Arnold eret healing system of mucusless diet. Secrets of losing weight on a mucusless diet - unusual facts of the healing system

Arnold Ehret is one of the best practitioners and theorists in natural medicine.

The Healing System of the Mucusless Diet is the long-awaited Russian edition of Arnold Ehret's most famous and powerful book.

This book is about health and self-medication methods, about the rules of eating and fasting.

It gives a new understanding of how our body works, what is the main cause of diseases and what needs to be done to cure them.

Arnold Ehret's main discovery is that dead food (and synthetic food in particular) causes addiction akin to a drug. The more waste and toxins accumulate in the human body, the more food he has to absorb in order to stop the elimination process foreign substances, or in other words, stop withdrawal symptoms. In fact, the entire population of the Earth consists of inveterate foodaholics. People are not so much hungry as they are tied to their food with an even more tenacious addiction than tobacco or alcohol provides. Well, what causes drug addiction, as is known, always and inevitably leads to illness.


1. I made the issue of body cleanliness dependent on nutrition.

2. Linked diseases with clogging of the body.

3. Dead (boiled) food blocks the mechanism for removing waste and toxins.

4. Illness is an attempt by the body to perform an emergency cleansing.

5. It is necessary not to treat the symptoms, but to eliminate the root cause - to cleanse the body.

6. Dead food clogs the body and leads to disease.

7. Dead food doesn’t so much nourish as it keeps you “on the needle.”

8. Living food does not clog the body, but cleanses and nourishes it with everything it needs.

9. Only living food can serve as natural food for a living organism.

10. The determining factor influencing the amount of vitality (tone) is not energy value nutrition, but the burden of waste and toxins that the body is forced to bear, burdened with dead food unnatural to its nature.

The essence of all Eret's works is that it is necessary to cleanse your body. After all, “B healthy body- healthy mind." This is necessary both for the health of the body and for spiritual self-knowledge and self-improvement, because a person, indeed, cannot say a smart thing or act smartly if his body is like a garbage dump and is out of balance. People in films are shown saying smart things with a glass of vodka in their hand. This is not possible in the essence of things. A person can say smart things and act smartly only if he is in resonance with this very Essence.

The main idea behind the mucusless diet is that starch is the basis human nutrition, and which Eret basically means by the word “mucus,” is harmful to the human body; Boiled starch is poison! The meaning of this sad fact is inherent even in the translation English word"Starch" - which in translation from Old English means "to harden", that is, "to stick together" - glue. This is the physiological effect of starch when it is long-term use, — starch seals all microvessels human body, as well as “scale” and rust, narrow any water pipes with prolonged use. This comes from the fact that starch does not consist of exactly the glucose that the human body needs. To extract the necessary glucose from starch - the body still needs to expend a lot of energy and vitality; and the body, due to the extreme strength of starch, does not fully cope with this task. Some of the starch remains in the body and gradually, over the years, seals it from the inside.

Starch is a very long and heavy polymer, such as nylon or dideron, for women's tights or plastic cellophane bags. Starch consists of branched and highly entangled polymers: amylopectin and amylose. There is not much that distinguishes starch from regular paper. This is why starch is used as wallpaper glue. So this is precisely the merit of Ehret, who discovered these gluing properties of starch on human body! The experience of fasting of many people confirms that if only during a fast or cleansing, on clear freshly squeezed juices, a diet, or swallow even a molecule of boiled starch in any form, the cleansing of the body stops instantly and all your work is in vain!

Starch is a delayed-action poison!

It is important for every person to know the limits of his food needs. Anyone who has studied the issue of food knows that humanity, and especially the wealthy part of it, suffers from overeating. Even the poorest do not suffer from malnutrition: at most it is from the inferior quality or poor condition of their food. It is not an exaggeration to say that more or less all beings suffer.

