Physics of perception. Physiology of color perception The general influence of color on the physical and mental state of a person

Color perception(color sensitivity, color perception) - the ability of vision to perceive and transform light radiation of a certain spectral composition into the sensation of various color shades and tones, forming a holistic subjective sensation (“chromaticity”, “chromaticity”, coloring).

Color is characterized by three qualities:

  • color tone, which is the main characteristic of color and depends on the wavelength of light;
  • saturation, determined by the proportion of the main tone among impurities of a different color;
  • brightness, or lightness, which is manifested by the degree of proximity to white (the degree of dilution with white).

The human eye only notices color changes when the so-called color threshold (the minimum color change noticeable to the eye) is exceeded.

The physical essence of light and color

Visible electromagnetic vibrations are called light or light radiation.

Light emissions are divided into complex And simple.

White sunlight is complex radiation, which consists of simple color components - monochromatic (one-color) radiation. The colors of monochromatic radiation are called spectral.

If a white beam is decomposed into a spectrum using a prism, you can see a series of continuously changing colors: dark blue, blue, cyan, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow, orange, red.

The color of the radiation is determined by the wavelength. The entire visible spectrum of radiation is located in the wavelength range from 380 to 720 nm (1 nm = 10 -9 m, i.e. one billionth of a meter).

The entire visible part of the spectrum can be divided into three zones

  • Radiation with a wavelength from 380 to 490 nm is called the blue zone of the spectrum;
  • from 490 to 570 nm - green;
  • from 580 to 720 nm - red.

A person sees different objects painted in different colors because monochromatic radiation is reflected from them in different ways, in different proportions.

All colors are divided into achromatic And chromatic

  • Achromatic (colorless) are gray colors of varying lightness, white and black. Achromatic colors are characterized by lightness.
  • All other colors are chromatic (colored): blue, green, red, yellow, etc. Chromatic colors are characterized by hue, lightness and saturation.

Color tone- this is a subjective characteristic of color, which depends not only on the spectral composition of the radiation entering the observer’s eye, but also on the psychological characteristics of individual perception.

Lightness subjectively characterizes the brightness of a color.

Brightness determines the intensity of light emitted or reflected from a unit surface in a direction perpendicular to it (unit of brightness - candela per meter, cd/m).

Saturation subjectively characterizes the intensity of the sensation of color tone.
Since not only the radiation source and the colored object, but also the eye and brain of the observer are involved in the occurrence of the visual sensation of color, some basic information about the physical essence of the process of color vision should be considered.

Perception of color by the eye

It is known that the eye is similar in structure to a camera, in which the retina plays the role of a photosensitive layer. Radiations of various spectral compositions are recorded by retinal nerve cells (receptors).

Receptors that provide color vision are divided into three types. Each type of receptor absorbs radiation differently from the three main zones of the spectrum - blue, green and red, i.e. has different spectral sensitivity. If blue zone radiation hits the retina, it will be perceived by only one type of receptor, which will transmit information about the power of this radiation to the observer’s brain. The result will be a blue sensation. The process will proceed similarly if the retina of the eye is exposed to radiation from the green and red zones of the spectrum. When two or three types of receptors are simultaneously excited, a color sensation will arise, depending on the ratio of the radiation powers of different zones of the spectrum.

With the simultaneous stimulation of receptors that detect radiation, for example, the blue and green zones of the spectrum, a light sensation may arise, from dark blue to yellow-green. The sensation of more blue shades of color will occur in the case of greater radiation power in the blue zone, and green shades - in the case of greater radiation power in the green zone of the spectrum. Equal radiation power from the blue and green zones will cause a sensation of blue color, green and red zones - a sensation of yellow color, red and blue zones - a sensation of purple color. Cyan, magenta and yellow are therefore called dual-zonal colors. Equal radiation power from all three zones of the spectrum causes the sensation of gray color of varying lightness, which turns into white with sufficient radiation power.

Additive light synthesis

This is the process of obtaining different colors by mixing (adding) radiation from the three main zones of the spectrum - blue, green and red.

These colors are called the main or primary radiations of adaptive synthesis.

Different colors can be produced in this way, for example, on a white screen using three projectors with filters of blue (Blue), green (Green) and red (Red). In areas of the screen illuminated simultaneously from different projectors, any colors can be obtained. The color change is achieved by changing the ratio of the power of the main radiations. The addition of radiation occurs outside the observer's eye. This is one of the types of additive synthesis.

Another type of additive synthesis is spatial displacement. Spatial displacement is based on the fact that the eye does not distinguish separately located small multi-colored image elements. Such, for example, as raster dots. But at the same time, small image elements move across the retina of the eye, so the same receptors are successively affected by different radiation from neighboring differently colored raster dots. Due to the fact that the eye does not distinguish between rapid changes in radiation, it perceives them as the color of a mixture.

Subtractive color synthesis

This is the process of obtaining colors by absorbing (subtracting) radiation from white color.

In subtractive synthesis, a new color is obtained using paint layers: cyan (Cyan), magenta (Magenta) and yellow (Yellow). These are the primary or primary colors of subtractive synthesis. Cyan ink absorbs (subtracts from white) red radiation, magenta absorbs green, and yellow absorbs blue.

In order to obtain, for example, red color using a subtractive method, you need to place yellow and magenta light filters in the path of white radiation. They will absorb (subtract) blue and green radiation, respectively. The same result will be obtained if yellow and purple paints are applied to white paper. Then only red radiation will reach the white paper, which is reflected from it and enters the eye of the observer.

  • The main colors of additive synthesis are blue, green and red and
  • The primary colors of subtractive synthesis - yellow, magenta and cyan - form pairs of complementary colors.

Complementary colors are the colors of two radiations or two colors that, when mixed, make an achromatic color: F + S, P + Z, G + K.

With additive synthesis, additional colors give gray and white colors, since in total they represent radiation from the entire visible part of the spectrum, and with subtractive synthesis, a mixture of these colors gives gray and black colors, since the layers of these colors absorb radiation from all zones of the spectrum.

The considered principles of color formation also underlie the production of color images in printing. To obtain printed color images, so-called process printing inks are used: cyan, magenta and yellow. These paints are transparent and each of them, as already indicated, subtracts the radiation of one of the spectrum zones.

However, due to the imperfection of the components of subtactive synthesis, a fourth additional black ink is used in the manufacture of printed products.

It can be seen from the diagram that if process paints are applied to white paper in various combinations, then all the basic (primary) colors can be obtained for both additive and subtractive synthesis. This circumstance proves the possibility of obtaining colors with the required characteristics when producing color printed products using process inks.

Changes in the characteristics of the reproduced color occur differently depending on the printing method. In gravure printing, the transition from light areas of the image to dark ones is carried out by changing the thickness of the ink layer, which allows you to adjust the basic characteristics of the reproduced color. In gravure printing, color formation occurs subtractively.

