I want big and pure love. Quotes from the Soviet film love formula

- Villager... Do you want big, but pure love?
- Who doesn’t want her?
- Come to the hayloft in the evening. Will you come?
- I’ll come, why not come? Only you and the judge come. But they also promised and did not come.
- She will not come alone, she will come with a blacksmith.
- He is like a father to me, our blacksmith.
- Why do we need a blacksmith? No, we don't need a blacksmith. What am I, a horse?
- So you, the judge, would you like to make a proposal?...
- So, free, go. If you don't see, we're playing.

And you turn out to be a dishonest person, Margadon.

And then you will be publicly flogged there, like a tramp, and sent to Siberia to clear snow...
- All?...
- Yes.

Doctor (addressing the sick Alyosha): “Tongue... tongue... close... open... close... open. What are we complaining about?
Auntie: “He’s complaining about his head.”
Doctor: “That's good. The lungs breathe, the heart beats.”
Auntie: “What about the head?”
Doctor: “And the head is a dark object and cannot be examined.”

Yes, our father did not catch a cold, but moved out of nowhere.

(Ate the fork)...
- Yes, it’s from the heart. Amazing. Worthy of admiration.

A creepy city - there are no girls, no one plays cards. Yesterday in the tavern I stole a silver spoon, no one even noticed - they thought that it was not there at all.

And this abyss swallowed her up in one moment. In general, everyone died.

If the doctor is full, it’s easier for the patient!

Ladushki, okay, where were you - at your grandmother's... villager, do you have a grandmother?
- No…
- Orphan, that means...

What are we complaining about?

We are being humiliated, Jacob. Your blow is prince.

But, vagrants. Fortissimo, Mama Mia, but!

Oh, damn you all, hello.

Would you like to have a bite?
- What is the name of?
- Pancakes.
- Pancakes... pancakes... Where were you? By Grandma. Selyanka, do you have a grandmother?
- No.
- An orphan, that is.

Count Cagliostro: “Margadon, accept!”
Fimka (serving bread and salt): “You’re welcome, sir.”
Margadon pours salt onto the bread and throws the salt shaker into the inner pocket of his coat.
Dialogue between village men:
- I liked it, apparently, well done.
- Good man.
- He stole the salt shaker.
- And he didn’t disdain.

Silvuple, dear guests, Silvuple. Zhevupri avepliziz. Lord forgive me, all the words jumped out of fear.

The word heals, conversation drives away thoughts.

I'm losing my former lightness.

That’s good, Mashenka!
- I'm not Mashenka!
- It's still good.

Alyosha: Stepan, the guest’s carriage has broken down
Stepan: I see, master. The axle has fallen off and the spokes need to be changed.
Alyosha: How long will it take you to do it?
Stepan: I’ll do it in a day.
Alyosha: How about two?
Stepan: Well, in two... We'll do it in two.
Alyosha: And in five days?
Stepan: Well, if you try, you can do it in five.
Alyosha: How about ten?
Stepan: Well, master, you pose problems! You can't do it alone in ten days, you need an assistant. Homo sapiens.
Alyosha: Take helpers, but not before!
Fimka: Are you planning to stay for a long time?
Stepan: It depends on me. Everything here depends on me.

What one person has assembled, another can always take apart.

Uncle Stepan, their coachman looked at me through his lorgnette. What is he doing?
- What, what? Vision is weak!
- Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

How mercantile you are, Margadon, you should think about your soul.

And be careful with the young ladies. Whether they are marble or not is up to us. Sit in the sun and bask.
- Herbs would be a good way to heal.

Margadon, one needed to be charged...
- And you, it turns out, are a dishonest person, Margadon.
- Certainly! If I were an honest person, how many people in Europe would die! Horror!

Amor!.. And with the eyes so...

You will be sent to Siberia to clear snow!
- All?
- Yes.

All newcomers to Russia will die near Smolensk.

Yesterday I asked the housekeeper for three rubles - she gave it, you scoundrel, and didn’t ask when I’d give it back.

Uncle Stepan, would you help them, eh? Well, it’s a sin to laugh at the poor. Well, look at them! Forced people eat only fish. And they sing so pitifully!..

Is he feeling bad?
- He feels good. All is well for the living.

The carriage broke down, the blacksmith is on the run, so he sits in the Vasilievskaya hotel, feeding the bugs.
- Klopov? A great man, a master, and bedbugs?
- So, sir, they don’t understand who is a master and who is not a master.

