Examination of complex household appliances. Expertise of household appliances

An examination of household appliances is carried out to establish the causes of breakdown or improper operation of household electrical appliances, as well as to determine the origin of their defects. Many conflict situations arise as a result of consumers' attempts to return broken or poorly functioning household appliances. The consumer sees the root of the problem in poor quality of products; sellers and manufacturers, on the contrary, insist on improper use of devices by customers. An examination of household appliances will determine who is right and who will have to pay for a broken appliance.

The examination of household appliances consists, first of all, in the analysis by specialists of the basic functional properties of the devices and the changes that have occurred with them during the operation of the goods. The study is carried out with the aim of issuing an independent, competent conclusion, which is the result of an examination and is of an evidentiary nature. Most often, the consumer has to defend his rights in court. Meanwhile, the initiator of the examination of household appliances can be the manufacturer or seller, who is confident that the breakdown occurred due to the fault of the buyer.

The object of independent examination of household appliances is an electrical household appliance manufactured in Russia or abroad. The device can be made homemade or industrially. In addition, the objects of examination include all accompanying documentation attached to the device - operating instructions, technical descriptions, warranty papers, etc. A thorough study of all aspects of the device’s operation contributes to the reliable detection of the causes of failures and breakdowns.

In what situations do they resort to examination of household appliances?

An examination of household appliances is required in almost any conflict situation related to the buyer’s desire to return the device and get back the money spent on it. Expertise is resorted to in advance or already in the process of ongoing legal proceedings. As a rule, research is necessary in the following situations:

  • It is required to establish the presence of manufacturing defects in a household appliance.
  • The customer wants to identify conditions and factors that reduce the quality of the purchased product.
  • The seller or manufacturer refuses to replace a low-quality device.
  • The seller or manufacturer does not want to return to the buyer the money spent on purchasing his product.
  • It is necessary to establish the reasons for the occurrence of defects, breakdowns or other defects of the product.
  • If you need to determine whether the purchased device meets the requirements of GOST or other quality standards.
  • It is necessary to establish a connection between the occurrence of a problem and a violation of the operating conditions or safety rules for using the device.

The procedure for conducting examination of household appliances

The examination of household appliances is carried out by competent specialists in the field of engineering and electronics, following a standard procedure. The expert's procedure is as follows:

  1. Concluding an agreement with the customer and clearly defining the subject of the study, as well as the list of questions that the expert must answer. The subject of the research is formed based on the customer’s request. For example, the subject of the examination may be to establish the cause of a device failure. The subject of the research is included in the contract between the expert (expert organization) and the customer.
  2. Analysis of accompanying documentation. At the second stage, the specialist conducts a detailed study of all the papers attached to the object of study.
  3. Comprehensive examination of the research object itself. It consists of a visual examination, specialized studies and laboratory tests.
  4. Preparation of an expert opinion. All documentation is summarized, copies are made of the accompanying papers and attached to the conclusion in the form of appendices. In the conclusion itself, the expert summarizes and records his conclusions and answers the questions posed to him. He can also add his recommendations on the customer’s further actions. The conclusion must be signed by the specialist who conducted the study. An expert opinion is a direct result of an examination, is drawn up in writing and has evidentiary value in court.

Goods subject to examination of household appliances

An examination of household appliances can be carried out in relation to any electrical device used in everyday life. In other words, it can be any product that uses electricity and is in constant or occasional household use. The main groups of goods for which examination of household appliances is carried out:

