Physics interesting experiments. Experiments in physics (7th grade) on the topic: Scientific work “Entertaining physical experiments from scrap materials

Most people, recalling their school years, are sure that physics is a very boring subject. The course includes many problems and formulas that will not be useful to anyone in later life. On the one hand, these statements are true, but like any subject, physics also has another side to the coin. But not everyone discovers it for themselves.

A lot depends on the teacher

Perhaps our education system is to blame for this, or maybe it’s all about the teacher who thinks only about the need to teach the material approved from above and does not strive to interest his students. Most often it is he who is to blame. However, if the children are lucky and the lesson is taught by a teacher who loves his subject, he will not only be able to interest the students, but will also help them discover something new. As a result, children will begin to enjoy attending such classes. Of course, formulas are an integral part of this academic subject; there is no escape from it. But there are also positive aspects. Experiments are of particular interest to schoolchildren. This is what we will talk about in more detail. We'll look at some fun physics experiments you can do with your child. This should be interesting not only to him, but also to you. It is likely that with the help of such activities you will instill in your child a genuine interest in learning, and “boring” physics will become his favorite subject. It’s not at all difficult to carry out, it will require very few attributes, the main thing is that there is a desire. And perhaps then you will be able to replace your child’s school teacher.

Let's look at some interesting experiments in physics for little ones, because you need to start small.

Paper fish

To conduct this experiment, we need to cut out a small fish from thick paper (can be cardboard), the length of which should be 30-50 mm. We make a round hole in the middle with a diameter of approximately 10-15 mm. Next, from the side of the tail, we cut a narrow channel (width 3-4 mm) to a round hole. Then we pour water into the basin and carefully place our fish there so that one plane lies on the water, and the second remains dry. Now you need to drop some oil into the round hole (you can use an oil can from a sewing machine or bicycle). The oil, trying to spread over the surface of the water, will flow through the cut channel, and the fish will swim forward under the influence of the oil flowing back.

Elephant and Moska

Let's continue to conduct entertaining experiments in physics with our child. We invite you to introduce your child to the concept of a lever and how it helps make a person’s work easier. For example, tell us that it can be used to easily lift a heavy cabinet or sofa. And for clarity, show a basic experiment in physics using a lever. For this we will need a ruler, a pencil and a couple of small toys, but always of different weights (that’s why we called this experiment “Elephant and Pug”). We attach our Elephant and Pug to different ends of the ruler using plasticine or ordinary thread (we just tie the toys). Now, if you put the middle part of the ruler on a pencil, then, of course, the elephant will pull it, because it is heavier. But if you move the pencil towards the elephant, then Moska will easily outweigh it. This is the principle of leverage. The ruler (lever) rests on the pencil - this place is the fulcrum. Next, the child should be told that this principle is used everywhere; it is the basis for the operation of a crane, swing, and even scissors.

Home experiment in physics with inertia

We will need a jar of water and a utility net. It will be no secret to anyone that if you turn an open jar over, water will pour out of it. Let's try? Of course, it’s better to go outside for this. We put the can in the net and begin to swing it smoothly, gradually increasing the amplitude, and as a result we make a full revolution - one, two, three, and so on. Water does not pour out. Interesting? Now let's make the water pour out. To do this, take a tin can and make a hole in the bottom. We put it in the net, fill it with water and start rotating. A stream comes out of the hole. When the can is in the lower position, this does not surprise anyone, but when it flies up, the fountain continues to flow in the same direction, and not a drop comes out of the neck. That's it. All this can be explained by the principle of inertia. When rotating, the can tends to fly straight away, but the mesh does not let it go and forces it to describe circles. Water also tends to fly by inertia, and in the case when we have made a hole in the bottom, there is nothing stopping it from breaking out and moving in a straight line.

Box with a surprise

Now let's look at physics experiments with displacement. You need to put a matchbox on the edge of the table and slowly move it. The moment it passes its average mark, a fall will occur. That is, the mass of the part pushed over the edge of the table top will exceed the weight of the remaining part, and the box will tip over. Now let's shift the center of mass, for example, put a metal nut inside (as close to the edge as possible). All that remains is to place the box in such a way that a small part of it remains on the table, and a large part hangs in the air. There will be no fall. The essence of this experiment is that the entire mass is above the fulcrum. This principle is also used throughout. It is thanks to him that furniture, monuments, transport, and much more are in a stable position. By the way, the children's toy Vanka-Vstanka is also built on the principle of shifting the center of mass.

So, let's continue to look at interesting experiments in physics, but let's move on to the next stage - for sixth-grade students.

Water carousel

We will need an empty tin can, a hammer, a nail, and a rope. We use a nail and a hammer to punch a hole in the side wall near the bottom. Next, without pulling the nail out of the hole, bend it to the side. It is necessary that the hole is oblique. We repeat the procedure on the second side of the can - you need to make sure that the holes are opposite each other, but the nails are bent in different directions. We punch two more holes in the upper part of the vessel and thread the ends of a rope or thick thread into them. We hang the container and fill it with water. Two oblique fountains will begin to flow from the lower holes, and the jar will begin to rotate in the opposite direction. Space rockets work on this principle - the flame from the engine nozzles shoots in one direction, and the rocket flies in the other.

