What is a corpse called? What is a corpse - a large medical encyclopedia. Peat tanning and fat wax formation

Rotting corpse (putrification of a corpse, p utrefactio mortis ) – decomposition of the organic matter of a corpse under the action of enzyme systems of microorganisms with the formation of final inorganic products.
Characteristic products of decay are water, carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, volatile fatty acids (formic, acetic, butyric, valeric and caproic, as well as isomers of the last three acids), phenol, cresol, indole, skatole, amines, trimethylamine, aldehydes, alcohols , purine bases, etc. Some of these substances arise during the process of decay, others are contained in the corpse, but during decay their quantity increases many times. A fairly large number of different aerobic, facultative anaerobic and anaerobic spore-forming and non-spore-forming bacteria are involved in decay.

At a storage temperature of about 0 ° C, rotting is mainly caused by the activity of psychrophilic bacteria, most often the genus Pseudomonas. At elevated storage temperatures, rotting of proteins is caused mainly by mesophilic putrefactive microorganisms: non-spore-forming bacteria - Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Bacillus subtilis, Potato bacillus (Bac. mesentericus), mushroom bacillus (Bac. . mycoides) and other aerobic bacilli; anaerobic clostridia - sporogenes bacillus (Cl. sporogenes), putrificus bacillus (Cl. putrificus) and perfringens bacillus (Cl. perfringens). Molds can also participate in decay processes.

In most cases, the species composition of the bacterial flora that develops during decay in corpses depends on the nature of the bacteria located in the gastrointestinal tract of the deceased.

Putrification of a corpse is a sequential multi-stage process, each stage of which occurs with the formation of a certain number of decomposition products, which undergo further sequential transformations.

The staged nature of decay processes is due to the unequal enzymatic activity of putrefactive microflora in relation to various substances. Proteins that are in a dissolved state, such as blood proteins and cerebrospinal fluid proteins, are more easily susceptible to the action of microorganisms. The transformation of protein breakdown products occurs through intermediate substances with the formation of final, foul-smelling decay products. Various microorganisms can participate in the putrefactive decomposition of a corpse, either simultaneously or sequentially: first of all, those that are capable of destroying the protein molecule, and then microbes that assimilate the breakdown products of proteins.

In total, as a result of putrification of corpses, about 1,300 different compounds can be gradually formed, whose chemical composition depends on the time of decomposition of the corpse material, temperature, presence of moisture, air access, bacterial flora, composition of organs and tissues undergoing decomposition, as well as on a number of others factors.

One of the initial products of the putrefactive breakdown of proteins are peptones (mixtures of peptides), which can cause poisoning when administered parenterally. Peptides decompose to form mercaptants (thioalcohols and thiophenols), as well as amino acids. Free amino acids formed during the hydrolysis of peptones undergo deamination, oxidative or reductive decarboxylation. During the deamination of amino acids, volatile fatty acids (capronic, isocaproic, etc.) are formed, and during decarboxylation, various toxic organic bases are formed - amines. Amino acids containing sulfur decompose to release methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds.

Aerobes have the greatest activity on proteins - B. proteus, B. pyocyaneum, B. mesentericus, B. subtilis, streptococci and staphylococci; anaerobes - Cl. putrificus, Cl. histolyticus, Cl. perfringens, Cl. Sporogenes, B. bifidus, acidofilus, B. butyricus... Amino acids are broken down by aerobes - B. faecalis alcaligenes, B. lactis aerogenes, B. aminoliticus, E. coli, etc.

When lipoproteins rot, the lipid part is first of all split off from them. A component of lecithin, found in muscles, as well as in the brain and spinal cord, is choline, which during the process of decay is converted into trimethylamine, dimethylamine and methylamine. Trimethylamine oxidizes to form trimethylamine oxide, which has a fishy odor. In addition, the toxic substance neurin can be formed from choline during the rotting of a corpse.

During the putrefactive decomposition of carbohydrates, organic acids, their decarboxylation products, aldehydes, ketones, lactones, and carbon monoxide are formed.

During decay, nucleoproteins decompose into protein and nucleic acid, which then disintegrates into its component parts, resulting in the formation of hypoxanthine and xanthine - products of decomposition of nucleoproteins.

Biogenic diamines, formed as a result of partial decomposition of proteins and decarboxylation of their amino acids and having a toxic effect, are collectively called “cadaveric poison”. Organic bases (ethylenediamine, cadaverine, putrescine, skatole, indole, ethylenediamine, etc.) formed during protein decay are also called ptomains (from the Greek - Πτώμα, meaning dead body, corpse).

The main toxic substances among them are putrescine and cadaverine, as well as spermidine and spermine. Putrescine, 1,4 - tetramethylenediamine, H 2 N(CH 2) 4 NH 2 ; belongs to the group of biogenic amines. Crystalline substance with an extremely unpleasant odor, melting point 27-28 °C. It was first discovered in the products of putrefactive decay of proteins. It is formed when bacteria decarboxylate the amino acid ornithine. In body tissues, putrescine is the starting compound for the synthesis of two physiologically active polyamines - spermidine and spermine. These substances, along with putrescine, cadaverine and other diamines, are part of ribosomes, participating in maintaining their structure.