In letterpress and offset printing, the colors of different areas of the image are transmitted by raster elements of various sizes. Here, the characteristics of the reproduced color are regulated by the sizes of the raster elements of different colors. It was already noted earlier that colors in this case are formed by additive synthesis - spatial mixing of the colors of small elements. However, where halftone dots of different colors coincide with each other and colors are superimposed on one another, a new dot color is formed by subtractive synthesis.

Color rating

A standard measurement system is required to measure, transmit and store color information. Human vision may be considered one of the most accurate measuring instruments, but it is not able to assign specific numerical values ​​to colors, nor remember them exactly. Most people don't realize how significant the impact of color is on their daily lives. When it comes to repetition, a color that appears "red" to one person is perceived as "reddish-orange" to another.

Methods by which objective quantitative characterization of color and color differences are carried out are called colorimetric methods.

The three-color theory of vision allows us to explain the occurrence of sensations of different color hue, lightness and saturation.

Color spaces

Color coordinates
L (Lightness) - color brightness is measured from 0 to 100%,
a - color range on the color wheel from green -120 to red value +120,
b - color range from blue -120 to yellow +120

In 1931, the International Commission on Illumination - CIE (Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage) proposed a mathematically calculated XYZ color space, in which the entire spectrum visible to the human eye lay within. The system of real colors (red, green and blue) was chosen as the base, and the free conversion of some coordinates to others made it possible to carry out various types of measurements.

The disadvantage of the new space was its uneven contrast. Realizing this, scientists carried out further research, and in 1960, McAdam made some additions and changes to the existing color space, calling it UVW (or CIE-60).

Then in 1964, at the suggestion of G. Vyshetsky, the space U*V*W* (CIE-64) was introduced.
Contrary to the expectations of specialists, the proposed system turned out to be insufficiently perfect. In some cases, the formulas used to calculate color coordinates gave satisfactory results (mainly in additive synthesis), while in others (in subtractive synthesis) the errors turned out to be excessive.

This forced the CIE to adopt a new equal-contrast system. In 1976, all differences were resolved and the Luv and Lab spaces were born, based on the same XYZ.

These color spaces are used as the basis for the independent colorimetric systems CIELuv and CIELab. It is believed that the first system is more consistent with the conditions of additive synthesis, and the second - subtractive.

Currently, the CIELab color space (CIE-76) serves as an international standard for working with color. The main advantage of space is independence from both color reproduction devices on monitors and information input and output devices. Using CIE standards, all colors that the human eye perceives can be described.

The amount of color being measured is characterized by three numbers showing the relative amounts of mixed radiation. These numbers are called color coordinates. All colorimetric methods are based on three dimensions i.e. on a kind of volumetricity of color.

These methods provide the same reliable quantitative characteristics of color as, for example, temperature or humidity measurements. The difference is only in the number of characterizing values ​​and their relationship. This relationship of the three basic color coordinates is expressed in a coordinated change when the color of the illumination changes. Therefore, “three-color” measurements are carried out under strictly defined conditions under standardized white lighting.

Thus, color in the colorimetric sense is uniquely determined by the spectral composition of the measured radiation, but the color sensation is not uniquely determined by the spectral composition of the radiation, but depends on the observation conditions and, in particular, on the color of the illumination.

Physiology of retinal receptors

Color perception is related to the function of cone cells in the retina. The pigments contained in cones absorb part of the light falling on them and reflect the rest. If some spectral components of visible light are absorbed better than others, then we perceive this object as colored.

The primary discrimination of colors occurs in the retina; in the rods and cones, light causes a primary irritation, which is converted into electrical impulses for the final formation of the perceived shade in the cerebral cortex.

Unlike rods, which contain rhodopsin, cones contain the protein iodopsin. Iodopsin is the general name for cone visual pigments. There are three types of iodopsin:

  • chlorolab (“green”, GCP),
  • erythrolab (“red”, RCP) and
  • cyanolab (“blue”, BCP).

It is now known that the light-sensitive pigment iodopsin, found in all cones of the eye, includes pigments such as chlorolab and erythrolab. Both of these pigments are sensitive to the entire region of the visible spectrum, however, the first of them has an absorption maximum corresponding to the yellow-green (absorption maximum about 540 nm), and the second yellow-red (orange) (absorption maximum about 570 nm) parts of the spectrum. Noteworthy is the fact that their absorption maxima are located nearby. These do not correspond to the accepted "primary" colors and are not consistent with the basic principles of the three-part model.

The third, hypothetical pigment, sensitive to the violet-blue region of the spectrum, previously called cyanolab, has not been found to date.

In addition, it was not possible to find any difference between the cones in the retina, nor was it possible to prove the presence of only one type of pigment in each cone. Moreover, it was recognized that the cones simultaneously contain the pigments chlorolab and erythrolab.

The non-allelic genes chlorolalab (encoded by the OPN1MW and OPN1MW2 genes) and erythrolab (encoded by the OPN1LW gene) are located on the X chromosomes. These genes have long been well isolated and studied. Therefore, the most common forms of color blindness are deuteronopia (impaired formation of chlorolab) (6% of men suffer from this disease) and protanopia (impaired formation of eritolab) (2% of men). At the same time, some people who have impaired perception of shades of red and green perceive shades of other colors, for example, khaki, better than people with normal color perception.

The cyanolabe gene OPN1SW is located on the seventh chromosome, so tritanopia (an autosomal form of color blindness in which the formation of cyanolabe is impaired) is a rare disease. A person with tritanopia sees everything in green and red colors and cannot distinguish objects in the twilight.

Nonlinear two-component theory of vision

According to another model (nonlinear two-component theory of vision by S. Remenko), the third “hypothetical” pigment cyanolab is not needed, the rod serves as a receiver for the blue part of the spectrum. This is explained by the fact that when the lighting brightness is sufficient to distinguish colors, the maximum spectral sensitivity of the rod (due to the fading of the rhodopsin contained in it) shifts from the green region of the spectrum to the blue. According to this theory, the cone should contain only two pigments with adjacent maximum sensitivity: chlorolab (sensitive to the yellow-green part of the spectrum) and erythrolab (sensitive to the yellow-red part of the spectrum). These two pigments have long been found and carefully studied. In this case, the cone is a nonlinear ratio sensor, providing not only information about the ratio of red and green colors, but also highlighting the level of yellow color in this mixture.

Proof that the receiver of the blue part of the spectrum in the eye is the rod can also be the fact that with color anomaly of the third type (tritanopia), the human eye not only does not perceive the blue part of the spectrum, but also does not distinguish objects in the twilight (night blindness), and this indicates precisely the lack of normal operation of the sticks. Supporters of three-component theories explain why the sticks always stop working at the same time the blue receiver stops working, and the sticks still cannot.

