Free medicines for pensioners. List of pharmacy organizations involved in providing preferential categories of citizens with medicines

According to statistics, about 20 million people in Russia have the right to free, so-called preferential, medicines. Approximately 15.5 million of these people choose cash compensation over drugs, and only about 4 million people exercise their full right.

Who is entitled to such medications in 2019 and in what cases can the state pay for treatment? First things first.

What medications are given free of charge?

The list of free medicines is regulated by the government.

The document confirming their receipt is an order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russia “On approval of the list medicines, dispensed with a doctor's prescription when providing additional medical care certain groups of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance", adopted in 2006, in September.

This document is updated regularly as some drugs are added to the list and others are removed from it.

In 2019, the group of free medicines included all categories of medicines:

  • non-narcotic and opioid analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs for the treatment of allergies, gout, and parkinsonism;
  • anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic substances;
  • antidepressants, antibiotics, sleeping pills;
  • antiviral and antifungal drugs;
  • medications for the treatment of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems;
  • hormones and many other drugs.
Almost any disease can be cured exclusively with the help of free drugs.

Who is eligible for free medicines

Categories of persons who have the right to free medicines, are spelled out in Article 6.1 of Law No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999, in Article 125 of Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004.

The prescription must indicate its validity period, usually one month. This is the time within which the medicine must be obtained from the pharmacy. If the drug is not available, medication may be offered similar action. The validity of the prescription can be extended, and in this case the pharmacy is obliged to organize the issuance of the requested drug within 10 days.

If it is necessary to continue treatment, as well as in case of loss of the prescription, the doctor is obliged to prescribe the drug again.

Any person to whom the prescription is given can receive free medicine with a prescription prescribed by a doctor. This is especially important when the patient himself is not able to pick up the medicine he needs.

Free medicines for children

Today, children under three years of age have the right to free medicines in Russia, in addition, children under 6 years of age from large families. This also includes children suffering from rare, life-threatening diseases, the treatment of which is extremely expensive.

It is enough to register the child at the place of residence and obtain a medical insurance policy and SNILS at the pension fund branch in order to receive free medications in the future if necessary.

If the medicines are not available at the pharmacy

In 2018, the Ministry of Health increased the volume of allocations for public procurement of medicines for HIV-infected people to 21.6 billion rubles. Previously, 17.8 billion rubles were allocated.

According to data from a social study conducted by the All-Russian Popular Front, the majority of Russians in 2018 are not even able to afford subsidized medications, since in many populated areas There is a shortage of them in public medical institutions and pharmacies.

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Last changes

From January 1, 2019, new Rules for organizing the provision of medicines to people who are sick will be in effect. rare diseases, a list of which for the budget drug provision Federal Law-299 dated August 3, 2018 was expanded. It included the following diseases:

  • hemophilia,
  • pituitary dwarfism,
  • cystic fibrosis,
  • Gaucher disease,
  • malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues,
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • juvenile arthritis with systemic onset,
  • mucopolysaccharidosis types 1-2 and 6,
  • post-transplant period.

New INNs included in the list of free medicines:

Name of the drug Dosage form
Drugs for the treatment of liver and biliary tract diseases
Succinic acid + meglumine + inosine + methionine + nicotinamider/r for infusions
Antidiarrheal, intestinal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs
Mesalazinesuppositories, suspension, tablets
Medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
Lixisenatider/r for subcutaneous administration
Other drugs for treating diseases gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders
Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system
Valsartan + sacubitrilpills
Lipid-lowering drugs
Alirocumabr/r for subcutaneous administration
Evolocumabr/r for subcutaneous administration
Hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and their analogues
Lanreotidegel for subcutaneous administration prolong. actions
Antibacterial drugs for systemic use
Daptomycinlyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion
Antiviral drugs for systemic use
Dasabuvir; ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavirtablets set
Antitumor drugs
Brentuximab vedotinlyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Nivolumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Obinutuzumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Panitumumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Pembrolizumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Pertuzumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Trastuzumab emtansinelyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Nintedanibsoft capsules
Afliberceptconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Carfilzomiblyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion
Tumor necrosis factor alpha-1 [thymosin recombinant]*
Antitumor hormonal drugs
Degarelixlyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration
Peginterferon beta-1ar/r for subcutaneous administration
Alemtuzumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Vedolizumablyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Canakinumablyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration
Secukinumablyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration;
solution for subcutaneous administration
Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs
Dexketoprofenr/r for intravenous and intramuscular injection
Dimethyl fumarateenteric capsules
Drugs for the treatment of obstructive airway diseases
Vilanterol + fluticasone furoatedosed powder for inhalation
Glycopyrronium bromide + indacaterolcapsules with powder for inhalation
Olodaterol + tiotropium bromidedosed solution for inhalation
Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system
Beractantsuspension for endotracheal administration
Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases
Tafluprosteye drops
Afliberceptsolution for intraocular administration
Other remedies
Complex of b-iron(III) oxyhydroxide, sucrose and starchchewable tablets
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People having limited opportunities, more often than others are forced to use medicines to maintain health. Often the cost of these medications is “prohibitive” for them. If we look at the situation directly and without any exaggeration - modern medicines not always affordable for most citizens of our country. Several reasons can be found at once - from inflationary shocks against the backdrop of sanctions and cheap oil to the lack of well-developed production medical supplies in Russia. Both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health are working on this economic development, however, everyone understands that in short time It will not be possible to reach the required (and even more so advanced) level of production of free medicines for the population, even if significant sums are injected into this industry.

