3 disease health group. Health groups for adults and children

Surely many of us have heard the phrase: “Your child has health group 3, - or, - this person has group 2.” However, few people thought about what kind of group this was and what it meant.

What it is?

What is meant by the term health group?

Health group is a conditional term, a set of various indicators of the internal environment of the body, which allows one to judge the state of its health and timely predict and take appropriate measures to provide the necessary medical care.

It is determined as a result of undergoing routine medical examinations. In children, the local pediatrician is responsible for determining it; in adults, the therapist is responsible.

The decision is made purely by the doctor as a result of analyzing the frequency of seeking medical help, based on the presence of concomitant diseases and the severity of the condition.

Over time, the body’s condition may change, which requires an annual examination to clarify the group.

Children have 5 health groups, while adults have 3 health groups. On what basis can one determine how healthy a child is, and what criteria should be taken into account?

Health criteria

The group is determined according to the criteria approved by the World Health Organization.

Medical health groups are determined by the following criteria:

The health group is determined based on all of the above characteristics. Usually, the totality of the data obtained is used to determine it, but the degree itself is assigned according to the most severe pathology. For example, a child may be healthy in all respects, but after suffering a trauma, he has significant deviations in the state of the nervous system. As a result of this, he will be assigned to the fifth group.

First group

This health group is usually assigned to children who do not have any health problems, without congenital defects or developmental defects. Such children have physical and spiritual health and development appropriate for their age. It is given to children up to 17 years of age inclusive (after this, the state of the health group is characterized according to the criteria inherent in an adult).

Such children undergo medical examinations on time and in full in accordance with regulatory documents.

In adults, the first group is assigned to people who, as a result of a comprehensive medical examination, have not identified any health pathologies and have no chronic diseases. Such people do not need dispensary observation. In addition, these people do not have risk factors, or their influence is extremely insignificant.

Second group

Health group 2 in children is the most common. This includes, as in the first group, healthy children, but with a risk of developing chronic diseases. Conventionally, for young children, this group is divided into subcategories “A” and “B”.

Children of subcategory “A” are characterized by the presence of a burdened biological history (chronic diseases in parents with a high risk of inheritance), social (dysfunctional family), but according to all other criteria they are no different from healthy children.

Subgroup B is characterized by the presence of “risk”: frequently ill children, children with anomalies or deviations in physiological development.

Health group 2 in adults is manifested by a high total risk of developing cardiovascular disease, accompanied by the presence of risk factors and relatively positive examination results (not a single chronic disease has been identified).

Third group

It unites children who have a documented presence of chronic pathology in the compensation stage (rare exacerbations, a mild course of the disease at the time of exacerbation, fairly rapid development of remission, the presence of functional abnormalities in only one organ system).

In addition, this group also includes those children who have some physical disabilities or impairments resulting from operations or injuries suffered, as a result of which the child has some difficulty in activities, but does not limit their learning or daily activities.

In adults, the definition of the third health group usually means that there are prerequisites or reliable data on the presence of a chronic process, associated risk factors that cause the development of pathology and significantly affect life activity, as well as a significant risk of developing severe concomitant diseases. Persons in this group are subject to dispensary observation and require specialized medical care.

Fourth health group

It is given to children who have severe chronic pathology or a congenital anatomical defect that is in the stage of subcompensation (i.e., the affected organ or their system can affect other organ systems). Characterized by frequent exacerbations of the underlying disease, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being in the acute period and the preservation of such in the period of remission for a long time. It is also important to have limitations in learning and work (differing from the third degree in difficulties in everyday life rather than learning), as well as in self-care.

Such children need supportive therapy and almost constant monitoring from relatives. With timely measures taken to eliminate deficiencies, it is possible to improve the condition and transfer the child to group 3 or group 2.

If the condition worsens, the child is transferred to group 5.

Disability group

This is the name given to the fifth, most severe health group in children. Its characteristic features are the presence of a severe chronic disease in a state of decompensation, rare periods of remission and fairly frequent exacerbations. Periods of deterioration are quite difficult, which significantly affects the child’s condition.

These children have significant impairments in their ability to work and live, which requires constant monitoring of their condition by a guardian and treatment for a long time, which often does not bring results.

The transition from the fifth health group of children to others is quite rare (only as a result of operations with a favorable outcome).

This group includes children with disabilities. Training and restoration of their social function takes place in specialized institutions.

