Yandex Direct - self-configuring a campaign, reducing the cost per click and increasing the return on advertising in Yandex. How to set up Yandex Direct - a step-by-step guide for establishing contextual advertising

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about the Yandex Direct contextual advertising system, how to create a new campaign, what settings to choose for it, how to create ads and what cost per click to set. We will also consider the principles of increasing the profitability of an advertising campaign and compare it with Google AdWords (a direct competitor).

Those. contextual advertising can serve you well not only at the initial stage of project development, when the SEO has not yet begun to produce results, but can also completely replace search promotion due to its greater economic feasibility. That. Advertising in Yandex Direct is fast and sometimes even cheap, but not always.

What you see in the picture above is called search contextual advertising, but besides it there is also thematic advertising. It is placed on thematic sites (third-party sites that were) and differs from the search engine in that on thematic advertising Yandex earns only half of the amount (the second half is allowed) that the advertiser pays (it is the click on the ad that is paid, not the number of ads). views).

In search advertising, all ads will be relevant to what the user entered. When placing Yandex Direct ads on thematic platforms, two options are possible, depending on how the site owner set it up using the behavioral targeting activation function.

If behavioral targeting is disabled in the YAN site settings, then only ads relevant to the content of this page of the site, which is a thematic platform, will be shown.

But let’s once again repeat the advantages inherent in Yandex Direct (and Google AdWords, and Begun too), and also note the general features of contextual advertising as a means of attracting visitors:

  1. It allows you to very quickly attract visitors to your website (roughly speaking, drive traffic). That is, you will receive visitors on the same day you launch your advertising campaign.
  2. If you understand all the nuances, then contextual advertising systems will provide you with the opportunity to very finely tune the expenditure of funds throughout the entire campaign, depending on your desires and capabilities.
  3. You can significantly increase the profitability of the same Yandex Direct only through more subtle and correct settings of ads.
  4. Payment is made per click (PPC - Pay per click). Those. The ad can be shown as many times as you like, and you will only pay for clicks from users who are interested in it.
  5. Cost per click in Direct (and others like it in AdWords with Runner) determined by auction. Roughly speaking, each advertiser makes his own bid (is willing to pay such and such a price for a click on his ad). Based on the bet made, places will be allocated when displaying ads in search results or on thematic sites - the higher the cost per click, the higher it will stand.
  6. As a result, the cost of a specific space in a block is effectively determined by competitors' bids. Those. The more competitive the topic of the search queries for which you want to show your ad, the higher the cost per click will be, which will allow you to take the desired place.

Where are Yandex Direct blocks located in search engine results?

In search results There are several places where Yandex Direct ads can be placed:

You can find out the rules for display in all places allowed for them from. Firstly, this very clickable area located directly above the search results (practically merges with it), which is called Special accommodation.

When you set a price per click in Yandex Direct, you will definitely be told how much the first place in special placement now costs and how much it costs to get into it.

They will also tell you what the cost per click should be so that you can get to the first place in the right column of ads, and the price that will need to be set to get into the so-called guaranteed impressions. The fact is that a situation often arises when there are many more advertisers who want to be placed on a given request than the search engine can provide places to display them.

By the way, all Direct ads that claim to be displayed in search results for this request can be seen by clicking on the “All ads” link located above the special placement area. Accordingly, what does Yandex do? In special placements, he shows only those who deserve it by setting the desired cost per click.

In the right column, the first three or five ads will form the group called guaranteed impressions, and all the remaining ads (there may be several dozen of them) our wise Yandex will display below the area of ​​guaranteed impressions in rotation mode. It is enough to refresh the search results page to understand exactly where the area of ​​guaranteed impressions ends and where rotation begins.

Moreover, the situation with the position of your site in Yandex Direct placements may change, for example, due to the fact that one of your competitors runs out of money for display and you may end up a little higher than you expected. But I repeat once again that the position of your advertising will be determined primarily by the cost per click that you set. Let's now just see how it all looks in practice.

Creating your own advertising campaign in Yandex Direct

In order for you to be able to use Direct, you need to have a so-called or, in other words, be registered in this system. In general, nothing new - exactly the same requirements were present when trying.

If you don’t have a passport, then simply, the login and password for which will now be your account.

After logging in, you can go to the page and click on the purple “Advertise” button. You will be asked to choose an option for further work with this contextual advertising system - easy and professional.

It's better to choose the second option ( professional), because it will allow you, even without particularly loading yourself with knowledge, to significantly increase the profitability of your advertising campaign in Direct compared to the “easy” option, where many steps will be performed by an automatic machine.

Click on the “Start using the service” button and you will find yourself at the first step of the wizard for creating an ad for the Yandex Direct system. But here it is also worth dwelling on such a concept as advertising campaign, which is united not only by common settings, but also by a common budget.

One advertising campaign can include several ads, each of which will be shown as long as the campaign budget is not zero. As soon as this budget runs out, all ads from it are immediately removed from display.

But let's get back to creating a new ad in Direct. So, at the first step of the wizard, in the “Campaign name” field, you will need to enter it, or select one of the existing ones. Next, you can specify its start date and end date, as well as configure SMS notifications or email.

The search engine will inform you that, for example, one of your Direct campaigns has run out of money, the budget is running out, or the placement of your ads has changed (if, for example, your competitor has increased the cost per click).

Time targeting It may be necessary, for example, to select the time for displaying advertising only during business hours of your company, because at other times there is simply no one to answer the calls of attracted users and the money will be wasted.

When setting it up in Direct, you can simply click the mouse to remove the plus signs at the intersection of the time of day and days of the week, but in such a way that the total remains at least forty hours of shows on weekdays.

It also makes a lot of sense to choose the region in which to display the ad you created.

Setting up a campaign in Direct - reducing cost per click and costs

In the next area, called “Prohibited Sites,” you can add those thematic sites where you do not want your ads to appear (for example, on https://site).

The only problem arises is that Yandex does not disclose the list of its advertising platforms that are included in YAN (on which Direct runs) and therefore you can only add sites that are already known and have not earned your trust.

In addition to prohibiting display on certain sites, you are provided with a tool such as “Restrictions on thematic sites.” As a result, a pop-up window will open:

From the “Keep expenses within limits” drop-down list, you can set the percentage of the total campaign budget expense for spending on sites from YAN. As soon as the sites consume this percentage of the budget, Direct ads will stop showing on them.

For example, sites from YAN have eaten up half of your budget - that’s it, display on them stops and now your advertisements will only appear in search. If you select zero in this list, then advertising on sites included in YAN will not run at all.

From the "Maximum CPC" drop-down list, you can reduce the cost per click on thematic platforms in relation to the price in Yandex search results. True, if you significantly underestimate it, then on many thematic platforms of Yandex Direct your advertising simply will not be shown, because whoever pays the most will be shown.