Free medicines for the disabled (list below) for 2018 will be replenished with 25 items at once. The decision on this was made at one of the meetings of the Ministry of Health back in September 2016, and later it was supported by the head of the Government Dmitry Medvedev, who stated that until the complete import substitution of vital medicines, their purchase will continue from foreign suppliers and disabled people and beneficiaries will receive free medicines in 2018 in full.

List of free medicines for disabled people, children and beneficiaries for 2017

The list of free medicines () for children and the disabled, approved by Government Order No. 2782-r on December 30, 2014, includes:

I. Anticholinesterase drugs

Galantamine - film-coated tablets.
Ipidacrine - tablets.
Pyridostigmine bromide - tablets.

II. Opioid analgesics and mixed action analgesic

Buprenorphine - solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration; sublingual tablets; transdermal therapeutic system.
Morphine - solution for injection; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Morphine + Narcotine + Papaverine hydrochloride + Codeine + Thebaine - injection solution.
Tramadol - capsules; injection; rectal suppositories; extended-release film-coated tablets; pills.
Trimeperidine - solution for injection; pills.
Fentanyl is a transdermal therapeutic system.

III. Non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Acetylsalicylic acid - tablets.
Diclofenac - gel; eye drops; ointment; rectal suppositories; enteric-coated tablets; extended-release tablets.
Ibuprofen - gel for external use; cream for external use; film-coated tablets; suspension for oral administration.
Indomethacin - ointment for external use; suppositories; film-coated tablets.
Ketoprofen - capsules; cream; suppositories; retard tablets; Forte tablets, film-coated.
Ketorolac is a film-coated tablet.
Meloxicam - tablets.
Metamizole sodium and combination drugs tablets containing metamizole sodium.
Paracetamol - rectal suppositories; pills.
Paracetamol + Phenylephrine + Pheniramine + Ascorbic acid- powder for preparing a solution for oral administration.
Piroxicam - gel.

IV. Medicines for the treatment of gout

Allopurinol - tablets.
Colchicum splendid alkaloid - coated tablets.

V. Other anti-inflammatory drugs

Mesalazine - rectal suppositories; rectal suspension; Enteric-coated tablets.
Penicillamine - tablets.
Sulfasalazine - tablets.
Chloroquine - tablets.
Chondroitin sulfate - capsules; ointment.

VI. Means for the treatment of allergic reactions

Diphenhydramine - tablets.
Ketotifen - tablets;
Clemastine - tablets.
Levocetirizine - film-coated tablets.
Loratadine - tablets.
Mebhydrolin - pills.
Hifenadine - tablets.
Chloropyramine - tablets.
Cetirizine - drops for oral administration; film-coated tablets.

VII. Anticonvulsants

Benzobarbital - tablets.
Valproic acid - drops for oral administration; syrup; enteric-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Carbamazepine - tablets; extended-release tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Clonazepam - tablets.
Lamotrigine - tablets.
Primidone - tablets.
Topiramate - capsules; film-coated tablets.
Phenytoin - tablets.
Phenobarbital - tablets.
Ethosuximide - capsules.

VIII. Drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism

Bromocriptine - tablets.
Levodopa + Carbidopa - tablets.
Levodopa + Benserazide - capsules; dispersible tablets; pills.
Piribedil is a controlled-release, film-coated tablet.
Tolperisone - film-coated tablets.
Cyclodol - tablets.

IX. Anxiolytics

Alprazolam - tablets; extended-release tablets.
Diazepam - tablets.
Hydroxyzine - film-coated tablets.
Medazepam - tablets.
Nitrazepam - tablets.
Tofisopam - tablets.
Phenazepam - tablets.

X. Antipsychotics

Haloperidol - drops for oral administration; pills.
Zuclopenthixol - film-coated tablets.
Quetiapine is a film-coated tablet.
Clozapine - tablets.
Levomepromazine - film-coated tablets.
Perphenazine - film-coated tablets.
Risperidone - lozenges; film-coated tablets.
Sulpiride - capsules; pills.
Thioproperazine - film-coated tablets.
Thioridazine - pills; film-coated tablets.
Trifluoperazine - film-coated tablets.
Flupenthixol - film-coated tablets.
Chlorpromazine - pills.
Chlorprothixene - film-coated tablets.

