Exquisite Chinese Crested dogs. Lifespan of a Chinese Crested Lifespan of a Chinese Crested

Update: October 2017

Chinese Crested dogs are often called hairless dogs and are compared to chameleons, because the color of the pet's skin can change. In summer, Chinese women become lighter and in winter they become darker. They not only have a unique appearance, but also other unusual features.

The breed is characterized by the following features:

  • hairless skin like a frog, but often the litter contains 1-2 fluffy puppies (powderpuff or puff puppies);
  • hairless dogs have three degrees of fur growth: weak, medium and strong;
  • There are two variations of body structure: the agile deer type and the average, with heavier bones;
  • ability to adapt to different climates and love of active walks;
  • Availability sweat glands(unlike other breeds), so dogs do not have to pant to cool their bodies;
  • constant desire to eat and tendency to overeat;
  • absence of premolars in the dentition: bones cannot be given to them;
  • painful reaction to a change of owner;
  • skin care is required: it must be washed and lubricated with creams and oils often;
  • dogs with moderate to severe overgrowth require grooming;
  • All types of Chinese women get along well with children, females are especially affectionate.

Breed characteristics

Is it difficult to care for a Chinese Crested?
Difficulty of care is above average. With such physiological characteristics Doggies need special protection. They are afraid of atmospheric phenomena. And Chinese dogs are difficult to train.
Is it suitable for inexperienced owners?
Not the best choice for inexperienced owners. Representatives of the breed show stubbornness during training for cleanliness.
Where is it better for a pet to live: in a house or apartment?
The breed is suitable for any premises; it can live in both a small apartment and a large house. Keeping her in an enclosure is contraindicated.
Does it show watchdog qualities?
A Chinese woman won't make a watchman. She has practically no guard instinct.
What are the features of hair and skin care?
Puffballs require regular grooming and daily brushing. Skin care for hairless individuals consists of lubricating the surface with moisturizing creams, bathing and combing and trimming overgrown areas.
Are there any problems with catering?
The breed is not picky about its diet. Fit as ready-made feed, so natural feeding. There are unusual taste preferences.
Are there any difficulties with socialization?
The dog becomes strongly attached to its owner, loves to communicate with other people, but can be wary of strangers.
Is it possible to leave a pet alone for a long time?
When alone, dogs may express fear by howling and whining. This behavior needs to be stopped.
Who is the breed not suitable for?
Sedentary people, owners who are not willing to spend a lot of time on care, families with small children (this is a fragile dog that can be easily harmed).
Can I buy for a child?
Chinese women love children very much, but they are not suitable for children to play with.
Do you get sick often?
May suffer from dental and eye diseases, allergic reactions to the skin are possible.
Do you need clothes?
Yes, these sissies need clothes. Moreover, naked individuals need it even in summer to protect against burns.
Can it be kept with other animals?
As a rule, pets treat other animals well and can live side by side with cats.

Advantages of the breed

  • Loyalty and affection for the owner.
  • Good adaptation to different conditions content.
  • Mobility and curiosity.
  • Attachment to people.
  • Undemanding to walks, they do well in an apartment.
  • Possibility of housing for elderly and disabled people.
  • Skin devoid of vegetation does not allow fleas to settle.
  • Excellent socialization.
  • The ability to sense the owner's mood.
  • Good health.


  • Eccentric appearance (representatives of this breed most often win the ugliest dog competition).
  • Manifestations of self-centeredness in character.
  • Can be stubborn during training.
  • It is difficult to accustom to neatness and to wean from marking territory.
  • Difficult to care for (requires a whole range of procedures).
  • Need protection from cold and sun rays.
  • There is a high risk of skin problems.
  • Tendency to allergies to wool.
  • Difficult birth.

Photo of Chinese Crested

Dog character, behavior

A lively, terrier-like dog, the Chinese Crested Dog often retains puppy-like qualities into old age. She loves when people pay attention to her. The pet has nothing from the guard or hunter. This is a purely decorative breed with an affectionate and flexible character. If you love affectionate pets, this dog is for you. She will become a constant companion and center of attention.

It must be borne in mind that the best character traits will appear only with good socialization. Without it, dogs become shy and sometimes aggressive. They need to be introduced to new places and people as early as possible.

Behavior at home

The mysterious corydalis feels great in any home. Even tiny apartments suit her. The main thing is the presence of the beloved owner. She will play, caress, follow around - just to be the center of attention. Chinese women really don't like being alone. They inform all neighbors about this with a loud howl. This behavior needs to be weaned off immediately.

In normal circumstances, pets are rather silent. They rarely speak. And if this happens, then, most likely, the baby is calling the owner for help or trying to communicate something important. The Corydalis finds its own approach to each person; it easily achieves the favor of anyone. But he becomes attached to one or two people in the family. For her, connecting with them can be vital. It is important for future owners to know this, because she endures a change of owner in adulthood very painfully.

Behavior on the street

The Chinese Crested dog breed has an unusual appearance. Some will call it funny, others will call it ugly. It's a matter of taste. But on the street, the owner needs to be prepared for the fact that he and his pet will receive everyone’s attention. The breed is best suited for urban environments. Please note that representatives of the breed love to dig. And if you don’t want them to ruin your garden, keep an eye on them while walking.

Attitude towards other animals, strangers and children

Pets react calmly to other animals, even if they are cats. Moreover, both the Chinese Crested Powder Dog and its hairless sister behave this way. Experienced owners say that they have something of a cat in them. They love to sit in the arms, feel the mood of the owner and also love affection.

Dogs are friendly towards strangers and do not show aggression. But you need to be careful when communicating with young children. The bones of even adults are very fragile, and children, while playing, without realizing it, can harm their pet.

Caring for the Chinese Crested: coat, eyes, ears, teeth

Corydalis have pointed muzzles, like rat hunters, and long crests on their heads. There are charming “boots” on the paws. All this beauty requires care. Caring for pets living in cold and very hot climates is especially difficult. Most attention requires doggie skin. But we must not forget about the hygiene of the eyes, ears, and paws.

Eye hygiene

The eyes must be clean, because healthy dogs There are practically no discharges. Only after sleep can mucus accumulate in the corners of the eyes. It is removed with a clean napkin. You need to clean your eyes once a week.

