Artists' mongrel cats. Outbred cats, features of care and character. Exhibitions for domestic cats

People take choosing a cat seriously. How else? After all, this living creature will become your friend for many years. Someone chooses purebred cats with a good pedigree. And someone, on the contrary, chooses a mongrel kitten.

Outbred cats are the most popular in the world. Don't believe me? Count how many of your friends have purebred cats at home, and how many have mongrel cats. Are you sure?

Outbred cats are similar in general mass - elastic bodies, round faces, soft fur that does not require additional care. They differ from purebred cats in that they are more resilient and better adapt to changing conditions. The reason is natural selection - only the strongest, the most dexterous, the most cunning survived.
Their story is as old as time. In ancient times, cats were necessary for humans to survive. They were the saviors of people from rodents. Rodents are known to carry many life-threatening diseases. People fed them for this. This was about 4 thousand years ago. This is how the friendship between cat and man began.

Cats accompanied man everywhere. Even on the ship they always took cats. At some point in history, cats were hunted, believing that they were fiends of hell and helpers of witches. But cats still survived and took a place in our homes and hearts.

Interesting facts about mongrel cats

1. Even non-pedigreed cats can participate in exhibitions. In addition, they often receive places and prizes at exhibitions when the jury's decision is based on their appearance and general condition.

2. Outbred cats are not as picky about food and care as their purebred relatives. In addition, they are more intelligent and trainable.

Short-haired mongrel cats

Cats of this type have a number of distinctive features.
Color: any, mostly tabby.
Wool: short.
Body: short and stocky.
Muzzle: rounded.

Eye color: greenish.
Paws: Stocky.
Tail: Thick and soft.

Long-haired mongrel cats

Color: any. Even solid colored wool shows traces of marbling
Coat: Long, often thicker around the neck and on the breeches.
Body: dense and strong.
Muzzle: rounded, wary expression.
Ears: Short, often wedge-shaped with tufts of hair.
Eye color: greenish.
Feet: Generally without fur padding or lining.
Tail: fluffy.

Stray cats are wonderful! See for yourself by watching the video. Enjoy watching!

The article contains up-to-date information on various issues related to mongrel cats, kittens and cats, which will be interesting to read for any lover of these cute furry creatures.

Outbred cats in an apartment, reviews from owners, do they live longer than purebred cats or not at home?

The average lifespan of a cat at home is 11-15 years. As a rule, outbred specimens live longer than their purebred counterparts, sometimes living up to 30-35 years. It all depends on the cat’s genetics, its immunity, health and many other indicators.

Pedigree cats require more care and attention and can be susceptible to various diseases, unlike mongrel animals.

Owners say that a purebred cat is no worse in character than its purebred counterparts; it is more resilient, dexterous, and cunning.

In the end, it all depends on the individual abilities of the animal, it is not so important whether it is purebred or not.

— Outbred cats take part in cat shows, winning prizes.
- They are more resilient, dexterous, cunning.
— There are short-haired and long-haired.
— Cats cannot taste sweets.

- The cat's brain is similar to the human brain. They have areas similar to those of humans that are responsible for their emotions.
— A cat’s sleep can be up to 20 hours a day.
— The largest offspring from one cat is 400 kittens.

Short-haired and long-haired mongrel cats

Distinctive features of shorthaired mongrel cats:
The color can be any, mostly tabby, the coat is short, with a short, stocky body, and a rounded muzzle. The ears are short, often wedge-shaped with tufts of hair, green eyes, stocky paws, and a thick tail.

Distinctive features of long-haired mongrel cats:
Any color, long hair, often thicker around the neck and on the breeches, with a dense and strong body, a wary expression is inherent in the muzzle. The ears are short, often wedge-shaped with tufts of hair, greenish eyes, woolly paws, and a bushy tail.

Outbred cats weight norm, pros and cons

The average weight of a mongrel cat is 3.5-5.5 kg. The advantages of outbred cats include:
- Price. You can get it for free, or for a nominal fee.
— Outbred cats are not spoiled in their diet, they can eat anything, and rarely have indigestion.
— Outbred kittens are more hardy and viable (even the smallest ones).