You bastard, oh bastard, so you study Latin here instead of working?

You don't know how to lie, young man. All people are divided into those who need something from me, and the rest, from whom I need something. I don't need anything from you. Post whatever you want.

No, it's not Jazelle. Jazel – she was a brunette, and this one is all white.

“Enough, senora, you have arrived in Russia, if you please swear in Russian!”

Do you have mint in Italy?
-Where do they get mint from? I saw their Italy on the map: boot with boot.

Why does he keep scaring me? Why should I be scared? I have three life sentences. How does he talk to you? You, the man who has reached the heights of London's bottom! After all, are you going to be a prince?
- Yes, itys!

There is no need for loud words, they shake the air, but not the interlocutor.

Staying in Russia has a corrupting effect on fragile minds.

How terrible it is that I am not afraid to die. Probably because Cagliostro had already died, his feelings and desires had died. All that was left was the mind... the unfortunate mind, which imagined that it was alone in the universe and everything was allowed to it. A mind that questioned all the laws of the universe and set out to establish its own.
He asks me for one last favor... He is eager to be free.

- pursuit, Your Majesty.
- this is amazing. When you leave the chase, you don’t think about anything else. Time must be filled with events, then it flies unnoticed...

Sir, is it true that your master lives for 2000 years?
“I can’t say for sure, lady, but in the 200 years that I’ve been serving him, he hasn’t changed a bit.”

Don't take life as a problem, it is a mystery of stunning beauty. Drink from it, it is pure wine! Be full of it! Osho.

The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar is heard in your heart - the roar of freedom. Osho.

If you don't change right now, you will never change. No need for endless promises. You either change or you don't, but be honest. Osho.

Love is patient, everything else is impatient. Passion is impatient; love is patient. Once you understand that patience means love, you understand everything. Osho.

I don't have any biography. And everything that is considered a biography is absolutely meaningless. When I was born, in what country I was born, it doesn’t matter. Osho.

Learn to laugh more. Laughter is as holy as prayer. Your laughter will open a thousand and one roses within you. Osho.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens. Osho.

Don't expect perfection, and don't ask or demand it. Love ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary. Every person is so unique. Respect this uniqueness. Osho.

Don't run from yourself, you can't be anyone else. Osho.

Any borrowed truth is a lie. Until you experience it yourself, it is never true. Osho.

The child comes clean, nothing is written on him; there is no indication of who he should be - all dimensions are open to him. And the first thing you need to understand: a child is not a thing, a child is a being. Osho

Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it. Osho.

At this very moment you can drop all problems because they are all created by you. Osho.

Just watch why you are creating a problem. The solution to a problem is at the very beginning, when you first create it - don’t create it! You don’t have any problems – it’s enough to understand only this.

People believe in the immortality of the soul not because they know it, but because they are afraid. The more cowardly a person is, the more likely it is that he believes in the immortality of the soul - not because he is religious; he's just a coward. Osho.

Before knocking on the right door, a person knocks on thousands of wrong doors. Osho.

The most inhumane act a person can commit is turning someone into a thing. Osho.

A woman in love with you can inspire you to heights you never dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs love. And this is her natural right. Osho.

Without you, this Universe will lose some poetry, some beauty: there will be a missing song, there will be a missing note, there will be an empty gap. Osho.

The reasons are within ourselves, outside there are only excuses... Osho

Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened. Osho.

If you lie once, you will be forced to lie a thousand and one times to cover up the first lie. Osho.

If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you are is reflected completely. Everyone becomes a mirror. Osho.

Don't teach others, don't try to change them. It is enough that you change yourself - this will be your message. Osho.

The head is always thinking about how to get more; the heart always feels how to give more. Osho.

Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting you is a gift. Osho.

Until you can say no, your yes will have no meaning. Osho

Only occasionally, very rarely, do you allow someone to enter you. This is exactly what love is. Osho.

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way... Osho

Falling is part of Life, rising to your feet is its Living. Being Alive is a Gift and being Happy is your CHOICE. Osho.

Dying for someone, for something, is the easiest thing in the world. Living for anything is the most difficult thing. Osho.

Everything that has been experienced can be overcome; what is suppressed cannot be overcome. Osho.

The only person on earth whom we can change is ourselves, Osho.

If you don’t know how to say “No,” your “Yes” is also worthless. Osho.

— Russian speech is no more difficult than others. There Margadon - a wild man - learned even that. Margadon!
- It’s always good to study, a girl should work, don’t spit in the well - it’ll come in handy... and as they say.

