Water-based eye drops. Moisturizing eye drops are inexpensive. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid

Any pathological process in the eye area provokes discomfort. The most popular problems with the organs of vision are dry eye syndrome and fatigue caused by stress on the eyeball. These problems can be eliminated by using cheap eye drops.

Based on how eye drops affect the problem, they are divided into:

  • therapeutic,
  • preventive.

To determine which drops to use during therapy, you need to be examined by an ophthalmologist. This will help reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

Inexpensive medicated eye drops

The following cheap eye drops are used for therapeutic purposes.

Albucid is an antibacterial drug used in the treatment of eye diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc.). Drops are also used for preventive purposes, during the period after surgery in the eye area, to reduce the risk of infection of the organ. The use of Albucid is prohibited for people suffering from individual intolerance to sulfonamide. If side effects appear (itching, burning, irritation, swelling in the conjunctival area, etc.), it is necessary to instill a less concentrated solution.

Vitabact is a drug with antibacterial properties. Approved for use by adults and children from birth in the treatment of bacterial infections of the anterior part of the eye, dacryocystitis. Drops are also used for preventive purposes to minimize the risk of complications in the postoperative period. An adverse reaction to the drug may be an allergic reaction, manifested as conjunctival hyperemia;

Some medications used in the treatment of eye diseases

Taufon is a medicine whose main active ingredient is taurine, which activates regenerative and metabolic processes. Such eye drops are used in the treatment of corneal injuries, glaucoma, and cataracts. The medicine helps in relieving visual fatigue and also improves the conduction of nerve impulses.

Tobrex is a broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic containing tobramycin. The drug does not have a systemic effect on the body and has low absorption into the bloodstream if the drug is applied topically. Tobrex is used for the treatment of eye diseases of infectious or inflammatory origin: conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, keratitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis, endophthalmitis, meibomitis. Side effects may include local allergic manifestations, such as burning, redness, swelling, and increased lacrimation. It is extremely rare that the drug provokes pain and ulcers on the cornea.

Visine is a popular vasoconstrictor drug that relieves swelling. The effect of using drops is visible a few minutes after instillation. The medicine is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and acts locally for four to eight hours. The use of Visine is prohibited for people who are intolerant to the components of the drug and suffer from increased eye pressure, as well as for children under two years of age.

Artelac is the cheapest eye drops used by people who wear contact lenses to relieve discomfort in the eye area. The active ingredient in the drug is hypromelose, which moisturizes the corneal area. Contraindications to the use of Artelak are allergic reactions to its components and childhood. The drug is approved for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

– a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that inhibits the synthesis of proteins of microorganisms. The drug is active against some strains resistant to penicillin, sulfonamides and streptomycin. Levomycetin is indicated for patients suffering from conjunctivitis, keratitis and other diseases of infectious origin caused by microorganisms sensitive to the effects of chloramphenicol. Often the drug is well accepted by the patient’s body. People who are intolerant to the components in its composition experience allergic reactions, accompanied by itching and active tearing.

Levomycetin - eye drops at an affordable price that will help cope with infection

Vitafacol - drops used topically in ophthalmic practice to moisturize the eye area. The medicine contains vitamins that improve energy and metabolic processes in the tissues of the eyeball. Vitafacol is indicated for people suffering from cataracts. There are no contraindications other than hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Sulfacyl sodium– a drug of the sulfonamide group with a broad spectrum of action. The drug is indicated for purulent corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, gonorrheal eye diseases, infected wounds, as well as infections caused by E. coli. Sulfacyl sodium is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to sulfonamide drugs.

Blink Intensive is a drug intended for people who wear contact lenses. Drops help relieve fatigue and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes. The medicine contains hyaluronic acid. Blink intensive maintains a moisturizing effect for a long time and does not cause vision problems. Contraindications to the use of the drug are dystrophy of the corneal region, closed form of glaucoma and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The use of such drops by pregnant women and children under two years of age is prohibited.

Tsipromed is a fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agent that is active against a huge number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The drug quickly penetrates into the tissues of the organs of vision. Tsipromed is indicated for infectious and inflammatory eye diseases, as well as for the purpose of prevention in the postoperative period. During therapy, allergic reactions, swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, photophobia, decreased visual acuity, keratitis, keratopathy may develop, a feeling of a foreign object in the eye, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth after instillation may develop.

