English bulldog: description of the breed, character, care, how to choose a puppy. The symbol of Britain is the English bulldog: a description of the breed, what its character is and what to feed All about the English bulldog

Outwardly, the English bulldog gives the impression of an “impenetrable”, extremely self-confident little hippopotamus, cheerful, smiling from the full width of its huge mouth. Today we will get to know him better and try to find out what kind of character is hidden behind this appearance...

Brief information:

Suitable for beginners The need for walks
Price Trainability
Attitude towards other animals Dirt in the house
Difficulty in content Character
Health Security guard

The word "bulldog" is translated from English as "bull dog", which in itself says a lot. Bull baiting was a traditional pastime in medieval England. Mastiffs and bull terriers, called bulldogs at that time, took part in it.

The photo shows a gorgeous male English bulldog bred in the USA.

For several centuries, selection work with “bull dogs” continued, aimed at breeding individuals with powerful jaws and a center of gravity concentrated in the head, which made it possible to avoid a fracture of the spine in a fight with a bull. This is how modern bulldogs acquired their characteristic features.

Due to the ban on baiting at the end of the 18th century, the popularity of the breed declined sharply, but soon increased again after the first exhibitions where bulldogs were presented as companions, which they are to this day.


English bulldog is described as a powerful, squat, broad-shouldered dog with a deep chest and a massive head, with its entire appearance giving the impression of strength and confidence. The height at the withers reaches 35-40 cm, the average weight is 22.5 kg. When viewed from above, the body is pear-shaped, as shown in the photo. Despite its unusual appearance, the bulldog breed is harmoniously built, and all parts of its body are in proportional correspondence to each other.

One of distinctive features The English Bulldog breed has a peculiar gait. The dog moves slightly with a waddle, as if a little sideways, but at the same time the movements are free and soft. A hobbling, labored gait indicates unhealthy joints.

The head and muzzle of a bulldog are covered with folds, the lower jaw with an undershot is curved upward and covered with jowls on both sides. Its teeth are also practically invisible if its mouth is closed. According to the description in the standard, the short muzzle is upturned, the nose is large and black, with wide nostrils.

A flat forehead, a straight line of the skull between the ears and rounded cheeks give the head a square outline. The hollow, originating between the eyes, divides it in half, rising to the top of the head.

An old, fail-safe way to check the correctness of the head shape is to apply a ruler with one end to the bulldog's chin and the other to the forehead. If at the same time it touches the dog’s nose, this means that all three points are located on the same line ─ one of the signs of correct structure.

This picture shows the ideal head shape.

Small round eyes are set wide and low, at a great distance from the ears. Their whites are hidden for centuries, which, combined with the almost black color, gives the muzzle an expression of thoughtfulness and attention.

The English Bulldog's ears should be small, formed by thin cartilage, turned back ─ rose type (see photo below). Flower ears turned forward are not acceptable, as are cropped or erect ears. Worst case scenario─ heavy, fleshy ears shown in the picture:

The skin on the strong, massive neck forms a double dewlap that ends at the chest. A wide chest harmonizes with a voluminous body and a toned stomach.

The back of the English Bulldog breed is described as short, muscular, broad at the shoulders and tapering at the loin. Moreover, it is not represented by a straight line, but, forming a rise from the withers to the lower back, again descends to the tail, bending like a “sail”. The apex of the curve outlines the dog's croup, complemented by a low-set short tail, sometimes shaped like a corkscrew.

The front legs are strong, set wider than the hind legs, with the elbows pointing outward; the distance between them and the height from the ground to the elbows form a square. Their massive forearms make them look curved, but they are not.

The hind legs are also strong and muscular. They are longer than the front ones and raise the loin above the withers.

This breed is characterized by a short and close-lying coat. It can be brindle, various shades of red, tan, pure white, or white in combination with any of the above colors. In this case, the spots should be located symmetrically. Dogs of a single color have a mask on their face.

Character and behavior

The English Bulldog fully justifies the title of companion. His character includes devotion to his owner and the desire to be with him not only at home, but also when traveling.

This breed does not need intense physical activity; on the contrary, it is characterized by a certain amount of laziness, and the shape of the muzzle and the length of the paws do not allow long and active movement.

Relaxing on the sofa next to the owner after a short walk is the “Englishman’s” favorite pastime.

Despite all their affection for their owner, bulldogs are mostly stubborn, which creates difficulties in their upbringing. The owner will have to be smart to find an approach to him, since he will never do anything that is not part of his plans.

Despite the formidable appearance, there is absolutely no aggression in the behavior of the English Bulldog. Its representatives are affectionate and friendly with both people and animals - this is evidenced by absolutely all reviews of the owners.

Its even-tempered and friendly personality makes it a suitable pet for families with small children. The bulldog is not only able to patiently endure the signs of attention shown to him by the kids, but will also take part in a fun romp with them.

If there are other dogs or cats in the house, the English Bulldog will easily make friends with them, as with other animals.

It is suitable as a companion on short walks for an elderly person and those who prefer passive relaxation to sports. People with a stormy temperament, who require their pet to quickly react, move and agility, will be irritated by the bulldog's sedateness.

Another feature often found in these dogs is the ability to make unpleasant sounds, such as snoring, snoring, and panting. Increased gas formation can also make itself felt. When purchasing a puppy, you need to consider that these sounds are long years will become companions of all household members, as well as, possibly, the presence of saliva on furniture, since almost all representatives are characterized by profuse salivation.

Content specifics

Sensitivity to temperature changes is a feature that requires increased attention from the owner. In winter, the English Bulldog can easily freeze and catch a cold, and in summer it is prone to overheating.

Therefore, in the heat, it is necessary to monitor the pet’s well-being, not allowing it to move much, so as not to overheat. you need to place it in the shade, moisten the fur with water and give it a drink, after first clearing the airways of mucus.

The folds on the skin need careful care: you need to make sure that dirt and moisture do not accumulate in them, causing diaper rash and irritation. Soap also has a negative effect; folds should be cleaned first with damp cotton wool, and then with dry cotton wool.

In addition, bulldogs are susceptible to allergies, so choosing a diet is not only an important task for the owner, but also often constitutes an additional expense for hypoallergenic types of food.

The fact that representatives of this breed are unadapted to long-term physical exercise does not mean that it can be abolished altogether. Slow walks on a leash are an excellent means of socialization and prevention of obesity, to which bulldogs are prone. But at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive stress and carefully monitor the pet’s well-being.

To understand what the character of an English bulldog is like, the easiest way is to watch this video:

Here the bully shows what he is capable of in his tenacity to prove to the owner that only he can decide when the walk is over :)

When traveling out of town or walking near a body of water, you need to pay special attention to your pet - bulldogs, with rare exceptions, do not know how to swim.