- Why does man live on earth? Tell.
- How did it happen so soon? And then, where does he live? If here, in the Smolensk province, it’s one thing, if in the Tambov province, it’s another.

Ma tant, let's not make a scandal in front of strangers!

- This is not a work, but Sodom and Gomorrah!
- Are there two of them? It seems like one...
- Why alone?
- One Gomorrah...

- This is Joselle. Frenchwoman. I recognized her. On the leg.
- Nope, that's not Joselle. Joselle was a brunette, and this one is all white.

-What are we complaining about?
- He's complaining about his head.
- This is good. The lungs breathe, the heart beats.
- And the head?
“And the head is a dark object and cannot be examined.”

If the doctor is full, it’s easier for the patient.

Hypochondria is a cruel lust that keeps the spirit in a continuous sad state. Here medicine knows different means, the best of which and the most harmless is conversation.

The word heals, conversation drives away thoughts.

- Do you want to talk, sir?
- About what?
- Whatever you want. About the war with the Turks, about the vicissitudes of the climate or, for example, about Count Cagliostro.
- About whom?
- About Cagliostro. A famous sorcerer and master of arcane powers. Made a lot of noise in St. Petersburg today. Newspapers write that he raised precious stones and predicted the future. And they also say that the lady-in-waiting Golovina brought out the image of her late husband from the medallion, so much so that she felt him and now seems to be pregnant...

“The carriage broke down, the blacksmith is on the run, so he’s sitting in the Vasilyevskaya hotel, feeding bedbugs.”
- Klopov? A great man, a master - and bedbugs?
- So, sir, they don’t understand who is a master and who is not a master.

Creepy city: no girls, no one plays cards. Yesterday I stole a silver spoon in a tavern - no one even noticed: they thought that it was not there at all.

- A barbaric game, a wilderness - I am drawn to my homeland.
-Where is your homeland?
- Don't know. I was born on a ship, but where it sailed and from where no one remembers. Where were you born, Jacob?
- And I wasn’t even born yet.
- Not born?
- No.
- And what do you think next?

The heart is subject to the mind. Feelings are subject to the heart. The mind is subject to feelings. The circle is closed. We started with reason, we ended with reason. So it turns out that the entire universe is the essence of a game of my mind. And if you agree with me, then yours too.

Then she took off her last clothes and also threw herself into the stormy sea. And this abyss swallowed her up in one moment. In general, everyone died.

- Margadon! Why is the door open?
- Excuse me, master!
- What's excuse?
— Barbaric customs: keys are handed out, but there are no locks.

You don't know how to lie, young man. All people are divided into those who need something from me, and the rest, from whom I need something. I don't need anything from you. Post whatever you want.

There is no need for loud words, they shake the air, but not the interlocutor.

Silvupple, dear guests! Silvuple... Zhewupri... avek plaisir... Lord forgive me, all the words jumped out of fear.

- I liked it, apparently. Well done…
- Good man…
- He stole the salt shaker...
- And he didn’t disdain.

- Uncle Stepan, their coachman looked at me through his lorgnette. Why is he doing this, huh?
- What, what... Vision is weak.
- Poor him!..

- Stepan! The guest's carriage broke down.
- I see, master. The axle flew. And the knitting needles need to be changed.
- How long will it take you to do it?
- I’ll do it in a day.
- How about two?
- Well... For... We'll do it for two.
- And in five days?
- Well, if you try, you can do it in five.
- How about ten?
- Well, master, you set tasks! You can't do it alone in ten days, you need an assistant - homo sapiens!
- Take helpers, but not before!

If one person built it, another can always take it apart.

Why are they strengthening it like that?

English thing!

— Are you planning to stay for a long time?
“Everything here depends on mine.”

He who eats little lives long, for with a knife and fork we dig our own grave.

“So many fables have been invented about me that I get tired of refusing them.”

“We had a clerk in our district.” I wrote down the year of birth in the patchport with one number - ink, rogue, saved. Then things became clear - he was sent to prison. But they didn’t redo the patchport - it was still a document.

- My cart of hay costs ten rubles.
“It’s worth it, but no one buys it.”

Fimka, why are you standing there! Bring blancmange with jelly!

- Mr. Cagliostro, what about the portrait?
- Wait a minute, my dear, with the portrait! Let him deal with the sculpture.

- You’ll find out, Margadon!
- Naturlikh, excellent! Great lady!

I'm losing my former lightness.

