The main rules for the treatment of acute bronchitis in adults. Viral or bacterial acute bronchitis in adults

Inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane of all bronchi (bronchial tree) is called bronchitis. It can be acute or chronic.

Bronchitis is a common acute inflammation of the bronchi of large and medium diameter.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchi, which occurs as a result of the aggressive effects of various factors on the human body.

Causes of bronchitis

During an acute respiratory infection (cold), the airways become inflamed, including the bronchi. At the moment, hundreds of microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungi) are known that can cause bronchitis. Infections such as influenza and MS infection directly attack the bronchi and cause bronchitis in the first days of illness. Often a viral infection (for example, with the flu) is replaced by a bacterial one. In this case, we can talk about bronchitis with a mixed etiology (viruses + bacteria).

Less commonly, bronchitis occurs from inhalation of toxic or irritating substances. Typically, this type of bronchitis affects people who work in hazardous conditions.
People with allergies may develop allergic bronchitis. Allergic bronchitis is often associated with asthma.

In adults, the cause of chronic bronchitis can be tobacco smoking. It should be noted that smoking is the main factor that determines the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a serious disease of the lungs and heart.

Based on the cause that provoked bronchitis, viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic, and chemical bronchitis are distinguished. Accurately identifying the cause of bronchitis is the most important step towards proper treatment of the disease. From the point of view of the development of the disease, acute and chronic bronchitis are distinguished.

Mechanisms of development and symptoms of bronchitis

In a healthy person, the air passing through the bronchi to the lungs is practically sterile. Such deep air purification is achieved due to the filtering ability of the nose, the presence of a cough reflex, as well as the work of microcilia lining the bronchial mucosa. However, in some cases, microbes or chemicals still penetrate the bronchi, which in turn causes damage, which is accompanied by inflammation, increased mucus production, and coughing.

If we are talking about a viral infection (for example, influenza), then inflammation develops quickly and affects only the upper layers of the walls of the bronchi - this is how acute bronchitis develops. In acute bronchitis, the inflammatory reaction does not last long, and the structure of the bronchi is completely restored after the illness.

Acute bronchitis is especially common in children. This is explained by the high susceptibility of children to various types of respiratory infections (ARD).

In other cases, when a pathogenic factor acts on the bronchi for a long time (for example, dust in work areas, tobacco smoke from smokers, chronic bacterial infection), inflammation develops slowly, but covers the entire thickness of the walls of the bronchi and leads to their irreversible deformation and narrowing – this is how chronic bronchitis develops (chronic obstructive bronchitis).

Symptoms of bronchitis

Bronchitis is the most common disease of the lower respiratory tract. As we already said in our introductory article about bronchitis (see “Bronchitis: Questions and Answers”) - bronchitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchi. The causes of bronchitis can be very diverse: various microbes, irritating dust and poisonous gases, long-term smoking, various diseases of the respiratory organs, etc. However, bronchitis is a separate disease that requires special treatment. This is why it is so important to be able to recognize the symptoms of bronchitis and be able to distinguish them from the symptoms of other diseases.
In this article we will talk about the main symptoms of bronchitis and how important it is to be able to distinguish bronchitis from other diseases with similar symptoms.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis

Symptoms of acute bronchitis depend on the type of disease that caused the bronchitis. Based on the fact that in the vast majority of cases acute bronchitis is a consequence of acute respiratory infections (see the difference between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections here), in this article we will take a closer look at the symptoms of acute bronchitis during various acute respiratory diseases (ARDs).
As you know, acute respiratory infections can be caused by various types of viruses and bacteria. Some of them, deposited in the bronchi (for example, influenza virus, MS infection virus, measles virus) cause acute viral bronchitis. Against the background of an active viral infection, the bronchial mucosa becomes extremely sensitive to bacteria, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, a bacterial infection will be added to a viral infection of the bronchi. This fact determines the change in the symptoms of acute bronchitis (they will be discussed below) and the need to change treatment tactics (see “Treatment of acute bronchitis”).
So, in acute bronchitis against the background of acute respiratory infections, the following symptoms predominate:

Cough is the main symptom of bronchitis, both acute and chronic. In acute viral bronchitis (for example, during the flu), in the first days of illness the cough is dry and obsessive. This cough can often cause restless sleep or vomiting in children. In the following days of acute respiratory infections, the cough becomes wet - sputum (white-greenish in color) begins to be released - a sign of a bacterial infection. A wet cough is not as painful as a dry cough and in most cases brings relief to patients.

Fever is a constant symptom of acute respiratory infections and acute bronchitis. Depending on the type of acute respiratory infection, the increase in body temperature can vary from 38.5 °C with MS infection to 40 °C and higher with influenza. To learn more about the different types of ARVI and how to distinguish them, as well as why this is important, we recommend that you refer to our article “Diagnostics of influenza and ARVI”

Quite often, acute bronchitis can occur as an independent acute respiratory infection of a bacterial nature. In this case, the disease (acute bronchitis) is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, wet cough, headache, and weakness. Many patients (especially adults) can endure the disease, as they say, “on their feet,” attributing cough and fever to a common cold.
A cough with acute bronchitis can last 1-2 weeks or slightly longer. If the cough does not go away even after three weeks, they speak of sluggish bronchitis, the appearance of which indicates a decrease in the body’s regenerative abilities and a high risk of bronchitis becoming chronic.
Usually the course of acute bronchitis (especially with adequate treatment) is favorable. However, in some cases, acute bronchitis can cause complications such as pneumonia, bronchiolitis, more about which you can read in the relevant sections of Polismed.
We consider it extremely important to draw the reader’s attention to the need to distinguish acute bronchitis (its course, as already mentioned, is favorable in most cases) from other diseases with similar symptoms: pneumonia, miliary tuberculosis, allergic bronchitis. In the table below, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the distinctive features of these diseases.

In acute bronchitis, there is a sharp increase in temperature (up to 38.5-39), low chest cough, and general malaise. At the beginning of the disease, the cough may be dry, but gradually becomes wet. Acute bronchitis is a common component of the common cold or acute respiratory infection.
The course of uncomplicated acute bronchitis takes up to 7-10 days and, as a rule, ends in complete recovery.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

It is customary to talk about chronic bronchitis when a patient has a chronic cough (more than 3 months a year) for 2 or more years. Thus, the main symptom of chronic bronchitis is chronic cough.

The cough in chronic bronchitis is dull, deep, worsens in the morning, and in the morning there is abundant sputum production with coughing - this may be a sign of one of the complications of chronic bronchitis - bronchiectasis. The temperature in chronic bronchitis rises rarely and slightly.
Chronic bronchitis is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis are usually associated with episodes of hypothermia, acute respiratory infections, and often appear during the cold season.
As with acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis must be distinguished from many diseases. Due to the fact that the main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a chronic cough, we invite readers to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of cough during various diseases and the principles of their differentiation.

Another common symptom of bronchitis is progressive shortness of breath. The occurrence of shortness of breath is associated with gradual deformation and obstruction (blockage) of the bronchi - obstructive bronchitis. In the initial stages of chronic bronchitis, bronchial obstruction is reversible - after treatment and mucus release, breathing is restored. In the later stages of chronic bronchitis (usually without any treatment), bronchial obstruction becomes irreversible due to deformation and narrowing of the bronchial walls. With chronic obstructive bronchitis, patients complain of shortness of breath, which appears during physical effort.

In some cases, when coughing against the background of chronic bronchitis, traces of blood may be present in the sputum: in such cases, the patient should urgently consult a doctor in order to rule out tuberculosis or lung cancer, which are also manifested by cough and bloody sputum (hemoptisia).

With a long course, chronic bronchitis develops into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is currently considered as a separate disease of the respiratory system. Chronic bronchitis develops mainly in adults and is a consequence of numerous episodes of acute bronchitis or prolonged exposure to irritating factors (dust, tobacco smoke) on the bronchi.
The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a chronic cough, present for several months for more than 2 years in a row. In chronic bronchitis, the cough is wet, with copious purulent sputum, more severe in the morning. With a long course, chronic bronchitis turns into Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Symptoms of the disease

Acute bronchitis


Miliary tuberculosis

Allergic bronchitis

Fever and other symptoms of illness

Usually low, but with flu it can exceed 40? C. The temperature goes away within 7-10 days. Usually, bronchitis against the background of ARVI is accompanied by a runny nose and pharyngitis.

Low temperature, which, however, gradually increases and remains stable for a long time (but not more than 10-12 days).

The course of the disease from the first days is acute, reminiscent of the flu, however, unlike the flu, the temperature does not decrease for 2-3 weeks or more, and the patient’s condition noticeably worsens every day, and unlike the flu, with miliary tuberculosis there is no runny nose

Body temperature does not increase. The disease begins after contact with an allergen (pollen, animal hair, house dust, detergents, etc.).

Development of the disease

The development of acute bronchitis is usually favorable. In some cases, complications may develop: pneumonia, bronchiolitis

If left untreated, bronchopneumonia can lead to serious complications: lung abscess

Without treatment, the disease is fatal

Allergic bronchitis resolves after cessation of contact with the allergen

Acute bronchitis

Causes of acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is caused by viruses (influenza viruses and others), bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci and others); physical and chemical factors (dry, cold, hot air, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and others). Hypothermia, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, chronic infection in the nasal cavity, impaired nasal breathing, and chest deformation predispose to the disease. In severe forms, the inflammatory process affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the deep tissues of the bronchial wall.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis. Infectious bronchitis often begins against the background of an acute cold. With a mild course of the disease, rawness in the chest, dry, less often with sputum, cough, a feeling of weakness, and weakness occur. Body temperature may remain normal. In more severe cases - general malaise, weakness, characterized by a strong dry cough with difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, pain in the lower parts of the chest and abdominal wall associated with muscle strain when coughing. The cough gradually becomes wet, the sputum becomes mucopurulent or purulent in nature. Body temperature rises and persists for several days. Acute symptoms of the disease, with a favorable outcome, completely disappear within a few days. Acute bronchitis can develop into chronic bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis lasts from several days to several weeks, while the symptoms of acute bronchitis (cough, fever) are always pronounced. Most often, acute bronchitis is infectious in nature, that is, it occurs when various microbes enter the body. In such cases, acute bronchitis may be one of the components of a cold, pneumonia or some other illness.
In general, the development of acute bronchitis is favorable. Most often, the disease passes without leaving any significant changes in the structure of the bronchi or their function.

Treatment of acute bronchitis

Be sure to adhere to bed rest, drink plenty of warm drinks with honey, raspberries, and linden blossom; Warmed alkaline mineral water gives good results. In the absence of fever, thermal procedures are prescribed to the chest. Inhalations of eucalyptus, menthol, and anise oil help well. During the illness, it is advisable to exclude dust and gas pollution in the premises, hypothermia, smoking, and alcohol abuse. Drug therapy includes antitussives, expectorants, drugs to relieve bronchospasms, antiallergic drugs, and vitamins.

