Stages of conception. Your main companions throughout all nine months. What makes successful conception possible?

The female body is an integral system that contains all the necessary resources for the successful bearing of a child. Finding out in detail how the process of conceiving a child occurs day by day, and how many days it lasts, will be useful for those who are planning a pregnancy in the near future, and for those who want to avoid it. The sacrament of conception takes place in the same way, only its beginning directly depends on the individual characteristics of the woman.

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Ovulation day

Ovulation refers to the process of the release of a formed egg from the ovaries, it is completely ready for the start of fertilization. A female cell can maintain its readiness to conceive only in a period of time from 12 to 36 hours. It is for this reason that the most comfortable time for conception is the middle of the menstrual cycle, then the act of fertilization should take place. If this does not happen within 36 hours after the cell matures, then the mature egg dies and is released with blood during the next menstruation.

The fertilization process itself can take 3 hours due to internal barriers in the female body. Successful fertilization is possible only when 10 million live sperm have penetrated into the uterus. The female body works at this moment in order to ensure a comfortable temperature for conception - 37 degrees.

Basically, only one mature cell is fertilized. In practice, there are quite rare cases when during the ovulation process several eggs are produced at once; if they are fertilized, then the woman can give birth to twins or triplets. At the moment of division of a fertilized cell into 2 different ones they begin.

At the moment of the process of conception and fertilization, the nucleus of the female cell and the sperm form a single whole, which is called a zygote. A day later, it begins active division. The first cells obtained from it were called blastomeres. They also divide, gradually decreasing in size, but the size of the zygote remains at the same level.

On the 3rd day, the developing embryo contains from 6 to 8 growing blastomeres. These particles may affect the development of twins, at this moment the embryo already has its own individual genome.

On the 4th day, there are from 10 to 16 developing cells in the embryo. At this moment, compaction of the growing embryo begins. At this stage of conception, it penetrates the uterus and tubes that are ready for bearing it, there is always a certain risk of getting an ectopic pregnancy. This day is significant for the embryo with important changes: the growing fertilized egg takes the shape of a blackberry, this means the beginning of the period of embryogenesis, the formation of the internal organs and systems of the little person.

The developing embryo is free and not attached to anything until the 7th day of pregnancy, when it is securely attached to the uterus.

On what day after conception does embryo implantation occur?

The developing fetus enters the uterus prepared for its gestation on the 5th day after the act of conception has occurred. It begins to be attracted to its wall, after this fixation it is covered on all sides with a nutrient membrane, and the outer blastocyst connects with the blood vessels and tissues of the uterus. Attachment of the fetus occurs on the 6th-7th day after conception.

From the moment the growing embryo enters the uterus until it is firmly fixed inside, up to 3 days pass. The process of implantation of the fertilized egg takes up to 40 hours. After the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, the level of pregnancy hormone in a woman’s blood increases, which signals its possible occurrence. During the implantation period, slight bleeding may occur, which may be mistakenly recognized as the onset of menstruation.

How can you find out in the early stages whether the desired pregnancy has occurred or not? What should you pay attention to during this period?

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days appear in each woman individually, for some they are weaker, and for others they are pronounced. When the following, very first signs appear after conception, pregnancy can be confirmed:

  • a few days after conception has occurred, colorless discharge may be observed, they have a uniform consistency, without any unpleasant odor. By 12-13 weeks of gestation, they become more liquid in consistency.

It is important during this period to take a closer look at the discharge: are there any bloody streaks in it, an unpleasant yellow-green hue or a cheesy consistency, because this can be a clear signal of the presence of various diseases;

  • the chest is slowly filling up, gains increased sensitivity. Its unusual soreness may be a clear signal of pregnancy;
  • at conception there may be feelings of malaise or depression. This condition can accompany a woman immediately after pregnancy. Some women mistake these unexpected signs for... Headache, increased fatigue, rapid irritability, a constant feeling of weakness, sudden mood swings that accompany a woman for more than one day are signs of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy;
  • from the moment of fertilization of a woman may be accompanied by periodic vomiting until the end of the first three months of embryonic development. This does not happen to all pregnant women; everything here is determined by the balance between the hormone progesterone and the new functions of the restructuring body.