Experiments in physics - 7th grade

Let's conduct an experiment with mass density and find out how you can make an egg float. Physics experiments with different densities are best done using fresh and salt water as an example. Take a jar filled with hot water. Drop an egg into it and it will immediately sink. Next, add table salt to the water and stir. The egg begins to float, and the more salt, the higher it will rise. This is because salt water has a higher density than fresh water. So, everyone knows that in the Dead Sea (its water is the saltiest) it is almost impossible to drown. As you can see, experiments in physics can significantly expand your child’s horizons.

and a plastic bottle

Seventh grade students begin to study atmospheric pressure and its effect on the objects around us. To explore this topic deeper, it is better to conduct appropriate experiments in physics. Atmospheric pressure affects us, although it remains invisible. Let's take an example with a balloon. Each of us can cheat it. Then we will place it in a plastic bottle, put the edges on the neck and secure it. This way, air can only flow into the ball, and the bottle will become a sealed vessel. Now let's try to inflate the balloon. We will not succeed, since the atmospheric pressure in the bottle will not allow us to do this. When we blow, the ball begins to displace the air in the container. And since our bottle is sealed, it has nowhere to go, and it begins to shrink, thereby becoming much denser than the air in the ball. Accordingly, the system is leveled, and it is impossible to inflate the balloon. Now we’ll make a hole in the bottom and try to inflate the balloon. In this case, there is no resistance, the displaced air leaves the bottle - the atmospheric pressure is equalized.


As you can see, the physics experiments are not at all complicated and quite interesting. Try to interest your child - and his studies will be completely different, he will begin to attend classes with pleasure, which will ultimately affect his performance.

Can be used in physics lessons at the stages of setting the goals and objectives of the lesson, creating problem situations when studying a new topic, applying new knowledge when consolidating. The presentation “Entertaining Experiments” can be used by students to prepare experiments at home or during extracurricular activities in physics.



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Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"Gymnasium No. 7 named after Hero of Russia S.V. Vasilyev"

Scientific work

"Entertaining physical experiments

from scrap materials"

Completed: 7a grade student

Korzanov Andrey

Teacher: Balesnaya Elena Vladimirovna

Bryansk 2015

  1. Introduction “Relevance of the topic” ……………………………3
  2. Main part ………………………………………………...4
  1. Organization of research work………………...4
  2. Experiments on the topic “Atmospheric pressure”……………….6
  3. Experiments on the topic “Heat”…………………………………7
  4. Experiments on the topic “Electricity and Magnetism”…………...7
  5. Experiments on the topic “Light and Sound”……………………………...8
  1. Conclusion ……………………………………………………...10
  2. List of studied literature……………………………….12

Physics is not only scientific books and complex laws, not only huge laboratories. Physics is also about interesting experiments and entertaining experiences. Physics means magic tricks performed among friends, funny stories and funny homemade toys.

Most importantly, you can use any available material for physical experiments.

Physical experiments can be done with balls, glasses, syringes, pencils, straws, coins, needles, etc.

Experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, and teach students to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around them.

When conducting experiments, you not only have to draw up a plan for its implementation, but also determine ways to obtain certain data, assemble installations yourself, and even design the necessary instruments to reproduce a particular phenomenon.

But, unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments; much attention is paid to theory and problem solving.

Therefore, it was decided to conduct research work on the topic “Entertaining experiments in physics using scrap materials.”

The objectives of the research work are as follows:

  1. Master the methods of physical research, master the skills of correct observation and the technique of physical experiment.
  2. Organization of independent work with various literature and other sources of information, collection, analysis and synthesis of material on the topic of research work.
  3. Teach students to apply scientific knowledge to explain physical phenomena.
  4. To instill in school students a love for physics, concentrating their attention on understanding the laws of nature, and not on memorizing them mechanically.
  5. Replenishment of the physics classroom with homemade devices made from scrap materials.

When choosing a research topic, we proceeded from the following principles:

  1. Subjectivity – the chosen topic corresponds to our interests.
  2. Objectivity – the topic we have chosen is relevant and important in scientific and practical terms.
  3. Feasibility – the tasks and goals we set in our work are realistic and achievable.

The research work was carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Formulation of the problem.
  2. Studying information from various sources on this issue.
  3. Selection of research methods and practical mastery of them.
  4. Collecting your own material – assembling available materials, conducting experiments.
  5. Analysis and synthesis.
  6. Formulation of conclusions.

During the research work the following were usedphysical research methods:

I. Physical experience

The experiment consisted of the following stages:

  1. Clarification of the experimental conditions.

This stage involves familiarization with the conditions of the experiment, determination of the list of necessary available instruments and materials and safe conditions during the experiment.

