How to persuade your child to have their teeth treated and not be afraid of the dentist. How to persuade a child to have his teeth treated without damaging his psyche

Hello, dear readers! What can I say? Even many adults are afraid of dentists. The very idea of ​​taking your baby to the dentist causes fear, panic and bewilderment in any mother.

If you are concerned about how to persuade your child to have their teeth treated, the advice of a psychologist will come in handy. There are many tricks that will help you cope with worries and prepare your baby as much as possible for going to the clinic.

Creating a positive image

If your child was at the dentist and was already in pain there, then you need to replace negative images with positive ones. If he goes to the doctor for the first time, then it will be easier for you. Fortunately, the modern industry gives us many books that will help your child think about his own teeth and build a positive judgment about this moment.

Buy several books that your baby will like. For example, one of the chapters of the children's book “Karlchen is Growing Up” is about brushing your teeth.

And “The Dental Book” by Ivona Radjunc is entirely dedicated to babies and their teeth. Periodically give funny pictures and remind small child that he has teeth and needs to be looked after.

Cheerful and beautiful pictures will begin to create a correct, positive image of a dentist and show the importance of dental treatment and care.

Cartoons about teeth will also come in handy. Of course, it is difficult to force children to watch something that is not interesting to them. Fortunately, there are so many cartoons created now that one of them is sure to please yours.

Unbearable assistance may be provided mobile applications about cleaning and fighting the monsters that live in oral cavity child. Let the virtual mouth protect it, so that over time you can calmly allow the doctor to do his job.

Even if not immediately, but over time, the child will be imbued with the idea that the dentist is not the worst doctor in the world and will be more willing to go to see him. At the age of 3, children already have heroes, and therefore it will be easier for you to remember the right character who does not feel fear in the doctor’s office and remind your child about his behavior.

Games children play

At the age of three, a child still does not quite know how to react to a given situation. Often his fear of the doctor arises from his mother's fear. He appears in line and since the baby himself does not understand how to react, he simply copies her behavior. The better you manage to create a stable perception of the dentist, the less he will copy your behavior.

Try playing dental with your child more often. Let him treat you or his toys. You can also take on the role of a dentist. He will be able to bear the situation he has already experienced much easier.

Even if he is very afraid and does not go to the dentist, he will gladly play a similar game with his mother.

If you need to treat

The previous tips will help you to cope with simple examinations and short and not too painful procedures. If you understand that the baby has to go through something serious, then I would still advise you to contact children’s clinics, which have the opportunity to carry out everything necessary procedures under general anesthesia, it is used only in extreme advanced cases.

As a rule, a good dentist will try to come to an agreement with the child and will take the time to establish contact. Look for clinics where there is special adaptation: the child is shown an office, all the instruments, they are given them in their hands, they can treat the mother to set a positive example.

If you see that the doctor is not trying to inspire confidence in the child, scares him, acts impudently, encourages you to twist the child and drill while he is crying hysterically, quickly get ready and leave. The baby should feel protected and know that you will not hurt him. You can even explain to the child that this is not very good doctor, let's look for something good together, I won't let you be offended. Thus, he himself will learn to see the danger and look for another way out.

Visiting a clinic will require certain investments and not always small costs. If this is not possible, then go to the clinic yourself, meet the doctor, and ask if there is any adaptation. As a rule, there are several of them and you should like someone. You can ask mommies you know about their experiences and if they can recommend anyone.

Even baby teeth need to be treated. They will fall out only by the age of 12, and during this time you will have to go to the dentist more than once.

The baby's psyche is not so stable. Severe pain can cause serious disorders and rejection. It's not worth saving on this. Children should not be afraid of doctors, and even less so scheduled inspections at the dentist. Once having experienced strong and discomfort, he will be afraid of repetition and as a result may neglect his health in adolescence and adulthood.

Let's talk about how children's teeth are treated

No matter how hard parents try to monitor the health of their children’s teeth, the first problems can arise in children even at a very early age. Most often, the main reason for this is genetic predisposition, and if mom or dad are frequent “guests” at the dentist’s office, then most likely the baby will face the same fate. That is why parents should carefully monitor the child’s oral cavity and know when and how to treat children’s teeth.

Dental treatment for children

At what age can a child’s teeth be treated?

No matter how hard dentists try to “educate” parents, some mothers stubbornly believe that there is no need to treat baby teeth, since they will fall out anyway. However, experts never tire of repeating that a tooth that has begun to deteriorate is:

  • source of infection in the mouth;
  • probability unpleasant odor;
  • aesthetically unattractive.

And if you can come to terms with the last two points, then the first one can entail a lot dangerous consequences in the form of a decrease in the baby’s immunity, the occurrence of acute respiratory diseases, pharyngitis, laryngitis, as well as diseases of the stomach and intestines.

In addition, a destroyed baby tooth can “transmit” the infection to the permanent tooth germ, as a result of which it may grow damaged or not grow at all.

