Gallstone disease - diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Special diet for the treatment of gallstone disease without surgery Gallstone disease causes

Today's topic: “Cholelithiasis, treatment with folk remedies” How to relieve attacks of biliary colic? How to help yourself at home? Is it possible to dissolve stones? Now you will find out everything. Go!

Peter is a real gem! During his service, he silently endured both a bullet in the shoulder and a sharpening in the side. But when he retired, he became rich and lazy. When the pain took hold, he didn’t understand what was wrong with him, he was ready to climb the wall, roll on the floor. This has never happened before! It's a shame that it was not a gangster's bullet that defeated him, but an insidious biliary colic...
Hello friends!
Let's talk about what it is - cholelithiasis treatment with folk remedies. Trouble can come to anyone. It’s better to know and prevent than to suffer later.

What do you feel?

An insidious illness often creeps up unnoticed, silent until it attacks you. But now, you lose your appetite, you are bothered by vague pains on the right side under the ribs, digestive disorders, and bloating.

In the mirror you see that the skin has turned yellow and the eyes have acquired a shade of amber. Sometimes there is a bitter taste in the mouth. Please note that it gets worse after fatty and spicy foods. If you have such symptoms, it’s time to run to the doctor for a diagnosis.

The most dangerous manifestation of the disease is an attack of biliary colic, from blockage of the bile duct with a stone:

  1. there are sharp, unbearable pains in the abdomen on the right;
  1. radiates to the shoulder and back, often to the heart, creating an appearance (Botkin’s symptom);
  1. the temperature rises;
  1. nausea, vomiting that does not bring relief;
  1. increased sweating;
  1. the next day you will probably be all yellow.

The attack can be relieved with antispasmodics; they are administered intravenously in the hospital, along with painkillers and antibiotics. But this is not a cure, but a temporary relief. We'll talk about treatment below.

Gallstone disease, treatment with folk remedies. How now to get rid of the misfortune?

The most unpleasant property of stones is that if they are present, sooner or later you will still end up on the operating table. You need to fight them at the initial stage, or even better, prevent them at all, without excess weight and the like. And of course, folk recipes will come to the rescue to help get rid of problems.

Our natural doctors will improve the flow of bile, help liquefy it, dissolve small stones, relieve inflammation and spasms. They can help. But God forbid - listen to the advice of grandmothers and aunties on how to remove stones, such as: “after drinking a glass of lemon juice and two glasses of sunflower oil, lie down on a heating pad.”

If you have small sand - it’s not scary, but if the pebbles are larger than a couple of millimeters - severe biliary colic up to the rupture of the bladder, an emergency operating table and cholecystectomy provided for you. It is better to act gradually and gently.

At home, you can make mixtures from mint, chicory, dill seeds, parsley roots and marshmallow. Corn silk is very useful. They stimulate bile secretion, liquefy it and help restore gallbladder motility. They can be bought at a pharmacy, along with instructions for use.

In addition to them, fennel, thyme, lemon balm, yarrow mixtures with chamomile and buckthorn bark will help improve your condition.
Tansy flowers should be used with caution. They are not recommended if stones are already present, as they have a strong choleretic effect.

Gallstone disease, treatment with folk remedies. Hurry up slowly

In the old days, our healers valued slow action, so that all processes occurred gradually and gently. Ancestors recommended beetroot decoction.
All herbs and herbs are used in long courses, 2-3 months, with breaks and repetitions. Of course, under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication, as I already said, threatens with troubles that can surpass the disease itself.

Couldn't prevent it - I'll have to cut it

Conservative treatment risks that the bladder may rupture due to the large number of stones. The outflow of bile is closed, the pressure inside increases - the walls cannot stand it. Imagine what will happen if concentrated bile spills throughout the abdominal cavity!

In most cases, if a diagnosis of calculous cholecystitis is made, surgery cannot be avoided. But it gives almost one hundred percent complete cure.

They operate either:

  • classical method cholecystectomy(scar on the belly up to 12 cm);
  • by laparoscopy (from 1 to 4 small incisions).

In the second case, the surgeon inserts tubes into the abdominal cavity through holes, compresses the vessels and duct of the gallbladder with titanium clips, separates the unnecessary with a laser scalpel, places it in a special container and removes it through an incision at the navel. The wounds heal quickly, and after four to five days you can go home.

Medicine treats chronic calculous cholecystitis conservatively only if the stones are cholesterol (that is, soluble), if there are few of them and they are no more than two centimeters in diameter.

Their composition can be determined by x-ray (unlike pigment stones, they do not transmit radiation), and by special bile samples. They are dissolved by bile acids, for example ursodeoxycholic.
The process of stone dissolution lasts from one and a half to two years, and they almost always form again if left untreated.

Gallstone disease, treatment with folk remedies. Why is it important to eat right?

General recommendation for everyone: you need to eat small meals, often, and not take long breaks.
Stones form in us from a violation of the exchange of bilirubin and cholesterol. If the bladder contracts poorly, stretches, or no one needs its contents for a long time, it thickens and the process of crystallization begins. In women after forty, the disease develops more often than in men. Mostly adults get sick.
Contributes to the development of the disease:

  1. elderly age;
  1. obesity, overeating, refined carbohydrates;
  1. passive lifestyle;
  1. excess ;
  1. rapid weight loss, hunger;
  1. diabetes;
  1. heredity;
  1. pregnancy;
  1. some medications.

For cholelithiasis without exacerbation, diet No. 5 is prescribed, excluding fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods, chocolate, soda, seasonings and alcoholic drinks. But the main thing is to understand that if we initially move a lot and give up bad habits, no stones will grow.

Add water and mode

So, prevention is better than cure.
Treatment with mineral water for cholelithiasis has been used for a long time. You can use hydrocarbonate, sodium sulfate water, and in particular, “Narzan”. It’s better to go to the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk for it. If there is a tendency to stagnation of bile, mineral water can bring significant relief. I hope the topic: “Cholelithiasis, treatment with folk remedies” has been fully understood.

That's all for today.
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Heaviness and pain that periodically occur in the right hypochondrium, the presence of a bitter aftertaste are the first signs of problems in the body. Unfortunately, people simply ignore them, attributing unpleasant manifestations to low-quality food. Over time, the intensity of the pain increases. Hepatic colic may occur. And only on an ultrasound does a person hear a disappointing diagnosis - cholelithiasis. Symptoms that clearly indicated the development of the disease were not taken into account in a timely manner. It's a pity. Indeed, quite often this disease becomes a threat to human life.