To do this, take cotton pads (separate for each eye) and moisten them boiled water or a special lotion (tea brewing, chamomile infusions and others folk remedies unsuitable). The eye is treated with a wet disc. Then use another disc to apply the area of ​​skin under the eye. Then eye drops are administered. They destroy bacteria. Repeat the procedure with the second eye, changing the cotton pad.

How to take care of your teeth?

The genes responsible for hair and teeth are interconnected. Outwardly, this is expressed as follows: the better the dog’s coat, the healthier his teeth. This means that hairless individuals have much worse teeth than downy ones. They are covered with an extremely thin layer of enamel, so they suffer greatly from caries. Losing teeth at a young age is not uncommon for this breed. Therefore, dental care begins as early as possible.

How to clean your ears?

Every 3-4 days the ears are examined, if wax has accumulated in them, they are cleaned. Dogs will most likely not like this procedure. Therefore, you need to fix your head well before you start. Before removing wax, you need to pluck the fur inside auricle. They do this with quick and sharp movements. After this, begin cleaning the ears. Take an ear stick, moisten it in a special ear cleaner and clean the visible part of the ear.

How to trim claws?

To care for claws, you will need a nail clipper of the appropriate size. It is important not to touch the living part of the claw. For light-colored pets, this is a pink stripe inside the claw. In dark individuals it is hardly noticeable. You can navigate by the color of the core: the dead part is whitish, the living part is darker. It is better to trim the claws little by little, so you have less risk of touching the part with the blood vessels.

How to care for your skin?

Skin of hairless pets - weakness. It can burn in the sun, dry out from the wind, peel off, and turn red. Acne and comedones often appear on it. This dog has to do skin cleaning - remove black and white spots. After this, the skin must be disinfected. In addition, the owner should have moisturizing and anti-inflammatory creams in his arsenal.

How to bathe and dry your pet?

There is a difference in caring for the fur and skin of hairless and downy pets. A hairless dog can be washed 1-2 times a week. You will need a cleansing and nourishing shampoo. The pet is placed in the bathtub and the body is wetted with warm water. Then dilute the cleansing shampoo with water, shake it into foam and apply it to the mane, tail, and paws. Treat the naked body with undiluted shampoo.

After a few minutes, the detergent is washed off and nourishing shampoo is applied to the hair. This is also washed off and the balm is used according to the instructions. After this, apply a moisturizing mask over the skin. It is also washed off. Many breeders use proven “human” cosmetics. But this can only be done after consulting a veterinarian. Dry the fur and skin with a hairdryer, after applying a conditioning spray. Before exhibitions, you may also need a special styling foam.

Overgrown individuals are washed with diluted cleansing and then nourishing shampoo. After this, apply balm, and while drying with a hairdryer, apply conditioner. You can drip puff no more than 2-3 times a month.

Features of wool grooming

Many people are interested: which type of Chinese Crested is easier to care for - hairless or downy? Both require grooming. Hairless corydalis have their muzzle trimmed, the hair on their paws smoothed out, and their whole body depilated or epilated. If these procedures are neglected, the dog will look unkempt. This is especially true for haircuts. The puff also needs to be cut. And you have to do this regularly.

How to trim a hairless dog's face?

To cut your hair you will need a trimmer or clipper. Without experience, it is better not to start such an operation, but to immediately turn to professional groomers. The haircut is done on a special grooming table. It is needed in order to properly fix the corydalis during the procedure. The haircut begins from the neck, gradually moving to the muzzle. The cheekbones are treated, the cheeks are slightly removed. You can leave sideburns - tufts of fur on the cheeks.

Epilation and depilation of hairless dogs

Almost all hairless dogs have weak hair all over their body. These hairs need to be removed. The easiest way is shaving. To do this, take a razor, shaving foam and carefully treat the pet’s body. However, after a few days, stubble will appear on the skin. This means that this method of depilation during preparation for the exhibition is not suitable.

You can use depilatory creams. They are applied according to the instructions. This is also a simple and painless way to get rid of body hair. However, stubble appears just as quickly. Modern electric epilators are also suitable. But the process will be painful, although the effect will last longer.

Some owners use wax strips or pull out hairs with tweezers. Everyone has the right to choose what suits them best. After removing the hair, the skin is treated with a disinfectant. And one should not persist in the desire to make the dog the most beautiful, unless of course we are talking about exhibitions. A pet should not be subjected to such tests. But if you show dog, accustom her to grooming from childhood.

Grooming a Powder Dog

Not only a naked dog can look impressive, but also a downy dog. The haircut makes her appearance finished. Remove hair from the neck and head. First, the face is treated, leaving sideburns on the cheeks. You can visually lengthen the muzzle by removing the hair at the transition to the forehead. Then they proceed to the neck. The wool is cut in the shape of a large triangle.

Walking and exercise

This is an active breed, but can do without daily walking. Corydalis can be carried everywhere in a handbag. But from time to time she needs to be allowed to run around in the yard. During the cold season, she is rarely taken outside. This can only be done by wearing several sweaters or overalls. In the hot summer, take your pet out only after treating the skin with sunscreen. Otherwise, serious burns may occur.

If your pet loves to dig, and this breed has such a tendency, you need to provide him with an area for this. You can teach him to do this only there by putting his favorite toy there. So the baby will understand that this is his place. You cannot take him into the forest or for walks in the countryside. Bare skin is bitten by horseflies and mosquitoes.

In crowded places it is convenient to walk the crested cat on a long leash. To do this, the dog is first trained to use a leash. You need to hold the tape measure tightly during walks, because if you let it go, the terrible thing will begin to “catch up” with the baby, greatly frightening him. This way you can discourage him from going for walks.

Often dogs get rid of excess energy with the help of rubber toys or other fun. For such a little one, any object can become a toy. Corydalis enjoy playing with balls of thread, pieces of wood and just pieces of plastic. During such games on the street, you need to watch what the baby is playing with. It is better to take toys with you, not allowing you to take unfamiliar objects into your mouth.

Vaccinations, susceptibility to diseases

The breed is characterized by good health. Hairless dogs may have missing teeth. Females have a difficult birth.

There is a tendency to genetic diseases:

  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • hereditary cataract;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • degenerative myelopathy.

Measures against worms

You can reduce the risk of infection with worms with the help of a properly formulated diet. Raw meat and fish products should be excluded from the menu. You should not neglect remedies for ticks and fleas, because they are carriers of some helminthiases.