XI. Antidepressants and mood stabilizers

Amitriptyline - tablets; film-coated tablets.
Venlafaxine - modified release capsules; pills.
Imipramine - pills.
Clomipramine - film-coated tablets.
Lithium carbonate - extended-release tablets.
Maprotiline is a film-coated tablet.
Milnacipran - capsules.
Paroxetine is a film-coated tablet.
Pipofezin - tablets.
Pirlindol - tablets.
Sertraline - film-coated tablets.
Fluvoxamine is a film-coated tablet.
Fluoxetine - capsules.
Escitalopram is a film-coated tablet.

XII. Medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders

Zolpidem is a film-coated tablet.
Zopiclone is a film-coated tablet.

XIII. Other drugs affecting the central nervous system

Baclofen - tablets.
Betahistine - tablets.
Vinpocetine - tablets; film-coated tablets.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid - film-coated tablets.
Hopanthenic acid - tablets.
Nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid- pills.
Piracetam - capsules; oral solution; film-coated tablets.
Tizanidine - tablets.
Phenibut - tablets.
Phenotropil - tablets.
Cinnarizine - tablets.

XIV. Means for the prevention and treatment of infections

Azithromycin - capsules; film-coated tablets.
Amoxicillin - capsules; film-coated tablets; pills.
Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid - powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration; dispersible tablets; film-coated tablets; pills.
Gramicidin C - buccal tablets.
Josamycin - tablets; dispersible tablets.
Doxycycline - capsules.
Clarithromycin - film-coated tablets.
Clindamycin - capsules.
Midecamycin - film-coated tablets.
Rifamycin - ear drops.
Tetracycline - eye ointment.
Fosfomycin - granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration.
Fusidic acid - cream for external use; ointment for external use; film-coated tablets.
Chloramphenicol - eye drops; liniment; pills.
Erythromycin - eye ointment; ointment, for external use; Enteric-coated tablets.

Synthetic antibacterial agents

Co-trimoxazole - suspension for oral administration; pills.
Levofloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Moxifloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Nitrofurantoin - tablets.
Nitroxoline - film-coated tablets.
Norfloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Ofloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Pipemidic acid - capsules.
Sulfacetamide - eye drops.
Furazidin - capsules; pills.
Ciprofloxacin - eye drops; film-coated tablets.

XV. Antiviral agents

Arbidol - film-coated tablets; capsules.
Acyclovir - tablets; ointment for external use; eye ointment.
Interferon alfa-2a - solution for intranasal use.
Interferon alpha-2b is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intranasal administration.
Interferon gamma is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intranasal administration.
Ribavirin - capsules; pills.
Rimantadine - tablets.

XVI. Antifungal agents

Itraconazole - capsules; solution for oral administration.
Ketoconazole - tablets.
Clotrimazole - cream for external use.
Nystatin - ointment for external use; vaginal suppositories; rectal suppositories; film-coated tablets.
Terbinafine - cream for external use; spray; pills.
Fluconazole - capsules.

Mebendazole - tablets.
Metronidazole - tablets.
Pyrantel - tablets; suspension for oral administration.
Furazolidone - tablets.

XVIII. Antineoplastic, immunosuppressive and related drugs

Azathioprine - tablets.
Aminoglutethimide - tablets.
Anastrazole - film-coated tablets.
Bicalutamide - film-coated tablets.
Busulfan - tablets.
Granisetron is a film-coated tablet.
Calcium folinate - capsules.
Capecitabine is a film-coated tablet.
Letrozole is a film-coated tablet.
Lomustine - capsules.
Medroxyprogesterone - tablets.
Melphalan - film-coated tablets.
Mercaptopurine - tablets.
Methotrexate - tablets.
Ondansetron is a film-coated tablet.
Sehydrin is an enteric-coated tablet.
Tamoxifen - tablets.
Flutamide - tablets.
Chlorambucil - film-coated tablets.
Cyclosporine - capsules; solution for oral administration.
Cyclophosphamide - film-coated tablets.
Cyproterone - tablets.
Etoposide - capsules.

XIX. Drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis

Alfacalcidol - capsules.
Dihydrotachysterol - drops for oral administration; solution for oral administration.
Calcitriol - capsules.
Colecalciferol - drops for oral administration.

XX. Drugs affecting hematopoiesis and coagulation system

Aktiferin - syrup.
Warfarin - tablets.
Heparin sodium - gel for external use.
Dipyridamole - dragee; film-coated tablets.
Iron hydroxide polymaltosate - syrup; Chewable tablets.
Iron gluconate + Manganese gluconate + Copper gluconate - solution for oral administration.
Ferrous sulfate + Ascorbic acid - film-coated tablets.
Pentoxifylline - film-coated tablets.
Folic acid - tablets.
Epoetin alfa - solution for injection.
Epoetin beta - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration; injection.

