The outer corner of the eye hurts when blinking. Why there was pain in the corners of the eyes: find out the reasons. Why is the outer edge of the eye red?

Swelling of the eyelids is a common occurrence that indicates the presence of some disease. Reactive edema belongs to a separate group, as they develop during inflammatory processes in neighboring areas. This could be, for example, the paranasal sinuses.

Swelling of the eyelids can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory.

With inflammatory edema, skin hyperemia appears and the local temperature rises. When palpating the eyelid, pain and slight compaction are felt, indicating diseases such as furunculosis, barley or erysipelas.

Non-inflammatory swelling appears in diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system. This is usually bilateral swelling. In the morning they are most pronounced and often appear together with swelling of the lower extremities or ascites. Swelling in kidney diseases can be watery. In many cases, such swelling begins in the face.

Allergic edema is also distinguished. It can suddenly appear and disappear just as well. Doctors call it Quincke's edema. Most often, such swelling is one-sided and is not accompanied by subjective sensations. Localized mainly on the upper eyelid.

The cause of allergic swelling is a corresponding reaction to foods, berries, citrus fruits, flowers, medications or cosmetics. In sensitive people, its symptoms can be triggered by oils and fats that are part of face creams. If you apply this cream to your eyelids, if it gets into your eyes, it will cause irritation and swelling of the eyelids. Therefore, you should not leave excess cream on overnight. It is better to remove them with a cotton swab.

Chronic lack of sleep, late dinner, smoking, high salt and liquid content in the diet, as well as uncomfortable head position during sleep hours - all this leads to swelling of the eyelids.

Eyelid tumors, squamous cell carcinoma, swelling after surgery, burns (including sunburn) and trauma are all causes of swelling of the upper eyelids.

It must be remembered that eye strain and prolonged work on a PC do not cause swelling.

Swelling of the eyelids and physiological features

Persistent swelling of the eyelids is most likely associated with congenital structural features of the eye. The membrane located between the subcutaneous tissue and the skin of the eyelids is very thin from birth for many. Over the years, it wears out even more and becomes thinner, which leads to the release of subcutaneous fatty tissue directly under the skin. With various malfunctions in the body, this fiber begins to accumulate fluid, which leads to visible swelling of the eyelids.

If there is an initial disturbance in the venous circulation in the eye area at night, the circulation in the vessels around the eyes slows down. The eyelids are motionless at night, which results in congestion of the blood vessels. The tissues begin to stretch, and this leads to morning swelling.

Swelling of the upper eyelid with redness

This is how acute dacryoadenitis usually makes itself felt, which can be either unilateral or bilateral. This disease is a complication after measles, influenza, pneumonia, as well as typhoid fever and mumps.

In addition to swelling and redness, the patient complains of pain in the eye. The inflammatory process is accompanied by general malaise, enlarged lymph nodes, acute headache and fever. In rare cases, an abscess or suppuration of the lacrimal gland appears. After 12-14 days, this condition disappears.

In order to begin treatment of edema, first of all, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence.

If swelling is a consequence of a violation of water-electrolyte metabolism, then to eliminate it, diuretics are prescribed. And, of course, it is necessary to limit salt and liquid intake in your diet.

If internal diseases do not play any role in the appearance of puffiness, then proper eyelid skin care, good sleep, walks in the fresh air and moderate fluid intake will help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

For swelling of the eyelids of an allergic nature, it is recommended to take desensitizing medications orally. They can also be used as eye ointment and drops. The use of shark oil on the face gives good results - its action is aimed specifically at neutralizing puffiness.

  • Lymphatic drainage massage. It helps relieve swelling in the initial stage. An excellent effect can be obtained by massaging the temples and corners of the eyes with gentle pressure. You need to massage for about 2 minutes, then tap around the eyes with your fingertips.
  • Eye exercise. It is recommended to perform it several times during the day. You need to place your hands on the temple area and try to use the muscles of facial expression to move the skin back. Exercise can be combined with massage.
  • Ice. For swelling of the eyelids, ice cubes that need to be placed on the eyes and held for several minutes help a lot. This stimulates blood circulation well. Such cubes can be made from sage decoction.
  • Masks. A mixture of sour cream with chopped parsley and warm potato lotions will also help in the fight against swollen eyelids.
  • Special cooling gel for eyes. It usually contains plant extracts. It is applied to the eyelids either in the morning, immediately after sleep and washing, or before makeup and kept for 5-10 minutes.

