Is it possible to increase testosterone production and how to do it? How do you know if testosterone levels are low? Materials about testosterone

We all like strong and courageous men. But what makes a man a man and a woman a woman? Hormones. And the difference in the main hormones between men and women is actually quite small.

Together with preventive medicine specialist Ekaterina Stepanova, Sputnik continues to study the most important indicators of our health.

The difference is just one atom

If we compare the graphic formula of testosterone, the main male sex hormone, with the graphic formula of estrogen, the main female sex hormone, the difference between them is only one hydrogen atom and two energy bonds! Almost the same molecules, and this difference is very subtle and unstable.

IN male body, as in the female, these two hormones are present at the same time, but in different quantities. It is clear that there is more testosterone in the male body, but there is a constant interaction between testosterone and estrogen. Every minute, about 11 million testosterone molecules are produced in a man, but if for some reason a hydrogen atom is attached to this molecule, testosterone turns into estrogen. If there are many such transformations, a man ceases to be a man.

Oddly enough, this radically arises, first on the psychological, then on the emotional and intellectual levels, and only last of all manifests itself on the physical, when changes in secondary sexual characteristics begin to degrade. But, of course, there must be certain conditions for such changes.

How to save testosterone

Until the age of 10, boys and girls differ only anatomically, in the genitals.

A man begins to develop from the moment of puberty (12 years): the hormonal background develops, in particular the main sex hormone testosterone, and thanks to it, secondary sexual characteristics are formed: hair begins according to the male type of face and body, voice changes, the formation of musculoskeletal and fatty fabrics. Normally, testosterone controls the amount of body fat, so healthy men with good testosterone levels are not prone to obesity. If the boy is overweight, this should not be treated negligently. If, after correction of nutrition and physical activity weight does not go away - you need to contact an endocrinologist so as not to miss a decrease in the level or improper production of testosterone.

By the age of 16-18, testosterone forms male qualities, and male characteristics depend on its quantity.

Testosterone is produced in steam organ- testicles. This is the only organ of the male body that is brought out. And this is no accident - the temperature in the testicles should normally be 3.3 degrees lower than in the whole body.

It is necessary to take care of the formation and preservation of testosterone in the male body from the very beginning, from early childhood, to mothers, and then to men themselves throughout their lives. After all, the quality of life largely depends on this hormone.

From the moment the baby is born, mothers must control the time the boy stays in a diaper. After all, it creates the effect of a thermal bath, the temperature can fluctuate around 43-45 ° C, and wearing a diaper 24 hours a day can cause irreparable harm to the testicles and even cause infertility. And it is clear that a boy should not wear diapers until he is two years old, because a psychological problem can also join the physiological problem.

Take care of testosterone

The mechanism of testosterone production is quite complex. The signal for testosterone production comes from a command-controlled area of ​​the brain. After complex interactions between the pituitary and hypothalamus, the testicles are commanded to produce testosterone. On how coherent this will be teamwork depends on the well-being of one of the main male sex hormones.

Parents need to be on the alert from an early active age of the boy. After all, children are such fidgets! It is important to protect the child from injury to the head or testicles. For any complaint about headache, dizziness, pain when urinating or pain in the groin and abdomen, you need to ask the child in detail if there was an injury. If there was an injury, it is necessary to urgently consult a traumatologist, neurologist or urologist-andrologist. Testosterone has very important functions, it is responsible for:

  • stress resistance;
  • secondary sexual characteristics;
  • defines muscle and fat mass body;
  • resistance to physical and psychological stress;
  • male strength and endurance as the ability for long-term hard physical work;
  • Moderate to strong aggression biological trait protection;
  • lack of tearfulness;
  • sexual activity;
  • a sense of the value of male friendship and healthy ambitions.

A male lives in every man, so he will always worry and protect the most precious thing he has: his head and potency.

What can lead to low testosterone levels?

There are many reasons, and they are associated with different aspects lifestyle.

Stress. A group of Austrian and Swiss scientists have proven that financial problems or an outstanding loan reduce testosterone levels by 15-20% and keep it consistently low until the financial situation is fully resolved. In general, any prolonged stress and nervous overload lead to a significant decrease in testosterone. It is regulated by nature since the birth of man. During stress, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline are produced in large quantities, respectively. For the body, this is a state of war, and all its functionality during this period is at the peak of its capabilities, as they say, there is no time for reproduction, therefore, during this period, the level of testosterone decreases. Only short-term upward jumps are possible for regulation common processes in organism.

Alcohol. The first 5 minutes, a small amount of it really increases testosterone, but within 25 minutes, testosterone returns to normal and then begins to fall sharply and steadily. In the USA, scientists conducted an inhumane experiment and found out that in order to completely stop the production of testosterone, a man needs to drink heavily for 3 months and gain 20 kg in weight. In this state of health, secondary sexual characteristics will begin to change.