– a broad-spectrum antimicrobial antibiotic with bactericidal properties. The drug is indicated in the treatment of diseases of the anterior ocular region that have an infectious-inflammatory origin (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, barley, keratitis, etc.). Also, instillation of drops is carried out for the purpose of preventing and treating bacterial infections that appear after eye injury or surgical intervention. Floxal is contraindicated for people who are intolerant to the components in its composition, pregnant and lactating women. The following adverse reactions may occur: allergies, conjunctival hyperemia, itching, burning, dryness of the mucous membrane, active tearing, dizziness and fear of light.

Floxal is an effective remedy in the fight against bacterial eye infections.

Okomistin is a drug with an antiseptic effect, used topically. The medicine is used in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of conjunctivitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratouveitis, keratitis of various natures, chemical and thermal burns, and eye injuries. The drug is used for preventive purposes after surgical interventions in the eye area.

Vial is a decongestant that eliminates discomfort in the eye area, as well as various allergic manifestations. The drug contains a small concentration of tetrizoline. The therapeutic effect after instillation of the drops is observed almost immediately and persists for five hours. Due to its vasoconstrictor effect, Vial is used as an analogue of Visine by people who are looking for a cheaper medicine.

Pilocarpine is a drug that constricts the pupil to lower intraocular pressure. The drug is indicated for thrombosis of the central retinal vein, acute arterial obstruction, and optic nerve atrophy. The following adverse reactions may occur: pain in the head, follicular conjunctivitis. Pilocarpine is contraindicated for people suffering from iritis, iridocyclitis and other eye diseases in which it is undesirable for the pupil to constrict.

Inexpensive preventive eye drops

Such drugs do not have a therapeutic effect and are used to prevent dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes. The following cheap preventative drops are often used.

Oxial is a drug that contains electrolytes and hyaluronic acid. The drops have a moisturizing effect on the mucous membrane, protecting it from the effects of various negative environmental factors (smoke, dust, etc.) that provoke irritation, itching and burning in the eye area. Oxial is used in the treatment of contact conjunctivitis, in order to eliminate dryness of the mucous membrane that appears from wearing contact lenses, as well as during the rehabilitation period, after surgical intervention.

Oftagel is a tear fluid substitute that contains carbomer. The drug eliminates dryness, itching, and discomfort in the eye area. The drug helps increase the viscosity of the tear fluid and create a film in the cornea area that performs moisturizing and protective functions. Oftagel is contraindicated for people who have hypersensitivity to its composition, wear soft contact lenses, children and drivers (it is prohibited to drive a vehicle for forty minutes after instillation).

Some eye drops used for preventive purposes

Octilia is a drug that is used not only for preventive purposes, but also has a weak therapeutic effect. Drops eliminate swelling and redness in the eye area. Before using the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with possible adverse reactions (irritation, increased pressure inside the eyes, dilated pupils). Contraindications to the use of the drug are: glaucoma, hypersensitivity to the components in the drops, impaired selection of eye fluid, childhood (up to two years), corneal dystrophy, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, as well as pregnancy and lactation.

Visomitin is a preventive drop that is used as part of complex therapy with other medications that help relieve inflammation, tissue regeneration, stimulate metabolic processes in the eye area, as well as in the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts. Visomitin is contraindicated for people who are intolerant to the components in its composition, children under eighteen years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Natural tear– drops that help moisturize the mucous membrane of the organs of vision. The drug replenishes the amount of tear fluid, eliminates dryness of the eye area, is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and has almost no contraindications for use (except for possible allergic reactions to the components in its composition).

Korneregel – preventive drops used as part of complex treatment of eye injuries (cornea diseases, burns, damage caused by contact lenses, etc.). The drug promotes active tissue regeneration and also has a minimal number of contraindications (hypersensitivity to the components of the drops).

Oftan Katahrom is a nutritional and anti-inflammatory drug used as part of complex cataract therapy and for preventive purposes. Drops are stimulants of tissue regeneration, activating metabolism in the lens, creating protection for its tissues from various damages. The drug helps moisturize the surface of the visual organs, has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Vita-Yodurol - vitamin drops that contain magnesium, nicotinic acid and calcium, which stimulate metabolic processes in the lens and blood flow in the eyeball. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of cataracts.

