Road signs for children to download and print. Step-by-step instructions for drawing road signs. “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month”

In the next drawing lesson we want to teach you how to draw traffic signs step by step. We have selected some of the most common road signs and sorted them out. Traffic signs can be useful to you if you decide to draw any lesson on the topic “Traffic” or “Road Rules”. So let's get started.

How to draw road signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Traffic light regulation”, “Exit to the embankment”, “Other dangers”.

All these signs are located inside the triangle, with which we will begin our drawing. This equilateral triangle - draw it. Inside the triangle there should be a triangular frame, which is painted red on all such signs. Next, depending on which sign you have chosen, we move on to drawing the central part of this sign. In the center of the first sign “Pedestrian crossing” we draw a pedestrian path and a person walking along it. The second sign - “Children” contains two running people in its center. On the third sign there is a traffic light, because this sign means “Traffic Light Regulation”. Sign number 4 - the car falls into the water. Well, on the last sign called “Other dangers” we draw a large exclamation point.

How to draw a sign “No U-Turn”, “No Pedestrian Movement”, “Maximum Speed ​​Limit”, “Danger”.

All these signs are circles with mini-pictures in the middle. They are called the same as in the title from left to right. We draw a circle, and then there are two options - either a crossed out circle inside, or just a thick circle. In the first sign, behind the crossed line, we will draw an arrow in the opposite direction, in the second - a walking person. And in the round frames we have two more signs, by choosing which you will have to write any number in large print “20”, “30”, “40”, “50”, etc., or, in the last version, a rounded rectangle with the inscription “Danger” in two languages.

Traffic signs are an integral part of our lives. Every day we cross a road or a pedestrian crossing, or use underground passages. Admit it to yourself frankly: we do not always follow the rules of the road, neglecting them at the most crucial moment. Such negligence can cost us our lives, and is absolutely unacceptable if a child is walking nearby. Not only are we setting a bad example, but we are also risking the life of the person we care about most—our son or daughter. So learning the meanings of road signs will be useful not only for children, but also for adults.

To do this, you can watch online or download and print pictures of road signs for children on our website. Let's consider the classification of signs on the road.



Warning signs are designed to warn the driver about a dangerous section of the road. So, ahead along the line of travel there may be a hole, a cliff or repair work.

Warning signs on the road are symbols that indicate that you need to swerve, drive around or slow down to avoid a tragic situation. You've probably often seen triangles on the road with figures of children or animals in them. These are warning signs instructing you to be careful and, if necessary, let children or animals pass.

Warning signs on the road are more important for drivers than for pedestrians, but children should also have an idea of ​​what some traffic signs mean. To do this, parents and educators need to show them to the children more often along the way or show pictures with explanations.

For example, a sign that is a red circle with a person crossed out inside applies to both pedestrians and drivers. He warns that the road is being repaired. Children should not go for a walk in the direction where repair work is being carried out. If there are no adults in this area, due to the children’s oversight, trouble can occur. But even if people are working in the specified area, you should not come close out of curiosity. Dust may fly around and resin may drip, which can be harmful to health. If you teach your child about these subtleties of traffic rules, he will be able to avoid dire consequences.

Priority signs

These are traffic signs that indicate which road is the priority for the driver on a given section of the road, and also reminds of possible turns.

Thus, the main road is indicated by a yellow diamond with a white rim. Among the traffic signs, this one says that there is a main road ahead, and at the end of the intersection the driver will enter it. Also, the “Main Road” sign warns of the possibility of turning into a nearby intersection.

If the yellow diamond is crossed out with gray lines, this means that the main road ends.

There is not only a main road, but also a secondary one: there are corresponding signs for it. If the main road adjoins or intersects a secondary road, then we will see a triangle on the road in a red frame with a symbolic designation of roads and intersections. The main and secondary roads are not so important for pedestrians: drivers should know this. It will be more important for the children to have an idea of ​​the pedestrian crossing.


Among other road signs, prohibition signs symbolize a ban on crossing a certain section of the road on foot or in transport.

Basically, they again apply to drivers, but there are prohibiting signs for pedestrians as well.