One of serious complications untreated caries is pulpitis baby tooth– will inflame

a specific disease of internal tissues, the symptom of which is sharp pain. Pulpitis has several forms and stages, the most complex of which can lead to tooth extraction.

IMPORTANT: The “loss” of baby teeth before their natural replacement date can cause a child to have problems chewing food, as well as lead to the development of malocclusion.

This is why it is so important to stop the decay of baby teeth in time and preserve the child’s overall health. And treatment should begin from the moment the first alarming symptoms are detected, regardless of the baby’s age.

Why are pediatric dentists needed?

Already at the teething stage, the pediatrician can refer the child to an appointment with pediatric dentist. This specialist will tell you how to facilitate the process of teeth growth, teach you the rules of oral hygiene, as well as the prevention of caries.

A pediatric dentist can answer many questions: about pacifiers, sweets, teeth cleaning, etc.

At an older age, if the child already has problems, the doctor will be able to select a technique suitable for the little patient, with the help of which the process of tooth decay will be slowed down or stopped completely.

In order to conduct medical examinations, you need to bring your baby to see a pediatric dentist three to four times a year. Thanks to frequent examinations, caries can be detected on the most early stage and will not lead to negative consequences.

Pediatric dentist

Where to treat a child's teeth

Probably every third adult can remember with some horror their first visit to the dentist, which became the reason for a lifetime of fear of the dental office.

"Standard" conditions in public clinics and lack psychological preparation doctors to communicate with children led to the fact that our generation made an appointment only in cases when it was already completely “unbearable”.

Today, there are specialized children's dental offices and even entire clinics, a trip to which will not cause any negative emotions. Modern equipment and treatment methods reduce all painful sensations, and qualified specialists will be able to find an approach even to the smallest children.

Fortunately, today there is an opportunity to choose where to treat children's teeth. Similar services are provided both by city clinics and by private offices. When choosing a clinic, you should study in detail the reviews about doctors and treatment conditions.

First, you can visit there without the baby and “scout the situation.” Everything is important: the qualifications of the doctors, the attitude towards the children, and the general atmosphere. If at the level of intuition it seems that something is “wrong”, it is better to continue the search. After all, it is very important that a visit to a dentist is as traumatic as possible for the child’s psyche.

How children's teeth are treated

The main difference between dental caries and permanent teeth is that in the first case its course is much faster due to the thinner enamel of the baby tooth. And if you “miss” the moment, then treatment may no longer be appropriate, and the tooth will have to be removed. This is why preventive screenings are so important.

But if the problem has already arisen and there is nowhere to put off a visit to the dentist, it is important that the treatment process proceeds in stages:

Meet the doctor

The first visit to the dentist should not cause any problems. pain. Let the child walk around the office, ask disturbing questions, sit in a chair (in his mother’s arms or on his own). The doctor will look at the teeth, knock on them, talk to the baby and schedule the next appointment. It is important that the first visit leaves only positive impressions on the child.


At this stage, the doctor explains to the child (in his language) what happened to the tooth and how to help him. It is important to voice the actions that will be carried out so that no movement comes as a surprise to the baby or frightens him.


This stage is the most responsible and difficult. Today, during manipulations, it is often practiced for children to watch. This great way, which really works, helping the child to distract himself, relax and let the doctor do everything necessary. Everything happens easily and simply: the baby lies comfortably in a chair, watching a fascinating story on a screen attached to the ceiling.

A child watches a cartoon during treatment

If the area of ​​tooth damage is small, technologies can be used that are suitable even two year old children:

  • grinding the surface followed by application of a remineralizing agent;
  • impregnation of carious stains with a special drug, which hermetically “closes” it and stops the destruction process.

If the area affected by caries is large enough and the use of a drill is necessary, the child may be offered anesthesia. He can be:

  • local, which is done in two stages: first, the injection site is anesthetized, and then a syringe with anesthesia is injected directly;
  • general, the need for which arises if necessary long-term treatment per visit (more than six teeth), if the child is too active, emotional, aggressive.

IMPORTANT: When treating a child under general anesthesia in the office, in addition to the dentist and his assistant, the presence of an anesthesiologist and a nurse anesthetist is required.

If it was not possible to save a baby tooth, and the time for changing teeth is still far away (this often happens in children 4-5 years of age), on the spot extracted tooth the doctor installs a special “space holder”, thanks to which the dentition does not bend and diction is not impaired;


It is important that after the procedure the child feels like a real hero, and possible discomfort quickly forgotten. Some clinics provide small souvenirs and certificates for children at the end of the appointment. If there is no such service, you should take care of positive emotions for the child yourself by purchasing a gift in advance and discreetly giving it to the doctor.

Such a move will not only “erase” all unpleasant impressions, but will also help without unnecessary problems and persuasion to repeat the visit to the doctor if necessary.

As you can see, the process of treating children's teeth is much more extensive than working with an adult patient, which often consists only of direct treatment (and very rarely preparation). In addition, the dentist needs to short term(while the baby sits quietly) carry out all the necessary manipulations efficiently, without causing pain little patient.

