How to fall asleep if you can't sleep at night? Several simple ways. Bad sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem

A person spends a third of his life sleeping, because adequate sleep is the key to health. And if you suffer from insomnia, then you need a quick, safe and reliable way to combat it.

A person spends a third of his life sleeping. This is a blissful time of rest and recuperation, a most complex physiological process that ensures human health.

The quality of sleep and its duration determine what the next day will be like, the emotional state and activity of a person. When problems arise with sleep, its duration is reduced, and the quality leaves much to be desired.

Long periods of falling asleep and difficult awakenings have a negative impact on health and mental state, but they themselves are a sign of some kind of mental or physical disorder.

Treatment of sleep disorders and insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that manifests itself in difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep and early awakening. As a rule, with insomnia, a shift in rhythms occurs when night sleep gradually fades away, and instead full rest occurs during the day. There can be many reasons for this disorder:

  • stress and severe nervous tension
  • neurological diseases
  • mental disorders
  • somatic diseases

Treatment of a sleep disorder involves identifying the causes of its occurrence and eliminating them. After all, without solving the main problem, there can be no drug treatment for insomnia. Below are recipes and methods of folk treatment for insomnia.

What is effective for sound healthy sleep: folk remedies against insomnia

At the same time, while the main problem of insomnia is being solved (and this can be a long and difficult process), a person cannot do without proper rest.

Taking sleeping pills is a dangerous undertaking that should be left for last when other, more harmless methods cannot solve the problem of sleep disorders.

There are some rules that should be followed to ensure comfortable sleep, fall asleep quickly and wake up easily:

  • Before going to bed, you should not overeat and it is important to follow the golden rule: after eating there should be 2-3 hours of vigorous activity
  • Those suffering from insomnia should avoid fatty and meat foods
  • Before going to bed, you need to take a walk in the fresh air
  • The time before bed should be spent in quiet activities; do not leave any important matters until the evening.
  • If you feel very stressed before going to bed, you can relax in a warm bath

If the listed points of preparation for bed are met, but the long-awaited rest still does not come, then it would be useful to turn to harmless folk remedies.

Water with honey before bed: recipe for use

This storehouse of folk wisdom offers a wide range of recipes for insomnia to suit every taste. Among the many recipes, the easiest to prepare and does not require many ingredients is the honey water recipe.

To prepare such a miracle elixir, you need simple distilled water and honey, it is possible to add other components such as lemon juice or mumiyo.

Water with honey can be prepared immediately before use or in advance. To do this, you need a glass of warm water (never boiled) and add a tablespoon of honey (preferably May or linden). After thoroughly stirring the honey water, you can leave it to steep for a few minutes and then take it orally before bed.

Thanks to healing water with honey, you can solve not only the problem of insomnia, but also remove toxins from the body, relieve tension and stress, and drinking such a drink on an empty stomach will solve problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Relieve tension with lavender oil: lavender oil for good sleep

Lavender is a plant with an incredible aroma, which not only pleases with its beautiful appearance, but is also an indispensable calming agent. Lavender is used as a relaxant, a remedy that can calm the nervous system, protect against stress and lift your mood. Lavender is widely used both in dry form and as an essential oil.

Lavender essential oil is a remedy that will help you cope with anxiety and fall asleep quickly. It can be used as a massage aid by adding a few drops to massage oil or olive oil.

In addition, lavender oil can be added to bath water, sprinkled 1-2 drops on your pillow, or taken internally by adding two drops of lavender essential oil to a piece of refined sugar.

The calming effect of motherwort: how to take motherwort to sleep?

Motherwort herb has a strong sedative - its calming effect is several times greater than that of valerian. This magical plant can be purchased at the pharmacy, where it is sold in the form of herbal tea and alcohol tincture. The latter is more convenient to use, but the presence of alcohol in the composition is a disadvantage, as this is unacceptable for many.

