How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Is it possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes? How to get rid of dark circles around the eyes

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If you notice this unpleasant phenomenon on your face, you should sound the alarm as early as possible

If wrinkles are understandable signs of age, then the reason for the appearance of blue under the eyes often baffles us. Why, once appearing on the face, do disgusting circles not want to leave it? It turns out there are many reasons for this. Knowing the cause, it is easier to eliminate the consequences with the help of cosmetic gels, exercises and folk remedies.

Looking for reasons

Thinning skin
The skin under the eyes is delicate and thin. As we age, this area becomes even thinner and the blood vessels become more visible. Sun damage can also make matters worse because it weakens the skin.

Allergies and hay fever
Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by allergic substances in the air, such as pollen, animal allergens and dust. Usually, people constantly rub their eyes during this process. Those with hay fever may notice dark circles during the height of the season. Food allergies can also contribute to the appearance of bruises.

Unfortunately, dark circles under the eyes can not only be the result of improper actions or poor environment, but are also inherited. They are more noticeable in people with deep-set eyes.

Lack of sleep
Chronic lack of sleep makes the skin pale, causing more bluish circles under the eyes.

Fluid retention
The blood vessels under the eyes may become wider, which contributes to the appearance of dark circles. The reasons are smoking or excess salt.

Other possible causes of bruising are the presence of a chronic disease (kidney, liver or heart disease), the effects of sudden weight loss, chronic stress, alcohol consumption, sun exposure or recent plastic surgery.

Down with the “bruises”!

It will be much more effective to first get rid of the cause of dark circles under the eyes before eliminating the consequences.

First, you should review your diet - limit your intake of salt, spicy and fatty foods.

Secondly, you need to get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air, at least two hours a day.

It is also important to choose cosmetics in accordance with the individual characteristics of the skin and wash off makeup before going to bed. Consumption of fruits and berries rich in vitamin C can be effective. Here are the main ones: rose hips, sweet peppers, black currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi, honeysuckle, hot peppers, wild garlic, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, viburnum, cauliflower, rowan, strawberries , oranges, red cabbage, horseradish, spinach, garlic, lemons. This vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is also important to use sunscreen with a protection factor of 15-20.

To improve blood circulation in the problem area, products containing vitamin K are recommended. It is especially useful in combination with vitamin A derivatives (there are several vitamin A derivatives that are used in cosmetic creams, one of them is retinolic acid, which actively protects the skin from unpleasant processes). It would be best to choose products that contain both of these vitamins.

In addition, to increase the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, products containing horse chestnut, blueberries and lipoic acid are used.

You can apply chilled tea bags to your eyes. Another effective folk remedy is fresh cucumber slices. Cucumber is considered to be the best toner for the skin around the eyes, perhaps due to its high vitamin K content. Those who do not like to use home remedies can find cosmetic eye gels containing either cucumber extract or tea extract. It is useful to immerse your face in clean cold water, open and close your eyes in this water, and you can also apply ice cubes to the under-eye area.

In case of emergency

Unfortunately, all these tricks have only a temporary effect, especially if you treat only the consequences and not eliminate the cause. A more radical way to get rid of dark circles is to transplant fat under the skin of the lower eyelids, the so-called lipofilling. During such plastic surgeries, fat is taken from the thighs and pumped into the area of ​​dark circles. This has a lifting effect on the skin and fills in the hollows under the eyes. The downside is that over time the depressions will appear again, and then the procedure will have to be repeated.

Eliminating dark circles under the eyes is a difficult task, and even plastic surgery does not always give a satisfactory result. Therefore, many dermatologists believe that eyelid corrector, fresh cucumbers and other folk remedies are the cheapest, and most importantly, safest way to combat dark circles under the eyes.

Which cream to choose?

To care for this area, it is better to choose creams that contain collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. These substances perfectly tone, moisturize the skin and stimulate lymphatic function. If you like creams with a light structure, pay attention to cream gels, gels and serums.