Behavior with representatives of different categories

Groups 1-3 of children's health practically do not require outside intervention, in addition to taking the indicated medications or procedures for the underlying disease. Such people and children can take care of themselves. In addition, they have not lost their ability to cognition and learning, which also contributes to their speedy recovery, rehabilitation and transition from the current group to the first.

As for the representatives of the fourth and fifth groups, here everything is much more complicated. These children need patronage from medical workers, constant care and assistance in learning.

Special rehabilitation groups are also organized for children who have health groups 4 or 5. Classes are structured in such a way that children communicate with other suffering children and perform exercises that help improve their condition. The trust that develops between the doctor and patients is also important.

Adult health groups

Group I- citizens who have not been diagnosed with chronic non-infectious diseases (pathological conditions), which are the main cause of disability and premature mortality; there are no risk factors for the specified chronic non-communicable diseases or there are the specified risk factors with a low or average total cardiovascular risk, and which do not require clinical observation for other diseases (conditions).

Such citizens are provided with a brief preventive consultation, correction of risk factors by a general practitioner, a doctor (paramedic) of a department (office) of medical prevention or a health center.

Group II- citizens who have not identified chronic non-communicable diseases (pathological conditions), which are the main cause of disability and premature mortality, have risk factors for these chronic non-communicable diseases and a high or very high total cardiovascular risk, who do not require dispensary observation for other diseases (conditions).

Such citizens undergo correction of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases in the department (office) of medical prevention or health center; if necessary, the prescription of medications for medical use for the purpose of pharmacological correction of risk factors is carried out by a general practitioner. Subject to dispensary observation by a doctor (paramedic) in the department (office) of medical prevention.

III group- citizens with diseases that require dispensary observation or specialized, including high-tech medical care, as well as citizens with suspected diseases that require additional examination (Upon completion of the examination, the citizen’s health group may change).

Such citizens are subject to dispensary observation by a general practitioner and other medical specialists with the implementation of therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive measures. Citizens who have risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases are corrected in a medical prevention department (office) or a health center.

Children's health groups

Group I- healthy children, physically and mentally developing normally, without functional abnormalities. Children in this group may rarely get sick during the observation period, but at the time of the examination they should be healthy, the body's resistance should be high. In fact, the first health group includes absolutely healthy children, but children with this health group are very rare, literally a few. Over my years of practice, I have only exhibited this health group a couple of times.

Group II- healthy children, but with functional and some morphological abnormalities, with reduced resistance to diseases. Such children should not have chronic diseases, but can suffer acute diseases more than 4 times a year.

The second group has several subgroups, and the entire group includes healthy children, but with some nuances. Group “A” includes healthy babies, but either there is a family history, or the mother’s pregnancy and childbirth were complicated. Group “B” includes children who are often ill, with some functional abnormalities with a possible risk of developing chronic diseases.

The remaining groups include sick children with diseases of varying severity. Such children must undergo medical examination by specific specialists. Special health and treatment programs are being developed for them. So the third group includes children with developmental defects in the compensation stage, if the defects are in the subcompensation stage, then such children already belong to the fourth health group, and the decompensation stage is the fifth health group.

III group- children with chronic diseases in a state of compensation (that is, in a state without exacerbation, not manifesting themselves in any way). This group unites children with congenital pathology or chronic diseases, in which there may be rare and mild exacerbations of the underlying disease. The body's resistance in such children is somewhat reduced. Such diseases for which group 3 will be placed include chronic gastritis or duodenitis, HDP, chronic bronchitis, pyelonephritis, anemia, obesity, stuttering, flat feet and adenoids.

IV group- children with chronic diseases in a state of subcompensation. This group includes children with congenital pathologies or chronic diseases in which, after an exacerbation of the underlying disease, their general condition and well-being are impaired for a long time. The body's resistance in children is sharply reduced. These are epilepsy, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, progressive scoliosis.

Group V- children with chronic diseases in a state of decompensation. These are children with severe disabilities who cannot walk, cancer patients and other serious conditions. Children in this group have severe developmental defects or chronic diseases with significantly reduced functionality. Such children usually do not attend general child and adolescent institutions and often have disabilities.

Hello, friends! What are children's health groups for physical education? If you ask this question to parents of schoolchildren, as well as future first-graders, there will not be many clear, clear answers.

On the one hand, this is good! This means that everything is fine with the children’s health, and the question is simply not relevant. But on the other hand, no one is immune from various health problems. And then parents risk being completely unprepared for problems with physical education.

But problems appear, as evidenced by the huge number of messages and questions on this topic on various Internet forums. Therefore, I propose to deal with this right now.