A checkmark in the “Do not take into account user preferences” field will prevent your advertising from being displayed on pages with irrelevant content, even if the site owner has activated behavioral targeting in the settings of his site in YAN. Those. Your advertising about refrigerators will not appear in articles about search engine promotion.

If the CTR of your ad in Direct (the ratio of clicks to impressions) is too low, then it will no longer appear in search results, but will continue to appear on sites (platforms) included in YAN. If you don’t need this, then check the box “Stop impressions in YAN when a new phrase is disabled in search.”

What follows is, in my opinion, a useful function that should be left active - Autofocus (clarification of phrases). If it suddenly turns out that you, due to inexperience or accidentally, chose the wrong words for which your ad should be shown, then the Auto Focus function itself will be able to make the necessary changes to correct the situation.

And now a little more about this. When creating an ad in Direct, you specify words (plus words), the presence of which in a search query (entered by a Yandex user) should trigger the display of your masterpiece.

But if “plus words” are poorly chosen, your ad may have too low a CTR (Click Trough Rate - clicks divided by impressions and multiplied by one hundred percent) and its the show will be paused.

When Autofocus is active, Direct itself will add the necessary, in its opinion, minus and plus words, but will not affect yours. As a result, your CTR will likely increase and you will be notified to use this option. If it is not possible to increase the CTR to the required level the first time, then Yandex will apply Autofocus again until the desired result is achieved. You can read more about this.

In the “Strategies” settings, you can choose one of two manual strategies or one of three automatic ones. All of them are described in some detail.

The manual mode, with the right experience, will allow you to increase the profitability of your campaign, but initially it will probably be best to use one of the automatic strategies, for example, “Weekly Budget”, where you set a limit for spending per week and determine the maximum possible price clique.

When using the manual “Highest available position” strategy, you need to remember that you control the cost per click yourself, and in Yandex Direct there is no limit on the budget, which can lead to unplanned rapid expenditure.

This usually happens at the initial stage of getting to know this contextual advertising system due to an error caused by your inexperience. Generally, no budget limit when choosing a manual strategy, this is, in my opinion, a significant drawback of Direct.

There is, however, a not entirely easy-to-use way to insure yourself. It is enough to transfer money to your campaign account in Yandex Direct a little at a time, for example, so that, according to your estimates, it is enough for only one day. Then no incidents should happen to you and your money, even when choosing a manual strategy.

Many, by the way, use this method if they need to show an ad only for a few hours a day, but Direct imposes a limit of a minimum of 40 hours a week. By the way, Google AdWords has a daily budget limit.

Let's move on. Website monitoring will allow you to disable ad impressions if your resource suddenly becomes unavailable (broken). This gadget will only work correctly if you have . You can read about how to activate in the metric at the link provided.

A checkmark in the “External Internet Statistics” field will allow you to track the success of your advertising campaign through visit counters such as and.

All links in your advertisements will be mixed with all the details about its location, clicks, etc., and in the statistics of the mentioned visit counters you will be able to sort everything out and track effectiveness(more details).

The next important option in the settings is “Calculate prices by position”. Here you can check the box “Do not take into account automatically stopped ads of competitors”, which probably should not be activated, because in this case you will not see the full picture of the rates (prices) per click, because you will not take into account those who are currently out of money (but their bids may adjust your expected display positions for you when they report the money).

Creating advertisements in Yandex Direct

Click on the “Next” button and go to the next step of the wizard for creating a new ad in Direct. Please note that the maximum length of the title is limited to 33 characters, and the text is limited to 75 characters. When you type text, the remaining number of characters available will be displayed next to it.

Next, we need to link by keywords by clicking on the “select” button in the “New key phrases” field. As a result, a familiar one will be revealed to all of you in a slightly cropped version. Check the boxes next to the keywords that suit you and click on the “Add” button.

You can add something else from the right column “Tips”, then click on the “organize and clarify” button. In general, you should try to select the most accurate keys and at the same time be very active use negative words, by clicking on the “clarify” button and ticking those that you do not want to see in the search queries for which your advertising will be shown. Negative words can also be added directly to the line with keywords by placing a “-” sign in front of each of them.

Next, you can select the categories in which you want to display your ad, or you can even check the “do not show in the catalog” box, because this is very expensive. Click the “Next” button to go to the last step of the wizard.

Cost per click, autobroker and getting into Direct placements

As you can see, for the keywords you selected, Direct reported the cost per click in order to get into the first place of special placement, as well as the cost per click for taking first place in the column and the price for getting into guaranteed impressions. Moreover, the use of “minus words”, as a rule, leads to reduce the cost per click to get to all these places.

In the “maximum” column, you are shown the maximum reasonable bid for a given keyword, and you are free to change it immediately by entering numbers according to your understanding.

In the “on search” column, the Yandex Direct system shows the price per click that it will charge you, and usually it will coincide with the price of the first place in special placement, which will correspond to one hundred percent coverage of the audience for this search query (indicated in the column of the same name).

If someone beats your bid indicated in the “search” column and squeezes in above you, then the algorithm will begin to increase your cost per click to the value that you indicated in the “maximum” column.

It does it all auto broker, whose settings are activated at the bottom of the window with the “Show autobroker settings” link. I recommend using an autobroker, because it is very convenient and, as a rule, effective.

You should set prices per click depending on the number of visitors you need and their ability to compensate for your costs of paying for the Yandex Direct context. It is advisable, of course, to set such a maximum cost per click in order to at least get guaranteed impressions, but this depends on the specific situation.

When the cost per click decreases below guaranteed impressions, audience coverage will begin to decrease, i.e. not all users will be able to see your ad (even at the very bottom of the column).

Getting into special accommodation for a short period of time can be used for announcements like “office lunches”, when the need is strong, but not for long. In most cases, you need to look for a middle ground between the cost of a click and the effectiveness of an advertising campaign on Yandex.

When you decide on the prices per click for all keywords, click on the “Next” button and on the page that opens, send your ad for moderation, because not all texts can be posted in Yandex Direct.

How to reduce costs and increase returns from a Yandex Direct campaign

But one of the most significant factors will most likely be the correct composition of the title and text. The importance of this factor is very difficult to overestimate, but we can give some general advice on correct preparation of advertisements for Yandex Direct and other contextual advertising systems:

Which is better - Direct or Google AdWords?

As I mentioned just above, the Yandex contextual advertising system in RuNet has competitors in the form of Google AdWords and Begun. Although, the latter should not be taken seriously due to the low degree of its coverage of the user audience, but Advods has more than a third of the Russian market and is a very serious competitor to Direct.