Treatment of acute bronchitis is mainly symptomatic: fever reduction, inhalations, expectorants. Acute bacterial bronchitis may require a course of antibiotic treatment. In cases of mild forms of bronchitis and during the recovery period, the use of traditional methods of treatment is encouraged.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis includes a course of antibiotics (to suppress chronic infection), treatment with expectorants and medications that dilate the lumen of the bronchi. In the case of chronic bronchitis in smokers, a significant improvement in the course of the disease is observed after quitting smoking.

Acute and chronic bronchitis: how serious is it?

The term bronchitis comes from the Latin bronchitis (bronch - bronchi, respiratory tract + itis - inflammation). As it becomes clear, bronchitis is nothing more than inflammation of the bronchi.

Treatment of bronchitis in children and adults. Modern approach.

The incidence of acute and chronic bronchitis accounts for more than 90% of the incidence of the lower respiratory tract. We have already discussed the causes of bronchitis, as well as the symptoms of chronic and acute bronchitis in our other articles on the topic of bronchitis. In this article we would like to consider the modern treatment regimen for acute bronchitis.

Treatment of acute bronchitis

As is known, in most cases, acute bronchitis is a consequence of acute respiratory infections, that is, an acute respiratory infection (respiratory tract infection). Viral infections (ARVI) are the cause of acute bronchitis in more than 80%. The most common causes of bronchitis are influenza infection and MS infection. Bronchitis can also be caused by various bacterial infections. Recently, there has been an increase in the incidence of bronchitis among children. At the same time, the causative agents of the disease are increasingly atypical: chlamydia and mycoplasma (Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, C. Pneumoniae). Let us immediately note that infections of this type can be very dangerous and require specialized diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of acute bronchitis against the background of ARVI

We have already talked about how to suspect the viral nature of acute bronchitis in the article “Symptoms of bronchitis.” Acute bronchitis against the background of an acute viral infection in most cases does not require any specific treatment. The main focus of treatment in this case is control of the symptoms of the disease and general care of the patient.

The main symptoms of acute bronchitis are fever, cough, and feeling of weakness. As it became clear, the same symptoms characterize most cases of “colds”. It is important to note, however, that in the uncomplicated course of acute bronchitis, the increase in body temperature and the feeling of weakness are moderate, while in severe forms of acute respiratory viral infection the patient’s condition is severe.

Treatment of acute bronchitis is symptomatic. The modern treatment regimen for acute bronchitis against the background of ARVI includes:

General patient care
Decreased body temperature
Cough treatment
Treatment of bronchitis using traditional medicine methods

Is it necessary to take antibiotics for acute bronchitis?

The use of antibiotics for acute bronchitis is justified only in the case of a proven bacterial infection. Most often, the addition of a bacterial infection is manifested by the following symptoms: a second wave of fever (on the 5-7th day of illness), the appearance of copious purulent sputum, and a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

The problem of whether or not to take antibiotics in the treatment of acute bronchitis should be decided by the attending physician. It should be noted that taking antibiotics unnecessarily can be even more harmful than not taking them when taking these medications is actually recommended.

In the treatment of acute bronchitis, antibiotics are rarely used and only as prescribed by a doctor. In such cases, the reason for visiting a doctor may be signs of a bacterial infection, which we have already discussed above.

Due to the increasing incidence of mycoplasma and chlamydia bronchitis in children and adults, in addition to such classical antibiotics as penicillins and cephalosporins, antibiotics from the macrolide group began to be used: erythromycin, azithromycin. The type of antibiotic, dose and method of administration are determined by the attending physician.

What should you pay attention to when treating acute bronchitis in children?

I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that in some cases, acute bronchitis can cause some severe complications (pneumonia, bronchiolitis); in such cases, treatment at home should be stopped, and the patient should be urgently hospitalized. Let us draw the attention of parents to some signs that indicate an unfavorable course of the disease and the need to consult a doctor.

Temperature above 38 C for more than 3-4 days and severe general condition of the patient;
Severe shortness of breath in a child: in newborns and children up to 2 months, more than 60 breaths/minute, in children aged 3 months to one year, more than 50 breaths/minute, in children from 1 year to 3 years, more than 40 breaths/minute;
Noticeable retraction of the skin in the intercostal spaces when inhaling.

Chronical bronchitis

Chronical bronchitis- prolonged or recurrent inflammation of the bronchi, not associated with local or general damage to the lungs and manifested by cough.

Bronchitis is considered chronic if the cough continues for at least 3 months a year for 2 years in a row. The diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is established when the patient suffers from the disease for at least two years, while the main symptom of the disease - chronic cough - is present annually for a period of at least 3 months. Chronic bronchitis in children is the result of multiple untreated episodes of acute bronchitis, and children with weakened immune systems and eating disorders are also at greater risk of developing chronic bronchitis. In adults, chronic bronchitis is most often the result of long-term smoking, working in unfavorable conditions, as well as various respiratory tract infections. At the moment, the term chronic bronchitis is considered very narrow and therefore not entirely correct. The fact is that with chronic bronchitis, not only the bronchi suffer, but also all elements of the lungs, and the entire body as a whole. Currently, the term Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is increasingly used, the initial and main component of which is chronic bronchitis. Smoking plays a major role in the development of COPD.

Chronic bronchitis occurs slowly and over a long period of time. In adults, if left untreated, chronic bronchitis develops into COPD. In all cases of chronic bronchitis, irreversible changes remain in the lungs, so timely treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis must be taken very seriously.

Causes of chronic bronchitis. The disease is associated with prolonged irritation of the bronchi by various harmful factors (smoking, inhalation of air contaminated with dust, smoke, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and other chemical compounds), and can be caused by microorganisms. Chronic inflammatory and suppurative processes in the lungs, chronic foci of infection in the upper respiratory tract, and hereditary factors contribute to the occurrence of the disease. Health portal

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis. The first symptom of the disease is a cough in the morning with mucous sputum. Gradually, the cough begins to occur both at night and during the day, worsening in cold weather, and becomes constant over the years. The amount of sputum increases, it becomes mucopurulent or purulent. Shortness of breath appears. Exacerbations occur in cold weather: cough and shortness of breath intensify, the amount of sputum increases, malaise and fatigue appear. Typical general signs of chronic bronchitis are: the appearance of shortness of breath during physical exertion and leaving a warm room in the cold, sputum production after a long, tiresome cough, the presence of wheezing dry rales when exhaling, prolongation of exhalation.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis. It is necessary to eliminate inflammation in the bronchi, improve their patency, and restore impaired immunity. For this purpose, antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed. Antimicrobial drugs are selected by the doctor strictly individually, taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora found in the sputum. Inhalation of phytoncides - naturally occurring disinfectants contained in garlic or onions - helps well. Expectorant, mucolytic and bronchospasm-molytic drugs and drinking plenty of fluids are used. Physical therapy, chest massage, and physiotherapy also help restore normal functioning of the bronchi. Food should be high-calorie and fortified. In addition, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, and nicotinic acid are prescribed. Oxygen therapy gives good results.

ACC drug in the treatment of bronchitis and cough

The drug ACC (acetylcysteine) is used in the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis, as well as other diseases in which there is a need to facilitate the removal of viscous sputum from the bronchi. The drug ACC is also used in the complex treatment of cough. The main effects of the ACC drug are: dilution of sputum and acceleration of its removal from the bronchi, antioxidant effect and reduction of local inflammation, stimulation of the secretion of pulmonary lubrication (surfactant).

In this article we will look at modern aspects of the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) using the drug ACC.

Why do you need to use mucolytics in the treatment of chronic bronchitis?

Mucolytics are a group of drugs that have the property of thinning sputum. Many lung diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis) occur with the accumulation in the lungs (more precisely in the lumen of the bronchi) of viscous sputum containing large quantities of microbes. With a long course of these diseases, there may even be a blockage of the lumen of the bronchi with accumulations of viscous sputum, which in turn significantly impairs breathing and contributes to the occurrence of infectious complications (for example, the occurrence of bronchopneumonia against the background of bronchitis). In this case, the main direction of treatment should be to stimulate the removal of mucus from the bronchi. For this, expectorants and mucolytic drugs are used, which we have already talked about in the sections of Polismed devoted to the treatment of cough and bronchitis.

The use of the ACC drug in the complex treatment of cough is justified by the fact that in the case of chronic (or acute) bronchitis, cough is a consequence of irritation of the bronchi by accumulated sputum in them. By facilitating the removal of sputum, ACC eliminates coughing attacks or significantly alleviates it.

How does the drug ACC work?

The main effect of the ACC drug is to liquefy sputum, and this happens in the following way. Sputum consists of protein molecules suspended in water, which determine the viscosity of sputum. During various inflammatory processes in the bronchi, the protein content in the sputum increases, and, consequently, the viscosity of the sputum increases. ACC (acetylcysteine) preparations are capable of breaking down large protein molecules in sputum into small fragments, which helps to significantly reduce the viscosity of sputum and accelerate its elimination from the body. Also, the ACC drug has a pronounced antioxidant effect, which is especially useful in the treatment of chronic bronchitis in smokers (smoking and the inflammatory reaction are known to be accompanied by the production of large quantities of free radicals, which damage tissues and support inflammation).

What should be taken into account when using the drug ACC in the treatment of chronic bronchitis?

Taking ACC medication should be agreed with your doctor. Self-medication with drugs of this type is undesirable, since if the dose of the drug or the duration of treatment is not followed correctly, various side effects may occur, or the treatment will be ineffective.

For example, long-term use of ACC is undesirable - this can lead to inhibition of the natural mechanisms of bronchial cleansing. It should also not be taken into account that with long-term use, ACC reduces local immunity at the bronchial level.

How to take the drug ACC

The form of the drug, as well as the dose, as we said above, is determined by the attending physician.

There are various forms of the ACC drug: ACC 100, ACC 200, ACC 600, ACC Long, etc., which differ from each other in the dose of the active substance and the duration of the drug effect.

There is also a form of ACC intended for use by inhalation. It is possible to use ACC using a nebulizer.

What are bronchi?

Bronchi are air channels through which inhaled and exhaled air passes. The human bronchial system is also called the bronchial tree, since in reality the branching of the bronchi is very similar to the branching of trees.

All bronchi originate from the trachea, the main respiratory canal of the human body. Two main bronchi depart from the trachea: the right and left, which go to the right and left lungs, respectively. In the lungs, the main bronchi branch into countless branches, while the caliber of the bronchi gradually decreases. The diameter of the smallest bronchi does not exceed 1 mm. – such bronchi are called bronchioles, and their inflammation is bronchiolitis.

