Greyhound (dog). Afghan Hound. English Greyhound. Greyhound dog breed: description and photo Greyhound dog of a special breed

✅, which is used to bait the animal. The main advantages of greyhounds are their flexible nature and elegant appearance. Pets are great for people who enjoy walking, cycling and evening jogging.

The Greyhound is crazy about outdoor activities and will be happy to keep you company. The dog treats its owner with trepidation and tenderness, but is not intrusive and calmly tolerates short-term loneliness. Let's take a closer look at the representatives of this amazing breed.

The greyhound dog is one of the ancient breeds ✅ that have accompanied humans for more than one millennium. The pet was brought to Russia from Arabia in the 17th century at the request of a famous nobleman. At this time, the main entertainment of the nobility was hunting, so such breeds were actively “imported” and were held in high esteem. Greyhounds were often given as gifts to royalty. Over time, the dog “migrated” from princely families to “the people”, gaining popularity as a pet.

The character of the animal is quite contradictory - with the owner the dog behaves affectionately and friendly, but with a stranger it can show decisiveness and aggression. During training and training, greyhounds tend to demonstrate stubbornness, which can be broken with rewards. The dog does not require special care; its only nuance is regular bathing. Greyhounds love water and need bathing procedures more often than other dogs.

The pet calmly tolerates the absence of the owner. Animals will not play dirty tricks from idleness and lack of attention. There are no “surprises” expected upon returning home from work.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its innate curiosity. It is vital for them to explore different territories, sniff and study them. Greyhounds may show signs of aggression when in contact with other animals. They need time to adapt and mentally prepare for the fact that they will have to share the territory with someone else.

Greyhounds are excellent nannies; they will conscientiously look after children, protecting them from trouble. The breed is famous good health, the only weak point is the stomach, so you should approach the choice of food responsibly.

The main element of pet care is a brush for combing out hair. The procedure must be carried out at least once a week. Monitor the length of your dog's nails; it is recommended to trim them regularly so that your pet does not experience discomfort while running.

Take your dog with you whenever you leave the house - she loves walks, jogging and any type of activity. This will give the greyhound pleasure and will help maintain muscle tone.

Australian Greyhound

All about the breed:

  • color – any color with large splashes of white can be found;
  • appearance – height at the withers up to 78 cm, large dog with an elongated muzzle and muscular build;
  • maintenance – apartment living is practically contraindicated; greyhounds feel comfortable only in country houses;
  • classification - the breed is common, but official recognition has not been received;
  • Recommendations - not suitable as a first dog, is quite stubborn, requires experience and perseverance from the owner.

The Australian is the most ferocious and aggressive of the entire greyhound class. The dog cannot be called sweet and family-friendly; it has retained its hunting inclinations, its instincts are very sharp. The pet will show warmth towards members of the household, but may enter into open confrontation with strangers and other animals. It is especially not recommended to have the breed in homes with children. average cost a puppy varies around 19,000 rubles.


The second name of the breed is lion dog. The traditional colors are brown and red. The pets are quite large, up to 70 cm at the withers. Africanis can develop impressive speed, while his physique is not massive.

Lion dogs were bred in Africa; many positions were assigned to their “shoulders” - hunter, watchman, shepherd. Characteristic feature The breed's appearance is ridged on the back.

The pet's character is restrained and calm. The dog will not show aggression, but it cannot be called timid either. Animals quickly become attached to people and need their attention. At the same time, “African lions” are quite independent.

The advantage of the breed is its unpretentiousness; you can even keep your pet in an apartment, despite its large size. Africanis is one of the rare and less common dogs, so buying a puppy can be a real problem. Kennels in Russia rarely offer dogs for sale, which results in high prices.

The pet is one of the breeds not recognized by the FCI system. However, this does not prevent Afghans from being wonderful companions and exemplary pets. Dogs are distinguished by their sharp mind and excellent memory; they quickly learn new commands, but do not always carry them out due to their natural stubbornness.

The Afghan, like all greyhounds, is distinguished by its large size - up to 75 cm at the withers. He has a sophisticated appearance and royal bearing. General form The pet is quite exotic.

Hunting instincts are well developed; the dog prefers hunting in the cold season. The animal tracks and drives its prey in any area. The Afghan will be useful not only for hunting, he copes well with the role of a watchman and security guard.

The dog loves long walks, preferably without restrictions in the form of a leash. The character of the Afghan is very proud and proud. He will not tolerate disrespectful treatment.

Is rare breed on the territory of Russia, so traveling abroad to buy a puppy is not excluded. The average cost of a pet will be about 37,000 rubles.