The modern cosmetics industry offers gels that eliminate dark circles under the eyes and prevent their appearance. The effectiveness of such products is based on active blood supply additives that refresh skin color.

To enhance the effectiveness of your eye cream, store it in the refrigerator. Cold relieves swelling and tones the skin of the eyelids, so the cooled cream will have a double effect.

Proper disguise

Unfortunately, the lower eyelid does not tolerate foundation - such products are too dense and usually “roll off”, forming grooves that only emphasize wrinkles. The ideal remedy for concealing dark circles is a corrective eye cream, the so-called concealer or corrector.

It has a delicate texture and a rich shade that can neutralize dark tones. Also, the correct corrector should contain a large number of reflective particles, which will visually improve the condition of the skin under the eyes.

The current generation of these products can act for a long time - up to 16 hours, and in addition to the main function, that is, combating skin imperfections, it also has a rejuvenating effect. The color of the concealer can vary from ocher to orange. It is important that it is half a shade lighter than the skin. If the skin under your eyes is very dry, use a hydrating concealer.

“Finger shower” and eye exercises

A morning massage tones the skin well, in which the area around the eyes is massaged with the pads of the fingers (the so-called “finger shower”) with light tapping movements. It is best to do this massage after washing, moving in the direction from the temple along the line of the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose. Here, in the area between the corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose, the central lymphatic and venous nodes are located. This is why interstitial fluid accumulates there. The duration of the “finger shower” is two to three minutes.

After the massage, a special gel should be applied to the skin around the eyes, carefully “driving” it in with your fingertips in the same way as with a finger shower - from the temples to the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid.

Eye exercises also strengthen the eye muscles, improve blood circulation and help reduce under-eye circles.

Close your eyes and roll your eyeballs in a circle - in one direction, then in the other. Repeat four times in each direction.

Up and down
Close your eyes again and look up and then down (do this eight times).

Number V
Look left, up, sideways, look down, and then right, up, diagonally and down again (and so on seven or eight times).

Masks and compresses

In the fight against dark circles under the eyes, home remedies deservedly occupy a leading place - in any case, they are safer, in contrast to low-quality cosmetics that have expired.

Masks are good against “bruises,” as are cold and contrast compresses. The effect of masks is short-lived, so you need to do them at least once a week.

Recipes for masks and compresses against dark circles under the eyes:

Curd mask. Wrap some cottage cheese in pieces of gauze and place on your eyelids for ten minutes.

Brewing compress. Place cotton swabs soaked in a strong infusion of green or black tea on your eyelids for two minutes. The procedure must be repeated four times, each time wetting the tampons again.

Contrast compress made from sage infusion. Pour half a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of sage leaves. Cool half of the infused broth, heat the other half. Apply cotton swabs soaked in hot and cold infusion to the eyelids alternately. Herbal compresses smooth out wrinkles and remove dark circles. The course is one month, every other day.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes should begin as early as possible to avoid worsening the situation. Good luck!

Always looking young and beautiful is the dream of every woman. To do this, we are ready for any experiments on the face, hair, figure.

But your efforts are in vain if there are dark circles under your eyes. This is called the "panda effect".

The problem is familiar to many. Each woman solves it differently. One always wears concealer, another goes to bed earlier, and the third goes to a friend for advice. It is important to understand the cause of bags and bruises under the eyes.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

As a rule, dark circles are not a sign that something is wrong with the body. I got nervous somewhere, didn’t get enough sleep, ate the wrong snack, and now our eyes are already streaked with purple. Yes, stress and fatigue lead to the appearance of this deficiency. It is also important to be aware of other, significant causes of this problem.


Dark skinned women are more likely to develop dark circles under their eyes due to a higher concentration of melanin. An excess of this pigment turns the skin dark.

Also, each person has their own structural characteristics of the body. For example, too thin skin, which shows through all closely located vessels, gives blueness under the eyes.