XXI. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Amiodarone - tablets.
Amlodipine - tablets.
Atenolol - tablets.
Atenolol + Chlorthalidone - film-coated tablets.
Acetazolamide - tablets.
Validol - sublingual capsules; sublingual tablets.
Verapamil - film-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Hydrochlorothiazide + Triamterene - tablets.
Digoxin - tablets.
Diltiazem - film-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Isosorbide dinitrate - dosed sublingual aerosol; extended-release tablets; pills.
Isosorbide mononitrate - long-acting capsules; retard tablets; pills.
Indapamide - capsules; film-coated tablets; modified release tablets.
Inosine - film-coated tablets.
Captopril - tablets.
Captopril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Carvedilol - tablets.
Clonidine - tablets.
Corvalol - drops for oral administration.
Lisinopril - tablets.
Metoprolol - film-coated tablets; pills.
Moxonidine - film-coated tablets.
Molsidomine - retard tablets; pills.
Moexipril - film-coated tablets.
Mint pepper oil+ Phenobarbital + Hop cone oil + Ethyl bromizovalerianate - drops for oral administration.
Nebivolol - tablets.
Nitroglycerin - dosed sublingual spray; sublingual tablets; extended-release tablets; transdermal therapeutic system.
Nifedipine - capsules; extended-release film-coated tablets; rapid retard tablets, film-coated; modified release tablets; pills.
Perindopril - tablets.
Perindopril + Indapamide - tablets.
Procainamide - tablets.
Propranolol - tablets.
Ramipril - tablets.
Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide + Potassium chloride - film-coated tablets.
Rilmenidine - tablets.
Sotalol - tablets.
Spirapril - tablets.
Spironolactone - tablets.
Trimethylhydrazinium propionate - capsules.
Felodipine is a long-acting, film-coated tablet.
Fosinopril - tablets.
Furosemide - tablets.
Quinapril - film-coated tablets.
Cilazapril - film-coated tablets.
Enalapril - tablets.
Enalapril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Enalapril + Indapamide - tablets.
Etatsizin - film-coated tablets.

XXII. Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Drugs used to treat diseases accompanied by erosive and ulcerative processes in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum

Algeldrat + Magnesium hydroxide - suspension for oral administration; Chewable tablets.
Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - film-coated tablets; pills.
Metoclopramide - tablets.
Omeprazole - capsules.
Rabeprazole is an enteric-coated tablet.
Ranitidine is a film-coated tablet.
Famotidine is a film-coated tablet.


Bencyclane - tablets.
Drotaverine - tablets.
Mebeverine - long-acting capsules.


Bisacodyl - rectal suppositories; film-coated tablets.
Lactulose - syrup.


Activated carbon - tablets.
Loperamide - capsules.

Pancreatic enzymes

Pancreatin - capsules; film-coated tablets.
Pancreatin + Bile components + Hemicellulose - dragees; enteric coated tablets.
Cholenzym - film-coated tablets.

Drugs used to treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Ademethionine is an enteric-coated tablet.
Allohol - film-coated tablets.

Combined preparations containing phospholipids - capsules.

Pumpkin seed oil - capsules; oil for oral administration; rectal suppositories.
Ursodeoxycholic acid - capsules.
Phosphogliv - capsules.

Means for restoring intestinal microflora

Bifidobacterium bifidum - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for oral administration and local application.

XXIII. Hormones and agents affecting the endocrine system

Non-sex hormones, synthetic substances and antihormones

Betamethasone - cream; ointment.
Hydrocortisone - eye ointment; ointment for external use; pills.
Dexamethasone - eye drops; pills.
Desmopressin - tablets.
Clomiphene - tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium - tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine - tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine + Potassium iodide - tablets.
Liothyronine - tablets.
Methylprednisolone - tablets.
Methylprednisolone aceponate - cream for external use; ointment for external use; ointment for external use (oily); emulsion for external use.
Prednisolone - eye drops; ointment for external use; pills.
Somatropin - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection; solution for subcutaneous administration.
Thiamazole - film-coated tablets; pills.
Triamcinolone - ointment for external use; pills.
Fluocinolone acetonide - gel for external use; ointment for external use.
Fludrocortisone - tablets.

Medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Acarbose - tablets.
Glibenclamide - tablets.
Glibenclamide + Metformin - film-coated tablets.
Gliquidone - tablets.
Gliclazide - modified release tablets; pills.
Glimepiride - tablets.
Glipizide - tablets.
Insulin aspart is a solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration.
Insulin aspart biphasic - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin glargine - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Biphasic insulin (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin detemir - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin lispro - solution for injection.
Soluble insulin (human genetically engineered) - solution for injection.
Insulin-isophane (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Metformin - film-coated tablets; pills.
Repaglinide - tablets.
Rosiglitazone - film-coated tablets.


Dydrogesterone - film-coated tablets.
Norethisterone - tablets.
Progesterone - capsules.
Estriol - vaginal cream; vaginal suppositories; pills.
Ethinyl estradiol - tablets.