    If the cause of swelling is subcutaneous tissue in excess under the skin of the eyelids, then only blepharoplasty will help.

    The eyes are a paired sensitive organ, susceptible to various infections and diseases. When the corner of the eye is red not only does the appearance deteriorate, but also discomfort appears: itching, pain, lacrimation, peeling of the skin, mucous or purulent discharge.

    Photo 1: If the corners of your eyes are red, you need to visit a doctor. This phenomenon may be the first symptom of a serious illness. Source: flickr (John).

    Causes of redness in the corner of the eye

    Total allocated There are several types of reasons why this symptom appears:

    • Mechanical irritation, for example, exposure to dust, dirt, aerosols, smoke, foreign substances, strong winds, exposure to excessively bright light (for example, welding), prolonged eye strain, injuries;
    • Physiological reasons- expansion of the blood vessels of the eye, but without any disruption of its functioning; this can happen with fatigue, drinking alcohol, severe sneezing, physical exertion, eye irritation with contact lenses or glasses if they are incorrectly selected;
    • Eye pathologies- can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature;
    • Pathological changes in the functioning of other organs- for example, allergic diseases, diabetes, intoxication with toxic substances, hypertension, etc.

    Redness of the outer corner of the eye

    Often looks similar to the consequences of mechanical impact (as if the eye was rubbed), there may be peeling of the skin, sometimes with pain. Redness of the outer corner of the eye It is less common than internal, and the redness is more often localized on the skin of the eyelid. It can be caused by both an allergic reaction to cosmetics and diseases.


    1. Angular conjunctivitis - affects the corners of the eyes, can be allergic and bacterial, accompanied by a feeling of dryness, a foreign body in the eye, the flow of tears, and sometimes purulent discharge. In this case, the skin may become covered with small cracks, and the pain intensifies while blinking.
    2. Ocular herpes - accompanied by swelling of the eyelid, pain, fear of light.
    3. Regional blepharitis - this also occurs thickening of the upper eyelid, swelling, burning and itching, crusting.
    This is interesting! There are several forms of blepharitis. In the scaly or seborrheic form, the disease is combined with dermatitis, causing loss of eyelashes and, in rare cases, eversion of the eyelid. The ulcerative form is identified by ulcers on the eyelash line, where scars form over time. Demodectic mange is caused by mites of the genus Demodex, living at the roots of the eyelashes, and allergic mange is usually combined with conjunctivitis.

    Redness of the inner corner of the eye

    This unpleasant phenomenon can be caused, in addition to those already mentioned, by a number of diseases.


    1. Disturbances in the functioning of the tear duct, which is located closer to the inner corner, or its inflammation - canaliculitis, accompanied by redness of the eyelids, severe discomfort in the corners of the eyes. There are similar signs of obstruction of the tear ducts, with the addition of severe lacrimation.
    2. Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, with pus is released from the lacrimal openings, swelling of the skin is observed.
    3. Ingrown hair - causes redness and pain due to the ingrowth of eyelash hairs under the skin. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cope with this trouble on your own; you won’t be able to see the hair to remove it, and you will have to contact a specialist.

    Inflammation of the corners of the eyes in children

    Children's eyes are more sensitive than those of adults; their redness begins suddenly and often has physiological causes, such as overexertion, crying or sneezing, exposure to dust, and colds.

    This is interesting! A common pathology in infants is blockage of the tear ducts; the fact is that in the eighth month of pregnancy, a septum forms inside the fetus between the tear ducts and the nasal cavity. With the first cry of the newborn, it ruptures, but this does not always happen, and in this case, excess fluid may accumulate inside the tear ducts. This is the so-called dacryocystitis of newborns.

    With decreased immunity or allergies Children often experience conjunctivitis or blepharitis, but another serious disease that can lead to blindness is uveitis, or inflammation of the vascular membranes of the eyes.

    Note! Uveitis is a very serious disease and requires hospital treatment.

    Inflammation of the corners of the eyes in adults

    In addition to the above-mentioned diseases, there are disorders caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Modern adults tend to overload their eyes with computer work, which results in the formation of diseases such as dry eye syndrome and computer vision syndrome, accompanied by eye pain, which makes it difficult to look at the screen of an electronic device.

    Dry eye syndrome, in addition to discomfort in the corners of the eyes, is also accompanied by a strong reaction to light, up to the impossibility of being in the sun.

