If the stomach hurts in the middle: important aspects and predisposing factors. What to do if the upper abdomen hurts

These tables do not list everything, of course. The most common erroneous action of patients, when the stomach hurts, is taking painkillers, especially with severe and prolonged pain. Pain is one of the protective functions of the body, which signals about various diseases. And, having got rid of pain, we do not eliminate the cause of its occurrence. With severe and prolonged pain in the abdomen, when a visit to the doctor is simply necessary, taking painkillers can complicate the correct diagnosis.

For a more complete understanding of the diversity of causes of abdominal pain, we present a modern classification of the most common pains.

Classification of abdominal pain

I. Abdominal pain associated with abdominal causes

1. Inflammation parietal peritoneum
A. bacterial infection
A. Perforated appendicitis or other perforations internal organs
b. Inflammatory diseases pelvic organs
B. Chemical irritation
A. perforated ulcer
b. pancreatitis
V. Taking painkillers
2. Mechanical obstruction of hollow internal organs
A. Obstruction of the small or large intestine
B. Obstruction of the bile ducts
B. Obstruction of the ureter
3. Vascular disorders
A. Embolism or thrombosis
B. Vessel ruptures
B. Compression or torsion occlusion of vessels
G. sickle cell anemia
4. Abdominal wall
A. Torsion or adhesions of the mesentery
B. Injury or infection muscles
5. Stretching of the surface of the internal organs, for example, hemorrhage
A. Liver capsule
B. Renal capsule
6. Inflammation of the internal organ
A. Appendicitis
B. Typhoid fever
V. Tiflit
II. Pain associated with extraperitoneal causes
1. Cardiothoracic pain
A. Acute infarction myocardium
B. Myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis
B. Congestive heart failure
D. Pneumonia
D. Pulmonary embolism
E. Pleurodynia
G. Pneumothorax
Z. Empyema
I. Diseases of the esophagus, spasm, rupture, inflammation
2. Urological causes
A. Testicular torsion
B. Acute urinary retention
3. Gynecological causes
A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Rupture of an ovarian cyst / torsion of the cyst leg / salpingo-oophoritis
B. Torsion of the leg / necrosis of the myomatous node
III. Metabolic Causes
1. Diabetes
2. Uremia
3. Hyperlipidemia
4. Hyperparathyroidism
5. Acute adrenal insufficiency
6 Familial Mediterranean Fever
7. Porfiria
8. Deficiency of C-1 esterase inhibitor (angioedema)
IV. Neurological/psychiatric causes
1. Shingles
2. Tabes dorsalis
3. Causalgia
4. Sciatica
5. Compressions spinal cord or nerve roots
6. Functional disorders
7. Mental disorders
v. Toxic Causes
1. Lead poisoning
2. Insect or animal bites (black widow spider bite, snake bites)
VI. Undefined Mechanisms
1. Refusal from narcotic drugs
2. Heatstroke

And a little more detail about the causes of abdominal pain in their localization, tk. it allows you to more accurately define the boundaries differential diagnosis.

Causes of abdominal pain depending on location

Right hypochondrium Epigastrium Left upper quadrant
Pneumonia/pleural empyema
Pleurisy / pleurodynia
Subdiaphragmatic abscess
Budd-Chiari Syndrome
peptic ulcer
myocardial infarction
Ruptured aortic aneurysm
Spleen infarction
Spleen rupture
Abscess of the spleen
stomach ulcer
Subdiaphragmatic abscess
Right lower quadrant Navel area Left lower quadrant
Inguinal hernia
Ectopic pregnancy
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Mesenteric lymphadenitis
early sign appendicitis
Bowel obstruction
Ruptured aortic aneurysm
Inguinal hernia
Ectopic pregnancy
Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Cause diffuse non-localized pain can be:

Mesenteric ischemia
Bowel obstruction
irritable bowel syndrome
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Metabolic diseases
Psychiatric diseases

Doctors classify abdominal pain as a rubric R10 V International classification ICD-10 diseases.

Professional medical publications related to abdominal pain
Baranskaya E.K. Abdominal pain: clinical approach to the patient and treatment algorithm. Place of antispasmodic therapy in the treatment of abdominal pain // Farmateka. - 2005. - No. 14 (109).

It is impossible to diagnose a disease in yourself, you need to know information about the types of diseases. If you experience discomfort, a visit to a specialist is simply inevitable.

People visiting the doctor often complain of pain in the upper abdomen. You cannot find a person who has never felt anything like this on himself, this type of ailment can cause many problems in Everyday life. Often this pain occurs after eating. The causes are difficult to identify on their own, because they can be disturbed by both diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatic colic, inflammation of the kidneys or other diseases. It is impossible to diagnose a disease in oneself without special knowledge.

