Analyzes. Where can I get a blood test for a fee? Choosing a laboratory diagnostic center where tests are done quickly

The blood test procedure involves studying a huge number of different parameters. Therefore, if your doctor recommends that you get tested, do not refuse.

A blood test may be ordered several times to determine changes in the current state of the body or evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Getting tested in our clinic is very simple, and reliable results will not take long to arrive.

Blood tests are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Clinical analysis. A general blood test, which allows you to evaluate the number and ratio of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets, identify hemoglobin content and consider the leukocyte formula and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). A clinical blood test can identify inflammatory processes, anemia and other diseases.
  • Biochemical analysis. A blood test aimed at identifying functional abnormalities in the functioning of specific organs and systems. The diagnostic method allows you to identify an imbalance of microelements, kidney and liver diseases, the presence of rheumatic and inflammatory processes, as well as assess the stage of the disease.
  • Hormonal analysis. A blood test to determine the content of thyroid hormones, sex hormones: testosterone, prolactin, progesterone, FSH, LH and others. This diagnostic method allows you to identify diseases of the reproductive system, thyroid gland, and other organs and systems.

You can quickly and inexpensively undergo tests (blood, smears, urine, etc.) in Moscow, as well as PCR, bacteriological cultures with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics, oncocytology and biopsy, in the laboratory of our clinic. It doesn’t matter where you live - in the capital region or out of town, whether you have a registration or an insurance policy - you can apply now and today! Blood tests are taken at the medical center daily, from 10-00 until the end of the working day. The turnaround time for results is from 1 to 10 days, depending on the type of study chosen. Those who wish can quickly take blood tests using the express method, including on holidays and weekdays, urgently and anonymously.

At your service is a full range of the best medical research and ample opportunities for laboratory diagnostics in gynecology and health in general. We are a modern clinic in the center of Moscow, with about 20 years of experience. Here you can not only take any medical tests, but also get advice from qualified gynecologists, mammologists, endocrinologists, a specialist in pediatric and adolescent gynecology, etc. If necessary, we can provide comprehensive, effective treatment for major gynecological diseases, vaccination against viral infections and etc.

List of analyzes

Smears on flora Tank crops
PCR analysis PAP test
HPV analysis STD analysis
Cervical biopsy Florocenosis
Hemostasis Hormones
HCG test for pregnancy Endometrial tube
HIV infection Hepatitis
General blood analysis Blood biochemistry
Genetics Tumor markers
Vitamin D BRCA 1/2
Immune status Interferon analysis
Express tests Intestinal infections

Preparing for tests

1. Blood test.
This is the most common and revealing medical analysis. You can donate blood from a finger or from a vein, it doesn’t matter, but before taking them there are several uniform preparation rules.

Blood tests that are recommended to be taken “on an empty stomach”: - biochemical - glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc. - serological tests - syphilis, hepatitis B, hormones, etc. “Fasting” is when there is a period between the last meal and taking blood from a vein. at least 8 hours (preferably about 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee, incl. with sugar, not allowed. You can drink still water. It is advisable to exclude fatty, fried and alcohol from the diet 1 - 2 days before the examination.

When taking blood tests for the hormonal profile in women of reproductive age (from approximately 13 to 14 years of age until menopause), their results are influenced by physiological factors associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when preparing for examination for the hormones FSH, LH, prolactin, progesterone, estradiol, 17-OH-progesterone, androstenedione, inhibin, AMH, the day of the cycle should be indicated. When conducting a test for sex hormones, strictly adhere to the recommendations of your gynecologist regarding the day of the monthly cycle on which this test is required. Blood should not be donated on the day after an x-ray, rectal examination, or physical therapy procedures or sports competitions.

2. What blood tests are not anonymous?
In a number of clearly defined cases, the laboratory will ask you for your last name, first name, patronymic, and date of birth - without these data, the research results will be considered invalid. Tests in Moscow indicating passport data are needed for hospitalization in a hospital, before surgery, in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, and in some other places. You can take an urgent blood test every day from 10-00 to 12-00.

3. Testing for infections.
Tests from the genital organs are taken directly by the doctor in the office and determine diseases that are transmitted intimately. Before taking a smear from the urethra (urethra), men are advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days, wash before taking it and not urinate for 2-3 hours. The female smear requires similar rules: abstinence, washing and refusal to urinate. Also, the day before your visit to the laboratory, do not insert vaginal suppositories. Collection of secretions for laboratory diagnostics from women and virgin girls performed by an experienced and good specialist is a quick and painless procedure.

To obtain reliable results, medical tests to identify pathogens of bacterial infections should best be taken no earlier than 1-1.5 weeks after the last use of antibacterial drugs. The collection of scrapings for PCR diagnostics from women and men, as well as teenage girls, is carried out throughout the entire working day of the clinic.

Cost of services

Name Analysis Taking price
Microflora smears (women) microscopy 350
Flora smear (husband) microscopy 350
Crops bacteriology 350
PCR tests DNA 350
From the nose/throat 1 analysis 350
Analysis of the rectum 1 analysis 350
Analysis from the urethra 350
Oncocytology microscopy 350
Cervical biopsy histology 5 500
Cervical biopsy (radio wave) histology 7 500
Pipel endometrial biopsy histology 5 500

Blood test from a vein

disposable tool 350

Where to get tested in Moscow

The doctor prescribed you to undergo an examination - an ultrasound and various medical tests, including urgently and without an appointment? Do you want to find a clinic where you can get blood tests, smears, cultures, etc. today? And also get expert advice quickly and without queues, and at the same time very close to the metro? We offer you to use the services of our laboratory in the very center of the capital, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, within walking distance from the metro stations of the same name and the MCC. Check out the opening hours and address below.

Test time:

  • The clinic’s treatment room is open from 10-00 to 20-30 on weekdays, from 10-00 to 17-30 on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), as well as holidays;
    Blood tests are taken, as well as smears, PCR and cultures, including in men. In the “urgent” mode, blood and smears are donated from 10-00 to 12-00
  • Gynecological appointment with a doctor - from 10-00 to 21-00 weekdays, from 10-00 to 18-00 - weekends;
    Collecting material for microbiological and cytological examination, taking smears to identify infectious agents.

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