Great Dane Terrier. All dog breeds with photos and names. Russian toy terrier

The name of the breed "terrier" comes from French phrase chien terrier - " burrowing dog" Most terriers were used to hunt burrowing animals, usually foxes and badgers, and to control rodents (mainly rats on ships, in granaries, warehouses and stables).


The homeland of the vast majority of these four-legged animals is Great Britain. Here this type of dog was in demand due to the strong passion of the nobility for hunting. Thanks to expansion British Empire these dogs spread throughout the world.

Crossbreeding was the reason increase in the number of species over several centuries. Depending on what qualities of the animal were needed, the genes of a pug, pinscher, corgi and even a Chinese dog were added. crested dog. Unsuccessful mestizos were discarded, but in a number of cases the selection was successful, which is why today we can see such an abundance of terrier breeds.

The hunting instinct has become dulled only in fighting varieties. Such a dog is suitable both as a service dog and as a companion. All species are characterized by energy and lively temperament, so the pet needs regular walks. With rare exceptions, animals are characterized by good health and relative longevity by dog ​​standards: a dog lives on average 12-15 years.

According to Fédération Cynologique Internationale standards, there are 32 terrier breeds. Modern varieties conditionally divided into three groups:

The excellent qualities of terriers are evidenced by the fact that during the entire period of selection, not a single breed was lost. Vice versa, Terrier dog breed is gaining more and more popularity.

Popularity of terriers in Russia

Yorkshire Terrier

According to statistics, today this is the most popular variety of terrier in the Russian Federation. The breed was bred in Yorkshire in northern England as a companion dog. This breed is not at all intended for hunting: it is difficult to find game that does not exceed it in size and strength. However, this little guy's hunter genes are strong, just like those of larger breeds, so he never minds hunting insects and small rodents. Yorkie is active and energetic and is always happy to go for a walk with his owner.

When breeding Skye and Dandy Ditmont terriers were used along with decorative Maltese dog. The Yorkie is small in size, surpassing, perhaps, only the Chihuahua, but already inferior dwarf spitz and Papillon. Representatives of the breed do not exceed a weight of 3 kg and a height of 25 cm.

The dog's beautiful silky coat requires careful care. In the absence of regular bathing the coat becomes matted and becomes dull. The golden color no longer looks so impressive. In addition to bathing with a special shampoo, regular brushing of the coat is required. The baby is prone to allergies, digestive and dental problems, so the owner must monitor his health.

Jack Russell Terrier

This is a compact “perpetual motion machine”: the dog is not able to sit still, it is very agile and fast. The breed was bred for fox hunting and copes well with this task. However, this type of terrier can also be used as a companion: its temperament will definitely not let its owner get bored. The animal is a little "crazy"- in a good way.

The Jack Russell Terrier can become a loyal friend for a child. The animal is constantly in in a great mood, willingly plays and is not averse to playing pranks. Representatives of the breed are easy to train, which will help somewhat curb their ardor. When you decide to get such a pet, remember that you will have to spend at least an hour on a walk every day - that’s how much the pet needs to run in order to throw out excess energy. If you are used to leading a measured, quiet life, this breed is definitely not suitable for you. Keep in mind that it is even more difficult to control several of these dogs.

Black Russian Terrier (black terrier)

The breed was bred in Russia and is the closest relative of the Giant Schnauzer. This dog does not have a hunting instinct, but is valued for its intelligence and service qualities. From a representative of the breed It will make an excellent search or guard animal - it was for these purposes that the Black was bred.

The selection was carried out under government order with the participation of rescue dogs, shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzer and Airedale Terrier. If you decide to have a pet of this breed, remember that the black cat is unable to sit quietly idle and always needs some kind of activity. Natural suspiciousness of the breed can only be smoothed out through training. Black requires socialization and regular communication with family members. Representatives of this breed mature slowly: they lose their puppy playfulness at the age of two.

