Chicory calories per teaspoon. Calorie content of chicory and its use for weight loss. Chicory in cooking

Chicory is herbaceous plant with delicate blue flowers. Used as food additives the product stimulates appetite and restorative effect.

The calorie content of chicory per 100 grams is 21 kcal. 100 g of chicory powder contains:

  • 1.7 g protein;
  • 0.2 g fat;
  • 4.1 g carbohydrates.

Vitamin and mineral composition The product is represented by vitamins B, A, C, E, PP, K, manganese, iron, sodium, selenium, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, and other minerals.

The calorie content of chicory with milk 3.2% per 100 grams is 57 kcal. About 50 kcal is contained in the product if milk with 2.5 percent fat is added.

At regular use when eaten chicory with milk is activated immune functions the body, resistance to stress and depression improves, the body is fully saturated with energy.

Calorie content of instant chicory per 100 grams

Calorie content instant chicory per 100 grams 11 kcal. 100 g of powder contains 0 g of fat, 0.1 g of protein, 2.8 g of carbohydrates.

Benefits of chicory

The benefits of chicory are as follows:

  • due to the large amount of B vitamins in chicory, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, including improving mood and having a calming effect;
  • The most useful property of the product is considered to be its ability to reduce blood sugar levels. If you love sweets, cakes and pastries, consume chicory along with them. This combination will significantly reduce the harm of sweets;
  • Vitamin B1 in chicory is necessary for the breakdown of fats. It is thanks to thiamine that chicory is very effective for weight loss;
  • At the moment, chicory is considered one of the most effective natural remedies for the prevention diabetes mellitus;
  • with regular consumption of food, collagen fibers of the skin are restored, which, in turn, helps maintain its elasticity;
  • chicory in masks is good for hair health;
  • thanks to inulin, the product helps cope with constipation and dysbacteriosis;
  • Chicory contains a lot of potassium, so it is good for the heart and blood vessels.

Harm of chicory

The harm of chicory may include the following:

  • if the product is abused, problems with blood pressure often arise, and the likelihood of arrhythmia increases;
  • You should not use chicory for food if you have an individual intolerance, varicose veins, or allergic reactions to the product;
  • in large quantities, chicory is harmful to the liver;
  • some people note that chicory increases their appetite too much;
  • very rarely there are cases when chicory provokes insomnia.

There are many natural remedies that have a beneficial effect on the human body. According to people's reviews, you can choose chicory when losing weight, so that the benefits are combined with a pleasant taste; cook it with ginger, milk, cinnamon or honey. Any weight loss process is based on improving metabolism, reducing calorie intake and increasing activity. The drink will help you lose weight, but you will have to follow a diet.

What is chicory

Natural remedies, as a rule, bring benefits to humans and do not cause harm, therefore they are widely used in folk medicine, in the programs are those who want to lose weight. Chicory is a plant with soft blue flowers, but the roots, not them, are used for cooking. They are used in homeopathy and traditional medicine. After special processing The roots are used not only for weight loss, but also for:

  • treatment of the central nervous system;
  • liver therapy;
  • kidney treatment;
  • need to replace coffee;
  • need to get a boost of energy in the morning.

What is the drink made from?

This tall-stemmed grass was encountered by everyone in fields or vacant lots in the city. If you are wondering what chicory drink is made from, you just need to go out into any clearing and you will find this flower. In the first year of life, the plant produces leaves in an intensive mode. nutrients, which are stored in the roots. Outwardly, they are thick, like carrots. In the second year, thanks to these reserves, long stems sprout, on which flowers bloom and fruits ripen.

People who grow this plant do not wait for flowering. To prepare, root vegetables are dug up in the fall, washed, dried, fried and crushed. The root vegetable turns into a powder that is easy to dissolve in water, it gives it a chocolate-coffee hue. In some cases, the raw material is a liquid with a viscous consistency. All health benefits of chicory are preserved during weight loss; it is used in folk medicine different countries. This product is perfect for pregnant women and diabetics.

Calorie content

When a girl or guy goes on a diet, the first thing they should do is count calories. The less of them you receive, the faster the weight loss process will begin. One of the advantages is the calorie content of chicory, it is very low and fits perfectly into any program for getting rid of extra pounds. 100 g of product contains only 72 kcal, it is used in small quantities (1-2 tsp) and its presence in the diet is almost invisible.