We all eat out of habit and for the pleasure of absorption. delicious dishes. However, from a physiological point of view, only those foods have value that are eaten with a certain hunger (natural craving for food). And only under these circumstances will any food, even the simplest, create satisfaction and pleasure. No animal in the wild will take food unless it is hungry. It is a fact that the poorest countries have the maximum number of centenarians. And it is equally true that the diet of cities - the so-called "refined", "processed" dishes - is main reason the extinction of all families in the third or fourth generation. It is an established fact that all large cities would very soon die out if it were not for healthy visitors from rural areas where simpler food is consumed. It is a fact that two thirds of the human race (Buddhists, Muslims, Chinese and Japanese) live on Lenten dishes, consisting of a handful of rice and a few vegetables - both their resistance to disease and strength far exceed those of meat eaters. It is a fact that the Bedouins make long and difficult journeys through the desert without any food except a few pounds of dates. This - historical fact that the great philosophers of Old Egypt did not eat thick food for decades, but refreshed themselves by swallowing the juice obtained by chewing food, and their wisdom and knowledge were preserved for centuries. It is a fact that the greatest thinkers of mankind have been more or less ascetics, that is, frugal eaters.

The mathematician Pythagoras could not gain access to the School of Philosophers in Egypt until he had fasted for forty days, not, of course, to test his patience and will, but for the physiological cleansing necessary to allow his brain to accept greater wisdom. Moses fasted on Mount Sinai, making laws for his people, and Christ fasted forty days in the desert, probably without even water, before appearing before the people. The history of the Roman Catholic Church shows a large number of saints who ate almost nothing for decades and lived to old age. The American Fletcher proved the physiological truth of this so-called legend by reducing his daily food intake tenfold, using intense chewing - Fletcherizm, thus curing himself and others from the most serious diseases. Socrates (Socrates) says - “Than less people eats, the closer he is to the deity.” Goethe says: “Man is what he eats.” Facts and the wisdom of great men prove that care and worry and the tireless struggle for daily bread are just the pursuit of a phantom. “The quirks of our diet are the main and main causes of all diseases” is the title of a book written by a Swiss doctor.

Struggle for existence- mainly an effort to acquire the means to live in luxury, that is, first of all, to eat well and plentifully. The truth about proper nutrition- a book with seven seals for the public and scientists. Most people, especially the poorer ones, are under the impression that they are underfed in comparison with the luxurious table of the rich. The fear of famine hangs over modern humanity like a nightmare; skipping a meal once already causes nervousness. This painful error, this tragic ignorance, this fatal error, is generated and supported by erroneous medical doctrines.

Trying to put people on a proper diet will only succeed if you give people the straight truth. Restriction is generally only possible if you know how much or how little is absolutely necessary, and what is truly the best and most valuable food. New thoughts and truths penetrate only if pure form demonstrated in practice by individual leaders. People will not turn to a new goal until they see a champion swimming against the tide of the old, wrong doctrine.

No one will give up pleasure unless forced to do so. No one will voluntarily give up certain products until he imagines them to be the best and does not know that there is something better, something very superior, something infinitely more beautiful. The purest, most beautiful and, at the same time, the most digestible food of humanity can only be that which is determined for it biologically, by the law of nature - in its natural form.

If man was the finest at creation, then his food must then have been the finest and most nourishing, and therefore all mixtures resulting from modern cuisine must of necessity be regarded as inferior - they represent the regression and degeneration of humanity.

On the other hand, the fruit diet, as described in the Book of Genesis, is the highest and superior to any form of diet for the human race.
In order to proper diet was met with success, the fear of malnutrition in public opinion must first be dispelled. If partial or complete failure from bread, meat, eggs, milk, etc., will be applied, it must be proven and demonstrated individual examples that it is not only possible to exist by eating fruit, but also that it is heavenly, natural diet humanity is the most acceptable and beautiful, and therefore can serve today. It must be demonstrated that a handful of fruit contains more nutrition than an entire modern meal of half a dozen courses. The value of perfectly digestible food and all forms of nutrition must be demonstrated by fruitarians.