  1. Drawing up a sequence of actions.

At this stage, the procedure for conducting the experiment was outlined, and new materials were added if necessary.

  1. Conducting the experiment.

II. Observation

When observing phenomena occurring experimentally, we paid special attention to changes in physical characteristics (pressure, volume, area, temperature, direction of light propagation, etc.), while we were able to detect regular connections between various physical quantities.

III. Modeling.

Modeling is the basis of any physical research. During the experiments we simulatedisothermal compression of air, propagation of light in various media, reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves, electrification of bodies during friction.

In total, we modeled, conducted and scientifically explained 24 interesting physical experiments.

Based on the results of research work, it is possible to makethe following conclusions:

  1. In various sources of information you can find and come up with many interesting physical experiments performed using available equipment.
  2. Entertaining experiments and homemade physics devices increase the range of demonstrations of physical phenomena.
  3. Entertaining experiments allow you to test the laws of physics and theoretical hypotheses that are of fundamental importance for science.


Experience No. 1. "The balloon won't deflate"

Materials: Three-liter glass jar with a lid, cocktail straw, rubber ball, thread, plasticine, nails.


Using a nail, make 2 holes in the lid of the jar - one central, the other at a short distance from the central one. Pass a straw through the central hole and seal the hole with plasticine. Tie a rubber ball to the end of the straw using a thread, close the glass jar with a lid, and the end of the straw with the ball should be inside the jar. To eliminate air movement, seal the contact area between the lid and the jar with plasticine. Blow a rubber ball through a straw and the ball will deflate. Now inflate the ball and cover the second hole in the lid with plasticine, the ball first deflates, and then stops deflating. Why?

Scientific explanation

In the first case, when the hole is open, the pressure inside the can is equal to the air pressure inside the ball, therefore, under the action of the elastic force of the stretched rubber, the ball is deflated. In the second case, when the hole is closed, air does not come out of the can; as the ball deflates, the volume of air increases, the air pressure decreases and becomes less than the air pressure inside the ball, and the deflation of the ball stops.

The following experiments were carried out on this topic:

Experience No. 2. "Pressure Equilibrium".

Experience No. 3. "The air is kicking"

Experience No. 4. "Glued Glass"

Experience No. 5. "Moving Banana"


Experience No. 1. "Soap bubble"

Materials: A small medicine bottle with a stopper, a clean ballpoint pen refill or a cocktail straw, a glass of hot water, a pipette, soapy water, plasticine.


Make a thin hole in the stopper of the medicine bottle and insert a clean ballpoint pen or a straw into it. Cover the place where the rod entered the cork with plasticine. Using a pipette, fill the rod with soapy water and place the bottle in a glass of hot water. Soap bubbles will begin to rise from the outer end of the rod. Why?

Scientific explanation

When the bottle is heated in a glass of hot water, the air inside the bottle heats up, its volume increases, and soap bubbles are inflated.

The following experiments were carried out on the topic “Heat”:

Experience No. 2. "Fireproof scarf"

Experience No. 3. "Ice doesn't melt"


Experience No. 1. "Current meter - multimeter"

Materials: 10 meters of insulated copper wire 24 gauge (diameter 0.5 mm, cross-section 0.2 mm 2 ), wire stripper, wide adhesive tape, sewing needle, thread, strong bar magnet, juice can, galvanic cell “D”.


Strip the wire from both ends of insulation. Wind the wire around the can in tight turns, leaving the ends of the wire 30 cm free. Remove the resulting coil from the can. To prevent the coil from falling apart, wrap it with adhesive tape in several places. Secure the spool vertically to the table using a large piece of tape. Magnetize the sewing needle by passing it over the magnet at least four times in one direction. Tie the needle with a thread in the middle so that the needle hangs in balance. Stick the free end of the thread inside the spool. The magnetized needle should hang quietly inside the coil. Connect the free ends of the wire to the positive and negative terminals of the galvanic cell. What happened? Now reverse the polarity. What happened?

Scientific explanation

A magnetic field arises around the current-carrying coil, and a magnetic field also arises around the magnetized needle. The magnetic field of the current coil acts on the magnetized needle and turns it. If you reverse the polarity, the direction of the current is reversed and the needle turns in the opposite direction.

In addition, the following experiments were carried out on this topic:

Experience No. 2. "Static glue."

Experience No. 3. "Fruit Battery"

Experience No. 4. "Anti-gravity disks"


Experience No. 1. "Soap Spectrum"

Materials: Soap solution, a pipe brush (or a piece of thick wire), a deep plate, a flashlight, adhesive tape, a sheet of white paper.


Bend a pipe cleaner (or a piece of thick wire) so that it forms a loop. Don't forget to make a small handle to make it easier to hold. Pour the soap solution into a plate. Dip the loop into the soapy solution and let it soak thoroughly in the soapy solution. After a few minutes, carefully remove it. What do you see? Are colors visible? Attach a sheet of white paper to the wall using masking tape. Turn off the lights in the room. Turn on the flashlight and direct its beam at the loop with soap suds. Position the flashlight so that the loop casts a shadow on the paper. Describe the full shadow.

