Homework for preschoolers. Test "Drawing a school." Games for Spatial Conception

Preparing for school, activities for children to develop physical, mental and creative abilities is a question that interests almost all parents. What knowledge should a child go to school with? What should I be able to do?

Classes to prepare for school: their importance, useful exercises

Many parents are mistaken, naively believing that preparing for school and activities for preschoolers consist solely of developing motor skills, learning sounds and letters, and learning to count to 10. In fact, activities to prepare children for school have a much more serious goal: a preschool child needs to develop intelligence as a whole, which includes thinking, memory, perception, imagination, and speech. The easiest way to do this is in a playful way - this way the preschooler perceives information more easily, remembers it better, and analyzes it better. And in order for preparation for school to bear fruit, it is recommended to work with each child individually, and we will look at what techniques and exercises to use in this article.

What should a six year old child be able to do?

Before sending your child to school, you need to assess his knowledge. In general, children 6-7 years old should:

  • give your own full name, home address and telephone number, know the full name of your parents and their place of work;
  • name the city in which he lives, know the names of other countries;
  • distinguish between animals (domestic and wild), pronounce their names, divide them into categories (pigeon - bird, perch - fish). Identify common vegetables, fruits, trees and other plants;
  • know the sequence of seasons and days, how many months a year contains, how many days are in a month, week;
  • name the days of the week in order.

Preschoolers should have an idea of ​​the most common professions, should distinguish some types of colors, know basic geometric shapes, some sports, and the main rules of the road. In addition, the baby must comprehend the basics of reading, writing, and mathematical knowledge. Too much for a six year old? Indeed, quite a lot. But with this knowledge, it will be easier for the child to delve into school material. And the main task of parents is to help their child develop these skills.

How do you know if your child is ready for school?

More recently, the main criterion for good preparation for school was considered to be the mental development of a preschooler - he knows elementary theory, which means he is ready for school. But today psychological readiness is also taken into account. And here it is important to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Intelligence. The readiness of thinking, perception, imagination and memory is determined. If these mental functions are normal, then the school doors are open for the child. The test is carried out using the following exercises: for example, out of 10 words that the child heard, he must remember 3-5 words, be able to navigate in space (look for “treasures” according to the drawn diagram of the room), and combine objects according to similar characteristics into one group.
  2. Socialization. It is important that the child be able to communicate not only with peers, but also with adults, and be able to establish relationships with them. In order for adaptation to a new team to be painless, a preschooler must be able to resolve conflicts, make compromises, and be tolerant. Control of one's own behavior, discipline, perseverance, respect, adequate assessment of one's own capabilities - all these aspects should be familiar to the child. It is equally important to be able to adequately evaluate criticism and admit your own mistakes. If a preschooler can do all this, then he is ready to go to first grade.
  3. Personal readiness. A child at the age of 6-7 years has a new need - to gain knowledge, to become a schoolchild. But the motivation may be different, more childish (for example, now a schoolchild will not have to sleep during lunch, he is growing up, becoming independent and independent). However, the priority is a positive attitude towards learning, associating school with acquiring knowledge and understanding why studying is needed.

It is important to properly set up the child psychologically. So, many parents make the mistake of intimidating their child with school, saying that now there won’t be enough time for games, he will always do homework, and bad marks will fall on him like snow. A child should not be afraid of school! Focus on the fact that the baby will make new friends, learn a lot, learn interesting facts, and gain knowledge that will definitely be useful to him in adulthood. Tell fascinating stories from your school life, tell us about your teachers, about the subjects you liked the most. Remember: your story should be exclusively positive; negative memories will give the opposite result.

However, one should not idealize schooling too much. Tell your child that even at school, learning problems, conflict situations, and difficulties in relationships with peers or teachers can arise. Explain that studying is a difficult but necessary process. And if your child has any problems at school, make sure he comes to you for advice or help. Watch your own mood. The child must see that his learning is as important to you as it is to him.

What activities will help your child prepare for school?

There are a huge number of activities for successfully preparing for school. For this purpose, special teaching aids, magazines, board games, and educational toys are published. On the Internet you can also find at least 30 classes for successful preparation for school on one site, which is very convenient for parents and children. However, we must remember that each developmental activity should first be checked independently, and only then should the child be allowed to use it. Ideally, the child should perform the exercises together with the parent.

