Horoscope for Cancer end of June. Cancer zodiac sign lucky days

The first month of summer for representatives of this zodiac sign will be quite stressful, both in terms of workload and on the psycho-emotional level. You will strive to become the best and grab the best cases and projects, but in the end you will remain a loser. However, you shouldn’t be upset, you just need to rationally approach such an issue and think everything through carefully. As the horoscope for June 2018 recommends, Cancer should consult with loved ones on this matter as often as possible, and the main thing is to listen to your mind and not be led by your heart. In June you will want to feel your independence from others and the only way out will strengthen financially. It is for this reason that it is worth saving part of your income for the future now. June will be in to a greater extent a month of friends than relationships, since Cancers will have to experience their ups and downs together with their loved ones. You will witness changes in the personal lives of friends, weddings, divorces and work problems.

Favorable days: 1, 9, 11, 15, 17, 25, 27.

Unfavorable days: 2, 3, 7, 13, 22, 28.


Cancer, June 2018 may bring you not only warm weather and inspiration, but also unexpected illnesses. Due to the unstable situation at work, Cancers will allow themselves a lot of “forbidden” food, which negatively affects the entire body as a whole. Also, skipping breakfast in favor of an extra hour of sleep will also affect general condition. It's worth pointing this out Special attention, since stomach problems will not allow you to work fruitfully, and this will lead to even bigger problems.

Again, because of work, Cancers will experience frequent attacks of anxiety and anger, which will be difficult to control. In an effort to receive care and compassion from those close to you, you dare to go to extreme measures, namely, accept the role of “victim”. Constant fatigue, insomnia and headaches will actually turn out to be an ordinary fiction that will be embarrassing to talk about. It is better to abandon this method and talk directly with relatives and friends about your problem. That's why they are close, to accept you as anyone.

As for physical activity, Cancers in June will put this off until the very last moment. Either they cannot decide what set of exercises to do after waking up, or they have no money or time for the gym. But you must understand for yourself that these are all excuses. clean water. Get together and do this, after which you will undoubtedly understand how much the sport has benefited.


June for Cancers is not best month in terms of work and business, so if possible, it is better to take a vacation. Despite this, representatives of this sign will count on a lot and it is for this reason that they will be disappointed and angry. The Cancer horoscope for June 2018 advises you to learn a simple truth: success is not continuous, and you need to be prepared for difficulties. Calmness and a rational approach will be your lifesaver in June, so pay special attention to this. If your job allows it, and you have been working for the past months without raising your head, then in the first month of summer, give yourself a little break. Instead of hard work, rearrange your office or office, do some general cleaning, or complete estimates. This will help tidy up not only your surroundings, but also yours. own thoughts. In June, it is better to behave as calmly and kindly as possible with your boss or partners, postponing excessive activity for later. This month it is better to gain strength, both physically and mentally.


Due to minor difficulties at work, huge incomes are naturally not expected. But don’t get upset, become hysterical, or dip into your savings for a rainy day. Your salary received will be enough for monthly expenses and everything you need. The only thing you have to do is keep a financial notebook, where you need to enter all expenses and, accordingly, income. This will help you keep track of your money and control yourself. In this situation, the main thing is not to be nervous and completely take everything into your own hands.

Also, you shouldn’t rely on anyone, even on relatives or friends whom you strongly help in everything. They, of course, will be able to help out in a critical situation, but this month is unlikely to bring such things. Therefore, you don’t need to get used to someone’s help and beg for an extra penny - you can do everything yourself.


As foreshadowed love horoscope As of June 2018, Cancer will experience success in amorous affairs and complete peace in the family. This is what will help you survive all the problems and failures that may appear in other areas of life. It is important to be as relaxed as possible and express all your feelings, and not be embarrassed to seem too romantic or sentimental. Even if it’s not entirely appropriate, your partner will appreciate it, and your relationship will only become stronger.

Lonely Cancers need to be bolder and sometimes even take the first step, this is the only way you can build your own happiness. Perhaps the person you're in love with has the same feelings, but is simply afraid of the reaction. Let him know that this is mutual, and then everything will go smoothly.

