What is mts in the lungs. Metastatic lung disease - signs, symptoms, treatment methods and prognosis. What is mts in oncology


Secondary foci of any oncology are metastases. They turn out to be decisive in the life expectancy of every person.

Most patients are interested in how long they live with metastases in the lungs, because the life expectancy with such a disease is really short. Let's try to figure out what metastases are, what symptoms they cause and how long can you live with them?

Causes of metastases

You probably know that the structure of the lungs is distinguished by the presence of a wide network of capillaries. The lymphatic system, being the most important part of the vascular system, essentially performs the function of drainage, as a result of which pulmonary metastasis is observed.

The disease is serious, because metastases can spread at high speed and it becomes impossible to stop them.

The following type of cancer begins to metastasize in the lung tissue:

  • melanoma (skin cancer);
  • kidneys and bladder;
  • stomach;
  • esophagus;
  • mammary gland;
  • colorectal.

Lung damage due to kidney cancer

According to statistics, a large number (50-60%) of kidney cancer metastasizes to the lungs. In patients, secondary malignant foci can be detected during the initial examination; in others, metastases can be detected after nephrectomy.

Metastases to the lungs in appearance resemble round or ovoid nodes, which are noticeable during diagnostics using X-rays or computed tomography.

Speaking from a clinical point of view, this disease manifests itself similarly to the primary lesion of this organ. In most cases, when there is pulmonary metastasis, people may not be aware of its presence, and the disease occurs without symptoms. Nodes from metastases can be single or multiple, and their size can be limited to 0.5-2 cm.

For breast cancer

Breast cancer metastasizes to the lungs even at the initial stage of oncology formation. The spread of cancer cells in lung tissue is observed through the hematogenous route.

In most cases, in the presence of this type of cancer, lytic, solitary, tuberous or spherical metastasis is observed. They may increase in size and remain in the same shape. For this reason, it is important to undergo a full examination if you have oncology; there is always a high probability of the disease spreading through metastasis.

Symptoms of metastases to the lungs

Before making a prediction for a disease such as metastases in the lungs, you need to note the main symptoms. Patients with metastases in the lungs consult a doctor when the disease is at a late stage, the reason for this fact is that in the early stages of malignant growth, oncology may not manifest itself.

If we talk about the standard manifestations of metastases in the lungs, these include the following signs:

  • progressive shortness of breath, which is observed not only during physical activity, but also at rest;
  • the patient is bothered by a dry and hacking cough;
  • the pain syndrome begins to constantly increase. In the initial stages of the disease, pain relief is observed with the help of painkillers, but the patient cannot do without taking narcotic analgesics;
  • After a coughing attack, blood may be present in the sputum.

Speaking about metastases in the lungs, how long to live, in this case it is extremely difficult to get an unambiguous answer, it all depends on the timely determination of secondary oncology. Oncologists advise consulting a doctor if the described symptoms are detected. Often in oncological practice it is possible to identify lung metastases to the primary site of oncology.

The further prognosis is negative; intoxication as a result of cancer begins to increase in the body. This pathology can manifest itself as follows:

  1. Lack of appetite, accompanied by sudden weight loss.
  2. Fatigue is easy, a person feels unwell, and performance decreases.
  3. There is a low-grade fever, which is visible on an ongoing basis.
  4. As cancer develops, the patient has a constant cough, which cannot be removed with medication.

Life expectancy with metastases

If a person has been diagnosed with metastases in the lung area, he first of all becomes interested in how long can one live with such a phenomenon? Let's try to find out about this in more detail.

Quite often, the formation of secondary tumor foci can be observed in patients. According to statistics, this disease is in second place after the manifestation of metastases in the liver. In this case, getting an accurate answer to the question of how long you can live with lung metastases will depend on the type of cancer, the number of metastases and the size of the lesion itself.

Life with metastases in the spine and bones

When a patient has spread of metastases to the spine, this is an extremely unfavorable prognosis for the patient. If it was not possible to determine the presence of metastases in time and begin their therapy, then it is not possible to save the person.

The reason is that there is a spread of metastases along the spine, growing into the lung tissue. Life expectancy in the presence of lung metastases is short.

We draw your attention to the presence of severe pain in the spinal column; they often occur at nightfall. Against the background of constant painful symptoms, the patient develops neurological symptoms, which contributes to the acceleration of death. If measures are not taken and treatment of the pathology is not started, then spinal cancer can disrupt the normal functioning of the body, destroying all systems and organs. The result is death.

It is necessary to conduct research, then we can answer what is the life expectancy for such cancer. During diagnostic measures, they determine how much it is possible to help a person improve their quality of life and prolong it; some live after therapy for several more years.

The presence of metastases in the bones is an unpleasant problem that can be treated in a timely manner. Regular examination by a doctor should not be neglected.

You can suspect metastases in a patient based on the following symptoms:

  • general poisoning of the body;
  • a minor tumor where the site of metastasis is located;
  • osteoporosis, frequent bone fractures;
  • incessant pain in the bones.

How long can a patient live with such a pathology? Judging by medical practice, if a person has secondary multiple tumor foci in the bone area, death occurs 10 months after the onset of the disease.

Life expectancy with brain metastases

If a patient is diagnosed with metastases in the brain, then the primary focus of cancer is in the rectum, kidneys or lung.

It should also be noted that if there are new foci of cancer in the brain, a person’s life expectancy is lower than if it is localized in the brain, but with a primary type of oncology.

The following example can be given: carcinoma in a person’s brain of the head can live longer, compared to metastases in it.

To prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to undergo appropriate diagnostics: CT, radiography, MRI. If the patient has identified metastases, it is recommended to use for treatment: narcotic analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiallergic drugs and corticosteroids.

In some cases, surgery may be required, in most cases it is not advisable, and death occurs faster after surgery. In this case, doctors put forward negative prognosis for survival, which can range from several weeks to several months.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the emergence of secondary cancerous foci represents the final stage of oncology, which indicates the lack of opportunity to help the person. In some cases, the process can be paused a little.

If this is not done, then the maximum life expectancy is a year. Although in some cases there is a real miracle and a person with this form of oncology manages to live for many years.

After a person develops symptoms of metastases in the lungs, for example, a cough that does not go away, he is referred for examination. Most often, the penetration of tumor cells into the lung occurs from other organs. Therefore, in most cases there are no symptoms of the lesion, and metastatic cancer is detected by fluorography. But if a malignant neoplasm arose in the respiratory organs and then began to metastasize, then primary lung cancer can be detected by such signs as:

  • the patient develops severe shortness of breath;
  • a person complains of chest pain;
  • the presence of bloody spots in the sputum when coughing;
  • loss of appetite and general weakness.

In many cases, doctors detect metastases in the lung sacs before they find the main tumor site. This happens because in the majority of patients the disease goes unnoticed.

If a person develops a cough that does not go away for several months, a slightly elevated body temperature, or apathy, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease using different methods

Before treating the disease, it is necessary to find out the location of the main tumor and the processes extending from it. For this purpose, tools such as x-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used.

Metastases in the lung can appear in the presence of a cancerous tumor in other organs, for example, in the mammary gland, bladder, kidneys. Tumor cells often penetrate into the lung from the esophagus and gastric tract. The appearance of tumor cells in the lung can cause melanoma of the skin. This occurs due to the large volume occupied by the respiratory organs and the presence of constant blood circulation through the lung sacs.

X-ray helps to accurately find the location of the main focus of the malignant tumor and identify the location of metastases. To more accurately determine the size and location of malignant emissions in the lung, computed tomography or magnetic tomography is used. It is carried out with a special dye that helps identify all affected cells, including metastases.

Methods of treating the disease

Many patients, having learned about the diagnosis, ask doctors whether such lesions can be treated or not. It all depends on the stage of the cancer and the extent of metastasis. There are various methods to eliminate the disease:

  1. Removal of the tumor through surgery.
  2. Radiation therapy.
  3. Use of drugs and chemotherapy methods.
  4. Treatment with hormonal medications.

In each case, the need to use one or another method of combating the disease is determined by doctors based on examination data.

If it is possible to detect the disease at an early stage, then metastases, with their relatively small number, can be removed through surgery. To do this, the tumor must be well localized, and the formations themselves must be small in size. Surgery is usually performed if one organ is affected by the tumor and others are not affected.

To soften the patient's situation, doctors use radiation therapy. In some cases, when using this method of treatment, it is possible to save the patient from the spread of metastases, as well as to sharply slow down the growth of the tumor.

Chemotherapy is used to combat the spread of metastases and to limit their growth in the patient's body. It is usually carried out using special drugs. If such an intervention has already been used to treat a primary malignant tumor in a patient, the person should inform the doctor about this.

Radiation and chemotherapy have many contraindications and side effects, for example, a person’s hair falls out and he constantly feels nauseous. But to eliminate tumor growth, these methods are considered basic.

If tumor cells have penetrated into the lung sac from the mammary gland or prostate, then in some cases it is possible to use hormonal drugs to combat metastases. This is done when the underlying tumor is sensitive to such drugs.

In difficult cases, it is possible to combine all of the above methods to combat metastases.

Other treatments

The development of medicine has led to the emergence of other methods of ridding patients of metastases in the lung sacs:

  • laser resection;
  • use of radioisotopes;
  • radio surgical method for eliminating metastases;
  • use of neutron or gamma beams.

If metastases have penetrated into the lungs, blocked the main bronchial structures, and blocked the windpipe, then surgeons use laser resection to combat the overgrown tumor cells.

In many cases, when metastases block the main bronchial structures, a method called “endobronchial brachytherapy” is used. Its essence lies in the fact that, using a special device - a bronchoscope, special microscopic ampoules containing a radioactive isotope are delivered to the tumor area and to the metastases. Radiation destroys cancer cells.

