What to do if a bone is stuck. I have a chicken bone stuck in my throat, what should I do? What does a fish bone feel like in your throat?

The situation when a foreign body gets stuck in the throat while eating is quite common. The most common stuck object is food products, insufficiently chewed or poorly moistened with saliva, bones from fish or chicken, husks from seeds, fruit pits. Children under the age of three, who have a habit of tasting everything, can get stuck in their throats with any object that they put in their mouth for research purposes. What can you do in such a situation on your own, and when is medical help urgently needed?

Causes of foreign objects getting stuck in the throat

There are a wide variety of reasons why chicken bones or fish products, seed husks, tablets, fruit seeds can get stuck in the throat:

  • eating on the go, in a hurry;
  • chewing food insufficiently;
  • attempt to swallow large pieces whole;
  • conversation or laughter during a feast.

Chicken or fish bones with their sharp ends can pierce the mucous membrane of the throat and get stuck in it. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, the location of the stuck bones is the tonsils, which have a loose structure. A person may choke on a pill when the instructions for it recommend taking the medicine entirely without chewing, and there is no water at hand to wash it down.

In children, the cause of bones getting into the throat and getting stuck in it is most often the inattention of parents who are trying to feed their children tasty and nutritious fish, but did not notice small bones during the cooking process. Quite often, children try to eat sunflower seeds, sometimes along with the husk, and choke on them. Particularly dangerous is the penetration of such objects into the upper Airways, which may result in suffocation.

Ingestion of fruit seeds, seeds and husks into the upper respiratory tract can cause suffocation in a child.

Symptoms and possible consequences

In situations where a foreign object gets stuck in the throat, most often the following come to the fore:

  • feeling of discomfort in the oral cavity;
  • sore throat;
  • inability to make a swallowing movement due to severe pain;
  • increased salivation.

If an object with sharp edges, such as a fish or chicken bone, gets stuck in the throat, the mucous membrane may be injured, pain syndrome at the same time, it is quite intense, intensifying when swallowing or trying to change the position of the stuck bone, sometimes minor bleeding is possible. When a sharp object remains in the oral mucosa for a long enough time, it can lead to the development of an inflammatory process:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • swelling at the site of its introduction;
  • local suppuration - microabscess.

In a situation where a foreign body (chicken skin, seed husk, fruit pit) enters the upper respiratory tract, the first place is incessant, against the background of which redness of the face appears, lacrimation, and vomiting may occur. This situation is extremely dangerous with the risk of suffocation and therefore requires immediate action.

If a foreign body enters the upper respiratory tract, it is extremely dangerous because it can cause suffocation.

Emergency care for breathing problems due to a foreign body getting into the throat

If we are talking about an adult, then in most situations a foreign body enters the respiratory tract while eating, especially when the victim eats quickly, in large pieces, talks or laughs while eating. The main symptom is a sudden stop in talking or laughing, the onset of a severe cough, in which the victim grabs his throat with both hands. The person opens his mouth wide, gasps for air, but is unable to take a breath. The face first turns red, then gradually turns pale, and cyanosis appears around the mouth. Here, literally seconds count; if help is not provided, a person can die from hypoxia - lack of oxygen. IN similar situation, if a person cannot clear his throat on his own, it is recommended to apply the Heimlich maneuver to him:

  1. You need to stand behind the victim, grab his torso with both hands, clench your right fist and cover it with the palm of your left hand.
  2. After this, you need to move your joined fists up and towards yourself. If the foreign body has left the airways, breathing is restored.
  3. If this does not happen, movements with clenched hands up and towards yourself must be repeated until the foreign object leaves the respiratory tract or the person loses consciousness. In this case, you need to go to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, leaving this matter to the professionals.

If a foreign body gets into the respiratory tract and a person cannot cough on his own, it is necessary to use the Heimlich maneuver

Video: first aid for a choking person

Is it possible to remove a foreign body from the throat yourself at home?

You can remove a stuck object from the throat yourself only if it is small and does not have sharp edges that can injure the mucous membrane. Ball-shaped objects such as peas can be removed by asking the victim to cough vigorously. If this method does not help, it is necessary to bend the victim over the back of a chair or place him with his stomach on his own knee, head down, while striking with an open palm between the shoulder blades.