If any strange changes appear in the body and the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, women rush to check it with the help. But is this correct or should we wait for the results to be more accurate?

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test after conception?

The test will show reliable information if it is performed a week after the upcoming menstruation is missed. It is at this moment that there will be enough “pregnancy hormone” in the urine to confirm pregnancy. This hormone begins to be actively produced only after the growing embryo attaches to the walls of the uterus. And the presence of this hormone in the blood can be determined only a few days before the expected menstruation. It is detected in urine even later.

There are now commercially available tests that can detect pregnancy even before a delay. But even here no one guarantees the absolute accuracy of the result.

To accurately determine the onset of pregnancy in the early stages, you need to do a special blood test that will reflect the content of the hormone beta-hCG. A regular pharmacy test cannot guarantee such reliability.

Conception and gestation are quite complex processes of the birth and development of a new life, which are accompanied by characteristic signs. Carrying a long-awaited child is a crucial moment in the life of every woman, when it is necessary to approach it with all seriousness, especially when it comes to the health of the expectant mother.

Before pregnancy, it is advisable to identify your weaknesses that need support, take a course, give up previous bad habits and prepare for an important event in the life of every couple in love - the birth of a baby.

The detailed process of conception will be shown in the video:

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The processes that occur at the moment when a child is conceived are difficult to predict and anticipate. Sometimes achieving fertilization is not at all easy; couples have to find the right moment and use the services of specialist doctors in the field of conception.

To get the expected positive result and increase the chance of having a healthy baby, every couple should take a responsible approach to planning and start preparing the body in advance. Proper preparation for fertilization significantly increases the body’s ability to successfully become pregnant and bear a child.

The female body can signal pregnancy earlier than any tests. At the moment a child is conceived, serious changes are already taking place inside the woman, associated with a change in the functioning of various life-support systems. The first symptoms of successful fertilization may appear as early as 10 days after the meeting of the sperm and egg. All the new sensations that the expectant mother experiences are associated with the production of the hCG hormone.

The first possible sensations after conception occurs:

  1. feelings of weakness and a constant desire to take a nap;
  2. morning urge to vomit;
  3. aversion to familiar tastes and aromas;
  4. increased breast sensitivity, possible formation of halos around the nipples;
  5. increased frequency of needing to go to the toilet to urinate;
  6. stretching in the lower abdomen;
  7. internal tingling sensation;
  8. decreased blood pressure;
  9. intestinal and gastric disorders.

All these unpleasant sensations may be associated with changes in the functioning of the body and its active restructuring. However, not every woman will feel the changes taking place; for some they may go unnoticed.

Another sure sign of fertilization is basal temperature. The degrees inside the rectum after the onset of a new menstrual cycle, being in an elevated state, indicate pregnancy.

The most obvious of all signs of successful conception of a child is the absence of menstrual flow. Thanks to this sign, most women learn that they will soon be able to become a mother.

Required conditions for conception

In order for the result of conception to be positive, when planning a child, a couple must undergo a full range of tests and consultations with doctors to determine compatibility according to certain parameters. The doctor evaluates the level of hormones and their effect on processes in the body. For a man, tests are carried out and a spermogram is assessed, which will show the level of cellular dynamism and vitality.

In addition, in order to assess how conception and fertilization will go, how high the chance of a successful result is, the couple needs to take into account several important indicators:

  • Rh factor. 85% of the population has a positive rate. But for those couples whose data in this analysis differ, it will be difficult to conceive a child without medical intervention. Complications may arise during pregnancy, so it is necessary to see a specialist from the moment the baby is planned;

Important! If the mother's Rh factor is negative, the situation with bearing a baby is especially difficult, because the body will try to reject an embryo with different indicators.

  • blood type. Most children inherit maternal blood parameters. Blood type does not have such a strong influence as the Rh factor. But expectant parents can receive specific fertility advice from a specialist, depending on their performance.

In order for the conception process to take place, you need to approach it responsibly. Some certain days are more conducive to positive results than others. A woman’s body has a complex structure; if you choose the right time, you can guarantee a high probability of fertilization success.