The specific physique of the English Bulldog excludes participation in sports competitions, and the breed's stubbornness and slowness in making decisions based on feedback from dog handlers can play a bad joke at the most crucial moment during obedience tests. However, this is his nature, and this is not a contraindication to visiting the training site.

If the owner wishes, a suitable application can be found: attractive appearance and the peaceful disposition of bulldogs allow them to be successfully used in canis therapy.

Rare photo of an English bulldog - active exercise on the seashore...


Diseases characteristic of the English Bulldog breed are mostly associated with the specific anatomy of the animal and the tendency to exhibit allergic reactions:

  • penchant for colds and overheating;
  • interdigital dermatitis;
  • bilateral cataract;
  • third eyelid adenoma;
  • brachycephalic syndrome;
  • obesity.

How to choose a puppy

Regardless of whether an English Bulldog puppy is purchased to participate in exhibitions, or as a family pet, the primary condition for selection is its health and compliance with the breed standard.

Here are the main criteria you should pay attention to when buying a puppy:

Very often the hero of our article is confused with a French bulldog. You can find out more about it.

  • impressive appearance;
  • balanced character;
  • endurance;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • determination;
  • friendliness;
  • devotion to all household members, and not just to one owner;
  • tendency to laziness, inactivity.

Brief characteristics of the breed representatives

Who is the English Bulldog suitable for?

Any family, including those with small children. However, it is necessary to monitor the child’s interaction with the dog. Education and training can be entrusted to children aged 10 years and older.

Bulldog can become good companion an elderly person or a beginner who has no experience interacting with dogs. Not suitable for people who prefer an active lifestyle.

Will such a dog be able to protect its owner in case of danger?
The breed is not intended for protection, but in a critical situation the dog will be able to come to the rescue. The appearance of the dog will also scare off the attacker.
Why do bulldogs do not tolerate heat well?

The reason lies in anatomy. Bulldogs have a large mouth and a short nose. To cool the body when overheated, dogs have to breathe frequently with their mouths open. This causes discomfort to bulldogs and they begin to get nervous.

In the heat, the mouth dries out and the larynx swells, then the animal may die. In this case, it is urgently necessary to reduce the dog’s body temperature, for example, by dousing cold water, and then clear his throat of mucus.

Does a bulldog need clothes for walking in the cold season?
Yes, at air temperatures below -10 °C. Clothes can also be worn in the off-season if the bulldog is cold.
Is it possible to train a bulldog?

Yes, of course, but a special approach is required. The Bulldog is not prone to blind obedience. Before executing a command, he will first think about it. If the demand is humiliating for him or meaningless, he will not comply with it.

You cannot teach such dogs the elements of aggression. If he likes to bite, it will lead to dangerous situations, because bulldogs have a hereditary tendency to fight.

Why do English Bulldogs live so short?
The breed was bred artificially; inbreeding is often used to maintain the purity of the gene pool. As a result, modern bulldogs are no different good health. The main causes of death: cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
What difficulties can there be with breeding bulldogs?
In females, ovulation does not always coincide with heat and sometimes occurs on any day of estrus, so mating may be “empty.” The process itself also presents certain problems. Sometimes animals need help; in some cases, mating occurs only in the absence of strangers.
It is true that bitches cannot give birth on their own, they are forced to C-section?
Some representatives of the breed can give birth on their own, but owners try to perform a planned caesarean section. Representatives of the breed have a high risk of developing birth complications due to the fact that the diameter of the skull in puppies is larger than the size of the pelvic ring in bitches.


  • affectionate;
  • non-aggressive;
  • flexible;
  • do not require prolonged physical activity;
  • don't bark;
  • treat children well;
  • get along well with their relatives and cats;
  • smart and quick-witted;
  • are easy to train;
  • you can take it with you on trips.


  • stubborn and willful;
  • slow;
  • lazy;
  • do not tolerate lack of attention and loneliness;
  • prone to obesity;
  • demanding conditions of detention (temperature environment and etc.);
  • on the street they can attack relatives;
  • make various sounds (panting, snoring, snoring);
  • characterized by increased salivation and excessive gas formation;
  • breeding has many difficulties.

Photo of an English bulldog

Character, behavioral characteristics

By nature, the English Bulldog is a true gentleman. Representatives of the breed are phlegmatic, serious and imperturbable. They are distinguished by their devotion to all household members, they experience separation from their environment very hard, and can get sick.

Bulldogs are obedient and flexible. They love to be praised, so they strive to please their owner. They are highly trainable, but you need to be persistent and patient, as these dogs are stubborn.

Behavior can be called passive: bulldogs love to sleep, often avoid long walks, preferring not to go far from home. Only puppies actively run and play outside; adults, as a rule, walk. Due to the special structure of their muzzle, bulldogs snore, sniffle, grunt, and not only in their sleep. Some people may find these sounds annoying.

Children are treated with love, patiently endure pranks, and can become a protector, showing the ability to act quickly and energetically at critical moments. They are indifferent or distrustful of strangers, but not hostile.

Representatives of the breed get along well with their relatives, cats, and are prone to dominance. On the street they can be aggressive towards unfamiliar animals. However, if another dog attacks first, the bulldog may allow it to lash out. This shows confidence, but not cowardice. When a bulldog gets angry, it is very difficult to calm him down. He is capable of strangling any dog ​​without reacting to bites received in a fight or to the shouts of the owner.

Bulldogs cannot be kept in an enclosure or on a chain; the dog must live next to a person. The rooms should not be too cold or too hot. Find a spacious and comfortable place to relax and sleep. It should be at a slight elevation, this will force the pet to move a little more. Don't let your dog sleep on the bed.

Choose deep, large bowls; light dishes will tip over. Bulldogs love to chew on things, so you need to buy toys designed for this purpose. You cannot give old things, otherwise there is a risk that the dog may spoil the new ones.

Long walks are not required; you can walk 2 times a day for half an hour. In hot weather, it is better to walk your dog early in the morning and late in the evening. Do not let your pet off the leash until he has clearly mastered the “come to me” command. Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity, therefore physical activity still necessary. The bulldog needs to be forced to move, for example, by putting it on a leash and walking at a brisk pace.


  • Wool: combing – once a week. during molting - daily. Use a stiff brush made of natural bristles, then buff the wool with chamois.
  • Bathing: no more than once every six months. More frequent procedures reduce immunity. If your dog gets dirty, you can simply wipe it with a damp cloth. During the shedding period, it is recommended to use dry shampoo to cleanse the coat.
  • Hygiene of skin folds: once every 3-4 days, in summer - daily. Wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with a special alcohol-free lotion. Then lubricate with Vaseline or glycerin cream. If your dog is sweating, sprinkle the areas between the folds with baby powder, talc, or a mild antiseptic.
  • Nails: trim with a nail clipper as they grow. Long claws prevent the paw from gathering into a ball and prevent normal movement. Treat the areas between your fingers with talcum powder to prevent diaper rash.
  • Eyes: regular examination. To prevent souring, wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with weak tea leaves.
  • Teeth: regular examination, cleaning with a special paste to prevent tartar. You can purchase a special spray.
  • Nose: inspection, lubrication with Vaseline. This prevents crusts from appearing.