To say that AdWords is significantly better than Yandex advertising would probably not be correct. But by and large, it has more flexible settings (due to this it is somewhat more difficult to learn) and in most cases it will be cheaper. But this does not mean that you need to run headlong to advertise in Advodst, ​​because for some search queries only Direct can give you serious traffic.

For example, for some request, it is quite possible that you will spend the same amount in a day in Yandex Direct as in Google AdWords in a week. But at the same time, on this very day of advertising you will have the same number of calls and purchases as on the last day of the week.

Those. “the same thing for the same thing” will work, but in Yandex it will work out much faster, because The target audience for this request is looking for information mainly in the RuNet mirror. But there are also queries where the target audience will mainly look for answers on Google, but still the majority of commercial consumer inquiries Russians search specifically in the domestic search engine.

But nevertheless, Google Adverds has one trump card that its Russian counterpart does not have (probably Y.Bayan does not count, because it is actually a separate advertising agency) - the opportunity for pennies. Banners, unlike the context, are not required, and indeed are not able, by and large, to attract visitors to the site, unless they are designed in the form.

A banner serves the purpose of branding or, in other words, product recognition, and investing in such advertising is a long-term investment, which can nevertheless play a very significant role in increasing the income of the campaign. Beginning businessmen do not always understand this, but over time they will certainly come to the same conclusions - first you are working on creating a brand, and then the brand works for you.

So, direct placement of banners is a very expensive pleasure, which, of course, pays off over time, but AdWords allows you to conduct a banner advertising campaign for mere pennies. The fact is that in Adwords, along with text ads, you can give graphic and video ads, which will be displayed on sites that are part of the.

It is quite possible that in AdWords you will pay significantly less than one hundred rubles for a full-size banner that spans the entire width of the page for 10,000 impressions, because The CTR of banners is very low and there will be very few clicks on it. But it still fulfills its branding function and you don’t have to pay crazy money for it.

Sergey Arsentiev

How to set up Yandex Direct correctly

Advertising on Yandex is perhaps the easiest and most accessible way to start advertising products or services online. Compared to Google, the cost per click is lower, and setting up an advertising account in Yandex is much simpler and clearer.

To avoid these and other mistakes and not spend a lot of time managing an advertising campaign, you can entrust some of the operations to automated services, for example, Rookee Contextual Advertising Autopilot. It will flexibly manage advertising based on your goals.

You can click on the button and see in more detail what kind of autopilot this is.

Well, for those who want to set up their own advertising or have already set up their own account in Yandex, you can read my recommendations and compare: did you do everything right and didn’t make those annoying mistakes that I’ll tell you about now.

The first and most important mistake when setting up advertising in Yandex is to take all the requests indiscriminately that Yandex itself offers, as long as they are at least slightly related to the topic.

This is often a consequence of how keys are selected or, scientifically, “compilation of a semantic core.”

Many website owners simply don’t know that they need to study Yandex statistics, many are simply too lazy to do this, and it’s irrational to buy and master a program supposedly to launch one advertising campaign.

Therefore, in most cases, keys are selected “on the fly” from Yandex suggestions.

And Yandex suggests as best it can, and far from the best options, trying to increase the breadth of queries, because it is very profitable for them.

By the way, not only Yandex, but also Google is guilty of this. For example, yesterday I was setting up advertising on Google, and he really wanted a campaign for electric warm floors add requests and water heated floors, although the organization is not even close to this: these are completely different technological processes.

But if Google queries are formed into groups and they are easy to sort, throwing out the unnecessary, then Yandex offers everything mixed up and therefore, when adding what is offered en masse, a lot of garbage flies into the campaign:

As you can see, for a rather narrow request “frame house”, hints such as “log house”, “log logs”, “house designs” and “sauna” are poured in.

That is, in this case, only 5 out of 10 queries (only 50%!) in the tooltip are relevant to the advertiser’s task, the rest should be excluded and added to negative keywords.

So what to do? Carefully collecting keys is the basis of a successful advertising campaign. Yes, and they will be useful in SEO.

One ad for all words

When I am invited to check whether advertising in Yandex or Google is configured correctly, I with enviable consistency observe something like this: there are many keywords and a modest one ad that is shown for all these requests.

Here's what it looks like: the ad is the same, but the requests are all different.

The fact is that setting up Yandex.Direct usually happens like this: the site owner logs into his Yandex account, writes some kind of ad, adds all the keys to it en masse according to the prompts (see above) and it is considered that the ad setup is complete.

That is, when a person types in a search for “house made of natural materials,” he sees “frame houses.”

But is that bad?
Yes, this is very bad for advertising effectiveness. Even if we assume that all queries are relevant, they carry completely different concepts. That is frame house And affordable housing- it's not the same thing. And man customized to receive information on a request of interest, completely not configured for analysis and thoughtful consideration of other information.

Of course, 1 visitor out of 100 will carefully review all the ads, go to each site, analyze how well it matches his request and choose the best option. But only a few will do this. According to statistics, 90% of all Internet users, if they click on an advertisement, do so first of all on the one that matches their request. This is a subtle psychological point; here another example would not be out of place.

Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. Let's say you need to buy a kettle. Moreover, urgently today. That is, all your thoughts are focused on the kettle: which one to choose, where to buy, so that the delivery is good and the store is normal.

You go to the search engine and type in “inexpensive kettle in Minsk.”
And you see 2 ads:

Look at one and the other. Which one is closer to you? Which one would you most likely click on if you really need to buy a kettle now? Of course, the one that meets your request!

According to statistics, the click-through rate of ads that contain a user request is 2-3 times higher!

Therefore, especially if you have a competitive topic, you simply need to use your own ad for each request. But how to do this quickly if there are thousands of requests? Order and watch my video course, in it I talk about how to create an advertising campaign in just an hour with virtually no limit on the number of key queries.

Impressions for additional keywords

This is an important parameter in the Yandex.Direct campaign settings. It is enabled by default and can automatically show your ad for phrases that are so broad that they only vaguely resemble the original topic.

For example, if you sell skis, your ads will also appear to those looking for sleds or snowboards. In most cases this will be redundant and therefore ineffective. You can disable it in the campaign settings:

The main purpose of this parameter is to help Yandex, and not you, make money. And you can leave it turned on only if the advertising budget is unlimited, then the use of additional phrases will be effective.

Where is this street, where is this house...

After all, advertisements containing the words: “Address and telephone number” + The city looks more solid, reliable, and visible. See for yourself:

I understand that many online stores or entrepreneurs simply do not have an office, but for Yandex this is not a problem at the moment.