Food. Especially dangerous is the love of sweets. High blood glucose reduces the production of testosterone, as insulin opposes the main male sex hormone.

Meat produced under industrial conditions contains female sex hormones that contribute to the weight gain of an animal or bird. Once in the body of a man, they inhibit the production of testosterone.

The same can be said about products containing soy. It contains phytoestrogens.

Do not drink a lot of milk with high fat content. You need to understand that a cow produces milk not for a person, but for feeding her calf, therefore, with milk, she transfers her hormones and phytoestrogens to him to maintain immunity.

Without options, fast food and smoked meats should be excluded from the diet.

Illness, injury, low physical activity. Viruses, bacteria, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular sex, injuries to the head, spine, testicles, any decrease or lack of physical activity (physical activity increases blood supply to the male pelvic organs) - all this invariably leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Medicines. Some drugs have been proven to lower testosterone levels, such as drugs containing atropine, anti-ulcer drugs.

Blood pressure and vascular problems. An increase in blood pressure by 15-20 millimeters of mercury significantly reduces testosterone levels, as does atherosclerosis and ischemia. During an erection, the volume of blood passing through the penis increases 6 times, and blood is coming under pressure. To save its blood vessels, the body reduces testosterone and, accordingly, libido. Otherwise, passion can turn into a stroke, heart attack, etc. Any decrease in the blood supply to the penis upon contact is a reason to check the condition of the vessels, primarily the coronary ones.

Increased pulse. If the number of heartbeats is more than 80, testosterone levels decrease. Works defense mechanism to take the pressure off your heart. After all, it already works with overload, and there is no need to create additional difficulties for it.

Bilirubin. The norm is 20 µmol / liter. If its level rises to 25 and above, then there is a significant decrease in testosterone. This mechanism includes the liver. It is the main utilizer of toxins and, in particular, regulates the level of the aromatase enzyme, which is dangerous for men. Aromatase promotes the addition of one hydrogen atom to the testosterone molecule, after which it passes into estrogen. Aromatase in the body of a man should be a minimum amount.

By the way, men need to be careful with the use of grapefruits - they increase aromatase in the blood.

Violation of the kidneys. The control indicator here is the amount of urine excreted. If a man excretes less than 1 liter of urine per day, testosterone levels decrease by 15%. Normally, an adult male should consume at least 30 ml clean water based on 1 kilogram of weight and excrete at least 2 liters of urine per day. Not only toxins are excreted in the urine, but also excess stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline), which directly block the production of testosterone.

Wearing tight synthetic underwear can also affect testosterone levels. mobile phones in your trouser pocket and especially finding tablets and laptops on your lap.

When cycling, you need to select a special male anatomical saddle to exclude injuries to the muscles of the perineum and testicles. The level of testosterone also reduces the inhalation of harmful fumes (gasoline, phenols, tobacco, paints).

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If a man lay down on the sofa

The first sign of a drop in testosterone levels is usually when a man lays down on the couch and doesn't want to do anything. Testosterone is always active: mental, physical, sexual!

A more serious signal is weight gain, in particular female-type fat deposition. It is officially established that a man's waist should not exceed 92-94 cm. This indicator is directly related to testosterone levels. After all, visceral and abdominal fat produce the hormone leptin, one of the main enemies of testosterone. Normal testosterone levels prevent weight gain, as it helps to convert it into energy in the muscles, so any physical activity should be faithful companion men.

Testosterone is the custodian of everything in the male body. Thanks to him musculoskeletal system keeps his health. Through testosterone, calcium is absorbed by bone tissue. In women, this function is performed by estrogen.

How to control testosterone levels?

Blood for testosterone should be taken on an empty stomach and in the morning. In the early hours, testosterone production is at its highest. Blood is taken for total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin. They always work in pairs. Only a urologist can decipher these indicators, because sometimes testosterone in the body may not be in active phase, no matter how much it is, and not have its effectiveness.

Normal testosterone levels- 12-35 nmol / liter. The peak of its development falls on 25-30 years. From the age of 30, in all men, testosterone levels begin to decline by 1-2% annually.

It has been proven that if at the age of 25 the testosterone level was 35 nmol / liter, then in the normal course of life, this reserve will be enough for a man for the rest of his life, and this physiological drop will not greatly affect his activity and male power. But if at the age of 25 a man had indicators in the region of 12 nmol / liter, it is worth keeping your lifestyle and health under control.

If the indicator in young age below 12 nmol/litre, this is considered a defect and is called hypogonadism.

Unfortunately, the statistics are such that today male factor infertility begins to outstrip the female.

In nature, everything is in balance, and there are many factors that increase testosterone levels, from food to hobbies.

