new conditions, therefore, when they find themselves in a new family, even in adulthood, they do not experience much stress. The most important thing for them is a good attitude, so if a person shows affection and love, they will respond in kind. Owners can be sure that after purchasing a puppy or adult dog, they will quickly get used to the new environment.
Activity and curiosityInnate curiosity does not allow the husky to sit still for a long time: she is always eager to run and play, so this breed of dog is not intended for lazy people and homebodies. She needs regular physical activity and long (2-3 hours) walks outside. During the game, they can easily be taught commands, so it is advisable that the educational process take place in a playful way. Recommended:
  • obedience classes;
  • agility;
  • Frisbee
Hunting instinctIn their natural habitat, huskies feed on field mice, small birds and animals. At home, under the influence of the hunting instinct, even a well-fed dog shows aggression towards other animals on the street, trying to catch birds and mice. Due to their penchant for hunting livestock, husky owners often have conflicts with neighbors when living in rural areas. It is noteworthy that in a family where a cat lives with a dog, the husky practically does not attack cats on the street.

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Rules for training and keeping a husky at home

You need to start raising a puppy immediately after purchasing it. When training, the owner should be consistent in his actions and instill norms of behavior right away, since it will be quite difficult to retrain an adult dog.

Before bringing a small pet into your home, you need to make sure you have the following items:

  1. 1. A plastic or wooden model of a lounger with a nylon mattress is an ideal place to sleep, since fashionable baskets quickly become unusable. They tear easily and can be harmful to your puppy's health if he accidentally swallows a piece.
  2. 2. Bowls for food and water should be large enough for the pet to use them comfortably. It is desirable that the items are made of metal.
  3. 3. Necessary things for a walk: collar, leash, muzzle. It is with them that the education process will begin, so they should always be at hand.
  4. 4. The brush or comb for combing wool should have rounded teeth so as not to damage the delicate skin. Caring for huskies is not difficult: they need to be washed no more than twice a year, since they keep themselves clean. During the period of shedding, which happens twice a year, the dog will have to be combed daily or once every 2-3 days. A husky's haircut is not necessary, but trimming the claws on the paws is recommended for the animal's walking comfort.
  5. 5. An enclosure or fence is a necessary element for education at the initial stage. At first, the puppy should be limited in space and not given the opportunity to move around the apartment without hindrance. A specially designated place will also ensure the safety of the pet: he will not be able to eat something prohibited or accidentally get hurt.

Recognition of the owner's authority

Since the husky lives according to the laws of the pack, the first thing the owner must do is to show that he is the master of the house and must be obeyed. You need to be prepared for the fact that the dog can insist on its own, test the strength of the rules established by man, test the power of the owner by arranging provocations. The simplest example of incorrect behavior: the owner returns home from work, but the dog does not meet him. Then the person himself tries to find the pet: he calls it, walks around the rooms, looks under the sofas and eventually finds the animal sitting and waiting to be visited.

After such an episode, the smart husky realizes that the owner failed the test and did not confirm his status as a leader. On the contrary, he demonstrated that the dog is the boss of the house and all attention is directed towards him. Similar situations can arise even in adulthood, so the owner must always be vigilant and not follow the animal’s lead.

You need to show your dog leadership in the following ways:

  1. 1. The owner must always leave and enter any premises first, and the dog must follow him.
  2. 2. The owner should control the game process and set the end time. To show the husky that the lesson has come to an end, you just need to put the toy away and start going about your business. Ignore the pet if it wants to continue.
  3. 3. If the dog does not come out to meet the owner, the latter does not need to call her and go in search. You need to pretend that nothing happened and go about your business until the stubborn dog comes to say hello.
  4. 4. The owner must be consistent in actions and commands so as not to lose his authority in the eyes of the animal. If a dog is punished for something that a dog is allowed to do today, it causes bewilderment and distrust in the dog. The owner needs to remember an important rule: the commands that teach huskies to do one action or another should never change.
  5. 5. In stressful situations for the pet, there is no need to confuse the dog with a child, pick it up and begin to console and lisp it. Cooing, singing high intonations in the voice, which a person associates with sympathy, are perceived by the dog as a sign of weakness and uncertainty. You can support the husky by patting him on the side of his shoulder blades or pressing his side to his leg. Such emotional contact is especially important for puppies at the age of 4-6 months, when their psyche is developing.