What to do if a child does not allow his teeth to be treated

Often, a child’s behavior during an appointment with the dentist directly depends on his age. And if for a 3-year-old child, excitement, crying, and the desire to break out are a normal reaction, then a seven-year-old child can already fully control his emotions.

The child does not allow his teeth to be treated

And if his behavior contains similar manifestations, you should immediately look for their cause. It is necessary to analyze what exactly prompts the child to such a reaction: is he afraid of the procedure itself, a specific doctor or doctors in general, or maybe this is just a way to manipulate parents in order to get what they want?

After the cause of the fear has been established, you should talk to the child about what is bothering him. And then, discuss the current situation with a dentist, and sometimes (if fear has turned into a phobia) with a psychologist.

ATTENTION: If a child asks his mother to stay with him in the doctor's office, it is important to meet the child. But if in her presence he begins to behave uncontrollably and does not allow the doctor to complete the procedure, it is better for the mother to leave the office, leaving the situation to be resolved by a specialist.

Before telling the child about the upcoming visit to the dentist, parents (especially the mother) must overcome their own anxiety and under no circumstances show it to the child.

And in order to minimize any negative aspects when visiting a doctor, psychologists recommend following some rules:

  • from the early age Children should be explained that their teeth need to be protected, monitored and checked by a doctor, whose first visit is best scheduled at the age of one year;
  • You can play “dentist” with your child, treating the teeth of dolls and teddy bears. It is important that the child perceives this process as a useful and important event, without endowing him with any negative properties;
  • Before visiting a doctor, you can watch various cartoons or interesting videos about how children's teeth are treated;
  • It is better to plan a trip to the doctor for morning hours so that the child does not have time to “wind up” himself during the day;
  • You shouldn’t “promise” your child that it won’t “hurt” if in fact he is waiting for an injection or other painful procedure. Not only will he, confident in the harmlessness of the procedure, be frightened by experiencing sharp pain, this stress can cause categorical rejection of the dentist in the future;
  • When explaining to the child what will happen, you should also not “go deeper” - let the doctor do this in a language adapted for the baby. Parents should limit themselves to general phrases in a calm tone;
  • It is very important to protect your child from “horror” stories of visiting the dentist. It is important to ensure that topics of this kind are not discussed at all in the presence of the baby. In addition, it is categorically unacceptable to speak badly about doctors in front of a child. The kid must learn that a doctor is a person who does good, helping people not get sick and be healthy;
  • there is no need to scold, shame or humiliate the baby, compare him with other “brave” children if he panicked and did not “give himself” to have his tooth treated. The best thing in this situation is a calm and frank conversation with an expression of hope for a positive outcome of the next visit;
  • It is important to find “your” dentist who could win the child’s trust, find an approach to him and set him up for a positive attitude.

Video. How do professionals treat children's teeth?

Cartoon about teeth that you can show to your child


To prevent a trip to the dentist from causing “shaky knees” in a child, parents from a very early age should instill in the little person the need for regular dental care and visits to the doctor.

Preventive examinations, a “good doctor” and the absence of negative emotions will help the baby keep his teeth healthy, so that in the future he can become the owner of beautiful snow-white smile!

In contact with

Almost all children, as well as most adults, fall into panic fear before your upcoming trip to the dentist. Therefore, many parents want to know how to persuade their child not to be afraid to have their teeth treated.

Little tricks

  • First you need to find the right pediatric dentist. This doctor has everything necessary equipment And dental preparations, which can be used in the treatment of children;
  • when the child is small, he must be prepared for this process in advance. You shouldn’t make a secret of visiting the clinic; on the contrary, you need to tell your child about the upcoming trip to the doctor, explain that he will just look at his teeth, and if necessary, prescribe treatment;
  • This option will not work with older children - speak openly. When the child begins to resist and cry, offer him some kind of reward for going to the dentist. This desire must be fulfilled before visiting the doctor: the baby must know that he is not being deceived;
  • the result of such an event depends on mom and dad. When the child heard horror stories about the dentist, he could learn that it was not very pleasant. There is no need to talk negatively about dental treatment with children.

This is important to know: if a baby needs treatment, distract him the whole way by talking about how beautiful his teeth will be later. Even if you think that the baby will not understand your words, then know that the parent’s affectionate tone will instill confidence in him.


Parents should calmly tell their child everything in order to create positive emotions:

  • the child is prepared for the event 1-2 days in advance so that he cannot hear “terrifying stories” from friends;
  • do not use the phrases: “it’s painless,” “there’s nothing to be afraid of,” or “you’ll have to be patient.” The child does not yet understand that he needs to be afraid of something. The emphasis should be on the positive outcome after visiting the dentist;
  • do not claim that the dentist will not do anything;
  • Imagine visiting a doctor with your child as an educational and entertaining event;
  • Do not tell children about what is coming, if it concerns pain relief, filling or tooth extraction. Refrain from using phrases such as “drill”, “anesthesia”, “drill”;
  • when the child asks about the procedure itself, tell the truth. Psychologists recommend saying: “maybe it will be a little painful or unpleasant,” you need to compare it with something familiar and assure him that it will be better later.
You may also be interested in the article, vitamins for children's teeth.

