How can a smart person stay healthy? What a person needs to be healthy. How to improve your health? Health secrets

The health of any person is his wealth. It is on a par with basic human needs, such as food or procreation. But, as a rule, if everything is in order with our health, then we do not make any efforts to preserve it. And most often we do not take care of it or cause irreparable harm. So what can you do to be healthy and keep it for many years? We will try to answer these questions within the framework of this article.

Scientists have proven that our health depends 80% on ourselves, on how well we take care of it. And 20% is what is given to us by nature. It is known from practice that you can maintain your health, as well as improve, or even completely restore, just by following the principles healthy image life. Let's consider the main positions that play a major role in improving the health of the human body.

Natural nutrition

How to eat to be healthy? This question worries many. The answer is extremely simple.

Any food should be prepared only from fresh, natural products. This should become the rule. The composition of natural products is well known: natural alimentary fiber, vitamins and minerals. And as a result, complete absorption by the body and benefits.

But the same cannot be said about products that are artificially enriched with these elements. It has been proven that artificially added vitamins and minerals will not bring any benefit, and may even cause harm.

As for products containing GMOs, there is no clear answer. Scientists are conducting research to find out exactly what effect they have on our body. Therefore in in this case You should still avoid such products.

It is advisable to eat food at certain time. Eating food at the same time has a positive effect on production gastric juice. By adhering to this rule, you will soon notice that digestive problems have disappeared and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract has improved.

It's no secret that a large number of people are suffering overweight bodies. And overeating plays a huge role. Since the human digestion process is slow, food entering the stomach is not digested immediately. Only after 2-3 hours will it be completely absorbed. And the feeling of fullness occurs 20 minutes after the start of eating. And in these 20 minutes you can eat much more than your body needs. This is how overeating occurs.

To avoid this, you must follow a number of simple rules.

  • Eat slowly. After 20 minutes you will feel full and you will not want to eat too much. Or leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Stick to small portions of food. One serving is equal to two of your handfuls.
  • If you like to make frequent snacks, then the best choice is not cakes or buns, but vegetables and fruits.
  • Add them to your diet as often as possible, as they saturate the body well.

A healthy lifestyle is not only a balanced, proper diet. To be healthy you need to comply with some more conditions.

Physical exercise

Do exercises every morning. For 10 minutes, do any simple exercises. Any set of exercises will do; you can even remember the exercises you did back in school. And then take a shower, preferably a contrast one. This shower increases blood circulation and, as a result, improves the nutrition of skin cells. A stream of water, hitting the skin, produces a micromassage of the whole body.

As a result, you will feel alert and energetic for a long time.


It is known that the alternation of mental and physical activity leads to increased performance. If you continuously perform monotonous work for two hours, then metabolic products accumulate in the muscles and muscle tone decreases. Conclusion: take a break of at least 10 minutes every 2 hours.

If it is not possible to do an active 10-minute “physical exercise,” then you can warm up while sitting on a chair. Tilt your head, stretch, and make circular movements with your shoulders. You will be pleased with the result. High performance and excellent well-being throughout the working day are guaranteed.

Many managers deliberately arrange a short break every two hours of work for their subordinates. There are even specially designed gymnastics for office employees.


Doctors strongly recommend staying in the fresh air for at least two hours a day. And at the same time you need to move actively. Physical activity in the air not only improves blood circulation and increases muscle tone, but also improves immunity. And this is very important in the autumn - winter season.

Go skiing or skating. This is the best combination of physical activity and ventilation.

And be sure to walk. You need to walk at least 1200 steps a day. Or 1.2 kilometers. You will not only gain health, but also develop endurance.

Now you know what to do to be healthy. The listed methods of maintaining health are suitable for everyone, without exception. They will help you stay in great shape. Regular physical activity and proper natural nutrition are the foundation of health. Apply them in your Everyday life and the result will not disappoint you.

Many people ask what to do to be healthy, what methods and methods of psychologists and specialists exist for this. Since health mainly lies in the psyche, and, of course, physical health. Basically, stress, anxiety and fears create many health problems for us; doctors say that 99% of diseases are associated specifically with the human psyche.