  1. Computers. All computer equipment belongs to engineering devices of increased complexity. At the same time, computers are used everywhere in everyday life. The examination is carried out for tablets, netbooks, laptops, desktop computers, home management systems (for example, the Smart Home system) and other types of personal computers. The study is carried out in relation to the serviceability of physical components, as well as in relation to software.
  2. E-books. The popularity and, as a result, sales of e-books are increasing every day. In essence, they are simple computers with a limited number of functions, but they are still classified as a separate group of devices under study.
  3. Cell phones. The cell phone is the most commonly used household device. It shares first place in the number of units per unit of population, perhaps, only with the computer. And today it is sometimes very difficult to live without a cell phone. Unfortunately, mobile phones break down no less often than any other household appliance. A special examination will help determine the culprit of the breakdown.
  4. Refrigerators. These include refrigerators themselves, portable refrigerators, freezers, and special-purpose refrigerators. The examination determines the presence of defects, deviations in the operation of the refrigerator, and the cause of defects and breakdowns. The simplest test for proper operation of a refrigerator is to check the temperature inside it. If the temperature inside the chamber does not correspond to that declared by the manufacturer, an expert can determine the reasons for this.
  5. Washing machines. An examination is carried out in case of machine breakdown, poor-quality washing, leakage and other problems. Washing machines of any type, class, size and origin are subject to research.
  6. Dryers. The range of problems that arise with clothes drying machines is comparable to the list of defects in washing units. The examination of dryers answers almost the same questions as the analysis of washing machines.
  7. Dishwashers. The share of dishwashers in the total number of household appliances sold is constantly growing. Most often, machines are examined for poor quality of dishwashing, causes of leaks, and increased noise levels.
  8. Air conditioners. Often used, especially in modern city conditions. Air conditioners are expensive and difficult to install. That is why, in the event of a breakdown, the buyer always wants to get back the money spent on the air conditioner. The examination determines the correct operation of the air conditioner, proper power, causes of breakdowns, and the origin of defects. Ventilation systems and indoor climate control systems are also subject to examination.
  9. Video players and video recorders. We examine any equipment designed for random viewing of video materials from various sources, be it video cassettes, discs, Blu-ray discs or external media connected via USB ports.
  10. TVs. Another class of popular household appliances. Every family probably has a TV, and most often more than one. As a rule, it is expensive and breaks down quite often. Problems can arise with picture quality, screen defects, and even with software, which is an indispensable part of modern TVs. TVs of any type are examined - lamp, liquid crystal, plasma panels, etc.
  11. Printers, scanners, copiers, combined multifunctional devices. Initially intended for office use, these types of equipment have long migrated to homes and are widely used in everyday life for personal needs or as needed during remote work. In case of breakdowns or defects, these types of devices can also be subjected to examination.
  12. Cameras. With the advent of modern software-controlled digital cameras, almost anyone can make professional photography a hobby, provided they can afford expensive photographic equipment. Almost all functional and technical characteristics of cameras are analyzed. A frequent object of research is the matrix of a digital camera.
  13. Other household appliances.

Legal aspects of conducting examination of household appliances

The examination of household appliances is based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. The law is regularly updated and supplemented depending on changes in the economic situation, the emergence of new types of goods and services, as well as due to the release of other legislative acts.

Article 4 of this law is devoted to the fact that the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with goods of adequate quality.

Article 6 of the Law provides for the manufacturer’s obligation to provide the buyer with the opportunity to maintain and/or repair the product.

Article 12 of the Law stipulates the liability of the manufacturer or seller for providing distorted, incomplete or false information about the product.

Article 17 of the Law determines the judicial procedure for protecting consumer rights.

Article 18 of the Law regulates the rights of the buyer in a situation where defects were found in the purchased product. In particular, the buyer may require from the seller or manufacturer:

  • replace the purchased device with a similar one;
  • replace the purchased product with a similar one, taking into account the price difference;
  • reimburse money spent on goods;
  • reduce the price taking into account existing shortcomings;
  • eliminate deficiencies immediately.

The article also states that if the buyer is unable to provide a sales receipt, this should not create an obstacle to the satisfaction of his requirements.

Questions that can be asked to a specialist in the field of examination of household appliances

  1. Does the quality of the device under study comply with existing quality standards or GOST?
  2. What are the causes of failure of the device under study?
  3. What are the reasons for the detected defects?
  4. Is the failure of the device due to its improper use?
  5. Does the device under study have any signs of a manufacturing defect?
  6. Does the accompanying documentation contain complete, reliable, consistent information about the proper use of the purchased product?
  7. Does the accompanying documentation contain all the necessary information about safety rules for operating the device?
  8. Do the characteristics of the device correspond to those declared by the manufacturer?
  9. Does the accompanying documentation contain information about the permissible voltage in the buyer’s electrical network?
  10. Does the manual indicate a requirement for grounding for a device that must have it?
  11. What are the functional characteristics of the device under study?
  12. Is the product in good condition at the time of examination?
  13. Is the breakdown or failure of the device the result of intentional damage?
  14. Could the device break down for reasons beyond the control of the manufacturer (seller) and the consumer?
  15. Could power outages be the cause of device failure?
  16. Are the means of protecting the device from the expected effects of an aggressive environment in working order? For example, is the washing machine motor protected by the manufacturer from water getting into it?
  17. What kind of defects were discovered during the research process?