All activities and games are aimed at developing memory, thinking, logic, hearing, imagination, perception, etc. The following games are considered the simplest, but no less effective (they can easily be played at home, as an addition to classes in kindergarten):

  1. “Describe the Picture” is a game for the development of speech, thinking, and imagination. The child is shown a picture with a certain plot. The preschooler must describe what he thinks is happening in the picture in coherent sentences, thoughtfully. He can give names to characters and come up with a plot on his own. Adults must ensure the correct pronunciation of words and sentence construction.
  2. “Catch the sound” - development of phonemic hearing. The adult names the sound that the child should hear in the words that will sound next. Then the adult names the words, and the child, by clapping his hands, determines whether this sound is in the spoken words. If there is no such sound, the preschooler does not clap his hands.
  3. “What’s extra?” - development of logical thinking. The child needs to be offered 4-5 pictures, among which one is redundant (for example, all the cards are green, and one is yellow, all the cards show berries, and one shows a vegetable). The child must identify the extra item and explain why he chose it.
  4. “What (who) where?” - an exercise for logical thinking. In this game, the child must determine which categories the objects belong to and distribute them correctly. For example, berries - to berries, birds - to birds, animals - to animals, kitchen utensils - to kitchen utensils, etc.
  5. “Remember the pictures” - development of visual memory. Invite your child to look at 10 pictures, give him a little time to remember the objects depicted. Then remove the pictures and ask him what he saw in the pictures. The preschooler must remember at least 6 images.
  6. “Draw a picture” - development of visual memory. The child needs to be shown 16 schematic drawings, for example, images of a flag, ball, tree, sun, etc. After 30-60 seconds, the pictures are put aside, and the child is asked to draw on a piece of paper the pictures that he remembers.
  7. “Complete the picture” - development of writing and thinking skills. The child is offered a picture, part of which is drawn with a regular line, and part of which is drawn with a dotted line. The task is to complete the drawing along the dotted lines and paint it at your own discretion.
  8. “Find the letter” is a game for attention, learning letters, developing motor skills. The child is asked to look at a picture in which the letters are disguised. The task is to find the hidden letters and color them in certain colors (for example, the letter “A” is red, the letter “Z” is yellow, the letter “N” is green, etc.).
  9. “Write a fairy tale” - development of imagination, speech, attention. The child is shown an image from which he needs to make up a funny story. The second option is that the adult gives a certain plot, and the child must reveal it at his own discretion.
  10. "Associations". Association games develop several groups of mental activity at once: here is the development of imagination, thinking, logic, and memory. For example, a variant of the game could be the following task: one set of pictures depicts geometric shapes. On the other are objects. The child must determine which objects are similar to this or that figure.

Any game should use visual aids and handouts - this will help the child to better perceive information and remember it. Pictures, toys and other items for developing a preschooler’s abilities should be bright and interesting.

Parents should understand that they need to prepare their child in advance, and not just before school. First of all, look at a suitable educational institution: what kind of teachers and children are there, the atmosphere in the institution itself, the attitude of the teaching staff towards children and schoolchildren towards their peers. You should also consider how far away the school building is.

Home preparatory classes should be carried out systematically, according to a specific plan. When you start arranging a place for your child to study, let your child take part in this activity: the child can choose an office, a briefcase and other little things at his own discretion - this will spur his desire to study better.

And most importantly, during classes, be calm and patient. Try to understand that it is difficult for the child to cope with new information, but he is trying. And even if he doesn’t succeed the first time, you shouldn’t scold him: perhaps the baby is not yet ready to accept this information. Make the task easier by gradually increasing the load. And then your child will go to first grade with a good basic knowledge base.

Preparing for school and activities for preschoolers is a topic that worries many parents. What should a child know before entering school? How to instill in him the skills needed to master school material? We’ll talk about this in detail in this article.