American scientists have found that a quarrel with his wife, when a man is right, increases testosterone levels by 35%, and subsequent conciliatory sex adds another 45%.

But the leader in a stable increase in testosterone and its retention at high numbers of 50-55% is the purchase of a car and spare parts for it, the purchase of gadgets and sports. Each gender has its joys.

Well, the most win-win factor that increases testosterone is to demonstrate the dignity of a woman, and that she appreciates all this masculinity.

Dear ladies and mothers, men's happiness is in your hands! Praise and appreciate men. A man does everything in this life for the sake of a woman, so mutual care for each other will thank you with joint health, harmony and well-being.

The sex hormone testosterone is synthesized in both male and female female body. But in men, natural testosterone is produced in a larger volume than in the fair sex. It is thanks to this hormone that men have characteristic signs: a low timbre of voice, the presence of a significant amount of hair on the body and face, the development of certain sex glands. How and where is testosterone produced, which is responsible for the functioning reproductive system men, as well as his libido, we will talk in this article.

The testosterone hormone in the body of a man is secreted by the testicles (testicles) and adrenal glands. The main function of this biologically active substance- the development of the reproductive system of a young man in adolescence, as well as the regulation of a man's sexual activity in adulthood.

normal volume hormone ranges from 12.5 to 40.6 nmol / l. At normal testosterone performs the following functions:

  1. Ensures the full development and functioning of the organs of the male reproductive system (testicles, prostate, penis).
  2. It is directly involved in the synthesis of protein in the muscles, due to which they increase.
  3. Affects the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in a young person (abundant hair on the body and face).
  4. Improves the process of blood circulation in the genitals, contributing to a healthy erection in men.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels and evenly distributes body fat throughout the body, preventing obesity.
  6. Affects the timbre of the voice of the stronger sex, making it lower than that of women.
  7. Takes part in the psychophysiological functioning of the behavior of a man, giving the character masculine qualities.
  8. Builds sexual desire.

Although male hormone produced around the clock in the body, its release into the blood is minimal at 20-22 hours, and in morning hours(6 - 8 am) maximum.

The main volume of the steroid hormone is produced in the testicles (about 5-12 mg / day). In addition, estrogen, androstenedione and DHA are produced in the testicles.

In addition, the hormone is also produced by the adrenal cortex, but in a smaller volume.

The synthesis of the steroid substance is carried out by tubular epithelial cells and Leydig cells located in the testicles. The hormone is synthesized from cholesterol, which enters the body of a man with food.

Synthesis goes like this:

  1. Cholesterol enters the cells from the bloodstream in the form of low-density lipoproteins or acetate.
  2. Through sequential reactions occurring in the cells of the testicles, cholesterol is converted into androstenedione.
  3. When two molecules of androstenedione combine, testosterone is formed.

The hypothalamic-pituitary system controls the synthesis of testosterone. The functioning of this system is based on the fact that the testicular cells send a signal to the hypothalamus about the amount of synthesized steroid hormone. The feedback principle begins to work. The required amount of gonadotropins is produced at normal testosterone levels. If the amount of testosterone released into the blood does not correspond to the normal value (increases or decreases), then the level of gonadotropins also changes.

In a healthy male representative, the level of the steroid substance changes during the day, and in the morning its concentration is several times higher than in the daytime and at night. In addition, the level of testosterone is also influenced by the time of year: in the autumn, its volume increases. In the representatives of the stronger sex, the synthesis of the sex hormone is almost twenty times higher than in women. This is obvious, because its main function is to ensure the full functioning of the male reproductive system. A decrease or increase in hormonal levels has a negative effect on the well-being and sexual activity of a young man, and is also fraught with serious complications.

A few days before delivery laboratory tests it is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking, as well as intense physical exertion. If the patient is taking any medications, the doctor should be informed.

Some medications affect the performance, so if possible, they will need to be canceled 7 to 10 days before the test.

The laboratory assistant takes blood from a vein, in the serum of which the level of testosterone is determined. Significant deviations from normal indicators indicate the development of endocrine disorders in the patient.

At first glance, it may seem that increasing the level of the male hormone will have a beneficial effect on the health of the male: more pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, increased sexual activity, etc. But not everything is so simple, because the increase in hormonal levels leads to the following consequences:

  1. An increase in red blood cells.
  2. Increased risk of prostate cancer.
  3. Oily skin, which contributes to the occurrence of acne, acne and other skin diseases.
  4. An increase in the level of hair on the body, but bald patches on the head.
  5. Violation of the process of sperm production, which, in turn, can lead to the development of infertility.
  6. Apnea at night, which is fraught with oxygen starvation.