For preventive purposes, anti-helminth medications are given to pets at least once every 3 to 4 months. In this case, deworming should be carried out general character. The drugs are given to all animals and people in the house. Twice a year, feces are examined for helminths. The first deworming of puppies is carried out in nurseries at the age of 21 to 30 days.

Vaccinations, first vaccination

Only healthy and unweakened animals without helminthiasis can be vaccinated. Before each vaccination, dogs are dewormed (10 days before the vaccine is administered).

An approximate vaccination program looks like this:

  • primary immunization - at the age of 8-9 weeks (paravirus-2, plague, adenovirus-2, parainfluenza);
  • revaccination - after 3 - 4 weeks (parovirus-2, plague, adenovirus-2, parainfluenza, rabies);
  • repeat vaccination - one year after the first vaccination;
  • revaccination – every 3 years.

The vaccination schedule should be selected by a veterinarian. Any vaccine is administered only after examining the dog. Vaccinations for weakened animals will bring more harm than good.

What to feed?

The question: what to feed the Chinese Crested, as a rule, does not arise even for inexperienced owners. In terms of feeding, this breed does not cause any difficulties even for inexperienced owners. You can give ready-made dry food or you can switch the animal to natural feeding. As for the regime, the puppy is fed in small portions 4 – 5 times a day. As they grow older, the number of feedings is reduced. An adult Chinese Crested dog is fed twice a day - morning and evening.

Adult dog diet

In a day adult dog It is enough to eat about 100 g of dry food. At one time she is given 50 - 60 g of ready-made diet. Only suitable quality feed not lower than premium class. In some cases, anti-allergenic food for corydalis may be needed. Always choose a diet that is appropriate for your pet's age and condition. Diets for puppies, adult dogs and lactating bitches should be different.

The bowl of food is placed only for 15 minutes. Then the remains are removed. Clean water should always be freely available. Feeding should always be done on a schedule. No indulgences or handouts from the table. The portion needs to be regulated. Don't overfeed. This breed is prone to overeating. And you can't mix natural food with ready ones in one feeding.

Puppy diet

Puppies are fed little and often. From ready-made rations Only puppy food is suitable. They are balanced in vitamins and mineral composition. You cannot always leave the bowl freely available. Teach your baby to have order. Always feed at the same time. Leave the portion in its usual place for a short time. In addition to food, you can give the puppies some treats.

Prohibited Products

  • All types of bones.
  • Raw fish and meat.
  • Milk ( dairy products Can).
  • Pork in any form and fatty broths.
  • Sweets, chocolate, pastries.
  • Salt and salty foods.
  • Sausages.
  • Alcohol in any form.
  • Grapes and raisins.
  • Hercules, semolina, oatmeal, barley.
  • Human pills.

Training and education

Physiologically, representatives of this breed cannot endure for long, so 8-9 month old dogs often relieve their needs at home. To do this, they are accustomed to a tray or diaper. This is an important element of education. First, you need to put the puppy in the tray immediately after sleep and after feeding. As a rule, during this period he relieves himself. If the baby wants to leave the tray, it must be returned. After he has done all his work, he is praised and given a treat.

Immediately after the end of quarantine, the puppy is accustomed to the street. They do this gradually, first taking them to quiet, deserted places. Then the walking radius is increased. They begin to accustom them to the collar during quarantine, so that after it is over, the baby will already get used to it and wear it calmly.

Few other breeds can master as many tricks as the Chinese Crested Dog. Puppies do not always remember them the first time, but with due diligence on the part of the owner, they can be taught to do various manipulations front paws. The main thing is to remember to praise and encourage your baby.

Choosing and caring for a puppy

Just because you liked the photo of your Chinese Crested does not mean you are ready to get one. Before you go to the nursery, you need to answer some questions. Are you ready to spend time and money on expensive care? What will you do if you have to go on a business trip or vacation? And what kind of dog do you want: hairless or fluffy? Only after this can you start looking for a breeder.

Every Chinese Crested Dog is a carrier recessive gene, responsible for the long, silky coat. Therefore, one litter can contain both hairless puppies and fluffy lumps. Puff puffs do not shed seasonally. Dead fur is removed using a slicker. She doesn't need clothes for walking, and she can save on hair removal.

Naked Chinese women can have both a strong degree of overgrowth and a weaker one. Dogs with long hair on their head, paws and tail look more impressive. But it takes more time to put them in order.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions, evaluate the exterior of the future champion. This is difficult to do without experience. Not all traits appear during puppyhood. If possible, invite a consultant.

How to care for a puppy?

Caring for a puppy consists of hygiene of teeth, claws, eyes. Before a small miracle appears in the house, you need to purchase the necessary equipment: a house, a tray, diapers, combs and other hygiene items. Prepare a place for the baby, buy him toys.

On the first day in a new home, he needs to ensure peace. Let the puppy get comfortable. He does this slowly. The very next day he will start active games, but now he needs peace. Give him his usual food, so he will adapt more calmly. The main thing at this moment is the owner’s love and attentiveness.

Breed standards

Classification FCI 288 Group 9. Companions and lap dogs.
Section 4. Hairless dogs.
Usage Decorative companion dog
Appearance A small, graceful dog with thin to medium bones. There are two varieties of the breed - hairless and downy, and two types: deer - thin-boned, and cobby - stocky and heavier.
Temperament, behavior Cheerful, flexible, aggression is completely absent.
  • Scull: slightly rounded and elongated.
  • Muzzle: slightly tapering, but not pointed, without jowls.
  • Jaws: strong, with a regular scissor bite.
  • Nose: dark.
  • Eyes: very dark.
  • Ears: low set.
  • Back: straight.
  • Small of the back: elastic.
  • Croup: Well rounded, muscular.
  • Neck: dry, without suspension.
  • Tail: long, may be half covered with hair.
  • Front: long and slender.
  • Rear: wide set
Movements Long, elegant and flowing.
Wool There should be no large areas of topcoat hair on the body. The crest is best flowing.
Color Any.
Height Height at withers:
  • Males 28-33 cm;
  • Females 23-30 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Origin story

It is difficult to say now when these dogs appeared. There is evidence that since the times of the Aztecs they have been used as cult animals. The most popular version is that Chinese traders were the first to notice them on the African continent. They took the dogs with them.