In family relationships it is not expected global problems, but still you shouldn’t relax and let everything take its course. Due to the rather difficult situation with work and finances, minor disagreements on this issue are possible in June. But they are practically groundless, so it’s worth taking everything into your own hands and explaining the problem. By working together you will achieve mutual understanding and calm.

Man – Cancer

As the horoscope for June 2018 advises, a Cancer man should approach the issue of work with maximum calm and understanding. It is worth accepting the fact that long-awaited dreams of decent income do not come to your hands too quickly. Continue to work, but do not overwork, as your health will noticeably weaken this month. Possible pressure changes bad dream and apathy. The best way to combat the above is through sports, fresh food and going out.

Your chosen one will only be glad to receive various invitations to places that are interesting to both of you. Spend more time on this, as this will not allow you to become limp and succumb to negative self-analysis.

Cancer Woman

Representatives of this sign will noticeably miss communication with the stronger sex in June. And not with just anyone, but with a man who is self-confident, smart and successful. It is next to him that you will feel like a fragile Thumbelina. But we should not forget that such relationships can end in disappointment, because most likely they will result in an inferiority complex.

As the horoscope for June 2018 advises, a Cancer woman should not plan global examinations for this month, as the careless words of doctors will lead you into a state of apathy. It is better to replace this with frequent spas, self-care or massages.

The first month of summer will be quite calm for Cancers. In the professional field in June 2018, everything will go as usual; no special stress is expected here. Therefore, according to the horoscope, representatives of the sign will be able to pay more attention to putting things in order in their private life.

Main tasks of the month of the Cancer sign

The sun has completely moved into the 12th house of your horoscope, where it will remain almost until the very end of the month. Most likely, most representatives of this sign will prefer to retire from active social life in June 2018 and spend more time at home, with their family or alone, in nature. The Cancer horoscope for June 2018 believes that this is, in general, not bad, the most important thing is that such behavior does not in any way affect work or financial situation.

Those Cancers who were looking for a job may receive several offers in June 2018. The main problem will be to find a reasonable compromise between the level wages and the degree of interest that the work itself arouses. The horoscope warns that by chasing high earnings at the expense of moral satisfaction, you may make a big mistake, which you will want to correct very soon. You can also expect some pleasant surprises in your personal life.

Horoscope for June 2018 Cancer: studies, business and contacts

At the beginning of the month, Mercury will be in the 12th house of Cancer. But very soon it moves to 1st house - the house of a person’s personality. Therefore, if the first ten days of June 2018 are quite solitary for Cancers, then representatives of this sign, according to the horoscope, will experience a keen need for communication, exploring more and more new opportunities to achieve some of their goals. Especially great successes in June 2018 will be achieved by those Cancers who are involved in commerce, law, art, design or advertising. They will be able to conclude lucrative contracts that promise good profits.

The main problem of Cancers is that they have great difficulty adapting to some new conditions for themselves. According to the Cancer horoscope, June 2018 is a month when it recommends that you put aside your usual prejudices and carefully explore any new opportunities that open up before you.

Love and money of the Cancer sign in June 2018

This month will be quite successful for Cancers in financially. In June 2018, they will continue to receive good income, and for some, as the horoscope promises, their income will even increase by the end of the month. But the stars advise not to relax and start making provisions for a rainy day - you may need them very soon. Also in June 2018, the horoscope does not advise taking out money, much less a bank loan. It will be quite difficult to give it away.

Until the middle of the month, Venus settled in your 1st house - the house of human personality. Then, on June 14, 2018, it moves to Cancer’s 2nd house - the area of ​​property and finance. This position of the planet, as the horoscope says, will endow you with special charm in the eyes of the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that already in the first half of the month, single Cancers may begin to make several promising acquaintances. The most important thing is that you don’t spread yourself thin and don’t try to chase all the options at once. As the horoscope for June 2018 predicts, Cancer must define a specific goal for itself - only in this case will your romance have some kind of continuation. Cancers who are in a relationship or married need to be careful not to flirt in front of their significant other. There is no need to hurt someone close to you and risk your own peace of mind. Moreover, you should not use other people’s feelings for any selfish purposes.

