How to advertise on VKontakte. I can give my results as an example. Types of advertising on a social network

Advertising on the social network VKontakte, done correctly, works no less effectively than advertising in the media. It’s worth noting right away that any VKontakte advertising is effective thanks to the right approach. Naturally, users who invest their money in advertising do not want to waste it and get the maximum return. Therefore, let’s consider what exactly will bring maximum benefit and features.

In fact, on the social network VKontakte, advertising is made popular by 14 million active users every month. That is why, with a competent approach, you will get the maximum result from targeted advertising. At the same time, spending the minimum amount from your budget.

Thus, targeted advertising on VKontakte is aimed as accurately as possible at a potential client. This method also allows you to save money due to the fact that the targeting is aimed only at those users who will be interested in the advertising offer.

3 secrets of the most effective advertising in VK

Make no mistake when choosing your target audience (TA)

If you make a mistake with the choice of your target audience, then consider that you have wasted your invested money. For example, your main clients are in the age category from 30 to 40, and you decided to simply expand the circle by setting the bar from 20 to forty. In this case, you will not get more clients, but on the contrary, you will reduce the effectiveness of the advertisement. It will not be viewed by the people you need, because there are more people from 20 to 30 years old on VKontakte.

It is also worth reminding about show times. Showing at night or in the morning is useless, even if it gets you clicks. It is best to choose daytime. VKontakte ads shown on weekends, Saturday, and Sunday work great.


Show a fresh new ad with a small limit. To understand whether it works, set a limit of only 100 rubles. In addition, always set limits on spending funds.

Another great trick is to create two or even three different ads that will target the same target audience. They should not compete with each other, let them be similar, on the same topic, in other words. This technique allows you to get more clicks.

In the ad text itself, you can try to communicate only to women or only to men, it all depends on your service or product on VKontakte.

Try to change your ads regularly. The volume of advertising on VKontakte is quite large, so it is optimal to do this 2 times a week. And changing means creating new ones, not editing old ones.

Creativity and geolocation

If you are selling something, target users who are in the same area. This way you will not only increase demand, but also inspire confidence in yourself.

Always experiment. The audience will be drawn to you if you manage to surprise them. Very often, cute kittens and the like do not work in the graphic part of the ad. This is just boring. Classic or simply dark graphics often brought great results. Of course, this depends on the topic of your ad. Everything must fit together, otherwise they simply won’t understand you, and misunderstanding, in turn, often pushes you away.

You can also select the “Advertising” section in the left menu. A page opens before us with four types for launching advertising. If you do not yet have an advertising account, then for the first setup you can select any type and register by filling out all the necessary data by clicking on the “Next” button.

After creating an advertising account in VK, we move on to choosing the format of the future ad and its subsequent configuration. To do this, click on the “Create ad” button. In the window that opens, we need to select the type of advertising based on what we will promote.

The main goal of the course is to help in promotion, so the main focus will be on advertising in contact to get traffic to your site. To do this, you can place an advertisement on VKontakte in three ways:

We use the second promotion method to advertise an external site directly. Select as shown in the image below:

Let's enter the address of our website. Click “Continue”.

Let's go down to creating the advertisement itself and customizing its appearance. This is an important point: to be successful, you need an ad with a high CTR. These advertisements will be displayed under the left menu on each VKontakte user page.

Let's create a service announcement to show you the basics.

Creating an ad for VKontakte advertising

1. Ad format: select “Image and text”. Both the first type of ad and the second will both be shown under the left menu. However, headline ads are more effective.

2. Heading: Let's write an attractive title for our future ad.

Select an image file with a minimum size of 145 by 85 pixels. If we had chosen the second ad type to advertise on an external site, we would have been able to add an image ranging in size from 145 by 165 pixels. Choose the image that is as clear and eye-catching as possible. Once downloaded, you will have the option to select a specific area on it as shown below:

3. Subject of the ad. Not a particularly important point in this case.

4. Age marking. By default, we don’t select it, but sometimes, when moderating an ad, you may be asked to specify an age limit for display.

Setting up who to show the ad to

1. Geography. We indicate the country and city where the ad is displayed. Add exceptions if necessary.

2. Demography. Important point, please indicate the required values.

3. Age. We also indicate depending on the audience. This item is required to be completed if payment is made for impressions and not for clicks on the ad.

4. Birthday. An effective way to offer the purchase of your products at a promotion to future birthday people.

5. Family status. You can indicate if you have a good enough idea of ​​the portrait of your consumer.

6.Interests. This point can be skipped, since in the future we will not rely on the correctness of filling out VKontakte profiles and its algorithms.