The list of suggested questions is not exhaustive. If other questions arise, it is advisable to seek advice from an expert before scheduling an examination.

Cost and terms

  • Forensic examination

    A forensic examination is carried out as determined by the court. To appoint an examination to our organization, it is necessary to submit a petition for the appointment of an examination and attach to it an information letter indicating the details of the organization, the possibility of carrying out an examination on the questions raised, the cost and duration of the study, as well as the candidacy of experts indicating their education and work experience. This letter must be certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of its head.

    Our specialists prepare an information letter within one working day, after which we send a scanned copy of it by email. Also, if necessary, the original letter can be picked up at the office of our organization. As a rule, the court does not require the original information letter; it is enough to provide a copy of it.

    The service for compiling an information letter is provided for free.

  • Extrajudicial research

    Extrajudicial research is carried out on the basis of a contract with 100% prepayment. The agreement can be concluded with both a legal entity and an individual. To conclude an agreement, it is not necessary to be present at the office of our organization; in this case, the sending of all documents, including the expert opinion, will be carried out using the services of postal operators (Dimex, DHL, PonyExpress), which will take no more than 2-4 working days.

  • Review of expert opinion

    A review is necessary in cases where it is necessary to challenge the conclusions of the examination carried out in order to then conduct a repeat study. The conditions for concluding a contract for peer review are exactly the same as for out-of-court research.

  • Receiving written expert advice (certificate)

    The certificate is not a conclusion, it is of an informational nature and contains answers to questions that do not require a full study, but allow one to assess the feasibility of conducting a full examination.

    The conditions for concluding a contract for a certificate are exactly the same as for an out-of-court research.

  • Obtaining preliminary expert advice

    Our specialists are ready to answer any of your questions regarding the conduct of judicial and extrajudicial examinations, assess the feasibility of conducting an examination, provide assistance in formulating research questions, advise on the possibility of conducting a particular analysis, and much more.

    Consultation is carried out on the basis of a written request.

    To do this, you need to fill out an online application form (or send us a request by e-mail), where you should describe the circumstances of the case in as much detail as possible, formulate the goals that need to be achieved with the help of the examination, preliminary questions, and, if possible, attach all possible documents and descriptions of objects.

    The more detailed you are about the circumstances of the case, the more productive the expert’s assistance will be.

  • Additional services

    Reducing the examination period by half

    30% to cost

    Departure of an expert within the city of Moscow to inspect objects, select samples for research, participate in a court hearing or other events requiring the presence of an expert

    Departure of an expert within the Moscow region

    Departure of an expert to other regions of Russia

    Transport and travel expenses

    Preparation of an additional copy of the expert opinion

    Legal advice on issues not related to the conduct and appointment of examinations

    from 5,000 rub.

    Drawing up a statement of claim


Frequently asked questions

  • Is it safe to drink homemade alcohol?

    The production of alcoholic beverages is a complex technological process, the violation of which can lead to the formation of undesirable and even harmful substances for the body. In addition, if it is necessary to use a solution of ethyl alcohol during preparation, then it is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis of its quality. And examination of the finished drink for the presence of hazardous substances will answer the question of their suitability for consumption.

  • How to determine whether it is dangerous to drink water from a well in a summer cottage?

    The condition of soil and groundwater can be assessed through water and soil testing. The expert will not only answer the question about the safety of water for consumption, but can also give recommendations on the selection of filter systems and water purification methods.

  • Is it possible to determine what substance changed the taste of tap water in a country house?