If Google checks your physical address (sends a special letter by regular paper mail with a code, yes!), then Yandex does not do this and it is simply a sin not to indicate at least some address in advertising. Of course, you shouldn’t lie and write nonsense, but even if you don’t have an office, you live somewhere - so indicate this address, who will come to you?

The right advertising strategy

This is a way for Yandex to automatically change bids to keep an ad in a certain position on the page and it would be a shame not to use it.

It is clear that the choice of strategy depends on the marketing plan of each campaign, so there is simply no universal advertising strategy. However, in most cases, the advertiser is faced with a fairly specific task: to increase the volume of orders. The client is ready to invest $1000 and earn $2000.

And in this case, the most winning strategy is in the Yandex settings: “Display in a block (special placement) at the lowest price.”

This is what it looks like:

I'll try to explain why.

Being first is, of course, cool, but also extremely expensive. Therefore, this strategy (by the way, it is used by default) must be changed to something more economical.

Being last is, of course, cheap, but there is no special return: that is, you invested $20, earned $40, and you won’t be able to develop a business with this difference.

Being in the middle is good: not very expensive, not very cheap, but there are different advertising blocks and they have different middles. First block: at the top of the page before the search results, second block: at the bottom of the page or on the right. And since we remember that the cost of a click in Yandex directly depends on the click-through rate of ads (CTR), then those ads that are below are barely noticeable and have low click-through rates. That is, they have impressions, but very few clicks.

As a result, a paradoxical situation arises from the point of view of the average person: those who are in the middle of the top block often have a high CTR (they are in the first screen) and as a result lower cost per click compared to the lower block.

Hence the conclusion is drawn that the optimal place for advertising is the first block, but not the first, but the second, or even better, the third place in it. Since advertising is visible, has a high CTR, and the client pays less for it than the first two advertisers. This is the “Display in block at minimum price” strategy. Naturally, special accommodation is chosen as a block.

More answers

Yandex.Metrica counter

If you run a campaign in the same account that is used for the counter, it will work automatically. And if the accounts with advertising and Metrica are different (which most often happens), then you need to copy its number and set it explicitly in the Direct settings:

You can get it in the Metrica settings or extract it from the site’s source code; it comes after the phrase “id:”.

  1. If your site suddenly crashes for some technical reason, you won’t have to frantically turn off advertising, because your clicks will be wasted. Yandex itself will understand that the site is unavailable and will disable advertising. And when the site becomes available, it will automatically turn on. Convenient and saves money.
  2. When Metrics is enabled in the settings, ad statistics will automatically begin to show the depth of page views for a particular key. That is, you will be able to see for what queries,
  3. And finally, the most important thing: with the correct setup of Yandex Direct and Metrica, you can track real orders from the site. You will know which keys sell and which ones simply waste your budget.

So Metrica is a mandatory tool that should be enabled immediately when setting up an advertising account in Yandex.

Yandex Direct is a very powerful tool for promoting your resource through contextual advertising. According to statistics, Yandex is one of the most popular search engines in the Russian segment of the Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in “Direct” on its own.

Yandex Direct features:

    you can set up “Direct” for the country or even a specific city where the potential client lives;

    selection of search queries and their configuration, for which this or that nature will be returned;

    the ability to configure Direct so that you can independently manage advertising in search results;

    drawing up directly by the customer;

    but the most important thing is that the correct configuration of Yandex Direct allows you to reliably assess the nature of search queries, their frequency, wording, and a host of other parameters.

How to set up Yandex Direct

And here the owner of any resource has two options to choose from:

    Seek help from relevant companies that are engaged in comprehensive website promotion not only on the Runet, but also on the Global Network in general. In this case, professionals will take matters into their own hands. However, it is possible that they are unaware of certain aspects of the enterprise that may ultimately affect the effectiveness of requests. In addition, the services of such companies, of course, are not free.

    Find out for yourself in Yandex Direct. Do-it-yourself setup provides a number of advantages. Firstly, the advertiser can flexibly manage the delivery of contextual advertising - after all, who, if not the owner of the resource, is aware of all the affairs in the enterprise. Secondly, you can significantly save on the services of third-party specialists.

The obvious disadvantage of this approach is that in Yandex Direct, setting it up yourself requires certain knowledge and skills, and preliminary training.

What to pay attention to before organizing an advertising campaign

Any advertising should sell - this is natural. And at the same time, the costs of it should be more than covered by income. And for this to happen, you need to answer the following questions before starting an advertising campaign in Yandex Direct:

    whether geographic targeting will be used;

    what is the target audience;

    you also need to determine the semantic core of the company - that is, those search queries for which it will work.


In different cases, it makes sense to address both high-frequency and mid- and low-frequency queries. To understand which queries are most in demand, you need to launch the “Word Selection” tool and type the word expected for the query in the text field.

As a result, statistics of search queries per month with this phrase will appear. Based on these results, you need to create a semantic core.

Estimating the advertising campaign budget

Setting up Yandex Direct yourself also involves a preliminary assessment of the costs of an advertising campaign. For this purpose, Yandex has a “Budget Estimation” tool. You need to indicate the region where it will be broadcast and also enter the expected keys on the left side of the field. After that, suggested phrases will appear on the right, which can either be included in the list of queries in the left field, or not included.

Once the audience has been identified, you can proceed directly to the specific steps of creating a campaign and setting it up. Below is a step-by-step setup of Yandex Direct.

Account creation

First of all, you need to create a new user. To do this, you will need to indicate your region of residence and select one of the options: Easy level or Professional. Since setting up Yandex Direct yourself is a rather delicate matter, you can get bogged down in these subtleties and not see the main thing behind them. It is better to first select the “Easy” option.

After this, you need to click on the “Start using the service” button.

Create a campaign

Next you will need to create a new campaign. On the page you will need to indicate the actual name of the campaign, your name, the start of the campaign and the end date, set up time targeting (hourly time the ad was displayed), regional targeting, etc.

Here you can select If you intend to conduct an aggressive but expensive campaign, then you can check the “Highest available position” item. In other cases, it is recommended to “Display in a block at the minimum price” - in special placement or in guaranteed display.

Setting up on thematic platforms (YAN). If only the Yandex search will be used, this parameter can be disabled by setting the parameter to 0%.

You will also need to check the boxes for “External statistics” and “Site monitoring”.

You will also need to provide your email address, contact phone number, and set up notifications via SMS or mail.

Submitting an ad

You will need to configure the following items:

    ad title - the title text that will be visible to Yandex users;

    the ad text is, in fact, the very text from which the user finds out what the ad is about, what the company offers, etc.;

    In the “Campaign Source” and “Campaign Channel” fields indicate: “yandex” and “CPC”, respectively.

Now you need to click on the blue “Submit” button.

