Dicloberl - instructions, application, reviews. Indications for the use of various forms of the drug dikloberl Analog of dikloberl injections

International name


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Dosage form

Dragees, capsules, extended-release capsules, rectal capsules, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, solution for intramuscular administration, rectal suppositories, rectal suppositories [for children], tablets, coating tablets

pharmachologic effect

NSAID, phenylacetic acid derivative; has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. By indiscriminately inhibiting COX1 and COX2, it disrupts the metabolism of arachidonic acid and reduces the amount of Pg at the site of inflammation. Most effective for inflammatory pain. Like all NSAIDs, the drug has antiplatelet activity.


Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid, psoriatic, juvenile chronic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), neuralgic amyotrophy (Personage-Turner disease), osteoarthritis, rheumatism, gouty arthritis (in case of an acute attack of gout, fast-acting dosage forms are preferred), arthritis due to Reiter's disease.

Pain syndrome: headache (including migraine) and toothache, bursitis, tendinitis, lumbago, sciatica, ossalgia, neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, radiculitis, in cancer, post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome accompanied by inflammation.

Algodismenorrhea; inflammatory processes in the pelvis, incl. adnexitis; childbirth (as an analgesic and tocolytic agent).

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs with severe pain syndrome (as part of complex therapy): pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media.

Feverish syndrome with “colds” and infectious diseases.


Hypersensitivity (including to other NSAIDs), “aspirin” asthma, “aspirin” triad (a combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses and intolerance to ASA and pyrazolone-type drugs), hematopoietic disorders (leukopenia and anemia), various bleeding disorders (including hemophilia, prolongation of bleeding time, tendency to bleed), erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, lactation, young children (up to 6 years).

For rectal use: rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids, injury or inflammation of the rectum (including the anus). Caution. Anemia, bronchial asthma, decompensated CHF, arterial hypertension, edema syndrome, liver and/or renal failure, alcoholism, diverticulitis, erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract without exacerbation, diabetes mellitus, old age, postoperative period, inducible acute hepatic porphyria.

Side effects

From the digestive organs. More often than 1% – abdominal pain or spasm, bloating, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, constipation, flatulence, increased activity of “liver” transaminases, peptic ulcer, incl. with complications (perforation, bleeding), gastrointestinal bleeding without ulcer.

Less often than 1% – vomiting, jaundice, melena, blood in the stool, damage to the esophagus, aphthous stomatitis, dry mucous membranes (including the oral cavity), hepatitis, hepatonecrosis, cirrhosis, hepatorenal syndrome, changes in appetite, pancreatitis (including .ch. with concomitant hepatitis), colitis.

From the nervous system. More often than 1% – headache, dizziness.

Less often than 1% – sleep disturbance, drowsiness, depression, diplopia, anxiety, irritability, aseptic meningitis, convulsions, weakness.

From the senses. More often than 1% – tinnitus.

Less often than 1% - blurred visual perception, taste disturbance, hearing loss (including irreversible), scotoma.

From the side of the skin. More often than 1% – skin rash, itchy skin.

Less commonly 1% - alopecia, urticaria, eczema, toxic dermatitis, exudative erythema multiforme (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), photosensitivity.

From the genitourinary system. More often than 1% – fluid retention.

Less commonly 1% – nephrotic syndrome, proteinuria, oliguria, interstitial nephritis, papillary necrosis, acute renal failure, azotemia.

From the hematopoietic organs. Less often than 1% – anemia (including hemolytic and aplastic), leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenic purpura.

From the respiratory system. Less often than 1% – cough, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema.

From the SSS side. Less often than 1% – increased blood pressure, congestive heart failure.

Allergic reactions. Less often than 1% - swelling of the lips and tongue, anaphylactoid reactions, anaphylactic shock (usually develops rapidly).

Application and dosage

Orally, without chewing, during or after meals, adults - 25-50 mg 2-3 times a day. When the optimal therapeutic effect is achieved, the dose is gradually reduced and switched to maintenance treatment at a dose of 50 mg/day. The maximum daily dose is 150 mg.

For children over 6 years of age and adolescents, only tablets with a regular duration of action of 25 mg are used; daily dose – 2 mg/kg child.

For juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the daily dose can be increased to 3 mg/kg. The tablets should be taken whole, without chewing, on an empty stomach, with a small amount of liquid.

Long-acting diclofenac is prescribed 100 mg once a day (for dysmenorrhea and migraine attacks - up to 200 mg/day). When taking 100 mg retard, if it is necessary to increase the daily dose to 150 mg, you can additionally take 1 regular tablet (50 mg).

