American Eskimo Spitz breed description. The American Eskimo Spitz is a small miracle. How the American Dog Appeared: History

Snowy white dog with a constant smile on his face - this is American Eskimo Spitz. This dog, completely devoid of aggression, became a very popular pet in the mid-20th century.

History of the breed

Eskimo Spitz are a descendant of the white German Spitz, which were brought to the United States from Europe in the early 20th century. Due to widespread anti-German sentiment during this period, the breed was renamed, but over time it became two completely different breeds dogs due to crossing the American Spitz with pets of other breeds. It is believed that these Spitz dogs owe their appearance to the breed. Samoyed dogs, which were crossed with the German Spitz.

The American Eskimo Spitz, or Eskie, was recognized as an independent breed only in the 90s of the 20th century, this happened thanks to the creation, starting in the 60s, of the Eskimo Spitz Fans Association.

Exterior. Eskies are divided into three breed subtypes depending on the height and weight of the dogs.

  1. The smallest - the height of males and females is no more than 30 cm and weight up to 5 kg.
  2. Miniature Spitz - height from 31 to 39 cm and weight up to 9 kg.
  3. Standard Spitz - height is 40-49 cm and weight 10-16.5 kg.

Despite their small stature, these Spitz dogs are quite strong dogs. Their faces are very similar to foxes. Ears covered with thick hair, small in size, triangular shape and stand vertically. Eyes according to the standard should be brown, blue are not welcome. The main distinguishing feature of these dogs is their thick, long and very soft hair. In addition to being decorative, it also has a warming function; in addition, Spitz hair is water-repellent.

Color happens three types: snowy white, light brown and cream. On the neck and chest of Spitz dogs, a soft collar is formed from wool. American Spitz have a chic tail that is very beautifully thrown over the back.


American Spitz simply wonderful home companions. They have a lot of diverse talents, these dogs are wonderful guards and watchdogs, their excellent sense of smell allows them to be used even to search for drugs and weapons, and they also enjoy participating in dog sports.

Of the entire large Spitz family, this breed is the most disciplined; they can think very quickly and sometimes even get ahead of their owner’s commands.

Essay very loyal dog, he treats his owner and the whole family tenderly. The Eskimo Spitz loves children very much and happily plays with them; the dog will try with all its might to please its owner with excellent behavior. TO strangers Eskies are very suspicious, but if a dog is introduced to this person, it will happily communicate with him, so it is very important during training to teach the dog not to be afraid of strangers, but to ignore and be wary.

Eskies love to bark loudly, sometimes even without good reason. This breed gets along well in the same territory with other dogs; they can even be friends with cats, especially if they came into the house at the same time as children.

Care and training

Despite their very decorative appearance, these dogs do not require special care. The most important thing is to properly clean the coat with a special brush; this should be done at least once a week. The coat must also be combed every day using a special comb.

perfectly trainable, even a novice dog breeder can handle it, the main thing is not to force the dog to do anything and reward it for following the command. Walks with a Spitz should be long and include physical exercise; the dog will enjoy them, and they will help prevent the dog from gaining excess weight. The amount of physical activity should be regulated depending on the size of the dog - for the smallest subtype a half-hour walk is enough. These dogs especially love winter walks because of the possibility of falling out in the snow.


In order for a dog to remain healthy and cheerful, it must have proper diet nutrition. If a dog eats special dog food, it should be as natural and good quality, otherwise the dog may have indigestion and weak bones.

If Eskie eats natural products, then the diet should include:

  • Boiled lean meat.
  • Cottage cheese and kefir.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Chicken or quail eggs.
  • Vegetables and greens.
  • Large, raw beef bones.
  • Porridge: barley, buckwheat and wheat.

The following should be completely excluded from the dog's diet: raw fish and seafood, flour products, pork and lamb, sweets, potatoes and legumes. In early puppyhood, the American Spitz needs to be fed six times a day, after 3 months - four times, and a year the dog should eat twice a day. The Eskimo Spitz is very prone to obesity, so it is important to ensure that your pet does not overeat.


American Spitz at proper care lives on average 13-14 years. However, it is worth remembering that these dogs are very sickly and some diseases can manifest themselves from birth. Thus, blue-eyed puppies very often have congenital blindness, and joint dysplasia can also be congenital. This breed is very prone to cataracts and retinal atrophy.