    If you have a sample of water before the taste changes, you can conduct a comparative analysis of two volumes of water and identify different parameters. Based on these, we can make an assumption about what substance or group of substances caused the change in the taste of water.

  • Is it possible to find out how healthy bottled mineral water is?

    The benefits of mineral water are determined by the presence of certain salts in it and the overall degree of mineralization. Using spectral analysis methods, these indicators are easily established. Based on the results obtained, we can draw a conclusion about the value of water of this brand for human health.

  • Is the fresh juice actually found in boxes with that name?

    Whether the juice or juice-containing drink sold in stores is natural can be easily determined by the content of vitamins and microelements in it. For this purpose, a special chromatographic analysis method with a mass selective detector is used.

  • Is it possible to determine whether a food product contains GMOs?

    Yes, sure. The specific composition of various genetically modified additives is easily determined in expert food laboratories.

  • Is it possible to determine how much meat is contained in sausage?

    Sausage products manufactured in accordance with GOST have a strictly defined composition, which is indicated on the packaging. However, a product manufactured according to specifications may contain not only the components stated in its composition. In a food chemistry laboratory, experts can determine the content of soy, heavy metals, as well as additional flavorings and preservatives in the presented product.

  • Do you provide consultations and is it possible to obtain the expected results of a commodity examination in advance?

    Yes, we provide consulting services, including free ones, on the appointment and conduct of commodity examinations, during which an express analysis of materials to be examined is carried out, as well as written consultations (answers to questions of interest are provided in writing, without conducting a full study ).

  • Is it possible to distinguish a dairy product from milk?

    Undoubtedly. And although a dairy product may be very close to natural pasteurized milk in taste, beneficial substances and microelements are contained only in natural milk. Their presence can only be determined in a chemical laboratory.

  • There is furniture that emits an unpleasant odor. It is necessary to examine for the presence of pharmaceuticals and other “extra substances”. How will sampling be carried out? Need air for research?

    Hello Tatyana, in this case the situation is as follows: according to GOST, it is necessary to carry out sampling from finished furniture (by a destructive method), and then analyze the emission of formaldehyde and other volatile substances. If destructive sampling is not satisfactory, then it is necessary to keep the furniture in a closed chamber at operating temperature conditions for 4 weeks (these are European quality standards), and then analyze the air. However, the second method is more difficult to implement, but possible. Our organization can take samples in any way you need.

  • My husband and I purchased a multicooker. A malfunction has been detected. We contacted the store with a complaint. Do we have the right to be present during the examination of the goods?

    You have the right granted to the consumer by the Law to be present during the quality check (examination) of the product, in your case a multicooker. Moreover, the legislator imposes the obligation on the seller to inform you in advance in writing about the place and time of the merchandising examination. It is advisable to reflect this requirement in the claim.

  • Is it possible to check samples for compliance with GOST, TU using PET prefor for the manufacture (blowing) of plastic bottles for bottling mineral water? If a discrepancy is detected, determine the reason for the defect of plastic bottles (cracking of the bottom with leakage of mineral water) made from batches of preforms, samples of which are submitted for examination (manufacturing defect of the preform, storage of bottles, violation of bottle blowing (manufacturing) technology?

    It is possible to check samples for compliance with GOST, but it is not always possible to determine the cause of the defect. This is especially true for ready-made bottles, since it is impossible to determine what exactly was violated: the blowing technology or the conditions of storage and transportation. Violations in the process of manufacturing preforms will most likely be identified. Therefore, the question should be raised only about the compliance of the samples with the requirements of GOST and about the identified deviations, if any.

  • Is wine from famous brands natural?

    The taste characteristics of wine directly depend on the production method. Artisanal wines typically contain preservatives that are not found in natural vintage wine. Determining the presence of preservatives will allow you to classify this product as either a branded wine or a fake.

  • Who initiates the appointment of a product examination?

    The initiative to conduct an independent examination of goods can be made by both the buyer, the store or the manufacturer of the product, as well as other persons interested in commodity examination.

  • Tell me, what are the possibilities for examining household appliances?

    The examination of household appliances allows us to identify the quality and consumer properties of household appliances, establish the fact of a malfunction and the reasons for their occurrence.