IV drip. The maximum daily dose is 150 mg. Immediately before intravenous administration, diclofenac (contents of 1 ampoule - 75 mg) should be diluted in 100-500 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution or 5% dextrose solution (after adding sodium bicarbonate solution to the infusion solutions - 0.5 ml 8.4% or 1 ml 4.2% solution). Depending on the severity of the pain syndrome, the infusion is carried out for 30-180 minutes.

In order to prevent postoperative pain, an infusion is carried out with a “shock” dose of the drug (25-50 mg over 15-60 minutes). Subsequently, the infusion is continued at a rate of 5 mg/hour (until the maximum daily dose of 150 mg is reached).

For the treatment of acute conditions or relief of exacerbation of a chronic disease, intramuscular (single) administration is also possible; further treatment is continued with oral diclofenac, taking into account the maximum daily dose of 150 mg (including on the day of injection). The injection solution is injected deep intramuscularly for no more than 2 weeks.

Rectally, 50 mg 2 times a day or 100 mg 1 time a day. Migraine attack - rectal suppositories in a dose of 100 mg at the first signs of an attack. If necessary, repeat 100 mg.

special instructions

In order to quickly achieve the desired therapeutic effect, take 30 minutes before meals. In other cases, take before, during or after meals, unchewed, with a sufficient amount of water.

Because of the important role of Pg in maintaining renal blood flow, special caution should be exercised when prescribing to patients with heart or renal failure, as well as when treating elderly patients taking diuretics, and patients who, for any reason, have a decrease in blood volume (for example, after a major surgical intervention). If diclofenac is prescribed in such cases, monitoring of renal function is recommended as a precaution.

In patients with renal failure with CC less than 10 ml/min, the Css of metabolites in plasma should theoretically be significantly higher than in patients with normal renal function, but this is not actually observed, since in this situation the excretion of metabolites in the bile is enhanced.

In patients with liver failure (chronic hepatitis, compensated cirrhosis of the liver), the kinetics and metabolism do not differ from similar processes in patients with normal liver function. When carrying out long-term therapy, it is necessary to monitor liver function, peripheral blood patterns, and stool analysis for occult blood.

During the treatment period, the speed of mental and motor reactions may decrease, so it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Increases plasma concentrations of digoxin, methotrexate, Li+ drugs and cyclosporine.

Reduces the effect of diuretics; against the background of potassium-sparing diuretics, the risk of developing hyperkalemia increases; against the background of anticoagulants, antiplatelet and thrombolytic drugs (alteplase, streptokinase, urokinase), the risk of bleeding increases (usually the gastrointestinal tract).

Reduces the effect of antihypertensive and hypnotic drugs.

Increases the likelihood of side effects of other NSAIDs and corticosteroids (bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract), the toxicity of methotrexate and the nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine.

ASA reduces the concentration of diclofenac in the blood. Concomitant use with paracetamol increases the risk of developing nephrotoxic effects of diclofenac.

Reduces the effect of hypoglycemic drugs.

Cefamandole, cefoperazone, cefotetan, valproic acid and plicamycin increase the incidence of hypoprothrombinemia.

Cyclosporine and Au preparations increase the effect of diclofenac on Pg synthesis in the kidneys, which is manifested by increased nephrotoxicity.

Simultaneous administration with ethanol, colchicine, corticotropin and St. John's wort preparations increases the risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Drugs that cause photosensitivity increase the sensitizing effect of diclofenac to UV irradiation.

Drugs that block tubular secretion increase the plasma concentration of diclofenac, thereby increasing its effectiveness and toxicity.

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Do you use Dicloberl as an analogue or vice versa its analogues?

Inflammatory processes are caused by the influence of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause other diseases. A drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Dicloberl, helps combat the consequences of their activity.

For the treatment of diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process, Dicloberl or Dicloberl retard are best suited (provides a longer lasting effect after use).

Dicloberl instructions: composition and release forms

The drug in Russia is available in several forms, which can be used depending on which one is convenient or according to indications when prescribed by a doctor.

  • Dikloberl 50 are tablets with enteric capsules, and the number next to the name indicates the presence of diclofenac sodium in a dose of 50 mg as the main substance. Auxiliary ingredients are:
  • talc;
  • simethicone emulsion;
  • macrogol 400, 6000;
  • povidone K-30;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • methacrylic acid;
  • hypromellose;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • ethacrylate copolymer;
  • corn starch.

E172 (iron oxide pigment) and also E171 (titanium dioxide) are used as additives to tablets for patients. The drug is sold in the form of blisters of 50 and 100 pieces.

  • Dikloberl suppositories 50 and 100, respectively, contain diclofenac sodium in two dosages of 50 mg and 100 mg. The following are used as excipients for the manufacture of this form:
  • propyl gallate;
  • solid fats;
  • ethyl alcohol (96%);
  • corn starch.

Suppositories can also be purchased in blisters (5 and 10 pieces).