There is no need to think that the representatives of the stronger sex, in which testosterone is synthesized in a significant amount, look very attractive: tall, inflated handsome men with luxurious hair.

Patients who have elevated hormonal levels, as a rule, are short in stature, with a bald patch on the head, but abundant vegetation on the rest of the body. In addition, increased testosterone provokes excessive aggressiveness and irascibility.

The reasons for the increased production of the hormone in men are as follows:

  • lack of globulin, which reduces the activity of testosterone;
  • various tumors and neoplasms in the testicles that enhance the functioning of Leydig cells;
  • chromosome set XYY;
  • increased synthesis of sex hormones by the adrenal glands, which is observed in men with adrenogenital syndrome;
  • therapy with certain drugs.

A significant increase in testosterone levels is alarm signal requiring examination by an endocrinologist or other narrow specialists.

Decreased steroid hormone levels

With age, testosterone levels in the body of males decrease, and this is a variant of the norm. But if testosterone deficiency is observed in young man, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist and undergo a detailed examination.

Hormone deficiency can cause the following symptoms:

  1. erectile dysfunction denial of intimacy.
  2. Decrease muscle mass which causes thinness and weakness in the body.
  3. Partial or complete disappearance of secondary sexual characteristics.
  4. Decrease in the tone of the body, which is fraught with a breakdown, chronic fatigue and depression.
  5. Decreased metabolic rate, which is fraught with obesity and the formation of an effeminate figure (chest, buttocks, etc.).
  6. The bones become brittle and the skin flabby.
  7. Decreased mental activity.

Pathology in the representatives of the stronger sex, characterized by a decrease in testosterone levels, is called hypotestosteroneemia. The disease can be both congenital and acquired.

The reasons that slow down the production of testosterone are as follows:

  1. Alcohol abuse. Alcohol slows down the synthesis of the hormone, and beer even contains an artificial analogue. female hormones.
  2. Increased production of prolactin by the pituitary gland, observed in hyperprolactinemia.
  3. Taking steroid drugs.
  4. Diseases of the prostate.
  5. Pathologies of the adrenal glands that disrupt their functioning.
  6. A strict diet in which the body of a man receives less carbohydrates.
  7. Sedentary work, sedentary image life.

In addition, free testosterone is poorly synthesized in the body of a man with the development of certain chronic diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, etc.

Therefore, in order to determine the root cause of a hormonal imbalance, you need to go through full examination at the doctor's. Increasing testosterone levels on your own is dangerous and fraught with serious consequences.

Depending on the results of tests showing a change in the level of testosterone in the blood, the doctor determines the further tactics of therapy. If serious violations not detected, and the deviation of the hormone from normal values insignificant, it is enough to limit yourself to changing your lifestyle and adjusting your diet.

Normalization of sleep

The main volume of testosterone in the body of a man is formed in the early morning, so if the representative of the stronger sex does not sleep well and gets up too early, then his body simply does not have time to synthesize the required amount of hormones. All drugs prescribed by an endocrinologist to increase testosterone levels will not bring the expected effect if the patient sleeps less than 7-8 hours a day.

Some men get enough sleep in six hours - it all depends on individual characteristics organism. The main thing is that the male representative wakes up cheerful and fully rested.

To normalize the quality of sleep, experts recommend:

  • well ventilate the bedroom, and in the warm season to sleep with open window;
  • give up warm blanket;
  • at night, wear thin underwear so as not to overheat the testicles;
  • do not overeat before bedtime, as well as stop smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Food contains a huge supply of stimulants that “push” our body to produce the necessary hormones.

These food items include:

  1. Seafood rich in protein and vitamins. Especially useful for the male body are shrimp and crabs.
  2. Greens, fruits and vegetables not only nourish our body with essential trace elements and vitamins, but also neutralize toxins that enter it along with junk food.
  3. Spicy spices that stimulate the body's processing of estrogen, as well as its excretion.
  4. A variety of cereals containing fiber. Fiber increases blood flow in the pelvis, which contributes to the production of testosterone by the testicles.


Physical activity is a great way to normalize testosterone levels in the male body. But sports should be moderate, because severe fatigue may produce the opposite result.

Optimal Mode sports activities- no more than three times a week. Moreover, one lesson should not exceed 60 minutes. Spend a quarter of an hour warming up, and then you can start more difficult exercises.

Rejection of bad habits

Since alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking negatively affect the body's production of testosterone, from bad habits should be completely eliminated or reduced to a minimum.

During the treatment of hormonal failure, it is important to completely abandon alcoholic beverages, even low-alcohol ones.

If a change in diet and lifestyle adjustments do not give the expected result, then the endocrinologist may prescribe to the patient drug treatment including hormone replacement drugs.