  • How much nitrates are in watermelons and melons?

    Watermelons and melons grown with the use of chemical growth stimulants not only have poor taste characteristics, but are also harmful to health. They can cause stomach upset and various allergic reactions. Therefore, identifying nitrates as the main group of hazardous substances is an important task. Modern equipment in chemical laboratories allows us to determine this indicator with high accuracy and determine whether a given product is safe for health.

  • What methods are used to examine clothing?

    Commodity examination of clothing involves variability in methods for studying the quality of clothing. This can be either an external inspection or a linear measurement or laboratory testing.

    If during the examination of clothing only defects in appearance are found, the clothing is checked by external examination and compared with a sample of purchased clothing. If it is impossible to determine a clothing defect by external examination or the conclusion of a clothing expert is controversial, the expert may send clothing samples for laboratory research or testing.

  • I purchased a mink coat and after a while I discovered a defect on it. Can I prove that this is a manufacturing defect, and what kind of examination needs to be carried out?

    First, you send a written claim in two copies (preferably by registered mail) demanding a refund. If the warranty period is established in writing, then it is the seller's responsibility to prove that the defect occurred through no fault of the seller. If the warranty is not established, then you will have to prove the manufacturing defect. To do this, you need to contact our examination center for the purpose of conducting a commodity examination. An independent expert will issue an expert opinion on the quality of the product and answer all questions posed. With the help of a commodity examination, you will be able to prove a manufacturing defect in court and receive compensation for the fur coat and all other expenses, including for conducting an independent examination.

  • The store conducted a study and issued a conclusion with which I do not agree. What should I do?

    If you purchase a product of poor quality or in a faulty condition, you should submit a written complaint to the phone seller. It is not recommended to submit your phone for examination without your participation. If you disagree with the results of the research conducted by the store, you must contact independent experts who will assess the reasons for the malfunction of your phone. The conclusion of the expert who carried out the commodity examination is evidence in court.

Ecoprom Central Federal District LLC not only recycles computers and electronic equipment, but also carries out an independent examination of household appliances. Our company’s employees are properly qualified and have extensive experience in the field of expert analysis. We will quickly perform all the required measurements, and also conduct a qualitative study of both the general condition of your equipment and its individual parameters.

The price of an independent examination of household appliances

The cost of examination of household appliances depends primarily on the type and number of devices, therefore it is calculated individually. In any case, you can be sure that our pricing policy is as beneficial as possible for both individuals and legal entities. To receive a price list, send a request to our managers.

Expertise of household appliances allows you to:

  • establish the cause of malfunctions in the operation of devices;
  • determine the type of malfunction (breakdown due to violation of operating rules, design or manufacturing defect);
  • identify the technical condition and operational properties of the device;
  • analyze software compatibility;
  • check for compliance with the provided documentation.

Stages of examination of household appliances

An independent examination of household appliances is carried out as follows:

  1. Comprehensive diagnostics of devices is carried out, which includes:
    • analysis of the operation of electronic components;
    • checking the integrity of mechanisms;
    • determination of consumer properties of equipment.
  2. The equipment is disassembled (if necessary) using special tools. Using a microscope or magnifying glass allows you to carefully examine the internal contents of the device. During the examination of household appliances, a specialist records the required facts using a camera or digital microscope. In some cases, audio or video recording is used, as well as special measuring instruments.
  3. Testing is carried out to check the functionality of the equipment. Tests are performed in a specialized laboratory. They allow you to identify hidden breakdowns and determine the cause of their occurrence.

If you require an inexpensive, but high-quality independent examination of household appliances in Moscow, then contact our company. The results of our research have legal value, since they can be provided as evidence to resolve disputes (including litigation) between the seller and the buyer.

Today it is difficult to imagine a living space without household appliances. The main purpose of household appliances is partial or complete replacement of human production functions in order to facilitate labor and increase its productivity. Therefore, high-quality and reliable equipment is in greatest demand among the population. However, as practice shows, a consumer, when purchasing a refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, juicer or microwave oven, etc., cannot always be one hundred percent sure of the quality of such goods.