Setting Keywords

Setting up Yandex Direct continues. The instructions instruct you to enter in the left text field the set of key phrases that are included in the semantic core of the campaign according to the expected frequency of queries, etc.

In order for the ad compiled in the previous paragraph to be shown according to the selected queries, these keywords should be enclosed in quotation marks. The results of queries will be displayed in the right field as they will look directly in the Yandex search engine.

At this stage, you can also set up fine targeting and negative keywords - that is, those phrases or words whose entry by the user will be ignored within the campaign.

Selecting bids per click

Here, for each key request, prices for each user transition will be shown - depending on where exactly the display will be carried out: in a special offer or in the area of ​​​​guaranteed display.

You can specify your own maximum price - that is, set a bid. Subsequently, you can change the bid per click. The cost of one transition must be coordinated with how much the resource owner can afford to spend on an advertising campaign.

Submitting an ad

On this page you can either add more requests or send your ad for moderation to Yandex. This is done by pressing the corresponding on-screen buttons.

After some time, a letter with results from Yandex will be sent to the email address specified during registration: whether the ad is allowed to be displayed or not. The reasons for the refusal, however, are not explained, and Yandex does not give any recommendations for changing the advertisement in case of refusal.

It is worth noting that basic knowledge is enough to understand how to set up Yandex Direct. Google Adwords (Google's contextual advertising tool) operates on similar principles. However, there are some differences in terms of interaction with your account and other minor differences in settings.

As you can see, in Yandex Direct, setting it up yourself is quite possible, and even a beginner can get comfortable with the basic capabilities for opening their own advertising campaign.

A distinctive feature of Yandex Direct is its high speed of setup and focus on results.

If, of course, it was configured correctly.

In this article we will analyze all the stages and subtleties.

Before you start setting up your Yandex Direct account, you will need an account in Yandex.

In the window that opens, either log into an existing Yandex account or register a new one.

Fill out all the fields and indicate the phone number, press the button

On the next settings page you need to select your country. Be sure to provide the correct information, as this will select the appropriate currency and you will no longer be able to change this setting in the future.

There are 3 options to choose from:

    Text and image ads

This type of campaign is the main one for most advertised goods and services.

At this stage, the account setup is already completed.

But to complete registration and simultaneously activate your Yandex Direct account, you must go through the stage of creating and setting up the first advertising campaign.

Quickly complete account registration in Yandex Direct

To skip setting up your first campaign, all you need to do is:

    Set the display region and click next at the bottom of the page.

    In the window that opens to create advertisements, fill in the required items:

    Group name

    Heading 1

    And at least one key phrase.

This campaign can later be deleted or edited for normal display.

Creating an advertising campaign on search in Yandex Direct

To start:

Give the campaign a name.

It should be clear and reflect the type of campaign and its content.

Examples of a great campaign title: Search - General Search Queries - Moscow

YAN - Coffee brands - Lavazza - Krasnodar

You should not name the campaigns: “Test1”, “New campaign2”, etc., since in the future it will be impossible to quickly figure out what kind of campaign is in front of your eyes.

In the future, this will simplify the creation of UTM tags for tracking advertising productivity, read about them.

Set the Show Schedule

To do this, set the start and, if required, the end date of the advertising campaign.

The standard is 24/7 advertising.

For each topic and business, these settings differ; if you process orders or calls from the site around the clock, then you don’t need to change anything; in other cases, you need to test the time and days of the week when advertising is shown.

Here you can set bid adjustments for the entire campaign.

For example, your customers usually make calls and orders from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 17.00 to 21.00, in order to optimize costs, you can set a downward adjustment at non-conversion times and, on the contrary, set up adjustments for those hours during which the largest number of orders occur, thereby you will not you will overpay for top positions at the wrong time and, on the contrary, appear at the very top when you need it and take away most of the visitors.

To do this, let's go to the bid management mode:

Use the slider to set the adjustment you want to make and use the mouse to set the time adjustment.

The next step is to select the display region.

Everything is simple here - select the region where your advertising will be displayed.

Here you can also set adjustments for each region; they are great for regulating the delivery capabilities of goods.

For example, if you have the opportunity for free delivery only in Moscow, but there is also the opportunity to deliver in the Moscow region, then you can set downward adjustments for particularly remote cities in the Moscow region, to reduce the flow of orders from them and focus on closer settlements.

With advanced geographic targeting, a person outside your ad's region who is looking for a product or service in your region will be able to see your ad.

For example, a person from Nizhny Novgorod enters a search query: “restaurant in Moscow,” if advanced geotargeting is enabled, then even if he is not in the specified display region, your ad will be displayed to him, since the system understands that this is a targeted query.

Let's move on to managing impressions.

Display Strategies

At this point, be sure to indicate where you want to display advertising: On search or in networks.

For a campaign, it is best to choose a manual strategy. This strategy leaves flexible settings for bids and allows you to set a daily budget for the campaign.

In the same window, set the minimum daily budget. The minimum threshold is 300 rubles.

It is also worth paying attention to the display mode, with the standard display mode the ad is shown without restrictions and spends the daily budget in fact, while there is a possibility that the budget will end too early, thereby you can determine how much daily budget is required on average for a particular campaign to complete her returns.

If budgets are too small, you can switch to distributed display mode. But in all other cases, I recommend leaving the standard mode and later, with the help of adjustments, you can manually stretch the budget for the whole day without losing your share of potential clients.

The item “Show on search only under results” is the display of advertising in the guarantee block at the very bottom of the page, in this block the number of impressions, and therefore transitions, is an order of magnitude lower. However, for some topics where the time for making a decision is not too urgent, then advertising in guaranteed impressions can give very good results.

For a manual strategy, it is better not to include this item, since all this can be controlled using bets.

Bid Adjustments

Bid adjustments - in addition to the two previous adjustments for display region and time targeting, there are several more types of bid adjustments in Yandex Direct.

Adjustments for mobile devices.

Now, at a time when traffic from mobile devices is increasing at a tremendous speed, new sites are already being created tailored for them.

In these realities, if, after all, your site does not have a mobile version or is not adapted for mobile devices, it is best to use this adjustment to reduce the display of advertising for mobile devices to 50%.

Also, on the contrary, there are topics in which potential clients are mostly on mobile devices, then you can set an increasing adjustment, up to 1200%.

Adjustment by Gender and Age:

With this adjustment, we can limit impressions to minors. And also in certain topics, make upward or downward adjustments by gender or age.

The last possible adjustment at the campaign level is adjustment for video additions, since our advertising campaign is for search, and video add-ons work for ads in YAN, this adjustment is not needed here.

In the same section, be sure to set the item “Stop ads when the site is down.”

Here it is better to set up SMS notifications about the unavailability of the site.

Selection of key phrases

In this section, you need to add which will limit the display of ads for irrelevant queries.