Price and nicknames

American Eskimo Dog puppies are not very dear dogs, their price ranges from 300 to 750 US dollars.

For the fluffy handsome Eskies, a beautiful and noble name is necessary. Such nicknames could be: Gunther, Willy, Bonri, Lucky, Irta, Veta, Lika, Mirta.

The American Eskimo Spitz is a small but very beautiful dog that attracts the attention of random passers-by. It is ideal for apartment living, but if necessary, it can also live in an aviary.

Brief historical background

North America is considered the homeland of these dogs. Their ancestors - German Spitz - were brought there by settlers. If in Europe a white dog was considered a waste and was not allowed for breeding, then in America a new breed was purposefully formed from such animals.

For a long time, Eskimo Spitz dogs were not widely recognized. The turning point came after the end of the First World War. It was then that they began to be actively used in the circus, and spectators often left the show after purchasing such a puppy.

In 1996, the AKC officially registered the breed as a non-sporting breed. Since then, she began to gain more and more popularity. Despite the wide popularity and love of ordinary owners, these dogs have not yet received recognition from other world canine organizations.

American Eskimo Spitz: description of the breed

These are quite strong animals with a slightly elongated body and straight broad back. The muzzle of the described dogs visually resembles a fox. On a small, well-proportioned head are triangular, erect ears and dark brown or black almond-shaped eyes. The “faceted” nose of the Spitz protrudes slightly in front of the jaw box. Its lobe is colored exclusively black. The presence of any other shade is considered a defect.

The American Eskimo Spitz has a strong, square body and a moderately deep body. chest with elongated ribs. Shoulder girdle dogs are slightly wider than the croup. A flat back with well-developed muscles smoothly flows into a strong pelvis and ends with a tail curled into a ring.

Under the proportional body are straight limbs with flexible, visually inconspicuous joints. These dogs have well developed thigh muscles. The animal's elbows and knees are parallel to the body.

The height of an adult does not exceed 30 centimeters, and the weight varies from 2.5 to 4.5 kilograms.

Coat and acceptable colors

Fur is a real decoration and pride of these dogs. It is very thick, warm and waterproof. It is thanks to the presence of such a fur coat that the American Eskimo Spitz can live not only in the house, but also on the street.

Soft fluffy fur forms a kind of collar on the chest and neck of the animal. It helps retain heat and reliably protects it from rain. The tail and “pants” of the dog are covered with longer guard hair. There is very short fur on the face and paws.

The coat of representatives of this breed should look holistic and harmonious. It is important that it does not distort the proportions dog body. As for the color, it can be snow-white or creamy. All other colors are considered defective.

Spitz breed: character

Eskies are very kind, playful and active dogs. They are capable of becoming best friends for all family members. American Spitz are always bouncy and cheerful. They never refuse the proposed game. These animals are devoted to their owners and try to please them. A properly raised dog gets along well with children, but can be aggressive towards its fellow dogs.

This energetic and smart white dog is very wary of strangers, but, having gotten to know a new person better, he easily accepts him into his circle. In addition, the Spitz requires early socialization and accustoming to people. Vicious, cowardly, hyperactive or nervous animals are excluded from breeding use.

It should be noted that the conditions for keeping the Eskimo Spitz are not much different from those required by other dogs. This small dog adapts perfectly to life in a city apartment and does not cause too much trouble for its owners.

Since the Spitz has a luxurious, thick coat, it needs to be brushed regularly. It is advisable to do this at least three times a week. Otherwise, the animal’s fur will begin to clump and lose its attractive appearance. In addition, the American Eskimo Spitz is different sensitive skin. Therefore, it is recommended to bathe him no more than twice a year. It is strictly forbidden to use shampoos intended for humans.


You need to start raising a dog as soon as an American Eskimo Spitz puppy appears in your home. Training a dog will take a certain amount of time, and how successful the results will be depends on the persistence and patience of the owners.

It should be noted that Eskies are easy to train. They love praise and approval from their owner. Representatives of this breed need to be trained regularly, while showing maximum firmness. It is extremely important to socialize your puppy on time. This should be done in early age. Otherwise you will get an aggressive animal.

By the way, Spitz dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell, so they are often used at customs to search for narcotic drugs.

These lap dogs can become excellent companions. Paradoxically, if desired, an American Eskimo Spitz can be trained to be a reliable watchman and security guard.

