Ichthyol ointment against acne. Ichthyol ointment will help pull the pimple out! Is it possible to smear the skin around it?

To eliminate the most painful and deep rashes, it is better to use rather than cosmetic creams. Ichthyol ointment for acne- a good option for getting rid of serious inflammation. The price of the drug is low, but its color and smell are initially annoying. This is not a cosmetic product, the purpose of the product is different - to treat, relieve pain, and improve the trophism of skin tissue.

Why is it worth trying to get rid of pimples using ichthyol ointment?

Advertised gels with antibiotics quickly become addictive to the skin; creams with retinoids have many contraindications. Herbal infusions and extracts sometimes turn out to be ineffective when ulcers appear.

Ichthyol ointment for acne is an alternative to all the remedies listed above. This is an ambulance in cases where there are mechanical damage to the skin that threatens suppuration, and internal inflammation of the tissues of the body lining.

The drug helps in the following cases:

  • erysipelas;

  • cystic acne;

  • acne;

  • frostbite;

The main ingredient in the ointment is ichthyol (ichthammol) - a disinfectant and antiseptic. The auxiliary component is Vaseline. For many centuries, ichthyol was used to treat people and animals. When used, improvement in blood circulation, reduction in the negative impact of infection, and removal of pus associated with inflammation were observed.

On a note! The active ingredient of ichthyol ointment is absorbed into the skin, normalizes the condition of the inflamed area of ​​the skin and subcutaneous layer, and has a beneficial effect on vascular tone.

Does ichthyol ointment help with acne? Yes, because every property of the drug turns out to be useful in getting rid of acne. Action of ichthyol:

  • antiseptic;

  • keratoplasty;

  • anti-inflammatory;

  • local anesthetic;

  • improvement of microcirculation;

  • local irritant effect on nerve endings;

  • accelerating the process of restoration and epithelization of the skin.

Rules for using ichthyol ointment for acne

Various preparations containing ichthyol are used to treat skin diseases. A dermatologist will advise which concentration of the product and release form (solution, ointment, patch) is best to choose. A prescription is not required for “regular” ichthyol ointment 5–30%. But a dermatologist can prescribe shaken mixtures containing 1–5% ichthyol. If the inflammation is superficial, then talkers reduce discomfort and soothe irritated skin.

On a note! Ichthyol in its pure form and the ointment of the same name are tolerated somewhat worse than a suspension with zinc oxide or zinc-ichthyol paste.

Ichthyol ointment for acne: method of application

For active inflammation, it is better to use a less concentrated ichthyol ointment (less than 20%). More concentrated agents activate sluggish inflammatory phenomena.

Contraindication to the use of ichthyol ointment is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Before using it, you need to do a test - apply a little product to your wrist or lubricate the skin behind your ear. If there is no redness, itching, or swelling, then feel free to use the ointment to treat acne on the face and body.

How is ichthyol obtained?

A black, sticky, tar-like substance with an unpleasant odor - this is how you can briefly describe the physical properties of the active component of the ointment. More than 100 years ago, Russian publishers Brockhaus and Efron dedicated an article to him in their encyclopedia. As scientists wrote, the name “ichthyol” comes from the Greek word meaning “fish”. The substance is obtained by distilling resinous rocks with the remains of the ichthyofauna of ancient seas. The final product contains more than 10% bioavailable sulfur, which has a positive effect on skin processes.

Ichthyol resembles tar in appearance, is partially soluble in alcohol, water, glycerin, and mixes well with fatty oils. It is used in the form of an ointment (5–30%), aqueous-alcohol solution (10–30%), and glycerin solution (10%). At concentrations above 10%, ichthyol acts as a keratolytic - it softens the horny substance and helps remove the layer of dead skin cells.

When acne appears, the main task is to treat the skin with an antiseptic. Prolonged inflammation requires mandatory fight against bacteria and disinfection. Ichthyol occupies a special place in this process. It is used for many skin problems. The product is available either in pure form or in the form of a solution with glycerin. The advantage of the drug is its naturalness and the absence of harmful effects on the skin.