Appearance mechanism

Pain is a clear symptom of a dysfunction or pathological changes any organ. Sensations of pain in the stomach (on the right or left side) or any area of ​​the abdomen are often caused by spasms of smooth muscles, then the pain resembles contractions, burning or pressure. When the surface of the organ is stretched, the pain becomes bursting. The liver and spleen are often subjected to the so-called stretching of the organ capsule.

Tissues of any organ in case of damage tumor process, inflammation or injury, may be accompanied by pain. Sensations can be almost imperceptible, and sometimes quite painful, it depends on pain threshold. If the shell is torn, the pain becomes sharp and unbearable. With ischemia (impaired circulation) in the internal organs, the cause is poor vascular conductivity. This happens with blockage of blood vessels or atherosclerosis.

There are many diseases that are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, the main ones are:

  • lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • problems with the liver and gallbladder;
  • pathological changes;
  • damage to the spleen;
  • aortic rupture, heart attack;
  • pleurisy;
  • hernia of the diaphragm;
  • inflammation of the abdominal muscles;
  • poisoning with salts and heavy metals;
  • neuralgia, osteochondrosis.

Gastrointestinal lesions

Constant pain usually indicates problems with the stomach or duodenum. The ulcer appears mainly. If the nature of the pain has changed dramatically, it has become unbearable, or occurs every time after eating, an urgent visit to the doctor is required. Heartburn and belching may indicate inflammation or an ulcer in the esophagus. Sometimes the pain can even take on the character of heart pain.

Liver disease

Liver diseases can be asymptomatic, but if the pain occurs on the right, you need to be examined. The bursting pain may indicate cirrhosis or cancer. Similar symptoms on the right appear with cholelithiasis, this ailment may be accompanied by aching pain or, conversely, colic. This disease often comes with a complication, for example, cholecystitis, while the walls of the organ become inflamed. Then there is pain of a cramping nature, the patient feels sick, if the pain on the right progresses when walking or after eating, then the condition worsens.

Diseases of the pancreas

With inflammation, pain in the upper abdomen is girdle, but can be localized in the upper part only in the middle or on the left, there should not be any discomfort on the right. At acute form the disease exhausts the patient with constant vomiting. A tumor or cyst can manifest itself in completely different ways. Do not self-medicate, it is always better to consult a specialist.

Spleen disorders

One of them is a violation of the functions of the spleen. This rarely happens, but is no exception. The likelihood is especially high if the pain gives off on the left, and not on the right, near the upper abdomen, where the spleen is located. The causes of the pathology of the spleen can be different, these are cysts, and inflammations, tumors with damage to the organ, spleen infarction and abscesses. It happens that an infectious or cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular diseases

Ischemia or infarction in some cases gives pain in upper part abdomen, in the stomach area. Such pain is pronounced, which sometimes leads to erroneous hospitalization according to the diagnosis " acute abdomen". It is important to know that pain in the upper abdomen due to a heart attack has other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, hard breath, jumps in pressure, discomfort in the chest, impotence, cold sweat.

Another cardiovascular disease, aneurysm, otherwise called sac-like pathological expansion of the aorta, one of the symptoms is pain in the upper abdomen, regardless of its left or right side. May be aggravated after eating. In some cases, the pain radiates to the back. In addition, the pain of the left side of the stomach with aneurysm spreads to chest and its entire area: under the shoulder blades, into the arm, it can also move up and down, reacting to the direction of the progressive stratification. If the aorta is dissected or ruptured, the patient experiences dagger pain, arterial pressure drops sharply. With such symptoms, the patient should be urgently hospitalized.

lung disease

Dry pleurisy also has one of the symptoms of pain in the upper abdomen. It can be reduced by lying on the left or right side. With pleurisy, the temperature rises, chills occur, general weakness of the body.

Muscle pain

At muscle pain, sensations are often reflected at the top of the abdomen, on the right or left side. It can be either dull aching or sharp. If at lying position and raised legs, the pain intensifies, then this is a clear confirmation of the appearance of pain from physical activity.

Hernia pain

When a hernia occurs, it is possible to feel the formation in the form of roundness, which disappears when you press it. The disease manifests itself when squeezing organs in the hernial ring. Diagnosis can be made by x-ray of the stomach. The examination is carried out on an empty stomach, before meals.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnant women periodically experience discomfort in the lower abdomen, but sometimes it happens that pain appears in its upper part, on the right or left side of the stomach. Here are some of the reasons that contribute to its occurrence on different stages pregnancy.

Preeclampsia appears in the second or third trimester high pressure or protein in the urine. In addition to pain in the upper abdomen, swelling of the eyes, hands, feet, face and ankles. Weight increases sharply. Excess body weight does not arise from food, but from the stagnation of fluid in the body. There is nausea, vomiting, diffuse vision, headache.