When trained correctly, an obedient dog responds better to requests rather than orders. The owner needs to rehearse his intonation and not raise his voice to the animal for no reason.

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Basic rules of behavior

A small puppy needs to be toilet trained. 10-15 minutes after feeding, it should be taken to the tray to relieve its natural needs. For good behavior, give him a treat and praise. When the husky independently expresses a desire to go outside, be sure to reward him even more for things done outside the house.

Accustoming a dog to a nickname will not be difficult: you need to call him by name immediately after he wakes up, call him to a bowl of food and just communicate more often. Within 3-4 days, the husky will understand his name and will respond to his owner’s call.

It is very important that the dog follows a daily routine, so you need to create an exact schedule and strictly adhere to it. The following actions should occur at the same time:

  • waking up and going to bed;
  • meals;
  • walk and play;
  • time for training and education.

Such a regime will be convenient for both the animal and the owner: the pet will know exactly and wait for the time when it will be fed, walked, etc., and the person will be able to calmly go about his business, knowing that he will not be disturbed. This routine is good for the health of the husky, teaches discipline and promotes proper upbringing.

To prevent the dog from feeling like he is in control of the situation, he needs to be clearly shown his place and set boundaries that cannot be crossed. Advice from dog handlers will help you cope with the task as effectively as possible:

  1. 1. The dog must have its own specially designated place, inviolable from others. A pet should not be allowed on the sofa, armchair or master's bed - this is taboo. When a person and an animal respect each other's personal space, then harmony will reign in the relationship.
  2. 2. You should not move a bowl of food and drink from one corner of the apartment to another, and especially not bring it closer to the animal. Even if the puppy is small, he is able to walk, albeit slowly, to his destination. You cannot feed an animal food from your plate and allow it to sit at the table - it must know its place.
  3. 3. At first, the puppy should be limited in space and not allowed to roam around the house. It is advisable to close the remaining rooms, allocating one room for the pet. You can install a children's fence in it, from time to time letting them out for a walk for half an hour. The only thing you need to remember: an animal that is sociable and needs attention should not be left in isolation, that is, alone in a closed room.
  4. 4. You should not give your dog old slippers or other unnecessary things as toys, because tomorrow he will start chewing new shoes simply because the owner allowed him to do so. A person must understand that an animal is not able to distinguish unnecessary things from new and necessary ones. It will be extremely difficult to wean him from such a habit. In addition, such inconsistency of actions on the part of the owner will significantly reduce his authority in the eyes of the pet.

"Can" and "can't"

Husky is a smart and quick-witted dog, therefore, with proper upbringing, it obeys its owner and knows how to behave correctly. At the initial stage, it is important to instill in your pet basic knowledge, which will subsequently become excellent levers for controlling the animal - these are the concepts of “dos” and “don’ts.” You can achieve the desired results with the right rewards and punishments for your dog.

It is necessary to punish a husky if it shows aggression towards its owner, household members, other dogs, or if it commits actions that are dangerous to itself. You cannot use physical force! This method of influence is ineffective and turns the pet against the owner. In order to show the animal that this cannot be done, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  1. 1. Change the soft tone to cold, firm and confident. In an impartial and menacing voice, say “Ugh! "("You can't!", "No!", etc.).
  2. 2. Sometimes it is enough to look down at the dog strictly and condemningly for him to understand everything and realize his guilt.
  3. 3. If the pet does not obey at all, take it by the fold on the withers and slightly press it to the floor to immobilize it. Keep him in this position until he calms down.
  4. 4. An alternative option: lift him by the fold at the withers and hold him in such a helpless state. After such humiliating treatment, the puppy will understand exactly who is boss in the house.

