Cystitis in men: symptoms and treatment at home. Symptoms and treatment of cystitis with folk remedies at home Male cystitis and its treatment with folk remedies

Cystitis in men is treated with medication, and recovery can also be promoted by adding folk remedies to treatment with medications. When treating a disease in the initial stages, you can give preference to the use of folk remedies, since they are based on natural ingredients and do not harm the body. Traditional medicine has collected many recipes intended for use in the treatment of cystitis in men using folk remedies.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of cystitis in men

  • Let's consider some of the common and effective folk recipes for the treatment of cystitis in men. To prepare the medicine, you need to mix 5 g of thuja shoots, bearberry leaves, hernia herb, and birch buds. Pour the resulting dry mixture into 1 liter of water and boil for 5-7 minutes. During the day you need to drink the entire broth. Before the next use, the liquid should be warmed up a little.
  • Another good recipe for strengthening the bladder is to prepare a mixture of honey, onion pulp and apple. To do this you need to take 1 tsp. mix all ingredients thoroughly. Eat the received medicine 30 minutes before meals. Each time the mixture must be prepared anew, since all ingredients must be fresh.
  • As a simple folk recipe for the treatment of cystitis in men, you can use a mixture of oats and water. To do this, boil 1 tbsp in a water bath. oats and 1 tbsp. water. You need to boil until the liquid has evaporated almost to half, then add a large spoonful of honey to this broth. Take half a glass 3 times a day. Instead of oats, oat straw can be used, which must be filled with hot water, based on the ratio of 40 g to 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes, then strain and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  • To prepare the decoction, aspen leaves or buds can be used, which need to be filled with hot water and boiled for 7 minutes. Then let it brew in a warm place, strain and take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Pumpkin seeds can help with cystitis; you should eat 1 tbsp. per day for a week.
  • To treat cystitis in men, Echinacea can be used, 1 tsp. which you need to pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours. Drink the resulting infusion ½ tbsp. in the morning and in the evening. Echinacea is characterized by having a strong antiviral effect, and if you take this drug regularly, you can improve immunity and relieve inflammation.
  • Cranberry juice has a good effect in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Need ½ tbsp. Dilute 2-3 tbsp of water. juice, add 1 tbsp. honey Take the vitamin cocktail 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Another tasty remedy is lingonberry infusion, which requires 1 tbsp. pour 1 tbsp of plant leaves. boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, covering with a lid. Strain the cooled infusion and drink 1 tbsp. during the day. This infusion is characterized by having a diuretic effect. Elimination by liquid is facilitated by the use of bearberry infusion prepared according to the same recipe, only you need to boil it for 5 minutes and add a little soda.
  • As another folk recipe for the treatment of cystitis in men, you can use an infusion of millet, for which you need to pour 3 tbsp. water 1 tbsp. well-washed millet, leave to infuse overnight, then strain and take 3-4 times a day, ½ tbsp. With this infusion you can quickly relieve pain. The course of treatment is 1 week.
  • You can use hops, for the preparation of which you need to pour 2 tbsp. plants 2 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, strain and take before meals.

All folk recipes for the treatment of cystitis in men are effective only if they are taken regularly. In addition, it is recommended to combine medication, diet and personal hygiene with folk remedies.

Cystitis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the bladder (its mucous membrane).

In urology, this is the most common pathology, affecting women more (due to anatomical features). According to statistics, up to 50% of women suffer from one of the forms of cystitis.

Contents of the article:

Possible reasons

The form of the disease can be acute or chronic. Infectious cystitis develops after the penetration of microorganisms from the urethra.

The causative agents are:

  • coli;
  • fungi;
  • enterococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • ureaplasma;
  • chlamydia.

Nonbacterial cystitis can develop as a result of irritation of the bladder mucosa caused by chemicals.