Many people think that the drops will help to permanently get rid of the problem that caused the eye disease. However, drugs only help eliminate uncomfortable symptoms, and not the root cause of the disease.

Before using eye drops, you should consult a doctor who will help you choose the right one based on the problem you have. If a person experiences adverse reactions to a drug, the doctor will review existing analogues and replace the drug.

The eyes are one of the main organs for receiving information from the outside world. The visual organ experiences great stress every day.

Various diseases of the visual organ can cause discomfort in the eye area. Harsh light from the sun, wind, working in front of a computer monitor, reading and much more can also cause fatigue, pain, dryness, pain and irritation of the eyes.

When should you use moisturizing eye drops?

To prevent dry eye syndrome, medications should be used to eliminate redness and eye fatigue in the following situations:

  1. When working for a long time with a computer or vehicle.
  2. People who work with substances that have a negative effect on the eyes.
  3. People over the age of forty. Because at this age, age-related changes begin to occur.
  4. Systematic use of contact lenses for vision.
  5. Persons living in a part of the city where there is poor ecology.
  6. Using decorative cosmetics on an ongoing basis.

Types and features of application

The main criterion for selecting suitable eye drops is the opinion of a specialist and medical indications.

Eye drops are: moisturizing, eye fatigue, antiseptic and vasoconstrictor.

These include drops such as:

Review of the best moisturizing eye drops

The best moisturizing eye drops, arranged by price segment (from cheap to more expensive):

Moisturizing drops for eyes when wearing lenses: “Optimed”, “Opti-free”, “Lens-chest of drawers”, “Vid-chest of drawers”, “Vitaglycan”, “Avizor Moisture Drops”.

Drops that are suitable for children: “Vita-pos”, “Vidisik”, “Vizin”, “Oxial”, “Oftolik”, “Natural Tear”.

Moisturizing eye drops with hyaluronic acid

This acid has excellent quality - regeneration of dead cells.

Drops containing hyaluronic acid are very suitable for people who have dry eye syndrome.

Below is a list of such drops:

Traditional medicine recipes

Honey solution

Ingredients for preparation: honey and distilled water, 1:5. The prepared solution should be instilled into the eyes 2 – 3 times a day. This remedy is recommended for use for early symptoms of cataracts.

Woodlice solution

This remedy helps remove cloudy eyes. The drops are quite simple to prepare. To do this, you need to pour one spoon of this crushed herb with hot boiled water and let it brew for an hour and a half.

The cooled solution should be filtered and instilled into the visual organ. It is very important that these drops be used regularly: twice a day. Duration of use is about a month.

A solution of honey and celandine

To prepare this remedy you will need equal proportions of celandine juice and honey. They must be mixed and cooked over low heat.

You need to boil until all the foam disappears. After cooling, the broth becomes not very liquid. The resulting remedy is perfect for treating cataracts and trachoma. Duration of instillation: 2 -3 weeks.

Moisturizing eye drops are widely used in the fight against dry eyeball. Their appointment is necessary in the following cases:

  • long work at the computer;
  • working in a building with dry air from an air conditioner;
  • for certain ailments accompanied by fatigue, hyperemia and dryness.

Medical indications

Typically, funds of this type are used for:

  • hyperemia, lacrimation, swelling of the visual analyzer, which are a reaction to exposure to cosmetics, bright light, washing water, smoke and dust;
  • the appearance of blepharitis, conjunctivitis

Medicines are successfully used for corneal erosion. Eye drops for dryness can be used to eliminate infection along with antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral medications. Eye drops for dry eyes help prevent pathologies in which the organs of vision are constantly strained. Such solutions are used after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

All drops against dry eyes are produced in special containers. Their capacity is standard: 3, 5, 10 or 15 ml. The kit always includes a special sterilely packaged nozzle for dosing the medicine.