In case we are talking about small child, you need to do this:

  1. Lay him on his stomach left forearm so that the head is lower than the body.
  2. Fix with the fingers of your left hand lower jaw in open position.
  3. Open palm right hand tap between the shoulder blades.

A round object tends to both roll up and roll out of the throat easily.

The child must be placed on the forearm, head down, and tapped between the shoulder blades with an open palm.

Video: how to save yourself

If we are talking about a stuck bone, then you can remove it yourself only when it is embedded shallowly, has a free edge sufficient to grab it with tweezers, and is not too far from the entrance to the bone. oral cavity. At the same time, there is always a risk that the bone may break, and then you will still have to apply for medical care to the doctor .

If the stuck object is very small and you can’t even see it, you can wrap your finger in several layers of bandage and carefully walk along the arches of the tonsils in a circular motion, the small bone should catch on the bandage.

Many sources recommend pushing through a stuck bone by chewing a crust of black bread, but experts point out that in some cases, as a result of this procedure, the bone may sink even lower, injure other areas of the mucosa, and it will be more difficult to get it out.

You should not self-medicate when a bone is stuck in a child’s throat; in such a situation, you should immediately seek medical help from professionals.

From other folk recipes To remove a foreign body stuck in the throat, the following can be noted:

  • eating soft foods - thick yoghurts, semolina or oatmeal, mashed potatoes, which are capable of carrying a stuck seed or bone into the esophagus, enveloping it and thereby preventing damage to the walls;
  • use a tablespoon of any vegetable oil or liquid honey;
  • drinking a glass of very hot tea, while the warmed mucous membrane softens, and the stuck object can come out of it.

There is probably hardly a person who would never choke on bones when eating fish. From own experience I know that in river fish there are many very small and sharp bones that easily get stuck in the throat. However, due to their thinness and flexibility, they lead more to a feeling of discomfort in the oral cavity than they can cause significant harm to health. It is in relation to such small and flexible bones that the “bread crust” rule is well applicable, which, like a brush, clears the throat of parts of the fish skeleton stuck in it.

How to properly remove bone from gums

First, you need to accurately determine the location of the stuck bone, for which you should stand in front of a mirror and shine a flashlight on yourself. If the bone is stuck shallowly, you can try to remove it yourself using tweezers treated with an antiseptic ( alcohol solution). Movements must be careful and careful so that the bone does not break off. It should be remembered that this manipulation may cause a gag reflex.

If the procedure was successful and the bone was removed, it is necessary to rinse your mouth to prevent the development of infection. antiseptic solution, for which you can use furatsilin, infusion of chamomile or calendula. For several days it is recommended to follow a diet, giving preference liquid food and products with a soft consistency:

  • porridge;
  • soups;
  • mashed potatoes.

Sharp and acidic foods, carbonated drinks to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes.

Video: steps to take when a fish bone gets stuck in your throat

What is contraindicated to do if a foreign body is stuck in the throat

Most often, when a person chokes or chokes on something, those around him rush to his aid and begin to beat him intensely on the back. This is not recommended because there is Great chance that the foreign body will penetrate even deeper. For the same reason, experts do not recommend washing down a stuck object with sharp edges with water, since with the flow of liquid, a bone or other sharp object can penetrate into the esophagus and get stuck there, or even lead to perforation of its walls.

You should not attempt to reach the bone with your fingers - this can drive it even deeper. Doctors also do not recommend using a toothbrush, fork or, for example, a toothpick to remove foreign bodies. It is strictly forbidden to carry out external massage throat, this will only increase tissue trauma.

Medical assistance for a foreign body stuck in the throat

You can remove fish or chicken bones yourself only when they are small in size and stuck shallow; in all other situations, you should consult a doctor. Most often, the removal of foreign objects stuck in the throat is dealt with by an otolaryngologist or ENT doctor. After examining the pharynx, using special instruments, he can grab the foreign body and remove it. Sometimes this operation is performed under local anesthesia, children may even need general anesthesia. In a number of situations, when a foreign object is located deep enough, a specialist can use pharyngoscopy (a method of visual examination of the pharynx using a special mirror).