    Photo 2: Sometimes pain in the corners of the eyes is caused by uncomfortable shaped glasses with improperly adjusted nose pads. Source: flickr (Benjamin Thorn).

    First aid before visiting a doctor

    If the corners of your eyes are red, the first step is to eliminate the possible causes: stop overexertion, get rid of foreign bodies, rinse your eyes if necessary. If the redness is caused by another disease, for example, ARVI or hypertension, then you need to treat it first.

    In some cases, compresses with cool water help and decoctions of chamomile, mint, linden, or just a bag of green or black tea. Eye drops can be used, which have a moisturizing effect, or vasoconstrictors, however, you should not get carried away with them.

    Anyway, you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis and correctly selected treatment, since self-diagnosis may be incorrect, and many diseases have similar symptoms and can appear simultaneously.

    Homeopathic remedies

    For conjunctivitis, regular or chronic, medications such as:

    With purulent discharge.
    Acidum picrinicum
    If the cause is injury or a cold.

    For dry eye syndrome.

    For photophobia, traumatic conjunctivitis and painful eye fatigue.

    Pain in the corners of the eyes is an uncommon occurrence. Usually, unpleasant sensations affect the entire organ of vision. If a person begins to have pain in the corners of his eyes, the reason lies not only in overwork - it can be various diseases. To determine the cause, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist, especially if the severity of the symptom increases.

    Each person feels pain in the corners of the eyes differently. Different diseases are accompanied by different manifestations. How the corner of the eye can hurt usually depends on the cause.

    1. If a person has pain in the inner corner of the eye, most often there is inflammation. The sensations are quite intense and are accompanied by clear or purulent discharge from the eyes. An increase in temperature is observed.
    2. If it hurts outside, closer to the ear, the person is probably overworked or has high blood pressure. The condition is accompanied by a short-term decrease in visual acuity and headache.
    3. Intermittent discomfort may be due to a cold or an allergic reaction. This is indicated by general malaise, redness of the mucous membrane, and lacrimation.

    The intensity of pain varies from person to person. With the same disease, differences in the clinical picture may be observed.


    The cause of pain can be determined by the existing symptoms and the dynamics of their development. The conditions under which pain increases are important.

    The causes include inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, as well as conditions that are not pathological.

    1. If the eyelid in the corner of the eye hurts when blinking, it is blepharitis. This is the name for inflammation of the edges of the eyelids that occurs upon contact with an infection. The skin turns red and becomes swollen. Purulent discharge is often observed.
    2. When the edge of the eye hurts, and the intensity increases at night, this is a sign of demodicosis. The disease is caused by a microscopic mite that lives in old feather pillows. It affects the roots of the eyelashes.
    3. Limited corner pain is caused by stye growth on the eyelid. This is the name for inflammation of the sebaceous gland in the skin of the eyelids. It manifests itself as slight swelling and redness of the skin.
    4. Herpetic infection. It affects the mucous membrane, on which vesicular rashes appear, quickly turning into erosions.
    5. Bursting pain, accompanied by impaired tear outflow, is observed with dacryocystitis or canaliculitis. The diseases are associated with inflammation of the lacrimal gland and tubules.
    6. An allergic reaction rarely causes pain; usually discomfort occurs throughout the entire organ.

    The corner may hurt due to overwork - against the background of prolonged stress, working at the computer. Sometimes the symptom is caused by wearing incorrectly fitted glasses or contact lenses.

    Video: Three causes of eye pain

    Pain in the outer corners closer to the temple

    The corners on this side hurt less often. The causes of pain in the outer corners of the eyes are:

    • irritation from cold and wind;
    • exposure to dust, shavings, smoke;
    • increased blood or intracranial pressure;
    • injury to the skin or mucous membranes.

    The condition is accompanied by redness of the mucous membrane and a burning sensation.

    Pain in the inner corners closer to the nose

    The symptom is observed in most patients. The corners of the eyes closer to the nose may hurt for the following reasons:

    • dacryocystitis;
    • barley;
    • canaliculitis;
    • herpetic infection;
    • blepharitis;
    • demodicosis

    Pain in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose is more often caused by diseases than by non-pathological causes.

    Video: Blepharitis - symptoms and treatment


    The scope of treatment measures is determined by the ophthalmologist after determining the cause. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis and includes the use of eye drops, ointments or tablets orally.