Help syndrome

Help syndrome appears on recent months pregnancy. When it occurs, the patient develops nausea, vomiting, migraine and pain in the right upper abdomen, in the region of the stomach, or on the left or right side of it. Anemia develops.

Ways to relieve pain

If you experience discomfort in the upper abdomen, a visit to a specialist is simply inevitable. There are a lot of reasons for pain, and only a doctor, having prescribed an examination and tests, can make the correct diagnosis. Taking pain medication after meals can lead to staging misdiagnosis, it will be difficult for the doctor to determine the nature of the pain: sharp or dull, in the left or right side of the stomach.

  • Soreness of the stomach may indicate a temporary dysfunction of the organ or the development of a serious pathology. Therefore, the first thing to do with recurring types of pain is to consult a doctor. The specialist, based on the results of the examination, tests and diagnostics, will find out the cause of the discomfort and prescribe a course of therapy if necessary. Self-medication for abdominal pain of unknown etiology is unacceptable.

    Causes and symptoms

    Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle appear as a result of exposure to various factors - from minor to serious. When ignoring long time pain possible development of serious diseases with severe complications. Sources of pain:

    1. Abuse of alcohol, coffee. Alcoholic beverages and caffeine trigger the production of gastric juice, the excess of which negatively affects the condition of the gastric mucosa.
    2. Smoking. Nicotine disrupts blood flow in the walls.
    3. Stress. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract are especially susceptible.
    4. Large doses of aspirin. This type of painkiller, when used regularly, leads to ulceration of the stomach lining.
    5. Pancreatic dysfunction.
    6. Nutritional errors.

    All of the above causes cause sharp, paroxysmal pain in the left intercostal space. These factors provoke the development of pathologies of the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. At various diseases the nature and intensity of pain varies over a wide range. Cutting pain in middle left abdominal wall is the result:

    • burns with alkalis or acids;
    • food poisoning (accompanied by belching, heartburn).

    With heaviness and bursting in the epigastric zone with dull, weak pain sensations, one should suspect:

    • gastritis, accompanied by a reduction in pancreatic secretion;
    • pyloric stenosis;
    • stomach cancer;
    • peptic ulcer in the chronic phase.

    Severe pain characterizes an acute ulcer or an exacerbation of a chronic pathology of the stomach and duodenum 12. If acute dagger pain occurs with high intensity, perforation of the ulcer with the release of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity or an exacerbation of the chronic form of another disease should be suspected:

    • acute pancreatitis with reflux into the abdominal cavity of enzymes that break down proteins;
    • colic with spasm of the smooth muscles of the gallbladder when the stone is stuck;
    • perforations colon;
    • peritonitis;
    • rupture of the liver.

    With soreness and nausea, diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver are suspected:

    • gastritis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • hepatitis;
    • ulcer;
    • cholecystitis;
    • food poisoning (belching joins the symptoms).

    Cholecystitis - bile flow is disturbed, and fats are not absorbed in the intestines.

    Less often, pathologies of the central nervous system are possible. Symptoms occur after eating with additional stress on the diseased organ. Soreness in the upper abdomen and diarrhea accompany a violation of the process of digestion and absorption of food due to the development of:

    • stomach ulcers, when digestion and absorption in the intestines are disturbed, which causes diarrhea;
    • pancreatitis, when there is a lack of digestive enzymes;
    • cholecystitis, when bile flow is disturbed, and fats are not absorbed in the intestine;
    • irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by diffuse pain and alternating constipation with diarrhea.

    Soreness at the top under the ribs on the left and temperature appear with any inflammatory processes or food poisoning. Pain syndrome with temperature occurs:

    • with gastritis (temperature not higher than 38 ° C);
    • stomach ulcer (temperature above 38 ° C);
    • pancreatitis in the acute phase (fever with rapidly changing indicators);
    • food poisoning (above 39 ° C, depending on the type of microbe that caused the process).

    In all cases, the first thing to do is to go to a specialist for help.

    Diseases of the stomach that cause painful spasms in the upper middle of the abdomen

    1. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis. Signs: sudden pain at the top in the epigastrium, bad smell from the mouth, nausea on an empty stomach or after eating, migraine, heartburn. The pain syndrome goes away on its own within two days.
    2. Dyspepsia of the stomach - dysfunction of the organ, difficulty and soreness of digestion. Signs: pain syndrome on top of the epigastrium, nausea, loss of appetite, bloating, heaviness in the stomach. Occurs against the background of pancreatic dysfunction.
    3. Peptic ulcer of the stomach - ulceration of the mucosa of the organ. Signs: pain after eating, heaviness, pressure.
    4. Stomach cancer - malignant tumors with metastases to nearby and distant tissues. The precursors are ulcers and gastritis. Symptoms are similar to those of an ulcer. At the same time, there is weight loss.