Irish Wolfhound

  • training – obedient, people-oriented, strives to please the owner by performing tricks;
  • appearance - height at the withers up to 90 cm, black, white, fawn in color;
  • content - they perceive any training as a game, they love walks, it is not recommended to have a dog in the apartment, brushing is necessary once every few weeks;
  • food - pay attention to home cooking: porridge with minced meat, boiled meat, vegetables;
  • livability - a sociable and non-aggressive pet;
  • health – risk of developing cataracts and volvulus;
  • character - behind the gloomy appearance lies kindness and open heart, pets are loyal and love children;
  • price – from 50,000 rubles.

Read a detailed description of the breed.

Italian Greyhound

The birthplace of the breed is Italy. Pets are very smart and quickly learn new commands. The greyhound's character is playful and loyal. Dogs are people-oriented and suffer from attention deficit. They sensitively determine the mood of the household - when they will willingly play with them, and when, on the contrary, it is better to leave the owner alone.


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There are many known breeds of greyhounds: Russian, American and English. Some were known in ancient times: Mountain, Crimean, Courland, Moldavian, Khiva, Horty. This is a fast, specialized breed with distinct exterior traits. As a rule, greyhound dogs have long and high legs, a streamlined body shape, a dry type of constitution, excellent eyesight, a keen sense of smell, adaptability to high-speed running over long distances, gracefulness and slender physique. The main purpose of their breeding is hunting. Among famous breeds Let's look at the most common ones.

The ancient Egyptians knew about this breed. Features: narrow muzzle, ears covered with hair, tail slightly curled at the end. There are any colors. Today, Salukis are rare. These are fairly large, smooth-haired animals with close-fitting hair to the body and small ears. This combination looks quite harmonious.

They are also beautiful dogs with interesting body proportions. They have no undercoat, but their eyes are happy, expressive and black. Height is average. They can be any color. By nature they are reserved, however, gentle, but not particularly affectionate.

This breed was specially bred for mountainous areas and chasing rams and badgers. This born hunters medium height. The color is usually black with white tan and slightly curled hair.

Taigans are excellent companions and just favorites for their owners. But if you want to get yourself such a pet, you must not forget about the character traits, because you need to socialize the dog with early age, which is not always possible for beginners.

An elegant and graceful breed of small size with a thin, long head and arched loin. Dogs are smart, kind, easy-going. Suitable for owners who love entertainment and long-distance jogging. But for people who are sick and in poor health, it is better to think about choosing another more calm breed greyhound dogs.

A dog with a lean and rather muscular build. These are obedient, sociable dogs, unpretentious in maintenance and food. They can quickly adapt to city conditions and long walks.

This breed has Russian roots. This is kind and beautiful dog with expressive kind eyes. The Hortaya's color is usually white with red spots. The undercoat is curly and tightly pressed to the body.

Counts the oldest breed with small ears, slightly elongated muscles and an arched back. The fur of Russian greyhounds is truly luxurious. The breed was bred by breeders specifically for hunting wolves back in the days of the monarchy. Dogs not only quickly chase down predators, but also make excellent pets.

This is a popular breed today among dog lovers with a calm nature and incredible excitement at the sight of prey. Graceful, elegant dogs with excellent physical build. You can’t help but look after them and admire them when you see them on the street or in the park.

City people who are constantly busy and do not have enough time for their pet should not get one. Dogs treat adults with more respect, but they can be aggressive and skeptical towards children and teenagers, which is something you should be wary of if you want to get one.

As lap dogs Among the greyhound breed, one can note miniature Italian greyhounds, originally bred for baiting hares. It is small in size, playful breed and do not require special care. Will make an excellent pet for city dwellers in apartments. The dogs are small in size, but quite fast.

Aristocratic and devoted, majestic, graceful and hardy - all this applies to the unique breed of Russian Greyhound dog. Greyhounds appeared during the times of Ancient Rus' and since then have gained the status of the most sought-after hunter of wild animals. Dogs are perfect for apartment living, but only if they are provided with regular exercise. Greyhounds are distinguished by a special mindset and are very loyal to their owners, in addition, these dogs will become the most the best companions for the whole family.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children


The Russian Greyhound is believed to have descended from dogs that lived with the Celts in the 17th century. The ancestors of greyhounds had very impressive body sizes and were clumsy, which is why dogs were rarely used for hunting forest animals. Almost 100 years later, the breed has changed significantly, acquiring more plasticity, grace and endurance. Only nobles who began to use greyhounds directly could afford to keep such dogs. Particularly rich and noble individuals could have up to 100 of these majestic animals on their estate.