Sleep: long or short

Scientists have calculated that the time for rest is 7-8 hours. Sleeping too little or too long is equally harmful. Lack or excess of sleep leads to the accumulation of oxygenated blood under the eyes. It creates those notorious bags under the eyes. Sleeping as much as you should will help this problem go away.


It has long been known that drinking a lot of water is beneficial. Why does this principle work here? To improve blood circulation, you need to drink 8 glasses of water. Water increases blood flow, so there is no reason for blood stagnation and therefore for swelling. By applying this simple advice, we get visible results.

Seasonal allergens (pollen, grass) complicate the situation with circles around the eyes. Inflammation begins in the sinuses, which significantly enlarges the blood vessels under the eyes, creating the illusion of redness. Persistent itching provokes rubbing of the eyes, tearing appears. Using a humidifier and sleeping on a high pillow will help reduce fluid accumulation and relieve swelling.

Allergy treatment is a large complex of measures: medication and hygiene. Additionally, chamomile decoction and cold herbal compresses will help.

Following these rules will get rid of the hated bags under the eyes.

Bad habits

Sitting at the computer for a long time, smoking, drinking several cups of coffee a day - this is how many young people behave. All this does not have the best effect on the general condition of the skin. And if you add alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle, you get a recipe for rapid aging of the body. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner. Through it, capillaries and vessels that suffer from lack of oxygen are clearly visible, emphasizing the blue color.

In addition, alcohol retains water, which leads to swelling around the eyes. If you reduce your consumption of coffee and cigarettes to a minimum or give them up altogether, glowing skin will not take long to appear.


Poor nutrition has recently taken a turn towards avoiding protein intake and extreme consumption of sugar. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels and properly supply cells with oxygen, it is necessary to maintain a balance of macro-, microelements and vitamins. Everyone knows that it is useful to have more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and dairy products in your diet, but not many do it.

Vitamins that the body lacks, causing the appearance of dark circles:

  • Vitamin K Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes normal blood circulation.
  • Vitamin A . Deficiency causes premature aging of the skin.
  • Vitamin R. Affects the walls of capillaries, increasing their strength and elasticity.
  • Vitamin C . Stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for firmness and elasticity.
  • Vitamin E. Reduces oxidative processes.

Spicy or salty foods, carbohydrates at night, consuming large amounts of liquid before bed are the cause of water-salt imbalance. This is swelling in the morning, dilation of blood vessels and, as a result, dark circles on the face. Enjoy eating foods that remove excess fluid from the body: watermelon, cucumbers, parsley.



Illness doesn't make anyone look good. Red, inflamed eyes, dark circles under them. Poor sleep, lack of oxygen does not allow the skin around the eyes to rest. A stuffy nose creates swelling, enlarging the blood vessels, making bruises under the eyes more pronounced. It takes time to get in shape.

Internal diseases

Sometimes dark circles indicate an internal disease. These may be problems with the kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels and endocrine system. Each problem has its own shade of illness:

  • blue - indicates the cardiovascular system and heart;
  • black - upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • brown - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • yellow - problems with the liver, bile;
  • gray - poor kidney function.
  • blue-red - eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis).

Don't rush to judge yourself. Such circles can occur with other diseases, for example, anemia, diabetes. The final word remains with the doctor.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes

If your health is good, you can remove this defect with cosmetic or salon procedures.

Cosmetical tools

You need to start your morning with an ice cube. Ice invigorates, perfectly tones, and most importantly, slows down cellular aging. Cold constricts blood vessels and removes swelling. Freeze herbal teas and make it a habit to wipe your face with an ice cube.

Consult with a cosmetologist what is best to use in the fight against dark spots. Special creams and serums contain active substances that accelerate the blood: menthol, caffeine, heparin. The use of a cream with such components improves microcirculation, saturates the skin with oxygen and gradually eliminates the problem.

