Interval between eye drops. Algorithm for instilling drops into the eyes: step-by-step instructions. Antiglaucoma eye drops that inhibit aqueous humor production

Eye drops are medications for topical use that have a certain effect on the mucous membrane of the organs of vision. The prescription of drugs may be different:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • moisturizers and so on.

Before using any medication, you must read the instructions. The abstract always describes the algorithm for instilling drops into the eyes: scheme, dosage, frequency of use and duration of treatment. If you use an over-the-counter product on your own without visiting a doctor first, you must strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Why are drops placed in the eyes?

For children and adults, topical vision medications are prescribed for a variety of reasons. Most often they are eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, cataracts, glaucoma and the like. The use of medications is indicated before diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Also, some products are used for daily care and maintenance of visual health. Medicines will be effective only if you follow the algorithm for putting drops into the eyes. Deviation from step-by-step instructions can lead to various complications. Let us consider in more detail how local treatment of the organs of vision should be carried out.

Hand hygiene

Before putting drops into the eyes of an infant, small child or adult, you must wash your hands thoroughly. If you miss the first point of the step-by-step instructions, then there is a possibility of introducing a new infection. As a result, the patient will not only not recover, but his health will only worsen.

Hand hygiene involves thorough washing using antibacterial soap. After this, wipe your palms dry and, if necessary, use sterile gloves. Additional protective equipment (gloves) are more often used in medical institutions. If you carry out the instillation procedure at home, then simply wash your hands.

Preparing the medicine

The technique of instilling drops into the eyes involves preparing a medicine. Many drugs must be stored in the refrigerator after opening. Applying a cold solution to the mucous membrane of the eye may seem uncomfortable. It is especially not recommended to conduct such experiments with children. If you store the drops in the refrigerator, then hold them in your palms for 10-15 minutes before using. Do not heat medicinal solutions.

If the container with the drug has a pipette, then it must be used individually. It is unacceptable to give medicine to other family members for treatment. If you need to use it by several people, you should stock up on individual pipettes. They must have a blunt end.

During manipulation

The algorithm for instilling drops into the eyes involves alternately introducing the drug into each visual organ. To do this, you must follow the following instructions:

  • take a sterile napkin and use it to pull down the lower eyelid;
  • ask the patient to look up;
  • with the other hand, insert the required amount of medicine, provided for in the instructions, into the conjunctival sac;
  • ask the patient to close his eyes;
  • blot any spilled water with a napkin or sterile cotton swab.

The algorithm for instilling drops into the eyes of a newborn is somewhat different. A small child will certainly resist during manipulation and will not want to look up at your guidance. To treat a newborn's eyes, follow these rules:

  • place the baby on your left elbow, holding the baby’s arms with the same hand;
  • take a pipette with medicine in your right hand;
  • Use the ring finger of your right hand to slightly pull down the lower eyelid and inject the drug;
  • The baby will involuntarily close his eyes, and at this time you can wipe away the remaining medicinal substance.

After the procedure

Having learned how to properly instill drops into your eyes, you will be able to carry out daily manipulation without the involvement of medical professionals. After the procedure, wash your hands again and disinfect the pipettes, if possible. Repeat the manipulation as many times a day as recommended by your doctor or instructions. Do not exceed the prescribed dosage.

Some medications require compliance with certain rules after applying the drops:

  • refusal to drive a vehicle (since the medicine reduces visual acuity, such drugs are usually used before diagnostic procedures);
  • restrictions on the use of contact lenses (for a few minutes after application or the entire course of treatment);
  • additional use of ointments or topical eye medications.


If you have vision problems, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist and find out how to properly put drops into your eyes. Strictly follow the described algorithm, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor. Pay attention to contraindications to medications. No drops should be used if the patient has hypersensitivity to the active or minor substances. Also, certain medications have time restrictions on their use. These drugs include all vasoconstrictors and antibiotics. At the end of the therapeutic course, see an ophthalmologist again to assess the condition of your eyes.

An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

The effect of treatment with any medication largely depends on how strictly the instructions for its use are followed. Eye drops are no exception in this regard, although at first glance it may seem that there is absolutely nothing complicated in their use. In fact, if you figure out how to apply eye drops correctly, you can not only speed up a complete recovery, but also protect yourself from new troubles in the form of infection, which often occurs due to violation of basic hygiene standards.

What rules should you follow?

The modern pharmacology market offers a number of different drugs for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases (Cromoglin, Reticulin, Okovirin, Blefarogel, etc.), each of which has individual instructions for use. But at the same time, several uniform rules can be identified, the observance of which when using eye drops and gels will help to quickly cope with the disease and avoid its possible complications:

Carefully read the instructions for the drug, paying special attention to the dosage, contraindications for use and possible side effects. Be sure to check its expiration date, any damage to the packaging or contamination at the tip of the dropper, which could contribute to infection.

Before using eye drops, wash your hands with soap and then dry them thoroughly. Until the end of the procedure, you are allowed to touch only the bottle of medicine to prevent infection of the eye.

Take the most comfortable position for instillation, for example, lean on the back of a chair or lie on the sofa. It is better not to perform this procedure while standing.

Tilt your head back and pull the lower eyelid so that a fold forms between it and the eye. There is no point in making excessive efforts - if the eyelid is pulled too far, a kind of “pocket” will not form into which the medicine should fall, and accordingly, it will flow out without bringing any effect.

Looking a little upward, bring the bottle with the drug closer to the eye, and in accordance with the instructions, drop a certain amount into the space between the eye and the lower eyelid. For example, Reticulin eye drops, the standard dosage is 1 drop, for the drug “Cromoglin” - 1-2 drops, and “Okovirin” should be applied 2-3 drops to each eye. For greater convenience, you can use a mirror during the procedure to make it easier to control your actions. If necessary, perform the same manipulations with the second eye.

During the procedure, do not bring the bottle of medicine too close to the eye to prevent injury, and also do not touch the mucous membrane or any other surfaces with the tip of the dropper to avoid infection.

After instillation, close your eyes and lightly press their inner corners with your fingers to prevent the medicine from entering the nasal cavity from the conjunctival sac.