In 1873, a club of admirers of the Russian Greyhound breed appeared in Russia, but during the revolution in 1917, the Bolsheviks considered these dogs bourgeois whims and decided to destroy the breed completely. It was possible to restore the population of the Russian Greyhound breed only thanks to puppies exported from Russia as a gift for foreigners. The Russian Greyhound breed was officially registered only in 1936. In the United States of America, greyhounds are especially popular, but only as pets; in Russia, these dogs are mainly used for hunting wild animals.

Description and breed standard

Russian greyhounds are very tall and athletically built dogs. The body of the animals has an elongated shape, well-developed, but at the same time dry muscles, strong and wide bones. The height at the withers for males ranges from 76 to 85 cm, females are slightly smaller - from 67 to 78 cm, weight varies between 35-55 kg. In ordinary life, dogs have a stable psyche and calmness, but as soon as they go hunting, they instantly become excited and are ready to chase the game for many kilometers. In addition, greyhounds boast lightning-fast reactions and sharp vision.

The breed standard prescribes the following requirements:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, with an elongated, narrow muzzle. Slightly convex forehead, smoothly blending into the muzzle. The bridge of the nose may have a small hump. The jowls were black, fit and thick.
  • The nose is slightly convex, the nostrils are elongated, and the nose is black.
  • The teeth are large and have a scissor bite.
  • The eyes are slightly convex and almond-shaped. Color is only brown.
  • Small hearing organs triangular shape, narrowly set.
  • There is a scruff on the neck, the muscles are well developed.
  • The back is narrow, the croup is powerful. Always tighten your stomach.
  • The limbs are long and have noticeable muscle relief. The paws are powerful, the hind legs are set wider than the front ones. The claws are black and curved.
  • The tail is in the shape of a saber or sickle, in a calm state it is located between hind limbs, while chasing game, it rises and straightens.
  • The coat is long, silky, and may be slightly wavy in the neck area. The coat (coat) fits tightly to the dog's body.

The Russian greyhound has 2 types of color: piebald(the main coat color is red, black or gray, with white areas on the chest, paws, head or tail) and spotted(white coat with red, black and white spots on the body). At dark color the muzzle must have a characteristic mask (mazurina)

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  1. Shortened neck.
  2. Too thin or massive body.
  3. Very long hair.
  4. Height higher than required by standard.
  5. Blue eyes.
  6. Presence of dewclaws.
  7. Aggression towards people.

Character of dogs

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that greyhounds are not distinguished by intelligence and complaisance, these dogs have a number of positive qualities. In fact, the Russian greyhound is very clever dog, but not every person should start it. This breed needs regular physical activity and mandatory education, otherwise the dog will quickly become uncontrollable. It is necessary to walk with the animal for a long time, at least an hour for each walk. The walking area should be spacious, preferably away from people and other animals. Another dog that comes into the sight of a greyhound can turn into prey for the shaggy hunter in a matter of seconds.

In an urban environment, a Russian greyhound should never be let off a leash. Having chased after its relative or a fleeing person, the dog will not react to a single exclamation of the owner, because everything that moves the animal at that moment is the natural instinct of the hunter. The most optimal places for walking a greyhound are fields, meadows or a sufficient private area near the house.

It is best to keep greyhounds in a spacious enclosure, with a mandatory fence height of at least 3 meters. You should not get this dog as a house guard; greyhounds do not thrive on a chain. The breed is also suitable for apartment living, but due to its impressive dimensions, the dog will have little space in a one-room dwelling. The animal feels great on the owner's sofas and loves to watch TV in an embrace with the owner. A prerequisite for keeping a greyhound in an apartment is regular physical activity, otherwise, from an excess of energy, the pet will begin to destroy everything (gnaw furniture and doors, tear wallpaper, etc.).

This breed of dog does not tolerate loneliness well, so it is not recommended for a person who is always busy with work to have a greyhound. In addition, the dog becomes so attached to its owner that transferring the dog to other hands can simply destroy the animal.

Russian greyhounds get along very well with children, the dog will become a true friend to the child, but these animals are not suitable as nannies for babies. Towards the appearance stranger In the house, a greyhound will be wary, but will not show aggression. Pets are considered excellent guards for their owners. In case of danger, the dog will rush to protect family members without thinking, risking his life in the process.

It is better not to keep a Russian greyhound with other animals; the dog will perceive any living creature as potential prey. But if a puppy is raised with a cat or other dog from childhood, the greyhound will be able to get along well with them. The dog will simply chew up someone else’s cat or dog that runs into the house.


The breed has a unique character. It is impossible to force a Russian greyhound to serve. A dog will never bring slippers or newspapers to its owner. You should not raise your voice at a shaggy pet, call names, or even beat the animal. To such an attitude four-legged friend will be greatly offended and may harbor a grudge. Raising a dog should be based only on respect and mutual understanding of each other. If the pet does not perceive the owner as a leader at all and does not obey commands, the dog should be sent to obedience courses.