Many clinics use a system called “Cyber ​​Knife” to eliminate metastases. This method of radiosurgery does not cause bleeding, and the risk of infection after surgery is very small. This method has proven itself in the treatment of patients with a large number of metastases. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days, and the recovery period takes 1-2 months.

To destroy metastases, doctors have recently begun to use precisely focused beams of directed neutron radiation. Gamma particles can also be used instead of neutrons. This technique allows you to target tumor cells. This does not affect healthy tissue.

All the methods of fighting cancer described above are not effective at stage 4 of the disease. Most patients see doctors in the last stages of the disease. It is very rarely possible to detect a tumor at an early stage of development, when its size is relatively small and it has 1 or 2 metastases. Therefore, early diagnosis of the disease is important. According to statistics, the life expectancy of a person after surgery to eliminate metastases in the lungs is from 4 to 6 years. It all depends on the number of tumor cells that have penetrated the pulmonary sac, the age of the patient, and the ability of his body to resist the disease.

Is it possible to cure metastatic cancer?

Quite often, a malignant tumor is diagnosed at the metastasis stage. This is due to a person’s late visit to the doctor, since the formation can manifest itself as clinical symptoms in grades 2-3.

“Can metastatic cancer be cured?” – not only patients, but also oncologists are puzzled by this question, since it is impossible to be 100% sure that there are no foci of dropouts even after treatment.

Despite modern instrumental and laboratory methods for detecting a tumor, it is not always possible to diagnose the pathology at the initial stage and detect metastases in some locations.

Metastases - what is it?

The presence of metastases in cancer significantly complicates therapy and worsens the life prognosis for a cancer patient. They are a secondary malignant focus, which is formed by the spread of cancer cells throughout the body using blood or lymphatic vessels. Abbreviated as “mts”.

Their location can be both in surrounding structures and in distant organs. The rate of metastasis depends on the type of tumor, its location, the degree of progression at the start of the treatment process and the degree of cellular differentiation.

Most often, secondary damage affects the lymph nodes, liver, lungs, organs of the reproductive system, bones and brain.

Metastasis is dangerous because, affecting surrounding organs, the risk of developing multiple organ failure increases, immune defense decreases and severe cancer pain appears (sometimes without clear localization).

In addition, it should be noted that in most cases, mortality in cancer is caused precisely by the dissemination of secondary foci, and not by the initial tumor.

Clinically, metastases are manifested by symptoms characteristic of a specific location. For example, with secondary damage to bones, increased fragility and severe pain are possible. If the brain is involved, seizures, headache, loss of consciousness, and impaired cognitive function are likely to occur.

To identify oncological foci, instrumental examination is used (ultrasound, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, broncho-, gastro-, colonoscopy).

Also, these studies help evaluate the dynamics of treatment by visualizing the size of the tumor and spread to neighboring structures.

How is metastatic cancer treated today?

Chemotherapy has proven itself to date. It is included both in the treatment tactics of primary malignant neoplasms, preventing the spread of cancer cells throughout the body, and with the aim of inhibiting the growth of secondary lesions.

Depending on the type and degree of cancer, certain treatment regimens have been developed, which differ in the duration of administration, the use of special medications and their combinations. They can be administered intravenously, endolymphally or intraarterially (depending on the location of the pathology).

The disadvantage of using chemotherapy drugs is their toxicity, which affects affected and healthy cells. The chemotherapy course must be carried out exclusively under the supervision of medical workers in a hospital setting. After each course, it is necessary to restore the body, increasing immunity and normalizing impaired organ functions.

To completely cope with metastasis, prescribing one course is irrational, so the patient must understand that the treatment is quite long and complex. Even in the absence of visualization of secondary lesions during instrumental diagnosis, additional chemotherapy sessions are still required to prevent their recurrence.

Another treatment option is surgery. It consists of complete removal of metastases, however, provided that the lesion is operable, that is, it is accessible and not connected to vital organs or structures.

The operation is suitable if there is only one lesion, since if it spreads to the bones and lymph nodes, their complete removal is impossible.

As for radiation therapy, it is used when the tumor is inoperable. It is tolerated by the patient much easier than taking chemotherapy, but is not inferior in effectiveness.

Separately, it is necessary to say about traditional medicine. The debate about its effectiveness has been going on for many years. Traditional recipes can be used to reduce the symptoms of a tumor or to combat the side effects of chemotherapy. However, you should not use unconventional methods to treat cancer without using proven medical methods (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy).

Thoughtless self-treatment of metastases can lead to the fact that the patient consults a doctor at a late stage, as he has been treated for a long time with herbs or other available means. As a result of untimely initiation of proper treatment, life expectancy and prognosis are significantly reduced.

How can metastases be cured?

The prognosis for complete cure of secondary tumors depends on the type of primary oncology. For example, cancerous degeneration of thyroid cells, thanks to modern techniques, is well treated, but therapy for damage to bone structures can only reduce pain and slow down the spread of affected cells.

In this case, surgical treatment is impossible, however, with a clearly localized cancer formation, for example, in the cervix, surgery is the first treatment option.

When examining patients, it is necessary to identify the sensitivity of the malignant tumor to hormones. If such a dependence is detected, it is recommended to remove the organ that produces this type of hormone or prescribe medications to inhibit its functioning. This type of therapy is most often used for metastasis to the prostate, mammary glands, ovaries, bone and other structures.

It is worth noting that hormone therapy also has its disadvantages and side effects. Thus, it is possible to increase body weight, decrease libido, change the functioning of some organs and worsen anemia.

Another treatment method is radiotherapy. It is based on the intravenous injection of radioactive substances into the bloodstream, which, reaching the malignant tumor through the bloodstream, begin to fight its cells. This technique helps to get rid of pain for 3-4 months, but do not forget about side effects in the form of bleeding and the development of infectious processes.

Having considered possible types of treatment tactics, answer the question “Is it possible to cure cancer with metastases?” cannot be answered unambiguously. The prognosis depends on the number, location of mts, the treatment used and the degree of the pathological process at which the disease was detected. In addition, the characteristics of the neoplasm are taken into account in the form of its size, histological structure and spread to neighboring organs. In this regard, it is recommended to consult a doctor when the first signs appear and maintain a cheerful mood, because a lot also depends on your psycho-emotional state!

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Metastatic lung disease - signs, symptoms, treatments and prognosis

Malignant neoplasms in the tissues of the respiratory organs, which are transported by blood or lymph from the primary cancer site, are metastases in the lungs. They are in second place in terms of frequency of damage after the liver. The reason is that a large amount of blood is pumped through the lungs. The development of metastases in them is very often a consequence of cancer of other organs. The prognosis in this case is determined by the nature of the primary focus. Next, you will learn more about what lung metastases look like, the reasons for their appearance and treatment methods.

What are lung metastases?

Secondary tumors in the lungs that arise due to the migration of malignant cells from another organ affected by cancer. This is how medicine determines metastases, the foci of which are located in the lung tissue. Of the secondary tumors, they are the most common and are more often found in men over 60 years of age. With multiple metastases, radical treatment to remove lesions becomes impossible, so the prognosis is unfavorable. An alternative option is chemotherapy, which also does not guarantee the appearance of new tumors.


In the early stages, lung metastases are manifested by symptoms of general intoxication and frequently recurring colds. Then these signs are supplemented:

  • dyspnea;
  • pain and stiffness in the chest;
  • cough with phlegm and blood;
  • swelling of the upper body due to compression of the main vessels and impaired blood flow.

These symptoms may first occur only during physical activity, and then appear at rest. These same signs are primary for lung cancer. Metastases appear here immediately and are not transferred from other organs. The symptoms are not caused by the tumors themselves, but by the infections and inflammations that accompany them. Against the background of cough and pain, fever and loss of body weight are often observed.


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Signs of metastases in the lungs in the first stages are not very pronounced. They may not appear for a long time and begin after the pleura is involved in the oncological process: this is already stage 2 or 3 of cancer. For this reason, the phenomenon is often discovered in a very advanced state. One of the first to develop is a cough, which is significantly different from that observed with a cold. It is characterized by the following features:

  1. In the early stages, the patient suffers from a hacking and dry cough, which is often observed at night.
  2. Then it becomes moist and begins to be accompanied by bloody discharge and purulent mucous sputum.
  3. Gradually, the lumen of the bronchi narrows. This makes the sputum produced when coughing purulent. Sometimes it includes blood streaks.
  4. When cancer grows into the pleural cavity, the cough becomes unbearable and is accompanied by pain due to strong pressure on the bronchi.


Metastases are divided into primary in cancer of the lungs themselves and secondary, which can be detected when other organs are affected, such as:

Causes may include peripheral lung cancer, skin melanoma and various sarcomas. Doctors believe that the source of this type of malignant tumors is almost all oncological diseases, it’s just that in some types they are diagnosed much more often. Cancer cells spread through transport in lymph fluid or blood. Since lung tissue has an extensive capillary network and a loose structure, its metastases are one of the first to strike.


There are several classification criteria by which metastases are divided into different groups. By type they can be focal or infiltrative, and by diameter they can be large or small. Other classifications:

  • by localization - one- or two-sided;
  • by quantity - single (solitary), single (if not more than three) and multiple (if more than 3);
  • according to the characteristics of distribution - disseminated and mediastinal.


To confirm the presence of lung metastases, the patient’s history is studied taking into account the existing symptoms and instrumental and laboratory tests are used. A chest x-ray helps assess the condition of the lung tissue. The image can determine the nature and number of tumors, the presence of effusion in the pleura. If lung cancer with metastases is suspected or simply the presence of neoplasms in these organs, the following is prescribed:

  • CT scan, i.e. computed tomography to determine the smallest traces;
  • ultrasound examination, or ultrasound;
  • MRI, i.e. magnetic resonance imaging to identify secondary lesions up to 0.3 mm in size;
  • cytological examination of sputum and pleural effusion;
  • bronchoscopy for histological examination of the biopsy;
  • open biopsy.