Causes of the disease

It is known that the liver constantly produces bile. The latter promotes the digestion process. However, the need for bile arises only during meals. The rest of the time, this component needs to be preserved. For this purpose, the body has a special reservoir - the gallbladder. When eating, the walls of this sac contract, and the necessary substance enters the duodenum through the ducts. Stagnant processes contribute to the formation of stones.

Among the causes of the disease, doctors put poor nutrition in first place. That is why one of the important preventive measures is diet when it comes to a disease such as cholelithiasis.

The development of the disease can also be triggered by hereditary factors and physical inactivity. Inactivity leads to stagnation. The function of the bladder is reduced, as a result of which it is not completely emptied. The remaining bile loses moisture and becomes viscous and thick. As a result, stones begin to form from it.

A fairly common cause of the disease is pregnancy (due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body).

Today, doctors identify several main factors that provoke the formation of stones:

  • pregnancy;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • irregular meals;
  • excessive weight;
  • typhoid fever;
  • hereditary metabolic disorder;
  • history of salmonellosis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • fatty foods in the diet;
  • previous malaria;
  • diabetes.

Symptoms of the disease

If a patient is diagnosed with cholelithiasis, the symptoms are usually the following:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • heartburn;
  • yellowing of eyes, skin.

If you have these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not take your gallbladder lightly. Failures in the functioning of the latter seriously affect health. Scientists say that “bad” cholesterol settles in only two places in the human body. These are bile ducts and vessels. Thus, if the bladder is removed, the patient’s risk of developing atherosclerosis increases.

Quite often, there are no clinical signs of the development of the disease. People don't even realize they have stones. And only based on the results of the ultrasound, a diagnosis of “cholelithiasis” is made, the symptoms of which were not observed at all. Only some patients noticed belching after eating. Sometimes patients experience slight nausea and bloating. Unfortunately, few people think about what the data indicate (it is worth noting that they can be characteristic not only of such an ailment as cholelithiasis) symptoms. A dairy-vegetable diet completely eliminates the above-described manifestations.

Biliary colic

The stones may not bother you at all for a long time, being in a motionless state. If they move from their place and enter the ducts, they provoke an acute attack. It is called biliary colic. Often such manifestations occur in waves. The patient's normal condition deteriorates sharply. This makes itself felt by cholelithiasis. An attack of colic is localized in the right hypochondrium. It is accompanied by severe pain, stabbing and tearing. The patient experiences extreme pain. The pain is so intense that some even scream. It is worth noting that unpleasant sensations can radiate to the shoulder blade, neck, collarbone, and shoulder. There are cases when the pain spreads to the heart area. Quite often, such manifestations are mistaken for angina pectoris.

Seizures can occur for no reason. But most often their appearance is provoked by spicy fatty foods, alcohol, stress, and physical activity.

Diagnosis of the disease

Today medicine offers many different ways to detect illness. An experienced gastroenterologist can identify the patient’s problems even during an examination. The best diagnostic methods are cholecystography and ultrasound examination (US). They make it possible to determine the presence of stones and establish characteristic changes in the bubble.

The doctor usually recommends donating blood and urine for analysis. And after a thorough examination, the gastroenterologist selects treatment if a diagnosis of gallstone disease is made. Sometimes duodenal intubation is additionally performed.

Don't self-diagnose! A large number of diseases have fairly similar symptoms. Therefore, the fight against any ailment should begin with a visit to the doctor.

It is worth noting that there is a fairly effective treatment with folk remedies, if cholelithiasis is not advanced. Official medicine also recommends no less effective methods of combating the disease. But any chosen method must be discussed with your doctor.

First aid during an attack

There are many methods to relieve acute biliary colic. The main thing is to use them skillfully. After all, it is necessary to alleviate the suffering that gallstone disease causes. Treatment should not have undesirable consequences.

The choice of drugs and methods of their use depends on the intensity of the attack. The pain syndrome is perfectly relieved by intramuscular injection of Platifillin. In addition to antispasmodic, it has a vasodilating and sedative effect. However, contraindications should be strictly taken into account. Solutions such as Dibazol or Papaverine can have an equally effective effect.

During an acute attack, the following drugs are quite effective: “No-shpa”, “Eufillin”. Moreover, the latter is strictly prohibited in case of a heart attack and a number of other ailments.

Antispasmodics must be combined with painkillers. Baralgin is considered one of the best drugs. In case of severe vomiting, Cerucal is included in the treatment complex. This drug can relieve nausea of ​​various types.

However, all of the above measures are aimed at relieving the attack, and not at combating the disease. Therefore, more serious tasks lie ahead - to protect the patient from recurrence of biliary colic, to protect the body from the formation of new stones. Of course, only the attending physician can suggest the most effective measures. It should be understood that if cholelithiasis is advanced, surgery (laparoscopy is a modern, less traumatic method) is the best solution.

Surgical intervention

Unfortunately, in some cases gallstone disease cannot be treated with therapeutic treatment. Surgery to remove the bladder in such cases is the only recommendation from doctors.

Modern medicine offers two methods of surgical intervention:

  • open cholecystectomy;
  • laparoscopy.

Gallstone disease, for which surgery is recommended, should not cause a feeling of fear. As a rule, surgical intervention is performed at a fairly high level. Therefore, you should not delay the unpleasant process, aggravating it with unnecessary complications.

During the operation, the gallbladder is removed. Open cholecystectomy involves a large incision in the peritoneum. This method is considered old. Previously, surgery was performed only in this way (if gallstone disease forced it).

Laparoscopy is a new method of intervention. It allows you to make several small incisions into which instruments are inserted. Special optics make it possible to observe actions in the peritoneum. An experienced surgeon can quickly and easily remove a damaged organ. This method is recognized as the most gentle.

However, there are situations when laparoscopy is not possible. Then they resort to open cholecystectomy. Such cases include the following:

  • acute cholecystitis progressing over 48 hours;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute peritonitis;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • the presence of operations in the peritoneum;
  • late pregnancy;
  • obesity (grade 4);
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gallbladder infiltration (inflammatory compaction in the area of ​​the bladder neck);
  • cardiopulmonary problems;
  • intrahepatic location of the bladder (the organ is practically “hidden” in the liver).

However, the method of performing the operation is determined solely by the doctor. The most important thing is not to delay the treatment process, even if the method of struggle is so radical.


If gallstones are small, a liver cleanse is an excellent option to get rid of the problem. It is important to understand that any methods can not only help, but also aggravate the disease. That is why immediately visit your doctor and discuss with him what measures your gallstone disease requires. Treatment with folk remedies is possible only after agreement with the doctor.