WITH early childhood puppies are accustomed to the sounds of a special trumpet used during hunting. The owner must also accustom the animal to endurance. For this purpose, the puppies are given food, but the dog is allowed to eat it only at the command of the owner. Young dogs must be subjected to daily exercise, because if the animal does not receive sufficient physical activity, it will quickly dial excess weight and will lose its working qualities.

Feeding a greyhound

Dogs must be provided with high-quality and balanced food, only then will the animal have a healthy and shiny coat, strong bones and teeth. Lack of nutrients leads to many diseases, due to which the animal cannot be used for work. The Russian Greyhound is considered a real gourmet and will not eat food that is not suitable for its taste. The animal is fed in small portions, but often (3-4 times a day); after eating, the dog is provided with complete rest. It is strictly forbidden to give food before hunting, otherwise the pet may experience intestinal volvulus and death.

As natural food The following products are allowed:

  • fresh or boiled vegetables;
  • dietary meat and low-fat varieties(chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef);
  • lean sea fish;
  • fresh fruits;
  • greenery;
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat, millet);
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetable oils.

Sweets, smoked meats, pork, fried and salty foods are unacceptable for feeding greyhounds. flour products, chicken bones. As ready meals You can opt for premium or super premium dry food (Royal Canin, Hills, Brit, Meradog, Eukanuba).

Dog care

Taking care of your pet is easy. The dog is very clean and will not get dirty again. Even in slushy conditions, the dog will avoid all puddles and will not roll around on the ground. The Russian Borzoi practically does not smell like a dog. Caring for the animal's coat should include regular brushing (2 times every 7 days is enough); during the shedding period, dogs are brushed daily. After a walk in a forest area, the animal must be carefully examined and dry grass, dirt, and insects removed from the dog’s fur. Dogs should be washed as needed, as frequent water treatments cause the fur to become very frizzy.

At good care The Russian greyhound can live 10-12 years, but there are cases where a four-legged friend has delighted its owner for 15 years. Despite their excellent health, hunting dogs are still susceptible to some diseases:

  • retinal atrophy eyeball(retinopathy);
  • allergic reactions (especially to insect bites);
  • volvulus;
  • cataract;
  • Wobbler syndrome (neurological disease).

Due to the fact that the Russian Greyhound is regularly exposed to intense physical stress, the animal often suffers from injuries (dislocations and injuries to the limbs, bites of wild animals, snakes).

Choosing a puppy and price

It is better to purchase a Russian Greyhound puppy from a professional breeder, in this case you can be sure of breed qualities dogs. It is not recommended to buy a puppy through advertisements from private individuals; for a low price you can get a sick or not purebred pet. The price for greyhound puppies varies: in professional nurseries the cost ranges from $200, but you can buy a puppy secondhand (without documents) for $50-100.

When choosing a purebred puppy, it is important to pay attention to such qualities as:

  1. Long fore and hind limbs.
  2. Tight belly.
  3. Scissor bite.
  4. Beautiful and silky coat.
  5. Dry elongated head.

You can adopt a Russian greyhound puppy at 1.5 one month old. As a rule, such puppies already know how to feed themselves and no longer need maternal care. But experienced breeders recommend buying a puppy at the age of 5-6 months, since by this time the dog will better go through all the stages of adaptation to the new family.

You can only buy a healthy and purebred puppy from a professional nursery; in this case, if any difficulties arise in raising or feeding your furry pet, the breeder will be provided with advice and comprehensive assistance.

The Russian Greyhound is a dog breed that is widely known in the country and far beyond its borders. And not only for hunting lovers. Our ancestors used the word “greyhound” to mean “fast.” "Dog" was the name given to silky, wavy fur. For hundreds of years, these dogs have shown their rare qualities. And now it’s difficult to find a better hunting assistant.

The correct name of the dog and some types of greyhounds

Often non-professionals in conversation call the dog a greyhound. Actually there are two different breeds, between which there are serious differences:

  1. The hound is similar in appearance to the English greyhound, but smaller in size. However, this similarity is only external.
  2. Dogs are used in hunting for various purposes. The greyhound is much faster. She grabs the prey, but the hound drives it.
  3. Hounds are better at tracking scents and have a well-developed sense of smell. Greyhounds have excellent eyesight. To chase, they must see the beast.

From the very beginning, the Russian greyhound was intended to hunt wolves. In addition to her “responsibilities”, she can become a great family friend. However, only if certain conditions:

  • It is advisable to keep away from children;
  • a team is needed;
  • requires time and an active owner;
  • not suitable for city life;
  • has an independent character: it is difficult to tolerate mistreatment and may be disobedient.

