How to boil chicken eggs. How long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling

How many minutes should you boil soft-boiled eggs until the whites are completely set and the yolk remains runny? To do everything perfectly, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • if you want the contents to be liquid, put a few in the pan, wait for bubbles and let them boil for 2 minutes;
  • If you don't like very runny whites, but want to enjoy the spreadable yolk, put the eggs in cold water, wait until they boil, and cook for 3 minutes. In this case, the protein will be jelly-like, but not completely solid;
  • To cook soft-boiled eggs with a fully set white part and a runny yellow center, place them in the bubbling salted liquid, leave for 1 minute, remove the pan from the burner, cover and leave for 5 minutes. Before putting the eggs in boiling water, warm them slightly to room temperature, otherwise they will crack.

If you are going to soft-boil quail eggs, cut the cooking time in half.

In the "bag"

Quite an interesting and unique method of cooking eggs. Honestly, this dish is not for everybody, but everyone should try it. Place the food in cold water, wait until it boils and wait four minutes. Or put them in boiling water and wait one minute, then turn off the stove and leave for seven minutes. The result will be something between the soft-boiled and hard-boiled method.


Many people believe that it is simply impossible to make a mistake when cooking using the hard-boiled method - wait until the end and you won’t go wrong. However, if you keep food in boiling water, it will turn out tasteless and will not have an appetizing appearance.

Place the eggs in the pan, wait for the first bubbles and after a minute reduce the power to low. Cook over low heat for seven to eight minutes. If the dish is overcooked, the protein part will become rubbery in consistency, and the “sunny” center will be covered with a gray coating.

Cooking secrets

  • salt the liquid in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter, and even if the shell cracks, the protein will remain inside;
  • do not put food in boiling water directly from the refrigerator - let it cool at room temperature, otherwise the shell will crack;
  • All eggs have an air sac at the blunt end. If you pierce the shell with a needle in this place, then during cooking it is guaranteed to remain intact;
  • Do not cook in a large pan. Firstly, the boiling time increases, and secondly, in boiling water they will knock against each other and crack;
  • if you come across fresh eggs just from a chicken, keep them in boiling water for half as long;
  • arrange a “contrast shower” by immediately removing them from the stove - then it will be easier to clean them;
  • half a minute before the end of cooking, tap the sides of the shell with the blunt end of a knife. This simple manipulation will allow you to clean them much faster.

If you remember these simple rules, you can once and for all learn how to cook the most delicious chicken eggs for any dish. By the way, you can water your home plants with cooled water after cooking. It contains a lot of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on flower growth.

Favorite egg dishes are tasty, nutritious, and easy to prepare. How long to boil eggs is known information that is good to have on hand, because you have to cook it often.

Duration of boiling steep

Knowing how long to boil hard-boiled eggs, you can choose a convenient one from 2 options: placing them in cold water or boiling water.

    • In the first: wash with soap, rinse under the tap, put in a container for cooking. You need to fill it with cooler water, add a pinch of salt and place it on a slightly hot stove. For now, it is possible to determine how many minutes to boil hard-boiled eggs only approximately after the water has boiled. They are kept on fire for no more than 8 minutes.
  • In the second, you need to cook it like this: prepare it by taking them out in advance so that they are not cold and do not crack. Heat water on the stove to boiling. When it boils, carefully place them on the bottom with a large spoon, without touching the surface with it. Wait for everything to boil again. When determining how long to boil hard-boiled eggs, you should focus on the size, since small ones will cook in 8 minutes, large ones in 10. Take them out with a spoon, place them for a while under running water below room temperature, which will make it easier to clean.

Tip: adding a pinch of baking soda will help you easily peel even fresh ones, which are usually difficult to peel. You can also pierce the shell in several places with a thin sharp object or place a saucer on the bottom of the pan.

Soft-boiled cooking time

When you want to try soft-boiled eggs, it is important to pay attention to freshness.

Tip: Cold water will help you determine how fresh a raw egg is at home. Very fresh - they sink to the bottom of a dish filled with water quickly. If there are liquids floating in the middle, they are also suitable, but those on top – these soft-boiled eggs are unsuitable.

In the “Soiled Eggs” dish, the fluidity of the yolk is of paramount importance. There are also options for cooking:

1 – cold – wash, place tightly in a cooking vessel, pour in liquid, the colder the better, but raise the temperature for cooking as much as possible.