In addition, this mechanism is confirmed by the long-known Purkinje Effect, the essence of which is that at dusk, when the light falls, red colors turn black and white colors appear bluish. Richard Phillips Feynman notes that: “This is explained by the fact that rods see the blue end of the spectrum better than cones, but cones see, for example, dark red, while rods cannot see it at all.”

At night, when the flow of photons is insufficient for the normal functioning of the eye, vision is provided mainly by rods, so at night a person cannot distinguish colors.

To date, it has not yet been possible to come to a consensus on the principle of color perception by the eye.

The light-sensitive apparatus of the eye. A ray of light, passing through the optical media of the eye, penetrates the retina and hits its outer layer (Fig. 51). Here are the receptors of the visual analyzer. These are special light-sensitive cells - sticks And cones(see color table). The sensitivity of the rods is unusually great. They make it possible to see at dusk and even at night, but without distinguishing color, since they are excited by rays of almost the entire visible spectrum. The sensitivity of cones is at least 1000 times less. They become excited only when there is sufficiently strong lighting, but they allow them to distinguish colors.

Due to the low sensitivity of the cones, color discrimination becomes increasingly difficult in the evening and eventually disappears.

In the retina of the human eye, an area of ​​approximately 6-7 sq. cm There are about 7 million cones and about 130 million rods. They are distributed unevenly in the retina. In the center of the retina, just opposite the pupil, there is the so-called yellow spot with a recess in the middle - central fossa. When a person examines a detail of an object, its image falls on the center of the yellow spot. The fovea contains only cones (Fig. 52). Here their diameter is at least half as large as in other parts of the retina, and by 1 sq. mm their number reaches 120-140 thousand, which contributes to a clearer and more distinct vision. As you move away from the central fossa to -. Rods also begin to appear, first in small groups, and then in ever greater numbers, and there are fewer cones. So, already at a distance of 4 mm from the central fossa by 1 sq. mm there are about 6 thousand cones and 120 thousand rods.

Rice. 51< Схема строения сетчатки.

I-.the edge of the choroid adjacent to the retina;

II - layer of pigment cells; III - layer of rods and cones; IV and V are two consecutive rows of nerve cells to which excitation from rods and cones passes;

1 - sticks; 2 - cones; 3 - rod and cone nuclei;

4 - nerve fibers.

Rice. 52. The structure of the retina in the area of ​​the macula (diagram):

/ - central fossa; 2 - cones; 3 - sticks; 4 - layers of nerve cells; 5 - nerve fibers heading to the blind spot,

In semi-darkness, when the cones do not function, a person better distinguishes those objects whose image does not fall on the yellow spot. He will not notice a white object if he directs his gaze at it, since the image will fall on the center of the yellow spot, where there are no rods. However, the object will become visible if you move your gaze to the side by 10-15°. Now the image falls on a region of the retina rich in rods. Hence, with great imagination, one may get the impression of the “ghostliness” of an object, its inexplicable appearance and disappearance. This is the basis for superstitious beliefs about ghosts wandering at night.

In daylight, a person can clearly distinguish the color shades of the object he is looking at. If the image falls on the peripheral areas of the retina, where there are few cones, then color discrimination becomes unclear and rough.

In rods and cones, as in photographic film, chemical reactions occur under the influence of light that act as a stimulus. The resulting impulses come from each point of the retina to certain areas of the visual area of ​​the cerebral cortex.

Color vision. The whole variety of color shades can be obtained by mixing three colors of the spectrum - red, green and violet (or blue). If you spin a disk made up of these colors quickly, it will appear white. It has been proven that the color-sensing apparatus consists of three types of cones:

Some are predominantly sensitive to red rays, others to green, and others to blue. Color vision depends on the ratio of the excitation strength of each type of cone.

Observations of the electrical reactions of the cerebral cortex made it possible to establish that the newborn’s brain reacts

not only for light, but also for color. The ability to distinguish colors was discovered in an infant using the method of conditioned reflexes. The discrimination of colors becomes more and more perfect as new conditioned connections are formed, acquired during the game. ^ Colorblindness. At the end of the 18th century. famous English natural-. tester John Dalton described in detail the color vision disorder from which he himself suffered. He didn't recognize the color red. from green, and dark red seemed gray or black to him. This violation, called colorblindness, occurs in approximately 8% of men and very rarely in women. It is inherited through generations through the female line, in other words, from grandfather to grandson through the mother. There are other color vision disorders, but they are very rare. People suffering from color blindness may not notice their defect for many years. Sometimes a person learns about it during an eye test for a job that requires a clear distinction between red and green colors (for example, as a railway driver).

A child suffering from color blindness can remember that this ball is red and the other, larger one is green. But if you give him two identical balls, differing only in color (red and green), then he will not be able to distinguish them. Such a child confuses colors when picking berries, during drawing classes, or when selecting colored cubes from colored pictures. Seeing this, those around him, including teachers, accuse the child of inattention or deliberateness. pranks, make comments to him, punish him, reduce the grade for the work performed. Such undeserved punishment can only affect the child’s nervous system and affect his further development and behavior. Therefore, in cases where a child is confused or cannot learn certain colors for a long time, he should be shown to a specialist doctor to find out whether this is the result of a congenital vision defect.

Visual acuity. Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to distinguish small details. If rays emanating from two adjacent points excite the same or two adjacent cones, then both points are perceived as one larger one. For their separate vision it is necessary that between;

there was another one with excited cones. Therefore, the maximum possible visual acuity: depends on the thickness of the cones in the central fovea of ​​the macula. It has been calculated that the angle at which rays from two points that are as close as possible, but visible separately, fall on the retina is equal to "/in 0, i.e., one arc minute. This angle is considered to be the norm of visual acuity. Visual acuity varies somewhat depending on the intensity of illumination. -However, even with the same illumination it can vary significantly. It increases under the influence of training if, for example, a person has to deal with the fine distinction of small objects. When tired, visual acuity decreases.

Passion for color

Color perception. Physics

We receive about 80% of all incoming information visually
We understand the world around us 78% through vision, 13% through hearing, 3% through tactile sensations, 3% through smell and 3% through taste buds.
We remember 40% of what we see and only 20% of what we hear*
*Source: R. Bleckwenn & B. Schwarze. Design Tutorial (2004)

Physics of color. We see color only because our eyes are capable of detecting electromagnetic radiation in the optical range. And electromagnetic radiation includes radio waves and gamma radiation and x-rays, terahertz, ultraviolet, infrared.

Color is a qualitative subjective characteristic of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range, determined on the basis of the emerging
physiological visual sensation and depending on a number of physical, physiological and psychological factors.
The perception of color is determined by a person’s individuality, as well as the spectral composition, color and brightness contrast with surrounding light sources,
as well as non-luminous objects. Phenomena such as metamerism, individual hereditary characteristics of the human eye are very important.
(degree of expression of polymorphic visual pigments) and psyche.
In simple terms, color is the sensation that a person receives when light rays enter his eye.
The same light exposure can cause different sensations in different people. And for each of them the color will be different.
It follows that the debate “what color really is” is meaningless, since for each observer the true color is the one that he himself sees

Vision gives us more information about the surrounding reality than other senses: we receive the largest flow of information per unit of time through our eyes.