An important rule: it is necessary to punish and reprimand your pet immediately after he has misbehaved, and not after a certain time.

A striking example: the owner came home from work, found chewed slippers and punished the dog, who by that time had already forgotten what he had done. Such untimely punishment discourages the animal, which will not understand what it has done wrong, and turns it against humans. If the dog was not caught at the scene of the crime, it is recommended to refrain from punishment.

Ignoring is one of the best parenting methods. A sociable animal, left without the attention of its owner, has a hard time experiencing its loneliness and uselessness and is well aware of its mistakes. This method is very suitable for situations when the dog reacts inadequately to the arrival of guests: begs for food, gets underfoot, jumps or barks.

It is advisable to warn visitors in advance about such a reaction from the pet. When the guests arrive, no one, including the owner, should react to his provocations: you cannot give him food, pet him, or look in his direction. After such obvious ignoring, the husky will calm down, return to its place and is unlikely to behave this way in the future, realizing the futility of these actions.

Your pet should be rewarded for good behavior - this is an effective way to demonstrate that he is doing everything correctly and motivate him to do similar actions in the future. While he is small, you need to treat him with treats, but over time, gradually switch to only verbal approval of behavior. The owner needs to pay special attention to the voice: it should be soft, friendly, and the intonation should be significantly different from the expression of disapproval. If everything is done correctly, an adult dog will become easily manageable and will understand changes in the owner’s mood.

Training to use a collar, leash and muzzle

At the age of 2 months, the animal must be accustomed to the collar. At first, you don’t need to put it on your pet for long, since the puppy will experience discomfort from the unusual object on its neck. When trying to free yourself and throw off the collar, the dog needs to be distracted with a game or a favorite treat. Only after the husky stops resisting the collar can you take out the leash. It is advisable to fasten it immediately before a walk - this way the dog will begin to associate these items with joy, anticipation of play and walks in the fresh air.

The situation with a muzzle is more complicated, since dogs, in principle, do not like such an accessory. You can minimize negative emotions and accustom your pet to it as follows:

  1. 1. Place a treat in the middle of the accessory.
  2. 2. Put a muzzle on the dog.
  3. 3. When your pet eats the treat, remove the item.
  4. 4. Praise the dog verbally.

Gradually you need to increase the time spent in the muzzle. Having a treat inside will allow the dog to associate the accessory with a tasty treat and not be aggressive towards it.

It is also necessary to accustom huskies to examination by a veterinarian, since vaccinations and visits to the veterinary clinic are mandatory conditions for the health of the animal. You need to reduce your pet's stress level by talking and tactile communication (stroking, patting on the side). Good behavior must be rewarded with treats, so it is recommended to take your favorite food with you to the veterinary clinic.

Command training

Basic husky training, i.e. teaching commands, should begin at the age of 3-4 months. The process is based on 3 postulates:

  • subsequence;
  • discipline;
  • patience.

Since a dog of this breed is very willful, the owner needs to be patient and persevering and not give up if something doesn’t work out right away. The animal needs to be trained daily to consolidate the skill. The principle of training an adult dog is no different from training a puppy, only it will take more time to train.

You can teach your pet commands using the methods presented in the table.