The size and degree of liquid of the yolk will change the value: how long to cook the eggs after boiling:

    • A viscous, medium liquid yolk will be cooked in three minutes. This time is enough for the protein to thicken to integrity.
    • The thicker yolk should be cooked for about 4 minutes.
  • Boiled yolk with a thick base and a slightly runny core - eggs in a bag - can be boiled from the moment the water boils after 5 minutes. If the bookmark goes into hot water, then cook for a minute and turn off the stove, keep it on it for 7 minutes until the boiling water reduces the temperature. For better cleaning, you will have to immerse it in cold water for no more than a couple of minutes, since the eggs are served hot in the bag.

2 - boiling - immerse (not cold) in water brought to a boil on the bottom of the cooking vessel for 1 minute, immediately turn off the stove and hold for no more than 6 minutes.

3 – special, without cooking, to give special airy protein tenderness to the finished dish. Warm up to room temperature, place the eggs tightly in a bowl, pour boiling water over them, and cover them with a lid for dishes. Keep for 10 minutes. Then the water is drained and boiling water is poured again for three minutes (depending on the yolk, the expected result). Served immediately to the table, hot.

Cooking poached meat

This delicious egg dish with a beautiful name is easy to prepare if you know how long to cook a poached egg.

In a saucepan you need to boil 1/2 liter of water, add 4 teaspoons of vinegar (6%) so that the egg retains its shape. Then add salt (1 tsp), which will thicken the water. After making a hole in the shell, slowly pour the contents onto a saucer, reducing the heat of the stove, achieving a slow boil and preventing the breakdown of the protein. Bringing the saucer close to the water, roll the contents at an angle into a saucepan with boiling water so that it does not stick to the bottom. The protein begins to thicken, it is kept for at least a minute to 4 minutes so that it is not liquid. Use a slotted spoon to remove the finished dish.

Tip: this dish requires very fresh ingredients! The white will tightly surround the yolk, like a little bag. If after cooking the appearance of the edges is not presentable, they are cut off.

Cooking gadgets

A modern kitchen, in addition to a stove, has various electrical appliances for preparing delicious food. So, if the question arises, how long to cook eggs in a double boiler, looking at the instructions, we get the answer: hard up to 18 minutes; soft-boiled – 7, in a bag – 12. Much depends on the model of the steamer.

Advice: if you don’t like to clean the “varenok” or need their surface to be smooth, a double boiler will help. Cooked in it, they always clean well without cooling, and the shells do not crack with this cooking method.

Boiling eggs in the microwave is convenient if you need to do it quickly, however, many forums warn about the risks of boiling in the shell and offer an alternative for those who do not care about maintaining their shape.

Take a bowl or glass and fill it halfway with water. Break an egg there. Cover the glass with a lid and microwave for 1 minute. The egg will be hard-boiled, of course, if the oven is powerful. For example, at low power - 400 W - it will take 3 minutes.

The “dry” version requires more time:

    1. Grease the surface of special microwave containers with oil.
  • Break the egg, separating the white from the yolk - they will be cooked in separate bowls.
  • Pierce the yolk slightly to allow steam to escape freely.
  • Cover the container with a special lid or cling film, wax paper, parchment, etc., so that it does not come into contact with food.

Use medium or low power settings, set for a short time to check if it is ready. If not, add a little more, but it’s better not to cook it too much; when hot, it will reach its proper temperature.

Preparation for the salad

Since for salad you need to boil hard-boiled eggs, knowing how long to boil eggs for salad will be useful. Undercooked ones are not suitable for salad in principle, and overcooked ones take more than ten minutes and lose their benefits.

For example, for Olivier, they are placed in chilled water, brought to the boiling stage as quickly as possible and, depending on the size, cooked for 8 minutes, then quickly cooled.

Advice: for Olivier, it is better to take eggs not from a chicken, but with freshness of a week or more, then they will peel faster and the shape of the pieces will be preserved.

Popular types of eggs

Knowing how long to boil eggs, chicken eggs are most often taken into account. But there are quite a few other types. Currently, quail - very small and ostrich - huge, weighing from 2 kg have gained popularity (for comparison: this is how much 25-35 pieces laid by a chicken weigh).

How long should you cook quail? They need to be boiled for the same amount of time as boiling chicken eggs. Regarding how long you need to boil an ostrich egg, there is an opinion that at a moderate temperature it will be soft-boiled in 45 minutes, and hard-boiled in 70 minutes.