Our company’s experts will make a conclusion about the nature of the origin of the defects and carry out appropriate diagnostics of the product for the presence of deficiencies.

Commodity examination of household appliances is, first of all, an expert’s assessment of the fundamental characteristics of goods, as well as their changes in the process of product distribution in order to make decisions and issue independent and competent conclusions that serve as the final result. When conducting an examination, all fundamental characteristics of a product can be assessed: assortment, quality, quantity, cost, or only parts thereof.

When conducting an examination of household appliances, the expert makes a conclusion based on an expert assessment of the product.

The examination of household appliances products is carried out based on the consumer properties of such goods. These are organoleptic, physicochemical indicators, as well as indicators of their quantitative characteristics, assessed by experts through tests (measurements) or surveys and/or based on information on labeling and shipping documents. During testing, the device may be disassembled and tested to determine its functionality.

Expert assessment during the examination of household appliances is a set of operations for selecting a complex or individual characteristics of goods or other objects, determining their actual values ​​and - confirming by experts their compliance with established requirements and/or product information. During expert assessment, requirements for the characteristics of goods or other objects can be established not only by regulatory documents, but also by experts. In this case, product information should be understood as information indicated on the label, in product accompanying documents or other sources of information (regulatory, technical documents, educational, scientific, reference literature, etc.). When conducting an independent examination of household appliances, single copies, packaged units of goods, as well as batches of goods may be subject to expert assessment. Most often, commodity examination is carried out specifically on commodity lots, which are defined as a set of single copies or packaging units, united by common characteristics: production date, single manufacturer, uniformity of product properties, etc.

What is the difference between checking the quality of household appliances and examination.

Let's start with the fact that checking the quality of equipment and examination are completely different concepts, both in terms of the actions performed and the purposes of their implementation. We'll talk about goals a little later, but now about how and what is being done.

The quality of household appliances is checked when the buyer contacts the store with a complaint about one or another defect in previously purchased appliances. This process occurs without the involvement of outside specialists by the store representative and the buyer.

Moreover, if the buyer delivers the goods himself, then the quality check takes place directly in the store’s sales area (in the absence of the need for a special connection), but if the goods are large or require a special connection, then the quality check can be carried out on the buyer’s premises.

The quality control procedure is a check of the functionality of all functions and operating modes of this equipment. For example, if a washing machine must wash - rinse - spin, then each stage plus additional functions is checked.

However, in reality, in most cases there is simply no point in such a labor-intensive and time-consuming check. If the buyer complains about a lack of equipment, then he has already identified this defect and can demonstrate it to the seller. Those. If the washing machine does not pick up speed during the spin cycle, then it is not necessary to check whether it is heating the water. It will be enough to put the laundry in the tank, turn on the spin mode and let the representative of the sales organization make sure that this mode is not running.

The examination of household appliances, in contrast to a simple quality check, is a more complex process and requires the intervention of a specialist who has permission and a license to examine this type of equipment.

The examination is carried out not to detect any deficiencies (they are, as a rule, already known), but to identify the reasons why these deficiencies arose and to determine the difficulty of correcting them.

The examination of equipment, as a rule, is not carried out either on the territory of the store or at the buyer’s home, because it requires the presence of special equipment and opening the body of the equipment.

Why carry out examination and quality control of equipment.

There are several reasons why the seller, in almost 90% of cases, demands from the buyer equipment in which defects are found for quality control and examination. Among these reasons, there are both open, obvious reasons, and closed ones, which the buyer, as a rule, is not aware of.

Why is equipment quality checked?

Oddly enough, but checking the quality of equipment is necessary not so much for the seller as for the buyer himself. Based on the definition of the very concept of quality control, we can conclude that this test is intended to ensure that both opponents (seller and buyer) come to a unanimous opinion on the presence or absence of a defect in the product.

If you find any defect in a device whose warranty period has not yet expired, then you naturally address this problem to the organization that is legally obligated to provide this warranty. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all which of the demands you put forward: exchange, repair or others. When contacting, you, as a buyer, will first need to demonstrate to the reverse side representative the defect that you discovered in the product.

It is necessary! Especially if you do not want your equipment to be repaired, but require an exchange or termination of the purchase and sale agreement.