The walls of the bronchi consist of a mucous membrane that lines their inner surface, a muscular wall located under the mucous membrane and an outer layer that envelops the outer surface of the bronchi.
The mucous membrane of the bronchi is lined with a special epithelium (a type of cell covering the surface of the mucous membranes) equipped with microscopic cilia. These epithelial cilia constantly vibrate, thereby clearing the bronchial cavity of mucus and microbes. In addition, some cells of the bronchial mucosa secrete mucus, which is also needed to cleanse the bronchi.

The muscular wall of the bronchi is needed to change their diameter. With a strong contraction of the muscular lining of the bronchi (bronchospasm), an attack of suffocation may occur. Such attacks of suffocation are typical for patients with asthma, and can also occur due to allergic reactions or inhalation of toxic substances.
The walls of the bronchi contain numerous immune system cells that protect the respiratory system from the penetration of microbes.

Smoking and other unfavorable environmental factors reduce the activity of the immune system and therefore predispose the body to various diseases.

Bronchitis is acute. Folk remedies

Manifestations of the disease. Cough, sometimes a feeling of tightness in the chest, often fever. Mucous or mucopurulent sputum, which is initially expectorated in small quantities.

Folk remedies for the treatment of acute bronchitis

  1. Primrose officinalis (root). A strong (5 times stronger than imported senegia) expectorant, take 30 - 40 g in a decoction per 1 liter of boiling water, 1/2 cup or 3 tbsp. l. for reception 3 times a day. Sometimes this decoction is combined with a decoction of viburnum bark (young) 10.0 - 200.0, brewing 2 tsp. per glass of boiling water and mixing equally. This is to calm a strong (irritating) cough.
  2. Knotweed, knotweed (grass). A strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, used in a decoction of 20.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day or in summer as fresh juice, 20 drops also 3 times a day. For greater effect, especially with very severe bronchitis, a decoction of knotweed is mixed with a decoction of coltsfoot 10.0 or 15.0 - 200.0 and with a decoction of black elderberry flowers 20.0 - 200.0 in equal parts. You can also combine fresh or canned juices. You can also use knotweed herb powder, 1 or 1/2 g 3 times a day, or the pharmaceutical drug Avicularin, 1 to 2 tablets 3 times a day. Knotweed juice is preserved with 30–35% alcohol.
  3. Coltsfoot (grass). On its own as an expectorant, mild diaphoretic or antipyretic, analgesic; orally as a decoction 10.0 – 200.0 2 – 3 tbsp. l. every 2 hours: externally as a compress on the sore (from rawness and coughing) sternum with the still warm cake remaining from the decoction, or even better, if in spring and summer, then fresh leaves. The result is always positive. Grass juice inside - 20 - 30 drops, and externally instead of leaves. Canned with 25 – 30% alcohol. Everything is used for chronic bronchitis.
  4. Elecampane tall (root). A popular and quite strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, not denied by scientific medicine. Used independently in a decoction of 20.0 – 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. with the addition of honey (1 tbsp per glass) 3 times a day. It is more pleasant to take the tincture (it reduces the pungent smell of the root), 25 g per 100 g of alcohol or vodka, taking 25 drops. If there is no tincture and the decoction cannot be made due to the lack of boiling water, then make an infusion in cold water: 2 tsp. crushed root in 2 cups of water, leave for 8 hours, take 1/2 cup 4 times a day (also with honey). In addition, take fine (to flour) powder from the root in the form of homemade pills mixed with water, 3 to 4 pieces (equal to 1 teaspoon of powder) 3 times a day. For greater effect, combine elecampane with calamus root, brewing 15 g of both in 2 cups of boiling water with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. honey Dose: 1 – 2 tbsp. l. 1 hour before meals. When taking it, it is useful to lie on your right side for 15 minutes. It is considered a very effective remedy even for bronchial asthma and spasms.
  5. Elderberry black (color). It is used not only as part of the composition, but also independently for a dry cough (especially if it is accompanied by wheezing in the chest) to reduce inflammation. A decoction of 20.0 - 200.0 is infused in a warm place for 20 minutes, dose: 1/4 cup 3 - 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. It's good to add 1 tsp honey. per glass of decoction. More effective is juice that is preserved with 25–30% alcohol.
  6. Lungwort officinalis, or lung herb (herb). Quite a radical expectorant, enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent, used as a decoction 10.0 - 200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  7. Comfrey officinalis (root). Enveloping, anti-inflammatory and strengthening agent for the most severe bronchitis. It can only be consumed by brewing 20 g of root (1.5 tbsp) per half liter of milk in hot milk and steaming for 6 - 7 hours in the oven without heat or boiling. For long-term treatment, taking 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, the patient sometimes protests: he gets tired of it. Then this infusion can be replaced with a dough-like mass of crushed root with honey (to taste): take 1 tsp with water, 3 times a day. In the third week, return to the milk brew.
  8. Large plantain (leaves). A good expectorant in the form of a decoction 10.0 – 200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 – 4 times a day, or in the form of tincture (15.0), or in the form of fresh juice (albeit canned with 20% alcohol) 15 – 20 drops.
  9. Eucalyptus globulus (leaves). A good expectorant, analgesic, antifever. The latter property is valuable for bronchitis with fever. Used either in decoction 10.0 – 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, or in tincture (20.0) 20-25 drops. Externally, for gargling, use a decoction or even an infusion (in the same proportion), infusing for 6 - 8 hours. As a last resort, a tincture solution (1:10) is acceptable for the same purpose.
  10. Lovage officinalis (root and sometimes herb). Popular folk remedy. As an expectorant and analgesic, it is used more in a decoction of 15.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times or without dosage, like tea. It is also possible in the form of powder from the root, on the tip of a table knife, more precisely - 0.5 g.
  11. Creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb, thyme (herb). A good expectorant, analgesic and even strengthening remedy for debilitating illness. Used in decoction 15.0 – 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, and if in the form of an extract or condensed decoction, then 1 tsp.
    When treating children, it is better to combine a decoction or extract in equal measure with a decoction or pharmaceutical extract of marshmallow root and give 1/2 tsp. 3 times a day. Bogorodskaya grass extract is included in the drug “Pertussin”, which is recommended by medicine for adults in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., and for children - 1/2 or 1 tsp. 3 times a day. All this is quite useful for chronic bronchitis.
  12. Scepter-shaped mullein, royal candle, loosestrife, bear's ear (flowers). Its color is used both internally and externally (as a rinse) in the form of a decoction of 10.0 - 200.0 with infusion “in the spirit” for 20 minutes, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The result should be more effective if this color is mixed equally with the color of black mallow when boiling. The dose is the same. Recommended for stronger and easier sputum production.
  13. European hoofweed (root, leaves). It is recommended to use it in the following composition: coffin (root), ivy bud (leaves) and cocklebur (leaves) in equal parts. Take 3 tbsp of this mixture. l. for 3 cups of boiling water, brew and take 1/2 cup 5 - 6 times a day. But it is better to use the first and second in the form of tinctures (20.0), taking 20 drops, and cocklebur in fresh juice with the same dose, 20 drops 3 times a day. Cocklebur juice is preserved in 25% alcohol. The hoof is poisonous!
  14. Pansy, violet tricolor (herb). Expectorant (not denied by scientific medicine), in the form of a decoction 20.0 - 200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, and as a tincture (30.0) 20-30 drops, also 3 times a day.
  15. Budra ivy (leaves). Used independently as an expectorant and partly as an anti-inflammatory agent in a decoction of 5.0 - 200.0, 2 - 3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Tincture (15.0) 15 drops is also used. More effective is juice (canned with 30-35% alcohol) 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day.
  16. Althaea officinalis (root). It is useful both in independent use and as a good assistant for medicinal plants with similar effects, mentioned above. Having a lot of mucus, it is an expectorant, enveloping, emollient and anti-inflammatory agent. Used in decoction 6.0 – 180.0, 1 tbsp. l. In 2 hours. It is very useful to add 2 - 3 tsp to the marshmallow decoction. honey per glass. Forest mallow (flower and leaves) also helps, only its decoction is 15.0 - 200.0, with the same dose.
  17. Common thyme (leaves). As an expectorant, it is very useful for bronchitis, especially in combination with marshmallow root (in equal measure). Decoction 15.0 – 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  18. Meadow chin (grass). An expectorant, emollient, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, and, moreover, pleasant to the taste, taken in the form of a light decoction 6.0 or 8.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. every 2 – 3 hours.
  19. Black radish (root vegetable). Thick syrup from its juice in the form of lollipops, which are swallowed 2-3 pieces 4 times a day as an expectorant. Much more effective for thinning mucus, relieving cough, and removing hoarseness (if it appears during coughing) is radish juice with honey. It is extracted in this original way: a hole is drilled in the root crop and a place is hollowed out (not to the bottom), the empty space is filled with honey, 1 - 2 tbsp. l., cover with a piece of radish, put in a warm place for 4 hours, then drain, and the medicinal compound juice is ready. Take 1 tbsp. l. (and for children 1 tsp.) 3 times a day. It can be done more often.
  20. Common anise, in Ukrainian ganus (fruits or seeds). As an antispasmodic, emollient and expectorant for severe irritating and dry cough in the form of a decoction of seeds 10.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l., and if it “sores in the throat” a lot, then half a glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. Almost the same result when using ready-made anise oil - 2 - 3 drops per sugar or ready-made ammonia-anise drops - 10 - 15 drops.
  21. Soapwort officinalis (root). A strong and radical expectorant, analgesic or sedative (even for chronic bronchitis). It can be prepared as an infusion of crushed root in cold water for 8 hours in the amount of 2 - 3 tsp. per glass of water. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. As it is very spicy, do not take it on an empty stomach! Follow the dosage, it's poisonous!

