What is better to use in case of poisoning: polysorb or enterosgel. Comparison of enterosgel and polysorb sorbents for allergies in children and adults, differences from lactofiltrum for allergic reactions, enterodesis for poisoning. Which is better for babies: enterosgel

To rid the body of toxic substances, allergens and other harmful components, doctors prescribe sorbent drugs to patients. After taking them, the body is cleansed and helps normalize the functioning of many vital organs. The most popular products are Enterosgel and Polysorb, but which one is better to choose? We will try to answer this question.

Sorbents and their analogues

The word sorbent translated from Latin means “absorbing”. Currently, sorbent preparations are actively used by patients to solve many health problems:

  • toxic conditions;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin pathology;
  • diseases of the kidneys and other organs.

Most often, many diseases are caused by toxic and infectious damage to the body, as well as due to metabolic disorders. Doctors prescribe sorbents together with other drugs for complex treatment.

The pharmacy chain offers many products that can remove harmful substances from the body. However, most buyers prefer two drugs - Enterosgel and Polysorb. They belong to the group of enterosorbent drugs and have similar properties, removing harmful substances from the body.

Most drugs have analogues. They can be absolute and relative. Absolute analogues of medicines are distinguished by a similar composition in terms of the content of the main active ingredients. The drug may differ in dosage and method of administration. Relative analogues include products whose composition is slightly different, but has the same effect on the body.

In addition to the effectiveness of the drug, ease of use and safety are also important. To understand which drug to choose, Polysorb or Enterosgel, it is worth conducting a comparative analysis and summing up the results.

An effective sorbent helps fight poisons, toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances. Medicine has a positive effect on the intestines, and also cleanses the blood. The main active ingredient of the drug is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (organic silicon). Already on the third day a positive effect is noted.

Due to the structure of the medication, it absorbs harmful substances like a sponge. At the same time, microelements, vitamins and all other useful components remain in the body. After administration, favorable conditions are created in the intestinal mucosa. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, pathogenic flora of the genitourinary system and intestines is eliminated.

Enterosgel is used depending on the patient’s age up to three times a day. The release form of the drug varies:

  • sachets;
  • pasta in plastic containers;
  • gel for suspensions.

This medication has many analogues, including white and black coal, as well as Smecta, Lactofiltrum and others.

Action of Polysorb

This is a drug with complex effects. After administration, it enters the gastrointestinal tract and removes harmful substances. Polysorb is often used to treat acute intestinal infections. Since it helps cleanse the body, it is often taken for weight loss and acne. For this purpose, it should be taken in a course.

The drug is a white powder with a bluish tint, odorless and tasteless. Main, active ingredient - silicon dioxide. Its molecules react with various harmful substances in the body and are able to bind them and remove them. It is characteristic that they are not absorbed into the blood.

You can take it up to 7 times a day. A single dose should be based on body weight. The drug Polysorb is sold in prepackaged sachets that need to be diluted with water. The shelf life of the ready-to-use solution is only 1 day.

Safety of use

When choosing Enterosgel or Polysorb, you must consult a doctor. Any patient may have an intolerance to individual components in these products or their analogues, which will negatively affect their health and bring only harm instead of benefit.

Gel-like Enterosgel has selectivity, maximally binding harmful compounds. However, it does not affect all the beneficial microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Polysorb has increased sorption activity towards proteins. With increased protein consumption in the body, protein “starvation” may begin, which will negatively affect the patient’s health. For this reason, it is better to choose Enterosgel for long-term use.

Water balance and microflora

In case of intestinal infections, kidney pathology, weight loss in conditions of dehydration, it is very important to prevent additional loss of fluid in the body. In this situation, it is necessary to select drugs with the greatest selectivity in relation to water molecules.

When taking hydrophilic sorbents for more than ten days, they begin to bind water, which can slow down the intestines, and this leads to atony. Enterosgel, even with long-term use, does not cause disturbances in the passage of contents in the gastrointestinal tract.

Enterosorbents have different selectivity, therefore, not all drugs treat beneficial microorganisms that live in the intestinal lumen with care. Causative agents of intestinal infections and other unfavorable factors lead to microflora disturbances in the digestive tract. Antibiotics also have a negative effect.

Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent. Its use can cause dysbacteriosis. Enterosgel has more delicate properties, so it selectively performs its work in the intestinal lumen. It absorbs only harmful bacteria, viruses, and toxins. At the same time, the development or growth of representatives of natural microflora is not suppressed. For this reason, selective enterosorbents work more effectively. Cleansing of the body occurs at a faster pace than from the use of non-selective analogues.

Side effects and contraindications

Polysorb is well tolerated and is a hypoallergenic drug. Side effects are rarely observed when taking it due to silica intolerance. It rarely causes constipation. If an adverse reaction occurs, then you should stop taking the medication. Contraindications include:

  • age of children under 1 year;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • stomach ulcer, intestinal erosion.