Health, tendency to disease

English Bulldogs are not known for their good health. Due to the special structure of the respiratory tract, representatives of the breed are prone to colds, problems with the lungs, and heart muscle problems. A very short tail is a predisposing factor for the development of spinal diseases in the caudal region. Other common ailments:

  • inversion of the eyelid (“cherry eye”);
  • distichiasis (double row of eyelashes);
  • keratoconjunctivitis (inflammation affecting the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eyes);
  • brachycephalic airway syndrome (blockage of air flow through the upper respiratory tract);
  • gastric volvulus;
  • allergies (to food, care products, etc.);
  • skin fold dermatitis (inflammatory skin disease);
  • demodicosis (skin lesions caused by the opportunistic demodex mite);
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function);
  • dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.


How many times a day to feed:

  • up to 2 months of age. - 6 times;
  • 2-3 months - 5 times;
  • 4-7 months - 4 times;
  • 8-12 months - 3 times;
  • after 1 year – 2 times.

It is important to follow a routine; food should be given strictly at the same time. Feed your pet only after a walk. Bulldogs are prone to increased gas formation and other digestive disorders, so it is important to carefully plan your diet.

Dry food

Choose industrial feed High Quality, which contain at least 30% natural meat. The percentage of digestibility should not be less than 80%. Some manufacturers produce diets specifically designed for this breed.

Since bulldogs are prone to food allergies, it makes sense to buy hypoallergenic food. They do not contain unsaturated fats, glutens and other components that often cause pathological reactions. The composition includes dietary fiber and probiotics, and the protein content is reduced.

Natural feeding

The diet for a bulldog should not contain a lot of meat and offal (no more than 40%). To improve digestibility, these products need to be boiled and crushed. Other components:

  1. Fermented milk products (ryazhenka, natural yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese).
  2. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled in water.
  3. Boiled vegetables (except legumes, cabbage) - in any quantity, with the addition of vegetable oil.
  4. Boiled sea ​​fish- no more than 1 ruble/week.
  5. Chicken eggs (yolk) - 1 piece/week. It is better to give quail (3 pieces/week), they are less likely to cause allergies.
  6. Vitamin and mineral complexes.

In the diet of puppies up to 3 months. milk is included, 2 feedings should include milk porridge.

  • pork;
  • smoked meats;
  • fat;
  • salty;
  • flour;
  • sweets;
  • bones (except large beef bones).

English Bulldogs do not tolerate dietary changes well. If possible, avoid such situations, since there is a high probability of developing a negative reaction from the body. In case of emergency, changes to the menu should be made gradually, carefully monitoring the pet’s condition.

Choosing a puppy, keeping, raising

A purebred puppy can be purchased through kennel clubs, where they will provide information about kennels. Visit the exhibition to meet the breeders. Find suitable pet Possibly by advertisement.

It is advisable to study the description and character of the English Bulldog breed. Decide on the gender of the animal in advance. Males look more impressive, they are more cocky, curious, but less cautious. Bitches have an easygoing disposition, they are more obedient and easier to train. Signs of a purebred puppy:

  • compact body, almost square;
  • the back of the body is slightly raised;
  • large head;
  • widely spaced ears;
  • pronounced chin;
  • the lower jaw overlaps the upper;
  • the bridge of the nose is short;
  • the fold on the muzzle covers the bridge of the nose.

For the puppy you will need:

  1. A bed, preferably with hard sides.
  2. Bedding that should not be too soft or too hard.
  3. Bowls with high sides.
  4. Place a rubber mat under the bowls, otherwise they will move while eating.
  5. Shampoo.
  6. A brush for combing (a comb is not suitable as it will injure the skin).
  7. Cloth for wiping wool.
  8. Absorbent diapers.
  9. Toys (except balls and small, fragile objects that a puppy can easily chew).
  10. Instead of a collar and leash, it is better to buy a harness.

Lift the puppy very carefully, supporting him with one hand under his chest and the other under his hind legs. You cannot pick him up by the front paws or by the scruff of the neck. Lower him to the floor from your hands so that the baby immediately stands on all his paws. The puppy should not be allowed to jump from a height, as there is a risk of injury to the musculoskeletal and ligamentous systems. For the same reason, until the age of 4 months, the dog should not go down the stairs on its own (it can go up).

When caring for your puppy, do not forget to clean the folds around the face. Use wet baby wipes or a sponge with soap, this will help avoid the accumulation of pathogenic microflora. If irritation occurs in these areas, lubricate the skin with Vaseline.


The puppy should be walked more often, so he will quickly learn to relieve himself outside. It is better to take him out after sleep and every feeding. Gradually increase the duration of your walks, starting with 5 minutes.

Start walking the puppy after 10 days. after vaccination. For walks, choose places away from the roadway and playgrounds. Please note that due to the bulldog's specific appearance, people's reactions to it will be ambiguous. Until the pet gets used to its owner, you should also try to avoid meeting other dogs.

All walks should be educational in nature. It is better to start the socialization period at the age of 6 months; for this, visit more crowded places with the puppy. In order for your pet to get used to its relatives, communicate with those owners whose dogs have a temperament that matches the bulldog.


Raising an English bulldog means constant interaction with your pet, developing a clear understanding of the rules of behavior in the house, prohibitions, obedience and rewards. Guide your puppy's actions with the intonation of your voice. Bulldogs love to be praised; it is perceived as support. However, you should not allow the puppy to “sit on your neck.”

Rudeness is also contraindicated, otherwise the psyche can be disrupted, the dog will become cowardly or, conversely, aggressive. If the puppy shows fear, calm him down by stroking him. Don't encourage aggression. If the dog does not obey and growls, you need to take it by the scruff of the neck (withers) and press it to the floor or shake it a little (but not lift it).

Behavior is considered unacceptable if the puppy:

  • shits in inappropriate places;
  • chews household items;
  • picks up food from the ground;
  • bites hands, growls at the owner;
  • sleeps on the bed, sofa.