What do lung metastases look like on x-ray?

X-rays are used to take pictures of the lungs, which show formations. They may appear as individual small lesions or larger nodules, which is less common. Different types of metastases are reflected in a certain way on an x-ray:

  1. Nodal. Solitary or multiple forms appear in the form of nodes with clear contours. They are localized mainly in the lower parts of the lungs. Outside the lesions, the tissue of the respiratory organs remains intact.
  2. Pleural. X-ray resembles a picture of pleurisy. The image shows effusion and multiple lumpy deposits.
  3. Pseudo-pneumatic. The cords located closer to the focus have vague contours, and as they move away from the center, the contours of the neoplasms become more precise.
  4. Mixed. With this type of metastasis, several foci from those listed above are observed at once.

Is it possible to cure metastases in the lungs?

The answer to this question depends on promptly seeking medical help. At the first symptoms, you need to see an oncologist. After confirming the diagnosis, removing the main tumor and destroying secondary lesions through radiation therapy, chemotherapy or surgery, we can talk about the result. Life expectancy after surgery also depends on the rehabilitation period, but in the vast majority of cases, the prognosis of metastases in the lung tissue is disappointing.


The specific treatment method is determined by the type and number of metastases. Although the forecasts are generally not very optimistic, today we have learned how to remove such lung tumors. Previously, patients could only alleviate their condition, often with the use of narcotic drugs. Modern methods of treating metastases are:

  1. Chemotherapy. The most common treatment option. It controls the growth of tumors.
  2. Hormonal therapy. Used only if formations are sensitive to it. Has success in the treatment of prostate or breast cancer.
  3. Operation. It involves surgical removal of tumors, but is successful only in the absence of lesions in other organs and a small number of tumors.
  4. Radiation therapy, laser resection. Used only to relieve symptoms.
  5. Radiotherapy. It is the operation of hard-to-reach tumors using a beam of ionizing radiation, i.e. "cyber knife"


Treatment of lung metastases with chemotherapy is the use of cytostatic drugs that are designed to control the proliferation of cancer cells. The course is selected individually for each patient, depending on the therapy against the underlying disease and the condition of the body as a whole. Chemotherapy for lung metastases is often combined with radiation to enhance their effectiveness. In general, it is divided into several types:

  1. Adjuvant. Indicated for patients after surgery to prevent relapses.
  2. Non-adjuvant. It is performed before surgery to reduce the diameter of tumors. Necessary for identifying the sensitivity of cancer cells to medications.
  3. Therapeutic. It is carried out only to reduce tumors.

Removal of metastases

Destruction of tumors through surgery is the most effective treatment. After it, the percentage of survival and life expectancy is the highest. Only this method cannot be used for multiple formations. There must be only one focus, and very clearly localized, then the operation will be successful. Due to the fact that single formations are less common, they are not often resected.

Folk remedies

It is worth noting right away that you cannot be cured with the help of folk recipes. They can only alleviate the condition, reduce pain and other symptoms. Among the more effective recipes are:

  1. A collection of calendula, celandine and nettle. You need to take equal proportions of these herbs, mix, and then pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of hot water. It is recommended to use the infusion twice a day: in the morning and in the evening before meals.
  2. Honey tincture. You need to prepare a couple of burdock leaves. They are ground to a powder, then equal parts of honey and alcohol are added. The mass is left for a week, then up to 3 teaspoons are taken daily.
  3. You need to squeeze the juice out of freshly grated beets through cheesecloth. Then it needs to be cooled by leaving it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. The dose is 10 ml 6 times a day. It is better to do this a quarter of an hour before eating.

Nutrition for metastases in the lungs

The focus of the diet involves enriching a weakened body with vitamins and microelements, but the food should be easily digestible so as not to force the liver to work hard. For general health, it is important to drink enough liquid per day - up to 2-2.5 liters of clean water. The beginning of the meal should be fresh vegetables and fruits, which will increase the production of gastric juice. Next, you should move on to the main meal. Dishes must be prepared by stewing, boiling, baking, or steaming. The list of recommended products includes:

  • fresh juices;
  • sauerkraut;
  • caviar;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oil;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • chicken eggs (no more than 3 pieces per week);
  • wholemeal bread.


In general, metastasis has a very poor prognosis. It all depends on many factors, such as the degree and location of the primary lesion, i.e. which organ is affected by cancer? The size of the formations, their number and timeliness of diagnosis also influence. If treatment is started on time, life expectancy after treatment increases. The prognosis for the appearance of metastases within a year after radical therapy against the primary tumor is disappointing, especially if the tumors have a diameter of more than 5 cm, grow rapidly, and the intrathoracic lymph nodes are enlarged.

How long do people live with metastases in the lungs?

The prognosis will be more positive after removal of single metastases that occurred a year or more after the radical treatment of primary tumors. In this case, life expectancy is much longer. Half of cancer patients live another 5-10 years if they undergo surgery to remove a tumor in the digestive system. In the case of localization of the primary lesion in the genitourinary system, life expectancy after treatment ranges from 3 to 20 years. Multiple metastases from cancer of the lungs or other organs have a disappointing prognosis. Survival is defined as follows:

  • in the absence of necessary treatment, in 90% of cases, death occurs within 2 years after diagnosis;
  • 30% survival rate is achieved using surgical methods;
  • with combined radiation and surgical therapy, survival increases to five years in 40% of cases.

Photo of metastases in the lungs


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Metastases in the lungs: symptoms, stages and survival

Lung metastases are clusters of cancer cells that have formed in the lungs due to cancer in the lung itself or other organs. These cancer cells are carried through the circulatory system through blood vessels (hematogenous route) or through the lymphatic fluid through the lymph nodes (lymphogenous route).

Metastases penetrate into the lungs, as a rule, with more advanced forms of cancer, the third or fourth. It is the stage of the cancer, its localization and the rate of metastasis that determine the further life prognosis.

Causes of metastatic lung damage

The reasons for lung metastasis is the fact that the lungs are an organ consisting of many blood vessels through which blood and lymph circulate. Through these fluids, pathogenic cancer cells from other organs enter the lungs.

Statistics show that most often kidney and liver cancer (sarcoma) can metastasize to the lungs, but other types of this dangerous disease can also cause metastases. This, for example, could be breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer, or lung cancer itself.

It happens that they appear in the place where there was previously a tumor, and after its removal there was a relapse. The presence or absence of metastases may also depend on the general clinical picture of the disease and the immune components of the patient’s medical history.

In some cases, a person can detect pulmonary metastases in the first stages of the disease (for example, with breast cancer) and stop their progression, and sometimes they can go undetected for a long time.

The earlier foci of cancer cells are diagnosed and treatment is started, the more favorable the prognosis. But it is not always possible to diagnose them in the early stages. This is where the insidiousness of the disease manifests itself.

In oncological diseases, cancer cells form a primary focus in the organ whose cancer is diagnosed. Through the blood or lymph, cancer cells can be transported to the lungs, forming a secondary lesion. There are several types of metastases:

  1. Depending on the type of metastasis, focal or infiltrative metastases are distinguished.
  2. By localization - one- and two-sided.
  3. Large and small depending on size.
  4. Based on the number, they are distinguished between single (several pieces), single-focal (solitary) and multiple.
  5. According to the nature of distribution, mediastinal and disseminated can be distinguished.
  6. Metastases in the lung are also distinguished by form: pseudopneumatic, pleural, nodular and mixed.
  7. According to sensitivity to chemotherapy: amenable to chemotherapy and not amenable to chemotherapy.

The above classification will determine the further treatment strategy.

Stages of metastasis

The appearance of metastases is a sequential process, manifested in several stages (stages):

  1. The primary tumor reaches a certain size. In the first stages of cancer, the tumor is small in size, so there is a high probability that the disease will be defeated until metastasis begins.
  2. If the disease has become severe and the tumor has spread widely, some of the cancer cells “break off” and penetrate into the lungs through the blood and lymph.
  3. Already in the lungs, the process of secondary spread of cancer cells begins, their reproduction with the formation of an oncological focus.

In medical practice, there is a common classification of cancer stages, called TNM:

  1. That means there is no cancer.
  2. Tis or T1 – cancer is present, there are no metastases, the tumor is not progressing.
  3. T2 – cancer has been detected, metastases are present, but within one organ and do not spread throughout the body.
  4. T3 – there is cancer, metastases in one organ, there is a possibility of distant foci.
  5. T4 – there is cancer, widespread metastases. Fatal outcome most often.

In accordance with this classification, the stages of metastasis are determined - Mx, M0 and M1. With Mx, metastases are not detected, with M1 they are present within the organ affected by the primary cancer, with M2 distant metastases are found.

The rate at which lesions appear in the lungs, their spread and course depend on the general clinical picture of the disease, the location of the primary tumor, its type, the age of the patient, the treatment measures taken, and the degree of response of cancer cells to this treatment.

Treatment of cancer is complex, but has its own nuances depending on the type of cancer, its stage, degree of spread and size of metastases.

After surgical removal of the primary tumor, radiation therapy (radiotherapy) is widely used, aimed at targeting cancerous areas with radiation. Aims to stop the growth of pathogenic cells. Chemotherapy is also used to fight the disease, it stops its spread.

Endobronchial brachytherapy has a direct effect on the bronchi - radioactive content is delivered to the bronchi using special equipment. If the tumor is hormonal in nature, then hormone replacement therapy has a positive effect on the course of the disease.

At the fourth stage, secondary metastases and the primary tumor are most difficult to treat, however, progressive techniques such as neutron and gamma radiation appear. They are aimed at removing the tumor using a so-called radioactive knife, bypassing healthy tissue.