Medicines, which include exogenous testosterone, are prescribed to patients very rarely, and the dosage medicines calculated based on the results of the tests, the individual characteristics of the patient's body and concomitant pathologies. As a result of therapy with exogenous steroid drug the patient normalizes the level of hormones in the body, since the synthesis natural testosterone is being restored.

Testosterone in the female body

In the female body, testosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. But in the fair sex, its content in the blood is ten times lower than in men. With normal hormonal levels, a woman should not notice secondary sexual characteristics characteristic of the stronger sex.

In the body of girls and women, the steroid hormone helps to fully develop:

  • bone marrow;
  • skeleton;
  • ovaries.

Testosterone promotes the growth of muscle tissue and gives strength, and also normalizes blood sugar levels. In addition, testosterone increases sexual activity and prevents the development cardiovascular pathologies. good metabolism in the body is also directly related to this hormone.

The fair sex, by its nature, should be beautiful and sexy, and this process is influenced by its level of hormonal levels.

The level of testosterone in the body of women and men is determined primarily by genetics: each of us has our own level of hormonal levels, so we differ from each other in character, temperament, behavior and appearance.

Hormones play an important role in the functioning of our body, and the most important thing in this matter is stability and harmony in everything. Any violation of the synthesis of testosterone and other hormones leads to the fact that a person begins to develop endocrine pathologies varying degrees of severity. To maintain your health, well-being and appearance normally, the stronger sex must control their hormonal levels and know how to improve the situation until the violations have caused severe consequences.

When they talk about testosterone, then associations come with courage, strength, beauty. It is the main male hormone responsible for a large number of male functions. Without this hormone, a man is unhealthy and frail. If there is not enough testosterone in the body, then the man becomes stout, potency and reproductive functions decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to know where testosterone is produced, because it has a tremendous effect on the male body.

Hormone influence

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. A little of it is also produced in women, but men get everything from it to be courageous and strong. Under the influence of the hormone, they become fatter vocal cords, so the voice becomes low, metabolic processes occur faster, therefore excess fat not delayed.

Increased performance, enhanced vitality, which contributes to the physical and intellectual activity of the male half of humanity.

Main functions:

  1. influence on the size of the penis. During transitional age the penis grows in boys. This process depends on the level of testosterone in the body;
  2. definition of body hair. If the hormone is in excess, then quite early a man has a bald head, and his arms and legs are covered with hair;
  3. muscle development. Thanks to the male hormone, protein synthesis is stimulated, respectively, muscles grow;
  4. affects the distribution of body fat. In men, it is mainly developed top part torso;
  5. cholesterol is maintained at a low level, so atherosclerosis is less likely to develop;
  6. the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, the risk of developing diabetes decreases;
  7. bone tissue is dense;
  8. mood improves, protection from stressful and depressive conditions;
  9. libido, erection is formed.

As you can see, male health and testosterone are related and inseparable concepts. It is really necessary for a man, and in case of a deficiency or excess of a substance, disturbances occur in the operation of most systems.

Where and how is the substance produced

Where do men produce testosterone? The production of the hormone is carried out from cholesterol in the testicles, and Leydig cells are also involved here. Therefore, this organ produces testosterone. In the adrenal cortex, testosterone is also synthesized, but in small quantities. Cholesterol is converted into this substance, therefore, until a certain age, plaques do not form in men in the vessels.

The work of Leydig cells is involved in the control of the pituitary gland, and this is the governing body in endocrine system. To increase testosterone, males must eat well, consume enough protein.

Which gland produces testosterone in men? This is a man's gonad(testes). The level of the hormone in the body cannot be constant. In the morning, its high concentration is observed, and then it begins to decrease until the evening and reaches a minimum amount. The same thing happens with male sexual desire throughout the day.

When is testosterone produced? Many factors influence the production of a substance. The hormone rises during periods sports training when eating spicy food. Some researchers claim that when a man talks to a woman he likes, the production also becomes stronger. Even a few words contribute to the growth of the substance.

To find out what level of the hormone in the body, you should measure the waist circumference. With a high figure, the girth is less than 94 cm. If the waist is more than 102 cm, then there is less testosterone. With a girth above 102 cm - a low indicator of the substance. The fact is that leptin is secreted by fat, and it does not allow testosterone to be released. There is an imbalance.

Decrease in the level of a substance

If you look at the statistics, every third man has a low level of sex hormone. Until the age of 30, the hormone should be normal, this is a serious growth, without the presence of various interruptions. Further, the hormone at a slow pace decreases. This is physiology, but the decline does not happen quickly.

Reasons for lowering the hormone:

  1. unbalanced diet, alcohol, fatty food, the use of semi-finished products;
  2. large body weight;
  3. systematic stressful situations, neuroses, anger;
  4. if a man is a vegetarian, then he does not receive animal protein, due to which the substance is produced.