Breed standard in the FCI system

General form Medium size, massive body. The muzzle is short and thick, the nose is flat and forked. Upper lip wide and forked, the upper incisors are visible.
Head High, the skin around it forms folds. The forehead is flat. The skull circumference is large. The stop is deep, there is a wide notch (indentation) between the eyes.
Nose The lobe and nostrils are wide, large, and black.
Muzzle Wide, short, curved upward.
Lips Wide, thick, saggy. They hang down, closing their jaws on the sides. The front does not reach the edge of the lower lip.
Jaws Massive, square. The lower jaw is curved upward and protrudes in front of the upper jaw.
Eyes Located low, in line with the stop. Round, not sunken, but not convex either. Very dark, when viewed from the front the whites are not visible.
Ears Set on high, placed as high, wide and away from the eyes as possible. Thin, small, rose-shaped (hanging, facing back towards the back, the leading edge is curved back and outwards).
Neck Medium length, very thick, has a lot of excess skin that gathers in folds under the throat.
Back Powerful, short.
Breast Wide, convex, large in diameter.
Tail The length is average. Set low, straight at the base, then curves downwards. Never rises above the back.
Limbs Strong, muscular. The hind ones are longer than the front ones, so the loin is raised.
Wool Smooth, short, with a delicate texture.

Any solid color or “smoot” (with a black mask on the face); fawn, red, white, red; two-color (any combination of the specified colors); brindle (usually with a mask).

A small white spot on the chest in individuals of the same color is considered a disadvantage. Large white spots in such dogs are a defect.

Historical reference

Country of origin: UK. The ancestors are the dogs Crib and Rose, entered into the stud book in 1817. The ancestors are the Old English Bulldogs - an extinct breed of baiting dogs that was used in “blood sports” (bull baiting, dog fighting). There is another opinion: bulldogs descended from Alans - mastiff-shaped dogs living in the Caucasus Mountains.

The breed was first presented at an exhibition in 1860 (Birmingham, England). The first standard was adopted in 1875. Bulldogs could not be exported from the country until the 80s of the 20th century. Currently, several standards have been developed; in the Russian Federation, FCI standard, approved in 2004

Representatives of the breed came to Russia even before the revolution, but did not become popular. In 1923, breeding was suspended due to “emphasized bourgeoisism that does not correspond to the socialist way of life.” Selection was resumed in the 80s. 20th century, however, many individuals were deficient due to the lack of an influx of new blood. In the mid-90s. Bulldogs with excellent breed characteristics were imported from the world's leading nurseries. Currently, many dogs from Russia take prizes at major international dog shows.

A real aristocrat, a true gentleman, imperturbable, conservative, a little phlegmatic - the English bulldog. He is like the embodiment of “Foggy Albion”. Something so kind and soft, but powerful, with huge life baggage that must be reckoned with and must be lived up to.

Origin story

Today, the English bulldog is 100% the result of “jewelry” work, the creation of human hands, under strict selection.

A heavy dog ​​with a dead fight has been mentioned since 1406, in the book “The Art of the Hunt”. The homeland of dogs of this breed is England. According to the modern version of the origin, the English Bulldog is a descendant of the Old English Mastiff and Alan (the Viking dog).

Powerful, hardy dogs were bred for gambling, bull baiting, and dog fighting. Today, it is even difficult to imagine that the English Bulldogs, who were so loving, were so cruel. After the Parliament of England banned such entertainment involving animals in 1835, breeders began saving the breed; it began to disappear. New standards were introduced for the breed: smaller sizes, a more loyal attitude towards animals.

The first standards of the English bulldog breed were the bulldogs Crib and Rose in 1817. It is believed that all modern representatives of this breed descended from them.

Description of the English Bulldog breed

The English Bulldog is of medium size, kind of small and sturdy. They are distinguished by a rather funny wrinkled muzzle, for which the dogs are sometimes called “dear old aristocrats.”

  1. Representatives of this breed have a pronounced sexual type. Cables are larger than bitches, with larger bones and powerful, prominent muscles. Average height and weight adult dog: cable - 40cm, 25 -25.5 kg, bitches - 38cm, 21.7 - 22.5 kg.
  2. They have strong bones and well-developed prominent muscles.
  3. The legs are muscular and strong. The front ones are thick and dense. The rear ones are slightly longer and less powerful than the front ones.
  4. Thick, wide, strong neck, medium size.
  5. The head is quite large in relation to the body.
  6. The chest is very wide and round.
  7. The back is short, wider at the shoulders.
  8. The muzzle is short, upturned, and wide. The lower jaw is curved. The forehead is flat. The skin on the head is loose with slight folds.
  9. The tail is of medium length, directed downwards.
  10. The coat is short, thick, quite soft, pleasant to the touch.

Any deviations from the breed standards are considered as faults. Can affect the health and functioning of the dog!


The English Bulldog can come in different colors. But the color must be bright, even and clean. The spots are clear and pronounced.

Popular colors:

  • ginger,
  • brindle,
  • red and white,
  • dark mask,
  • spotted.

The dog's muzzle is darker, has a black “mask” or, as they say, “muzzle”.

Undesirable colors:

  • black and tan,
  • mouse gray,
  • brown and tan.


Despite a rather cruel and difficult past, the English Bulldog is sensitive, very loyal, loving and an excellent companion.

  1. Bulldogs are simple-minded by nature, but very smart.
  2. They are excellent companions, and at the same time excellent defenders.
  3. They love children.
  4. They take part in children's games with great pleasure. Just a fountain of energy and excitement!
  5. They are distinguished by great devotion.
  6. Other pets are dominated but treated with patience and understanding.
  7. Needs attention, care and communication.

The character of an aristocrat dog is calm and decisive without obvious signs anger and aggression.


English bulldogs are highly intelligent. They are able to remember about “300 human words.” But despite this, they are very slow students. This is due to the clumsy and slow nature of the dog. Therefore, you should be patient during training.

  1. When a puppy appears in the house, you need to establish clear rules of behavior in the house.
  2. Encourage the dog's good character traits in every possible way during training.
  3. The bulldog loves to please his owner, so he readily remembers those commands that bring him joy.
  4. The basis of education is constant encouragement: verbal, friendly tone, various goodies.
  5. Regular communication and training.
  6. Be sure to give the opportunity to communicate with other animals and the surrounding world.
  7. A 9-year-old child can be trusted to train and raise puppies at home.

Love, patience, clear rules, encouragement - this is the answer to the question: “How to raise a pet?”

Important! Training and early socialization are important for the English Bulldog; an untrained dog can be aggressive.

Care and maintenance

Buying a pet is a responsible step. This should be taken seriously. Find out more about your future family member. The issue of health and care should come first. You definitely need to find out: how long do representatives of this breed live, how to care for and what to feed, how to wash, so that four-legged friend Have you always been healthy?

Vaccination plays an important role in maintaining a dog's health. Vaccinations should be done according to the schedule, but only healthy dog, having previously carried out deworming.