The success of conception is influenced by:

  1. Duration of the menstrual cycle. The number of days is calculated from the appearance of discharge until its next onset. The classic period is 28 days, but can vary from 25 to 30 days.
  2. Systematicity. In order to identify this indicator, you will have to keep a calendar, tracking the monthly beginning and end of discharge. The interval between menstruation can provide comprehensive information for calculating the correct one for conception.
  3. Volume of discharge. The sufficiency of secretions and their characteristics will help assess the health of the body and its readiness for fertilization.

Based on these three indicators, you can create a calendar that will help you calculate favorable days for sexual intercourse in order to increase the likelihood of conception.

The convenient period for conception can be calculated mathematically. To do this, you need to approximately determine 10-15 days from the beginning of the last menstruation and select the day preceding 3 days from the calculated date. It is he who is considered the most effective for sexual intercourse.

The period of egg release can be determined using basal temperature. At this moment it rises. In order to take a measurement, it is necessary to insert the thermometer into the rectum 5 cm and hold it for 6 minutes. The procedure must be performed in the morning. Systematically recording these readings will help determine the best moment to conceive.

Note! If you observe your basal temperature daily, you can immediately determine the process of successful fertilization.

Usually, before menstruation, the levels drop, but in the case of successful conception, the degrees will remain high throughout the entire gestation period.

Preparing for conception

In order for the unborn child to have a better chance of being healthy, both parents need to prepare for fertilization in advance. In addition, both spouses will have to visit specialists in advance and conduct certain tests, take care of the condition of their bodies in order to pass on only the best to the child. To prepare you will need:

  • Take care of your health. To avoid possible illnesses or overload (both physical and emotional), try to get enough sleep and follow the advice of your doctor.
  • Eat well. During the preparation period, the body must receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements from food.
  • Additional microelements. The female body must receive folic acid in the required quantity. This substance directly affects the body of the unborn child, his health and congenital abnormalities. You can increase your folic acid content through foods such as nuts, beets, cabbage, carrots and leafy greens.
  • Support the body with preventive measures. To reduce the likelihood of possible infections, you need to regularly carry out preventive maintenance of the body. In particular, pay attention to the mucous membranes (nasopharynx, intestines, vagina). These areas are most susceptible to disease.
  • Abstinence from alcohol, cigarettes and radiation. Drinking alcohol slows down sperm production and increases a woman's risk of miscarriage. To protect the unborn child from possible abnormalities in the functioning of the body and increase the chance of successful fertilization and conception of a child, it is necessary to limit the consumption of drinks for 3 months.

How does a child become conceived?

The main participants in the fertilization process are female eggs and male sperm. During the reproductive period, a woman's reproductive cells are produced by the ovaries under the influence of hormones. Their maturation is called the process of ovulation. As a result of the meeting of the egg and sperm, one can observe how the conception of a child occurs inside a woman. The hormone progesterone is responsible for the maturation of the egg; it further preserves and stimulates pregnancy.

At the moment the sperm meets the female cell, the internal system notifies all the body’s resources about the onset of fertilization. The woman’s body begins internal restructuring, and the embryo, meanwhile, is actively dividing into parts and follows the fallopian tube directly to its goal - the uterus.

After getting inside, it attaches to the wall and begins to consume nutrients from the walls, gradually creating a shell around itself - the placenta. Under the influence of progesterone, the uterus becomes loose and actively changes its structure.

If we consider IVF conception as it occurs, the principle of the procedure resembles a natural one. The difference is that male and female cells are connected by a specialist under a microscope. After cell division and evaluation of the resulting embryo, it is implanted into the uterus by a doctor and begins its further natural development.

Description of the process by day

To understand what complex process occurs inside the expectant mother, it is worth considering how a child is conceived day by day:

  1. After the eruption of the seed, 500 million cells begin to move towards the egg. At an average speed of movement, one single, most active sperm will reach its goal in a period of 3 to 6 hours;
  2. at the moment of squeezing a male cell into a female one, the body of the expectant mother receives a signal that conception has occurred and immediately begins the process of restructuring, at this moment a zygote is formed (fusion of sperm and egg);
  3. after 1-2 days, the resulting cell begins to divide, creating a blastomere (one cell divided into two parts);
  4. 3 days from the moment of conception, a process occurs through which you can understand how twins are conceived. During this period, the blastomere of 2 is divided into 8-16 parts, ready for the formation of not one, but several babies;
  5. on the fourth day, the embryo reaches its main target - the uterus and begins to condense its internal parts into one or more (when forming twins or triplets). At the moment of attachment of the embryo to the fallopian tube, an ectopic pregnancy may occur;
  6. The implantation process will take place over the next few days. The embryo will move freely throughout the uterus until it attaches to one of the walls. Immediately after this process is completed, the female body will begin to respond to the readings of the hCG hormone;
  7. the next stage after successful attachment is the union of the outer cells of the uterus and the embryo, creating a microvessel around the baby, which subsequently forms the placenta.