But where can you find strict fruit eaters? They exist only in theory in civilized life. He could strictly adhere to his beliefs only by living in nature, separated from the civilized environment. He and his friend lived this way for two years. During that time he made the most remarkable tests, which are described in his book "Rational Fasting." You can't live on strict fruit diet in civilized life, because the senses are so highly developed that they present life as very unpleasant and inconvenient when it comes to so-called healthy people. You need to live on the “Mucusless Diet” and narrow down your sensitivity. The Paradise diet does not harmonize with the Sodoms of civilization, just as no one can come to a strict fruit diet except by going through the “Mucusless Diet.” It must be carefully and gradually implemented and individually adjusted.

The universe is governed by laws that never change, therefore, since fruits were the heavenly food of the most beautiful and God-like beings, they are today the excellent heavenly healing diet.

So, Arnold Ehret’s book “THE HEALING SYSTEM OF A MUCOUS-FREE DIET” gives a new understanding of how our body works, what is the main cause of diseases and what needs to be done to cure them.

Written almost 100 years ago, this work remains extremely relevant today, because in addition to theory, it gives a number of simple, but at the same time very necessary advice on improving the health of the human body.

This book is in format

Raw food diet and vegetarianism are in the right ways improve your body health and lose weight. Such scientific method in the field of nutrition, the mucusless diet, developed by Arnold Ehret in 1922, is a healing program for cleansing, restoring and maintaining the health of the body. The system represents a transition from foods that form mucus to the consumption of “live” food.

What is the mucusless diet

Many years ago, Professor Ehret Arnold called the human body a “gas engine.” To be more precise, the body accumulates mucus throughout its life, which it receives from undigested nutrients. It is impossible to digest it, so the process of rotting occurs. Having studied vegetarianism, naturopathy, medicine and physiology, the scientist came to the conclusion that healing diet should be devoid of mucus and albumin.

Healing mucusless diet system

Since childhood, a person accumulates waste, toxins, and pathogenic substances in the body, which are converted into mucus and pus. They can cause organ malfunction, the formation of vascular plaques, etc. Main principle healing system of a mucusless diet - gradual adaptation to the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables that are completely digestible digestive system. You should also do an enema daily to cleanse the colon of impurities.

As Arnold Ehret wrote, rational fasting helps restore health and vitality. However, you should not suddenly change your diet, as this may lead to the production of toxins that the body cannot eliminate on its own. It is better to eat 2 times a day, eating raw fruits, green leafy vegetables and nuts. Who is this diet suitable for:

  • adults who want to cleanse the body;
  • those who want to send overweight;
  • patients who have digestive problems;
  • adherents of vegetarianism and raw food diet;
  • people with chronic diseases.

Mucus-forming foods

Harmful substances are the basis of human diseases, so their occurrence must be avoided. Junk food produces acid, which causes significant harm to the body, causing illness. The diet excludes the following mucus-forming foods:

  • meat, poultry;
  • dairy products,
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • flour;
  • legumes;
  • animal fats;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • baked goods and sweets;
  • gelatin;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • products subjected to heat treatment;
  • sweet, sparkling water;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa.

Mucusless diet menu

It is very important that people learn to move from mucus-forming products to those that produce the least amount of waste. One week is not enough: the diet must become a habit. This will help you avoid diseases and get slim figure. Mucusless diet menu:

  1. Breakfast should be late. In the morning it is better not to eat anything, wait until noon. If you feel hungry, you can have a snack fresh fruit.
  2. For lunch you are allowed to prepare vegetable broth and baked vegetables.
  3. You can eat it for dinner vegetable salad.
  4. In between meals, you should drink plenty of fluids, freshly squeezed juices, and hot vegetable broths.