Basic methods:

  1. Bath. If the patient is diagnosed with cholelithiasis, traditional treatment offers a simple method. A visit to the bathhouse relieves pain and stones.
  2. Beet syrup. It is necessary to peel several root vegetables, cut them into pieces and cook for a very long time. The broth in the pan should thicken and resemble syrup in consistency. This drink should be taken before meals, ¼ glass.
  3. Cabbage brine. This is another fairly effective method. It is necessary to drink sauerkraut brine daily. The drink should also be taken before meals. The dose can vary from 0.5 to 1 glass. To obtain a positive effect, treatment is recommended to be carried out for 1.5-2 months.
  4. Wormwood and horsetail. To prepare the decoction you will need equal portions of horsetail and wormwood. This mixture will require one teaspoon (with the top). One cup of water is needed. A decoction should be prepared from these components. Drink one cup in the morning and evening.
  5. Immortelle. The following decoction has long been popular among people for the treatment of an unpleasant illness. One tablespoon of dried immortelle flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water. The prepared mixture is simmered in a water bath for half an hour. Add water to the cooled, strained broth to one full glass. It is recommended to take 0.5 cups twice a day. For effective treatment, drink the decoction half an hour before eating.
  6. Watermelon rinds. Many products have amazing properties. Watermelon rinds are an excellent folk remedy. They need to be cut into small pieces and dried thoroughly in the oven. Next, the ingredient should be crushed and water added to it. Proportion - 1:1. This composition should be boiled over low heat for half an hour. The chilled drink should be taken 1-2 glasses before meals. You can repeat the reception during the day from 3 to 5 times.

It is very important to see your doctor during treatment. After all, only he can conclude at what stage your gallstone disease is. Folk remedies, like any other methods, should be used only under supervision. This will allow the doctor to adjust the treatment in a timely manner.

Diet food

Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor will recommend appropriate nutrition. As a rule, it is prescribed to people who have been diagnosed with cholelithiasis, diet No. 5 or No. 5a. This diet helps get rid of inflammatory processes and also helps cleanse the body.

  • The frequency of meals should be 5-6 times a day. With this regimen, bile is released evenly into each serving of food. As a result, it does not stagnate in the bubble. And, of course, this contributes to regular cleansing of the gallbladder.
  • Overeating should be completely avoided. Often it is large portions that provoke an attack.
  • The diet should contain a normal portion of proteins. At the same time, the amount of fats and refined carbohydrates is reduced. This is especially true for sugar.
  • It is necessary to exclude foods high in cholesterol from the menu. These include kidneys, liver, brains, caviar, egg yolk, heart. It should be remembered that cholesterol in combination with certain components can crystallize. This leads to the growth of stones.
  • Having excluded some foods from your menu, you need to understand that the body must receive all the necessary vitamins. For example, when refusing eggs, which are a source of vitamin A, you should give preference to other products that are a storehouse of this substance. This could be carrots, sorrel, apricots, tomatoes.
  • It is necessary to minimize the consumption of animal products. Plant foods, on the contrary, should be consumed in larger quantities.
  • Fish is recommended instead of meat.
  • Vegetables and fruits are very valuable and simply necessary components of the diet. They provide the body with fiber, which perfectly removes cholesterol.
  • The diet should be rich in legumes and oatmeal.
  • You should completely avoid canned, smoked and fried foods. It is necessary to exclude brines. It is not recommended to use spices.
  • It has been noticed that a diet high in garlic has a positive effect on the body when diagnosed with cholelithiasis. In any form, this product helps eliminate cholesterol and prevents the formation of stones.
  • You should definitely give up alcohol and exclude coffee. Strong tea does no less harm.

Sample menu

Breakfast 1. Cheese pudding - 150 g (no sugar). Buckwheat porridge - 150 g (seasoned exclusively with vegetable oil - 10 g). A glass of tea with added milk.

Breakfast 2. One apple.

Dinner. Vegetarian borscht - 400 g. Boiled meat combined with milk sauce - 60 g. Stewed carrots - 150 g. Fruit compote.

Afternoon snack. Rosehip decoction.

Dinner. Boiled fish with milk sauce - 80 g. Vegetable stew - 200 g. Tea - a glass.

For the night. One glass of kefir.

You are allowed to allow yourself 300 g of white bread and no more than 30 g of sugar during the day. It is recommended to consume no more than 10 g of butter. It is very important to constantly drink mineral water. Just remember that the liquid must be without gas.


Gallstone disease, the symptoms of which are not always pronounced, sometimes does not bother a person at all. And, unfortunately, the disease can be diagnosed to a fairly advanced extent. Therefore, the best solution is preventive measures - a balanced diet, normalization of weight, sufficient fluid intake. Regular medical examination is equally important. Take care of your health!

Gallstone disease (GSD) is a pathological process accompanied by the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

The second name of the disease is calculous cholecystitis. Since cholelithiasis affects the organ of the digestive tract (gallbladder), its treatment is usually carried out.

Features of gallstones

Stones are the main manifestation of gallstone disease. They are made up of calcium, cholesterol and bilirubin, and can come in different sizes. If the size is small, we are talking about the so-called “sand” in the gallbladder, but if the formations are large, they are considered full-fledged stones (calculi).

Such formations may increase in size over time. So, from a small grain of sand a stone of 1 cm or more in size can emerge. The concretion can have different shapes - from round or oval to polyhedron outlines. The same applies to the density of stones. There are quite strong stones, but there are also very fragile ones that can crumble from one touch.

The surface of the stone can be smooth, spiky or porous (in cracks). These features are characteristic of all stones, regardless of their location. However, stones are often found in the gallbladder. This anomaly is called cholelithiasis, or gallbladder calculosis. Less commonly, stones are detected in the bile ducts. This disease is called choledocholithiasis.

Gallstones in the gallbladder can be either single or multiple. There can be dozens, and even hundreds of them. However, it should be remembered that the presence of even one stone can cause serious harm to health. Moreover, dangerous complications often result from small rather than large gallstones.

Causes of stone formation

If for some reason the quantitative balance of the components that make up bile is disturbed, the formation of solid structures - flakes - occurs. As they grow, they merge to form stones. Often the disease develops under the influence of the accumulation of excessively large amounts of cholesterol in the bile. In this case, bile is called lithogenic.

Hypercholesterolemia can result from:

  • obesity;
  • abuse of fatty foods containing large amounts;
  • reducing the amount of specific acids entering the bile;
  • reducing the amount of phospholipids that prevent hardening and sedimentation and cholesterol;
  • stagnation of bile.