If treatment involves the parallel use of several types of eye drops, the interval between the use of different drugs should be at least 15-20 minutes. You should not put on contact lenses immediately after instillation - for the medicine to work, it is better to take a break from using them for 20-25 minutes. In cases where special gels or ointments are prescribed to the patient for the treatment of eye diseases, for example, Blefarogel, they should be applied behind the eyelids as a last resort, after all the eye drops have been applied.

What do the instructions for use say?

Obviously, poorly executed eye drops can prevent the medicine from reaching their mucous membrane, which is why the effect of using the drops will be much weaker, and it will take much longer to fight the disease. Unfortunately, not all instructions for drugs of this kind contain clear instructions on how to apply eye drops correctly, and what precautions should be remembered in the first place. But this does not mean that you should not carefully read them before using them.

Thus, the instructions for Cromoglin drops, which are primarily used for the prevention and treatment of various forms of conjunctivitis, emphasize the need to strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug (1-2 drops in each eye), as well as the importance of the mandatory interval between using it (not less than 4 and not more than 6 hours). It is also noted that Cromoglin can be used in parallel with other drugs of similar action, but the dosage of drops containing glucocorticosteroids should be reduced in this case.

Similarly, Okovirin drops, prescribed for a number of ophthalmological problems, ranging from cataracts to retinal dystrophy, also have their own application characteristics: they should be used only twice a day, with a break of at least 12 hours, instilling 2 drops into each eye. 3 drops. It is noted that Okovirin can be part of a complex therapy for a particular eye disease, combining well with other drugs of similar action.

It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of using various medicinal gels and ointments for the eyes. For example, “Blefarogel” applied incorrectly to the eyelids, if it gets into the eyes, can cause a burning sensation for some time, causing a person significant discomfort. In addition, to achieve the desired effect, the skin of the eyelids should be thoroughly cleaned before using it, and it is better to avoid using contact lenses for at least 1.5 hours after applying it.

And, of course, of great importance in the treatment of eye diseases with the help of various drops and ointments is strict adherence to the conditions and terms of their storage after opening the bottles. For example, Okovirin and Cromoglin drops can be used for no more than 1 month, and they must be protected from direct sunlight and high temperatures. Otherwise, they will lose their medicinal properties and will not bring the desired therapeutic effect, prolonging the course of the disease and increasing the risk of developing serious complications.

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Every person experiences eye diseases sooner or later. Eye drops are the main form of medications used in ophthalmology. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly put drops into the eyes. Some patients note that the medicine spills past. Others complain of pain and stinging. The reason for both difficulties is ignorance of the algorithm for instilling drops.

It is interesting that all procedures related to the eyes, including the installation of medicinal substances into the conjunctival sac, are tolerated by many patients much worse than more complex manipulations. But in some cases, using eye drops is much more effective than taking pills. The dosage of the drug is calculated in such a way that part of the medicine gets onto the mucous membrane and is retained by the eye, part is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, and some more spills out.

Diseases of the visual organs require careful treatment and the ability to properly instill drops into the eyes. Some believe that this is an elementary procedure that takes a minimum of time. But in fact, it is not enough to simply quickly introduce the drug into the conjunctival cavity. Without knowledge of certain rules and compliance with sanitary and hygienic measures, you can not only fail to achieve the desired result, but also cause serious harm to your health.

Although eye drops are intended for topical use, improper use may cause systemic side effects. Antibacterial and hormonal agents are considered the most dangerous in this regard, since these drops act directly on the immune system. They should never be used as self-medication, especially for pregnant women and children.

Before use, you should read the instructions for the specific drug and its release form. Some drops have a dispenser, while others are used with a pipette. There are also preparations with spray cans. It will be necessary to adapt to each such means. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, it is important to know the features of the drop instillation technique.

Basic Rules

Before starting treatment, each person should familiarize themselves with the basic rules of instilling drops. This will help ensure a noticeable and sustainable therapeutic effect, as well as prevent the deterioration of the condition and the development of new pathologies.

Remember the following basic requirements:

  • The bottle of medication should be handled with clean, dry hands. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and then dry with a towel;
  • to avoid traumatic damage during installation, use a small mirror;
  • before the procedure, you need to take a comfortable position and tilt your head back;
  • Take the bottle of medicine in one hand, and with the index finger of the other hand, gently pull down the lower eyelid. Don't put in too much effort. This may cause pain. As a result, a deep fold should form between the eyeball and the eyelid, into which drops are introduced;
  • during instillation, it is better to look up, but the tip should not go out of sight;
  • place one or two drops of the medicine into the conjunctival sac. There is no need to use a large dosage, since this fold will not be able to accommodate such an amount;
  • After installation, do not rush to take a vertical position. In order for the medicinal substance to reach the fundus of the eye, you need to continue to hold the lower eyelid retracted for several seconds. You can even press lightly on the inner corner of the eye;
  • then release your lower eyelid and blink rhythmically. This will prevent the medicinal substance from leaking out, and will also promote uniform distribution of the product;
  • Finally, pat your eye dry with a clean napkin.

ATTENTION! Before putting drops into your eyes, you must consult an ophthalmologist and follow his recommendations regarding the choice of medication.

An incorrectly selected medicine can cause unwanted reactions, namely:

  • eye irritation;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation;
  • deterioration of visual function.

Precautionary measures

Before instilling drops, you need to look at the expiration date and read the information written in the instructions for use. Make sure you take exactly the product you need.

Be sure to shake the bottle and pay attention to the consistency of the solution. If you find any cloudiness, sediment or loss of integrity, do not use this product under any circumstances. It must be recycled.

Do not touch the tip of the bottle to your eye.

Do not bring the tip of the bottle too close to your eye; it should not touch the mucous membrane. This can lead to mechanical damage as well as infection. The tip should not even touch the eyelids and eyelashes.

If you wear contact lenses, remove them before the procedure. You need to wait at least twenty minutes. Contact of some droplets with lenses can lead to changes in the physical and chemical properties of these optical devices. For some types of treatment, doctors generally recommend stopping wearing them for a while.