It is necessary to introduce natural and biologically pure products into the diet in order to recover from dangerous diseases. What you can eat during the diet:

  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • bananas;
  • grapes/raisins;
  • plums/prunes;
  • strawberries;
  • cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts);
  • greens (parsley, dill, basil, thyme);
  • leaf salad;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • cucumbers;
  • green pea(fresh, canned);
  • green beans;
  • seaweed;
  • tomatoes;
  • zucchini/zucchini;
  • coconut water.

Pros and cons of the mucusless diet

The nutrition system developed by Eret allows you to lose weight and feel light. However, you should consider the pros and cons of a mucusless diet so as not to harm your body. Advantages:

  1. The body receives the right amount of glucose, removes toxins and harmful substances.
  2. Patients feel relief and a sharp increase in concentration.
  3. Over time, dieters begin to think positively and get rid of bad mood, irritability.

Thanks to proper diet nutrition can improve your health, strengthen your body and lose weight. However, the system has its drawbacks:

  1. Prolonged fasting can be dangerous for the body. It is better to consult a doctor.
  2. On initial stages diets, symptoms of detoxification appear.
  3. The body receives little protein, fat, useful minerals.
  4. Dental problems, dizziness, and fatigue appear.
  5. The diet is difficult to maintain.

Video: mucusless diet Arnold Ehret

Arnold Ehret

The Healing Mucusless Diet System

Preface from the translator

"That which cannot be explained in simple words- nonsense.

No matter how scientific it may sound.”

Arnold Ehret

I undertook this translation because this author had an incredible influence on my life. Another reason was that it is unknown to the Russian-speaking reader. Why his book, weaker in content, “Rational Fasting” - “Treatment with Hunger and Fruits”, was translated into Russian, and not this book, I don’t know. In this work of his, Eret shows the full power of his intellect, observation and common sense. And all this is backed up by vast experience. I also like that it's complex medical categories and Eret describes the unique mechanism of the functioning of the human body easily and naturally - so that the reader of any level of training, as they say, will “grab it on the fly.”

But the most valuable thing in our world is knowledge. And wherever a person directs his irrepressible zeal, but not to improve his body and spirit. Knowledge about the body last years They went in a completely different direction that is beneficial for the average person. Scientists are “digging” deeper and deeper into genes, genomes, chromosomes, DNA; a person knows how to grow organs, make perfect prosthetics, clone, transplant body parts, and so on, so on. But if you ask - what has been created for health (mental and physical) in today's world, how has this enormous technical and theoretical knowledge influenced the joy of life in a healthy body? The answer is as follows: official medicine is a “conveyor belt of death,” and the conveyor belt is very profitable. The fact that it has no success in giving health is evidenced by the fact that the number of diseases over the last hundred years has increased, if I’m not mistaken, from 5 to 30 thousand names, and the “age” of diseases has dropped to terrible numbers. So now it’s time for old women to give up their seats on public transport to young people. Is this progress? And the “treatment” is carried out with toxic chemicals, each of which has its own “dose of mortality”. Pharmacology and surgery are thriving! Stuffing it with poisons and cutting it off is, of course, easier than curing it. In general, you can talk about medicine for a long time, but this conversation will not bring joy. Read, at least, Stoleshnikov’s latest revelations and you will understand the essence.

If you figure it out, now All works against human health a hundred times more than it was even 20 years ago - food (GMOs, additives, dyes, thickeners, stabilizers, E, terrible mixtures, preservatives, condensed milk from wallpaper paste and titanium white...), drink (99% of harmful counterfeits in total - from juices to mineral waters and beer...and the “originals” do not shine with usefulness), habits (smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity, promiscuity, haste, overwork, laziness...), atmosphere (CO2, emissions, accidents, noise, microwave radiation from mobile phones, TV channels, satellites...), society (homosexuality, pedophilia, extremism, not caring about everything by the authorities...). And in this world you must survive on your own and raise children. Everything needs energy. And the body spends it on all this. As a result, under current conditions, a person “works out” his colossal resource in 30–40 years, instead of 100–150; gives defective offspring, which still die out after 2-3 generations, because degeneration and loss of strength progress with each generation.