The main causes of the disease:

  • hypothermia (especially in the pelvic area);
  • insufficient compliance with hygiene requirements;
  • mucosal injury;
  • consumption of fatty or spicy foods;
  • sedentary lifestyle (leads to venous stagnation in the pelvic organs);
  • gynecological or venereal diseases in a chronic form (favorable conditions are created under which the infection spreads to the organs of the urinary system);
  • foci of infection present in the body (once it enters the blood, the infection is transferred to the bladder);
  • improper metabolism;
  • stress or depression;
  • weakened immune system;
  • radiation therapy;
  • unprotected sex.

Factors that increase the risk of cystitis are:

  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • hormonal disorders.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules can cause cystitis:

  • rare change of sanitary pads and tampons during menstruation;
  • alternating anal sex with vaginal sex;
  • constantly wearing tight-fitting synthetic underwear;
  • rare emptying of the bladder (it is recommended to empty it at least 5 times a day to prevent stagnation of urine);
  • constant use of panty liners.

Interstitial cystitis is caused by improper functioning of the immune system. Infection occurs in both the mucous membrane and the muscular walls of the bladder. Subsequently, the bladder's capacity may decrease or an ulcer may develop, requiring surgery.

Characteristic symptoms

The disease has a number of symptoms depending on its form. In chronic cystitis, outside the period of exacerbation, they may be absent. Acute cystitis is accompanied by pronounced clinical symptoms:

  • frequent painful urination (little urine is produced, a burning sensation in the urethra is disturbing);
  • cutting pain in the lower abdomen above the pubis and in the perineum (may intensify after urination);
  • feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied;
  • cloudy urine (sometimes mixed with blood at the end of urination);
  • fever, chills;
  • nausea, vomiting.

If such symptoms appear in men, it is recommended to immediately consult a urologist (male cystitis often becomes a secondary disease).

Treatment begins with increasing the volume of fluid consumed to 2 liters daily. Drinking heavily is contraindicated for people suffering from cardiac dysfunction.

To reduce acidity, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water with soda dissolved in it every hour (this reduces the burning sensation by reducing the acidity of urine). Basic principles of nutrition during an exacerbation of the disease:

  • exclude fried, salty, spicy, canned foods;
  • eat more foods that prevent constipation;
  • exclude sugar and its substitutes;
  • stop eating fatty foods;
  • eat foods low in protein;
  • limit salt intake (a low-salt diet is recommended).

Patients are prescribed antibacterial medicines (antibiotics to target the pathogen), antispasmodics(to relieve spasm and reduce pain), uroantiseptics(for disinfection of urine and bladder).

If the cause of the disease is a fungus, prescribe antifungal drugs (sometimes simultaneously with antibiotics). In each case, the doctor must select the drug and dosage.

How to treat with traditional methods?

There are numerous traditional medicine methods for treating cystitis. This is the use of medicinal herbs in the form of infusions or decoctions, warming procedures.

Sitz baths with the addition of a decoction of St. John's wort, hop cones, mint, chamomile, and calamus root alleviate the patient's condition. To prepare a decoction, pour boiling water (2 l) into 5 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs and infuse for an hour. The prepared broth must be filtered and added to a bath or basin.

In 3 procedures, a folk remedy using clay eliminates the disease. A clay cake 2 cm thick is applied to the stomach (in the lower part) and left for 2 hours.

Characteristics of medicinal herbs for the treatment of cystitis:

Any of these plants (except St. John's wort and Echinacea purpurea) can be used for preparing infusions. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. l. raw materials, infuse in a thermos for 2 hours. You should consume a third of a glass before meals for 20 days.

Helps reduce pain when urinating taking hemp seed emulsion with milk or water. To relieve pain, it is recommended to consume fresh purslane. Watermelon has a strong diuretic property; it helps dissolve stones in the bladder.

Relieves pain and stinging douching(dissolve 2 g of mumiyo in a glass of water). Taking stone oil internally helps get rid of the disease, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system.

From herbal remedies you can use cranberries, nettles, parsley, rose hips, plantain. Prepared infusions from these plants reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and cleanse the urinary tract.