Less effective means

  1. Tar sticky (grass). As an expectorant, it is allowed for bronchitis in the form of a decoction 20.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  2. Common yarrow (herb). Expectorant, used in this case in a decoction of 15.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. or in the form of a tincture (30.0) 40–50 drops 3 times a day.
  3. Gray jaundice (herb and root). An expectorant and sedative, taken in a decoction of 10.0 - 200.0, 1 tsp. 3 times a day, and as a tincture (20.0) - 10 drops. Follow the dosage!
  4. Sea onion (bulb). In this case, it can be used as an expectorant and sedative in the form of an infusion of water (for 8 hours) in the proportion of 2.0 or 3.0 g per 200.0 1 tbsp. l. 2 – 3 times a day; if the tincture is (15.0), then 10 – 15 drops; both 3 – 4 times a day. Follow the dosage, it's poisonous!
  5. Scots pine (buds). Expectorant, decoction 10.0 – 200.0, 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  6. Birch is fluffy, or white (pure tar from it). Inside, 5-10 drops 3 times a day.
  7. Honey is a simple household remedy; dilute 1 tsp in boiled water. per glass. Take without dosage.
  8. Bought medicinal (root). It is not recognized by science, but is popularly used as a decoction 20.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for acute and chronic bronchitis. Poisonous!
  9. Garden onion. Fresh juice is taken orally, 1 tsp. 3 – 4 times a day. This is according to the recipe of the ancient doctor K. Apinis.
  10. Calamus (root). Infuse it in cold water for 8 hours: 1 tbsp. l. crushed root in a glass of water; in the same sizes and decoction; 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Tincture (20.0) – 20 drops also 3 times.
    You can also apply the powder on the tip of a penknife (0.2 - 0.5 g) 3 times. Recommended as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent.
  11. Stinging nettle (herb or root). As an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and strengthening agent, it is recommended in this case.
  12. Meadow lumbago, dream grass. Decoction 10.0 – 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Extract (condensed decoction) – 1 tsp. Follow the dosage, it's poisonous!
  13. Schisandra chinensis (fruit). A tonic, in the form of a pharmaceutical tincture, take 20–40 drops 2 times a day, 2 hours before meals and 4 hours after meals. Do not take after 6 pm to avoid insomnia.
  14. Sedum (herb). Also used as a strengthening agent in a decoction of 3.0 - 200.0, 1/2 cup each. Follow the dosage, moderately toxic!
  15. Flax seed (seeds). Anti-inflammatory mixture. Take 2 tsp. crushed seeds into a glass of boiling water, shake the brewed mixture for 15 minutes, filter through a canvas, consume without dosage, little by little, but more often.
  16. Bittersweet nightshade (fruit and herb). Take in a decoction of 20.0 - 200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Follow the dosage!


  • 20.0 – 200.0 – means: 20 grams of medicinal plant per 200 grams of water, 20 grams equal to 1 tablespoon, 200 grams equal to 1 glass of water.
  • 15.0, or 15 grams, is equal to 1 level tablespoon.
  • 10.0, or 10 grams, is equal to 1 dessert spoon or 2 teaspoons.
  • 5.0, or 5 grams, is equal to 1 teaspoon.
  • In tinctures: 25.0 means that 25 grams of plant are taken per 100 grams of alcohol.
  • In dilutions: 1:10 means 1 part diluted to 10 parts water, or 1 teaspoon of the former to 1/2 glass of water.
  • When preparing ointments: 1:4 means 1 part medicinal raw material to 4 parts base (fat).
  • Art. l. – tablespoon, tsp. - tea spoon.

Folk remedies for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

Chronical bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial tree, which is caused by prolonged exposure to any unfavorable factors.

External influences include smoking, air pollution, working in occupational hazards, climatic conditions, epidemics of viral diseases. Internal factors include diseases of the nasopharynx, acute respiratory viral infections, and acute bronchitis.

The disease is progressive in nature, as a result of which mucus formation and the drainage function of the bronchial system are disrupted. The main symptoms of the disease are cough with sputum, shortness of breath.

Chronic bronchitis can be primary, being an independent disease; and secondary, when the disease develops against the background of other lesions, pulmonary and extrapulmonary.

Symptoms of bronchitis

Characterized by cough with sputum production and shortness of breath. In addition, there are general symptoms - general weakness, sweating, fatigue, increased body temperature during exacerbation of the process.

The clinic differentiates non-obstructive And obstructive variants of the course of the disease.

Cough with non-obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by a small amount of sputum of a watery, mucous nature. As the disease worsens, the sputum may become purulent. If there is little sputum and it is difficult to cough up, then one can think that the course of the disease is becoming obstructive. At the same time, the cough changes, it becomes annoying, unproductive, and is accompanied by shortness of breath. Some patients experience hemoptysis. The appearance of this sign must be taken very carefully, as it may be the first manifestation of lung cancer, as well as bronchiectasis.

Folk remedies for treating bronchitis

  1. 500 g of chopped onions, 400 g of sugar, 50 g of honey are mixed and 1 liter of water is added. Boil the mixture over low heat for 3 hours, cool, filter and pour into a bottle. Take 1 tablespoon 4–6 times a day.
  2. Pour 10 g of dried and crushed tangerine peel into 100 ml of boiling water, leave and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day before meals. It is used as an expectorant for bronchitis and tracheitis.
  3. Pour 1 cup of grated onion into 1/4 cup of vinegar, rub through 4 layers of gauze, add 1 cup of honey, stir thoroughly until smooth. Drink 1 teaspoon every 30 minutes. The product is used to treat bronchitis, laryngitis, and severe cough.
  4. Licorice glabra (root) – 30 g, plantain (leaves) – 30 g, tricolor violet (herb) – 20 g, coltsfoot (leaves) – 20 g. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath. 15 minutes, cool, filter and bring the volume to 200 ml. Drink 1/4–1/3 glass 3 times a day for tracheitis.
  5. A tablespoon of dry crushed spring primrose rhizome is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated for 30 minutes in a boiling water bath, stirring occasionally. Cool at room temperature for 30 minutes and strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals. The drug is especially effective for chronic bronchitis.
  6. Thyme (herb) – 5 g, fennel (fruit) – 5 g, mint (leaves) – 5 g, lungwort (herb) – 20 g, coltsfoot (leaves) – 20 g, sweet clover (herb) – 5 g, plantain (leaves) – 10 g, marshmallow (root) – 10 g, licorice (root) – 10 g. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Drink 1/2 glass 4 times a day.
  7. 10 g of thyme is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes, filtered, squeezed and adjusted to 200 ml. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  8. For bronchitis, especially acute, it is recommended to drink tincture (30 g per 100 ml of alcohol or a glass of vodka) 40–50 drops or fresh yarrow juice 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.
  9. Ledum herb – 4 parts, birch buds – 1 part, oregano herb – 2 parts, stinging nettle leaves – 1 part. Pour two tablespoons of the crushed mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave, covered, for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink 1/3 glass a day after meals.
  10. Brew a tablespoon of chopped horsetail herb with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.
  11. Elecampane (root) – 10 g, primrose (root) – 10 g, coltsfoot (leaves) – 10 g. Pour two teaspoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Cool after 15 minutes. For bronchitis, you should drink the infusion in small sips in 3 doses throughout the day.
  12. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped turnips into 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 1–2 hours. Take 1/4 cup 4–5 times a day. Use turnip juice and infusion for severe cold cough, hoarseness, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
  13. Tea made from 40 g of buckwheat flowers in 1 liter of boiling water relieves dry cough.
  14. Bronchitis is well treated with pork “health”, that is, internal fat from the intestines, which has the appearance of a mesh. This lard mesh is placed in a bowl and placed in a warm but not hot oven or over very low heat so that the lard drips off the mesh. The melted lard is drained and placed in a cold place. Dilute 1 dessert spoon with a glass of hot milk and drink in small sips. For external rubbing into the chest, you need to mix this lard with turpentine and rub it into the chest until dry.
  15. Marsh wild rosemary herb, coltsfoot leaves, tricolor violet herb, large plantain leaves, chamomile flowers, spring primrose herb and roots, common anise fruits, licorice roots - 1 part each, marshmallow roots - 2 parts. Take the infusion or decoction after meals, 1/3 cup 3 times a day for dry bronchitis.
  16. Viburnum fruits – 100 g, bee honey – 200 g. Boil viburnum fruits in honey for 5 minutes. For tracheitis and bronchitis, take 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day with warm water.
  17. Marshmallow root – 2 parts, licorice root – 2 parts, Scots pine buds – 1 part, Salvia officinalis leaf – 1 part, common anise fruit – 1 part. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos with a glass of boiling water overnight, strain in the morning. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day as an expectorant for bronchitis.
  18. Marshmallow roots - 4 parts, coltsfoot leaf - 4 parts, oregano herb - 3 parts. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
  19. Marshmallow roots – 40 g, licorice roots – 25 g, coltsfoot leaves – 25 g, fennel fruits – 15 g. Take as a warm infusion or decoction, 1/3–1/4 cup 3–5 once a day for acute and chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, cough.
  20. Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh butter, 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour and 2 teaspoons of honey thoroughly. Take for cough and bronchitis 4-5 times a day before meals.
  21. Scots pine buds – 40 g, large plantain leaves – 30 g, coltsfoot leaves – 30 g. Take as a warm infusion 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day for infectious diseases of the bronchi, bronchial asthma, whooping cough
  22. Marshmallow roots - 40 g, licorice roots - 15 g, fennel fruits - 10 g. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of cold water, leave for 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, strain and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  23. Creeping thyme herb, coltsfoot leaves, marshmallow roots - 2 parts; fruits of fragrant dill, leaves of medicinal sage - 1 part. Pour 20 g of the collection into 200 ml of water, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain, bring the amount of infusion to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1/4-1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.
  24. Cook 300 g of honey, 0.5 cups of water and a leaf of finely chopped aloe over very low heat for 2 hours. Cool and stir. Store in a cool place. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day. The medicine is often prescribed to children.
  25. To facilitate the discharge of sputum, it is very useful to take lingonberry juice mixed in equal proportions with honey.
  26. Place 4 large aloe leaves in a half-liter bottle of wine. Leave for 4 days. For chronic bronchitis, take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.
  27. Boil 1 liter of water, put 400 g of bran into boiling water. Remove from heat and cool. Strain and drink hot enough throughout the day. To improve the taste, you can add burnt sugar (white sugar or honey is not recommended in this case).
  28. Aloe juice – 15 g, pork or goose lard – 100 g, butter (unsalted) – 100 g, honey – 100 g, you can add cocoa – 50 g. Take 1 tablespoon per glass of hot milk 2 times a day.
  29. Take an enamel pan without cracks (other dishes are not suitable), pour 1 glass of milk into it and add 1 tablespoon of sage. Cover with a plate. Boil this mixture over low heat, let it cool slightly and strain. Boil again, covering with a plate. Drink hot before bed. When consuming, beware of drafts.
  30. For bronchitis, pneumonia, hypertension, a decoction of raisins is recommended in combination with other remedies. Method of preparation: chop 100 g of raisins (can be passed through a meat grinder), add a glass of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain and squeeze through cheesecloth. Take several times a day.
  31. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of flaxseed into 1.5 liters of hot water and shake for 10 minutes, then strain. Add 5 teaspoons of licorice root, 1.5 teaspoons of anise, 400 g of honey (preferably linden) to the resulting liquid and mix thoroughly. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, let cool, strain and take 2/3 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
  32. Mix a glass of fresh carrot juice with a few tablespoons of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
  33. Mix linden blossom, elderberry blossom, dry berries and raspberry leaves, sage leaves in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of the prepared mixture into 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew under the lid for an hour. Drink a warm infusion before bed. It is used as a diaphoretic and expectorant for bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, and colds.
  34. For chronic bronchitis, tea made from cherry stems (peduncles) is recommended. Brew a teaspoon of dried and crushed stalks with a glass of boiling water, let it brew and drink several times a day. Tea also has a slight diuretic effect.
  35. Boil a teaspoon of pine buds in a glass of water in a closed vessel and leave for 2 hours. Drink in 3 doses throughout the day.
  36. Pour a tablespoon of small-leaved linden flowers with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 glass 2-3 times a day for colds, bronchitis, coughs, headaches, pulmonary tuberculosis.
  37. Grate the black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix 0.5 liters of juice well with 200 g of liquid honey and drink 2 tablespoons before meals and in the evening before bed.
  38. Ledum herb – 4 parts, birch buds – 1 part, oregano herb – 2 parts, stinging nettle leaves – 1 part. Pour two tablespoons of the crushed mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave, covered, for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink 1/3 glass a day after meals.
  39. Chew a clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of flower honey thoroughly until completely chopped 3 times a day.