List of medications:

  1. Natural tear is a solution whose composition resembles human tears. It has a moisturizing effect on the eyes, removing the manifestations of the slightest inflammatory process.
  2. Optiv - a moisturizing medicine for dry eyes, contains carmellose sodium and glycerol.
  3. Vial - drops made of tetrizoline, provide anti-allergic and anti-edema effects. They can treat dry eye syndrome.
  4. Vizmed - contains sodium hyaluronate. Use if you have dry eyes.
  5. Oftalmoferon is a strong antiviral solution.
  6. Licontin eliminates eye irritation.
  7. Hilo-chest consists of hyaluronic acid. The product is used when working at a computer for a long time.
  8. Vidisik - it contains a hydrophilic polymer that moisturizes the eye.
  9. Oftolik - such drugs protect the cornea from dry syndrome.
  10. Oxial - drops, suitable for dry eyeballs.
  11. Khilozar-comodo is characterized by a moisturizing effect due to dexpanthenol and hyaluronate, which are included in their composition. This product can be used on all types of contact lenses.
  12. Visine is a sympathomimetic that eliminates swelling and constricts small vessels. This medicine for dryness syndrome cannot be used for a long time.
  13. Systane Ultra is an effective moisturizing preparation consisting of polydronium chloride.

Pharmacodynamics of drugs

Drops perfectly eliminate dry eyes. They contain components that relieve signs of inflammation, eliminating swelling and hyperemia of the conjunctiva. The alpha-adrenomimetic properties of these drugs allow you to dilate the pupil and minimize the production of intraocular fluid.

Many drops for dry eye syndrome have a restorative effect. At the same time, other effects (bactericidal) occur, so most of these moisturizing eye drops for children and adults quickly eliminate the burning sensation.

After using eye medications, the first effects are noticeable within a few minutes.

The duration of action can last up to 8 hours. Another advantage of eye drops is that they do not enter the bloodstream. Often, with dry eyes, the drops are gradually removed from the surface of the eye when blinking.

Pregnancy is a special condition in which it is important to refrain from taking any medications unless absolutely necessary. Medicinal substances can have an extremely adverse effect on the baby and pregnancy in general.

Many experts believe that topical use of a remedy for dry eyes does not pose any potential danger. Therefore, doctors do not prohibit the use of eye drops that do not contain antibacterial substances. What drops can I use?

  1. Inoksu is a proven medicine that eliminates fatigue and hyperemia. These are absolutely natural drops that do not contain chemical components. Therefore, it has no contraindications and does not provoke allergies.
  2. Natural tears are a drug that compensates for the lack of tear fluid. It contains a water-soluble polymer system. Such medications reliably and long-term moisturize the mucous membrane.

It has been proven that the usual regimen of using drops does not have a harmful effect on the body of a pregnant woman. It is important to remember that treatment for dry eye syndrome does not have to be long.

If discomfort persists for 3-4 days from the date of use of the medication, an immediate consultation with a doctor is required.

Contraindications for use

Such drugs cannot be used independently by persons with a tendency to allergies. Only a doctor in this case can choose an effective remedy without an allergenic effect. If unusual symptoms appear after instillation of the product, you should stop using it and it is better to consult a doctor for advice.

Not all medications can be used for a child. Therefore, before using the product, it is important to read the instructions, and even better, consult a pediatrician. Usually, the attending physician does not prescribe drops to people with closed-angle glaucoma.

Representatives of this group of drugs are good and are often well tolerated by patients. But there are isolated episodes of side effects, including:

  • burning and pain in the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • formation of crusts in the corners of the eyelids.

Quite rarely, when using large doses of drugs, sympathomimetic effects are observed, including:

  • tachycardia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • sweating

Directions for use, dosage

For dry eye syndrome, all drops are taken equally. There is a generally accepted scheme for this. But if there is a certain disease, its form and complexity, the attending physician can change the method of use and dosage of the medicine. Before the procedure, it is important to wash your hands with soap to prevent infection of the visual analyzer. Order of eye drops:

  1. Before opening the bottle, pay attention to the shelf life of the medicine and its physical properties (transparency, presence of turbidity or sediment).
  2. After opening the bottle, be sure to prepare a clean napkin or cotton pad.
  3. The head is tilted back and the dispenser is placed at a distance of at least 2–3 cm from the eye. It is strictly forbidden to touch the eyelashes or the edge of the eyelids.
  4. The skin under the eye is pulled back.
  5. The gaze should be directed as high as possible.
  6. Place 1-2 drops in each eye.
  7. After the manipulation, you can blink a little, then close both eyes for a few minutes.
  8. After the procedure, it is recommended to blot the eye with a clean napkin.
  9. It is strictly forbidden to rub or scratch your eyes.
  10. For children under 6 years of age, drops are used only under medical supervision.