XXIV. Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma

Doxazosin - tablets.
Tamsulosin - modified release capsules; controlled-release, film-coated tablets.
Terazosin - tablets.
Finasteride is a film-coated tablet.

XXV. Drugs affecting the respiratory system

Ambroxol - syrup; pills.
Aminophylline - tablets.
Acetylcysteine ​​- effervescent tablets.
Beclomethasone is a breath-activated aerosol inhaler ( easy breath); nasal spray.
Bromhexine - syrup; film-coated tablets; pills.
Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation; suspension for inhalation.
Dornase alfa - solution for inhalation.
Ipratropium bromide - aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Cromoglicic acid and its sodium salt- dosed aerosol for inhalation; eye drops; powder for inhalation in capsules; solution for inhalation.
Naphazoline - nasal drops.
Salmeterol - aerosol for inhalation.
Salmeterol + Fluticasone - dosed aerosol for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.
Salbutamol is an aerosol inhaler activated by inhalation (light breathing); solution for inhalation; pills; film-coated tablets, prolonged action.
Theophylline - capsules with prolonged action; retard tablets
Tiotropium bromide - capsules with powder for inhalation.
Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Formoterol - capsules with powder for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.
Formoterol + Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation.

XXVI. Drugs used in ophthalmology

Azapentacene - eye drops.
Atropine - eye drops.
Betaxolol - eye drops.
Idoxuridine - eye drops.
Latanoprost - eye drops.
Pilocarpine - eye drops.
Pilocarpine + Timolol - eye drops.
Proxodolol - solution-drops.
Taurine - eye drops.
Timolol - eye drops.
Cytochrome C + Adenosine + Nicotinamide - eye drops.
Emoxipin - eye drops.

XXVII. Vitamins and minerals

Ascorbic acid - tablets.
Ascorbic acid + Dextrose - tablets.
Ascorbic acid + Rutoside - tablets.
Benfolipen - dragee.
Vitamin E - capsules; solution for oral administration.
Gendevit - dragee.
Potassium iodide - tablets.
Potassium and magnesium aspartate - tablets.
Nicotinic acid - tablets.
Retinol - pills; oily solution for oral administration.
Retinol + Vitamin E + Menadione + Betacarotene - oil solution for local and external use.
Thioctic acid - film-coated tablets.
Rosehip oil is an oil for oral and topical use.
Rosehip syrup plus vitamin C - syrup.
Ergocalciferol - pills.

XXVIII. Antiseptics and disinfectants

Iodine - solution for external use.
Chlorhexidine is a solution for external use.
Ethanol is a solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms.

XXIX. Other means

Hydrogen peroxide - solution for local and external use.
Gentamicin + Betamethasone + Clotrimazole - cream for external use; ointment for external use.
Diosmin - film-coated tablets.
Diosmin + Hesperidin - film-coated tablets.
Ketosteril - film-coated tablets.
Codeine + Propyphenazone + Paracetamol + Caffeine - tablets.
Bacterial lysates mixture - capsules; suspension for intranasal administration; lozenges.
Omega-3 triglycerides (EPA/DKG-1.2/1-90%) - capsules.
Troxerutin - capsules.
Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine sulfate - capsules; film-coated tablets.