Rays reflected from objects enter through the pupil onto the retina, which is a transparent spherical screen 0.1 - 0.5 mm thick, onto which the surrounding world is projected. The retina contains 2 types of photosensitive cells: rods and cones.

Color comes from light
To see colors, you need a light source. At dusk the world loses its color. Where there is no light, color cannot arise.

Considering the huge, multimillion-dollar number of colors and their shades, a colorist needs to have deep, comprehensive knowledge about color perception and the origin of color.
All colors represent part of a ray of light - electromagnetic waves emanating from the sun.
These waves are part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, which includes gamma radiation, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, optical radiation (light), infrared radiation, electromagnetic terahertz radiation,
electromagnetic micro- and radio waves. Optical radiation is that part of electromagnetic radiation that our eye sensors can perceive. The brain processes signals received from eye sensors and interprets them into color and shape.

Visible radiation (optical)
Visible, infrared and ultraviolet radiation makes up the so-called optical region of the spectrum in the broad sense of the word.
The identification of such a region is due not only to the proximity of the corresponding parts of the spectrum, but also to the similarity of the instruments used for its study and developed historically mainly in the study of visible light (lenses and mirrors for focusing radiation, prisms, diffraction gratings, interference devices for studying the spectral composition of radiation and etc.).
The frequencies of waves in the optical region of the spectrum are already comparable to the natural frequencies of atoms and molecules, and their lengths are comparable to molecular sizes and intermolecular distances. Thanks to this, phenomena caused by the atomic structure of matter become significant in this area.
For the same reason, along with the wave properties, the quantum properties of light also appear.

The most famous source of optical radiation is the Sun. Its surface (photosphere) is heated to a temperature of 6000 degrees Kelvin and shines with bright white light (the maximum of the continuous spectrum of solar radiation is located in the “green” region of 550 nm, where the maximum sensitivity of the eye is located).
It is precisely because we were born near such a star that this part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is directly perceived by our senses.
Radiation in the optical range occurs, in particular, when bodies are heated (infrared radiation is also called thermal radiation) due to the thermal movement of atoms and molecules.
The more a body is heated, the higher the frequency at which the maximum of its radiation spectrum is located (see: Wien's displacement law). When heated to a certain level, the body begins to glow in the visible range (incandescence), first red, then yellow, and so on. And vice versa, radiation from the optical spectrum has a thermal effect on bodies (see: Bolometry).
Optical radiation can be created and detected in chemical and biological reactions.
One of the most famous chemical reactions, which is a receiver of optical radiation, is used in photography.
The source of energy for most living beings on Earth is photosynthesis - a biological reaction that occurs in plants under the influence of optical radiation from the Sun.

Color plays a huge role in the life of an ordinary person. The life of a colorist is dedicated to color.

It is noticeable that the colors of the spectrum, starting with red and passing through shades opposite, contrasting with red (green, cyan), then turn into violet, again approaching red. This closeness of the visible perception of violet and red colors is due to the fact that the frequencies corresponding to the violet spectrum approach frequencies that are exactly twice as high as the frequencies of red.
But these last indicated frequencies themselves are already outside the visible spectrum, so we do not see the transition from violet back to red, as happens in the color wheel, which includes non-spectral colors, and where there is a transition between red and violet through purple shades.

When a light beam passes through a prism, its components of different wavelengths are refracted at different angles. As a result, we can observe the spectrum of light. This phenomenon is very similar to the rainbow phenomenon.

A distinction must be made between sunlight and light emanating from artificial light sources. Only sunlight can be considered pure light.
All other artificial light sources will affect color perception. For example, incandescent light bulbs produce warm (yellow) light.
Fluorescent lamps most often produce cool (blue) light. To correctly diagnose color, you need daylight or a light source as close to it as possible.
Only sunlight can be considered pure light. All other artificial light sources will affect color perception.

Variety of colors: Color perception is based on the ability to distinguish changes in hue direction, lightness/brightness, and color saturation in the optical range with wavelengths from 750 nm (red) to 400 nm (violet).
By studying the physiology of color perception, we can better understand how color is formed and use this knowledge in practice.

We perceive all the variety of colors only if all cone sensors are present and functioning normally.
We are able to distinguish thousands of different tone directions. The exact amount depends on the ability of the eye sensors to detect and distinguish light waves. These abilities can be developed through training and exercise.
The numbers below sound incredible, but these are the real abilities of a healthy and well-trained eye:
We can distinguish about 200 pure colors. By changing their saturation, we get approximately 500 variations of each color. By changing their lightness, we get another 200 nuances of each variation.
A well-trained human eye can distinguish up to 20 million color nuances!
Color is subjective because we all perceive it differently. Although, as long as our eyes are healthy, these differences are insignificant.

We can distinguish 200 pure colors
By changing the saturation and lightness of these colors, we can distinguish up to 20 million shades!

“You only see what you know. You only know what you see.”
“You only see the driven. You know only what is visible."
Marcel Proust (French novelist), 1871-1922.

The perception of nuances of one color is not the same for different colors. We perceive changes most subtly in the green spectrum - a change in wavelength of just 1 nm is enough for us to see the difference. In the red and blue spectra, a change in wavelength of 3-6 nm is necessary for the difference to become noticeable to the eye. Perhaps the difference in a more subtle perception of the green spectrum was due to the need to distinguish edible from inedible at the time of the origin of our species (Professor, Doctor of Archeology, Hermann Krastel BVA).

The color pictures that appear in our minds are the cooperation of the eye sensors and the brain. We “feel” colors when cone-shaped sensors in the retina of the eye generate signals when exposed to specific wavelengths of light and transmit these signals to the brain. Since color perception involves not only the eye sensors, but also the brain, as a result we not only see color, but also receive a certain emotional response to it.