Scientific explanation

White light is a complex light, it consists of 7 colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. This phenomenon is called light interference. When passing through a soap film, white light breaks up into individual colors, the different light waves on the screen form a rainbow pattern, which is called a continuous spectrum.

On the topic “Light and Sound” the following experiments were carried out and described:

Experience No. 2. "On the edge of the abyss".

Experience No. 3. "Just for fun"

Experience No. 4. "Remote control"

Experience No. 5. "Copier"

Experience No. 6. "Appearing Out of Nowhere"

Experience No. 7. "Colored spinning top"

Experience No. 8. "Jumping Grains"

Experience No. 9. "Visual Sound"

Experience No. 10. "Blowing out the sound"

Experience No. 11. "Intercom"

Experiment No. 12. "Crowing Glass"


Analyzing the results of entertaining experiments, we were convinced that school knowledge is quite applicable to solving practical issues.

Using experiments, observations and measurements, the relationships between various physical quantities were studied

Volume and pressure of gases

Pressure and temperature of gases

The number of turns and the magnitude of the magnetic field around the coil with current

By gravity and atmospheric pressure

The direction of light propagation and the properties of a transparent medium.

All phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation; for this we used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us - Newton’s II law, the law of conservation of energy, the law of straightness of light propagation, reflection, refraction, dispersion and interference of light, reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves.

In accordance with the task, all experiments were carried out using only cheap, small-sized improvised materials; during their implementation, 8 home-made devices were made, including a magnetic needle, a copier, a fruit battery, a current meter - a multimeter, an intercom; the experiments were safe, visual, simple in design.


* - Fields are required.

We bring to your attention 10 amazing magic experiments, or science shows, that you can do with your own hands at home.
Whether it's your child's birthday party, the weekend or the holidays, have a good time and become the center of attention of many eyes! 🙂

An experienced organizer of scientific shows helped us in preparing this post - Professor Nicolas. He explained the principles that are inherent in this or that focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely many of you have seen a lamp with a liquid inside that imitates hot lava. Looks magical.

2. Water is poured into sunflower oil and food coloring (red or blue) is added.

3. After this, add effervescent aspirin to the vessel and observe an amazing effect.

4. During the reaction, the colored water rises and falls through the oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight, the “real magic” will begin.

: “Water and oil have different densities, and they also have the property of not mixing, no matter how much we shake the bottle. When we add effervescent tablets inside the bottle, they dissolve in water and begin to release carbon dioxide and set the liquid in motion.”

Do you want to put on a real science show? More experiments can be found in the book.

2 - Soda experience

5. Surely there are several cans of soda at home or in a nearby store for the holiday. Before you drink them, ask the kids a question: “What happens if you immerse soda cans in water?”
Will they drown? Will they float? Depends on the soda.
Invite the children to guess in advance what will happen to a particular jar and conduct an experiment.

6. Take the jars and carefully lower them into the water.

7. It turns out that despite the same volume, they have different weights. This is why some banks sink and others don't.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “All our cans have the same volume, but the mass of each can is different, which means that the density is different. What is density? This is the mass divided by the volume. Since the volume of all cans is the same, the density will be higher for the one whose mass is greater.
Whether a jar will float or sink in a container depends on the ratio of its density to the density of water. If the density of the jar is less, then it will be on the surface, otherwise the jar will sink to the bottom.
But what makes a can of regular cola denser (heavier) than a can of diet drink?
It's all about the sugar! Unlike regular cola, where granulated sugar is used as a sweetener, a special sweetener is added to diet cola, which weighs much less. So how much sugar is in a regular can of soda? The difference in mass between regular soda and its diet counterpart will give us the answer!”

3 - Paper cover

Ask those present: “What happens if you turn a glass of water over?” Of course it will pour out! What if you press the paper against the glass and turn it over? Will the paper fall and water will still spill on the floor? Let's check.

10. Carefully cut out the paper.

11. Place on top of the glass.

12. And carefully turn the glass over. The paper stuck to the glass as if magnetized, and the water did not spill out. Miracles!

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Although this is not so obvious, in fact we are in a real ocean, only in this ocean there is not water, but air, which presses on all objects, including you and me, we are just so used to it to this pressure that we don’t notice it at all. When we cover a glass of water with a piece of paper and turn it over, water presses on the sheet on one side, and air on the other side (from the very bottom)! The air pressure turned out to be greater than the water pressure in the glass, so the leaf does not fall.”

4 - Soap Volcano

How to make a small volcano erupt at home?

14. You will need baking soda, vinegar, some dishwashing chemicals and cardboard.

16. Dilute vinegar in water, add washing liquid and tint everything with iodine.

17. We wrap everything in dark cardboard - this will be the “body” of the volcano. A pinch of soda falls into the glass and the volcano begins to erupt.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “As a result of the interaction of vinegar with soda, a real chemical reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide. And liquid soap and dye, interacting with carbon dioxide, form colored soap foam - and that’s the eruption.”