In this article you will learn how to get rid of such problems and what you need to do to to be healthy both physically and psychologically. Since you cannot run away from diseases, you need to create a powerful and stable immunity so that diseases are less likely to bother you or not at all. Follow the tips listed below in the article in practice and you will achieve the health you dreamed of.

Temper your body

To be healthy, you must first begin to harden your body as early as possible, but better later than never. Therefore, sign up, for example, for swimming, take cold and hot shower, douse yourself cold water, but only gradually. Sudden hardening can lead to illness. Gradually reduce the water temperature and do not spend more than 10 minutes in a cold shower.

Academy of Happiness

To understand what to do to be healthy , you need to contact specialistsAcademy of Happiness, since they know how to help you and will give you individual advice and recommendations on how to improve your health and develop psychological and physical immunity that will protect you from any disease.

Exercise every day

To be a healthy person, you need to exercise as often as possible. Because sedentary image life spoils the immune system and creates a bunch of problems and diseases. Every hour of work, get up and do a 10-minute warm-up, exercise, walk in the fresh air or even run, this helps you relax and take a break from work, as well as maintain and improve your health. Find out: how to forget the old and start new.

Think about health, not illness

If a person does not want to get sick and thinks about diseases and is afraid of them, he will definitely get sick. So instead, start thinking about health, imagine and feel like a healthy person. When you can imagine yourself as a mentally healthy person, then real life you will be healthy. Therefore, to to be healthy, keep your positive thoughts and emotions, and get rid of negative thoughts.

Proper nutrition

Live positively and optimistically

If you don't know what to do to to be healthy, start changing your mind about life. Anyone who is negative and hates life attracts problems and illnesses to himself. Love life and everyone around you, then you will become healthier both physically and psychologically. Learn to help people, give what you yourself want to receive.

Each of us wants to be healthy and live long life without wasting it on various types of ailments. In general, if we consider all the secrets of how to become healthy, they can be grouped into four groups. It is these groups that we will consider in detail in our article.


General health

First of all, pay attention to the general rules.
  • Provide yourself, as it is an integral part healthy life. The point is that in the background chronic lack of sleep a lot of diseases can actively develop, since, first of all, lack of sleep affects the decrease immune function body. Go to bed before midnight and sleep a full 8 hours a day and then you will not only be healthy, but also cheerful and with a positive attitude.

  • Necessarily, since it is the guardian of our body, which is always protected from pathogenic microbes, infections and bacteria.

  • Maintain hygiene; most germs and bacteria enter the body through dirty hands and poorly washed fruits and vegetables. Be sure to wash your hands as soon as you come home or when you are about to eat or prepare food.

  • Accept hot bath or visit the bathhouse at least twice a month. Toxins and lactic acid are eliminated through the skin along with sweat, which helps rejuvenate the body and improve human well-being, as well as remove skin blackheads and pimples.

  • Avoid self-medication, it will not lead to anything good. In difficult cases, try to find good specialist and follow his advice. Listen to your body, the sooner you identify and rule out health problems, the better it will be for your health. A doctor can only help based on your well-being and sensations.

  • Try to be in nature more often, it brings harmony into our lives. As for the microclimate of the apartment, this is facilitated by Fresh air, cleanliness, correct temperature, as well as planted flowers and other house plants.

Physical activity

Some tips for physical activity.
  • Give your body physical exercise, do gymnastics, visit the pool or Gym, take walks, they help increase your vital energy.

  • Try to move more, walk outside, it will improve general state body. Physical exercise will increase tissue saturation with blood and oxygen. Lying on the couch or sitting at the computer for a long time will lead to impaired blood flow and health problems.

  • Every morning, do morning exercises, or at least a little warm-up.

  • Do “vascular gymnastics” while taking a contrast shower.

Proper food

Healthy food is an integral part of human health and has its own rules.
  • Chew your food thoroughly and slowly. It should melt in the mouth, which greatly facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increases its efficiency.

  • Steam it, which will preserve the nutrients of the food, vitamins and minerals as much as possible. Try to avoid fried vegetable oil food. Have a fish day at least once a week; fish contains fatty acids. polyunsaturated acids, so necessary for our body - they will prolong your youth and improve your well-being. Avoid fried foods; such foods are hazardous to your health. Fried potatoes or meat should be an exception and should be consumed no more than once or twice a month.