XXX. Means used by decision of a medical commission approved by the chief physician of a medical institution

Altretamine - capsules.
Asparaginase is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Atorvastatin is a film-coated tablet.
Acetylsalicylic acid - enteric film-coated tablets.
Bevacizumab is a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.
Bisoprolol - film-coated tablets.
Bortezomib - lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intravenous administration.
Botulinum toxin is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.
Buserelin is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action.
Valganciclovir - film-coated tablets.
Valsartan - film-coated tablets.
Vinorelbine - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.
Ganciclovir - capsules; lyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion.
Gefitinib - tablets.
Hydroxyurea - capsules.
Glatiramer acetate - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration, solution for subcutaneous administration.
Goserelin - capsule for subcutaneous administration.
Chorionic gonadotropin is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration.
Dacarbazine is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.
Dalteparin sodium - solution for injection.
Iron hydroxide polyisomaltose - solution for intramuscular administration.
Iron hydroxide sucrose complex - solution for intravenous administration.
Zoledronic acid - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.
Imatinib - capsules.
Imiglucerase - powder for the preparation of solution for injection.
Human normal immunoglobulin - solution for intravenous administration.
Inosine is a solution for intravenous administration.
Interferon alpha-2a - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection; injection.
Interferon alpha-2b - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use; lyophilized powder for the preparation of solution for injection; injection.
Interferon beta-1 a - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Interferon beta-1 b - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection.
Interferon gamma is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.
Infliximab is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.
Irbesartan - tablets.
Cabergoline - tablets.
Calcitonin - nasal spray.
Candesartan - tablets.
Colecalciferol + Calcium carbonate - chewable tablets.
Lovastatin - tablets.
Losartan - film-coated tablets.
Losartan + Hydrochlorothiazide - film-coated tablets.
Mycophenolic acid - enteric-coated tablets.
Mycophenolate mofetil - capsules; film-coated tablets.
Nadroparin calcium - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Oxybutynin - tablets.
Sodium oxodihydroacridinyl acetate - solution for intramuscular administration.
Octreotide - microspheres for the preparation of suspension for injection; solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration; injection.
Paclitaxel - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.
Peginterferon alfa-2a - solution for injection.
Peginterferon alfa-2b is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration.
Raltitrexide is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.
Risperidone - powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action;
Rituximab - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.
Rosuvastatin is a film-coated tablet.
Roxithromycin - film-coated tablets.
Simvastatin - film-coated tablets.
Temozolomide - capsules.
Ticlopidine is a film-coated tablet.
Tolterodine - extended-release capsules; film-coated tablets.
Trastuzumab is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.
Tretinoin - capsules.
Trimetazidine - film-coated tablets; modified-release film-coated tablets; capsules.
Triptorelin is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action.
Tropisetron - capsules.
Coagulation factor VIII is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.
Coagulation factor IX is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.
Fludarabine is a film-coated tablet.
Fluticasone is a dosed aerosol for inhalation.
Celecoxib - capsules.
Cerebrolysin - solution for injection.
Cefazolin is a powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Ceftriaxone - powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration; powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration.
Cyproterone - tablets.
Exemestane - film-coated tablets.
Enoxaparin sodium - solution for injection.
Eprosartan - film-coated tablets.
Eprosartan + Hydrochlorothiazide - film-coated tablets.
Eptacog alpha (activated) - powder for injection solution

Showing concern for the population, the state provides the opportunity not only to receive free treatment, but also to receive medicines at a 100% discount. The list of drugs is established by the Ministry of Health and is intended for certain categories of citizens, which are determined both at the level of the entire state and in each region individually.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 601 dated September 28, 2005 contains a list of preferential drugs provided free of charge to the population. For convenience, the list of medications is divided into categories depending on the effect they provide and the direction of treatment.

An approximate list of drugs, divided by group, is as follows:

  • analgesics (Analgin, Ketofen);
  • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Cefazolin);
  • antihistamines (Cetirizine, Ketotifen);
  • drugs for heart disease (Bisoprolol, Digoxin);
  • medications for the gastrointestinal tract (Bisacodyl, Omeprazole);
  • drugs used in treatment nervous system(Zolpidem, Phenotropil);
  • antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Interferon);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac);
  • anticonvulsants (Phenobarbital).

Important! The list of subsidized medications can be clarified with the insurance company paying for the patient’s treatment. Your attending physician should also have information about free medications.

Who is eligible to receive drug benefits?

The state has determined a list of persons entitled to guaranteed receipt of preferential medications. It is necessary to distinguish between citizens who are provided with preferential medications according to the federal list and those receiving medications at the regional level.

Federal beneficiaries

  • participants, veterans and disabled people of various military operations;
  • Home front workers during the Great Patriotic War;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • disabled people, regardless of disease and age;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

There are also a number special diseases for which free medications are prescribed:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • hemophilia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • organ transplantation;
  • cystic fibrosis.

Regional beneficiaries

The list of citizens entitled to receive free medicines is established independently for each region. Typically, it includes vulnerable and low-income segments of the population:

  • families with children (usually there should be more than 3 or 4 people);
  • children without parental care;
  • single pensioners older than the age established by the region (for example, over 75 or 80 years old);
  • children up to a regionally determined age (up to 3 years or up to 1.5);
  • honorary donors;
  • labor veterans.

What is the difference between federal and regional beneficiaries?

The main difference between the two categories of beneficiaries is the source of funding. Citizens on the all-Russian list receive funds from the federal budget. Persons established at the regional level are financed from the local budget.

Another difference is that the list of all-Russian beneficiaries is enshrined in federal law and is a constant value. It changes extremely rarely. Regions have the right to change lists of drug beneficiaries at their discretion. The main measure for them is the availability of money in the local budget.

The method of applying for benefits also differs. For federal beneficiaries, an application to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is required; regional beneficiaries are included in the list directly upon contacting the clinic.

Video - Where and how to get medications with preferential prescriptions?

How to get benefits for free medicines

Receipt of benefits will depend on the list to which a particular citizen belongs.

Benefits for the federal list

To apply for an all-Russian benefit, you must contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where the personal presence of the citizen receiving the medicine is required. An application for benefits is drawn up. You will need the following documents with you:

  • Russian passport;
  • benefit document;
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

The citizen will receive a certificate of entitlement to receive free medicines. When you first visit the clinic, you need to show the certificate to the attending physician, who will enter the information from it into the outpatient card.