    What to do?

    It is forbidden to warm up the stomach.

    Do not take painkillers before going to the doctor for pain in the middle of the upper abdomen, as this will make it difficult to make a diagnosis and choose the appropriate type of treatment. It is forbidden to warm up, but you can apply ice. The most dangerous pains are those that are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. These are symptoms of a serious illness that only a specialist can cure. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in the following cases:

    • the appearance of sharp, severe pain, in which it is difficult to move, begins to feel sick, and the duration is several days;
    • the occurrence of pain in the stomach with diarrhea, constipation, spotting, fever;
    • the occurrence of pain in upper section under the ribs, while the urine darkens, the skin and whites around the eyes turn yellow;
    • duration of spasms for more than 30 minutes without cessation;
    • the appearance of painful sensations with vomiting, sweating, squeezing of internal organs, difficulty breathing.

    Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of disease, its stage of development. In the absence of pathologies, the pain syndrome is stopped by simple actions. What do we have to do:

    • Eat properly.
    • Observe the mode of activity and rest.
    • To refuse from bad habits.
    • Avoid stress.

    Pain always takes us by surprise. Unpleasant sensations on top of the abdomen can break all plans and lead to real torment. As you know, the upper abdomen is the area where several vital organs are located, therefore pain in this place may indicate a number of pathologies - from to.

    Note: if the pain lasts more than half an hour, you should immediately consult a doctor, since taking analgesics will only temporarily relieve the symptoms, but will not eliminate the cause that caused the disease.

    Overeating and stomach pain

    Overeating is one of the most common and relatively safe reasons pain in the abdomen. In particularly difficult cases, it can lead to chronic pain and function failures digestive tract. With frequent use of other products containing lactose, intolerance to lactose-containing products may occur.

    The love of fatty foods can also cause heaviness. Such food provokes increased gas formation, which often leads to damage to internal organs and problems with the stool. Abdominal pain associated with overeating is acute and can last 3-5 hours, after which it gradually subsides.

    Pain on top of the abdomen: what do they indicate?

    Most often, pain under the breast indicates a violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Note! The strength and intensity of discomfort in this area may directly depend on the location nerve endings in the damaged organ.

    To better understand how pain is formed and spread in this place, it is necessary to get acquainted with different zones abdominal cavity. These include:

    • epigastrium or epigastric zone - covers the area from the sternum to the navel;
    • left and right hypochondrium- are located on the sides of the epigastric zone;
    • mesogastrium - the area around the navel;
    • lateral areas - located on both sides of the mesogastrium;
    • suprapubic zone - covers the lower abdomen to the place where the pubic bones connect;
    • iliac fossa - on the left and right of the suprapubic region.

    Pain in the epigastric region is not necessarily associated with organs located at the top of the abdomen, it can spread here and from other areas. Often it becomes difficult to determine its source.

    The nature of pain in the upper abdomen in diseases of the esophagus

    If the cause of the pain is a violation of the functioning of the esophagus, then the pathologies most likely affect its peritoneal part. It has a length of 1 to 3 cm and occupies the area between the stomach and the diaphragm.

    Another cause of pain is a violation of the sphincter - the muscles between the esophagus and stomach.

    In case of violations of the sphincter, pain is often felt in the upper abdomen 1-2 fingers to the left of the center. With other pathologies of the esophagus - in the lower part of the sternum, behind it, at the top of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes - gives in the back.

    The stomach is one of the causes of pain in the upper abdomen

    Above and to the right, the stomach is in contact with the liver, and the pancreas is located behind. Some parts of the organ are located next to the spleen, intestines and omentum. It is worth noting that the size of the stomach, as well as its ratio with neighboring organs, varies depending on whether it is empty or full.

    On each side, the stomach is connected by sheets of peritoneum, so even the slightest spasms of this organ are accompanied by severe pain in the upper abdomen.

    For pain with spasm and stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach (sphincter pathologies), it is characteristic:

    • increased with overeating, after eating, especially solid food ( usually in 1.5-2 hours);
    • localization slightly lower and to the right of the epigastrium;
    • average intensity and frequency;
    • with sour contents (usually after a heavy meal);
    • belching and.

    Since the surface of the stomach is covered with a mucous membrane from the inside, and between the outer and inner layers muscle fibers are located, spasms can be evidence of pathologies of the outer layer of the stomach and inflammation of the mucosa itself.

    The mucous membrane of the stomach contains a huge number of cells that are responsible for the normal functioning of the organ. critical role cells that produce hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the breakdown of food, play in the process of digestion. At normal functioning body acid does not damage the walls of the stomach, but violations acid balance often leads to inflammation of the gastric walls -. In this case, the patient complains of moderate prolonged pain in the upper abdomen (in the pit of the stomach). It is characterized by hunger pains that subside after small reception food.