Cadaverine (from Latin cadaver - corpse), α, ε-pentamethylenediamine - a chemical compound with the formula NH 2 (CH 2) 5 NH 2. It got its name because of its very strong cadaverous odor. It is a colorless liquid with a density of 0.870 g/cm3 and boiling point 178-179 °C. Cadaverine is easily soluble in water and alcohol and gives well-crystallizing salts. Freezes at +9 °C. Contained in the products of putrefactive breakdown of proteins; is formed from lysine during its enzymatic decarboxylation. Found in plants. Cadaverine can be produced artificially from trimethylene cyanide.

Spermine is a chemical substance of the aliphatic polyamine class. Participates in cellular metabolism, found in all eukaryotic cells, in living organisms it is formed from spermidine. Spermine was first isolated in 1678 from human sperm by Anthony van Leeuwenhoek in the form of a crystalline salt (phosphate). The name “spermine” was first used by the German chemists Ladenburg and Abel in 1888. Currently, spermine is found in various tissues of a large number of organisms and is a growth factor in some bacteria. At physiological pH it exists as a polycation.

It should be noted that the toxicity of chemically pure ptomains is low compared to the effect of directly cadaveric material. In experiments on rats, the toxic dose of cadaverine is 2000 mg/kg, putrescine - 2000 mg/kg, spermidine and spermine - 600 mg/kg.

Therefore, the toxic properties of cadaveric material are explained by the action of certain impurities (bacterial toxins and a number of synthesis products formed in cadaveric material under the influence of bacterial enzymes) contained along with polyamines in putrefactive biological material.

Rotting can occur both with oxygen access to the tissues of the corpse (aerobic rotting) and in its absence (anaerobic rotting). As a rule, aerobic and anaerobic types of decay develop simultaneously; we can only talk about the predominance of one or another process.

Under aerobic conditions, protein breakdown occurs predominantly with the participation of aerobic microorganisms (B. proteus vulgaris, B. subtilis, B. mesentericus, B. pyocyaneum, B. coli, Sarcina flava, Streptococcus pyogenes, etc.) and the formation of many intermediate and final products of decay. Aerobic rotting occurs relatively quickly and is not accompanied by the release of large amounts of liquid and gases with a specific fetid odor. Rotting under the influence of aerobic microorganisms with good access to oxygen occurs with more complete oxidation. At the same time, aerobes greedily absorb oxygen and thereby contribute to the development of anaerobes.

Under anaerobic conditions, fewer decay products are formed, but they are more toxic. Anaerobic microorganisms (B. putrificus, B. perfringens and others) cause relatively slower rotting, in which the oxidation and decomposition of biological compounds is not complete enough, which is accompanied by the release of large amounts of liquid and gases with a fetid odor.

In addition to the biochemical stages, the stages of decay of a corpse are also characterized by morphological, relatively constant periods of development.

Under standard conditions, decay begins within 3-4 hours after death, and at the initial stage it proceeds unnoticed. The putrefactive bacterial flora located in the large intestine is activated, which leads to the formation of a large amount of gases and their accumulation in the intestines and abdomen. Intestinal bloating, an increase in abdominal volume and some tension in the anterior abdominal wall can be noted by palpation within 6-12 hours after the death of a person.

The resulting putrefactive gases, which include hydrogen sulfide, penetrate the intestinal walls and begin to spread through the blood vessels. By combining with blood hemoglobin and muscle myoglobin, hydrogen sulfide forms compounds - sulfhemoglobin and sulfmyoglobin, which give a dirty green color to the internal organs and skin.

The first external signs of decay become noticeable on the anterior abdominal wall by the end of the 2nd - beginning of the third day after death. A dirty green coloration of the skin appears, appearing first in the right iliac region and then in the left. This is due to the fact that the large intestine is directly adjacent to the anterior abdominal wall in the iliac regions. In summer or in warm conditions, a dirty green color of the skin in the iliac regions may appear a day earlier.

Rice. "Corpse greens." Dirty green discoloration of the skin in the iliac regions

Since blood proteins easily rot, putrification quickly spreads through the blood vessels to other areas of the body. Blood putrefaction further enhances its hemolysis and increases the amount of sulfhemoglobin, which leads to the appearance of a branched dirty brown or dirty green venous pattern on the skin - a subcutaneous putrefactive venous network. Clearly visible signs of a putrefactive venous network are observed already 3-4 days after death.

Rice. Putrefactive venous network

On days 4 - 5, the entire anterior skin of the abdominal wall and genitals acquires a uniform dirty green tint, and cadaveric green develops.

By the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd week, a dirty green color covers a significant part of the surface of the corpse.
At the same time, as a result of the binding of hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) formed during decay with iron, released due to hemolysis of erythrocytes and the breakdown of hemoglobin, iron sulfide (FeS) is formed, which gives a black color to soft tissues and the parenchyma of internal organs.

