How to stop a dog from barking. Practical advice. How to stop a dog from barking at everyone at home and on the street: simple and effective ways to raise a pet What to do to stop a dog from barking

If your neighbors dog barks: what to do and is it possible to somehow correct the situation? We suggest you figure out how to defend your right to a quiet life within the framework of the law.

The dog barks during the day

It is clear that a problematic situation arises only in cases where the animal barks or howls constantly. Barking if someone calls your apartment is, of course, annoying, but it is unlikely to stimulate decisive action. But if there is a small child or a sick person in the house, and the neighbors’ dog is constantly howling outside the wall: what to do and where to go?

In cases where your neighbors' dog howls while they are away, you need to calmly talk with the animal's owners. The main thing is to prove that the dog really interferes with life and does not stop trying to attract attention throughout the day. A voice recorder will help. Often this is enough for owners to take action.

And if your neighbors have an aggressive dog: what should you do? Often, concerned people use ultrasonic devices to influence angry or excessively noisy animals: as soon as the dog starts barking, the residents behind the wall blow a whistle. They are used not only for training, but also to scare away and intimidate animals. During whistling, ultrasonic waves negatively affect the animal's hearing organs, and over time it develops a catch reflex: if you bark, you get a buzz in your ears!

Cruel treatment

It is also important to study the conditions in which the animal is kept. Let’s say an unpleasant situation arose among the residents of a private house, whose neighbors did not bother to create normal conditions for the dog. They “forgot” to put up a basic booth, and the tethered animal suffers from the heat, gets wet in the rain or freezes from the cold, and tries to attract attention with its barking.

If in such a situation the neighbor’s dog constantly barks: what should you do? File a police report for cruelty to animals (Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

For cruel treatment, not only fines are provided (up to 80 thousand rubles), but also criminal liability (a year in prison or correctional labor). If it can be proven that a crime was committed by a group of people, for example, the whole family is inactive, then the fine will increase to 300 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment - up to 2 years.

The Criminal Code considers an animal as property, so you can refer to the following articles:

    Article 213 – hooliganism;

    Article 167 – intentional damage and destruction of property.

On a note! The same articles can also be charged against an unrestrained neighbor who was driven by barking to desperate acts, for example, for attempting to poison or shoot the neighbor’s dog.

Of course, proving cruelty will not be easy, but reference should be made not only to mutilation or beatings, but also to other methods of cruel treatment, which include:

    restriction of movement (the dog sits on a short chain and does not have the opportunity to warm up, while the owner does not take regular walks with it);

    deliberate persecution by thirst or hunger;

    inaction in case of freezing, overheating of the dog and other manifestations of physical discomfort (there is no kennel in the yard);

    causing unjustified suffering (a photo of an emaciated, sick animal will be sufficient grounds).

This sample will help you file a complaint about your neighbor’s dog. The application should be taken to the district police department, and it is better if the complaint is collective or filed by several people at once.

If the dog barks at night or early in the morning

Each region has a so-called silence law (FZ-52). If during set hours (usually before 9 am and after 10 pm), your neighbors dog howls: where to complain?

The first thing to do is probably go to the building management and file a complaint. Again, it is better if it is collective. Then the house manager can file a complaint with the police (precinct) on behalf of the residents, or the dissatisfied people themselves can do this. A statement to the district police officer regarding a neighbor’s dog is drawn up according to the same model as in cases of cruelty, only Law No. 52 is indicated and facts of violation of silence are given that create inconvenience for those living in neighboring apartments.

It is clear that responsibility for the behavior of the animal falls entirely on the owner. If he hasn’t bothered to raise the dog and doesn’t think about the fact that barking is disturbing others, it’s unlikely that he will be able to come to an agreement with such a person. The only option left is to complain to the police.

For those who don’t want to quarrel with those living nearby, you can give a couple of tips:

    leave the TV or radio on while leaving - this will make the animal less bored;

    take long walks before leaving so that the dog is exhausted and sleeps most of the time before the owners arrive.

If a dog barks in a neighbors apartment, there is no law that directly prohibits the animal from making sounds, because it is difficult to imagine how they would “shut its mouth.” However, there are a number of ways to legally defend your family’s right to a quiet life.