Black Terrier coat It is necessary to comb it daily with a special brush, and remove food debris from the beard and mustache using a comb. The animal needs trimming, so if you do not have the appropriate skills, it is recommended to use the services of a specialist. At the same time, physical activity and long walks are no less important for a black terrier than a well-groomed appearance.

How to choose a terrier puppy

It is difficult to imagine humanity without dogs. Service, fighting, sports, decorative, hunting - an incredible variety of breeds. However, terriers are represented in each of the above categories. The versatility of these animals allows them to confidently remain among the most common breeds in the world.


Multifaceted terrier dogs have their loyal fans on all continents. In many countries there are breeds bred by local breeders. Their origin is confirmed geographical name, for example, the Moscow Toy Terrier smooth-haired, Australian, Brazilian, Czech and others.

Enormous difference between appearance and the specialization of dogs is confirmed by the fact that terriers did not disappear over time, but, on the contrary, were successfully bred. The plasticity of the rock helped to develop and consolidate the selected useful qualities.


Dogs of this breed group have been known for more than two thousand years. The name itself comes from the Latin terra - “earth”. Free translation from French - "burrow dog". The vast majority of modern breeds were created in the British Isles. Initially, terriers were dogs that, due to their strength, courage and powerful jaws, could cope with burrowing game. They perfectly combined hunting with the functions of house guards.

In the mid-eighteenth century, Daniel's almanac mentions two - with a magnificent build, a lively and cheerful disposition, reddish-brown or black in color with red legs. The second type - coarse-haired - was described as follows: short legs, long back, strong, black or yellowish, sometimes with white markings.


The main direction is hunting burrowing animals and rodent control. The hunting abilities of terriers were used not only for hunting foxes and badgers. Brave dogs could engage in single combat with otters and other small animals and even drove wild boars.

On ships, rats were always present in the holds, huge barns, slaughterhouses, stables and barnyards. They were the cause of terrible epidemics. Terriers were used to fight them. Nimble, with an excellent sense of smell, they easily coped with rodents.

Excellent natural instincts and excellent working qualities helped these dogs conquer all continents. In America, individuals with a keen sense of smell were selected to search for and capture slaves. Later, a large breed of Airedale terriers was developed, and they were successfully used as service dogs.


All animals have excellent health, a cheerful, playful disposition, are ready to protect their owner at any moment, and are distrustful of strangers. Most dogs are wire-haired. Smooth coated terriers have a softer feel hairline. Moreover, in one breed there can be both directions. In addition, internally they can be divided into dogs specially bred for exhibitions or for hunting, with pronounced working qualities. Long-haired dogs have also been bred; they have long and soft hair.

Decorative terriers do not require special skills or care. Sports, service, fighting or hunting representatives of this breed need appropriate physical activity. Without them, dogs become uncontrollable and begin to cause a lot of trouble for their owners.


The English classification divides all terriers according to regional reference and place of breeding into five groups:

  • England - 13.
  • Scotland - 4.
  • Ireland - 4.
  • Wales -2.
  • Border areas: Scotland-England - 4.

There are more than thirty terrier breeds in the world. They are divided into:

  • Large and medium:


Fox terrier;

Manchester Terrier (smooth-haired);

Jagterrier (German);

Kerry Blue Terrier, etc.

  • Small:

Jack Russell;

Skye Terrier;



Japanese, etc.;

  • Bull Terriers:

Standard Dwarf Bull Terrier;


American Staffordshire.

  • Toy Terriers:

Australian Silky:

English Toy Terrier (black and tan);


Russian Toy Terrier (Moscow).


Caring for terriers is easy. Wire-haired dogs require trimming. Smooth-haired dogs are brushed weekly with a special brush. A massage glove is a great addition as it promotes better blood circulation.

Wool has the property of self-cleaning. The dirt that gets on it dries and crumbles. The white smooth-haired terrier perfectly retains its snowy whiteness and does not need frequent washing. On the contrary, bathing destroys the wool's ability to clean itself.