An overdose will not occur if you follow the instructions for the drug and all the doctor’s advice. If the drug gets inside, the following immediately occurs:

  • severe tachycardia;
  • drowsy, comatose state;
  • hypotension;
  • hypothermia;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • apathy.

If a large number of drops are used, breathing may stop. When such signs appear, it is important to immediately provide first aid. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to rinse the patient’s stomach and give him to drink a large amount of activated carbon or other sorbent.

Interaction with other drugs

Doctors do not recommend using eye drops for dryness together with other medications for a similar purpose. Avoid contact of medications with soft lenses. This interaction often impacts their transparency.

If complex therapy involves the use of several drops, you need to remember: at least 15 minutes must pass between their use.

If you do not adhere to this rule, the first medicine will simply be washed away by the second without having the desired effect.

The solutions in question are stored in the refrigerator. Before opening the drug, it can be kept at room temperature. The shelf life of drugs usually does not exceed 3 years. Once opened, the drops can be stored for up to a month. Drops should not be used if they have changed color or become cloudy.

There are products designed for contact lens wearers. They are used to create additional protection. Such drugs include:

  • Systane.
  • Opti fries.

Domestic analogues are considered:

  • Corneocomfort.
  • Optimed.

Brief overview of inexpensive drugs

List of ophthalmic solutions for dry eyes:

  1. Hyphenation. Inexpensive, high-quality drops for dryness. Their main effect is to increase the viscosity of the mucous membrane, which prevents all kinds of irritation. The drug is widely used to prevent dry eyes.
  2. Balarpan-N. The drug has a beneficial effect on tissue restoration. It's also a reliable moisturizer. Due to this, the drops effectively prevent the development of conjunctivitis.
  3. Bestoxol is the cheapest and most accessible medicine. The components of the drops speed up recovery, increase the stability of the analyzer, and relieve stress.
  4. Slesin. In ophthalmology, it is often used to moisturize the eyeball.

Dry eyes are a common pathology that causes a lot of inconvenience. Only timely diagnosis and treatment with specially selected medications can improve the patient’s condition and prevent the development of unwanted complications.

All of the above remedies are taken according to the same scheme - the current eye pathologies existing in the patient are taken into account. Before using the solution, it is recommended to wash your hands, study the insert, and check the expiration date.

Then the bottle is opened and a cotton pad is prepared. The patient's head is tilted back, the dispenser is brought at a distance of 2 cm from the organs of vision. In this case, you should not touch your eyelashes and eyelids. The skin under each eye is pulled back. The lower eyelid should move away from the surface of the organ. During instillation, the patient should look as high as possible.

It is necessary to drop 1-2 drops into each eye up to 4 times a day.

After the procedure, you need to blink, closing your eyes for 3 minutes. The organs of vision are blotted with a napkin. You can't rub or scratch them. For children under 6 years of age, solutions are used under the supervision of doctors.

Our eyes are constantly exposed to various stresses. Bright light, cold, wind, sun, heat, radiation from the monitor, reading small text - these factors cause irritation, lead to discomfort, pain, and redness. What can be done to improve your general condition? The simplest and most correct solution is the use of special drugs. Moisturizing eye drops quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and relieve fatigue. Read more about the principles of their action and indications for use below.

Areas of use

Moisturizing eye solutions are used in the following cases:

Please note that the drugs have a specific composition and application features. What does it mean? Mainly, it is not advisable to self-medicate.

Moisturizing drops (“dry tears”) should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist - there are many drugs, and they all have a certain spectrum of action.

Features of the drugs

Moisturizing eye drops increase the aqueous layer of the tear film and the mucin membrane, moisturize the cornea, and increase the degree of tear viscosity. At the same time, the refraction of light improves, and the visual path is normalized. Some drugs have additional properties - it all depends on their composition.

The degree of viscosity of most eye drops in this category is high. Some drugs have a composition similar to natural tear fluid and contain natural polysaccharides. The main contraindication to the use of moisturizing eye drops is individual intolerance to their constituent components. It is not recommended to use the drug during lactation, pregnancy or childhood.