How to determine the presence of metastases, symptoms

Metastases in the lungs at first do not have pronounced manifestations. The patient may live in complete ignorance. A person may notice shortness of breath, which is often ignored. However, as the disease progresses and there are multiple metastatic nodes, there are symptoms such as a cough, which can be dry, lingering or wet, with sputum and blood clots.

Chest pain is often felt, not only during coughing attacks, but also when breathing. Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing becomes constant, not only during physical exertion, but even at rest.

The consequence of metastases can be frequent manifestations of infectious diseases affecting the lungs: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. Body temperature may also rise, general weakness of the body, loss of weight and appetite may be felt. The presence of these symptoms indicates the third or fourth stage of the disease.

Metastases in the lungs may have similar symptoms to other diseases that are benign in nature and do not pose a threat to life: benign lung formations, pneumonia, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

At the slightest suspicion of the presence of pulmonary metastases, a person should undergo a full examination, which includes X-ray and fluorographic examination of the lungs. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to detect very small lesions.

These modern diagnostic methods can detect secondary lesions smaller than 0.3 mm. In addition to hardware techniques, a cytological examination of secreted sputum is taken, as well as a puncture of the lung.

Survival predictions when primary and secondary metastases are detected

The life expectancy of a patient with lung metastases depends on how timely they are diagnosed. Treatment in the early stages has a more favorable prognosis. So, on average, a person can live 5-10 years after treatment.

Survival rate is also influenced by the factor of which organ cancer was diagnosed initially. For lung cancer, the prognosis is disappointing, no more than three years. With tumors of the genitourinary system, many live up to 20 years.

Oncologists make unfavorable prognoses if metastases appear in the lungs during the first year after removal of the primary tumor, if they spread too quickly, their number is very large, they are large in size and have numerous foci. Such cases include, for example, sarcoma. Unfortunately, death in such cases is likely within two years.

How long people live with lung metastases and how well the disease responds to treatment is also influenced by the state of the body’s immune system. With high resistance, the prognosis is favorable, and you can stay alive for 15 years.

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Numerous types of skin tumors are either completely safe for health or can cause harm to surrounding tissues and even pose a threat to human life.

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The method, which is called shock wave therapy, is used to treat musculoskeletal diseases and any disease of the musculoskeletal system.

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the process of removing cells or tissue from the body for further microscopic examination to check for cancer

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Is it possible to cure metastases?

With any cancer, metastases are almost always observed in other organs. This pathology requires urgent treatment, because cancer cells spread throughout the body so quickly that they can lead to death. Every cancer patient asks their doctor whether metastases can be cured. There is no exact answer to this question, since the severity of the problem is individual for each patient.

Metastasis rate

It is impossible to know how quickly metastases will appear. This process is affected by various factors and features of the cancer tumor. Sometimes it happens that after the formation of the main tumor, metastases immediately appear. On the one hand, this is very good, because the first symptoms of cancer appear, and the person seeks help. Is it possible to cure metastases in this case? There is a high probability of complete recovery of the patient in a short period.

Metastases may be lymphogenous in nature. In this case, their presence is explained by the fact that cancer cells have spread through the lymph to other organs.

Danger of metastases

There is an assumption that metastases develop when the human body cannot fight cancer.

Treatment of metastases

Every cancer patient asks the doctor whether metastases can be cured? In this case, any doctor will say that it is necessary to undergo a course of medical therapy and do a full examination.

the process of removing cells or tissue from the body for further microscopic examination

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treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and any disease of the musculoskeletal system

Secondary cancer of the lung tissue is the second most common among all lung diseases after infections. Therefore, treatment of lung metastases becomes the most important task of the oncologist, regardless of the location and nature of the primary maternal tumor.

Why does cancer often metastasize to the lungs?

The pulmonary parenchyma consists of cavities (alveoli) lined with thin epithelium; the walls of the alveoli are separated from each other by thin connective tissue bridges in which the vessels pass. The pulmonary circulation is called the pulmonary circulation, in which the veins carry arterial blood, and the arteries carry venous blood, all venous blood from organs and tissues ultimately enters the pulmonary circulation and passes through the lungs. Due to the rich blood supply and high minute volume of blood, treatment of lung metastases is limited due to the extreme risk of fatal blood loss. Since blood flow in the walls of the alveoli is slow for efficient gas exchange and there is a rich lymphatic network, there are ideal conditions for the deposition and engraftment of metastases of malignant tumors. Good blood supply and excellent gas exchange only contribute to the growth of metastatic foci in the lungs.
Sources of metastases to the lungs
About seven to eight tumors out of ten metastasize to the lungs: tumors of the prostate, breast, pancreas and thyroid glands, brain, kidneys, etc.
Metastases without the actual primary focus are much less common, when it is the shadow on the fluorogram that alerts the doctor, and the patient is sent for a full examination.

Types of metastases

Before you begin treatment for lung metastases, you need to visualize them: using ultrasound or CT. On tomograms, metastases look like this:
. Nodular (single or solitary and focal or multiple) in the form of a shadow in the lower sections with clear contours. They are similar in growth and invasion to the maternal tumor;
. Focal in combination with lymphangitis (reminiscent of atypical pneumonia, common);
. Diffuse lymphatic (in the form of cords, the most severe type);
. Pleural deposits or mass formations (with effusion, cough, shortness of breath and fever, pulmonary failure). In such cases, treatment of lung metastases begins as treatment of pleurisy, but it should be remembered that pleurisy does not occur on its own, and persistent pleurisy, especially unilateral, is often cancerous;
. Mixed.
Danger and complications of metastases to the lungs
When lesions are located in the area of ​​the roots of the bronchi and large vessels, there are two main types of complications: pulmonary hemorrhage and respiratory failure. Destruction of a vessel by a tumor leads to blood loss and a decrease in the respiratory surface, and compression of the bronchus leads to lung atelectasis and impaired gas exchange. These conditions are a reason for immediate action!


To clarify the number and nature, as well as the location of lesions, X-ray methods and their modification (CT), MRI, PET, expert ultrasound, scintigraphy (administration of a radiopharmaceutical followed by assessment of its distribution in organs and tissues) are used.
Manifestations of pulmonary metastases
Depending on the location of the lesion, the size and index of growth and invasion, the manifestations of metastases can be different, from their complete absence to pronounced phenomena:
. Constant cough of increasing intensity (dry, nocturnal, not relieved by medications);
. Muco-bloody sputum;
. Recurrent pneumonia;
. Vocal cord paralysis and hoarseness;
. Chest pain radiating to the spine;
. Shortness of breath (due to compression of the bronchi and pleurisy);
. Fever, anemia, weight loss;
. Clinical syndrome of the superior vena cava (swelling of the face and upper torso);
. Relief alternating with exacerbations (during the disintegration of the tumor).
What does it mean that a patient has pulmonary metastases?
Pulmonary metastases are almost always distant, so this is automatically the fourth stage of cancer, that is, the incurability of the maternal tumor and the choice in favor of palliative operations. The idea of ​​the futility of treating lung metastases and the “hopelessness” of patients should be put aside. When it is impossible to radically cure a person, there is always a maneuver to help and alleviate the condition. Metastases require careful attention and treatment, as does the main tumor.

Treatment methods

Classically, the treatment of lung metastases, like any other, is systemic chemotherapy. However, pulmonary lesions are very resistant to drugs; treating them with cytostatics is like hitting sparrows with a cannon. Therefore, the Oncology Center uses innovative methods for treating lung metastases:
. Radiofrequency ablation.
This method is associated with the introduction of a manipulator into the metastasis itself, which minimizes damage to surrounding tissues and allows radiation of critical power to be produced. Effective as a treatment for lung metastases in single metastases and in combination with chemotherapy. The procedure is performed through the intercostal space under local anesthesia and gives good results: five-year survival rate of at least 45%, complications less than 2%.
. Targeted chemotherapy (oil chemoembolization of vessels feeding metastases with a cytostatic agent);
. Radiosurgery or Cyber ​​Knife.
A stereotactic unit with an automated robotic control system makes it possible to treat lung metastases without blood or incisions. A linear accelerator gives photons superpower, and a computer collimator adjusts the radiation beam with an accuracy of 1 mm. A session (fraction) lasts up to 1.5 hours; in total, several sessions are required to destroy metastases, and the patient is not put under anesthesia and does not feel anything. Technically complex tumors, with a high probability of bleeding, surgically “inconveniently” located, in the projection of large vessels and nerves are amenable to CyberKnife.
For our specialists, there are no hopeless patients, even if they have metastases. Modern science makes it possible to treat lung metastases, prolong the patient’s life and significantly improve its quality, relieving pain, shortness of breath, cough and pulmonary hemorrhages.

In general, the surname “Petrov” was often used in oncology in various slang terms, meaning the surname of the oncologist - academician N.N. Petrova.

Decoding the oncological diagnosis

Where does the fight against cancer begin? Of course, from making a diagnosis and determining the stage of development of the disease. The further course of the disease and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment depend on this stage.

In medicine, there are generally accepted international standards for determining the stages of cancer, which are characterized by specific signs and differ in both symptoms and clinical picture. Each type of malignant neoplasm also has its own distinctive features.

How to decipher an oncological diagnosis

According to the requirements of the unified international system of classification of oncological diseases (TNM classification), the characteristics of malignant neoplasms are designated by certain Latin letters: T (Tumor), N (Nodulis) and M (Metastases). Together they show the degree of danger and stage of development of cancer. What do these letters mean?

The T symbol describes the characteristics and location of the tumor, its size and extent of spread. N characterizes the condition of the lymph nodes. For example, how close the malignant neoplasm is located, what is the extent of their damage, etc. The presence or absence of metastases is indicated by the letter M.