Let's immediately understand that a health group and a medical health group for physical education are two different things.

Lesson plan:

Child health groups

In accordance with Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1346 n, the health of children is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • chronic diseases (whether they exist or not);
  • state of the body systems (respiratory, excretory, endocrine, etc.);
  • the body's resistance to external influences (cold, heat, irritants, etc.);
  • physical development.

First, the doctor assesses the child's health condition. And then assigns him to one of five groups.


The child is healthy.

Physical development is within the age norm. There are no physical disabilities.


These are kids:

  • who do not have chronic diseases, but have any functional disorders (an internal organ does not function correctly, and the causes of these disorders lie outside this organ);

  • those recovering from moderate and severe illnesses;

  • with delayed physical development (short stature, increased or decreased body weight, etc.);

  • often suffering from acute respiratory infections;

  • who have physical disabilities resulting from injuries or operations, but all organs and systems of the body function normally.


These are kids:

  • with chronic diseases. But these diseases are in remission (disappearance of disease symptoms) with rare exacerbations, in which the functions of organs and systems of the body are preserved or compensated;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injury or surgery. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are compensated. They are not limited in their ability to study and work.


These are kids:

  • suffering from chronic diseases. Active phase. Exacerbations are frequent. The functions of organs and systems of the body are preserved or compensated or not fully compensated;

  • with chronic diseases that are in remission, but with such dysfunction of organs and body systems that require maintenance treatment;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations in which the functions of the organs and systems of the body are not fully compensated. Opportunities for training and work are limited.


These are kids:

  • with chronic diseases. The form is heavy. Remissions are rare, exacerbations are frequent. Presence of complications. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are not compensated. Requires ongoing treatment.

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations, with impaired functions of organs and body systems. Significantly limited opportunities for training and work.

Physical education groups

When a student goes to first grade, his medical record goes to school with him. It must indicate the physical education group. There are three of them: basic, preparatory, special.


Children with the first and partly with the second group of health, physically and psychologically strong and developed, without diseases. Or having minor deviations in which physical activity is not prohibited, for example, slight excess weight, or minor allergic reactions.

They study according to the main program, pass the exam, and can participate in various competitions and all kinds of sporting events.


Children with the second health group. They have a delay in physical development and therefore cannot study as intensively as their healthy colleagues, although they go to lessons with the class.

The teacher’s task is to select special sets of exercises that will not harm health. He selects them in accordance with the instructions, in which the attending physician must indicate what exactly the schoolchild should not do (somersault, swim, bend over, jump, etc.)

The certificate must also indicate the deadline for the transfer. After the certificate expires, the student automatically gets into the main group.

In order to subject such schoolchildren to tests in physical education, it is necessary to obtain a doctor’s permission. His permission will also be required in order to involve a student in participation in mass sports events.


In order to transfer a student to a special group, the opinion of one attending physician is not enough. In this case, a commission (KEC) is assembled. The certificate is issued for a certain period.

The special group is divided into two more.

Special "A"

Children with the third health group. Those who have significant restrictions on physical activity. They cannot study with the class. For such children, schools should conduct separate physical education lessons and develop special programs. And classes should be taught by teachers or instructors who have undergone special training.

Such children are not allowed to attend sports clubs, participate in competitions and public sports events.

Special "B"

This includes children partially with the third and fourth health groups. They are allowed to attend theory classes at school. But the health risks of physical activity are so great that they don’t do physical education at school. That is, in essence, this is an exemption from school physical education lessons.

But no one is going to leave them completely without physical activity. They are recommended to engage in physical therapy exercises at medical institutions and physical education clinics, under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor. As well as additional classes at home using a specially designed set of exercises.

Well, children with the fifth health group are most often in medical institutions and for them the opportunity to engage in exercise therapy is extremely individual.

How are they graded?

Also an interesting question. Everything is clear, if a student is in the main group, then he is, and on the basis of this he is given one grade or another.

And if in preparatory or special education, what then? After all, he cannot pass the standards like his completely healthy classmates. In this case, the teacher focuses on class attendance, quality of exercises, as well as theoretical knowledge. Textbooks on physical education, it turns out, exist.

The teacher may also ask you to prepare a project on some sports topic or healthy lifestyle, an essay, report or presentation. But the student cannot remain without a grade in physical education.

Well, that seems to be all, friends. Have questions? Ask them in the comments. We'll definitely figure it out together.

I wonder how you felt about physical education lessons when you were at school?