Dog barking, as a common behavioral manifestation of these animals, is a completely natural phenomenon, which, however, presents certain problems for owners of these four-legged animals. Dog barking irritates your neighbors, keeping them up at night and often leading to lawsuits against dog owners.

So why do dogs bark at all? What is the reason for a dog barking when there seems to be no reason for it? Why do some owners see the only way out of the situation is to cut a dog's vocal cords as part of a special operation(which makes it impossible for them to bark). Why do experts consider such operations unacceptable? Are there any ways to stop dogs from barking inappropriately? You will find answers to these and many other questions that interest any dog ​​lover in this article.

As mentioned above, barking is a completely normal phenomenon that characterizes the ability of dogs to communicate with each other, protect and defend themselves. However, barking becomes a problem when there is too much of it. In fact, finding the cause of excessive barking is the key point that needs to be focused on in order to help dog owners solve the problem.

In general, some of the most common causes of dog barking are: play, warning, anxiety or fear, a reaction to the sound of a doorbell, a reaction to a stranger, and even just plain boredom. Some dogs start bark actively in a confined space(for example, in a kennel), being isolated from other dogs. Other animals begin to actively bark in response to noise from the outside (for example, the voices of people talking or the noise of a car passing by).

Of course, many dog ​​owners are tempted to resort to the procedure of cutting the animal's vocal cords, which deprives it of the ability to bark. However, in many countries this procedure is equated to intentional mutilation and is outlawed. In particular, it is banned in those countries who signed the so-called European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals. This operation is known to carry serious risks associated with severe bleeding, infection and scar tissue growth, which can lead to strangulation of the dog.

So, barking is the most natural behavior of dogs as part of communication with the world around them. If you take away a dog's ability to bark, that means you're taking away that animal's ability to bark. his main communication tool(expressions of feelings and so on). If you truly love your pet and consider it part of your family, you should never consider cutting ligaments as a solution to your loud barking problem.

What should you not do to stop your dog from barking?

First of all, don't yell at a dog that's constantly barking. "Silence!" or "Stop barking!", since in most cases this is a pointless exercise. Moreover: this approach may cause your pet to bark even louder! The dog sees that special attention is paid to it when it barks. Some dogs find this attention more valuable than no attention at all (just like children!).

Many people use what is called a shock collar. In fact, this is quite a painful thing that can develop in your dog an aggressive attitude towards the owner himself or towards other dogs, the barking of which nothing and no one can restrain. In addition, many dog ​​owners themselves unwittingly teach their dogs to bark for every reason. For example, you shouldn’t praise your dog and pat him on the withers, saying "Good dog!" when she comes running to you barking after you haven’t been able to call her for a long time.

The most important thing to help your dog learn to control his barking is to use basic training. For example, teach your dog to immediately run up to a command "To me!". Moreover, you need to call the dog only then when she has a 100% chance of running up to you, and not when she can only bark. Try to train this skill as often as possible, always having a tasty reward ready for your four-legged friend.

You should reward your dog with something tasty every time the animal runs up to you at your first call. If your dog has a habit of barking at your neighbors and does not respond when you call him, it is necessary to demonstrate attitude towards him, which will be completely different from the one you demonstrate when the dog runs up at the first call. This way, your dog will understand that he receives a reward and affection every time he responds to your first call.

Then you can move on to the next step towards stopping your dog from barking constantly. Now it needs to be trained in such a way that the animal runs up to you when you call the dog at the moment when it barks. If the animal comes running at the first call, you also need to treat him with something tasty and show affection. Even by patting your pet on the withers, you calm him down somewhat, reducing the level of adrenaline, which can also cause barking. Every time you want your dog to stop barking at your first call, call him the same way. And every time she comes running when called, give her some kind of treat and pet her if you want her to stop barking.

Try to stay with your pet away from places where the dog barks. In other words, don't provoke her! For example, if your dog constantly barks when you let him out for a walk in the yard, try to do this less often, especially during training. If your dog barks at the doorbell, turn it off completely. In fact, stopping your dog from barking when he goes for a walk with you is not that difficult (although it will take time and patience). If the dog does not stop barking when you first call, bring it back home immediately.