This is interesting! A blood test for the hCG hormone can show a positive result of pregnancy within 10 days after conception!


Conceiving a child is an important and crucial moment for the life of a future person. To successfully carry out fertilization and increase the chances of good health for the baby, you need to approach the planning stage with all responsibility.

Determining the body's capabilities, health status and replenishment of necessary microelements can be decisive in successful conception and further gestation during pregnancy.

We were all told about this in biology lessons, but I personally didn’t remember anything when I was about to get pregnant. And while I was preparing this article, I discovered such amazing facts that, apparently, in the days of my school youth, were not yet known to science! I believe you have the same story... Well, let's update our knowledge together, because every woman of childbearing age should have this information!

For many, the process of conception is primarily sexual intercourse. And, by the way, while the woman still does not suspect anything, an ordinary miracle is happening in her body - the birth of a new life. This miracle has very complex mechanics, which humanity has not yet fully understood, and it is not a fact that it will ever be fully understood. We will talk to you about what is known for certain today.

Path of the egg

When an egg matures in a woman's ovary, it leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube. This is how ovulation occurs, usually in the middle of the menstrual cycle (by the way, the cycle is counted from the beginning of menstruation to the beginning of the next menstruation).

The released egg lives only 24 hours, during which time either fertilization occurs or not.

At the same time, a layer of epithelium grows in the uterus, a kind of cushion for the future fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the epithelium leaves the woman’s body along with the egg - this is menstruation.

It must be said that a woman is endowed with a certain number of eggs from birth. Ovulation occurs only once a month, and with age, not even every month. So the expectant mother’s body prepares for pregnancy carefully.

Path of the sperm

After ejaculation, hundreds of millions of sperm are sent towards the egg. There are four obstacles standing in their way:

  1. To protect the genital organs, the cervix is ​​clogged with a mucus plug, although during ovulation this plug liquefies, some sperm cannot penetrate inside.
  2. Another part of the sperm that pass through the plug dies due to the acidity of the vagina.
  3. The next stage is the immune system, which perceives male cells as foreign, and some are absorbed by white blood cells.
  4. The last test is the cilia of the fallopian tube, moving in the opposite direction, because their task is to transport the egg to the uterus.

As a result, only dozens of sperm reach the egg.

After the penetration of the first sperm, the membrane membrane of the egg changes its properties and makes it impossible for other sperm to penetrate.

This is such a serious selection.

By the way, the lifespan of sperm is 5-7 days, and the lifespan of an egg is 24 hours. So it is not a fact that pregnancy will occur as a result of sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation. Perhaps these are earlier spermatozoa.


The sperm that penetrates the egg undergoes degeneration of the tail, the body and head dissolve, and the nucleus of the male cell tends to merge with the nucleus of the female cell.

Fertilization occurs - the fusion of nuclei and chromosomes of male and female cells, which lasts 24 hours. Already now, a set of chromosomes has determined what gender the child will be, what color his hair, eyes, etc. will be.

By the way

Several children can be produced at once for three reasons:

  • The woman released not one egg, but two
  • A fertilized egg divides into several

The path from zygote to fertilized egg by day

Approximately on the second day after fertilization, a zygote is formed (from the Greek zygotós - joined together). This cell gradually moves towards the uterus through the fallopian tubes. The movement of the fertilized cell is facilitated by the villi in the fallopian tubes, which vibrate in the same wave-like movements.

It is important to know

The zygote moves unevenly through the fallopian tube: from several hours to 2-3 days. If progress is too slow or delayed in the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg may begin implantation before reaching the uterus - this is an ectopic pregnancy. It is unsafe for a woman’s life and requires medical intervention.