Example: Advertising is carried out for a night Club, using the key phrase “clubs in the center of Moscow”, while a person can search for a fitness club and not a night club, therefore, to exclude advertising for this phrase. you need to add a negative word fitness.

Thus, by adding all the negative phrases for the topic at the campaign level, we increase both the quality of the advertising campaign and optimize the budget spent on it.

To quickly select negative keywords, you can use the Yandex service - Wordstat

The principle of operation is discussed in the article below.

Additional relevant phrases are phrases that Yandex automatically selects based on existing phrases and analysis of the audience that clicks on them. When setting up a campaign well, these phrases are not needed, since they are usually already worked out. Often additional relevant phrases bring a lot of non-targeted traffic, and the most important thing is that they are included as standard.

For beginners, we definitely turn it off!

For those already versed in the Direct system, you can test this function, but do not forget that it can add completely incorrect phrases.

Business card in Yandex Direct

    Firstly, a well-filled business card allows you to significantly expand your ad on search.

    Secondly, it gives a general idea of ​​the service and a person who clicks on a business card, even if it is filled out well, has a very high chance of calling directly on the phone number indicated on it.

    And one more nuance, even if there is no website, you can display advertising without it; when a business card is filled out, instead of going to the website, the business card will open in a separate window.

For the minimum you need to fill out:

Country, city, phone number, campaign name, opening hours.

The more you fill out, the greater the chance that the person using the business card will call or write to you or come to the specified address.

Metrica - in this paragraph you need to indicate the number of the Yandex Metrica counter, in short, using this service you can make a detailed analysis of all visits to the site, if you still don’t have it installed, it’s time to install it, since with its help you can easily determine the quality advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct.

Here, after specifying the counter, we check that the “Mark links for metrics” item is enabled; using this function, automatic marking of links is enabled, so that you can subsequently view information at various levels of the campaign, from campaigns to keyword.

Notifications already contain your registration data according to the standard; here you can change the email to which they will be sent and the telephone number for SMS notifications.

Special settings.

Prohibited sites and networks

At this point, you can add Yandex images for a search campaign, since when analyzing search campaigns, there are cases of advertising being displayed in this service.

Here you can also specify the IP addresses from which you are working to disable the display of advertising at these addresses, in order not to spoil the CTR (click-through rate) of ads, for example, when searching for competitors using common queries.

You can also mark a campaign as important to pin it above the rest of the list of campaigns.

It is better to leave the remaining settings as default.

This completes the campaign setup, then you should start creating ads.

Creating ads for Yandex search

When creating an ad group, just like with a campaign, we set a clear name for the group.

We leave the ad type as text-graphic.

Writing the headline is perhaps the most significant part of the ad, requiring:

    Attract a person's attention

    Give the correct answer to his request

    Encourage him to convert further on the site.

Also, the headline can cut off the non-target audience.

For example, when searching for a wristwatch, you can indicate the price in the ad, thereby users will understand whether it is in their price segment or not.

The first header may contain up to 35 characters excluding punctuation marks (up to 15 characters).

When writing a title, you should include a keyword in it; when the ad is displayed on a search, it will be highlighted in bold, and this will also subsequently reduce the cost of a click and increase the click-through rate of the ad.

Maximum - 25 characters in one clarification. In total they should not take more than 66 characters.

In the Address and Phone section, insert the business card that you filled out earlier in the campaign settings.


This function allows you to automatically select keywords based on the ad text and the website page to which the ad leads.

Like additional relevant phrases, it can attract a lot of traffic for completely untargeted queries.

So We do not enable autotargeting.

Key phrases

A special tool is built into Yandex Direct to select keywords (phrases).

In order for Yandex to suggest keyword options, you must enter at least one keyword.

In the window that appears, mark the necessary keywords and add them to the advertising campaign.

Here we can also see the main negative words that should be added to the list for this ad group, or added at the campaign level.

These hints are displayed using Wordstat statistics.

Collecting words using the Wordstat service

Using Yandex Wordstat Assistant, we can collect a large list of keywords that we can then add to our advertising campaign, and here we can select negative keywords.

After selecting key phrases, Hints will appear in which you can also find key phrases related to the theme of the advertising campaign.

You can use special operators when adding keywords.

According to the search standard, Yandex does not take prepositions into account; when displaying an advertisement for “sunblock” or “sunblock” without an operator, there will be the same advertisement.

To do this, you need to put “+” before the preposition “Suncream +”

In tourism topics, when using the keyword “ticket Moscow-St. Petersburg”

Yandex without the operator “” will show tickets both from Moscow to St. Petersburg and from St. Petersburg to Moscow, to maintain word order, you need to enclose the key phrase in square brackets - [ticket Moscow St. Petersburg]

Negative phrases

You can also use operators for Negative phrases, most often the exact match operator is used.

The conditions for selecting an audience for search are not needed, since we skip this setting for YAN.

Display regions

Budget forecaster Yandex Direct

At this stage, you should use the Yandex service “Budget Forecast”

In this service we indicate the desired display region.

The calculation parameters are already adjusted to your account settings.

In the Selection of phrases, insert the phrases that you previously added for the ad group.

We also add negative keywords.

On the right, select the positions in which you want to display your ad.

The special placement block is located at the very top of the page and can contain from 0 to 4 ads on desktop and from 0 to 3 on mobile devices, depending on the type of request, the guarantee is accordingly located at the bottom and consists of 4 advertisements.

In the future, this figure may change greatly, but the forecaster can give an idea of ​​the cost.

The last step in creating a campaign is placing bids.

For the vast majority of people searching, setting a bid at the level of entry into a special placement would be a good start.

Let's open additional betting settings.

Here we select the entrance to the special placement + 1% of the price, so we will not heat up the auction in the special placement too much so that the price for the position does not quickly increase, and we set the maximum price that we are willing to pay per click.

Yandex for beginners underestimates the cost of special placement and overestimates the cost of the guarantee block, thereby checking the quality of advertising and the advertiser, so, with incorrect settings, a beginner will quickly spend the entire balance in bringing income to Yandex, but if the settings are correct, then the price will change until the ad gets enough clicks, thus he will already have statistics on , and then prices will change precisely because of this value, also from the quality indicators of the keywords, the number of competitors also affects the bid and their participation in the auction.

Ready! All that remains is to send the campaign for moderation.

Creation of mobile advertisements.

In an already created campaign, you can create a new ad group with

When creating an ad group, select the “Mobile ad” type

When creating a mobile ad, keep in mind that there is only so much space on a mobile phone screen.

It is better to make the headings smaller than for the desktop version, but more catchy and specific.

The text needs to reflect only the essence with a call to action.