Although there are exceptional cases when doctors, on the contrary, recommend not removing the lenses, as this increases the effectiveness of the drug. The pharmaceutical industry now offers a wide range of eye drops that are specifically designed for people using these optical devices.

Do not allow children to administer the drops themselves. The procedure must be carried out under the supervision of an adult.

The bottle with the drug should be stored in the refrigerator. After opening, the drug can be used for no more than a month. Do not use other people's medicines or give your drops to others. This will prevent the infection from spreading. To blot away excess medication, use only sterile wipes.

If you have been prescribed several medications at once, remember to maintain an interval of half an hour. This will prevent mixing of active ingredients and the occurrence of side effects.

People often make one common mistake and put drops in the corner of the eye, closer to the bridge of the nose. Because of this, the active component does not reach the desired area and does not have the desired result.

Do not forget to wash your hands with soap both before and after the procedure. If purulent discharge is present, rinse the eye with furatsilin solution before installation. Using sterile material, swipe from the outer edge of the eye to the inner corner.

How to put drops into a child's eyes?

Ophthalmic pathologies occur not only in adults, but also in children, even the smallest ones. Children are often capricious and disturb their parents, preventing them from putting in drops. And this is understandable, because if an adult understands the importance of treatment, then it is quite difficult to explain it to a child.

A variety of factors can cause the development of inflammation in a baby’s visual organs, for example, dust, a foreign object, or infection. Eye drops stop the inflammatory reaction and relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Most often, such drugs are prescribed in childhood for infectious conjunctivitis. Babies often rub their eyes with their hands, so it is very easy to introduce pathogens. A bacterial infection is treated with antibiotic eye drops.

It is unacceptable to choose drops for your child on your own.

Another common pathology in childhood is dry eye syndrome. This is explained by global computerization. Children spend a huge amount of time in front of gadgets, which provokes problems with visual function. Moisturizing drops will help correct this condition.

Before installing the drops, you should rinse your eyes and remove dry crusts. Using light pressure, move the cotton pad from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. There should be a separate sterile material for each eye, otherwise you may get an infection. Furacilin solution, chamomile decoction, saline solution or black tea without additives are often used as a rinse.

If the child resists, putting drops into the eyes will not be an easy task. You can promise your child a reward in advance for good behavior. This will encourage him to behave well and not resist treatment.

Remember the basic rules that will help you properly apply eye drops to your child:

  • the procedure must be performed with clean hands;
  • take the bottle of medicine and make sure that these are the drops you need. Be sure to look at the expiration date and check the integrity of the bottle. The solution should be free of turbidity and sediment;
  • the bottle of medicine should be warmed in your hands;
  • the child should take a comfortable position. It is better to put the baby on the bed;
  • his favorite toy should be placed above his head so that his gaze is directed upward;
  • calm the baby down, don’t yell at him, speak in a quiet and calm voice. If the child is quite old, talk to him and explain that this will help him get better;
  • gently pull back the lower eyelid and inject a few drops into the fold formed between the eyeball and the lower eyelid;
  • Massage your eyeballs through closed eyelids.

ATTENTION! If you use a pipette to instill drops, be sure to disinfect it before use. Using a dirty pipette can spread infection.

Before installing eye drops, you will need to clean your child's eyes. Pus and hardened discharge may prevent the medication from being absorbed into the eye tissue.

If there is no one nearby who could hold a capricious baby, it is better to swaddle him tightly. It is imperative to calm the baby before the procedure, since if he twists his head too much, the medicine will easily flow out of the eyes. It happens that during the installation the child managed to close his eye. Even in this case, although a small amount of the product will still get into the inner corner of the eye. It's better than not dripping at all. If you inject too much of the drug or your child sheds tears, his or her eyes may begin to water.

So, with proper and timely use, eye drops will help you quickly and effectively get rid of various ophthalmological disorders. These medications not only relieve clinical manifestations, but also fight the very cause of the disease. However, before starting treatment, it is important to read the instructions and learn how to properly instill drops into the eyes. Do not forget to maintain personal hygiene and strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor. And then the treatment you carry out will give the expected results.

When you drop drops into a child’s eye, do not forget that all manipulations must be carried out with clean hands and the pipette must be sterile. Do not touch the mucous membrane of the eye with the bottle. This can lead to the spread of the infectious process. Do not choose eye drops for your child yourself. Take him to an eye doctor and follow the instructions given by a qualified professional.

Contents [Show]

We were all taught from childhood, and we, in turn, teach our children not to be afraid of doctors. We explain and inspire that it is better to immediately go to the clinic than to wait for complications of even the most harmless illness. But as a result, we ourselves act as God dictates, that is, completely not according to our own advice. But it wouldn’t hurt to teach the children and learn at least simple but necessary manipulations themselves. For example, you can put drops in your eyes, give an injection, or wash a wound. These skills can come in handy unexpectedly when there is simply no doctor nearby. And then, you won’t run to the nurse every time to give yourself eye drops!

When should you use eye drops? Eye drops are a collective designation for many drugs in liquid form intended for external treatment and prevention of eye diseases. In some cases, putting drops into the eyes is more effective than drinking or swallowing tablets. The dose of the medicine is designed so that some of the drops will fall on the mucous membrane and be retained by the eye, some will be absorbed into the circulatory system through the nasopharynx, and some will simply spill out. Therefore, it is important to follow the eye drop schedule and not allow large deviations from it. This is especially important for patients with glaucoma, those in the acute stage of the disease and/or those in recovery from eye surgery.

  • Dacryocystitis.
  • Conjunctivitis.

Self-instillation of eye drops: pros and cons Remember the joke from Krokodil magazine: the announcement on the door of the ophthalmologist’s office “All patients should be instilled at 7 am!”? In fact, this is funny only to us, patients and non-medical professionals. Because doctors know how the eye works and understand how easy it is to cause damage if handled carelessly. Judge for yourself:

How to put drops in your own eyes Let's say you don't have the opportunity to visit a doctor to put drops in your eyes twice or thrice a day. This is not a reason to violate the treatment regimen! You will have to learn how to administer eye drops yourself:

putting eye drops on yourself

  1. Remove the dropper bottle or ampoule with the medicine from the refrigerator in advance so that the drops have time to reach room temperature.

