Ethanol (ethyl alcohol): application, can it be drunk, action

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, methylcarbinol, wine alcohol or alcohol, often colloquially simply “alcohol”) is a monohydric alcohol with the formula C 2 H 5 OH, the second representative of the homologous series of monohydric alcohols, under standard conditions, a volatile, flammable, colorless transparent liquid.

Biological action

One of the main mechanisms that determine the biological (mainly toxic) effect of ethyl alcohol is its membranotropic activity, the formation of acetaldehyde, as well as metabolic effects due to the depletion of the pool of reduced NAD.H.

Effect on cell membranes

The primary biological effect of ethyl alcohol is its effect on cell membranes. This action is non-specific and is determined by its polar and non-polar interaction with cell membranes due to the presence of strong hydrogen bonds formed as a result of the polarization of hydroxy groups.

This interaction keeps the ethanol in the aqueous phase. Dissolving in water and, partially, in membrane lipids, it causes liquefaction (fluidization) cell membranes. With prolonged exposure to ethyl alcohol, the cholesterol content in the membranes increases, the structure of the phospholipid layer changes, and the liquefaction of cell membranes contributes to their rigidity.

In addition, the transmembrane transfer of calcium ions is disturbed, and the excitability of membranes decreases.

Metabolism and ethanol

The mechanisms of ethyl alcohol biotransformation lead to the formation of toxic acetaldehyde, as well as to the accumulation of the reduced form of NAD.H.

Ethanol, enzymes

The mechanism of metabolic disorders in acute alcohol intoxication is associated with the development of stress and the release of adenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH), glucocorticoids and adrenaline into the blood.

With prolonged exposure to ethanol on the body, direct action ethyl alcohol for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde delay and change the direction of many reactions energy metabolism. The reason for these violations is considered to be a shift in the ratio of NAD.H/NAD towards the reduced coenzyme.

Not less than importance has a damaging effect of ethyl alcohol on subcellular membranes with an increase in their permeability, inhibition of the activity of Na + -, K + -ATPase and the ability to capture calcium ions.

In the liver, heart and skeletal muscles ethyl alcohol reduces oxygen tension, the activity of glutamate and malate dehydrogenases, NAD.H-cyto-chromium C-oxidoreductase, switches the respiratory chain to the predominant oxidation of succinic acid, removing oxaloacetic inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase.

Ethanol and lipid metabolism

Ethyl alcohol, disrupting lipid metabolism, causes the accumulation of fat in the liver - steatosis. It is manifested by hepatomegaly, fatty infiltration, breakdown of proteins of subcellular structures and hydropic dystrophy of hepatocytes. In the parenchyma of the organ, the content of triglycerides increases by 20-25 times, as well as phospholipids, cholesterol and its esters.

The content of triglycerides increases the more intense, the more severe alcohol intoxication. The defeat progresses according to the scheme: fatty degeneration→ alcoholic hepatitis → cirrhosis. It is believed that in the development of such consequences of the influence of ethanol as hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cardiomyopathy, functional and structural disorders in the central nervous system, important role Ca++ metabolism disorders play due to damage to cell membranes. Its massive entry into the cell against the background of a decrease in the activity of Na + and Ka + -ATPases leads to structural and functional shifts, up to the development of necrosis.

Ethanol and vitamin metabolism

TO metabolic effects ethyl alcohol is polyhypovitaminosis, which occurs as a result of slow absorption and metabolic disorders of many vitamins. Ethyl alcohol inhibits the absorption of thiamine and reduces the enterohepatic circulation of folic acid.

Acetaldehyde enhances the breakdown of pyridoxal-5-phosphate, since it is displaced from its connection with proteins, as a result of which it becomes more accessible to the hydrolytic action of the main phosphatase. In addition, ethyl alcohol reduces the concentration of vitamin A in the liver and inhibits its conversion into active retinol.

Ethanol and water-salt metabolism

Alcohol is one of the unfavorable factors affecting water-salt exchange. In chronic alcohol intoxication, the balance of ions and water in the tissues changes, which leads to disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. Water and electrolyte metabolism do not occur in isolation, without connection with each other.

Significant changes in the content of water, sodium and potassium in the body endanger the life of the cell. The molar concentration of blood plasma is the most important indicator of water-salt homeostasis. The molar concentrations of the intravascular interstitial and intracellular fluids are considered to be the same, despite the fact that the intracellular fluid contains more anions. This is due to the formation of so-called polyvalent ions and anions when anions bind to proteins. Such polyvalent anions act as osmotically active units, reducing the number of osmotically active anions.

The gradient of molar concentrations between the fluid spaces of the body is one of the mechanisms that carry out the flow of water between them - the water will move towards the water space with a higher molar concentration. Urea and Na+ ions cannot be used by channels traversed by water, although the radius of the water molecule is greater than the radius of Na+ (0.15 nm and 0.1 nm, respectively).

The intake of water into the body is regulated by the feeling of thirst, and the excretion of water by the kidneys is regulated by the neurohumoral pathway with the participation of the neuropeptide hormone - vasopressin, which is formed in the neurons of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus. At the same time, it was established that hormonal effect vasopressin is carried out through the adenylcyclase system. With a decrease in the molar concentration of blood plasma, the secretion of vasopressin stops and water diuresis develops, with hydration and an increase in the molar concentration of blood plasma, the secretion of vasopressin increases and water is retained in the body.

Ethanol and hormones

It was also found that ethanol leads to a significant decrease in luteinizing hormone (LH) in serum. This suggests that ethanol lowers serum LH levels by reducing the release of luliberin from the hypothalamus. At present, the concept seems attractive that the decrease in LH levels by alcohol is mediated by endogenous opiates, enkephalins, and endorphins. According to available data, endogenous opiates are involved in the functioning feedback supporting LH production, since naloxone, for example, has been found to eliminate testosterone inhibition on LH production. Thus, it is assumed that endogenous opiates released under the influence of alcohol increase the inhibition of LH secretion.

The introduction of alcohol leads to an increase in the activity of hepatic testosterone A-reductase. This increase in enzyme activity contributes to increased metabolic clearance of testosterone. It has also been established that the production of testosterone in this case decreases, resulting in a decrease in its concentration in the blood plasma. At the same time, a higher level of peripheral conversion of testosterone to estradiol was found in liver cirrhosis.