  1. What should a 6-7 year old child know and be able to do?
  2. Preparing for school: where to start
  3. Assignments to prepare for 1st grade
  4. Basics of mathematics - our personal experience
  5. Games to get kids ready for school

Hello, dear readers! This article is dedicated to those whose baby will soon become a first-grader. Preparing for school and activities for preschoolers is one of the main topics for caring parents. In addition, they are worried about many issues. Will the child study well, will he go to school with pleasure, will he master a considerable amount of program material? True, some parents believe that preparing for school is unnecessary, “they will teach you everything there.” This is not true. An unprepared child will certainly encounter certain difficulties when learning. If you want to make school easier for your child, help him!

In this article I will describe the main parameters, using them you can determine for yourself whether your child is ready to take the step into school life. I advise you to take a sheet of paper with a pen and, as you read, make note of the points that you need to work on. I study with my son on a regular basis, describe our classes in detail, and share my experience with readers. Therefore, in the article you will see links to the classes I have already covered, and if you need to work on this point, do not be lazy to go and read a separate article. So, let's begin!

What a child needs to know and be able to do

There is an opinion that a 6-7 year old child should have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Know your own last name, first name and patronymic. You also need to know the last names, first names and patronymics of your parents, their place of work, your address and telephone number;
  • know the name of the locality where he lives, the correct names of other countries of the world;
  • know the names of animals, be able to distinguish wild animals from domestic ones, be able to divide them into categories (a sparrow is a bird, a shark is a fish, a bear is an animal). In addition, you need to know the names of the most common plants, vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • know the times of day, seasons, their sequence, as well as the number of months in a year, the number of days in a month and a week. In addition, the baby should know what the days of the week are called;
  • you need to have an idea of ​​basic natural phenomena;
  • names of the most common colors;
  • know the names of several sports;
  • answer the names of the most common professions, be able to tell what people belonging to a particular profession do;
  • the baby needs to be able to talk about her favorite activities;
  • at 6-7 years of age, children need to know the rules of the road and the purpose of road signs;
  • basic knowledge is required for learning reading, writing and mathematics (the ability to highlight a certain letter in a word, write printed letters, count to 10 back and forth, solve easy examples within these numbers, even using visual objects).

A lot of? Yes, a lot! The task of parents is to help master this knowledge.

Where to start preparing children for school

Preparing children for school includes a variety of tasks and exercises. Let's look at the main areas.

Development of cognitive, emotional and communication spheres

It is in preschool age that the foundations of communication in a team are formed. Be that as it may, a school is, first of all, a team. What do parents need to know?

  1. Consider the child’s temperament, his habits and desires. Don't rush things. One child cannot do without friends, another has a great time in the company of his favorite toys. Allow your child to be himself.
  2. Be an example, children, without realizing it, often copy the behavior of adults towards other people. Your own example works better than any edification.
  3. Listen carefully to your son or daughter, ask questions, show that the story is truly interesting.

Development of oral speech in a preschooler

Here are some tips for speech development.

I also advise you to listen to the opinion of a speech therapist:

Reading training

Contrary to many myths and speculations, no one will require the ability to read fluently from a first-grader. Another thing is that it is important for the child to remember the names of the letters and their corresponding sounds. To do this, there are many options for cut alphabet, cubes and puzzles with letters. There are also a huge number of computer educational games (below I will recommend our favorite), but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.

Useful exercises when teaching a preschooler

These tasks for preparing for school will help with mastering writing and drawing skills, and develop the ability to think and make inferences.

Logic exercises

Quite serious requirements in the field of logic are imposed on preschoolers. For example, you need:

  • So that he can find the odd one among several objects;
  • make up a story based on the pictures provided;
  • combine several items based on a common characteristic (this characteristic must be found independently);
  • continue the proposed story.

Logical exercises help a preschooler develop independent thinking, speech, and the ability to communicate with peers if several children are involved. Here is an example of logic exercises for preschoolers from Mersibo company. After registering on their website, you can choose games for the right age and begin an exciting journey.

I assure you it's interesting! My son is delighted with the program, and I am delighted with the game form in which sometimes difficult tasks are presented. Do not leave your child alone with tasks; if it is difficult for him, and there is no one nearby to help, interest will disappear and time will be wasted.