Use creams, ointments, and gels containing the following substances:

  • Hyaluronic acid. Increases collagen synthesis, intensely moisturizes, leaving the skin fresh and elastic.
  • Rutin (vitamin P). Strengthens the strength and elasticity of blood capillaries, as an antioxidant it slows down aging.
  • Escin and dextran. They help quickly remove fluid from cells, relieving swelling.
  • Ascorbic acid. Stimulates collagen production, suppresses melanin synthesis.
  • Retinol (vitamin A). Slows down aging, restores elasticity, improves skin structure.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract. Has a tonic effect, eliminates swelling, strengthens vascular walls.


Eye patches are at the peak of popularity now. When you need to quickly get yourself in order, gel masks are very effective. Signs of fatigue and puffiness of the eyes are relieved thanks to the high concentration of various vitamins and plant extracts. With their cooling effect, they instantly improve microcirculation and nourish the skin.


A good way to combat the appearance of dark circles near the eyes is lymphatic drainage massage. You can do it yourself or with the help of devices. If you spend 15 minutes a day, it will help improve skin tone and improve lymph flow. The best time for a massage is after washing your face in the morning.

Using light massaging movements, lightly touching with your fingers, move from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. Go from the lower eyelid to the upper. Repeat this exercise, intensifying the massage by lightly tapping with your fingertips. After 2 minutes, add moisturizer. Then start gymnastics for the eyelids. Place your index and middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Cosmetics are good for fading dark circles, but sometimes they are not enough. The best way to eliminate this deficiency is through salon procedures.

Today, cosmetology has a fairly extensive selection of professional products for caring for the area around the eyes. Each procedure has its own advantages and contraindications. An experienced cosmetologist comes to the rescue, who will understand the problem and select the appropriate treatment.

Popular treatments:

  • chemical peeling
  • biorevitalization;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • lipofilling;
  • LPG massage.
  • oxygen-ozone therapy.


Makes the skin lighter by removing the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. After peeling, pigmentation and swelling disappear. 3-4 procedures are carried out.

Biorevitalization or mesotherapy

Wonderful rejuvenating effect. The skin is smoothed and glows with freshness. They are microinjections based on hyaluronic acid. The difference is that mesotherapy enhances the effect by adding other medicinal components. This gives a lasting, long-lasting result, although it requires several sessions. On the contrary, biorevitalization can solve a problem in one procedure that will need to be fixed in six months.

Microcurrent therapy

The skin is exposed to pulsed electric current. This stimulates cell division, metabolic processes and fluid circulation are restored. Bags under the eyes disappear, swelling is relieved, and the skin is tightened.


The method involves transplanting your own fat tissue from one part of the body to the area around the eyes. Thanks to this, the alignment of problem areas under the eyes is achieved. The disadvantage is that the operation must be repeated over time.


The device provides a vacuum effect on the skin of the eyelids. Eliminates congestion, swelling, increases collagen production, strengthens, regenerates the deep layers of the skin. For patients with bags in the eye area, it is especially effective in combination with microcurrent therapy.

Oxygen-ozone therapy

The ozonated cocktail is injected into the area around the eyes. Ozone is a powerful catalyst for regeneration processes. Helps strengthen blood vessels, increases oxygen supply. Rejuvenates the skin, removes bruises. Compared to mesotherapy, it is quite a budget treatment option.

Home methods

Visiting beauty salons does not replace daily home eye care. In folk medicine you can find recipes that are simple to follow but effective to use. It can be:

  • masks;
  • compresses.



The most common, affordable, effective mask available.. Mix the potato mixture with heated milk. Add egg yolk if desired. Apply to the entire face for 15 minutes. If you don’t want to grate the potatoes, you can simply place the peeled halves over your eyes.

Has a calming and whitening effect.


Grind the fatty cottage cheese thoroughly, add a few drops of black tea. Make the cakes so that you can apply them to your eyes. Lightens the skin well.


Take 20 g of fresh parsley, chop in a blender, add 3 drops of lemon juice. Place under eyes for 15-20 minutes. Instead of parsley, you can take chamomile or sage, or use all together.


White clay is combined with a spoonful of milk and half a spoonful of honey. Apply to the eye area for 20 minutes. Secure the effect with a nourishing cream. The result will be amazing.