Obviously, the acceleration of the conversion of testosterone to estradiol is associated with the occurrence of a portal shunt in liver cirrhosis, which increases the delivery of testosterone to peripheral tissues capable of interconversion of steroids. There is a reasoned opinion that ethanol has a pronounced ability to modify the activity of the hormonal system of the body.

Ethanol and endocrine glands

There is practically none endocrine gland, the function of which would not change with the development of alcoholism. The levels of ethanol impact on the endocrine complexes are extremely diverse; this is an effect on the secretion of releasing factors, a change in the hormone-producing activity of pituitary cells, damage to the bosynthetic systems of peripheral cells endocrine glands, quantitative and qualitative changes in the metabolism of hormones in the liver, as well as a violation of the complex formation of hormones with specific receptors and with transport proteins.

Naturally, such a polyglandular effect on the endocrine system and a wide range of damage to the mechanisms of action of hormones by ethanol creates a specific picture of alcoholic endocrinopathies, the multiplicity and interaction of which often does not allow the identification of primary and biologically more significant endocrine disorders that may be etiopathogenetic in nature for the syndrome of alcoholism.

Among the characteristic hormonal disorders arising from the chronic use of ethanol in men, in particular, include, along with symptoms of hypogonadism, impotence, infertility, feminization and a number of other changes.

In addition to the central effect on the systems that regulate and carry out the synthesis of gnadotropins, the toxic effect of ethanol on sex steroids is realized through a direct effect on steroidogenesis. Shown by at least, some possible mechanisms inhibition by ethanol or acetaldehyde of androgen synthesis in the testicles.

First, alcohol or its metabolites can directly inhibit the biosynthesis of testosterone, reducing the activity of enzymes involved in this process. Second, the oxidation of ethanol and its metabolites in the testicles can cause an increase in the NAD.H/NAD ratio in testicular cells. Finally, ethanol and its metabolites can interact with hormone receptors, both indirectly and independently, affect cAMP synthesis in the testicles.

Ethanol significantly inhibits the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase, increases the formation of acetaldehyde, which does not have time to be oxidized into acetate, and, accumulating in the body, determines many of the toxic effects of alcohol, leading to significant changes in the metabolism of various organs and tissues.

It is known that normally the cytosolic enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) converts acetaldehyde into endogenous ethanol, the content of which in the blood is low, but relatively constant. In patients with alcoholism, the activity of this enzyme in the blood is increased both during periods of use and during remission. At the same time, with increased activity of ADH, the reaction catalyzed by it shifts towards the formation of acetaldehyde from ethanol, which contributes to its accumulation in the body.

As a result, a cascade of biochemical reactions is launched, leading to the formation and accumulation in tissues of substances that have a psychotropic effect, contributing to the formation of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AAS) and pathological craving for alcohol (PVA). Recent studies have shown that emitin is an inhibitor of ADH activity, which in therapeutic doses (≈ 0.01 g) reduces the activity of ADH in the blood serum and weakens PVA.

Ethanol and the cardiovascular system

The study of the features of myocardial damage in elderly patients suffering from alcoholism (ALH) showed that with a high level of tolerance to ethanol, myocardial damage occurs according to the type of alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which is accompanied by atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the heart and aorta. With a relatively low level of tolerance in elderly patients with ALH, the development of myocardial pathology follows the atherosclerotic type. The presence of the so-called "light intervals" in alcoholic forms of ALG to a certain extent inhibits the development of toxic pathological changes in the myocardium and liver.

Definition blood pressure(BP) during the day in men aged 36 years who regularly take ethanol more than 80 g / day showed that the phase narcotic effect ethanol is characterized by the normalization of blood pressure, while with a decrease in the level of alcohol in the body to background values, arterial hypertension is observed. Refusal to drink alcohol on the third day normalized the daily BP profile without antihypertensive therapy.

The results of epidemiological studies of moderate alcohol consumption in vascular diseases have shown that ethanol intake at a dose of 12-24 g / day leads to a decrease in morbidity and mortality from coronary disease heart (CHD). At the same time, alcohol abuse, on the contrary, leads to an increase in the pathology of both coronary and peripheral vessels. However, a balanced approach is needed to claim moderate ethanol consumption for the prevention of coronary artery disease.


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Bazhenov Yu. I., Kataeva L. N., Krasnova T. A. Effect of alcohol intoxication of adult white rats on the erythropoiesis of their offspring at the early stages of postnatal ontogenesis // Ecological and physiological problems of adaptation: Proceedings of the X International Symposium. M., 2001.

Burov Yu. V., Vedernikova N. N. Neurochemistry and pharmacology of alcoholism. M., 1985.

Zhikhareva AI, Abubakirova O. Yu. The mechanism of the damaging effect of alcohol on the liver // Physiology of organisms in normal and extreme states: Sat. Art. Tomsk, 2001.

Zhirov I. V., Ogurtsov P. P., Shelepin A. A. Changes in the daily blood pressure profile under the influence of systematic alcohol consumption. Vestn. Ros. University of Friendship of Peoples. Ser. Medicine. 2000. No. 3. . Kershegolts BM Ethanol and its metabolism in higher organisms. Yakutsk, 1990.

- This is a substance with a specific aroma and taste, which was first obtained using a fermentation reaction. A variety of products were used for this metabolic process: cereals, vegetables, berries. Subsequently, distillation processes and methods for obtaining a solution with more high concentration alcohol.

Ethanol (as, in fact, its analogues) has become widely in demand due to a number of its properties. In order to avoid a dangerous effect on the body, it is necessary to find out what features this substance has and what is the specifics of its use.

Ethanol - what is it

Ethanol, which is also called wine or ethyl alcohol, is a monohydric alcohol. This means that it contains only one atom. The name of the substance in Latin sounds like Aethanolum. Ethanol formula - C2H5OH. This alcohol is used in various fields: cosmetic, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, industrial. Its degree may vary.

Ethanol formed the basis for the production of a variety of alcoholic products due to the ability of its molecule to depress the central nervous system.

According to regulatory documents, rectified ethyl alcohol has GOST 5962-2013. It is necessary to distinguish it from the technical variation of the liquid, which has been used mainly in the industrial field. The production and storage of alcoholic beverages are strictly controlled by government agencies.

What is harmful and useful ethyl alcohol

If you use ethanol in small doses, it has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is released exclusively by prescription. The cost depends on the volume of the container.