That’s why I want to convey to the world the views of this great man - Arnold Ehret (who, by the way, was killed for this knowledge. It is stupid to believe that a man who walked all over Europe and Asia “slipped and fell” but did not wake up) . Views that, by the way, have been known for 100 years. But no one is in a hurry to implement them. This means that someone benefits from this depopulation and class slavery.

Fasting and eating according to this system have already saved me from 2 chronic diseases, one of which I suffered all my adult life - pharyngitis (colds, runny nose, don't get dressed easily, don't drink cold things...), the other I caught 2 years ago - prostatitis. Moreover, this second disease affects men 20–30 years older than me. From this second one I suffered more than colds in my entire life. I will not describe the official “treatment” - those who have undergone it know how humiliating, unpleasant and expensive it is. And they immediately tell you: “That’s it, now this is for life.” But how could it not be so! Nothing other than an injury and a bullet in the head is irreversible in the body if the resource of vitality has not yet been developed.

I'll say it again. Knowledge is power. You will need it to understand what is really happening in your body. Indeed, you need to be very confident in yourself, in your abilities and in your understanding of the situation, when stones begin to come out of the gums, acid vomiting appears, temperature and blood pressure jump and ulcers appear on the skin in places of former/future diseases - these are all signs of elimination - ridding your body of filth. Believe what Eret says. If you have enough Faith and Strength, then soon this faith in his words will move to the level of Knowledge and then no evidence will be needed anymore. On fasting, I also recommend reading Stoleshnikov’s “How to Return to Life.” In his book at the end you will find a list of references, which contains all the authors worthy of attention.

And finally, I translated this text for a long time and sometimes at night. Therefore, there may be typos in it, grammatical errors, repetition of words. But all of them do not affect the quality of presentation and its essence.

Strength and patience to you to follow the Path of “Eating your way to health!”

The book has fields B1; H1; L2.5; P1. In order to print it most efficiently, start printing from the “odd pages”, then turn the paper over, swap the numbers on the right and left margins - L1; P2.5 and print “even”. This way you will get an easy-to-read book, which you can punch on the left side with a hole punch and read in a folder, fasten with paper clips, etc.

Maybe someone will also want to show their love for their neighbor. I would like to advise such People to translate books by Arnold DeVries. He perfectly describes practical tests of how fasting works with various diseases, the physiology of starvation, experiments on introducing the destructive diet of civilization on several generations of cats and their terrifying results. Moreover, it is not necessary to know English. I had time and desire, but someone else may have money and desire - a translation can be ordered. Fortunately, there are now many freelance translators, agencies and titans like Pragma and Promt.

You may know about the healing mucusless diet of Arnold Ehret, but most likely not, because... this author is little known in the Russian-speaking world. Explanation of the name of the diet: toxins, poisons, harmful substances are concentrated in our body in the form of mucus, hence the name - mucusless diet.

We can talk about Arnold Ehret’s book endlessly, but we’ll break it all down. IN modern world a lot of people “bite” and do it extremely irresponsibly, without thinking about their health. We use a lot different foods, but only a small part benefits us, why?

Arnold Ehret believes that a person should eat only when he feels hungry, because it is at this moment that the body will tell you what it really needs. When we are full and eat, our body is silent, because it still doesn’t need anything, and we stuff it with what we need and don’t need, thereby harming our health.

The mucusless diet is truly therapeutic! This diet is a huge set of rules and instructions about what to cook, how to cook, how to consume it all. All diseases from poor nutrition: We are made up of what we eat! This is the author's most important idea. When creating the diet, the author was guided by the laws of nature, the laws by which the entire animal world lives.