In fact, consistent training is the key to stopping your dog from barking uncontrollably. The dog just needs to learn to control his emotions! So, teach your animal to immediately come running to your voice while walking. To do this, exercise your dog for at least thirty minutes twice a day. The dog should run, but should come to you at your first call. The increased heart rate during such exercises promotes the production of calming hormones, which also results in the dog barking less.

However, there are special so-called humane collars that will help if the dog cannot be trained. They are also worn when the dog runs down the street alone without supervision and barks constantly. We are talking about special collars with citronella(non-toxic substance of plant origin). The collar has a built-in system that responds to loud barking. The system sprays citronella and the dog immediately becomes silent.

In fact, this is a very useful and popular remedy that is beginning to be used quite widely throughout the world. Many veterinarians confirm the fact that even the most avid barkers will shut up with this collar. Moreover, citronella can not only wean your pet from barking without any reason, but will also do it in such a way that it will not increase the dog’s aggressiveness at all.

There are other tricks, one of which is the so-called therapeutic touch. Touching like this can help get your dog to stop barking. The most effective point is her ears. For example, you need to gently pinch the dog's ear between your index finger and thumb. You can gently stroke your dog's ear from the base to the very tip. It is necessary to repeat this movement several times, stroking different parts of the ear each time. Make circular movements with your fingers at the base of your ear. Use all of the above together on your dog when he is calm. If the animal reacts positively to such affection, apply it when your pet barks.

There are also a large number of over-the-counter nutritional supplements that can help reduce your dog's anxiety. The components of such drugs are often substances such as melatonin (suppresses the function of the sex glands), valerian, chamomile and so on. If you decide to resort to this method of making your dog calmer, use the purchased supplements strictly in the specified dosage. There are also special drops that can be placed directly on your dog's gums.

The main thing that all dog owners need to realize is that your dog's barking can be controlled (especially if you know why he is barking!). The reasons vary, but the bottom line is that barking is a tool for dogs to communicate. Actually, your dog should bark when appropriate because it needs it! Surgical intervention, as mentioned above, is an inhumane and dangerous method that is now rarely used. But what you will definitely need, if you want to wean your dog from uncontrollable barking, is all your calm, patience and love for your four-legged friend.

Frequent and annoying barking of a dog is one of the most common reasons why owners seek advice from a zoopsychologist. Whining, howling in different intonations, barking for any reason - these and other sounds can be made by an animal, causing a lot of inconvenience to those who are with it.

It happens that this vocalization becomes so unbearable that it is simply unbearable to be with your four-legged friend. Before taking measures to combat this pathological condition, you should understand why the dog barks.

In general, a dog's barking is a natural behavioral response to external stimuli that has been enhanced through artificial selection. The severity of a dog's barking depends on the breed:

  1. Terriers bark in higher tones and begin to bark from the first exposure to a stimulus.
  2. Hounds bark for the most trivial reasons and easily join the barking and howling of other individuals.
  3. Service breeds are prone to warning barks in situations of alarm and threat, but among them there is a certain percentage of so-called empty nesters.
  4. Dogs of decorative breeds have perfectly mastered imitation and imitate the spoken signals of their owners, skillfully manipulating their skill to meet their own needs.

Most dogs prone to excessive barking otherwise show no abnormal behavior - they only react to environmental stimuli and give warning signals. However, a properly trained dog should not bark constantly either in the absence or presence of its owners, or should immediately stop barking after being questioned about it, but in reality such pets are not common.

Let's talk about the reasons

There are several situations in which a dog's barking can be considered pathological.

1. Separation anxiety is the leader in the list of causes of excessive barking in dogs. With this disorder, dogs exhibit uncontrollable, ritualized barking, the pitch of which indicates the degree of the animal's distress. In everyday life, a dog suffering from separation anxiety not only barks at home alone, but also exhibits destructive activities (digging, self-injury, damaging things, uncleanliness) strictly in the absence of its owners. To solve this problem, we need a whole range of measures aimed at modifying the dog’s behavior, developing obedience, and a relaxation program for the animal. The use of medications can bring tangible benefits, but only in combination with the measures described above. But the use of electric collars in this case is not justified, since when they are used the animal experiences pain, which increases the level of anxiety and, in turn, leads to increased vocalization.