  • Be sure to make half of your daily diet vegetables. Make a variety of salads from cabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots. Season them with vegetable or olive oil and eat them at the beginning of your meal. Have breakfast with porridges (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and semolina) cooked in water with minimal addition of salt and sugar and you will not have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Include in your diet seaweed, she's a treasure trove useful substances and microelements, eat at least 400–500g of it per week, as it helps cleanse the body of toxins.

  • Drink without sugar, it will reduce the risk oncological diseases, there's a lot in it beneficial to the body microelements, vitamins and nutrients. Green tea is good for obesity and cardiovascular diseases, he interferes inflammatory processes and skin aging. Use well-purified raw water, as tap water is not very good quality, it is better to buy and drink bottled water. The water contains necessary for the body microelements.

  • Eliminate sugar and salt from your diet, as the body receives them in sufficient quantities from food, and excess of them is guaranteed to lead to health problems. Limit your consumption of red meat, it ages our body. It is better to eat poultry and fish, try to add them to ready dish at a minimum. Avoid white bread and give preference to black bread with added whole grains or bran.

  • Remember that fruits and vegetables grown in the area where you live are better absorbed by the body. Vitamins from apples brought from afar, only 30% of the vitamins are absorbed.

Psychological attitude

Harmony with your own self is important; these rules also need to be taken into account in order to be absolutely healthy.
  • Have positive thinking, envy, anger and fear will lead you to nervous breakdowns, and they, in turn, give rise to and, which also reduce immunity and give rise to a huge number of ailments. The best medicine from stress - communication with friends and loved ones. This normalizes blood pressure, improves mood, and helps overcome life’s adversities.

  • Find a source of positive emotions and impressions, do something you love that brings satisfaction. Negative thoughts will inevitably lead to illness.

  • Don't rush around, trying to embrace the immensity, trying to do many small things that you consider urgent. Bustiness contributes to stress in the body and, as a result, premature aging.

  • Give your brain a workout to keep your mind clear. Read books, solve crosswords, watch interesting programs and films - “mental gymnastics” will help you stay alert and wellness for many years.
As you can see, the tips are quite simple and uncomplicated, and you do not need any medications or expensive health procedures. Be healthy!

Anna Duvarova, dear, I am not a doctor. I'm an expert. And, besides, he is a very intelligent and inquisitive person. Everything you write about with such passion is... indisputable facts, I always questioned it. But he didn’t just question, but tested their truth on himself. I also tested on myself the effectiveness of various healing techniques, including the technique of your respected Paul Bragg, which I will talk about later. Therefore, what I write is based on experience, and not on unfounded statements of authorities, no matter how popular they may be.

By the way, I take back my words that your Russian language is fine. Judging by the last post, not very much. Anyway.

Now to your letter.
Frankly, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen so much... (how can I put this mildly?)... nonsense in one place. In fact, you deprived me of hope that over time you will understand the topic healthy eating. Although you use a different term – “correct”. But “healthy” and “correct” are not the same thing.

So: « Human body always obeys habit The smoker wanted to smoke because his body had become dependent on a bad habit. It’s the same with food!”

Absolutely false! Food is not a habit, but a healthy need for a healthy body. And not even completely healthy. Smoking has nothing to do with nutrition at all. It is absolutely incorrect to cite it here as an example. This is a completely different mechanism. Smoking is not a body need.

“Some are accustomed to chewing not because they are hungry, but because they want to occupy their mouth or give pleasure to their tongue.”
Right. And why? Can't you guess? But because this is the easiest way to obtain strong sensual sensations. In terms of intensity and sharpness of these sensations, only an orgasm can be compared with the taste sensations. Maybe you remember how long and what a person can do without? Relatively speaking, without food - a month, without water - three days, without air - three minutes. This is where the path usually ends. But there is one more thing that a person cannot do without for a second - these are sensory impressions. And when their deficiency occurs, the easiest way to quickly eliminate it is to throw something in your mouth. So hunger really has nothing to do with it. You're right.

"Habit is the leader of life “This means that any human behavior, including food, is subject to his habit, developed in the process of life.”