Quantity and intensity physical activity directly depend on the specialization of the terrier. Sports and hunting dogs need long walks and serious exercise. Twenty minutes three times a day is enough for Toy Terriers to fully satisfy their need for movement.


Any terrier, smooth or wirehaired, requires proper balanced nutrition. Some owners prefer to feed their pets natural food, others - dry. Both options are acceptable for terriers.

It must be taken into account that dry food provides the dog with everything essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements. TO natural food Supplements are required to help properly balance the animal’s diet. If desired, after purchasing a puppy, you can easily switch it to one or another type of feeding. The main thing is to do it gradually.

Bunch of energy

These dogs received a million-strong army of fans after the release of the film “The Mask” in 1994. The breed itself was bred in England in the 18th century. Its “parent” is considered to be the Reverend Jack Russell, who devoted more than 65 years to breeding dogs. He sought to obtain a compact, hardy and balanced hunter, with strong jaws and a ringing voice.

Brief characteristics of dogs:

  • very playful and active;
  • wary of strangers;
  • get along well with children;
  • requires getting used to other pets;
  • average difficulty of training.

Requires great physical activity. Weight within 6 kg, height up to 30 cm, females - up to 26 cm, life expectancy up to 16 years.

The modern breed has several divisions based on different characteristics:

  • Coat type:

Smooth-haired, the best option hunting burrow working dog. Wool does not interfere with climbing narrow burrows. The dense undercoat provides excellent protection from adverse weather conditions.

Longhaired (wirehaired) looks shaggy. This is due to the fact that the hair does not fit tightly to the animal's body.

Intermediate (broken - broken). Such dogs do not grow a beard or eyebrows, the fur fits tightly to the body and does not stick out in all directions.

  • Color:

White color with tan;

White color with black spots.

A smooth-haired terrier should be clearly visible when hunting. That is why the white color was fixed in litters during selective breeding. White dog when hunting, it is difficult to confuse it with a predatory animal, which means there is less chance of accidentally shooting it.

Dogs of this breed are purchased not only for hunting. They make wonderful pets or canine partners. sports types frisbee or freestyle.

A small bit of happiness

A small dog can be a wonderful companion. The Smooth-haired Russian Toy Terrier is ideally suited for this role. A variety of colors: brown, black, blue, red (all options with tan are required) - makes this breed even more attractive.

It was launched in Moscow (USSR) in 1958. Officially recognized by the FCI in 2006. There are two types of Toys - long-haired and smooth-haired. The fur of the former requires appropriate care: cutting, washing, and styling for exhibition. Smooth-haired cats are very easy to care for. The weight of the animals does not exceed 3 kg, height is within 28 cm, females are slightly smaller.


  • do not require spacious enclosures or apartments;
  • eats very little, including dry food;
  • smart, easy to train;
  • playful and active;
  • get along well with children;
  • gets along well with other pets;
  • distrustful of strangers;
  • They have a courageous character, ready to protect their owner, regardless of the size of the offender.

The dogs are affectionate, love to kiss, and live 12-15 years. This animal is exclusively for home care. Caring for them is simple: trim the nails once a month, bathe them a couple of times a year. The shorthaired toy does not require combing or trimming. The most important thing for a child is to feel like a full and necessary member of the family.


In modern dog breeding, two areas are most in demand - sports and decorative. Sporting dogs require special conditions content and certain skills of their owners. Decorative ones are available to almost everyone. Moreover, the most popular are small breeds, such as the Russian Smooth-haired Toy Terrier.

Recognized as the smallest adult dog in the world Yorkshire Terrier, owned by Arthur F. Marples (England). The height at the withers was 6.3 cm, total length the body from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail is 9.5 cm, live weight is only 113 grams.

In Russia, the most common terrier breeds today are:

  • American Staffordshire (medium-sized black smooth-haired terrier);
  • Airedale Terrier (one of the largest breeds);
  • Jack Russell;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • American Pit Bull Terrier ( fighting dog);
  • (official).