Cucumber will help cool and nourish the skin around the eyes with freshness. Simply cut into circles and apply to your eyes, turning over as they heat up.


Ordinary soda is a good helper to get rid of dark circles and signs of lack of sleep. Mix half a spoon with soda with the same volume of cream. Apply under the eyes for a short time so as not to dry out the delicate skin.

Where do dark circles under the eyes come from and are there ways to get rid of them at home? So we'll find out!

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a common phenomenon that few people are happy with. Why do they appear?

In some people, a few, this is an innate feature. It is inherited from parents or other relatives. It is more common in people with dry or dark skin.

Everyone knows that bad habits () and an unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep, poor diet, insufficient rest, sitting at the computer for a long time) can lead to health problems and harm appearance.

Chronic diseases can cause dark circles. Before buying various creams that only outwardly hide the problem, you should think about your health. Consult your doctor, the problem may be in your body.

Massage and exercises for dark circles under the eyes

Finger “shower” - use the pads of your fingers to lightly massage the area around the eyes with tingling movements. We move to the bridge of the nose from the temple along the lower eyelid. In area Between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye there are central venous and lymph nodes, where interstitial fluid tends. We continue the massage for 2-3 minutes. To avoid unnecessary stress on the eyeball, we do not massage the upper eyelid.

After a finger shower, apply a special gel or cream to the skin around the eyes, gently whisk it with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes. Make sure that the movements do not stretch or move the skin. To ensure that interstitial fluid flows normally, we pay special attention to the central venous and lymph node.

Dark circles under the eyes make a woman's face look tired, adding age to it. Not surprisingly, such a deficiency is very frustrating. I would like to get rid of the problem faster. However, first of all, we should consider the reasons that contribute to their appearance.

The best option to get rid of dark circles under the eyes are high-quality creams and traditional medicine recipes. They will help you quickly and easily get rid of darkened skin color.

In the article we will look at what causes the appearance of a cosmetic defect, what means and techniques will help you quickly get rid of them at home. So, let's declare war on circles under the eyes.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Few people are happy with this common phenomenon. Why do they appear? As a result of a violation of the outflow of venous blood and lymph, blood stagnates in the capillaries of the tissues of the eye orbit, poor supply of oxygen to skin cells, which leads to a change in skin color.

The reasons leading to this condition are varied and numerous. Some can be easily dealt with, others are difficult to correct. To overcome the consequences, it is important to find the cause.

The most well-known cause of discoloration of the skin in the periorbital zone is an unhealthy lifestyle. Namely:

  1. Insufficient sleep – you need to sleep at least seven hours a day.
  2. Having bad habits – alcohol abuse, smoking.
  3. Long-term work at the computer, requiring constant eye strain.
  4. Unbalanced diet - abuse of spicy, fatty, salty, fried foods; eating before bed; a large amount of liquid.

All this hits a powerful wave on the condition of the skin. Slags and toxins begin to actively accumulate, and plaques form. The consequences are immediately visible under the eyes. It is enough to switch to a healthy lifestyle and your skin color will be restored. It's worse when it comes to health.

The culprits for the appearance of dark circles can be various diseases: cardiovascular; thyroid dysfunction; kidney problems; allergic reactions. In this case, the help of a doctor is required to eliminate the chronic nature of the problem and prevent serious consequences for the patient’s health.

Other factors can provoke their manifestation: normal heredity, age-related changes, excess weight, long-term use of hormonal drugs and antibiotics, rapid weight loss.

Removing dark circles under the eyes

Blue discoloration is almost impossible to hide with makeup. But it can be easily dealt with using compresses, masks, lotions, and decoctions. They can be prepared from products that are always on hand. They will not only get rid of darkened skin color, but also from swelling and tighten the skin. It is very important that these products contain substances that improve blood supply to the delicate skin around the eyes.

Choose from the suggested recipes those that are most suitable for your skin type, use them at least two to three times a week.