Composition and properties

The product has a rather specific smell and appearance. This is due to its composition. It is made from oil shale resin (ichthammol) with a high sulfur content, which creates a characteristic aroma.

The drug is produced in the form of 10% or 20% ointment (per 100 g of product 90 g of petroleum jelly and 10 g or 20 g of ichthyol) in tubes or glass bottles. The average price of ichthyol ointment in pharmacies is 50 rubles.

What is ichthyol ointment used for and what does it help with? The tool has a whole range of capabilities:

  • can cleanse the skin,
  • normalizes metabolic processes,
  • eliminates acne,
  • copes with ulcers in the deep layers of the epidermis,
  • eliminates .

The ointment kills bacteria that exist on the surface of the skin and in the pores.

When applied to the surface layers of the skin, blood circulation is activated. This saturates the cells with oxygen. The result is the rapid removal of toxic substances and cleansing of the skin.

In addition to its disinfecting effect, the ointment can penetrate deep into the sebaceous ducts and draw out purulent contents in a short time.

Ichthyol effectively eliminates itching, increases skin elasticity, and softens the keratinized layers of the epidermis. Using ichthyol ointment, you can enhance skin regeneration processes and get rid of excessive peeling.

The shelf life of the product is no more than 3 years. If the room temperature is higher than average, the drug will lose some of its qualities and become more liquid in consistency. Do not freeze the ointment. Improper storage will not spoil the ointment, it will become ineffective.

You can also learn about other effective acne remedies on our website. For example, it is written about Differin for acne; about Skinoren; article about Baziron; about Roaccutane page; about Zenerite address.

Indications and contraindications

The range of uses of the ointment is very diverse. This is a unique remedy for many skin diseases; it is especially effective against acne of various localizations.

Scope of application of ichthyol ointment:

  • , abscesses;
  • sycosis;
  • metritis;
  • arthritis;
  • oophoritis.

For use in gynecology, ichthyol is available in the form of vaginal suppositories. Ichthyol is also used in cosmetology after mechanical facial cleansing. The ointment is applied to it after the procedure, drawing out pus from deep pimples.

In some cases, you should be careful when using the product or exclude it:

  • allergic skin reaction after application;
  • post-acne cannot be treated - the ability of the ointment to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin complicates the tissue healing process;
  • Ichthyol should not be used simultaneously with local medications containing heavy metals and iodine;
  • Do not use in children under 6 years of age.

Instructions for use for acne

It is better to use ointment to combat acne during the period when you do not need to leave the house (due to the specific aroma). It is better to apply it in the evening. The product is used in pure form or in the form of lotions with glycerin (1:1).

If the acne is isolated and does not cause concern to its owner, you can apply the ointment pointwise. Pre-clean and disinfect the skin. Leave for 1-2 hours. Then wash it off.

If the rashes are large and deep, the drug must first be Apply to a cotton pad and attach to the pimple with a band-aid. Leave the application overnight. In the morning the pus may come out. After opening the ulcers, treat the area with peroxide, salicylic acid or chlorhexidine.

The duration of use of ichthyol ointment in each individual case is determined individually. There are situations when after 10 procedures deep acne may remain. If treatment is stopped, they may develop into large boils that will require surgical opening.

In most cases, after 2 weeks of using ichthyol, you can completely get rid of acne, even if the cause of their appearance is hormonal imbalances.

Read about Klindovite for acne; about tsindol - article; Read the page about laundry soap against acne.

Sometimes only time-tested remedies become good helpers in the treatment of skin diseases. There are acne that ordinary lotions and creams are powerless to combat. These are purulent rashes, subcutaneous plugs, pronounced abscesses. Ichthyol ointment, as an antibacterial agent, can cope with cuts, burns, frostbite; it helps to draw out pus from the source of inflammation. The active ingredient ichthyol is extracted from resin, due to which the product has a specific odor.