Thus, the following notations exist:

  • Tx – it is not possible to assess the size and spread of the primary tumor;
  • T0 – the primary tumor is not determined;
  • Tis – preinvasive carcinoma (carcinoma in situ);
  • T1 – malignant neoplasm spreads throughout the affected organ over a short distance;
  • T2 – the tumor develops on the affected organ, but does not grow deeper;
  • TZ – a malignant neoplasm grows into an organ;
  • T4 – tumor spreads to adjacent structures;
  • Nx – there is not enough data to assess the condition of the lymph nodes;
  • N0 – lymph nodes are not affected;
  • N1 – one regional node is affected;
  • N2 – several regional lymph nodes are affected;
  • N3 – distant lymph nodes are affected;
  • Mx – there is not enough information to determine distant metastases;
  • M0 – no signs of distant metastases were detected;
  • M1 – there are distant metastases.

There are two additional criteria, which are usually denoted by the letters G (gradus) and R (resection). These elements allow you to assess the degree of malignancy of the tumor after surgery. But the main indicators are still the letters T, N, M.

Stages of cancer development

The stage of cancer development is determined by the presence of certain characteristics:

Stage I – DNA damage is detected, which provokes uncontrolled breakdown and mutation of cells. This damage can occur from exposure to ultraviolet light, radioactive elements, or certain chemicals. If you contact an oncologist in a timely manner, treatment of a malignant tumor at the first stage is highly effective. According to statistics, the process of cured patients is %.

Stage II is characterized by the germination and uncontrolled increase of damaged cells, resulting in the active development of the tumor. The situation is quite dangerous, but still the prognosis for successful treatment at this stage is close to 75%.

Stage III is determined by the presence of metastasis. Atypical cells begin to quickly divide and move throughout the patient’s body with the flow of lymph or blood. This is the penultimate, rather dangerous stage, and the favorable prognosis for the development of the situation is only 30%.

Stage IV – recurrence. It is characterized by the active, uncontrolled emergence of new tumors localized in various human organs. At this stage, there is no longer any hope for a complete recovery, and treatment is aimed at pain relief, maximizing prolongation and improvement of the patient’s quality of life.

How is a cancer diagnosis made?

Cancer is a fairly serious disease that annually claims thousands of lives from different countries. However, thanks to the progress of modern medicine, today such a diagnosis is not always a death sentence. With timely access to qualified specialists, when the disease has not yet reached its peak, a favorable outcome is possible.

In addition, it must be remembered that the final diagnosis in oncology is made only after a biopsy. This procedure involves conducting a histological examination of tissue from the tumor. A biopsy can determine whether the growth is truly cancerous.

For example, benign tumors have their own focus and grow slowly within its boundaries, without forming metastases. Histologically, they differ slightly from normal tissue. Removal of a benign neoplasm with a membrane in almost all cases leads to a complete cure of the patient.

In malignant tumors, on the contrary, the capsule is almost always absent. Therefore, they are characterized by rapid, infiltrating growth. Another sign of malignant tumor tissue is anaplasia - a return to a simpler type of structure. In this case, differentiation is lost and specific function is lost. Histologically, undifferentiated, anaplastic structures and a large number of mitoses are determined. In addition, many types of malignant tumors metastasize aggressively.

An oncological diagnosis leaves very little time to choose a good clinic and attending physician. Every minute counts. Early diagnosis and timely medical care are of great importance. The effectiveness and cost of treatment directly depend on the stage at which the fight against the disease begins.

That is why, if you detect various seals, you must immediately consult a doctor. In addition, it is extremely important to regularly undergo examination of the body for the presence of any diseases, because prevention is always better than cure.

Attention to cancer patients and their loved ones!

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What does the term "susp mts" mean?

Susp mts is an abbreviation for medicine.

The word susp is short for suspitio. This means that something is suspected (usually we are talking about a suspicion of some disease).

mts is short for metastasis. This refers to tumor metastasis.

If you put everything together, you will suspect metastasis; this is not a final diagnosis, but in any case it is extremely unpleasant news.

The term susp mts is directly related to medicine, and to one of its most unpleasant areas - oncology.

The second part of this term, mts, is an abbreviation of the Latin word metastasis, which translates as Tumor. In other words, when you hear the words that metastases have been found somewhere, you should understand that a tumor has been found.

There is no need to explain what a tumor is. But it should be remembered that the tumor itself is not cancer; it can be a benign formation. And when the diagnosis of cancer is not confirmed, but there is a suspicion of its presence, then they write just susp mts - suspected cancer.

The phrase "susp mts" is a medical term used in oncology, where "mts" means an abbreviation for "metastasis", and "susp" means suspected metastases.

This is the so-called preliminary diagnosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes an additional examination of the patient, with the help of which the preliminary diagnosis can be confirmed or refuted.

What does mts mean in diagnosis?

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What is mts in oncology?

The accelerating development of medicine and science in general in developed countries introduces a lot of terms and concepts that are difficult for the average person to understand. Due to the fact that the protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in Israel are at a qualitatively different level than in the CIS countries, the relevance of understanding special terms also comes to the fore. So, what is mts in oncology and where is this concept used?

Mts is an acronym for the Latin word for tumor metastasis (metastasis). Metastasis of cancer is the appearance of foci of tumor cells in other tissues and organs, which spread from the primary focus by lymphogenous and hematogenous routes. Almost always, the spread of the tumor process occurs no earlier than stage 2 or 3 of the disease (not counting particularly aggressive types of cancer).

The process of metastasis occurs after the tumor grows into small vessels that supply the affected organ. First, the cells enter the regional lymph nodes; they are also called sentinel lymph nodes. Then, through the blood or lymph flow, they enter nearby or distant tissues, causing a pathological process there and the degeneration of healthy cells into cancerous ones.

Considering the complexity of treatment and the unfavorable prognosis of most oncological pathologies, many patients choose Israeli medicine, which is famous for its school of specialists and high technology. At the same time, when receiving treatment abroad, it is important to know what mts is, what are the modern principles of oncology and diagnosis, and some other issues.

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Having no experience communicating in medical institutions, I will say that the treatment measures taken prove to me that recovery is possible. And the first signs of improvement are already visible. Regarding the staff, I can say that everyone was attentive. With respect, Anatoly Farafontov (Department of Dermatology, Dr. Hagit Mats)

Diagnostics mts

Neuroimaging (CT and MRI)

Mts usually appear as “uncomplicated” masses (ie, round, well-circumscribed), often located at the gray-white matter interface. Characterized by severe swelling of the white matter (“finger-shaped edema”), which spreads from the tumor deep into the brain. It is usually more pronounced than with primary (infiltrative) tumors. When multiple mts are detected on a CT or MRI, Chamber's rule states: “He who counts the largest number of mts is right.” Typically mts accumulate CV; they must be taken into account when performing DD of formations that have a ring-shaped BC.

Single supratentorial neoplasms on CT

  • mts in the brain of solid tumors are single in 50-65% of cases
  • in the absence of indications of cancer, negative RGC and IV pyelography (which is approximately equivalent to negative CT scans of the chest/abdomen/pelvis): 7% of single brain tumors are mts, 87% are primary brain tumors, and 6% are non-neoplastic in nature. The effectiveness of detecting the primary tumor during further examination is low (repeated RGCs are recommended)
  • with a known oncological disease for which treatment was carried out: 93% of solitary lesions are mts

MRI: more sensitive than CT, especially for the PCF (including the brainstem). In ≈20% of cases where there are single mts on CT, multiple mts are found on MRI.

LA: may be indicated when a mass formation has been excluded. May be most useful in diagnosing carcinomatous meningitis.

Examination of patients with mts

Before performing a biopsy of a brain tumor: If the nature of the neoplasm is suspected by neuroimaging or surgical material of the mts, examination to locate the site of the original tumor and other possible mts should include:

1. RGC: to exclude a primary lung tumor or other mts in the lungs

2. CT scan of the chest (a more sensitive method than RGC), abdomen and pelvis: to exclude primary tumors of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract (another option is IV pyelography) or mts to the liver

3. fecal occult blood test

4. isotope study of the skeleton: for patients with complaints of pain in the bones or tumors that are characterized by metastasis to the bones (especially: prostate, breast, kidney, thyroid and lung)

5. Mammography in women

In the presence of material from a brain neoplasm: mts small cell carcinoma in the brain most likely from the lung (positive on neuroendocrine stains).

The boundaries of the pineal region: behind - the splenium of the corpus callosum and the choroid plexus, in front - the quadrigeminal plate and the tegmentum of the midbrain, rostrally - the posterior part of the third ventricle, caudally - the cerebellar vermis. Tumors of this area are more common in children (they range from 3 to 8.

Rathke's pouch cysts are non-neoplastic lesions that are considered remnants of Rathke's pouch. They are primarily located inside the sella turcica and are randomly found in 13-23% of autopsies. The adenohypophysis arises as a result of proliferation of the anterior wall of Rathke's pouch, therefore.

The average age of presentation is lower than for typical astrocytomas

Radiological features: isolated mass, accumulates contrast, often cystic with a nodule in the wall

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What is mts in oncology

The term was used earlier, by old oncologists, very broadly. Usually it meant stomach cancer (although in principle it could mean any malignant tumor). It has not been widely used for a long time. In general, the surname “Petrov” was often used in oncology in various slang terms, meaning the surname of the oncologist - academician N.N. Petrova.

cancer, c-r, Blastoma, Bl., NEO, neoplasma (neoplasm), Disease...., Tumor (tumor)

All of the above terms refer to a malignant tumor, usually cancer. They are all used to avoid writing the word “cancer” in plain text. To refer to sarcoma, another abbreviation is more often used - SA (Sa).

Trial laparotomy, Laparotomia explorativa, Petrov's operation, Explorative resection (of something)

All terms denote a situation when the “opening” of the abdomen reveals inoperability, advanced tumor, stage 4 cancer, in which there is no point in performing any intervention. After this, the stomach is sutured without performing any surgery. Among doctors, slang expressions such as “test”, “to hammer” are often used.