Our unique color perception in no way changes our emotional response to certain colors, scientists note. No matter what color blue is to a person, they always become a little more calm and relaxed when looking at the sky. Short waves of blue and blue colors calm a person, while long waves (red, orange, yellow), on the contrary, give activity and liveliness to a person.
This system of reaction to colors is inherent in every living organism on Earth - from mammals to single-celled organisms (for example, single-celled organisms “prefer” to process scattered yellow light during the process of photosynthesis). It is believed that this relationship between color and our well-being and mood is determined by the day/night cycle of existence. For example, at dawn, everything is painted in warm and bright colors - orange, yellow - this is a signal to everyone, even the smallest creature, that a new day has begun and it’s time to get down to business. At night and midday, when the flow of life slows down, blue and purple hues dominate around.
In their research, Jay Neitz and his colleagues from the University of Washington noted that changing the color of diffuse light can change the daily cycle of fish, while changing the intensity of this light does not have a decisive effect. This experiment is the basis of scientists' assumption that it is thanks to the dominance of blue color in the night atmosphere (and not just darkness) that living beings feel tired and want to sleep.
But our reactions do not depend on the color-sensitive cells in the retina. In 1998, scientists discovered an entirely separate set of color receptors—melanopsins—in the human eye. These receptors detect the amount of blue and yellow colors in our environment and send this information to areas of the brain responsible for regulating emotions and circadian rhythm. Scientists believe that melanopsins are a very ancient structure that was responsible for assessing the number of flowers back in time immemorial.
“It is thanks to this system that our mood and activity rise when the colors around us are orange, red or yellow,” says Neitz. “But our individual characteristics of perceiving different colors are completely different structures - blue, green and red cones. Therefore, the fact that we have the same emotional and physical reactions to the same colors cannot confirm that all people see colors the same way."
People who, due to some circumstances, have impaired color perception, often cannot see red, yellow or blue, but, nevertheless, their emotional reactions do not differ from the generally accepted ones. For you, the sky is always blue and it always gives a feeling of peace, even if for someone your “blue” is a “red” color.

Three characteristics of color.

Lightness- the degree of closeness of a color to white is called lightness.
Any color becomes white when lightness is increased to maximum.
Another concept of lightness refers not to a specific color, but to a shade of the spectrum, tone. Colors that have different tones, with other characteristics being equal, are perceived by us with different lightness. The yellow tone itself is the lightest, and blue or blue-violet is the darkest.

Saturation– the degree of difference between a chromatic color and an achromatic color equal in lightness, the “depth” of color. Two shades of the same tone may differ in the degree of fade. As saturation decreases, each chromatic color moves closer to gray.

Color tone- a characteristic of color that is responsible for its position in the spectrum: any chromatic color can be classified as a specific spectral color. Shades that have the same position in the spectrum (but differ, for example, in saturation and brightness) belong to the same tone. When the tone changes, for example, blue to the green side of the spectrum, it is replaced by blue, and in the opposite direction - violet.
Sometimes a change in color tone is correlated with the “warmth” of a color. Thus, red, orange and yellow shades, as they correspond to fire and cause corresponding psychophysiological reactions, are called warm tones, blue, indigo and violet, like the color of water and ice, are called cold. It should be taken into account that the perception of the “warmth” of color depends on both subjective mental and physiological factors (individual preferences, the state of the observer, adaptation, etc.) and on objective ones (the presence of a color background, etc.). It is necessary to distinguish the physical characteristic of some light sources - color temperature - from the subjective feeling of “warmth” of the corresponding color. The color of thermal radiation as the temperature increases passes through “warm shades” from red through yellow to white, but the color cyan has the maximum color temperature.

The human eye is an organ that gives us the ability to see the world around us.
Vision gives us more information about the surrounding reality than other senses: we receive the largest flow of information per unit of time through our eyes.

Every new morning we wake up and open our eyes - our activities are not possible without vision.
We trust vision most of all and use it most to gain experience (“I won’t believe it until I see it myself!”).
We say “with our eyes wide open” when we open our minds to something new.
We use our eyes constantly. They allow us to perceive the shapes and sizes of objects.
And, most importantly for a colorist, they allow us to see color.
The eye is a very complex organ in its structure. It is important for us to understand how we see color and how we perceive the resulting shades on our hair.
The eye's perception is based on the light-sensitive inner layer of the eye called the retina.
Rays reflected from objects enter through the pupil onto the retina, which is a transparent spherical screen 0.1 - 0.5 mm thick, onto which the surrounding world is projected. The retina contains 2 types of photosensitive cells: rods and cones.
These cells are a kind of sensors that respond to incident light, converting its energy into signals transmitted to the brain. The brain translates these signals into images that we “see.”

The human eye is a complex system, the main purpose of which is the most accurate perception, initial processing and transmission of information contained in the electromagnetic radiation of visible light. All individual parts of the eye, as well as the cells that make them up, serve to achieve this goal as fully as possible.
The eye is a complex optical system. Light rays enter the eye from surrounding objects through the cornea. The cornea in the optical sense is a strong converging lens that focuses light rays diverging in different directions. Moreover, the optical power of the cornea does not normally change and always gives a constant degree of refraction. The sclera is the opaque outer layer of the eye; therefore, it does not participate in conducting light into the eye.
Having refracted on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea, light rays pass unhindered through the transparent liquid that fills the anterior chamber, right up to the iris. The pupil, a round opening in the iris, allows centrally located rays to continue their journey into the eye. More peripheral rays are delayed by the pigment layer of the iris. Thus, the pupil not only regulates the amount of light flux onto the retina, which is important for adapting to different levels of illumination, but also filters out lateral, random rays that cause distortion. The light is then refracted by the lens. The lens is also a lens, just like the cornea. Its fundamental difference is that in people under 40 years of age, the lens is able to change its optical power - a phenomenon called accommodation. Thus, the lens produces more accurate focusing. Behind the lens is the vitreous body, which extends all the way to the retina and fills a large volume of the eyeball.
Rays of light focused by the optical system of the eye ultimately fall on the retina. The retina serves as a kind of spherical screen onto which the surrounding world is projected. From a school physics course we know that a collecting lens gives an inverted image of an object. The cornea and lens are two converging lenses, and the image projected onto the retina is also inverted. In other words, the sky is projected on the lower half of the retina, the sea is projected on the upper half, and the ship we are looking at is displayed on the macula. The macula, the central part of the retina, is responsible for high visual acuity. Other parts of the retina will not allow us to read or enjoy working on the computer. Only in the macula are all the conditions created for the perception of small details of objects.
In the retina, optical information is sensed by light-sensitive nerve cells, encoded into a sequence of electrical impulses, and transmitted along the optic nerve to the brain for final processing and conscious perception.

Cone sensors (0.006 mm in diameter) are able to distinguish the smallest details; accordingly, they become active in intense daylight or artificial lighting. They perceive fast movements much better than sticks and provide high visual resolution. But their perception decreases as the light intensity decreases.

The highest concentration of cones is found in the middle of the retina, at a point called the fovea. Here the concentration of cones reaches 147,000 per square millimeter, providing maximum visual resolution of the image.
The closer to the edges of the retina, the lower the concentration of cone sensors (cones) and the higher the concentration of cylindrical sensors (rods) responsible for twilight and peripheral vision. There are no rods in the fovea, which explains why we see dim stars better at night when we look at a point next to them, rather than at them themselves.

There are 3 types of cone sensors, each of which is responsible for the perception of one color:
Red sensitive (750 nm)
Green sensitive (540 nm)
Blue sensitive (440 nm)
Functions of cones: Perception in intense light conditions (daytime vision)
Perception of colors and small details. Number of cones in the human eye: 6-7 million

These 3 types of cones allow us to see all the variety of colors in the world around us. Because all other colors are the result of a combination of signals coming from these 3 types of cones.