The disadvantages include:
“It’s unknown who will grow up from a little homeless lump.”
— A kitten picked up on the street must be treated for many “street” cat diseases.
— It’s difficult to raise kittens if the mother grew up on the street.
— According to the rules of cat breeding, an outbred animal must be sterilized.
- They do not have the necessary “status”.

Characteristics of a mongrel cat

Outbred cats are easy to keep. They have an easy-going character. They are well accustomed to hygiene, have a variety of coat colors, are hardy and resilient. The owners note the playfulness and sensitivity of the animals, persistent and strong immunity.

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Once upon a time, a wild cat came to a person’s home and became a friend and helper. Since those times, breeds of yard cats have been giving people their joy and love for thousands of years.

Cats have been with humans for more than 9,000 years, as evidenced by archaeological research and ancient writings. And in those days, no one thought about whether a cat belonged to a particular breed. In Ancient Egypt, cats were revered as sacred animals and were also valued as excellent rodent hunters. In the Middle Ages, in some countries they were credited with magical properties and connections with evil spirits, in others they were considered special creatures that were a symbol of goodness and peace in the home.

The history of the mustachioed tabby is very rich, but it takes on new colors when cats began to be seriously bred, endowing them with special characteristics.

Since the end of the 19th century, active breeding work has been carried out, which gives birth to more and more new breeds of cats. This produces extraordinary mustaches with varying lengths of fur or even hairless ones, with amazing colors and interesting character traits. Each representative that is recognized by a felinological organization is unique and finds its fans. But with all the variety of purebred purrs, yard cats remain the most numerous and popular.

Is there a yard breed?

The very concept of “breed” is very young – it is no more than 200 years old. Felinological organizations identify special traits and properties in individual cats, then prescribe and approve a standard with these unique characteristics, thereby giving the world a new purebred beauty.

Felinologists call yard cats outbred, although this statement can be considered erroneous, because the ancestors of all purrs were wild cats, which have different external characteristics and character, which is explained by different climates and ability to adapt.

Thus, native breeds with characteristic external data and character traits can be called yard breeds, because the distinctive characteristics of these purrs were formed thanks to nature, without the “selective” hand of man.

These native barn cats include:

  • Turkish Angora.
  • Celtic cat.
  • Persian cat.
  • Siberian cat.
  • Siamese cat.

“Not purebred” or non-standard genotype

The appearance of an unborn yard kitten is very difficult to predict, because it is born from a mixture of two or even several breeds. Therefore, color, coat length, eye color and other characteristics are always a pleasant surprise.

Breeds of yard cats are varied. The variety of coat colors of mongrels can be the envy of any exotic purr participating in championships. This can be a single coat color or a combination of two or even several shades. The patterns and markings on the base color also vary. A common color is dark stripes on a light background. It is this pattern that helps the animal camouflage itself in natural conditions and hunt successfully.

The fur of yard cats can be long or short, but what you definitely won’t find is the complete absence of fur on the animal.

The mongrels are in most cases medium in size, and their weight ranges from 3 to 6 kg.

The character of yard cats, unlike purebred cats, is varied. They are not characterized by aggression and touchiness. They generally show emotions very carefully.

Mustachioed mongrels love active games and appreciate the attention of household members. They can become attached to someone in particular or love everyone with the same love at the same time.

These cats have a negative attitude towards the absence of their owners and can even fall into a kind of “cat” depression. This is manifested by refusal of food, hair loss, etc. But this condition mainly applies to “apartment” cats that cannot freely go outside.

Pet care

Yard cats also need the care and attention of their owners:

  • Grooming. The coat needs to be brushed regularly. The frequency of the procedure depends on the length of the animal's fur. For short-haired dogs, it is enough to do this 2 times a month, and for long-haired dogs, once a week.
  • Eye care. They need to be inspected and wiped with a damp swab when dirty.
  • Water procedures. There are very few cats that favor this process, so you should not bathe your pet too often. Usually mongrels themselves monitor the cleanliness of their fur. If the cat returns dirty after active street festivities, you can give it a bath.
  • Nutrition. It should be balanced and include both proteins (meat, fish, eggs, fermented milk) and carbohydrates (porridge, vegetables, crackers, root vegetables).

At the same time, yard purrs should be taken to the veterinary clinic for preventive examinations. It is especially important to do this when purchasing a pet, because... It is unknown whether he is healthy or not.