Moisturizing drops are not recommended for children and pregnant women, but these are not absolute contraindications - check with your doctor.

List of drugs

Here is a list of eye drops that differ in type of use.


Vasoconstrictor drugs are used for redness of the protein, its inflammation as a result of fatigue, lack of sleep. The main active substance is an alpha-adrenergic agonist. Eye solutions in this category relieve symptoms without affecting the cause of their occurrence. Vasoconstrictor drops are not used to treat the eyes; moreover, it is not recommended to use them for more than five days. Main drugs:

  • Octilia.
  • Naphthyzin.

Vasoconstrictor solutions are a good symptomatic, but not therapeutic, remedy. Do not use them for more than five days.

For allergies

Antihistamine drops reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions during periods of exacerbation. They can be hormonal and non-hormonal. The active substances in such solutions block histamine, thereby reducing redness and inflammation. Fixed assets:

Mineral (vitamin)

Mineral eye solutions have a composition close to natural tears, perfectly moisturize the cornea and restore visual acuity, relieve fatigue and redness. The drugs have a supportive effect and are recommended for people who work at a computer. Most Popular:

  • Vitamin A.

Vitamin (or mineral) drops are the main support drug for people who work at a computer.


Used to treat dry eye syndrome. Basic broad-spectrum moisturizing drops:

For those who wear lenses

Contact lenses cause corneal discomfort. Therefore, if you constantly wear them, use them to activate restoration processes in tissues.

People who regularly wear contact lenses should use rewetting drops.

Main titles:

  • Artelak.
  • Blink.
  • Blink Contact.
  • Ophtolic.
  • Thealosis.
  • Hilo Chest of Drawers.
  • Innoxa.
  1. Self-medication is dangerous to health. Before using any drug, consult your doctor. Perhaps the ophthalmologist will prescribe several medications for you at once and write out a regimen for taking them.
  2. Store medications in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions.
  3. Do not replace prescribed drops with analogues. Yes, the main active ingredients may be similar, but the pharmacology will differ.
  4. It is recommended to store open bottles in the refrigerator; before instillation, the solution will need to be warmed in your hand - otherwise it will not be absorbed well.
  5. Do not touch the tip of the bottle (dropper) with your hands.
  6. The lenses are removed before instillation; they can be put back on only after 20 minutes.

And remember - eye drops are intended for individual use. One bottle cannot be used by different people.



Moisturizing eye drops help with irritation, swelling, allergies, and redness. They are presented in a wide range - and each drug has its own purpose. There are drops for people who wear contact lenses, with the effect of “artificial tears,” antihistamines, and so on. Please note that vasoconstrictor drugs cannot be used for a long time.

Fatigue, dry eye syndrome, redness, irritation, poor vision, various infections - the solution to all these problems does not come without the use of special drops. They are needed both for the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases. When choosing them, consider the following:

  1. Type of product. If you are looking for drops for fatigue, then the indications for their use should include a corresponding note. The same goes for other eye problems. To treat conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other infectious diseases, antibacterial agents are needed. In order to eliminate redness, vasoconstrictor drugs are needed.
  2. Volume. You should not immediately buy several bottles; it is better to take fresh ones immediately before using them.
  3. Contraindications.
  4. Side effects.
  5. Package. The most convenient ones are plastic bottles, which do not require a separate pipette to use. But you can’t do without it when choosing drops in glass ampoules.

To compile the rating, user reviews were taken as a basis. Here we took into account the opinions of customers about the effectiveness of eye drops, their advantages and disadvantages. The drugs were analyzed according to such parameters as purpose, volume, contraindications, side effects, packaging.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best eye drops for fatigue and redness

Let's start with drugs to relieve inflammation and fatigue, because these problems worry almost every person in the age of computer technology. Eye drops are relevant for office workers and drivers. After analyzing the options available on the market, we have selected the top three of them.

3 Visine

Best choice of the year
Country: France
Average price: 298 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Vizin combines optimal quality and low price, which is why it took third place. It is recommended for use by ophthalmologists for hyperemia, allergic conjunctivitis, lacrimation, redness and increased eye fatigue. Reviews speak of its complex effect on the visual organs.