The rays of the sun contribute to the fact that the hormone is produced. If men live in cold countries, then this makes it difficult for him to normal.

The presence of infection has a detrimental effect on the male hormone. If testicular disease is observed, then prescribe hormonal preparations because testosterone is poorly produced. In order to replenish disruptions in the hormonal sphere in a timely manner, you should consult a doctor. Only during the examination can you correctly determine the amount of testosterone.

Symptoms of low hormone:

  • vital forces leave, already in the morning fatigue is felt;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability, signs of anger, depression;
  • going down sex drive, no desire to have sex;
  • poor erection;
  • unstable pressure.

Where to take testosterone

When analyzes show disappointing results, it is necessary to increase the production of the substance. What testosterone depends on: food must contain protein in order for cholesterol to enter the body; normalization of weight. If a man is full, then sexual desire is weakened, systematic physical education and sports, they should be moderate. Hardening of the body is recommended.

The use of herbal preparations that are created for the male half of humanity. As a result, the synthesis of the sex hormone increases, the sexual desire improves.

What is testosterone made of? The active form is free testosterone. If it is not enough, then it threatens with impotence. General Hormone consists of a free substance and associated with globulin, with albumins and some other proteins.

What affects hormone levels:

  • period of the day;
  • sports activities;
  • age;
  • man's health;
  • Lifestyle;
  • neurosis, depression.

It is wrong to think that testosterone is a sex hormone. He has enough important features in the male body. At low rates, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the pathology. First you need to identify the causes of the anomaly.

In modern times, men should systematically go in for sports in order to replenish their energy potential. If you take a comprehensive approach to the process of normalizing the balance of the sex hormone, then for several weeks the work of the body of a man is restored, he will be able to enjoy life.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone (androgen) required for normal functioning organism as a whole, in particular the maintenance of reproductive capacity. It is under the influence of androgens that the process of sexual differentiation occurs, features appear that make it possible to distinguish the strong sex from the weak.

Testosterone in a man - the effect on the body

Consider what and how affects testosterone in the male body:

  1. Anabolic actionstimulation protein synthesis in skeletal muscles and cardiac myocardium preservation optimal density bone tissue. Also testosterone promotes redistribution of fat in the body, burning excess fat mass. It is due to the effect of androgen on muscle and bone tissue that men are more muscular and larger than the fair sex. Intense physical activity in combination with rational nutrition much amplify anabolic effect of testosterone. Therefore, many athletes use synthetic analogues hormone to increase muscle mass and increase endurance.
  2. Androgenic action- the hormone is necessary for the formation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, the synthesis of spermatozoa. Primary sexual characteristics (external and internal genital organs) appear during fetal development, secondary(growth of hair on the trunk, face, limbs, coarsening of the voice) - at the beginning of puberty in adolescents. In direct relationship with the concentration in the blood is sexual behavior men - with a drop in testosterone levels, libido decreases, problems with potency appear. With insufficient synthesis of the hormone in prepubertal and puberty the child has signs of sexual infantilism.
  3. Psychotropic action- the hormone affects mood, performance, concentration and memory. Often, it is changes in the emotional state that are the first harbingers of fluctuations in androgen levels.

Symptoms of increased testosterone levels:

  • skin problems (acne, acne);
  • uncontrolled weight gain due to muscle mass;
  • disruption of work of cardio-vascular system(high blood pressure, heart pain);
  • significantly increases the risk of developing prostate adenoma;
  • infertility;
  • mood swings, irritability, aggressiveness, suicidal tendencies.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels:

  • muscle weakness and muscle atrophy;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • depression, apathy, insomnia, memory impairment;
  • problems with potency, reduced libido;
  • secondary sexual characteristics in adolescents are mild or absent;
  • infertility.

Where and how is the hormone produced?

Testosterone secreted Leydig cells of the testicles, as well as, in a small amount, the adrenal cortex. synthesized it is made from acetic acid and cholesterol. This process is regulated by pituitary hormones (FSH and LH), which, in turn, are produced under the action of gonadotropic hormone hypothalamus.

The hypothalamic-pituitary system works on the principle of "feedback" - low level testosterone causes an increase in the secretion of hormones by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, elevated its level, on the contrary, inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone, which ultimately contributes to the normalization of testosterone concentration in the body.

Due to the proximity of Leydig cells to the seminiferous tubules in testicles constantly maintained high concentration testosterone (several times more than in the blood). This is necessary for a stable process of spermatogenesis.

In the blood, testosterone can to contact with protein fractions (albumins or globulins), only a small part remains in free form (1-3%). Unrelated testosterone is the most active form. IN medical practice it is possible to determine both indicators - free and total (free + bound) testosterone in the blood.