Strengths of mongrels

Each purebred cat is unique and valued for some of its exceptional characteristics. Yard mustaches may in some ways not be comparable to their purebred counterparts, but they have a lot of advantages:

  1. Health. The life expectancy of mongrels is usually longer than that of purebred purrs, because the former have a stronger and more lasting immunity to most street infections. Selection work weakens the protective functions of the cat’s body.
  2. Temperament. Domestic breeds have the most flexible and gentle character. If such a cat is picked up on the street, then its joy will know no bounds - it will become attached to its owner for life.
  3. Knitting. Finding a partner for a yard pet will not be difficult. Most likely you will have many options to choose from. Waiting for a new offspring is always a mystery, because it is impossible to predict what coat color, color and eye shape the future kittens will have. It is quite possible that such a kitten will become the founder of a new breed.
  4. Help with housekeeping. Catching an annoying rodent will not be difficult for a mongrel; they have a well-developed natural instinct.
  5. Exhibitions. There are exhibitions for outbred pets, where the external characteristics of purrs and their grooming are assessed. It’s great that yard breeds also have the opportunity to show themselves in all their glory.
  6. Price. Anyone can buy a yard pet. Usually they come to visit themselves, offering to leave themselves. In this case, it is almost impossible to refuse.



The majority of all cats living in people's houses and apartments are ordinary mongrel cats. Of course, the affordable price and ease of maintenance play an important role, but we must admit that they give their owners no less pleasure than their titled relatives. Most people get a cat in order to have a good-natured, cute animal in the house; they are not at all interested in the pedigree and breed standards. They love a cat simply for what it is, and it doesn’t matter if just recently it was a homeless, mangy kitten. Outbred cats are no less beautiful and funny than their purebred counterparts.

Character of mongrel cats

They are distinguished by a huge variety of colors, appearance types and characters. It is believed that northern cats are stockier and heavier, their color is darker, and their undercoat is thicker, while their southern counterparts are light, graceful, almost devoid of undercoat and are distinguished by lighter tones. The most common colors of ordinary cats: tabby, various shades, tabby in combination with white, black, black and white, red. Three-haired cats are often found. Outbred cats are mostly short-haired, although there are also long-haired specimens.

Today it is impossible to discount this numerous category of pets. Many people prefer exclusively simple domestic cats and take care of them no less than owners of purebred animals take care of their noble pets. An ordinary cat can be a source of pride and adoration for its owner, despite its “wrong” appearance or outright defect.

As a rule, outbred animals are purchased from friends, through an advertisement in a newspaper or on the market for a purely symbolic cost, or even for free. Very often, homeless animals, chosen out of pity, and as a result of good care, turn into beautiful and very loyal friends, become beloved family members.

It is generally accepted that outbred animals are healthier, hardier and more resilient. In fact, all cats, both purebred and ordinary, can get sick. The health of a cat depends primarily on its living conditions. A wandering lifestyle can significantly undermine health, and it is not always possible to completely restore it, even if the animal is lucky enough to find a home. They say that domestic cats are smarter than purebred cats. This statement is not controversial. Often, the intelligence of a mongrel animal is acquired during homeless life on the street, while purebred brothers, as a rule, do not have such experience.

As it turned out, domestic outbred cats that do not have a pedigree can also take part in exhibitions like their titled brothers and even receive awards for victory. Exhibitions are needed not only for obtaining titles and selling purebred kittens. Exhibitions are necessary in order to simply admire the beauty and diversity of any domestic cat and for communication between the owners of these wonderful creatures. Not only the owner of a purebred animal wants to show off his cat, but also the owner of a simple cat.

Today domestic cats have the opportunity to show themselves. There is a domestic cat class for them, and any outbred animal can take part in exhibition competitions and win. An exhibition of outbred cats is a very serious event with certain rules that must be followed.

Only neutered domestic cats with a certificate confirming this fact are allowed to participate in the exhibition. This rule applies only to adult cats and does not apply to kittens under eight months of age.

When preparing for an exhibition, you must take care of all the necessary vaccinations in advance and have a veterinary passport with you with the appropriate marks.

Who wins the competition of simple cats? By what criteria do judges evaluate outbred participants?