How to put drops into your child's eyes yourself It's no secret to parents that children really don't like going to the doctor. Sometimes it’s easier to administer eye drops to your baby yourself than to persuade him to go to the ophthalmologist’s office. Here's how to put drops into your child's eyes quickly and painlessly (for him and for you):

eye drops for a child

  1. To prevent the child from moving his head, even involuntarily, it is better to instill eye drops when he is lying on his back rather than sitting. In this case, the head will be thrown back naturally.

How to instill eye drops yourself Instilling eye drops for yourself or even a child is not as difficult as following all the many medical prescriptions related to eye treatment. But if they are not followed, putting drops into the eyes is useless and sometimes even harmful. Remember the following:

If you put drops into the eyes of yourself or another person ineptly, you can negate their entire therapeutic effect. And in the worst case, it can also cause harm, aggravating the course of the disease. For those who wear contact lenses, drops should be instilled into the eyes 15-20 minutes before putting on the lenses (for medicinal drops) or directly with the lenses (for moisturizing drops).

In what situations do we have to put drops in our eyes? There are many examples. With the help of drops you can...

How to put eye drops correctly? Instillation of eye drops is the scientific name for eye drops. This manipulation is often used in ophthalmology in the treatment of eye diseases. Trained nurses perform the procedure. However, after reading the information below, you can easily apply eye drops correctly at home yourself:

2. If you use contact lenses, then it would be better to stop wearing them in favor of traditional glasses while instilling drops. If this is not possible, put on lenses no earlier than 30-40 minutes after the procedure.

3. If the doctor has prescribed several medications to be instilled, the interval between administrations of different medications should be at least 15-30 minutes (the longer, the better).

Using eye drops

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When prescribing eye medications, they are supposed to be instilled. This simple procedure has a number of peculiar tricks that will help you put drops into your eyes comfortably, and the treatment will bring maximum benefit.

In addition, before starting treatment, you should visit a doctor, only he can correctly prescribe the drug and dosage. Consultation with glaucoma and the presence of cataracts is especially important, since instillation of the medicine is carried out for the rest of the patient’s life. You cannot give medicine to newborns without a pediatrician's prescription. Their eyes require extra attention and are very susceptible to droplets.

1 General rules

Different medications have some differences in their use. Thus, drugs for glaucoma are usually dripped only once a day, and for cataracts the procedure is carried out every 4-6 hours. When applying moisturizing gels, the instructions recommend blinking, which will help to better distribute them across the cornea.

The following instructions will be common to all types of drops:

  • Before starting the procedure, hands are washed with soap and then dried well.
  • Each bottle uses its own pipette. If it is not sold with it, then it is stored in a special container.
  • The tip of the pipette should not come into contact with the skin of the eyelids, conjunctiva or any other surfaces.
  • When using a pipette from a container, after each instillation, wash it with boiled water and dry it.
  • When wearing lenses, they are removed before the procedure and put back in place 20 minutes after it.
  • If it is necessary to instill several types of drops, the interval between them is determined by the instructions, but, as a rule, it ranges from 5 to 15 minutes.
  • If necessary, apply drops and apply ointment. The last thing to do is apply the ointment.

2 Sequence of instillation

Before you start dripping the medicine, you must carefully study the instructions; they always contain special instructions for use.

You should not start treatment without consulting an ophthalmologist. Self-administration of drops may not only not improve the condition of sore eyes, but may also harm them.

The procedure algorithm looks like this:

  • IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Pharmacies, why are you silent? Vision will be like an eagle's in 1 week!
  1. 1. You should start instilling eye drops while lying down or sitting, with your head thrown back. The pose should be comfortable. If necessary, you can use a mirror to control movements.
  2. 2. The lower eyelid is pulled back with the fingertips so that a small pocket is formed between the skin of the eyelid and the cornea.
  3. 3. The eye is rolled upward.
  4. 4. Drop 1-2 drops into the resulting pocket on the conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eye) (more simply won’t fit). Directly opposite the pupil.
  5. 5. If the drops are medicinal, then the eye should be closed. Use the pad of your finger to press the corner of the eye against the wall of the nose. This will allow the medicine to be absorbed more evenly and not leak into the nasal cavity. When instilling moisturizers with a thick consistency, you need to blink to ensure they spread evenly.
  6. 6. Using a cotton swab, you will need to remove the remaining drops from the skin of the eyelid.
  7. 7. In the accepted position (head up) and with your eyes closed, you need to sit for 3-4 minutes.

If instillation is carried out on a toddler, and especially a newborn, then it is advisable to carry out the appointment together. One is holding the baby, and the other is dripping.

For preschool children, the manipulation can be carried out correctly if you explain to the child its essence and the purpose of instillation.

Position of the pipette in relation to the eye

3 Common mistakes

When instilling medicine, mistakes are often made that significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of the drops. Among the common ones are the following:

  • Use of one bottle for several patients. This is dangerous due to infection.
  • Instillation of the drug directly onto the cornea. Contact of the medication on the epithelium causes burning and pain.
  • Using a large number of drops. The substance simply flows out of the conjunctival sac. You only need to drip one drop, and then after 5 minutes - another.
  • Instillation of the drug into the corner of the eye near the nose. Drops enter the nasal cavity.
  • Standing up immediately after instilling the medicine (you need to sit for 5 minutes with your eyes closed).
  • Touching the tip of the dropper to the conjunctiva. You can injure the conjunctiva with strong pressure or cause an infection.
  • Carrying out the procedure when there is cosmetics on the eyelashes and eyelids. Getting cosmetics into the eye can cause not only severe burning, but also allergic reactions.

Eye drops are used for most eye diseases. For diseases such as conjunctivitis, dry eyes are the main treatment method. For glaucoma, refractive errors and cataracts, drops are prescribed for life. If you put drops into your eyes correctly, you can hope for the expected result.

And a little about secrets...

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How to properly instill eye drops

Any medication must be taken correctly, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be achieved, this also applies to eye drops. In order for the medicine to penetrate the eye and begin to act, it is necessary to instill it according to the rules, thanks to which it will be possible not only to keep the drops on the mucous membrane, but also to avoid possible side effects.