In the 18th century, hairless dogs were found on all continents. They reached Europe only in the 19th century. The breed owes its popularity to Mr. V.K. Taunton. The Briton first showed it at an exhibition in 1986. But she was not only not appreciated adequately, but was also called a biological curiosity. Later, Gypsy Rose Lee and Ruth Harris became interested in the breed. In fact, the breed was created by the British. In 1969, a club of her fans appeared, and in 1973 she was officially recognized.

IN Lately Russian amateur dog breeders fell in love with small decorative dogs. If earlier in fashion there were mainly official and fighting breeds, now the situation has changed. Chinese Crested Dogs live in many homes. It is believed that this is very ancient breed. For example, Chinese chronicles say that during the Ming Dynasty, hairless dogs with a funny crest belonging to this breed lived in the houses of noble people.

However, with the same success this breed can be called “Japanese”: funny hairless puppies, which were distinguished by their small size and cheerful, fighting character, lived in Japan. A description of this breed can be found on the Internet and in specialized literature on ornamental dog breeding, as well as in ancient Chinese and Japanese chronicles.

Breed history and appearance

The Chinese dog or “Chinese dog,” as domestic dog breeders sometimes ironically call this breed, is, in fact, a long-haired dog, partially devoid of hair. Here are the main ones Exterior features of this breed:

Gallery: Chinese Crested Dog (25 photos)

How long does a Chinese Crested dog live at home? It depends on how you care for it. If an animal lives in unsuitable conditions, its life expectancy can be reduced to 3-5 years. If the crested friend lives in good conditions and eats properly, its life expectancy can be 7-10 years or even more.

As soon as the owner brings the dog home, it needs to be allocated a permanent place of residence. You should not place your Chinese dog on the floor on a rug, as is usually done with large animals. If the house is cold, the “Chinese” can easily catch a cold. Pet stores sell special houses made of soft materials for small dogs, and such a house would be ideal for a corydalis. In general, the Chinese Crested is distinguished by its good health and unpretentious diet.

You need to feed the baby very carefully, because the stomach of the corydalis is quite small. If you accustom an animal to large portions, the stomach will stretch, and this can lead to serious gastrointestinal disorders. The best way to feed a corydalis special food for decorative dogs. If a particular type of food does not suit her, she needs to choose a different brand of food.

Also, when caring for a Chinese corydalis, you need to keep the following in mind:

Character traits

The Chinese dog is very sociable. If the animal is healthy and in good mood, it loves to “talk”:

If there are any at home Small child, parents should not leave it unattended next to their pet. The “Chinese” never show aggression and do not attack people, children, or relatives. They don’t even chase cats: there are known cases when the “Chinese” cohabited peacefully with cats and even ate from the same bowl. However, if the child begins to pester especially zealously four-legged friend, the fighting dog will not allow itself to be offended and can greatly frighten the baby with its ringing bark.

The Chinese Crested is an ideal companion for older people. She is always in a good mood, it is impossible to get bored with her. Little puppies play with toys with great pleasure. However, at a certain age, during teething, they really like to chew on foreign objects. You should make sure in advance that the dog has special rubber toys for this purpose, otherwise the animal will begin to torment the owner’s shoes. Rubber balls and squeaky toys that your dog actively chews on should be washed daily.

The Chinese Corydalis perceives and feels the intonation of its owner very well, so you need to talk to it calmly and friendly. If an animal has done something wrong, you should never raise your voice. Chinese dogs, like many other decorative breeds, are touchy. If the owner speaks rudely with the animal or even hits him, the dog will “boycott” him for a long time or even “take revenge” by making a puddle in the wrong place.

Corydalis, despite their small size, are distinguished by their fighting and perky character. The main thing is not to develop pugnacity in them. They also sense care and affection very well. Behind good attitude The Corydalis pays its owner with boundless love. In ancient times, these dogs were used to warm the owner's bed in cold weather. winter evenings. It was also believed among many nationalities that corydalis had the ability to cure toothache and headaches in their owners.

Chinese Cresteds have good hearing and can hear any rustling, even the quietest. Some representatives of this breed love music and howl melodiously when playing their favorite tunes. Corydalis are also well trained, they are resourceful, smart and cunning.

How to toilet train an animal

Many breeders of Chinese corydalis prefer to arrange a toilet for their pets at home. To do this, you can purchase an ordinary cat litter box or a litter box for decorative dogs. You shouldn't use litter because dogs like to throw it around. A standard plastic tray with a removable grid is best.

The corydalis is very sensitive to foreign odors and is unlikely to go to someone else's litter box. When the animal starts making puddles (and no one has ever been able to avoid this problem), you need to carefully wipe the puddle with a rag and temporarily place this rag on the removable grid of the tray. The animal will smell itself and understand that the tray is a toilet.

Also, Chinese corydalis can easily ask to go outside, just like dogs of other breeds. However, since the “Chinese” are partially hairless, in the frosty winter it is best for them to “relieve themselves” in a litter box. The main thing is to wash the litter box after each visit to the toilet.. Corydalis are very clean and tidy, they would never sit on a dirty tray.

To accustom an animal to a tray at first, you can use special chemicals, for example: “Shit? No!". But you should keep in mind that they have a rather unpleasant odor and can cause an allergic reaction in people. Usually dogs are very intelligent and within a week after the start of training they get used to doing their business in the tray. This is very convenient for both owners, and for animals. The main thing is to be persistent and consistent during toilet training.

The Chinese Crested dog breed is a real star in the world of four-legged decorative exotics. Centuries-old selection has given the world an extravagant appearance and a pronounced focus on humans.

Delightfully graceful miniature dogs with a dashingly fluffed forelock on their heads and intelligent (slightly languid) eyes involuntarily attract attention, causing constant delight.

About the breed

The Chinese Crested is “number one” in the magnificent four “hairless” dogs of the world. In the description of the breed, there are equally two types of dogs: with soft fur enveloping the entire body (Chinese Crested Powder Dog, Powder Poof) and practically naked, with long strands of fur on the head, tail, and paws.

The origin of the breed is densely shrouded in myths, assumptions, and fantasies. There is no reliable information (traditionally for China of that period). Dog experts are unanimous on one thing: this is not a native breed. Disputes, confusion, leapfrog theories begin with determining the homeland of the four-legged foreigner. The most fantastic option: transit from the African coast, the habitat of the legendary Abyssinian sand terrier. A striking resemblance to the Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless breed) keeps the second version of the overseas breed afloat. family ties. The most plausible theory: the import of breeding material by trade caravans from Thailand.