Development of fine motor skills

Preparation for school and activities for preschoolers are unthinkable without the development of fine motor skills. The formation of fine finger motor skills is all the more important because by the age of 6-7 years the formation of the zones of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the development of small muscles of the hand, ends.

Drawing, making crafts from plasticine, clay, wax, assembling construction sets, and applique from various materials (fabric, matches, colored paper) are very useful for developing fine motor skills. Let not everything work out and not always! It is important to support the child in his efforts, to tell him that everything will certainly work out. The baby becomes more confident and his self-esteem increases.

Closer to 6-7 years old, boys and girls can get involved in modeling according to the instructions. The result becomes important to children; they follow the rules with pleasure. Simple but very visual books by Vera Grof can help them with this.

Preparing the foundation for mathematical knowledge

Mathematics is one of the most difficult school subjects. As a rule, mathematics in preparation for school causes the greatest number of difficulties. I advise you to familiarize yourself with our experience in preparing a preschooler for first grade. Here are some interesting articles that will undoubtedly be useful.

Mathematics for preschoolers

Mathematics is not just necessary and difficult, but also a very interesting science! In this article, I showed how to interest a child in solving mathematical problems. It is much more interesting for my son to study by imagining that these are not mathematical examples of addition and subtraction, but delicious pancakes or a magic flower with petals, tasks and the answer in the center.

Five funny fingers

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask your child to trace the fingers on his hand. Now a few tasks:

  • Count the fingers on your hand;
  • assign each a specific number.

Looking for quadrilaterals

Draw some geometric shapes and ask your child to find only quadrilaterals. Let the child count them and color them, say, green.

Remember the number

Prepare cards with different numbers written on them. Take two cards and ask your child to remember their names. Then mix them with the rest of the numbers, ask you to choose exactly the ones you remember.

Make up the numbers

This game is for a child who knows well how to write this or that number. Prepare cards with numbers from 1 to 10. Cut the cards in half and ask the child to put the halves together to create images of numbers again.

Here's our video about “heart math” for Valentine's Day:

Possible difficulties and errors

Let's look at the most common mistakes parents make and find out how to avoid mistakes when preparing for school.

  1. Complete inaction. As already mentioned, some parents mistakenly believe that the child will learn everything on his own, “there is no point in drying out his brains.” Of course, he will learn, but it will be much more difficult for him than for his trained peers. And the child’s self-esteem suffers.
  2. An equally serious mistake is to shift all responsibility to a kindergarten or child development center. Nobody says that teaching a preschooler is a simple matter, but it is available to all parents who are interested in a good result.
  3. "Better late than never". In this case the proverb does not work. Trying to make a genius out of a child a few months before the significant September 1st, feverishly completing various tasks is, to say the least, unreasonable. It is necessary that preparation for school and classes for preschoolers be regular and several years before the first school bell.
  4. The most common misconception is to try at all costs to teach your child the skills of reading, counting and writing. Of course, these are wonderful skills, but they do not at all guarantee that the child will successfully master school material. Much more valuable skills are the ability to think, compare objects, trace connections between phenomena, and draw conclusions.

Sometimes it happens that the baby cannot understand the material or does not master it well enough. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just that the future student has not developed the prerequisites for this material. When teaching a child, it is important not to discourage him from studying and not to harm the future educational process. Do not make preparation for school and classes for preschoolers turn into a routine. How to do it? Very simple. First, exercise regularly. Secondly, choose games and exercises that are not only useful, but also enjoyable for the child.

That’s all for today, dear readers, if the information seems useful to you, share it on social media. networks with friends, observing . And I will try to please you with no less interesting articles. To avoid missing the weekly newsletter, please subscribe at the top of the page.

When planning to send their child to school, the surest step for parents should be to assess their son or daughter’s readiness for such changes in life. This will help determine whether your child should go to school now or whether it is better to wait another year. Also, assessing readiness will help organize the child’s preparation correctly, taking into account his weaknesses.

The child’s attitude towards school largely depends on the parents’ mood and their stories about school.

How to determine readiness?