Bile stasis can be mechanical or functional. If we are talking about the mechanical nature of this deviation, then factors such as:

  • tumors;
  • adhesions;
  • kinks of the gallbladder;
  • enlargement of neighboring organs or lymph nodes;
  • scar formation;
  • inflammatory processes accompanied by swelling of the organ wall;
  • stricture

Functional failures are associated with impaired motility of the gallbladder itself. In particular, they occur in patients with hypokinetic. In addition, the development of cholelithiasis can be a consequence of disorders in the biliary system, infectious and allergic diseases, pathologies of an autoimmune nature, etc.


Gallstone disease is divided into several stages:

  1. Physicochemical or pre-stone. This is the initial stage of the development of cholelithiasis. During its course, gradual changes occur in the composition of bile. There are no special clinical manifestations at this stage. The initial stage of cholelithiasis can be detected by conducting a biochemical study of the composition of bile.
  2. The phase of latent (hidden) stone bearing. At this stage, stones in the gallbladder or its ducts are just beginning to form. The clinical picture is also not typical for this phase of the pathological process. It is possible to identify gallstone neoplasms only during instrumental diagnostic procedures.
  3. The stage when the symptoms of the disease begin to appear brighter and more severe. In this case, we can talk about the development of acute calculous cholecystitis, or state the fact of its transition to a chronic form.

In some sources you can see a four-stage gradation of gallstone disease. The last, fourth, phase of the disease is characterized as such, during which concomitant complications of the pathological process develop.

Types of gallstones

Stones localized in the gall bladder may have a different chemical composition. According to this criterion, they are usually divided into:

  1. Cholesterol. Cholesterol is one of the components of bile, but if there is an excess of it, stones can form. This substance enters the human body along with food and is evenly distributed throughout its cells, contributing to its full functioning. If there is a disruption in the absorption of cholesterol, it begins to accumulate in the bile, forming stones. Cholesterol stones are round or oval in shape and can reach 1 to 1.5 centimeters in diameter. Their location is often the bottom of the gallbladder.
  2. Bilirubin. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of hemoglobin. Stones that form when there is an excess of it in the body are also called pigment stones. Bilirubin stones are smaller in size than cholesterol stones, but there may be more of them in number. Moreover, they affect not only the bottom of the gallbladder, but can also be localized in the biliary tract.

Gallstones can have varying degrees of calcium saturation. It determines how clearly the tumor can be seen on the screen of an ultrasound machine or on an x-ray. In addition, the choice of therapeutic technique also depends on the degree of calcium saturation of the stones. If the stone is calcified, it will be much more difficult to treat it with medications.

Depending on the size, gallstones are:

  1. Small. The size of such neoplasms does not exceed 3 cm in diameter. With single stones localized in the bottom of the gallbladder, the patient does not exhibit any specific clinical symptoms.
  2. Large. These are called stones whose diameter exceeds 3 cm. They interfere with the normal outflow of bile and can cause attacks of biliary colic or other unpleasant symptoms.

Not only the types, but also the size of stones can affect the choice of therapeutic tactics for cholelithiasis. Large stones, as a rule, are not subject to drug dissolution. They are also not crushed using ultrasound, since such a therapeutic approach is unlikely to give the expected results.

In this case, cholecystectomy is performed - an operation to remove the gallbladder along with the stones located in it. If the stones are small, more gentle treatment methods are considered.

In some cases, doctors' attention may also be focused on the location of the tumors. Stones located in the bottom of the gallbladder rarely bother the patient, since they are not characterized by any clinical picture.

If stones are localized in close proximity to the neck of the diseased organ, this can cause obstruction of the bile duct. In this case, the patient will be disturbed by unpleasant symptoms, manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium and disruption of the digestive process.

Symptoms and signs of gallstone disease

Gallstone disease is a pathological process that can be completely asymptomatic for a long time. This is especially true for the initial stages of the disease, when the stones are still too small and therefore do not clog the bile ducts or injure the wall of the bladder.

The patient may not realize the presence of the disease for a long time, that is, he may be a latent stone carrier. When the neoplasms reach quite large sizes, the first alarming signs of a pathological process in the gallbladder appear. They can manifest themselves in different ways.

The first symptoms of cholelithiasis, which occur even before the onset of pain in the right hypochondrium, include:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • slight yellowing of the skin (obstructive jaundice).

This clinical picture occurs due to a disruption in the process of bile outflow. Under the influence of such a malfunction, deviations in the functioning of the digestive tract occur.

The most common symptoms and signs of cholelithiasis include:

  1. , which signal the development of biliary colic. The duration of the attack can last from 10 minutes to several hours, and the pain can be acute, unbearable, and radiate to the right shoulder, other parts of the abdomen or back. If the attack does not go away within 5-6 hours, the patient may develop serious complications.
  2. An increase in body temperature, indicating the development of an acute disease, which is a frequent companion to cholelithiasis. Intense inflammation of the gallbladder leads to the active release of toxic substances into the blood. If there are frequent attacks of pain after biliary colic, and they are accompanied by fever, this indicates the development of acute cholecystitis. If the rise in temperature is temporary, and the thermometer reaches 38 ° C, this may indicate the occurrence of cholangitis. But, nevertheless, temperature is not a mandatory sign of cholelithiasis.
  3. Development of jaundice. This anomaly occurs due to prolonged stagnation processes due to impaired bile outflow. First of all, the eye sclera turns yellow, and only then the skin. In people with fair skin, this symptom is more noticeable than in dark-skinned patients. Often, along with yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, patients’ urine also changes color. It acquires a dark shade, which is associated with the release of a large amount of bilirubin by the kidneys. With calculous cholecystitis, jaundice is only an indirect, but not obligatory symptom. In addition, it can be a consequence of other diseases - cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.
  4. An acute response of the body to the intake of fats. Under the influence of bile, lipids are broken down and absorbed into the blood. If, with cholelithiasis, stones are located near the cervix or bile duct, they simply block the path of bile. As a result, it cannot circulate normally in the intestines. This anomaly causes diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, and dull pain in the abdominal area. But these symptoms are not specific manifestations of cholelithiasis, since they occur in most gastrointestinal diseases. Intolerance to fatty foods can occur at different stages of gallstone disease development. However, even a large calculus, if it is located at the bottom of the diseased organ, is not an obstacle to the outflow of bile. Consequently, fatty foods will be digested and absorbed quite normally.

If we talk about the general symptoms of cholelithiasis, it can be quite varied. Abdominal pain of varying intensity and nature, indigestion, nausea, and sometimes with bouts of vomiting are possible. But since the clinical picture of the disease is typical for many gastrointestinal pathologies, experienced doctors always prescribe an ultrasound of the gallbladder to understand the cause of the patient’s ailment.