7. Communities. We choose those in which, in your opinion, the target audience for the advertised product or service is concentrated. For example, let’s choose the “VKontakte for Business” community. The approximate number of audiences to which the ad will be shown is immediately displayed at the top right:

You can specify multiple communities. The more you choose, the larger the final audience will be: all items are indicated with the “and” condition, but within each of them the “or” condition applies. How to choose the right communities, cut off groups with a large number of bots, and look for exactly those in which your target audience lives - you can study in detail in our article “”.

8. With the exception of. By analogy, you can indicate those communities whose audience should not see your ads.

9. Education and work. Not required unless you're trying to target people with a specific profession.

We indicate the maximum cost per click or 1000 impressions

We are faced with a choice: "". We pay for conversions when we have a large target audience; It is advisable to pay for impressions if there is a narrow target audience. This tactic will help you save your budget and get the traffic you are looking for to your site.

When choosing a value for paying for conversions, indicate the maximum cost per click that you are willing to pay. It is worth paying special attention to the numbers on the right in the corner:

If you choose a value from the recommended price range, you will get 100% coverage, or as close to one hundred percent as possible. For our clients, we recommend starting with a price 2-3 times less than indicated in the “Recommended price” field. The rate is then adjusted depending on the number of clicks. We also work with the ad type itself: images and headline calls are tested.

When paying for impressions for a narrow, selected audience, you can set the minimum possible cost, even if it is 1 ruble. In any case, your ad will be shown to the target audience. When choosing a payment method, it is important to devote enough time to testing advertisements in order to maximize the ratio of costs and targeted traffic to the site. The more clicks your ad can generate, the more profitable your ad can be in using pay-per-impression advertising.

In our course, we will use the pay-per-impression setup more often, creating and testing different ads. You can choose the type of payment at your discretion and in accordance with your existing strategy.

In both cases, when setting up, be sure to check the “Limit the number of impressions to 100 per person” checkbox in order to reach as much of the selected target audience as possible. This is especially true for long-lasting advertisements.

Let's get back to the settings. We set the price to one ruble when paying for impressions, select the “Limit to 100 impressions per person” checkbox and title our advertising campaign and click on the “Create ad” button:

Ready! You have just made your first advertising campaign for VKontakte. To see exactly what an ad will look like on a user’s page, click on the “View an example of an ad on a page” button.

We check our entire ad and if you are completely satisfied with it, we send it for moderation:

Check your personal account balance: to launch an advertising campaign you need to have 100 rubles for each ad.

In the next series of articles you will be able to learn more detailed settings for advertising on VKontakte: how to create different ad formats and test them in the future, how to set them up and much more.

VKontakte is a powerful platform for attracting potential clients to your website. VK has many tools for advertisers that allow you to get in touch with any audience you need. With this entry I begin a series of articles devoted to advertising on VKontakte.

Previously, I already wrote about how you can sell your goods and services through your own public VKontakte, but not everyone has the time and money to create and promote it, because before the community starts bringing customers to your business, you will spend several months filling it and promoting it. If you don’t have that much time, then I advise you to pay attention to advertising in other people’s groups; at the start it is much more effective.

Creating an advertising post

The final result of your advertising campaign will depend on how good a post you create. A lot can be written about how to correctly compose a selling post, but in this article I will give you some universal tips that will help you create a post with high conversion.

1) Break the text into thematic blocks, this greatly simplifies the comprehension of the text

2) Try to compose your advertising post in such a way that the entire text is visible without the “Show full..” link. Take this not as a rule, but as a recommendation; if you need to describe your product or service in more detail, do it.

3) Place a bright, attention-grabbing headline at the beginning of your post.

4) Use emoji.

5) End your post with a call to action.

6) Use high-quality images, and also include a call to action and link in the description of each image. For me, about 10% of conversions come from photographs.

To conveniently search for the necessary posts, I recommend using the service. In demo mode, you are given 10 requests per day, this is enough for the average user. If you need more, then on the service payment page you can get 40% discount for your first purchase when you enter a promotional code website.

8) Adapt posts to the community in which you are going to publish them. With large volumes this can become very problematic, but it greatly increases the profit from publication.

In some topics, the scenarios for creating posts can be very different, so don’t be afraid to experiment and do it your own way.

