What to do if you have a long nose. Big nose: what to do, how to hide it. Physiological features of a large nose

It's rare to meet a girl or woman who is delighted with her nose. " I have a big nose!!!"- she will say further from good mood there won't be a trace left. Of course, often this problem is simply made up, but in some cases you can actually try some tricks to divert attention from an overly prominent or large nose.

Non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose is possible!

A successful eyebrow shape can and should contribute to a set of non-plastic measures for the visual correction of the shape of the nose.

Visual correction of the nose shape

Women and girls whose nose is too noticeable or large should pay attention to the curve, rise, length and - most importantly - thickness of the eyebrow. Well-defined arched or round eyebrows will balance general form faces.

The main essence of the harmony of features: eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, forehead, cheeks should be proportionate to each other. Nature does not endow the face with ideal proportionality, unfortunately, so a woman should arm herself with all available knowledge and achieve the desired results.

However, a not always noticeable nose is a drawback. Let us recall two “national” forms: greek nose And Roman nose. Or Jewish nose, which also speaks eloquently about you... We hasten to assure you that this is not a drawback! The total fashion for Greek or Roman noses has already passed - today more and more attention is paid to the naturalness and individuality of appearance. Today, the fashionable nose is your own.

Common mistakes that prevent you from hiding a big nose

Question: " How to change the shape of your nose with eyebrows?

Answer from Eyebrows.net: It is strongly recommended to avoid straight and thin eyebrows - especially threaded eyebrows, as well as light eyebrows - most often these are blonde eyebrows.

If you have large nose, then it should be balanced by the “enlargement” of the remaining facial features, and if something can be visually made more voluminous, do it! This applies to both eyes, lips and eyebrows. Believe me, you can achieve a truly amazing effect! You don't need any plastic surgery; the shape of your nose can be easily corrected with some feminine tricks.

Haircuts and big nose

If you decide on the right type haircuts, big nose can be visually adjusted

The main emphasis falls, of course, on volume. The volume of the haircut helps to visually reduce the nose.

Note that the volume of the haircut should also depend on the woman’s physique: miniature is not comparable to the maximum volume, and vice versa - the owner of curvaceous figures will not benefit from smooth hair

Hair is considered optimal middle length and lower, but if you have a big nose, this is not a reason to give up a short haircut! Just make a “volumetric emphasis” on the back of the head and avoid excessively covering the face area with hair. Today, the fashionable hair length is the one that can highlight all your advantages.
We strongly advise you to pay attention to
combed hairstyles, where their advantages are described in detail. and also given clear instructions how to backcomb your hair without damaging it.

Harmoniously placed color accents will also help visually change the shape of the nose. Preference is for light brown hair or a natural blonde hair color.

Another important point: bang. She is not the best assistant if you want to visually make your nose smaller. The best option- without bangs.

Bangs cover the forehead and thereby visually reduce the open area of ​​the face, which means that they inappropriately highlight a large nose. If you can’t imagine your look without bangs, then you should choose the “lesser of all evils.” Pay attention to the following types of bangs:

At the same time, owners of a large or wide nose should avoid the following types of bangs, which not only will not help visually change the shape of the nose, but will also make the situation worse:

  • straight bangs
  • straight bangs
  • long bangs
  • round bangs
  • thick bangs
  • french bangs
  • ladder bangs

Makeup: big nose

Makeup is primarily intended to provide aesthetics. woman's face. Today there are many types of makeup, but the basic rules remain the same. Makeup tricks are the art of playing with colors, the ability to place the necessary accents. Hiding a large nose with makeup today is quite simple, and any girl or woman can cope with it on her own. Makeup of the nose, especially if it is too visible on the face, requires the same attention as makeup of the eyebrows, eyes or lips.

In order to make your nose smaller, makeup should be in several shades.

A wide nose can be made narrower by applying a light color to the bridge and back of the nose. Cover the wings of the nose with a foundation half a shade darker.

You can hide a long nose by applying a light tone to the bridge of the nose, and then gradually darken it to the tip.

A big nose it is advisable to cover foundation half a tone lower than the face tone.

The makeup tricks described above are easy to implement - you only need to have two or three tones of foundation in your arsenal. It is possible to achieve smooth color transitions by using a high-quality sponge for applying foundation.

Nose makeup is an art that results in a visual change in the shape of the nose. The accents will shift, facial features will be balanced, and in photographs from special and important evenings you will look simply amazing!