When choosing from the proposed options, you can make an egg dish based, among other things, on the duration of cooking. How long to boil different types of eggs and which result is preferable will depend on the desire, capabilities and purpose of the food.

Delightfully tender soft-boiled eggs, elastic hard-boiled eggs, elegant eggs in a bag - all these ways to boil eggs come down to the exact number of minutes of cooking and a few subtleties, which are not at all difficult to remember.

How many minutes to boil eggs: video

How to cook hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are not only an excellent basis for breakfast or a light snack, but also a common ingredient in pies, salads, and as an addition to various soups. It is very important that such an egg does not have an unpleasant gray rim around the bright yolk, so that the white does not turn into rubber or, conversely, the yolk and white do not turn out to be liquid. The correct sequence of actions and strict adherence to the boiling time will help to avoid these culinary disasters.

Just as Swift’s famous heroes, the Laputans, could not come to a consensus at which end to break eggs, so cooks cannot agree on what kind of water to put them in to hard-boil them - boiling or cold. Proponents of the first method say they see no difference, and the cooking time is significantly reduced. Those who advocate the second option argue that this is how you will definitely protect the eggs from cracking.

Those who boil eggs in boiling water suggest piercing them with a special machine to avoid cracks, or adding a little vinegar, salt or soda to the water, which promote coagulation of the protein and thus prevent it from “escaping” through the cracks.

Regardless of the cooking method, eggs should initially be at room temperature.

Place one or more eggs in a saucepan or ladle. If you are boiling a lot of eggs, pay attention to the fact that they should all lie on the bottom of the dish in one layer, or you should cook them in several stages. Pour cold water over the eggs so that the liquid rises 3-4 centimeters above them. Bring the water to a boil. You can cover the eggs with a lid and turn off the heat, or you can lower the heat to medium and cook the eggs uncovered. Eggs covered will be ready in 12–15 minutes; eggs in boiling water will be cooked in 10–12 minutes. The exact cooking time also depends on the size of the egg. The smaller it is, the faster it will be ready, and vice versa.

To stop the cooking process, be sure to cool the eggs quickly. There are also two ways here. You can carefully drain the hot water and pour the cold water into the pan with the eggs, or you can use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs from the boiling water and place them in a bowl of ice water.

If you cook eggs for more than 15 minutes or leave them in hot water for a long time after cooking, the yolk will become discolored and give off an unpleasant sulfuric odor.

How to cook soft-boiled and poached eggs

Preparing a soft-boiled egg is not much more difficult than hard-boiling it. Here, too, time plays a decisive role. Just undercook the egg a little and you will have runny whites. Overcook - instead of a soft-boiled egg, you will get an egg in a bag, with the yolk set at the edges, still runny in the middle. But by boiling an egg in a bag and not calculating the time, you can get either a soft-boiled egg - with a delicate yolk and set white, or a hard-boiled egg with a “crumbly” yolk.

Use a ladle or saucepan large enough to hold the eggs in a single layer. Fill the bowl with enough water to cover the food completely, and bring the liquid to a boil. Take eggs at room temperature and, using a slotted spoon or a tablespoon, place them in boiling water. Reduce heat, the water should boil “gently”, without bubbling. To soft-boil eggs, cook: - large egg - 3 minutes 30 seconds; - medium egg – 3 minutes exactly; - a small egg, for example a quail – 2 minutes 40 seconds.

To get an egg in a bag, cook: - large egg - 4 minutes 20 seconds; - medium egg – 3 minutes 50 seconds; - small egg – 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Place the finished eggs in cold water for 1-2 minutes. Drain and refill with fresh cold water for 1-2 minutes.

Choose eggs for boiling that are at least 5-7 days old. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to remove them from the shell without damaging the squirrels.

The famous “culinary chemist” Heston Blumenthal prepares soft-boiled eggs a little differently. He places them in a pot of cold water, just as he would for hard-boiled, covers and brings to a boil over high heat. Once the water is bubbling, Blumenthal turns off the heat or removes the pan from the stove and keeps the egg, covered, in the hot water for exactly 6 minutes. He serves hot eggs immediately, cutting off the lids with a special guillotine device.

Hello, dear readers! Proper nutrition is a very hot topic these days. In this regard, many followers of a healthy lifestyle rushed to find out what and how to cook correctly so as not to harm their health. I admit that this topic is very close to me.