Physical exercise

These are very active and cheerful dogs. Despite their relatively small size, they require large physical activity. So that the dog can throw out the accumulated energy, you should walk with it for a long time. Without physical exercise, maintaining tone, the Eskimo Spitz will begin to gain excess weight. Without long walks In the park, the dog can get bored and damage the furniture.

A dog living in a house must be constantly busy with something. Representatives of this breed are happy to take part in active games and love to frolic in the snow. They equally enjoy walks on a leash in the company of their owner and free runs in the nearest forest plantation.

Tendency to diseases

These beautiful animals have enough good health. But, like any other dogs, they are prone to certain diseases. Most often, American Eskimo Spitz dogs suffer from progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts.

White dogs with blue eyes They often end up blind. In addition, Eskies have very thin, dry skin, so they are more often diagnosed with dermatitis than other breeds.

Hip dysplasia is genetic disease, to which the American Eskimo Spitz (Eskie) is also susceptible. Nurseries that breed representatives of this breed are required to check producers for this problem. Dogs that have been diagnosed with dysplasia are not used for breeding purposes.


Eskimo Spitz are beautiful and energetic animals that quickly adapt to urban conditions. Despite the fact that they are not officially recognized by most of the world's cynological organizations, they continue to delight their owners and arouse the admiration of others. Right well-mannered puppy will be a wonderful companion and an excellent companion for long walks.

Like any other animal, these dogs have several significant disadvantages. The main disadvantages include possible aggression towards other dogs, the need for careful grooming and a tendency to various diseases. In addition, Spitz barks a lot. Therefore, it is very important to wean them from this bad habit from puppyhood.




Attitude towards children:


The American Eskimo Spitz is a breed of kind and cheerful dogs that do not have an ounce of aggression. Despite this, they will not offend their beloved owner.

The American Spitz feels great in an apartment if you take him for a walk every day. He will become a friend for other pets and a protector for children. For this reason, they are often given to children. Although dogs of this breed are working dogs, they make wonderful companions for the whole family.

The first representatives of this breed are direct descendants of white German Spitz dogs brought to the United States in 1913. At that time, anti-German feelings were widespread, so the breed was renamed.

However, over time, German and American Spitz became separate breeds with only vague similarities. This was influenced by mergers with other American dog breeds. To date, all the dog breeds that gave rise to the American Eskie are unknown. It is believed that the Samoyed breed is related to them.

The American Eskimo Spitz was officially recognized separate breed July 1, 1995. To achieve this title, lovers of these animals specially created various associations and clubs. For example, there is the American Eskimo Spitz Club, which was created in 1985. The first Eskimo Spitz Fanciers Association was opened in 1969.


Eskimo Spitz are handsome dogs with long hair that forms a lush collar on the neck and chest. The coat color is snow-white or cream. Eyes brown or blue. The tail is carried over the back, and the ears are small and covered with fairly thick hair.

See also: Mexican naked

There are several types of Eskimo Spitz:

  1. Toy. Their height is 22-31 cm, weight - from 2 to 5.5 kg;
  2. Miniature. Height 30-38 cm, weight - from 4 to 10.2 kg;
  3. Standard. With a height of 38-49 cm, they weigh 8-17 kg.

Externally, the American Spitz slightly resembles a fox with its elongated muzzle.

In the photo, the American Eskimo Spitz is almost always “smiling.” The expression on his face really resembles a smile, which is an undoubted advantage in the appearance of the breed.


This is the most disciplined breed of all Spitz dogs. Complaisant, understanding, smart - they are able to think quickly, easily carry out commands, and, if necessary, act without a signal from the owner.

These dogs never attack other animals, they are only capable of defending themselves. Children like them with their kind disposition, and in turn, their little owners like them.

The American Eskimo Spitz is cheerful and loves to play. He is happy to leave the plate or ball with you, run over obstacles, and bring a stick.

Escu should not be taken as watchdog, since he is unlikely to harm another person. However, he has a loud voice. Wean him in advance from the habit of barking for no reason.


This breed does not require supernatural care.

Only cleaning the wool is mandatory. It must be thoroughly cleaned once a week using a special bristle brush. Your pet's luxurious coat should be brushed daily using a regular dog comb. During the shedding period, which occurs twice a year, it is advisable to brush the coat at least every other day. The American Spitz does not need a haircut.

Since dogs of this breed have dry and thin skin, they need to be bathed only with gentle shampoos. Zoo shampoos or shampoos for children are suitable.