Palliative surgery, palliative resection (of something)

Palliative surgery (not radical) is an operation in which the neglect and inoperability of the tumor is also established, but some kind of intervention is performed - either in order to eliminate some complication (bleeding, stenosis, etc.), or in the hope of achieving temporary remission , especially subject to subsequent chemotherapy or radiation treatment (also palliative, that is, not radical).

Symptomatic treatment at the place of residence

A phrase that encodes that the patient has an inoperable, advanced tumor, usually stage 4, and that such a patient, therefore, is not subject to special types of radical treatment from a specialist - an oncologist. It involves prescribing medications that only alleviate the condition of an incurable patient, and, first of all, narcotic analgesics as needed. Among doctors, the slang expressions “symptoms” and “symptomatic patient” are often used. Can be considered synonymous with clinical group 4 of dispensary registration.

A term denoting an advanced tumor in which there are many regional and/or distant metastases. As a rule, we are talking about stage 4 of the tumor process and clinical group 4 of dispensary registration.

The term denotes the continuation of tumor aggression, the continued growth of cancer. Common progression of untreated cancer. However, progression can also occur after special treatment according to a radical program. In such a situation, it is the antonym of the word “remission”. Moreover, the timing of progression can be very variable - continued growth of cancer cells after treatment can occur either after a month or after 30 years. (The longest period of occurrence of progression from the end of treatment that I found in the literature was 27 years).

Secondary hepatitis (pulmonitis, lymphadenitis, etc.), secondary hepatitis (pulmonitis, lymphadenitis, etc.)

All terms indicate the presence of distant metastases (liver, lungs, lymph nodes, etc.). Indicates an advanced tumor, stage 4 cancer.

Virchow's metastasis (cancer metastasis to the supraclavicular lymph node on the left - after the name of the author who first described it) Indicates the advanced stage of the tumor, stage 4 cancer.

Metastasis (short for Latin - metastasis). It can indicate both regional and distant metastases.

prima, secunda, tercia, qarta (prima, second, third, quart)

Latin words are numerals. They indicate the stage of development of cancer, the tumor process - first, second, third and fourth. Among physicians, incurable patients are often referred to with the slang term “quart.”

An abbreviation of Latin words used in the international classification of malignant tumors by stage. T- Tumor - primary tumor, values ​​can be from 1 to 4 depending on size; N - Nodulus - nodes (lymphatic), values ​​can be from 1 to 2-3 depending on the level of damage to regional lymph nodes; M - Metastasis - metastases, meaning distant metastases, values ​​can be 0 or 1 (+), that is, distant metastases are present or not. For all categories (TNM) the value may be x (x) - the available data is insufficient for an estimate.

Difference between stage and clinical group

Often patients, even in long-term remission, panic when they hear the term “clinical group 3,” considering this to be stage 3 of the development of the tumor process. This is not true. “Clinical groups” are clinical observation groups, and their numerical designation does not correlate with the stage of tumor development.

1 clinical group - patients with underlying precancerous diseases, subject to dispensary observation;

Clinical group 2 - patients with cancer of any stage, subject to special types of treatment (surgical, radiation, chemo-hormonal);

3 clinical group - radically cured cancer patients;

Clinical group 4 - incurable patients, patients with advanced malignant tumors who are not subject to special types of treatment.

As you can see, clinical group 3 indicates a very good option.

This phrase usually “hides” the recommendation of prescribing narcotic analgesics to relieve pain. However, the problem of pain management for incurable patients is much more complex and broader than simply prescribing drugs.

Palliative radiation (chemotherapy)

Palliative chemotherapy, palliative radiation - non-radical use of these techniques. That is, a situation where specific treatment is carried out on a patient who is obviously incurable with a deliberately non-radical purpose, either to relieve any complications and improve the quality of the remaining life, or in the hope of at least temporary stabilization of the tumor process. The concept of palliation corresponds to that of surgical treatment.

What are metastases?

Metastases (metastasis - from the Greek meta stateo - “otherwise I stand”) are secondary foci of growth of almost any malignant tumor. Most cancers lead to the appearance of secondary lesions in local and regional lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and spine.

Modern concepts of the development of metastases are based on the fact that metastases develop almost immediately as soon as the malignant tumor itself appears. Individual cells detached from it first penetrate the lumen of the blood vessel (hematogenous dissemination path) or lymphatic vessel (lymphogenous dissemination path), and then are transported with the blood or lymph flow, stop at a new place, then leave the vessel and grow, forming metastases. At first, this process is slow and imperceptible, since cancer cells from the maternal lesion suppress the activity of secondary lesions.

From this point on, the cancer is called metastatic. The process of cancer cells spreading is called metastasis.

The ability to metastasize is one of the key features of malignant tumors, which distinguishes them from benign neoplasms.

What causes metastases?

Will individual cells break away from the mother tumor and form metastases? Tumor cells are coming off and will always come off. Local factors of the body's immune system protect the body from the rapid growth of tumor cells for a very long time. The only question is the likelihood of metastases, and it depends on the type of tumor, its growth rate, the degree of cell differentiation (how different they are from normal), the stage at which the cancer was diagnosed and other factors.

Once tumor cells have spread, they can remain inactive for a very long time (or grow very slowly) for a number of years. The exact mechanisms for triggering a rapid number of metastases in the body have not been studied.

Another fact is important: as the number of cells in the metastasis increases, they begin to secrete growth factors. These growth factors stimulate the formation of a capillary network around tumor cells, which provides the cancer cells with all the nutrients to the detriment of other body tissues.

There are several stages in the spread of cancer throughout the body:

  • Penetration of tumor cells into the nearest blood or lymphatic vessel;
  • Distribution through blood or lymph flow to various parts of the body;
  • Then the cancer cell stops in one of the small vessels and penetrates through its wall into the tissue;
  • For some time it is inactive or reproduces, but very slowly;
  • Rapid growth, expansion of the capillary network.

Many tumor cells die at one of these stages. Those that manage to survive give rise to metastases.

What determines the rate of spread of metastases throughout the body?

The time required for the clinical manifestation of the first metastases is largely determined by the type of tumor and the degree of differentiation of its tissues.

  • Highly differentiated tumors, as a rule, metastasize much less frequently and later than poorly differentiated tumors.
  • In poorly differentiated tumors, cells practically lose the features of normal tissue. This cancer behaves more aggressively.

Sometimes metastases appear very quickly, following the appearance of the primary tumor node. In many patients, metastases are detected after 1–2 years. Sometimes latent or “dormant metastases” are discovered many years after surgery to remove the tumor.

The likelihood of metastasis can be reduced using various treatment methods:

  • Chemotherapy. For example, adjuvant chemotherapy is given after surgery and helps destroy any cancer cells that may remain in the body.
  • Radiation therapy.

How do different types of cancer metastasize?

Most often, metastases are found in the lymph nodes, metastases in the liver, lungs, and much less often in the heart muscle, skeletal muscles, skin, spleen, and pancreas. The central nervous system, skeletal system, kidneys, and adrenal glands occupy an intermediate place in the frequency of detection of metastases in various types of cancer.

Some tumors have favorite sites for metastasis. Such metastases have their own “names” - special terms:

  • Krukenberg metastasis - to the ovaries;
  • Metastasis of Sister Mary Joseph - to the navel;
  • Virchow's metastasis - to the lymph nodes above the left collarbone.

Metastases are always named after the primary tumor. For example, if lung cancer has spread to the adrenal glands, the tumor in the adrenal glands is called “metastatic lung cancer.” However, at the molecular genetic level, metastases may differ from the maternal tumor. This phenomenon is called heterogeneity.

Why are metastases dangerous?

Metastasis of most tumors occurs in cases where the body's reserves in the fight against the tumor are exhausted. Metastases significantly disrupt the functioning of all vital organs and systems. The vast majority of deaths of cancer patients are caused by metastases of the main cancer.

In addition, metastases significantly worsen the general condition, often accompanied by unbearable pain requiring constant pain relief.

How do metastases appear?

The clinical picture of metastatic cancer is determined by the location of the metastases:

  • Damage to the peritoneum (peritoneal carcinomatosis) leads to ascites, which requires laparocentesis;
  • Damage to the pleura (pleural carcinomatosis) causes the development of exudative pleurisy, which requires thoracentesis;
  • Damage to the bones and spine leads to pain in different parts of the body, fractures;
  • Lung damage manifests itself as shortness of breath;
  • Brain metastases lead to headaches, dizziness, convulsions, and impaired consciousness;
  • Liver damage leads to obstructive jaundice.

In addition, toxins released during the constant death of tumor cells cause cancer intoxication of the body.

How are metastases diagnosed?

Survey radiography, ultrasound, radioisotope research, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography - all these techniques are essential in recognizing metastases. These techniques make it possible to clarify the size, prevalence and growth pattern of metastases, their disintegration, suppuration, and germination into neighboring organs and tissues. In addition, these same diagnostic techniques make it possible to monitor the effectiveness of treatment based on the degree of regression of metastases.

Conventionally, two stages of diagnosing metastases can be distinguished:

  • Primary examination, when the main tumor is only diagnosed;
  • Follow-up with an oncologist after treatment. If no metastases were initially detected, and the treatment was successful, you will still have to undergo periodic examinations in the future - there is a risk of relapse.

Etiology of metastatic lung disease

Metastases in the lungs are formed as a result of the detachment of atypical cancer cells and their spread throughout the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. In oncological practice, it is generally accepted that almost every malignant neoplasm can serve as a source of pulmonary metastases. There is the following group of cancers that metastasize to the lungs with a high frequency:

  • rectal cancer;
  • melanoma of the skin;
  • breast cancer;
  • malignant neoplasm of the bladder;
  • kidney sarcoma;
  • tumors of the stomach and esophagus.

