Functions of the hormone estradiol in the body of women. Why is low estradiol dangerous for women

The hormone estradiol has a significant effect on the female body. It is with his direct participation in women that the entire reproductive system is formed, as well as internal organs that are responsible for the reproductive function of the body. In addition, estradiol affects the appearance of women, endowing them with signs that distinguish them from men: it forms rounded outlines of the figure, breasts, deposits subcutaneous fat on the thighs and abdomen.

It is not surprising that women low level estradiol is not only negatively displayed on appearance, but also on temperament, menstrual cycle, and most importantly, on the ability to get pregnant: below the norm often indicate infertility.

Estradiol is the main and most active female sex hormone, which is part of the estrogen subclass. It is produced to a greater extent in the ovaries, in a small amount - by the adrenal glands, and its main purpose is to prepare female body to pregnancy. This hormone also affects the condition of the skin, the absence / presence of wrinkles, a cheerful state of mind, high physical activity, endurance. In addition, he:

  • stimulates the maturation of the egg;
  • affects the increase in blood flow in the uterus;
  • contributes to the thickening of the inner mucous layer of the uterus, the width of which by the time the egg leaves the follicle should be at least a centimeter;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • accelerates the formation and renewal of cells, tissues, muscles;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • retains sodium and water;
  • participates in metabolic processes in bone tissues;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The amount of estradiol in the blood is unstable and fluctuates constantly. The highest rates are recorded between three and six o'clock in the afternoon, the lowest - from midnight to two in the morning. The level of the hormone is affected by the health of the woman, as well as the menstrual cycle: as soon as one of the egg follicles begins to actively grow, and the egg matures in it, it begins to release estrogens, signaling the uterus that it is time to prepare for conception.

By the time the follicle matures in the body, it turns out to be so high that the hypothalamus, one of the parts of the brain, gives a signal to the pituitary gland to increase production, which are responsible for the reproductive system of the body. As a result of a surge, when FSH and LH reach their maximum levels at this moment, the follicle ruptures and the egg that has matured in it comes out, starting to move towards the uterus.

After that, the level of estradiol goes down to a minimum, and the corpus luteum formed at the site of the ruptured follicle begins to actively synthesize progesterone. True, such a decline is short-lived, and on the ninth day the level of estradiol increases again, reaching a second peak, however, much less than during ovulation and again decreases.

When estradiol is low

The development of many diseases associated with malfunctions of the reproductive system often depends on too low or. In women who do not expect a baby, the hormone norm is:

  • follicular phase: 57 to 227 pmol/l;
  • preovulatory peak: 127 to 476 pmol/l;
  • luteal phase: 77 to 227 pmol/l.

These data are only approximate, since the level of the hormone changes daily, therefore, when donating blood for analysis, you need to tell the specialist what day of the cycle. This will allow more accurate diagnosis of the disease, if any.

Many women may not even know about it until they start planning a pregnancy: according to doctors, with a reduced amount of this hormone, it is very difficult to get pregnant and also bear a child.

Even if conception occurs, the likelihood of miscarriage is extremely high: estradiol has a huge impact on the formation of the placenta, the condition of the uterus, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It is also responsible for blood clotting, reducing bleeding during childbirth.

Among the symptoms that signal that the level of estradiol is below normal, and which you should pay attention to in order to start treatment in a timely manner, there are:

  • irregular cycle: frequent delays or too early onset of menstruation;
  • pain during menstruation and premenstrual syndrome;
  • excessive dryness and burning sensation in the vagina;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • loss of strength, impotence, fatigue;
  • pressure surges, migraines;
  • a sharp decline body weight;
  • frequent sprains and fractures.

In the future, signs develop that a woman is no longer able to ignore. This is a male-type figure change, when the hips narrow, the shoulders become wider, a mustache appears, and the hair on the chin darkens. The situation is also alarming when a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time when trying to do this.

Reasons for lowering the hormone

The decrease in estradiol in women can be affected different reasons. Low levels are always observed during or after menopause. In this case it natural process, laid down by nature, when the amount of estrogen decreases and remains at a very low level.

In women of reproductive age, a decrease in estradiol may be associated with the following diseases:

  • Hypogonadism - failures in the functioning of the female genital organs and mammary glands, as a result of which they atrophy. The cause of the disease may be genetic pathology, ovarian hypoplasia, radiation, inflammatory processes, tumors of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, etc.;
  • - the disease is characterized by linear growth retardation (dwarfism) and physical development, which was provoked by poor functioning of the pituitary gland and weak production of hormones;
  • Hyperprolactinemia is an increased content of the hormone prolactin in the blood, which during lactation is responsible for the production of milk and delays the onset new pregnancy. If a high amount of prolactin is not associated with a baby, tumors of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, kidney failure, abortion, chest surgery affect the increase in the hormone;
  • Insufficiency of the luteal phase - a decrease in the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum;
  • Viril syndrome - the appearance in women of secondary sexual characteristics due to an excess amount of androgens and atrophy of the female genital organs. It is often the result of a tumor of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries;
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - genetic disease provoked by a violation in the structure of the X chromosome, which is accompanied by pathologies in the development of internal organs and short stature;
  • Inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs;
  • The possibility of a miscarriage.