If symptoms characteristic of biliary colic occur, you should immediately consult a specialist. First of all, a physical examination and history taking are carried out, based on finding out exactly what symptoms the patient is suffering from.

When palpating the abdomen, tension and soreness of the skin in the muscles of the abdominal wall in the immediate vicinity of the diseased gallbladder are noted. In addition, the doctor notes that the patient has yellowish spots on the skin, which arise as a result of lipid metabolism disorders, yellowing of the eye sclera and skin.

But a physical examination is not the main diagnostic procedure. This is a preliminary examination that gives the doctor a basis for referring the patient for certain tests. In particular:

  1. . If there is an inflammatory process in the gallbladder, the test results will show a moderate increase in ESR and pronounced leukocytosis.
  2. . When deciphering the data, the doctor notes increased levels of cholesterol and bilirubin against the background of abnormal alkaline phosphatase activity.
  3. Cholecystography. This diagnostic technique helps to study the condition of the gallbladder as accurately as possible. During the procedure, an enlargement of the organ and the appearance of calcareous inclusions on its walls are revealed. Using cholecystography, calcareous stones located inside the diseased organ are detected.
  4. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is the most informative diagnostic technique for suspected development of gallstone disease. In addition to identifying neoplasms, specialists note deformation of the gallbladder wall. Negative changes in the motility of the diseased organ are also recorded. Signs characteristic of cholecystitis are also clearly visible on ultrasound.

A thorough study of the condition of the gallbladder is also possible using an MRI or CT scan. An equally informative diagnostic technique, during which disturbances in the circulation of bile are detected, is scintigraphy. The method of retrograde endoscopic cholangiopancreatography is also widely used.


The formation of stones in the gallbladder is fraught not only with impaired motility of the diseased organ. GSD can have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of other organs, especially those that are in close proximity to the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the edges of the stones can injure the walls of the bladder, causing the development of inflammatory processes in them. In especially severe cases, neoplasms clog the entrance and exit of the bile, thereby complicating the outflow of bile. With such deviations, stagnant processes begin to occur, leading to the development of inflammation. This process can take from several hours to several days, but sooner or later it will definitely make itself felt. The extent of the lesion and the intensity of the pathological phenomenon may vary.

So, it is possible that a slight swelling of the gallbladder wall may form, or its destruction. The consequence of this dangerous process is rupture of the diseased organ. Such a complication of cholelithiasis directly threatens the patient’s life.

The spread of the inflammatory process to the abdominal organs is fraught with the development of peritonitis. A complication of this condition can be infectious-toxic shock or multiple organ failure. During its development, serious disruptions occur in the functioning of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels and even the brain.

If inflammation is too intense and pathogens release excessive amounts of toxins into the blood, ITS may appear immediately. Under such circumstances, even immediate resuscitation measures do not guarantee that the patient will recover from a dangerous condition and prevent death.

Treatment of cholelithiasis

Treatment of pathology can be conservative and surgical. As a rule, therapeutic techniques are used to begin with. These include:

  1. Dissolution of gallstones using special medications. In particular, chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acid. This technique is effective only for single cholesterol stones. If the patient has no contraindications, such therapy is prescribed for a course of one and a half years.
  2. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a conservative method of treating cholelithiasis, which involves the use of a shock wave, which leads to the destruction of gallstones. This wave is created using special medical devices. This treatment of cholelithiasis is carried out only for cholesterol stones of small sizes (up to 3 cm). The procedure causes virtually no pain and is quite easily tolerated by patients. Pieces of stones are eliminated from the body during bowel movements.
  3. Diet. This is one of the foundations for successful recovery and relief from unpleasant symptoms. Throughout the course of diet therapy, it is necessary to follow the rules of fractional nutrition. Food should be taken 4-6 times a day in small portions. Fatty, spicy, fried, spicy foods, smoked foods, pickles, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, and chocolate must be excluded from the diet. The patient should avoid fatty meats and spicy seasonings. A healthy diet for cholelithiasis is based on the consumption of dairy products and products of plant origin. It is imperative to add wheat bran to the menu.

Particularly popular today is the surgical treatment of cholelithiasis – cholecystectomy. It is carried out in 2 ways:

  • classic;
  • laparoscopic.

Only a surgeon can determine what type of operation is appropriate to perform in each individual case. Cholecystectomy is mandatory if:

  1. Numerous neoplasms in the gallbladder. In this case, the exact number and size of the stones do not play any role. If they occupy at least 33% of the area of ​​the diseased organ, cholecystectomy is mandatory. It is not possible to crush or dissolve such a quantity of stones.
  2. Frequent attacks of biliary colic. Pain with this deviation can be quite intense and frequent. They are relieved with the help of antispasmodic drugs, but sometimes such treatment does not bring relief. In this case, doctors resort to surgical intervention, regardless of the number of stones and their diameter.
  3. Presence of stones in the bile ducts. Obstruction of the biliary tract poses a serious threat to the patient’s health and significantly worsens his well-being. The outflow of bile is disrupted, the pain syndrome becomes more intense and obstructive jaundice develops. In such a situation, surgery cannot be avoided.
  4. Biliary pancreatitis. – an inflammatory process that develops and occurs in the tissues of the pancreas. The pancreas and gallbladder are connected by one bile duct, so a disruption in the functioning of one organ entails negative changes in the functioning of the other. In some cases, calculous cholecystitis leads to disruption of the outflow of pancreatic juice. Destruction of organ tissue can lead to serious complications and directly threatens the patient’s life. The problem must be solved exclusively surgically.

Mandatory surgery is also necessary for:

  1. Peritonitis. Inflammation of the abdominal organs and the tissues of the peritoneum itself is a dangerous condition that can lead to death. The pathological process can develop when the gallbladder ruptures and bile infected with pathogenic microorganisms enters the abdominal cavity. In this case, the operation is aimed not only at removing the affected organ, but also at thoroughly disinfecting adjacent organs. Delay in surgery can be fatal.
  2. Stricture of the bile ducts. The narrowing of the canal is called a stricture. An intense inflammatory process can lead to such disorders. They lead to stagnation of bile and its accumulation in the liver tissue, although the gallbladder can be removed. During surgery, the surgeon's efforts are aimed at eliminating strictures. The narrowed area can be expanded, or the doctor can create a bypass for the bile, through which it is discharged directly into the rectum. It is impossible to normalize the situation without surgical intervention.
  3. Accumulation of purulent contents. When a bacterial infection attaches to the tissues of the gallbladder, pus accumulates in them. A collection of pus inside the gallbladder itself is called an empyema. If the pathological contents collect outside of it, without affecting the organs of the abdominal cavity, then we are talking about the development of a paravesical abscess. Such anomalies lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition. During the operation, the gallbladder is removed and the abscess is emptied, followed by careful treatment with antiseptics to prevent peritonitis.
  4. Biliary fistulas are pathological openings localized between the gallbladder (less commonly, its ducts) and adjacent hollow organs. For such a deviation, any specific clinical picture is not typical, but it can significantly disrupt the outflow of bile, leading to its stagnation. In addition, they can cause the development of other diseases and digestive disorders. During the operation, pathological holes are closed, which helps prevent unwanted complications.