The main goal of a mucusless diet is to remove all harmful substances from the blood and tissues, as well as renew cells in the body. There are 2 factors to consider before starting a mucusless diet:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the level of slagging, because if this level is high, then switching to a mucusless diet can cause harmful substances to enter directly into the blood.
  2. If you have recently completed the course drug treatment, then there are drug residues in your body. When switching to a mucusless diet, they can enter the bloodstream.

In a mucus-free diet, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Adherence to one diet;
  2. No overeating;
  3. Drinking and eating should not be combined;
  4. Limited amount of food.

Transition recipes

It is worth noting that cattle, when living in the wild, eats only grass and nothing else. No animal unites when eating various products, and it is also worth noting that not a single animal drinks between sips when eating, only, probably, except for domestic animals. So, from all this we conclude: it would be ideal for a person to eat one type of fruit per season. Soon we will feel that you can freely get enough of just one type of fruit, and feel much better at the same time than in the past. During a transition diet, you need to use a combination of food and mixture prepared from boiled, steamed or baked foods.

It is necessary to take as a basis two thirds of chopped or grated raw carrots(beets or celery can be used, but carrots are better). Add one third of chopped ripe bananas, a few raisins or chopped dried figs. Don't eat nuts or grains, plus never mix juicy fruits and nuts.

Recipe for a Stronger Stomach

The base is two-thirds of grated or chopped apples + one-third of grated carrots (beets or celery) + raisins, chopped dried figs, honey or fruit jelly. An effective combination that dissolves poisons and mucus. Recommended to be used more frequently raw vegetables. In the beginning, use stewed fruit or 50/50. For example, 0.5 raw grated apples + 0.5 applesauce, with a little honey added.

Cooking bread

First, we need to mix whole wheat flour with fresh carrots (grated) in a 50/50 ratio. Just to make sure the dough holds, add a little white flour. Add some grated apples and nuts, you can add raisins to taste. This bread does not need to be baked very quickly (carefully), but it is recommended to eat it when it is 2-3 days old.


Fruitfully beat one egg for 5 minutes, slowly adding a pint (approximately 473 milliliters) of salad oil. Then add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.

In a small volume of water (possibly in olive or vegetable oil) stew coarsely chopped cabbage and onions (not large quantities). Then you need to add some chopped sweet pepper. After which you can finish stewing by adding chopped tomatoes in small quantities. Salt, pepper - to taste. It is worth noting that the dish is very appetizing.


In the event that you completely stop consuming salt, there will be times when you will be very thirsty during the transition diet. Lemonade with a little honey will help reduce thirst much better than plain water. You can also get an excellent drink from sour and sweet and sour fruits. Apple cider- also a good option.


Seasonings are a matter of taste! And here they are small ways preparations:

  1. Olive or salad oil with lemon juice;
  2. A spoon of nut or peanut butter, which is dissolved in water + a little lemon juice.

On a note

This is just a small part of a big science! The main thing is that you learned about the existence of such a diet, and now it’s up to you!

Video about the power system from Arnold Ehret

Incurable kidney and heart disease prompted the German professor to experiment, which resulted in new discoveries in the field of nutrition. Almost a hundred years ago, Arnold Ehret turned to the best medical luminaries of the time for help. However, none of the 24 (!) doctors could help him: attempts to cure him were unsuccessful, and the patient’s situation was hopeless.

Diet features

The scientist presented A New Look on the basic provisions of official medicine. He came to the conclusion that a person has absolutely no need for additional energy, especially an animal one. The main component of nutrition, according to Eret, should be. The only source of brain nutrition should come from fruits, which will be the main ingredient in the menu.

No less important point is a complete cleansing of the body so that glucose enters in sufficient quantities, is properly broken down and transported through the blood vessels. The obstacle in her path is precisely the mucus, which needs to be gotten rid of. Mucous coating on internal organs And blood vessels appears due to poor nutrition.

The scientist considers any meat to be the main cause of many diseases. Even a fresh product is at a certain stage of decomposition. In the human body, this component causes decay and the formation of the same mucus. Meat and its derivatives should be excluded in any form.