Also, a low level of estradiol can be caused by smoking, alcohol, and even taking them in small quantities can cause a sharp decrease in estrogen.
It affects its quantity and the desire of women to lose weight when, after many hours of training, upon returning home, they reinforce their strength with an unbalanced diet, for example, empty buckwheat and low-fat kefir.

It is also a generally accepted fact that vegetarians, compared with women who eat meat, have a level reduced estradiol occurs much more frequently.

Another reason that can provoke a drop in the hormone is taking medicines without consulting a doctor: many antibiotics, corticosteroids, hormonal preparations contain substances that affect estrogens. Dangerous too contraceptives if they are used without consulting a gynecologist: later this may result in the inability to become pregnant.


If the analyzes showed reduced amount estrogen, to increase the level of estradiol, the doctor usually prescribes medications that contain this hormone. Such drugs not only restore the menstrual cycle, but also successfully cope with many diseases that provoked low estrogen levels. This is polycystic ovaries, infertility, is used for birth weakness, post-term pregnancy, to reduce the level of prolactin.

If an ailment is detected that drugs containing estradiol cannot cope with, treatment is prescribed to combat the disease. Especially the case does not tolerate delay if it is discovered cancer tumor, doctor's actions in this case largely depend on the disease and the course of the disease.

In addition to taking medications, in order to increase the level of estradiol in the body, you need to use protein food. The diet may include lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, liver, dairy and dairy products if there are no contraindications. It is undesirable to get involved in carbohydrates, as well as foods that contain a lot of starch: cereals, pasta, bread, potatoes, beets. It is better to cook food for a couple, boil or stew, it is better to refuse fried foods to increase estradiol.

The presence of the hormone estradiol in women within the normal range determines the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics, affects the performance of reproductive function. Estradiol is produced by the gonads and adrenal glands.

Secondary sexual characteristics are formed during the growth and puberty of the body.

What are the functions of estradiol

The biologically active substance is produced by both the female and male body, the difference is only in concentration. Therefore, the functions of a substance can be conditionally divided into two groups: those that are performed in the body, regardless of gender, and those that are inherent in a purely female body.

General Functions for women and men are:

With the onset of puberty girls female hormone enters the bloodstream, secondary sexual characteristics begin to appear in her: breast growth, roundness of the figure, high timbre of voice, formation of the uterus, proper functioning of the gonads. Estradiol in women is involved in the regulation menstrual cycle, affects the maturation of the egg, prepares the uterus for possible pregnancy.

beauty hormone

Estradiol is rightly called beauty hormone. In addition to providing metabolic processes, performing a reproductive function, it has a strong effect on the nervous system and skin condition.

Under the influence of normal hormonal levels women's skin becomes tender, velvety, wrinkles are smoothed out, complexion improves, shine appears in the eyes. female hormone improves mood, increases efficiency, helps the female body to withstand stress.

What causes an increase in the amount of estradiol

All hormones must be present in the blood in a certain amount, the concentration of the hormone estradiol in women not an exception. The amount of this steroid hormone depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, age-related changes. The norm indicators are as follows:

  • 57-227 pg/ml in the follicular phase;
  • 127-476 pg / ml during ovulation;
  • 77-227 pg / ml in the luteal phase;
  • 19-80 pg / ml during menopause.

If after ovulation the indicators remain maximum, it is highly likely that pregnancy has occurred. In other cases, an increased concentration indicates pathological processes in a woman's body. Among them:

  • liver disease;
  • hyperfunction thyroid gland;
  • the presence of a tumor;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight.

An increase in the concentration of the substance can be caused by the use of alcoholic beverages, long-term use medicines. Long-term excess of the norm leads to complications in the form of depression, bleeding, tumors, infertility, anemia. At timely treatment these consequences can be avoided.

How does a decrease in the amount of estradiol manifest itself?

long decline hormone levels in a woman's body childbearing age also leads to serious violations in organism. First of all, they are associated with problems in the menstrual cycle, as a result of which pregnancy does not occur. A decrease in the amount of the hormone is reflected in the state musculoskeletal system(bones become brittle), there are problems in work of cardio-vascular system.

Interpretation of low estradiol:

  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • deficiency of luteal phase hormones
  • pituitary dwarfism;
  • virilny syndrome;
  • chronic inflammation internal genital organs;
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome.

The woman becomes irritable, she shows signs premature aging(hair falls out, wrinkles appear, dry skin is observed). After the tests, the appointment of hormone therapy by the attending physician, the concentration rises, and the norm is restored. This is facilitated by the organization of proper nutrition, vitamin therapy, sex life.

Testing for estradiol

Material for research: Venous blood

Hormonal control will help to avoid deviations in the activity of the body and possible pathologies. To determine the hormone in the blood, venous blood should be taken on an empty stomach. In order to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to refrain from physical overload, use alcoholic beverages, sexual contact, smoking. The delivery of the analysis should fall on the 3rd-5th day of the menstrual cycle or on the 20th-21st.

The effect of estradiol on a woman's body weight

Estradiol is responsible for more than four hundred functions. Starting from blooming appearance to normal sexual responses and reproductive function. The hormone begins to function during puberty until menopause.

Often the loss of the hormone leads to the fact that in abdominal cavity And internal organs more fat is formed, the ability to recover muscles worsens.

