What diseases does the sea treat? Properties of sea water. Sea air during pregnancy

We solve many problems for ourselves, where it is warm, comfortable and relatively inexpensive, entertainment, food, travel, visa. But sometimes we forget about the most important thing, which of the seas is the most useful for us.

It has long been proven that sea water is beneficial for the body because it is very similar in composition to human blood plasma. Beneficial substances dissolved in water easily enter the body through the pores of the skin, and then through the walls of blood vessels into the blood. Sea water enriches our body with the active minerals it contains, which activate cell restoration, which means it has a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, magnesium contained in sea water improves immunity, calcium strengthens bones, iodine normalizes metabolism, potassium normalizes arterial pressure, and bromine calms the nerves.

This is why most people, on an instinctive level, strive in winter to countries where there is a warm sea and it is always warm. Doctors and scientists believe that the most useful sea that's in itself unique medicine, which not only allows our body to rest, but also brings our entire body to its original form at the molecular level.

But which of the seas is the most useful and where is it worth going to, at the same time, relax and heal?

Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea is the healthiest sea for children.

Of course, the healthiest of the seas on our planet - the Dead Sea. According to our Russian standards, you can’t swim in it (from dawn to dusk), but small baths, especially in morning hours are undoubtedly useful. The Dead Sea has long been famous for the large amount of salts and salts dissolved in its waters. IN water of the Dead 21 minerals are dissolved in the sea, while 12 of them are not found in any of the seas in the world.

By the way, the Dead Sea is called dead because not only fish, but also microorganisms do not live in it. There is no Dead Sea coast industrial enterprises, That's why The Dead Sea is one of the cleanest in the world.

In summer, on the coast the dead temperature reaches 40 degrees, but due to the constant evaporation of bromine, you will not notice it. Bromine evaporation protects your skin from the unhealthy effects of ultraviolet radiation, so on the beaches of the Dead Sea you will not see a single person who is sunburned - the tan will always be even and beautiful. That is why the Dead Sea will be most useful for those who want to get an even, beautiful tan, and not burn in the sun on the first day of their stay at sea.

Take note of Snow White!

The Dead Sea is valued not only for even and beautiful tan , it heals wonderfully various diseases skin, such as skin eczema, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. It is also useful for those suffering from illnesses to visit the Dead Sea respiratory system- pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis and joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).

But main benefit The Dead Sea is that it heals main disease all business people - chronic fatigue, and in this he has no equal. Of course, there are also contraindications oncological diseases and allergy to iodine.

Sunset over the red sea

The Red Sea is in second place in terms of its therapeutic effectiveness after the Dead Sea, therefore it is considered second most useful for healing the body. The sea is very warm, and unlike the Dead Sea, where you cannot stay in the water for a long time, much less swim, the Red Sea is simply a paradise for those who like to swim and dive. This largely determines its effectiveness and usefulness.

And the Red Sea is the second largest in its content healthy salts, the sea abounds in coral reefs; they are an additional source of useful mineral salts. To those who suffer cardiovascular diseases and diseases respiratory tract The Red Sea is useful in spring, as well as during the velvet season. However, it is possible to treat respiratory tract disease in the summer and even more effectively due to natural evaporation in the air, just do not forget that in the heat (midday) you cannot be on the Red Sea, like any other. Some species are successfully treated in the Red Sea female and male infertility , especially caused by the consequences of infectious diseases suffered in childhood or adolescence.

Black, Mediterranean, Aegean and Adriatic Sea.

These seas have an almost equal composition of salts and naturally the same healing effect , at the same time, the absence of pressure drops and moderate humidity are very suitable for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Conifers forests in Mediterranean resorts form unique composition air, serve as excellent prevention bronchial asthma And chronic bronchitis, as well as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

The Mediterranean climate is suitable for patients with disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems. The Mediterranean air simply charges the body of vacationers with ions and phytoncides, and the water with mineral salts.

According to domestic doctors, the most useful of the seas is that the water composition in it corresponds to the microelement composition of human blood.

Baltic Sea.

The Baltic Sea got fourth place in the ranking “usefulness” of the seas for the health of the human body. However, this sea also has its undeniable advantages. and the absence of heat, as well as the gentle sun, make it the most useful vacation spot for children and adults from northern latitudes, as well as those with weakened bodies that have difficulty with acclimatization. passes unnoticeably, and the abundance of coniferous forests with their wonderful healing air are beneficial for people with diseases thyroid gland and respiratory organs . Even what is in the sea is enough cool water, which warms up to only 20 degrees, works to improve the health of the body, accelerates metabolic processes and tones blood vessels, and there is also an opinion that only the Baltic Sea promotes weight loss.

When you decide to spend a vacation at sea, you need to take care of your health, so choose the healthiest of the seas for relaxation and treatment, even if you do not suffer from any illnesses or diseases.