Staining corpse tissue black (cadaveric pseudomelanosis, pseud ome l anosis) occurs unevenly and is most clearly visible in those places where the greatest accumulation of blood is noted - in the area of ​​cadaveric spots and hypostases.

The noted order of development of putrefactive manifestations during external examination is observed in most cases, however, there may be exceptions. For example, in case of death from mechanical asphyxia, cadaveric green initially appears not in the iliac regions, but on the head and chest. This is due to the fact that the stagnation of blood that occurs during asphyxia in the upper part of the body contributes to the development of putrefaction in these areas of the body.

During the process of decay, a variety of coccal and rod flora begin to develop on the surface of the corpse, as a result of which the skin becomes slimy. The corpse is covered with shiny mucus or a semi-dry lubricant similar to yellow-red or brown fat.

If a corpse is exposed to conditions of low temperatures and low humidity, mold growth may be observed on the surface of the corpse. Unlike putrefactive microorganisms, mold can develop in an acidic environment (pH 5.0-6.0), at relatively low air humidity (75%) and low temperatures. Some types of mold grow at temperatures of 1-2 °C, while others grow at minus 8 °C and even lower.

Molds develop rather slowly, so molding of a corpse mainly occurs when it remains in the conditions noted above for a long time or in a refrigerator. Molds are aerobic microorganisms and, as a rule, develop most actively in those areas of the corpse on the surface of which air movement is most intense, as well as in more moist areas (groin and axillary folds, etc.).

Depending on the type, mold can grow in the form of round, velvety colonies of white, dark gray-brown or greenish-bluish, as well as black, located on the surface of the skin or penetrating into the thickness of soft tissue to a depth of 1.0 cm. Mold corpse is relatively rare, since psychrophilic aerobic bacteria actively reproducing on the surface of the corpse usually suppress the growth of mold fungi.

If the corpse has been in sea water for some time, or near fresh seafood, a faint glow on the surface of the corpse may be observed. This phenomenon is quite rare and is caused by the proliferation of photogenic (luminous) bacteria on the surface of the body, which have the ability to glow - phosphorescence. The luminescence is due to the presence in the cells of luminous bacteria of a photogenic substance (luciferin), which is oxidized by oxygen with the participation of the enzyme luciferase.

Photogenic bacteria are obligate aerobes and are psychrophilic; they reproduce well, but do not cause changes in the smell, consistency and other indicators of the corpse. The group of photobacteria includes various non-spore-forming gram-negative and gram-positive rods, cocci and vibrios. A typical representative of photogenic bacteria is Photobacterium phosphoreum (Photobact. phosphoreum) - a mobile coccus-like rod.

As putrification progresses, putrefactive gases are formed not only in the intestines, but also in the soft tissues and internal organs of the corpse.

On the 3-4th day of the development of putrefaction, upon palpation of the skin and muscles, crepitus is clearly felt, an increase in the accumulation of putrefactive gases in the subcutaneous fat and other tissues is noted - cadaveric emphysema develops. First of all, putrefactive gases appear in fatty tissue, then in muscles.

By the end of the second week, cadaveric gigantism develops - the penetration of gases into the soft tissues leads to an increase in the volume of the corpse. In a corpse, parts of the body sharply increase in size: the abdomen, chest, limbs, neck, in men the scrotum and penis, in women the mammary glands.

With putrefactive changes in the subcutaneous fat, the facial features change sharply: it becomes dark green or purple in color, swollen, the eyelids swell, the eyeballs protrude from the orbits, the lips increase in size and turn outward, the tongue protrudes from behind the mouth. Dirty-red ichorous fluid is discharged from the mouth and nose.

Rice. "Corpse gigantism." Increase in the size of the corpse due to the development of putrefactive emphysema

The pressure of putrefactive gases in the abdominal cavity can be quite significant and reach 1-2 atm., which leads to the development "posthumous birth" (grave birth, partus post mortem ) - squeezing out the fetus through the birth canal from the uterus of the corpse of a pregnant woman by gases formed in the abdominal cavity during the rotting of the corpse. As a result of the accumulation of putrefactive gases in the abdominal cavity, ectropion of the genital tract of the uterus and discharge of gastric contents from the oral cavity can also be observed ( "post-mortem vomiting" ).

Further increased pressure of putrefactive gases in the abdominal cavity and the gradually decreasing strength of the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall as decay develops lead to its rupture and eventration of the contents of the abdominal cavity.

Due to fluid transudation, around the end of the 1st week, putrefactive blisters containing reddish-brown foul-smelling ichor fluid form under the epidermis. Putrefactive blisters easily rupture, the epidermis is torn away, exposing the moist, reddish surface of the skin itself. Such manifestations of rotting mimic skin burns. Putrefactive changes in the skin cause hair loss or slight rejection.
On days 6-10, the epidermis completely peels off and with minor mechanical stress can be easily removed along with nails and hair.