In a young female body, it is much more; with age, the amount of the substance decreases. The most important consequences of hormonal age-related changes include:

  • the amount of adipose tissue increases significantly;
  • muscle loses its tone and collapses;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • sleep disorder occurs.

Estradiol is important steroid hormone, which affects the health of women in general and the reproductive system in particular. Any deviation from the norm for a long time is an indicator pathological processes in organism, the cause of which must be sought by comprehensive examination.

The only exception is pregnancy, upon the occurrence of which the level of the hormone rises. He performs more than four hundred functions in the body of a woman, therefore, it is necessary to monitor the level of biologically active substance in the blood using laboratory analysis blood.

Human body - complex mechanism where the work of all the “cogs”, organized according to clear hierarchical principles, is harmonious and interconnected. For example, good health and general health largely dependent on hormones. glands internal secretion produce these substances so that women are gentle and refined, men are strong and brave, so that families are replenished with healthy and strong babies. If slim hormonal system suddenly completely out of order, we have to oh how hard it is! Let's talk about estradiol and its importance for the health of the fair sex.

Estradiol is one of the irreplaceable "cogs" of the male and female reproductive system. Also, this biologically active substance is an important component of the psyche and physical health person.

Estradiol is firmly “tied” to the frequency of the menstrual cycle: within a month, the female body is enriched with various portions of the hormone. The substance is synthesized by the ovaries, adrenal cortex, adipose tissue and placenta during the development of the fetus.

During the first phase of the monthly cycle of estradiol in the body, there is little - moderate production of the substance is influenced by luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Gradually, estradiol becomes more and more, and already on the eve of ovulation, its amount triples. During the second phase of the cycle, the concentration of estradiol in the blood gradually decreases, and eventually reaches the previous levels before the onset of menstruation. During the cycle, estradiol can change, turning into estrone and estriol. The amount of the hormone also changes during the day: its highest level is observed from 15.00 to 18.00, and the lowest - from 24.00 to 2.00 What is estradiol responsible for in women if the body is so interested in it that it constantly regulates its concentration in the blood?

Estradiol is one of those hormones that bring order to the body. The substance controls cholesterol levels and improves blood clotting. With the participation of estradiol growth and nutrition bone tissue takes place in full. Water and sodium are retained in the body also thanks to this hormone. And to whom do you think we owe our good mood? Yes, it could not do without estradiol - the variety of the spectrum of positive emotions is based on a sufficient level of the hormone in the blood.

The informal name of estradiol is the beauty hormone. Substance controls proper development secondary sexual characteristics in women. The soft and high timbre of the voice, an appetizing figure with a rounded chest and steep hips, which are balanced by a thin waist, tender and smooth cheeks - all this is the merit of an amazing hormone.

Estradiol causes hair growth in armpits and groin, is responsible for the process of formation of sexual desire and arousal in a woman. The hormone controls the maturation of the follicles in the ovary, and also makes the mucous surface of the uterus looser so that the egg is attached there and the pregnancy takes place.

With age, estradiol in the body becomes less. This invariably affects the state of the cardiovascular system, bones, skin and hair. A decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood plasma explains the metamorphoses that occur with "Balzac" women during menopause.

Thanks to estradiol, specific substances, the so-called neurotransmitters, appear in the body every now and then. They eliminate irritability and save a person from nervous overexcitation, reducing his sensitivity to stress. Fervent "devils" in the eyes, passion and enthusiasm, craving for life - all this will not happen if the hormone estradiol suddenly disappears from the female body.

The norm of estradiol in women

Estradiol is measured in picograms per ml of plasma (pg/ml). Note that the normative indicators of the beauty hormone do not have a clear framework. They depend, first of all, on the age of the woman and the individual characteristics of her body. In addition, the amount of estradiol can fluctuate within a certain range (and still be considered acceptable) depending on the following factors:

  1. phase of the monthly cycle.
  2. Chronic nervous tension, frequent stress.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Taking medication.
  6. Change of climate zone.

So, what are the norms of the hormone estradiol for women?

  • in a girl at the time of birth, the indicators are close to the value 0;
  • girl 4 - 6 years old - no more than 22 pg / ml;
  • teenage girl - 25 - 30 pg / ml;
  • follicular phase of the menstrual cycle - 57 - 227 pg / ml;
  • on the eve of ovulation - 127 - 476 pg / ml;
  • luteal phase - 77 - 227 pg / ml;
  • pregnancy - 210 - 27,000 pg / ml;
  • menopause - 19 - 82 pg / ml.

Estradiol and pregnancy

As we have already noted, during the period of expectation of the baby, the level of the beauty hormone is much higher than normal. The closer the cherished date of birth, the higher the level of the hormone in the blood plasma. The peak of estradiol is observed on the eve of childbirth - about 26960 pg / ml! After 4 - 5 days after the birth of the baby, the concentration of the hormone in the mother's body begins to fall.

affecting the uterus large doses estradiol, the body prepares it for a difficult journey of 9 months. By the way, estradiol ranks second after testosterone in terms of the importance of its impact on the full development and careful bearing of the baby. The hormone controls the quality of blood circulation in the tissues of the uterus so that oxygen and nutrients the fetus was received on time and in full. Also, the presence of a large amount of estradiol in the body of the expectant mother strengthens and protects the walls of the vessels of her womb.