RECIPE: Motherwort tincture is taken 30-40 minutes before bedtime, adding 30 drops to a glass of water. If you purchased motherwort herb, then it must be brewed and infused. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of herbal mixture are poured with boiling water and left for 24 hours.

You can also use motherwort herb as tea and do not wait for a long time to infuse, taking it hot right away, but the effect of such a remedy will be much lower than from a drink that is saturated with useful substances.

Teas for sound sleep - chamomile, mint, lemon balm tea: how to brew?

The stress of a long working day can be relieved with the help of relaxing teas, which will also ensure healthy and carefree sleep. This method of combating insomnia is simple and effective; drinking healing tea is a pleasant activity that relieves anxiety and anxiety. The most commonly recommended teas are:

  1. Chamomile is a remedy that has a sedative effect, allowing you to relieve somatic tension and headaches. Chamomile tea is brewed at the rate of 2-3 spoons per glass of water and drunk up to 4 cups throughout the day.

2. Mint - contains menthol, which calms the nervous system and makes it easier to fall asleep and ensures sound sleep. You can brew mint leaves like regular tea, adding boiling water and adding sugar or lemon to taste. The intake of mint tea should be limited to 100 g at a time, no more than three times a day, since the intake of a large amount of menthol into the body can provoke diseases of the genital organs in both women and men

3. Melissa tea - thanks to the special substances in this plant, it helps relieve depression, relieve irritability, and calm the nerves, which is very necessary for good sleep. The recipe for making lemon balm tea is quite simple: pour 2-3 tablespoons of mint leaves into 250-300 ml of boiling water, then leave to steep for 20 minutes. You need to drink tea half an hour before bedtime, adding honey and lemon.

Apple cider vinegar with honey before bed: recipe

For chronic fatigue and insomnia, apple cider vinegar with honey is an excellent remedy. This mixture contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems. It has a special effect on the nervous system, due to which a person becomes more balanced and calm, and feelings of anxiety, tension and fatigue disappear.

For healthy sleep, you should take 2-3 tablespoons of this mixture before bed: add 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to 100 g of honey. It is possible to double the dose if the expected effect does not occur.

How to use hawthorn for sleep?

Hawthorn berries have a complex effect on the body: they improve blood circulation, calm the nervous system, relieve irritability and feelings of aggression. Both hawthorn tincture and dry collection are equally effective.

20 drops of tincture three times a day are enough for general calming and improved sleep. Picking berries must be boiled in boiling water for 15 minutes at the rate of 20 g of berries per 100 ml of water. The decoction is taken before meals, one tablespoon.

Milk with honey at night for sleep: benefits of milk with honey, recipe

Drinking milk and honey before bed will help you forget about insomnia and sleep soundly, seeing positive dreams. This effect is ensured due to the presence of a specific amino acid in milk - tryptophan, which enhances the production of the happiness hormone. This completely sweeps away feelings of anxiety, fear, worry and excitement.

At the same time, honey has a whole range of useful substances, including specific sugars of fructose origin, which satisfy hunger for a long time. Since such sugar takes a long time to break down, the body will not need food for a long time, and the resulting carbohydrates will improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Among the numerous reviews of sleep-improving products, the most popular are:

  • peony tincture
  • sleep-grass
  • sagebrush
  • poppy inflorescences
  • pumpkin
  • valerian
  • cornflower

There are a lot of folk remedies to combat insomnia, but not all of them are effective and equally beneficial for the body. In any case, you need to seek help from a specialist if insomnia is systematic and not episodic.

Video: How to get rid of insomnia using folk remedies?

Getting adequate sleep is critical to your health. According to statistics, insomnia to one degree or another affects 35 percent of the adult population. For 10 percent, sleep loss problems are chronic. The reasons for this phenomenon can be varied: from difficult life situations and stress to illness and pain.