So you want to say that a person is mechanical to the core? That he is alive only until his habits are developed? And then it becomes a machine? So? Yes, there are quite a few such people. Only they do not write articles or engage in risky research on their own initiative. They live according to an algorithm, which is the only salvation for the machine.

"The flesh is stupid." The mind must govern activity."
I don’t know who first uttered this nonsense, but repeating it smart person do not do it. Simply because it's nonsense. Any living organism, including human body is a storehouse of wisdom and an amazingly intelligent, self-adjusting and self-regulating element of life. If it weren't for his intelligence, you wouldn't even be born. And they wouldn't live. And we wouldn’t repeat any nonsense.

“In the previous comment, you interpret your position. These are just your speculations, not confirmed by facts.”
It is not true. I rely on facts that I have verified myself.

“The article is consistent with the internationally accepted concept of healthy eating.”
Maybe. But this does not mean at all that the globally accepted concept is correct. For example, the “worldwide accepted concept of healthy eating” still states that salt is harmful, while salt is absolutely necessary for normal functioning all systems of the body. Lack of salt in the body leads to serious health problems. The “Globally Accepted Concept of Healthy Eating” Still Doesn’t Count Water the most important element nutrition and can’t (or maybe doesn’t want to?) do anything about the sosasola.

“You can read the famous works of nutritionists, scientists Paul Bragg, Max Gerson.”
Apparently, you have already read them. I read it too, though many years ago. Apparently, when you were still walking under the table. And I not only read it, but tested it on myself. And now I say with complete confidence that Bragg’s theory has a very significant flaw - he denies salt. He even wrote a monstrously harmful book about its “harm.” The method of healing he developed turned out to be suitable only for himself. I don’t know a single person who, having started practicing the Bragg system, would have stayed with it for at least a couple of years. Paul Bragg no authority. Of course, if anyone wants to undermine their health for a long time, let them follow the advice of the great master. I'm still going to live.

“In general, in medicine and pedagogy, there are so many people, so many opinions, and everyone is trying to impose their own.”
This is also not true. Medicine and pedagogy (and what does pedagogy have to do with it, by the way?) are among the most conservative and strictly regulated disciplines. A step to the side - and you are no longer a doctor or a teacher. What does this have to do with teachers?

“You just need to remember that “everyone perceives only what suits him and refuses to perceive what he does not like.”

Of course, this also happens. But you shouldn’t be so categorical. Don't judge by yourself.

What you need to do to be healthy: 7 rules with explanations + 5 authoritative blogs + pyramid proper nutrition+ TOP mandatory annual medical examinations.

Agree: it’s difficult to earn money for an apartment in the center of Moscow, a vacation somewhere in Mallorca and grab Miss Russia 2017 as your girlfriend, if you are not healthy - your bones are crunching, like your ninety-year-old grandfather Nikita, your eyesight is no longer good, but the longest walks follow the “refrigerator-sofa-balcony” route.

So, my friend, in a couple of years you will become a complete ruin!

So if you want to be as energetic as a Durecell battery, take the following advice: what to do to be healthy.

7 rules for great well-being: what you need to be healthy and bend this world to your liking

Rule #1. We eat in such a way that your nutritionist will cry with emotion.

We do not encourage you to chew only lettuce leaves with longing in your eyes, but Golden Rule healthy eating, that the basis of the diet should be vegetables, fruits and grains, and not burgers and grandma’s dumplings, has not yet been canceled:

And even if everything is fine with you, do not rush to rejoice, because it is important not only what you need to eat, but also how to do it in order to be healthy:

  • Don’t stuff yourself with food at the speed of a starving troglodyte. To thoroughly chew and enjoy the taste, spend at least 20-30 minutes eating. And yes, your report will wait, and the national economy will not collapse during this time;
  • To be healthy, you need to eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day, and do not raid the refrigerator once a day;
  • forget about eating 2-3 hours before bedtime if you want to sleep peacefully and with the desired abs;

Rule #2. Diseases? Find it in advance and neutralize it - that’s what you need to do to be healthy!

Well, our dear doctor-haters, just like you, we don’t like it when they pick our aching tooth, we wince when they take blood from a finger, and when we take blood from a vein, we can even faint.