Rice. Putrefactive rejection of the skin and nail plates

Subsequently, putrefactive gases escape from the corpse through damaged areas of the skin. The size of the corpse and its parts decreases. There is a softening of the nails and skin and their further separation. The skin becomes yellowish in color, easily tears, and becomes covered with papillae, which are similar in appearance to grains of sand and consist of phosphate of lime.

After two weeks, a reddish putrefactive liquid (ichor) begins to emerge from the natural orifices of the corpse, which should not be mistaken for traces of intravital bleeding.

Subsequently, the skin of the corpse becomes thinner, becomes thin, dirty yellow or orange with mold.

In the third week, the decomposition of the corpse intensifies. The tissues become more and more slimy and tear easily. The soft parts of the face collapse. The muscles are soft, the fiber begins to dry out (drying begins in the front and sides). The muscles of the eye sockets become saponified or turn green.

As putrefactive decay progresses, the formation of putrefactive gases stops, cadaveric emphysema disappears, and the volume of the corpse decreases. The processes of putrification soften and disorganize the tissues - the so-called putrefactive melting of the corpse occurs.

The subcutaneous tissue is partially saponified; as a result of the drying and collapse of cells previously stretched by putrefactive gases, it has a “damply” appearance when cut. Cartilages and ligaments turn yellow, become flabby and easily stretchable. The muscles become flabby and sticky, easily tear with slight stretching, transforming as they undergo putrification into a structureless brown-black mass or gray-yellow layers with indistinguishable muscle fibers. The bones, especially in those places where they are covered with a small amount of soft tissue, are exposed, the ribs are easily separated from the cartilage.

Rotting of internal organs occurs unevenly. Starting from the intestines and abdomen, it primarily affects the nearby abdominal organs (liver, pancreas and spleen). The macroscopic structure of the internal organs is completely lost as they rot. Internal organs decrease in volume, crepitate on palpation, easily flatten, and tear. Putrefactive gases destroy the structure of the parenchyma, cut organs acquire a “foamy”, “porous” appearance, the removed pieces of organs float on the surface of the water due to putrefactive gases.

The peritoneum becomes slimy and turns green. The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines become brownish-purple in color, sometimes with small discolored areas. In some cases, there is perforation of the fundus of the stomach with spillage of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity or into the left pleural cavity. However, this phenomenon is not a consequence of rotting, but occurs as a result of cadaveric autolysis. The putrefactive process in the lungs is accompanied by the appearance of gas bubbles in the vessels, in the interstitial tissue and under the pleura.

The lungs are dark red in color and have a loose consistency, filled with bloody fluid. Gradually, as it rots, most of the ichor accumulates in the pleural cavities.

When rotting, lymph nodes are soft and can be of different colors: brown-red, greenish, dark brown, black.

The heart is flabby, the walls of the chambers are thinned, and on a section the myocardium is dirty red. Small white granules of calcareous deposits are noted on the surface of the endocardium and pericardium. The pericardium is macerated, the pericardial fluid is turbid, with flocculent sediment. In case of cadaveric hemolysis with tissue imbibition by blood pigment, the pericardial fluid from the admixture of hemoglobin may become brownish-red.

During the process of rotting, the liver softens, becomes dull, and emits a strong ammonia odor. First, the lower surface of the liver, and then both the anterior and posterior surfaces, become black. On the surface of the liver, “sandy” papillae made of phosphate of lime are visible. In the thickness of the parenchyma, multiple bubbles are formed, filled with putrefactive gases, which gives the liver tissue a honeycomb, foamy appearance when cut. The effusion and release of bile that occurs during decay outside the gallbladder leads to the appearance of a yellow-green coloration of the lower edge of the liver and adjacent tissues and organs.

The pancreas early undergoes rotting, during which it becomes flabby, with an indistinguishable structure, in the form of a gray mass.

The spleen decreases in size, flabby, the spleen pulp turns into a red-black or greenish-black, semi-liquid, sometimes foamy, due to the presence of gases, a foul-smelling mass.

Due to the topographical proximity of the spleen to the large intestine, hydrogen sulfide easily penetrates into it from the intestine in the first days after death, which combines with the iron in hemoglobin to form iron sulfide, which first colors the part of the spleen adjacent to the intestine, and later the entire organ greenish-black or bluish -black color.

The brain completely loses its anatomical structure, the boundary of gray and white matter becomes indistinguishable, its consistency initially becomes mushy and then semi-liquid. Later than in other tissues, putrefactive decay of the bone marrow occurs. This is due to the late penetration of microorganisms into the bone marrow of the corpse.

The most resistant to decay are blood vessels, organ stroma, non-pregnant uterus, prostate and cartilage.

Complete putrefactive decay of the soft tissues of a corpse, under conditions favorable for the development of putrification processes, can occur after 3-4 weeks.

Histological examination in the presence of putrefactive changes is of relative importance. With moderately severe rotting in the lungs, “stamped” alveoli are determined, the outlines of the bronchi, carbon pigment are visible, and Gram-positive rods can be found in the lung parenchyma, forming figures in the form of threads and brushes.