Enterosgel is often prescribed as a medication for complex therapy for many diseases in children and adults. The unique composition of the drug makes it possible to give it even to infants. It is often prescribed to pregnant women during toxicosis as a prophylactic and for treatment. It can also be taken by young mothers while breastfeeding.

Eneterosgel has no side effects, but it has There are certain contraindications:

  • ulcer of the stomach and 12-type intestine during an exacerbation;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony, complicated by constipation.

According to reviews from practicing doctors, Enterosgel is inferior in effectiveness to Polysorb, although its cost is several times higher. These two products are very similar to each other because they have a similar principle of action. Which one to give preference to Enterosgel or Polysorb should be decided by each person after consultation with the attending physician. Much depends on the state of the body and other factors.

When purchasing a drug, it is sometimes difficult to make your choice among analogues. For example, how do you know which is better Polysorb or Enterosgel when both medications have good reviews. Only competent information will help you find the differences and show the conditions under which each of the remedies is effective.

Mechanism of action of drugs

Enterosgel and Polysorb are enterosorbents - drugs that absorb and remove poisonous, toxic substances from the body. These medications have recently appeared on the market, but have already become popular.

Both products are developed and produced in Russia. Enterosgel, like Polysorb, is not absorbed into the circulatory system and is completely eliminated from the body.

Both drugs are prescribed for the following deviations:

  1. allergy;
  2. hangover syndrome;
  3. toxicosis during pregnancy;
  4. chronic intoxication;
  5. poisoning;
  6. intestinal infections of various origins;
  7. prevention in unfavorable areas, in production with harmful conditions;
  8. skin diseases;
  9. burns;
  10. wound surfaces on the skin.

Enterosgel acts more selectively than Polysorb in relation to beneficial and harmful substances. It removes toxins, poisons, waste products of harmful microorganisms from the body, but leaves vitamins and necessary substances.

Polysorb acts better on components of protein origin. It binds them, which is especially useful for burns that are accompanied by protein breakdown. The drug will cleanse the blood of such breakdown products.

Both drugs do not affect the positive intestinal microflora, so there is no need to use additional lactobacilli. But sometimes drugs are prescribed, for example, Enterofuril.

Ease of use

The rules for taking these drugs differ. Polysorb has no taste or smell. Before use, it must be diluted with water and stirred well until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. You can stir it in any other drinks, if in extreme cases there is no water nearby. It is impossible to swallow the powder without liquid.

Enterosgel is sold in a tube, has a paste consistency, and is ready for use. It does not require additional training, which is important in emergency situations. The required dosage is swallowed and washed down with water. Sometimes it becomes necessary to reduce the thickness of the paste; to do this, mix Entoerosgel with any drink or water. It is easier for children to drink Enterosgel, as it is tasteless.

The use of all enterosorbents must be accompanied by drinking a large volume of water. For children you can use juices and compotes. If there is a lack of fluid in the body, constipation may occur.

Medicine and dehydration

Enterosgel and Polysorb are used for intoxication of various origins. In such situations, dehydration is often observed, so it is very important to find out the relationship of drugs to water.

Enterosorbents bind water molecules when taken for a long time (longer than 10 days) and can lead to a weakening of intestinal tone and reduce peristalsis. This does not happen when taking Enterosgel. It is not effective against water molecules, just like the analogue drug Polyphepan. Polysorb is almost in last place on the list of effective agents in relation to water.

Contraindications for use

Enterosgel, like Polysorb, has some contraindications for use. Enterosgel is not prescribed to children under 1 year of age (Polysorb can be taken from birth), personal intolerance to the ingredients of the drug is taken into account, and the drug is not prescribed for poor intestinal tone.

If we compare these two products, Enterosgel has a gentler effect on the body. It has fewer restrictions and can be used for diseases of the digestive system. This enterosorbent envelops the walls of the stomach, creates favorable conditions for the restoration of the mucous membrane, and protects against aggressive effects in case of poisoning.

Complications when using drugs

Negative side effects when using drugs are not common. This can include nausea, constipation, allergic skin rashes. If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug.

With prolonged use of Polysorb, hypovitaminosis may develop. A lack of vitamins in the body will appear due to impaired absorption.

Signs of vitamin deficiency:

  • constant fatigue;
  • dry skin;
  • fragility of the nail plate;
  • drowsiness with sufficient rest;
  • hair loss;
  • sleep disturbance (lack of B vitamins);
  • deterioration of immunity;
  • “snagging” in the corners of the lips, bleeding gums, decreased vision (lack of vitamin C, retinol).