  • Dicloberl 75 solution contains 75 mg of diclofenac. It is produced for intramuscular injection in ampoules of 3 ml, and each box contains 5 pieces.
  • Diclofenac retard is a long-acting (prolonged) drug available in capsules of 100 mg of diclofenac sodium. Diclober retard is sold in blisters of 10, 20 and 50 capsules.

Action and why it is prescribed

The medicine has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and antirheumatic properties. When the body is affected by rheumatism, the effect manifests itself in the form of a decrease in stiffness in the joints in the morning, swelling over them and a decrease in the level of pain. Diclofenac is excreted in the urine, where 1% is unchanged diclofenac, and the rest is metabolites excreted in bile and feces.

The drug can be divided depending on the indications into forms that are convenient to take in a particular case:

  • Dicloberl in tablet form is used for rheumatic diseases (ankylosing spondylitis, spondyloarthritis, osteoarthritis); inflammatory pathology in gynecology, combined with pain syndrome (adnexitis); diseases of the ENT organs with symptoms of inflammation and pain (otitis media). It is often prescribed in conditions after surgery (orthopedic or dental surgery) or trauma with signs of inflammation and pain; gout in the acute stage; the presence of pain syndrome due to damage to the spine; diseases of soft tissues after damage by rheumatism.
  • Dicloberl in capsules helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation in musculoskeletal diseases (ankylosing spondylitis, gout attack, glenohumeral periarthritis, tendovaginitis and others). The remedy is often used for injuries of various origins, such as dislocations, fractures, sprains, providing a noticeable analgesic effect. After minor dental or orthopedic surgery, capsules can be used as an anti-inflammatory drug and to relieve pain.
  • Dicloberl in the form of injections can be injected for ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, pain syndrome of vertebrogenic origin (osteochondrosis), non-articular form of rheumatism, renal and hepatic colic, mild forms of migraine attacks, pain syndrome, inflammatory process after minor injuries.

Studies have found that the pharmacological effect is achieved by significantly reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins (responsible for inflammation, fever and pain). An analgesic effect is possible when used in the event of pain that is non-traumatic in nature.


Depending on the form of release, the drug must be used in different dosages, following an individual approach and only after a prescription has been prescribed by a doctor.

Dicloberl tablets are taken at the beginning of therapy in the very minimum dose in order to reduce the occurrence of side symptoms. They are taken 30 minutes or an hour before meals, washed down with water, and it is also forbidden to chew them when taking them. The starting dose is no more than 150 mg/day. If the symptoms are not pronounced, then 75 mg/day may be prescribed. The prescribed dose must be divided into several doses, but in case of pain at night, administration of the rectal form of Dicloberl in the form of suppositories (50 mg) before bedtime is allowed.

If the drug is prescribed when a diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhea is made, the dosage should not exceed 100 mg/day. With the onset of severe pain, it is allowed to increase it by the same amount, but over the course of several menstruation. Treatment with Dicloberl is prescribed on the first day after the onset of pain.

There are certain specifics in prescribing medication for the elderly. Prescribing the same dose does not affect the symptoms and effect, but they are more prone to adverse reactions from the stomach or intestines.

Important! When prescribing therapy, it is necessary to monitor the condition for gastric bleeding due to a decrease in mucosal protective factors.

When prescribing Dicloberl in capsules, the recommended maximum dose initially is no more than 150 mg/day, Dicloberl retard – no more than 100 mg/day. As a rule, the maximum dosage (100 mg/day) of the extended-release form is sufficient to relieve symptoms of pain and inflammation and is not recommended for use in children.

Dicloberl in the form of an injection solution should not be used for more than 2 days. If further treatment remains necessary, you must switch to tablets or suppositories. The drug is administered intramuscularly (1 ampoule), adhering to the minimum dose; if necessary, you can give an additional injection in the same dose, but keeping an interval of at least 2-3 hours.

There are some nuances regarding the use of Dicloberl in patients with mild or moderate liver or kidney pathology. The maximum permissible dose is 150 mg/day to avoid unwanted effects.


If the patient has one of the restrictions indicated in the list, it is necessary to select an individual dose that is permissible for him with constant monitoring, or prescribe another drug.

  • Intolerance to the drug or individual components in the composition.
  • Bleeding from the stomach or intestines, a history of perforation.
  • Inflammatory bowel pathology in the form of nonspecific ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
  • Ulcers of the stomach, duodenum.
  • Cerebrovascular disorders or diseases of the hematopoietic organs.
  • Severe pathology of the kidneys or liver.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Previous myocardial infarction, history of angina pectoris.
  • Congestive heart failure.
  • In all cases when the patient exhibits symptoms of bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, acute rhinitis or urticaria while using ibuprofen or aspirin.