Horoscope for June 2018 Cancer: activity and health

Mars is firmly established in the 8th house of Cancer. Intensive training in June 2018 will bring you undoubted benefits, both in terms of maintaining overall physical fitness and in order to balance your psychological condition. In terms of health, the horoscope advises paying attention to work gastrointestinal tract. Also, at the beginning of summer, manifestations of allergies are not excluded. At the end of the month, when Mars becomes regressive, you will need to be careful and be wary of injury at work or during sports activities.

The restlessness and inconstancy of the patroness of the year, the White Metal Rat, will fully influence the fate and life of Cancers in June. Cancers are already very indecisive and subject to doubt, and in June they will have to doubt every minute. However, this will not prevent Cancers from taking decisive actions at the beginning of summer to strengthen their financial condition and position in society.


For Cancers, the time for decisive action is ripe, and the stars do not recommend wasting it on reflection and soul-searching. This period is extremely favorable for building strategic plans for the future, promoting career ladder, business expansion, fateful negotiations.

But Cancers are unlikely to have to count on outside help, so even at the stage of planning any actions, rely solely on own strength. On the Cancer horoscope, external influence is minimized, and at the beginning of summer such influence is the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, you should not expect support and help from anyone, implement your plans exclusively into real actions yourself, rely only on your own strength and means. Now Cancers need to mobilize, gathering all their strength and thoughts into a single whole. Such concentration on the implementation of their plans will bring fairly quick and good results, which will help significantly raise the self-esteem of the representatives of the sign and strengthen their position in society.

Cancers crave change, and it will not be slow to appear in their lives. In June, many Cancers will change not only their jobs, but also their place of residence. Moving is very painful for Cancer, but it is in June that he will be able to endure it with the least loss of strength. Many Cancers will begin renovating their homes or remodeling their summer cottages. These actions will be rational and effective if they are thought out and planned in advance, and contemplating the fairly quick results of your own efforts will bring a lot of positive emotions.

During this period, it is undesirable for Cancers to be away from the walls of their own home for a long time. It is there that they receive emotional fuel for all their achievements and accomplishments, and if Cancer has a vacation to go on, it is better to spend it at home.

Smooth state of affairs wellness and the stability of income will not leave envious people indifferent and will push them to take decisive action. The horoscope warns of the machinations of ill-wishers.


Real euphoria for Cancers will be caused by communication with children in June. In this area of ​​life, Cancer now enjoys a real idyll. Your children delight you with their achievements in art, educational process and sports, and Cancers will share the positive with great pride and pleasure with all relatives and friends.

The burning eyes of Cancers and their good mood They simply attract admiring glances from the opposite sex. At the beginning of summer, it is very likely that previously single Cancers will develop a romantic relationship. Cancer men should take a closer look at potential life partners - Lionesses, Aries and Sagittarius. Cancer women should consider candidates from Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn men.

Cancers, both men and women, tend to very quickly move from the candy-bouquet period to sexual relations. This often confuses their partners and causes bewilderment. Try not to rush such a relationship or be too pushy, and don’t expect instant decisions from your potential partners. Your partner's lack of initiative in matters of entering into sexual relations does not mean a lack of interest in your relationship. To different people required and different quantity time to make such a decision. Give them the time they need to realize the need for this, be confident in yourself, and your endurance and ability to control yourself will be appreciated by your partners.

Lonely Cancers who will not be lucky enough to enter into new relationships in June love relationship It’s worth reconsidering some of your views on the desired relationship, and surely upon closer examination it will turn out that you are very often overly selfish and demanding. You are ready to accept love and admiration, but are not at all ready to give it in return.