Methods to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Depending on the cause that contributes to the appearance of this cosmetic defect, it is necessary to select products that help remove dark circles under the eyes at home. If diseases that cause changes in skin color are completely excluded, then modern cosmetology products will help.

Cosmetic massage - its implementation can only be entrusted to an experienced professional specialist, otherwise the problem will worsen.

Mesotherapy – minimal doses of special medications are administered subcutaneously.

Microcurrent therapy is a procedure that improves venous outflow and lymphatic drainage.

Folk remedies - effective compresses, natural masks, caring creams, daily massage.

We can speed up the process of improving the condition of the skin in the periorbital area. Only a comprehensive combination of all techniques in practice will help restore your eyes to a radiant, blooming appearance.

How to get rid of black circles under the eyes with gymnastics

Now about how to remove dark circles under the eyes with the help of gymnastics. A simple but effective exercise.

Sit in front of a mirror. Close your eyelids, leaving a small slit. Place your fingers on the outer corners. Without stretching the skin, fix the upper eyelids. Next, try to tense your lower eyelids. Hold the tension for five seconds. Relax. Repeat after two seconds. Do this five times. Add one repetition every day, up to twenty.

Another effective exercise. Close eyes. Use the tips of your index fingers to fix the skin on the outer corners to avoid the appearance of wrinkles. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then relax. Do at least ten repetitions. It is recommended to perform gymnastics several times a day. This will help remove bruises and improve vision.

Massage and exercises for dark circles under the eyes

One of the best means to help improve venous drainage of the lower eyelid is massage. Perform it with your fingertips, treating the entire area around the eyes. It is useful to do this procedure every day in the morning immediately after washing your face.

A massage is performed with the fingertips by lightly tapping in the direction from the lower eyelid to the temples for two to three minutes. Then, using the same light tapping movements, apply the cream or gel to the skin around the eyes.

In order not to load the eyeball, you should not massage the upper eyelid. Pay special attention to the central venous and lymph node so that interstitial fluid flows normally.

A few simple exercises will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes:

Eyeball rotation - close your eyes, rotate your eyeballs first four times clockwise, then four times counterclockwise.

Look up, down - close your eyes, then look up, then down. Repeat ten times.

Perform the next exercise with your eyes open. Look as high up to the left as possible, then look down. Then raise your eyes up to the right. Repeat for each direction ten times.

Well, after gymnastics you can start putting on makeup. Using quality cosmetics will help retouch dark circles. Don't forget to remove your makeup in the evening and apply healing cream.

Remedies for dark circles

There is a lot of different information on the Internet about common medicines from the pharmacy. Many even advise trying them for yourself. True, no one is responsible for these tips. All at your own peril and risk. Let's look at some popular options.

Bodyaga has antiseptic and absorbable properties. Sold in the form of dry powder, gels, creams. The latter are more convenient to apply to the skin than paste. Helps reduce swelling and pigmentation. But they are irritating and often cause allergic reactions. It can be used if there is no severe hyperemia.

Apply in a circular motion without pressing under the eyes on cleansed skin for thirty minutes. It is important that the mixture does not get on the mucous membrane. Do not use for any skin damage.

They also recommend trying troxevasin gel or its analogue troxerutin. The drugs have anti-edematous and venotonic properties. Their action is aimed at reducing the fragility and permeability of capillaries. By improving the condition of the capillaries, you can get rid of dark circles.

Effective masks and compresses for dark circles

It’s impossible not to talk about the folk recipes that our grandmothers used. The very first folk remedy is face masks. There are many recipes, but we will focus on the effective ones.

Potato mask is a simple, effective mask. Potatoes contain starch, which perfectly relieves puffiness of the eyelids, whitens and rejuvenates the skin. Suitable even for allergy sufferers.

For the mask you need one small tuber without green formations. You can grate it, squeeze out the juice, put the mixture in cheesecloth, then apply it to your eyes. You can apply it to the lower eyelids without gauze. You can cut the tuber into circles and apply them on your eyelids. The mask is applied for fifteen minutes.