2. The second most common problem that causes a dog to bark loudly and obsessively is to attract attention. The animal seeks to attract the owner's attention to itself with the help of demanding barking, whining, or can talk to the owner, imitating and imitating human speech. In this case, vocalization can be accompanied by active actions - biting, the dog can scratch the floor, jump on a person, scratch, lean against, push, touch with its paw. That is, the dog strives to attract the owner’s attention in any way. Even if these actions cause the owner to scream, push the dog away, or cause an unpleasant physical impact, from the animal’s point of view, the goal has been achieved and attention has been attracted. What should you do if your dog constantly barks for this reason? To correct this condition, the owner requires great restraint and consistency in his actions. The main provisions that the owner must adhere to are not to react to any advances from the dog, to leave, moving away from it and leaving it alone, to pointedly ignore it, to avoid eye contact until the unwanted behavior completely stops. The dog must also understand that it can count on the attention of its owner only if it is completely calm and absolutely obedient.

3. Another common type of loud barking is when owners complain that their The dog reacts violently to the approach of a stranger to the front door or to the presence of other dogs on the street. Such pets are characterized by increased excitability, high levels of anxiety and a labile nervous system. The nature of their barking changes depending on their nervous state - from warning, relatively normal in frequency and pitch, to monotonous, more persistent and ritualized. Such a change in behavior occurs very quickly and it is very, very difficult to calm and stop a dog barking loudly and annoyingly. In this case, the owner needs to intervene immediately as soon as the dog barks - by distracting the dog with play, or by introducing elements of obedience.

4. Also, as a reason for excessive vocalization, it should be mentioned ordinary boredom. This condition is typical for dogs in an emotionally impoverished environment - animals living in kennels, or who spend all their time in a small closed area (an enclosure, a small area), who do not receive sufficient exercise and have little contact with their owners. In this case, if the dog constantly barks, then it receives emotional relief and a kind of reinforcement. And such a vicious circle is very difficult to break. The set of measures to solve this problem should include changing the external environment, revising the diet towards a low-protein diet, increasing physical activity, developing obedience with an emphasis on static exercises, and possibly using citronella collars. As a last resort, drug therapy. One of the options for solving this problem is to purchase a second dog, subject to all the basic recommendations described above, otherwise there is a possibility of a twofold increase in vocalization.

In conclusion, although owners always want to quickly solve the problem of a dog's constant barking, there are few options for doing so. The secret of success lies in correct diagnosis of the causes and in drawing up a plan for individual correction of unwanted behavior. Specialists of the MEDVET Veterinary Center Network are ready to help all owners cope with this problem.

The article was prepared by doctors of the therapeutic department "MEDVET"
© 2014 SEC "MEDVET"

A dog cannot help but bark, because barking is one of the important communications of dogs, with the help of which they express their emotions. Different dogs bark at different frequencies and for different reasons. Some of these reasons are liked by their owners, and some are not.

How to stop a dog from barking?

Even at the stage of choosing a breed, it makes sense to find out its tendency to bark and decide whether it is suitable for you. If you (or your neighbors) like silence, purchasing a Spitz or Beagle would not be the best solution. However, do not forget that even the most silent breed, if not properly raised, can acquire the bad habit of barking for any reason. As well as vice versa, proper upbringing can turn a representative of a talkative breed into a worthy city dweller and a favorite of the neighbors.

You can find out more about all existing types of bark, what function they perform and what to do with them. in the book by Thurid Rugos “Barking - what do dogs talk about?”.

Here I will discuss only the most common problem barking, which can arise due to improper upbringing, and ways to prevent it.

The most common types of problem barking are:

  • demanding barking,
  • barking with excitement
  • barking out of fear.

Demanding barking

The name speaks for itself. By barking, the dog demands that you:

  • gave her something tasty
  • threw the ball
  • scratched behind the ear,
  • took her for a walk at 4 am,
  • they let him see that dog over there, etc. and so on.