Diet for bronchitis

At acute bronchitis the patient, first of all, need to sweat; to do this, he should drink 3-4 cups of a decoction of some diaphoretic herb (sage, mint, linden blossom, elderberry with honey). Tea with the addition of raspberries (dry or frozen, but not jam) is very effective. Fast for several days, drink only orange juice and water until the acute attacks stop. Then, to facilitate the separation of viscous sputum during a dry cough, it is good to drink the whey warm or take 2 tablespoons of decoction of anise seeds with honey several times a day (in a glass of water - half a tablespoon of anise seeds, 1 teaspoon of honey, a pinch of baking soda ). Drink onion juice, which is a good expectorant. Move to a balanced diet gradually. For drinks, lemon water without sugar is recommended. Instead of tea and coffee, it is better to pour hot milk with honey and a pinch of soda; Honey should be boiled first, as without boiling it worsens the cough.

Traditional remedies for bronchitis

  • Treatment of chronic bronchitis is carried out on an outpatient basis or in a day hospital to select adequate bronchodilator therapy, conduct sputum analysis, and determine the optimal method of therapy. However, in certain cases, the patient can and should be hospitalized in a hospital.
    Such cases are:
    • exacerbation of bronchitis with the addition of other previously unobserved symptoms (such as a change in the nature of shortness of breath, the appearance of a cough with purulent sputum), as well as in the ineffectiveness of the therapy and the presence of severe concomitant diseases;
    • changes in cardiac activity due to the present disease;
    • necessary rehabilitation.
  • In the treatment of patients with exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, the following measures are very important: quitting smoking, reducing exposure to harmful environmental factors (change of job if there are occupational hazards, change of residence).
  • Before starting drug therapy, the following activities are carried out:
    • periodic coughing up of sputum after a deep exhalation in a position convenient for sputum discharge. This is the so-called positional drainage;
    • vibration massage, during which it is recommended to cough up sputum;
    • manual therapy.
  • The main drugs in the treatment of chronic bronchitis are bronchodilators - M-anticholinergic blockers with the possible addition of vadrenomimetics.
  • Glucocorticosteroids are used in severe cases of the disease and in the absence of effect from bronchodilators.
  • Expectorants include acetylcysteine, bromhexine, ambroxol, potassium iodide, etc. Inhalations with essential oils, a solution of sodium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate have an expectorant effect.
  • If microbial flora is detected in the sputum, patients are prescribed antibacterial drugs. But antibiotics should be prescribed only after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to the antibiotic.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment (iontophoresis, diathermy, quartz on the chest) is recommended for patients with chronic bronchitis.
  • Breathing exercises are recommended.
  • Climate therapy is indicated - in a pine forest, in the steppe, in a mountain climate, in the resorts of Crimea, Kislovodsk.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa. Bronchitis is usually accompanied by a cough. At first dry, barking, then wet, with phlegm. There are chronic and acute bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis occurs as a result of inhalation of polluted air, prolonged exposure to toxic gases on the bronchi, and smoking. Acute bronchitis is often infectious in nature due to cooling. Its symptoms: general malaise, runny nose, muscle pain, inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis), pharynx (pharyngitis), trachea (tracheitis).

Bronchitis in an adult

  • Cut the radish into thin slices into 8 pieces, sprinkle with sugar. After 6 - 8 hours, juice will appear, which must be consumed a teaspoon every hour. The heaviest cough goes away on days 3–5.
  • It is necessary to rub the chest with a dry cloth, and then rub in lard (the skin should be dry), but before the procedure add a small amount of fir oil.
  • Take birch buds that have sprouted leaves, fill a bottle with them, fill it with vodka and leave for 7-10 days. Take 5 – 10 drops diluted in water 3 times a day.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of plantain into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers into a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • Take curly thistle, pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take chilled 5 times a day.
  • 500 g of peeled and chopped onions, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar are boiled in 1 liter of water over low heat for 3 hours. Store the liquid in a bottle with a tightly closed cap. Take 1 tablespoon 3 – 4 times a day.
  • Pour a glass of milk into an enamel pan and add 1 tablespoon of sage leaves. Boil the mixture again (no more than 2 minutes). Drink the decoction as hot as possible at night, before bed (0.5 cups).
  • Boiled turnip juice with honey is useful in treating bronchitis. Take 2 tablespoons 3 – 4 times a day (0.5 cups of juice – 2 tablespoons of honey).
  • Boil a glass of fresh milk, put 2 figs for 2 minutes. Take 3 times a day after meals, 1 glass, hot.
  • Mix radish or carrot juice with milk or honey drink (half and half), drink 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.
  • Mix two tablespoons of butter, two yolks of fresh eggs, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour and 2 teaspoons of honey. Take one teaspoon orally many times a day.
  • To facilitate the separation of phlegm, it is useful to take lingonberry juice syrup with sugar or honey. It should be taken quite often, 1 tablespoon at a time.
  • During treatment, drink strawberry infusion instead of tea.
  • An alcohol tincture of tangerine peel softens coughs and eliminates inflammatory processes in the bronchi.
  • Brew pine buds like tea at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water. Drink 1/4 cup 3 – 4 times a day.
  • Mix 4 parts cabbage juice and 1 part sugar and simmer over low heat until about half of the liquid has evaporated. Take 1 teaspoon 2 – 4 times a day.
  • Bulgarian folk medicine for bronchitis uses a decoction of lavender and chamomile flowers.
  • Grate two heads of garlic and five lemons, pour in 1 liter of boiled water, leave for 5 days, strain, squeeze. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Tea from branches of wild rosemary (25 g per 1 liter of boiling water). Take 1/2 cup 5 – 6 times a day for two weeks.
  • Drink hot infusion of immortelle flowers, 1 glass per day.
  • For bronchitis, you need to put tampons with onion pulp in your nose three times a day. The procedure should last 10 – 15 minutes. To soften the acute reaction of onions to mucous membranes, tampons must first be lubricated with calendula ointment.
  • Pour half a glass of viburnum berries with half a liter of boiling water, cook for 8 - 10 minutes, strain, add three tablespoons of honey, stir. Take half a glass four times a day before meals.
  • Take equal parts of knotweed herb, anise, dill, pine buds, thyme herb, crushed licorice root. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture into 300 milliliters of cold boiled water, leave for two hours, put on the stove, bring to a boil, boil for three minutes, cool, strain. Take half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Infusion of wild rosemary herb and nettle leaves: 25 grams of wild rosemary herb and 15 grams of nettle leaves per liter of boiling water. Leave overnight, strain. Drink this infusion throughout the day.
  • Infusion of buckwheat flowers: pour 10 grams of buckwheat flowers with one liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take half a glass four times a day.
  • Infusion of coltsfoot, chamomile and oregano: mix and thoroughly grind 20 grams of coltsfoot leaves, 20 grams of chamomile and 10 grams of oregano herb. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into half a liter of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for three hours, strain. Take half a glass three times a day before meals, warm, for bronchitis. This infusion is contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • Mix 10 grams of lungwort herb, five grams of plantain herb, five grams of coltsfoot, black elderberry and linden flowers, three grams of primrose herb, 7 grams of wild poppy petals, 10 grams of buckwheat flowers, 10 grams of comfrey roots. Pour four tablespoons of the mixture into one liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink warm throughout the day.
  • Mix 100 grams of rye grains, oats and barley, add 30 grams of chicory root, fry, add two almond kernels, chop. Drink like coffee with hot milk.
  • Melt one part of spruce resin and 1 part of yellow wax and cool. Place on hot coals and breathe in the smoke that is released.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of pine buds or 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves into 0.5 cups of water and put on fire. Make a megaphone out of thick paper and take 80–100 breaths. Try to exhale outward.
  • For loss of voice and bronchitis, Vanga used bran. Boil 1.8 liters of water, put 400 grams of any bran there. Boil again and cook for 10 minutes, sweeten with burnt sugar. This decoction should be drunk throughout the day instead of coffee, tea and any other liquid, but be sure to drink it very hot.
  • Boil two leaves of coltsfoot in 0.5 liters of fresh milk. Add a small amount (at the tip of a knife) of fresh pork fat. Take one cup of coffee in the evening before bed.
  • At. pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and persistent cough Vanga recommended an oat decoction prepared as follows: mix 2 tablespoons of oats with the same amount of raisins and pour 1.5 liters of cold boiled water. Cook over very low heat or simmer in the oven, covered, over low heat until half the liquid has evaporated. Cool slightly, strain, squeeze, add 1 tablespoon of natural honey to the expressed liquid and mix thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day.
  • Bronchitis can be successfully treated by externally rubbing lard and turpentine into the chest. Rubbing into the chest should be done until dry.

Bronchitis in a child

Bronchitis is very dangerous for infants, especially if you do not pay attention to it in time.