What does Ichthyol ointment consist of?

The drug can be bought at any pharmacy, and it costs a penny. The ointment retains its presentation well at low temperatures, so it is better to keep it in the refrigerator. After two years from the date of manufacture, the medicine becomes unusable.

Ichthyol ointment is a medicine that is actively used in cosmetology to eliminate acne on the skin.

Includes two main substances:

  1. Ichthammol – 20 g. Thanks to it, the drug has a black color and a distinct odor. Ichthammol is made from the resin of specially treated oil shale, which contains sulfur. This is an important microelement with antibacterial and restorative properties.
  2. Vaseline – 80 g. Used as a base for many creams, it is hypoallergenic, and can be used in the treatment of even small children. Thanks to Vaseline, the product is better applied and absorbed into the skin, and Vaseline is also able to smooth out the more aggressive effect of sulfur.

Thanks to a wide range of beneficial properties, Ichthyol Ointment actively fights most skin formations. Some pimples can remain inside for weeks, causing discomfort to their owner. The medicine helps dense formations break out faster.

Useful properties of the drug

Today there are many drugs for symptomatic treatment that do not fight hidden problems. Some of them only dry out the protruding top of the pimple without affecting the base. Ichthyol acne ointment seeks to penetrate deeper to combat the problem at the root. After its use, the risk of relapse is significantly reduced. Ichthyolka can cure even serious burns and cuts.

Ichthyol ointment is based on ichthyol, which is the ammonium salt of sulfonic acids of shale oil, which is obtained from kerogen

The positive effect of ichthyol is based on its healing properties:

  • anti-inflammatory (inhibits inflammatory mediators);
  • antiseptic (disinfects the affected area of ​​the skin);
  • angiotrophic (strengthens blood vessels and accelerates blood flow in tissues);
  • painkiller (dulls the reaction of nerve endings).

Long-term use of ichthyol ointment leads to rapid regeneration of the affected skin. Ichthyol has been used for skin diseases since the time of our grandmothers. It promotes the supply of nutrients and oxygen, increases vascular permeability, and accelerates the elimination of toxins formed as a result of the inflammatory process. Despite the severity of the action, the product does not dry the skin, but, on the contrary, has moisturizing properties.

When are ichthyol drugs prescribed?

Due to its wide spectrum of action, ichthyol for acne is also appropriate in the treatment of other skin ailments. Some patients, especially women, avoid this effective medicine because of its peculiar smell. It is worth remembering that scented creams may contain a large number of aromatic additives, which often cause allergic reactions. Natural products are gentler and the skin, as a rule, reacts positively to them.

Antiseptic property. Fights the formation of pus, prevents tissue decomposition

Ichthyol ointment for acne, reviews of which are mostly positive, also works well in treating the following ailments:

  • negative effects of high or low temperatures;
  • eczema (wet, dry);
  • boils, carbuncles, abscesses;
  • other purulent abscesses;
  • painful pimples that form plugs under the skin;
  • teenage acne.

Thanks to the complex effect on purulent formations, rapid recovery occurs. A medicine based on ichthyol fights the causes of inflammation, due to which the possibility of recurrence of acne is significantly reduced. People who decided to undergo treatment with ichthyol liked the drug, first of all, due to its speed.

Contraindications and side effects

Ichthyol should not be used if allergic reactions to one of the components occur. If a person has very sensitive skin, it is recommended that he apply applications less often. Treatment with alkaloids or iodine salts forces one to postpone the use of ichthyol, since these drugs are incompatible with each other.

Among the direct contraindications to treatment with ichthyol ointment is only individual intolerance to this drug, which can cause allergic reactions

In rare cases, the medicine can cause side effects:

  • rashes accompanied by swelling;
  • redness of the skin or change in its natural shade;
  • fever, weakness, dizziness;
  • irritation, burning, itching.