Yesterday I asked the housekeeper for three rubles - she gave it, you scoundrel, and didn’t ask when I’d give it back.

- Would you like to have a bite?
- What is the name of?
- Pancakes.
- Pancakes... pancakes... Where were you? By Grandma. Selyanka, do you have a grandmother?
- No.
- An orphan, that is.

- Come here. Do you want big but pure love?
- Who doesn’t want her...
“Then come to the hayloft when it gets dark.” Will you come?
- Why not come? I'll come. Only you too come. And then the sir over there also called, and then he got scared.
- And she will not come alone, she will come with a blacksmith.
- Which blacksmith?<…>No, we don't need a blacksmith. What am I, a horse or what?
- Bless. Would you like to make an offer...
- Yes, free. Don't you see, we're playing.

- And for this you will be a fish, vile and slippery!
- Yes, but they promised a cat!
- Unworthy!

I was warned that staying in Russia has a corrupting effect on fragile minds.

- And then you will be publicly flogged there, like tramps, and sent to Siberia to clear snow...
- All?
- Yes. There's a lot of snow there.

- Why does he keep scaring me? Why should I be scared? I have three life sentences. How does he talk to you? You, the man who has reached the heights of London's bottom! After all, are you going to be a prince?
- Yes, itys!

Fire was also considered divine until Prometheus stole it. Now we boil water on it.

I have enough courage to escape!

All newcomers to Russia will die near Smolensk.

Uncle Stepan, would you help them, eh? Well, it’s a sin to laugh at the poor. Well, look at them! Forced people eat only fish. And they sing so pitifully!..

The statue has nothing to do with it. She is also an unhappy woman. She loves the Count...

To ride two horses - there won't be enough seat!

— Margadon, one had to be charged...
“And you, it turns out, are a dishonest person, Margadon.”
- Certainly! If I were an honest person, how many people in Europe would die! Horror!

If someday in the House of Lords they ask me a question: why, prince, did you hang around Smolensk for so long? - I won’t know what to answer

-...And be careful with the young ladies. Whether they are marble or not is up to us. Sit in the sun, bask.
- It would be good to heal with herbs. A decoction of chamomile, mint... Do you have mint in Italy?
- Well, where does mint come from in Italy? I saw their Italy on the map: boot to boot, and that’s all.

- Is he feeling bad?
- No, he's fine.
- Fine?
- Everything is fine alive.

- Chase?
- Pursuit, Your Excellency.
- This is amazing. When you leave the chase, you don’t think about anything else.

Mare bella donna,
Che un bel canzone,
Sai, che ti amo, sempre amo.
Donna bella mare
Credere, cantare,
Dammi il momento,
Che mi piace più!

Uno, uno, uno, un momento,
Uno, uno, uno sentimento,
Uno, uno, uno complimento
O sacramento, sacramento, sacramento...
- Uno momento. Italian folk song. sl. G. Gladkova

— The river of life flows into Eternity. What does “perch” have to do with it?

“I, Giuseppe Cagliostro, the supreme hierarch of existence, appeal to the disembodied forces, to the great mysteries of fire, water and earth. I surrender to their power and conjure to transfer my incorporeal substance from the present time to the future, so that I can see the faces of the descendants living many years in the future... You, sir, I want to ask about the fate of the people who gathered here in St. Petersburg on this day in the summer of 1780 -go...Are you ready to answer?
- Ask questions.
-Are you ready to tell us the whole truth?
- Well, all of it - not all of it... What interests you?
- Ask about me, Count! How old am I?
“I want to read into your destiny, but the line is illegible.” I just see the number 19... For now...
- How can we understand this?
“The coming century, the nineteenth century, will calm you down, madam.”
- And I, the fool, was going to die. Ask, father, maybe you should get married one last time?

- You will get what you wanted, according to the outlined contours.
- To hell with contours! I already hate them.

What is this, a spoon! Here we have one who ate a fork. And snacked on porcelain! I can offer you a plate!

Love Formula


The head can do anything.
- Especially if it is the head of the Grand Master.

Be ashamed. Here Margadon is a wild man. And I learned that. Margadon!
- It’s always good to study, a girl should work, don’t spit in the well - it’ll come in handy.

Keep your ticket. Is anyone at home?
- Grandmother.
- Good health?
- Yeah.
- Nothing. Maybe he'll survive.

How mercantile you are, Margadon... You should think about your soul!
- About the soul? About the soul... About the soul... Maria.