To be honest, I didn’t really like appearing on them. I had enough workload without them, since I was intensely involved in volleyball. And I was very glad when my teacher, Alexander Vasilyevich, allowed me not to come and automatically gave me five marks. But because I would have passed everything with straight A’s anyway.

And even now, it seems to me, children don’t have the best attitude towards physical education. They consider it some kind of secondary subject. But in vain! Sports are cool! It's nice to have a flexible, slender and strong body that you can easily control. Do you agree?

And these guys in the video definitely had no problems with physical education at school)

I wish your little schoolchildren good health and excellent sporting achievements!

All the best!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

Physical education is a compulsory subject in the school curriculum. Parents, as a rule, have no doubts about the need for this item. After all, children who sit at their desks all day can do with a little movement.

Physical education is a set of physical exercises that promote the healthy development of a child. Sports activities are beneficial for most children, but some schoolchildren (for health reasons) are prohibited from intense physical activity. That is why all children who are preparing to go to school must undergo a full medical examination. Based on the results of this examination, a record appears in the future student’s medical record indicating that he belongs to a specific medical group for physical education.

Any medical health group requires periodic confirmation. Some parents confuse the concepts of “physical therapy” and “health groups.” They don't quite understand what their differences are. Therefore, we decided to bring some clarity to this issue. Physical therapy classes can only be conducted by a physical therapy doctor, and a physical education lesson with students from special groups is conducted by a school teacher who has previously undergone the necessary training. During his preparation, he studies health-improving techniques and learns how to create individual sports programs for children suffering from certain diseases. Training takes place in specialized exercise therapy centers.

Classification of medical health groups for children by physical education - table

How are health groups classified by physical education?

Health group Characteristics of the group
Main A group for physically healthy children who do not have any disabilities and students with some functional impairments. However, according to doctors, these violations cannot lead to any consequences. Upon examination, the child had no delays in physical development.

The main group involves classes according to the regular program. Students pass norms and tests of individual physical training, can study in sections, and take part in competitions.

Additional These groups engage in:

— weakened children;

— students who are at risk for morbidity;

- children with chronic diseases, but these diseases are in the stage of long-term remission.

The additional group involves strict dosing of any physical activity, as well as the complete exclusion of certain movements. For example, sharp bends, jumps.

Schoolchildren enrolled in the additional group program cannot take part in sports competitions or take physical fitness standards and tests.

Special A, B Group “A” programs include:

- children with congenital defects;

— with a history of chronic diseases;

- with obvious impairments of physical development.

Schoolchildren whose medical records include this group can engage in physical education only under special health programs. Programs are developed individually. As a rule, such programs prohibit or limit strength and speed exercises, but allow mild outdoor games, daily walks, and adaptive physical education classes. In most schools, students with this health group study separately from the class. Teachers must undergo special training at exercise therapy centers.

In subgroup “B” students study:

— with chronic diseases in the acute phase;

- with congenital defects at the acute stage.

Children belonging to this group engage only in physical therapy under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor. The sets of exercises are selected by the doctor.

In order to transfer a child to group “B”, you need to go through the KEK commission and receive the appropriate certificate. This document is issued for a period determined by the commission.
The certificate is an exemption from physical education at school.

How to determine what health group a child has in physical education?

Criteria for evaluation:

  • The presence of functional disorders.
  • Chronic diseases. Current stage of disease development.
  • The state of the basic systems of the child's body.
  • Coherence of the immune system.
  • Harmonious development of the child in accordance with his age.

The health group is determined at the medical institution.

  1. To determine a comprehensive assessment, the child must undergo examination by all “narrow” specialists. Some children are additionally prescribed a consultation with an allergist. For example, if a child has a history of diagnosis of “Dermatitis”.
  2. Then, you need to undergo research and pass all the tests prescribed for the child by specialists. Only after this can you contact your local doctor. As a rule, future students undergo medical examination in kindergarten, where the appropriate group is determined for them. For older students, the group is determined based on the results of a medical examination, which they must undergo annually.

Sometimes inexperienced doctors play it safe and write on the certificate a group that does not correspond to the child’s health condition. A seemingly insignificant mistake often becomes an insurmountable obstacle to admission to prestigious schools. Therefore, the table below will help parents make sure the doctor’s decision is correct. In case of disagreement, parents can always challenge the results by seeking advice from the head physician of the medical institution.

If during the medical examination none of the “narrow” specialists noted any deviations in the child’s development, then the main group should be indicated on the certificate.