The drug has no contraindications for the treatment of pregnant women. It is also used for mastitis, including in breastfeeding women, with careful adherence to the dosage and doctor’s instructions. Many teenagers got rid of acne thanks to ichthyol ointment. At the same time, it is better not to use this remedy in the treatment of children under six years of age, as they have very sensitive skin.

Treatment of acne with Ichthyol ointment

The method of using the drug largely depends directly on the disease. It can be applied either pure or as an application with the addition of glycerin. To make it, take an equal amount of glycerin and 20% ichthyol.

Instructions for use:

Ichthyol ointment performs several functions, which provide it with one of the first places in the ranking of means for combating skin ailments

  1. To treat acne on the face and body, apply the product to cleansed skin with thoroughly washed hands. The product is carefully distributed in the area of ​​severe inflammation, then lightly rubbed in until the sore spot begins to feel warm.
  2. To treat burns, eczema, and frostbite, cover the treated area with a gauze cloth and secure it with a bandage. The procedure is done daily.
  3. How to use the medicine for serious purulent diseases? For boils, carbuncles and hidradenitis, “cakes” are used. Approximately 2 g of the product is applied to the boil, then covered with cotton wool and fixed with a plaster. Tampons are changed every 8 hours.
  4. Glycerin lotions help well in the form of applications for streptoderma and staphyloderma. In this case, it is better not to wet the inflamed area again.
  5. Tampons with a glycerin ointment solution are inserted into the rectum for hemorrhoids. The procedure is done several times a day.

Those who want to get rid of subcutaneous acne should rub the healing agent into the area of ​​inflammation twice a day. If you don’t need to go anywhere in the morning, you can leave the application overnight. When removing the cotton wool, it is easy to notice the pus that has come out. To combat bacteria, such a place must be disinfected.

And next is a remedy that can solve this problem for you once and for all. If it suits you, of course. But it suited me just fine, so I have to tell you about it. Today the object of my analysis will be ichthyol ointment!

Ichthyol ointment is a very popular remedy that is used to treat acne on the skin. The product is not only popular, but also time-tested, as it appeared in pharmacies a very long time ago.

The main active agent is ichthyol, which is extracted from resin in very cunning ways. Ichthyol is used to treat, first of all, skin lesions. Burns, cuts, bruises, frostbite, and this is only a small part of the use of this remedy. In the treatment of acne and acne, ichthyol ointment is used to achieve many goals. The most important thing is that ichthyol ointment can draw out pus from a deep subcutaneous pimple. We'll talk more about this below.

Since at the beginning I usually describe theoretical information, but practice goes a little lower, I want to say right away about smell of ichthyol ointment. It's a little specific. I can’t even give an example of something similar. At first this smell irritated me a little, but then I got used to it and now I even find it pleasant in a sense. Get used to it, too, since the product is really worth the praise given to it.

Beneficial properties of ichthyol ointment:

Ichthyol ointment for acne has a number of beneficial properties. Which of them will help us in treating acne?

1 The main property, as I already said, Ichthyol ointment is capable of drawing pus to the surface. Many are still arguing whether it is better to treat deep subcutaneous tissues with ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment? In one or two articles there will be an equally detailed analysis of Vishnevsky’s ointment, so subscribe to the blog now and be the first to know about the release of this article! And then I will compare these two remedies on all points and find out which is better for drawing out pus. (Updated: I wrote an article about Vishnevsky’s ointment, it is located).

So, ichthyol ointment acts directly on the pimple, as if turning it upside down. Why is this needed, you ask? I answer. Some subcutaneous lesions can sit on the face for weeks without going away (this happened to me very often, especially on the cheeks). The slightest disruption in the body - the pimple becomes inflamed.

And if you anoint a pimple with ichthyol ointment, the pus comes out, the pimple decreases in size and goes away. It goes much faster. We'll talk about how to use this ointment further in the application section.