5 - Spark plug pump

Can a candle change the laws of gravity and lift water up?

19. Place the candle on the saucer and light it.

20. Pour colored water onto a saucer.

21. Cover the candle with a glass. After some time, the water will be drawn inside the glass, contrary to the laws of gravity.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “What does the pump do? Changes the pressure: increases (then water or air begins to “escape”) or, conversely, decreases (then gas or liquid begins to “arrive”). When we covered the burning candle with a glass, the candle went out, the air inside the glass cooled, and therefore the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl began to be sucked in.”

Games and experiments with water and fire are in the book "Professor Nicolas' Experiments".

6 - Water in a sieve

We continue to study the magical properties of water and surrounding objects. Ask someone present to pull the bandage and pour water through it. As we can see, it passes through the holes in the bandage without any difficulty.
Bet with those around you that you can make sure that water does not pass through the bandage without any additional techniques.

22. Cut a piece of bandage.

23. Wrap a bandage around a glass or champagne flute.

24. Turn the glass over - the water doesn’t spill out!

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Thanks to this property of water, surface tension, water molecules want to be together all the time and are not so easy to separate (they are such wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not tear even under the weight of water!”

7 - Diving bell

And to secure the honorary title of Water Mage and Lord of the Elements for you, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bathtub or even basin) without getting it wet.

25. Have those present write their names on a piece of paper.

26. Fold the piece of paper and put it in the glass so that it rests against its walls and does not slide down. We immerse the leaf in an inverted glass to the bottom of the tank.

27. The paper remains dry - water cannot reach it! After you pull out the leaf, let the audience make sure that it is really dry.

Do you love physics? You love experiment? The world of physics is waiting for you!
What could be more interesting than experiments in physics? And, of course, the simpler the better!
These exciting experiments will help you see extraordinary phenomena light and sound, electricity and magnetism Everything necessary for the experiments is easy to find at home, and the experiments themselves simple and safe.
Your eyes are burning, your hands are itching!
Go ahead, explorers!

Robert Wood - a genius of experimentation.........
- Up or down? Rotating chain. Fingers of salt......... - Moon and diffraction. What color is the fog? Newton's rings......... - A top in front of the TV. Magic propeller. Ping-pong in the bath......... - Spherical aquarium - lens. Artificial mirage. Soap glasses......... - Eternal salt fountain. Fountain in a test tube. Rotating spiral......... - Condensation in a jar. Where is the water vapor? Water engine........ - Popping egg. An overturned glass. Swirl in a cup. Heavy newspaper.........
- IO-IO toy. Salt pendulum. Paper dancers. Electric dance.........
- The mystery of ice cream. Which water will freeze faster? It's frosty, but the ice is melting! .......... - Let's make a rainbow. A mirror that doesn't confuse. Microscope made from a drop of water.........
- The snow creaks. What will happen to the icicles? Snow flowers......... - Interaction of sinking objects. Ball is touchable.........
- Who is faster? Jet balloon. Air carousel......... - Bubbles from a funnel. Green hedgehog. Without opening the bottles......... - Spark plug motor. Bump or hole? A moving rocket. Divergent rings.........
- Multi-colored balls. Sea resident. Balancing egg.........
- Electric motor in 10 seconds. Gramophone..........
- Boil, cool......... - Waltzing dolls. Flame on paper. Robinson's feather.........
- Faraday experiment. Segner wheel. Nutcrackers......... - Dancer in the mirror. Silver plated egg. Trick with matches......... - Oersted's experience. Roller coaster. Don't drop it! ..........

Body weight. Weightlessness.
Experiments with weightlessness. Weightless water. How to reduce your weight.........

Elastic force
- Jumping grasshopper. Jumping ring. Elastic coins..........
- Reel-crawler..........
- Drowned thimble. Obedient ball. We measure friction. Funny monkey. Vortex rings.........
- Rolling and sliding. Rest friction. The acrobat is doing a cartwheel. Brake in the egg.........
Inertia and inertia
- Take out the coin. Experiments with bricks. Wardrobe experience. Experience with matches. Inertia of the coin. Hammer experience. Circus experience with a jar. Experiment with a ball.........
- Experiments with checkers. Domino experience. Experiment with an egg. Ball in a glass. Mysterious skating rink.........
- Experiments with coins. Water hammer. Outsmarting inertia.........
- Experience with boxes. Experience with checkers. Coin experience. Catapult. Inertia of an apple.........
- Experiments with rotational inertia. Experiment with a ball.........

Mechanics. Laws of mechanics
- Newton's first law. Newton's third law. Action and reaction. Law of conservation of momentum. Quantity of movement.........

Jet propulsion
- Jet shower. Experiments with jet spinners: air spinner, jet balloon, ether spinner, Segner wheel.........
- Balloon rocket. Multistage rocket. Pulse ship. Jet boat.........

Free fall
-Which is faster.........

Circular movement
- Centrifugal force. Easier on turns. Experience with the ring.........