When visiting a doctor, he determines the localization of a foreign body stuck in the pharynx using pharyngoscopy

If a bone or foreign body has already descended into the esophagus or is located in the laryngopharynx, it will help to establish its localization endoscopic examination, using an endoscope, the doctor can carry out subsequent removal of a foreign object. Sometimes surgery may be indicated.

Sometimes nothing can ruin a pleasant dinner like a thing stuck in the throat. fish bone! Not only does it cause a lot of painful sensations; getting a bone into the throat can lead to injuries to the larynx, and if proper measures are not taken in a timely manner, it can cause suppuration, often leading to extreme consequences. Negative consequences. That's why fish lovers need to be fully prepared in case of the unexpected " side effect“from eating your favorite dishes, so as not to spoil the enjoyment of culinary masterpieces for yourself and your loved ones, and, if necessary, to be able to provide quick and effective assistance.

What to do if a bone is stuck in your throat?
Firstly, you should not give in to panic and take rash measures in an attempt to rid your life of the impending threat. Half a loaf of bread, frantically absorbed in huge pieces in order to push through the ill-fated bone, can lead to the exact opposite result, namely: the bone can go even deeper into the tissue, and you will get hiccups or heaviness in the stomach in addition to the already existing troubles. It is also not recommended to urgently try to induce vomiting in the hope that, thanks to muscle contractions, the bone will come out of the larynx: this probability is very small, but you are guaranteed new unpleasant sensations.

Some sources convince of the effectiveness of the technique of removing bones from the throat using molten paraffin or wax. To do this, supposedly, you should light a candle, wait until the wax melts, put out the fire and press the heated part to the fish bone. Hold the candle in this position until the frozen wax attaches to the bone, after which it freely leaves the throat after the “tool” is removed. This method is actually unsafe, since there is a possibility of drops of melted wax getting into the larynx, which will only worsen the situation.

If you get a fish bone in your larynx, remember that you need to act in this situation thoughtfully and extremely carefully:

  1. First, pull yourself together and carefully examine your throat, directing the light source (it’s good if it’s a bright flashlight) so that the affected area is illuminated. If the bone is visible, then ordinary cosmetic tweezers can serve you well: first treat it with alcohol and, looking in the mirror, try to hook the bone with the tool and remove it from the throat; if there are close people nearby, ask them to help you.
  2. In the case of a small bone, prepare an antiseptic solution and gargle thoroughly with it. The antiseptic will prevent inflammation, and muscle contractions when rinsing can help the bone come out.
  3. One of the most effective ways- try to remove the stuck bone with your fingers. Thanks to the sensitivity of your fingertips, you can easily determine its location and can easily remove it, guided by your feelings. To prevent the gag reflex, the throat can be lubricated with lidocaine solution, but if you can do without it, the likelihood of removing a foreign object increases significantly.
  4. In some cases, it has proven itself well as a “ medical instrument» a regular toothbrush, which should be used to “clean” the larynx with back-and-forth movements. During such actions, the bone falls between the bristles and leaves the throat simultaneously with the removal of the brush.
  5. If the bone is not visible and you cannot remove it yourself, but at the same time you feel a constant presence foreign object in the larynx, the most prudent thing on your part would be to go to the clinic, where the doctor will remove the bone using special tools. It is even more necessary to visit a specialist if you feel that painful sensations began to intensify.
Getting a bone in your throat is not the case when you can carelessly wave your hand and continue doing your favorite things. Don’t risk your health by hoping that it will “go away on its own.” The consequences of such a seemingly insignificant incident can be the most unpredictable.

In order to avoid such unpleasant moments, try to be attentive while eating and eat it slowly. Only in this case will you get real gourmet pleasure, not overshadowed by an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fish bone stuck in your throat.

Fish is one of the favorite and most popular products, so every family includes it in its diet. All people try to give preference not bony varieties. This is not surprising, since during the meal a fish bone often gets stuck in the throat. Let's figure it out together what to do in such a situation.

What is the danger of having a bone in the throat?