This is a great option for those who find it difficult to give up coffee, which is prohibited in many schemes. dietary nutrition. 100 g of product contains the following amount of substances:

  • water – 80 g;
  • proteins – 1.4 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 16 g;
  • ash – 0.9 g;
  • fiber – 1.5 g.

The benefits of chicory for weight loss

Unique composition This substance makes it a useful, effective component that is used in weight loss diets. It contains no sugar, only related components and vitamins are present, which do not cause such harm. For this reason, it is given to people who suffer from diabetes and need to monitor their blood sugar levels. All the benefits of chicory for weight loss lie in the components it contains; they provide the following benefits to the body:

  1. Contains inulin and pectin, which prevent the absorption of carbohydrates by the intestines. They also reduce cravings for sweets and do not interfere with natural processes in body.
  2. With regular use, your metabolism will begin to normalize, intestinal microflora. Both of these points are directly related to the speed of losing weight and burning excess fat deposits. All calories that enter the body will be immediately used for energy production and will not accumulate.
  3. Chicory is excellent for weight loss prophylactic against constipation, dysbacteriosis, which often accompany overweight people.
  4. The product contains a lot of fiber, which quickly brings a feeling of fullness and maintains it for several hours; it is recommended to drink it 20 minutes before meals. This will be a kind of signal to the organum that the meal is completed.
  5. It has a strong diuretic and choleretic effect, so you should not drink a lot of it, as this can lead to dehydration. It is not recommended to drink more than 4 cups per day.

How to drink

A person who wants to lose weight knows that he will have to give up all foods containing a large number of carbohydrates, fats, alcohol, and sometimes coffee. If you are used to starting your morning with this aromatic drink, but due to your diet it is forbidden to you, then you should know how to drink chicory. The product has a specific taste, so you won’t be able to switch to it immediately when losing weight; you need to get used to it.

Try first stirring half and half with coffee in a bowl; over time, the dose of the second can be increased. In the end, you will completely give up caffeine and start the weight loss process. If you can’t get used to it, you can cook this product together with ginger, cinnamon, milk or honey. They will add a pleasant taste to the drink and make it richer.

With milk

This is an excellent combination for those people whose bodies are weakened after illness. Chicory with milk gives a feeling of fullness, cleanses the body, and delivers catalysts that stimulate the acceleration of metabolism. The only disadvantage of this compound is that pregnant women may develop allergies. For now clinical trials no, therefore it is impossible to assess the effect of a drink with milk on the fetus. For everyone else, the drink does no harm and helps you stick to your chosen diet when losing weight. Calorie content - only 19 kcal per 100 g.

With honey

The combination of these two components is very beneficial for people who suffer from high blood pressure(hypertension). Chicory with honey softens the throat and does not cause severe cough when used, good for inflammatory diseases when you need to saturate the body and get a boost of energy. When losing weight, the drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to one cup of brewed drink. Drink when the drink is warm, not hot.


This is another possible combination to get a tasty, healthy drink. Chicory with cinnamon will invigorate you in the morning, even better than coffee. It is suitable for people with diabetes and hypertension; this drink was first prepared in Russia. It can be safely used for weight loss because the calorie content is very low, and cinnamon is often used during a diet. To create the treat you will need:

  • ground chicory root – 1 tsp;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • sugar, honey - to taste.
  1. Place a cinnamon stick in a glass.
  2. Strain the crushed cinnamon root through a strainer.
  3. Next you need to boil water, add the root.
  4. Reduce the heat to low and cook until the water begins to boil and foam.
  5. Strain the hot drink again and pour the liquid over the cinnamon stick.
  1. Reduce heat to low and brew until the drink begins to foam and boil away.

With ginger

If you constantly overeat starchy and sweet foods, it becomes more difficult to get rid of fat accumulations. Chicory with ginger helps speed up metabolism, increase immunity, and cleanse the body. Some people don't like the taste of the drink, you can add cloves along with ginger. When losing weight, a treat is prepared from:

  • water – 300 g;
  • cloves - on the tip of a knife;
  • fresh ginger - a piece;
  • instant chicory - 2 tsp.