As a result of putrefactive transformation, liver tissue quickly loses its histological structure; due to diffusion of bile and blood into the parenchyma, a lot of greenish-brown pigment is found in it. During the processes of cadaveric softening and decay, spleen follicles are preserved better than pulp elements. Even with complete putrefactive decay of the pulp cells, the nuclei of the lymphoid elements of the follicles still give color. When the spleen is fixed in formalin, the formalin pigment easily falls out and settles on the pulp cells, which leads to pigmentation of the spleen tissue, stroma and red blood cells, which makes microscopic examination difficult.

The kidneys, compared to the liver, are more resistant to decay and are histologically verified by the outlines of the glomeruli and blood vessels.

A microscopic examination of putrefactively changed lymph nodes reveals the disappearance of the nuclear coloring of the lymphoid elements and their disintegration. Stromal elements remain somewhat longer in the lymph nodes.

The decay of muscle tissue is accompanied by a change in the structure of the muscle fibers: their transverse striations smooth out and disappear, the nuclei are weakly stained, fine-grained disintegration, divergence and complete destruction of the muscle fibers are observed.

In case of slightly pronounced decay, histological examination allows us to identify some pathological changes, and with complete destruction of cellular elements, differentiate organs based on the structure of the organ stroma and blood vessels. For example, it is possible to establish sclerotic changes and calcification of large arterial vessels even several months after death; sometimes fragments of powder grains can be found in putrefactively transformed parenchyma. However, in most cases, with pronounced putrification, microscopic examination of the material can add practically nothing to the data of macroscopic examination.

When conducting a forensic chemical study of corpse material in a state of putrefactive transformation and interpreting its results, it should be taken into account that a number of substances formed in the tissues of corpses during decay can give the same reactions as some poisons of organic origin.

This circumstance can significantly complicate the process of detection and quantitative determination of poisons during chemical-toxicological analysis, and can also cause erroneous conclusions about the presence of poisons in the organs of corpses.

Thus, great care is required in assessing the alcohol content in putrefactively altered biological material.
It should be taken into account that as a result of the vital activity of a number of bacteria taking part in the putrification of corpses, the oxidation of amino acids and fats occurs with the formation of alcohols, the mixture of which contains methyl, ethyl and higher alcohols. Under the influence of E. coli enzymes, various amounts of propyl, butyl and methyl alcohols are formed from glucose. Amyl alcohol is formed from leucine, and isobutyl alcohol from valine.

The quantitative content of posthumously formed alcohols is, as a rule, insignificant and ranges from 0.5 ppm, but occasionally it can reach 1.0 ppm or more.

The exception is those cases when yeast flora is present in the cadaveric material. At the same time, the amount of posthumously formed alcohols, in particular ethyl alcohol, can reach toxicologically significant levels.
During the putrefactive decomposition of corpses, some toxic substances that caused poisoning also undergo chemical changes.

The speed and intensity of transformations of toxic substances in a putrified corpse depends on a number of general factors influencing the process of decay, as well as on the chemical nature of the poisons, the palette of the corpse's bacterial flora, access to air, moisture, time of decay, and other conditions.

Toxins of organic origin in rotting corpses undergo oxidation, reduction, deamination, desulfurization and other transformations, which leads to their relatively rapid decomposition.

Esters decompose most quickly, within a few days or weeks after death, but some toxic substances (atropine, cocaine, etc.) belonging to this class of compounds can be found in corpses several months or years after death.

Inorganic toxic substances in cadaveric material last longer, undergoing reduction reactions during the rotting of corpses. Metal ions in inorganic poisons that have a higher valence are reduced to ions with a lower valence. Compounds of arsenic, phosphorus, sulfur and other non-metals can be reduced to form volatile compounds of these elements with hydrogen.

Arsenic and thallium compounds can persist in corpses for about 8-9 years, barium and antimony compounds for about 5 years, mercury compounds can persist in corpses for several months. After this, inorganic poisons penetrate the soil and cannot always be detected in the remains of rotting or decayed corpses.

Despite the fact that the general biochemical nature of decay is quite constant, individual characteristics of the putrification process are quite labile and depend on a number of factors:

Environmental conditions;
location of the corpse (outdoors, in water, in the ground);
anthropometric characteristics of the corpse;
the nature of the clothing on the corpse;
age of the deceased;
presence of damage;
causes of death;
medications taken before death;
microflora composition, etc.

Temperature and humidity of the environment directly affect the rate of putrefactive transformation of a corpse. The most optimal conditions for the life of putrefactive microorganisms occur at a temperature of + 30 -37 ° C, high humidity and access to air oxygen. Rotting almost completely stops when the body temperature of the deceased is about 0 °C and above + 55 °C and slows down sharply in the range from 0 °C to +10 °C, due to unfavorable temperature conditions for the proliferation of putrefactive microorganisms.

Under appropriate temperature and humidity conditions, the development of putrefactive microorganisms in a corpse is extremely rapid, which leads to the fact that decay in time can outstrip the process of autolysis.
If after death the process of tissue drying (mummification) develops, then decay gradually slows down and then stops altogether.