It is strictly forbidden to use warming (a hot bath, a visit to a sauna, a heating pad on the lower abdomen). This causes blood flow and increased inflammation.

You cannot visit the pool, swim in open water, or take a contrast shower.

You should change your body position more often: staying in one state for a long time leads to venous stagnation in the pelvic organs and can cause chronic cystitis.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of cystitis, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • avoid hypothermia, dress appropriately for the weather;
  • carefully comply with hygiene requirements (wash daily, change tampons and pads promptly);
  • wear underwear made from natural materials, avoid constantly wearing tight-fitting trousers;
  • Empty your bowels regularly to avoid constipation;
  • empty the bladder without allowing urine to stagnate;
  • after sexual intercourse, empty the bladder (microorganisms found in the urethra are washed out before they have time to enter the bladder);
  • take a shower instead of a bath.

In chronic cystitis, the immune system should be strengthened. Those suffering from chronic cystitis are recommended to eat melons, pumpkin, cabbage, baked potatoes, and vegetable oil. Periodically, you can arrange fasting days (pumpkin, watermelon, melon). They are beneficial for the urinary system.

Cystitis in men occurs due to infectious inflammation of the urinary tract and leads to painful sensations and frequent urge to urinate. Undoubtedly, to treat the disease it is necessary to consult a urologist and undergo diagnostics. After this, the doctor prescribes therapy. But traditional treatment of cystitis in men also favors recovery, but you need to know the nuances of an unconventional method of treatment.

In what cases is it indicated?

Treatment of cystitis with traditional methods is advisable as an addition to traditional drug therapy. If the drugs show positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease, and the patient is steadily recovering, then herbal preparations and infusions will help eliminate the effects of inflammation and have a general stimulating effect on the body.


It must be remembered that alternative medicine can cause harm: for example, the patient may be allergic to certain plant components. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting self-treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment using traditional methods

Alternative medicine has deep roots. Accordingly, many effective methods have accumulated for treating various diseases with the help of herbs, including male cystitis.

The effectiveness of traditional methods lies in the versatile effects of herbs:

Immune stimulation

  • relief of pain and burning;
  • destruction of bacteria and infections;
  • increased urine outflow, inhibition of fluid reabsorption.

It is worth noting that traditional medicine helps with both acute and chronic forms of the disease. Moreover, the treatment of chronic cystitis with traditional medicines is better than with antibiotics. This is explained by the fact that pathogenic microorganisms react poorly to medications and are not removed from the bladder.

It is important to use herbs correctly so that they give the fastest possible effect. In this case, the man will not only be cured of the target disease, but also strengthen his immune system and get rid of the consequences of cystitis. Traditional medicine also significantly reduces the possibility of relapse of the disease.

Variations of traditional treatment

There are many plants that help in the fight against cystitis. However, when choosing herbs it is necessary to determine:

  • the cause of inflammation of the urethra and bladder;
  • compatibility of medications and components of tinctures/decoctions: the effectiveness of both treatment methods should not decrease.

Alternative medicine involves taking plants internally and treating the inflamed area externally (for example, sitz baths). In this case, various herbs are used, which you need to be able to prepare correctly.

Using dill

The therapeutic effect of dill seeds is to reduce burning, pain and cutting in the urethral area. In addition, the plant is famous for its antiseptic properties, thanks to which it gets rid of pathogenic microorganisms, slowing down the inflammatory process.

The decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds and 1 tbsp. water in a steam bath for 10–15 minutes. Frequency of administration: 100 ml three times a day. For chronic cystitis, it is allowed to use the decoction up to 6 times a day, but it is important not to exceed a ten-day period. In order not to constantly prepare the broth, you can increase the proportions several times.

An infusion of dill seeds is also common. First of all, you need to finely chop the seeds, then add hot water (1 tbsp of liquid per 1 tbsp of seeds). The infusion is kept for about 3 hours. Frequency of use: ½ cup twice a day. In the initial stage of cystitis, the infusion can be taken only once a day.