The selection work, breeding and distribution of Chinese exotics was carried out by the monks of the foothills of Tibet. Personal ownership of status dogs was stipulated by law, all breeding books were kept secret, every dog ​​of good blood was registered.

Only at the end of the nineteenth century did the Celestial Empire slightly open its impregnable borders: numerous restrictions were lifted, bans on the export of information, artifacts, and wonders were lifted. It was then that the English diplomatic mission took the first breeding couple to Foggy Albion. British breeders paid attention to new breed, but there was no rush demand, things didn’t work out. Chinese exotics have hit home in the US market of decorative exotics (Americans love funny, unusual breeds dogs).

The worldwide expansion of the breed was carried out precisely from American nurseries.

The incredibly beautiful corydalis were presented to the Russian public at a metropolitan exhibition in the late nineties (before that, Russians looked at glossy pictures of American magazines).

The Chinese Crested Powder Dog is an equal representative of the decorative exotics from the Forge of the World. The life of the powderpuffs was very difficult. In British nurseries, all fluffy crested puppies were mercilessly culled, declaring woolly offspring to be “second class”. Down jackets, prohibited from further selection, were considered a regressive branch and were distributed free of charge to everyone.

The “snow flakes” were saved by the innate conservatism of the British: naked dogs were perceived as a curiosity, and although the shaggy dogs were very unusual-looking, the population sympathized with them.

The spontaneous popularity of poufs grew. The unperturbed Britons took out furry pets to exhibitions, competitions, courts, driving the panels of judges into a stupor (the fluffy variety was declared defective). The opinion of fans changed the stubbornness of the management of the “Chinese Crested Dog Club” only in November 1981: the status of the down coats changed from defective outcasts to a separate variety with permission to be equally exhibited in the ring with hairless relatives.

Democratic Americans did not fool themselves: both varieties have entered the same ring since 1885.

The problems of selection and exhibition excitement passed over the Celestial Empire. In China, these dogs are still considered as a symbol of happiness, love and prosperity. Both varieties of the breed are traditionally bred in nurseries at monasteries; the possession of crested exotics is the prerogative of very wealthy people, and even short-term, fleeting communication with animals is recognized as therapeutic, restoring energy balance.

The ancestors of the Chinese bald cat, first presented to the world community at an exhibition in London, looked very modest (there were no combed, specially “fluffed” plumes and manes). The modern, delightfully airy image (show it once, remember it forever) was finally formed quite late. In fact, the “Chinese” dog was “built” into the world galaxy of decorative exotics by English and American breeders by the second half of the twentieth century.

In China, the breed is not divided into varieties: a reverent attitude towards any national antiquity is part of the traditional way of life of the country. Cynologists of the Celestial Empire operate with legends. When asked about the origin of the Chinese hairless cat, monastic breeders answer with a legend about a baby freezing in the forest and a small dog sharing its fluffy coat (naturally, everything ends with the baby’s divine blessing). When asked “how long do the funny dogs live at the monastery,” they calmly use the concept of “eternity.”

Last decade the world ornamental breeds The fashion for dwarfism is literally exploding. It seems that breeders have gone crazy: the market is full of mini-mini varieties, baby-face breeds. Most of the "designer stuff" comes from American gene laboratories. Modern overseas breeders have developed conveyor production of breed modifications according to market demand.

Not a single canine association has identified (recognized) a mini variety of the Chinese breed.

Non-compliance with the standard (dimensions - most important characteristic breed) indicates a defective puppy, guaranteed health problems for the Chinese mini.


The Chinese Crested is a cheerful, photogenic, intelligent animal. The hairless variety is deceptively hot to the touch. Due to their extraordinary appearance, hairless crested cats are often compared to small, peppy horses. The Chinese Longhaired Powderpowder looks more like a proportionally smaller Afghan Hound.

Refinedly graceful, overflowing with energy, the Chinese Crested Dog looks great in photos, show rings, and catwalk shows.

A proudly raised head, a regal posture, a dignified look from his long-eyed eyes. Gracefully throwing out its graceful paws as it walks, it seems to hover above the ground, the dog resembles an Arabian horse. This is the real ideal of decorative exoticism: unusual, whimsical, thoroughbred beauty in everything (exterior, manners, temperament).

In accordance with the standard, the corydalis is a compact animal with a light skeletal structure and innate graceful sophistication.

The standard behavioral characteristics of the breed are impressively positive: Corydalis are famous for their friendliness, loyalty, and cheerful temperament.

A fat dog from the Celestial Empire is a rarity. The weight of an adult individual fits into the “fork” from two to five kilograms, the height at the withers depends on gender: 23-33 centimeters for males and 23-30 for females.

Coat type and color

Description of the breed includes three types coat:

  • Chinese Crested Powderpuff (long-haired branch) - famous for its rich coat with a thick undercoat;
  • Konik - have strands of fur on the tail, paws, head, neck. The body is covered with very short fur;
  • hairless - without a “collar”, fur on the paws, or tail.

The standard requirements for the color of corydalis have always been interpreted loosely: “all colors and combinations are allowed.” Since 1990, the requirements have become more stringent:

  • white with black, gray, dark beige;
  • the predominance of black in combination with white;
  • spotted (dark chocolate with white);
  • heavenly with white markings;
  • spotted (bronze with gold).

Proper care and maintenance

Keeping crested Chinese does not imply anything extraordinary. The breed needs personal space to sleep, eat, and perform its natural needs. For visits to the veterinary clinic, as well as long journeys, a carrying bag is very useful. Experienced owners recommend from the very early age accustom pet to walking equipment (a collar, or better yet a harness, a leash-roulette), a wardrobe from bad weather (a lush, thick coat of a dog does little to save from the cold). To prevent the family favorite from getting bored, toys (store-bought squeakers, traffic jams, balls, balls) will come in handy.


Caring for and caring for a Chinese Crested will require a lot of effort from the owner. The bare skin of crested cats requires no less attention than the lush fur of powder puffs. Hairless dogs are bathed twice a week using a mild shampoo. The delicate skin of corydalis is very sensitive, prone to inflammation: treatment with nourishing, moisturizing creams good decision for the prevention of dermatitis.