These dogs tend to be overweight, so you need to carefully monitor their weight gain. A proper diet will help, which includes the entire range of necessary nutrients, but missing a large number of fats, as well as physical activity.

See also: The Norfolk Terrier is a miniature, agile hunter with a cheerful character.

The latter depend on the size of the dog. For example, the largest individuals will happily run long distances at a fast run. It will be enough for a small representative of the breed to walk around the yard.

Before you buy an American Eskimo Spitz, check it for diseases. These dogs are quite sickly, and some diseases can appear from birth.

These include dysplasia hip joints and blindness, which is found in blue-eyed puppies. To further protect your dog, constantly check it for ticks and fleas, and also take it to the veterinarian once a month for an examination.


The price of an American Eskimo Spitz varies from 13,000 to 81,000 rubles.

The pricing policy depends on the pedigree, purebredness of the representative of the breed, and the presence of defects. If you buy a Spitz from a nursery or from a good breeder, you will have to pay a fairly large amount. However, you will give it for a quality puppy. If you are going to buy Esku at the dog market, be prepared for not purebred, but cheap puppies.

Photo of an American Eskimo Spitz

If you are looking for a faithful four-legged friend with a cheerful disposition and easy-going character, then best choice You won't find anything like the American Eskimo Spitz. The owners of these wonderful dogs they note such positive features: lack of aggression, attentiveness to the owner and his family, good learning ability, cheerful disposition.

The Toy Spitz was originally bred in the Nordic countries. Since the Middle Ages, during that period of time, they were popular in Germany, Pomerania, and Finland.

The dogs were distinguished by thick fluffy hair, a ringing voice, playfulness and mobility. The sizes and colors of different varieties of Spitz differed. The largest were German and Finnish dogs. The American Eskimo Spitz was bred from them.

The dogs were created as guard dogs. But not with the goal of catching up with the thief and detaining him. Their main task was to bark loudly to warn the owner about the penetration of strangers into the territory.

Spitz came to America with a wave of German emigrants at the beginning of the 20th century. Sentimental Germans did not want to part with their favorites and took them with them on long journeys.

Residents of the United States liked these dogs, reminiscent of Eskimo huskies, but smaller in size and suitable for keeping in the house. After World War II, when there was an extremely negative attitude towards everything German, the breed received its new name: the American Eskimo Spitz or Eskie.

The documented history of the breed begins in 1958. However, at that time there were no uniform standards of exterior appearance and all varieties of Spitz were considered one breed. Eskies were officially registered by the American Kennel Club in 1995.

Description of the breed

The dogs have a very pleasant appearance, characteristic of all Spitz dogs.

Distinctive features:

  • thick, straight coat with dense undercoat;
  • pure white or cream color;
  • a cute “fox” face with small protruding ears;
  • compact build, strong paws;
  • fluffy tail curled into a ring.

If we talk about size, the American Eskimo Spitz comes in three varieties:

  1. The Toy Spitz is the smallest, height up to 30 cm, weight less than 4.5 kg.
  2. Miniature – up to 40 cm, weight up to 9 kg.
  3. Standard – up to 50 cm, weight can reach 16 kg.

Character and relationship with others

Thanks to its easy-going nature and lack of aggression, this dog breed is perfect for keeping in a family. Spitz dogs get along well with children. They behave very kindly and carefully with them.

Moreover, they often act as a nanny for children. Dogs love family very much, are devoted to their owner and treat all other household members with respect. You can say that they consider themselves part of the family. Therefore, they do not tolerate separation well and become nervous.

Positive character qualities include:

  • intelligence and good learning ability;
  • accuracy;
  • devotion;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • mobility, tendency to play.

The American Eskimo Spitz is highly trainable. It is no coincidence that we often see dogs of this breed in circuses and trained animal shows. Eskies have also proven themselves well as participants in various competitions, including obedience and command-following competitions.

When purchasing this dog, you should pay attention to two significant features of its behavior:

  1. She loves to bark. Possessing a loud and ringing voice, the dog simply experiences pleasure from barking at strangers or animals. To avoid problems with neighbors and others around you, it is necessary to raise your pet properly. There are special training techniques that form the habit of barking in a dog only when necessary.
  2. Like many small dogs, the Toy Spitz suffers from “small dog syndrome”, i.e. always tries to be the center of attention. This deficiency can also be eliminated with the help of proper and timely education.