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Created: 21 Feb 2009 Views: 564092

The nose is an organ thanks to which a person is able to breathe and distinguish smells, in addition, nose is individual feature and makes the face unique. A large nose immediately attracts attention, but, unfortunately, often only because it disrupts the proportions of the face and deprives it of harmony and charm. Women, more often than men, worry about the size and shape of the organ of smell, believing that a large nose, if not disfiguring, at least deprives a girl of attractiveness and makes her feel self-conscious about her appearance. Little consolation for the weaker sex is the opinion of experts who believe that people with large noses are better protected from allergens and pathogens, transmitted by airborne droplets.

In fairness, we note that not always large and wide nose“spoils” the life of the owner and, for example, looks good on a wide, high-cheekbone face, and also blends organically with big eyes, wide eyebrows and plump lips. The situation changes radically if a person has small facial features and, against their background, a nose with optimal ratio length and width. It is no coincidence that rhinoplasty, during which the size and shape of the olfactory organ is changed, has been one of the most popular plastic surgeries for several decades. Experts say that bones and soft fabrics grow up to 18 years of age, and sometimes the formation of the nose continues until 21 years of age, so before this age it is premature to talk about its size, especially since it is not worth correcting an organ that has not yet formed. Interestingly, with age, the nose begins to appear larger due to age-related changes face, including muscle ptosis and reduction.

Signs of a large nose

The size of the nose is usually judged by the ratio of its length, height and width individual parts- base, back, root, tip and according to the correspondence of the organ to the face as a whole. A nose is considered large if its length is more than a third of the length of the face.. In addition, the external perception of the olfactory organ is influenced by its width and height. For example, A girl’s nose will look large and wide if its width exceeds a third of its length. Also looks big nose, if the back is more than 30 degrees with the plane of the face, especially against the background of a sunken (deep) bridge of the nose.

In addition to subjective ones based on visual inspection size criteria, there is also a scientific method for determining size - this is the so-called nasal index (used in anthropology). The nasal index is found by dividing the width of the nose by its length and expressing it as a percentage. Depending on the result obtained, there are:

  • up to 70% - small nose (leptoria);
  • 70-85% - medium-sized nose (mesorhinia);
  • 85-100% - large nose (chamarinia)
  • Over 100% - very large nose (hyperchamarinia)

Studies show that Europeans have relatively small noses, and large ones are more common among indigenous Africans and Australians, which is associated with the peculiarities of maintaining breathing in different conditions accommodation. It has been proven that the shape and size of the nose are largely hereditary in nature and are determined by the national characteristics of a particular people. Thus, Slavs are more likely to have high and thin noses, while Asians are more likely to have wide and flattened noses.

Physiological characteristics of large noses in men and women

Research conducted by American scientists led to the conclusion that people with big noses get sick less often respiratory diseases thanks to longer nasal passages, in which the air lingers a little longer, which means it has time to warm up and get rid of some pathogenic microbes. According to statistics, seven percent fewer microorganisms enter the body of those with large noses, as well as plant pollen, which provokes allergy attacks.

Video about nose correction methods

Surgical correction of a large nose

A large nose in men rarely becomes a source of discomfort; representatives of the stronger half of humanity, if they resort to rhinoplasty, are mostly in case of emergency, for example, to get rid of the consequences of fractures. But girls often worry about what to do if you have a big nose, because for ladies both the shape and size of the olfactory organ are of great importance! Modern plastic surgery, fortunately, can correct almost any defect, including shortening the back of the nose and narrowing the wings of the nose.

To give the organ the desired proportions, its osteochondral frame is reduced. "Unnecessary" soft and bone tissue removed through incisions on inner surface nostrils Often, during the operation, the curvature of the nasal septum is corrected, that is, it is done.

In the case of correction of a large wide nose in a girl or man, first of all, the nostrils are narrowed: part of the soft tissue is removed, after which the shape of the wings is formed. In addition, quite often during rhinoplasty of a wide nose the bridge of the nose is raised. In the event that the bridge of the nose is too wide (a fairly common physiological feature), part of the segments of nasal cartilage is usually removed, and then those that remain are sewn together. Large nose surgery takes up to two hours and is done under general anesthesia.

Attention! When rhinoplasty of a large nose, often covered with thick skin, it is more difficult to correct the tip of the nose, and not the back, as is commonly believed, and special skill is required in order to smooth the transition from the back to the tip. Some plastic surgeons use open access in such cases, believing that it allows maintaining the anatomical unity of all parts of the nose.