Users note that the product helps already within 3-4 days, the effect lasts for almost 12 hours. True, there are also disadvantages here - the drops cannot be used for more than 4 days in a row, they sting the eyes. Therefore, it is better to discontinue the drug if the mucous membrane is hypersensitive.

2 Systane Ultra

The most effective composition
Country: Spain
Average price: 193 rub. (3 ml) and 950 rub. (15 ml)
Rating (2019): 4.6

Systane was awarded second place due to its multifaceted effect, manifested in eliminating irritation, inflammation and dry eye syndrome, and relieving fatigue when working at a computer. As reviews show, despite the small volume of the 10 mg bottle, this is quite enough for a course of treatment of 1-2 weeks.

Disadvantages include the ban on combining these eye drops with others and the requirement to wait about 20 minutes between procedures. One of their advantages is the possibility of using the product during pregnancy. It is also important that there are no cases of overdose.

1 Lecrolin

The best offer
Country: Finland
Average price: 160 rub. (20 ml) and 210 rub. (40 ml)
Rating (2019): 4.9

Lecrolin is the most effective antiallergic, sedative and anti-inflammatory drug. It has proven itself well in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. Unlike many analogues, it can be used by children over 4 years old.

The advantages of the product are a small number of contraindications, compatibility with other products. The disadvantage, as reviews show, may be the need to use eye drops 4 times a day. In some cases, a small veil appears, which disappears after a couple of minutes.

The best moisturizing drops for dry eyes

Dry eye syndrome requires treatment with special drops, which should contain moisturizing components. Their advantage is their gentle effect, so they are suitable even for sensitive mucous membranes. Here these three remedies have proven themselves best.

3 Japanese eye drops Sante FX

Fastest result
Country: Japan
Average price: 700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Despite the high price, Japanese Sante FX drops are very popular. According to reviews, they help not only with dry mucous membranes, but also with itching, blepharitis, eye fatigue, blurred vision, and conjunctivitis. That is why the product will always be relevant in your first aid kit. It contains vitamin B6 and other biologically active components that nourish and strengthen the membrane.

Eye drops are designed specifically for office workers who have to look at the monitor a lot of time. They are also indicated for drivers driving at night. However, there is no therapeutic effect, only preventive. Drops relieve irritation and reduce the production of substances that cause burning. Buyers warn about the “frosting” effect: it’s hard to open your eyes immediately after use, the aroma is too minty. We recommend paying attention to the packaging; it shows the freshness index.

2 Allergodil

Economical, proven product
Country: Germany
Average price: 900 rub. (6 ml) and 1350 rub. (10 ml)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Allergodil can be called the best eye drops for moisturizing the mucous membrane due to their immediate effect and gentle composition. They have successfully passed numerous clinical studies and are recommended for both the prevention and treatment of diseases. Compared to other products, they are distinguished by their economical consumption (only 1 drop 4 times a day).

The reviews write about compatibility with most drugs; they are suitable for complex treatment. In the first minutes after use, there is a feeling of heaviness in the eyes and bitterness in the mouth, then relief comes. The product is indicated to be taken for several weeks, then take a break. The drug should be instilled 3-4 times a day, the effect is short-term. It is used up quickly and the full course is expensive.

1 Optimized

Acts quickly and helps when wearing lenses
Country Russia
Average price: 120 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The title of the best was deservedly received by Optimed, which contains succinic acid. Drops remove dryness , struggling with lack of oxygen. The composition is hypoallergenic and safe for children. The drug is recommended by doctors when getting acquainted with lenses. The formula has moisturizing components that keep your eyes comfortable. A nice bonus is the convenient bottle. After opening, you need to use the product within a month, which rarely happens. As a result, part of the drug is wasted.

The reviews note excellent moisturizing properties, advising to take drops twice a day. They write that you can forget about lenses in your eyes, they do not cause discomfort. The formula does not sting even irritated mucous membranes, the effect lasts for many hours. Relief comes instantly, discomfort goes away. Drops are indicated not only for lenses, they are excellent for removing fatigue after a long day in front of the monitor screen.

The best drops to improve vision

Whatever causes this problem, it requires immediate correction. In addition to exercising and taking vitamins internally, you should use the drops suggested in the rating to improve vision. They will be useful for both farsightedness and myopia.