The health of the English Bulldog should be treated with due attention. The life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 10-12 years. The dog demands ongoing care and attention, but despite this, it is perfect for inexperienced owners.

Dog hygiene

Caring for a bulldog is in some ways similar to caring for a small child. But all the owner’s efforts will be rewarded with endless devotion and love.

  1. The English Bulldog's coat is quite easy to care for. Brush with a stiff bristle brush 2-3 times a week. Molting begins at nine months. You need to comb to remove dead hair and dirt.
  2. Pay due attention to the folds on the dog's muzzle. They must always be clean. Folds should be wiped regularly, alternating wet and dry pads. There is no time to leave folds wet.
  3. The dog should be bathed as needed. Frequent bathing dries the skin and causes itching.
  4. Brush your teeth regularly.
  5. The areas between the toes should not be left without proper care. Without proper care, redness and diaper rash will form there.

The breeding process for English Bulldogs is not easy. Puberty occurs quite early, in females (6-7 months), not every cable can participate in mating. Only proper care can “grant” him such a right.

Mating comes with certain problems. Even with experienced breeders it happens, as they say, in six hands.

According to statistics, 90% of bitches need a caesarean section. Litter averages 5-9 puppies, optimal quantity 5-6.

An aristocrat dog, having a balanced character, is perfect for keeping both in a private house and a city apartment. A little pet needs comfort and coziness.

When purchasing a dog, you need:

  • organize a cozy place to relax;
  • purchase all the necessary things to care for the puppy (brush, toiletries, bowl - preferably made from natural materials, ammunition);
  • be sure to buy toys (chewing something is one of the bulldog’s favorite pastimes);
  • takes care of the temperature;
  • walk your dog regularly, but remember that heavy physical activity is contraindicated;
  • be prepared for snoring;
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly.


Unfortunately, the “gentleman bulldog” is not in good health. The English Bulldog has quite a lot of congenital and even hereditary diseases. Therefore, you need to choose a puppy carefully, from trusted breeders. At the same time, find out the opinion of a specialist: “How to determine a healthy puppy?”

Common Breed Diseases

  1. Brachycephalic syndrome. They do not tolerate heat well and can easily get heatstroke.
  2. Heart and lung problems are common.
  3. They have a predisposition to gastric volvulus. It is not recommended to turn the animal on its back.
  4. Predisposed to eye diseases: entropion of the eyelids, adenoma of the third eyelid.
  5. Allergy. You should monitor your diet. Harmful products: sausage, smoked meats, baked goods, canned food.
  6. Obesity is quite common, which can cause a number of problems.

You should be careful and responsible when changing your teeth. After all, this important point in the life of a little bulldog. During this period, there is a risk of diseases associated with infection in the oral cavity. When baby teeth fall out, they form wounds where various infections can get through the dog’s saliva. The change of teeth lasts about 28 days, over a period of 4 to 7 months.

You should pay attention to the health of your English Bulldog. Proper care is the key to your pet’s health!

What to feed

When choosing what to feed your pet, preference should be given to easily digestible, high-calorie food. We should not forget that representatives of this breed are prone to obesity.

When deciding what to feed your puppy, you first need to ask the breeder about the usual diet and regimen for a small bulldog.

The puppy's diet should include:

  • dairy products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt (raw milk in small quantities);
  • milk porridge;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetables and fruits (unsweetened).

Feeding little pet at 1.5-2 months - 6 times a day, in small portions. By 6-7 months the number of feedings is reduced, feeding 3 times.

Due to the peculiar physique of bulldogs, their diet should be dominated by cereals, vegetables and fruits.

The diet of an adult dog should include the following products:

  • meat, preferably beef, offal;
  • cereals;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • raw vegetables;
  • eggs (about 3 pieces per week);
  • sea ​​fish.

Needed using natural products, don't forget about mineral supplements.

When choosing what food to feed your dog, you need to take into account the dog's tendency to allergies. Some breeders are against feeding dry food. It's connected with physiological characteristics dogs. It is difficult for him to grab food. He simply swallows it, which negatively affects digestion.

Dry food should be balanced, easily digestible, super-premium.

When forming a diet, you need to take into account the physiology and characteristics of digestion!


Photo of an English bulldog

How much does a puppy cost?

It is best to purchase an English Bulldog puppy from breeders with a good reputation and positive reviews. How much a companion dog costs depends on the owner’s future plans.

If you need a faithful, loving friend, you can buy it relatively inexpensively, about 10-18 thousand rubles. For this price, the puppy will not have a pedigree or documents.

When the plans are larger - competitions, exhibitions, the puppy must comply official standards breeds Then the price is much higher, from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.


Gone are the days when the English bulldog caused fear and horror. Today it is a good-natured and devoted companion dog that can bring joy to the home.

English Bulldog Photo | Dreamstime.com

basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs Dog's tendency to find mutual language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

English bulldogs are dogs of powerful build, stocky, with well-developed muscles. Their homeland is Great Britain, where bulldogs are revered to a greater extent, calling them “English gentlemen” for their equanimity, cleanliness and sharp mind. True, the breed is widespread all over the world, including in Russia, where the first English bulldogs began to appear at the end of the 19th century.

Their exterior is somewhat deceptive; it gives the impression that squat English bulldogs are clumsy and slow. In fact, this is not so - if necessary, they can protect both themselves and the owner. English bulldogs are excellent companion dogs and bodyguards; they are distinguished by a calm and balanced disposition, courage and a certain degree of stubbornness. But the appearance of the breed (large head, many folds and wrinkles on the muzzle) and some features (excessive salivation, characteristic snoring) can be repulsive, so purchasing an English bulldog is a matter of taste; some people like these dogs, others don’t .

The growth of representatives of this English breed is about 30-40 cm, weight – 22-25 kg. Sexual dimorphism is clearly visible - females are smaller in size and not as massive as males. The general impression made by English bulldogs is that of a short, wide, very strong dog, with a high, large head, a short, dense body, and massive, short-length limbs. The skull of English Bulldogs is powerful, tall, and quite wide. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is short, the stop is pronounced, the loose skin on the head forms clearly visible folds. The muzzle is very wide, short, with a noticeably protruding square lower jaw. The cheeks are fleshy and prominent. Jaws hanging, thick, covering lower jaw. The eyes are wide apart, medium in size, oval shape, dark brown. The ears are set high, set wide apart, thin and small in size, directed downwards and backwards, forwards or can be semi-erect (rose, bud and tulip shapes). The neck is of medium length, very wide, powerful, with dewlap. The body is short, somewhat sloping in the area of ​​transition from the neck to the back, but rising towards the loin. The chest is wide and deep, the back is short, broad at the shoulders. The tail is set low, short in length, thick at the base. The forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs, widely spaced, strong, straight, short and muscular, the shoulders are massive. The hind limbs are muscular and large. The paws are round, compact, with thick toes. The coat of English Bulldogs is short, medium-coarse, lies close to the body, and is thick. Colors – white, red, fawn, brindle, spotted.