If it becomes necessary to simultaneously take lithium, potassium-sparing diuretics, trimethoprim, cyclosporine, constant monitoring of lithium or potassium levels is required. This is important due to the increase in their concentration in the blood plasma when combined with NSAIDs.

If you need to take diuretics, antihypertensive drugs and Dicloberl, then constant monitoring of blood pressure levels is necessary due to the possibility of enhancing the hypotensive effect. It is also important to monitor renal function due to the risk of nephrotoxicity.

Side effects

Adverse events after using Dicloberl are possible both after short-term use and as a result of long-term treatment on the part of all organs and systems individually:

  • Mental disorders such as irritability, insomnia, and depression may occur.
  • Side effects from the hematopoietic system manifest themselves in the form of anemia.
  • On the part of the immune system, characteristic signs of hypersensitivity, severe urticaria and itching of the skin appear.
  • Damage to the respiratory system is manifested by bronchial asthma.
  • Violations of the visual and auditory systems in the form of a decrease in their acuity, ringing in the ears and fog before the eyes.
  • The digestive system is characterized by a rich symptomatology, which is characterized by: flatulence, abdominal pain, symptoms of gastritis, ulcers in the stomach or duodenum, constipation, stomatitis, glossitis and pancreatitis.
  • Tachycardia, palpitations, vasculitis and a drop in blood pressure appear when there are disorders of the cardiac system.
  • On the skin side, alopecia, toxic epidermal necrolysis, erythema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, itching and eczema are possible.
  • The renal system is disrupted in the form of edema and nephrotic syndrome.
  • Infiltrates or abscesses appear at the injection site when administering Dicloberl solutions.

The appearance of side effects is possible with long-term treatment with NSAIDs and depending on how much of the drug is administered orally (more than 150 mg/day).

Dicloberl analogues, price

There is a large list of products called Dicloberl analogue. The most commonly purchased drugs are similar in pharmacological action and effects to the following:

  • Pentalgin (tablets), the cost of which is 100-150 rubles.
  • Voltaren emulgel (tablets, injections, ointment, patch). Price from 150 rub.
  • Analgin (tablets, suppositories, injections, capsules) can be purchased cheaper than other products, costing from 50 rubles.
  • Nimesil (granules in bags for preparing a suspension) can be purchased at a price of 630 rubles.

If we compare generics and original drugs, then the latter have the highest positive results due to their greatest purity of structure and the research conducted. Generic drugs are most often not subjected to experimentation, and therefore their final result is not clear.

In order to become more familiar with the instructions and effects, there is a forum where specialists from various specialties can answer questions of interest to patients.

11 reviews


by date

    Alexander Igorevich

    As I got older, I started having problems with my knees. It turns out that inflammation of the right knee joint has begun to develop. He was treated as best he could and using different methods. But a few months ago the pain became so severe that I could no longer bear it. My doctor prescribed Dicloberl injections. It is an anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic agent. It is quite strong and effective. But... As I got older, I started having problems with my knees. It turns out that inflammation of the right knee joint has begun to develop. He was treated as best he could and using different methods. But a few months ago the pain became so severe that I could no longer bear it. My doctor prescribed Dicloberl injections. It is an anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic agent. It is quite strong and effective. But you need to take into account a huge list of contraindications and side effects. The injections were not easy for me, they were very painful. But there is a result from them. After them, I felt better and the terrible pain disappeared.


    The whole family tried Dicloberl for joint pain. My husband had lower back pain, my grandmother suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, and my father had gout. Dicloberl relieves the inflammatory process. The active agent is diclofenac, which also relieves pain. It can cause various side effects, so it must be used with caution. The whole family tried Dicloberl for joint pain. My husband had lower back pain, my grandmother suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, and my father had gout. Dicloberl relieves the inflammatory process.
    The active agent is diclofenac, which also relieves pain.
    It can cause various side effects, so it must be used with caution.


    Helped well with inflammation of the hip joint. I put only 3 suppositories, one at night, then switched to Mydocalm and Elbon Ultra, the pain was no longer so severe. As a result, no side effects and a good result.

    I suffered from mengito encephalitis in 2002.. over the years my knees become sad and my veins sag, I get tired, I drank calcium, but to no avail.

    I don't know how to write correctly! but I started injecting Dikloberl No. 75 and after it my leg is very tight! that after the injection I almost can’t stand on it! Do you think this is normal or should I stop injecting myself with it?