Everyone's preferences are different, of course. It all depends on the person’s temperament, his financial capabilities, age, health status and even his place of residence.

Breeds such as the smooth-haired toy terrier (mini) are becoming increasingly popular. The vast majority of people live in stressful, crowded cities. It is very difficult to maintain the modern crazy pace of life. The most accessible and simple relaxation is a loving living being. Tiny dogs are an ideal option for city apartments.

The main feature of most terriers is the fact that they are burrowing (terrier - earthen) dogs, with the help of which they hunt foxes, badgers, and valuable rodents. This article discusses the main groups of terrier dogs; photos of all types are posted in the photo gallery.

Distinctive features of family members

At first, all representatives were distinguished by powerful jaws and courageous character. What common features are shared by modern animals?

Basically, all representatives of this breed have a cheerful, cheerful character, good health and a great passion for hunting.

They are very loyal to their owners. They make good companions and a watchman. An exhibition in Perm was filmed on video by Pavel Sterkhov.

Representatives of a large group of Terrier breeds

A large group includes more than 30 species of breeds for which standards have been approved.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the following groups were developed:

  • fighting;
  • hunting;
  • decorative.

Representatives different groups differ in hair length. They come in long-haired, short-haired and wire-haired varieties, and there are also hairless breeds.

Great companions

Austrian, English and American Toys are good companions. They may become true friends and keep company on the hunt, since they have retained their hunting qualities.

Beautiful hunters

The Bedlington Terrier is now used as a pet and watchdog, although it is a good burrow hunter. Smooth Fox Terriers are a hunting dog breed bred to hunt foxes, as evidenced by its name, which translates as fox. Cairn Terrier for a long time used for hunting badgers, hares, foxes and otters.

Versatile Pets

Many terriers gradually hunting steel versatile.

For example, the Irish Terrier is a hunter, but today he can be a good watchman, herd animals, and hunt small rodents.
The Bull Terrier is a fighting dog; nowadays it is more used as a guard dog, as a guardian of flocks, a hunter of small rodents.

The Kerry Blue Terrier is an excellent hunter; in addition, it protects herds and property well, and can serve as a police dog. Airedale terriers are used to hunt otter in marshy areas and wild boar, in addition, they are used as guard, service and bodyguard dogs.

Companions in sports and entertainment

For people leading active image In life, a Manchester Lakeland Terrier, for example, will be an excellent companion for jogging and cycling.

Great companions for entertainment are small pets: Norfolk Terrier, Parson Jack Russell and Black Russian Toy Terrier.

Service Pets

Wire Fox Terriers were bred for hunting, but over time they became decorative and can be good watchdogs. The Welsh Terrier is a hunter, currently used more as a a pet and a home guard. The West Highland Wye and the Uruguayan Cimarron do their job well.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Skye Terrier Photo 2. Wire Fox Terrier Photo 3. Austrian Terrier Photo 4. German Jagdterrier Photo 5. Jack Russell Terrier

Toy terriers are extraordinary dogs that look like fairy-tale elves. They are characterized by long thin legs, huge ears and expressive eyes - this breed of dog is often compared to some kind of alien creature. In principle, this is not far from the truth, because toy owners assure that their pets are not dogs at all, they are much smarter than their brothers, and sometimes even some people.

Thanks to its miniature size, attractive appearance, as well as courage and fearlessness, these four-legged kids confidently occupy one of the first places in the ranking of modern popular dog breeds.
The meaning of the prefix "that"

The word “toy” comes from the English word “toy”, which literally means “toy”. It so happened that many miniature breeds dogs have the prefix “toy” to their breed, so it can be safely deciphered as “toy, dwarf, doll”. A striking example The breeds are the toy terrier and the toy poodle. These miniature dogs really look like dolls or toys.