About the reasons for the appearance brown spots and plaque on teeth, you can read here.

When should you go to the pediatric dentist?

It is better not to delay the visit. The right time The event will be held in the morning hours so that the child does not stress himself out during the day. Babies are calmer in the morning.

Over time, children get used to visiting the dentist, and visiting him no longer causes initial fear.

Please note: do not schedule a doctor's visit when your child is sleeping during the day or may be tired.

With the appearance of the first teeth, it is necessary to contact the dentist for a consultation and preventive examination. Children under 2 years of age are limited to one visit per year. For older children - once every 4 months. Professionals will tell patients about oral care, which will teach the child to practice daily hygiene.

Tips when visiting the dentist:

  • You should not overly focus your communication with your child on the fact that you are going to the dentist. Such a trip must be treated as an ordinary matter;
  • the first visit should be organized in the form sightseeing tour, where the child will meet the doctor;
  • It is better to stop at a clinic, the road to which will not tire the baby;
  • When deciding on a clinic, you need to find out more information about it. Ask your friends if they can recommend a pediatric dentist;
  • If several teeth are diseased, you should not treat everything at once - it is better to do it in several sessions.

It is worth noting: it is also important to take into account how ready the doctor himself is to cope with the inconveniences that interfere with his work with the baby when he clearly and noisily shows his emotions. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce the child to his doctor earlier.

Taking care of your teeth as a game

Everyone knows that children love to play. Therefore, a game can also be developed for oral cavity prevention. After the age of three, the child strives to do this independently.

It is better to allow him to brush his teeth himself, but in the presence of an adult. Then you can organize virtual trips to the dentist, where the baby will be the doctor and the parents will be his patients.

You should come up with a story about germs and caries prevention, where the pediatric dentist will be presented as a positive hero who protects against pests. Such preparation will enable children to calmly approach visiting a doctor and teach them how to take care of their dental health.

The success of the first visit to the pediatric dentist and future dental treatment depends on both parents and the doctor equally. It is necessary to properly prepare the child for this event. A positive experience from your first visit to the dentist will help develop a positive attitude towards oral health for life.

From this video you will learn how to persuade your child not to be afraid to have their teeth treated:

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How to convince your child to have their teeth treated and not be afraid of the dentist

Let's look at a situation where your child inherited non-problematic teeth.

  • The child’s first conscious visit to the dentist should not be associated with treatment, but only with a high-quality examination of the entire oral cavity and familiarization with the dental office and its atmosphere, which you and the doctor must create kind and favorable.

If the first visit is for informational purposes, it will instill a calm attitude and confidence in the friendliness of the dentist and the harmlessness of his treatment. Try to visit the same doctor with your child, do this regularly, as if checking on him, like a good friend.

  • Choose a clinic and a doctor carefully, use recommendations from people you can trust, reviews on the Internet.

Of course, it is desirable that the clinic’s core area be children’s, but if not, then it is necessary that the clinic you choose has doctors who specialize in treating children and have earned the trust of their young patients. Information about children's rating You can also get doctors from the clinic’s secretary-registrar, with whom it would be appropriate to “confide in confidence” before your first visit.

  • Find out the doctor's name. Set your child up for a visit not just to the dentist, but, for example, to Dr. Alexander, who cares about how his teeth grow and behave.
  • The child should come prepared with your story about what will be required of him in the dental office.

He should not be frightened by the chair, the overhead light, he should be ready to keep his mouth open for a while, and allow the doctor to examine his teeth with the help of instruments. A story may not be enough - play out the proposed situations with your child. Let him be a patient in the game, you have already been to the dentist, but promise that after visiting a real doctor you will be the patient, and he will be able to treat you.

  • Ensure that the child communicates directly with the doctor so that the child receives all advice, recommendations and instructions on the rules of dental care, consumption of sweets and flour, cold and hot, sweet drinks - everything that can harm - not from you, but from a specialist, whom both he and you trust.

In the future, you can introduce prohibitions or restrictions, citing these instructions, and not just your parental concerns.

If in this clinic little patients do not receive gifts for courage and patience, then organize this for your child: ask in advance, prepare and discreetly give it to the doctor.

These could be magnetic medals “for bravery” (such as are given to children in diagnostic laboratories), children’s souvenir toothbrushes, children’s brush holders with hourglass... – any targeted gifts as mementos of a good meeting. Don't forget to prepare such gifts for each visit.

You need to end the visit with a pleasant event - a visit to a park, cinema or other event in the child’s range of interests, so that a positive association remains in his memory.

In general, it can be argued that treating teeth in modern conditions- in general, it is quite comfortable and painless, but a large number of people still experience something similar to real horror before visiting the dentist.

And if adults are quite able to gather strength and endure in order to improve their own health or get beautiful smile, then for children this is simply unrealistic. So how can you persuade children to similar procedure and help his fear disappear? It is worth considering this issue in more detail.