For example: If an object appears yellow, it means that the rays reflected from it stimulate red-sensitive and green-sensitive cones. If the color of the object is orange-yellow, this means that the red-sensitive cones were stimulated more strongly, and the green-sensitive cones were stimulated less.
We perceive white in cases where all three types of cones are stimulated simultaneously at equal intensity. This three-color vision is described in the Young-Helmholtz theory.
The Young-Helmholtz theory explains color perception only at the level of retinal cones, without revealing all the phenomena of color perception, such as color contrast, color memory, color sequential images, color constancy, etc., as well as some color vision disorders, for example, color agnosia.

The perception of color depends on a complex of physiological, psychological, cultural and social factors. There is a so-called color science - analysis of the process of perception and color discrimination based on systematized information from physics, physiology and psychology. Speakers of different cultures perceive the color of objects differently. Depending on the importance of certain colors and shades in the everyday life of the people, some of them may have a greater or lesser reflection in the knit. The ability of color recognition has dynamics depending on the age of a person. Color combinations are perceived as harmonious (harmonizing) or not.

Color perception training.

Studying color theory and training color perception are important in any profession working with color.
The eyes and mind need to be trained to comprehend the intricacies of color, just as hair cutting skills or foreign languages ​​are trained and honed: repetition and practice.

Experiment 1: Do the exercise at night. Turn off the lights in the room - the whole room will instantly be plunged into darkness, you will not see anything. After a few seconds, your eyes will get used to low light and begin to detect contrasts more and more clearly.
Experiment 2: Place two blank white sheets of paper in front of you. Place a square of red paper in the middle of one of them. Draw a small cross in the middle of the red square and look at it for several minutes without taking your eyes off it. Then look at a blank white piece of paper. Almost immediately you will see the image of a red square on it. Only its color will be different - bluish-green. After a few seconds it will begin to fade and will soon disappear. Why is this happening? When the eyes were focused on a red square, the type of cones corresponding to this color was intensely excited. When you look at a white sheet, the intensity of perception of these cones drops sharply and two other types of cones - green- and blue-sensitive - become more active.

light color physiology perception

To create safe working conditions, not only sufficient illumination of working surfaces is required, but also rational direction of light, the absence of sharp shadows and glare that cause glare.

Proper lighting and painting of equipment and dangerous places makes it possible to monitor them more closely (a machine painted in a single color), and warning coloring of dangerous places will reduce injuries. In addition, choosing the right combination of colors and their intensity will minimize the time it takes for the eyes to adapt when looking from the part to the work surface. Correctly chosen coloring can affect the mood of workers, and, consequently, labor productivity. Thus, underestimating the influence of lighting, choice of color and light leads to premature fatigue of the body, accumulation of errors, decreased productivity, increased scrap and, as a result, injury. Some neglect of illumination issues is due to the fact that the human eye has a very wide range of adaptation: from 20 lux (during the full moon) to 100,000 lux.

Natural lighting is the visible spectrum of radiation from electromagnetic waves of solar energy with a length of 380 - 780 nm (1 nm = 10 -9 m). Visible light (white) consists of a spectrum of colors: violet (390 - 450 nm), blue (450 - 510 nm), green (510 - 575 nm), yellow (575 - 620 nm), red (620 - 750 nm). Radiation with a wavelength of more than 780 nm is called infrared, and with a wavelength of less than 390 nm is called ultraviolet.

Color and light are interconnected. Colors observed by humans are divided into chromatic and achromatic. Achromatic colors (white, gray, black) have different reflection coefficients and, therefore, their main characteristic is brightness. Chromatic colors (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and violet) are characterized primarily by hue, which is determined by wavelength and purity or saturation (the degree to which the base color is “diluted” by white). Painting equipment, materials, etc. black depresses a person. When carrying standard white and black boxes, all workers stated that the black boxes were heavier. A black thread on a white background is visible 2100 times better than on a black one, but at the same time there is a sharp contrast (brightness ratio). With an increase in brightness and illumination to certain limits, visual acuity and the brightness with which the eye distinguishes individual objects increase, i.e. speed of discrimination. Too much brightness of light negatively affects the organs of vision, causing blindness and pain in the eyes. The adaptation of the eyes to changes in brightness is called dark and light adaptation. When working on a dark gray machine (reflecting 5% of the light) and with a shiny part (reflecting 95% of the color), the worker looks from the machine to the part once a minute, and it takes approximately 5 seconds for the eye to adapt. In a seven-hour working day, 35 minutes will be lost. If, under the same operating conditions, the adaptation time is changed to 1 second due to the correct selection of contrast, the loss of working time will be equal to 7 minutes.

Incorrect selection of lighting affects not only the loss of working time and fatigue of workers, but also increases injuries during the adaptation period, when the worker does not see or sees the part poorly, and performs work operations automatically. Similar conditions are observed during installation work, crane operation and other types of work in the evening under artificial lighting. Therefore, the brightness ratio (the essence of contrast) should not be large.

In human perception of colors, color contrast plays an important role, i.e. exaggeration of the actual difference between simultaneous perceptions. A French trading company ordered a batch of red, purple and blue fabric with a black pattern. When the order was completed, the company refused to accept it, because... on the red fabric there was a greenish pattern instead of a black one; on blue - orange, on violet - yellow-greenish. The court turned to specialists, and when they closed the fabric, the design was black in the slits in the paper.

It has now been established that the color red excites, but also quickly tires a person; green is good for humans; yellow causes nausea and dizziness. Natural light is considered the best for human health.

Sunlight has a biological effect on the body, so natural light is hygienic. Replacing natural lighting with artificial lighting is allowed only when for some reason it is impossible to use (or it is impossible to use) natural lighting of the workplace.

Therefore, the regulation of lighting of industrial premises and workplaces is carried out on a scientific basis, taking into account the following basic requirements:

  • 1. Sufficient and uniform illumination of workplaces and workpieces;
  • 2. Lack of brightness, fading and glare in the field of vision of workers;
  • 3. Lack of sharp shadows and contrasts;
  • 4. Optimal efficiency and safety of lighting systems.

Consequently, for the correct light regime it is necessary to take into account the entire complex of hygienic conditions, i.e. quantitative and qualitative aspects of lighting.

To measure the illuminated workplaces and the general illumination of the premises, use a lux meter of type Yu-116, Yu-117, a universal lux meter - brightness meter TES 0693, photometer type 1105 from Brühl and Care. The operating principle of the devices is based on the use of the photoelectric effect - the emission of electrons under the influence of light (Figure 2.4.1).

When performing various types of work, natural, artificial and mixed lighting is used, the parameters of which are regulated by GOST 12.1.013-78, SNiP II-4-79 “Natural and artificial lighting”, instructions for the design of electric lighting of construction sites (SN 81-80). All rooms with constant occupancy must have natural light.