    With the development of destructive changes and the appearance of a defect in the mucous membrane - pain occurs either on an empty stomach, or half an hour to an hour after eating. At the same time, hunger pains with food intake only intensify. The patient may experience heartburn, vomiting of acidic contents, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen,.

    When an ulcer is complicated by bleeding, the typical picture of pain does not change, but the feces become black and liquid, vomiting resembles coffee grounds.

    Perforation of the gastric membrane leads to the strongest tension of the abdominal wall and swelling of the upper abdomen. The pain is unbearable, dagger.

    How it hurts at the top of the abdomen if the large and small intestines are affected

    The small intestine begins after the gastric section, its walls are formed from smooth muscle tissue. The main task of this system is the continuation of the digestion of food and the subsequent pushing of its residues through the digestive tract.

    Spasm small intestine can cause abdominal pain, which is called. In this case, cramping pain occurs. Most often - in the middle of the abdomen, sometimes they radiate (give) to the upper sections of the abdominal cavity. In some cases, pain in the upper abdomen is evidence of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, its ulceration, and other pathologies of the organ.

    As for the large intestine, most of it is located much lower in the abdominal cavity. At the same time, pain in the upper abdomen is often associated with pathologies of the transverse colon, located below the stomach. These can be various dysfunctions caused by stretching of the walls and oncopathologies.

    Diseases of the liver, in which pain is possible at the top of the abdomen

    The liver is located in the upper right side of the peritoneum. She does a series important functions- excretion of toxic substances, the formation of bile and proteins, the accumulation of glycogen, etc. develop in strength various reasons and may behave differently.

    Unpleasant sensations are often associated with an increase in the body, because it inner surface devoid of nerve endings, and the destruction of the hepatic parenchyma is painless. However, the tissue that surrounds the organ is quite sensitive, therefore, with a moderate increase in the organ, the pain is insignificant - in the form of discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Its strengthening is observed at inclinations, sharp turns, physical activity.

    A severe enlargement of the liver can lead to severe pain. Another reason why the liver hurts is a purulent accumulation (abscess) affecting the outer capsule.

    Spleen pathologies

    The spleen is located in the region of the left hypochondrium. This organ is responsible for the immune control of the blood - the accumulation of blood cells, providing protection to the body, etc. Given that the spleen is covered with sheets of peritoneum on each side, the patient usually feels a slight discomfort in the left hypochondrium, provoked by an increase in the size of the organ. Acute severe pain is rare.

    Perceptible soreness can be observed with such pathologies as:

    Pain in the upper abdomen with pathologies of the pancreas

    The pancreas is located behind the stomach almost completely to the left of the midline of the abdomen. It comes into contact with the peritoneum only with the anterior wall, so pain is felt in this area. Almost all of the gland consists of alveoli, inside which a digestive enzyme is synthesized, which activates bile.

    At acute inflammation pancreas () pain is sudden and intense from the first minutes of appearance, aggravated by movement and deep inspiration. The main place of localization is the epigastric and navel zone, often the pain radiates to the back and hypochondrium. Often the pain is accompanied, repeated.

    Chronic pancreatitis It is characterized by weaker pain sensations, often aggravated after eating and lasting several hours or even days.

    If bile enters the alveoli, it can cause necrosis of the walls of the gland (necrosis), which leads to severe unbearable pain in the upper abdomen on the left.

    Other causes leading to abdominal pain in the upper part

    If the stomach hurts in the upper part, this may be the body's response to any irritants - hit foreign body, cell necrosis, blood outflow disorders. The nature of pain and its intensity directly depends on the organ or system where inflammation develops. In this case, the following pathologies can be diagnosed:

    • . Pain under the sternum is an atypical location for such a disease. It is not accompanied by other symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, but blanching is observed skin, changes in blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, increased sweating.
    • Mechanical trauma of the abdomen. The nature and intensity of pain depends on the location of the injury, its intensity, the degree of damage to the affected organs.
    • Diaphragmatic hernia. Extension esophageal opening diaphragm can be asymptomatic, sometimes with a slight feeling of discomfort behind the sternum or minor pain after eating in the upper abdomen. When food goes beyond the diaphragm and the infringement of such a hernia occurs sharp pain indicating a threat to the life of the patient.
    • . In some cases, the onset of pain is observed not in the iliac fossa on the right, but in the epigastric region. The pain is moderate, and only after 30-60 minutes does it move directly to the location appendix and becomes intense.

    Pain in the upper abdomen in pregnant women: what does it threaten?

    Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time of waiting for a baby, but also long months fears, worries and anxieties. At this time health future mother requires special attention, so the appearance of even the slightest pain is already serious reason see a doctor.