    I had mammoplasty, in the postoperative period I had terrible pain in my back and not only that, I slept for 2 hours and walked for 30 minutes to make my back feel better, the swelling was very strong. With the help of the drug, Dicloberg slept through the night for the first time and felt normal during the day. Bye... I had mammoplasty, in the postoperative period there was terrible pain in the back and not only that, I slept for 2 hours and walked for 30 minutes to make my back feel better, the swelling was very strong. With the help of the drug, Dicloberg slept through the night for the first time and felt normal during the day. I'm on my 3rd injection, maybe I'll give it some more


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The inflammatory process caused by the active activity of pathogenic microorganisms can provoke many diseases. Drugs from the NSAID group (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), one of which is Dicloberl, help eliminate pain and relieve swelling of soft tissues. The main component diclofenac sodium helps in the treatment of many diseases accompanied by inflammation. What are its features and advantages, as well as in what cases it is best to use it, we will analyze further.

pharmachologic effect

Dicloberl is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on phenylacetic acid. Capable of exerting the following factors on the body:

  • relieves inflammation in soft tissues;
  • has an antipyretic effect;
  • helps reduce swelling;
  • reduces the sensitivity of the nerve fibers of the affected area.

All this is achieved by inhibiting the synthesis of proglandins, which signal the presence of foreign bodies in the body.

When taken orally his drug maximum concentration observed in plasma in 1-15 hours. In this case, diclofenac is completely absorbed in the intestine and excreted in the urine 15-20 hours after administration. Parenteral (intramuscular) introduction allows speed up the absorption process, however efficiency is much lower than when taken orally. Usage rectal suppositories increases the percentage of absorption, allowing you to achieve maximum concentration in blood plasma at maximum short time.

Dicloberl undergoes a partial course of metabolism, binding well to blood proteins. Inactive metabolites formed as a result of conjugation by hepatocytes are excreted by the kidneys. The rest of the metabolites are excreted by the intestines within 12-15 hours.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Indications for use

The drug is effective in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis;
  • and cartilage;
  • myalgia;
  • acute pain syndromes of the spine;
  • gynecological diseases accompanied by extensive inflammatory process;
  • spicy migraine attacks, especially in the chronic stage of the disease;

In addition to narrow specialization and treatment of specific groups of diseases, Dicloberl is widely used in complex therapy when the following diseases occur:

  • acute tonsillitis of advanced form;
  • chronic otitis in the acute stage;
  • pharyngotonsillitis.

As a prophylactic agent, Dicloberl widely used before surgery on ENT organs (removal of polyps, tonsils, adenoids), as well as in gynecology.

Taking Dicloberl as the main drug is possible only after consultation and prescription of a doctor. Fever or joint pain is not a key factor affecting the cost-effectiveness of using this medication. Only after a comprehensive examination, based on the data obtained on the state of health and diagnosis, the drug is able to have a beneficial effect on the body.

Composition and release form

The main active component of the drug is sodium. Its concentration varies depending on the form of release, of which there are several:

  1. Rectal suppositories– may contain 100 and 50 mg of diclofenac in one suppository. In addition, there are also auxiliary components:
  • corn starch;
  • ethanol;
  • hard fat;
  • propyl galate
  1. Ampoules for intramuscular injections– contain diclofenac sodium 75 mg in each ampoule. Auxiliary components:
  • propylene glycol;
  • injection;
  • acetylcysteine;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • sodium hydroxide.
  1. Pills contain 50 mg diclofenac sodium in each capsule. Related ingredients that improve the transportation of the tablet, as well as its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract:
  • magnesium stearate;
  • corn starch;
  • yellow pigment (dye E211);
  • simethicone emulsion;
  • talc;
  • glucose monohydrate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • methacrylic acid.
  1. Dikloberl-Retard- these are tablets, the action of which allows the accumulation of the active element in the body, which explains its prolonged effect on the source of inflammation. It is used for protracted inflammatory processes that have a chronic course. One tablet contains an increased concentration of diclofenac - 100 mg. Inactive components are also present:
  • sucrose;
  • maltose monohydrate;
  • corn starch;
  • gelatin;
  • white dye;
  • talc.

The feasibility of using one or another form of release directly depends on indicators such as:

  • type of disease;
  • duration and characteristics of the course of the disease;
  • individual sensitivity to components;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

Only a doctor is able to choose the correct form of Dicloberl and its dosage, knowing all the details and nuances about the course of the disease and its characteristics.

Method of administration and duration of treatment

For parenteral use Dicloberl is injected deep into the gluteal muscle. Daily dosage amounts to 75 mg of substance– this is 1 ampoule. In rare cases, the daily allowable amount can be doubled (150 mg). Duration the course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. If it is necessary to continue treatment, it is carried out using tablets and rectal suppositories.

Daily dose Dicloberla in tablets amounts to 50 mg. Sometimes it is increased to 150 mg, dividing the dose into 2-3 doses. Tablets are taken directly with meals(this reduces the risk of irritation of the stomach walls) with a small amount of warm water. The duration of the course depends on the indications and doctor's prescription.