She demands “Give it to me!”, “I want it immediately!” The problem with this barking is that owners tend to give the dog what it wants, thereby reinforcing the barking. Another problem with this barking is that owners, having decided to deal with it and read useful tips, begin to ignore the dog at such moments... and they lack patience. The dog barks - they are patient - the dog barks harder (or even starts jumping and biting) - they run out of patience and turn to the dog. The dog learns “the man is a little deaf; Now I have to bark louder and/or jump and bite for him to notice me.”
So demanding barking can take on terrifying proportions!

It will be easier for you to deal with this barking if you see the demanding dog for what it is - telling you “hey, come on, quickly give it to me!” (yes, yes, you taught her this through your actions).

Barking with excitement.

This barking occurs in situations of strong excitement: when a doorbell rings or knocks, guests arrive, or when going for a walk or play. And also before hunting, coursing, harness racing and other exciting activities.

This barking does not have any independent function, but is a symptom of the dog’s internal state.

The main problem here is that the events that cause this excitement also reinforce it. Going out for a walk with a dog jumping and barking with excitement about the walk reinforces this emotional state and the behavior that follows from it.

It will be easier for you to correct this type of barking if you remove the rose-colored glasses of the “agitation = joy” myth. At these moments, the dog is stressed to the limit, and physical activity helps him cope with this discomfort. Believe me, as a person with panic attacks, who on my first plane flight spent an hour running up and down the aisle to somehow alleviate my condition. She's not happy at all!

Barking out of fear.

This is the type of bark that, for reasons unknown to me, many owners really like. They are proud of such a dog and say that it “protects.”

The problem is that protection of one’s territory (and family) appears in dogs only with the onset of social maturity, that is, at 2-3 years. And not everyone does. Therefore, all the “security” up to this age, all the “heroic” barking of healthy bearded men is a symptom of fear.

And such a puppy will not become a good guard after 2-3 years: he will either run away or attack and bite what he considers a threat (most likely the “threat” will be a 7-year-old boy running out from behind the car or doctors who came to your call ambulance).

Fortunately, it is quite easy to rid a small puppy of various fears, thanks to which he can grow into a confident dog and, with proper training, become a really good guard. So, do not waste time deluded by the barking of the “little defender” at passers-by, but contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Owner mistakes regarding dog barking.

The first and most common is barking reinforcement.

If you own a dog that barks excessively, think about how often you pay attention to it when it barks (“Shut up!”) and when it is silent. As you remember, negative attention is also attention, and it serves as reinforcement for behavior. This problem is especially acute in the case of demanding barking, when the goal is to attract your attention. The more often you swear at such a dog, the more frequent its barking becomes. You are violating the Golden Principle and rewarding bad behavior with your attention.

The second mistake is teaching the dog the “voice” command..

There is nothing wrong with teaching this command itself. When a person understands what he is doing and what awaits him. What awaits him is that the dog learns that barking earns good rewards and begins to bark even when it was not asked. Suddenly something goes wrong. Professional trainers know about this effect and simply ignore such barking (in smart words, they subject it to an extinction procedure), but ordinary owners often react to it. That is, they reward with their attention. With all that it implies.

If you are not prepared for the fact that your dog will periodically bark at the most inopportune moment and you (like other people) will not be able to react to this in any way, do not teach it “voice”.

The third mistake is creating conditions in which barking is simply inevitable..

For example, do not leave good toys for the puppy, but give him the opportunity to find noisy entertainment for himself. So, there are owners who, when leaving home, leave the bored dog the opportunity to look out the window... and bark at cats, dogs and people passing by, at passing cars and at flying birds. Great fun! Is it any wonder after this that the dog turned into an empty nester? Remember: if you don’t give your puppy “good” entertainment, he will certainly find “bad” ones, and one of them may be barking.

What can you do to prevent your puppy from developing the bad habit of barking for any reason?

Follow the "golden principle". Reward the puppy for silence and do not reward for barking. It's simple. Teach him an alternative calm behavior instead of the old noisy one.

In the case of demanding barking a good option would be to sit silently - an analogue of our “please”. Agree that hearing “please” is much more pleasant than “hey, come on!” Teaching your puppy to say “please” is very easy, especially if he already knows how to sit. Just show him a piece of treat and wait for him to stop putting his paws on you, jumping and barking and sit down, looking at you. Give him a piece. When he immediately sits down for a piece, do the same with toys, asking him to be held in your arms (or sofa), before putting down a bowl of food, and for everything else that he so wants to receive. And very soon the moment will come when, in any incomprehensible situation, he will sit down, politely asking you to fulfill his request.