The method for preparing a drink for weight loss is as follows:

  1. Place a spoonful of instant chicory into the container.
  2. Cut the ginger into small pieces.
  3. Add cloves next.
  4. Pour boiling water over all ingredients and stir.

How to choose chicory

You can often find fakes on the shelves, to which ground cereals and other impurities may be added. They do not cause harm, but the product is no longer natural; you should choose chicory in the form of powder, pieces, liquid extract. The latter option is very convenient for storage, it is much easier to brew (it quickly dissolves in hot liquid). It is almost impossible to fake liquid chicory, so it is recommended to choose this option.

When purchasing, carefully study the packaging and product information. Do not buy if the ingredients say extract. Even get carried away quality product it’s not worth it, because the body gets used to it, and beneficial effect because of this it decreases. Some ailments may be a contraindication to drinking this drink:


It is not recommended to buy the cheapest option, because there is a high risk of purchasing a fake. The price of chicory depends on the manufacturer, release form and quantity of the product in the package. You can purchase it at any grocery store or order it online. The estimated cost is as follows:

Video: chicory for weight loss

Chicory – tender, beautiful, tall with blue flowers, a plant that can be seen along many roads. Many unknowing people consider it a nuisance weed, but that is not the case. Chicory is divided into wild chicory, nicknamed by the people “the bride of the sun,” and cultivated chicory, which is used for salads, but it is not recommended to prepare it instead of coffee. When discussing the benefits and harms of chicory, it is worth noting that the main value of the plant is its long root, reaching almost fifteen meters. It contains many easily digestible substances and is used to prepare tea and coffee drinks, cakes, and is often added to sweets.


All plant parts are used in folk medicine, since beneficial substances are found in all its parts, leaves, roots and flowers. The composition of chicory includes:

  • sugar;
  • protein;
  • vitamins: C – ascorbic acid, group B – thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), a nicotinic acid(AT 3);
  • organic acids (chicoric acid, etc.);
  • microelements in the form mineral salts: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron;
  • inulin from 14-20%;
  • glycoside intibin;

Useful properties of chicory

1. Help with diabetes. Chicory root contains up to 20% of the polysaccharide inulin, a natural substitute for sugar and starch, extremely important element when feeding patients with diabetes. Inulin has a beneficial effect on the course of diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, due to its ability to normalize blood glucose levels. Inulin normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, activates the fat burning process.

2. Helps with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, with inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. The beneficial properties of chicory are most pronounced in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract, thanks to the ability of the chicory drink to effectively relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Improves appetite.

Inulin is not broken down in the stomach; this polysaccharide begins to be absorbed only in the large intestine. The body does not need to produce additional enzymes to process this substance; intestinal bacteria contribute to its breakdown. The breakdown products, in turn, stimulate the growth of beneficial flora, which stimulates intestinal activity, helping to get rid of waste products and toxins. Thanks to this effect, inulin is considered a prebiotic that helps fight dysbiosis and its manifestations, such as constipation. Inulin is also effective against salt poisoning heavy metals and radionuclides, which is very important when current state environment.

3. Improves performance of cardio-vascular system. Reduces cholesterol. The glycoside intibin contained in chicory has the properties of dilating blood vessels and relieving tachycardia, which is extremely useful for people with problems of the cardiovascular system.

Chicory helps reduce levels bad cholesterol. The potassium and magnesium contained in the plant support the activity of the cardiovascular system. This complex action of chicory is very useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary disease hearts.

4. Strengthens nervous system. Intibin has an effective calming effect on the central nervous system. The presence of B vitamins will provide a person with additional energy, good mood, deep sleep, therefore chicory is extremely useful for people suffering from migraines, depression, neurasthenia, and insomnia.

5. Help with anemia. Chicory is rich in iron, which helps increase hemoglobin for a short time, which helps relieve a person from anemia. It is better not to add milk, since the calcium present in milk slows down the absorption of iron. Cow's milk Can be replaced with soy, rice or coconut.

6. Help with kidney and liver diseases. A regularly consumed chicory drink gradually dissolves kidney stones, acts as a diuretic, helps cleanse the liver, and is a choleretic agent.

7. Increased immunity. Chicoric acid helps strengthen the body's defenses. The removal of waste, toxins, and radionuclides also contributes to this. Chicory has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, astringent and anthelmintic effects.