Metastases in the lungs: symptoms of presence

As a rule, patients with metastases in the lungs seek medical help in the later stages of the disease, which is associated with the asymptomatic development of tumors in the early stages of malignant growth. Typical manifestations of secondary foci of cancer in the pulmonary system occur in the following form:

  1. Progressive shortness of breath, which occurs during physical activity or at rest.
  2. Regular attacks of dry cough.
  3. Gradually increasing pain syndrome. Cancer pain in the initial stages is relieved with traditional painkillers, but in the later stages it requires the use of narcotic analeptics.
  4. The presence of bloody masses in the sputum after a coughing attack.

How long a person with lung metastases lives depends on the timely detection of secondary oncology. Oncologists recommend immediately seeking medical advice if you detect at least one of the above symptoms! In oncological practice, lung metastases are very often detected long before the primary cancer site is detected.

Further development of the disease is accompanied by an increase in cancer intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in the following clinical picture:

  • fatigue, general malaise and decreased performance;
  • subfebrile body temperature, which is chronic;
  • cough with cancer becomes almost constant;
  • loss of appetite and rapid weight loss.

Diagnosis of metastases in the lungs

To establish a diagnosis of oncology, the following methods are used:

Using an X-ray examination, the doctor determines the presence of metastasis, its location and size.

Digital processing of radiology results makes it possible to clarify the shape and location of the secondary oncological focus.

Examination of the respiratory system in an electromagnetic field using X-rays improves image clarity and diagnostic quality.

Cross-section of lungs affected by metastases

Treatment of secondary cancerous lesions in the lungs

Today, the following methods for treating lung metastases are used in oncology:

Resection of lung tissue along with metastases is the most effective method of anticancer therapy, but it is performed quite rarely. This is due to the fact that the indication for surgical intervention is a single secondary lesion and a clearly localized location of the tumor.

Exposure to highly active x-ray radiation helps stabilize the malignant process and reduce pain. Irradiation with ionizing rays is carried out remotely in stationary conditions.

Systemic administration of cytostatic agents allows controlling the spread of cancer cells. The course of chemotherapy is determined individually for each cancer patient, taking into account the main treatment of the cancer tumor and the general condition of the body. In practice, oncologists combine radiation therapy and chemotherapy to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Taking hormonal drugs is justified in the presence of a hormone-sensitive primary tumor (breast and prostate cancer). This type of exposure is mainly used as part of complex anticancer therapy.

This technique is indicated as a symptomatic treatment of cancerous lesions of large bronchi. Laser resection is carried out under bronchoscopy control.

Innovative “Cyber ​​Knife” technology makes it possible to operate on hard-to-reach cancer tumors using a concentrated beam of ionizing radiation.

How to read a diagnosis if there is a suspicion of a cancerous tumor is an important issue for the patient and his relatives. The article discusses, firstly, the structure of an oncological diagnosis, as well as the rules for reading and understanding it. Let's start with the structure. An oncological diagnosis consists of several components:

  1. Characteristics of the pathological process.
  2. Characteristics of the clinical and morphological variant of the disease.
  3. Process localization.
  4. The stage of the disease, characterizing the prevalence of the process.
  5. Characteristics of the therapeutic effect (indicated in the diagnosis after treatment).

It is imperative to remember that the final diagnosis in oncology is made only after histological examination of tissue from the neoplasm (biopsy). In other words, only after examining a piece of the patient’s tissue under a microscope from the area where the doctor believes the cancerous tumor is located.

Histological examination makes it possible to determine the nature of growth (benign or malignant) and the actual morphology of the tumor (i.e. from which tissue the growth comes), depending on the morphology, and tumors are divided into cancer - tumors from epithelial tissue, sarcoma - tumors of connective tissue, etc. .P.

The morphology of the neoplasm must be known to determine the correct tactics of treatment and management of the patient, for the prognosis of the disease, because Tumors that differ in morphology metastasize, germinate, etc. differently. Before moving on to examples and explanations of oncological diagnoses, let’s consider its main components.

So, first of all, what do the Latin letters mean in the diagnosis? The TNM classification is adopted to describe the anatomical extent of a tumor; it operates in three main categories: T (tumor) – from lat. tumor - characterizes the prevalence of the primary tumor, N (nodus) - from lat. node - reflects the state of regional lymph nodes, M (metastasis) - indicates the presence or absence of distant metastases.

The primary tumor (T) within the clinical classification is characterized by the symbols TX, T0, Tis, T1, T2, T3, T4.

TX is used when the size and local spread of the tumor cannot be assessed.

T0 – the primary tumor is not determined.

Тis – preinvasive carcinoma, carcinoma in situ (cancer in place), intraepithelial form of cancer, the initial stage of development of a malignant tumor without signs of germination of more than 1 layer.

T1, T2, T3, T4 – designations of size, growth pattern, relationship with border tissues and (or) organs of the primary tumor. The criteria by which the digital symbols of category T are determined depend on the location of the primary tumor, and for certain organs, not only the size, but also the degree of its invasiveness (sprouting).

The condition of regional lymph nodes (N) is designated by the categories NX, N0, N1, 2, 3. These are the lymph nodes where metastases will “go” first. Eg. for breast cancer, the regional lymph nodes are the axillary ones on the corresponding side.

NX – there is insufficient data to assess the involvement of regional lymph nodes.

N0 – there are no clinical signs of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Category 0, determined before surgery based on clinical signs or after surgery based on a visual assessment of the removed specimen, is clarified by the results of histological examination.

N1, N2, N3 reflect different degrees of damage to regional lymph nodes by metastases. The criteria that determine the category numeric symbols depend on the location of the primary tumor.

Distant metastases (M) are those metastases that appear in other organs and tissues, and not just in regional lymph nodes (when a tumor grows and the tumor destroys blood vessels, cancer cells enter the bloodstream and can “spread” to almost any organ). They are characterized by the categories MX, M0, M1.

MX – there is insufficient data to determine distant metastases.

M0 – no signs of distant metastases. This category may be clarified and changed if distant metastases are identified during surgical exploration or during postmortem examination.

M1 – there are distant metastases. Depending on the location of metastases, category M1 can be supplemented with symbols specifying the target of metastasis: PUL. – lungs, OSS – bones, NEP – liver, BRA – brain, LYM – lymph nodes, MAR – bone marrow, PLE – pleura, PER – peritoneum, SKI – skin, OTN – other organs.

Second, what does stage mean in diagnosis? There are 4 stages of the oncological process:

Stage 1 - the oncological process affects one layer of an organ, for example, the mucous membrane. This stage is also called “cancer in situ” or “cancer in situ”. At this stage, there is no damage to regional lymph nodes. There are no metastases.

Stage 2 – the oncological process affects 2 or more layers of the organ. There is no involvement of regional lymph nodes, and there are no distant metastases.

Stage 3 – the tumor grows through all the walls of the organ, regional lymph nodes are affected, and there are no distant metastases.

Stage 4 – a large tumor that affects the entire organ, there is damage to regional and distant lymph nodes and metastases to other organs. (In some pathological processes, only 3 stages are distinguished, some stages can be divided into substages, this depends on the classification of the oncological process adopted for a given organ).

Third, what does clinical group mean in diagnosis? Clinical group (in oncology) is a classification unit of dispensary registration of the population in relation to oncological diseases.

1st clinical group - persons with precancerous diseases, actually healthy:

1a - patients with a disease suspicious for a malignant neoplasm (as the final diagnosis is established, they are removed from the register or transferred to other groups);

1b - patients with precancerous diseases;

Clinical group 2 - persons with proven malignant tumors that are subject to radical treatment;

Clinical group 3 - persons with proven malignant tumors who have completed radical treatment and are in remission.

Clinical group 4 - persons with proven malignant tumors, which for one reason or another are not subject to radical treatment, but are subject to palliative (symptomatic) treatment.

The clinical group must be indicated in the patient’s diagnosis. Over time, the same patient, depending on the degree of progression of the process and the treatment provided, can move from one clinical group to another. The clinical group does not in any way correspond to the stage of the disease.

So, now we can say with confidence that the structure of the diagnosis adopted in oncology allows us to understand the situation quite accurately. To understand this more clearly, consider the following examples:

1) Diagnosed with breast cancer. How will this diagnosis appear in the medical records?

DS: Cancer of the right breast T4N2M0 Stage III. 2nd class. group.

T4- tells us that this is a large tumor with invasion into nearby organs;

N2- indicates that there are metastases in the internal lymph nodes of the mammary gland on the affected side, fixed to each other;

M0- indicates that there are currently no signs of distant metastases.

Stage III - tells us that the tumor has invaded all the walls of the organ, regional lymph nodes are affected, and there are no distant metastases;

2 classes group - tells us that the malignancy of the neoplasm has been proven histologically (100%) and the tumor is subject to radical (i.e. complete) surgical removal.

2) A diagnosis of left kidney cancer with metastases to the lungs was made. How will this diagnosis appear in the medical records?

DS: Left kidney cancer T3cN2M1 (PUL) stage III. 4kl. group. T3c - due to the significant size of the tumor, the tumor spreads to the inferior vena cava above the diaphragm or grows into its wall;

N2- metastases in more than one regional lymph node;

M1 (PUL) – there are distant metastases in the lungs.

Stage III - the tumor penetrates the lymph nodes or spreads to the renal vein or inferior vena cava;

Clinical group 4 - a proven malignant tumor, which for one reason or another is not subject to radical treatment, but is subject to palliative (symptomatic) treatment.

3) A diagnosis of cancer of the right ovary with metastases to the peritoneum was made. What will the diagnosis look like in the medical documentation?

DS: Cancer of the right ovary T3N2M1 (PER) IIIA stage 4 class. group

T3- A tumor is present in one or both ovaries, and cancer cells are present outside the pelvic area.