Team Learning principle
"To me"This is the first command in the training course that your pet must learn. You need to take your favorite treat and call the dog. Say the command, praise and treat him with food when he completes it. If the animal does not want to approach, you need to move back a little, increasing the distance. The little puppy will be scared and will certainly go towards the owner. When he is at your feet, he should be petted, praised and encouraged
"Place"Every time you take your husky to his bed, you need to say “Place.” Over time, the dog will remember the name and understand what it refers to. After this, you need to give a command and reward when the dog follows it. If the animal stubbornly refuses to go to the bed, it is recommended to put a treat there.
"Sit"To execute this command, you need to raise your hand with the treat so that the dog can see it only by raising its head. It will be most comfortable for her to sit down. If the dog is standing, you can press on the croup, thereby explaining what is required of him. After completing the command, reward with a treat and praise.
"Near"To carry out a command, the dog must be wearing a collar and on a leash, walking next to the owner. As soon as the animal pulls forward, you need to give a command and pull the leash towards you. If the dog does not obey, repeat the command and sharply pull the leash. Praise your pet for good behavior and obedience
"Seek"You need to let the dog sniff the treat, cover it with your palm, and hide your hands behind your back. Give a command and watch the pet’s reaction. A smart animal must quickly determine the location of food by smell. After the husky finds the treat, give him the treat and praise him
"Voice"Place the dog on a short leash, take out a treat, tease the puppy with it by twirling it over your head. Wait until the husky gives a voice, trying to grab the food, then give the command several times. You can say “Voice! » constantly when the dog starts barking - this is how he will draw a parallel between the name and the action. Since huskies practically do not bark, the execution of this command is more reminiscent of a quiet howl or whining.

You need to train your animal as often as possible. Basic commands “Come to me!” ", "Sit! ", "Place! “Can be repeated 10-15 times a day.

Behavior on the street

Mistreatment of an animal sometimes leads to sad consequences when an active, energetic puppy suddenly turns into a cowardly adult dog who is terrified of the street and dogs. Often this problem arises due to the following actions: before going outside or directly on a walk, the owner presses the puppy with his back to his chest to protect him from other dogs. In this position, when the stomach and all vital organs are unprotected, the husky experiences stress and fear, since the animal is instinctively accustomed to protecting itself from outside dangers.

That is why owners must eliminate this habit forever and under no circumstances lift their pet in this way. During a walk, you should not prohibit a husky from sniffing other dogs, since it needs socialization and rarely shows aggression towards its relatives.

Begging should definitely be stopped. The dog may eat something dangerous or inedible. The “prey” should be immediately removed from the mouth with the command “Ugh!” ", "It is forbidden! " If the pet is at a distance, you can throw an empty tin can or stick at it, aiming so that it lands next to the animal on the asphalt and makes a lot of noise when it falls. This will scare the dog away.

It is recommended to spend time outside with active games, since dogs need physical activity and a burst of energy. You can also train a pet that better learns commands during the game. You can teach your dog the command “Forward!” ”, when she runs and pulls her owner along with her. If weather conditions permit, the dog will be happy to take children around the snowy expanses on sleds or skis.

– a breed of dog with a unique appearance and no less unique character. Dogs are very intelligent by nature, but they are stubborn. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in training from an early age.

Where to start learning and how?

To achieve success in the learning process, before raising a Husky, it is advisable to pay attention to certain rules:

  • the owner’s voice should be stern and confident;
  • When raising a dog you need to be adamant, consistent and stay the course;
  • puppies learn faster, so it is better to start training as early as possible;
  • in the process of education, do not forget about praise and encouragement;
  • Once you have accustomed your dog to a command, over time you need to increase the intervals between execution and reward with a treat;
  • there should not be many people and distractions present during training;
  • during the process of training a husky, you need to take breaks periodically;
  • You should not beat your pet for disobedience; dogs raised through punishment are unlikely to show good results.

Record correct execution.

"Sit", "lie down"

These commands can be taught simultaneously. To teach him to sit, you need to say a command, then go up to your pet and, pressing on the butt, sit him down.

Afterwards, give encouragement. Teaching the command to “lie down” occurs in the same way, only you need to put pressure on the withers.


The “give” command will be easier to teach with toys.

Take a toy, wave it and let your puppy grab onto it. After this, you need to strictly say “give.” As soon as the dog lets go, you should praise and return the toy. If your pet is in no hurry to give the item, carefully open its mouth and pull it out.