  1. If during a meal a person violates the culture of eating food, for example, laughs or talks with his mouth full, a foreign object will get stuck and cause enormous discomfort. When swallowing, pain is felt, which manifests itself in tingling.
  2. Difficulties arise when attempts are made to remove the bone on your own. Often the foreign body is located in the most hidden places, be it the area around the tongue and tonsils or the area of ​​the lateral ridges. Often the bone penetrates deeper, reaching the space between the palatine arch and the tonsils.
  3. Any foreign body stuck will cause pain, which intensifies over time and causes irritation of the mucous membranes. IN in rare cases A stuck bone from a fish causes suffocation, difficulty breathing, spasms, and swelling. Particular difficulties are observed when a foreign inclusion creeps into the esophagus, causing esophagitis.
  4. This disease has following signs: pain when swallowing, strong salivation, unpleasant aching pain in the area behind chest, vomiting with blood, fever. If you experience these symptoms, consult your doctor (ENT) immediately. A specialist, using available instruments, will identify the location of the bone accumulation and remove it.
  5. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, it may develop purulent inflammation accompanied by intoxication and pain. In the most difficult situations observed death. Be careful, in advanced stages surgery may be required.

Ways to eliminate fish bone

There are many options for how to remove a stuck foreign body. These methods have been used for a long time, so there is no doubt about their reliability.

Method 1. Fermented milk drinks
To translate this method into reality, you need to take kefir high degree fat content or natural drinking yogurt is also high-fat. The bone can go deeper under the pressure of the fermented milk drink. This technique will only work in cases where the foreign inclusion is not located too deep. You can replace the product mashed potatoes, diluted with melted butter.

Method 2. Bread
Our great-grandmothers used this method. If while eating you feel that there is a bone in your throat, take a small piece rye bread. Don't chew it completely, swallow it. Any stale one will also work. bakery product. It is worth understanding that this method effective, but in some situations a hard product can cause damage to the mucous membranes and inflammation. Resort to it after you have tried the method of removing bones with kefir.

Method 3. Honey
An excellent product that facilitates the comfortable removal of fish bones is honey. The ideal option is a beekeeping product with a liquid consistency. But if this is not the case, take candied honey and heat it in a water bath until the desired structure is obtained. Cool to an acceptable temperature. Scoop up a teaspoon and slowly swallow the raw material. Muscle work is encouraged. This method will lead to the foreign object descending lower into the esophagus.

Method 4. Candle
If the bone from the fish has not penetrated deep into the throat, and its free edge is visible in the oral cavity, resort to using a wax candle. Melt it down reverse side(where there is no wick), while the wax has not yet hardened, bring it to the bone and hold it. When the paraffin hardens, remove the device along with the bone. The method is not particularly difficult, it is painless, but it requires accuracy and good lighting in the room.

Method 5: Sneezing
During the process of sneezing, the swallowing muscles do not tense, but a bone will fly out of the throat. To trigger this reflex, use snuff or crushed black pepper. Such a simple maneuver will lead to the removal of the bone if it is embedded shallowly.

Method 6. Vomiting
This protective reflex helps people when food poisoning and facilitates easy removal of foreign bodies from the throat. To induce gagging, simply insert two fingers into the oral cavity and press on the root of the tongue. Vomit will speed up the removal of the bone in the opposite direction.

Method 7. Tweezers
If the free end of the fish bone is clearly visible, and you are absolutely sure that you can remove the foreign body yourself, use tweezers. Treat it with an antiseptic solution, chlorhexidine, vodka or hydrogen peroxide. Make sure the lighting and mirror size allow you to perform the procedure comfortably. Take a tablespoon, press your tongue with it, stand in front of the mirror. Hook the tool on the bone and pull it out.

What to do after bone removal

  1. If you have successfully gotten rid of foreign matter, now you need to prepare a solution for rinsing your mouth and throat. Take the tincture oak bark, calendula or chamomile. Mix with water, take a little warm liquid and start gargling.
  2. Now the same thing needs to be done, only with chlorhexidine. It will disinfect the oral cavity and remove possible inflammation. Chlorhexidine is sold in pharmacies and does not need to be diluted. Buy a non-alcohol solution.
  3. In any case, the bone will leave an inconspicuous wound, so you shouldn’t bother your throat. Do not eat hard foods for several days, rely on broths and yoghurts.