Search for a community and place an advertising post

To search for communities that sell advertising, use the exchange and the official VKontakte exchange. You will work with both of them, but I recommend starting with associate, because There are many inexpensive platforms on this exchange, which is very good for first attempts at advertising. Also on sociate it is easier to find sites with the audience you need and with the best prices. In the latter, sorting by CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) helps.


It is best to create a post in advance in a closed VKontakte community or on your wall, so that you can then transfer all the text while maintaining the design (emoticons, line breaks).

Copy the text from a pre-created VKontakte post and paste it into the text input field, attach images or other media and click the “create task” button.

Customize your search filter to match your target audience.

Sort your search results by CPM, this indicator shows how much you will pay for 1000 views, the lower this value, the better.

For all communities in the search results, you can see statistics on the age and gender of participants, statistics by city, attendance and coverage of the community, as well as the coverage of the advertising post.

Before ordering advertising in the community, be sure to check the statistics to ensure that the majority of participants there are of the age, gender you need, and also located in the regions for which you work. It would also be a good idea to go to the community and check the quality of the content and audience activity.

Most large communities have open statistics, which you can view by clicking on the link under their “Statistics” avatar. For this link to appear, you need to install the browser extension that I recommended above. If you cannot install this extension, then use the service; it will also show how many banned members are in the community.

3) Posting tasks

By clicking on the "Place" button in the block with the selected community, a window will open in which you can specify the exact time of placement or a flexible time. In the second case, the community administrator will choose when to post your post within the date and time range you specify.

If you buy a lot of advertising, then to save time you can send requests to several communities at once. To do this, check the boxes next to the “Post” buttons in the block with the selected communities. When you are done with your selection, click on the “Place” button in the floating block that appears.

VKontakte has long ceased to be just a platform for communication. Today it is a powerful resource that even combines the capabilities of a search engine and video hosting. This is a platform for search and offers, which is especially important for consumers and businesses. Some can collect opinions and recommendations before becoming a client, others can conduct analysis and accurately find the target audience. Advertising in VKontakte groups today is more effective than classical advertising, but it must be presented while observing certain rules. Much depends on the right strategy for attracting clients. Then VKontakte advertising will work.

Advertising in VK and VK-target groups

What to choose: target or group

  • Targeting is becoming stricter: pictures and provocative headlines will not be allowed through by moderators.
  • You agree on advertising in the group with its administrator; there is no need to wait for moderation from the VK service.
  • The size of pictures and text is limited in the target; you will not be able to present a case or another version of the advertising strategy.
  • If you choose the right group, you will get a large reach of your target audience.
  • Advertising in VK groups is usually cheaper than targeting.

However, you shouldn’t think that you can sell everything through groups and write whatever you want in an advertising post. This is wrong. Your task is to attract the attention of customers, not law enforcement officers. Don't break the law.

Selecting a group for advertising

In which VK groups is it better to advertise? Advertising in a group will be useful if the users mostly fit the parameters of your target audience, and the group itself is active and updated with posts and participants. What you need to pay attention to if you decide to advertise in a group:

  • the number of participants and whether it is inflated, what is the ratio of bots and real users;
  • How often do unique visitors appear?
  • group activity and renewal;
  • geolocation - city, region, country must be suitable for the delivery of your goods;
  • how many likes and comments are there: active groups with up to 18,000-20,000 participants should collect at least 100 likes for each post; if there are only a few views, up to 10, for example, the group is jacked up and is actually unpopular;
  • daily audience coverage;
  • cost of placement - the more participants in the group, the higher the cost of placement.

How to start an advertising campaign

  1. Sociate - the service offers a wide variety of affordable platforms and easy tools for finding clients. On the service page, select a suitable advertising campaign, transfer the text of your post to a special field along with a picture and create a task. You can go the other way: select “Find sites”, enter filter categories to search for the target audience for your advertising post, and then analyze the results of the selection. Before placing an order for advertising, check not only the age and gender of the audience, but also the relevance of the activity. If you install the smm-helper service, you will get access to advanced community statistics, as well as the number of group members who were banned. The process of advertising placement is completed by the administrator registering the advertiser block. It will contain data on the number of selected sites, the amount of placement, as well as the number of unique subscribers.
  2. Hollypasta is a free service with a strange name, translated as “holy pasta.” This is an alternative Sociate service, with its own peculiarities of placing an advertiser’s order. True, “holy pasta” is somewhat easier to use. The exchange allows you not only to specify group parameters, but also to analyze competitors’ advertising posts. The service tools are simple. In “Search by Community” you will have the opportunity to choose the one you need from almost a hundred categories. Set a “portrait” of your client: age and gender, and then search parameters. You can explore their activity: how many participants, likes and reposts. Those groups that will be useful in promoting your product and service can be added to “Favorites”. The service allows you to track the parameters of the uniqueness of visitors, the audience in percentage, by gender and age, as well as the geography of group members, devices from which they most often enter the community, and sources of referrals: via direct links, through “My Groups”, “News” or pages users.