Of course, all people can experience a slight feeling of nervousness before visiting the dentist, but sometimes it can be that even just one thought leads to real panic attacks or even hysterics. This phenomenon is called dentophobia, and can appear at any age, but it still occurs more often in children.

Like other phobias, fear of passing dental treatment does not appear just like that, and is provoked by a number of various factors, namely:

  1. Negative experience. Although in modern dentistry There are many different anesthetics that can almost completely eliminate the appearance of any unpleasant or painful sensations and completely guarantee them complete absence even the most can't best doctors. If previously, when visiting the dentist, the child felt strong painful sensations, then various negative emotions can trigger the formation of this type of phobia. This can also happen when dental treatment is performed by impatient and rude people who do not have the necessary skills to work with the youngest patients. It is also worth noting that many children are afraid of all people wearing white coats.
  2. Presence of dental phobia in parents. It is no secret to anyone that children imitate their parents in many ways and can feel their different emotions, so children may also develop a fear of dentists.
  3. Negative stories of adults. Quite often, parents can scare children about dentistry, but purely for “educational purposes,” and tell them that the doctor will pull out and treat teeth if they do not behave well.
  4. Indecisiveness. A number of children, due to their own psychological characteristics, may be very afraid of the unknown, so that they may be very frightened by an incomprehensible procedure.
  5. The pain threshold is too low. This is a very rare phenomenon that can even lead to the appearance of dental phobia. In children with too low threshold pain may result in very strong and intense pain, which brings only unpleasant sensations to everyone else.
Our doctors:

In general, it should be noted that dental phobia, which began to manifest itself in childhood, will be a person’s companion throughout his life and can lead to a number of very serious problems, which means that the most important task of parents will be to cope with children’s rhinestones as early as possible.

The most serious parenting mistakes

We can safely say that the main reason for the appearance of dental phobia is the incorrect behavior of adults.

Among the most common mistakes The following can be noted:

  • A child’s acquaintance with a dentist does not occur under ordinary circumstances, but when some kind of problem arises. serious problem, let's say toothache;
  • Lack of strong motivation for dental treatment. Parents do not tell their child that it is very important to visit the dentist regularly and monitor dental health;
  • Using various violent methods, threats and blackmail. If a child needs to have a tooth pulled out, adults can often hold him in that place or scare him with some scary things;
  • A visit to the dentist occurs at a time that is uncomfortable for the child, for example, when he is used to playing or sleeping;
  • Parental deception. Before the procedure, the child is told that nothing special will happen to him, but in fact, quite a lot awaits him. strong pain.

Valuable advice

  • You should not constantly remind your child that the date of the visit to the dentist is approaching, since the expectation of something unpleasant can be even worse than the dental treatment itself. However, there is no need to delay treatment, because the condition of the teeth can worsen significantly, even if the fear subsides.
  • You shouldn't skimp on in this case, and if there are special children's dentist offices in the city with toys and silent instruments, you should prefer them.
  • The very first visit to the dentist should be made on a regular day, and not when severe pain appears. For example, you can take your child with you if one of the parents needs dental help. If he sits in a chair and talks with the dentist, he will understand that dental treatment is not at all scary.

You can find more detailed information about the children's department of the NEW AGE clinic on the website http://children's-dentistry-spb.rf/

Prices for pediatric dentistry

Children's dentistry
Consultation with a pediatric dentist-therapist 800 rub
Certificate of oral sanitation 800 rub
Treatment of caries of primary teeth (Vitremer) 3400 rub.
Treatment of caries of primary teeth (Twinky Star) 3400 rub.
Treatment of caries without a drill (ICON technology) 4000 rub
Placing a crown on a baby tooth 2200 rub.
Treatment of pulpitis of primary teeth + filling (in one visit) 5400 rub.
Treatment of pulpitis of primary teeth + crown (in one visit) 6600 rub.
Deep fluoridation (in a clinical setting) 1500 rub.
Deep fluoridation (at home) 3500 rub.
Silvering of one tooth 500 rub
Fissure grinding with sealing (1 unit) 2200 rub.
Application of devitalizing paste (first visit) 2200 rub.
Placing a filling (second visit) 3200 rub.
Crown placement (second visit) 4400 rub.
Fluoride coating (1 tooth) 170 rub.
Fissure sealing (1 tooth) 1400 rub.
Calcium containing pads 400 rub
Removing a baby tooth from 1100 to 1800 rub.
Professional oral hygiene 2200 rub.
Removing soft plaque (1 tooth) 200 rub
Hygiene lesson 500 rub
Motivation for treatment 500 rub

Do you want to see the clinic from the inside? There is nothing easier, just come and visit us! Do you dream of seeing the beautiful and happy smiles of your children every day? Call us right now and make an appointment for your child to see a good dentist!