With the help of millet

Traditional medicine has 3 recipes for preparing millet at home:

  • Method 1: infusion. Fill a three-liter glass jar with millet halfway. Then the container is filled to the top with hot water and wrapped in a warm blanket for 24 hours. After the tincture, the contents should be strained and drunk twice a day, ½ cup.
  • Method 2: infusion. Millet is poured with hot water in a proportion of ½ tbsp. to 200 ml and infuse for about half an hour until the cereal is completely swollen. After this, the millet needs to be ground to a pulp - you will get water with a yellowish tint, and it needs to be infused again for 24 hours. Frequency of administration: 2 times a day, ½ cup, no more than two weeks.
  • Method 3: decoction. To prepare one serving, 2 tbsp is required. l. millet and half a glass of boiling water. The millet is cooked over the fire for 5 minutes, after which the liquid is poured out.

It is recommended to increase the proportions in order to cook for several meals at once, since the frequency of administration is quite large - 10 tsp. on the first day, and on the remaining days you need to add one more spoonful of the product (the amount of teaspoon of the product is total, the dose should be divided over the whole day).

The condition for ending therapy is exceeding the dose of 100 ml.

Using Chamomile

Chamomile is a well-known medicinal plant with antiseptic properties. In addition, inflammation of the bladder area is painful for many men, and Chamomile relieves pain.

Chamomile baths help fight inflammation. You need to purchase (or dry in advance) 4 tbsp. l. inflorescences and pour into a bowl of boiling water. After this, the broth is poured into the bath. It is important to ensure that the legs are completely hidden in the broth when sitting. After 20 minutes, you need to dry yourself and put on warm socks. It is recommended to warm up the bath before the procedure.

After such a bath, you can enhance the healing effect by drinking tea from dried Chamomile flowers. Place flowers in a mug and pour boiling water over them for a couple of minutes. It is recommended not to use sugar, but to replace it with honey.

Chamomile decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. plant inflorescences and 250 ml of boiling water. The mixture is placed in a water bath and cooked for 15 minutes, after which it is cooled and filtered. Frequency of administration: 4 times a day.

For chamomile infusion you need to prepare 2 tbsp. l. inflorescences and 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 40 minutes, then filtered. During the day you need to drink the entire volume of the infusion, dividing it into several doses of ½ glass.

Treatment with parsley

Parsley infusion can be prepared in two ways:

  • Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. parsley and 1 tbsp. boiling water You can add a little Calendula and Celandine. The mixture is simmered for 15 minutes and filtered. Dosage regimen: 1/3 cup twice a day.
  • In the evening 1 tbsp. l. parsley, add 400 ml of water and leave overnight. Over the next day, the infusion is drunk, while at one time you need to drink approximately 1/6 of the prepared volume.
  • The second recipe can also be used for parsley seeds - the preparation and administration scheme remains the same. In addition, the seeds can also be eaten fresh - you need to consume several seeds daily, chewing thoroughly.

Herbal infusions

Herbal teas help treat cystitis and have a versatile effect on the body, as they include a number of beneficial herbs. The following herbal infusions are popular (proportions are indicated in parentheses):

  • tricolor violet (5), stinging nettle (5), chamomile flowers (4) and cornflower (4), prickly tartar (4), juniper fruits (3), calamus roots (3), flax seeds (2), mint leaves ( 1);
  • Oregano (7), Knotweed (5), parsley (5), shoots of western Thuja (4), flax seeds (3), St. John's wort (3), rhizomes of Asparagus officinalis (2), birch buds (2), mint leaves ( 2) and Eucalyptus (1).

Herbal infusions are brewed in the evening to be taken the next morning. The minimum infusion time is 6 hours. At 6 tbsp. l. 1 liter of boiling water is needed, after mixing the container is covered with a towel. The decoction should be drunk warm before meals.