Ethyl alcohol has the following positive effect:

  • is a prophylactic agent for combating myocardial diseases;
  • thins the blood;
  • normalizes functioning gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves blood supply;
  • reduces pain.

If you regularly use ethyl alcohol, the body may begin oxygen starvation. Brain cells are rapidly dying, as a result of which memory and concentration deteriorate, and the pain threshold decreases.

The systematic use of ethanol has a negative effect on internal organs contributing to the development of comorbidities.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages is fraught with severe intoxication and the onset of a coma. Alcohol causes not only physical, but also mental dependence. If the necessary remedial measures and the person will not stop using alcoholic drinks, there will be a degradation of the individual, a violation of full-fledged social ties.


Ethyl alcohol is a natural metabolite due to its ability to be synthesized in the human body.

The properties of ethanol can be divided into three groups:

  • chemical;
  • physical;
  • fire hazardous.

The first group includes a description of the appearance and other physical parameters. Under normal conditions, wine alcohol exhibits volatile properties, stands out from other substances specific odor and pungent taste. One liter of liquid weighs 790 g.

Ethanol dissolves well organic matter. It boils at a temperature of 78.39 °C. Ethyl alcohol has a lower density than water (as measured by a hydrometer), as a result of which it is lighter than water.

Ethanol is a flammable, flammable substance. In case of fire the flame is blue. Because of this chemical property, it is not difficult to distinguish ethyl alcohol from methyl alcohol, which is poisonous to humans. The flame of methyl alcohol when burning has a green color.

At home, to determine vodka made from methanol, a copper wire is heated and lowered into a spoonful of vodka. A rotten apple aroma indicates the presence of ethanol, the smell of formaldehyde is a sign of methyl alcohol.

wine spirit is a flammable substance because ignites at a temperature of 18 ° C. For this reason, during contact with ethanol, it must not be allowed to heat up.

Excessive consumption of ethanol is detrimental to the body, which is due to the mechanisms that trigger the intake of any alcohol. Mixing water with alcohol promotes the release of endorphins, commonly referred to as the “hormone of happiness”.

Because of this, there is a sedative-hypnotic effect, in other words, the suppression of consciousness. The latter is found in the prevalence of inhibition processes, manifested by such signs as a decrease in reaction, slowness of speech and movements.

For an overdose of ethyl alcohol, excitement is first characteristic, which is subsequently replaced by inhibition processes.

Historical reference

Ethyl alcohol began to be used in the Neolithic era. This is confirmed by traces of alcoholic beverages found in China on ceramics dating back approximately 9,000 years. Wine spirit was first obtained in the 12th century in Salerno. Then it was a water-alcohol mixture.

The pure product was obtained in 1976 by a Russian scientist Toviy Egorovich Lovitz. He used activated charcoal as a filtration agent. For many years this was the only method for obtaining alcohol.

Then the formula of ethyl alcohol was calculated by a Swiss scientist Nikolo-Théodore de Saussure. Described the substance as a carbon compound French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. In the 19th and 20th centuries, a scrupulous study of ethanol was carried out and it was given detailed description its properties. Due to the latter, it has become widely used in various areas of human life.

Why is ethanol dangerous?

Wine alcohol belongs to that group of substances, ignorance of the properties of which can result in negative consequences. For this reason, before using ethanol, it is necessary to find out how it can be dangerous.

Ethyl alcohol: can I drink it

It is possible to use ethanol as part of alcohol-containing products only in compliance with an important condition - do it rarely and in small dosages.

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to the formation of physical and mental dependence, in other words, to alcoholism.

If you consume alcoholic products in large quantities (when the concentration of ethyl alcohol is 12 g per 1 kg of human weight), this will cause severe poisoning of the body, which, if urgent medical care is not provided, can even lead to death.

Drink ethanol undiluted strictly prohibited!

What diseases does wine alcohol cause?

When using ethyl alcohol, the products of its decay in the body are especially dangerous. Acetaldehyde belongs to one of these toxic substances that cause hereditary changes - mutations.

The carcinogenic properties of ethanol provoke the development of malignant tumors.

What is fraught with uncontrolled use of wine alcohol:

  1. brain cells die
  2. liver (cirrhosis) and kidney diseases develop;
  3. memory worsens;
  4. personality degrades;
  5. the work of the gastrointestinal tract is upset (duodenal ulcer, gastritis);
  6. functioning is disrupted of cardio-vascular system(heart attack, stroke);
  7. irreversible processes occur in the central nervous system.

Application of ethanol

The rich spectrum of action of wine alcohol allows it to be used in various fields. It is most widely used in the following areas:

  • As an automotive fuel

The use of ethanol as a motor fuel is associated with the name of the American industrialist Henry Ford. In 1880, he invented the first car powered by ethyl alcohol. Subsequently, this substance began to be used for work rocket engines, a variety of heating devices, heating pads for tourists and military personnel.

E85 and E95 gasolines based on bioethanol are now also actively used, which helps to reduce the consumption of petroleum products, greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels.

Thus, thanks to the use of automotive fuel with complete combustion (bioethanol and its mixtures), the environmental situation improves, since the air of megacities is polluted mainly by transport emissions.

Gasoline combustion products contain a huge amount of substances that pose a health hazard.

  • Pharmaceutical production

In this industry, ethanol is used in a variety of ways. The disinfecting properties of medical alcohol allow its use for the treatment of the surgical field, the hands of a surgeon. Thanks to the use of ethanol, it is possible to reduce the manifestations of fever, to make bases for tinctures and compresses.

Wine alcohol belongs to antidotes that help with ethylene glycol and methanol intoxication. It is also used as a defoamer in oxygen or mechanical ventilation applications.

So ethyl alcohol is an indispensable substance in medicine, both for external use and for use as a drinking liquid.

  • Chemical industry

Using ethanol, other substances are obtained, for example, ethylene. Since wine alcohol is an excellent solvent, it has been used in the production of paints and varnishes, household chemicals.

  • food industry

Ethanol is the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages. It is part of the products obtained through fermentation processes. Ethyl alcohol is used as a solvent for various flavors and preservatives in the production of bakery and confectionery products. It also serves as a food additive E1510.

  • cosmetic industry

Manufacturers of cosmetics and perfumes use ethanol to make eau de toilette, perfumes, shampoos, colognes, sprays and other products.

  • Other destinations

Ethyl alcohol is used to work with preparations of a biological nature.