Photo of English Bulldog:

Photos of dogs of the English Bulldog breed | Dreamstime.com

Origin story

The modern heroes of this article are the ancestors of the Old English Bulldogs, widely known in Great Britain in the 17th-19th centuries as baiting dogs. Old English bulldogs (translated from English as “bulldog” - “bull dog”) were descendants of mastiffs (which spread around the world starting from Central Asia) and Alans (dogs from the foothills of the North Caucasus). By appearance The Old English Bulldog was similar to the modern breed type, although there are some differences. But perhaps the main thing distinguishing feature between English bulldogs and their forefathers is character. Old English Bulldogs had a high level of viciousness, which made them such popular fighting dogs. At first they entertained the crowd during bull baiting, and then they had fights with bears, horses, and lions. During the bloody battles, not only wild animals died; even the bulldogs themselves often died from hooves, horns and fangs. Bullfighting was banned in Great Britain in the 19th century, in 1835. Then resourceful fans of the bloody “sport” began pitting Old English bulldogs against other dogs. True, dog fighting was also banned shortly after bullfights, which played a cruel joke on bulldogs. It seemed that without participating in battles, these animals could no longer claim to exist - unprecedentedly powerful, ferocious, with a death grip of strong jaws. In addition, there were very few purebred bulldogs left, because they mated with individuals of other breeds. Only in 1858-1859, when the Old English Bulldogs became an almost extinct breed, did selection work begin to preserve these animals and eradicate their excessive anger. With great difficulty, the most balanced dogs from the Old English Bulldogs were selected so that already in 1860, at an exhibition in Birmingham, visitors could appreciate the “new” breed (which is also sometimes called decorative), actually recreated by the works of breeders and geneticists. The breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club and entered into the stud books in 1873. And after about 7 years (in the 1880s), English bulldogs began to increasingly gain attention outside their homeland.

Character of the English Bulldog

Looking at the gloomy little face of the English Bulldog, few people realize that the breed was originally bred to catch bulls. Oddly enough, these small dogs were once real helpers in catching a bull for slaughter. Thanks to its shortened muzzle and powerful jaws, the English bulldog would sink its teeth into the bull's neck and literally knock the animal to the ground.

However, today the bulldog has a reputation as a gentle and affectionate pet that loves to rub against your legs. Adult animals have a calm, balanced character, although they are stubborn. They are very playful and loyal pets. In addition, these dogs simply have angelic patience, especially towards children. Even if the child hugs and grabs the animal strongly, the dog will endure it all. Adult English bulldogs love to sleep or just lie around, which cannot be said about puppies, who are particularly active.

The character of an English Bulldog depends on proper upbringing. Provided that the Englishman gets a responsible owner with a persistent character, we can say with confidence that a dog of this breed will become a good friend and protector for all family members. Incorrect upbringing can lead to the most unexpected and sad results - the animal can become aggressive and uncontrollable. However, if we take into account dogs that have undergone socialization in puppyhood, and then training courses (OKD), we can highlight the following basic qualities:

  • Leadership – English bulldogs (especially males) by nature have a dominant character. Therefore, they need to be accustomed to other animals in the house (dogs and cats) in childhood, so that there are no clashes later. This also applies to relationships with the owner - even out of love, you should not allow the dog to do unacceptable things (aggression, biting, sleeping in the bed, begging). Easily sensing weakness, the bulldog will begin to dominate its owner;
  • Loyalty - these four-legged dogs love and respect their owner, and are good with children. But for this, the dog must be respected, and unfair and cruel punishments must not be allowed. In addition, for an English bulldog to become a real tailed friend, he needs to be given attention every day - play, have an interesting time on a walk, talk, teach;
  • Willfulness - these animals often try to act contrary to the owner, showing character. They themselves decide what is important for them at a given moment - to carry out the owner’s command or ignore it. But stubbornness can be completely overcome by building the right relationship with your pet;
  • Fearlessness - if necessary, English bulldogs can come into conflict even with individuals larger than themselves. Once angry, they will stand until the end, without fear of pain. Therefore, it is better not to set such dogs on other animals even for the sake of a joke - trouble cannot be avoided. The owner should also not provoke the animal into a fight with people, especially if the situation can be resolved peacefully;
  • Peaceful - well-mannered bulldogs are quite adequate, they do not rush at animals and people. They are unlikely to allow themselves to be bullied by cats and dogs, and will not tolerate excessive active games on the part of the master's children. But they would rather move aside than bite or attack;
  • Average level of activity - in puppyhood, English babies, of course, love to try everything and play pranks. But already in adulthood, these dogs are quite calm. So you don’t have to be afraid of walking with them on a leash, since an English bulldog running headlong is a very rare occurrence. In addition, their respiratory system does not allow long running, so they thrive in a city apartment, going for walks twice a day.

Place of residence of English bulldogs - apartment or a private house. Outdoor living is generally not suitable for this breed due to poor tolerance to temperature changes. In hot weather, bulldogs are walked as early as possible in the morning and evening, not in the midday heat. These dogs are suitable for two walks a day (40 minutes - 1 hour). In extreme heat and cold, the walking time can be reduced to half an hour. In the summer, it is wise to take a bottle of water to wet your dog's belly and paws before going outside. In winter, you can choose insulated clothing so as not to overcool the animal. Before going out onto a snowy or icy street, your dog’s paws can be lubricated with some vegetable oil or thick cream so that salt and reagents do not corrode the finger pads. After a walk, your paws should be washed.

The dog's bed should be placed in a cozy, warm corner without a draft. It’s better to make it yourself or buy a bed with a removable fabric surface that can be washed if necessary. It is recommended to provide the dog's place with toys that do not have small parts that can be easily chewed off by the dog. There should always be a bowl of food in your pet's corner. clean water(water is changed 2 times a day). Other bowls should be washed after each meal, not allowing uneaten leftovers to sit around. For an English baby, at first you can place the tray near the bed (or in the toilet, for example). But after all the vaccinations have been done, you should take the animal outside, preferably at the same time - this way the dog will learn to relieve itself outside the walls of the house.