Photos of patients before and after correction of a large nose

How much does it cost to reduce a large nose? Cost of surgery in Moscow

Non-surgical ways to reduce a large nose

Only rhinoplasty can permanently eliminate a large nose. If it is not possible to have surgery, then it is worth trying to at least hide the real size of the olfactory organ using the following techniques:

Makeup. girl with big nose must correctly place “accents”, that is, distract from the nose and switch the attention of the interlocutor to other parts of the face. It is best to highlight the eyebrows - enhance the color and give them a round or curved shape, and also make brighter than the eyes. Makeup artists advise applying dark shadows during internal corner eyes and thereby visually narrow the bridge of the nose - this technique is also good for correcting a wide, large nose. The length of the nose can be visually reduced if the tip is made a little darker (powdered with a dark shade of powder). Interestingly, girls with large noses should not highlight their lips, since the effect of switching attention in this case does not work.

Hairstyle. If a girl has a big nose, then soft, large curls and waves suit her. You should not style your hair in a straight parting (it will look like an extension of the bridge of your nose); it is better to opt for a side parting.

Glasses. Stylists know what to do if a large nose interferes with your life and advise you to choose glasses with original frames. The accessory will not only distract attention from the respiratory organ, but will also make the image complete and stylish; For owners of large noses, dark-colored frames with a narrow lens frame, preferably with pronounced angles, are well suited.

Big nose: interesting

There is an opinion that there is a connection between the size of the nose and male “dignity”. However, experts do not support this idea and claim that a man’s large nose is not a sign of remarkable sexual abilities.

Chinese sages recognized the nose as the ruler of the face and believed that its shape could predict a person’s fate. In their opinion, a large nose is more often found in serious, responsible and hardworking men, who are also generously endowed creative abilities. There is a whole doctrine about noses and their connection with the character of people, called nosology, according to which a person with a large nose has a strong and courageous character.

The fact that the nose has at all times been considered the main “detail” on the face is confirmed by the names of works of art: the story “The Nose” by N.V. Gogol, the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” by V. Gauff and the poem “Frost the Red Nose” by N.A. Nekrasov.

Writers had large noses: A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy.

Big noses of steel business cards many popular artists, such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Barbra Streisand, Uma Thurman, Gerard Depardieu and Jean Belmondo. Moreover, there are cases when, succumbing to the fashion for rhinoplasty, people, along with a large nose, lost their individuality and lost their careers. This happened with Jennifer Gray (the film “Dirty Dancing”) - the big one did not stop the actress from becoming the favorite of millions of viewers. However, after Jennifer shrank her nose and became like millions of pretty girls, the directors stopped filming her - they were not interested in this type.

Among Russian stars There are also many people with big noses. Among the men, we will highlight A. Dzhigarkhanyan and V. Mashkov, and among the women, Lolita Milyavskaya and Alika Smekhova. Until recently, this company included Kristina Orbakaite, but several years ago the singer underwent rhinoplasty (in her words, due to injury): as a result, her nose was no longer large, but remained quite large.

It often happens that girls are unhappy with their nose. They complain that it is too big, crooked, long, with a hump, etc. For some, this provokes the development of terrible complexes, that is, it simply poisons life. Young people no longer feel feminine and attractive.

You can increasingly hear questions about how to hide a long nose. In most cases, the problem turns out to be far-fetched, so many women simply need to reconsider their attitude towards themselves and look at things differently. But there are cases when a large nose can actually create huge inconveniences, because it does not make its owner very attractive. But don’t get upset ahead of time, because there are different ways correct this deficiency. We will talk about them.

Cosmetics in the fight against imperfections

With the help of cosmetics you can successfully hide long noses on girls. You can do this adjustment yourself at home, just practice a couple of times and you will do great.