Rectal suppositories Dicloberl is injected directly into the rectum after it has been cleared of feces. If you have constipation, you can give a cleansing enema, which will help gently remove stool and facilitate the absorption of diclofenac. The daily dose should not exceed 150 mg. For better absorption and digestibility by the body, it is divided into 2 doses: morning and evening. The duration of treatment should not be more than 5 days. When a suppository is inserted into a full intestine, the effectiveness of treatment decreases sharply.

Dicloberl-Retard capsules are used once a day, since an initially increased concentration of diclofenac (100 mg) has more successful treatment, but can provoke adverse reactions in case of overdose.


Diclober is not used in the treatment of inflammatory processes when the following contraindications exist:

    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (especially in chronic cases during the period of exacerbation);
    • gastritis and minor gastric bleeding;
    • disorders of hematopoietic functions;
    • bronchial asthma and other chronic lung diseases;
    • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
    • children under 15 years of age;
    • hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
    • acute inflammatory bowel diseases;
    • ischemia developed against the background of angina pectoris, as well as in the presence of myocardial infarction;
    • oncological neoplasms of the intestine and rectum;
    • cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke.

In some cases, the drug is contraindicated when the patient has an acute allergic reaction to any medications, including NSAIDs. Use with caution during pregnancy, but only in the early stages.


Intentional or accidental overdose occurs when one-time the dose of Dicloberl exceeds 400 mg. The patient may experience symptoms such as:

  • dizziness, clouding of consciousness, fainting;
  • fever, tachycardia, sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • nausea and vomiting associated with diarrhea;
  • angioedema, urticaria, Quincke's edema;
  • convulsions;
  • attacks of acute spasmodic pain in the stomach, which can provoke bleeding;
  • pain in the kidneys and liver.

When diagnosing symptoms of overdose, symptomatic treatment is carried out, flushing the gastrointestinal tract. In cases where acute allergic reaction, necessary immediately call an ambulance, give the person plenty of water, and take a double dose of any antihistamine(Zodak, Diazolin, Finistil, Suprastin). If such a reaction is caused by a tablet or suppository, you need to eliminate their remains from the gastrointestinal tract as quickly as possible.

Side effects

In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as the presence of health problems, the following adverse reactions may occur:

    • From the gastrointestinal tract: spastic pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, esophagitis, development of peptic ulcer.
    • From the circulatory system: anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia.

  • From the central nervous system: anxiety, hyperexcitability, dizziness, convulsions and confusion.
  • From the cardiovascular system: arterial hypertension, chest and chest pain, tachycardia.

A complete examination, as well as a gradual increase in the dosage of Dicloberl, can reduce the risk of adverse reactions. In the presence of acute manifestations that threaten human life, the drug is replaced with an analogue.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of Dicloberl and potassium-sparing diuretics, the concentration of salts in the blood increases sharply. Concomitant use with such substances is not recommended, How:

  • phenytoin;
  • angiotensive inhibitors;
  • cyclosporine.

Use Dicloberl with caution in the presence of diabetes mellitus, which requires constant administration of insulin. The components of the drug can affect glucose concentrations, increasing the risk of diabetic coma.

Benefits of use

Dicloberl not only has a whole range of effects, but also allows you to treat a variety of diseases. It combines well in complex therapy and quite rarely provokes acute allergic reactions. But the most important advantage is its availability. The low price allows it to be used by all segments of the population.


Rectal suppositories cost from 120 to 200 rubles, depending on the number of candles and manufacturer. Dikloberl-Retard (20 pieces per package) cost 235 rubles, and the drug in ampoules will cost 190 rubles for a pack of 5 ampoules. For 50 tablets of Dicloberl (50 mg) you will have to pay 145 rubles, which is quite a bit if you take into account analogs.

Vacation conditions

The drug, regardless of its release form, is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Rectal suppositories and ampoules for intramuscular injections are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 6°C. Shelf life from the date of manufacture is 3 years. Tablets are stored in a cool, dry place out of reach of children. Shelf life – 3 years.

After its expiration, it is better to abandon the use of Dicloberl, since its effectiveness will be noticeably reduced.


If it is impossible to carry out treatment with Dicloberl, Despite the fact that the drug is available for free sale, its uncontrolled use can lead to unwanted side reactions, including death. You cannot self-medicate, which can be not only ineffective, but also life-threatening. Only a doctor can prescribe Dicloberl, determining its dosage and duration of treatment.

Thus, Dicloberl, belonging to the group, allows you to fight more than 30 diseases, providing decongestant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Injections and suppositories are most effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases, while tablets are appropriate for a long course of treatment of various diseases. Before starting to use Dicloberl, you must study the instructions, which indicate contraindications and precautions for using the drug in complex therapy.

1 ampoule with 3 ml of solution for injection contains diclofenac sodium 75 mg; in a box 5 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory

Inhibits cyclooxygenase involved in the metabolism of arachidonic acid, blocks the synthesis of PG.