Phrases related to the call are best.

    After the standard campaign settings, we move on to creating ads, this is where the main difference between the campaign and a standard search campaign appears.

    Instead of collecting key phrases, you will need to specify “Data Source” here.

    It's either a website or a data feed.

    The easiest way is to add a website.

    I also strongly recommend that you enter the utm tag correctly by clicking on the “Add parameters to links” button and enter a standard utm tag there, since search phrases will be selected automatically here, it is very important to follow it.

    In other settings you need to set:

    • clarifications

    Also, in the “Targeting Conditions” settings, you can select a group of pages on which advertising will be created, or leave this function unchanged, then advertising will be created on all pages of the site.

    Here we set the click price, negative phrases, impression region and adjustments for the ad group.

    All. The campaign is ready.

    Data feed.

    For large online stores, aggregators, and sites with a large number of pages and titles, you need to create a site data feed.

    This is a file that is created based on the data of each product; it contains the name of the product, its category, price and description.

    In most CMSs, such as WordPress, Opencart, etc., there are special modules that can automatically create a data feed.

    In the future, it can be used not only in Yandex Direct, but also for placing goods in Yandex Market, as well as creating dynamic and product ads in .

    Feed example:

    < offer id = "0123456" available = "true" >

    < url >

    < price > 1620.00

    < oldprice > 1800.00

    < currencyId >RUB

    < categoryId > 19

    < picture >

    < store >false

    < pickup >true

    < delivery >false

    < name > Antivirus ESET NOD32 Platinum Edition

    < vendor >Eset

    < vendorCode >NOD32-ENA-NS(BOX)-2-1

    < description > Antivirus ESET NOD32 Platinum Edition - license for 2 years NOD32-ENA-NS(BOX)-2-1

    < sales_notes > Payment: Cash, banknote, plastic cards, credit

    < manufacturer_warranty >true

    < country_of_origin >Russia

    < age unit = "year" > 18

    To create a data feed without the proper skills, it is better to contact a web programmer.

    Campaign - Smart Banners

    Since it is in beta testing, for those who do not have agency status, but already want to use smart banners, you can contact the manager and ask for access to this type of campaign.

    Smart banners require a ready-made data feed, described above.

    Before creating smart banners, you need to go to “Feed Management” and upload a ready-made data feed

    I would also like to note that Yandex is currently testing a new version of Direct Commander, which will be an excellent replacement for the existing version.

    The Direct Commander interface is divided into 4 zones for advertising agencies and 3 zones for regular client accounts.

    There are 3 main parts here.

    The main feature of the program is the ability to work with large amounts of information at once.

    With the Find and Replace tool, you can easily change links, headlines, ad text, and more across your campaigns.

    There is also an excellent tool here: cross-minus phrases and remove duplicates. This function is needed so that general queries do not overlap with more specific ones. And also so that keywords do not conflict with each other in the same auction.

    Let's move on to perhaps the most important function of Yandex Direct Commander.

    This template takes into account the maximum length of headings and ad text, there is also a check for the correct spelling of displayed links, and there is control over the length of quick links.

    After creating a campaign template based on this template, it can be loaded using Direct Commander into the interface.

    To do this, in the part of the commander interface with the list of campaigns, you need to click on the “Import campaigns from file” or “Import campaigns from the clipboard” buttons.

    All that remains is to set the general settings for the advertising campaign, set bids and send for moderation.


    In conclusion, I would like to say that Yandex Direct is excellent for mastering contextual advertising.

    For small businesses, this is a great way to get your client here and now and start making profits from the first day of launching advertising campaigns.

    And for business giants, this is an additional flow of new clients, work on recognition, a way to offer new types of services and goods.

    Coupled with analytics systems, Yandex Direct can become an excellent tool for you to attract your audience.

Now we will talk about how to properly configure Yandex Direct yourself and without errors. Using an example, we’ll look at each option, and I’ll also show you how to create ads and run contextual advertising on the Internet. There will be 3 steps in total. But before you start, implement first.

Setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising (step 1)

Let's start with the first setup step. First we have campaign name. It doesn't affect anything. Therefore, here we set absolutely any name. For example, you can indicate the name of the product that you are going to advertise.

In the window " Client name"You can enter your first and last name. If you work as a director, you can then indicate your client’s information. Start of the campaign Let's leave it as it is. It is set automatically.

You can set a different number in case your campaign is set later. But if the date was not touched, then it’s okay. All the same, you can launch an advertising campaign when you need it.

Next we indicate the e-mail for notifications. If you don’t want to be bombarded with emails frequently, then uncheck the “Receive alerts about position changes” and “Notifications when XLS reports are ready” options.

SMS notifications can also be disabled. But here it is convenient for anyone. If you want, you can leave it. Then you will receive notifications (for example, if the account has run out of money).

But if you want to run your advertising campaigns professionally, then you won’t need this option. You won’t need it, because professional directors constantly monitor advertising campaigns. Therefore, they simply do not need all these additional notifications.

After clicking on the "Edit" button, you will have many options available to you.

In fact, there are only three main strategies for Yandex Direct impressions:

  • highest available position
  • display in a block at a minimum price
  • independent control for different types of sites

These are the three main categories. And the rest are just hybrids.

We can manually adjust them with various settings. For example, we can manually set the average price. Therefore, always pay attention only to these three main types. You can leave the rest alone.

If you are still at a loss in choosing the optimal strategy, you can select “Display in block at minimum price.” This will be the most economical option.

“Highest position available” is already suitable for more experienced advertisers. Useful when you advertise with a wider reach and a good budget.

Next comes rate adjustment. It will come in handy if you use retargeting. If you are still a beginner, then you do not need to delve into this yet. Then it doesn’t matter, you can come back here and configure it.

Next comes time targeting Yandex Direct. Here we can set on what day of the week, when and what time to show advertising, and at what time not to show it. It is also possible to completely disable certain days of the week, hours, and so on. In principle, everything here is more than clear.

However, it is worth saying that many of these settings will be unnecessary for most advertisers. Many things are regulated through a different channel.

Yandex Direct works a little differently here. If people are looking for you on the Internet, then why don't you show your online advertising. Another thing is that maybe you don't accept applications at a certain time.

For example, at night your store does not accept orders. In this case, you need to turn off ads on weekends and at night.

If your store accepts orders around the clock, then you may simply not need most of these settings. In general, what you need to set up here is not because of how active people are looking for you at a certain time. And you need to rely specifically on the operating mode of your site.

As a rule, many sites operate around the clock and on holidays. Therefore, as I said earlier, you simply won’t need many of these settings. But there are exceptions in work.

In the option " Expanded geographic targeting Yandex Direct» uncheck the box. Let this option be disabled. If it were connected, then users who typed your region in the request (for example, buy a hammer drill in Moscow) your ad was shown.