How to stop a husky from doing things it shouldn't do

Most likely the only difference will be that it will take more time. If a husky is not willing to train or you are not confident in your abilities, you can contact a dog handler and take a training course with him.

Sometimes you come across animals that were not raised in the best conditions, found on the street or abused in nurseries. They can be disobedient and poorly adapted to family life. In this case, training should fade into the background. First, the dog must get used to the new life, give it attention and care.


When you get a dog, you want to raise the most obedient pet. Before you train a Husky, it's worth knowing that it may take a little more time and patience. The breed is very intelligent, but can be stubborn. Raising a husky needs to start from an early age, gradually teaching new commands.

Husky training? This is the basis for its trouble-free maintenance at home. A naturally energetic and active animal from early childhood needs proper training and discipline. Before you get down to business, you should study in detail the question of how to raise huskies in order to avoid mistakes.

It is not simple, which significantly complicates the educational process. It is believed that the breed is difficult to train due to its independent character, high intelligence and genetic proximity to the wolf, so the question of how to train a husky is very relevant among new owners. However, patience, diligence and, of course, a well-structured training process can turn even the most uncontrollable dog into an obedient pet.

Training a Husky at home will be easier and simpler if you start it immediately, from the moment the puppy arrives in the house.

Husky puppies: training and education

Raising and training a husky includes teaching correct behavior and basic commands. Let's take a closer look at what you can teach your dog:

Start of training

The time after purchase is very important for the proper relationship between owner and dog. At this time, you should begin to teach the dog basic skills: the dog must eat from its bowl, know and respond to its name, and determine its own and others’ territory. After the dog appears in the house, a trusting relationship must develop between the owner and the animal. It is necessary to accustom the animal to yourself, showing affection and generous praise. This is perhaps the only time when a dog should be pampered. After a couple of days, after getting used to it, you can move on to the next stages of training: basic commands.


The territory and place for the puppy must be determined in advance; training can begin with a simple technique: if you see that the pet is sleeping or lying in the wrong place, you need to move it where it should be, then lightly pat the dog’s bedding with your hand and say in a firm, confident voice: "Place!". After just 1-2 weeks, the puppy will independently return to its place on command.

"It is forbidden"

Basic and very important command. Is training fast? A husky dog ​​at any age understands “what is good and what is bad.” If the puppy picks up something on the street, you should immediately remove the object from its mouth, voicing the command loudly and clearly. If this happens again, you can press the dog to the ground or lightly pat it, scolding it for disobedience.


Dogs of other breeds master this command without difficulty, but for an energetic husky this task is often difficult to complete. For training, the dog is kept on the left side of you, not allowing the dog to rush forward too much and constantly repeating the command “Nearby”. It is necessary to encourage your pet with treats and praise. This skill may take some time and patience on the part of the owner to hone, but this useful command is well worth the effort.

"To me"

To train, you should move some distance away from the dog, then pronounce the name and say “Come to me” in a confident but friendly voice. As soon as the dog begins to move in the right direction, it needs to be encouraged by alternately gently pronouncing words of praise and commands. For any success, the dog should receive a treat. There are times when puppies do not want or are afraid to follow a command. To do this, you can include an element of play in the training: for example, do not move away from the baby, but jump away as if playing with him. Do not forget to say the words “Come to me” and treat the baby if successful.


it happens as follows: the puppy is called to you and shown a piece of treat. Then the hand with the treat is raised up so that the dog only sees the food while sitting. As soon as the puppy sits down, you need to clearly voice the command and treat the pet with a treat.


Since Huskies are not a working breed, training this command is often difficult. In order to do this, they take the dog on a short leash and with their free hand they hand it a treat and lift it up, thereby teasing it. The pet will try to grab food and will start whining or barking. It is at such a moment that you should say “Voice!” several times. and reward the dog. It is interesting that in some cases, a husky trained in this command does not produce a bark, but a real howl, which, nevertheless, is also a result.