Day 3– division into 8-16 cells, at this time there is the possibility of the birth of identical twins, because each blastomere can give rise to a separate life.

4 day– morula stage (Novolat. morula, from Lat. morum - mulberry) - completion of crushing of the zygote.

5-7 day– blastocyst (from other Greek blaste - “bud” and other Greek kystis - bubble), this is already a multicellular embryo. The blastocyte consists of an outer layer - the trophoblast, from which the placenta is subsequently formed, and an inner cell mass from which the fetus will develop.

For clarity, I suggest looking at the picture.

The blastocyte enters the body of the uterus and remains suspended for 1-2 days, not attached to the uterus. Meanwhile, the fertilized egg secretes substances that suppress the mother's immune system, and the corpus luteum from which the egg is released produces progesterone (5-7 days after ovulation).

Hormone progesterone:

  • prepares the uterine mucosa for implantation of the fertilized egg,
  • relaxes the uterus for greater chances of implantation,
  • stimulates the secretion of intrauterine fluid to nourish the fertilized egg until implantation occurs.
  • leads to the formation of pinopodes - peculiar tentacles in the endometrial layer, due to which the uterus seems to shrink and even decrease in size, thereby bringing the walls of the uterus closer to the floating fertilized egg.

7-10 day– implantation occurs, the blastocyst is freed from the protective coating and attaches to the wall of the uterus, covered with epithelium.

The process of implantation of the fertilized egg

The cell behaves quite aggressively during implantation; it literally breaks through the endometrium. Therefore, at this stage, minor bleeding is possible, which is normal.

In addition, at the site of implantation a focus of inflammation is formed, which improves the implantation process and creates a protective barrier from the woman’s body, because the immune system may recognize the fertilized egg as a foreign body and will strive to destroy it.

The implantation process lasts approximately two days.

At the stage of fertilization of the egg before the implantation stage, critical moments may occur, which in extreme cases do not give rise to a new life. This is very important to understand. In fact, the mother’s body discards the fertilized egg if it is obviously damaged and will not lead to the birth of a healthy child. If at this stage you intervene with hormonal therapy, the body will be forced to accept the “defective” fertilized egg, the consequences of which can be very sad.

It turns out that from the moment of sexual intercourse until pregnancy occurs 2-3 weeks.

So the pregnancy came. A woman may not suspect anything yet, but she has a whole Universe inside her!

What's next?

  • the endometrium thickens,
  • a mucus plug forms in the cervix,
  • the placenta develops
  • The embryo is developing - the future new person!

That's all, friends! You study the process of conception in such detail, which means you take your maternal role very seriously. In this we are similar - I believe that today motherhood needs to be learned! If you want to get reliable information about conception, pregnancy and childbirth, I recommend taking a closer look at the courses of women's doctor Irina Zhgareva:

« Preparing for pregnancy and childbirth»

"Natural Parenting: myths and reefs"

Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of every woman, and therefore it does not hurt future mothers to know how the process of conception and fertilization occurs day by day. You will learn everything about the process of conception and how the fetus develops in the first week of its existence.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, a phenomenon called ovulation occurs in a woman’s body. It is the process of releasing a mature egg from an ovarian follicle. You can read about that and at this stage of the cycle.

After the egg leaves the follicle, it travels into the fallopian tubes. It is here that fertilization will soon take place. It will not happen if the sperm does not reach the ovulated cell in the near future, since it is suitable for fusion with the male reproductive cell only during the day.

In the case when the egg remains unfertilized, it simply leaves the female body along with the blood during rapid menstruation.

Sometimes the ovaries form not one egg, but two or three - they mature at the same time. Then the sperm that enter the fallopian tube fertilize all the cells, and the woman gives birth to two or three children. These are called twins and triplets. Read it early.

By the way, twins are obtained if the female reproductive cell merges with the male one, and then, during the formation of the embryo, is divided into two.

Before and after ovulation

After the egg leaves the ovary, the following happens:

  • the infundibulum of the fallopian tube receives the mature cell;
  • estrogen promotes the opening of the fallopian tube and leads to increased blood flow in this area;
  • under the influence of natural factors, the state of the female body changes: a woman’s mood changes, her overall sexual tone increases, and there is an active flow of blood to the genitals;
  • the mucus covering the cervix thins and facilitates the penetration of sperm into the mature egg.