  • When a cough appears, the child should smear the back and chest with lard or some kind of vegetable oil, adding a little turpentine to it.
  • Fry two eggs in pork fat and salt well. When the scrambled eggs have cooled, place them on the baby's chest at night.
  • At the beginning of the disease, give the child a teaspoon of castor oil to drink once.
  • Boil two or three leaves of coltsfoot in half a liter of fresh milk. Add a small amount (at the tip of a knife) of fresh pork fat. Take one cup of coffee in the evening before bed.
  • If the child still has a fever, it’s good to rub him with vodka and warm vinegar, give him a little chamomile infusion from a spoon, wrap him up well so that he falls asleep and sweats.
  • For severe wet cough, when sputum is difficult to clear or does not clear at all, you should give 2 to 3 drops of almond oil in sugar syrup several times a day.
  • If bronchitis progresses and the child begins to choke, a doctor is needed urgently, as this is already very dangerous. In this case, before the doctor arrives, you can give the child 5–10 drops of vodka with a spoonful of water. Or drop 5 drops of camphor alcohol into sugar powder and pour it onto the child’s tongue, and wash it down with water from a spoon.
  • For pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and persistent cough, Vanga recommended an oat decoction prepared as follows: mix 2 tablespoons of oats with the same amount of raisins and pour in 1.5 liters of cold boiled water. Cook over very low heat or simmer in the oven, covered, over low heat until half the liquid has evaporated. Cool slightly, strain, squeeze, add 1 tablespoon of natural honey to the expressed liquid and mix thoroughly. Give children a teaspoon several times a day.
  • Cut the radish into small cubes, place in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for two hours. Strain, discard the radish pieces, and pour the liquid into a bottle. Give your child two teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before bed.
  • Collect violets and snowdrops early in the morning, while the sun is still sleeping. Store in a dark place, dry in the shade. Brew 1 tablespoon of dried flowers per glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. After it has cooled, strain. Give your child 1 tablespoon to drink 3 times a day. For small children, you can add syrup and sugar. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It can be used as a gargle.
  • Garlic drink: boil five medium-sized cloves of garlic, cut into small pieces or crushed, in a glass of unpasteurized milk and give to children several times a day.

Herbs and infusions for the treatment of bronchitis

    Crushed angelica leaf is poured with boiling water at the rate of 10 g per 1 glass of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and left for 2 hours. The finished infusion is suitable for use within 2-3 days. It can be replaced with powder: 1-3 pinches per day. Angelica infusion eliminates mucus in the lungs, chest and bronchi, and relieves heartburn.

    Prepare yarrow tincture: pour 30 g of herb with 0.5 cups of alcohol or 1 cup of vodka. Drink 3-4 times a day, 30-40 drops before meals for bronchitis.

    An infusion of nasturtium leaf is effective for chronic bronchitis. 10 g of leaf is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water, left for 10 minutes and filtered. Drink 0.5 cups throughout the day.

    For bronchitis with viscous sputum, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water with 4 tablespoons of crushed plantain leaf and leave for 4 hours. Drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

    Boil 2-3 leaves of coltsfoot in 0.5 liters of milk and add fresh lard to the broth at the tip of a knife. Drink 3 tablespoons before bed for bronchitis. Health portal

    Mix equal proportions of grass and lungwort flowers, picked in early spring. Brew 4 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day for bronchitis.

    Mix leaves and bark or young shoots of ash in equal proportions. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water and heat over low heat for 20 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for bronchitis.

    Pour 1 glass of milk into an enamel bowl and put 1 tablespoon (without top) of finely chopped Icelandic moss. Cover the pan with a saucer or non-metallic plate and boil for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink the decoction hot before bed. There should be no drafts in the apartment where a patient with bronchitis is located.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of black elderberry flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, covered, for 40 minutes, strain. Take 0.3 cups 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals for bronchitis.

    Take 1 tablespoon each of walnut leaf powder and coltsfoot leaf powder, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain. Drink the entire infusion in 1 dose in small sips with the addition of warm milk for bronchitis.

Attention! The collection strengthens. Pay special attention to your diet on this day.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed oregano herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Strong oregano tea causes profuse sweating. It is drunk for colds, for convulsive coughs, for acute and chronic bronchitis as a means of enhancing the secretion of the bronchial glands.

Attention! The collection contains oregano. This remedy is contraindicated for pregnant women.

    Dilute the powdered marshmallow root with warm boiled water, bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream. Take the resulting mixture 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals for coughs and chronic bronchitis.

    Take 3 parts of licorice (roots) and blue cyanosis (roots), 4 parts of chamomile (flowers) and peppermint (herbs), 2 parts of valerian officinalis (roots), motherwort (herbs), St. John's wort (herbs) ). Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection into 1 cup of boiling water, keep in a closed enamel container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and bring the volume with boiled water to the original volume. Take 0.25-0.3 cups 4-5 times a day after meals for bronchospasms.

See also Cough, Pleurisy.

Home remedies for bronchitis

    For acute bronchitis, thoroughly mix 100 g of ground flax seeds, 20 g of anise fruit powder, 20 g of ginger root powder with 0.5 kg of garlic-honey mixture. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Peel 3 heads of garlic and, together with 5 lemons with peel, but without seeds, pass through a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater, pour 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature into them and keep in a closed jar for 5 days, strain, squeeze out the rest. Take as a resolving agent for diseases of the lungs and bronchi 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.

    Dilute honey in 0.5 cups of port wine and stir well. Peel and crush the head of garlic. Prepare 40-50 ml of kerosene. Before going to bed, rub your feet well with garlic, crushed into a paste, and put on woolen socks. Rub your chest with kerosene, put on warm underwear and drink 1 glass of port wine with honey. Carry out the procedure daily until complete recovery from bronchitis. Health portal

    Take 5-6 large cloves of garlic, grind into a paste, mix with 100 g of butter and a bunch of finely chopped dill. Morning, noon and evening spread the mixture on bread. This oil will help with bronchitis, as well as pneumonia.

    Boil finely chopped garlic (1 head) in fresh milk until it becomes completely soft. Grind in the same milk, add 1 teaspoon of mint juice and 2 tablespoons of linden honey. Take 1 tablespoon every hour for the whole day, the cough will become softer.

    An excellent recipe for treating bronchitis: grind 1 kg of ripe tomatoes and 50 g of garlic in a meat grinder, grate 300 g of horseradish root. Mix and add salt to taste. Place in glass jars and store tightly closed in the refrigerator. Use: children 1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day, adults - 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. Warm to room temperature before use.

    For acute bronchitis, grind 1 head of garlic into a pulp, grind 2 lemons with the peel but without seeds, mix with 300 g of granulated sugar and 0.5 liters of beer, boil in a boiling water bath in a sealed container for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Mix finely grated onions, apples, honey in a ratio by weight of 1:1:2. For the treatment of bronchitis in children accompanied by cough, take at least 6-7 times a day, regardless of meals.

    Infuse carrot juice, boiled hot milk and honey in a ratio of 5:5:1 for 4-5 hours and drink warm, 0.5 cups 4-6 times a day for bronchitis.

    Fresh carrot juice mixed with warm milk in a 1:1 ratio, take 0.5 cups 4-6 times a day for bronchitis.

    Mix 1 glass of freshly prepared carrot juice with 2 teaspoons of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for bronchitis.

    Mix 300 g of honey and 1 leaf of finely chopped aloe, pour 0.5 liters of boiled water over them, put on fire, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 2 hours, then cool and stir. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for bronchitis.

    Several times a day, chew 1 clove of garlic with 1 teaspoon of flower honey until completely crushed for bronchitis.

    Take 1.3 kg of linden honey, 1 glass of finely chopped aloe leaves, 200 g of olive oil, 150 g of birch buds and 50 g of linden flowers. Before preparing the medicine, place the aloe leaves, picked and washed with boiled water, in a cold and dark place for 10 days. Melt honey and add crushed aloe leaves to it. Steam the mixture well. Separately, brew birch buds and linden blossom in 2 glasses of water and boil for 1-2 minutes. Pour the strained and squeezed broth into the cooled honey, stir and pour into 2 bottles, adding an equal amount of olive oil to each. Store in a cool place. For bronchitis, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Shake before use.

    Pour 4 large aloe leaves into 0.5 liters of grape wine and leave for 4 days. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day for bronchitis.

    To facilitate the separation of sputum, it is useful to drink lingonberry juice with sugar syrup or honey. The product should be taken 1 tablespoon as often as possible. At the same time, it is recommended to drink tea from strawberry leaves.

    Prepare fresh cabbage juice, add sugar (2 teaspoons per 1 glass). Take 1 glass 2 times a day as an expectorant.

See also cough, pleurisy

If dry and then wet is added to a snotty nose and red throat, it means the patient has acute bronchitis, i.e. irritation and swelling of the bronchial mucosa. This article will tell you what needs to be done for bronchitis to become acute (about 2 weeks), and not, and what is required to treat acute bronchitis at home.

Are antibiotics needed to treat bronchitis?

If the bacterial nature of acute bronchitis is confirmed, the patient cannot do without taking an antibiotic.

Since in most cases the causative agents of bronchitis are viruses, there is no point in taking antibiotics. However, if within 5 days the temperature does not decrease, severe weakness, fatigue persists, appears, sputum becomes green and profuse, and a blood test reveals signs of a bacterial infection, then their prescription cannot be avoided. Entrust the choice of drug to your doctor - most likely it will be an antibiotic from the group of macrolides (Macropen, Sumamed, Clarithromycin) or penicillins (Amoxicillin, Augmentin).

Are antiviral drugs needed to treat bronchitis?

If they are already prescribed for a respiratory infection, continue taking them. If more than 2 days have passed since the onset of the disease, there is no point in starting to take them; there is no need to expect any effect.

Do you need anti-inflammatory drugs for bronchitis?

Paracetamol, ibuprofen and other drugs from the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs not only help reduce fever and intoxication, but also reduce swelling and spasm of the bronchi, and improve sputum discharge. However, side effects limit their use. Today, fenspiride (Erespal) is considered the safest anti-inflammatory drug recommended for the treatment of acute bronchitis.

What regimen should you follow for bronchitis?

  • At high temperatures - bed rest. But as soon as the thermometer shows normal, walking in the fresh air becomes a therapeutic remedy (of course, not in 30-degree frost).
  • But even before this, you need to ventilate the room and maintain a sufficient level of humidity in the room. Air humidifiers and simply throwing a wet towel on the radiator will do - the main thing is not to forget to wet it as it dries.
  • It is better to eliminate all irritating factors (dust, tobacco smoke, strong odors). For this purpose, daily wet cleaning of the patient’s apartment is recommended. It is better to send smokers outside to smoke, and if the patient himself smokes a cigarette, acute bronchitis is an excellent reason to quit smoking.
  • Drinking plenty of teas - including herbal teas (linden, mint, thyme), fruit drinks, juices, warm alkaline mineral water - will help not only reduce intoxication, but also make sputum less viscous and make it easier to pass.

Do inhalations help with bronchitis?

Steam inhalations themselves are ineffective for bronchitis. But inhaling phytoncides - essential oils of garlic, eucalyptus, camphor, pine, mint and rosemary - reduce coughing and make coughing easier. You can use either an inhaler or an aroma lamp, or simply apply a few drops of essential oil to your clothes.