Previously, the main criterion for readiness for school was the mental development of a child. Now the main focus is on psychological readiness. She has several important criteria, including:

  1. Intellectual readiness. It determines the development of such mental functions of the child as perception, thinking, imagination and memory. For example, a 6-7 year old child should remember 3 to 5 words out of 10 words he hears, be able to find “treasures” using a room diagram, combine objects based on similar features, and so on.
  2. Social readiness. A child must be able to establish relationships with both peers and adults. To successfully adapt to a new team, it is important to be able to find a compromise, resolve conflicts, and be tolerant. Most children by the age of 6-7 already know how to control their behavior and are able to follow the rules, for example, not talking during class, listening to the teacher. If a child’s behavior in class is inadequate, it means that he is not socially ready for learning. In addition, the child must have adequate self-esteem. If preschoolers evaluate themselves biasedly highly, then 6-7 year olds should be able to admit mistakes and respond adequately to criticism.
  3. Personal readiness. A 7-year-old child has a need to acquire new knowledge and change his status - to become a schoolchild. Motivation can vary, such as being like an older brother, carrying a briefcase, or not sleeping in the afternoon, but it is best if the child associates school with acquiring knowledge. At the same time, it is very important to have a positive attitude towards school and an understanding of why studying is needed.

To learn how to determine a child’s readiness for school, watch the video of the YouTube channel “Child and Family Psychology Online.”

How to prepare psychologically?

A huge mistake parents make is intimidating a child, for example, telling him that because of homework there will be no more time for games, that he will get bad grades at school and the like. It is very important to ensure that the child is not afraid of school and treats it well.

Emphasize that he will make new friends, learn a lot of new and interesting things, be able to attend different clubs, and find a hobby. Share stories about your education, telling what subjects you liked, what kind of teacher you were, what funny things happened to you during your school years.

However, one should not overly idealize schooling, painting everything in too rosy tones. If a child does not know that difficulties and some problems are possible during learning, he will be greatly disappointed after the first bad grade or remark.

A lot depends on the child’s mood

A good idea is to play the game “School” with your preschooler. In such a game, you can simulate different situations using toys. It is also worth taking your child to school in advance and showing him the environment. It’s great if the chosen school has preparatory classes or open days.

Don't forget about your own attitude. It will be easier for a child to adapt to school if parents have a positive attitude towards the learning process and show through their behavior that the child’s new status (school student) is important for the family.

Possible difficulties

Lack of discipline

If a child is restless and does not follow the necessary rules, attending school can become a big problem. The child may not have the patience to complete things. In this case, he needs the help of his parents - let the mother complete tasks with the baby for a while.

Also, many children find it difficult to work according to the rules, and games that have some restrictions will help to teach them discipline.

Discipline must be instilled from an early age, the child must maintain attention for a long time

Absent-mindedness and inattention

Such qualities can have a significant impact on academic performance and can be frustrating for parents. The child is in no hurry to complete the task, is forgetful and is often distracted. Experts do not consider this condition a psychological problem, but associate it with the predominant development of the right hemisphere. As a rule, by the age of ten, the problem of absent-mindedness disappears on its own.

To balance the work of the child’s brain hemispheres, finger games, finger painting, modeling, lacing games and similar activities are used.

Activities for the left hemisphere of the brain are especially useful for inattentive children

Reluctance to learn

Preparatory classes

Nowadays, many development centers and tutors offer classes in which the child is taught counting and reading. However, the attitude of teachers towards such classes is ambiguous. Some have a positive attitude towards them, others believe that a child should learn to both read and write at school.

Many special centers prepare children for school

An example of a program for psychological preparation of children for school

Classes of this preparatory course are held 6 times a week for 40 minutes a day. You should take two five-minute breaks in the middle of each lesson. Duration of training – 16 weeks.

In total, a child studies for 4 hours a week. Each week's classes include lessons for the development of voluntary attention, thinking (logical, figurative), memory (auditory, visual-figurative), perception and imagination. In addition, one lesson per week is aimed at developing strength, mobility and flexibility of the fingers (fine motor skills of the hands).

A sample lesson plan could be like this:

Lesson topic

How to practice

Differences and similarities

The child is asked to compare pictures, look for objects, find differences, and read nonsense.