You can hide the size of your nose in the following ways:

  1. Mark the outline. To do this, you need to cleanse the skin with special means. Afterwards, apply foundation to even out your complexion. Next, you need to apply a foundation several shades darker on the sides of your nose, so you will visually narrow its edges. If the nose is too long, then a dark tone can be placed on its tip. But on the bridge of the nose you need to apply a lighter cream to separate the shadows on the sides. Finally, use matte powder to smooth out the unnatural effect.
  2. Accentuate the eyes and lips. Use bright eyeliners and lipsticks to highlight your best features and distract attention from your flaws. But remember that you can highlight one thing: either the eyes or the lips. Everything together looks vulgar and ugly.
  3. Emphasize cheekbones. This moment is a must if you want to divert attention from the not-so-beautiful rest of your face.
  4. Remove shine. Under no circumstances should you use shimmering or shiny powders, as this will only highlight what you don’t want to highlight.
  5. Give the desired shape to the eyebrows. As a rule, these are clearly defined wide eyebrows with a beautiful arch. You can try a rounded eyebrow shape.

Correcting a long nose with a hump has additional requirements. For example, eyebrows should not be straight and thin; they should be colored dark colors. To hide crooked noses, you need to make your eyes larger and your lips fuller. It is also better to use bright lipstick for your lips rather than gloss.

It is very important that when applying foundation you do not overdo it and blend the cream evenly, because the boundaries between the colors should not be visible.

Like these ones simple ways will help you gain confidence and faith in your attractiveness. Having mastered these simple makeup techniques, you will learn how to make yourself an unsurpassed beauty. And all your friends and acquaintances will look after you with envy and ask for advice. Arm yourself with all the necessary materials and get down to business. A little practice and you will certainly succeed!

How to choose the right hairstyle?

Hairstyles play an important role in creating the image of a chic girl. There are some rules for hair styling that can be used to visually correct a nose with a hump, long or simply wide.

Among them are the following basic principles:

  1. Highlighting or coloring. The hair will shimmer with beautiful shades, advantageously hiding all the ugly features. It is better to avoid monochromatic hair, because it draws attention to the center of the face; a large nose will stand out especially strongly in the center of a thin face.
  2. Side bangs. This will open up your forehead, which will draw attention away from the center of your head. Avoid straight bangs that completely cover your forehead.
  3. Ladder haircuts. They place emphasis on the eyes and lips.
  4. Curls and curls. Hairstyles should be voluminous, no need to wear straight, even hair.
  5. Medium and long hairstyles. Hair of this length makes facial features appear more petite.
  6. Avoid sleek ponytails, especially for thin face types. This way you remove volume and draw attention to the unsightly details of your image.
  7. Side parting. These hairstyles will smooth out the large features of your face.
  8. Don't wear short hair. This will only make the situation worse.

It is worth remembering that the volume of the haircut should be suitable in size to the women’s physique. For example, curvy hairstyles are undesirable for a thin face. A overweight women You should avoid straight, even hair.

Never forget that fashionable haircuts are those that suit you. Therefore, do not choose styling for an oval and thin face if you have a large build.

The choice of hairstyles for long noses is now simply huge, so don’t hesitate to ask your hairdresser for advice. If you want to choose a spectacular haircut for a thin face with a long nose, professional stylists or hairdressers in salons will help you do this.

Successful accessories

Stylish accessories can successfully hide your flaws. But it is necessary to approach the selection of jewelry correctly in order to advantageously accentuate the advantages and divert attention from the shortcomings.

Here are some rules for their selection:

  1. Glasses should have a low and wide bridge. It will visually enhance the gap on the bridge of the nose and make it more graceful. It is better to choose large frames that focus attention on yourself.
  2. Lenses. Instead of glasses, you can use lenses so as not to once again emphasize the middle part of the head.
  3. Choose large earrings. They will compete with other large body parts. The ideal option would be hoop earrings.
  4. Wear wide-brimmed hats. Three-cornered hats will do you a disservice, it is better not to resort to them. It would be great if the hat had some bright element: a bow or ribbon, for example.

Don't forget that an abundance of accessories may not work in your favor. Therefore, when choosing this or that jewelry, think carefully about whether it will fit harmoniously into your entire image. After all, it’s better to choose one good thing than a bunch of consumer goods, which will look very vulgar. These issues must be approached with an ideal sense of taste and individual style or seek advice from a specialist.

Is it worth resorting to surgery?

This question worries many women and girls who have serious problems with nose size. Deciding to have surgery or not is an individual choice for everyone. Nowadays what nature gave us is in fashion. There is always an opportunity to correct imperfections with the help of cosmetics and styling. To look wonderful, you just need to play up your weak spots. After all, this can become your highlight, part of your corporate style.

But if you still choose in favor of surgery, then you need to know some contraindications, including:

  • allergic reactions;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver problems;
  • heart pathologies;
  • asthma;
  • neuroses;
  • diabetes.