Where it is impossible to provide natural lighting or if it is not regulated by SNiP P-4-79, artificial or mixed lighting is used.

The optical part of the spectrum, consisting of ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation, has a wavelength range from 0.01 to 340 microns. Visible radiation perceived by the eye is called light and has a wavelength from 0.38 to 0.77 microns, and the power of such radiation is called luminous flux (F). The unit of luminous flux is the lumen. This is a value equal to 1/621 of a light watt. Lumen [lm] is defined as the luminous flux that is emitted by a full emitter (absolute black body) at the solidification temperature of platinum with an area of ​​530.5? 10 -10 m2 (luminous flux from a reference point source of 1 candela located at the vertex of the solid angle in 1 steradian). A steradian is a unit solid angle u, which is part of a medium with a radius of 1 m and the area of ​​a spherical surface whose base is 1 m2.

where u is a unit solid angle, 1 era;

S - spherical surface area, 1 m2;

R - radius of the spherical surface, 1 m.

The spatial density of the luminous flux in a given direction is called luminous intensity (I). The unit of luminous intensity is the candela [cd].

where Y is the luminous intensity, cd;

F - luminous flux, lm.

The amount of luminous flux per unit of illuminated surface is called illuminance (E). Illumination is measured in lux. Lux - illumination of a surface area of ​​1 m 2 with a uniformly distributed luminous flux of 1 lm.

The visibility of objects depends on the part of the light reflected by the object and is characterized by brightness (B). Brightness is measured in [cd/m2].

where b is the angle between the normal to the surface element S and the direction for which the brightness is determined.

Brightness is a lighting value to which the eye directly reacts. Brightness levels up to 5000 cd are hygienically acceptable. Brightness of 30,000 cd and above is blinding. Qualitative indicators of illumination include background and contrast, visibility, glare indicator, etc.

The background is the surface that is adjacent to the object (difference). The background is considered light when the reflectance coefficient c > 0.4; average at c = 0.2-0.4; and dark with< 0,2.

Contrast is characterized by the ratio of the brightness of the object in question and the background:

Lighting contrast is considered high when > 0.5; average at = 0.2-0.5; and small at< 0,2.

Uniformity of illumination is characterized by the ratio of the minimum illumination to its maximum value within the entire room.


Natural light is the most suitable for humans, so rooms with constant occupancy should have mostly natural light. Natural lighting is provided through windows, doorways, lanterns, and transparent roofs. Therefore, it is divided into (Fig. 2.4.2):

  • a) overhead lighting - through skylights, transparent roofs;
  • b) side lighting - through windows;
  • c) combined lighting - through windows and lanterns, etc.

The criterion for natural illumination is the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO or E N), which represents the ratio of natural illumination by sky light at some point on a given plane inside the room E ext to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination created by the light of a completely open sky E ad, and is expressed as a percentage:

KEO standardization is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP YY-4-79 "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

According to SNiP YY-4-79, with one-sided side lighting, the assessment criterion is the minimum value of KEO at a point located 1 m from the wall, farthest from the light openings, at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conventional working surface or floor. A characteristic section of a room is a cross section of a room, the plane of which is perpendicular to the plane of the glazing of the light openings. The characteristic section of the premises should include areas with the largest number of jobs. A horizontal surface located at a height of 0.8 m from the floor is taken as a conditional working surface. With two-way side lighting, the evaluation criterion is the minimum KEO value in the middle of the room, at the point at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conventional working surface (floor).

With top, side and combined lighting, the average KEO value is normalized (Table 2.4.1.).

All lighting parameters are determined by the level of visual work. The category of visual work when the distance from the object of difference to the eyes of the worker is more than 0.5 m is determined by the ratio of the minimum size of the object of difference (d) to the distance from this object to the eyes of the worker (l). The object of difference is understood as the item in question, its individual part or defect that needs to be distinguished during the work process. In total, eight categories of visual work were established (Table 2.4.1).

The normalized value of KEO (E n) is taken depending on the level of visual work, the characteristics of the light climate and solar climate.

For buildings located in the I, II, JV and V light climate zones of the CIS countries, depending on the type of lighting, the lateral or upper normalized value of KEO (E n b, E n v) is determined by the formula:

where m is the light climate coefficient; c-coefficient of climate sunshine.

The value of E n III is found in Table 2.4.1; light climate coefficient (m) - according to table 2.4.2; climate sunshine coefficient (C) - according to table 2.4.3. The unevenness of natural lighting in industrial and public buildings with top or top and side lighting of the main premises for children and adolescents with side lighting should not exceed 3:l.

The unevenness of natural lighting is not standardized for rooms with side lighting when performing work of VYY, VIII categories with overhead and combined lighting, for auxiliary and public buildings of YYY and IV groups (clause 1.2 SNiP YY-4-79). When designing buildings in the YYY and V climatic regions, where work of categories I - IV is carried out, it is necessary to provide sun protection devices. When rooms have natural light, caring for windows and lanterns is of great importance. Dirty glass blocks up to 50% of all light. Therefore, regular cleaning of glass and whitewashing of premises should be carried out. With a slight emission of dust, glass cleaning is carried out every six months, whitewashing - once every three years; in dusty ones - cleaning four times a year and whitewashing once a year.

When designing buildings, one of the important tasks is the correct calculation of the area of ​​light openings in natural light.

If the area of ​​light openings is less than required, this will lead to a decrease in illumination and, as a consequence, to a decrease in labor productivity, increased fatigue of workers, diseases and injuries.

Table 2.4.1. Normalization of natural light coefficient


visual work

Smallest size of difference object, mm

visual work

KEO (E n IV), %

with overhead and combined lighting

with side lighting

in an area with persistent snow cover

in the rest of the territory

Highest accuracy

Less than 0.15

Very high accuracy

From 0.15 to 0.8

High accuracy

Above 0.3 to 0.5

Average accuracy

Above 0.5 to 1.0

Low accuracy

Above 1.0 to 5.0

Rough (very low precision)

More than 0.5

Working with materials that glow and products in hot shops

More than 0.5

General observations of the production process:


periodic with constant presence of people

periodic with periodic presence of people

Table 2.4.2. Light climate coefficient value, m

Table 2.4.3. Climate sunshine coefficient value, s

Light climate belt

With light openings oriented along the sides of the horizon (azimuth), deg

With skylights

in the external walls of buildings

in rectangular and trapezoidal lanterns

in shod type lamps

  • a) north of 50°N.
  • b) 50°N. and further south
  • a) north of 40°N.
  • b) 40°N. and further south

Rice. 2.4.3

To correct this mistake, it is necessary to additionally introduce artificial lighting, which will cause constant additional costs. If the area of ​​light openings is larger, then constant additional costs for heating buildings will be required. Therefore, SNiP II-4-79 prohibits for heated buildings to provide an area of ​​light openings larger than required by these standards (Fig. 2.4.5). The established dimensions of light openings can be changed by +5, -10%.