Despite this definition, dogs of the “toy” group still remain dogs - they have the same needs as their larger brothers: they need education, love, communication with the owner. It is precisely because of their size that miniature dogs must be carefully monitored, because they are more fragile and even a child can injure them.
Varieties of Toy Terriers

Today there are several varieties of toy terriers. The most famous representative in our country is, of course, the Russian Toy Terrier - a domestic breed of dog. But besides these kids, there is also the English Toy Terrier and the American Toy Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier). DogsYes will introduce readers to these dog breeds.

Russian toy terrier

  • The Russian Toy Terrier is one of the “glamorous” dogs that is taken to parties and carried under the arm.
  • Dogs of this breed were bred in the USSR on the basis of English toy terriers.
  • The original name of the breed was the Moscow Longhaired Toy Terrier, since the first individuals had long decorative hair on the ears and feathering on the limbs.
  • The breed was finally formed in 1958, but official recognition by the International Canine Federation was received relatively recently - in 2006.
  • Today there are two varieties of the breed – smooth-haired and long-haired.
  • The modern Russian Toy is a small but long-legged dog, intelligent in appearance with an intelligent and attentive gaze. The head is small, but not apple-shaped (not like that of a Chihuahua), the muzzle is dry and elongated, strong jaws, large and bulging eyes, high-set triangular ears and a high-set tail (previously it was allowed to be docked, leaving only two vertebrae, but today you can leave it natural). In general, the dog is compact, muscular and agile.
  • The height of the Russian Toy Terrier is from 20 to 26 centimeters. If an animal is much below the standard height, then it is not allowed for breeding and is called “mini”.
  • The weight of the Russian Toy Terrier is 2-3 kilograms. If an animal weighs less than 1.7 kg, it is also not allowed for breeding and is called “mini”.
  • Color: black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, red of various shades, possibly with a black or brown coating.
  • The Russian Toy Terrier is used only as a decorative companion dog.
  • The character of the Russian Toy Terrier is cheerful and courageous, although he can be a little arrogant.
  • The Russian Toy simply adores his owner. Sometimes these dogs become so attached to their owner that they cannot bear being separated from him.
  • The toy terrier does not like strangers - he is ready to protect his owner 24 hours a day.
  • The Russian Toy must be trained, because otherwise you will grow up to be an unbalanced and uncontrollable animal, which, despite the fact that it is small, will cause a lot of trouble.
  • Be patient when raising a toy, as each baby requires its own individual approach.
  • Definitely necessary with early age stop a toy terrier from barking for no reason - they love it very much.
  • It is not necessary to walk your Russian Toy Terrier at all; you can teach him to relieve himself in the cat litter box.
  • Toy doesn’t need many hours of walks at all - that will be enough active games with the owner of the house, and in good weather - frolic on the lawn for your own pleasure.
  • A toy terrier can only live in an apartment or in a house - being kept on the street is like death for him.
  • These dogs quickly become hypothermic, so they need to be dressed in the cold season.
  • Caring for a toy is not difficult: smooth-haired individuals are combed as needed, but long-haired ones need to be combed a little more often.
  • Toy Terriers get along well with any pet, but they tend to be dominant.
  • Toy terriers love children and can play with them, but this breed is still not suitable as a dog for a child.
  • Toys should not be overfed, as they gain weight very quickly.
  • Typical diseases for Russian Toys: cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy, dislocation (congenital) of the kneecap.
  • Russian Toy Terriers live on average 14 years.