What is responsible for and what determines the level of the hormone

Normal level testosterone allows a man to lead full life, From him depends emotional condition, sexual function, the ability to procreate, the health of the whole organism as a whole.

What does it depend on male testosterone levels:

  1. Age. The maximum secretion is observed during puberty, then long time remains at a fairly high level, gradually starting to decrease after thirty years.
  2. Times of Day. The maximum concentration of testosterone occurs in the morning hours (from four to eight in the morning), decreases during the day.
  3. Lifestyle(bad habits, malnutrition, stress). Drinking alcohol, smoking inhibits the production of testosterone, and hormone deficiency is often observed in obese men.
  4. genetic features organism. Severe genetic mutations in the fetus can lead to disruption of the action of androgens on target tissues. In such cases, the child has an underdevelopment of the male genital organs, mild or complete absence secondary sexual characteristics in adolescence, patients are most often infertile.
  5. The presence of chronic diseases, immunodeficiency states. Tumors of the adrenal glands, testicles can cause excessive secretion of testosterone. Some drugs used in chronic pathologies are capable of inhibiting the synthesis of androgens, the concentration of the hormone decreases in case of damage. immune system(infections, AIDS), pituitary adenoma, diabetes, testicular injury, etc.

Normal testosterone values ​​and causes of deviations

In most laboratories the norm total testosterone for an adult male is 11-33 nmol/l (300-1000 ng/dl), values ​​may vary depending on the unit of measurement and method of determination. Concentration the free fraction of the hormone should be about 2% of this figure.

Donate blood for testing recommended in the morning, for four hours before the study, you should refrain from smoking and eating, and the previous 2-3 days should be avoided stressful situations and intense physical activity. All this is important for obtaining a reliable result.

The study is prescribed by a doctor after inspection patient and identify symptoms that indicate possible deviation normal testosterone levels.

In case of significant androgen deficiency, it may be recommended replacement therapy(hormone analogues) or stimulating nature, aimed at improving the secretion of own testosterone by the testicles.

In no case should you self-medicate, it is fraught with backfire for the body.

During treatment, the patient needs refuse from bad habits active image life. Be sure to review the diet (limit the use of flour, fatty, sweet foods), food should contain optimal amount vitamins and microelements. For raising the level testosterone, zinc-rich foods are especially good. These are fish, oysters, nuts, liver. Be sure to get enough sleep, drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day, eat fresh vegetables and greens.

With minor deviations of the indicators from normal values, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle help to raise the hormone level quite effectively without resorting to drug treatment.

Androgens are steroid hormones that are responsible for the male principle: the growth and functioning of the reproductive male system, maintenance normal level spermatozoa and distinctive male features in appearance.

Where is testosterone produced?

The testicles are the main source of testosterone in the body. This organ produces directly testosterone (5-12 mg / day) and a small amount of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione and estrogens.

Any hormone, any enzyme and secret is synthesized from certain substance that enters our body with food. The basis of testosterone is cholesterol. Leydig cells take cholesterol from the blood as acetate or low-density lipoprotein. There is a certain sequence of reactions with the transformation of substances: cholesterol → pregnenolone → 17-hydroxypregnenolone → androstenediol. After passing chemical reactions 2 molecules of androstenediol are connected to each other and the final product is released → testosterone.

Hypothalamic-pituitary system

The normal constant content of the hormone in the blood is controlled hypothalamic-pituitary system. It works on the principle of negative feedback. The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which, in turn, controls the constant secretion of gonadotropins (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) by the pituitary gland.

Controls the maturation of Leydig cells and their further production of steroid hormones. That is, it plays a major role in triggering testosterone synthesis by the testicles. monitors the full maturation of the spermatogenic epithelium and enhances the affinity for LH (by increasing the number of receptors for LH).

The feedback principle is that testicular cells send a signal to the hypothalamus about the amount of hormones produced. Notification is carried out using receptors akin to testosterone on the hypothalamus. If hormones are normal amount, then the pituitary gland continues to produce the same amount of gonadotropins as before. If there is more testosterone than necessary, less of the latter enters the blood, if less than necessary, accordingly more.

Circadian rhythms of testosterone

Testosterone production does not occur around the clock at the same level. The hormone has circadian rhythms (see Figure 2). It is synthesized around the clock in small quantities. The largest doses are released into the blood from 6 to 8 in the morning, when the minimum secretion is observed in the evening hours (from 20 to 22 pm).

Rice. 2 - Circadian and annual rhythms of testosterone:
graph 1 - circadian rhythm of testosterone depending on the time of day;
graph 2 - circadian rhythm of testosterone depending on the time of year.