    1. To treat inflammation in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose, medications with anti-inflammatory, antiviral or antibacterial effects are used. Anti-inflammatory drugs include “Diclo-F” or “Indocollir” drops. Drops “Ophthalmoferon” and “Poludan” have an antiviral effect. To treat a bacterial infection, Normax, Uniflox drops or tetracycline ointment are prescribed.
    2. If the outer corner of the eye is irritated, anti-fatigue medications and antihistamines are indicated. Drops of “Visomitin”, “Systane”, “Allergodil” are prescribed.
    3. If a demodicosis mite has been detected, the eyelids are treated with sulfur ointment or Demalan cream.

    In addition to drug treatment, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures and eye gymnastics.


    You can avoid pain around the edges of the eye by observing the following measures:

    • visual hygiene;
    • avoiding traumatic situations;
    • avoiding contact with infectious patients;
    • regular examination by an ophthalmologist.

    When a person is in pain and the pain does not go away for a long time, this is a reason to see a doctor. This sign indicates the development of diseases that require proper treatment.

    Video: Interview with a professional ophthalmologist about maintaining visual hygiene

    Pain in the corner of the eye is only a symptom that may indicate numerous diseases and disorders. We will find out further how it can manifest itself and what changes in the body it indicates.

    The described symptom is usually characterized by unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensations in the area of ​​the corner of the eye. It is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • itchy skin in the eye area;
    • redness of the eye itself;
    • redness of the skin at the epicenter of pain;
    • unnatural discharge from the eye;
    • lacrimation.

    If these symptoms do not have a natural cause, then you should pay special attention to them and conduct an initial diagnosis yourself.

    Which side does it hurt on?

    Pain in the corner of the eye can have a different meaning depending on which side it is concentrated on. Let's look at how the symptom manifests itself in both cases:

    1. Pain in the outer corner of the eye is usually only noticeable upon physical contact. That is, when you press or blink quickly, the pain will be felt significantly and sharply. Often the affected area becomes red and itchy.
    2. Pain in the corner of the eye near the bridge of the nose often spreads to the eyebrow, sometimes floating. Intensifies upon contact with a damaged area.

    In both cases, painful sensations indicate either excessive stress or eye diseases. Prolonged pain that does not stop for several days should worry the patient. Such symptoms require a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist.

    Main reasons

    Numerous eye diseases begin with pain in the corner of the eye. Let's study a number of such diseases in more detail:

    1. Blepharitis. The disease is characterized by significant inflammation of the skin of the eyelids. Itching and pain are felt both in the outer and inner corners of the eye.
    2. Obstruction of the lacrimal ducts. In this case, it does not matter whether the obstruction in front of us is complete or partial. This disease always causes discomfort, and the pain in the corner of the eye increases significantly when blinking. The cause of the development of the disease can be a tumor of the tear duct, as well as any eye injury.
    3. Angular conjunctivitis. A disease that develops as a result of a special bacterium entering the eye. This bacterium causes a characteristic lesion in the area of ​​the corner of the eye, where pain, redness, itching, and small cracks develop.
    4. Canaliculitis. A disease characterized by inflammation of the tear ducts. Due to inflammation, discomfort appears in the corner of the eye. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection spreads into the nasal cavity, redness of the eyelids and swelling appear. In some cases, patients notice purulent discharge from the eyes.
    5. Herpes eye. This disease is very serious, pain in the eye is only its initial symptom. The more severe the pain develops, the more symptoms can be noted. Among them are swelling of the eyelids, photophobia and redness of the eyes.
    6. Dacryocystitis. This medical name refers to inflammation of the lacrimal sacs. Most often it occurs in one eye, less often in both eyes at once. An obligatory companion to such a disease is purulent discharge from the eye, which is released quite abundantly. Severe swelling may also be observed.
    7. Ingrown eyelash. If an eyelash grows in the corner of the eye, this always entails unpleasant painful sensations. However, the problem remains invisible to the naked eye.

    The classic causes of pain in the corner of the eye are incorrectly chosen glasses or eye fatigue from the computer. It is quite easy to identify these problems yourself.