Remember that rhinoplasty increases the risk of complications and does not always work positive result. There are times when it is almost impossible to achieve the ideal shape.

It’s rare to find a woman happy with her appearance, and those who like their own nose are even less happy. Very often, because of a large nose, complexes develop that support the evil ridicule of others.

But often the problem is far-fetched, existing only in the head of the owner of a large nose.

Of course, nowadays a large nose can be corrected with the help of plastic surgery. You can even consult a specialist surgeon, but in most cases he will most likely advise against such a step.

On the other hand, the size of a large nose can be veiled with the help of simple manipulations with your appearance.

How to visually reduce a large nose?


The correct haircut, in which the main emphasis is on volume, will help correct the size of a large nose. It is the volume that visually makes a girl’s nose smaller. Stylists even recommend paying attention to backcombed hairstyles. However, when choosing, you should also take into account your body type. A small girl with a huge head of hair will look ridiculous, to say the least. Everything must be proportionate!

Hair length can be medium or shorter. In principle, you need to choose a hair length that will highlight your strengths and help hide your flaws, regardless of the fashion trend. If you have a long nose, the main thing is not to unnecessarily cover your face with your hairstyle.

One of the important accents is bangs. Having a large nose, you will have to forget about her. The thing is that bangs visually reduce the open part of the face, so the nose will stand out even more. If you can’t do without bangs, you can use one of the following options: very short bangs, torn, oblique, asymmetrical or side bangs.
The color scheme of the hair will also help to visually reduce the size. Preference should be given to a natural blonde or light brown shade.


If a girl thinks that her nose is too big, she should pay close attention to her eyebrows: their thickness, length, rise and bend. Harmony of facial features implies proportionality of the nose, eyebrows, eyes, lips and cheeks. Therefore, thin eyebrows, and even more so thread-like eyebrows, are absolutely unacceptable. To visually reduce the nose, it is necessary to enlarge other facial features. Therefore, eyebrows should be arched and clearly defined so that the entire appearance is harmonized.


Makeup can work wonders, first of all, making a girl's face aesthetically pleasing. By skillfully using colors and correctly placing the necessary accents, you can help divert attention from a large nose. If, for example, your nose is wide, you need to apply a light foundation on the bridge and back of the nose, and a darker one on the wings.

A long nose will visually appear shorter if a light tone applied to the bridge of the nose smoothly turns into a darker one. dark shade, right down to the very tip. A large nose should be covered with a foundation half a tone darker than the rest of the face. To make color transitions look perfect, you need to use a good sponge to apply foundation.

Using high-quality makeup, you can balance your facial features, shifting the emphasis away from a large nose, and look more beautiful and more confident.

In general, the main thing is individuality, filled with charm and positive energy.

People with big noses. Stars, actresses, models, women with big noses. Photo.

Beauty is a very vague and blurry concept. How fuzzy outlines appear in the haze of ethereal incense, which take their final form subjectively selective method, when everyone decides for themselves what fits this concept. For one, beauty is the ideal forms of symmetry; for another, it is the uniqueness of broken simple lines.

The girl has a big nose. What to do? How to hide?

The “hysterical” question of the fair sex, addressed to a representative of the stronger half of humanity, always makes me smile: “Do you like me? I'm not fat? Don’t I have a long nose?..” By the way, as for the nose, it seems to be “long” in all women, because... They have a lot of curiosity! Is it necessary to hide your nose?

The nose is a very noticeable “figure” on a person’s face, which is considered not only as a necessary respiratory organ, but also as an “outstanding” integral element of a beautiful face. Without it, a face is not a face. There is even whole science, dedicated to the study of noses - a nosology that studies how the type of nose is related to the character and temperament of its owner. Thus, a large, highly developed nose speaks of strength of character and courage, but its dull, small shape speaks of both frivolity and sensuality; owners of a straight Greek nose are distinguished by their noble character, but a nose with a hump indicates a tendency to cunning and cunning.

And how many works have been written dedicated to this part of the body: “The Nose” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, “Dwarf Nose” by the storyteller Wilhelm Hauff, the fairy tale “Whose Nose is Better” by Vitaly Bianchi, the poem “Red Nose Frost” by N.A. Nekrasova and others.

People with big noses.