The fact is that you can return the equipment to the store only if it contains a factory defect. When handing over your device to a sales representative, it is simply vital that he agrees that the defect actually exists. What is needed for this? This defect must be demonstrated to the seller and it MUST be recorded in writing.

If the certificate according to which your product does not indicate a defect, or if there is no signature of the seller’s representative that he agrees with this defect, then your equipment may, without informing you, simply be repaired, and then submit a conclusion from the repair organization that there is no shortage of goods. After this, you will no longer be able to prove that it was there, therefore your demands for a return or exchange of goods will be illegal.

Why is a technology examination carried out?

When a defect in a product is confirmed by both the buyer and the seller, a controversial question may arise as to the reasons for the occurrence of this defect.

Naturally, no seller will want to return or exchange equipment whose problems arose due to the fault of the buyer himself. It is to resolve this issue that technical expertise exists.

The main task of the examination is to establish the cause of a particular deficiency.

The initiator of the examination, as a rule, is a trade organization. According to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the examination is carried out by the seller and at his expense. In the event that, according to the conclusion of the examination, the buyer is the culprit for the appearance of a defect in the product, he is obliged to reimburse the seller for all costs.

If the seller insists on conducting an examination, the buyer must know:
- The buyer has the right to be present at the examination.
- Goods with a defect can be delivered by the buyer to the place of examination at the appointed time, about which the seller must inform him.
- If the goods are handed over to the seller for storage before the examination, then only after checking the quality and drawing up the appropriate certificate of delivery of the goods.
- The period for conducting the examination should not exceed the deadlines established by law for fulfilling the buyer’s requirements.

In general, the subject of SEET are facts and circumstances that are established on the basis of studying the patterns of development and operation of electrical household appliances, related to the need to establish the truth in criminal, civil cases, cases of administrative offenses, etc.
Issues resolved within the framework of SEET, as well as those posed by investigative authorities or the court for the permission of an expert as part of the forensic examination of electrical household appliances.

Application of forensic examination of electrical appliances in civil proceedings:
- Does the quality (completeness, labeling, packaging, conditions of transportation, storage and operation) of the research object meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, contracts, accompanying documents?
- Does the research object have defects, and what kind of defects are they: (manufacturing, operational, manifested during transportation, caused by improper storage, operation or design changes during repair)?
- What impact do these defects have on the quality of the research object?
- Can the research object be used for its intended purpose in the presence (absence) of these defects?
- Determine the percentage reduction in the quality of the research object, taking into account existing defects (degree of wear; material damage caused as a result of damage to the object)?
- Establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the influence of specific factors on changes in the quality of the research object?
- Is this product new or has it already been used? What is its degree of wear?
- Establish the residual value of the product taking into account the degree of wear, damage (spoilage)?
- Determine whether the properties of the objects under study correspond to standard and reference requirements, basic characteristics set out in agreements, contracts, as well as data recorded on tags, labels, nameplates, stickers, shipping and other documents?
- Establish a cause-and-effect relationship to harm to health using a poor-quality research object?
- Is the product certified in accordance with the requirements of Russian standards?
- Determine whether there are handicraft changes or alterations in components and parts in the product and what impact do they have on its characteristics?
- What is the cost of refurbishment of the product?

Application of forensic examination of electrical appliances in criminal proceedings:
- What is the residual value of the product, taking into account actual wear and tear and operating defects at the time of the crime?
- Determine what technical characteristics the studied elements of the object or objects as a whole have?

Independent examination of household appliances is a very necessary and in demand service of our time. Considering the rapidly developing market for household appliances, this is not at all surprising. Every year more and more equipment is imported into Russia, and supplies are increasing exponentially. With such a huge market, it is not surprising that there is a percentage of products that are defective and damaged during transportation and storage.

There is also a percentage of unscrupulous sellers who seek to make money on such products by selling initially defective devices or who are unwilling to subsequently accept broken equipment for exchange or warranty repair. To help affected consumers and simplify the return system, the NP Federation of Forensic Experts carries out an independent examination of household appliances.