The period is also favorable for marriage. A marriage concluded in June will be strong and emotionally intense throughout its entire length. Family Cancers A rather favorable period awaits in all respects. Tenderness, trust in relationships and care for each other - this is what characterizes family relationships Cancers in June.

Child Cancer

Little Cancers should be protected from injury. At every step in June they are met with cuts, bruises and abrasions. This is not easy to do; little Cancers are very active and mobile, especially since their behavior is not very influenced beneficial effect Mercury, contributing to the fact that the Cancer child categorically refuses to obey his elders. Make your child’s living space safer, remove all sharp and dangerous objects from visible and accessible places, take care of safety measures when using electrical appliances and fire.


The rather strict life schedule of Cancers will push many of them to self-pity and the desire to take a little time out. And since Cancers are in perfect physical fitness and their energy potential is actually high level, then they will do it with the help of imaginary sores. Many Cancers in June will complain of headaches and bad feeling without actually experiencing anything like it. They just want to relax a little and receive a small portion of empathy and support from loved ones. Many Cancers don’t want to talk about this openly, and this is how they will try to attract the attention of others. If you are in a close relationship with a Cancer, treat this with understanding and give him what he so ineptly asks for.

June 2020 is favorable for Cancers in terms of career advancement, business expansion and other decisive actions.
A marriage concluded in June will be lasting for Cancers.
Horoscope for Cancer for July 2020.

June 2019 - favorable period for new ideas and achievements. Do not be afraid to make your dreams come true, because at this time you will be lucky. The mood of Cancers will depend on relationships with loved ones. A major quarrel with friends will unsettle you for a long time. The support of a loved one will help you survive this painful blow. In the middle of the month, thank your soulmate with a trip to the sea.

Cancer Woman. Women of this zodiac sign will have to plunge into the world of pleasure and pleasure that a trip to the sea will give them. Warm sand and hot sun will create a wonderful mood. Pleasant emotions await Cancer women in the love sphere as well. Get ready to receive compliments and surprises. Tensions with others will improve slightly towards the end of the month. The horoscope advises spending more time with friends, because they are offended by refusals to go out together. Have them watch old movies with popcorn at home.

Cancer man. In June, Cancer men are expected to have conflicts with colleagues, but they do not need to be taken seriously. The envy of your co-workers accompanies you throughout your career growth. In the love sphere, everything will work out for the best. Harmony will reign in your relationship with your significant other. A joint vacation will relax you and bring positive emotions that will last until the end of the month. It will be unexpected to discover new talents in cooking. Try to cook something tasty in the evening, and compliments will be guaranteed.

Love horoscope

In the love sphere, Cancers expect stability. Minor quarrels will spoil the mood a little, but you will find a compromise and improve your relationship with your other half.

Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign are contraindicated to stay at home. Exude determination and confidence. This will help attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Those who are in a couple will have problems harmonious relationships with a loved man. Traveling together will strengthen mutual feelings. A minor conflict over money is possible, but it will quickly exhaust itself.

Business horoscope

In June 2019, work for Cancers will come in second place after family. There are ups and downs in the professional field.

Those looking for work will have luck at the beginning of the month. However, it is better to wait with joy, because the position will be responsible and will require a lot of dedication.

Cancer employees will be freed from business trips and hard work. June is the ideal time to relax. Pack your bags and go to the sea.

Cancer leaders will be pleased with their subordinates. There will be a desire to promote someone, but you should not make hasty decisions.

Financial horoscope

June will bring stable income to Cancers. Properly planned expenses will be the key financial success. Therefore, before going to the store or market, make a shopping list and follow only it. At the end of the month, large expenses will slightly shake the stable financial situation.

Health horoscope

In June, Cancers may experience stomach problems due to poor nutrition. Eat vegetables and fruits, cereals, fish, dietary meat. Avoid soda, too fatty and spicy foods. Get rid of the habit of skipping breakfast.

Dedicate the end of the month to rest fresh air. This will free you from frequent headaches.

Move, don't sit at home

Spend every day fun and active. Make time for a hike in the mountains, outdoor games or a walk in the park. Such unloading will charge you with positive emotions and add vigor.