Sparse hairs on the belly of hairless corydalis spoil the toned silhouette. To bring the exterior to perfection, dogs are subjected to a depilation procedure (with a razor or depilatory cream).

Powder puffs are bathed less often than puffs, but puffs require daily combing. The Chinese Corydalis is famous for its soft, delicate fur - irregular combing and unprofessional care will inevitably lead to the formation of tangles. It is better to accustom your pet to hygienic haircuts (trimming split ends, refining the contours of the crest, framing the muzzle) from the first days of moving from the kennel.

Standard hygienic grooming procedures are simple; caring for a Chinese Crested is accessible even to a novice owner:

  • care for the funnel of the ears;
  • treat the mucous membranes of the eyes with veterinary lotion;
  • trimming claws;
  • take care of your mouth and teeth.


Playful, dynamic, Chinese Cresteds love walks. The dog just needs a burst of energy and regular physical activity. Exclusive exterior, playful character turn daily walking into a responsible event that requires special training and equipment.

Crested dogs love to plow the ground and dig holes (like a burrowing terrier). To keep a gambling dog from destroying the pastoral picture of country garden beds and house lawns, walking on a leash is recommended.

In the spring and summer, before going out for a walk, naked crested birds are lubricated with sun balm (protecting delicate skin from burns), and the fur of the poufs with lotion from drying out and coarsening.

When going out into nature (forest, country house, city beach), dogs are sprayed with repellent against bloodsucking insects.

Training and education

It all starts with social adaptation Chinese crested baby. The dog must know its owner, all members of his family, recognize neighbors, postmen, doctors veterinary clinic. The puppy should not be frightened, alarmed, or thrown into panic by standard life situations, noises, smells big city. In parallel with socialization, the pet is raised. The dog must clearly know the norms and rules of living in a “human pack” and be aware of the scope and boundaries of what is permitted. Experienced owners joke: socialization takes a couple of months at most, but education takes the rest of their lives.

You cannot blame the breed for its absurd character and complete uncontrollability. The Chinese Crested dog breed is a smart, fully trainable, obedient creature. They simply have an abyss of innate sense of tact and behavioral aristocracy. Smart dogs grasp everything on the fly: explain clearly, show the dog what is required of him, he will remember what is necessary forever. Having spent time and effort, showing perseverance and strength of character, even a novice owner can take a service dog breeding course with a pet, adapted for decorative breeds. Prohibiting commands with calling signals are skills even for decorative exotics.

Health and life expectancy

The answer to the question “how long do Chinese Cresteds live” is clear - they are long-lived animals. In the history of the breed, dogs have been recorded whose life expectancy reached eighteen years. Cresteds are famous for their good health, strong immunity. Veterinarians focus the attention of owners on the prevention of allergies, problems with joints, and teeth.

Regular visits to the veterinary clinic, preventive examinations by specialists, routine vaccinations, anthelmintic measures are a guarantee of a long, happy life for your crested pet.

Diseases of the breed

There is a small list of the main diseases of Chinese Cresteds:

  • eye pathologies;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • renal failure;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergies;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • epilepsy.


Skin pathology of hairless dogs - regular headache all owners of Chinese corydalis. Wen or lipoma (subcutaneous manifestations of fatty origin), acne and comedones (a type of cyst that occurs when a blockage occurs). hair follicle lard). The skin needs to be looked after, the wen should be removed regularly: the dog’s skin is steamed, the sebaceous plugs are squeezed out. The main thing in the process: compliance with all hygiene standards, treatment with antiseptic agents, prevention with veterinary lotions and oils.

Most often, wen is a purely aesthetic problem, but (you cannot treat your health negligently) a visit to a veterinary dermatologist is the right solution to the problem.

Diet and feeding rules

The delicate and vulnerable digestive system, as well as allergies to a huge number of foods, makes feeding the crested cat a very difficult undertaking. Corydalis love to eat, but the list of prohibited foods is simply amazing. Preparing a balanced diet is the job of a nutritionist from a veterinary clinic or an experienced breeder. Feed natural products- walking through an allergic minefield. Best choice: commercial feed super-premium class, hypoallergenic and highly specialized for crested Chinese. Feed industrial feed- simple, convenient and reliable. For the “naked” (from childhood having dental problems) it is preferable to eat wet canned food, or highly moistened dry food.

There is no room for trifles in nutrition: the slightest deviations from the diet, an unplanned change in the menu, “a tasty treat from the master’s table” - end in diarrhea and vomiting, skin inflammation, and the inevitable call to the veterinary ambulance.

Choosing a puppy is a responsible undertaking. Making the right choice They contribute to visiting exhibitions and nurseries, communicating with breeders and breed experts. Nothing tells you as much about a potential pet as meeting the baby's parents.

Healthy Chinese Crested puppies are curious, active, funny, and moderately playful. Straight, proud posture a good appetite, cheerful energy will only confirm the health of the kids. Even one-month-old Chinese Crested dog puppies must meet all standard parameters.

The color of the Chinese dog's skin and coat changes with age.

If a puppy is purchased for exhibition purposes, you should wait to purchase until the baby is six months old.

Let's sum it up

Recent decades have significantly improved the appearance and health of the corydalis. The popularity of this delightful breed is constantly growing. The Chinese dog is an excellent choice for a pet, a reliable companion and a faithful companion.

The Chinese Crested Powder Dog is a breed of miniature dog.

China is considered the birthplace of origin, but according to data various sources There is an opinion that representatives of this breed may come from Mexico.

This is evidenced by remains similar to this species found during excavations.

In China, these dogs are still considered a symbol of happiness, love and home healers.

In Mexico, they were considered sacred animals, about which there were beautiful legends, and were one of the ten symbols of goodness.

Another name for this breed is Powder Puff or Powder Puff because of its fluffy and long coat.

This species is distinguished by its small size and gets along well with its owners and other pets even in a small area, so they are often brought into apartments.

They easily get used to both hot and cold climates. Dogs of this breed have good health, beautiful grace, intelligence, energy, and an easy-going character. They give birth easily and can care for their offspring until adulthood.

Very friendly dogs, even if at first they do not show distrust of strangers, after a short time they quickly make contact and are happy to pay their usual attention to their newly made friend.

They always easily find an approach to their owner, they love to carefully observe his habits and actions.

They have insight. If they see that the owner is busy with something, they will never distract him and will calmly find something to do.