Important: admins of highly popular groups cooperate with advertisers mainly through the official advertising exchange "VKontakte". The service receives a percentage of the agreement.

Cost of advertising campaign

How much does advertising in VK in groups cost? There is no clear pricing policy for placements through VK groups and communities. No one has developed a separate price list, but some conditions work behind the scenes to determine the cost of a post, and the admins, of course, honor them.

Therefore, start placing in medium groups with low pay. With the promotion of the product, the growth of popularity and the number of orders, you can move on to expensive and numerous communities.

Placing an advertising post

How to place an advertisement in the VK group? Having prepared a selection of groups with a suitable target audience, you can begin to negotiate with administrators. Review your post carefully again, and then send it to the admin. After his consent, discuss the placement parameters.

The most successful and proven conditions are those in which an advertising post is posted on the “title” for at least an hour, and then goes to the feed. Here it should not be “moved” by other advertising posts for at least a day.

Already in the first hour or two you will be able to understand how successful your chosen strategy and group was.

Pay attention to what time people are most often active in the group. You can collect this data in the “Subscribers” section. By setting up the “Currently on site” filter, you can analyze the number of visitors by time of day or hour.

Next time, such an analysis, if you decide to stay in this group, can “adjust” the post to the most active part of the day.

Creating an advertising post

Advertising in VK groups will be effective if the post is compiled correctly. Regardless of what product you will promote online, there are several universal advertising components that are best used.

Making a “sales” post:

  1. Start with a strong headline.
  2. Break the prepared text into several parts: each block is one thought.
  3. It is better that the post contains the entire advertising text. If this is not possible, the most important and compelling information should be kept open.
  4. Add emoji, but in moderation, otherwise emoticons and signs will create diversity, which will repel the user.
  5. End your post with a call to action: “visit the site,” “find out more,” etc.
  6. Attach only high-quality pictures, to each of which add a product description and a link.

And don’t neglect to analyze your competitors’ advertising posts, and also take into account the format of the group in which you post. For example, let's say you sell T-shirts with prints. When posting your post in a group dedicated to the racer Ayrton Senna, attach a photo of T-shirts with the image of the racer.

How to make a post effective

Advertising in VK groups largely depends on the effectiveness of the post. How to make an effective post? Advertising posts with useful information are considered the most effective. That is, at the beginning of the text you give a couple of tips on a topic related to your product, and then go directly to advertising. It is important to maintain a balance here so that the offer does not get lost in the usefulness points, and the advice does not seem drawn into a call to buy your products. Advice and your proposal should be in conjunction. For such a post, you will have to think carefully about the title; it should not be flashy, like “If you read it, buy it,” etc.

The advantage of such a text is that thanks to reposts it can spread and be visible for a long time.

Social network opportunities for your advertising

Focus on trends and relevance. For example, you should not miss Kissing Day if you sell cosmetics. Write an interesting text about kissing, link it to your proposal, add pictures and links.

Focus on the audience: a youth group - you can add a slang word or two, for groups of car mechanics, young coquettes, fishermen, etc. - their own rhetoric, thought out and aimed at these users.

How to make money from advertising in the VK group

Earning money from advertising on VK is possible provided there is a well-promoted platform, a large number of participants and an active administrator. Let’s say, if you don’t have your own group, and you are just thinking about its content, then remember, the more the chosen direction covers interested people, the better for the group as an advertising platform.

It is necessary to think over an interesting design and content. Posts should appear regularly, several times a day. For the initial development of the community, arrange surveys more often and ask for the opinions of subscribers on a particular issue. Don't forget about high-quality photographs. Look through groups of similar topics to understand how to make the page original.

When the group is promoted, make proposals for advertisers. Your contacts or the contacts of the group administrator should be visible. Place advertising conditions: the lower the cost of advertising, the greater the likelihood of a large number of applications.

Another option: place the group on an advertising exchange or affiliate network.