A reduced level of estradiol can be diagnosed in the early stages of an "interesting" situation, which is the norm. With a gradual increase in the size of the uterus, the concentration of estradiol in the blood of the future mother will also increase.

When and how to donate blood to the level of estradiol

We list the indications for analysis:

  1. Frequent disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  2. Reduced fertility (ability to get pregnant).
  3. Anovulation.
  4. Sexual dysfunction.
  5. Pathological uterine bleeding.
  6. Extremely severe symptoms PMS.
  7. pituitary insufficiency.
  8. Osteoporosis.
  9. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  10. Tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands of various nature.
  11. In preparation for the IVF procedure.

In order not to distort the results of the study in any way, 1 day before the analysis, refrain from smoking, alcohol and physical activity. The optimal period for taking blood from a woman is considered 6-7 days of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes the doctor changes the term, guided by the diagnostic need.

The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning between 8 and 11 hours. 10 - 14 hours before taking blood from a vein, it is recommended not to eat anything, and in order for the results to be as accurate as possible, a person should refrain from overeating 1 day before the analysis. It is also better to refuse sexual intimacy on the eve of the procedure.

Low estradiol in women: causes and symptoms

Causes reduced content estradiol lie in the specific effect on the body of oral contraceptives and chemotherapeutic medicines taken by the woman. In this case, low hormone levels are side effect these medicines. Such a reaction of the body was noticed after taking Danazol, Pravastatin, Cimetidine, Dexamethasone, Nafarelin and Mifepristone. A significant decrease in estradiol can shake the hormonal balance in the body of a high-carbohydrate or low-fat diet, as well as vegetarianism. Decrease beauty hormone levels overuse alcoholic beverages after the end of menstruation. In addition, the culprits of low estradiol are always polycystic ovary syndrome and various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

An experienced specialist may assume that a woman has lowered estradiol according to the following external “cues”:

  • profuse acne on the face;
  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • depression and chronic fatigue;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • puffiness;
  • hair thinning;
  • violations of the monthly cycle;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • convulsions, sleep disorders, nervousness.

Eloquent latent symptoms reduced level estradiol in the blood can also serve as:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • numerous futile attempts to get pregnant;
  • excessive hair growth of the face and body according to the androgenic (male) type;
  • osteoporosis;
  • disorders in the reproductive system.

Elevated estradiol in women: causes and symptoms

There are several factors that can significantly increase the content of the beauty hormone in the blood plasma. Let's make a reservation right away that during the period of expectation of the baby, this phenomenon is considered the norm, and although the estradiol indicators as a result of the analysis may seem expectant mother huge, nothing to worry about. The hormone takes care of the little man in the womb, preventing the risk of miscarriage. Other cases sharp increase estradiol is a pathology requiring treatment.

We list the main reasons for changes in the hormonal background in the form of high estradiol:

  • tumor neoplasms and / or ovarian cysts;
  • thyroid diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in its hormones;
  • large excess weight;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • alcoholism;
  • breast tumors;
  • taking steroids, oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants and antifungals.

Symptoms elevated hormone beauty can hardly be called unique, since similar phenomena often observed in other pathologies. Here are the changes that can be noted when a woman has elevated estradiol:

  • painful menstruation;
  • change in the duration of menstruation;
  • acne;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • severe hair loss;
  • sleep problems.

Correction of the pathological level of estradiol in the body

When the level of estradiol for any reason does not correspond to the norm, you should definitely seek help from a doctor - a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Based on the patient's complaints and objective symptoms, the specialist will select individual program treatment.

Treatment of low estradiol

To increase the concentration of the hormone in the blood to normal level the woman will be offered first hormone therapy. Modern drugs, active substance which is estradiol, is prescribed for impaired monthly cycle, polycystic ovary syndrome, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, infertility, in post-term pregnancy and to stop lactation after childbirth.

Depending on her preferences, the patient can choose the form of the drug that is convenient for her: tablets, transdermal gel, nasal spray, solution for intramuscular injections, transdermal therapeutic system. In view of the individual needs of the female body, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Estrofem tablets, Proginova and Estradiol gels, Estraderm TTS 25 solution.

When agreeing to treatment with hormonal drugs, one must take into account that prolonged intake of these synthetic substances into the body can lead to the fact that the body, having finally relaxed, will stop producing estradiol on its own. That is why the choice of a hormonal drug and the planning of a course of treatment should be trusted only by an experienced and proven specialist.

Despite high efficiency drug treatment, many patients refuse it, fearing unpleasant side effects hormonal drugs as extra pounds. Such women can be advised to seek help from herbal medicine, which is armed with herbs containing natural estrogens. The most effective in terms of increasing estradiol are recipes using sage, sweet clover, clover, licorice, oregano, linden flowers and mistletoe.

If a woman is interested in the natural normalization of the synthesis of the beauty hormone, she should know that she should not go on a diet in any case. When the body does not receive vitamins and useful material, he is lazy to produce hormones. You can restore hormonal balance only with the help of a complete diet with a predominance of protein foods of animal origin. Products must be cooked in a gentle way - simmer over low heat. It is better to give up bread, pasta and cereals for a while. As an additional "ambulance" you can take any vitamin and mineral complex.