N2- metastases in more than one regional lymph node;

M1 (PER) - distant metastases into the peritoneum;

Stage IIIA - spread within the pelvis, with seeding of the peritoneum (many small metastases are scattered throughout the peritoneum);

Clinical group 4 - a proven malignant tumor, which for one reason or another is not subject to radical treatment, but is subject to palliative (symptomatic) treatment.

4) A diagnosis of sarcoma of the left leg was made. What will the diagnosis look like in the medical documentation?

DS: Osteogenic sarcoma of the lower third of the left fibula T2 Nx M0 IIB stage 2 class group.

T2 - The lesion extends beyond the natural barrier;

Nx, M0 - no metastases;

Stage IIB - Poorly differentiated (very malignant) tumor. The outbreak spreads beyond the natural barrier. No metastases;

2nd class group - persons with proven malignancy of the tumor, which are subject to radical (complete removal of the tumor by surgery) treatment.

5) A diagnosis of cancer of the right lung with metastases to the brain was made. What will the diagnosis look like in the medical documentation?

DS: Bronchoalveolar adenocarcinoma of the right lung T3N2M1 (BRA) stage III. 4kl. group

T3 - a tumor of any size extending to the chest wall, diaphragm, mediastinal pleura (the inner layer of the pleura that is adjacent to the lungs), pericardium (the outer lining of the heart); a tumor that does not reach the carina (this is a small protrusion at the site of the division of the trachea into 2 main bronchi) by less than 2 cm, but without involving the carina, or a tumor with concomitant atelectasis (collapse) or obstructive pneumonia (blockage) of the entire lung;

N2- there is damage to the mediastinal lymph nodes on the affected side or bifurcation lymph nodes

(bifurcation is the place where the trachea divides into 2 main bronchi);

M1 (BRA) - there are distant metastases to the brain.

Stage III - a tumor larger than 6 cm with transition to the adjacent lobe of the lung or invasion of the neighboring bronchus or main bronchus. Metastases are found in bifurcation, tracheobronchial, paratracheal lymph nodes;

4kl. group - a proven malignant tumor, which for one reason or another is not subject to radical treatment, but is subject to palliative (symptomatic) treatment.


Malignant neoplasms that affect internal organs often spread to lung tissue. Metastases are characterized by a high rate of spread. Pathology develops regardless of age; smokers are at risk. With extensive damage to the lungs by cancer cells, there is often an unfavorable prognosis.

Mechanism of metastasis

Lung tissues have a developed circulatory system, which is a suitable environment for the progression of malignant neoplasms. Metastatic spread (MTS) begins with the penetration of cancer cells into the lungs. This occurs from the primary affected organs in several ways:

Which organ cancer metastasizes to the lungs?

Small compactions, a diffuse network covering all tissues, have a tremendous speed of spread. The lungs are the main target for metastases that spread from neighboring organs. Cancer cells often extend from affected tissues:

  • pancreas;
  • uterus;
  • kidney;
  • ovaries;
  • large intestine;
  • mammary gland;
  • prostate;
  • trachea;
  • esophagus;
  • thyroid gland;
  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • skin;
  • Bladder.

Causes of metastatic lung damage

Cancer cells multiply rapidly. Since the lung tissue has a loose structure and is penetrated by a huge number of capillaries, it is an ideal place for the formation of a secondary tumor focus. Abnormal cells enter the organ through the blood and lymph. A factor promoting metastasis is the proximity of:

  • a large number of lymph nodes;
  • coronary vascular systems;
  • aortic-venous network;
  • organs affected by cancer.

Types of metastases

To describe the pathological condition and the manifestation of the clinical picture in oncology, it is customary to systematize the types of lung metastasis. The classification includes several indicators:


Manifestations of metastases


focal, round

vary in size and often spread over the surface of the lung


go deep into the tissue, affecting a limited area


combine both types

By size

large, small

By number


one outbreak



By localization


observed in one lung


affects both paired organs

By prevalence


capture most tissues


localized at the pulmonary apex


Oncological pathology at an early stage is asymptomatic. During this period, the patient may exhibit signs that are inherent in malignant tumors of any origin:

  • weight loss;
  • appetite disorder;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • decrease in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • malaise;
  • deterioration in performance.

As metastases develop in the lung tissues, the patient's condition worsens. Increased susceptibility to colds, pneumonia, and flu. The patient complains of the appearance of:

  • prolonged cough at night;
  • severe shortness of breath without exertion;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • pain syndrome in the chest area;
  • swelling of blood vessels in the neck;
  • loss of voice;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • swelling of the trunk.


At the early stage of development of the pathology, cough is rare. It begins when metastases in the lungs affect the pleura - in the second and third stages of oncology. The cough is initially dry, hacking, and occurs at night. As MTS progresses in the lungs and narrowing of the bronchi, its character changes. The patient notes:

  • bloody sputum;
  • purulent mucus;
  • prolonged attacks;
  • severe chest pain;
  • unbearable cough.


The earlier damage to lung tissue is detected, the more favorable the prognosis for survival. In case of cancer, timely diagnosis is important. For not use several methods:

Research method

What reveals

Diagnostic accuracy



condition of the lung tissue, type of tumor measuring 3–4 cm

preliminary conclusion, detection of large tumors

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

abnormal areas up to 0.3 mm

high information content, accuracy

it is possible to use a contrast agent

Computed tomography (CT)

cancerous lesions up to 0.5 mm in size

performed when there are contraindications for MRI - the presence of a pacemaker, implants

Lung biopsy

nature of the tumor – malignant, benign

very high

tissue samples are taken with a special needle


lesions of the mucous membranes of the trachea, branches of the bronchi

performed with an optical device - a bronchofiberscope; a biopsy is possible


the presence of cancer cells in sputum, pleural effusion, tissues of the bronchi, lung, obtained by biopsy

What do lung metastases look like on x-ray?

When diagnosing, the appearance of metastases in the images becomes decisive. You can see what they look like in the photo. Diagnosticians pay attention to the following signs:

Form of metastases

How it manifests itself


Areas of different diameters


Darkening, mesh on the epithelium of the alveoli, radiance of the contour


Nodes with clear contours, localization - lower parts of the lung


Lumpy layers, accumulation of fluid in the pleura


The formations are vague at the center of the lesion, becoming clearer as they move away from it


In the form of lines, paths from the lymph nodes to the root of the lung


The picture resembles bacterial tissue damage

Miliary carcinosis

A large number of small shadows near the primary focus


Combination of characteristics of several forms

Treatment of metastases in the lungs

Oncologists determine treatment tactics for a patient diagnosed with metastasis of lung tissue taking into account the condition and stage of the disease. The main methods are:

Method of treatment

Problems to be solved


Limiting the spread of abnormal cells

Radiation exposure

Elimination of malignant neoplasms with ionized radiation

Hormone therapy

Neutralization of a hormone-sensitive tumor using special drugs

Laser resection

Relief of breathing when squeezing the throat, bronchi


Excision of the affected area using surgical methods


Removing hard-to-reach formations using a “cyberknife” - a beam of ionizing radiation

Endobronchial brachytherapy

Introduction of capsules with a radioactive substance into the bronchi through a bronchoscope

Palliative therapy is of great importance in treatment. Its tasks are to create a comfortable standard of living for the patient and alleviate his suffering in the event of an unfavorable prognosis. The treatment regimen includes:

  • symptomatic therapy;
  • pain relief;
  • oxygen therapy to ease breathing;
  • psychological support.


The main goal of treating metastases in lung tissue is to destroy and stop the growth of cancer cells and limit their spread. It is solved by taking cytostatic drugs that are introduced into the body through the stomach or blood. The course of treatment and medications are selected individually. Oncologists use the following types of chemotherapy:

Hormonal treatment

The drug method is used when metastases in the lung tissues show sensitivity to hormonal drugs. Treatment can help in cases where the primary focus is located in hormone-dependent organs - the prostate, mammary glands. This treatment regimen cannot be used independently; it requires combination with other methods.

Radiation exposure

Treatment of metastatic tissues by exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation is carried out locally. To do this, it is necessary to know exactly the location of the tumor and the depth of the metastases. Radiation treatment has features:

  • the equipment emits a certain amount of radiation in a limited area;
  • the effect does not extend to healthy tissue.

Operative methods

Lung metastases are rarely treated with surgery. It is advisable to use such techniques only for single formations. There are difficulties in carrying out treatment:

  • metastasis often covers large areas of tissue;
  • It is not always possible to determine the exact location of the lesions.

In some cases, oncologists use the following surgical treatment methods:

  • resection – removal of part of the lung with metastases, if they have a clear localization;
  • radiosurgery - exposure to a “cyberknife” with a large dose of ionizing radiation, used in hard-to-reach places when surgical intervention is impossible.

Lung cancer prognosis

The patient's life expectancy depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and initiation of treatment. The determining factors are:

  • general health, level of the body’s immune system;
  • age of the patient - young people cope with the disease more easily;
  • stage of oncology;
  • size and number of metastases;
  • dimensions, location of the primary focus of the tumor.

Modern medicine cannot completely stop the process of metastasis. Late presentation and lack of treatment often result in progression of the pathology and death. Within two years, 90% of patients die. Surgery and radiation therapy increases life expectancy by 4 years in 40% of patients. Survival depends on timely removal of the primary tumor and its location:


Survival for well-differentiated tumors

Favorable prognosis is given by highly differentiated neoplasms. They have cells that are similar to healthy ones, characterized by slow spread and growth of metastases. The tumor responds well to treatment. Pathology detected at an early stage gives a chance to prolong life by 5 years in 80% of cases.

Prognosis for poorly differentiated neoplasms

Without treatment, a patient with such tumors can live no more than three months. Neoplasms are characterized by the high aggressiveness of cancer cells and their rapid spread throughout the body. This type of tumor is highly sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Life expectancy is 70% within 5 years if you have:

  • timely therapy;
  • pathologies at stages 1 and 2 of development.


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