8. Supports healthy skin, hair and nails. Thanks to its composition, chicory accelerates recovery collagen fibers, tones skin, helps with wound healing, used for eczema and dermatitis. It also has a beneficial effect on hair. For these purposes, chicory infusion can not only be taken orally, but used externally.

Beneficial properties of soluble chicory

Soluble chicory – natural product, has the same useful qualities like regular chicory. For many instant drink from chicory replaces classic coffee, although it differs from the latter in smell and taste. Despite the fact that the aroma of chicory is reminiscent of the smell of bread, no other plant can replace coffee so well. The taste of chicory resembles natural coffee; this drink is considered an exclusively healing drink. The beneficial properties of chicory mean that a drink drunk in the morning will invigorate the body, and in the evening it will calm you down and relieve insomnia. To decrease harmful effects caffeine lovers of natural coffee are recommended to add chicory to it. In the previous Soviet times Chicory was always added to jars of instant coffee, which made it possible to replenish the body with the necessary nutrients.

The soluble product is obtained from the root of a mature plant by drying, roasting and grinding it. Since ready-made chicory powder is highly hygroscopic and quickly absorbs moisture in air, it is not possible to obtain dry soluble chicory. Therefore, in grocery stores you can most often find highly soluble chicory in the form of a viscous concentrate, sometimes with various additives that speed up the weight loss process. He doesn't call side effects, does not contain preservatives or chemical additives, has a pleasant aroma and taste and can become a favorite drink for the whole family.

Some manufacturers produce an instant drink made from chicory with the addition of a small amount of natural coffee for those who could not give up their morning cup of coffee. It is released in various combinations with chamomile, cinnamon, ginseng. A drink with added milk or cream is often included in the diet of children, as well as those for whom drinking natural coffee is contraindicated.

With regular consumption of this wonderful drink, the beneficial properties of chicory will help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, ensure vigor and good mood.

What are the benefits of chicory juice?

Chicory juice mixed with celery, carrot, and parsley juice successfully affects the muscular system of the eye, nourishes it, significantly improves vision, and treats various defects and pathologies. Some people claim that, thanks to the above composition, they have restored poor eyesight. It is also useful for anemia.

Chicory for weight loss

Of course, a drink made from chicory helps you lose weight, but you shouldn’t expect that drinking it will immediately give the expected result. Soluble chicory is only an auxiliary product that accelerates the discharge extra pounds together with physical activity and limiting the caloric content of everyday food. This product can also be used in various mixtures recommended for dietary nutrition. Soluble chicory will help you lose excess weight, if consumed in combination with green tea, plum extract, anise. Decrease overweight happens thanks to high content it contains inulin, which effectively reduces blood sugar levels and improves metabolism, which promotes weight loss and serves as a prevention of diabetes. In addition, chicory has a diuretic effect, which accelerates the burning and removal of fats from the body. Chicory will help relieve irritation and nervous excitement, which helps you stick to your diet, which is very important during dietary restrictions.

Of course, we must not forget that in order to speed up the weight loss process, you also need to limit the amount of food consumed, exclude fatty, starchy, sweet foods from your diet and start eating dietary products. Before breakfast, lunch or dinner, you should drink a cup of chicory drink - this will help you lose weight much faster. overweight and improve your body shape.

Chicory for pregnant and lactating women

For pregnant women, chicory will help replace coffee and black tea, as well as cheer up in the morning and increase vitality. A chicory drink will cleanse the intestines, help get rid of constipation and swelling, prevent nausea and heartburn, lift your spirits, and help cope with irritation. No special contraindications It has not been identified for use by pregnant women, except in cases of allergy or intolerance to this product.

Pregnant women should also take into account that chicory contains vitamin C. When consuming products containing this vitamin, it is important to know that it increases the tone of the uterus and this is fraught with negative consequences.

On the contrary, nursing mothers are not recommended to consume a drink from this plant (or other dishes). In some cases, a decrease in production was noted breast milk. The baby is possible strong excitement and an allergic reaction to this product.

Chicory in cooking

Chicory is used as a seasoning for desserts, coloring various creams and baked goods. If you dilute a tablespoon of soluble chicory in three tablespoons of water and pour the mixture into the dough at the kneading stage, this will give it a unique nutty flavor and aroma.