    Most often, during pregnancy, a woman feels sharp pains that quickly pass. They usually accompany the stretching of the uterus, which presses on the peritoneum, causing discomfort. This kind of pain in the upper abdomen in a pregnant woman can be aggravated by sneezing or a sudden change in position. In this case, you should not immediately take painkillers - just calm down and accept the fact that the body is changing in anticipation of the birth of the baby.

    Unfortunately, sometimes it is also threatening. So, sharp discomfort on early dates may indicate a threatened miscarriage, as well as gynecological problems. In this case, the pregnant woman's stomach aches, it seems that contractions begin.

    Important! Pain in various parts of the abdomen may indicate

    In the middle, you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. If there is any doubt that the problem is related to the stomach, you can first come to the therapist. It is not worth delaying visiting the hospital, especially if the pains come often, they are disturbed by strong sensations. It is possible that the syndrome indicates serious disease. The reasons may be different.

    Relevance of the issue

    At least once in a lifetime, almost any person, feeling discomfort and soreness, wondered what was at the top of the abdomen in the middle. Anatomically, a person is arranged in such a way that the organs of the digestive system are located in this area, but pain can be explained by problems in the functioning of not only them, but also a number of other organs and tissues. In some cases, the cause of the pain is serious enough so that already at the initial examination of the patient, the doctor decides in favor of hospitalization. If this is not required, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapeutic procedures, recommend medications, effective in specific situation. If you do not see a doctor on time, the condition may progress, worsen to such an extent that the consequences will be irreversible, up to lethal outcome.

    It is impossible to say exactly and immediately what worries a person, focusing only on the feeling of pain in the upper abdomen in the middle. Diagnosis should include a comprehensive examination using special tools, laboratory tests.

    It is known that spasms and pain syndrome can be provoked by hepatic, gastric diseases, pathologies of the spleen and pancreas, intestinal tract. Sometimes pain is due to malfunction and malfunction of the heart, pulmonary system, spinal column. The cause may be the esophagus, gallbladder. Soreness is direct, there is also a variant of irradiating pain syndrome. This is detected when the source of pain is not located where it is felt.

    And what is the most common?

    In most cases sharp pain at the top of the abdomen in the middle is due to perforation of the ulcerative process localized in the stomach or intestinal tract. Pathology develops in stages, each step is characterized by its own characteristics of pain. First, the patient is diagnosed with gastritis, due to the high level of acidity of the gastric environment. The disease is characterized by an instantaneous course, accompanied by the formation of foci of ulceration. The patient feels weak, stool disorders alternate with the development of diarrhea and constipation. Ulcerative perforation indicates profuse vomiting, loss of appetite, severe heartburn. The patient is losing weight. In many ways clinical picture due to the inability of the body to absorb the nutrients that come with food.

    The most common cause of perforation is malnutrition. At risk are people who prefer spicy, spicy, fatty foods consuming excess salt, eating dry food. Neglect of the diet, lack of a schedule, use of portions of different sizes inconsistently, without a schedule can provoke an ailment.

    Causes and consequences

    Except malnutrition perforation of the ulcer can provoke infectious diseases. Pathological microflora resistant to conditions hyperacidity, can begin active development in the stomach, intestinal tract, if the patient's immunity weakens or the patient takes certain medications. As a rule, analyzes show colonies of Helicobacter pylori. This pathological microscopic form of life inhibits the body's ability to work normally, protect itself, stimulates aggressive influence of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa.

    A decrease in the body's ability to defend itself against aggressive factors is associated with bad habits. Among people seeking help and treatment for stomach ulcers, adults with symptoms of such a disease (the first of them is a sharp pain), most of all those who smoke, drink alcohol. A stressful life situation can play a role. In order to determine in time what caused it, how to deal with the consequences, cure the disease, you should come to an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will listen to the patient, give directions for tests and instrumental research. Even if an ulcer is suspected, additional measures must be taken to rule out other life-threatening pathologies with similar manifestations.


    Sometimes cramps in the upper abdomen in the middle indicate inflammatory processes localized in gallbladder. This is often observed during the formation of stones in this organ. Excessive accumulation and deposition of calcium compounds, excess cholesterol or bilirubin can provoke the appearance of such structures. Cholecystitis can be suspected if the pain is disturbed by attacks, the duration of which varies from a quarter of an hour to several hours. The disease is associated with considerable risks, without adequate treatment it provokes complications: peritonitis, pancreatitis, empyema. There is a possibility inflammatory process V bile duct, violations of the patency of the channels.

    Reason is the heart

    If it hurts in the upper abdomen under the ribs in the middle, perhaps the symptom indicates a heart attack. The term denotes pathological process, in which a section of the heart muscle ceases to receive the oxygen and nutrients necessary for functioning, which leads to death. If it becomes a heart attack, it is possible additional symptoms, simplifying the identification of the state. In many, the pathology is accompanied by shortness of breath, disturbing even at rest, chills. Sometimes the patient vomits, usually only once. Available sharp drop body temperature: throws into a fever, then everything is restored.