Caring for the coat of bulldogs is not difficult - you just need to comb out the dead hair with a brush or rubberized glove several times a week. Only during molting (autumn and spring) are they combed daily. In cold weather, it is better either not to bathe the dog, or to prevent hypothermia - close all the windows, dry it thoroughly after a bath, and do not take it out for a walk until the fur is completely dry. To avoid irritation, you should use only products for short-haired dogs, avoiding shampoos for people. These dogs are washed no more than once every 2 months (less often), but they carefully monitor the cleanliness around the anus (wipe with a damp cotton swab). The folds on the face are wiped after every walk and meal. The bulldog's ears are cleaned once a week, removing wax with a cotton pad moistened antiseptic solution or ear cleaner. Claws are trimmed using a nail clipper 2 times a month. The eyes are wiped daily or as needed with a damp cotton pad, which can be soaked in boiled water. Dogs’ teeth are also brushed daily – a “human” brush with medium-hard bristles is also suitable for this, but it is better to purchase a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.

Training and education

Bulldogs are stubborn, and therefore training them is not an easy task. To achieve success in training you will need persistence, self-confidence, and of course your favorite treats.


Bulldog babies up to 3 months are fed 5-6 times a day, up to 5 months - 4-5 times, up to 7 months - 3 times, and at 10-12 months you can switch to “adult” food 2 times a day. It is advisable to feed the dog in the morning and evening after a walk. The simplest feeding option is ready-made dry or wet food good quality. Before buying food, it is better to consult a veterinarian, and also ask the breeder who sold the puppy what food was usually used in the kennel. Usually, quality feed belong to the premium and extra-premium classes. Choosing ready-made food will save the owner’s time; dry food can be poured into a bowl for future use if, for example, the dog is hungry and the owner is not around. Industrial food is complete and balanced, the dog will not require additional fortification.

Another food option - natural feeding. However, creating the right menu to suit your dog's needs can be difficult. Therefore, sometimes owners, out of the kindness of their hearts, feed their pets sausage, soups, pasta and other food that they prepare for themselves. This diet can lead to major problems with the dog’s health in the gastrointestinal tract. Main products from which dishes are prepared:

  • Lean boiled meat - beef, chicken, turkey, etc. (it is given every day);
  • Marine, lean fish– cod, flounder, hake (once a week);
  • Vegetables - carrots, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, etc. - they can be given raw, boiled or baked every day, starting with small quantities, making sure that the dog does not have allergies;
  • Porridge - rice, buckwheat, sometimes semolina and oatmeal (they can be given daily once a day, mixed with meat);
  • Fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt (can be given to the dog every day). It is advisable to give milk only to puppies, and exclude it from the diet of an adult bulldog;
  • Eggs (boiled yolk) – give to the dog 3 times a week;
  • Vegetable oil - it is added in small quantities to dishes (meat, vegetables, porridge).
You should not add salt or pepper to your dog's food. Fried foods should also be avoided. There is no need to treat your dog with sweets, baked goods, pickles, or any foods flavored with spices.

Health and illness

English bulldogs live about 8-10 years. Modern bulldogs have a longer (2-4 years) lifespan, unlike their Old English ancestors. These dogs can avoid many health problems with proper care - high-quality balanced feeding, monitoring the food they eat, preventing the dog from freezing, and timely visiting the veterinary clinic for preventive examinations. Although there are nuances that can only be resolved with the help of experienced owners and doctors - this is the mating and birth of puppies. Often the process of crossing dogs occurs with the participation of people, and during childbirth the bitch requires a cesarean section. When you visit your veterinarian, you can ask about medications for home first aid kit. Medicines are selected individually for each animal, so it is better to trust a specialist.

The main diseases of English bulldogs: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (dysplasia hip joint, hip dislocation), obesity, allergies, heart disease (stenosis mitral valve and the mouth of the pulmonary artery), eye diseases (cataracts, entro- and ectopion, keratitis, eyelid adenoma), tumors (mastocytoma).

English Bulldogs often suffer from hip deformities and other musculoskeletal problems. Diseases associated with skin infections. This is all due to folds in the skin of dogs. True, dermatological problems arise only with improper care. The main ophthalmological pathologies include cataracts, dry eye and ectropion.

A common problem for all bulldogs is brachiocephalic syndrome. This pathology in the process of its development leads to a narrowing of the upper respiratory tract, which makes it difficult for dogs with flattened faces to breathe. This physiological feature of the respiratory system obliges owners to protect the animal from exposure to cold and heat.

In addition, quite often dogs of this breed develop various allergies. Most often, a reaction to an allergen manifests itself on the skin. English Bulldogs are often diagnosed with bladder stones, as well as oncological diseases. Most of these problems are quite difficult to detect on early stages using standard screening tests. Veterinarians are inclined to believe that most diseases are genetic.

Some interesting facts

  • The image of the English bulldog has long been successfully used in animation and cinematography. For example, in the famous animated series “ PAW Patrol"(Strong), "Tom and Jerry" (Spike). You can also see these dogs in the films: “Hotel for Dogs”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson”, “Mr. Magoo” and others.
  • An English bulldog puppy without documents can be bought for 5,000-10,000 rubles (sometimes cheaper). A baby from a nursery will cost at least 40,000-50,000 rubles.
  • In Latvia (city of Daugavpils) a monument was erected to the local mayor of the late 19th century P. Dubrovin and his English bulldog dog.
  • The legendary British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was often compared to dogs of this breed due to his tenacity and high personal qualities(according to some unkind cartoonists, also because of the external resemblance). Even after the death of this famous man, English bulldogs were called in their homeland “Churchill in the flesh” or “living Winston.” By the way, Sir W. Churchill loved dogs, and his favorite breed was.
  • Bulldogs are stubborn and lazy. An adult pet does not really like long walks, although they are required, otherwise the dog will begin to rapidly gain weight.
  • Bulldogs cannot tolerate heat or high humidity. When outside, keep an eye on your pet. There is a high risk of overheating. At the slightest suspicion of overheating, immediately return the dog to the house. Some bulldog owners use a children's pool and leave their pet in it. Don’t forget that they don’t tolerate not only heat, but also high humidity, so don’t overdo it!
  • Bulldogs are very sensitive to cold.
  • Bulldogs are prone to wheezing and snorting when breathing, as well as snoring while sleeping.
  • Bulldogs are prone to excessive flatulence, but if your stomach behavior seems abnormal, it's best to see your veterinarian.
  • The shape of the head and the structure of the respiratory system of bulldogs causes respiratory diseases.
  • Bulldogs often have very narrow nostrils, which prevent sufficient air passage. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist.
  • All bulldogs love to eat. In case of uncontrolled feeding, your pet will gain excess weight, which will ultimately lead to obesity.
  • Due to their body structure, bulldogs are prone to problems with childbearing. Very often the female needs a caesarean section.
  • Never buy puppies from random breeders. Young animals should only be purchased from trusted, reliable dog breeders.

The English bulldog, which we see in the photo, has a pronounced individuality and is the national breed of England with the embodiment of the character traits of a true gentleman: aristocracy, conservatism, equanimity, thoroughness, a certain phlegmatism, which are combined with rough elegance and impressiveness.