Reviews from parents of young patients in the children's department of the NEW AGE clinic

Name Mother Natalya Vladimirovna and patients - twins Vladimir and Valentina

Attending doctor:

Valentina underwent sealing, Vladimir was treated for caries of a baby tooth. I would like to thank the highly qualified specialists of the NEW CENTURY, I also want to note the cleanliness, the latest equipment and magnificent clinic design

Name: Mom Galina

Attending doctor: Sazhina Tatyana Yurievna

My daughter and I came for the third time, and we will come again. My daughter liked Dr. Sazhina Tatyana right away - she spoke, chatted, cured a tooth, and it also had pulpitis. After this, my 6.5-year-old daughter wants to be a dentist. Thank you! We enjoy going to the dentist. Friendly staff and administrators. I will recommend it to everyone

Name: Naumova Masha

Attending doctor: Kozaeva Veronika Tamerlanovna

I have my teeth treated by Veronica, it doesn’t hurt at all and I watch cartoons during the treatment

Name:German, Anastasia and mother Irina

Attending doctor: Goryaynova Marina Nikolaevna

In order for children's teeth to be healthy and beautiful, as all parents want, it is important to regularly go with the kids for examinations to the dentist and to correct any problems in the oral cavity in a timely manner. Therefore, the task of mothers and fathers is the positive psychological attitude of the child. It is quite possible to ensure that children are not afraid of the dentist and are calm about dental procedures if you approach this issue correctly.

The main mistakes of parents

The reason for the fear of the dentist may be the child’s indecisive nature, the parents’ fear of the dentist, or the child’s fear of any person in a white coat if he has already had a negative experience of treatment. However, quite often a child develops a fear of visiting the dental office due to mistakes made by his parents. These include the following situations:

  • The child “gets acquainted” with the dentist, when he already had a problem with his teeth, for example, a tooth began to ache.
  • Parents do not pay attention to motivation to get treatment. They don't tell you why you should go to the doctor or why maintaining your oral health is so important.
  • Violence is used in dental treatment for example, a tooth needs to be filled, the child pulls out and has to be physically restrained to put the filling.
  • The child comes to the doctor at an inconvenient time, for example, when he usually has nap or he's already tired.
  • Parents deceive the baby that the doctor “will not do anything”, but in fact a painful procedure awaits him.

To prevent the dentist from causing fear in the child, you need to correctly talk about the benefits of meeting him

Using the game

Games in childhood are an important tool for learning about the world. Wherein When children play, everything is perceived more positively. And this should be used if you want to change the baby’s attitude towards some phenomenon or event, including treatment at the dentist.

Together with your child, you can “treat the teeth” of a teddy bear or doll. Play out a situation in which the bear has a bad toothache, and the child will be the dentist and help the soft “friend.” Putting himself in the doctor’s shoes, the baby will understand that the doctor does not want to hurt the patient and make him feel bad, but on the contrary, he wants to help.

You can also play dental clinic, where the baby will be the patient and the mother will play the role of the doctor. Such reproduction in game form will help reduce your child’s anxiety before visiting a real doctor.

It will also have a similar effect watching cartoons, which show situations related to dental treatment and maintaining oral health. They present information in such a way that children are not afraid of dentists.

Watch the video about the importance of play in the process of teaching your child to visit the dentist:


Many parents use promises of a certain reward to convince their children to go to the dentist, for example, buying a toy or fulfilling a child’s wish. On the one side, this can really help the baby overcome fear and endure a visit to the dental clinic without tears. However, there are times when children begin to manipulate and beg for more and more gifts.

Psychologists agree that directly encouraging dental work with a new toy or favorite treat is not a good idea. The child must understand that going to the dentist is important primarily for the sake of health. By emphasizing that regular visits to the doctor will eliminate tooth pain or help you smile without problems, although parents spend more effort, they are doing the right thing in the long run.

Rewarding your child for a cured tooth is a proven way to visit the dentist

First visit

It is best that the child’s first visit to the dental office is not for treatment, but only as an introductory event.

Go with your child to the clinic and examine everything there, including dental instruments. Let your baby talk to the clinic staff and just sit in a chair, and after such an excursion, give your baby something nice.

After this, the second time the child will no longer worry, but will come to a familiar place with people whom he has already seen. On the second visit, you can offer the child to have his teeth cleaned by a doctor. delicious pasta, and then again give the baby some gift. This way you will secure positive attitude of the child towards dentists.

Watch a useful video on how not to frighten your child with dental treatment after the first visit:

Own example

One way to show your child that visiting the dentist is important matter and there is nothing wrong with it, it is the personal example of the parents. Go to the doctor with your child so that your baby can see how the doctor examines and treats your teeth. At the same time, your mood should be cheerful and festive, and after the visit you should show your baby how strong and healthy your teeth have become.

The best motivator for a child will always be a parental example.

If your tooth hurts

When a child is suffering from toothache, there is no time to get to know the dentist and have a long-term positive attitude, so you will have to act quickly. Tell your little one a story about a bad tooth that only a doctor can cure. Don't be fooled that the treatment will be easy and painless. It’s better to say that the discomfort will quickly pass and the tooth will recover.

Try to explain to your child that only a doctor can cure his bad teeth.