Receiving monthly payments instead of medications

A person entitled to subsidized medications can fill out another application in which a refusal is written social support. In this case, instead of medicines, the citizen will receive a strictly established amount of money every month. This way the benefit will be monetized (Federal Law No. 122 of 08/22/2014).

An application to establish or waive the benefit for the next year must be submitted before October 1 of the current year. For 2018, the amount for free medications is 807.94 rubles.

Benefits for the regional list

Design regional benefit You can check for medications directly when visiting the clinic. If a given citizen fits into the list of beneficiaries in the region, then a note indicating the availability of such a benefit will also be included in his card. At the same time, some categories of citizens will be able to receive drugs for free, others - at a 50% discount. In Moscow, honorary donors and pensioners have such a discount.

For children under 3 years of age, certain medications are provided free of charge. This benefit is issued automatically for them when the child is registered.

How to get free medicines

Preferential medications are provided only for special recipe, which is issued by the attending physician. You should contact city clinics, hospitals or dispensaries.

The recipe is drawn up on a special form 148-1/у-04(l) or 148-1/у-06(l), which contains digital coding. It states:

  • medical facility code;
  • citizen's preferential category code;
  • source of payment;
  • doctor code;
  • drug code.

The prescription must bear the seals of the medical institution and the doctor.

You can get the drug with a free prescription only in special pharmacies. They are usually located in the buildings of clinics or dispensaries.

The recipe has a time limit, usually a month. For children and citizens with disability group I, the prescription period is extended to 3 months.

Important! If the prescription has expired, you need to see your doctor again.

Sometimes the required drug is not available at the pharmacy. In such a situation, the pharmacist should:

  1. Record the preferential prescription in a special electronic journal. It will be given the status of a deferred document.
  2. Add the required medicine to the electronic queue. Within 10 days, drugs from the federal list must arrive at the pharmacy. For a regional list, this period corresponds to 15 days.

If during this time the prescription expires, then it is not necessary to renew it, since it is included in a special list.

You can find out about the availability of drugs with a preferential prescription on the website Just enter the prescription number and the system will show a list of pharmacies where you can get free medicine.

Important! If the required drug is available in the pharmacy in a lower dosage than what is written in the prescription, the pharmacist can dispense the drug in the required quantity in terms of the required course of treatment. There is no need to re-formulate the recipe. If the dosage of the drug available is higher than that indicated in the prescription, the patient should consult a doctor. He will either give out new recipe, adjusting the dosage, or replacing the drug with its analogue.

Features of the provision of drugs by regions

Typically, regions are given the right to independently decide which categories of citizens will be provided with medicines on a preferential basis from the local budget. Regional authorities can also adjust the list of subsidized drugs. The most extended list of drugs has been approved in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Tatarstan. In some places, the provision of free medicines depends not on the specific category to which the citizen belongs, but on his disease. This approach is used in St. Petersburg.

Any citizen cannot receive medicines from both the federal and regional budgets at the same time. When applying, you should find out which benefit is more profitable for a citizen: where the medications needed by a particular patient are provided free of charge.

Preferential medications for pensioners

Pensioners who are not disabled are offered a certain list of medications as a benefit at the regional level. The size of the discount depends on the size Money, allocated from the budget local authority authorities. Usually these are medicines with a 50% discount.

To receive benefits, a pensioner must go to a clinic, where the attending physician will prescribe the required medications by writing a prescription. To do this, you need to have SNILS and a medical insurance policy. With the received prescription, the pensioner must contact special pharmacy points, issuing free or discounted medications.

A pensioner can receive a refund of part of the amount for purchased medications. This requires certain conditions to be met:

  1. Medicines must be prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. The pensioner applied to a state medical institution for a prescription.
  3. A citizen must have 13% deductions from earnings for the last 3 years.

Benefits for medications for pregnant women

Medicines for pregnant women are allocated from the regional budget. To receive them, you need to register with the antenatal clinic. Typically, expectant mothers are prescribed vitamins and medications to maintain a normal pregnancy. The obstetrician prescribes necessary medications after 30 weeks, if this normal pregnancy, and after 28 weeks at multiple pregnancy. You can get medications only in special pharmacies, either for free or with a 50% discount. A list of pharmacy kiosks is provided in. With absence the right medicine It is proposed to replace it, or it will be additionally delivered within 2 weeks.

Russians are used to and have come to terms with the fact that “ free medicine"It is not. Meanwhile, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides many opportunities to save on drug treatment that people simply don't use. Some are not aware, while others do not want to defend their rights.

Few people, when their health is at stake, waste their time and write complaints to the authorities when they are told that free medicines were not purchased. Almost everyone in such a situation goes to the pharmacy and buys medications at their own expense.

The state obliges medical institutions provide free medicines to patients diagnosed with a certain pathology. The list of these diseases is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

There are a number of diseases due to which a person has the right to receive medicines free of charge. Medical institutions are obliged to provide them to the patient upon request. This is the law. Unfortunately, in practice it turns out somewhat differently - the person is told that there are no medicines, so the purchase is made at his own expense.