Diseases in the child and health group

Disease Health group for physical education
Colds more than four times a year. The recovery process is too long (more than a month).
Diagnosed in history “”, overweight, blood test showed anemia, tuberculin test is positive (Mantoux reaction, Pirquet test). The second group is additional.
The ophthalmologist determined myopia . Additional group.
Chronic diseases who are in a stage of long-term remission. Additional group.
Chr. diseases in the compensation stage and congenital malformations. Special Group "A"
Chr. acute diseases, congenital defects in the subcompensation stage . Special group "B"

Basic health group in physical education - dos and don'ts

The students belonging to the main group are healthy and do not have any deviations in physical development. They study according to the regular school curriculum, can attend any sections, pass standards, and take part in sports competitions.

Additional health group for physical education at school

This group allows you to do physical education at school with the whole class. However, the intensity of exercise in this group differs. The teacher selects special sets of sports exercises in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. All restrictions are indicated in the student’s medical record.

For example, one child is not allowed to go to the pool, another is not allowed to tumble or bend over sharply, and a third is not recommended to jump or run long distances. The certificate indicates its validity period. After which, the child is transferred to the main group. To participate in competitions and to pass GTO standards, a doctor’s permission is required.

Special group “A” and “B” for physical education At school

  1. Physical education lessons for students from group “A” are held separately from the whole class.
  2. Classes with them are held according to specially developed individual programs. However, they are given the opportunity, together with the class, to attend theoretical classes in physical education, make reports and write abstracts.
  3. Special groups involve classes with trained physical education teachers who have been trained in exercise therapy centers.
  4. A set of exercises for children is developed strictly in accordance with medical recommendations.
  5. All exercises are done on special mats.
  6. Students may not participate in sporting events, but are encouraged to attend as fans.
  7. They cannot participate in sports clubs.

Features of children's classes in special group "B" in physical education:

  1. Students whose certificate indicates group “B” are completely exempt from physical education lessons at school; they study only in medical institutions.
  2. Classes are held according to individual programs and under the strict supervision of a physical therapy doctor.
  3. Such students are allowed to attend only theoretical classes on this subject, held within the school walls.
  4. The physical therapy doctor develops the set of exercises they need. These exercises can also be done at home.
  5. The exercise therapy doctor consults parents and gives them the necessary recommendations.


Many parents are concerned about the question: “How will physical education grades be given to children who are forced to study in an additional or special group?” No questions arise with students from the main group. After all, they receive marks based on the results of passing the standards. Many parents do not even realize that physical education textbooks exist today. Such textbooks had not been published before. Most often, when giving grades, teachers ask children from the additional and special groups to write an essay, make a report, or give a presentation on healthy lifestyles. In addition, the physical teacher, when assessing a student, is guided by his attendance at theoretical classes. A student cannot remain without a grade in this subject.

And all we can do is wish your children health and excellent sports results.

After examining the child with a pediatrician, the doctor can make a note about his state of health. Based on this information, the degree of permissible loads during training is determined.

Quite often, parents do not know what health group 2 means in a child, or by what criteria it is determined. Let’s look into the reasons for the appearance of such a mark so that you don’t worry in vain.

Health assessment criteria

Each baby must develop fully, for which experts examine his health. With the help of periodic diagnostics, it is possible to determine the onset of the disease in time and prevent it from flowing into the chronic stage. Based on all the checks, the pediatrician makes a note, thanks to which the baby can be taken under special observation. The main evaluation parameters include the following criteria:

  • whether there are developmental anomalies;
  • physical development, its degree;
  • level of development of the nervous and mental system;
  • disease resistance;
  • general analysis of internal systems and functions;
  • heredity and chronic diseases.

According to statistics, only 10% of children in Russia are enrolled in the first health group. In addition, on one of the women’s forums, a young mother told how she asked the doctor why her daughter was given the second group. The pediatrician replied that everyone is diagnosed with this now - it’s better to be safe than sorry.

How group type is determined

Factors predicting the second and lower group after birth.

There are three groups of factors by which you can first determine the health groups of newborns: biological, genetic, social.

Biological factors include the following deviations during pregnancy:

  • incorrect location in the womb;
  • pathologies of the placenta;
  • deviations in the timing of childbirth;
  • unnatural birth;
  • long stay in the womb after the waters have broken and others.

Separately, genetic problems are highlighted that can be passed on from generation to generation.

A number of experts place them in the forefront of the primary causes of disease.

Genetic factors include the presence of relatives with diseases transmitted through generations:

  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • heart diseases and others.