In conditions of high humidity (for example, when a corpse is in water), the progress of decay sharply slows down, which is explained by a lower concentration of oxygen and a lower temperature. In dry, sandy, well-ventilated soil, rot develops faster than in dense, clayey, poorly ventilated soil. Corpses buried in coffins and wearing clothes rot more slowly than those buried in the ground without clothes.

Cases of almost complete absence of putrefactive changes have been described after a long period of time after burial (up to 53 years) when the corpse was in metal coffins (zinc, lead). The rotting of a corpse in the ground proceeds eight times slower than in the air.

The development of putrefaction is greatly influenced by the individual characteristics of the corpse.

The corpses of children undergo putrefactive decomposition faster than the corpses of adults, while at the same time the corpses of newborns and stillborns rot more slowly due to the absence of putrefactive flora.

In the corpses of overweight people, decay develops faster than in the corpses of thin or emaciated people.

Accelerated decay is observed when the onset of death was accompanied by severe agony, death, in cases of death from infectious diseases, with septic complications, with extensive damage to the skin, with overheating (so-called heat or sunstroke), as well as with some intoxications.

Slowing down of decay is observed in cases of death from massive blood loss, during lifetime use of antibiotics, sulfonamide and other antimicrobial drugs.

During dismemberment, which is always accompanied by a sharp bleeding of body parts, slowing down the processes of decay leads to a longer preservation of parts of the dismembered corpse.

The rotting of a corpse while it is in water has its own distinctive features. Rotting in a body of water with running water occurs more slowly than in stagnant water. When a corpse hits the bottom of a reservoir with great depth, where the water temperature is. +4 °C and high pressure, the rotting process may not develop for many months.

When a corpse is located at the depth of a reservoir, its decay proceeds relatively slowly and evenly. After being in water for two weeks, the corpse begins to lose hair, and hydrodepilation is completely completed by the end of the month.

Putrefactive gases accumulating in the tissues and cavities of the corpse increase its buoyancy, due to which the corpse floats to the surface of the water. The lifting force of putrefactive gases is so great that a corpse weighing 60-70 kg can float up along with a load weighing about 30 kg. At a water temperature of 23-25°C, the corpse floats to the surface of the water on the 3rd day; at a water temperature of 17-19°C, the corpse floats on the 7-12th day; in colder water, the corpse floats after 2-3 weeks.

After the corpse floats to the surface of the water, the process of decay intensifies abruptly and proceeds unevenly. The soft tissues of the face swell and turn green, while other parts of the body may be slightly affected by decay. Subsequently, the entire body swells sharply and the corpse becomes disfigured, the abdomen swells sharply, the corpse takes on the appearance of a “giant,” which can lead to errors in identifying the body of an unknown person. The scrotum especially increases in volume, the tissues of which can rupture under the influence of gases.

In warm weather, corpses removed from water in the air very quickly decompose. Within a few hours, signs of decay appear - a dirty green color of the skin, a putrid venous network. Due to the fact that the development of putrification processes is influenced by a large number of factors, which are not always possible to take into account in the aggregate, a forensic medical determination of the duration of death by the nature and severity of putrefactive changes can only be carried out tentatively.

Putrefactive transformations of a corpse make very noticeable changes in the structure of tissues and organs, destroying many pathological changes that existed during life, however, forensic medical examination of corpses should be carried out regardless of the degree of decay. Even with pronounced putrefactive changes, during a forensic medical examination it is possible to detect damage and other signs that will make it possible to establish the cause of death and resolve other issues that arise before the expert.

Forensic medical expert, associate professor of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sciences, Associate Professor Tumanov E.V. T Umanov E.V., Kildyushov E.M., Sokolova Z.Yu. Forensic medical thanatology - M.: YurInfoZdrav, 2011. - 172 p.

Cadaveric phenomena

Cadaveric phenomena are changes that the organs and tissues of a corpse undergo after the onset of biological death. Cadaveric phenomena are divided into early and late. The early ones include cadaver cooling, cadaveric spots, rigor mortis, desiccation and autolysis; to the later ones - rotting, skeletonization, mummification, fat wax and peat tanning.

Early cadaveric phenomena

Rigor mortis

Rigor of the body, which begins approximately 3 hours after death as a result of chemical changes occurring in the muscle tissue. After approximately 36-72 hours, it gradually goes away (resolves).

Cadaveric spots

Cadaveric spots are formed in the underlying areas of the body due to the post-mortem movement of blood through the vessels under the influence of gravity. In the process of development of cadaveric spots, 3 stages are distinguished: hypostasis, stasis and imbibition.

Posthumous cooling

The process of gradually equalizing the temperature of the corpse and the ambient temperature. Previously it was believed that on average the temperature of a corpse decreases by 1 degree Celsius per hour. However, such a linear cooling model is not applicable even for a simple inanimate physical body. Therefore, two-exponential models of body cooling are currently used in forensic medicine. Measuring the temperature of a corpse is widely used in forensic medicine to determine the duration of death.