How it interacts with other substances

The instructions for use indicate that wine alcohol, when used together, enhances the action medicines, oppressive respiratory center, processes of blood supply, central nervous system.

In 1985, with the coming to power of Gorbachev, an active struggle against alcoholism began in the USSR by limiting the sale of alcoholic beverages. As a result, people began to brew moonshine, use various alcohol-containing liquids, even for technical purposes, drank undiluted medical alcohol ... In many cases, this led to disastrous consequences for health and even life.

Sometimes we hear that it is dangerous to use, for example, methyl alcohol (methanol). But ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is relatively safe ...

A few years ago, the book “Chemistry and Toxicology of Ethyl Alcohol” was published, written by a group of researchers led by a well-known Russian toxicologist, Professor V.P. necessary. It says that the modern "Russian vodka", which is a mixture of rectified with water, is extremely toxic. In addition, the higher the degree of purification of alcohol, the faster drink addictive.

Rectified, unlike distillate, is not excreted from the body. First of all, being quickly absorbed into the blood and penetrating into all organs, ethyl alcohol causes disturbances in the central nervous system. If we exceed the norm, then there are failures in the emotional sphere, perception of the world around us, problems with hearing, vision and orientation in space. At first, a person becomes talkative and sociable, then he can become aggressive. We all know this well.

If you use ethyl alcohol in excess of the norm, then signs of poisoning may appear - vomiting, confusion, fainting, blue skin and hypothermia. May break respiratory functions, blood glucose levels drop, liver damage and dehydration may occur ... But this is not the worst thing. Ethyl alcohol poisoning can cause seizures, which will lead to the death of brain neurons and dementia. As a result of alcohol intoxication, death can also occur - this is not such a rarity ...

Prolonged use of ethanol leads to cirrhosis of the liver, the development of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It has also been proven that the main metabolite of ethanol, acetaldehyde, has carcinogenic properties and causes DNA mutations.

By the way, for reference - if you drink "at one time" 400 grams of undiluted ethyl alcohol, then death will occur in 30-50% of cases.

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol, alcohol) is a potent mutagenic neurotropic protoplasmic narcotic poison.

In chemical terminology, alcohols are a large group of organic compounds.

Here is the basic information about alcohols from the school curriculum:

Saturated monohydric alcohols (alkanols, alcohols) are organic compounds containing one functional group -OH.

General chemical formula: C n H 2n+1 OH;

methyl alcohol (methanol): CH 3 OH;

ethyl alcohol (ethanol): C 2 H 5 OH;

propyl alcohol (propanol): C 3 H 7 OH, etc.

Lower alcohols (up to propyl alcohol) dissolve in water in any ratio. Molecular hydrogen bonds between alcohol and water molecules do not make it possible to obtain 100% ethyl alcohol. Therefore, absolute alcohol is called an ethanol solution containing no more than 1% water.

The boiling point of C 2 H 5 OH is 78.4 ° C. Burns with a colorless flame a large number heat.

Ethyl alcohol is a drug. When introduced into the human body, attention is weakened, reactions are inhibited, coordination of movements is disturbed. Prolonged use leads to profound disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract.

Ethyl alcohol is widely used as a technical liquid (in shock absorbers, brakes, hydraulic systems, etc.), it is a good solvent: it not only dissolves in water in any proportions, but also perfectly dissolves many organic substances. Good raw material for the chemical industry, excellent fuel.


28th session of the World Health Organization


Of course, this conclusion was not scientific discovery: it is published only as an official confirmation of a fact that has long been known in science. Medicine has been diagnosing alcohol for 300 years as a narcotic neurotropic and protoplasmic poison, that is, a poison that affects the nervous system and all organs of the human body, destroying their structure at the cellular and molecular levels.

In big Soviet encyclopedia” (vol. 2, p. 116) is also clearly marked: “ethanol is a narcotic poison.” The Sanitary and Hygienic Norms and Rules of 1999 characterize alcohol as "a substance with proven carcinogenicity to humans".

However, there are still so-called "scientists" who continue to stubbornly prove to everyone that alcohol is a "food", and even a "very useful" product. Many of them are sincerely mistaken, someone is well paid for this. But in any case, they disorientate society, teaching them to treat drug poison lightly. Instead of raising the question of the complete exclusion of ethanol from the food industry and the protection of the population from the alcohol epidemic, these "scientists" stubbornly and unsubstantiated insist on their erroneous and harmful installation.

But, despite all these "precautions", now not only hospitals, but also all cemeteries are overflowing with victims of this "product". And the vast majority of those in prisons committed crimes precisely under its “specific” influence.

Back in 1910, the All-Russian Congress on the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism, which brought together 150 doctors and medical scientists, specifically considered this issue. As a result, a special decision was made:

And in 1915, the XI Pirogov Congress of Russian Doctors adopted the following resolution:

But despite the obvious unsuitability of this dangerous chemical for internal use, it is the main ingredient in a variety of drug mixtures offered to the public as "drinks".

Beer, wine, champagne, vodka, cognac - that's far from complete list poisonous narcotic substances, which in our country are displayed on the shelves next to food products. Of course, all these and other ethanol solutions cannot be called drinks or food products, since they do not nourish, but damage all organs of the human body, destroying their structure at the cellular and molecular levels.

Constantly used to promote this intoxicating potion, the term "drink" masks the true nature of the narcotic mixture and contributes to the establishment of a program in the mind that makes a person poison himself.

As you can see, the lie begins with the definition of what alcohol is. There are a lot of similar contradictions between scientific facts and superstitions prevailing in society on all other issues related to alcohol. And this lie is a huge social evil that threatens the life of each of us, the strength of our families, the future of all our people.


We will not now go into the details of the use of ethyl alcohol in chemical laboratories or in medicine, for disinfection. Let's leave it to the experts in the relevant field. Let's better pay attention to how ruthlessly applied given substance in relation to the vast mass of our compatriots. Every day and in front of everyone

And it is used as a chemical weapon of mass destruction: it is The best way deprive the health, and eventually the life of any person. Since ethanol has narcotic properties (and the ceremonies of its use are also equipped with ritual-symbolic properties), the victim gets used to it very quickly, and she develops a craving for repeated self-poisoning. And this craving is the stronger, the more often and in larger doses the body is saturated with ethyl alcohol solutions (beer, wine or any others), and the consciousness is saturated with a blind belief that alcoholic products are allegedly necessary for a “full life” in society.