There are also others breeds:

Appearance of the Russian Borzoi

The Russian Greyhound is considered one of the most graceful breeds in the world. She is distinguished by her tall height and low weight. Males at the withers - on average 75–86 cm, females - 68–78. The weight of males is about 40–45 kg, females - 30–40 kg. With such proportions they look thin. However, under the thick fur hides a muscular body. Dogs are very active. The tail is long and thin.

Muzzle- narrow and elongated. Compared to her body, she looks disproportionately small. The eyes are large almond-shaped. The dog is smart and this is noticeable in his eyes. The nose is large, the ears are small. Long wool reliably protects from frost. It is usually smooth and wavy, sometimes a little curly. On the head and front of the paws - shorter. For many on the neck it is noticeably longer and thicker.

Color wool- any. The most common is white, with large red or fawn markings. Russian Greyhounds of the same color are now difficult to find and were less valued in the past.

History of the Russian Borzoi breed

The Russian greyhound has long been used not only against wolves. With its help they also hunted hares, foxes, and sometimes wild boars or deer. However, only wealthy people - landowners and nobility - could afford to maintain it. Such hunting was considered the best entertainment. Often one landowner had hundreds of such dogs. They were very much appreciated. Sometimes dogs were bought for a lot of money. There are known cases when purebred puppies They were even exchanged for serfs.

The origin is not fully understood and is controversial. It is not difficult to guess that the ancestors are the greyhound and long-haired breeds. There are several versions:

  1. The Russian greyhound was introduced by the Byzantines in the 9th or 10th century.
  2. Came with the Mongol-Tatars in the 12th century. This version is confirmed by the character of the “native” steppe terrain and the speed qualities of the greyhound dog.
  3. The Russian princes themselves took them with them from Persia in the 16th century. Animals were poorly adapted to our climate. Crossbreeding with other breeds was required. Hence the long hair of the second ancestor.

In Kiev's St. Sophia Cathedral you can find a drawing of a dog resembling a Russian greyhound. The image shows a deer hunt. The temple was built only in 1037. If this is a Russian greyhound, then it turns out that it appeared among us before the Mongol invasion.

Soviet scientists conducted their research. According to them, in Central Asia There were two main types of greyhounds:

  • Afghan;
  • Taigan (Kyrgyzstan).

They suggested that one of these breeds became the ancestor of the Russian greyhound. Of course, it was not easy for animals when the climate changed. If they could still survive in Kyiv, then to the north, for example, in Moscow or Novgorod, they could not. To increase resistance to cold, they were crossed with huskies.

Descriptions of the Russian greyhound have been known since the 17th century. An earlier name was Circassian Greyhound. Changes in gene pool occurred at the beginning of the 18th century, when it was crossed with the following greyhound breeds:

  • English;
  • Hortykh;
  • busty.

In the 19th century it was also mixed blood:

  • mountain greyhounds;
  • Crimean

Of course this led to emergence various types. Often the most famous breeders developed their own species. They were usually called by the names of the landowners. Over time, the characteristic differences of each type were erased, and a single breed appeared. In 1888, the standard of the Russian greyhound was described.

Moscow became the center of development of the breed. This is where genealogical books began to appear. The first volume was published in 1902 and included only 15 greyhounds. Five more were compiled before the revolution. The main number of dogs accounted for the following provinces:

With the outbreak of the First World War and subsequent October revolution breed has practically disappeared. People were in extremely difficult conditions; they had no time for breeding dogs. However, few enthusiasts managed to save the breed.

One of the ways was to find animals that had previously been exported abroad. So, in the USA the Russian greyhound is still quite popular. Although, these dogs have largely lost their hunting qualities, which cannot be said about domestic representatives. They are still being hunted.

Features of behavior

The Russian Greyhound has a friendly character. When raised properly, it rarely harms children. Despite its impressive size, it is not suitable for guard work, as it lacks aggressiveness and is difficult to acclimate to a place.

Hunts, as a rule, in large packs. Their number can reach up to hundreds of animals. Large breeds usually have a hard time finding a common language with each other. However, this does not apply to Russian greyhounds. They perform well in a pack with other greyhounds, hounds, and terriers.

The hunter's instinct is very developed. Dogs chase any potential prey: squirrels, hamsters, other smaller animals, etc. For example, a dog of a smaller breed may be attacked. Able to get along with her house cat, but kill the neighbor's. Therefore, socialization is very important.