What to do if the bone cannot be removed

  1. If you are unable to get rid of the bone on your own, under no circumstances should you let things take their course. Foreign body will not go away and can provoke the development of serious problems.
  2. Be sure to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will help you cope with the task without any problems. It is often possible to remove part of a broken bone.
  3. To be completely sure that the problem has disappeared, you need to be examined by a doctor. An ENT specialist or dentist will help solve the problem.

Unacceptable actions

  1. It can be noted that fish dishes are quite tasty and enjoyable. Food from river or marine product it turns out especially well if it was prepared by a real master. Don't forget about the rules for eating fish. The dish must be chewed thoroughly and swallowed in small portions. Take your time, pay due attention to the dish.
  2. In practice, there are still cases when a person follows all the rules for eating such dishes, but the bone still gets stuck in the throat. Often people simply take risks, resorting to not the best, and sometimes quite dangerous methods removal of a foreign body.
  3. The situation will turn into better side, if your option did not work and, moreover, did not cause additional damage. Under no circumstances should you strain your throat muscles or try to cough. If the stuck bone pushes into the esophagus, serious problems will arise.
  4. Don't even think about using it yourself various instruments, which supposedly will help get rid of a sore throat. Among such devices are toothbrush, toothpicks, fork.
  5. Do not massage the outside of your throat where the bone is stuck. Otherwise, such manipulations will lead to irreparable consequences and extensive damage to soft tissues.
  6. It is forbidden to leave the problem even for a day. Try to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the foreign body will cause an infection. fish bone will begin to rot right in the throat.
  7. If you feel that your throat is swollen and breathing is difficult, call an ambulance immediately.

What to do if a bone gets into the esophagus

  1. If you have not encountered a similar problem before, then it is worth knowing that the bone is rarely removed, most often it passes further. In practice, this problem can be quite dangerous. A foreign body can harm mucous membranes internal organs.
  2. If the situation has already occurred, it is necessary to take correct measures. The bone needs to be sealed with enveloping compounds and products. In this case, negative consequences can be avoided.
  3. Does the job perfectly flower honey. Bee product will help solve many problems and prevent the spread of infection. If a bone gets into the esophagus, it is recommended to eat honey with a thicker consistency.
  4. An alternative remedy can be bananas, marshmallows, peanuts and butter, chocolate paste. Such products envelop the mucous membrane of internal organs and protect from damage. The disadvantage of such compositions is that they do not have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is worth drinking herbal or green tea.

If you get a fish bone stuck in your throat, don’t hesitate. Take decisive action, don't panic. If you doubt own strength, contact a specialist immediately. Read the rules about what actions should not be allowed. Follow practical recommendations and try not to get into such situations.

Video: what to do if you have a fish bone stuck in your throat

Each of us eats smoked and fried fish because it's extreme useful product rich in easily digestible protein, phosphorus, many minerals and vitamins. There is one negative feature in fish from which a person can suffer - these are bones.

If we separate a large ridge right away, then with needle-thin bones the situation is different. While chewing, we may not feel them, but if after swallowing, when a fish bone is already stuck in the esophagus and begins to prick it and cause discomfort, then we immediately feel it! This is a rather unpleasant moment, and further we will tell you in the article “I swallowed a fish bone, it got stuck in my throat - what to do?”, how to get rid of it.

In the first method, we will describe the case when the bone is in direct visibility and we can reach it with our finger. Take a wax candle, melt it, light it and drop a few drops onto your finger. While the wax has not cooled down, press it to the bone, wait for it to cool down and carefully pull it out. The bone should come out.

In cases where the bone is stuck deep, use folk way: swallow a small cracker, it should catch the bone and push it through, but this is done if it is very small.

Or you need to swallow a tablespoon of sugary honey and move your throat muscles.

You can try sniffing tobacco or black pepper - this will cause sneezing, which may help the bones come out.

In ancient times they used next method: took small piece washcloths, carefully tied a thread to it (it is better to use fishing line, it will not break) and allowed the patient to swallow. Then they pulled it out by the end of the thread, the bone in the throat hooked to the washcloth and came out or fell down.

Take a handful of large solid cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn), throw a small pinch into a glass, fill with water and gargle several times. Try using long tweezers, a flashlight, and a spoon.

Press the tongue with the tip of a spoon, shine a flashlight into the throat and try to pull out the bone with tweezers. Some people manage to reach the bone with the bristles of a toothbrush, but it is better not to do this.