Another effective and absolutely harmless way to bring your hormonal background the norm is a rich sex life with a regular partner without any type of contraception. High-quality sex is a real shake-up for the female body, after which everything internal processes are accelerating, and production various substances(including hormones) becomes more productive.

Treatment for elevated estradiol

With a slight increase in the beauty hormone, the body, as a rule, copes on its own. If an excess of estradiol is associated with the development of certain pathologies and diseases, the problem is solved exclusively in the doctor's office. Apart from drug therapy the specialist, most likely, will offer the patient to change her usual way of life. Thus, it is known that the most in an efficient way to reduce high levels of estradiol in the body are sports. Complex exercise should be strong and regular.

Estradiol in a woman's body. Video

Estradiol is one of the female sex hormones, the deviation from the norm of which in women negatively affects well-being. A table by age and menstrual cycle helps to correctly decipher the analysis.

Estradiol is one of the most active female sex hormones. The substance belongs to estrogens. Estradiol is formed in the ovaries in women or in the testes in men. For expectant mothers early term during pregnancy it is synthesized by the placenta.

In women, estradiol is responsible for reproductive health.

It is thanks to his norm (in the table) that at the appropriate age she has rounded shapes, beautiful skin and hair, a high and soft voice. Doctors have not thoroughly studied the role of estradiol for men, but agreed that its deficiency leads to diseases of the reproductive and skeletal systems.

The figure shows a diagram of estradiol.

Functions of estradiol in the body:

  1. The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics: vegetation on the pubis, chest, fat deposits on the thighs.
  2. Improving the condition of the skin and hair.
  3. Formation of female libido.
  4. Follicle formation during the menstrual cycle.
  5. Preparing a woman's body for childbearing.
  6. Stimulation of blood circulation and growth of the uterus during pregnancy.
  7. Work regulation nervous system.
  8. Removal of "dangerous" cholesterol from the body.
  9. Improving the condition of the bone tissue.
  10. Strengthening of blood vessels and walls of the myocardium.
  11. Maintaining the tone of the bladder.
  12. Improved blood clotting.

Indicators depending on age, phase of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy: table

The hormone estradiol, the norm in women by age (table) reflects depending on the development of the woman's reproductive abilities.

Woman's age Norm, pg/ml
Up to 2 yearsThere is no hormone in the body, in the analysis its indicator is 0
2-3 yearsThe level increases slightly, up to a maximum of 22
4-6 years old22
7-14 During puberty, the level of the hormone rises to 30
14-16 years old30-60
16-50 (menopause)58-480
Over 55 (climax)Below 85, can drop to 0

Hormone levels during pregnancy

Hormone levels during the menstrual cycle

The role of the hormone during pregnancy

Immediately after conception, the amount of estradiol begins to increase, its level normalizes only after the placenta is fully formed and can independently produce hormones.

The role of the hormone during pregnancy:

  1. Promotes the growth of the uterus during the development of the baby.
  2. Improves blood circulation in the genital area of ​​the expectant mother.
  3. Strengthens bones, prepares them for increased loads.
  4. Improves the stamina of a pregnant woman.
  5. It has a positive effect on the mood of the expectant mother.
  6. Improves blood clotting by reducing the amount of cholesterol.

An elevated level of estradiol is not a pathology during pregnancy. In some cases, this can cause swelling. Low estradiol is a condition dangerous for pregnancy. If a woman initially lacks this hormone, the possibility of conceiving a child is almost minimal.

Low hormone levels early in pregnancy lead to the following:

  • due to insufficient development of the placenta, a miscarriage occurs;
  • poor circulation and as a result - oxygen starvation embryo;
  • malnutrition of the child.

Relationship with the menstrual cycle

The norm of estradiol indicators in women changes throughout the cycle. This can be tracked using age tables. Therefore, diagnostic tests various diseases and pathologies are assigned to different days after menses.

After the menstruation ends, the level of the hormone begins to rise rapidly, and a follicle forms in the ovaries. The maximum level of the hormone in the blood is observed with the onset of ovulation. This is due to the fact that the possibility of conception at this moment is maximum, and the hormone is necessary for normal development early pregnancy.

After the rupture of the follicle, the amount of estradiol begins to gradually decrease. With the opposite phenomenon, we can talk about the beginning of pregnancy. During the decline in estrodiol levels, the hormone breaks down into 2 other estrogens: estrone and estriol. The amount of a substance also changes depending on the time of day: at night its level is lower than during the day.

Hormone in menopause

During menopause, estradiol decreases, the norm in women by age, the table reflects depending on the development of menopause. Estradiol can "fall" down to zero. Gynecologists recommend that you regularly take tests at this time to exclude diseases associated with endocrine system.

Symptoms of menopause that are associated with a decrease in estrodiol levels:

  • hot flashes;
  • decreased libido;
  • lack of vaginal lubrication;
  • fragility of bones;
  • violation or absence of menstruation.

Opinions on the account of the level of this sex hormone differ from different doctors. Most consider levels up to 54 pg/mL to be normal, but some consider levels as high as 82 pg/mL to be healthy. If the hormone levels are higher, this may indicate a disease.

The disease can be ruled out with additional analysis to another female sex hormone - estriol.

It is produced only during the reproductive age of a woman, the presence of it in the blood suggests that menopause has not occurred and the level of estradiol can correspond to the level of a young woman.