How to treat cough with bronchitis?

In the first days, when the cough is painful, dry and debilitating. These are codeine-containing tablets (Codterpine, Codelac) and non-narcotic Libexin, Tusuprex, Glaucin, Levopront. In folk medicine, marshmallow, broom and stepmother, thermopsis and licorice are successfully used to treat dry cough.

As soon as sputum begins to leave, and this usually happens on days 3-4, antitussive drugs should be stopped and switched to drugs that thin sputum (mucolytics), improve coughing (expectorants), and facilitate its movement (mucokinetics).

The first include acetylcysteine ​​and carbocysteine. The second includes reflex-action drugs: marshmallow, plantain, thyme, ammonia-anise drops.

Mucokinetic agents bromhexine, ambroxol (Lazolvan) are also called mucoregulators: they affect the functioning of the ciliated epithelium lining the walls of the bronchi, making sputum less viscous, facilitating its elimination.

Suprima-Broncho, Prospan (aka Gedelix), Bronchipret, Bronhikum - all these are drugs based on plants that have long been used in medical practice to treat bronchitis. You can also find herbal teas at the pharmacy. Chest mixtures No. 1 and 2 are more suitable for the treatment of dry cough, No. 3, 4 and chest elixir - wet.

Probably, everyone in the family has their own proven cough remedies - radish or turnip with honey or sugar, onion decoction with milk and honey, eggnog, birch sap - all these remedies can be used if there are no allergies and the stomach allows it.

Are drugs that dilate the bronchi needed for acute bronchitis?

Unfortunately, with , there are often situations when, against the background of inflammation, acute bronchial obstruction syndrome develops - bronchospasm. This is manifested by shortness of breath with difficulty in exhaling and bouts of painful coughing, at the peak of which scanty light sputum is released. In such cases, the attending physician may advise adding bronchodilators to the treatment - salbutamol or berodual. They come in the form of inhalers, and their use requires some skill: you need to press the dispenser and inhale the medicine at the same time.

Salbutamol is part of the cough medicine Ascoril - along with the mucokinetic agents bromhexine, guaifenesin and menthol. In this form it is more convenient to use, but not always more effective.

What else can you do to get better faster?

An important role in the treatment of acute bronchitis is played by good nutrition and a positive attitude of the patient toward recovery.

Chest massage, breathing exercises, tasty food rich in vitamins, an optimistic attitude - and recovery will come quickly.

Which doctor should I contact?

If acute bronchitis develops, you should consult a physician/pediatrician. if the disease has become protracted, it is necessary to consult a pulmonologist. Additionally, it is useful to undergo examination by an infectious disease specialist to more accurately identify the pathogen and by an immunologist to determine the state of immunity and the need to use immunomodulatory therapy. A physiotherapist also takes part in the treatment of bronchitis.

Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of bronchitis and acute bronchitis in children:

Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the bronchi - the lower part of the respiratory tract through which air enters the lungs. This diagnosis is often made for both children and adults. The disease can develop as an independent process or complicate an existing pathology. To avoid the transition of an acute form of inflammation to a chronic form, it is necessary to strictly follow medical instructions and refrain from self-medication.

How to recognize acute bronchitis

The main symptom of acute bronchitis in adults is a cough, which occurs as a response of the body to an irritant and a desire to restore patency of the airways. On average, it lasts 2-3 weeks, accompanied by other signs of colds. Cough with bronchitis changes its character over time. At first it is dry, intrusive, sometimes even annoying, debilitating. As the disease progresses, it gradually becomes wet (productive). At this moment, a protective mechanism is launched: the cells of the bronchial mucosa begin to actively produce sputum, and with it, with a wet cough, various pathogenic agents, primarily viruses and bacteria, are removed from the body. The color and consistency of sputum, among other things, can tell the doctor the cause of the disease and, therefore, the optimal treatment regimen. In addition to coughing, bronchitis may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • weakness, feeling of weakness, fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • sweating;
  • headache;
  • chest pain;
  • shortness of breath (in severe cases of the disease).

The symptoms of acute bronchitis in children are the same as in adults, but may be more pronounced.

Causes of acute bronchitis

The cause of acute bronchitis in adults in the vast majority of cases is an infection: most often viral, less often bacterial, and occasionally fungal. In addition, the disease can be of an allergic nature (due to a high concentration of allergen in the air), develop in the presence of inflammation of the adenoids or chronic foci of infection in the paranasal sinuses, against the background of tonsillitis.

It is worth considering factors that reduce local immunity and contribute to the occurrence of the disease:

  • hypothermia;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • chronic pathology of the nasopharynx;
  • unfavorable climate (dampness, cold);
  • air polluted with dust or toxic impurities.

Types of acute bronchitis

Depending on the nature of the inflammation, acute bronchitis can be:

  • catarrhal (accompanied by an increased amount of bronchial mucus);
  • fibrinous (with the formation of thick, sticky and difficult to separate sputum);
  • mucopurulent/purulent (with copious amounts of mucus and discharge of pus);
  • hemorrhagic (with streaks of blood in the sputum due to hemorrhages in the bronchial mucosa in severe forms of the disease).

According to the prevalence of the inflammatory process, acute bronchitis in adults is usually divided into focal, in which inflammation is localized in a limited area of ​​the bronchi, and diffuse, covering most of the bronchial tree.

How to treat acute bronchitis

When the first signs of the disease appear (if no more than 48 hours have passed since its onset), antiviral drugs may be prescribed. Treatment of acute bronchitis with antibiotics is usually not practiced. It can be justified only if whooping cough is suspected and bacterial complications are confirmed.

How to treat acute bronchitis in the presence of an intense cough? In this situation, to reduce the risk of side effects, the mechanism of action of the drug and the presence of contraindications should be taken into account. For a dry hacking cough, antitussives can be used. When coughing is accompanied by the discharge of viscous sputum, mucolytics are prescribed to improve the discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract.

You can rely on herbal preparations, such as cough medicines Doctor MOM ®.

  • compliance with bed or semi-bed rest (depending on the patient’s condition);
  • consumption of large amounts of warm fortified liquid (up to 2–2.5 liters per day). However, you should avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, as they dehydrate the body and worsen inflammation. Decoctions of rose hips, raspberries and linden blossoms, fruit drinks and heated mineral water will bring benefits;
  • to give up smoking;
  • protecting the patient from irritating factors: dust, smoke, strong odors and toxic fumes;
  • regular ventilation of the room and maintaining an optimal level of humidity in it (50-70%). To humidify the air, you can use both special climate control devices and improvised means, for example, a wet towel hung on a radiator.

In acute bronchitis, mucolytic agents are used to treat cough and facilitate mucus discharge, which thin the mucus and facilitate its removal. For example, you can use Doctor MOM ® herbal cough syrup, which contains extracts of 10 medicinal herbs and has a complex effect: secretolytic (increases the secretion of protective mucus), mucolytic (reduces the viscosity of sputum), expectorant (removes phlegm), bronchodilator (relaxes the bronchi) and anti-inflammatory . The syrup is suitable for adults and children over 3 years old.

Ignoring the symptoms and inadequate treatment of acute bronchitis in adults can lead to the disease becoming chronic and the development of very serious complications.

Acute bronchitis in adults, provided effective treatment, can be eliminated in 7-10 days. If a patient does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, or even worse, suffers bronchitis “on his feet”, this can result in serious complications.

If the culprit is a viral infection, then inflammation develops very quickly and affects the upper walls - this is how acute bronchitis develops.

The disease is not characterized by a long course, and the bronchi usually completely restore their shape after recovery. Symptoms of the disease in adults depend on what caused it. But since bronchitis is predominantly a consequence of acute respiratory infections, you should pay attention to your health when there are such basic “bells and whistles”:

  • cough. In the first days it is dry and exhausting. If you treat your cough correctly, it will become productive within a few days. The mucus produced during expectoration is usually white-green in color;
  • increase in body temperature. This symptom in adult patients can vary from 38.5 to 40 degrees, depending on the type of respiratory disease;
  • If bronchitis is caused by an acute respiratory infection of a bacterial nature, the patient most often perceives it as a mild cold. His temperature rises slightly, a wet cough, a headache, and a feeling of weakness appear. Due to such a sluggish course of the disease, there is a high risk of it becoming chronic.

The symptoms of acute bronchitis are very similar to the symptoms of pneumonia and tuberculosis. In order not to confuse the initial stage of one of the dangerous diseases, you need to consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear.

What drugs to treat?

Treatment of bronchitis should be carried out in three directions:

  1. Elimination of the pathogen.
  2. Diluting mucus and removing it from the bronchi as quickly as possible.
  3. Elimination of factors that irritate the respiratory mucosa.

The following groups of drugs are used for this:

  1. reflex action - when taken, the bronchial mucosa is irritated, which provokes coughing. These are mainly medicines based on marshmallow, licorice, thermopsis or special breast mixtures;
  2. direct action, affecting directly the bronchial glands and thinning mucus. Among the most common drugs are Bromhexine, ACC, Lazolvan, sodium iodide and eucalyptus essential oil.

When should you treat with antibiotics?

The use of antibiotics causes a significant amount of controversy and concern among patients. Many people believe that a doctor can prescribe treatment for bronchitis with these drugs for preventive purposes, in order to insure against the addition of a bacterial infection. This is fundamentally wrong.

Acute bronchitis in adults is often caused by viruses, and the use of antibacterial drugs against them is ineffective and even dangerous.

They can cause a severe allergic reaction, cause an irreparable blow to the immune system, provoke bronchial obstruction and develop bacterial resistance to these drugs.

Therefore, antibiotic treatment can only be carried out when:

  • the bacterial nature of bronchitis has been proven;
  • after the tests it became clear which group of bacteria the therapy would be used against;
  • the patient has a high fever for 4-5 days;
  • When you cough, there is pus in the sputum;
  • symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed: nausea, vomiting, weakness and reluctance to eat.

How negatively the use of antibiotics will affect the patient’s body depends on his immunity. To avoid harm, strengthen your immune system in advance.