Very playful. They can play with small children for a long time and treat them with patience and trepidation.. They will never bite or frighten, they are absolutely devoid of aggression. They bark very rarely.

They love communication and have a hard time enduring long-term loneliness, which can make them sick, withdrawn, or fall into apathy for some time.

As for devotion, these dogs adore and become attached not only to one owner, but also to all members of his family.

They are easy to train, willingly carry out basic commands, and are capable of learning various circus tricks. You can teach them to exercise as early as three weeks of age.

It is also noted that a dog of this breed loves to taste various objects. She has a well-developed chewing reflex, so to prevent her from getting bored or damaging her shoes or other things, you need to buy her various rubber toys, which she loves very much.

The lifespan of these dogs is approximately 10-12 years, but with proper care, care and attention from the owner, this figure can be much higher.

Powderpuff dogs are small in size;

Eyes- dark shade, almost black, the white of the eye is practically absent;

Ears- hanging;

Wool- long and soft, no undercoat;

Weight- no more than 6 kg, height about 30 cm;

Tail- set high, long, in a calm state of the dog, lowered down, should not bend;

Color- wool can be varied.

The color of the coat changes with age, but by the age of three months you can determine the color by the roots of the hair. At birth, a litter may contain both hairless and furry puppies at the same time.

Chinese puppies crested breed very active, do not sit still, and are significantly ahead in development of their peers of other breeds.

On the 8-9th day of birth, their eyes begin to open, they begin to walk early, unlike other puppies.

When choosing puppies, you should consider a number of important parameters:

  • straight back;
  • strong bones;
  • scissor bite;
  • smooth belly, pink;
  • clean eyes, ears, nose without discharge.

The importance lies in caring for the beautiful, long hair of these dogs. The best option- mandatory bathing with shampoo 2 times a week.

Despite their luxurious hair, they do not cause allergies, as they do not have undercoat or shedding.

In addition, their care should include brushing their teeth, trimming their fur and claws. Types of haircuts can be very diverse depending on the wishes of the owner. The main fundamental point is the neat and competent design of the dog’s face.

Failure to brush regularly can lead to dental disease, which is common in dogs of this breed.

It is recommended to trim the claws approximately once every 1-2 weeks, as they grow quickly due to the special structure of the paws. Ears and eyes should be examined daily.

As for walking, it is not necessary for the puffball to go outside every day; it copes well with its need for a litter box.

Of course, walks in the fresh air, like all other dogs, are very useful, but for this breed the most important criterion is attention from the owner.

The owner will not have any difficulties feeding dogs of this breed, since they are not picky eaters, are practically omnivores, love meat very much, and also adore vegetables and fruits.

For the first two months, Powder Puff puppies are fed 5-6 times a day, gradually as they grow older the number of feedings is reduced, and by 12 months it is reduced to two meals a day.

After reaching 4 months of age, you should stop giving milk.

Feeding your dog only dry food can lead to obesity, so the diet needs to be varied.

Since puffballs are eaten by almost everyone, given their frequent dental disease, the food given must be crushed. It will be good if the dog is fed on a schedule.

Proper care and maintenance of your pet is the key to its health, longevity and good mood.

Photo gallery

In the photo selection below, we have selected not only a fluffy dog, but also his “bald” brother. Perhaps these photos will help you decide on your choice of pet.

Among the many diverse representatives of the canine world, the Chinese Crested Dog breed occupies a special place. Her unusual appearance and character traits attract the attention of many breeders. All more people people in the world want to have such a miracle in their home. Fragile in appearance, but true defenders, four-legged animals will give a sea of ​​positive emotions to their owners.


It is impossible to find out the exact place of origin, as well as the date of the breed. Some historical facts allow us to assert that the Chinese Crested is one of the oldest representatives of man's four-legged friends. She was given special honors in China during the Han Dynasty.

Images of a similar animal were also found among the Aztecs, who believed that representatives of this breed went to another world after their owners. There they tell only good things about the person they lived with, which helps them get to heaven.

Initially, the African continent was considered their homeland, only there such dogs could survive. But recently this theory was refuted; in Central America the remains of such animals were found that date back more than early period stories. From here, together with merchants and explorers, the Chinese Crested Dog (photo below) migrated to the rest of the continents of the globe.

Description of the breed

Representatives of this breed are recognized by their extraordinary appearance. Although they are classified as indoor, decorative dogs, they are much larger than other representatives of this group.

It is unlikely that any other breed of dog has such an extraordinary appearance as the Chinese Crested Dog. The description of the breed that I will present to you is not the most detailed. I will not write out the standard in detail and boringly, but I will describe the main distinguishing points.

The Chinese Crested is recognized by the following characteristics:

  • Weight ─ no more than 6 kg;
  • The dog has thin long limbs, an elongated tail, tapering towards the end, which is held high when walking;
  • The muzzle is rectangular in shape. The jaws are powerful and have a scissor bite;
  • The eyes are small, set wide, and almond-shaped. The color can vary from dark brown to light gray. The look almost always shows interest and curiosity;
  • The ears are large and always erect;
  • The dog has a beautiful physique, a graceful gait and an original, memorable appearance;
  • The hairless variety, as a rule, always has a luxurious mane. The coat can be of different colors, but must be cut evenly;
  • There should be no tufts of fur on the animal’s body, the skin should be smooth, without blemishes;
  • For exhibitions, among the puffballs, individuals with beautiful, well-groomed fur are selected. Color does not matter; the presence and location of spots of a different color are not regulated.

Show coated Crested dogs may have slightly drooping ears.

Dogs of this breed are smart and learn training quickly.


The size of the Chinese Crested Dog is small, which makes it convenient for keeping in a small apartment. Of course, there are no exact values, so I give the standard range of sizes.

  • Height reaches 28-33 cm at the withers in males;
  • The height at the withers in smaller bitches is 23 – 30 cm.

A deviation in any direction of the range of no more than 2 cm is allowed.

Color and presence of fur

The Chinese Crested has two varieties:

1. The type without hair is also called naked, but this is not entirely true. She has fur on her head, paws and tail. The hair grows straight and is gathered into a tuft on the head, which is where the name of the breed itself comes from. The vegetation on the tail occupies about 2/3 of the entire space and forms a tassel at the end. The fur located on the limbs resembles fur boots or socks, which look especially elegant. Hairline soft, without undercoat. The animal's skin is smooth and hot to the touch.