In general, according to the ancients, people with large noses were born under a “lucky star”; they are talented, bright personalities. This theory confirmed by numerous facts. Suffice it to recall the “great NOSE” of our classics: A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy or N.V. Gogol and others. Hundreds of thousands of people admire no less than the modern famous “nosastics” of cinema and stage. Moreover, they try to imitate them, “trying on” “standards of beauty” on them.

Stars, actresses, models, women with big noses. Photo.

The main character of the infamous series called “Sex in big city" - incomparable Sarah Parker(photo). That's really a nose! But it was precisely thanks to her non-standard appearance that she really “caught” the producers’ eyes and was remembered by television viewers.

Not everyone knows, but in childhood one of the greatest movie maidens Barbara Streisant(photo) was called the big-nosed big guy. And what heights have the magnificent “carriers” reached - Gerard Depardieu, Jean Belmondo, Pierre Richard!

We should not forget the domestic “noses” of Alexei Serebryakov and Vladimir Mashkov, Lolita Milyavskaya(photo).

Nose - Christina Orbakaite(photo).

And many, many others, and, mind you, very wealthy people, who have the means and opportunities to change their appearance, but leave their “imperfect” parts untouched.

However, not all owners of such a “treasure” are happy with the “reward” they received. It may help to solve this problem modern medicine with her “magic magic wand” – rhinoplasty. We should not forget, however, that the nose is a “characteristic” element of our face, focusing attention on it and giving it a unique expression. Changes in it can cause changes not only in your appearance, but also in your destiny.

So, after successfully performing the main role in the film “Dirty Dancing”, the actress Jennifer Gray(photo) decided to have plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose (it was slightly elongated and with a slight hump), so she hoped to achieve even greater success. But it turned out the other way around. Her facial expression changed, it became a little more pretty, but according to producers and film critics, it forever lost its originality and expressiveness. The sad result was the collapse of her so successful acting career. There are a great many examples of plastic surgery and their results are different. If you do decide to have surgery, you should approach it very seriously. It is necessary to carefully review all available materials on the plastic surgery you are interested in, carefully study the history of clinics and leading surgeons; a lot of information can be gleaned from Internet forums. By the way, in fact, only a small percentage of Hollywood doll faces can boast of their natural pristineness. The vast majority of them are the result of good work by the surgeon. But are they happy despite their “ideality”? Be that as it may, everyone decides for themselves whether to go under the surgeon’s knife or not. Plastic surgery– this pleasure is not cheap, so don’t try to save money. Since we have decided to make fundamental changes, then these must be changes for the better.

If a girl has a big nose, what should she do? How to hide?

The situation with the nose can be solved without resorting to drastic measures, namely, choosing the right hairstyle. Short noses will suit hairstyles with small curls and loose hair, while beauties with long noses will suit classic hairstyles: soft curls, flowing hair, large waves. In this case, it is better to wear a side parting. You should also seek the help of a makeup artist. Good specialist knows many tricks on how to visually reduce or lengthen the nose. So, for example, to camouflage the length of your nose, you need to powder its tip with a powder a shade darker than the entire face; a wide nose can be narrowed by applying a product with a radiance effect along the length, and a darker tonal product on the sides; Do not paint your lips very brightly - it is better to highlight the eyes and other parts of the face. The concept of beauty is influenced by eras, styles, fashion trends etc.

What is the opinion of scientists on this natural phenomenon?

Scientists at the University of Geneva conducted a public opinion study on the question “what does the concept of “beauty” mean to you?” the result of which was an interesting result: beauty was equated with health. Healthy body can't be ugly. It's stupid to argue with this. In general, I can note that no matter how beautiful a woman is, she will always be dissatisfied with her appearance, she will suffer and suffer, although she will not show it outwardly. It just drives men crazy. But I dare to assure you, dear women, that if a man turned his attention to you, became interested and invited you on a date, he has already decided for himself the question of your beauty in positive side. Moreover, an interesting point, in my opinion, is that men do not pay attention to individual parts female appearance, but perceive it entirely. This absolutely does not mean that from now on you can not zealously monitor your appearance, they say, the darling will love you, since he chose you. Well maintained appearance I have never harmed anyone, quite the contrary. You may have been born with the ideal facial features of a fairy-tale beauty, but with unwashed hair, pimply skin and unkempt hands, you are unlikely to be able to catch the admiring glances of potential suitors for your hand in marriage.

The main thing to remember is that a person is beautiful in his integrity, and not in his individual elements. You just have to love yourself for who you are and others will perceive you the same way.

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