If Polysorb is used for more than 2 weeks, the intestinal microflora may be affected. Abdominal pain, attacks of nausea, vomiting, and digestive disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea will begin.

You should consult your doctor about this condition. In some cases, following a diet helps stabilize the situation without the use of medications.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Sorbents are prescribed for pregnant and lactating women. Polysorb and Enterosgel are well tolerated during these periods, as they do not penetrate the circulatory system, breast milk, and do not affect the developing fetus.

The drugs help fight the consequences of diseases and intoxications that can be caused by poor-quality food. During pregnancy, Enterosgel or Polysorb may be prescribed for an infectious disease.

Which drug should I choose?

The chemical compositions of the drugs are approximately the same. They are based on silicon. The sorbing surface is different - in Polysorb it is 2 times larger. This means that its efficiency is also higher with the same indicators.

You can compare storage conditions. Enterosgel should not be left at room temperature or frozen. Its storage location should be in the refrigerator, away from the freezer. It is easier to store Polysorb - at normal temperature.

The price comparison will also be in favor of Polysorb, it is about 2 times cheaper than Enterosgel. The manufacturers of Polysorb claim that their drug does not contain flavoring additives, chemical sweeteners, or flavorings.

The consumer receives only pure active substance. Due to this difference with all other medicines, the price of Polysorb is low.

Both drugs can be used once without a doctor's prescription, for example, in case of poisoning. But for long-term use, you need to consult a specialist. He must take into account the presence of chronic diseases, the patient’s health status, and the severity of the pathology. Before use, you need to read the instructions, it contains instructions for use

You need to choose which is better for you, Polysorb or Enterosgel, in each situation separately. These drugs are analogues, that is, they replace each other, with minor differences. For example, if you have any diseases of the digestive system, then you need to choose Enterosgel.

It will not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. If treatment does not require long-term use, then it is good to use Polysorb MP.

It is better to consult with your doctor in choosing remedies that are slightly different from each other. The specialist will be able to take into account the subtleties of the disease, the presence of chronic pathologies, and the possibility of complications.

The word "sorbent" is of Latin origin and means "absorbing". Today, doctors can no longer imagine treating toxic conditions, allergic diseases, pathologies of the skin, digestive organs, and kidneys without the use of enterosorbents. The development of the pharmaceutical industry, on the one hand, has facilitated the treatment of many diseases, and, on the other hand, has confronted specialists and patients with a difficult choice.

Polysorb or Enterosgel: which is better?

In order to find out, it is necessary to conduct an objective comparative analysis, guided by information from reliable sources. The main property of enterosorbent, which worries both the doctor and the patient, is its effectiveness. As it turned out, not only this indicator is important, but also the safety and ease of use of the drug. Enterosgel is the only jelly-like representative of enterosorbents based on methyl silicic acid. Polysorb is a powdered enterosorbent consisting of small silica particles. Both drugs have similar indications for use. What is the difference?

Ease of use comparison

Polysorb and Enterosgel have a high sorption capacity, which determines the effectiveness of these drugs in absorbing harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. However, before use, Polysorb must be diluted with water and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous (!) mass is formed. Enterosgel does not require such a procedure; it is already ready for use in a tube. To reduce the thickness of the drug and optimally distribute it in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink it with water or any drink available “at hand”.

Polysorb or Enterosgel? Security Profile

Research shows that high sorption activity can be a “double-edged sword.” Despite all the obvious benefits of absorbing a particular drug, it is unacceptable to forget about the peculiarities of its selectivity. Enterosgel, in comparison with its well-known “brothers”, including highly dispersed silicas, is distinguished by its selectivity. This silicon-based gel maximally binds harmful medium-molecular compounds toxins, allergens, metabolites, and does not affect beneficial vitamins, microelements, proteins necessary for the body.

Polysorb has increased sorption activity towards proteins. In practical medicine, this enterosorbent is often used in the treatment of burn disease, since in these conditions a large number of breakdown products of a protein nature circulate in the bloodstream. However, when following a low-calorie diet when losing weight, in case of some intoxications, when increased protein consumption occurs, then it is recommended to use selective enterosorbents (for example, Enterosgel). Otherwise, with long-term use of enterosorbents with low selective properties, signs of “protein starvation” may develop - edema, anemia, muscle weakness, brain failure, decreased immunity.

Water, water is always needed

In conditions of dehydration due to intestinal infections, weight loss, and kidney pathology, it is important to avoid additional fluid loss. In such cases, when prescribing an enterosorbent, it is necessary to choose a drug with the greatest selectivity with respect to water molecules. Hydrophilic sorbents, by binding water, with long-term use (more than ten days) can slow down intestinal motility and lead to intestinal atony. Enterosgel does not cause disruption of the passage of contents through the gastrointestinal tract even with prolonged use.