    As a rule, treatment of the disease can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after preliminary diagnosis of the disease. Depending on the severity of the situation and the clinical picture, the specialist may prescribe the following treatment:

    1. Eye gymnastics. If the disease is associated with constant eye fatigue, the specialist will suggest a number of exercises that need to be performed daily.
    2. Pills. Treatment with tablets helps strengthen the immune system and cope with eye disease if it is associated with infection or bacteria.
    3. Drops. Direct impact on the damaged area can only be achieved with the help of special drops. The doctor will select drops that will help relieve pain and spasms, reduce swelling and inflammation, and also cope with the cause of the problem.
    4. Surgical intervention. It is prescribed only in the extreme stages of diseases, when other methods are powerless.

    In order for the treatment to be as effective and fast as possible, it is necessary to contact a professional ophthalmologist as soon as possible after discovering painful symptoms.

    Prolonged and constantly increasing pain in the corner of the eye often indicates the progression of an ophthalmological disease, which is important to promptly identify and treat. However, sometimes discomfort and redness in the right or left eye occur due to injuries, allergic reactions, or incorrectly selected medical optical devices. In order for the treatment of the problem to be effective, it is important to understand why the organ of vision is inflamed and painful, and then eliminate the negative factors.

    Why does my right or left eye hurt and become inflamed?

    Painful symptoms can be caused by any ophthalmological disease:

    • Canaliculitis. Occurs in people whose tear ducts and mucous membranes in the nose become inflamed due to the penetration and multiplication of an infectious pathogen. With this disease, swelling and pain appear in the corner of the eye at the bridge of the nose, and there is also redness in the lower and upper eyelids, distributed throughout the inner and outer mucous epithelium.
    • Obstruction of the lacrimal ducts. With this pathology, inflammation and swelling of the inner corner of the eye is observed. Due to a disturbance in the production of ocular fluid, the mucous membrane dries out, the patient complains that his eyes hurt, and as a result of such irritation they become red. Obstruction is often the result of trauma to the nose or tumor of the lacrimal canaliculus.
    • Dacryocystitis. This is the name of the disease in which the lacrimal sac becomes inflamed. The patient notices that the organ of vision on the inside is red and swollen, and when pressed, purulent discharge appears.
    • Blepharitis. With this disease, the outer corner of the eye and the inner corner hurt. Closer to the place where the eyelashes grow there is pain, itching and itching, and the white itself is red and inflamed.
    • Ocular herpes. With this pathology, rash and discomfort appear on the inner and outer eyelids. The sore eye is swollen, pulls and tugs, if you touch near the affected area, the discomfort intensifies.

    Other reasons

    If the visual system is regularly overstrained due to working at a PC, then such symptoms may appear.

    If there is pain and inflammation in the area of ​​the inner and outer corner of the eyelid, the cause of such symptoms may be:

    • injury, bruise or contact with a foreign object on the mucous membrane;
    • allergic reaction;
    • the edge of the eyelash grown into the epithelium;
    • incorrectly selected optical treatment device;
    • prolonged eye strain when working at a computer.

    To properly treat inflammation in the corner of the eye, it is important to first find out what caused it. It is dangerous to self-medicate with increasing symptoms; this is fraught with the development of dangerous consequences, including complete loss of visual function.

    Associated symptoms

    With the progression of dangerous ophthalmological disorders, in addition to the fact that when blinking and when the eyelids are closed, the left or right eye hurts, the patient is bothered by other symptoms that are impossible not to notice. The characteristic features are:

    An additional manifestation that a person may notice is swelling of the area.
    • itching, redness and tingling of the skin around the eyeball;
    • inflammation and swelling of the inner and outer corners of the eye;
    • profuse lacrimation;
    • purulent discharge;
    • deterioration of visual function.

    Sometimes infectious pathologies are accompanied by headaches localized closer to the ear or near the temple. With such symptoms, you need to urgently make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, since infectious eye pathologies often lead to inflammation of nearby organs - ear, throat, nose. In advanced cases, the infection penetrates the brain, and the patient develops meningitis, which often causes death.

    If the cause of the symptom is bacterial, appropriate types of drops can be used.

    • antibiotics;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • glucocorticosteroids;
    • painkillers;
    • moisturizing;
    • nourishing mucous membranes;
    • relieving redness.

    If the reasons why the corners of the eyes hurt cannot be eliminated conservatively, the doctor decides to perform surgery. Thanks to timely surgical treatment, it will be possible to correct the pathology. After surgical treatment, a long rehabilitation period will follow, during which you must strictly follow the doctor’s advice and recommendations, do special restorative therapeutic exercises, and use medications.

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