Social factors include the following negative phenomena among parents of newborn children:

  • alcoholism;
  • their smoking;
  • chronic diseases of the mother;
  • sexual infections;
  • long-term work in hazardous enterprises;
  • untimely pregnancy;
  • threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • non-compliance with the regimen prescribed by the doctor during pregnancy.

There are a number of absolute criteria by which a child will be assigned one or another health group.

Factors due to which they will most likely be classified in the second group.

These include both features of intrauterine development and individual pathological conditions.

Based on the following conclusions, the pediatrician is obliged to make a note about the second health group:

  • multiple pregnancy in mother;
  • early or late birth;
  • damage to the nervous system in the womb;
  • fetal infection;
  • deviations in body weight from the recommended value after birth;
  • all stages of manifestation of rickets;
  • hereditary anomalies;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, murmurs, stable low or high blood pressure);
  • visual disability;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • more than four cases of acute respiratory disease per year;
  • poor appetite, abdominal cramps;
  • Mantoux test is positive;
  • during the period after recovery from Botkin’s disease, pneumonia and other acute diseases;
  • during the period after undergoing emergency surgery.

Basically, the second health group includes children who may develop chronic diseases.

Subgroups "A" and "B"

The youngest children from the second group are divided into several subgroups.

2-A - is established for children who live in unsatisfactory conditions for their development or have poor heredity.

2-B - this subgroup includes everyone who deviates slightly from the recommended vital signs, a frequently ill infant.

At primary school age, their condition may not improve before being transferred to the first group. Then, based on an examination by specialists, a medical report is made on assignment to the main or preparatory group for physical activity.

The main group consists of children with diseases that do not affect the ability to walk. It also includes children with slight deviations in weight, skin allergies or minor damage to the functioning of internal organs.

The special preparatory group (SPG) consists of children who are developmentally delayed due to poor health and children immediately after an acute illness or its progression to the chronic stage. Classes in such a group can help normalize the conditions of schoolchildren. A program with fewer loads and reduced standards has been developed for them. If a child from such a group gets tired during classes, he will be seated to rest with understanding.

Health review

If you need information that your child has health group 2, you can find it from the nurse at the children's clinic; this is not a medical secret. You will have to get a certificate to enroll him in a special physical education group. Just don’t completely protect your baby from sports, this will harm him, because therapeutic exercises are specially designed for him.

Due to the risk of pathologies, the group is under close medical supervision. Pediatricians practice determining the health group by conducting regular examinations of its condition. A child can move from one group to another due to how his characteristics change.

Over the period from three to seven years, attitudes towards the health group are revised at the following ages:

  • three years or until admission to kindergarten;
  • five to six years or until admission to primary school;
  • eight years or at the time of completion of first grade;
  • ten years or when changing from primary to secondary school;
  • twelve years old;
  • fourteen to fifteen years.

If, after passing the examinations, it turns out that the vital signs correspond to the indicators of the groups allocated by the Russian Ministry of Health, he is enrolled there and given a mark.

Set of exercises

In order not to put the health of schoolchildren at risk, classes should be divided into three parts: special, preparatory and basic. In practice, teachers, especially in small towns, rarely pay attention to this. In the best case, your child will be given a printout with a set of exercises and seated on a bench “so as not to interfere.” At worst, they will force you to study with the main group. Just in case, personally check that the lessons are carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the therapist or pediatrician making the conclusion.

It is important for a child to gradually master the necessary skills. This set of exercises excludes prohibited movements (they are determined individually), the physical load is evenly distributed. In the second health group, there is nothing wrong with children; you just shouldn’t be too nervous and, accordingly, take tests in class. It is also contraindicated to participate in sports competitions or Olympiads. This can be done at home in a calm and familiar environment.

  • improvement of physical development;
  • developing a keen interest in regularly performing therapeutic exercises;
  • mastering significant motor qualities, skills, and abilities;
  • hardening for better resistance to diseases;
  • health promotion;
  • willpower training;
  • belief in the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • learning the necessary exercises to improve the body’s adaptation to functioning;
  • strengthening the habit of alternating work and rest schedules, receiving adequate nutrition according to a schedule, and maintaining personal hygiene.

Successful mastery and implementation of these tasks will help not only improve the condition of the body, but also adapt to adult life.


If you find out that your child’s health group is not the first, stop panicking and especially don’t consider him inferior. These kids are no different from the rest, they follow the same daily routine as everyone else. The only thing this can mean is the need to show care and attention to their health in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. You need to treat him with all the love you are capable of. Patience to you in raising a little miracle.

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