Eggs are also excluded from the mucus diet menu. They also have sticky properties and are prone to the accumulation of harmful substances. White flour, according to the scientist, clogs the entire digestive system in the human body. The only baked goods allowed are bran and dried.

The main essence of the diet comes down to the fact that a person must eat to live, and not vice versa. The amount of food at the main stage of the mucusless program is minimal. Eret himself, in an attempt to recover, completely refused food for 46 days, “eating” only fresh air and water. Fasting days on the water, according to the doctor, are mandatory. The scientist argued that a person needs a very small amount of food to really feel full.

Mixing different food components is not allowed. In his work, the scientist draws a parallel with wild animals. They never mix several types of food at the same time, nor do they mix quenching hunger and thirst. You should not drink liquid while eating, as hunger and thirst - different concepts and there must be a gap between them. Official medicine agrees with this point, since water dilutes gastric juice and stretches the walls of the stomach. When eating according to this system or another, try not to wash down your food with drinks.

So, the main tenets of the diet say: you need to eat little, only plant foods, do not wash down your food and exercise once a week. fasting days on the water. Such methods, according to Ehret, will completely cleanse the body of harmful components, free radicals, excess salt and remove mucus. A cleansed body, as a unique phenomenon, is itself able to get rid of inflammation and dangerous diseases.

Contraindications to the technique

The mucusless diet is a method of cleansing the body, which is based on fasting and severe menu restriction. Therefore, it must be approached with caution. It is best to consult with a specialist about the possibility of conducting such a program.

You should not resort to the Ehret diet:

  • for diseases of the endocrine system;
  • if you have diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • having insufficiency of any internal organ.

If severe digestive disturbances are observed during the diet, frequent dizziness and nausea, the diet should be gradually stopped. To do this, you need to immediately move on to the stage of quitting the diet.

Nutrition according to Eret

Whole diet healthy person, according to the professor’s theory, should consist of plant foods. The menu should include fruits, vegetables (mostly green), herbs, lettuce, and nuts. The main part of the diet should be made up of raw and fresh foods; periodically it is allowed to subject them to heat treatment. You cannot fry food; only boiling, stewing, steaming or cooking in the oven is allowed.

You can make smoothies or purees from fruits and berries. It is advisable not to mix several types, but to use only one product for one meal. It is definitely recommended to add nuts to your diet, as they are practically the only source of beneficial ones. Cereals, despite the fact that they are also vegetable, are not allowed. Sometimes you can only cook legumes.

All other products, according to the doctor, cause the formation of mucus and rotting processes. Use nutritional supplements( , ) is also not allowed, since they are classified as unnecessary ingredients for the body.

The power diagram looks like this:

  • breakfast - water, juices or decoctions;
  • afternoon snack – vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juice;
  • lunch - raw or cooked vegetables, vegetable broths, crackers;
  • snack – berries, fruits, nuts;
  • dinner - vegetable salad, crackers, raw or cooked vegetables.

A hearty breakfast is excluded in the mucusless diet. Natural cleansing of the body occurs at night, when a person does not eat. The doctor claimed that a person wakes up hard and feels unwell in the morning because the body is still trying to get rid of poisons. With the first intake of food, your health improves, as the body directs all its energy to digestion, and not to cleansing.

In the morning, the body is not ready for heavy food in large quantities. In addition, when the day begins with eating porridge and sandwiches, the body does not have time to remove mucus and harmful components before a new portion arrives. Breakfast, in the usual sense, is absent in the mucusless diet. You can have a drink in the morning herbal decoction or freshly squeezed juice.

For lunch, a vegetable salad is prepared from cabbage and grated cabbage. The scientist called it “broom” and used it daily. Nowadays, this dish is known as “brush” and is used in popular.