English toy terrier

  • The English Toy Terrier is originally from Great Britain. Despite the fact that the breed originated several centuries ago, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale officially assigned it its name only in 1962.
  • The ancestors of the English Toy were used as rat hunters, and today they are a faithful and devoted companion.
  • The height of the English Toy Terrier is from 25 to 30 centimeters and weighs from 2.7 to 3.6 kg.
  • The modern English Toy Terrier is a rather elegant dog that vaguely resembles a dwarf Doberman. This is a compact and strong dog with a keen sense of smell and a tenacious grip. The head of the English toy is narrow, like the muzzle, the skull is elongated, and the ears are erect, but their shape resembles a candle flame. The coat is quite thick, short and close-lying. The tail is medium.
  • The only color allowed for English Toy Terriers is black and tan.
  • The English Toy is a very active and lively dog ​​that loves to walk a lot and play with its owner, especially on fresh air.
  • Dogs of this breed are very loyal and devoted to their owner.
  • English Toys are very friendly, but they will always notify the owner of uninvited guests, so I often use them as “bells.”
  • Representatives of this breed should live exclusively in an apartment or house. They are not suitable for outdoor use.
  • The English Toy Terrier is quite capricious, some animals can be too stubborn, therefore, in order to establish contact with the pet, early socialization and serious training are necessary.
  • English Toys are very courageous and brave.
  • Dogs of this breed need regular but moderate exercise.
  • English Toys love children, but you should not have such a pet if the house Small child, since these dogs do not have a stable psyche and are susceptible to stress.
  • Caring for your English Toy is not difficult: comb it occasionally and bathe it when it gets dirty.
  • At one time, English Toy breeders got too carried away and began breeding dogs that were too small, which resulted in a number of diseases characteristic of dwarfism.
  • live English toy terriers on average 12 years.

American Toy Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier)

  • The American Toy Terrier comes from the USA.
  • Despite the fact that the breed has been known since 1936, the International Canine Federation has not yet recognized it.
  • To develop the breed, representatives of the dog breed were used, such as smooth fox terriers, English toy terriers and chihuahuas.
  • The height of the American Toy Terrier is 24-25 centimeters and weighs 1.5-3.5 kilograms.
  • The American Toy is an elegant, but very strong dog. He has a small head and huge erect V-shaped ears, intelligent dark eyes, shiny coat and short tail.
  • The color is tricolor or bicolor: the main color of the body is white, and there are black and (or) red spots on the head and rump. Spots and specks on the body are acceptable.
  • The American Toy has a complex character - dogs, despite their size, like to dominate, so they early childhood necessary steady hand and serious education.
  • The American Toy is a perpetual motion machine, he is very cheerful and is always ready to accompany his owner on long journeys.
  • The American Toy understands canine science very well, as he loves to learn – these dogs simply love it when their owner praises them.
  • The American Toy is used as a rat hunter, but it can easily become a circus or show ring star. There have been cases when this breed of dog was raised as an assistant for deaf people.
  • Representatives of this breed need long and active walks and regular physical activity.
  • The American Toy is an excellent fetcher; he is simply created for playing with a flying saucer.
  • Even an elderly American toy is hyperactive.
  • Dogs of this breed should live in an apartment or house; street conditions are contraindicated for them.
  • It is necessary to walk the toy in cold weather only in clothes, otherwise the pet will quickly freeze and get sick.
  • Caring for this breed is easy: brush and bathe as needed.
  • The American Toy Terrier gets along well with other dogs and cats, but keeping domestic rodents with the dog is contraindicated.
  • The American Toy Terrier has virtually no chronic diseases, characteristic of dwarf breeds. Some individuals have allergies.
  • live American Toy Terriers approximately 14 years old.

Surely not everyone today knows that the name terrier from the very time of its founding was used to designate all burrowing animals, or other dogs that have excellent performance in burrow-dens or underground tunnels. Indeed, all breeds of terriers are simply distinguished by an incredible passion for hunting, for this reason they were used to catch foxes, badgers, valuable species of rodents, as well as other animals.

Today there are about 30 worldwide various breeds terriers Thanks to the tireless work of breeders, absolutely every breed is characterized by its own memorable appearance. And even representatives of the 1st group are able to differ significantly from each other in external data and character traits. This article will be devoted to a description of the most popular breeds of these animals.

As noted just above, today there are a sufficient number of types of terriers, each of which is distinguished by its own specific characteristics, both external data and its own character traits. However, they all have one common specific “zest” - extraordinary courage and devotion. What is the difference between the American Hairless Terrier and the Fox Terrier or any other species of these animals? great love to their owners.