Sleep disorders can be caused by depressing, anxious thoughts that visit you at night and prevent you from falling asleep. Another reason was the growing dependence of the population on electronic technologies. Computer and phone screens are known to increase brain activity and suppress the production of the hormone melatonin. Common causes of insomnia for women are excessive emotionality or hormonal surges during the menstrual cycle. Let's talk about this in more detail.


The physical manifestations of depression (as with changes in appetite) can vary from one extreme to the other. One day you are surprised to find that you are tired and ready to sleep all day, and the next you cannot sleep a wink. The most common form of sleep disorder is sudden awakenings in the middle of the night, which occur on a regular basis.

Too much to do before bed

According to a survey conducted by the American National Sleep Foundation, within an hour before bed, 60 percent of people do household chores, 37 percent take care of children, 36 percent are busy caring for adult relatives, the same number of people devote time to the Internet, 21 percent of Americans manage to work before going to bed . However, being too overworked makes it difficult for your body to relax. Make it a rule to engage in any relaxation procedures for one hour before bed: read a book, take a bath, meditate.

Hormones are to blame

One explanation for insomnia may be changes in hormonal levels during the reproductive cycle. For example, women often have trouble sleeping during menstruation, and this is associated with persistent nagging pain and mood changes. Pregnant women also have some difficulty falling asleep and have to put up with frequent awakenings at night.

Increased levels of the hormone progesterone cause you to make endless nighttime trips to the toilet in the first trimester and cause discomfort when trying to sleep in the third trimester. Further, during perimenopause, a woman's body experiences a rapid drop in progesterone and estrogen levels, which causes night sweats, fever, hot flashes and insomnia.

Do you smoke

There are hundreds of reasons that could make you quit smoking, and sleep problems are not the least of the list. Nicotine is a stimulant that makes you stay awake longer. You may experience nicotine withdrawal during the night, which will also affect your sleep.

You often nap during the day

Taking a short nap during the day (not into deep sleep) will help you recuperate, but you'll have to set an alarm every time to avoid unwanted effects. And if your naps extend beyond 20-30 minutes, you may have problems with the quality of your night's rest.

The same can be said about an evening vigil on the couch in front of the TV screen after work. If you are very tired, channel clicking will certainly end in snoring. Fight the urge to fall asleep, and if you can't, then turn off the TV and go to bed.

You have disrupted your biological clock

Many people look forward to Friday, when they can spend time with friends at a noisy party. Well, on weekends you give yourself the opportunity to catch up on the week, staying in bed almost until lunch. However, such generosity plays a cruel joke on your body. This weekly disruption is enough to disrupt your biological clock. Even if you go to bed early on Sunday night, Monday morning will be the hardest time of the entire work week.

You are addicted to electronic technology

Every new mobile application promises to make your life easier, every new call saves you the opportunity to solve matters in person. Phones are also an indispensable means of communication between children and working parents. But, as with every social phenomenon, the use of electronic technologies has its pros and cons.

Negative aspects of electronics include the desire of your superiors to interfere in your personal life, as well as dependence on the Internet in the evening and night hours. Experts advise turning off email notifications, screening calls after 6 p.m., and avoiding social media for at least one hour before bed.

You drink too much caffeine

4 or more cups of lattes a day will keep you energized and energized throughout the day. However, your caffeine habit may keep you awake during the night. It's also not a good idea to have a cup of strong tea with dinner. The stimulant disrupts REM sleep and makes you feel tired when you wake up. Limit your coffee and strong tea consumption to three servings a day and your sleep will be much more restful.

One of the common problems that affects young and old people is insomnia. The head becomes filled with necessary and unnecessary thoughts, from which there is no peace, no matter which side the person turns to. This leads to neuroses, anger and lack of sleep. Why does this happen and many people cannot sleep at night? Let's try to figure it out.