For lunch, you can boil or stew vegetables; baked fruits and the same cabbage salad are welcome. From time to time you can boil vegetable broth for lunch and dinner. Crackers and dried toast (bran or rye) can be eaten for lunch, dinner and dinner. You are allowed to take nuts for snacks, fresh berries and fruits.

The scientist himself wrote in his book that to an ordinary person It is dangerous to suddenly switch to a mucusless diet. Before the main stage, you need to undergo thorough preparation so that the body can handle the changes normally.

Switching to a mucusless diet

To enter the diet you will need enough long time. Phase out harmful products should take approximately three months. Modern man I am addicted to food, so eliminating everything I like will require preparation.

First of all, you need to spend 2 weeks without food with harmful additives. This includes semi-finished products, street food, non-natural seasonings, and sausages.

At the next stage, it is advisable to completely abandon meat products, i.e. switch to vegetarianism. The list of prohibited items includes all derivatives of animal meat: fats, fillets, offal. During this period, you can eat dairy products and eggs. Gradually you need to add more plant foods. Fried foods are also excluded. For the second phase, casseroles, stews, fresh foods, etc. are suitable.

In 2-3 weeks vegetarian menu you need to minimize salt and sugar, exclude eggs and dishes with them. What remains are dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. At this stage you can cook the roast without meat, vegetable soups, porridge, eat unsweetened pastries.

After another 2 weeks without meat and eggs, you need to exclude products made from white flour and. At this stage, cereals remain on the menu, which can be cooked up to 3 times a week. All other nutrition should be based on plant foods. You can prepare vegetarian soups, stew vegetables, bake fruits, and make smoothies or salads from berries. During the same period, you need to gradually reduce your portions to the size of your palm. You need to stick to this diet for 2 weeks or more.

At the last stage, only greens, vegetables, and fruits should remain in the diet. Can be used rye crackers or bran bread. Gradually, you should introduce more dishes from raw ingredients; you should choose non-starchy vegetables. At the end of the first week of mucusless feeding, you need to carry out the first unloading on water; if desired, this can be done at the previous stages. The main period of the diet should last 2-3 months.

According to the author, already in the first stages the cleansed body will begin to fight various diseases. Reviews from Turn's followers claim that many did not need to follow the main stage, since significant relief occurs in the first phases.

Quitting the diet

The results of the diet impressed many adherents of the mucusless diet. A considerable part of them consider this diet as the only correct one and follow it all their lives. The scientist himself set an example and ate according to the presented menu for the rest of his life. Quitting this diet, according to the professor, is not necessary.

Modern nutritionists completely disagree with this statement and call for a balanced diet. Thorn gave the example of a cow: we don’t give it milk to increase its milk yield, we don’t feed it meat to make it grow. It’s the same with humans, the doctor argued that we absolutely do not need additional ones in order to develop normally.

Modern medicine completely refutes this statement: without normal amount nutrients the body is exhausted. A mucusless diet is recommended as an additional measure if there are no contraindications.

To properly exit the diet, you need to go the same way as to switch to a mucusless diet. First you need to return dairy products, then cereals, then eggs and meat. Each product should be added gradually, at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

Conclusions about the mucusless method

Almost a century ago, Arnold Ehret cured himself and treated hundreds of people with the mucusless diet and fasting. The two sanatoriums he opened in Switzerland contained thousands of rejected patients official medicine. But science still doesn’t know exactly how this technique works on the human body.

The technique is tough and requires caution on the part of the practitioner. In addition to health improvement, reviews note weight loss and weight stabilization, improved well-being and appearance. Among the practitioners, there were also those who were categorically dissatisfied with the diet. Giving up almost all familiar foods is quite difficult and is often accompanied by malaise.

When resorting to such categorical measures, you must definitely monitor your well-being, and before entering a diet, consult a doctor. Most modern doctors consider this technique as plant-based diet for detoxification, and not as a panacea for all diseases. If your plans are for regular weight loss, experts recommend choosing more balanced and nutritious methods.

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