So I study a lot of information about cooking healthy and nutritious food. Today I will tell you how and how long to boil a soft-boiled egg, since it is in this form that this product is very useful. In fact, a soft-boiled egg takes 2-3 minutes to cook and there are several excellent recipes.

A chicken egg is an indispensable product of the human diet. This is the perfect food.

It is added to sandwiches.
Soft-boiled dishes retain a maximum of useful components. At the same time, the yolks are preserved perfectly.

This food is used for diets and weight loss.

This product contains almost all the necessary vitamins:

  • , amino acids, and copper have a positive effect on the vascular system;
  • phosphorus and vitamin D strengthen human teeth and bones;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • the yolk contains lutein, which is a natural antioxidant;
  • this product is a prevention against cataracts;
  • Due to their high energy value, eggs are recommended for children and athletes.

To get a soft-boiled egg, you need to cook it properly.

The procedure lasts 2-4 minutes, it all depends on what is needed at the end:

  • for semi-liquid yolk and white it will take 2 minutes;
  • so that the yolk is raw and the white is soft - 3 minutes;
  • for soft whites and semi-liquid center – 4 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that on a gas and on an electric stove, the time to prepare the product may be different.

If you neglect time, you will end up with a hard-boiled dish.
How long it takes depends on the size of the product. Small eggs are boiled minute, and large ones - 5-6 minutes.
The main problem that can arise during cooking is cracking shells.

To prevent protein from leaking out, use the following tricks:

  1. It is important that the ingredients are at room temperature before cooking. Therefore, they need to be warmed up a little after refrigeration.
  2. Salt to protect the shell from cracking. In addition, it will speed up the boiling of water.
  3. Some experienced cooks pierce the blunt end of the egg.
  4. If the water is too hot, the shell may crack.
  5. The container must correspond to the number of eggs, they must fit tightly to each other.

To remove the shell easily, immediately after cooking, rinse the food with cold water and let it cool.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

Now let's find out how to boil soft-boiled eggs. For this method of preparation, the product must be the freshest.

To check if it is fresh, put it in cold water. If the eggs immediately sink to the bottom, then they were laid no later than 6 days ago.

If the egg sank a little but did not touch the bottom, then it was laid 1 to 2 weeks ago, which is also not bad.
If food floats on the surface, it cannot be used for cooking, but it is suitable for home baking.
There are three cooking methods.

1st method

To prepare using the cold method, you need to wash the ingredients, put them in a saucepan and cook in cold water.

Place the saucepan on high heat. When the water begins to boil, the temperature should be reduced.
How long to cook after boiling depends on the desired result:

  1. Three minutes is enough for the products to turn out semi-liquid. In this case, the protein will thicken a little, but will not become very hard.
  2. To make the yolk thicker, you need to cook for 4 minutes.
  3. To obtain a thick yolk with a raw center, cook for 5 minutes.

2nd method

With the hot method, eggs must be boiled in boiling water. To do this, you need to rinse the ingredients and dip them into the bubbling liquid using a spoon. After a minute, cooking should be stopped and the product should be left in boiling water for another 5-6 minutes.

If you keep it in boiling water for 7 minutes, you will get a dish in a bag. After a few minutes, the ingredients can be poured with cold water for two minutes. This will make it easy to remove the shell.

3rd method

There is an interesting recipe without cooking. Place the prepared product tightly in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. In this case, the water should only slightly cover the shell. Close the pan and leave the food for 10 minutes.

After this, drain the water and brew a new portion of boiling water. Secondary filling is done for 2-3 minutes. After this, the eggs should be served immediately.

How to cook in a saucepan

Now let's take a closer look at how to cook eggs in a saucepan.

In this case, you need to adhere to a certain technology:

  1. Rinse the ingredients well.
  2. Place in a saucepan and cover with cold water.
  3. Add a spoonful of salt.
  4. Place a pan of water on the fire.
  5. After boiling, cook for 2-4 minutes.
  6. Pour out the boiling water and fill with cold water.

There is no need to peel the shell. This dish must be served immediately.

In a slow cooker

You can cook the dish soft-boiled in a slow cooker or in a double boiler.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Wash your homemade eggs.
  2. Place them in a special multicooker bowl.
  3. Fill with water until they are completely covered.
  4. Set the mode to “steaming”.
  5. Cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Transfer to another bowl and fill with water.