- Gyroscopic toys. Clark's top. Greig's top. Lopatin's flying top. Gyroscopic machine.........
- Gyroscopes and tops. Experiments with a gyroscope. Experience with a top. Wheel experience. Coin experience. Riding a bike without hands. Boomerang experience.........
- Experiments with invisible axes. Experience with paper clips. Rotating a matchbox. Slalom on paper.........
- Rotation changes shape. Cool or damp. Dancing egg. How to put a match.........
- When the water does not pour out. A bit of a circus. Experiment with a coin and a ball. When the water pours out. Umbrella and separator..........

Statics. Equilibrium. Center of gravity
- Vanka-stand up. Mysterious nesting doll.........
- Center of gravity. Equilibrium. Center of gravity height and mechanical stability. Base area and balance. Obedient and naughty egg..........
- Center of gravity of a person. Balance of forks. Fun swing. A diligent sawyer. Sparrow on a branch.........
- Center of gravity. Pencil competition. Experience with unstable balance. Human balance. Stable pencil. Knife at the top. Experience with a ladle. Experience with a saucepan lid.........

Structure of matter
- Fluid model. What gases does air consist of? Highest density of water. Density tower. Four floors.........
- Plasticity of ice. A nut that has come out. Properties of non-Newtonian fluid. Growing crystals. Properties of water and eggshells..........

Thermal expansion
- Expansion of a solid. Lapped plugs. Needle extension. Thermal scales. Separating glasses. Rusty screw. The board is in pieces. Ball expansion. Coin expansion.........
- Expansion of gas and liquid. Heating the air. Sounding coin. Water pipe and mushrooms. Heating water. Warming up the snow. Dry from the water. The glass is creeping.........

Surface tension of a liquid. Wetting
- Plateau experience. Darling's experience. Wetting and non-wetting. Floating razor.........
- Attraction of traffic jams. Sticking to water. A miniature Plateau experience. Bubble..........
- Live fish. Paperclip experience. Experiments with detergents. Colored streams. Rotating spiral.........

Capillary phenomena
- Experience with a blotter. Experiment with pipettes. Experience with matches. Capillary pump.........

- Hydrogen soap bubbles. Scientific preparation. Bubble in a jar. Colored rings. Two in one..........

- Transformation of energy. Bent strip and ball. Tongs and sugar. Photo exposure meter and photo effect.........
- Conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy. Propeller experience. Bogatyr in a thimble..........

Thermal conductivity
- Experiment with an iron nail. Experience with wood. Experience with glass. Experiment with spoons. Coin experience. Thermal conductivity of porous bodies. Thermal conductivity of gas.........

-Which is colder. Heating without fire. Absorption of heat. Radiation of heat. Evaporative cooling. Experiment with an extinguished candle. Experiments with the outer part of the flame..........

Radiation. Energy transfer
- Transfer of energy by radiation. Experiments with solar energy.........

- Weight is a heat regulator. Experience with stearin. Creating traction. Experience with scales. Experience with a turntable. Pinwheel on a pin..........

Aggregate states.
- Experiments with soap bubbles in the cold. Crystallization
- Frost on the thermometer. Evaporation from the iron. We regulate the boiling process. Instant crystallization. growing crystals. Making ice. Cutting ice. Rain in the kitchen.........
- Water freezes water. Ice castings. We create a cloud. Let's make a cloud. We boil the snow. Ice bait. How to get hot ice.........
- Growing crystals. Salt crystals. Golden crystals. Large and small. Peligo's experience. Experience-focus. Metal crystals.........
- Growing crystals. Copper crystals. Fairytale beads. Halite patterns. Homemade frost.........
- Paper pan. Dry ice experiment. Experience with socks.........

Gas laws
- Experience on the Boyle-Mariotte law. Experiment on Charles's law. Let's check the Clayperon equation. Let's check Gay-Lusac's law. Ball trick. Once again about the Boyle-Mariotte law..........

- Steam engine. The experience of Claude and Bouchereau.........
- Water turbine. Steam turbine. Wind engine. Water wheel. Hydro turbine. Windmill toys.........

- Pressure of a solid body. Punching a coin with a needle. Cutting through ice.........
- Siphon - Tantalus vase..........
- Fountains. The simplest fountain. Three fountains. Fountain in a bottle. Fountain on the table.........
- Atmosphere pressure. Bottle experience. Egg in a decanter. Can sticking. Experience with glasses. Experience with a can. Experiments with a plunger. Flattening the can. Experiment with test tubes.........
- Vacuum pump made from blotting paper. Air pressure. Instead of the Magdeburg hemispheres. A diving bell glass. Carthusian diver. Punished curiosity.........
- Experiments with coins. Experiment with an egg. Experience with a newspaper. School gum suction cup. How to empty a glass.........
- Pumps. Spray..........
- Experiments with glasses. The mysterious property of radishes. Experience with a bottle.........
- Naughty plug. What is pneumatics? Experiment with a heated glass. How to lift a glass with your palm.........
- Cold boiling water. How much does water weigh in a glass? Determine lung volume. Resistant funnel. How to pierce a balloon without it bursting..........
- Hygrometer. Hygroscope. Barometer from a cone......... - Barometer. Aneroid barometer - do it yourself. Balloon barometer. The simplest barometer......... - Barometer from a light bulb.......... - Air barometer. Water barometer. Hygrometer..........