But the paradox is that the fewer such manipulations you want to experience in your life, the more often you need to meet with doctors for preventive examinations.

For example, the author of the article, a dentist friend, forces her into her chair every six months and makes do with the banal professional cleaning and therapeutic applications for gums. But if this was done only when it was “hot”, everything would be much, much worse - tears, blood and quiet hatred of a friend for a pulled out tooth. What kind of healthy smile is that?

Here is a cheat sheet for you, who and how often you need to contact in order to be healthy:

Rule #3. We give up on bad habits to be healthy.

There’s nothing to rant about here: just tell us if you know a truly successful, happy, healthy person who makes friends with strong alcohol, cigarettes and drugs? And you won’t be the first to do this – we tell you for sure!

Rule No. 4. Healthy sleep - and no “rumpled” face.

It would seem, what subtleties could there be? We took our favorite teddy bear and put it on the side.

But you still need to do something with your sleep to be healthy:

  • dedicate at least 6-8 hours a day to this sweet task. Hey, do you seriously think that you can go home at 3 a.m. and at 9 come up with a brilliant idea to promote Marfushka oil on the domestic market? We don't think so!
  • It is advisable to go to bed before midnight in order to be healthy. You can’t tell your body that you haven’t watched the last episode of “Game of Thrones”;
  • what else you need to do before going to bed to be healthy is to ventilate the room, so that later you can defeat those around you with shining eyes and smooth skin. They really like oxygen;
  • you are not the princess and the pea, and therefore a bed, if you want to have healthy back, should be of medium hardness. By the way, for this reason, we advise you to leave your grandmother’s feather bed with your grandmother, even if she presented it to you as a wedding gift;
  • must see healthy dreams, and not horror films created by your subconscious? Then stop “hanging” in the in social networks, watch thrillers, dramas, horrors, news from the series “Everything is bad everywhere, but a panda was born in a Chinese zoo”;
  • warm bath and Mint tea– the best blows before bedtime, and feel healthy in the morning.

Rule #5. Sport helps us build and life.

The sofa just beckons you, little devil, to lie down on a barrel with a package of marmalades.

But don’t fall for these provocations, because what else you need to do to be healthy is:

Rule #6. Fight the extra pounds and stay healthy!

No, well, the advice from the series “Love yourself as you are” is all wonderful, but if you turn from a slender gazelle into a clumsy Burenka, then it will be difficult for your heart, blood vessels and bones to explain that you like you the way you are.

And here's what you need to do in this case to be healthy:

    don't try to reset excess weight with the help of suspicious pills, shamanic spells and “magic” diets - all this is self-indulgence.

    Only an experienced nutritionist and balanced nutrition!

    Don't expect to lose weight overnight.

    That is, if you fly to the seaside in Turkey in the evening, then it’s probably too late to pump up your abs in the morning. Besides, you didn’t fill up your belly in one day either, right?

Rule #7. Stress - under pressure to be healthy.

To stay healthy, here's what you can do in this situation:

    come up with positive affirmations and repeat them often.

    It’s wonderful: while spending the thirtieth minute in a traffic jam, say to yourself: “I’m calm, I’m absolutely calm. Nothing and no one will make me angry”;

    engage in creativity for a healthy psyche.

    And even scribbles in a notebook will do! Well, if you take up a brush or a microphone, start writing poetry or making ladies’ hats, there is every chance of “outdoing” your great-grandmother Daria Ivanovna, who lived to be 97 years old;

    to be healthy, you need to spend more time outdoors.

    A small note: the road home along a busy highway is not considered a walk, don’t blame me.

5 inspiring blogs on what you need to do to be healthy

10 ingenious and simple

ways to be healthy

For Internet followers who are intimidated by a regular paper book, we have prepared a list of 5 authoritative blogs about what you need to do to be healthy:

  • Salatshop;
  • Simplegreensmoothies;
  • Greenkitchenstories;
  • Tatyana Rybakova's blog;
  • Wikifit;
  • Spoon;

Read and get inspired!

As you can see, you don't have to do anything fancy to be healthy– no hours of calculating calories and playing sports until you lose your pulse – just a little care for your loved one and it will pay off handsomely.

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