What are eye drops

Eye drops are solutions of medicinal substances used to treat ophthalmic diseases. Medicines of this type are made from oil or aqueous solutions of the active substance. These sterile medications are used both to treat eye diseases and to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

The drops are produced using a special technology, thanks to which the maximum effect is achieved. The components of the solution are selected in such a way that after the drug enters the mucous membrane, the active substance penetrates through the cornea into the anterior chamber of the eyeball within half an hour.

In order for the medicinal effect to be maximum, the correct dosage of the drug should be taken into account, following the exact recommendations of the ophthalmologist.

If contact lenses are used, eye drops should not be used, since the active substance of the drug may accumulate on the mucous membrane, which can lead to an overdose. In cases where the patient cannot completely refuse to wear contact lenses, they should be removed during instillation of drops and not put on for half an hour after this procedure.

If the ophthalmologist prescribed several eye drops at the same time, then an interval of minutes should be maintained between their use. That is, first drip one medicine, after half an hour a second and after the same period of time a third, if necessary.

The duration of taking medicinal eye drops is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Usually, when acute infectious processes occur, it is necessary to use the medicine up to 12 times a day. To alleviate the condition and relieve symptoms of acute diseases, drops are used up to 3 times a day.

If the doctor has prescribed the simultaneous use of eye drops and ointment, then you should first drip the medicine, and then, after a few minutes, put the ointment behind the lower eyelid. If you do everything the other way around, the ointment will not allow the drops to penetrate the cornea.

Wash your hands thoroughly. If the bottle with drops is stored in the refrigerator, it should be removed at least 10 minutes before the procedure, since the cold solution does not penetrate the cornea well. This medicine should not be heated as it may lose its properties.

Take a mirror and sit comfortably so that you can lean back slightly. Tilt your head back and with your left hand pull the lower eyelid until a fold forms. If you pull the eyelid too far, the medicine may leak out of the eye. It is more convenient to hold the bottle in your right hand.

Look up, while not losing sight of the bottle with drops, bring the drops to your eyes, without touching the tip of the eyelid, so as not to damage it. Drop the required amount of solution into the conjunctival sac.

Cover your eye and lightly press your index finger on the inner corner of your eye. Blot the eyelid with a dry sterile cloth. Repeat the same steps with the second eye.

Children of any age can develop a disease such as conjunctivitis. In this case, the eyes become red, itchy and cause discomfort to the child. To treat the disease, the ophthalmologist prescribes eye drops, but many mothers are faced with the problem of how to properly administer drops to their baby. The following instructions will help with this:

  • Swaddle the baby tightly and ask dad to pick him up.
  • Let dad pick up the brightest toy and hold it so that the child is looking up.
  • Quickly pull back the child's eyelid and drop a drop of solution.

If the solution does get on a closed eyelid, do not be upset; you need to massage the inner corner of the eye with a light movement and keep the baby in a horizontal position for some time.

You can drop the medicine when the baby is sleeping, but in this case you should make sure that it penetrates under the eyelid.

All medications for instillation into the eyes must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25C so that they do not lose their properties. You can use open eye drops for no more than a month.

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Source: In what situations do we have to put drops in our eyes? There are many examples. With the help of drops you can...

In what situations do we have to put drops in our eyes? There are many examples. With the help of drops, you can anesthetize the eyeball in case of injury, stop the infectious process in case of viral, bacterial or fungal conjunctivitis, improve the circulation of intraocular fluid, reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma and even slow down the progression of cataracts. In addition, many people use eye drops as a symptomatic remedy to quickly relieve redness and irritation (including allergic) from the eyes; some instill solutions of vitamins and nutrients into their eyes in order to improve tissue trophism. Whatever you use eye drops for, it is important to know how to properly instill eye drops, because the effectiveness of the entire treatment often depends on the instillation technique.

1. Wash your hands with soap. There is no need to use antiseptic solutions. Thorough hand washing with soap and running water is sufficient, because during the manipulation there is no direct contact of the conjunctiva with the skin of the hands.

2. If the bottle has a built-in dropper, then simply remove the cap. If a dropper is not provided, you will have to use a pipette (pipettes with a narrow spout are best). Draw a small amount of medication into the pipette using the thumb and index finger of your working hand.

3. To properly apply eye drops, a person must sit or lie down. When sitting, your head should be tilted back. During instillation of drops, the patient's gaze should be directed upward.

4. Smoothly pull down the lower eyelid with the index or middle finger of your non-working hand (for right-handers - left, for left-handers - right). For convenience, place a clean and slightly damp cotton or gauze swab under your finger. It will help absorb excess fluid if excess drops leak out of the eye.

5. Hold the pipette or dropper bottle at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the eyeball. During manipulation, do not touch the tip to the eye, conjunctiva or eyelashes. Any contact with a body surface risks infection of the pipette. If this does happen, then the pipette is washed and boiled, and the bottle is replaced with a new one.

6. Click on the pipette (bottle) and inject 1-2 drops of medicine into the conjunctival sac (this is exactly the volume that the human conjunctival cavity can accommodate).

7. It is recommended to keep your eyes open for 30 seconds so that the active substance is better distributed over the entire surface of the conjunctiva. However, the introduction of some drops is accompanied by a burning sensation. It's okay if you immediately close your eyes and gently massage them by placing your finger on your upper eyelid.

8. At the inner corner of the eye there is a lake of tears. From there, the tear (or any liquid that gets into the eye) can freely flow into the nasal cavity through the lacrimal canal. Press on the inner corner of the closed eye for 1-3 minutes to prevent the medication from flowing into the nasal cavity. If this is not done, the therapeutic effect will be significantly less. In addition, the nasal mucosa is densely supplied with vessels through which the active substance of eye drops can be absorbed and lead to undesirable systemic effects.

9. Done! You have completed the manipulation.

1. All eye drops are produced and packaged under sterile conditions. When opening and using the bottle, we violate sterility. To prevent excessive contamination of the medicine by microorganisms, an opened bottle should not be used for more than 30 days. The medicine should be stored in a dark place at a temperature below 30 degrees. When stored in the refrigerator, the drug is heated to body temperature before use, which reduces discomfort during instillation.