"VKontakte": advertising features

How is advertising on social networks different? VK advertising differs from placement on classic platforms not only in format. On a social network, the advertiser himself does the analytical work: selects an audience, compiles a post to sell, calculates activity indicators, etc. He is included in the process at every stage, which ensures the effectiveness of VK advertising. This is the peculiarity of this advertising platform, and here a “lazy” business will not last. If, when placing on radio and TV, the advertiser waits for the client, then on social networks he goes to his audience, adapts to it and adjusts the offer. This format is flexible and therefore effective. Of course, provided that the advertiser has not neglected any of the rules.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


Let us immediately note that there is no universal solution on how to advertise a group on VK. A good result can only be achieved through systematic, systematic and high-quality work.


Before moving on to advertising the VKontakte group, let’s establish the basic truths about the creation of the groups themselves. First of all, you need to be sure that the chosen topic/idea of ​​the project is truly relevant and interesting. There is a pattern: the more interesting the topic, the faster the group’s audience grows.

Most likely, there are already groups on the Internet whose concept is similar to yours. Your task: refine the idea, make it wider/narrower, look from the other side, add zest and bells and whistles that your competitors don’t have. The group should help users solve an existing problem (having an interesting pastime, obtaining information about a product/service, communicating with like-minded people, etc.).

We've decided on the profile, now we're choosing a name. There are 2 options: positioning by service/product and by activity. That is, the name should reflect the main area of ​​activity: “Window installation in Moscow”, “Laptop repair in St. Petersburg”, “Wedding limousines in Tomsk”. If there is a ready-made recognizable brand with an impressive number of clients, we simply call the group the same as the company.

Please note that the social network VKontakte is well indexed by search engines, provided that the name is correctly composed. That is, if you make a name in accordance with the most relevant search queries, this will ensure an impressive influx of search users. To create an attractive name, the Yandex tool Wordstat will help.

And last on our list, but far from least important, is content. 3 criteria for quality content: relevance, uniqueness, virality. After reading the material, you should have a desire to repost. If the user finds the information useful, he shares it on his page and it becomes visible to his friends, which provides an additional influx of subscribers to the group. The number of reposts and likes are the best indicators of content quality. If there are few of them, it is necessary to change the direction and/or topic.

How to advertise a group in contact: effective ways

As you know, Russian people are terrible at improvisation; various limits and restrictions are a challenge for us. Therefore, there is a workaround for this mechanism: we buy fake pages and add people as friends who meet the criteria of the target audience (TA) of the group. Next, we send them an invitation to join the group. In this case, the user receives an invitation from a friend, which increases the level of trust.

It is logical that, due to the existing limitation, you will need not just 1-2 pages, but dozens and even hundreds. Services and programs will help with this, for example, SmmLaba. Price: 350 rubles for the purchase of pages (50 pieces for 7 rubles) + 1500 rubles for the purchase of a proxy for each fake (50 pieces for 30 rubles) + 700 rubles/month for the software.

Targeted advertising. These are those annoying messages that appear on the side and in the news feed. Understanding the intricacies of targeted advertising is an independent science. Let us describe only the essence of this advertising for VK public pages: advertising posts and offers are displayed only to the target audience, which you can specify by gender, age, interests, and place of residence. Looking for young mothers aged 25 to 30 living in the Moscow region? The system itself will find them and show you your offer, which they cannot refuse. To independently set up targeted advertising, the Getuniq service will be useful.

  1. Advertising a VKontakte public page through posts in other public pages. This method is as old as the social network itself. The principle is indecently simple: you purchase posts in popular groups and communities, from where the user can follow a link to your site. An advertising post is posted for a specific time; the time of publication and removal is agreed upon in advance. The most commonly used scheme is 1/23: the post stays in first place for an hour, and then stays in the feed for 23 hours and gradually drops as other posts are published. Special services can facilitate the process of selecting a “promoted” group, monitoring publication time and payment; we will talk about them below. You can negotiate directly with administrators. The cost of the post will be 10-20% lower, but there are practically no guarantees.
  2. Inviting. This method is suitable for promoting a specific meeting/event. You create an event, designate the beginning and end, provide an organizer and invite guests. The difference from the first method is that invitations are sent out by other groups in which your target audience is located. Scrolling through the community feed with jokes, you probably saw invitations to webinars, master classes or trainings. This is inviting in its purest form.
  3. Competitions. Today there is no more effective way to advertise a group on VK than to hold competitions. In order to take part in the competition, the user must perform an action useful for your group - repost, comment, subscribe, and so on. Where to post posts about the fact that you are holding a competition if the advertised group does not have many subscribers yet? Communities like “Competitions (name of city), “Freebies in “name of city”,” “Promotions (name of city)” will come to the rescue; they have already generated an audience ready to perform certain actions.
  4. Mutual PR. That is, you promote the post of another group/organization, and they post your post. There are a number of nuances here: the number of subscribers should be approximately the same, the content and topics should be similar, the owner/administrator should be adequate so that they can accept the offer and not throw out surprises.
  5. Expert opinions. This is a promotional post with a link to the group, commissioned from a celebrity/blogger/expert. For example, through a group you sell sportswear. You can order a post from a famous person that he chooses your online store for sports.