Metabolism of testosterone in the body of a man

Forms (fractions) of testosterone

The testosterone that enters the bloodstream can be in 2 states:

  1. Connected;
  2. Free.

Testosterone in the blood binds to various proteins. It can bind to , and to albumin. This globulin is akin to all sex steroids, so not only testosterone, but also estrogens, estradiols and other sex hormones are subject to its contact. The androgen associated with SHPS is about 57% in a quantitative ratio. It is no longer considered active, but only circulates in the blood.

The remaining 43% of the circulating hormone is biologically active. 40% of active testosterone is associated with albumin, and 3% is in a free unbound form. The bond with albumin, unlike globulin, is very weak, and with any impact it can be weakened, and testosterone will break away from the protein.

The role of SHBG in the hormonal background

The concentration of SHBG can increase in the blood under various conditions:

  • taking glucocorticoids orally or parenterally;
  • protein deficiency;
  • obesity.

If the concentration of SHBG increases, then the ratio of active testosterone to estrogens will be less. In this case, they will become the main ones, which will negatively affect the direct functions of testosterone.

Physiologically, SHBG increases with age. Redistribution after 40 years can lead to 2 opposite states:

  1. Or estrogen will begin to predominate, which general condition the body will be affected (depositing fat on the hips, legs and abdomen), a change in mood to a more whiny one.
  2. If the body takes a different path, then an increase in the concentration of SHBG will ensure a normal content and long-term maintenance of its level while reducing the quantitative indicators of free testosterone.

3 pathways of testosterone metabolism

There are 3 metabolic pathways in relation to biologically active testosterone:

  1. Increased biological activity - after combining with 5α-reductase, testosterone is converted into a more active hormonal unit - (this occurs in the prostate gland, skin, epididymis, seminal vesicles);
  2. Change in biological activity - under the action of aromatase, the hormone turns into (this happens in the brain, muscles, adipose tissue, mammary gland);
  3. Decreased biological activity - when testosterone enters the liver, 5β-reductase converts the hormone into inactive 5β-dihydrotestosterone and its sulfate and glucuronide derivatives.

Rice. 3 - Change in testosterone activity as a result of metabolic transformations (androgenic activity of each of the steroids is indicated in brackets; testosterone activity is taken as 100).

The half-life of the hormone

The circulation of the hormone is short, and the half-life occurs in 2 stages.

  • Stage 1 - takes 20 minutes. During this time, almost the entire amount of active testosterone is utilized from the blood. It is taken up by tissues that are metabolized by the sex steroid.
  • Stage 2 - lasts up to 3 hours. A large number of the hormone is absorbed by adipose tissue, where a kind of depot of sex hormones is located. The remaining amount of the hormone in the blood is utilized by various metabolites through the kidneys and liver.

Almost half of the secreted testosterone is excreted in the urine as metabolites: androsterone, etiocholanolone. These metabolites represent a separate group of 17-ketosteroids. Also, testosterone is excreted in the form of inactivated testosterone - glucuronide.

Effects of Testosterone

No wonder testosterone is called the "hormone of kings - the king of hormones." After all, it controls almost all functions in the male body. The hormone can do this directly - directly penetrating the cell nucleus, or indirectly - by controlling the work of other hormones.

Testosterone in the male body performs the main classical functions:

  • Androgenic function - testosterone provides the manifestation. Due to the high content of testosterone, which prevails over estrogen, male-type hair growth occurs (hair on the face, chest, buttocks and genitals). Growth and development of male genital gonads and external genital organs, body type according to the male type (distribution of adipose tissue) are ensured. Bald patches and baldness are also controlled by testosterone. Interestingly, body fat is also controlled by testosterone. If in women obesity is superficial, due to subcutaneous adipose tissue, then in men fat is deposited in the parenchymal organs and on the greater omentum.
  • Anabolic function - sex steroid provides growth muscle fibers, the necessary bone density, takes part in the production of the necessary organ-specific proteins in the kidneys, liver, sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Antigonadotropic function - high content testosterone inhibits gonadotropins. The general principles of implicit feedback between the gonads and the hypothalamic-pituitary system are followed.
  • Reproductive function - without the necessary amount of testosterone, the formation of spermatozoa is impossible. The hormone is the "motor lever" of spermatogenesis. It also provides erectile function and sexual desire.
  • Psychophysiological function - thanks to the male sex steroid, stereotypical behavior and some character traits are formed. It is testosterone that provides the necessary libido, increased aggression in behavior, the desire to fight, and the attenuation of feelings of fear. The hormone has a psychostimulating effect.
  • Hematopoietic function - indirectly affects hematopoiesis. Testosterone can act on erythropoiesis in the red bone marrow, increasing it. It also has an effect on the production of erythropoietin in the kidneys. The ratio of erythropoietin to testosterone works according to the principle of direct positive connection- the more testosterone, the more erythropoietin is produced.

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