Parsley – the mask tones the skin and has a whitening effect. Good prevention of wrinkles. You will need a bunch of finely chopped herbs and 150 ml of water. Mix and cook for a few minutes. Cool, apply a warm mask to the eyelids for 10 – 15 minutes. Then rinse well with warm water.

A mask made from milk and bread is no less effective. Milk moisturizes, tones, whitens the skin. And bread soothes the skin, neutralizes rashes, and prevents acne. For the mask, make a paste: mix a little milk and a piece of white bread. Cleanse the skin. Apply the mask in a thin layer for 10 – 15 minutes.

A tomato and lemon mask can remove dark circles under the eyes in a day. Mix tomato pulp and lemon juice in equal proportions. Apply the paste to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Apply nourishing cream. The mask has phytochemical properties, whitens the skin, protects it from inflammation.

Curd mask. Mix a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese with a few drops of strong green or black tea. Make two cakes and place them on your closed eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Sour cream mask. For the mask, take 10 g of cilantro, parsley, cucumber, and sour cream. Chop the greens and mix with sour cream. Apply the vitamin mask to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Always remember about the sensitive skin around the eyes, which requires constant care: moisturizing, nourishing. It cannot be stretched during cosmetic procedures or injured by scrubs.

Don't forget to use ice cubes made from infusions of cornflower, dill, sage, chamomile, parsley, and green tea. Cosmetic cubes based on freshly squeezed fruit juices are excellent for removing puffiness, whitening, and moisturizing the skin.

Solutions for effective compresses are easily prepared without much effort. 10 g of the plant are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, left for 15 minutes, filtered, cotton pads are dipped into the liquid, and applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. It is recommended to alternate with masks, you will get the best result.

A contrasting method of applying compresses gives a good result. Steam 10 g of weed with 200 ml of water, leave for 10 minutes. Drain the infusion and use it to make cosmetic cubes. Place the squeezed herbal mass into napkins and place one part in a cold infusion, the other in a hot one. Apply the mixture one by one to the eye area.

Foams and cream for dark circles under the eyes

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate. Therefore, the means for caring for it should only be delicate. You cannot use regular soap to wash your face. Alcohol lotions are also harmful. A good foam cleanser. It does not dry out the skin, does not depigment bruises, but does not aggravate the situation. And together with the right cream, it improves the condition of the eyelids.

It is necessary to use creams every evening, before going to bed. Apply for 30 minutes. Remove the residue with delicate movements using a cotton swab.

Caffeine cream contracts blood vessels and stimulates their activity.

Vitamin A cream contains a huge amount of retinoic acid, a highly effective nourishing agent for caring for the skin around the eyes.

Cream with epidermal growth factor is the most effective care product in the fight against bruises.

Cream with hydroquinone or kojic acid has a powerful whitening effect and reduces darkening of the skin on thin areas of the eyelids.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes at home

Easy-to-use folk techniques will help you get rid of dark circles under your eyes at home. Their execution time is no more than 20 – 25 minutes.

Place 2 teaspoons in the freezer for 10–12 minutes. Then these cooled devices should be applied to the eyes. When they become warm, you need to place the spoons back in the freezer and repeat the procedure.

It is important to regularly train the muscles of the eyes and skin and stimulate the work of epidermal cells.

Lotions for bruises under the eyes at home

The lotions are an effective remedy for quickly removing dark circles under the eyes.

Thermal water is a miracle remedy, a source of minerals, and perfectly tones the skin. Soak cotton pads in water and place on the lower eyelids for 10 minutes. You can make a chilled compress by placing pre-moistened discs in the freezer. You will get a more pronounced effect. Carry out the procedure daily.

Green tea – dip two discs into the tea leaves and squeeze out. Apply warm pads to your eyelids. If there are bags under the eyes, then it is better to use chilled tea leaves. You can make ice cubes from the tea and apply it to tired eyes in the evening.