Raising a bulldog requires considerable responsibility due to the fact that in the process of turning from fighting breed into decorative, he lost some working qualities, becoming very vulnerable. The English Bulldog has a genetic need for human companionship. The video will introduce you to this animal.

From the history

It is difficult to imagine that the good-natured and phlegmatic puppies were originally bred as bloodthirsty animals that beat bulls for the amusement of the public. Translated from English, bulldog is a bull dog. This is a short-haired breed of the second group of the FCI, a subgroup of mastiffs and molossians (see photo).

Now it’s enough to simply answer the question of where the breed came from. Of course, from battles. Those who survived a fight with bulls left offspring with a characteristic exterior. The author of the first canine work in history, Johannes Caius, mentioned in 1576 precisely the ancestors of the modern bulldog. The monsters of that time bear little resemblance to our resigned contemporaries, and are presented as evil, stubborn and energetic creatures, concerned with the only goal - to kill the bull in order to survive. A video of this spectacle can be seen below.

The modern bulldog is the result of yet another human repentance. For a long time, having fun baiting animals, having seen enough of various types of fights between them, the humane British passed a law on the protection of animals. The bulls were protected, but what should the English bulldog do? It is not suitable for dog fighting, as it will kill immediately - no spectacle. It is not suitable for hunting. So the original breed gradually began to die out. People realized it too late. It was only in 1817 that the dogs Crib and Rosa, the photo of which is posted below, were entered into the stud book. They are considered the ancestors of the modern English bulldog.

As we see in the photo, the Old English Bulldog was squat but powerful, with a heavy forehead, broad chest and tenacious jaws, but very disciplined, unconditionally obeying the owner’s commands.

Bull baiting was replaced by dog ​​fighting. To participate in such fights, bulldogs needed other qualities, such as flexibility, lightning speed, and mobility. To do this, they began to crossbreed with terriers, which significantly influenced the purity of the breed.

By the middle of the 20th century, breeding show breeds that were short, stocky and broad-chested became fashionable. The result of selection was an English bulldog devoid of anger and aggressiveness with a peaceful disposition, the description of which is included in the modern standard.

Breed characteristics

The bulldog has a funny face with folds, which can be seen in the photo. However, despite his good nature, this is a rather stern dog with a protruding jaw and open teeth. The folds in the skin helped the dog in battle, maintaining maneuverability and preventing blood from pouring into the eyes. Broad shoulders and a huge head form a squat image, which is depicted in photos and videos.

Representatives of this species are distinguished by a small pelvis and a massive head. This form does not allow the English Bulldog to give birth to puppies without the help of veterinarians. Puppies cannot normally pass through the birth canal, so dogs most often undergo a caesarean section.

The English Bulldog is considered one of the sickest breeds. They are prone to multiple hereditary and congenital diseases, mainly diseases of the heart and musculoskeletal system.

The lifespan of an English Bulldog is approximately ten years. Despite such a short life expectancy, many owners prefer this variety.

The English Bulldog can be classified as a medium-sized breed. At the withers, the height is up to 40 centimeters, and the weight of the male is about 25 kilograms, the female is several kilograms less. You can see the difference in the video.

The Bulldog is a classic English breed, known for its intelligence. He freely remembers many human words, understanding the intonation of the owner, which gives positive feedback from the owners. The dog is slow, so its training and education are difficult and slow. Slowness affects the dog's character. Hurry is not his style.

The character is quite stubborn. They always understand the essence of your team and everything we are talking about. But their stubborn disposition will not allow them to make concessions, as they feel like real bosses.

Remember that in a moment of danger, not a trace will remain of the sedateness and slowness of the English Bulldog. Then determination and speed awaken in him. Representatives of this breed are endowed with a unique appearance that perfectly reflects their character.

Speaking about the main behavioral features, it can be noted that this dog is calm, calm and friendly, his character is wonderful. Reviews from owners will not contain complaints about inappropriate barking or growling of their charge. English Bulldog puppies and adult dogs are always ready to communicate with their owner and support them in difficult times.

His nervous system makes it possible to avoid all kinds of conflicts. However, he will never allow himself to be offended. The fighting past is embedded in genetics, even despite the latent instincts.

The character of this breed was embodied by centuries of perplexity and reflection. The dog, created for fighting, gradually turned into a guard and now lives among the sofa cushions.

A purebred bulldog is an obedient and affectionate dog that can comfort you at any moment. Children love him. Yes, he himself is not indifferent to them. Loves to play with kids, is careful with them and will never hurt them. Quiet and calm, without aggressive displays, a bulldog can be an excellent company for your child.

Gets along with other dogs and cats who live in the house. Balance and goodwill are the main traits of his character.

Features of care

Thanks to the smooth and short coat of the English Bulldog, grooming it will not take you much time. You should comb it 2 or 3 times a week using a brush with stiff bristles (see video).

Make sure that the folds on your bulldog's face are always clean. Wipe them regularly with a damp cotton pad to prevent infection in the folds. First wipe the fold with a slightly damp pad and then with a dry one. Do not leave folds wet and do not use soap or other detergents, which can cause irritation and allergies.

You need to bathe your bulldog as needed and as shown in the video. Frequent bathing will cause dry skin and may also cause itching, irritation and flaking of the skin. Possible allergies.

A dirty dog ​​can be wiped with a damp cloth. Check your nails regularly and trim them on time. Teeth also need regular brushing.

Although this breed looks awkward and squat, it needs regular exercise. Due to the tendency to gain weight quickly, regular walks are very important. Solid by nature, bulldogs do not often become active of their own free will, so they sometimes need to be forced or motivated to take active action.

But exercise in very cold and hot weather is contraindicated. Short hair won't keep you warm in the winter, and the heat can lead to heatstroke.

A huge problem for these mighty dogs is allergies. Allergies in bulldogs can be caused by flowers, grasses, and pollen. Allergies can be the result of prolonged exposure to the sun. It is very important, when the first signs of allergic reactions occur, to contact a veterinarian and find out what caused the allergy.


A balanced diet is prerequisite proper growth and development of animals. Given the tendency of dogs to become obese, proper nutrition they just need it.

It's up to you to feed your pet natural food or super premium dry food. One thing to remember is to stick to the diet plan, not forgetting about vitamins, mineral supplements and, of course, loving your friend.

Price policy

Do you want to buy an English Bulldog puppy? Of course, you can do this via the Internet or look for advertisements in newspapers. But first, you need to decide for yourself what goals you want to achieve by buying a puppy. The cost depends on whether you want a pet or a future show champion. Puppies from champion parents will be expensive, but companion dogs are cheaper. Due to this, the price range varies.

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