In the evening, thought processes begin to activate, and what we did not think about comes out. In the evening, anxiety, depression, fear, and stress arise. If you also struggle with the phrase “I can’t sleep at night because of my thoughts,” then you need to use these tips:

  1. Buy a pillow that's right for you. The pillow is the most important element of sleep. You need to buy in sizes small and not small. For travelers, it is better to purchase an inflatable pillow for the convenience of relaxing the neck-collar area. There is an accessory with modeling functions. It extends along the body, you can turn around, lie down, however you like.

Important! During sleep, the cervical-collar part of the body must be relaxed.

  1. Take a comfortable sleeping position. Correct body position for sleeping is important. Many people like to sleep on their sides, some sleep on their stomach or back. It is better not to lie on the stomach, because... During sleep, the body becomes heavier, organs can be compressed, and they also need rest.
  2. If you are restless and cannot lie still, freeze. This phenomenon can occur when a person is excited. I want to sleep, but thoughts do not give me rest, and the person tosses and turns. It’s better to calm down, lie down more comfortably, don’t move, even if you want to, and quickly fall asleep.
  3. Relax – sleep doesn’t like stressful things. The fast pace of life, a lot of problems, stress, do not allow you to sleep peacefully at night. Due to muscle tension in the body, it is difficult for a person to be distracted and fall asleep. To relax, you can use quiet, calm melodies, such as classical music, sounds of nature. Breathe deeply and completely relax. This helps and you will definitely fall asleep.
  4. Get your thoughts in order or empty your head. When a person cannot fall asleep due to thoughts or ideas that haunt him. Sometimes there are plans, tasks, or simply unnecessary passages from life that haunt you.

You need to convince yourself that thoughts should be there tomorrow, but today the body and brain need to gain strength and energy in order to fruitfully implement plans in the future.

Important! Reflection helps the nervous system calm down and thoughts fade into the background, after which you can safely fall asleep.

If the method does not work out, then try to “empty” your head. Imagine that you are a vessel containing thoughts instead of liquid. Gradually pour out the thoughts that are preventing sleep from coming. You need to do the exercise slowly.

Important! As an alternative, a similar method is proposed, but instead of a vessel, present a multi-colored bright canvas, which must be painted black or white. Close your eyes, paint over the multi-colored surface until tomorrow. These tricks help you calm down and fall asleep.

  1. Meditation is the key to calmness. The exercises are simple, anyone can do them. If done correctly, your sleep will be sound, and in the early hours of awakening you will feel lightness and strength. - a great helper for healthy sleep!

The essence of meditation is proper breathing. Calmly inhaling and exhaling air, we relax, then breathe with a slight delay. As we inhale, we hold our breath, and then exhale, relax, and forget all thoughts.

The person will not notice how he begins to doze off. The method effectively helps people who think a lot. The exercises are simply easy to do. Meditation helps improve sleep, is recommended for relaxation during the working day, and to calm the nervous system.

It often happens that during meditation, thoughts begin to come again. This means something is going wrong. You need to start the exercise first to achieve results.

  1. If you have the same thought every night, bring it to life.. Agree that at night the brain begins to reproduce what worries us most and will have to do in the future. If at night a thought comes to your mind that does not allow you to live and sleep peacefully, implement it. See how much more fun it will be to live and the thought will go away on its own, because the problem has disappeared.
  2. Darkness is the friend of all people. And it is true. Daytime sleep will never provide as much energy as nighttime sleep. This occurs due to the production of melatonin at night, which is responsible for the renewal of the body during sleep, as well as the synthesis of cerebrospinal fluid. It is at the moment when all biochemical indicators subside that this hormone is activated and helps fill the body with energy. Therefore, at night it is better not to turn on the night lights, but to sleep completely in a dark room.
  3. Before going to bed, do not be active or drink energy drinks. Before going to bed, you should not overstimulate your nervous system. That is why you should not drink coffee, tea, energy drinks, alcoholic drinks, mate and other drinks that can affect your activity.

It is best to drink mint teas, warm milk, water with a small spoon of honey in the evening. The pharmacy sells herbal preparations intended for sleep.