Cairn Terrier breed

The Cairn Terrier breed is a very unpretentious, hardy and intelligent animal. Thanks to hunting instincts quite energetic. This type of dog combines a sufficient amount good qualities. This is an elegant pet at shows, a devoted family friend, as well as an excellent hunter and athlete. Cairn Terriers are the oldest descendants of Scottish hunting terriers.

The animal is very active and brave, even despite its small size. Amazingly combines love for the owner and good working qualities. The pet is affectionate and obedient, gets along well with other pets.

Norwich Terrier breed

The Norwich Terrier is a small breed of dog native to Great Britain. The breed owes its name to the town of Norwich, where it was bred in the 19th century. To obtain the species, black and tan, red and saddle-backed English terriers were crossed.

As a result, a wonderful hunter of predators and rodents was born. In general, this pet is a wonderful companion. The dog is active, energetic, friendly, inquisitive and very loyal. He has a rather easy-going character and gets along well with children. And Norwich Terrier puppies are simply a miracle of miracles.

Irish Terrier breed

Breed Irish Terrier- simply a unique dog. And its uniqueness lies in its temperament, which differs from other terriers in restraint, patience and silence. It is thanks to this that the breed is very popular. True, this character trait is given to the dog by nature itself.

The animal is characterized by a family type of character, which can only be spoiled by the lack of sufficient physical activity. Even as a puppy, the dog shows amazing awareness of all its actions.

Bedlington Terrier breed

The Bedlington Terrier dog is characterized by the presence of an amazing and unusual appearance, reminiscent of an elegant and fluffy lamb, a kind of cloud with expressive and lively eyes, as well as a pink tongue. However, do not delude yourself, behind the toy appearance there is a adroit hunter and a brave fighter.

Most dog experts claim that these animals are dogs with the appearance of a lamb, but with the heart of a lion. It’s hard to disagree with this opinion, because for a very long time pets were used as fighters and hunters.

Kerry Blue Terrier breed

The Kerry Blue Terrier dog is one of the most ancient breeds of animals that appeared in Ireland. For this country, these dogs have long become a national symbol. In general, the Blue Terrier is highly intelligent and cheerful.

The pet is a very faithful and devoted companion for its entire life. Dog experts describe these dogs as animals distinguished by their extraordinary performance, rapid reaction, curiosity, activity, and ruthless attitude towards violators.

Tibetan Terrier breed

The Tibetan Terrier dog is a classic shaggy animal, which is in no way related to terriers. The roots of this pet are much closer to the miniature shepherd dog. The pet, brought to England from India, immediately won the prim hearts of the British. In Russia, this animal took root quite quickly.

This dog has a kind and very calm character. It is characterized by high unpretentiousness, since it was originally bred as a human protector and companion. The Tibetan Terrier is an excellent shepherd, watchman and friend.

Breed Jagdterrier

View German Jagdterrier is a hardy and unpretentious hunter who is very wary of strangers. Used for hunting in burrows for badger, fox and raccoon dog. In addition, it is simply irreplaceable in searching for and serving game, as well as when hunting various ungulates.

The animal is small but muscular, distinguished by determination and fearlessness. It is very aggressive towards predators and burrow inhabitants. The character of this pet is quite difficult. The animal's temperament is harsh, characterized by strong will and inflexibility.

Border Terrier breed

Today the Border Terrier is hunting breed dogs that have been bred in Great Britain since ancient times. This is the oldest natural look, which has not undergone any artificial changes at all. The animals are used for burrow hunting of foxes. In addition, the dog perfectly acts as a cheerful pet.

Nature has rewarded the dog with an affectionate character, attentiveness and benevolence. This pet gets along well with everyone, including children. This animal requires family communication, this is the only way they feel comfortable.

Scottish Terrier breed

The Scottish Terrier described is a true, typical English gentleman, with a lot of positive qualities. Distinguished by its elegant appearance, this breed is strikingly different from all others.