Surely many of you have seen the intimidating “Stop” sign on the roads, usually written in Latin letters. It doesn’t just prohibit passage without permission: “Stop” signals that there is a control service in this place. The "Stop" signal applies to drivers of vehicles that must undergo inspection at a designated location. If you see a “Stop” signal on a red background, this means that the car must stop here immediately.

There are also prohibiting signs for pedestrians. Have you often noticed a crossed out man in a triangle? This is a sign that crossing the road in the indicated place is strictly prohibited. Don't forget to introduce the kids to it.

Prescriptive or permissive

Among traffic signs, these symbols are intended to indicate the possible direction of the road.

For drivers, most of them are expressed as a blue circle with arrows. The driver can safely continue driving along the indicated arrow. For pedestrians, the most important of the mandatory signs is a blue circle with a white man inside. It symbolizes a pedestrian crossing. Here you can cross the road at the traffic light.

Also, a sign with a bicycle on a blue background may be important for children: this means that cycling is allowed here.


Information signs speak for themselves: they provide drivers and pedestrians with additional information.

For us, the most important sign is “Underground or overground passage”. He looks like a little man on a blue background, going down or going up the stairs. You've probably already walked through an underground passage, and you know that there are stairs in it?

Be sure to pay attention to this sign: there may be no pedestrian crossing in this section of the road, and crossing without one is extremely dangerous. Information signs are present on the road for a reason: they warn people about which method of transportation is best to use.

Service marks

These traffic signs signal that in the immediate vicinity of a given place there are various services: a hospital, a telephone, a canteen, a traffic control point, etc.

Service signs warn travelers that certain needs can be met after a long journey. Service signs can also help if an unexpected situation occurs. For example, a person sitting in a car suddenly becomes ill. A driver who sees a sign for a hospital or medical center nearby can take a patient there for first aid.

For preschoolers, these signs are also important. If a child suddenly gets lost along the way, he can go to the first service center he comes across, where he will be helped. Service signs are indispensable assistants on the road.

So, the most important of the listed signs for children are prescriptive or permissive signs that warn and prohibit movement in certain areas. Permit signs should guide the children and tell them where it is best to cross the road.

How can they be used?

You can download road signs in pictures on our website completely free of charge. They are great for themed lessons and events in kindergarten, aesthetic center, elementary and middle school.

Also, lessons on traffic rules cannot be held without getting acquainted with traffic lights. Every child should be able to use it. To do this, you can arrange a game in the classroom or in the school yard, where the children will pass by a homemade traffic light. You can draw a pedestrian crossing with chalk, and one of the children can act as a traffic police officer. Let him guard the pedestrian crossing and make sure everyone crosses the road correctly.

A pedestrian crossing may not be the only sign on the road. Let the children draw and prepare various traffic signs at home, including “Stop”, “Pedestrian crossing” in the form of a man, an underground passage and others. The task for the class is to move correctly according to the signs.

Traffic rules can be extremely interesting if presented to children in the form of a fun game.

Games and crafts on the topic

When kids have learned traffic signs and have a good understanding of them, offer them creative work. Let the children themselves come up with and draw the symbols of those signs that they consider necessary on the road. You will see how many interesting things you will learn from these drawings.

Here's what I got:

Now we need to make a base for the signs so that they can stand on their own. For it I used buttons, I poured glue into the hole and inserted a toothpick inside. In addition to buttons, you can also use thicker cardboard or a piece of foam plastic or anything else you can think of)

Here's what I got:

A ready-made option for playing traffic signs.

Traffic rules and certain symbols should be posted in the classroom where classes are taught. Children should not forget to be careful. The more often they see the signs, the more careful they will be on the roads. New

Learning traffic rules is interesting and fun with Pustunchik. Join me and I will take you to the exciting and interesting land of Road Signs for Kids.


This is perhaps the most important sign for a young pedestrian. It shows that you can cross from one part of the street to another. However, remember that you only need to cross the street when the traffic light for pedestrians is green.

Before crossing the road, turn your head to the left to make sure there is no car driving nearby. When you reach the middle of the road (before the markings), make sure there is no car on the right. If the road is clear, feel free to cross to the other side.

In addition to ground crossings (the usual zebra), there are:




This sign tells the driver that children may run out onto the road, so driving at high speed is prohibited. You can usually see such a sign near a school, kindergarten or playground. However, this does not mean that you can cross the road here. You can cross the street only in a specially designated place - at a zebra crossing.