If your delivery is strictly limited to regions, then disable this option. If there are no restrictions, then we leave it turned on.

Now the option " Single display region for all ads" Here you can run advertising around the world or in a specific region. It all depends on what you are advertising and what your target audience is. Here you set a single region for the entire advertising campaign.

There is also another point.

Single address and telephone number for all advertisements You can skip it, or you can fill it in. In general, there is such a thing as conversion dispersion. When you set this setting, your address and phone number will be displayed under your ad.

You can write your address and phone number under each ad. (for example, for different branches). You can also set one for all ads.

But remember that your ad should be small. And it is desirable that it contains fewer distracting elements. Therefore, some directors specifically do not fill in the address and telephone number so that it does not appear in the ad and does not impair its effectiveness.

Unified negative keywords for all campaign phrases— you can write down negative words here. When we discuss keywords, you will understand what negative keywords are and what they are needed for.

Usually these are words like download, free, and so on. With the help of such words, we weed out the non-target audience. That is, for people who want to download for free, our ad will not be shown, since we have written such words in this option.

As a result, negative keywords are words for which our contextual advertising will not be shown. I definitely recommend writing down such disadvantages for your advertising campaigns. This way, advertising will be much more effective and will not be broadcast to the wrong audience.

The picture above shows how to add negative words in Yandex Direct.

However, such words work well in a guerrilla strategy. They may not work so well in a leader's strategy. The fact is that such negative words can also be used to sell. Even though people may initially be looking for a free product, they may end up agreeing to purchase the product.

The default is set to standard. If your spend is kept within 100% and the maximum cost per click is 100%, then in reality it can be much higher. That is, it may not be 100%, but 130%.

If we are advertising a campaign and it has high prices for clicks, then in this option we can set the cost to be kept within 10 - 20% of the total search cost, or we can adjust the maximum price from the assigned search price.

Also note that such settings on thematic ones can be adjusted using other tools. For example, we can use separate bid management and simply set specific prices for each site or for some keys. It will be much more convenient.

Option display for additional relevant phrases For beginners, I recommend turning it off. If you are more advanced, then you can work with this parameter.

In fact, this option means that Yandex will select some keywords for you (maybe good, maybe bad) and advertisements will run on them.

Site monitoring- a useful feature.

If you have Metrica counters and your site suddenly becomes unavailable (for example, problems with hosting), then Yandex Direct advertising will be suspended. This option will not work without counters. Therefore, I highly recommend installing the Metrica counter on your site and then enabling this option.

IN " Metrics counters"You need to insert the number of the counter that you installed on your website. After that, below enable the option “ Link markup for Metrica» so that you can then track clicks on advertising links.

Setting up Yandex Direct advertising (step 2)

So, we have completed the first step. Now by clicking on the “Next” button, we move on to the second step, which will involve setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising. Let's start with group names advertisements If we filled it out in the first step, then it will be filled in automatically.

In general, you can do it manually (how we do it now) or automatically through Excel tables and various parsers. I’ll tell you later how it’s done automatically. For now, for general concepts, you need to create advertising campaigns manually.

The photo will not be shown in the search. It is mainly used on sites of the Yandex advertising network. Below you can add Quick links. Again, not all directors like them.

But sometimes they can be useful.

For example, if the site has several pages, then you can provide links to different sections. This works especially well for online stores. Can also be used on regular websites. For example, you can put reviews, guarantees or examples of work in quick links.

However, again, the more additional elements in the ad, the more its conversion is dispersed. Therefore, if this is not necessary, then register additional elements (for example, Yandex Direct quick links) It's still not in the ad.

But clarifications Yandex Direct is sometimes useful to use in advertisements. We usually include the advantages of our offer in this option.

These advantages increase the effectiveness of contextual advertising. Therefore, I sometimes recommend using this option except in cases where you list the benefits in the description.

Address and telephone I recommend not filling it out. This is needed to create a virtual business card. This business card will be useful for those who do not yet have their own website. But I do not recommend running contextual advertising without a website, since the conversion here is much lower.

In the next option you can create another announcement for this group. That is, the same settings will appear, only for a new ad. This way, you can create several ads in one group. For example, one for desktop and another for mobile devices.

Below you can write keywords. When you register them, Yandex on the right will give hints.

But keep in mind that in most cases it is better not to use them. It’s just that when we select keywords, we have already decided on this and we don’t need any hints.

Below you can write negative words. I will tell you more about them in the lesson when selecting keywords. Even lower you can set audience selection conditions (retargeting). This setting is for advanced users. Therefore, I recommend that beginners not ask it for now.

Next comes the option “ Display region" As you know, we have a core region. We asked it in the first step. This main region works for the entire Yandex Direct advertising campaign. However, for an individual ad, you can change the region in this “Display Regions” option.

If you are a beginner, then the option " Bid adjustments"It's better to skip it. Tags You can also skip it at first. They are needed to track links. We'll talk about this later, but for now you can simply skip this option.

How to set up Yandex Direct (step 3)

So, we have completed the second configuration step. Click on the “Next” button and move on to the final third step of the question of how to set up Yandex Direct. Here we set a cost per click. On the left, the system shows what our ad will look like.

On the right we see prices.

Please note one important thing. Yandex itself operates on the principle of an auction. This means that you don’t have to put the price he offers you. You can set any price.

This is an important point that many people miss. They think that the system has set such a price and if they set another price, everything will be bad. But in reality this is an auction. They show you, as it were, the boundaries of the range. For example, if you are shown more than 9.30, then you will definitely get into guaranteed impressions.

But this does not mean that if you set, for example, 5, then your advertisement will not be broadcast. It will be displayed, but at the same time it will hang below competitors. In general, remember that here you can set any price per click on Yandex Direct.

That is, first you need to set some small starting price. Then in the process you track the return and see whether that price is appropriate or not.

If it does, then you can increase the price or leave it the same. If you have poor returns from online advertising, you can lower your prices.

Final campaign setup in Yandex Direct

Now the final setup of the campaign in Yandex Direct. We click the “Next” button and we are offered to send an advertising campaign to or add a few more ads. Please note that you cannot use site monitoring until you install a metric on the site.

To add more ads, just click on the “Add ad group” button. When you have added and configured everything, click on “Submit for moderation”.

You can also return to the list of campaigns. You can create multiple advertising campaigns in one account. For example, three campaigns for three regions.

The My Campaigns tab will show all your advertising campaigns. You can delete them, replenish your budget, or change the parameters of the campaign itself.

You can also stop certain campaigns. You can also change keywords and ad text. To do this, click on the desired campaign and select “Edit group” on the left.

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