Communicating vessels
- Experience with the painting.........

Archimedes' law. Buoyancy force. Floating bodies
- Three balls. The simplest submarine. Grape experiment. Does iron float.........
- Ship's draft. Does the egg float? Cork in a bottle. Water candlestick. Sinks or floats. Especially for drowning people. Experience with matches. Amazing egg. Does the plate sink? The mystery of the scales.........
- Float in a bottle. Obedient fish. Pipette in a bottle - Cartesian diver..........
- Ocean level. Boat on the ground. Will the fish drown? Stick scales.........
- Archimedes' Law. Live toy fish. Bottle level.........

Bernoulli's law
- Experience with a funnel. Experiment with water jet. Ball experiment. Experience with scales. Rolling cylinders. stubborn leaves.........
- Bendable sheet. Why doesn't he fall? Why does the candle go out? Why doesn't the candle go out? The air flow is to blame.........

Simple mechanisms
- Block. Pulley hoist.........
- Lever of the second type. Pulley hoist.........
- Lever arm. Gate. Lever scales.........

- Pendulum and bicycle. Pendulum and globe. A fun duel. Unusual pendulum..........
- Torsion pendulum. Experiments with a swinging top. Rotating pendulum.........
- Experiment with the Foucault pendulum. Addition of vibrations. Experiment with Lissajous figures. Resonance of pendulums. Hippopotamus and bird.........
- Fun swing. Oscillations and resonance.........
- Fluctuations. Forced vibrations. Resonance. Seize the moment.........

- Gramophone - do it yourself..........
- Physics of musical instruments. String. Magic bow. Ratchet. Singing glasses. Bottlephone. From bottle to organ.........
- Doppler effect. Sound lens. Chladni's experiments.........
- Sound waves. Propagation of sound.........
- Sounding glass. Flute made from straw. The sound of a string. Reflection of sound.........
- Phone made from a matchbox. Telephone exchange.........
- Singing combs. Spoon ringing. Singing glass.........
- Singing water. Shy wire.........
- Sound oscilloscope..........
- Ancient sound recording. Cosmic voices.........
- Hear the heartbeat. Glasses for ears. Shock wave or firecracker..........
- Sing with me. Resonance. Sound through the bone.........
- Tuning fork. A storm in a teacup. Louder sound.........
- My strings. Changing the pitch of the sound. Ding Ding. Crystal clear.........
- We make the ball squeak. Kazoo. Singing bottles. Choral singing..........
- Intercom. Gong. Crowing glass.........
- Let's blow out the sound. Stringed instrument. Small hole. Blues on bagpipes..........
- Sounds of nature. Singing straw. Maestro, march.........
- A speck of sound. What's in the bag? Sound on the surface. Day of disobedience.........
- Sound waves. Visual sound. Sound helps you see.........

- Electrification. Electric panty. Electricity is repellent. Dance of soap bubbles. Electricity on combs. The needle is a lightning rod. Electrification of the thread.........
- Bouncing balls. Interaction of charges. Sticky ball.........
- Experience with a neon light bulb. Flying bird. Flying butterfly. An animated world.........
- Electric spoon. St. Elmo's Fire. Electrification of water. Flying cotton wool. Electrification of a soap bubble. Loaded frying pan.........
- Electrification of the flower. Experiments on human electrification. Lightning on the table.........
- Electroscope. Electric Theater. Electric cat. Electricity attracts.........
- Electroscope. Bubble. Fruit battery. Fighting gravity. Battery of galvanic cells. Connect the coils.........
- Turn the arrow. Balancing on the edge. Repelling nuts. Turn on the light.........
- Amazing tapes. Radio signal. Static separator. Jumping grains. Static rain.........
- Film wrapper. Magic figurines. Influence of air humidity. An animated door handle. Sparkling clothes.........
- Charging from a distance. Rolling ring. Crackling and clicking sounds. Magic wand..........
- Everything can be charged. Positive charge. Attraction of bodies. Static glue. Charged plastic. Ghost leg.........

BOU "Koskovskaya Secondary School"

Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky municipal district

Vologda region

Educational project

"Physical experiment at home"


7th grade students

Koptyaev Artem

Alekseevskaya Ksenia

Alekseevskaya Tanya


Korovkin I.N.




There is nothing better in life than your own experience.

Scott W.

At school and at home we became acquainted with many physical phenomena and we wanted to make homemade instruments, equipment and conduct experiments. All the experiments we conduct allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and, in particular, physics. We describe the process of manufacturing equipment for the experiment, the principle of operation and the physical law or phenomenon demonstrated by this device. The experiments carried out interested students from other classes.