How does the conception process occur?

After ejaculation has occurred (the release of male semen during sexual intercourse), approximately 500 million male reproductive cells end up at the back wall of the vagina near the cervix.

  • cervix – 2 cm;
  • uterine cavity – 5 cm;
  • fallopian tube – 12 cm.

The end of the fallopian tube is represented by the ampullary section - this is the widest part in which fertilization of the egg occurs. This process can last several hours, since the internal environment of the female body creates natural barriers for male cells.

Path of the sperm

The vaginal environment creates a special obstacle for sperm, which not everyone overcomes.

When there are more than 10 million male cells in the uterus, we are talking about a possible pregnancy. With fewer sperm, the chances of fertilization are extremely low.

It happens that the sperm becomes entangled in the cilia of the fallopian tube epithelium. In this case, he dies a few days later.

Sperm motility is most active at a temperature of 37 degrees, and therefore the female body creates the necessary conditions for successful fertilization. If you are, then you know about this firsthand.

The process of conceiving a child by day

The egg is covered by a protective membrane. Male reproductive cells that have achieved their goal must break through this membrane - then fertilization will occur.

The head of each sperm contains an enzyme that can dissolve the protective membrane.

Eventually, one in a million makes its way into the cell. At the same time, the membrane instantly changes its structure to prevent secondary penetration and mixing of different sets of chromosomes. After a few days, the remaining sperm die.


A zygote is an egg fertilized by a sperm. The zygote begins to divide about a day after the fusion of gametes. The earliest stage of division takes two days for the zygote to undergo. After this period, the embryo has only two cells, they are called blastomeres.

During division, the blastomeres become smaller, while the zygote does not change its size.

The third day

On the third day of pregnancy, the embryo is represented by a set of 6 - 8 blastomeres. Although the embryo is still tiny, it is already acquiring its own unique genotype.

At this stage, the egg can split into two parts - in this case, twins will be born during childbirth.

Fourth day

On the fourth day, the embryo reaches a size of 10 - 16 cells. After this, the embryo itself enters the uterine cavity, where it begins to thicken and smooth out.

Fifth - seventh days

After about a week, the embryo is finally fixed in the uterine cavity - implantation occurs. This process in some women is accompanied by discharge, although it is not too abundant and stops very soon. Inexperienced girls confuse this phenomenon with the onset of menstruation. But you don't have to worry about that. Read and just keep this in mind.

After implantation has occurred, a special hormone, hCG, is released into the woman’s blood. Detection of hCG in the female body is the basis of a pregnancy test. Typically this type of analysis is guaranteed to be 100% accurate, and in most cases it really isn't wrong.

Starting from the fifth to seventh days, the fetus, attached to the uterine wall, will continue to develop for nine months. Read about how amazing this process is. It's truly fascinating.

Now you know how the process of conception and fertilization occurs day by day. This will allow you to better understand what is happening inside your body and how new life is born.

Probably every girl was interested in how conception occurs. On the one hand, it is very simple and pleasant. But, if you delve deeper into the processes of the female body, it becomes obvious that everything is not so simple.

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Even minor health problems can become an obstacle to pregnancy. Moreover, not only the woman, but also the man is responsible for the process. Very often there are situations when the head of the family is forced to undergo treatment for infertility.

In order for pregnancy to occur as quickly as possible, you need to know your body well. It is important to understand how long the menstrual cycle lasts when ovulation occurs. If you want to conceive a child, it is worth understanding in detail how this happens.

Fusion of male and female cells

How the process works

If you wish, you can watch a video on how the mysterious process of conceiving a child occurs. It is divided into several stages.

  1. Ovulation.
  2. Fertilization of the egg.
  3. Division of a fertilized egg.

The fusion of male and female cells is not enough. It is important that ovulation occurs successfully and the mature egg leaves the follicle. This way she will be ready for fertilization and division. The eggs mature every month due to the work of hormones released in the pituitary gland. When they work correctly, follicles appear in the ovaries, from which an egg emerges.