Young shoots and roots of the plant are used to prepare salads and snacks, boiled and stewed. Served as a side dish for meat or fish, as an addition to boiled pasta and potatoes. Chicory will help diversify your diet during fasting.

Recipe. Salad of boiled potatoes and chicory root (ingredient ratio 1:1). Boil potatoes and chicory in salted water, preferably in different saucepans. Cut, season with unrefined sunflower oil and lemon juice.

Recipe. Raw root salad. Amount of ingredients: take 2-3 tomatoes per 300 g of chicory root. Peel the root of the plant, cut off the side shoots, cut out part of the core at the base, which imparts bitterness, and rinse. Slice the tomatoes and root (thinly), add herbs to taste, season vegetable oil and lemon juice (fruit vinegar). Salad ready.

Recipe. Stewed chicory is prepared from young shoots. They are washed and cut into pieces about 3 cm long. They are stewed in a saucepan over low heat with the addition of broth or water. 5 minutes before it’s ready, add a little butter and lemon juice, salt to taste. Refueling ready meals béchamel or hollandaise sauce. Served as a side dish for roast meat. During fasting, season with vegetable oil and serve with buckwheat, boiled potatoes or pasta.

Young shoots (boiled for no more than 5 minutes) can be added to a spring salad, which is made from lettuce, apple, carrots and green onions. You can season this salad with fermented baked milk or natural yogurt. Chicory will add piquancy to the dish and add vitamins.

How to brew chicory

For cooking delicious drink you need to pour 1 tablespoon of ground chicory into a cturk, pour 1 glass cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for a minute or two. Let it sit and strain. Add milk or cream, sugar or honey to the drink to taste.

Another brewing method. Brew 1 teaspoon of ground chicory immediately in a cup with boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain, add whatever is needed. The drink will be as tasty and aromatic as in the first recipe, but not as strong.

Chicory in folk medicine

1. For dysbacteriosis. An infusion of chicory prepared at home effectively helps with dysbacteriosis, urinary retention, and metabolic disorders. To prepare it you need 6 tbsp. l. pour chicory into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, leave, strain, consume 1 tbsp daily. four times a day before meals.

2. A remedy for high blood pressure. Pour 200g of chicory into 1.5 liters of water and cook for 3 hours. Strain the broth, add to the bath with warm water. Take such a bath for 10-20 minutes, this will help relieve headache and reduce arterial pressure.

3. Deworming remedy. You need to take 1 tsp. chicory root, tansy and yarrow leaves. Pour 0.5 l hot water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the product and drink 100-150 g in the morning on an empty stomach. The course is 7 days. After 10 days, repeat the treatment.

4. Rinse for hair growth. 2 tbsp. Add chicory to 4 cups of water and boil for half an hour. Strain. Wash your hair and rub the decoction into the roots. Wait 15-20 minutes and finally rinse your hair.

5. Skin diseases. Chicory is often used in the form of a tincture as an external remedy. It treats old, difficult-to-heal wounds and effectively helps in the treatment of skin diseases - atonic dermatitis, furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema. The tincture has a drying effect and helps reduce inflammation on days 3–5. Chicory is also used by the cosmetic industry. Rinses are created to grow and improve hair structure. Chicory is used in preparations that help restore hair growth during baldness. Chicory improves intestinal flora, which has a positive effect on the condition of facial skin.

6. Obesity. To lose weight, drink chicory infusion before meals 3-4 times a day, half a glass. Prepare the infusion as follows - 1 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the crushed root, let it brew, then strain.

7. Liver diseases. For these diseases, drink the infusion, the same as in the recipe above (1 tbsp. roots per 2 cups of boiling water), plus you need to add 1 tsp. fruit vinegar and 2 tbsp. honey Drink the decoction hot, without restrictions during the day.

8. For diabetes, pancreatitis (during remission), stomach diseases. 1 tbsp. roots, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Let cool, strain. Take 1 tbsp. before every meal. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Harm and contraindications

No serious contraindications for this plant have been identified. But you should stop eating chicory if you have diseases such as:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • vascular diseases;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis or chronic cough.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of chicory, can be harmful and cause unpleasant and unexpected consequences in people exposed to allergic reactions body. A large amount of vitamin C is also dangerous for pregnant women; it increases the tone of the uterus, so you need to be careful when consuming chicory.