Prevention with folk remedies

In order not to suffer from the symptoms of cystitis, you need not only to follow the rules of hygiene and eat right. Prevention using folk remedies can significantly minimize the chance of bladder inflammation.

Warm baths with Chamomile not only relax you after a hard day, but also destroy potentially dangerous infections. In addition to Chamomile, you can add Sage, knotweed flowers and birch leaves to the bath.

Foot baths are also quite effective - they can be prepared using herbs, milk, Chamomile or Eucalyptus. It is recommended to add sandalwood oil. But at elevated body temperature, this method of prevention is contraindicated.

Cranberries contain many beneficial substances for the immune system. In addition, it slightly “acidifies” the urine, which is why bacteria multiply much more slowly.

Tea infusions are useful not only for the treatment of cystitis, but also for the prevention of the disease. However, you need to remember that you cannot drink decoctions often and in large quantities - after all, the goal is only prevention.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cystitis are an addition to the main therapy. Infusions and decoctions from plants have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole at any stage of the disease, and they can also be used as a preventive measure. But you need to remember about potential allergies; to prevent them, you should seek advice from a specialist.


should be carried out in combination with drug treatment with antibacterial drugs, antimicrobial agents and local therapy.

Male cystitis is a rare disease and the male body tolerates it more severely than the female body. This depends on the physiological structure of the genitourinary system in a man’s body.

Male cystitis occurs along with inflammation of the urethral canal (urethritis) and inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis).

Dietary rules for the treatment of cystitis

For the effect of medication to be treatment and treatment folk remedies, you need to follow a diet:

  • avoid pickled foods;
  • consume canned foods in moderation;
  • do not overuse fried fish, potatoes and meat;
  • meat will be included in the diet, only in boiled form;
  • fermented milk products should be included in the diet;
  • introduce millet porridge into the daily menu;
  • Drink less drinks that contain carbon dioxide;
  • drink 2 liters of purified water and tea with lemon;
  • drink sour juices: pomegranate, cranberry, lingonberry;
  • stop smoking;
  • consume foods that contain B vitamins and vitamin C;
  • fresh vegetables are included in the daily diet.

Herbs for male cystitis

When treating men with folk remediescystitis, it is necessary to use herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial effects and diuretic effects.

Anti-inflammatory herbs that are recommended to be taken for male cystitis include:

  • oak tree bark;
  • yarrow herb;
  • wormwood herb;
  • nettle, alder fruits and flowers;
  • flaxseed infusion;
  • juniper plant;
  • licorice root;
  • currant leaves and fruits;
  • ginger and echinacea plant.

These herbs have the properties of strengthening the patient’s immune system.

Herbs that have diuretic properties and help remove bacteria from the body through urine:

  • horsetail;
  • sage;
  • half fell;
  • corn silk;
  • oats;
  • birch buds.

Herbs with antimicrobial properties are antiseptics not only in the bladder, but also in the entire genitourinary system:

  • chamomile herb;
  • calendula;
  • juniper plant;
  • wild rosemary plant;
  • goldenrod;
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • bear ears grass;
  • bearberry grass;
  • thyme herb;
  • celandine grass;
  • cranberries and garlic;
  • lingonberry plant.

These herbs prevent the spread of germs to the urinary system and kidneys.

Traditional medicine recipes

The main rule in the use of medicines drugs from plants and herbs so that they are environmentally friendly.

Recipes of folk remedies for the male body:

  • in equal proportions: honey, apple and onion pulp. 3 teaspoons of this mixture should be eaten half an hour before meals. Each time you need to prepare a new portion of this mixture. Frequency of administration: 3 - 4 times per day;
  • oat decoction: equal proportions of water and oats (200 ml each), boil until the volume of water is reduced by half, then filter and add boiled water to the original volume (200 ml). Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day. Every day you need to take new ingredients and prepare a new decoction. The course of treatment is from 10 calendar days to 30 days;
  • decoction: rose hips, lingonberry leaves and yarrow - one tablespoon of all components, brew 1000 ml of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours. Take 100 ml 4 - 5 times a day;
  • alcohol tincture on cranberries: 200 grams of berries and 200 grams of granulated sugar are layered in a jar and poured with 1000 ml of vodka. Infuse for at least 30 calendar days, strain and take 50 - 100 ml of tincture 3 times a day. Symptoms of cystitis disappear in one to two days, have a positive effect on the prostate and increase potency;
  • effective in the treatment of male cystitis and the prevention of prostatitis, cranberry juice: grind 500 - 600 grams of fresh or frozen cranberries using a blender, then strain through gauze (in 4 layers) and add 2500 ml of water to this juice of boiled water cooled to room temperature . Before use, add honey or sugar to the fruit drink and take 200 ml several times a day. Cranberry juice normalizes the erectile function of the reproductive system;
  • Fine folk remedyfor the treatment and prevention of male cystitis, lingonberry drinks: pour boiling water over 200 g of lingonberries, then pour 500 ml of cold water over the berries and let stand for 6 - 8 hours. Drink 100 grams of this drink before meals, 3-4 times a day. This drink is useful for men with potency problems;
  • A decoction of echinacea can normalize the functioning of the immune system and activate the protective properties of the male body: one teaspoon of the echinacea plant and 200 ml of boiled water. Leave for at least 3 hours. Take 100 ml in the morning and before bed.

Urological fees for male cystitis

Ready-made urological preparations frombladder inflammationsold in pharmacies. They can also be prepared at home.

The collection consists of medicinal plants in the following proportions (weight is measured in teaspoons):

  • marsh calamus root – 4;
  • black elderberry flowers –8;
  • St. John's wort herb – 10;
  • lemon balm herb – 4;
  • kidney tea leaf –6;
  • knotweed grass – 10;
  • bearberry plant leaves –10;
  • fennel plant fruits – 4.

Urological collection Fitonephrol:

  • calendula herb - flowers - 3 parts;
  • roots of the eleutherococcus plant - 1 part;
  • bearberry grass - leaves - 2 parts;
  • plant - peppermint - 3 parts;
  • plant seeds - dill - 2 parts.

To make a healing drink: 10 grams of this collection, pour 200 - 250 ml of boiled water and leave for at least one hour.

After this, add 200 ml of warm boiled water to the filtered mixture. Use 100 ml against cystitis, 3-4 times a day.

Urological collection Cystophyte for acute and chronic cystitis. All plants are collected in equal proportions.


  • fruits of the rose hip plant;
  • flax-seed;
  • fennel plant seeds;
  • lingonberry plant leaves,
  • birch tree leaves;
  • horsetail leaves;
  • licorice herb root.

You can also drink this mixture if you have kidney inflammation, like tea: pour a bag of the mixture with boiling water and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. You can add a spoonful of honey or drink tea with milk. The duration of this treatment with this collection is no more than 15 calendar days.

Preventive measures for men to avoid cystitis

To protect yourself from the disease cystitis in men in a chronic form of the disease, to prevent relapses, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of behavior and personal intimate hygiene:

  • avoid hypothermia - hypothermia weakens the immune system, making it easier for bacteria to develop in the body. In cold weather, you need to dress warmly and keep your feet warm.
  • wear the right underwear made from natural fabrics - tight clothes do not allow proper blood circulation, and synthetics do not allow normal air exchange in the pelvic organs.
  • hygiene procedures after sexual intercourse - foreign microflora causes diseases in the urinary system, including cystitis.
  • sex with one sexual partner is a promiscuous sexual life, which entails infection with sexually transmitted infections and diseases of the urinary system.
  • sex protected by a condom - any sexual act, and especially anal sex, must be protected by a condom.
  • empty the bladder in a timely manner - stagnation of urine in the organ allows bacteria to multiply.
  • hygiene procedures in the area of ​​the genitourinary system in the morning and before bedtime;
  • use natural intimate hygiene products - scented hygiene products can change the microflora in the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems - and this is an opportunity for bacteria to enter these organs.