Corpse desiccation

Cadaveric desiccation is associated with the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, which is not compensated by the supply of fluid from deep-lying tissues, as occurs in a living organism. It manifests itself as clouding of the cornea, yellowish-brown areas on the conjunctiva - Liarche spots, on the transitional border of the lips (dense red stripe), on the glans penis, the anterior surface of the scrotum (dark red dense areas). Areas of the skin of a corpse with a thin layer of epidermis (fingertips, nose) or lacking epidermis (abrasions, raw edges of wounds, strangulation furrows) dry easily and quickly.


Processes of self-digestion of tissues as a result of the breakdown of cellular and subcellular membranes and the release of various enzymes from cellular structures (primarily lysosomes). Autolysis occurs spontaneously, without the participation of microorganisms. However, on the mucous membranes and skin, as a result of strong intravital bacterial contamination, in parallel with autolysis, bacterial decomposition of tissues quickly begins to develop, which is the essence of the rotting of a corpse. First of all, organs and tissues with a low proportion of connective tissue and a large number of enzymes (brain, spleen, pancreas, adrenal medulla) undergo autolysis.

Late cadaveric phenomena and preservative processes


Preservation of a dead body by surgical treatment and the introduction of special chemical compounds into it that slow down the process of its decomposition. Embalming is performed mainly so that the body can be transported over a long distance and the funeral ceremony can be carried out without undue haste. In the United States, embalming is a common hygienic procedure performed by funeral services. Embalming is also (was) important in rituals associated with burial and religion. This was practiced in many cultures, the most famous examples for the layman are the ancient Egyptian traditions of mummification, as well as the traditions of creating burial mounds of the peoples of Europe.


see also



  • Philippe Ariès"The life of a corpse. A man in the face of death." M.: “Progress” - “Progress Academy”, 1992, p. 301-314; 321-328.
  • Autopsy technique and forensic medical examination of a corpse (educational film)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Wavre (Belgium)
  • Wavre

See what “Corpse” is in other dictionaries:

    dead body- a corpse, and... Russian spelling dictionary

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    dead body- noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? corpse, why? corpse, (I see) what? corpse, what? dead body, about what? about the corpse; pl. What? corpses, (no) what? corpses, why? corpses, (I see) what? corpses, what? corpses, about what? about corpses 1. A dead body is called a corpse... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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    dead body- Dead body; (about a person) dead, deceased, ashes, remains (perishable); (not about a person) carrion, carrion, dead meat, bitch. ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. corpse... ... Synonym dictionary

    DEAD BODY- CORPSE, corpse, husband. The dead body of a person or animal. The battlefield is littered with corpses. “Like a corpse (like a dead person), I lay in the desert.” Pushkin. ❖ Step over (step over) or step over (step) over the corpse of whose (book rhetorician) translation. kill (kill) someone... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    corpse- Corpse, corpse collection. Dead bodies of people or animals (1): Then, throughout the Russian land, the rats are loudly kicking around, and often telling lies, making corpses for themselves. 17. And so many people were killed, because the ways of the city, and the temples, and the city itself were full of corpses. Flav... Dictionary-reference book "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

    dead body- A; m. The dead body of a person or animal. Identify t. Corpses of horses. The smell of a corpse. Fear the corpse. Send the item for examination. Disfigured T. T. drowned man. ◊ Galvanize the corpse (see Galvanize). Step over, step over whose... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Dead body- Corpse, otherwise dead body (Matthew 24:28). Regarding corpses or dead bodies in the sacred. Old Scriptures. The Covenant contains the following decrees: Everything dead is considered unclean, and everyone who touches it is also unclean (Num.19:11, Lev.11:39,40, etc.... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikifor.

Soon after death, post-mortem changes develop in the corpse. Visible to the naked eye, they include lack of breathing and, clouding and drying of the corneas, rigor and rigor, cadaveric spots and decomposition.

Cooling occurs due to the cessation of heat generation and continues until it becomes equal to the ambient temperature. The hands and feet become cold after 1-2 hours, the stomach after 10-12 hours. Clouding and drying of the corneas is associated with the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body.

Rigor mortis occurs 2-5 hours after death and is expressed in contraction and hardening of the muscles - first the chewing muscles, then the muscles of the upper extremities, trunk and lower extremities. The nature of this phenomenon has not been fully elucidated: apparently, rigor is associated with the breakdown of glycogen in the muscles, the formation of lactic acid and the subsequent swelling of myofibril colloids.

After 3-5 days, rigor mortis “resolves,” that is, it disappears in the same order as it appeared. The reason for the "resolution" is also not clear: it is assumed that it is associated with excess accumulation of lactic acid.