2 Ichthyol ointment can dissolve comedones. If you don’t know what comedones are, read the article: How to get rid of comedones. The action is the same as when pulling out pus. Only ichthyol ointment for acne simply dissolves the plug, and does not bring it out. In this way you can get rid of both white plugs and blackheads.

3 Reduces post-acne. But only if the stagnant spots are not very deep under the skin. Then you just need to wait until the lower layers of the epidermis are renewed. Or use special products like badyagi.

Ichthyol ointment: application

If you decide to try the ointment, do it when you don't have to go anywhere. It is better to use ichthyol ointment In the evening. Means: apply ointment pointwise on the pimple that you want to bring to the surface. Do not wash off the ichthyol ointment for an hour, but rather walk around with it for an hour and a half, two.

If the pimple is very deep and large, you can use this technique: apply ichthyol ointment on a cotton pad, apply it to the pimple and seal it bandage. Do this at night, sleep with the patch on and in the morning you will see how all the pus has come out. Then you can disinfect with a chlorhexidine solution or apply my favorite aloe.

It may be that the pus will not come out, but will be on top under the film. What to do then? I did this: I took a needle, dipped it in salicylic acid, and carefully (!!!) pierced the pimple. You probably shouldn’t do this, but what if you need to go to work or study? Don’t go with a white purulent pimple on your face.

You can go in other ways, which I described in the topic “How to squeeze out a pimple correctly.” In general, manipulations with pulling out pus are best done on the weekend, so that nothing distracts you. Then you won’t have to press, you can again anoint the pimple with ichthyol ointment, and in the morning the pus will come out with a 99% probability.

If you have comedones, then also try to apply ichthyol ointment pointwise. No need to smear or rub all over your face. The exception is the nose with its blackheads.

I can’t help but say about negative aspects of using ichthyol ointment. I read that this remedy, on the contrary, cannot treat post-acne, since ichthyol ointment gets very deep into the epidermis and tissue regeneration is worse. This opinion has a right to life, but not long ago I consulted with my cosmetologist on this issue, she said that these are all fairy tales or an individual reaction of the body, which happens to any product.

I can say one thing for sure: ichthyol ointment is excellent for targeted use. Whether to smear the area of ​​the face where there is acne is up to you. Personally, I didn't notice any problems.

Ichthyol ointment for acne: reviews, price

I first became acquainted with ichthyol ointment during mechanical facial cleansing. In the corresponding topic, I talked about the fact that it is applied after darsonvalization. My cosmetologist uses exactly this scheme, it may be different for everyone.

After cleansing, the cosmetologist always gave me a little ichthyol ointment with me so that I could apply it in the evening to inflamed areas of the skin and pimples that needed to be resolved.

Then I started buying ichthyol ointment myself (by the way, the price of ichthyol ointment from 15-35 rubles, no more, you can buy it at any pharmacy) to resolve purulent pimples (I was especially worried about my cheeks). After that, I discovered Vishnevsky’s ointment, already announced above. Both of these remedies help tremendously, but somehow I became more attached to Vishnevsky’s ointment.

Well, for dessert, as usual, a few reviews about the use of ichthyol ointment in the treatment of acne:

Katyusha92 (reader)

Once I complained to a friend that for the second week now I had two subcutaneous patches on my chin and cheeks and they were very painful. They really hurt a lot and were sitting very deep. I don’t squeeze pimples, so I had to walk around with these blisters :(.

A friend said that her doctor recommended ichthyol ointment in such cases. I went and bought it, and was very surprised by the price tag. I don’t remember exactly how much this ointment cost, but it was very inexpensive. And I immediately have thoughts: since it’s inexpensive, it means it’s not very good, most likely it won’t help.

I came home, smeared myself, the smell of course was a little specific. I walked like this for 40-45 minutes, the pimples began to hurt much less. I woke up in the morning and had to go to the university. I look in the mirror, and the pimple that was on my cheek burst! I took some alcohol and burned it. Then I look at my chin, I couldn’t believe my eyes!