  1. Ventilate. It is necessary to ventilate the room half an hour before bedtime to make it easier for a person to fall asleep. This applies to people who live in panel, brick houses. A lot of dust settles during the day, the air becomes stale, which significantly harms the body; good dreams will not come in such a room. A good flow of oxygen improves redox processes in the body, prevents anemia, and gives good, clear dreams.
  2. Go to bed at the same time every night. The body loves order and punctuality. Compliance with circadian rhythms is vital for him. It’s great if a daily routine is developed. For the body to fully rest and recover, 8 hours of sleep is required. Although each person is individual and sets his own rules.
  3. Wash your face before going to bed. Warm water will help your face relax and calm down. A clean face means clean thoughts and healthy sleep. You can add lavender, cinnamon, lemongrass, and lemon balm oils to your washing water.

These secrets will help you sleep peacefully and get rid of annoying thoughts that haunt you.

Important! If insomnia occurs systematically, then you should consult a doctor for help. You may need to take sedatives or sleeping pills.

Insomnia, without a doubt, is a very, very unpleasant phenomenon. After a night spent without sleep, a person feels exhausted all day, his health leaves much to be desired, and his brain often goes on a real strike.

So what to do if you can’t sleep - toss and turn until dawn or take a couple of sleeping pills? First, let's decide whether you really suffer from chronic insomnia, or if you just haven't slept well for just one or two nights, then it's too early to start worrying about it. There can be many reasons for temporary sleep disturbance. For example, strong emotions, a change of environment, a cold, or the fact that you abused tonic drinks or cigarettes before going to bed may prevent you from falling asleep normally.

Also, sleep disturbance can be caused by a rotating work schedule. When night shifts alternate with day shifts. All these factors, both individually and together, may well cause insomnia. But it is impossible to change spontaneously, unless you just quit. So what to do? If it’s due to disrupted biorhythms, then you can try to “endure” one night. In the future, sleep returns to normal on its own.

If you are spending the third night in a row without sleep, then you should think about what to do. If insomnia affects your well-being, then you can try to solve the problem both with medication and in the usual way. Let's try to start without the services of the pharmaceutical industry. First, try not to think about what to do if you can't sleep. Obsessive thoughts about insomnia do nothing to help eliminate it. On the contrary, the more you worry about not sleeping, the less likely you are to fall asleep. And the next morning you will get up not only with a heavy head from lack of sleep, but also with completely frayed nerves from worrying about this. In principle, this creates a real vicious circle. You can't sleep, you worry about it, and this worry prevents you from falling asleep. So what do you do if you can't sleep and can't stop thinking about it?

There is an old recipe - counting sheep, but it is not as good as it is presented to us. Also, the advice to turn on the TV is not very good. Even if you fall asleep, your sleep will not be sound, since the sound and changing pictures on the screen will disturb you. Even worse would be to turn on the computer and go online. Although you will stop worrying about insomnia, you will definitely not be able to fall asleep.

Try to go to bed in a well-ventilated room if possible. Moreover, temperature conditions can also play a role. It is known that it is simply impossible to fall asleep in a very hot room. If you can hide from the cold under a warm blanket, then only an air conditioner can beat the heat in the bedroom.

It would be nice to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed. Remember your childhood. If you ask any grandmother about what to do if you can’t sleep, then with one hundred percent probability she will say that you need to drink something warm at night. And this really helps. A leisurely walk also helps, especially if followed by a warm bath with aromatic additives.

After a tiring day of work, sleep often turns out to be a real salvation from fatigue and bad mood. And after being in the sun, it wouldn’t hurt to take a nap for an hour or two... A well-slept person gets out of bed in the morning in a great mood, he is full of strength and ready for any work. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to fall asleep quickly. You can toss and turn in bed for hours, sadly counting the time left before the alarm goes off. What are the causes of insomnia, and how to fall asleep if you can’t sleep? Let's try to figure it out.