With the help of such an examination, the buyer can easily prove that the product he purchased is not of proper quality and assembly, and, accordingly, replace the product or get his money back. Experts from the NP “Federation of Forensic Experts” conduct the following types of technical examinations of household appliances:

  • Cell phones;
  • computers;
  • laptops;
  • tablets and communicators;
  • large household appliances;
  • other complex technical devices.

The need for independent household appliances arises in the following cases:

  • a dispute arises between the seller and the end consumer of the product regarding the quality of the product being sold;
  • to establish the presence of a defect and determine the cause of its formation.

At least according to the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992. No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and describes the following consumer rights and options in the event of purchasing defective devices:

  • replacing household appliances with exactly the same product sample;
  • replacement of household appliances with products of a different brand with subsequent recalculation of prices;
  • demand a reduction in the price of the product proportional to the breakdown;
  • demand immediate gratuitous elimination of the defect in the product or compensation for monetary losses for the repair of the product;
  • terminate the purchase and sale agreement for appliances and demand a full refund of the money paid for household appliances.

But the manufacturer and seller also have their own rights, namely, when returning the goods by the buyer, to verify the veracity of the buyer’s words and the presence of defects by conducting a technical examination of the goods. Also, sellers quite often shirk responsibility altogether and do not want to accept the product for replacement or refund. Or the technical examination is not carried out objectively; based on the decision of such an examination, the buyer may be left without a serviceable product and his funds. Due to the existence of such a negative situation in the household appliances market, an independent examination is required from the NP “Federation of Forensic Experts”.

A buyer who has come across a defective device can immediately contact an independent expert organization to conduct an examination of the product. During such an examination, a full functional examination of the product is carried out to determine whether the quality of the product corresponds to the product instructions and state standards - GOST. In addition to functional testing, experts conduct laboratory research using various specialized devices and methods, with the help of which the presence of hidden defects, the ways of their occurrence and possible resolution options are established. To conduct an independent examination of household appliances, you must:

  • write a written statement;
  • provide experts with all documents attached to the product;
  • provide the expert with the entire delivery kit (cords, adapters, etc.);
  • provide the expert with the household appliance itself;
  • In the application, describe in detail the defect or breakdown.

After the examination, specialists from the NP “Federation of Forensic Experts” draw up an official expert report, which describes in detail the technical condition of the device, completeness of delivery, compliance of the functional part as stated in the instructions, the presence or absence of breakdowns and various defects, and the reasons for the occurrence of such defects. Breakdowns can be different and caused by different parties, for example:

  • operational breakdowns that occurred during use due to the fault of the buyer;
  • manufacturing defects that arose for various reasons at the manufacturing plant;
  • transportation breakdowns, the responsibility for which is borne either by the seller, the manufacturer, or the carrier;
  • defects due to improper storage, responsibility for them also lies with either the manufacturer or the seller.

In addition, the possibilities for correcting defects and the quality of further operation of the device after repair, as well as its service life, are described. Experts give recommendations on repairs and their costs at several recommended workshops.

Having received such a comprehensive expert opinion, you can easily prove that you are right, exchange the goods or return the money, as well as demand monetary compensation for the examination performed. If the seller does not want to resolve the current situation amicably, the case is sent to court, where, on the basis of the expert opinion of the NP “Federation of Forensic Experts”, you will win the case, and the culprit will be punished within the law. Usually, sellers, having seen the decision of independent experts, strive to quickly resolve the issue, since unnecessary problems with government authorities are neither necessary nor interesting to anyone.

An independent examination of household appliances is carried out for a period of three working days and at a price of 2500.00 rubles. (mobile phone). Although the term and price vary greatly depending on the complexity of the device and the defect contained inside.

If necessary, experts from the NP “Federation of Forensic Experts” will provide you with all the necessary consultations, and our center also provides legal support for the case, both in court and in pre-trial proceedings. A large range of services and a large network of branches throughout Russia make working with our center very convenient and efficient. Experts with the necessary knowledge, technical instruments and laboratories, as well as practical experience exceeding 10 years, will conduct the examination quickly and efficiently!


The price for examination of electrical household appliances is indicated including taxes. Transport costs are paid separately.

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