Chicory stimulates appetite, this should be taken into account by those who control their weight or try to get rid of excess weight.

If we talk in general about the benefits and harms of chicory, then we can confidently say that chicory is most useful plant worthy of close attention. The main thing is that it must be used taking into account contraindications. If you haven't tried chicory yet, be sure to buy a small jar. Perhaps this is exactly your product and in the future you will become its true fan and admirer. Good health to you!

The weed chicory plant gained its popularity due to its bitter taste, slightly reminiscent of the taste of freshly brewed coffee. Probably, chicory would have remained a healthy alternative to caffeine-containing drinks - tea and coffee - if it had not had an impressive list of beneficial properties, making it an effective weapon in the fight against obesity. Thanks to them, chicory is used very actively for weight loss.

Useful properties of chicory for weight loss

Inulin, intubin and pectin are the three key components for which chicory is so valued for weight loss.

The most useful thing about this weed is the root; it is the main source of inulin, a polysaccharide that is widely used as a sweetener in the diet of diabetics. This sweet substance has a lot of advantages for which chicory is valued for weight loss. So, inulin:

  • Helps normalize intestinal microflora;
  • Slows down the absorption process fast carbohydrates. This means that the glucose they contain will not be able to quickly enter the bloodstream, triggering the release of insulin, which, in turn, interferes with the breakdown of fat;
  • In the stomach it turns into fructose, which, being an energy resource like glucose, unlike it, does not lead to weight gain and does not affect the calorie content of chicory.

Pectin contained in chicory is a plant fiber that stimulates the intestines, improving its functioning. The inclusion of pectin in the diet normalizes digestion, reducing the time it takes for food to move through the gastrointestinal tract, and facilitates the elimination of metabolic products naturally. Thanks to this, the amount of toxins and waste in the intestines is significantly reduced, the metabolic process is stabilized, which allows the body to spend the energy received from food for the needs of the body, rather than storing it in the form of fat deposits.

Intibin also speeds up metabolism, removes toxins and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it has a vasodilating effect, which helps get rid of cholesterol.

Chicory contains virtually no caffeine, therefore, does not increase blood pressure, and obese people can consume it without fear of affecting the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The drink from this plant has a diuretic effect; allows you to remove toxins, waste and radioactive substances from the body.

Chicory contains a huge amount useful substances: organic acids, tannins, sugars, bitter resins, B vitamins, carotene. Decoctions from the plant have an antiseptic and astringent effect, improve blood supply to the liver, relieve constipation and gastritis, and normalize the functions of the nervous system. Thanks to the calcium and iron content, chicory effectively fights ischemia, tachycardia, anemia, and atherosclerosis.

Finally, the low calorie content of chicory - only 72 kcal per 100 g - allows you to include it in the diet without fear of exceeding the calorie limit.

In other words, losing weight with chicory helps to improve the health of the entire body.

Chicory - a remedy for cellulite

A great bonus when losing weight with chicory is the anti-cellulite effect of the plant and its ability to stimulate skin regeneration. This feature of chicory is caused high concentration folic acid, which is involved in the formation of new skin cells. When the body is saturated with folic acid, skin elasticity increases and signs of cellulite decrease. Vitamin A, which is part of chicory, relieves redness and stimulates collagen production. Thanks to vitamin C in chicory, the skin becomes fresh look, smoothness and velvety. (23 Votes)

Chicory is a weed. Probably many people, walking along the side of the road, have seen blue flowers. A drink is prepared from its roots, which is distinguished by its bitterness. Its taste is reminiscent of brewed burnt coffee. Today, chicory has become very widely used for weight loss.

Beneficial features

Chicory root contains a lot of inulin for weight loss. This polysaccharide is an integral part of the diet of diabetics, as well as a substitute for starch and sugar. Inulin is found in the leaves and seeds of the plant. The calorie content of chicory in its raw form is 72 kcal per 100 g.

Inulin has a positive effect on work digestive tract, metabolism. In addition, the root contains the glycoside intibin. This element relieves tachycardia, has positive influence on the central nervous system, dilates blood vessels. The plant also contains tannins, sugars, bitter resins, carotene, organic acids, vitamins C and B.