Decreased hormone levels, causes

There are a large number of reasons for the decrease in estradiol. This can lead not only to the disease, but also to the characteristics of a woman's life.

  1. The use of hormonal drugs as contraception (this can both reduce and increase the concentration of estradiol in the blood).
  2. Chemotherapy in the treatment of tumors.
  3. Diets. For young women, it is not recommended to completely abandon animal products and engage in a raw food diet.
  4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Threatened miscarriage or loss of a child.
  7. Work associated with heavy physical labor.
  8. Heavy sports activities.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the genitals.
  10. Delay in sexual development.
  11. Testicular hypofunction in men.
  12. A large amount of prolactin in the blood.
  13. Disorders of the pituitary gland, which is accompanied by dwarfism.

Low esterol can occur during a cycle if the follicle does not rupture and a cyst forms in its place. After a break, as a rule, the level of the hormone rises sharply. Therefore, doctors recommend doing repeated tests throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

Increasing the level, causes

The following pathologies and diseases can increase the amount of estradiol in the body:

  1. Severe liver disease, including cirrhosis.
  2. Diseases and disorders of the thyroid gland.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, uterus, adrenal glands. In cases of infectious diseases of the female reproductive system, temporary hormone surges are possible.
  4. Malignant tumors.
  5. Testicular tumors (in men).
  6. Obesity.
  7. Alcoholism.

A disease does not always lead to an increased level of the hormone. High estradiol is observed with the use of drugs for hormonal treatment, as well as with irrational nutrition and abuse of traditional therapy.

Symptoms of low hormone levels

Exist the following signs low estradiol:

  • serious breach reproductive health: infertility, frequent early miscarriages;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • anxiety during sleep;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • discomfort in the breast area;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • hair loss;
  • deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face and nails;
  • weight loss;
  • absence of menstruation for more than six months.

Symptoms of elevated hormone levels

There are the following signs of high estradiol levels:

  • a large number of blackheads, acne;
  • excess weight while dieting;
  • frequent swelling;
  • severe fatigue, impaired emotional background;
  • menstrual disorders, bleeding, pain;
  • the appearance of fat deposits on the buttocks and chest, hair loss on the face and pubis, decreased libido;
  • pain in the mammary gland;
  • constant feeling of numbness and coldness in the fingers and toes;
  • abdominal pain, indigestion;
  • sleep disorders;
  • convulsions.

How to conduct a study: analyzes

Blood for estradiol is always taken on an empty stomach. It is not allowed to drink tea and coffee without sugar, any drinks and juices. If you are very thirsty, you can quench it with a small amount of clean water.

Preparation and delivery of an analysis for estradiol:

  1. For a few days you need to stop smoking.
  2. On the eve of the analysis, it is recommended not to exercise, to refuse to engage in any kind of sports.
  3. Usually, the analysis is carried out a week after the onset of menstruation, but in some cases, the doctor may prescribe other terms.
  4. If necessary, the analysis is repeated after 20 days.
  5. If a woman uses oral contraceptives, they should not be consumed on the day of the test, and the name and type of the drug should be reported to the laboratory assistant.
  6. A few days before the analysis, you need to observe sexual rest.
  7. It is recommended to take tests at the same time, preferably from 8 to 10 am.

With scheduled diagnostics, the results of the analysis are prepared from 3 to 5 days. In an emergency, most often with a threat of miscarriage, the analysis can be ready within 24 hours. Ways to increase estradiol: diet and traditional medicine Phytotherapy of low estradiol is safe and useful way stabilize the hormonal background.

  1. A decoction of sage. It is necessary to use the remedy from the first days of menstruation - at this time, sage is most favorable for the female body. To prepare a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour boiled hot water(1 glass) and insist for 20-25 minutes. The resulting liquid should be divided into 3 doses and consumed within a day.
  2. A decoction of the red brush. In a big mug hot water you need to pour a spoonful of red brush. The broth is simmered in a water bath for several minutes, avoiding boiling. After that, the liquid should be infused for at least 1 hour.
  3. Infusion of rapeseed. About 1-1.5 tbsp is added to a cup of hot water. l. grass of the common rape. The manufacture and use of the infusion is similar to the recipe using sage.

During the preparation of infusions and decoctions, do not use boiling water. After boiling, it must be left for a few minutes until the temperature drops to 80 degrees.

You can also increase estradiol with the help of nutrition.

Norms in women by age (table) can be raised using the following products:

  • flax-seed;
  • olive oil;
  • beans, including soybeans;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • apricots;
  • tangerines;
  • melon;
  • parsley;
  • tuna;
  • brown rice;
  • coffee;
  • bitter chocolate.

How to increase with medication

Medications are used when there is a severe decrease in estrodiol levels. It is recommended to take them in combination with vitamin and mineral complexes.

To increase the hormone, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Estradiol valerate (dipropionate). Synthetic analog hormone. The drug is prescribed not only with a decrease in the level of natural estradiol, but also to improve well-being before menopause, as well as after removal of the ovaries.
  2. Premarin. The composition of the drug includes hormones of the estrogen group. It is recommended to use it to reduce the symptoms of menopause and diseases associated with it. Also, the drug is used to correct the hormonal background in diseases of the female reproductive system.
  3. Gemafemin. Is biologically active additive, can be used to improve the well-being of a woman with hormonal disorders and severe psycho-emotional stress. As prophylactic may be prescribed for low estrogen levels to prevent early aging woman's body.
  4. Proginova. The drug is a source of synthetic estradiol. It is recommended to use it to prevent bone thinning during menopause and after removal of the ovaries.