Missing pieces

The child will look for missing figures, as well as develop counting and memory. One of the lessons is devoted to the study of the square.

Extra items

The child is asked to complete pictures, draw shapes, and look for an extra object. To develop memory, they play “shop”.


The child will look for oddities in pictures, classify objects, and memorize phrases.


The child is asked to find the figures and memorize the drawings, complete the fragments and the fourth figure.

Words, classification

The child will remember words, letters and numbers, connect and classify shapes, and complete the shapes.

Comparison of items

The child is asked to find the so-called shapes, memorize words, compare objects, and also place icons.

Space and unnecessary words

The child will study geometric shapes, develop auditory memory, name the endings of words, and look for extra words.


The child is asked to place dots, look for extra pictures, quickly answer questions, and define concepts.

Imagination and attention

The child must arrange icons, compose a fairy tale based on the picture, find missing objects, and speak backwards. They also play the “it happens or it doesn’t happen” game with the child.

Numbers, Sequences and Patterns

The child compares pictures and finds numbers, completes drawings of patterns, names the correct sequence of pictures and finds missing figures.

Copying and patterns

The child studies numbers and their fragments, copies the pattern. Classes are also conducted with pictures, during which the child determines their sequence, classifies them and finds a pattern.

Funny pictures

Paired pictures

The child is offered an activity with identical pictures to memorize them. The child also plays with mazes, remembers and finds objects, reads words, and looks for patterns.

Extra pieces

The child examines semantic series, studies colors, finds unnecessary things in the picture, reads proverbs.


The child is asked to compare pictures, find identical ones, and also compare shapes.

Material for such activities can be found in various manuals for preschoolers.

To learn what a child needs to know to make adaptation to school easier, watch the video of the YouTube channel “Child and Family Psychology Online.”

Summarizing material is a skill necessary for every child. Watch about this in the video of the Youtube channel “Child and family psychology online”.

To develop your child’s ability to work according to a model, watch the video of the YouTube channel “Child and family psychology online.”

Get busy development of phonemic awareness through the video channel on Youtube “Child and Family Psychology Online”, so that the child can easily analyze words by sounds.

Games for training at home

Considering the fact that preschoolers learn most easily through play, preparatory classes at home should be based on games.

Fine motor activities:

  • Pencil shading.
  • Stringing beads or pasta.
  • Drawing with paints.
  • Tying shoelaces.
  • Paper cutting.
  • Modeling from clay or plasticine.
  • Creation of applications.
  • Games with mosaics and construction kits.
  • Embroidery and knitting.
  • Tying knots on a rope.

Classes can be done together with your child’s friends to make it more fun.

Games for attention:

  • Find an object in the room whose name begins with a certain letter.
  • Read a poem to your child and have him clap his hands when the word begins with a certain letter.
  • Learn to do several things at once, for example, look at a picture and listen to a story.
  • Place 5 toys in front of the child, then swap them and invite the child to return them to their places.
  • Give the child a piece of paper with groups of numbers and ask them to cross out a certain number.

Games for speech:

  • Give your child a word with which he can form word combinations, for example, you say “pie”, and the child answers “cherry pie”, “sweet pie”, “bake a pie”.
  • Invite your child to voice your actions like a journalist, for example, how you cook soup or sew on a button.
  • Tell the child the first syllable, and he will continue the word.
  • Retelling cartoons, books, events of yesterday.
  • Read with your child.

The child should experience activities with joy; this is the key task of parents

Thinking games:

  • Pronounce words backwards (words of 3-4 letters are selected for this game).
  • Find the object that mom named backwards.
  • Connect objects that mom currently uses, for example, what do a vacuum cleaner and a broom have in common.
  • Solving puzzles and riddles.
  • Make up a story based on the pictures.
  • Make a picture from different geometric shapes.
  • Make a sentence out of words.
  • Make a story out of pictures.
  • Draw a continuation of the comic.
  • Come up with a continuation of the fairy tale.

Games for spatial representation:

  • Find an object in the room that mom calls. Tell your child how to act, for example, “take a step to the right, then a step forward, look up.”
  • Find the item using the “map” of the room, marking it with a cross on the plan.
  • Drawing numbers, letters and pictures.
  • Examination of maps and diagrams.
  • Play sea battle.