Scottish terriers amaze others not only with their beautiful appearance, but also with their own character. This dog is a true Briton, characterized by equanimity. This animal has amazing qualities as a hunter. He has a sensitive soul and a penetrating mind.

Breed Wheaten Terrier

The described Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is an unusually intelligent hunter, a silent guard to the point of indecentness, and a brave defender of the owner and the home.

These pets are mentioned in documents that go back several hundred years of history. Thanks to natural selection, exceptionally hardy specimens adapted to hunting have survived to this day.

These dogs are small, but very friendly, perfect for keeping both on a personal plot and in an apartment. Softhair wool wheaten terrier golden pleasant color, which actually gave the name to the whole species.

Manchester Terrier breed

The Rat Terrier or Manchester Terrier is a relatively recent breed of dog that was bred in the British Isles. The maximum popularity of these animals occurred in Victorian era. Despite the fact that these pets were previously used for hunting rodents, today they are more companion dogs.

According to dog experts, these animals have a contradictory character. In general, the Manchester Terrier is a very active, loyal, and freedom-loving dog. For this reason, walks in the fresh air with such pets are simply a must.

Australian Terrier breed

Described Australian Terrier is one of the smallest working dogs. It is used as a guard, a shepherd, an excellent hunter of rodents, snakes and predatory animals, and is also an excellent companion. This dog is a tireless “hard worker” on the farm and an attentive watchman.

The animal is characterized by curiosity and high energy. In addition, they get along well with other pets and do not show any sense of aggression even towards cats. The dog loves children, but is wary of strangers.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed

A breed of dog such as the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is one of the most ancient domestic animals. It was obtained through breeding work with ancient Scottish terriers. Its main purpose is hunting, which accordingly affected its working qualities.

This pet is distinguished by its fast movements and lightning-fast reaction, small size and extraordinary sensitivity. Skye Terriers and Bedlington Terriers were also used in the crossbreeding process. Today these dogs are not hunters at all, but simply wonderful companions.

Sealyham Terrier breed

The described Sealyham Terrier was obtained in the 19th century thanks to the work of Captain John Edwards, who, having several specimens of terriers and otterhounds, was not entirely satisfied with their hunting qualities. For this reason, I decided to breed a small, short-legged, active and strong dog, which he completely succeeded in doing.

Many dog ​​lovers point to the aggressive and menacing nature of this dog, which is actually quite mischievous, cheerful and loving. It is distinguished by its devotion both to the owner and to each member of his family. Can accompany its owner everywhere.

Toy Terrier breed

When describing, it should be noted that the pet is different from all others miniature species animals with their modesty. This animal is very calm and gentle, which will give anything to be alone with its owners or to lie in its arms.

If the pet sees Bad mood owner, he will not pester him, but is ready to come to his aid at any time and protect him from any danger. This demonstrates dedication and extraordinary courage.

American Terrier breed

Stafford or American Terrier For most people, it is a frightening animal, which, however, is not at all as aggressive as it is described. Stafford is a very smart pet with a cheerful disposition and good-natured character. Treats with amazing devotion both towards the owner himself and all members of his family.

He especially loves children. Courage and bravery are qualities inherent in the animal from the moment of birth. However, the warrior's blood and powerful body sometimes give the animal a reputation as almost a killer. Read about the Staffordshire Terrier.

Choosing a Terrier

Summing up, we can say with complete confidence that the many years of efforts of specialist breeders were not in vain, because today there are about 30 of the most different types terriers, not to mention their varieties.

And this should not come as a surprise, since these pets are not only excellent hunters, but also wonderful companions, loyal and very brave.

Let it be Australian silky terrier, Japanese terrier or any other type of terrier, by purchasing such an animal, you can, with a 100% guarantee, count on acquiring a true friend for the whole family, only it is better to buy a dog in a kennel. The above text provides information about the currently popular terrier breeds, which is intended to somewhat simplify the choice of this dog for an inexperienced dog lover.

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