Hair may grow throughout the dog's body, forming balls.

2. also called powder puff. The entire body of the animal is covered with thick, straight hair with undercoat. Typically, the bottom layer is softer and silkier, while the top layer is harder. The hair on the face is shorter; the owners themselves periodically cut their pets' hair for a neater and more well-groomed appearance.

Often representatives of this breed win prizes in various tournaments and exhibitions. But not every dog ​​can get there; there are certain criteria by which the suitability of the animal is determined.

Photos and pictures

Chinese Crested Dog: Character

Representatives of the breed for the most part good companions They get along easily with other pets, although they can sometimes be jealous.

The dogs are not aggressive, active, and playful. They don’t have a favorite in the family, they play with everyone with pleasure. They are sensitive to rudeness, to which they react sharply, and are sometimes shy. They constantly require attention to themselves and miss their owners when alone.

Features of care

The Chinese Crested is an ideal option for a city apartment due to its small stature. both varieties will be required, each of them has its own nuances.

  1. Some people prefer to call a hairless dog bald. Whoever likes it. So, the Chinese hairless crested dog (photo above) does not need all kinds of brushes for combing, large sets of different detergents. But her skin is very sensitive to cold and sun. In the cold season, the dog must be dressed before going outside.
    In the summer, their skin may dry out, cracks appear, which develop into ulcers. To avoid this, you need to regularly apply protective moisturizers and lotions. In summer, it is necessary to provide your dog's skin with a sunscreen filter.
  2. For the variety with wool, you will need a special set of brushes and combs, which will help avoid the appearance of tangles on the dog. For care you will need shampoos, conditioners and conditioners, with them the wool will be especially beautiful.

Both species require trimmers to regularly trim off excess hair on the face. You will also need a nail clipper and a file to sharpen the claws.

Do not use a hairdryer for drying, as this may harm the animal's fur and skin.

The Chinese Crested is bathed once every 7 days and dried with a soft towel.

Caring for puppies

The diseases of the Chinese Crested Dog are approximately the same as those of other small dogs, but there is also a peculiarity. They are more likely than other breeds to suffer from dental disease. To keep them all in order, Chinese Crested dog puppies are immediately accustomed to brushing. This should be done with a child's brush, which is placed on the finger.

Playfulness is characteristic of Chinese Cresteds at any age. Proper development possible only with a variety of toys that need to be provided to the dog with early childhood. Rubber and plastic products that the puppy can chew on during the teething period are perfect.

At first, you will have to tinker with the puppy a little, teach him to use the toilet or go for walks more often, arrange a comfortable bed for him, and do some training.

Chinese Crested Dog: price

Before purchasing such a dog, decide whether you want a hairless corydalis or a variety with six. The cost of the pet directly depends on this indicator. In addition, you need to understand that a lot depends on the parents, their pedigree, and victories at exhibitions. Maybe not the best expensive breed Chinese Crested Dog, the price of elite puppies can go beyond the most reasonable limits. But this is, so to speak, a special case. The prices for average puppies are as follows.

  • A puff with a good pedigree is estimated at 12,000-25,000 rubles;
  • The Chinese Crested Hairless Dog is slightly more expensive. It can be bought for 20,000-50,000 rubles.

In general, when choosing a puppy, it is not advisable to think first of all about how much a Chinese Crested dog costs. Listen to your heart. If you really like a particular puppy, take him, no matter how much it costs. All costs will pay off handsomely.


Now let's talk about how long Chinese Crested dogs live. The fact is that many novice dog breeders are very concerned about this issue. This largely depends on the care you provide to your pet, as well as on proper feeding of the dog. Remember that if she has never had any serious illness, infectious diseases, thanks to the fact that you followed, the chances for a long happy life at least doubles in size.

On average, they live about 13 - 15 years, like, or. However, when people ask me how many years Chinese Crested dogs live, I honestly answer - it all depends on you. If you do everything right, they will live up to 20 years.

Useful video

Check out interesting and useful videos about this beauty with an exotic appearance.

Chinese Crested Dog: Reviews of the Breed

The Chinese Crested dog breed (photo above) has proven itself very well, the dogs become excellent friends, cheerful and inquisitive. Their small size makes it easy to keep them in an apartment. They are not picky about their care; even an elderly person can easily cope with this task.

A Chinese Crested dog will not let its owners get bored in the house. The love and affection given to her will soon return to you with an increase.

Do not get a dog of this breed if you have small children, they can easily injure the animal.

This is a really lucky breed, the Chinese Crested Dog. Owner reviews confirm this. Here are some of them.

Julia S.

I have long dreamed of just such a dog. I saw it once at an exhibition and fell head over heels in love. Thank God my parents didn't mind. I, like everyone else, was initially looking for a puppy, but I came across an advertisement for the sale of a two-year-old girl of this breed and became interested in her. Her elderly mistress died, and her relatives no longer needed her. I went to get acquainted and my heart sank. She looked into my eyes so seriously and sadly that I didn’t even think for a minute. She gave the money and took her Treasure.

We got used to each other quite a bit. Her name was Sonya and I did not change the name. Within a day she climbed into my arms and we became very good friends. She is kind, cheerful, playful. Not at all capricious, she eats everything they give her. He sleeps only with me, on the pillow. Honestly, I've never slept so well before. My Sonechka simply exudes love and affection. So if you want to get a puppy, get a Chinese Crested, you won’t regret it.

Mikhail Yu.

I gave our Bow to my wife for her birthday. She had been dreaming for a long time, but it never worked out. And then an unscheduled bonus appeared, why not fulfill the dream? I went to the kennel and, after some doubts, took the tallest male. Well, I liked him.

The wife was delighted. She called him Bant, she didn’t like his pedigree name – Bucks. But in other respects he was simply the standard of a pet.

After 3 days, the puddles just stopped appearing at home. He himself began to ask to go outside. He chose his own place in the chair. He set his own feeding time. In general, he is an exceptionally independent and responsible comrade.

The main feature that I like is that it very clearly distinguishes the mood of the owner. If he is in the mood to play and warm up, he will happily run around and jump. If the owner is busy with business, he calmly goes to a chair and lies quietly, without disturbing anyone. I don’t even know how we used to live without our Bow. He became an absolutely full member of the family. I recommend this breed to everyone.

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