The anti-inflammatory effect is due to intervention in different parts of the pathogenesis of inflammation: in addition to the main anti-prostaglandin effect, increased permeability and microcirculation processes are normalized, the influence of histamine, bradykinin and other inflammatory mediators is reduced; the formation of ATP is inhibited, the energy of the inflammatory process is reduced, etc. The analgesic properties are due to the ability to weaken the algogenicity of bradykinin, the antipyretic properties are due to the calming effect on the excitability of the heat-regulating centers of the diencephalon, altered under the influence of the pathological process.


After oral administration, it is completely absorbed. Cmax in plasma is achieved after 1-16 hours (with intramuscular administration - after 10-20 minutes, with rectal administration - after about 30 minutes). When administered orally, 35-70% enters the blood unchanged (after passing through the liver). Plasma protein binding is about 99%. T 1/2 - 2 hours. Approximately 30% is excreted from the body in the form of metabolites by the intestines. About 70% is metabolized in the liver and excreted through the kidneys in the form of inactive derivatives.

Indications of the drug Dicloberl ® N 75

Arthritis (rheumatoid, polyarthritis, gout attacks); ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) and other rheumatic diseases of the spine, degenerative diseases of the joints and spine (arthrosis, spondyloarthrosis), rheumatic lesions of soft tissues, painful swelling and inflammation after injuries or operations. Acute pain syndrome in the cases listed above (injections).


Hypersensitivity, hematopoietic disorders of unknown etiology, gastric and duodenal ulcers, induced porphyria, bronchial asthma, childhood and adolescence (up to 18 years).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not recommended in the first six months of pregnancy, contraindicated in the last trimester (possible inhibition of labor, premature closure of the ductus arteriosus, increased tendency to bleeding in mother and child, intense formation of edema in the mother). Avoid use during breastfeeding (passes into mother's milk).

Side effects

NSAID gastropathy, stomach and intestinal ulcers, bloody vomiting, bloody stools or diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, agitation, irritability, weakness, stupor, impaired sensitivity and taste, visual impairment, tinnitus, hearing impairment, memory impairment, disorientation, fear , nightmares, trembling, depression, symptoms of aseptic meningitis, alopecia, eczema, erythema, blistering rashes, photosensitivity, small-spotted skin hemorrhages, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome, renal dysfunction, renal failure, proteinuria, hematuria, transient increase in liver transaminases , hepatitis, isolated cases of changes in glycemic levels, anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancreatitis, edema, palpitations, cardialgia, hypertension, allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, urticaria); local reactions (for suppositories): irritation, bloody mucus, painful bowel movements.


Increases the level of digoxin and lithium in the blood plasma, the toxicity of cyclosporine to the kidneys, weakens the effect of diuretics and antihypertensive drugs. Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the concentration of diclofenac in serum. When taken simultaneously with potassium-sparing diuretics, the likelihood of developing hyperkalemia increases. Glucocorticoids and other anti-inflammatory drugs increase the risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Directions for use and doses

IM, once. The maximum daily dose is 150 mg.


Symptoms: central nervous system disorders (dizziness, headaches, hyperventilation, clouding of consciousness, in children - myoclonic convulsions), gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bleeding), liver and kidney dysfunctions.

Treatment: symptomatic.

Precautionary measures

Solution for injection is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma with hypersensitivity to sulfites. Prescribe with caution to patients with pain in the stomach or intestines, persons with stomach and intestinal ulcers, incl. history, patients with liver or kidney diseases, with high blood pressure and/or heart failure, who have undergone major surgery, in old age. When co-administered with anticoagulants, careful monitoring of the state of hemocoagulation is necessary. Combine with caution with potassium-sparing diuretics, glucocorticoids and other NSAIDs.