How to lower using medication

Lowering estrodiol is more difficult than raising it.

With an excess of female sex hormone, it is recommended to use the following medicines:

  1. Tamoxifen. The drug is used to treat cancer and precancerous conditions of the breast in women. Regular intake of the drug in a lower dose prescribed by a doctor leads to a decrease in estrogen levels.
  2. Orgametril. Contains the synthetic hormone gestogen, an antagonist of female sex hormones. Negatively affects ovulation, prevents conception. Used for contraception, delaying menstruation and heavy bleeding from the uterus.
  3. Mastodinon. herbal preparation, which is used for the treatment and prevention of mastopathy. homeopathic remedy great for women whose hormone levels are slightly elevated and lead to painful sensations in the chest and to PMS.
  4. Indiol. It is used to stabilize hormonal balance. Can be used on early stages cancer treatment. The course of treatment for elevated estradiol is from 3 months to six months.

Hormones and a healthy lifestyle

Lifestyle is one of the indicators that directly affect the hormonal background of every woman. Smoking is one of the most negative factors for women's endocrine health. With increased and decreased estradiol, it is forbidden to smoke even in small quantities.

An important component of hormonal health is sports. With an increased level of estradiol, it is recommended to exercise power types sports, weightlifting, have a high physical activity. This contributes to the release of male sex hormones, which are female antagonists and reduce its level.

With a reduced amount of the hormone, it is better to give preference to various meditations and yoga.

The female endocrine system is largely dependent on nutrition. At in large numbers Estrodiol is forbidden to consume legumes, especially soy. Beer is a phyto-hormone, so women should not consume it in large quantities. It is allowed to drink only dry red wine no more than one glass per day.

Knowing the table of norms for the level of estradiol in women by age helps to find out about the approaching menopause, change lifestyle and adjust the intake of certain medications.

Video about the hormone estradiol, its normal levels and ways to normalize

How to increase the level of sex hormones, expert advice:

How to apply hormones and detailed description estrogen:

Chemical compounds hormones produced by the endocrine system have a much greater impact on human life and health than one might imagine. Estradiol is not just a female sex hormone that causes unexplained mood swings in a pregnant woman. This substance regulates a woman's ability to conceive, bear a child, is responsible for her natural beauty, sexuality, well-being, health, stability. psycho-emotional state.

Description of estradiol

The main female sex hormone, estradiol, is part of the estrogen group. It is synthesized due to the fermentation of the hormone testosterone (secreted by the endocrine system from cholesterol), produced by the ovaries, the follicular apparatus and the adrenal cortex are involved in the mechanism. It belongs to the group of steroid hormones that play a key role in the regulation of metabolic processes. In analyzes, it is coded by the designation E2, which means that the formula of the compound contains two hydroxyl groups

Estradiol (estradiol) is synthesized by both the female and male body - in boys and girls, its indicators are at the same level, then, during puberty, the concentration of the hormone in women increases, while in men it normally remains at the same level. basic but not the only function estrogen is providing normal functioning reproductive (genital) system. Participation in the production of estradiol is taken by follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones produced by the placenta and the anterior pituitary gland.

The role of estradiol in the body

The hormone estradiol in the body adult woman is responsible for stimulating the growth of follicles and the maturation of eggs. After pregnancy, this substance is responsible for preparing the uterus for implantation of the embryo. During puberty in girls, due to an increase in the concentration of the E2 hormone, the reproductive system changes, the mammary glands and uterus increase, the body prepares for regular menstrual cycles. Secondary sexual characteristics appear - the timbre of the voice changes, the hips expand, hair appears under the arms and in inguinal region.

The effect of estradiol on a woman's body is associated not only with sexual function, although its concentrations on different days of the menstrual cycle regulate the strength of sexual desire. Hormones of the estrogen group have a powerful effect on the psycho-emotional background, are responsible for good sleep, activity during wakefulness, good mood, femininity and the level of sexuality. With their deficiency, the likelihood of developing chronic fatigue syndrome, irritation, depression, and other nervous disorders.

IN male body the hormone takes part in oxygen metabolism, ejaculate secretion (sperm production), promoting blood clotting, improving the functionality of the cells of the nervous system, and stimulating metabolic processes. The substance is synthesized as a result of a complex biosynthetic process of converting testosterone isolated from cholesterol and androstenedione.

Estrogen in the menstrual cycle

The female menstrual cycle consists of three phases - follicular (formation of follicles), ovulatory (the period of release of the egg from the follicle and the formation of the corpus luteum) and luteal (development of the endometrium of the uterus, its preparation for implantation of a fertilized egg). If pregnancy does not occur, the third phase ends with menstruation and a new cycle begins. Estrogen is involved in:

  • the formation of the follicle and its preparation for ovulation;
  • stimulation of ovulation processes;
  • preparation of the uterine epithelium for fixation of the egg and further development embryo;
  • the synthesis of other hormones - progesterone, prostaglandins, affecting the onset of pregnancy.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone are secreted into the corpus luteum. The highest concentration of estradiol in the blood is observed in the first six weeks, then the level of estrone increases intensively. In the second and third trimesters, E2 hormone is produced by the adrenal cortex. Its main functions from the moment of conception to childbirth are:

  • preparation of the uterus for implantation of the fetus, its fixation and retention in the cavity;
  • stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • providing good nutrition fetus through the placenta;
  • strengthening pelvic bones;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to hormones responsible for delivery (for example, to oxytocin);
  • preparation of the mammary glands for lactation, the production of breast milk.