Cystitis in men can be treated with both medications and traditional medicine. Moreover, with the right choice and correct use, various herbs give a good effect in the treatment of this disease.

Treatment of cystitis involves the use of various folk remedies, the most effective of which are:

1. In order to prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to take 5 g of birch buds, thuja, and hernia. The dry mixture is filled with a liter of water. After which the infusion must be boiled over a fire for 5-7 minutes. The decoction is taken in equal doses throughout the day, the course of treatment is 5-7 days, until all symptoms of cystitis are eliminated.

2. Folk remedies for the treatment of cystitis involve the use of a mixture that includes honey, onion and apple mixtures. All ingredients are taken in equal parts, 1 teaspoon each, and mixed thoroughly. The mixture should be consumed half an hour before the main meal. It should be noted that before each use it is necessary to prepare a new mixture; only fresh products will guarantee good results. As soon as the first symptoms of cystitis appear, treatment can be based on this mixture.

3. Oats and water is a folk remedy that has been used for a long time to treat bladder disease in men. Boil 1 cup of oats in 1 cup of water in a water bath. Once ½ cup of water has evaporated from the mixture during the boiling process. You need to add a tablespoon of honey, then boil until the water has completely evaporated. Take half a glass three times a day.

4. Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies consists of using a decoction of aspen buds or leaves. The leaves are poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. The decoction should be taken 1 tablespoon, morning and evening.

5. Pumpkin seeds, have also shown to be an effective treatment for cystitis in men.

6. In order not only to cure cystitis in men with folk remedies, but also to increase the level of the immune system, it is recommended to use echinacea. One teaspoon per glass of boiling water, infuse the product for 3 hours in a dark place. You need to take half a tablespoon of echinacea three times a day.

Warming up

As soon as the first symptoms of cystitis appear in men, you can use not only herbal treatment, but also other methods. One of the effective “measures” is warming the lower abdomen using bulk substances.

To do this, you need to pour a small amount of pre-heated sand into a bag or just a cotton cloth (you can use cereal or salt heated in a frying pan). The bag is applied in the lower abdomen, as close to the pubic area as possible. The procedure lasts until the contents of the bag have completely cooled. This activity must be repeated until all painful symptoms disappear. But you should not use a hot mixture, as there is a risk of burning the skin, which will bring additional discomfort and pain.

You can also use stones, such as bricks, for heating. The stone is heated on the stove to a fairly high temperature, after which it is placed in a bucket, the edges of which are wrapped in a towel. The patient sits on a bucket and is additionally wrapped in a blanket. The duration of warming up is half an hour, then you need to drink hot tea and go to bed, so this procedure will be effective before bed.

These folk remedies are aimed at warming up all the genitourinary organs, which allows you to quickly eliminate the cause of bladder inflammation in men.

Honey and pine nuts

A mixture that includes honey and pine nuts is used as an effective remedy for the treatment of male cystitis. Natural bee honey and crushed nuts are substances that can speed up the treatment of cystitis, relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and this product must be used three times a day. Both products of natural origin contain components that have anti-inflammatory analgesic properties. It is worth noting that natural treatments cleanse the body of toxins well and also normalize kidney function.


Cranberry juice is an effective treatment for almost all inflammatory processes in the body, including cystitis in men. In order to prepare an effective mixture, you need to take half a glass of water, 3 glasses of concentrated cranberry juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, mix everything thoroughly. The result is a real vitamin cocktail, which must be taken a tablespoon three times a day, the course of treatment lasts on average 1.5 - 2 weeks. Therefore, this folk method can be used as soon as the first symptoms of cystitis appear. Instead of cranberry juice, you can use lingonberry juice or tincture on the leaves of this plant.

Treatment of cystitis is a process that should include the use of several remedies. To achieve greater effect, as well as to generally strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and all discomfort, it is recommended to use several methods. Together they will give good results, which will have a positive effect on the treatment of cystitis in men.

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