The Spitz puppy is inquisitive and explores the world around him with pleasure. In order not to spoil the pet and raise well-mannered dog, you need to start training and educating him as early as possible.

Start with socialization. Introduce your baby to the space around him. Walk him around the apartment, show him his place, teach him to use the toilet. From the very first days, teach your dog to understand what is possible and what is not.

While the puppy is very small, try not to leave him alone. Otherwise, he will become sad and whine. Then, on the contrary, for some time it is necessary to leave the apartment “under the protection” of the Spitz. This way the dog will understand what its job is and learn to be alone at home.

Having successfully completed the stage social adaptation, the American Spitz is ready for serious training. The breed is simply ideal for training. Eskies are obedient and try to follow all the trainer’s commands. Attentive, not aggressive.

For them, learning is a fun game that they can do for many hours. If desired, you can teach the puppy not only basic commands, but also various circus tricks.

Proper maintenance of a Toy Spitz is the key to his health, longevity and cheerful character. The dogs are suitable for apartment living, but need daily walks outside. And keeping it in the yard (in warm climates) is the most the best option for them. It is necessary to go for a walk every day, arrange games for fresh air, jogging. This will help your four-legged friend always be in excellent physical shape.

The dog should receive a balanced diet rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. When choosing dry food, you should take into account the naturalness of the product and not skimp. Otherwise, you risk getting a sick dog with indigestion and a weak skeleton.

Be sure to supplement your diet with cottage cheese, porridge, boiled meat, boiled eggs, raw vegetables. They are rich in vitamins and microelements.

As for the diet, for small puppies it is 6 one meal in the first month of life. Then you need to feed 4 times a day. At the age of six months you can switch to two or three one-time appointment food and stick to it when the dog becomes an adult.

Another important point- hair care. Despite the fact that the Spitz is a dog breed with thick and fluffy hair, it is not very difficult to care for it. Small amounts of fur are shed throughout the season.

Spitz shed twice a year: in spring and autumn. To avoid matting and matting, thoroughly comb your pet twice a week. This must be done regardless of whether he sheds or not.

The American Spitz is a wonderful companion with a cheerful disposition and easy-going character. Owners of such dogs note a number of such positive qualities, How complete absence aggression, attention, excellent learning ability, cheerful character.


Beautiful American Spitz has enough interesting story. The Toy Spitz originally appeared in Northern Europe. In the Middle Ages, individuals of this breed were especially popular in countries such as Germany, Finland and Pomerania.

Dogs were originally created as watchdogs. However, not for the purpose of catching up with thieves and detaining them. The main task of these animals was to warn the owner through loud barking that strangers had entered the territory.

Dogs came to America with German emigrants at the beginning of the 20th century. Sentimental Germans did not want to part with their pets, for this reason they took them even on long trips.

American residents liked these animals, which are similar to Eskimo huskies. However, these dogs are smaller in size and are suitable for indoors. At the end of World War II, due to hostility, when German was treated extremely negatively, the breed began to be called the American Eskimo Spitz.

The recorded history of this breed dates back to 1958. But at that time there was no uniform standard of appearance and all Spitz belonged to the same breed. These dogs were officially registered only in 1995.


Cheerful American pomeranian spitz has a fairly pleasant appearance, which is typical for all Spitz dogs:

  • straight, very thick coat, dense undercoat;
  • white or cream color;
  • a cheerful fox face with small protruding ears;
  • compact body build, strong limbs;
  • a fluffy tail that is curled into a ring shape.

Speaking of sizes, individuals of the breed come in 3 varieties:

  • Toy Spitz – height about 25 centimeters with a weight of less than 4 kilograms;
  • miniature Spitz - height approximately 40 centimeters with a weight of up to 9 kilograms;
  • standard Spitz - height up to 50 centimeters and weight up to 16 kilograms.

As a result of the fact that this breed not recognized international organizations dog handlers, these dogs do not have an established standard, and the description is reduced exclusively to collective features from German and Pomeranian Spitz.

Initially, individuals of the breed were famous for their workers and security characteristics, which they adopted from their ancestors. This decorative snow-white dog cannot be called fragile or harmless, since under the face of a cute animal there is hidden brave companion, an intelligent being and a loyal companion.