The same polite request “please” can also be used in case of barking from excitement. Only here the reward will not be a material object, but an exciting event. Teach your puppy to sit (not jump and bark) to greet you when you come home from work. Teach him to sit down when guests come to you. Teach him to sit before you attach the leash and go for a walk. Here you may have to try a little more. When he is active, simply freeze like a statue and wait until he sits down again on his own (without your prompting) before continuing your actions. Think of it as a game: at one point in time, either people or dogs can move. If the puppy freezes (sits), people move; if the puppy moves (jumps up), people freeze. If you teach him to remain calm in the face of all sorts of exciting events, you will not be in danger of hearing barking due to excitement.

Be sure to provide your puppy with “good” entertainment, even when you are at home. Chew toys and search games are good options. When a puppy chews and sniffs, he cannot bark, and the pleasure he receives from getting food serves to reinforce silence. According to Ian Dunbar, feeding a puppy his entire daily diet through Kongs can reduce barking by 90%!

And, of course, make sure that neither you, nor other people, nor the environment reward the puppy for barking. Invite only those friends who are able to control themselves and not interact when meeting a puppy until he sits down politely, and also not pay attention to possible demanding barking.

If the dog barks at guests

Let's try to figure out how to minimize barking when guests knock/ring on the door. Typically, a dog's barking and strong excitement are caused by joy from waiting for guests and excessive fussiness, attention to the behavior of the animal from the owners themselves.

1. Ignore the barking: do not touch the dog, say anything/yell at it, or look in its direction while it is barking.

2. If you have the opportunity, turn off the bell/intercom signal during training. A sign with the inscription “We are teaching the dog to bark less, so we will not be able to open the door right away” will be very effective and original. We would appreciate your wait and understanding." By the way, there will immediately be fewer people willing to sell you plastic windows or talk about the Kingdom of God.

3. Invite friends and neighbors so that they can participate in the training process - after all, it is when they come that we want to reduce the dog’s reaction.

4. Ask one of the helpers to ring or knock on the door. When the dog runs up to the door, reacting to this sound, calmly walk towards it, stand between the dog and the door, turn your back to the dog - and give the “stopping hand” signal. Stay there until the dog calms down.

When you stand between the door and the dog and make a stopping gesture with your hand, you are letting the dog know that you are taking the solution to the problem yourself. This is very helpful for dogs that are overly hysterical and think they are “guarding” the house.

5. Open the door slightly. If the dog remains calm (sitting/standing), then you can open the door wider. If the dog begins to worry, then stop opening the door and wait until it calms down.

6. Invite the person to come over. Do this all calmly and friendly.

7. When the door is open enough for the helper to enter, let him into the house, asking him to walk sideways towards the dog and not pay attention to it. You can communicate with a friend, but in a calm, peaceful manner.

8. Come into the house together and settle down. If the dog is again excited and eager to see the guest, then it would be better if you put on a harness in advance and hold it until the dog calms down.
After, of course, you need to give the dog the opportunity to communicate with a friend or neighbor. But let the first minutes of communication pass in a calm atmosphere.

Later, you can repeat this training several more times with other helpers, and then warn your relatives/friends that you have a new ritual of “entering” the house and practice it with them.


Be calm and consistent during training and remember that a dog can't help but bark. Barking is a natural way of expressing emotions and is an indicator of the dog's condition. Any type of barking occurs in a dog for a specific internal or external reason. We need to understand this reason, and it will help solve the problem of excessive barking and excitability.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • determine the type of barking (what situation provokes the dog to bark),
  • eliminating the causes of barking,
  • We are thinking about how we can reduce the “portion” of barking.

Excessive barking can drive you crazy and poison your life together with such a dog. However, its occurrence is quite easily prevented if the puppy is raised according to the “golden principle” from the very beginning, rewarding the alternative “good” silent behavior and not allowing the “bad” barking to be rewarded.

P.S.: If you found the information useful and interesting, I can recommend reading another book from Tyurid Rugos - “Dialogue with Dogs: Signals of Reconciliation.”

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