Try to make visiting the pediatric dentist an enjoyable experience!

Look with your little one next video about dental care and treatment.

Neither adults nor children like to go to doctors, much less to dentists. And for many parents of children aged 5-6 years, the question arises of how to persuade their child to go to the doctor, even for a banal examination, which is especially difficult if they have already had a negative experience with dental treatment. One fine day, my 5-year-old son had a toothache. I promptly made an appointment at the pediatric dentistry and began treatment. moral preparation child to the treatment procedure.

Reasons for fear of the pediatric dentist: why was my son so afraid to have his teeth treated?

When I told my son that we would soon have to go “check” his teeth, I was met with unexpected hysteria, which surprised me quite a bit. The child suddenly burst into tears and shouted, “I don’t want to!” Will not go!". And all this happened taking into account the fact that we had already visited several times this doctor, although the last visit was quite a long time ago.

After waiting for the child to calm down, I began to find out the reason for this reaction.

"Why do you say that? We’ve gone to the dentist before, haven’t we?” - “They’ll hurt me there!” - "How do you know? After all, we had our teeth checked before and everything was fine. And no one hurt you." “My grandparents told me about this in kindergarten.”

Everything turned out to be extremely simple. “Good” friends and relatives have already talked about what the child can expect, causing him a lot of negativity even before going to the doctor.

In principle, there are several simple and banal reasons why the dentist causes chilling horror in children.

  • Negative experience. If the child’s teeth were previously treated using less than humane methods, for example, without pain relief, or the doctor was not attentive and careful enough. This happens when the disease is advanced, and a significant amount of money is required for pediatric anesthesia. Therefore, in this situation, it is better not to skimp, but to borrow or allocate the necessary amount for treatment so that the child does not have psychological trauma. You should also choose a good dentistry, where doctors treat children specifically.

My friend had this experience when her 4-year-old daughter needed treatment for 2 pulpitis, but there was no money for anesthesia. They had to do everything “for profit”; the child was held by the mother and two orderlies. Result: the child began to be afraid not only of dentists, but, in principle, of all people in white coats.

  • Conversations with relatives. Very often a child is afraid of something he doesn’t even know. Parents and grandparents begin to persuade out of the kindness of their hearts: “Don’t be afraid. It won't hurt you." You should always remember that the subconscious of almost every person does not perceive the negative particle “NOT” well. As a result, the child perceives all persuasion exactly the opposite and begins to be afraid, without even visiting the dental office.
  • Stories from friends. In kindergarten, a child may be frightened by the stories of those children who had an unpleasant experience with dental treatment. In addition, children tend to exaggerate all events, so even a routine dental examination can be terrifying.

How we persuaded a child to visit the dentist: proven methods

After thinking carefully, I developed a whole strategy on how to smooth out the negativity when going to the dentist:

  • A game. I bought a children's dental kit and offered to treat the teeth of a teddy bear, explaining each action: what this or that instrument is for. My son was very interested, he especially liked the resemblance of a dental head mirror, which was made from a piece of cardboard and foil, and counting teeth on a printed poster.
  • Introduction to the dental clinic. I agreed in advance with the clinic administrator that we would just come with the child, sit, look around and leave without going into the office. Fortunately, they met us halfway. Pediatric dentistry provides a lot of distracting posters, play tables and toys so that the child can relax. My son was a little nervous at first, but I firmly promised him that we were going to meet new people. The meeting went well.

  • Gift as compensation. I understood that a child would endure suffering and experiences more easily if he knew that a pleasant gift awaited him at the end. Naturally, this gift should not be edible. Knowing how much my son loves to ride horses, I promised him a day of celebration after going to the dentist. healthy teeth with a horseback ride. I agreed in advance with the equestrian club on the day on which we were supposed to go to the doctor.
  • Conventional signs. When my son sat down in the dentist's chair, I explained to him that it would be impossible to talk, but if he felt unwell or wanted to take a break, he would raise his handle up. This arrangement helped us a lot during the treatment procedure itself.
  • Patience. Parents should show all restraint and patience during the procedure and not lash out at the baby if he is capricious. After all, even adults are afraid of dentists, let alone small child, who may already be scared. He will behave much calmer when close person will be there to cheer him on.

Of course, going to the dentist is not the easiest procedure for both children and parents. But everything can be overcome if you carefully think through all the nuances. For us, going to the dentist was not without tears, but my son was clearly convinced that this was necessary for his own health.

Parents' mistakes: what should you not do when going to the dentist with your child?

Unfortunately, many parents, having taken their children to the dentist once, instill negativity in them and undermine trust by committing erroneous actions:

  1. The effect of surprise and lack of moral preparation. Many people take their children to the dentist without warning them about it, precisely because they are afraid of their unexpected stubbornness and panic. This is not entirely fair to children. This behavior can violate the child's trusting relationship with the parent.
  2. Threats. There is no point in trying to scold a child for being afraid and unwilling to have their teeth treated. This can turn into real hysteria during the procedure. And it is not a fact that in such a situation it will be possible to fully cure a diseased tooth.
  3. The promise of the impossible . A child may demand as a gift for a postponed trip to the dentist something that the parents cannot give. For example, a very expensive toy or sweets that cannot be given on the day of treatment. Reckless parents can promise all this, only the child agrees to go. Should always be kept given to the child promise and agree in advance on its fulfillment.
  4. Let everything take its course. To save nerves, parents can simply leave the child alone with the doctor and leave the office. But this will only frighten the baby even more, left without parental support. This behavior can negatively affect relationships with parents.