Target: make a device from available means to demonstrate a physical phenomenon and use it to talk about the physical phenomenon.

Hypothesis: manufactured devices and demonstrations will help to understand physics more deeply.


Study the literature on conducting experiments yourself.

Watch a video demonstrating the experiments

Make equipment for experiments

Give a demonstration

Describe the physical phenomenon being demonstrated

Improve the material resources of the physicist's office.

EXPERIMENT 1. Fountain model

Target : show the simplest model of a fountain.

Equipment : plastic bottle, dropper tubes, clamp, balloon, cuvette.

Ready product

Progress of the experiment:

    We will make 2 holes in the cork. Insert the tubes and attach a ball to the end of one.

    Fill the balloon with air and close it with a clamp.

    Pour water into a bottle and place it in a cuvette.

    Let's watch the flow of water.

Result: We observe the formation of a water fountain.

Analysis: The water in the bottle is acted upon by the compressed air in the ball. The more air in the ball, the higher the fountain will be.

EXPERIENCE 2. Carthusian diver

(Pascal's law and Archimedes' force.)

Target: demonstrate Pascal's law and Archimedes' force.

Equipment: plastic bottle,

pipette (vessel closed at one end)

Ready product

Progress of the experiment:

    Take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.

    Take a small vessel (pipette) and load it with copper wire.

    Fill the bottle with water.

    Press down on the top of the bottle with your hands.

    Observe the phenomenon.

Result : we observe the pipette sinking and rising when pressing on the plastic bottle..

Analysis : The force compresses the air above the water, the pressure is transferred to the water.

According to Pascal's law, pressure compresses the air in the pipette. As a result, Archimedes' power decreases. The body is drowning. We stop the compression. The body floats up.

EXPERIMENT 3. Pascal's law and communicating vessels.

Target: demonstrate the operation of Pascal's law in hydraulic machines.

Equipment: two syringes of different volumes and a plastic tube from a dropper.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1.Take two syringes of different sizes and connect them with a dropper tube.

2.Fill with incompressible liquid (water or oil)

3. Press down on the plunger of the smaller syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the larger syringe.

4. Press down on the plunger of the larger syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the smaller syringe.

Result : We fix the difference in the applied forces.

Analysis : According to Pascal’s law, the pressure created by the pistons is the same. Consequently: how many times larger is the piston, the greater is the force it creates.

EXPERIMENT 4. Dry from the water.

Target : show the expansion of heated air and compression of cold air..

Equipment : glass, plate with water, candle, cork.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. pour water into a plate and place a coin on the bottom and a float on the water.

2. We invite the audience to take out the coin without getting their hand wet.

3.light the candle and place it in the water.

4. Cover with a heated glass.

Result: We observe the movement of water into the glass..

Analysis: When the air is heated, it expands. When the candle goes out. The air cools and its pressure decreases. Atmospheric pressure will push the water under the glass.

EXPERIENCE 5. Inertia.

Target : show the manifestation of inertia.

Equipment : Wide-neck bottle, cardboard ring, coins.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. Place a paper ring on the neck of the bottle.

2. Place coins on the ring.

3. knock out the ring with a sharp blow of a ruler

Result: We watch the coins fall into the bottle.

Analysis: inertia is the ability of a body to maintain its speed. When you hit the ring, the coins do not have time to change speed and fall into the bottle.

EXPERIENCE 6. Upside down.

Target : Show the behavior of a liquid in a rotating bottle.

Equipment : Wide-neck bottle and rope.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. We tie a rope to the neck of the bottle.

2. pour water.

3.rotate the bottle over your head.

Result: water does not pour out.

Analysis: At the top point, the water is acted upon by gravity and centrifugal force. If the centrifugal force is greater than the force of gravity, then the water will not flow out.

EXPERIMENT 7. Non-Newtonian liquid.

Target : Show the behavior of a non-Newtonian fluid.

Equipment : bowl.starch. water.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. In a bowl, dilute starch and water in equal proportions.

2. demonstrate the unusual properties of the liquid

Result: a substance has the properties of a solid and a liquid.

Analysis: with a sharp impact, the properties of a solid appear, and with a slow impact, the properties of a liquid appear.


As a result of our work, we:

    conducted experiments proving the existence of atmospheric pressure;

    created home-made devices demonstrating the dependence of liquid pressure on the height of the liquid column, Pascal’s law.

We enjoyed studying pressure, making homemade devices, and conducting experiments. But there is a lot of interesting things in the world that you can still learn, so in the future:

We will continue to study this interesting science

We hope that our classmates will be interested in this problem, and we will try to help them.

In the future we will conduct new experiments.


It is interesting to observe the experiment conducted by the teacher. Carrying it out yourself is doubly interesting.

And conducting an experiment with a device made and designed with your own hands arouses great interest among the whole class. In such experiments it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how this installation works.

Carrying out these experiments is not difficult and interesting. They are safe, simple and useful. New research is ahead!


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