Cadaveric spots can be early (hypostasis) and late (imbibition); they arise as a result of contraction of the arteries, when the blood passes into the veins and flows due to gravity into the underlying parts of the body. The location of cadaveric spots depends on the position in which the person was at the time of death. Hypostasis (see) occurs after 3-6 hours. after death, they are dark purple in color and turn pale when pressure is applied to them (unlike bruises). When the skin is cut in the hypostasis area, blood oozes out from the congested veins. Hypostases can move when the position of the corpse changes. Imbibition (see) develops after about 7 hours, when hemoglobin passes into plasma (hemolysis), with which it penetrates through the wall of blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, giving them a dirty brown color.

Cadaveric decomposition is the breakdown of tissue as a result of the enzymatic action of microbes; begins with self-digestion (autolysis), associated with the action of their own on tissues. Under the influence of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines, putrefaction occurs. Signs of decomposition are a putrid odor, a dirty greenish color of the skin of the abdomen and other parts. With pronounced decomposition of the corpse, the soft tissues melt and turn into a dirty-gray fetid mass, often permeated with gas bubbles (the so-called cadaveric), giving the tissues a foamy appearance. The rate of decomposition depends on the conditions in which the corpse is located and the causes of death. The corpse decomposes faster in warm and humid environment; in a dry environment, desiccation may occur - the so-called mummification (see). The decomposition of the corpse accelerates after death from septic diseases. On average, complete tissue breakdown takes about two years. usually performed no earlier than 2 hours from the moment of death, but due to the expansion of scientific research and the study of processes, the time is not currently regulated by orders of the Ministry of Health, so an autopsy can be performed at any time after biological death is declared. For scientific and pedagogical purposes, it is permissible to reduce this period, provided that death is confirmed by two doctors with the mandatory conduct of verification tests that make it possible to confidently establish actual death.

In medical institutions, work with corpses is carried out for educational and pedagogical purposes; organs and parts of the corpse are used as visual aids (in anatomy).

Various methods of embalming a corpse contribute to the preservation of a corpse and the prevention of rotting (see). Embalming is especially necessary when transporting corpses over long distances, for preparing teaching aids and for forensic medical purposes. Storage of corpses in a hospital is in a cold room, at temperatures below zero.

Burial of corpses is permitted no earlier than 48 hours after death and no later than 72 hours. (see Burial of the dead).

See also Autopsy.

Death is a taboo topic for the vast majority of normal people. The end of the road frightens us so much that we have created countless religions and beliefs designed to console, reassure, encourage...

Unable to accept a final verdict, people cannot completely eliminate death from their thoughts. The wisest thing, of course, is to take into account the brilliant saying of Epicurus. The Stoic quite reasonably remarked: “While I am here, there is no death, and when it comes, I will no longer be.” But stoicism is for the few. For everyone else, we decided to write a short, medically based guide to what happens to our bodies after we die.

Almost immediately after the moment of death, the body starts several irreversible processes. It all starts with autolysis, roughly speaking, self-digestion. The heart no longer saturates the blood with oxygen - the cells suffer from the same deficiency. All byproducts of chemical reactions do not receive the usual method of disposal, accumulating in the body. The liver and brain are the first to be used up. The first is because this is where most of the enzymes are located, the second because it contains a large amount of water.

Color of the skin

Then comes the turn of other organs. The vessels are already destroyed, so the blood, under the influence of gravity, goes down. The person's skin becomes deathly pale. This is exactly how mass culture represents the dead: remember pale vampires and zombies attacking defenseless beauties from dark corners. If the directors tried to make the picture more believable, they would have to show that the rear of the dead aggressor is dark from accumulated blood.

Temperature in the ward

Nothing functions and the body temperature begins to gradually decrease. Cells do not receive the usual dose of energy, protein threads become immobile. Joints and muscles acquire a new property - they become rigid. Then rigor mortis sets in. The eyelids, jaws and neck muscles give in at the very beginning, then everything else comes.

Who lives in the house

There is no longer a person in the dead body, but there is a completely new, corpse ecosystem. Actually, most of the bacteria that make it up lived in the body before. But now they begin to behave differently, in accordance with the changed conditions. We can say that life continues in our body - but our consciousness no longer has anything to do with it.

Molecular death

The decomposition of the human body is an unpleasant sight for most normal (and still living) individuals. Soft tissues break down into salts, liquids and gases. Everything is almost like in physics. This process is called molecular death. At this stage, the decomposition bacteria continue their work.

Unpleasant details

The gas pressure in the body increases. Blisters appear on the skin as the gas tries to escape. Whole flaps of skin begin to slide off the body. Usually, all accumulated decomposition products find a natural way out - the anus and other openings. Sometimes the gas pressure increases so much that it simply ruptures the former person’s stomach.

Return to roots

But even this is not the end of the process. A dead body lying on the bare ground literally returns to nature. Its liquids flow into the soil, and insects spread bacteria around. Criminologists have a special term: “island of cadaveric decomposition.” He describes a patch of soil generously, um, fertilized with a dead body.

in forensic medicine - the dead body of a person or animal; one of the objects of forensic medical examination.

View value Dead body in other dictionaries

Dead body- body
Synonym dictionary

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Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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Corpse M.— 1. The dead body of a person or animal.
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