Even though dental treatment was an unpleasant experience for my son, he no longer has any fear in the dental office. This is because after all our teeth were treated, I explained that now we would regularly go to the doctor to check that everything was okay. The son understood well that the subsequent trip would simply be an inspection.

Hello, dear readers! Today I would like to discuss with you a rather acute problem - going to the pediatric dentist. Sometimes little fidgets manage to damage and ruin brand new teeth. And if the damage is not dealt with, the consequences can be terrifying: from growth pathologies to total loss teeth for life! But how can you explain to your child that repairs are really necessary? How to persuade a child to have their teeth treated?

First of all, calm down yourself. Count to ten to yourself or drink water. Persuasion to go to the doctor will drive anyone crazy!

You must be calm, reasonable and confident. React to any provocative cry with a quick distracting maneuver and not make tactical retreats. Even if you are shaking with excitement, do not show it to your child! You are a beacon of calm in a sea of ​​childhood worries.

Secondly, reassure your child. There is no need to loudly inform him that you are going to pull out a tooth. Whether the baby has hit his teeth, whether you have noticed caries or even gumboil, your task is to calmly communicate where you are going, and then distract the child from gloomy thoughts and talk about wonderful days without pain and with a radiant smile.

If "fixing" is required infant, talk to him all the way, tell him how healthy his teeth will be. Of course, the baby will not understand anything, but your friendly and affectionate tone will instill confidence in him.

Never discuss discomfort associated with dental treatment in front of your child! It's taboo! Children tend to hear very well “what not to do” and remember what is said for a long time.

Relieving tension

If a child cries for a long time from pain or from a sense of hopelessness, distract him with a simple game. Even five-year-old children sometimes repeat the same “thief magpie” with pleasure. I remember my grandfather often “pecked” my palm, and I had to catch his fingers. All the hardships of the journey were forgotten.

Make it for your baby light massage, offer to listen to a fairy tale. Since you cannot eat or drink for another couple of hours after treatment, give the sufferer something to eat and drink. After eating, be sure to rinse your child’s mouth, or better yet, brush the baby’s teeth (of course, if he has an open wound in his mouth, do not resort to advice).

If persuasion doesn't work

It is not so rare that there are cases when a child does not agree to have his teeth treated at any price. The corridors of the dental department heard more children's cries than maternity. How to calm your child down and prevent him from becoming hysterical? Once, when I was a child, a woman dentist said that I had very well-fed nerves, and that’s why it hurt.

After that, I was tormented for a long time by the question of what not to eat so as not to fatten my nerves. It turned out that nerves “eat” everything, but need I say that I forgot about pain and fear then? The conclusion from this brief excursion into my biography is very simple: talk to the child. Give it to him casually fun facts about animals, ask a riddle or promise that if you stand and don’t give up, you will receive the long-awaited permission to go to the cinema.

Don't deprive of support

When your baby is scared and ready to cry and run away, just take him by the hand and don’t let go. Assure him that you are here, outside the door, waiting for your daredevil to praise him. Better yet, ask permission to be present during treatment. Be his personal psychologist for a few minutes.

Who knows your child's secret desires better than you? Who knows exactly what words will make a child “grow wings” behind his back? Only you. Instill in him courage, even feigned, and always be proud of his exploits.

Develop positive emotions in your child

If your situation is not urgent, let the little person get used to dentistry. In children's departments, as a rule, there are models of instruments, toys, and televisions with cartoons especially for children. On your first visit, just look around the clinic, play around a little, ask for honey. sister, give the child a small souvenir (prepared by you in advance).

Then next time the child will come with a good attitude. On the second visit you can already see the doctor. Just look at the teeth, pour some water on them, and blow on them with the device. And again with a surprise! After such cheerful visits, will anyone refuse to recover?

When talking to your child about dental repair, use only soft, childish words.

Replace “tear out, drill, remove,” for example, with the expressions “the doctor will count the teeth,” “just the device will buzz a little, and we’ll go home.” If you need treatment urgently, tell us about the terrible monster that hid in your baby’s tooth! Explain that you cannot get the monster yourself, but the fairy doctor will drive the monster away and give you a set of stickers (again, yours) in return.

So, how can you help your child fix his teeth?

  • Set him up for positive emotions during his first visits to the doctor
  • Behave exceptionally calmly and instill calm in your child
  • Support every minute
  • Distract your child with stories, riddles, and toys you take with you
  • Try to turn stressful situation into adventure and mitigate the negativity

Take care of the kids and their radiant smiles!

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