Adequate sleep is the basis for excellent well-being

To get enough sleep and feel good, a person must spend a certain amount of time sleeping. Usually it is about 8 hours. There are people who sleep 4 hours a day and are cheerful, full of strength and energy, but this is rather the exception.

In addition to the duration of sleep, its quality is of great importance. When a person rests calmly and in comfortable conditions, then 6 hours is enough for him to recuperate.

People's lives are also different. Some people easily get up with the first rays of the sun; for others, getting up before 10 am is a real disaster. In order not to be tormented by the question of how to fall asleep if you can’t sleep, you need to try to combine your sleep with your daily routine. To do this, you can choose a suitable work schedule, postponing important tasks to that part of the day when the body does not feel tired.

Causes of insomnia

When a person really does, 10 minutes is enough for him to fall asleep soundly. If the process is delayed, most likely, an uninvited guest has arrived - insomnia. Note that the reasons here can be completely different. And what to do if you can’t sleep? First you need to determine what was the source of the problem. These include:

1. Serious emotional or physical stress. Going to bed in a state of severe stress, a person cannot get rid of the events of the past day. As a result, sleep disappears completely.

2. A sudden change in daily routine. Sometimes you have to stay up for a long time, although the time when a person usually does this has long passed. Such problems are faced by students preparing for exams, tourists traveling to a different time zone, and people working in shifts.

3. Headache or toothache, stomach colic - these are the real enemies of good sleep.

4. Uncomfortable conditions. An uncomfortable bed, stuffy air, a new environment - all this prevents you from falling asleep quickly and having a good rest.

What interferes with a comfortable sleep?

Can't sleep at night, what should I do? This question torments many people. At the same time, it is first better to understand what you should not do immediately before bed. After this, insomnia may go away on its own. So, shortly before bedtime you should not:

1. Have a hearty dinner. The last meal should be approximately two hours before bedtime. The gastrointestinal tract also needs rest. If the body is busy digesting food, it will be difficult to fall asleep, and you won’t be able to fully rest.

Drink tea, coffee, and other tonic drinks immediately before bed.

3. Take a hot bath. This procedure gives you a feeling of relaxation, although the high temperature of the water will accelerate blood circulation and increase your pulse. It is quite difficult to fall asleep after such a shake-up.

4. Watch horror films or psychological thrillers. The strong emotional arousal that such viewing will lead to does not contribute to peace and rapid falling asleep.

Remedies to help you fall asleep faster

How to fall asleep if you can't sleep? Some techniques can help in this matter, providing not only a quick fall asleep, but also proper rest for the whole body. Let's remember the most popular methods:

1. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. Stuffy air and high temperatures will not only prevent you from falling asleep peacefully, but can also cause nightmares.

2. Make the bed correctly. Linen should be made from natural materials, and it should be laid out carefully, without folds or lumps. In such a clean and cozy bed you will want to fall asleep immediately!

3. You can listen to pleasant relaxing music, preferably classical. Watching a calm movie that does not have a very exciting plot helps you fall asleep quickly.

4. If you cannot get rid of obsessive thoughts about various matters and problems,

you can try to pronounce them in a whisper. This should be done slowly, always reducing the pace. Gradually your thoughts will begin to get confused and you will fall asleep.

5. It’s worth trying to follow a certain regime. and you need to get up at the same time every day. Even if you went to bed late or fell asleep, you need to get up at your usual time the next morning. It will be much easier to fall asleep in the evening.

6. A proven method of monotonously counting imaginary objects also helps you fall asleep faster. What do they think? To help you fall asleep faster, sheep are best suited for counting. Many people fall asleep without finishing the first hundred of these cute animals.


Many people, tormented by the question of how to fall asleep if they cannot sleep, stop using sleeping pills. This is not the best option, especially if the medications are purchased without a doctor's prescription. But if nothing else helps, instead of potent drugs, you can try taking decoctions of soothing herbs at night: thyme. Valerian tincture is good for relaxing and putting your thoughts in order.

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