    A heart attack often occurs against the background of overstrain, both physical and emotional, nervous. If the examination of the patient suggests a heart attack, it is necessary to immediately hospitalize the victim. Pathological condition fraught with serious complications, fatal consequences, up to death.


    The heaviness at the top of the abdomen in the middle can be explained by just such a process. The term refers to the formation of an inflammatory focus in the pancreas. The probability of pathology is higher if a person eats improperly, unevenly, often and abundantly consumes alcohol. Pancreatitis is a chronic disease prone to relapses. The acute phase is indicated by pain starting in the center of the abdomen, weakening if an antispasmodic is taken. The condition worsens after a meal, in the evening.

    The exacerbation is accompanied by frequent spasmodic attacks. The patient is sick, vomits (multiple acts). Without adequate medical care there is a possibility of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, which provokes complications.

    Violation of the size of the gaps

    One of important elements gastric system - the part through which food moves from the gastric cavity to intestinal tract. If the size of the lumen decreases sharply, obstruction occurs, normal motility is disturbed. The condition can be suspected if there is spasmodic pain in the upper abdomen in the middle. The pain gets worse after eating. How more people eats, the more palpable and longer the pain will be. Most are diagnosed with belching, heartburn. The patient often feels sick, vomit has a pronounced sour taste.

    Spleen pathologies

    If the pain in the upper abdomen in the middle is associated with this cause, the sensations are localized on the right side of the body, in the hypochondrium. There are several diseases associated with the spleen. They all show similar symptoms. Quite often, patients are diagnosed with splenomegaly, hypertrophic processes of transformation of the spleen. There is a possibility of suppuration, organ rupture. Possible localized infarction in the spleen.


    This condition is often observed against the background of a weakening of the muscular skeleton responsible for the normal functioning of the esophagus. The lumen of the diaphragm is broken, due to which the internal structures are displaced. This condition is indicated by the pain that comes after eating. After a while, the sensations pass on their own. Additional symptoms hernias are considered belching, heartburn. Many people vomit violently, the rhythm and speed of the heart beat are disturbed. Possible loss of appetite sudden loss weight. As a rule, pathology is accompanied by severe shortness of breath.

    What else is possible?

    Sometimes the pain is due to a previous injury. This is possible, for example, in an accident, a conflict that has come down to a fight, in which a person received a blow. Even relatively weak physical impact can cause injury to the internal organ. Sometimes the cause is strong shaking. Due to this influence, the spleen, liver can rupture, there is a risk of a rib fracture, internal foci of hemorrhage may appear, and hematomas form. As a rule, after an injury, the pain is dull.

    However, most often the pain indicates the need for treatment of stomach ulcers. Symptoms in adults and children occur in most cases precisely because of an acute peptic ulcer, which requires immediate assistance. medical care. Without adequate support with procedures and medications, perforation is possible with the penetration of gastric and intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity.

    In some cases, pain indicates poisoning, improper nutrition, porphyria. Soreness is possible with systemic overeating, hepatitis and vertebral disorders. There is a possibility of pleurisy, pneumonia. Sometimes abdominal pain is a sign of osteochondrosis.

    Check and verify everything

    Having become a victim of pain, you should figure out which doctor to contact. Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be studied by revealing the reason for which they appeared, a gastroenterologist. Sometimes the therapist refers to a surgeon or cardiologist. In especially severe cases the patient is placed in intensive care. If an infection becomes the cause of pain, an infectious disease specialist will come to the rescue.

    The doctor knows exactly what to do. Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle requires a preliminary examination of the condition, since many diseases manifest themselves as such a symptom. First of all, the doctor at the initial appointment palpates the painful area and assesses how the patient's skin looks, what general state health. The patient is given directions for urine, feces, and blood tests. It is necessary to check the biochemical parameters, the content of individual shaped elements blood. To assess the condition of the heart, an electrocardiogram is done, to check the internal organs - X-ray. Many are assigned ultrasonography and FGDS.

    It must be recognized that pain is often provoked hazards, threatening the health and life of a person, therefore, it is impossible to treat pain at home by taking antispasmodics on your own. To avoid complications, you should come to the appointment as soon as possible. In some cases, the doctor will consider that gentle treatment will be enough, while others may be prescribed urgent surgery.

    Features of the pain syndrome

    If the pains in the upper abdomen in the middle are localized in the fourth gap between the ribs, most likely the reason is gastric pathologies. Sharp sensations usually indicate the penetration of chemically aggressive substances into the digestive system. Poisoning manifests itself with a similar symptom. Heaviness, bursting may be signs of a decrease in the activity of the functioning of the pancreas. Similar phenomena indicate pyloric stenosis. If it aches, the reason is probably different, because such sensations rarely accompany malfunctions of the secretory ability of organs.

    Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be very strong, medium in terms of moderation, rather weak. The latter option in most cases indicates gastritis. Many do not go to the doctor, so the disease progresses without treatment, the condition worsens. In some cases, mild pain indicates an ulcer. Sometimes cancerous processes at first manifest themselves as such a symptom. The longer the discomfort bothers you, the more important it is to get an appointment at as soon as possible.

    Opportunities and cases

    If the pain in the upper abdomen in the middle is strong, we can confidently speak of severe peptic ulcer. There is a possibility that foci of ulceration are simultaneously observed in the stomach and intestinal tract.

    To the state heightened danger includes soreness, described as dagger. Feeling in most cases indicates perforation of the ulcer, in which the contents of the gastric system are in the abdominal cavity. If such a condition is suspected, it is urgent to call an ambulance team.

    The doctor, finding out what caused the pain, will definitely ask the patient about the connection between sensation and food intake. For example, if discomfort comes when a person has not eaten for a long time, leaves after a meal, you can diagnose high level acidity of the stomach. With discomfort after eating, the cause is likely to be gastritis, which has become chronic. At gastric ulcer pains appear a couple of hours after a meal, with intestinal pain - if the pauses between meals are long. In addition, exacerbation peptic ulcer observed with physical overstrain, strong emotion, stress.

    How serious is it?

    Doctors say that pain in the upper abdomen in the middle at least once occurred in the life of any person. If the sensations are strong and sharp, the duration of the attack reaches half an hour or lasts even longer, it is necessary to call a first aid team. If possible and the patient's condition allows it, you can take the patient to the nearest clinic. There is a possibility that the person needs surgery.

    If you are worried about pain, you can not massage the pathological area. If there internal bleeding condition may worsen significantly. For the same reason, you can not apply a heating pad to a sick stomach. However, sometimes the pain factor is excessive food intake. There are foods that are difficult to digest human body. If there were a lot of those in the food or the food is saturated with fats, the likelihood of stomach pain is higher. A similar symptom leads to the use of products containing gluten or lactose, if the human body does not tolerate these substances. Sometimes the pain is caused by the absorption of food, which provokes increased gas formation. The symptom is relatively weak, disappears after an hour or two.

    Oncology as a reason

    Sometimes aching pain in the upper abdomen in the middle signals a cancerous disease. Among other reasons, it is this one that is relatively rare, but almost always the patient is sent for specialized tests in order to exclude such a development of events. Cancer is one of the most feared diagnoses. If there is a suspicion of oncology, it is necessary to go through all the studies as soon as possible to make the most accurate diagnosis, start treatment, following the program developed by the doctor. Malignant formations can metastasize to unpredictable, distant parts of the body. Without proper and timely treatment, the likelihood of death increases significantly.

    Many rightly believe that cancer is the most terrible explanation. Lately malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract began to occur more often, some refer this system to the three most common variants of localization of atypical cells. Worldwide, the number of cancer victims is increasing year by year. Esophageal cancer among other malignant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is relatively rare. The risks are higher if a person eats improperly. The more red meat, fried, fatty meat is consumed, the greater the danger. Correlate the danger of a malignant process and the frequency, volumes of alcohol drunk by a person.

    It is suggested that the risk of developing esophageal cancer may be related to carcinogenic dietary supplements, but at the moment there have been no reliable studies on this issue. Coloring, aromatic substances, preservatives are in almost any food that is on store shelves. Doctors recommend eating as little processed foods as possible. If the body is working normally, such substances are soon excreted, but if the functioning of the internal organs fails, accumulation is possible, associated with the risks of malignant degeneration of cells.

    When to go to the doctor?

    In many ways, the manifestations of cancer are determined by the localization of the process. If atypical structures grow in the esophagus, in addition to pain in the upper abdomen in the center, the patient notes swallowing problems. There may be a feeling of weakness in this part of the body. Sometimes there are problems with the stool. If esophagitis is established, special attention should be paid to any painful manifestations and other questionable symptoms. Conditions such as gastric, intestinal polyps and peptic ulcer disease are potential precursors of cancer.

    As you can see from medical statistics, many patients do not pay attention to the primary manifestations of the disease, and they come to the doctor when the pathology has already progressed to the third, sometimes fourth stage. One of the problems of the cancer process in the esophagus is the high rate of progression of the pathology. Doctors recommend at the first manifestations of discomfort, stable unpleasant symptoms undergo a comprehensive examination that will help eliminate any suspicions or confirm the disease. So, it will be possible to start treatment in a timely manner.

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