The Basics of Successfully Raising a Husky

Raising a Husky has its own characteristics, so before getting a puppy of this breed, you should know not only where to start the educational process. The basics of successful parenting are as follows:

Firstly, it is interesting that immediately after appearing in the house the baby begins to look for a “leader” among the household members. This is usually an adult family member, but not always the one who takes care of the dog. Do you want to become the owner of a husky? in relations with him you need to be strict and fair. Indulging a dog is also unacceptable - the dog should not be the head of the house and do whatever he wants. Typically, husky puppies do not want to obey, they like to dominate and even be cunning. From the outside it may seem that the baby is still very small and stupid for “science”, but this is not so - the dog understands everything perfectly, it is much smarter than it seems. Most mistakes and gaps in education arise precisely because of a lack of rigor. Often a puppy gets away with minor pranks and inappropriate behavior, which is a big mistake, and retraining an older dog is not so easy. The dog should be immediately punished for misdeeds by expressing dissatisfaction (be sure to raise the tone of voice), and rewarded for exemplary behavior and success in training.

Secondly, when training and teaching basic skills, be patient and friendly. This breed responds to requests and does not tolerate orders. Physical violence is unacceptable - an older dog will take revenge on the offender. Huskies are very responsive to praise. During the training process, be consistent in your actions. If difficulties arise when teaching any command, then it’s all a matter of technique? The dog is simply not interested. You can try to engage your pet by turning training into a game.

Third, you cannot miss the best time to raise a dog. It is better to start at the age of 2-3 months. The older the dog is, the more difficult it will be to train. Also, when choosing a puppy of this breed, many people pay attention only to the colors of the Siberian Husky, and not to the character of the kids. And in vain! After all, the whole dog “essence” begins to manifest itself from an early age. It’s good if before purchasing you have the opportunity to observe all the puppies from the litter and evaluate their behavior. It is best to choose the smartest of the kids - then there will be no problems with upbringing and training.

Husky and dog accessories

Basic dog accessories include a collar, leash and muzzle.


The puppy should be accustomed to it starting from 2 months. Be careful that your dog does not remove it. Your dog should associate putting on a collar with something pleasant. During this procedure, you can treat your pet with a treat, pet it and praise it. The dog can be distracted from an unpleasant but necessary device by playing or taking an active walk.


After getting used to the collar, it’s time for the leash. It is best to start hooking a leash at home, gradually teaching the dog to follow the owner.


The hardest thing is to accustom a husky to a muzzle - they don’t like such equipment at all and cause panic. Spread the training process over several weeks. During the first week, treats are placed in the muzzle and then slowly placed on the dog. After the dog eats the treat, the muzzle is removed. The action can be repeated 2-3 times a day, but not more often. All that is required from the owner is a little patience and affection so that the unfamiliar object does not cause negative associations in the dog.

Teaching huskies the rules of behavior

In addition to the basic commands, huskies must learn the basic rules of behavior in society of their own kind and people, and also know the boundaries of what is permitted:
  • Huskies should not be aggressive towards other pets. Especially to animals that are smaller or younger. If a husky behaves aggressively, it should be punished immediately so that the dog understands that this cannot be done.
  • It happens that a husky reacts inappropriately to the appearance of guests in the house (barks, jumps on them, begs for food, or simply gets underfoot). What is the correct tactic? do not pay any attention to the pet. Guests must be warned about this in advance. The dog will understand that it is being ignored and will behave appropriately.
  • The dog must be accustomed to examination, as well as to the procedure of bathing, cutting, and combing. First of all, it is very important that the dog obeys and trusts its owner. And, of course, if he bravely endured the unpleasant procedure, he deserved treats and praise.
Training a Husky at home requires effort, time and patience. Do not spare them for your pet, and soon you will find a well-mannered, obedient and reliable pet that will not cause you any trouble.

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