Comparison of effectiveness: Enterosgel or Polysorb

What about the microflora?

Having different selectivity, not all enterosorbents treat beneficial microorganisms living in the intestinal lumen with care. It has been proven that pathogens of intestinal infections and a number of other factors disrupt the normal microflora of the digestive tract, not to mention the effect of antibiotics on it...

Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent. When using it, dysbacteriosis may occur. Enterosgel is particularly delicate, selectively working in the intestinal lumen. This drug absorbs harmful bacteria, viruses, protozoa and their toxins without suppressing the growth and development of representatives of natural microflora. In this regard, the effect of treatment with selective enterosorbents is achieved at a faster rate than with non-selective therapy.

Damage instead of protection?

In the instructions for use of Polysorb, among the contraindications, erosive and ulcerative defects of the stomach, duodenum in the acute stage, suspected ruptures of the mucous membrane and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract are noted. Enterosgel has no such contraindications; on the contrary, it envelops the lining of the stomach and intestines. The new generation organosilicon enterosorbent does not irritate the mucous membrane, creates favorable conditions for restoring its integrity, local immunity, and protects against the damaging effects of aggressive factors (acids, alkalis, alcohol, medicinal components, infectious agents and their toxins).

“So, Enterosgel or Polysorb: which is better? Which drug to choose as an ideal enterosorbent? The answer to this question is obvious.

With the modern pace of life, with disrupted diet, rest and work patterns, toxic substances often accumulate. Improper functioning of the immune system, digestive tract, kidney dysfunction and alcohol addiction require proper treatment. What do these diseases have in common? The presence of exotoxins and endotoxins in the body. One of the effective ways to remove dangerous foreign substances is the use of enterosorbents.

  • According to its pharmacological affiliation, it belongs to enterosorbing agents of non-natural origin.
  • Active ingredient - colloidal silicon dioxide.
  • Available in the form of a white powder, which is packaged in sealed bags of 1/2/3/6/10/12 grams each. To use, you must open the package and dissolve the contents in warm water. Water is filled to half or one-fourth of a glass. The dose of the required substance is calculated depending on the cause of the disease, age and weight of the patient.
  • The mechanism of action is similar to the enterosorbent "Filtrum". In the intestinal lumen, the active substrate binds endogenous and exogenous toxins and allergens.
  • Contraindications: peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach in the acute stage, intestinal bleeding, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Similarities of drugs

Medicines are analogous in their mechanism of action. After entering the small intestine, the substance, without entering into a chemical reaction with the components of the food bolus, removes toxins in the feces.

Contraindications for medications are similar. The group of enterosorbents is not used during the stage of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease and in case of individual intolerance to individual components.

The effectiveness of both substances is thousands of times higher than that of activated carbon. This fact will provide a pronounced and rapid clinical effect.

“Filtrum” and “Polysorb”, in addition to toxic poisoning, are used to relieve the symptoms of food and drug allergies. This is achieved by binding allergens.

Both drugs are taken one hour before meals 3 times a day.

Also, with long-term use, medications can lead to poor absorption of nutrients and vitamins. This should be taken into account when taking medications during flowering to reduce allergy symptoms.

Enterosorbents rarely cause side effects. Constipation and intolerance to the components of the drug are possible.

Medicines are suitable for children starting from infancy. Which is important, since children have an imperfect digestive system and an excessive desire to understand the world through the mouth.


  1. Medicines are used different active ingredients. “Filtrum” includes the natural components lignin and lactulose, the combination of which promotes rapid excretion by enhancing peristalsis. Polysorb contains artificially produced silicon dioxide.
  2. "Polysorb" is available in larger and more economical packaging in powder form. Filtrum uses swallowable tablets as its release form, which is inconvenient in some situations. For example, in case of use by children. In this case, it is necessary to crush the tablet to prevent accidental inhalation.
  3. Polysorb can be used as a mask for patients with problem skin. Other enterosorbents are not used in this way.
  4. "Polysorb" has an antiseptic effect, thanks to which it can be used externally for various skin lesions.

Drug of choice

If symptoms of poisoning occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and headaches in an adult, it is possible to use both medications. Both pharmacological agents are effective in this case. The choice will be based on material capabilities. "Filtrum" is a more budget-friendly alternative than "Polysorb".

If poisoning occurs in children, it is more advisable to use the drug in powder form to facilitate administration. The younger the child is, the more he needs soluble medicine.

"Polysorb" and "Filtrum" are approved for children of any age, even the smallest.

Both medications are also suitable for relieving allergy symptoms, and the choice will depend on financial capabilities and personal preferences. “Filtrum” will be more effective when it is necessary to quickly remove the allergen. Due to the fact that lactulose, which is part of the drug, enhances peristalsis and increased excretion in feces.

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