There are certain rules for taking antibiotics. They must be performed without fail so that the treatment of bronchitis with these drugs is as effective as possible:

  • never ask your doctor to prescribe you antibacterial drugs;
  • Always write down information about the antibiotics you have taken previously and tell your doctor about it;
  • It is possible to determine which antibiotic will best cope with the disease only based on the results of bacterial culture tests;

  • strictly adhere to the frequency and time of taking antibiotics. If the medicine needs to be taken 3 times a day, this does not mean - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. This means every 8 hours;
  • The duration of antibiotic use is determined by the doctor. Typically, treatment of bronchitis in adults with these drugs lasts 5-7 days. It is strictly contraindicated to interrupt the course of antibacterial therapy on your own, even if the patient thinks that the drugs are no longer necessary;
  • Do not adjust the dose of the medicine yourself. By reducing it, you can provoke the development of resistance of microorganisms to the drug. An increase will likely result in an allergic reaction;

  • Find out in advance how to take antibiotics correctly: before or after meals, what to drink with them, and what foods or drinks they should not be combined with. This may affect the effectiveness of these funds;
  • Once you start treating bronchitis with antibacterial drugs, immediately start taking probiotics and fermented milk products. This will help restore the natural intestinal microflora;
  • Follow a diet that won't put stress on your liver.

Treatment of adults with folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes will provide invaluable assistance for acute bronchitis. “Grandmother’s” remedies, proven by more than one generation, will help get rid of phlegm in the bronchi, calm a cough, destroy viruses and bacteria, and strengthen the immune system. We offer several effective recipes.

Will help get rid of viruses that cause bronchitis, coltsfoot. This herb can be purchased in dry form at a pharmacy and prepared as a decoction according to the instructions on the package. Or use this recipe: 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour. This home remedy has practically no contraindications, except for, so you can consume it 2-3 glasses a day.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults caused by bacteria will perfectly complement the daily use of natural antibiotics: onions, garlic, radishes, honey, etc. They cannot 100% replace medications, but they will help protect the body from infection and improve immunity. In addition, none of these remedies will cause dysbiosis.

For example, garlic effectively fights 23 different bacteria, onion phytoncides will help cleanse the respiratory tract, horseradish and black radish destroy the cellular structure of bacteria, destroying them.

Plantain infusion will help cope with the removal of mucus during bronchitis. It is prepared in a water bath in the following ratio: 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves per glass of water. You should take this homemade medicine half a glass half an hour before bedtime for a week.

These procedures will bring a positive effect for bronchitis in both children and adults. They can be done at home using herbal infusions and essential oils. Licorice root, eucalyptus leaves, sage and chamomile will have an expectorant effect. St. John's wort, mint, yarrow and calendula will relieve inflammation.

If you are predisposed to allergic reactions, it is better to opt for inhalations with mineral water or sea salt.

Treatment of bronchitis will become even more effective if you “support” the patient’s body with vitamin C. For adults, the daily dose should be at least 200 mg. A large amount of vitamin C is contained in rose hips.

The patient is recommended to drink at least 2-3 glasses of rosehip tea per day. The main condition: when preparing this drink, do not brew plant materials with water whose temperature exceeds 70 degrees. This will destroy all the healing properties of the rosehip. It’s better to boil water, cool it to the desired temperature and then make tea.

What conditions will help you recover faster?

At the initial stage of the disease, in the first few days, bed rest is indicated.

As soon as the patient feels relief, you can take walks in the fresh air, preferably away from the roadway. This will saturate the respiratory organs with oxygen.

The nutrition of adult patients should be given no less attention than that of children.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory lesion of the bronchial mucosa, as a result of which the drainage function of the bronchial tree is disrupted.

If not properly treated, it becomes chronic and can be complicated by pneumonia, so it is important to know the causes of its occurrence, the first symptoms and the basics of treating bronchitis at home in adults.

Damage and inflammation of the bronchial tree can occur as an independent, isolated process (primary bronchitis) or develop as a complication against the background of existing chronic diseases and past infections (secondary bronchitis).

Damage to the mucous epithelium of the bronchi disrupts the production of secretions, the motor activity of the cilia and the process of cleansing the bronchi. There are acute and chronic bronchitis, which differ in etiology, pathogenesis and treatment.


The most popular among them are:

  1. Viral, bacterial and fungal diseases of the respiratory system (parainfluenza,).
  2. Damage to the bronchi from toxins, for example from smoking or working with chemicals.
  3. Dust pollution of the bronchi (most often found among miners).
  4. Exposure to allergens contained in the inhaled air (for example, pollen and others).

The main mechanism for the development of bronchitis caused by infectious pathogens is the spread of the pathogen with air or sputum deep into the respiratory system. Infectious diseases most often cause an acute form of bronchitis.

Acute and chronic

Acute bronchitis is an inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa that occurs due to a variety of reasons. These include infectious agents, viruses, chemical, physical or allergic factors. With bronchitis, the tissues along the walls of the airways swell and produce large amounts of mucus.

This is a progressive inflammation of the bronchi, manifested by a cough. It is customary to speak of the chronic nature of the process if the cough continues for at least 3 months. per year for 2 years in a row. Chronic bronchitis is the most common form of chronic nonspecific lung diseases, which tends to become more frequent.


The most important sign of bronchitis in adults has always been and remains a cough. In addition, there are other symptoms:

  • temperature increase: significant or insignificant;
  • throat spasms, painful sensations;
  • wheezing, difficulty breathing.

If these signs are detected, you need to decide how to treat bronchitis so that it does not cause complications.

Symptoms of bronchitis

When bronchitis occurs, cough is the main symptom. It is important to understand that coughing is actually a protective function of the body. In essence, this is an increased exhalation, with the help of which the body tries to get rid of pathogenic agents that have entered the respiratory tract (in this case, viruses, bacteria).

In addition, an adult feels general malaise, loss of appetite, fatigue, and fever. All these are manifestations of general intoxication of the body caused by inflammation of the bronchi. The temperature usually reaches high values ​​- 38 -39⁰С. But sometimes it can be lower, it depends on the individual reactivity of the body.

As a rule, initially, but after a few days it becomes productive (wet), at which sputum is separated. The expectorated mucus when coughing may be clear or have a yellowish-gray or greenish tint.

With significant damage to the respiratory tract, small vessels of the lungs may be damaged, as a result of which blood may be present in the sputum. The period of acute symptoms for bronchitis usually lasts 3-4 days. Severe pain behind the chest is also possible. This is especially true during coughing periods. Patients often complain of increased sweating. When the first symptoms appear, it is important to think about how to treat bronchitis and what medications to use.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

In chronic bronchitis, cough with scanty sputum, shortness of breath during exercise can be constant symptoms that accompany the patient throughout life.

In this case, an exacerbation of bronchitis is said to occur if there is a significant increase in the above symptoms: increased cough, increased volume of sputum, increased shortness of breath, the appearance of fever, etc.

Bronchitis in adults, especially acute, rarely occurs in isolation. Most often it is combined with symptoms (runny nose). This certainly has an impact on the overall clinical picture.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

It is characterized by prolonged exhalation, accompanied by whistling, dry rales and the need to use auxiliary muscles during breathing. Periodically, an intense cough gives way to a weak one. Body temperature values ​​may fluctuate.

Obstructive bronchitis in adults is especially physically tiring, since the act of breathing involves auxiliary muscles, there is constant tension in the muscles of the chest, back, neck, etc.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults

First of all, this is bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Acute bronchitis is well treated by maintaining sufficient humidity (60%) and temperature (18-20˚C) in the room where the patient is, regularly drinking warm drinks (up to 4 liters per day), and preventing changes in the temperature of the inhaled air.

How and with what to treat bronchitis in adults is a very serious question, because the outcome and prevention of complications depend on the effectiveness of treatment.

  1. Initially, you need to quit smoking, get rid of bad habits, and stop being in conditions with harmful environmental factors. All this will maximize the effectiveness of treatment.
  2. At the second stage, medications are prescribed that dilate the bronchi, stimulating the receptors: “Salbutamol”, “Bromide”, “Ipratropium Bromide”, “Terbutaline”, “Fenoterol” or others. This stage is primarily intended to solve breathing problems and acute states. If necessary, use (ibuprofen, paracetamol).
  3. The third stage is the prescription of mucolytics and expectorants, which help make the sputum less thick and viscous. These drugs help to quickly clear it from the respiratory tract. Preparations of plant origin can be used - Thermopsis, Doctor Mom, marshmallow root, licorice, etc., or synthetic - Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine, etc.
  4. At the fourth stage The only treatment left is antibiotics. They become necessary in the event of a bacterial infection of the bronchi or the development of complications.

Treatment of acute bronchitis should be started as soon as the diagnosis is made. The earlier treatment measures are taken, the less chance of complications developing. To cure bronchitis, you should consult a specialist. The choice of appropriate drugs depends on the severity of the process and the duration of the disease.

How to treat bronchitis at home

Inhalations for bronchitis at home are a good and effective way to treat the disease and alleviate its symptoms, especially when it is not possible to constantly visit a physiotherapy room.

  1. Steam inhalation- This is a very affordable treatment method at home. To carry it out, you need to take a container, put suitable herbs on the bottom, for example, raspberries, linden and coltsfoot, fill everything with water and bring to a boil. You need to breathe through a funnel made of thick paper.
  2. Inhalations with propolis– bring the water in the pan to a boil, add 3-5 ml of alcohol tincture with propolis and breathe over the steam for 5-15 minutes. You can do inhalation with pure propolis - to do this, you need to heat water in a large container, put a metal bowl with carefully crushed propolis in it - a small piece, 50 grams - and breathe over the steam.
  3. For severe pain in the chest area and dry cough, it is very useful to do inhalation based on sea salt, 1 tablespoon of which should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. If salt is not available, you can replace it with an artificial analogue, which is prepared from 1 teaspoon of table salt, the same amount of soda and 4-5 drops of iodine per 1 liter of water.
  4. Collection of herbs for inhalation. 50 g each of chamomile herb, sage, eucalyptus leaf, licorice, calendula. pour a liter of boiling water over the string, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain.

For inhalation, special devices (inhalers) and devices (nebulizers) are often used, which have a special nozzle through which, in fact, medicinal vapors and aerosols are inhaled. But in the absence of such special equipment, at home you can use improvised kitchen utensils - a kettle, a saucepan or any other container and a towel.


The question of feasibility is still debatable. Many indicate that these drugs destroy the intestinal microflora and suppress the immune system. But in the absence of antibacterial therapy, the infection from the bronchi will spread to the lung tissue and pleura with the development of pneumonia and pleurisy. Prolonged fever - 3 days or more, accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, requires antibiotics.

For the treatment of bronchitis in adults, antibiotics of choice are:

  • penicillins (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Augmentin),
  • cephalosporins (Cefixime, Cefazolin, Claforan, Cefuroxime, Cefaclor),
  • macrolides (Vilpramen, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Macropen, Rovamycin),
  • fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Moxifloxacin), etc.

You can use a drug with antibiotics for local use - Bioparox. Antibiotics can be administered orally, parenterally, or by inhalation, such as a nebulizer.

Please note that antibacterial agents are not prescribed in all cases. Therefore, the selection of a specific drug must be approached carefully, based on the spectrum of action and the doctor’s recommendations.

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