As the horoscope for June 2017 promises, Cancer will experience positive changes. Now you will be able to enjoy life, abstracting from everything that stresses and irritates. Accept all changes with joy and dignity, because you will soon be convinced that everything is for the better.

This month is perfect for understanding yourself, taking stock and making adjustments. And Cancers will succumb to this desire for introspection and rethinking of their lives, as a result of which many of their views may change.

The first half of the month is ideal for self-development, broadening your horizons and any endeavors. Get rid of the burden of the past that weighs on you. Now is the time to expand your horizons, make new acquaintances and start new life. The chances of making your dreams and goals come true are high, the main thing is not to have your head in the clouds and set realistic goals.

The end of the month is the time when you should start restoring lost connections with colleagues or friends. Take the first step towards your reconciliation. The stars warn Cancers against making rash decisions and hasty conclusions.


The Cancer horoscope for June 2017 does not promise representatives of the sign of high energy potential, but also serious illnesses not expected.

The condition of the nervous system may deteriorate somewhat. You will be vulnerable and emotional, overly sensitive to criticism. Try to shoot emotional stress while playing sports or walking in the fresh air. Maintaining a moderate daily routine physical exercise, as well as yoga or meditative practices will help bring nervous system into a state of balance.

Do not succumb to hypochondriacal moods, do not diagnose yourself. Now you just need a calm and friendly environment in the family.


In June, Cancers will crave a vacation, but, as the horoscope for Cancer for June 2017 predicts, they are unlikely to have one. Advancement up the career ladder will depend entirely on your activity and initiative.

The first half of the month is suitable for organizational events, as well as real estate transactions. Negotiations related to future joint activities and the conclusion of contracts will also take place in a positive manner.

In the second half of the month, the professional success of Cancers will depend on their hard work. Take everything into your own hands, approach the matter with full responsibility. This way you will prove your professionalism and achieve career growth.

The end of the month is a somewhat conflicting period. You are full of energy, but at the same time you are full of aggression. Be more restrained and direct the energy flow in a peaceful direction.


As recommended financial horoscope for June 2017, Cancer must fully concentrate on work if he wants to achieve high results. June opens up great prospects for representatives of the sign, the main thing is not to miss them. You can safely take on new projects and accept offers new position and even open your own business. With due diligence, you will be able to bring your income to a higher level.

In financial matters, rely only on the opinions of disinterested professionals.


As the love horoscope for June 2017 predicts, Cancer will find itself in an atmosphere of trust, warmth and ease. Your relationship with your partner will delight and present pleasant surprises. Now is the time to pay attention to your family nest. Changing the interior, repairing and improving your home will be favorable, will unite you and give you pleasant, warm moments.

Those Cancers who are hit by Cupid's arrow will have a romantic and sincere relationship.

Communication with friends will bring many pleasant moments to Cancers. In June, communication and relationships will play an important role in your life, giving you the much-needed support and support.

Man – Cancer

Cancer will devote a lot of time to work. But, as the horoscope for June 2017 recommends, a Cancer man should not forget about family and home, but try to pay more attention to his family. Be more attentive and sensitive to your significant other. Remember that love is like a fire, the flames of which need to be fed with romantic surprises and tenderness.

The month will not bring representatives a sign of career growth, but the financial situation of the Cancer man promises to be stable. Now you can afford not only the necessary purchases, but also pleasant entertainment.

To improve your health and maintain your tone, do not be lazy, but rather get out into nature more often, engage in active sports, swim in ponds and enjoy communication with loved ones.

Cancer Woman

As the horoscope for June 2017 promises, the Cancer woman will receive a lucrative offer of cooperation. The month will be full of communication, business meetings, and business trips. Beware of envious colleagues, and also avoid getting involved in financial fraud and, in general, eliminate financial risks.

In search of a suitable life partner, you should not get involved in dubious adventures. To avoid conflicts in the family, try to keep your emotions under control, otherwise you will blame yourself later.

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