If the situation is extreme difficult character follow these instructions:

Ask the victim to relax so that he can take a slow, deep breath and then exhale forcefully. There is a possibility that a foreign body will come out with the air flow;

Offer two fingers to tickle or touch the root of the tongue, this will induce vomiting.

If it doesn’t help, you need to take a few more deep breaths, press your fist on the top of your abdomen, bend over and, at the same time as you exhale sharply, cough heavily. These actions need to be performed for 3-5 minutes.

If all of the above methods do not help, contact an ENT specialist. This procedure will not take much time and you should not be afraid of the doctor. Health is more valuable. To numb your throat before going to the doctor, use Cametone, Ingalipt or Ledocaine aerosols.

It is important to remember to take precautions while eating. Do not eat fish when you are very hungry - it causes a rush, do not talk, do not eat in front of the TV, as you will be constantly distracted. Avoid giving small children fish with small bones. Remember that you can make fish cakes that are safe.

It's hard to imagine more unpleasant situation than choking on a fish bone while enjoying dinner.

If you have encountered this problem, then you know that it is a really unpleasant feeling!

After all, when you're getting ready for dinner, the last thing you want to experience is pain and discomfort.

However, people who love fish should be prepared for such troubles. Unfortunately, even the best chef in the world can miss a small bone.

Coming across bones in fish is unpleasant, but it gets even worse when one gets stuck in your throat.

How do fish bones get stuck in your throat?

What is meant by a bone stuck in the throat?

Many fish are full of small bones, which can be a challenge to remove.

Some freshwater fish, such as trout and salmon, are particularly difficult to fillet. A number of restaurants even serve whole fish.

Needless to say, this is a real minefield in your dinner.

If you swallow the wrong piece and don't notice the small bone, you may end up with it stuck in your throat, which can be an unpleasant and painful experience.

How does a fish bone feel in your throat?

If you've never experienced a bone stuck in your throat, it's similar to an unpleasant scratching sensation, like a cold. However, pain does not always appear.

A stuck fishbone isn't usually dangerous, but you may panic, thinking you can't breathe.

Your throat may swell slightly around the bone, which will add discomfort. In some cases, your throat may bleed a little if you scratch it.

How to remove a bone from your throat?

#1: Cough

Your first instinct is to cough and you should follow it.

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, regardless of what you are faced with.

Often, severe cough within a few minutes will be enough to knock the bone out of your throat.

If everything goes well, simply discard the bone and give your throat a rest.

If this doesn't work, try other tips.

#2: Drink olive oil

If you can't cough up a bone, it's time to turn to additional methods.

Olive oil is a great solution because it acts as a lubricant.

The oil will not dissolve in saliva and digestive juices, like water, so it's worth using it.

The oil will make the bone slippery so it can pass into the stomach.

#3: Swallow the marshmallows

Many people use this method, claiming that it is the most effective.

Eat a big marshmallow.

Chew it a little before swallowing.

The sticky dessert will take the bone along with it and send it into the stomach.

No. 4: Vinegar to the rescue

Many believe that this solution allows you to remove the bone by dissolving it.

Fish bones are usually quite thin and fragile, and vinegar is an acid, so the idea is that vinegar will help speed up the process that would be done stomach acids, dissolving the bone in the throat.

The main disadvantage of this method is that dissolution can take a long time.

No. 5: Bread soaked in warm water

The bread method is similar to the marshmallow method.

Take a piece of bread. Suitable for soaking warm water or milk.

Swallow the bread, chewing it lightly.

The rough texture of the bread and the stickiness created by soaking in milk or water will help catch the bone, wherever it is, and send it to the stomach.

#6: See a Doctor

If all five methods are useless, it’s time to seek qualified help.

Usually removal is a quick process that does not involve pain, although in very rare cases surgery is necessary. Very rarely damage fish bone may be life threatening.

Appeal for emergency care mandatory if bleeding is severe (more than a drop), present strong pain, puncture wound or breathing problems.

Anyone who chokes on a fish bone and is unable to breathe should call an ambulance.

Do you have any proven method for removing a fish bone from your throat?

The article was prepared based on materials from www.littlethings.com.

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