The pimple has resolved, leaving only a red spot. I was so happy that I can’t put it into words! Now acne doesn’t bother me too much, but sometimes a big one appears. Then I smear it with ichthyol ointment, and in the morning it either resolves or the pus comes out! Just some kind of miracle, not a remedy! Girls, I recommend it to everyone.

May you all look in the mirror one day and think: “ But I got rid of acne!”. And I will try to make such a morning come as soon as possible faster.

Subscribe to site updates (the link was given above), write your reviews about ichthyol ointment for acne or any other product that you have used. Write your stories to contacts (at the top) and maybe I’ll publish something on this site. Let me take my leave, goodbye friends!

Roman Berezhnoy

You can see a good review of ichthyol ointment below:

The skin on your face needs to be treated correctly. If pimples or blackheads suddenly appear on it, then under no circumstances should you squeeze them out, because this may leave marks that will not go away for a long time.

Features of treatment

It is very important to follow these rules:

  1. You cannot squeeze out acne on your own.
  2. The ointments should be applied to previously cleansed, dry skin.
  3. It is best to treat acne spots in the summer and autumn.
  4. During treatment, it is necessary to protect damaged areas of the skin from active exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  5. In addition to ointments, you should take preparations with vitamin C - this will improve the vitamin balance of the skin.
  6. In order to speed up the healing process, you should take care of proper nutrition.



This is an excellent remedy for combating subcutaneous acne, as well as for getting rid of blemishes that may remain after them. The active ingredient here is ichthyol, extracted from resin. The ointment successfully treats many skin injuries and diseases.

On average, ichthyol ointment costs from fifteen to forty rubles.

It is very important to apply ichthyol ointment to cleansed skin - only in this case the effect will be maximum.


The antimicrobial properties of zinc have been known for a long time, so ointment containing this element in its composition is successfully used to treat acne and get rid of its consequences. It perfectly fights existing inflammations, dries them out and, thanks to the restorative properties of the Vaseline included in the composition, gets rid of traces.

Zinc ointment should be used several times a day. Apply in a thin, even layer, remove excess with a cotton pad after 20 minutes.

The price of zinc ointment is quite reasonable - from 20 to 50 rubles.


Heparin ointment kills subcutaneous microorganisms and is an active fighter against bacteria. Sodium heparin gradually released from the product helps reduce the inflammatory process and has an antithrombotic and local analgesic effect. This miracle remedy deals with scars and acne scars with ease..

Before applying heparin ointment, be sure to cleanse the skin with an alcohol solution or a special tonic.

On average, heparin ointment costs eighty rubles in pharmacies.


This ointment can be called an ideal remedy for post-acne, since it contains petroleum jelly, which increases tissue regeneration.

Among other useful properties of the product, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties should be highlighted.

Calendula contains carotene. Once in the body, it reduces skin oiliness by converting into vitamin A.

Calendula ointment costs an average of about forty rubles.


This ointment contains exclusively natural ingredients: birch tar, castor oil, xenoform. The latter is well known for its antibacterial effect.

Vishnevsky ointment has an antiseptic, disinfectant, softening and regenerating effect on the skin.

In addition to acne and spots after them, Vishnevsky ointment effectively copes with ulcers and burns, wounds and bedsores. You should definitely add frostbite and abscesses, boils and all kinds of inflammatory processes to this list.

The medication is applied as follows: take gauze or a cosmetic disc folded several times, apply ointment there and apply to the affected area, then secure with a band-aid and leave overnight. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening after taking a bath.

Vishnevsky's ointment costs from twenty-five to sixty rubles.

Based on badyagi

This medicine increases the intensity of blood circulation in the area of ​​acne scars and has an exfoliating effect.

To prepare it at home, mix a tablespoon of badyagi powder and three to five drops of three percent hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, then apply the ointment to acne spots, rinse after 15 minutes. This procedure should be carried out before bedtime.

Badyagi powder costs eighty-four rubles, and hydrogen peroxide costs ten rubles.

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