4. In case of an infectious process affecting both eyes, the least affected eye is instilled first.

5. How to properly put drops in a child’s eyes? Basically, the technique is the same, but if the child resists and does not allow the eyelid to be pulled back and closes his eyes, then you can drop a drop of medicine onto the skin of the eyelids in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. When the baby opens his eyes, the medicinal substance will enter the conjunctival cavity.

Now you know how to properly apply eye drops, and you can easily perform this simple manipulation yourself.

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Source: we were taught from childhood, and we, in turn, teach our children not to be afraid of doctors. We explain and inspire that it is better to immediately go to the clinic than to wait for complications of even the most harmless illness. But as a result, we ourselves act as God dictates, that is, completely not according to our own advice. But it wouldn’t hurt to teach the children and learn at least simple but necessary manipulations themselves. For example, you can put drops in your eyes, give an injection, or wash a wound. These skills can come in handy unexpectedly when there is simply no doctor nearby. And then, you won’t run to the nurse every time to give yourself eye drops!

Although it is drops and all procedures related to the eyes that are tolerated by many people worse than other, even more complex manipulations. Some would prefer to pull the tooth themselves instead of putting drops in their eyes themselves. But, unfortunately, these and all other treatment procedures are not interchangeable. And in order to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and the need to instill eye drops as soon as possible, you just need to learn how to instill drops into your eyes simply and quickly, and put them into practice. And we will tell you how to do it, and we promise that it won’t hurt.

When do you need to instill eye drops? Eye drops are a collective designation for many drugs in liquid form intended for external treatment and prevention of eye diseases. In some cases, putting drops into the eyes is more effective than drinking or swallowing tablets. The dose of the medicine is designed so that some of the drops will fall on the mucous membrane and be retained by the eye, some will be absorbed into the circulatory system through the nasopharynx, and some will simply spill out. Therefore, it is important to follow the eye drop schedule and not allow large deviations from it. This is especially important for patients with glaucoma, those in the acute stage of the disease and/or those in recovery from eye surgery.

As a rule, eye drops are prescribed in the following cases:

Blepharitis (scaly or ulcerative). Before putting drops into your eyes yourself or with medical help, you need to clean your eyelids of crusts and/or soak them with a weak boron solution.

Dacryocystitis. The eyes are connected to the nasal cavity by the nasolacrimal duct, so inflammation of the internal mucous membrane of the respiratory organs often leads to inflammation of the lacrimal sacs. In this case, it is effective to instill drops into the eyes, which also reach the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses.

Conjunctivitis. To treat it, drops are instilled into the eyes not only for medicinal effects, but also for washing the mucous membrane.

Diseases of the visual organs require very careful treatment and the ability to instill eye drops. But this does not mean that artificial tears or other moisturizing drops that are relatively simple in composition and familiar to many can be dropped into the eyes at random. The only question is who and how it is more convenient to do this.

Self-instillation of eye drops: pros and cons Remember the joke from Krokodil magazine: the announcement on the door of the ophthalmologist’s office “Instill all patients at 7 am!”? In fact, this is funny only to us, patients and non-medical professionals. Because doctors know how the eye works and understand how easy it is to cause damage if handled carelessly. Judge for yourself:

Eye drops, or rather, the medicinal substances contained in them, are absorbed directly into the blood through the mucous membrane of the eyes. The effect of such treatment on the body can be compared to an intravenous injection.

Infections easily enter the body through the eyes, especially if the mucous membrane is inflamed. It is forbidden to rub your eyes with your hands, touch them with your fingers and/or a pipette with drops.

Microorganisms, including potentially pathogenic ones, are always present on eyelashes. Therefore, it is especially important to avoid contact of the pipette with the eyelashes.

Eye drops, like the moist environment of the mucous membrane of the eyes, are a beneficial and nutrient medium for the development of microorganisms. If sterility is not observed during eye drops, eye drops may not cure, but harm your health.

If you mishandle eye drops, you can transfer the infection from one eye to the other, healthy one.

Thus, the desire to put drops into your eyes yourself can result in big problems. To avoid them, be vigilant even over the little things that may seem insignificant in other cases, but are extremely important when handling medications: storage conditions, use and safety.

How to put drops in your own eyes Let's say you don't have the opportunity to visit a doctor to put drops in your eyes twice or thrice a day. This is not a reason to violate the treatment regimen! You will have to learn how to administer eye drops yourself:

instilling eye drops into your own eyes Remove the dropper bottle or ampoule with the medicine from the refrigerator in advance so that the drops have time to reach room temperature.

Wash your hands thoroughly and try not to touch anything until you finish applying the eye drops.

You can put drops into your eyes while lying on your back or sitting with your head thrown back. It is inconvenient to instill eye drops while standing; your position will be too unstable.

Take the dropper or bottle of drops with your right hand. Using the fingers of your left hand, pull the lower eyelid down, holding it by the skin below the moving part.

Direct your gaze straight up and try to fix it so that the eyeball remains motionless for at least a few seconds, during which you need to have time to drop the drops into the eye. The most convenient way to achieve this is to look at some point or object on the ceiling.

Place the hand with the pipette strictly above the eyeball. Keep the dropper in your field of vision, but do not focus on it.

Squeeze out 1 or 2 drops (as prescribed by the doctor or instructions for the drug) so that the liquid gets on the inside of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. It’s even better if the liquid gets into the gap between the lower eyelid and the eyeball.

As soon as possible after the drops enter the eye, press the lower eyelid in the inner corner of the eye with the pad of a clean finger. This will keep the drops in the eyes and prevent the drug from flowing into the nasolacrimal duct and nasopharynx.

Do not lower your head or stand up for at least a couple of minutes so that some of the drops do not leak onto your face and clothes.

Place drops in the other eye in the same way. After 3 minutes, you can get up, wipe the excess drops from your cheeks and try not to touch the area around your eyes with your hands.