Texts for advertising a group on VK: standard templates

The most common is direct advertising. Posts like this drive home the proposal head-on. The effectiveness of the message in this case directly depends on the art, talent and level of professionalism of the copywriter. There is only one rule here: the text should be as selling as possible and minimal in size.

Direct advertising is effective both for increasing the group’s audience and for sales. You need to list the advantages of the product/service, convince the subscriber of the need to purchase, interest and attract them to the group/website, etc.

An example of an advertisement for a group on VK: “The object of desire for fashionistas from all over the world at a bargain price! UGG boots from UGG for only 4,000 rubles! Group subscribers receive an additional 10% discount. Hurry! The promotion is valid for a limited time: from May 1 to June 1, 2018.” An advertising post provides room for imagination, don’t be afraid to experiment.

If you are trying to increase the number of subscribers, your post should describe the benefits of joining the group. The group must be clearly positioned according to interests, then people will join more willingly.

For example: “Developing Logic” - these are new logic problems every day, these are lively debates and discussions, these are effective methods and techniques for developing intelligence, these are interviews with experts in the field and much more.”

The second type of post is a post with a cliff. The point is that you post interesting text, or rather the beginning of it. And to read the continuation, the user must follow the link to the group.

The full version of the text is displayed in a group, above the wall, so that every visitor sees it first. If you don’t pin the text, you won’t be able to avoid a sea of ​​negative reviews and comments, and it won’t add more subscribers. When used correctly, a “torn” post can gain thousands of new subscribers. According to statistics, if the content is really interesting + the post is posted in a high-quality thematic community (with a real, not fake audience), every fifth visitor will remain in the group and subscribe.

And the last type is a wiki post. These are thoughtful, informative posts, formatted as Wikipedia articles. The better and more relevant the material provided in the Vivic post, the more users will join the group. For highly specialized professional groups, this is just the thing.

How to set up advertising on VK for a group

Specialized services will help with this:

  1. Here you can keep track of advertising campaigns and manage them, monitor the number of new subscribers from advertising, the number of clicks from a post, etc.
  2. The service itself searches for optimal communities for posting advertising posts and monitors group statistics.
  3. It also looks for groups to place advertisements, analyzes competing groups, and monitors trends in partner programs.

Let's take a closer look at how to set up targeting. First of all, open the VK market platform and create a profile here. To create an ad, open the “Targeting” section and select its type: “Community”, enter the name of our group, as shown in the figure: Finally, we determine how we will pay for advertising: for clicks or for impressions. And click “create ad”. That's it, targeting has started.

Advertising a group on VK: the cost you will have to pay

We figured out how to advertise a VKontakte group. Now let's talk about how much it will cost. Again, there is no universal figure or pricing scale. The cost of a group's advertising campaign can be up to 1,000 -2,000 rubles, and may exceed 20,000 rubles. The most important thing is to actually start doing something.

If you attract 10,000 subscribers, then it will be much easier, since the mechanism has already been launched. Bring your audience to 20 thousand, then 30 thousand, 40 thousand. And don’t slow down, continue promotion, the cost will be lower and the effect will be greater. But you already need to come up with original posts and unique offers, something new and original.

Let's look at the approximate prices of the main types of advertising:

  1. The price of targeted advertising depends on the clickability of the ad being served and the competition for the specified target audience. On average, 1 click in Moscow and St. Petersburg costs 25-30 rubles, 1 click costs 5 rubles. An adult subscriber costs from 10 rubles. In the Russian Federation and from 25 rubles. in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  2. An advertising post in the community costs between 500-3500 rubles/day, depending on the audience.
  3. The price of an expert opinion post is as agreed, even barter for a product/service is possible.

So, how to advertise a VK group? The answer is simple: it varies. Try all methods, conduct analytics and track which method gave results and what you need to abandon. Only an integrated approach and comprehensive coverage will yield results.

Thank you subscribers and creative inspiration!

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