In addition to the stage of the pathology, the size and composition of the stones, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases play a large role in the choice of therapeutic technique. In case of intolerance to pharmacological agents, drug treatment of cholelithiasis is contraindicated for the patient. In this case, the only correct way out of this situation will be surgery.

But for older people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or other organs, surgical intervention can only cause harm. In this case, doctors try to avoid such treatment tactics.

As you can see, the choice of treatment method for cholelithiasis depends on many factors. Only the attending physician can say for sure whether there is a need for surgery after carrying out all the necessary diagnostic measures.

Diet for gallstone disease

Meals for cholelithiasis should be fractional. Food should be taken in small portions 4-6 times a day. The food temperature should not be less than 15 or more than 62 degrees Celsius. Prohibited products for cholelithiasis include:

  • alcohol;
  • legumes in any form;
  • fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • roast;
  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • fatty fish and meats;
  • caviar;
  • sweets;
  • canned food;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • hot fresh bread, toast, croutons;
  • spices, seasonings;
  • marinade;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate products;
  • cocoa;
  • strong black tea;
  • hard or salty cheese.
  • dried bread made from grade 2 flour;
  • low-fat cheeses;
  • boiled, steamed or baked vegetables;
  • finely shredded white cabbage (in limited quantities);
  • baked or boiled lean meat;
  • different types of cereals;
  • noodles and pasta (within reasonable limits);
  • jams and preserves;
  • sweet fruits and berries;
  • weak tea;
  • sweet homemade juices;
  • moussam;
  • dried fruit compote;
  • butter, which must be added to various dishes in an amount of no more than 30 g per day;
  • low-fat varieties of fish (pike perch, pike, hake, etc.);
  • whole milk. It can be consumed either in its pure form or used to prepare porridges.

Low-fat cottage cheese and natural low-fat yoghurts are also allowed (preferably homemade).

Prognosis and prevention for cholelithiasis

To prevent the development of gallstone disease, it is necessary, if possible, to avoid factors that can cause the development of hypercholesterolemia and bilirubinemia. It is also important to exclude stagnation in the gallbladder and its ducts. This is facilitated by:

  • balanced and nutritious nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • careful monitoring of body weight, and, if necessary, its adjustment;
  • timely detection and complete cure of diseases of the biliary system.

Especially close attention to bile circulation and cholesterol levels should be paid to people who have a genetic predisposition to gallstone disease.

If we talk about the prevention of biliary colic when the disease is detected, then patients need to follow a strict diet. They must carefully monitor their weight and drink enough fluid (1.5 - 2 liters per day). To avoid the risk of stones moving through the bile ducts, patients should avoid performing work that requires prolonged exposure to an inclined position.

The prognosis for the development of gallstone disease is different for all patients, since it directly depends on the rate of formation of stones, their size and mobility. In most cases, the presence of stones in the gallbladder leads to a number of unfavorable and severe complications. But if surgical intervention is performed in a timely manner, the dangerous consequences of the disease can be completely prevented!

Gallstone disease, which is also commonly defined as cholelithiasis or cholelithiasis, is a disease in which stones form in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Gallstone disease, the symptoms of which are observed in patients, as shown by the results of medical practice, is ineffective in treatment using conservative therapy and various types of techniques, therefore the only way to cure the disease is surgical intervention.

general description

Gallstone disease is a fairly common diagnosis, and the peculiarity is that susceptibility to it, as well as the causes that provoke its development, are quite difficult to track. The fact is that in most people, cholelithiasis occurs latently, that is, in a latent form without any special manifestations. In the structure of various diseases to which the digestive organs are susceptible, cholelithiasis occupies a significant place precisely because of its prevalence.

Industrialized countries have statistics on this matter of about 15% incidence, and it can be noted that the prevalence directly depends on the age and gender of the patients. In particular, men suffer from this disease half as often as women. Every fifth of women aged 40 years or more experiences cholelithiasis, while men of the same age experience it in every tenth case. Up to 50 years of age, cholelithiasis is observed in about 11%, from 50 to 69 – up to 23%, from 70 years and more – up to 50%.

Let us dwell directly on the features of the course of the disease. The movement of bile along the biliary tract occurs due to the coordination of the functions of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, bile duct and duodenum. Due to this, in turn, bile enters the intestines in a timely manner during the digestion process; in addition, it accumulates in the gallbladder. When bile stagnates and its composition changes, the process of stone formation begins, which is also facilitated by inflammatory processes in combination with motor-tonic disorders of bile secretion (that is, dyskinesia).

There are gallstones cholesterol (the vast majority, about 90% of the variants of gallstones), as well as stones pigment And mixed . Thus, due to the oversaturation of bile with cholesterol, the formation of cholesterol stones, its precipitation, and the formation of crystals occur. A disruption in the gallbladder of the motility leads to the fact that these crystals are not removed into the intestines, which ultimately leads to their gradual growth. Pigment stones (they are also called bilirubin stones) are formed during increased decay, which occurs with actual hemolytic anemia. As for mixed stones, they are a unique combination based on the processes of both forms. Such stones contain cholesterol, bilirubin and calcium; the process of their formation itself occurs as a result of inflammatory diseases affecting the bile ducts and, in fact, the gallbladder.

As for the reasons that contribute to the formation of gallstones, the following are among them:

  • unbalanced diet (in particular, if we are talking about the predominance of animal fats in it with simultaneous damage to vegetable fats);
  • hormonal disorders (with weakening of the functions inherent in the thyroid gland);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • disorders associated with fat metabolism, which intersect with weight gain;
  • inflammation and other types of abnormalities that occur in the gallbladder;
  • various types of liver damage;
  • spinal injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • starvation;
  • heredity;
  • spinal injuries;
  • diseases of the small intestine, etc.