If all these rules are followed, the effectiveness of the medicine will be maximum. Please also note that most eye drop medications must be stored at low temperatures. Do not leave them out of the refrigerator and do not be lazy to warm them before each use. If the conditions and/or shelf life of the eye drops have been violated, do not instill the drops under any circumstances and take a new package of the medicine.

How to put drops into your child's eyes yourself It is no secret to parents that children really do not like going to the doctor. Sometimes it’s easier to administer eye drops to your baby yourself than to persuade him to go to the ophthalmologist’s office. Here's how to put drops into your child's eyes quickly and painlessly (for him and for you):

instilling eye drops into a child's eyes To prevent the child from moving his head, even involuntarily, it is better to instill eye drops when he is lying on his back rather than sitting. In this case, the head will be thrown back naturally.

Preparation of hands and preparation is exactly the same as in the previous section. The temperature of the drug and the hygiene of all devices that come into contact with it are important.

Ask the child to look up (at a chandelier, a pattern on the wallpaper, or just at the ceiling), pull back the lower eyelid and squeeze 2-3 drops of medicine onto the mucous membrane or eyeball.

Do not touch the eyelashes or skin with the dropper. Children's eyes are small, and this is more difficult to do, but necessary to maintain sterility.

The smaller the child, the more difficult it is to put drops into his eyes. Your task is to have time to inject the drug at the moment when you see the mucous membrane of the retracted lower eyelid. Even if some of the drops flow out, the required amount will be retained by the eyelid, which has returned to its original position.

Try to keep the child in a horizontal position so that he does not stand up immediately after the procedure.

A standard pipette produces droplets of about 25 μL (microliters), and an adult eye can hold no more than 15 μL of liquid. This means that the eye drops reach the mucous membrane in excess, or rather, with a reserve that ensures that the required volume of the drug reaches the mucous membrane even if it partially leaks out.

How to instill eye drops yourself Instilling eye drops for yourself or even a child is not as difficult as following all the many medical prescriptions related to eye treatment. But if they are not followed, putting drops into the eyes is useless and sometimes even harmful. Remember the following:

A break from instilling eye drops during the course of treatment is highly undesirable. The maximum deviation from the procedure time is about 1 hour. This does not apply only to moisturizing eye drops, which are not used for intensive therapy, but to relieve tension and dry eyes.

If for some reason you still missed the time when you need to put drops in your eyes, do not double the dose of the medicine the next time you do it.

Do not use eye drops prescribed for another person, even if the symptoms of the disease seem very similar to you!

If you put drops into the eyes of yourself or another person ineptly, you can negate their entire therapeutic effect. And in the worst case, it can also cause harm, aggravating the course of the disease. For those who wear contact lenses, drops should be instilled into the eyes a minute before putting on the lenses (for medicinal drops) or directly with the lenses (for moisturizing drops).

After you have instilled the eye drops, do not perform any other eye procedures for about 20 minutes. This applies to rinsing, applying ointment and/or instilling another eye medication. And be sure to follow the order if the prescription calls for different drops to be put into your eyes. Thus, putting drops into your eyes yourself may not be very convenient, but it is quick and safe. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

In what situations do we have to put drops in our eyes? There are many examples. With the help of drops, you can anesthetize the eyeball in case of injury, stop the infectious process in case of viral, bacterial or fungal conjunctivitis, improve the circulation of intraocular fluid, reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma and even slow down the progression of cataracts. In addition, many people use eye drops as a symptomatic remedy to quickly relieve redness and irritation (including allergic) from the eyes; some instill solutions of vitamins and nutrients into their eyes in order to improve tissue trophism. Whatever you use eye drops for, it is important to know how to properly instill eye drops, because the effectiveness of the entire treatment often depends on the instillation technique.

How to put eye drops correctly? Instillation of eye drops is the scientific name for eye drops. This manipulation is often used in ophthalmology in the treatment of eye diseases. Trained nurses perform the procedure. However, after reading the information below, you can easily apply eye drops correctly at home yourself:

1. Wash your hands with soap. There is no need to use antiseptic solutions. Thorough hand washing with soap and running water is sufficient, because during the manipulation there is no direct contact of the conjunctiva with the skin of the hands.

2. If the bottle has a built-in dropper, then simply remove the cap. If a dropper is not provided, you will have to use a pipette (pipettes with a narrow spout are best). Draw a small amount of medication into the pipette using the thumb and index finger of your working hand.

3. To properly apply eye drops, a person must sit or lie down. When sitting, your head should be tilted back. During instillation of drops, the patient's gaze should be directed upward.

4. Smoothly pull down the lower eyelid with the index or middle finger of your non-working hand (for right-handers - left, for left-handers - right). For convenience, place a clean and slightly damp cotton or gauze swab under your finger. It will help absorb excess fluid if excess drops leak out of the eye.

5. Hold the pipette or dropper bottle at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the eyeball. During manipulation, do not touch the tip to the eye, conjunctiva or eyelashes. Any contact with a body surface risks infection of the pipette. If this does happen, then the pipette is washed and boiled, and the bottle is replaced with a new one.

6. Click on the pipette (bottle) and inject 1-2 drops of medicine into the conjunctival sac (this is exactly the volume that the human conjunctival cavity can accommodate).

7. It is recommended to keep your eyes open for 30 seconds so that the active substance is better distributed over the entire surface of the conjunctiva. However, the introduction of some drops is accompanied by a burning sensation. It's okay if you immediately close your eyes and gently massage them by placing your finger on your upper eyelid.

8. At the inner corner of the eye there is a lake of tears. From there, the tear (or any liquid that gets into the eye) can freely flow into the nasal cavity through the lacrimal canal. Press on the inner corner of the closed eye for 1-3 minutes to prevent the medication from flowing into the nasal cavity. If this is not done, the therapeutic effect will be significantly less. In addition, the nasal mucosa is densely supplied with vessels through which the active substance of eye drops can be absorbed and lead to undesirable systemic effects.

9. Done! You have completed the manipulation.

1. All eye drops are produced and packaged under sterile conditions. When opening and using the bottle, we violate sterility. To prevent excessive contamination of the medicine by microorganisms, an opened bottle should not be used for more than 30 days. The medicine should be stored in a dark place at a temperature below 30 degrees. When stored in the refrigerator, the drug is heated to body temperature before use, which reduces discomfort during instillation.