You need to defend your rights. Since we are talking about serious illnesses, which require long-term and sometimes lifelong treatment. Let's look at them.

Wilson-Konovalov pathology

With this pathology, the patient should be given specialized protein-free food products, protein hydrolysates, biological stimulants, vitamin and mineral complexes.


To treat the disease, the patient must be provided with all necessary medications for free. For the first type of disease they issue insulin syringes and needles, ethanol(up to 100 ml every month). As well as tools for diagnosing blood sugar - a glucometer and consumables for the device - strips.

Diseases of the circulatory system

The patient should be given cytostatic medications, antibacterial drugs, hormonal agents. The list is supplemented with immunomodulators and immunostimulants, drugs that are needed to maintain compensation for the disease.

Other diseases

On the background cystic fibrosis Medicines are provided free of charge only to patients childhood. The state provides the necessary enzyme preparations. At oncological pathologies patients are provided with all necessary medications and materials for dressing.

If tuberculosis has been diagnosed, then the person has the right to receive all types of anti-tuberculosis drugs, hepatoprotectors - drugs that improve the functionality of the liver, protecting the organ from negative influence other tablets.

For rheumatism, lupus erythematosus and ankylosing spondylitis, the patient is given:

  • steroid hormonal drugs;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • cytostatics, antihistamine tablets/creams;
  • antibacterial medications;
  • cardiac glycosides.

After a myocardial infarction, the state provides the patient with all the necessary medications for six months.

For glaucoma and cataracts, the patient should be given diuretic medications, anticholinesterase medications, cholinomimetic and dehydration agents.

Medicines are also provided free of charge if a person is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • AIDS, HIV;
  • dermatological diseases of severe chronic form;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • radiation sickness;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • history of epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia.

All medications prescribed for the treatment of the listed pathologies are centrally purchased by the Ministries of Health at the regional level.

When a patient with a pathology that is treated free of charge goes to the doctor, the patient is given a prescription to receive necessary medication. If a doctor refuses to provide a prescription or the prescription cannot be obtained, then this is a violation of the law. You need to call or write to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation or directly to the prosecutor's office, and file a lawsuit.

If you have difficulties obtaining subsidized medications (queues at clinics, lack of medications in pharmacies) - do not give up. Believe that everything will work out for you and be patient! The state provides for the possibility of receiving free medicines for certain categories of the population. But people do not always know how to defend their rights and receive the guarantees they are entitled to under the law.

Disabled people and WWII veterans, disabled people of groups I and II, and disabled children have the right to preferential purchase of medicines. It is for this category of citizens that medications are financed by the federal budget. In addition, children under 3 years of age have the right to receive preferential medications (if the family has many children, then up to 6 years of age). However, this information is often kept silent by honey. staff of clinics and hospitals. In each individual region there is a list of citizens who are entitled to preferential treatment. There are also a number of diseases for which a citizen has the right to preferential treatment. At the same time, his status and age do not matter. These diseases include tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes etc. Sometimes benefits are granted on a permanent basis, sometimes temporarily (for example, after a myocardial infarction, a citizen can count on free treatment within six months). To receive discounted medications, you must visit a doctor and show him:
  • a document according to which you have the right to preferential treatment (pension certificate, veteran’s certificate);
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming that you did not refuse the social package, including preferential treatment (for the disabled);
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.
Benefits can be obtained if there is a diagnosis established by a highly specialized specialist. The hospital card must also contain a note from the therapist. The doctor will issue you a prescription for a subsidized drug (according to Form No. 148-1у-06(l)) based on the documents provided and the presence of indications for treatment. A certificate with appointments must be signed by a doctor, certified with a seal, a round seal of a medical doctor. organizations. This recipe is valid for 2-4 weeks. The local doctor must submit an application to the pharmacist of the city (district) hospital about your need for subsidized medications. You should submit your prescription to a pharmacy that specializes in providing discounted medications. If medications are not available, they will take your prescription and write it down for deferred servicing, and the pharmacist must make an entry in a special journal. The ordered medicine must be delivered no later than 10 days from the moment the citizen is registered at the pharmacy. If this does not happen, you can call the Department of Health at " hotline" and explain the situation. The issue will be under the control of management. A list of preferential medications and other information can be obtained on the Roszdravnadzor website. If you have any difficulties obtaining subsidized medications, you can write a request on the Roszdravnadzor website. The application must indicate your full name, nature of benefits, contact information (telephone, email), residential address. In the text of the appeal, it is important to describe in detail, but to the point, the problems you encountered. The clearer the essence is stated, the greater the chances of a quick and effective solution to your issue. If necessary, you can attach a file to your application. When everything is completed, enter the characters from the picture in the special window and click the “Submit” button.

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