When introducing other animals, you need to respect caution. But even if you already have a habit, instincts can take over. For example, domestic cat It's better not to run away. Even the most disciplined and trained dog sometimes finds it difficult to cope with emotions. At such moments, they may not listen to commands. It's unlikely to catch up. The pet's speed reaches 70–90 km/h, the fence is not a hindrance. Therefore, it is better to prevent trouble and be careful.

A game with other dogs often involves chasing, grabbing and holding the neck. This is not aggression, but typical behavior- tactics used in hunting. Despite its universal character, the main prey of the Russian greyhound is the wolf.

This was the original purpose of breeding the breed. Hunting techniques have been developed by the dog's ancestors for hundreds of years. They are laid down at the genetic level and work automatically, even in puppies. When hunting, Russian greyhounds usually catch up with a wolf. Then the bravest members of the pack attack him and restrain him. These are not wolfhounds whose goal is to kill a predator. Russian greyhounds must detain him until a man with a weapon approaches.

Russian greyhounds are distinguished by their rare mind. They are able to remember tricks consisting of several sequential actions. This is often used in the circus, etc. In terms of training, they are considered one of the most capable hunting dogs.

However, they often show character and try to do everything at their own discretion. The desired behavior can be achieved through encouragement and patience. Rudeness should be excluded. Similar methods traumatize the dog’s psyche and are ineffective due to its characteristics.

Required loads

Due to their temperament and physiology, animals are in dire need of exercise. Paying special attention to physical activity is important for two more reasons: reasons:

The dog is very active and in the absence of the necessary load, seeks compensation. Considering the size of the pet, its athletic build and restless nature, this often results in serious damage. The interior of the apartment can change a lot. If it is not possible to take care of the animal, load it, it is better to get another breed.

Otherwise, Russian greyhounds compare favorably with other dogs by their exemplary behavior. They bark or howl very rarely. In terms of personal hygiene, they can easily compete even with cats.

Care and health

One of the features of the breed is long hair. It needs to be combed out periodically. Although, paradoxically, special attention won't be needed here. Grooming is carried out only occasionally. You can do without it.

There is a lot of fur left on furniture pieces. Allergy sufferers should especially remember this.

Washing can be a big job. However, the dog is very clean, so frequent repetition of the procedure is not necessary.

The Russian greyhound does not belong to centenarians. The sentence allotted to her is only 7–10 years.

The most common diseases:

  1. Volvulus is the most common. Only urgent surgery or prevention can help.
  2. Heart disease and cancer are common only in last years. Before this they were considered rare. It is characteristic that the same diseases have become much more common in dogs of other breeds.

Large dogs tend to be prone to dysplasia hip joint. This disease is rare in Russian greyhounds.

Due to their extremely low amount of fat, greyhounds are very sensitive to medications. This is especially true for anesthetics. The veterinarian should know about this. Not recommended walks where chemicals were used: pesticides, fertilizers, etc.

Proper nutrition is very important, especially for puppies. Particularly intensive growth is observed in the first two years of life. Concentrated feeds with a lot of energy are not suitable. They cause damage to bones and joints. It is worth remembering that the composition developed for large breeds, V in this case Not recommended.

The point is in the characteristics of the body, physiology. There are a lot of Russian greyhounds moving. They don't need as much fat and muscle as other breeds of the same size. Therefore, such food does not take into account their needs.

Better fit raw stern. To confirm this, we can recall that a close relative, the Hortaya greyhound dog breed, has a similar diet. Traditionally, she is recommended to eat a diet of meat scraps and oats.

It is better to purchase a Russian greyhound puppy from a trusted kennel. There is a higher chance of getting healthy dog. With the right content, it can bring a lot of joy and benefit.

Among all dogs, greyhounds stand apart. For a long time they lived only in aristocratic houses, but then, as they say, “went to the people,” and very successfully. Of course, such a pet requires a special approach, and first the potential owner will have to think carefully about which breed to give preference to. Let's find out together by checking out the most popular greyhound lines.

Hunting greyhounds: distinctive features of the group

These animals are used to bait animals. They are characterized by grace, mobility and a constant need to communicate with the owner. They are distinguished by their rather large size and lean body.

Modern representatives

This group dogs are considered one of the oldest - appearance greyhound dog has been formed over centuries. Nowadays, the number of such breeds amounts to dozens, and sometimes it seems that they are all alike. But a closer look gives a different picture - each of these lines has its own “zest”.

Let's take a closer look at the representatives of the most popular greyhound breeds.

The striking thinness of these dogs is striking, which has become their distinctive feature. Brave and somewhat stubborn, they recognize only the owner, adhering to neutrality in relation to the rest of the family.

Important! The character of a puppy largely depends on its parents. The offspring of show-class dogs are more flexible, while the offspring of “working” animals without real hunting will have a hard time.