2. If you use contact lenses, then it would be better to stop wearing them in favor of traditional glasses while instilling drops. If this is not possible, put on lenses no earlier than a minute after the procedure.

3. If the doctor has prescribed several drugs to be instilled, the interval between administrations of different drugs should be at least minutes (the more, the better).

4. In case of an infectious process affecting both eyes, the least affected eye is instilled first.

5. How to properly put drops in a child’s eyes? Basically, the technique is the same, but if the child resists and does not allow the eyelid to be pulled back and closes his eyes, then you can drop a drop of medicine onto the skin of the eyelids in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. When the baby opens his eyes, the medicinal substance will enter the conjunctival cavity.

Now you know how to properly apply eye drops, and you can easily perform this simple manipulation yourself.

Treatment of any disease requires a balanced and serious approach. If the patient follows the doctors’ recommendations, the result will be significant and quick. They say that you need to perform injections correctly, observing the rules of asepsis, the time and place of the injection, the dosage of the medicine, the order of administration of the medicines and the interval between injections. Then the medicine will act quickly and correctly. But this applies not only to injections.

With the eyes the situation is even more serious, because in this case there is direct contact with the site of the pathological process. And if we are dealing with infectious diseases, then there is direct contact with the affected part of the organ of vision. Therefore, it is necessary to instill eye drops correctly so that the treatment leads to the desired result.

Of course, the dosage of the drug, as well as the treatment program, is chosen by the doctor. Under no circumstances should you instill unknown medications into your eye yourself, especially those prescribed to yourself based on your own diagnosis. Self-medication can be extremely dangerous. In most cases, it leads to very serious disturbances in the functioning of the eye, unforeseen consequences, and even a decrease in visual acuity, which may subsequently not be restored at all. Therefore, it is extremely important to listen to what the doctor says and follow the instructions of specialists.

Eye drops

Usually, the package of eye drops always contains a special pipette, which prevents the medicine from pouring out in one moment. Instill the solution one drop at a time. Even if three drops need to be instilled, this is done at intervals that are necessary in order to strictly adhere to the dosage.

Of course, it is best to have another person instill the medicine. This will allow your eyes to relax, which will greatly improve their perception of the drug. Some people feel fear of manipulation and reflexively squeeze. Of course, in this case it is unlikely that you will be able to put drops in your eyes. And here it would be reasonable to perform the manipulation yourself, using the instructions that doctors recommend for self-instillation. So, let's see what needs to be done and in what order.

Step-by-step instructions for putting drops into your eyes yourself

Drops should be instilled into the eye in the following sequence:

  • Preparation for manipulation. First you need to prepare the drops, that is, read the instructions for dosing and opening the bottle. You should also prepare a clean napkin made of natural fabric if you need to blot your eyes. Then you need to wash your hands thoroughly. It is the hands that are the dirtiest parts of the limbs that can come into contact with the organ of vision. Therefore, there is no need to laugh it off, as sometimes happens, but you should take hand hygiene seriously. Hands should be washed with soap and running water. If for some reason this cannot be done, then they must be treated with an antiseptic solution. But it must be remembered that antiseptics are chemicals. If they are not wiped off the surface of your hands immediately or the alcohol is not allowed to evaporate, you can seriously damage your eyes. Therefore, such things must be remembered and followed.
  • A very important point in the process of opening a bottle of eye drops is autonomy. Under no circumstances should the bottle be placed on different surfaces, except perhaps on a sterile bandage or cotton wool. But, in general, it is best that it does not touch anything, including the eyelid. It is important to maintain the required distance. It will be best if you keep the bottle of medicine at a distance of three to five centimeters from the eyeball. This gives the drops the opportunity to get directly into the eyes without causing discomfort.
  • The position of the patient plays an important role. Doctors recommend taking a position that is comfortable for you during the procedure. This can be in a lying, standing or sitting position. As a rule, if a person is at work, then he simply does not have the opportunity to lie down. In this case, you need to sit on a chair, lean back and throw your head back.
  • After the bottle is prepared, it needs to be opened and brought to the eyes. Please note once again that you should never touch the eyeball with the bottle or your hands.
  • At the moment of instillation, the gaze should be directed upward. This helps ensure that the medicine gets into the conjunctival sac correctly, and there will be no fear.
  • At the next stage, with one hand you need to slightly pull the lower eyelid down without touching the area adjacent to the mucous membrane.
  • Then you can begin to instill the drug solution into the conjunctival sac. If you press the bottle pipette once, one drop will appear. The droppers on the bottles of most medications operate precisely according to this principle.
  • After the medicine has entered the eye, the eyelids should not be squeezed. This can lead to the fluid leaking out of the conjunctival sac and not affecting the pathological focus. You need to close your eyelids and sit there for several minutes until the medicine is distributed over the entire surface of the eyeball.

special instructions

If the doctor prescribed this manipulation for both eyes, then it must be performed alternately on each eye so that the drug is evenly distributed over the eyeball and begins to act. And if the ophthalmologist prescribed several types of drops, then they should be instilled at intervals of ten minutes. It is very important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and instructions.

For some drops, neither a pipette nor a dispenser is provided. This problem can also be solved. First of all, the pipette can be bought separately at the pharmacy. But if you suddenly don’t have it, take a small disposable sterile syringe with a capacity of one milliliter. Open the bottle and use a needle attached to a syringe to draw out the required amount of solution. After this, remove the needle from the syringe and gently apply the drops to your eyes. The medicine can be left in the syringe for a short time. You can close it with the same sterile needle in the cap. Try to take a small amount of the drug solution for instillation so that the main part remains in the original bottle. Thus, timely eye treatment can be obtained even in an unusual case.

When putting drops into your eyes, it is very important to maintain hand hygiene. They must be washed thoroughly and treated with an antiseptic solution. It is advisable to have someone from the outside bury the gas. It’s not entirely convenient to do this on your own. Well, otherwise there are no problems with eye drops.

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