Buy special aids to help you study

Games for emotional development:

  • The mother names the action (for example, reading, dusting, or eating chocolate), and the child depicts an attitude towards it.
  • Imagine that the object came to life and tell what it might feel, as well as what mood it would be in.
  • Look at other people's faces and evaluate their emotions.
  • When reading a fairy tale, ask the child how the hero feels.
  • Talk to your child often about your feelings in different situations.

Participation in theatrical performances will help a child's emotional development

Games for imagination:

  • Invite your child to depict the hidden object with poses and gestures.
  • We look at vegetables and discuss what they look like.
  • Connecting parts of objects in the picture.
  • Imagine increasing and decreasing objects, and then draw or sculpt them. For example, it could be a tiny elephant or a huge cat.
  • Discuss how you can use a familiar object in an unusual way.

To develop a child’s understanding of time, conduct the classes shown in the video of the YouTube channel “Child and Family Psychology Online.”

Daily regime

It is recommended to start adjusting your child’s daily routine about a month before the first classes at school. It is very important to develop a routine in which the child gets enough sleep, eats on time, has time to complete homework, as well as walks and plays.

The child must understand that homework is a responsible job that is done first, and only after that you can go for a walk or pick up toys.

If the child attended kindergarten, there should be no problems with creating a suitable regime. It is quite difficult for children who do not attend kindergarten to wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning, so they should be accustomed to waking up earlier in advance.

Let the child be busy with some useful activities in the first half of the day, and leave all entertainment and relaxation for the afternoon. In addition, pay attention to going to bed on time, which is also important for early awakenings.

Problems with early waking up need to be addressed before school starts.

Child's health

When preparing for school, the health of your son or daughter should be given special attention. This primarily relates to the state of immunity. In preschool institutions, to maintain it, they use hardening procedures, physical education lessons and timely vaccinations. If a child does not attend kindergarten, this all becomes the concern of the parents.

The child must:

  • Walk outdoors every day.
  • Eat enough foods rich in vitamins.
  • Get examined by specialists.

Hardening and high physical activity of the baby strengthens the immune system

  • You should start preparing for school early. Select the school, the desired educational profile, meet the teacher, take a closer look at the children who attend the institution. You need to decide whether your child will go to school near home or will travel to an educational institution in another part of the city. Consider possible difficulties, for example, whether you will be able to take your child, who will be with the child after school.
  • Vitamins
  • Hyperactivity

Good day! Preparing for school is a very labor-intensive task that needs to be approached directly long before the child is sent to first grade. And the parents themselves need to work with the child, and not like some people shoved the baby into kindergarten and that’s it. As they say: “Rely on others, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” It is not a fact that your child will end up with a good teacher. Well, okay, that’s not what we’re talking about now... Oh, by the way, for those who are not yet familiar with my article about how to choose a kindergarten, read it here!

Exploring a child's memory

Hearing memory

We pronounce to the child a set of ten different words that are not similar in meaning. Because mothers often make mistakes and begin to ask the child words and objects that surround her. You will ask why ? Yes the answer is simple! The child also sees what you tell him, and therefore why should he remember them.

It is better to do this by preparing a ready-made list on pieces of paper with words that, in your opinion, the child could remember. After speaking to your child a set of ten words, he must say, no matter what sequences, five - six words. The second time, you can repeat the words to the baby up to five times, and tell him to repeat all the words, including thosethat he had already spoken for the first time, since it was as if he had heard them for the first time.

The third time, without hesitation, say “One more time”! Thus, you will build a graph for yourself and estimate how the baby remembers words. Let's assume that the child pronounced all ten words on the third try, but it also happens that there are four words in total, and on the fourth time just one. You should not be upset with the child, this means that he is overtired and this fact should be taken into account.

By the time the child is already in school. Then you will already know for yourself that with a large repetition of repetitions, your child gets very tired and this is not beneficial, but rather worse for him. If you see on the graph zigzag line, this means that the baby’s attention is not stable and may follow one of the signs hyperreactivity.