Under no circumstances run out onto the road! Is it dangerous.


If you see a sign on the road with a bicycle in a red circle on it, so as not to become a violator, get off the bicycle (scooter, moped) and take it to the required place.


This sign is often installed on roads with particularly busy traffic, where there are no sidewalks or curbs. Walking on such sections of the road, much less crossing to the other side, is life-threatening.


A man with a shovel in a red circle signals road work: repairing asphalt, trimming branches from trees, or any other work taking place directly on the road surface. It is strictly not recommended for children to walk near it, because branches may fall, hot resin may be spilled, or stones may fly, so there is a risk of injury.


A sign with a bus, tram or trolleybus on a blue background shows that only in this place you can get on or off the transport.


One of the most important road signs for children is the “Pedestrian zone” sign. Cars are prohibited from driving here, only pedestrians are allowed to move. Please note that on such a section of the road there should be two signs - the first signals the beginning of the pedestrian zone, and the second - its end.

Remember! To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation on the road when going to school or kindergarten, leave the house in advance. This way you won’t rush, you will carefully monitor road users and pay attention to all the signs. Bon Voyage!

Road signs perform the function of ensuring road safety and are standardized graphic images. Road signs are installed along the edges of the roadway. They are designed to provide drivers, as well as pedestrians, with the necessary information that is relevant for a particular area of ​​traffic.

Road signs in different countries often differ significantly from each other, despite the fact that in most countries their general principles are the same. There are two main systems of road signs: Anglo-Saxon and European. In our country, as well as in European and many other countries, the signs and signals used are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Vienna Convention.

Road signs used on Russian roads are established by traffic regulations. The latest changes regarding road signs and designations have been made to this document since 2006. The Rules introduced 24 new signs, as well as 18 types of signs that already existed before.

The following groups exist:

  • 1. Warning signs.
  • 2.Priority signs.
  • 3. Prohibitory (restrictive) signs.
  • 4. Mandatory signs.
  • 5.Signs of special regulations.
  • 6.Information signs.
  • 7.Service signs.
  • 8. Additional information signs.

Every driver is required to know what road signs mean. But if you rarely encounter any signs while driving, they begin to be forgotten. Therefore, it is best to have a table of road signs at hand, and also periodically review the information contained in it.

Traffic warning signs pictures with explanations

They perform the function of informing drivers that there is a dangerous road section ahead, and when driving along it it is necessary to take appropriate safety measures. Basically, these signs are made in the form of white triangles, the top of which is directed upward, and the sides have a red border.

Traffic priority signs pictures with explanations

These images establish the order in which vehicles must pass through intersections (intersections, narrow road sections). These signs are characterized by a special shape that distinguishes them from all others.

Prohibiting traffic signs pictures with explanations

These images introduce (or, conversely, cancel) traffic restrictions. Most of them are made in the form of a white circle, which is framed by a red border.

Mandatory traffic signs pictures with explanations.

They are installed near the place where one or another regulation applies. They can be repeated if necessary.

5. Signs of special traffic regulations pictures with explanations

They introduce (cancel) certain modes in which movement should take place.

6. Traffic information signs pictures with explanations

They are installed in order to warn traffic participants about the location of certain important objects (primarily populated areas). In addition, they indicate in what mode traffic should be carried out on a given section of the road.

7. Traffic service signs pictures with explanations

These images indicate the presence of service facilities along the route (gas station, camping, etc.)

8. Additional information signs (plates)

They are made in the form of signs, installed together with other signs and perform the function of clarification or limitation.

One of the main parts of children's learning of traffic rules is the study of those road signs, the knowledge of which may be useful to them in everyday life. Many effective ways of this study are collected on the pages of this thematic section. Here you can find publications about homemade didactic games about road signs, ready-made scenarios for relevant activities, leisure activities and educational activities, notes of conversations, quizzes, entertainment and holidays. The meaning of each of these events is the same: consolidating and clarifying knowledge of road signs and developing the habit of listening to their instructions.

We will help you make the “trip to the land of road signs” exciting for the children.

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All sections | Road signs

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