3 Avizor Moisture Drops

Protects against aggressive environmental influences
Country: Spain
Average price: 470 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Avizor Moisture Drops designed to protect eyes from wind and hot weather. They take away the feeling dryness , help in smoky rooms. The Spanish company adds hyaluronic acid, which can absorb many times its weight in water. The formula remains on the surface of the eyes for a long time, prevents dehydration of the cornea, and prevents the lenses from drying out. There is a feeling of comfort and freshness for the whole day.

Reviews note the duration of action of the drops, talking about the unique properties of hyaluronic acid. The formula slightly justifies the high cost of the drug; it provides relief for a long time. Drops improve eye condition, vision becomes clear and clear. However, the packaging is criticized; it is difficult to obtain the correct amount of product. One bottle contains as much as 15 ml of the drug, and the shelf life is 2 months. Many people do not have time to use the drops and have to throw away the expensive product.

2 Visomitin

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 495 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Visomitin is recognized as the best due to its gentle care for the eyes and its effect on vision from the inside. According to reviews, it copes with several tasks at once - it facilitates the treatment of farsightedness and myopia, and prevents degeneration of the lacrimal gland. The drug effectively eliminates dryness and blurred vision.

Users focus on the safety of the composition and its slow consumption. Its huge advantage is the absence of itching and stinging after use. The reason for this is the low concentration of the solution.

1 Oftylla

The best natural drug
Country: Italy
Average price: 133 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Oftylla solution is designed to instantly hydrate tired eyes. Manufacturer used the best natural ingredients: mallow and chamomile extracts. They relieve fatigue and eliminate discomfort after contact lenses. The product is indicated for people with weak tear production. The drug preserves the natural film, reduces the time of adaptation to lenses, and helps after long periods of watching TV. Drops instantly eliminate irritation and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Reviews praise the mild soothing effect. At first, you feel an enveloping effect, your eyes become fresher. Drops are called one of best for low vision and frequent wearing of lenses. The product is indicated for prevention and is recommended for office workers. The drops are consumed slowly, the package lasts for several months. Buyers did not consider this as a disadvantage most Convenient bottle, not easy to squeeze out the right amount. The remedy will not cope with serious problems.

The best eye drops for conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis

Treatment of infectious ophthalmological diseases always begins with the prescription of special drops. They destroy dangerous bacteria and prevent them from multiplying, thereby eliminating itching, redness and irritation. Here we can recommend the three most reliable drop options.

3 Tsiprolet

Best price
Country: India
Average price: 61 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

It is very difficult to find products cheaper than Tsiprolet. At the same time, the volume here is quite decent - 5 mg, and it is enough for 1-2 weeks of regular use. The drug is effective in the fight against a wide variety of infections; salmonella, staphylococcus and many others are sensitive to it. etc.

According to reviews, the drops are well absorbed and in just a few days they improve well-being with blepharitis, keratitis, and conjunctivitis. The absence of strict age restrictions is of great importance; it can be used as early as 1 year. But if a woman is in an “interesting” position and is breastfeeding, then this option is not for her.

2 Levomycetin

Most accessible
Country Russia
Average price: 68 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Levomycetin is one of the cheapest products with a powerful antimicrobial effect. As practice shows, to solve the problem it is enough to use 1 drop three times a day. Users speak positively even about a short course of treatment, which averages only 1 week. These eye drops are compatible with all medications. But you should be extremely careful, because an overdose may cause temporary blurred vision.

Reviews warn that immediately after instillation, the eyes turn a little red, but within 10 minutes the unpleasant sensation goes away. The most pronounced effect occurs after 3-4 days, then gradually decreases. The comments talk about relieving tension and feeling fresh. However, the drops are not suitable for long-term use; pain occurs. You need to take breaks. The product has a short shelf life and is difficult to use up completely.

1 Xalatamax

Reliable, proven drug
Country: Croatia
Average price: 1215 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

If you want a powerful antiglaucoma drug with immediate effect, then Xalatamax will be the best choice for this. It is created on the basis of active components - sodium hydrogen phosphate, benzalkonium chloride, etc. They quickly penetrate the cornea and instantly affect it.

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