Storage conditions for the drug Dicloberl ® N 75

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Dicloberl ® N 75

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
M05 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritisRheumatoid arthritis seropositive
M10 GoutExacerbation of gout
Acute joint attack due to gout
Acute gouty attack
Gout attack
Recurrent attacks of gout
Chronic gout
M45 Ankylosing spondylitisAnkylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Pain syndrome in acute inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Pain syndrome in chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Diseases of the spinal column
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis-Marie-Strumpell disease
Marie-Strumpel's disease
Rheumatic spondylitis
Ankylosing spondyloarthritis
M47 SpondylosisDiseases of the spinal column
M79.0 Rheumatism, unspecifiedDegenerative rheumatic disease
Degenerative and rheumatic tendon diseases
Degenerative rheumatic diseases
Localized forms of soft tissue rheumatism
Rheumatism with a pronounced allergic component
Rheumatism articular and extra-articular
Rheumatic attack
Rheumatic complaints
Rheumatic diseases
Rheumatic diseases of the intervertebral disc
Rheumatic disease
Rheumatic spine disease
Rheumatoid diseases
Relapses of rheumatism
Articular and extra-articular rheumatism
Articular and muscular rheumatism
Articular rheumatism
Articular syndrome in rheumatism
Chronic rheumatic pain
Chronic articular rheumatism
R52.1 Persistent, intractable painPain syndrome in oncological practice
Severe pain syndrome
Pain syndrome in malignant neoplasms
Pain syndrome in cancer
Pain syndrome with tumors
Pain syndrome in cancer patients
Pain due to malignant neoplasms
Pain due to malignant tumors
Pain due to tumors
Pain in cancer patients
Pain with bone metastases
Pain due to cancer
Malignant pain syndrome
Intense chronic pain
Intense pain syndrome
Intense intractable pain syndrome
Intense chronic pain syndrome
Intractable pain
Intractable pain
Tumor pain
Post-traumatic pain syndrome
Severe pain
Chronic pain
Chronic pain syndrome
R52.2 Other persistent painPain syndrome of non-rheumatic origin
Pain syndrome with vertebrogenic lesions
Pain syndrome with neuralgia
Pain syndrome from burns
Pain syndrome is mild or moderate
Neuropathic pain
Neuropathic pain
Perioperative pain
Moderate to severe pain
Moderate or mild pain syndrome
Moderate to severe pain syndrome
Ear pain due to otitis media
Z100* CLASS XXII Surgical practiceAbdominal surgery
Angioplasty of coronary arteries
Carotid angioplasty
Antiseptic treatment of skin for wounds
Antiseptic hand treatment
Balloon coronary angioplasty
Vaginal hysterectomy
Corona bypass
Interventions on the vagina and cervix
Bladder interventions
Intervention in the oral cavity
Restorative and reconstructive operations
Hand hygiene of medical personnel
Gynecological surgery
Gynecological interventions
Gynecological surgeries
Hypovolemic shock during surgery
Disinfection of purulent wounds
Disinfection of wound edges
Diagnostic interventions
Diagnostic procedures
Diathermocoagulation of the cervix
Long surgical operations
Replacing fistula catheters
Infection during orthopedic surgery
Artificial heart valve
Short-term outpatient surgery
Short-term operations
Short-term surgical procedures
Blood loss during surgery
Bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period
Laser coagulation
Laser coagulation
Laser coagulation of the retina
Laparoscopy in gynecology
CSF fistula
Minor gynecological operations
Minor surgical interventions
Mastectomy and subsequent plastic surgery
Microsurgical operations on the ear
Mucogingival surgeries
Minor surgeries
Neurosurgical operation
Immobilization of the eyeball in ophthalmic surgery
Complications after tooth extraction
Rehabilitation period after surgery
The period of convalescence after surgical interventions
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Pleural thoracentesis
Pneumonia postoperative and post-traumatic
Preparing for surgical procedures
Preparing for surgery
Preparing the surgeon's hands before surgery
Preparing the colon for surgery
Postoperative aspiration pneumonia during neurosurgical and thoracic operations
Postoperative nausea
Postoperative bleeding
Postoperative granuloma
Postoperative shock
Early postoperative period
Myocardial revascularization
Resection of the apex of the tooth root
Gastric resection
Bowel resection
Resection of the uterus
Liver resection
Small bowel resection
Resection of part of the stomach
Reocclusion of the operated vessel
Bonding tissue during surgery
Removing stitches
Condition after eye surgery
Condition after surgery
Condition after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity
Condition after gastrectomy
Condition after resection of the small intestine
Condition after tonsillectomy
Condition after removal of the duodenum
Condition after phlebectomy
Vascular surgery
Sterilization of surgical instruments
Sterilization of surgical instruments
Dental operations
Dental intervention on periodontal tissues
Thoracic surgery
Thoracic operations
Total gastrectomy
Transdermal intravascular coronary angioplasty
Transurethral resection
Removal of a tooth
Cataract removal
Cyst removal
Tonsil removal
Removal of fibroids
Removal of mobile baby teeth
Removal of polyps
Removing a broken tooth
Removal of the uterine body
Removing stitches
CSF duct fistula
Surgical infection
Surgical treatment of chronic limb ulcers
Surgery in the anal area
Colon surgery
Surgical practice
Surgical procedure
Surgical interventions
Surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract
Surgical interventions on the urinary tract
Surgical interventions on the urinary system
Surgical interventions on the genitourinary system
Heart surgery
Surgical procedures
Surgical operations
Vein surgery
Surgical intervention
Vascular surgery
Surgical treatment of thrombosis
Partial gastrectomy
Transperitoneal hysterectomy
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
Coronary artery bypass surgery
Tooth extirpation
Extirpation of baby teeth
Pulp extirpation
Extracorporeal circulation
Tooth extraction
Tooth extraction
Cataract extraction
Endourological interventions

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