The changes that occur in the body under the influence of alcohol occur with the use of any dose of this narcotic poison. The degree of these changes depends on the amount of ethanol drunk as part of various mixtures and the frequency of its intake.

However, the differences in damage to the body are not qualitative, but only quantitative: for example, exerting its deadly effect on the brain, ethanol does not produce abrupt transitions from a completely healthy state to complete idiocy. Between the extreme forms of both physiological and mental states there are many intermediate ones. And there are more and more people with varying degrees of damage to physical and mental health in our society ...

At modern level consumption of alcohol "average" in this regard, a person "suddenly" is faced with the most various ailments at the age of about 30 years. These are diseases of the stomach, liver, cardiovascular system, neuroses, disorders in the genital area. However, diseases can be the most unexpected, because the effect of ethyl alcohol is universal: it affects all organs and systems of the human body.

All attempts to attribute the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol only to those people who are recognized as alcoholics are unfounded. Alcoholism, delirium tremens, alcoholic hallucinosis, Korsakoff's psychosis, alcoholic pseudo-paralysis, epilepsy, hallucinatory dementia and much more - all these are just the consequences of the "traditional" self-poisoning with ethanol-containing liquids, which has taken root in our society.

And the life of a person in conditions of regular self-poisoning is not only extremely painful, but also painfully short. If a drinker does not get into a car accident or hospital with diseases of the liver or stomach, does not die from a heart attack or hypertension, he often becomes disabled from some domestic injury or fight. An alcoholic poisoner, as they say, will definitely find a reason from which to die prematurely! According to the Big medical encyclopedia» Every third person dies from causes, one way or another related to the use of alcohol.

According to WHO, the average life expectancy of a drinker is 15-17 years less than the average life expectancy, which, as you know, is calculated taking into account drinkers. If you compare it with a full, healthy life of a conscious teetotaler, the difference will be even greater.


There are two ways of life: healthy and unhealthy. Sober and drugged. And if our legislation protected a young person from alcohol and tobacco at least until the age of 25, at an older, and therefore conscious age, he would certainly not want to give his fate into the clutches of drug addiction.

However, contrary to common sense, society is in a hurry to introduce its younger generation to illegal drugs. And this is often done by force.

A person who is offered to try alcohol for the first time does not experience pleasant sensations from it. A child who is given champagne for the first time by tipsy parents (“Look, what a beautiful lemonade!”) Thinks after the first sip: “Well, this lemonade of yours is disgusting! How can you drink that?!" But he does not always dare to say this: after all, they will consider “small” ...

A young guy or girl who first got into a company where there is a bottle on the table (note: not with forty-degree vodka, but with champagne, beer, or some other “weak” and fairly sweetened alcohol mixture) feel confused. The moment will come when there will be nowhere to go and you will have to choose: either to obey the drunken “tradition”, or to declare your image of the “white crow”.

This is how new victims of episodic alcoholism usually get involved in the most common drug on Earth. And at the same time they pretend (whatever you do under the psychological pressure of the company you want to enter), as if they are joining something good!

The “tradition of drinking”, by the way, is not so ancient, as some of its captives claim. They are not to blame for their ignorance, it’s just that their upbringing took place in a society in which they were taught to drink from childhood, referring to these semi-mythical “traditions”. And drink not somehow, but “culturally”!

The fact that the natural state of a person is sobriety, none of them, probably, did not think ...

It is hardly possible to find an excuse for parents who themselves accustom their children, who have not yet known the irresistible power of drug temptation, to the "cultural" use of wine or beer! If these unfortunate children, who confidently agreed to "try a little," knew, what huge losses and disappointments await them after this "sip of adult life"... If parents knew what a terrible and all-consuming social disease this notorious "cultural" use of alcohol is ...

And what vile shame fills the soul of an adult who, pouring poison into glasses, meets the pure, sincere eyes of a child, declaring an unshakable desire to preserve the sobriety given from birth!

Unfortunately, there are not many such children today. Most teenagers, being under the crazy psychological pressure of the “cultural drinking” environment, nevertheless agree to receive their first “dose”. And they get it from the hands of friends or even parents. And then the suppression of free, sober will - slowly or very quickly - follows a long-known path: young people are enslaved by beer "fashion" and wine-vodka "comfort", turning into submissive drinking companions.

It is terrible to watch with what black envy and gloating there is an invisible struggle for the soul of every healthy person who has not yet been touched by alcohol! In youth companies, the more modest ones always behave quietly and peacefully, but others, who are more insolent, are in a hurry to set their own norms of behavior for the newly formed society. Only these “norms” often turn out to be in sharp contradiction with human morality: they try to impose an unhealthy, immoral, narcotic way of life on individuals who have not yet established themselves in their life principles.

A teenager, even for a short time in such an environment, is so amazed by what he hears and sees that he begins to subconsciously imitate a bad example, fearing "to fall behind fashion." In addition, he may be seduced by the role of a “ringleader”, who directly or indirectly provokes the “less advanced” to try beer, cigarettes and other narcotic substances, and in communicating with each other, gradually abandon mutual respect and normal, literary speech in favor of endless verbal mockery, primitive slang and foul language ...

And what is the worst thing - just once seeing around him complete immorality and carefree poisoning, even with "symbolic" doses of alcoholic liquids, a person who has not yet revealed himself can lose moral guidelines for a long time ...


By their own social consequences Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the modern world. On his account, millions of destroyed human destinies and billions of people who undermined their health.

Having taken the place of real, health-giving drinks, firmly established in our society as an everyday, cheap and at the same time “prestigious” drink, beer, wine and other mixtures of ethyl alcohol disfigure the life of not only individuals, but of the whole society.

Scientists confirm that alcohol takes more victims than the most terrible epidemics: the latter appear periodically, and the use of ethanol-containing liquids in our country has become an ongoing epidemic disease. Dealing with the problem of cirrhosis of the liver, constantly meeting with severe injuries in the ambulance, surgeons are convinced every day that the harm caused by these narcotic solutions is colossal.

Alcohol affects all organs of the human body, primarily by affecting the cells of our organs, as well as through a paralyzing effect on neurons and, as a result, disruption of the coordination of the physiological activity of the body.

And although most often attention is paid to the physiological consequences of alcohol consumption, the social consequences are much worse. This is a constant deterioration in the neuropsychic health of the population, an increase in the number of accidents, especially car accidents that disfigure and kill many people.