Sensitive, although they rarely show emotions. The Azawakh also makes a good guard.

They have a sharp mind - they master commands on the fly. Excellent assistants in hunting on any terrain: the Afghan line is very hardy and weather are not important to them.

Proud character, rudeness is not forgiven. At a young age they can be stubborn, but when proper training become best friends families and faithful guardians.

Harmoniously built dogs with long, silky hair. Mobility and excitement are combined with kindness and calmness. They rarely speak out and get along well with children.
The hunting specialization is the drive of ungulate game, and the nature of the terrain does not play a role.

Real aristocrats with pronounced thinness - the belly is very tucked in, which, coupled with the elongated muzzle, seems to lengthen the dog.
The coat can be either short or middle length. Unlike other greyhounds, such a dog does not hide his devotion to his owner and follows him like a “tail”. And he treats family well too.

Classic greyhound line - graceful and strong dogs, for which constant movement is extremely important. They are considered one of the fastest breeds, so the game has little chance of escaping.

Did you know?Britain is considered the homeland of greyhounds - the ancestors of today's greyhounds appeared on the islands back in the 6th century. BC.

They are very inquisitive, although at home they prefer to sit in silence and sleep. They are loyal to their owners, but require early socialization. Training greyhounds is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task, but all costs are compensated when the dog goes out into the field.

Large animals with strong paws and a powerful body. Medium-length shaggy hair hangs from the body.
One of the hardiest breeds with a somewhat contradictory disposition. A Deerhound on a hunt is a threat to all game, but at home such a pet is the very peaceful one. They are very attached to their owners, patient with the antics of children, and sometimes show affection towards guests.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed received its name for its outstanding size (height at the withers reaches 80-90 cm) and thick coat.

In fact, these shaggy good-natured dogs are very friendly and strive in every possible way to emphasize their devotion to the owner and his family.

Training requires endurance - they learn easily, although the dog perceives any load as a game and often improvises. An ideal partner for big game hunting.

Average in size (maximum 40 cm at the withers) graceful dog with an extended body.

Italian Greyhounds are distinguished by their playfulness and subtle sense of tact - without words they capture the mood of the owner, and when necessary, leave him alone.

They get along well with large animals, but they perceive smaller pets as prey.
Favorite hobby outdoors - chasing a hare.

Important!It is recommended to thoroughly bathe Italian Greyhounds only when absolutely necessary (preferably no more than 2 times a year).

Magyar Greyhounds are strongly built, with dense short fur.
Excellent guards and hunters, they easily get excited, sometimes forgetting about the sense of self-preservation. Just as good as family dogs(the family is perceived as a pack led by the leader-owner).
They are very attentive and capable of learning, but training is somewhat complicated by their independent nature.

They are slender greyhounds with long limbs and a conical muzzle. Due to their short fur, they do not tolerate cold weather well.
They stand out for their intelligence and mobility - it costs nothing for such a pet to escape from the yard. They love to look for all sorts of loopholes and secluded places.

They become attached to people once and for all, and they have a hard time enduring loneliness. The main thing for the owner of such a miracle is not to lose the pet’s trust and to be patient when raising a puppy: the socialization process is quite complicated due to the developed hunting instinct.

A lean and hardy short-haired dog, it can go without water for a long time.
Excellent companions, although not suitable for protection(canarios are not inherently suspicious or aggressive towards strangers).

Their element is hunting hares and rabbits, and the presence of other dogs will not cause conflict. In “peaceful life” it is better to keep him on a leash: if your hunting instincts kick in during a walk, it will be difficult to catch the nimble beauty.

Tall (up to 80 cm at the withers) and graceful dogs with powerful paws.

Kind and balanced, they rarely show emotions. An excellent pet for families with older children.

Did you know?The longer the dog's nose, the better the cooling internal organs animal.

They are wary of strangers- guests are greeted by barking (puppies can be scared).
Provided there are constant long walks, problems with education do not arise. Favorite objects for pursuit are hares, foxes and game birds like bustards.

Large animals with a proportional build. The body is completely covered with hanging long hair.

They are very sociable and adapt well to apartments. They are easy to train and are good neighbors for other pets (with the exception of rodents, in which the dog sees game).

Brave hunters, ready to pursue prey in almost any conditions.

Graceful dogs with broom ears. They are smart and balanced. They usually become close to one person, but they also relate well to the owner’s environment. At the same time, Salukis are not very affectionate and are a little capricious.

When dealing with them, you need to show your character gently - these handsome people are very sensitive and do not forgive harsh measures.

Born hunters, when they see game, they forget about everything in the world. Such tendencies require painstaking training and caution during walks.