The area of ​​light openings in the light is calculated

With side lighting, m 2:

  • (2.4.8)
  • - with overhead lighting, m 2:

where is the normalized value of KEO;

S 0 and S f - area of ​​windows and lanterns;

S p - floor area;

z 0 and z f - light characteristics of the window and lantern (approximately accepted for windows 8.0 - 15.0, for lanterns 3.0 - 5.0).

The light characteristics of windows (z o) are assessed according to Table 26, taking into account the characteristics of the room, and the light characteristics of the lantern or light opening (z f) - according to tables 31 and 32 of Appendix 5 of SNiP YY-4-79, taking into account the characteristics of the room and lanterns.

Coefficients taking into account the shading of windows by opposing buildings (K building), the type of lantern (K f) are determined according to Table 3 of SNiP II-4-79; Kz - safety factor is taken according to Table 5.

With side lighting, before carrying out work, it is necessary to estimate the ratio of the width (depth) of the premises (B) to the distance from the level of the conditional working surface to the upper edge of the window (h 1).

The overall coefficient (Fig. 2.4.3.) of light transmission (f 0), depends on the light transmission coefficients of the material (f 1), coefficients taking into account light losses in the frames of the light opening (ph 2), light losses in supporting structures (ph 3), losses light in sun-protection devices (f 4), loss of light in the protective mesh installed under the lamps (f 5 = 0.9). The coefficient values ​​are given in SNiP II-4-79, Appendix 5, Tables 28, 29.

Coefficients that take into account the increase in KEO from light reflection (r 1 and r 2) are found from tables 30 and 33 of Appendix 5 of SNiP YY-4-79, taking into account the reflection coefficient (c sr) and the characteristics of the room.

In order to correctly calculate the area of ​​light openings (in the light) with side (S 0) or top (S f) lighting, it is necessary to know not only the parameters of the designed room, but also the types of work for which the building is being designed, in what light climate of Ukraine or the CIS it is being built object, relative position of objects.

How do images of objects appear on the retina? Rays reflected from objects to which our eyes are directed pass through the cornea, the fluid contained between it and the iris, the lens and the vitreous body.

In each of these environments they change their direction, i.e. refracted. The lens is of primary importance for the refraction of light in the eye. In people with normal vision, the rays are refracted in the lens, enter the retina and form a clear image of objects on it. Figure 6 shows how rays from the lower point of object B, being refracted, are collected on the surface of the retina at point B1; rays from the upper point A are collected lower at point A1. So, the image on the retina will be real, reduced and inverted. In the visual nerve centers of the cerebral cortex, the image is formed as it really is.

What is accommodation? For a clear perception of objects, it is necessary that their image always falls on the retina. When a person looks into the distance, objects located at a close distance appear blurry. If you look at close objects, you can't clearly see distant ones. People can clearly distinguish objects located at different distances from the eye due to the ability of the lens to change its curvature. The ability of the eye to adapt to a clear vision of objects located at different distances is called accommodation (from the Latin AKOM date - adaptation to something) (Fig. 7).

The shortest distance from the eye from which the image is still clearly perceived is normally 7-10 cm for children and adolescents. With age, the lens loses its elasticity and the accommodative ability of the eye decreases.

Remember from your physics course what light is.

How do we perceive light? Light rays hit the retina, which consists of several layers of cells of different shapes and functions (Fig. 9, 10). The outer layer of cells contains a black pigment that absorbs light rays. The next layer contains light-sensitive cells - photoreceptors: cones and rods. Photoreceptors connect to nerve cells that form the third layer. The fourth layer of the retina consists of large nerve cells. their processes form the optic nerve, which transmits excitation to the visual zone of the cerebral cortex. The place where the optic nerve exits the retina, devoid of photoreceptors, does not perceive light and is called the blind spot (Fig. 8). Its area (normally) ranges from 2.5 to 6 mm2. We do not see objects whose images fall on the site.

There are about 130 million rods and 7 million cones in the human retina. The rods are located on the periphery of the retina. They are very sensitive to light and therefore are excited even in low, so-called twilight, lighting. Cones are excited by bright light and are insensitive to low light.

The center of the retina contains predominantly cones. This place is called the yellow spot (Fig. 8). The macula, especially the fovea, is considered to be the site of best vision. Normally, the image always focuses on the macula. At the same time, objects that are perceived by peripheral vision are distinguished worse. For example, hold your gaze on any word in the middle of the line that you are reading. This word will be clearly visible, but words located at the beginning and end of the line are much less distinguishable.

In the process of converting light energy into nerve impulses, vitamin A plays an important role. Its deficiency causes a significant deterioration of twilight vision, that is, the so-called night blindness.

When the rods are excited, a sensation of white light (colorless sensation) occurs because they perceive a wide range of light rays.

Our eye is capable of perceiving electromagnetic waves with a wavelength from 320 to 760 nm (nm - nanometer - one billionth of a meter). Rays with a wavelength shorter than 320 nm are called ultraviolet, and those with a wavelength greater than 760 nm are called infrared.

How do we perceive color? Do we perceive colors? The world is colorful and we can see it that way. We perceive colors using cones, which respond only to a certain wavelength.

There are three types of cones. Cones of the first type react predominantly to red, the second to green and the third to blue. These three colors are called primary. By optical mixing of primary colors, you can obtain all the colors of the spectrum and their shades. If all types of cones are excited simultaneously and equally, a sensation of white color occurs (Fig. 11).

Some people have impaired color vision. Color vision disorder, or partial color blindness, is called color blindness. The name comes from the name of the English scientist J. Dalton, who first described this phenomenon in 1794. There are congenital and acquired color blindness. Congenital (hereditary), actually color blindness, is, as a rule, a disorder in the perception of red and green colors. Blue color blindness is partly acquired. Color vision disorders are explained by the absence of certain cones in the retina. Partial color blindness (inability to perceive one of the primary colors) also occurs. Color blindness is observed in 0.5% of women and 5% of men. People suffering from color vision disorders cannot work in transport, aviation, etc. Color blindness cannot be cured.

How does color affect a person’s emotional sphere and performance? It is known that one color calms, another irritates. This is the basis for the method of determining a person’s mood. Even the German poet I. Goethe wrote about the ability of color to create a mood: yellow - cheerful and invigorating, green - peaceful, blue - causes sadness. Psychologists have proven that red color leads to color fatigue, and green helps relieve it. Color affects human productivity. Hygienists have found that green and yellow colors sharpen vision, accelerate visual perception, create stable clear vision, reduce internal eye pressure, sharpen hearing, promote normal blood circulation, i.e. generally increase human performance. Red has the opposite effect. This data is used by designers when designing workplaces.

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