Alcohol is the most powerful factor in the growth of the level of all crimes, and especially murders and suicides. According to WHO, suicide among drinkers occurs 80 times more often than among teetotalers.

Modern research proves that alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are the most important factors demographic crisis in Ukraine and other CIS countries. For several years in a row, WHO has named alcohol and tobacco as the leading risk factors for the health of Ukrainians.

According to the International Association for Cancer Research, alcohol is classified as a carcinogenic agent. The strongest association was found between alcohol consumption and cancer of the upper digestive tract (mouth, esophagus, pharynx, and larynx), as well as stomach, pancreas, colon, liver, and breast cancer. Drinking more than 40 grams of alcohol per day increases the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer by 9 times.


There is no such organ in the human body that would not be destroyed under the influence of alcohol. But the brain suffers the most. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood is taken as one, then in the cerebrospinal fluid it will be 1.5, and in the brain - 1.75.

The human brain contains about 10,000,000,000 nerve cells (neurons). Ethanol - a good solvent - inflicts a toxic blow on brain cells, from which they die en masse. Thus, after taking a mug of beer, a glass of wine or 100 g of vodka, a whole cemetery of dead neurons remains in the brain, which the body is forced to excrete through urine reproductive system into the city sewer.

And when pathologists open the skull of any “culturally” and “moderately” drinking man, everyone sees the following picture: either a “wrinkled brain”, reduced in volume, the entire surface of the cortex of which is in micro-scars, micro-ulcers, lunges of structures; or (if death occurred suddenly) - a pronounced edema of the soft meninges and brain matter. This is the result of systematic intoxication with alcohol and its decay products, primarily acetaldehyde.

Here is how a Kiev pathologist describes the brain of a person who, according to friends, drank “moderately” and “culturally”: “Changes in the frontal lobes of the brain are visible even without a microscope, the convolutions are smoothed, atrophied, many small hemorrhages. Under the microscope, voids filled with serous fluid. The cerebral cortex resembles the earth after bombs were dropped on it - all in funnels. Here, every drink has left its mark ... "

According to American scientists, 200 g of dry wine suppress the human intellect within 18-20 days after ingestion. Thus, in those who take such a dose at least twice a month, mental activity is constantly suppressed, which, you see, is not very pleasant, especially for people of intellectual labor.

It is important to realize that changes in the substance of the brain that occur under the influence of any dose of ethyl alcohol are irreversible. They leave behind an indelible mark in the form of loss of the smallest structures of the brain, which inevitably affects its function. The damaged part is replaced by scars (connective tissue), and the resulting void is filled by displacement of neighboring areas of the brain. But even in these preserved areas of the brain nerve cells undergo changes in the protoplasm and nucleus, sometimes as pronounced as in case of poisoning by other intoxicants.

At the same time, the cells of the cerebral cortex are affected much more than the cells of its subcortical parts, that is, alcohol acts more strongly on the cells higher centers than the lower ones. In the victim of ethyl alcohol, perception becomes difficult and slows down, attention and memory are disturbed.

As a result of these changes, as well as the constant influence of the “drinking” climate on the human psyche, unfavorable distortions of his character begin to appear. There comes a paralysis of consciousness and will. The barriers that keep a sober person from useless, thoughtless actions are removed. The personality changes, the processes of its degradation begin.


Ethyl alcohol causes damage to the cardiovascular system, including in the form of alcoholic hypertension and myocardial damage. On the electrocardiograms of people who poison themselves with alcohol, significant changes are noticed. Interruptions in cardiac activity (arrhythmia) become common.

Hypertension in drinkers occurs as a result of dysregulation of vascular tone due to toxic effect ethyl alcohol on various parts of the nervous system.

The basis of alcoholic damage to the heart muscle is the direct toxic effect of alcohol on the myocardium in combination with changes in the nervous regulation and microcirculation. Gross disorders of interstitial metabolism that develop at the same time lead to the development of focal and diffuse myocardial dystrophy, manifested by arrhythmias and heart failure.

As academician A. L. Myasnikov established, alcohol is one of the factors contributing to the development of atherosclerosis.

The insidiousness of the effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system is also in the fact that the body of a young person has a significant, approximately 10-fold supply of capillaries; therefore, in youth, circulatory disorders are not as pronounced as in later years. However, with age, the supply of capillaries is exhausted, and the consequences of drinking alcohol in youth become more tangible.


When ingesting an ethanol-containing liquid, the esophagus and stomach are primarily affected. And the greater the concentration of poison in this fluid, the more severe the damage.

Ethanol causes burns to the walls of the esophagus and stomach. At the same time, a white coating forms on the walls of the stomach, similar to the protein of a boiled egg. It takes a long time to restore dead tissue.

Even small doses of ethyl alcohol irritate the glands located in the wall of the stomach and producing gastric juice. At first they secrete too much mucus, and then they become exhausted and atrophy.

Digestion in the stomach becomes defective, food stagnates or, undigested, enters the intestines. Gastritis occurs, which, if its cause is not eliminated and not seriously treated, can turn into stomach cancer.

The results of the direct effect of alcohol on the walls of the human stomach were observed by American scientists. Each of the nineteen participants in the experiment with a healthy stomach drank 200 grams of whiskey on an empty stomach. A few minutes after taking the whiskey, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane were observed. An hour later, one could see numerous bleeding sores, and after a few hours, purulent stripes were already stretching along the mucous membrane of the stomach. The picture of all nineteen subjects was almost the same!


Profound changes also take place in the pancreas, which explains the frequent complaints of drinkers about poor digestion, sharp pains in the abdomen, etc. Ethanol suppresses the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas, which prevents the breakdown of nutrients into molecules suitable for nourishing body cells.

By damaging the cells of the inner surface of the stomach and pancreas, ethanol inhibits the absorption of nutrients, and the transfer of certain substances into the blood generally makes it impossible.

Due to the death of special cells located in the pancreas and producing insulin, diabetes develops. Poor digestion, sharp pains in the abdomen are signs of pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas.

Pancreatitis and diabetes due to alcohol are usually irreversible phenomena, which is why people are doomed to constant pain and ailments.


Passing through the hepatic barrier, ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on liver cells, which die under its influence. In their place, connective tissue is formed, or simply a scar that does not perform a hepatic function. The ability of the liver to retain vitamin A decreases, and other metabolic disorders are observed.