When assessing domestic cats, exhibition preparation and general condition are taken into account. That is, the cat should be well-groomed from the tips of the ears to the tip of the tail and not be too thin or, conversely, overfed.

It turns out that preparing a simple cat for an exhibition is not so easy, especially if the cat has a white color or long hair. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to find the right shampoo for your cat. If in the case of a purebred animal, breeders have long known about hair care products: for each breed and coat structure there is a certain set of products, then for a purebred animal, the selection of shampoo and conditioner occurs through trial and error.

The condition of the coat largely depends on the cat's nutrition. If a cat is not eating properly, there is no point in even thinking about a show career. Without a balanced diet, it is impossible to achieve excellent coat condition, and, therefore, become a winner.

A domestic cat can have absolutely any appearance, the main thing is that it does not contain obvious features of different breeds. At exhibitions, preference is always given to cats with a generally accepted outbred appearance over individuals with a “pedigreed” appearance.

Outbred cats may have disadvantages that are unacceptable for purebred cats: these are kinks in the tail or extra fingers. Traces of street life are also allowed: scars on the head, damage to the ears and tail.

It is unlikely that an animal that will show aggression due to an unusual environment will become the winner of the exhibition. Judges reward sociable and calm cats that show natural curiosity and allow themselves to be petted during competitions.

Any cat, regardless of breed and possible participation in exhibitions, must be kept in good conditions, well-groomed and loved. After all, pets have no choice; their lives are completely dependent on people. They will not be able to live without human participation.


In the classification of felinological organizations they are referred to as outbred. However, this is not entirely true: initially, all cat breeds originated from wild animals and later changed in accordance with their habitat and lifestyle. According to historical data, the first cats were domesticated more than two thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt. Presumably the animals were wild and had no sympathy for humans. Subsequently, cats began to be domesticated on all continents. They have gained particular popularity in China, Japan, Russia, and a number of European and North African countries.

Yard cats in Russia have been known since the appearance of signs of statehood in Ancient Rus'. It is obvious that our ancestors were not too concerned about the origin of their pets: they began to take care of breeding purebred cats in Russia only at the end of the 18th century, at the same time the Russian Blue breed, supposedly bred in England, became widespread. But are there yard cat breeds, with characteristic features, phenotype, habits and distinctive features? De jure - no. De facto - yes. The fact is that any native cat breed can be considered a yard cat: humans did not take part in its selection at the stage of formation of the animal’s distinctive characteristics. Following this logic, we can distinguish some “backyard-native” cat breeds:

Yard cats (in felinology they are defined as “feral breeds”) were not subject to any selection. Naturally, man selected the most beautiful cats with the qualities he needed for breeding - in the Middle Ages, for example, the main thing was the ability of animals to catch mice, and even better, rats. Later, noble people began to pay more attention to feline aesthetics, but the middle and lower classes were still looking for “mousetraps” for themselves.

Another feature yard cats– non-standardity of their genotype. Often this is a mixture of many breeds, which is why outbred animals have a lot of colors, different coat lengths, and different dimensions. The characters of yard cats are also ambiguous - some of them are calm and meek, and some have a royal importance, even if they live exclusively on the streets.

However, contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to say that purebred cats have clear advantages over outbred cats in terms of their character, habits and type of behavior. Moreover, an explosive mixture of breeds and natural selection creates unique kittens, which later grow into real beauties - strong cats, with stunning colors and powerful physiques, which will be the envy of show “pure” breeds. Of course, it will never be possible to officially register such a “breed”, no matter how similar in appearance it may be to a purebred cat. The external signs that appear in a cat will not necessarily appear in her kittens. That is why crossing purebred cats with yard cats is strongly discouraged, as well as buying animals without a pedigree.

At the same time, feral (mongrel) cats can become wonderful pets with proper care and education. The love for purebred animals is quite logical, but the “cat racism” characteristic of many modern breeders is completely inappropriate in the civilized world. in their affection, love for the owner and physical characteristics they are often in no way inferior to their purebred relatives. Taking a kitten from the street or purchasing an animal with a good pedigree is a personal matter for everyone, but is it wise to breed purebred cats when millions of cute outbred kittens die on the streets every year? Everyone will answer this question for themselves.

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