- ...From the countries of Birth the river flows through the kingdom of Life,
Plays with the shuttle running and disappears into Eternity...
What does it say, auntie?
- About the river? Okay... I'd like to go and take a swim. Or maybe I would catch perch.

What am I talking about? About the meaning of life! Why does man live on earth? Tell!
- How can it happen so quickly? And then - where does he live?...
If here in the Smolensk province it’s one thing... But if in Tambov province it’s something else...

I know who you're dreaming about! Shame! I'm ashamed in front of people...
- Who are you talking about?
- About whom! About the stone woman, that's who! The whole household is already laughing!

Look, our guy has hypochondria again!
- It's time. Hypochondria always happens at sunset.
- Why at sunset, Stepan Stepanovich?
- From stupid doubts, Fimka.
- A man looks at the sun and thinks: will it rise tomorrow or not?

- “Love”, Fimka, their word is “amor”! And with eyes like that...
- Amor...

Our father has caught a cold, the killer whale has caught a cold! Overbought.
- She started voicing! Yes, our father did not catch a cold, but moved out of nowhere!

This is not a work, but Sodom and Gomorrah!
- Are there two of them? Looks like one...
- Why alone?
- One Gomorrah.

This is Jazelle. Frenchwoman. I recognized her. On the leg.
- No, this is not Jazel! Jazel was a brunette, and this one is all white.

He complains about his head.
- This is good. The lungs breathe, the heart beats.
- And the head?
- And the head is a dark object and cannot be examined.

We ask you to eat, doctor, what God sent you with.
- You can eat. If the doctor is full, it’s easier for the patient.

Hypochondria is a cruel lust that keeps the spirit in a continuous sad state. Here medicine knows different means, the best of which and the most harmless is conversation.
- The word heals, conversation drives away thoughts.

Klopov?! Great person! Master!.. And bedbugs?!
- So, sir, they don’t understand who is a master and who is not a master.

There are people who value education!

Creepy city. There are no girls, no one plays cards.
He stole a silver spoon in a tavern without anyone noticing. They thought that she never existed!

A barbaric game, a wild place, I am drawn to my homeland.
-Where is your homeland?
- Don't know. I was born on a ship, but no one remembers where it sailed and from where.

Where were you born, Jacob?
- I wasn’t even born yet.
- Not born?
- No.
- And what do you think next?

Sil vu ple, dear guests, strong vu ple... Zhe vu pri, avek plaisir...
God forgive me, all the words jumped out of fear... Alexis, don’t they understand at all in our opinion?

Good man...
- He stole the salt shaker.
- And I didn’t disdain...

Uncle Stepan, their coachman looked at me through his lorgnette, why is he doing that, huh?
- What-what... Vision is weak.
- Poor him.

Stepan! Stepan, the guest’s carriage has broken down.
- I see, master. The axle flew.
- And the knitting needles need to be changed...
- How long will it take you to do it?
- I'll do it in a day.
- How about two?
- Well... We'll do it in two.
- And in five days?
- If you try... you can do it in five.
- How about ten?
- Well, master, you set tasks... You can’t do it alone in ten days. Here you need an assistant. Homo sapiens...

This song is about a poor fisherman who sailed from Naples into a stormy sea.
And his poor girl waited on the shore, waited and waited until she got it.
She took off her last clothes and...
also threw herself into the stormy sea.
And the sowing abyss swallowed her up in one moment.
In general, everyone died.

Alain nobi, nostra alice! What does it mean - if one person built it, another can always take it apart!

He who eats little lives long, for with a knife and fork we dig our own grave.
- Wise.

So many fables have been made up about me that I get tired of refuting them.
Meanwhile, my biography is simple and ordinary.
I was born in Mesopotamia, two thousand one hundred and twenty-five years ago.
You are probably amazed at such an ancient date of my birth?
- No, it’s not amazing.
We had a clerk in the district; in the patchports the year of birth was indicated only with a number.
Ink, the scoundrel, you see, saved. Then the matter became clear, he was sent to prison, and the patch port was no longer remade. Still a document.
Efimtsev, merchant, born in the third year of birth, recorded from the Nativity of Christ,
Kulikov - second... Kutyakin - first.
- Yes, there are a lot of them here, long-livers.

You can't light a cigarette with your finger, I won't lie. And sparks fly from the eyes...