The liver gradually decreases in size, that is, it shrinks, the liver vessels are compressed, the blood in them stagnates, the pressure rises 3-4 times. And if there is a rupture of blood vessels, it begins profuse bleeding from which patients often die.

According to WHO, about 80% of patients die within a year after the first bleeding. The changes described above are called cirrhosis of the liver. By the number of patients with cirrhosis, by the way, determine the level of alcoholism in a particular country.

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most severe and hopeless in terms of treatment of human diseases. Cirrhosis of the liver as a consequence of alcohol consumption, according to WHO data published in 1982, has become one of the main causes of death.

The figure shows for comparison the liver of a healthy person (top) and the liver of a person who "moderately" consumes alcohol (bottom).


When alcohol-containing liquids enter the body, the kidneys inevitably suffer - organs involved in the processes of regulation of water-salt metabolism, maintaining acid-base balance and excretion of slags.

Small doses of ethanol increase urination, which is associated with irritant alcohol on the kidney tissue, as well as its effect on the cardiovascular system. Long-term alcohol intake causes chronic diseases kidneys - nephritis, nephrolithiasis, pyelitis.

Due to the gradual destruction of the cells of the renal tissue, the dead cells are replaced by scars, as a result of which the kidneys, like the liver, shrivel and decrease in size.


C 2 H 5 OH has a detrimental effect on the reproductive system, reproductive tissues and germ cells. Drinking parents give birth to frail, weak, physically, mentally and morally inferior children, predisposed to serious illnesses.

The influence of ethanol here goes in several directions. Firstly, alcohol has a direct traumatic effect on the sex glands, which is fraught with profound changes in the genital area, including atrophy of the reproductive organs.

The second way alcohol acts is its effect directly on the germ cell. At one of the sessions of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, scientists demonstrated under a microscope germ cells taken from drinking people. Almost all of them were mutilated: sometimes with a large deformed head, sometimes, on the contrary, with a very small one. Core different sizes, with corroded contours, protoplasm is either small or abundant. Almost no normal germ cells were visible. Is healthy offspring possible in the presence of such gross changes?!

Deviations from the normal development of the fetus occur even in the case of the most “moderate” alcohol consumption. They manifest themselves (if not immediately, then in subsequent generations) in various birth defects development united by a common medical term- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It could be strabismus congenital deafness, reduced size of the brain and skull, congenital heart defects, mental retardation limb underdevelopment or complete absence separate parts body.

Alcohol, being a toxin and mutagen, also contributes to the birth of the so-called "Siamese twins" - children with pronounced congenital deformities. This is the result of improper development of two eggs damaged by alcohol.

For the appearance of degenerative offspring, it is not at all necessary that the parents were alcoholics. If there is any consumption of alcohol by at least one of the parents, the probability of the appearance of children with severe mental changes is already quite high.

As a result of a survey of 1,500 mothers and their children, it turned out that deviations from the norm are observed in 2% of children born to mothers who did not drink alcohol at all. This figure rises to 9% among children of "moderately" drinking mothers. In children whose mothers drink a lot, the rate of deviation from the norm is 74%. Moreover, the latter, as a rule, have not one, but several deviations.

But mentally retarded children born of drinking parents inevitably give rise to the same offspring, and there is an ever-increasing decline in the intellectual level of the nation. And a catastrophically growing number of defective and mentally retarded children it confirms. Gone are the days when low level mental capacity the younger generation could be disguised by hiding a small percentage of handicapped children in specialized boarding schools. Regarding the unprecedented decline in history intellectual abilities students are sounding the alarm not only in schools, but also in higher educational institutions.


With the use of alcohol-containing liquids, not just transient irregularities of character develop, but deep and stable changes in it. Willpower weakens early, thoughts lose depth and bypass difficulties, instead of resolving them. The circle of interests narrows and there is only one desire - "a little drink."

People tend to stop thinking when the thought process becomes difficult. And as you know, it is at this stage that mental activity begins to be truly fruitful.

And then, when a person begins to be tormented by the problem of accepting some important decision, it is very easy to succumb to the temptation to choose alcohol as a means to temporarily "hide" from the problem.

Only short-sighted and irresponsible people could devise such a way to passively disengage from the anxiety associated with finding solutions to urgent problems. They will still have to be solved, but after each treatment of the brain with ethyl solvent, this will require more and more tension of the will, which has weakened, attention that is easily dissipated, as well as fresh thoughts that simply cannot appear in the brain that has not been freed from the long enslavement of alcohol.

The longer a person drinks, the more his morality suffers. And the fall of morality is reflected in the loss of shame. This was rightly noted by Leo Tolstoy: “Not in taste, not in pleasure, not in entertainment, not in fun, lies the cause of the worldwide spread of hashish, opium, wine, tobacco, but only in the need to hide from oneself the instructions of conscience.”

A sober person is ashamed to steal, ashamed to kill. A drinker is not ashamed of anything. Therefore, if a person wants to do an act that forbids his conscience, he tries to drown out her voice, purposefully intoxicating himself. It is easy to see that immorally living people who are much more honest and decent are prone to intoxicating substances.

The ability to feel shame is lost very quickly by drinkers. Paralysis of this high human feeling humiliates a person in a moral sense much more than any psychosis. Not surprisingly, the increase in morbidity and mortality, as well as crime in any country, corresponds to the level of alcohol consumption.

Even with rarely allowed alcohol intake, a person imperceptibly for himself morally sinks: for months, years, and sometimes all his life he continues to face the same moral issues that haunted a sober, not intoxicated person, not moving a single step towards their resolution. .

And the whole movement of life consists in the solution of these questions!

So a person stands motionless at the same, once mastered level of worldview, resting against the same wall at every period of enlightenment, against which he rested 10-20 years ago. Alcohol dulls the edge of human thought, which could pierce it.


Like any other poison, ethanol, taken in a certain dose, leads to lethal outcome. Through numerous experiments, the smallest amount of poison (per kilogram of body weight) is established, which is necessary for the poisoning and death of the animal - the so-called toxic equivalent.

From observations of alcohol poisoning, its toxic equivalent for humans was also derived. It is equal to 7-8 g. That is, for a person weighing 64 kg lethal dose will be equal to 500 g of pure alcohol. If we make a calculation for 40-degree vodka, it turns out that the lethal dose is 1200 g.

When a lethal dose enters the body, body temperature decreases by 3-4 degrees; death occurs within 12-40 hours.