Serve unpeeled.

In the microwave

If you want to cook a dish in the microwave, it is better to purchase a special form of egg cooker. In other cases, you need to cook without the shell. Pour a glass of boiling water and a teaspoon of vinegar into a bowl.

We also throw eggs without shells here, or rather carefully place them. The dish should be prepared no more than 90 seconds. Then remove the product using a slotted spoon.

How long to cook quail eggs

Now let's look at quail eggs. After all, such a product is incredibly useful.

Small eggs are a dietary product that is necessary for the child’s body, for pregnant women and for people with weak health. It’s worth trying to add them to dishes instead of standard chicken ones.

But to prepare such a delicacy, you need to know how to cook it.

Here's what to do:

  1. Fill the product with water and place on high heat.
  2. Wait until the water boils and turn down the gas.
  3. To hard boil, you need to cook them for 5 minutes, for soft boiled eggs you will need 2 minutes.

Prepare foods correctly, because food rich in vitamins is the key to the health of your body.

To receive more new recipes for proper cooking, subscribe to my blog updates!

Goodbye and see you on the site!

Many housewives do not think much about how long it takes to cook certain products. In particular, even the notorious eggs. After all, boiled eggs are one of our favorite and easy-to-prepare light breakfasts. Indeed, what could be even simpler than boiling a few eggs? But many people don’t know how much is either in the bag or hard-boiled.

For a long time, this product was considered harmful to human health, so it was recommended to consume them less. But new research by scientists has not only refuted the myth about the unheard-of harm of eggs, but, on the contrary, has proven that their consumption helps normalize optimal blood pressure and also reduces the risk of hypertension.

It is difficult to find a more primitive food, but simplicity in the morning is especially important, because the body has not yet recovered from sleep, and, as usual, there is not enough time to get going, you have to rush to do things or go to work. But is it all that simple when it comes to boiling eggs?

Yes, at first glance, this is a primitive business - you throw it into the water and wait, pull it out and eat. But there are also a lot of tricks that allow you to achieve the expected results. For lovers of simple breakfasts, tips and tricks on the topic “How and how much to boil eggs until soft” are described below.

One of the most common mistakes made when boiling eggs is to first place them in water that has not yet boiled. Be sure to put them only in boiling water. The fulfillment of this simple condition is associated with another quite often arising problem - the shell bursts, because of this a significant part of the proteins flows out of the eggs into the water.

Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted cracking of the shell, under no circumstances should you put eggs that have just been taken out of the refrigerator into boiling water, because the main reason why the shell becomes so unusable is a sudden temperature change. Therefore, before dipping the eggs into boiling water, you need to warm them up slightly by washing them under running warm water or holding them a little in a plate of warm water.

So, let's look at 2 ways to boil soft-boiled eggs.

First of all, you need to pour boiling water into a small saucepan so that the water is slightly higher than the eggs (at least 1 cm). Then quickly, very carefully, using a large tablespoon, lower one at a time into the water. Then cook the eggs at a high boil for 1 minute exactly. Next, remove the pan from the heat and cover it tightly with a lid, set a timer and time how long to cook the softened eggs:

6 minutes, if you want a soft yolk with a slightly set, but still runny white;

And a whole 7 minutes, if you want to get a denser yolk with a completely frozen white.

This method works just as well as the first. This time you need to put the eggs in a saucepan, add too cold water, then put on high heat and reduce it as soon as they boil. Then measure how long to boil soft-boiled eggs:

3 minutes to obtain a semi-liquid egg;

4 minutes, if you want the white to “grab” firmly, and the yolk to still remain liquid;

And a whole 5 minutes, if you like, so that both the white and the yolk are cooked, and in the very middle a liquid bright yellow speck awaits you.

Sometimes very hard-boiled eggs are peeled, and quite a lot of protein remains on it. To avoid this problem, immediately after turning off the heat, drain the hot water from the pan and fill it with very cold water. Once these products have cooled, cleaning them will be easy without any unnecessary problems.

On average, chicken eggs take from 3 to 20 minutes to boil, it all depends on the purpose for which they are softened? - From 3 to 7 minutes. In a bag? - From 5 to 8 minutes. Hard-boiled? - From 15 to 20 minutes.

Well, now you probably know how long it takes to boil soft-boiled eggs, and you will delight yourself with healthy and tasty breakfasts.

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