Chicory has antimicrobial and astringent properties. A decoction and tincture of the root improves digestion, appetite, and calms the nerves. Drinks also help dissolve stones in gallbladder, enhance metabolic processes, produce a choleretic effect, and increase blood flow in the liver. This plant is used to treat dysbiosis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, constipation, gastritis, dispersion.

Today, chicory is known as an alternative to coffee. A cup of this drink has a general strengthening effect and gives a boost of energy. A mixture of parsley, chicory, celery, and carrot juices has a positive effect on muscular system eye.

If you apply chicory externally, it heals skin diseases, old wounds, psoriasis, furunculosis, eczema. Thanks to its drying effect, the plant quickly relieves inflammation. It is also used in cosmetology. It is added to rinses and shampoos and helps improve hair structure and accelerate hair growth.

Effect of chicory for weight loss

Often on diets we lack the bitter taste. According to one nutritionist, even with sufficient protein and fiber intake, we can experience hunger because the diet lacks natural bitters. The last items on the regular menu include pickles, sausages, smoked meats, marinades, and black coffee. And in diet menu Herbs can give bitterness, but our culture of using them is not particularly developed. And then chicory for weight loss saves us. One cup of this coffee substitute after a meal signals the end of a meal and allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness longer. In addition, this plant evens out sugar levels and fights the adverse effects of overeating fruits, sweets, and white flour products. This plant allows you not to experience strong changes in appetite while losing weight.

Chicory for weight loss and cellulite

A cup of aromatic chicory is also an excellent remedy for combating cellulite:

  • One cup of the drink contains about half of the recommended daily norm folic acid. This acid takes part in the formation of new cells. If there is enough folic acid in the body, the skin becomes fresher, its elasticity increases, and the appearance of cellulite decreases;
  • a cup of drink contains a third of the required daily amount of vitamin A, which protects the skin from infections, increases collagen production, relieves irritation, improves appearance skin;
  • the drink is rich in vitamin C. It is recognized as a strong antioxidant and protects cells from the effects of free radicals. Vitamin C also takes part in the production of collagen, which makes the skin velvety, fresh, and also heals it;
  • If you grind chicory root, it can be used for wraps and massage against cellulite. This plant relieves swelling, irritation, makes the skin velvety and soft.

Soluble chicory for weight loss

As mentioned above, chicory for weight loss includes inulin. It has the property of slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates. As a result, you do not store fat. Chicory is a weight control agent. This plant does not allow calories to build up adipose tissue. It also cleanses the blood, saturates it with oxygen, which affects the body and its ability to fight germs and viruses.

In order to get a noticeable effect, you need to reconsider your diet. It would be a good idea to reduce portion sizes, remove spicy and fatty dishes, reduce the consumption of sugar, salt, hot spices. In addition, it is necessary to monitor water balance body, drink at least two liters of water.

You can buy instant chicory at the pharmacy. Its calorie content is only 11 kcal per 100 g. For a glass of water you will need a teaspoon of root. Afterwards, the mixture must be boiled for 7 minutes over low heat, strain the broth and consume three times half an hour before meals. After you have opened the package of chicory, you need to pour it into a glass container with a lid. This is necessary because chicory loses its properties in a humid environment.

Recipes with chicory for weight loss

We present to you a recipe that will help remove waste and toxins and lose weight: dissolve 2 tsp in half a glass of hot water. chicory. We drink this drink half an hour before meals three times a day.

The following recipe: grind 150 g of root, add 500 ml of water, put on fire and boil for half an hour. 30 minutes before a meal, drink 150 ml of the drink.

Soup recipe: pour 150 g of lettuce chicory with 150 ml of white wine, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, add 100 g of chopped champignons, 100 g of celery, 100 g of rice and one bell pepper.

A wonderful dish comes from fresh leaves plants: wash a bunch of greens, cut into pieces and fry on butter. The calorie content of chicory leaves is 23 kcal per 100 g.


Despite all positive sides, there are also contraindications. It should not be used by people with vascular diseases, varicose veins veins, asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough, liver diseases.

Mental problems are also a contraindication, since this plant can lead to depression, neurasthenia, and insomnia. Also, ascorbic acid in chicory can cause allergies.

Chicory should be used with caution.

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