Ice with parsley and honey quickly removes swelling and discolors bruises. Add a teaspoon of honey to a warm parsley decoction. Pour into molds and freeze. Wipe your skin with ice in the morning after washing. The procedure prevents premature skin aging.

Preventing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

To get rid of such an annoying problem, you need not only daily proper care of the skin around the eyes, but also compliance with the laws of a healthy lifestyle. These are all the secrets of both longevity and beauty.

A few main points: healthy sleep, balanced split meals, giving up bad habits, fresh vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet, active rest, normal working hours, psychologically stable condition, reducing visual stress.

And yet the most correct advice is love and self-care. Don't waste time on yourself. Remember, beauty and health are easier to preserve than to restore. Take these wise words as the basis of your life, and you will always delight others with the sparkle of your eyes and the beauty of your body.

Dark circles and puffiness are skin ailments that irritate us so much that we could write a memoir while trying to cover them up with a ton of makeup. Whenever you look in the mirror and notice those bluish-purple bags under your eyes, you want to ask, “Why me?” And the answer may lie in your lifestyle.

There are two types of dark circles:

  • First- circles under the eyes with a bluish tint, which are actually small hemorrhages under the skin under the eyes. The skin right under your eyes is very thin, and when the capillaries burst, you get bruises.
  • Second- circles under the eyes with a brown tint. The condition is usually caused by hyperpigmentation, which is partly a genetic trait but can also be aggravated by sun exposure and other factors.

Causes of dark circles

  1. Stress: As we said, dark circles and puffiness are a combination of genetics and lifestyle, which means they can become more noticeable after long hours in the office, sleepless nights, lots of alcohol, sun and sometimes allergies. For bluish circles under the eyes, the most common factor is fatigue. Stress and exhaustion of the body causes swelling and the formation of dark circles because the body's water balance is disrupted. Lack of sleep causes your body to increase cortisol levels, which can break down collagen. Cortisol saturates the blood vessels, making them appear more prominent under the thin skin under the eyes.
  2. Genetics: Do you know what is most offensive? Dark circles can also be hereditary. They can appear due to thinner skin under your eyes or hyperpigmentation, but some of us are simply born with a predisposition to the problem.
  3. Age: Like most skin problems, under-eye circles can become more pronounced as you age. The skin becomes thinner and loses fat and collagen, making dark circles more visible.
  4. Bad habits: There are bad habits that make the situation worse. In first place among them, no, not smoking, but simply rubbing the eyes, staying in the sun for too long. But smoking and alcohol also worsen skin conditions.
  5. Water imbalance: Fluid retention due to too salty foods, stress, allergies and hormonal changes all lead to swelling.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

  • Mesoscooter

This roller uses its needles to create tiny lesions in the skin, which help stimulate collagen production and, in turn, thicken the skin under the eyes. And, as you already know, the thicker the area, the less visible the vessels are.

  • Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency may play a role in the formation of dark circles, so increasing your intake may have a positive effect. Talk to your doctor to decide if you need this vitamin. Vegetarians are most likely to be deficient, so most of this vitamin is found in animal products - beef, pork, lamb, eggs, chicken and turkey.

  • Retinol

Research into the effects of retinol on dark circles has shown promising results. Retinol serums promise to brighten and tighten the appearance of skin. They will not only lighten your skin, but also remove swelling and bags. But don’t expect quick results; for some, they appear only in the second month of use!

  1. Anti-aging moisturizing hyaluronic acid serum with elastin collagen and retinol for the skin around the eyes from Piel Cosmetics
  2. Anti-aging gel for the skin around the eyes with three types of retinol from SesDerma Laboratories
  3. Active serum with retinol under the eyes from Demax
  • Hyaluronic acid

Dark circles can be a result of dehydration, so using a deeply hydrating ingredient like hyaluronic acid will help combat this. Patches are a good choice. For example, Elizavecca Gold Hyaluronic Acid Eye Patch with gold extract and hyaluronic acid. Or Via Beauty Collagen Series with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

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