The factors that provoke the development of the disease we are considering are the following:

  • helminthiases;
  • (arising from alcohol consumption);
  • biliary tract infections (chronic);
  • chronic hemolysis;
  • demographic aspects (relevance of the disease for residents of rural areas, as well as the Far East);
  • elderly age.

Gallstone disease: classification

Based on the characteristics of the disease accepted today, the following classification is distinguished in accordance with the stages relevant to it:

  • physico-chemical (initial) stage – or, as it is also called, the pre-stone stage. It is characterized by changes occurring in the composition of bile. There are no special clinical manifestations at this stage; detection of the disease at the initial stage is possible, for which a biochemical analysis of bile is used to determine the characteristics of its composition;
  • formation of stones – stage, which is also defined as latent stone carriage. In this case, there are no symptoms of gallstone disease, but the use of instrumental diagnostic methods makes it possible to determine the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • clinical manifestations - a stage whose symptoms indicate the development of an acute or chronic form of calculosis.

In some cases, a fourth stage is also distinguished, which consists of the development of complications associated with the disease.

Gallstone disease: symptoms

Manifestations characteristic of cholelithiasis are determined based on the specific location and size of the stones formed. Based on the degree of severity relevant to inflammatory processes, as well as on the basis of functional disorders, the severity of the manifestations of the disease, as well as the features of its course, are subject to change.

With cholelithiasis, a particularly pronounced pain symptom (bilious or) is noted - this is an acute pain that suddenly occurs in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. It can be piercing or cutting in nature. After a few hours, the final concentration of pain is concentrated within the projection of the gallbladder. It is also possible for pain to radiate to the right shoulder, neck, right shoulder blade or back. In some cases, the pain radiates to the heart, which provokes the appearance.

Pain mainly occurs due to the consumption of spicy, fatty, fried or spicy foods and alcohol, against the background of severe stress or significant physical activity. Also, prolonged stay in an inclined position during work can provoke pain. The pain syndrome is caused by a spasm that forms in the area of ​​the muscles and ducts of the gallbladder, which is a reflex response to the irritation experienced by the wall due to the stones.

In addition, the cause of spasm is overstretching of the bladder, formed by excess bile, which occurs as a result of obstruction (blockage) that occurs in the biliary tract. Globally, in the presence of blockage in the bile duct, the characteristic manifestations are dilation of the bile ducts of the liver, as well as an increase in the volume of the organ, resulting in a corresponding pain reaction of the pain capsule. The pain in this case is constant, often in the right hypochondrium there is a characteristic feeling of heaviness.

Nausea is also identified as accompanying symptoms, which may be accompanied in some cases by vomiting without proper relief after it. It is noteworthy that vomiting is also a reflex response to irritation. In this case, the capture of pancreatic tissue by the inflammatory process is a factor leading to increased vomiting, which in this case is indomitable and is accompanied by the release of bile with vomit.

Based on the severity of intoxication, an elevated temperature may be observed, fluctuating in subfebrile levels, but in some cases reaching severe fever. Blockage of the bile duct by a stone in combination with sphincter obstruction leads to discoloration of stool and jaundice.

Late diagnosis of the disease often indicates the presence of empyema (accumulation of pus) in the wall of the gallbladder, which arose due to the closure of the bile ducts by a calculus. Vesicoduodenal fistulas and biliary fistulas may also develop.

Diagnosis of cholelithiasis

Identification of symptoms characteristic of hepatic colic requires consultation with a specialist. The physical examination carried out by him means identifying symptoms characteristic of the presence of stones in the gallbladder (Murphy, Ortner, Zakharyin). In addition, a certain tension and soreness of the skin is detected in the area of ​​the abdominal wall muscles within the projection of the gallbladder. The presence of xanthomas (yellow spots on the skin formed against the background of a disorder in the body's lipid metabolism) is also noted, and yellowness of the skin and sclera is noted.

The results of the test determine the presence of signs indicating nonspecific inflammation at the stage of clinical exacerbation, which in particular consist of a moderate increase and leukocytosis. When hypercholesterolemia is determined, as well as hyperbilirubinemia and increased activity characteristic of alkaline phosphatase.

Cholecystography, used as a method for diagnosing cholelithiasis, determines the enlargement of the gallbladder, as well as the presence of calcareous inclusions in the walls. In addition, in this case, the stones with lime inside are clearly visible.

The most informative method, which is also the most common in the study of the area of ​​interest to us and for the disease in particular, is. When examining the abdominal cavity in this case, accuracy is ensured regarding the identification of the presence of certain echo-proof formations in the form of stones in combination with pathological deformations to which the walls of the bladder are exposed during the disease, as well as with changes that are relevant in its motility. Signs indicating cholecystitis are also clearly visible on ultrasound.

Visualization of the gallbladder and ducts can also be performed using MRI and CT techniques for this purpose in specifically indicated areas. Scintigraphy, as well as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, can be used as an informative method indicating disturbances in the processes of bile circulation.

Treatment of cholelithiasis

Patients diagnosed with cholelithiasis are prescribed a general hygienic regime, balanced nutrition, as well as systematic exercise in dosed volumes. Diet No. 5 is also indicated when certain foods are excluded (fats in particular). It is recommended to eat food “by the hour”. In general, the absence of complications often excludes the use of specific treatment - in this case, first of all, the emphasis is on wait-and-see tactics.

With the development of acute or chronic forms of calculous cholecystitis, removal of the gallbladder is required, which in this case causes the process of stone formation. The specifics of the surgical intervention are determined based on the general condition of the body and the changes accompanying the pathological process, concentrated in the area of ​​the walls of the bladder and the tissues surrounding it; the size of the stones is also taken into account.

If symptoms relevant to cholelithiasis occur, you should contact a gastroenterologist; in addition, a consultation with a surgeon may be prescribed.

A common pathology characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts is called. The formation of stones can be caused by the deposition of bile pigments, cholesterol, calcium salts, as well as lipid metabolism disorders. The disease is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, biliary colic, and jaundice.

According to statistics, the disease occurs in approximately 13% of the adult population of the planet. The disease can develop in both men and women, but among representatives of the fair half of society it occurs twice as often.

The leading cause of pathology is the formation of stones due to lipid metabolism disorders. In addition, the occurrence of the disease may be due to:

  • unbalanced diet, abuse of fatty foods;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • anomalies that occur in the gallbladder;
  • various liver lesions;
  • spinal injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • fasting;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the small intestine.

Women are more susceptible to the disease. This is explained by the use of contraceptives, pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, the disease is more often diagnosed in older people. The highest incidence is observed among the Japanese and Indians.