Well, I’ll tell you, there were fireworks... I burned all the hay. What hay! Pure clover...
- Come on, lie! Pure clover... Everything is overgrown with sedges and burdocks.
- What are you saying, Feodosya Ivanovna, my cart of hay costs ten rubles.
- It’s worth it, but no one buys it! Your hay is absolutely useless! Unless it burns well.

Do you see this fork?
- Well?
- Do you want me to eat it?
- Do me such a favor.

Yes! This is from the heart... Wonderful. Worthy of admiration.
My patients swallowed spoons many times, I won’t hide it, but just like that, during lunch...
For dessert... and a spicy object... wonderful!
For this we express our sincere heartfelt gratitude to you.
If, of course, in addition to iron objects you can also use porcelain...
Then there are simply no words!

I'm losing my former lightness!
- After dinner - mushrooms, after mushrooms - pancakes...

A creepy village.
The doors are not locked.
Yesterday I asked the housekeeper for 3 rubles, she gave it, you bastard!
And I didn’t ask when I’d give it back!

Would you like to have a bite?
- What is the name of?
- Pancakes.

Selyanka, do you have a grandmother?
- No.
- An orphan, that is.

Come here. Do you want big but pure love?
- Who doesn’t want her?
- Then come to the hayloft when it gets dark.

She will not come alone, she will come with a blacksmith.
- With which blacksmith?
- With my uncle, Stepan Stepanych. He is like a father to me, our blacksmith.
- Why do we need a blacksmith? No, we don't need a blacksmith.
What am I, a horse? Why do we need a blacksmith?

Was it you who was talking?
- What are you saying, Master? I was dumb as a fish...
- You're lying!
- No.
- And you should be a fish for it. Vile slippery...
- Yes, but they promised a cat...
- Not worthy!

If someday in the House of Lords they ask me a question: why, prince, did you hang around Smolensk for so long? I won't know what to answer..

I was warned that staying in Russia has a corrupting effect on fragile minds.

Where will you hand it over?
- To the station. And then you will be publicly flogged there, like a tramp, and sent to Siberia to clear snow!
- All?

How does he talk to you? You, a man who has reached the heights of London's bottom...

A person wants to be deceived, remember this.
Everyone deceives everyone, but they do it too primitively.
I alone turned deception into a high art, so I became famous.

So I'm giving you an ultimatum...
- Yes. And I come in from behind.

And if we don’t leave tomorrow, I’ll run away.
- And you won’t be afraid?
- I have enough courage to escape.

- "Labor ist eats ipse volumpas." What does it mean: Labor is a pleasure in itself!

I understand everything, Jacob. All newcomers to Russia will die near Smolensk.

Uncle Stepan, would you help them, eh? Well, it’s a sin to laugh at the poor, well, look at them.
Bonded people. They eat only fish.

What are you saying, auntie? They themselves taught: don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf!
- Do I say enough nonsense? And then, when a person loves, he does not listen to other people’s advice!

Can't sleep?
- Yes... Here. I love walks at dawn.
- On two horses at once? There won't be enough seating.

I got it. You, sir, are a deceiver and a villain!

Why are you delaying, sir?
You are a guest, you are supposed to shoot first.

I hope shooting yourself in the presence of a guest is not contrary to your customs?

Margadon. One needed to be charged.
- And you, it turns out, are a dishonest person, Margadon.
- Certainly. If I were an honest person, how many people in Europe would have died. Horror!

It follows that a certain landowner Kuzyakin was shot. He put the pistol to his forehead, fired once - it misfired! Another shot - it misfired! Eh, he thinks, apparently it’s not fate! And exactly! He sold a pistol, but it was expensive, with stones. He sold the pistol, got drunk to celebrate... and then, drunk, fell into a snowdrift and froze...
- What he’s saying is that everyone has their own deadline and there’s no need to rush it.

Moreover, your body, my friend, is completely upset by the wrong lifestyle. The liver is sluggish, the heart is playing naughty... How you lasted two thousand years with him, I don’t understand! We need to stop with palmistry, my friend!

Do you have mint in Italy?
- Well, where does mint come from in Italy? I saw their Italy on the map, boot with boot, and that’s it!

Is he feeling bad?
- No, he's fine.
- Fine?
- Everything is fine alive.

We, Count, told our neighbors that the materialization had taken place. So that your authority does not fall. Here, they say, there was a statue, and now Marya Ivanovna has become. Many people believe.

Alyosha! Alyosha, does Mr. Cagliostro care now?
- Before that, before that.
Well, how is our daddy?
Daddy agreed.

This is amazing. When you leave the chase, you don’t think about anything else.

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