Arabian greyhounds show with all their appearance that this is a four-legged aristocrat. Friendly, although rather reserved. They love to play, but can show character.

Important!Smooth-coated greyhounds tend to have dry skin that is very sensitive to harsh scrubbing and strong shampoos.

Very hardy, can withstand heat and long runs. Usually not prone to aggression, servants immediately go on the attack upon noticing a suitable target.

The established daily routine is extremely important - any changes in the usual rhythm are perceived painfully, so you will have to work on this from the first days of arrival in the house.

Graceful dogs with a strong, lean body and well-developed muscles.

Courage and passion are about them. The best pastime for such a pet is an unrestrained pursuit of game (it could be a badger or a hare, a fox or even a wolf). At such moments, he shows anger, which sets Tazy apart from other greyhounds. Ideal assistant for hunting in forests and rough terrain.
At home, he is friendly towards his own people and uncompromising towards strangers - the dog takes security service for granted.

The Kyrgyz mountain hound is harmoniously built and captivates with the mere sight of its woolen curls falling from its legs and belly.

They have very sharp eyesight and enviable health. They are unpretentious in care, which somewhat contrasts with a pronounced sense of self-esteem. This is not a living toy, but a full-fledged companion without a shadow of servility.
They are well trained and are distinctly calm at home. But during the hunt they are transformed - in the excitement of chasing game (from marmot to wild boar), they even forget about their wounds.

These are the real intellectuals among greyhounds.

A graceful, almost airy build is complemented by a good-natured disposition. For such a dog, it is important to be close to the owner and know that he is not forgotten.

Did you know?In my own way intellectual development adult dogs are comparable to 2-year-old toddlers.

Very sensitive to the atmosphere in the house.

They are obedient and easy to train - it is necessary to work with puppies due to their strong pursuit instinct. It is best demonstrated in hunting small field or feathered game: the dog is not afraid of either water or dirt, and can scurry through swamps for a long time.

The medium-sized “saffron milk caps” also stand apart. Many are captivated by their smile in the form of stretched lips or a funny wrinkled nose.

These cuties need affectionate, but steady hand: only the owner’s commands are recognized, although the dog will not refuse to play with children. Socialization is important in relationships with other animals.
They learn commands well, but do not always begin to carry them out - due to their natural intelligence, they first think about the order and find the optimal way to solve the problem (the dog does not tolerate stupid commands).

There are two types within the line:

  • southern - with a lighter, dry build and shorter stature;
  • northern - with a wider body, heavy bones and large sizes.
These dogs are very freedom-loving and independent. They cannot stand idleness, and their developed intelligence sometimes complicates upbringing.

Important!All greyhounds are susceptible to articular dysplasia to one degree or another. An alarming symptom in this case, a barely noticeable lameness or refusal of the dog from usual activity appears.

The owner must control the dog, especially when hunting - Horts are very addicted, and in the heat of the chase they can get injured or injure their “colleagues”.

Basic goals - fur animals, foxes and ungulate game. Prepared animals can even go after a wolf.

With prominent, pointed ears, Sicilian Greyhounds are very intelligent and easy-going. They get along with everyone around them, so they are not suitable for the role of a watchman. True, the only thing they take away from other animals is company.

An active dog is easy to train: even puppies are able to master complex commands(if the training takes place in the form of a game).
Gambling hunters, during a walk they require control - well-developed hunting inclinations can result in troubles both for the spotted animals and for the dog itself.

Who is a greyhound dog suitable for?

These pets will be the best companions for active person with a calm character. Long-term daily walks, going out into nature or going for a bike ride are great bonding moments. If there are no such activities in your daily routine, then it is better not to take a greyhound puppy: boredom and loneliness are contraindicated for such dogs.

Did you know?Greyhounds are considered the oldest branch of the canine world.

Housing conditions are a separate issue. Dog handlers and breeders note that greyhounds need space. A large animal with a restless disposition, finding itself in a “Khrushchev”, will most likely fall into the blues or, worse, withdraw into itself.

Maintenance physical fitness Having a pet is not a task for everyone. For example, it can be difficult for older people to control a nimble dog that is constantly running around looking for a suitable target. And keeping a large animal on a leash that suddenly jerks to the side is quite an effort.

From this we can conclude that the ideal owner and friend for these dogs would be an active and balanced person (preferably a hunter), who leads an active lifestyle and has some teaching abilities - they will be very useful when working with puppies.

Now you know which breeds of greyhound dogs are considered the most popular, and how they differ from each other. We hope this information will help you navigate, and your four-legged friend will become faithful assistant and companion. And let pets bring only joyful moments to your home!

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