The norm of estradiol in the blood

In an adult male body, the normal level of E2 is considered to be 40-160 pmol / l. The hormone estradiol in women in different phases of the menstrual cycle reaches different levels, its concentrations differ and in different trimesters pregnancy. The average normal levels of the E2 hormone in women are presented below:

Decrease in estradiol in the blood in women

Estradiol in women is produced throughout life and has a decisive influence not only on normal reproductive function and the ability to conceive and bear a child, but also on many other aspects of health and the full functioning of organs and systems. A decrease in its secretion threatens:

  • violations of the menstrual cycle (up to amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation for several cycles);
  • infertility;
  • uterine bleeding and miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • premature menopause (stopping the production of sex hormones);
  • early aging.


The main symptom of changes in the concentration of estradiol are menstrual irregularities, a pronounced premenstrual syndrome (increased irritability, uncontrolled mood swings in the luteal phase preceding the onset of bleeding), a change in the duration or intensity of bleeding. Other typical symptoms of low estradiol are:

  • causeless weight loss;
  • change in psycho-emotional state - hypersensitivity, tearfulness, apathy, or irritability, unmotivated aggressiveness;
  • frigidity, decreased sexual desire;
  • increased fatigue, decreased performance;
  • deterioration of the skin, loss of its elasticity;
  • headaches, migraines.


Estradiol deficiency is observed when there is an insufficient amount of healthy animal fats in the diet (the hormone is synthesized from cholesterol), therefore, it is observed in vegetarians, women who are regularly on diets. The concentration of E2 hormone decreases with increased loads, high level stress, unhealthy lifestyle bad habits(smoking, alcoholism), sleep disturbance), excess carbohydrates. Hypoestradiolemia (lack of estradiol) accompanies a number of diseases of the reproductive system, pituitary gland, can develop against the background of taking:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Buserelina;
  • Megestrol;
  • Moclobemide;
  • Nandrolone;
  • Cyproterone;
  • Epostana;
  • Pravastatin;
  • Octreotide.

Hormone excess

An excess level of the hormone, as a rule, occurs against the background of various hormonal disruptions or diseases endocrine glands and organs of the reproductive system (tumors of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries). Unbalanced nutrition, uncontrolled use of a number of hormonal medications, bad habits can contribute not only to a decrease in the concentration of estradiol, but also to an excess of normal levels.


Failures of the menstrual cycle, changes in the intensity of bleeding may indicate an increase in estradiol levels. Main outward signs growth of its concentration is oily skin faces with enlarged pores. A woman with increased level E2 hormones are observed:

  • overweight;
  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • reduced performance.


In contrast to the low level of estradiol, caused mainly by external factors, high performance hormones often indicate the presence hormonal disorders against the background of the following diseases and conditions:

  • estrogen-producing neoplasms in the uterus or ovaries;
  • follicular cysts ovaries;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pathologies of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland;
  • genital endometriosis;
  • obesity;
  • follicle persistence.

An increase in estradiol levels can be caused by taking oral contraceptives containing estrogen, occur against the background of drug therapy using the following drugs:

  • mifepristone;
  • Phenytoin;
  • Clomiphene;
  • Troleandomycin;
  • Nafarelin;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Carbamazepine;
  • Valproic acid;
  • anabolic steroid.

Methods for correcting the level of estradiol

To identify the need to correct the concentration of the E2 hormone, a blood test is done. It is produced in the time interval between 15 and 18 hours, since during these hours the content of estradiol reaches its maximum values. Blood is taken on an empty stomach, the day before the procedure, it is necessary to limit the use fatty foods, give up alcohol, cigarettes and sexual intercourse. Indications for passing the analysis are:

  • premature puberty;
  • delayed puberty;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • the threat of miscarriage, termination of pregnancy;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • gynecomastia (increased mammary glands) in men.

Methods for restoring the normal level of the hormone are selected based on the causes of failures, the state of the body and the individual characteristics of the patient, indications for correction. Gynecologists-endocrinologists deal with this number of issues. At following states recommended general schemes treatment:

  • During menopause - taking estradiol preparations (Estriol, Estradiol valerate, Ovestin), conjugated estrogens (Premarin, Harmaplex in the form of ointments, vaginal suppositories or patches). The duration of the course is determined individually, it can be from 2 to 3 months, the regimen is contraceptive (described by the instructions for using the drugs).
  • In case of violations of sexual development - taking estradiol preparations at 1-2 mg per day for 2-3 weeks with a break of seven days in the middle of the course.
  • After removal of the ovaries and with severe premenstrual syndrome- taking oral estrogen-gestagenic contraceptives.
  • When pregnancy is overdone - Proginova, Estrofem (in order to stimulate labor activity)


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