Visual memory

Choose ten different pictures with images that your child knows. Show them to your baby. If a child remembers six pictures, then this is an excellent result. Pictures should be selected that are not complex and with one subject, because if, for example: You show a picture that shows a bunny, and in the background there is a tree. And the child can pay attention to him, and not to the bunny.

It is imperative that the child is shown one picture at a time and that he pronounces the depicted object out loud. Since, let’s say you show your child a picture of a chair, and he says that it’s a chair. Do not under any circumstances correct it, but simply continue to observe. After some time, you can fix it, but now your task is to check the memory.

You can mark on the pictures what he calls them. Open all the pictures and ask him how long it takes him to remember them. If he is silent, then cover the pictures and ask him to name the ones he remembers. To quickly memorize all the pictures as a child, connect them according to their meaning, that is, come up with a story.

Testing semantic memory

We come up with five pairs of words with meaning, for example: bridge - river, forest - squirrel, and the like. Say the first word of a pair to the future student, and he must tell you the second. If the baby is unable to understand what is required of him. Try to explain to your child how words are connected to each other. For example: forest - squirrel - A squirrel lives in the forest.

The norm will be if the baby names three pairs out of five. When the child understands this, you can ask him whole sentences, the best ones are actions. For example: a boy woke up, did exercises, washed his face and brushed his teeth. If the child has coped, then increase the actions.

Read the following phrases to your child:

  • It's hot outside in summer
  • Children swim in the river
  • In the morning there is dew on the leaves
  • Grandma knits a sweater
  • The chicken laid an egg

Ask what he remembers, it is not necessary that the child remembers everything word for word, it is enough that he grasps the meaning. If the baby is unable to remember the first time, repeat them to him several more times. Children aged five or six years cope with this task, usually on the second or third attempt.

Checking the child's logic

Fourth wheel

Pick up toys or some objects, then choose three objects that have something in common with each other, and the fourth will be superfluous. For example: three animals, and the fourth will be a bird. And ask the child to remove the superfluous item, and not just say that it is superfluous, but explain why this particular item is superfluous and not another.

At first, try to give your child tasks that are not difficult; if you see that he can cope, then gradually complicate the tasks. For example: three things are round, the fourth is square, three are red, and the fourth is blue. But don’t go too far, as some mothers complicate the tasks so much that the child simply gets confused. For example: three animals - two black, and one gray, and an extra object is a black bird. As you can see, either something that does not match in color will be superfluous, or the fact that there are three animals and the fourth is a bird.

The next task is to find a pattern.
For example: a glass of tea, juice, compote, etc.

Sort pictures into categories
For example: animals to animals, birds to birds, dolls to dolls and so on

Choose the right word
For example: chicken - chicken, egg
House – window, doors, roof and so on

Fairy tale from pictures

Cut out pictures from books and magazines. Place them near your child and tell him to put the pictures in order, as if he were making up a fairy tale. If he does not understand what you are trying to achieve from him, then help him. Take the picture you want and put it separately, this will be the beginning of the fairy tale. Next, invite your child to finish the story. If everything worked out for him, but not as you planned, but he turned out to be a story, then accept him as he is. Or can you And to correct his And show yours history.

Phonemic hearing

We define Pictures With specific sound

Position near baby Pictures V names, which present sounds — « Sh» or « H». Sounds can be And others, The main thing to were soft. Ask baby, to He Not Just indicated on picture, V which present sound, A said word V hearing. After all more likely Total He will call word By to another, Not So How You wanted would expect.

Child must be able to distinguish, Where soft, A Where hard letter. Where consonant, A Where vowel.

We describe picture

For children sometimes It happens difficult describe picture. They V mostly depending on image, they say kit words. If You start to him describe, That V further He without labor will myself make up stories.

A little mathematicians

Learn count baby before hundred at all Not Necessarily, A Here to, child knew how count before twenty And back, require many schools. Concept more, less.


Let's say take two yellow buttons And two red, need to take three buttons. AND start sort through All options. Further take it By three buttons And So same do overkill possible options. A Then count And compare, quantity options With first by chance And second.

And lastly!

Let's watch 21 useful videos for preparing children for school!

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