In men, sex cells, called sperm, also appear with the help of hormones. Sperm mature in the testicles, then move into the epididymis, and then into the prostate gland and seminal vesicle. Here they, together with the secretion, form sperm fluid, which is necessary for fertilization.

Ovulation is the day in the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle. To get pregnant, you need to know on what day after ovulation conception can occur. On average, this happens 14 days after the first day of menstruation. But this is an average figure, since the cycle lasts from 21 to 24 days. Sometimes there are exceptions, because every female body is individual.

During this period, the volume of mucus in the uterus increases, so sperm can easily penetrate inside. Simultaneously with this process, the follicle ruptures, and a mature egg is released into the fallopian tube. It consists of pulsating villi that help it move into the uterus. Conception occurs after:

  • the sperm enters the egg;
  • the embryo appears.

Pregnancy occurs after it attaches to the walls of the uterus. Before you find out on what day the long-awaited conception usually occurs, you need to understand that it will not happen without ovulation. The egg lives for a maximum of 24 hours. During this time, fertilization must occur. If all else fails, then conception can only be expected next month, when the new menstrual cycle arrives.

It is impossible to accurately calculate how long after sexual intercourse conception will occur. If the time is favorable, the process will happen about an hour after unprotected sex. A healthy sperm is capable of moving at a speed of about 4 mm/min. However, sperm can live in a woman’s body for 2 to 7 days until the egg is released. Therefore, no one will tell you how many days after sex you will conceive. It depends.

  1. Day of the cycle.
  2. Individual characteristics of the body.
A weekWhat's happening
2 Usually, at the 2nd week of pregnancy after conception, mothers are interested in what is happening in their bodies. During this period, implantation begins when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall.
3 At this time, the length of the fetus reaches approximately 0.18 mm, and the weight is about 3 mcg. A protein begins to be produced, which has a “soporific” effect on the woman’s immune system.
4 At the 4th week of pregnancy from the accomplished conception, the formation of the fetal head occurs, which can already be seen on a high-quality ultrasound machine. Extraembryonic organs begin to develop.
5 If you are interested in knowing what is happening in the body in the 5th week of your pregnancy after conception, information about the development of the child will not hurt. He develops fingers, the makings of a mouth, a spine, a brain, and a heart. The digestive and nervous systems begin to develop.

The sperm entered the egg

What types of discharge are there?

When, after successful sexual intercourse, when conception does occur, the body experiences hormonal changes. It causes slight swelling of the genitals and strong discharge. Usually they come in two types:

  • white or transparent;
  • yellow or brown.

So, if conception has occurred, then after ovulation, discharge begins. Typically clear or white, but also yellow or brown. The discharge is similar to that which appears, so some women think that their period has come. But that's not true. After some time, protective lubricant begins to be produced and clear or white discharge appears. There can be a lot of them, but you shouldn’t worry, since they only indicate serious changes in the body and the onset of pregnancy.

Such a protective lubricant protects the female body from harmful microorganisms that disrupt the state of the microflora. Lubrication is especially abundant during sexual arousal and during intercourse. There is no need to worry about this phenomenon. It's worse when the vagina is dry. In this case, you should definitely contact a gynecologist for advice. Since no special sensations appear after ovulation, even if conception does occur, it is the increased secretion of lubricant that may indicate a positive result.

How to find out about fertilization

Probably every girl has thought about how she can find out whether the long-awaited conception has really occurred. You can find out the exact result only two weeks after ovulation. From this time on, changes begin to occur in the female body, which indicate a positive result.

Determining the presence of pregnancy by a sonologist

Subjective signs also appear, for example:

  • nausea;
  • aversion to smells.

These symptoms of toxicosis appear from about the second week. A woman needs to know not only how exactly conception occurs, but also ways to determine that it has occurred. There are several ways.

Not really

Make an appointment with a specialist:

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

WayThe essence
Pregnancy testsThis is a 100% way to determine pregnancy after 2 weeks. Home diagnostics should be carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.
Blood test for hCGWhen your blood contains elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin, you are most likely pregnant. The blood test must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
Basal temperature measurementUsually on the day of ovulation, body temperature rises to 37 - 37.3 degrees. In the absence of pregnancy, the temperature returns to normal within a few days. If the result is positive, it can last for several weeks.

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