Symptoms of the disease

There are stones made from cholesterol, bile pigments and mixed ones.

  • An increase in unconjugated bilirubin is the cause of the formation of stones from bile pigments. They contain calcium salts and bilirubin.
  • As for pigmented stones, they are small in size, often up to 10 mm and black or grayish in color.
  • The composition of cholesterol stones: insoluble cholesterol and various impurities. There are both single and multiple. They are black or grey.
  • Mixed stones are most common. They contain: cholesterol, calcium salts and bilirubin. They are yellowish-brown and always multiple.

Symptoms of the pathology do not appear immediately in more than 60% of cases. Gallstone disease can be asymptomatic for several years.

Gallstones are usually detected accidentally during an ultrasound examination. Symptoms can only appear if stones move through the cystic canal, which provokes blockage and the development of an inflammatory process.

Signs to watch out for

Since the pathology practically does not manifest itself over a long period, it is important to respond in a timely manner to signs that may indicate the presence of stones in the gallbladder. Often, we don’t particularly react to the appearance of heaviness in the stomach; we attribute it to a heavy dinner. Do not underestimate this sensation, as it can signal urolithiasis.

In addition, the first manifestations of pathology include: discomfort and pain after a meal, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, yellowness of the sclera and skin.

A lot of time passes from the moment stones begin to form until the first manifestations of pathology. According to some studies, the average duration of the asymptomatic course of the disease is ten years. If there is a predisposition to stone formation, this period may be reduced to several years.

For some, the formation of stones, on the contrary, is very slow - they grow throughout life and this does not manifest itself at all. Such stones are often discovered after death.

It is difficult for pathologists to establish an accurate diagnosis based on the first manifestations. The appearance of nausea, vomiting and stool disturbances may accompany other gastrointestinal ailments. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is prescribed. It is with its help that one can detect both an increase in the size of the gall bladder and the presence of stones in its cavity.


There are several stages of cholelithiasis: the stage of disturbance of the physicochemical properties of bile, latent or hidden, and the stage of the appearance of symptoms of the disease.

The first stage practically does not manifest itself at all. The diagnosis is established only by examining bile. Crystals or “snowflakes” of cholesterol are found in it. When conducting a biochemical analysis, an increase in cholesterol content and a decrease in the concentration of bile acids are observed.

The second stage also does not manifest itself in any way. But at this stage there are already stones in the gallbladder. The diagnosis can be made using ultrasound. Symptoms, in particular biliary colic, appear only at the last stage. At this stage, there are complaints of severe, paroxysmal or acute pain. The duration of the painful syndrome is from two to six hours. The attack usually occurs in the evening.

The patient complains of pain in the right hypochondrium, spreading to the right cervical region. Often, pain occurs after eating fatty, spicy foods, as well as after physical activity.

The appearance of pain can also be caused by the consumption of carbonated drinks, eggs, cream, alcoholic drinks, and cakes. In addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, there may be complaints of increased temperature, chills, and increased sweating.

Ignoring the symptoms of gallstone disease is fraught with the development of the last stage or stage of complications.

What are the complications of gallstone disease? Lack of therapy is fraught with the development of serious diseases: acute cholecystitis, hydrocele of the gallbladder, perforation or rupture of the gallbladder, liver abscess, gallbladder cancer, empyema, reactive hepatitis, acute cholangitis, biliary fistulas, paravesical abscess, cicatricial strictures, secondary biliary cirrhosis.

Help with an attack of biliary colic

If severe pain appears in the right hypochondrium, chills, fever, subtle bloating and arrhythmia, measures must be taken. The attack itself lasts, as a rule, half an hour, after which the pain becomes aching. After about three hours, the pain goes away.

The occurrence of an attack is provoked by stones that move along the bile ducts into the intestines. It is the size of the stones that determines the intensity of the pain.

Often, to relieve pain, the administration of M-anticholinergic blockers (help eliminate spasms) is prescribed - Atropine 0.1% - 1 ml IM or Platifillin 2% - 1 ml IM.

If anticholinergic drugs are ineffective, antispasmodics are used. In this case, intramuscular administration of Papaverine 2% - 2 ml or Drotaverine (No-shpy) 2% - 2 ml is prescribed.

Baralgin or Pentalgin 5 ml IM is prescribed as a pain reliever. If the pain is severe and cannot be relieved by anything, use Promedol 2% - 1 ml.

How to diagnose cholelithiasis?

In order to identify pathology, in addition to questioning, examination, palpation of the abdomen and blood sampling for general and biochemical blood tests, the following is prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • radiography;
  • cholecystography;
  • computed tomography;
  • endoscopic cholangiopancreatography.

Features of treatment

Treatment of pathology involves preventing the movement of stones, litholytic therapy (crushing stones), as well as normalizing metabolic processes. The main direction of treatment for the asymptomatic stage of the disease is diet.

What should the diet be like? You need to eat food in small portions, at least five times a day. The temperature of cold dishes is 15 degrees (not lower), and hot dishes are not higher than 62 degrees Celsius.

Patients are prohibited from consuming: alcoholic beverages, legumes, fatty and spicy foods, dairy products (cream, full-fat milk, sour cream), fatty meats and fish, canned food, mushrooms, freshly baked bread, spices, coffee, chocolate, strong tea.

It is allowed to eat low-fat cheeses, dried bread, baked vegetables (potatoes, carrots), fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, green onions, parsley), lean meats (veal, rabbit, beef, chicken) stewed or boiled, cereals , noodles, sweet ripe berries and fruits, compotes, low-fat yoghurts and low-sour cottage cheese.

Drug dissolution of stones

Drug therapy for the disease is effective in the following cases: if the stones consist of cholesterol, if they do not exceed five millimeters, if the patient is not obese and the age of the stones does not exceed three years. In order to dissolve the stones, the use of Ursofalk or Ursosan is prescribed - 8-13 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. The average duration of a therapeutic course is a year.

Surgery for gallstone disease

The operation is performed if the stones are large and also in cases where drug therapy has not brought positive results. The main types of cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder) include:

  • standard cholecystectomy;
  • laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

The first method has been used for a long time. It is based on abdominal surgery (with an open abdominal cavity). However, recently it has been used less and less. This is due to frequent postoperative complications.

The laparoscopic technique is based on the use of a special device – a laparoscope. This method is much more effective than the first. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy does not require large incisions. In addition, small scars remain after the operation. Another advantage of such an operation is the rapid restoration of performance. And most importantly, complications after surgery are rare.

Useful information in the article "."

How to carry out prevention?

In order to prevent the development of this pathology, it is recommended to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, eat right, play sports, and stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

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