For children, the lethal dose of alcohol per 1 kilogram of body weight is 4-5 times less.

Medical alcohol is completely identical to technical alcohol in terms of such qualities as smell and color. However, there is an important difference between them. The composition of the technical contains methyl - a substance that can cause severe poisoning and cause death. Unlike technical alcohol, the main component in medical alcohol is ethyl, which is also a poison, but still its use in moderate doses does not cause such terrible consequences. In the article we will tell in detail about what ethyl alcohol, medical alcohol is.

Medical alcohol is one of the few subspecies of ethanol that has a monoatomic structure. The composition of medical ethyl alcohol consists of four percent water and ninety-six percent alcohol.

Thanks to this composition, medical alcohol has become widespread. It applies not only to medical purposes but also in industrial. Very often it is used internally, but for this it is required to dilute it. Alcohol ethanol has the form clear liquid and sold in any pharmacy. The dosage can be from one hundred milligrams and above.

Ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid under standard conditions.

For its manufacture, only food raw materials are used. Typically these products are:

  • potato;
  • barley;
  • oats;
  • corn.

Very often, experts are forced to answer the question: medical alcohol and ethyl alcohol, is there a difference? To an ordinary person the difference between the two formulations is not noticeable. Both compositions have the same formula, but are made from different natural ingredients. The ethyl compound is also used in alcohol. So, to create wine, a composition based on grapes or berries is used.

The technical type of alcohol is made using a special technology, when the active substance undergoes a decomposition process as a result of treatment with water. Some varieties of wood and petroleum products can act as an active substance. In most cases, the resulting type of alcohol is used as a fuel or solvent.

Wine, ethyl, medical - compounds in which the main active substance is ethyl. Despite the fact that all these species have the same structure, they undergo different degrees of purification. Medical alcohol is a solution with the highest degree of purification, and this is precisely the reason for its widespread use. It can be easily diluted with substances such as:

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • acetic acid.

Ethyl alcohol is used as a fuel, as a solvent, as a filler in alcohol thermometers, and as disinfectant


In most cases, such a solution is used in medicine and is used for disinfection. However, very often, using this base, home-made alcohol is produced.
In medicine, alcohol solutions are used as:

  1. Antiseptic. For the treatment of scratches, cuts and other wounds.
  2. A substance that has disinfectant properties. Treatment with such a composition destroys up to ninety-seven percent of all existing bacteria and infections on the skin.
  3. Anesthesia. Under field conditions of surgical intervention.
  4. The main component used when creating tinctures.
  5. Very often medical alcohol is used when creating compresses and antipyretics.
  6. The drug is used as one of the main components ventilation procedures (artificial ventilation Lungs).

Using alcohol as a disinfectant, they treat skin lesions, surgical instruments, and even surgical fields. To do this, a cotton swab is abundantly moistened in liquid and applied to the desired area.

In case of poisoning, technical alcohol can become a fairly effective antidote. Of all the types based on ethanol, only medical alcohol is suitable for these purposes. Timely ingestion can reduce the concentration of toxins in the body.

There are 2 main methods for producing ethanol - microbiological (alcohol fermentation) and synthetic (ethylene hydration).

Alcohol, which has an ethyl base, is one of the indispensable substances in medicine. Each medical manipulation involves its use. However, to achieve different goals, a different strength of the substance is used, it can be forty, seventy and ninety percent.

Ethyl alcohol is a versatile product used in many industries. Alcoholic drinks, kvass, kefir and even non-alcoholic beer are created on its basis. However, in fermented milk products, its concentration does not exceed one tenth of a percent. That is why the use of such products does not harm the body. Very often, the solution is used as a preservative in the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products.

Rubbing alcohol is often consumed by people suffering from alcohol addiction. Since the purchase of the drug does not require a doctor's prescription, it has become widespread among people with this addiction. The use of medical alcohol in pure form can cause burns to the throat and gastric mucosa. Ingestion of medical alcohol must be diluted, and its strength should not exceed fifty degrees. Even taking into account the fact that medical alcohol contains only plant components, its overuse leads to the development of serious diseases.


Few people know, but alcohol sold in a pharmacy has specific instructions for use. This instruction indicates that the main function of the composition is the disinfection of the skin. Experts categorically prohibit the use of ethanol for the treatment of skin that has undergone an inflammation process. The warming effect can play a negative role and these processes will worsen.

The productivity of a modern distillery is about 30,000-100,000 liters of alcohol per day

It is possible to develop an allergic reaction of the body, so the remedy is not recommended for use by persons under the age of fourteen. Women during pregnancy or at the stage of feeding, it is best to refuse the use of medical alcohol. As a result of weakened immunity, applying the solution to the skin can cause irritation. If the area of ​​the skin subjected to alcohol treatment turns red after the procedure, it must be washed with clean water. If such reactions of the body occur, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Applying alcohol to delicate areas of the skin, such as the eyelids, can cause not only a burn of the skin, but also of the mucous membrane eyeball. In cases where the composition is not used for its intended purpose, consequences such as poisoning with toxins and even a narcotic effect are possible. In most cases, these reactions are directly related to the amount and method of application of the composition.

An overdose, provoked by the use or inhalation of ethanol in a huge concentration, can cause a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. Such consequences can lead to severe intoxication, emotional stupor and even coma. It is very important to apply for medical care when the first symptoms of toxin poisoning appear.

Excessive alcohol consumption is addictive. When drinking alcohol, the human body produces the hormone endorphin, which is the main cause of the development of alcoholism. It is important to remember that ethanol is a poisonous substance. Its single dose should not exceed three grams per kilogram of live weight. Exceeding this dose can cause poisoning and lead to coma. Alcohol abuse leads to the development serious illnesses liver and stomach. So as a result of the effect of alcohol on the body, diseases such as:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • cancer of the internal organs.

Very often, excessive consumption of medical alcohol causes the development of disorders of the cardiovascular system.

On an industrial scale, ethyl alcohol is obtained from raw materials containing cellulose (wood, straw), which is pre-hydrolyzed

Alcohol addiction causes pathologies in the work of the brain. Its influence has a devastating effect on the state of cells and neurons. As a result of long internal use medical alcohol can begin to develop mental disorders.

Changes occurring in the body have a strong impact on the state of the nervous system. With such disorders, depression, apathy and suicidal tendencies can be observed. Medical alcohol must be used only for its intended purpose, observing the expiration date of the product.

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