Animal's head round shape, average. The forehead area is moderately sloping, with a smooth transition to the back of the head and neck. The dog has a straight bridge of the nose, which tapers from its base towards the nose. The forehead smoothly transitions to the nose. The muzzle is dry, covered with decorative fur along the eye sockets and cheekbones. The jaw box is elongated, triangular. The lips are tightened and have black pigments.

The animals have a deep mouth and a scissor bite. The teeth are medium-sized, they are strong, but the grip is weak. Language Pink colour. The nose is faceted, slightly protruding in front of the jaws. It has black color.

The eyes are relatively small and almond-shaped. The iris is dark brown or black. You can also find heterochromic and blue-eyed dogs. Eyelids black. The ears are triangular in shape, slightly rounded at the ends. The shell of the ear is hard, covered on the back with fur. The body of individuals of the breed is powerful, rectangular in shape. The chest is quite deep and also moderately wide, the ribs are elongated.

The back of the animals is smooth, the muscles are well developed. The shoulders are slightly wider than the croup. The pelvis is powerful, not elongated, rounded along the spine. The limbs are smooth and proportional. The straightened tail can reach the hock joint. When at rest, it is curled into a ring or half-ring shape.

The fur of representatives of the breed is dense and soft. Protection from moisture and bad weather is provided by the undercoat. The axial hairs are elastic and moderately hard. A collar forms on the neck of adults. The fur color is snow-white. The only exception is the presence of a light cream tone.


Thanks to its excellent character and the absence of even slight aggression, the American Spitz is suitable for keeping in apartments and houses. Individuals of the breed are found mutual language with kids. They behave very carefully with them, showing care and friendliness.

It’s not uncommon for these pets to become real nannies for children. Animals love family, they are very devoted to their owners, and treat every member of the household with respect. Individuals of the breed consider themselves full members of the family. For this reason, they find it difficult to bear separation and begin to get nervous.

These dogs are very smart, highly trainable, neat, cheerful, loyal, active, and love to play. Representatives of the breed are highly trainable. It is no coincidence that these dogs can be seen in the circus and as participants in various competitions.

When buying such a pet, you should pay attention to 2 features of its behavior:

The dog loves to voice. The dog takes pleasure in barking at strangers and other animals. To avoid problems with others, you should educate the animal. There are a number of special techniques that form the dog’s habit of vocalizing only when the need arises.

Like most small dogs, individuals of the breed suffer from the syndrome small dog, that is, they try to constantly be in the center of attention. This deficiency can also be easily eliminated through education.

Features of maintenance and care

The magnificent American Spitz dog should be kept in the right conditions, since this acts as a guarantee of her health. A pet can live in an apartment, but at the same time you need to walk it outside every day. For individuals of the breed the best option is keeping in a private house, in the yard. You need to take walks every day, have fun outside, jog. This will enable your pet to always be in excellent physical shape.

The animal needs a balanced feed that is rich in fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. During the selection process ready-made feed one must take into account its naturalness. Savings are inappropriate here. Otherwise there is a significant risk of getting a sick dog suffering from disorders digestive system having a weak skeleton.

Based on the recommendations of veterinarians, you should adhere to a mixed type of diet. In addition to high quality ready-made feed The pet's diet should be supplemented with cottage cheese, kefir, boiled meat, raw beef bones, boiled fish, boiled chicken, quail eggs, raw vegetables, herbs.

If we talk about diet, puppies should be fed six times during the first month. After this, the pet needs to be fed four times a day. After six months, you can switch to 2-3 meals a day.

In addition, American dwarf spitz requires special care for the fur. Regardless of the fact that these animals have thick and fluffy fur, it is not easy to care for. These dogs shed 2 times a year: in the spring, and also in autumn period. To avoid matting and tangles, you need to brush your dog thoroughly 2 times a week. Such actions must be performed regardless of whether the pet sheds or not.


Puppies are very inquisitive and take great pleasure in exploring the world around them. So as not to spoil the animal and educate good dog, it is necessary to begin his education as early as possible.

It's worth starting with socialization. You can introduce the puppy to the space that surrounds him. You should lead him around the apartment, show him his place, and teach him to use the toilet. From the first days it is necessary to accustom your pet to an understanding of what can be done and what cannot be done.

After successfully completing the adaptation stage, the pet will be prepared for more serious training. Individuals of this breed are ideal for training. They are obedient and strive to follow all the owner’s commands. For these animals, learning is a fun activity that they can do for a long time.

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