Interesting facts about the Black Sea.

We go to the sea in the summer to improve our health for the year ahead. After all, they talk about him as the best medicine. Have we overestimated the benefits of sea water? Let's figure it out.

1. The warmer the water, the healthier it is - myth

It is pleasant to swim in the warm sea, but a temperature of 22-25 degrees is more suitable for health. In more warm water Viruses and viruses are actively multiplying.

2. The sea heals not only in season - just walking along the shore and getting your feet wet is enough - a myth

Scientists believe that to achieve therapeutic effect you need to spend at least 10-15 minutes in the sea. Breathing sea air is also useful, but it’s better to swim.

3. Saltwater pools are beneficial. You can also take it with you in a bottle - a myth

If sea water is extracted from natural environment, she will lose hers medicinal properties within 24 hours. Therefore, sea swimming in a pool is only useful if the water in it is changed daily. And they don’t add bleach - this kills all the benefits.

As for sea bath salts, bottles of sea ​​water and other similar means, then keep in mind: so far no laboratory in the world has been able to completely reproduce all the properties of sea water.

4. Sea water contains “the entire periodic table” - true

This phrase should not be taken literally, but the sea actually contains a huge amount of sodium, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, bromine, zinc, copper, iron, selenium and other trace elements. All of them penetrate the body through the skin and bring us great benefit: relax, rejuvenate, relieve inflammation, strengthen the immune system and cleanse.

5. Sea water treats diseases of the nasopharynx - true, but not entirely

Warm sea water near crowded beaches is not very good. There is nothing useful in swallowing it or rinsing the nasopharynx. From such a procedure you are more likely to catch something than cure something. And clean water suitable for rinsing is located at a depth of two meters - you can’t get it that easily.

6. Sea water does not need to be washed off - a myth

Sea water is good for the skin, nails, and the body as a whole. But there is no point in trying to prolong the magical effect. When the water evaporates, salt crystals remain on the skin. They no longer bring any benefit, but they increase the risk of sun damage. And if you have abrasions or calluses, salt can trigger dermatosis.

Sea water is both healing and cosmetic product. If you want to get healthier, lose weight and become incredibly prettier, pack your bags and hit the road to the sea!

From all diseases

Warm waves, bright sun, air filled with exotic aromas, an incomparable starry sky, which can only be found in the south, as well as almost obligatory novels and romance - what else is needed for happiness? Truly, the sea heals not only the body, but also the soul. Tell me, where else can you so successfully combine treatment with hobby?

Waves give the skin an effect light massage, enrich the body with oxygen, improve performance blood vessels, lower blood pressure. Therefore, moderate sea bathing is recommended by cardiologists.

The water of the seas and oceans normalizes thermoregulation, increases vitality, has a hardening effect, strengthens the body's defenses. It also improves blood circulation, increases the number of red blood cells and normalizes heartbeat, whereby sea ​​baths Geriatricians prescribe it to their elderly patients.

Salty waters supply the body with negative ions, which neutralize the excess of harmful positive ions that city dwellers accumulate in the concrete jungle. Thanks to this, the sea has an anti-stress effect, which is well known to neurologists.

And the sea also gives us a huge amount useful substances, normalizing metabolic processes and having a beneficial effect on endocrine system and hypothalamus. Iodine, which sea water is rich in, activates the brain, improves memory, and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Any person suffering from chronic ENT diseases and frequent colds, doctors always advise going to the sea.

In addition to bathing, gargling and rinsing your nose with sea water heated to 37 °C will not hurt. Dentists also recommend rinsing your mouth with this healthy liquid: real sea water contains much more healing substances than the best toothpaste with sea minerals, and the oxygen contained in the water helps to naturally whiten your smile. However, before gargling with sea water, you need to make sure that it is clean.

The consequences of injuries, as well as rheumatic ailments, are also more successfully treated in combination with sea bathing. The sea also heals the nerves and cleanses the skin, helps with eczema and psoriasis.

From sea foam

The composition of sea water includes iodine, calcium, potassium, silicon, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, nickel, copper, arsenic, oxygen, nitrogen, neon, helium and many other elements. We absorb all this wealth through pores and capillaries. The richer and more concentrated the salt composition of sea water, the more intense the skin is nourished.

According to thalassotherapy, the skin can receive the maximum beneficial substances from water heated to 37 ° C, but also after swimming in ordinary sea water with an average temperature of 20–25 ° C beneficial effect is saved. Saturated with minerals and salts, the skin becomes more elastic and firm, swelling decreases. Sea water is especially beneficial for problem skin: it washes away germs and excess sebum from its surface, exfoliates the stratum corneum.

Salt water not only sharpens stones, but also sharpens our figures. The high concentration of nutrients helps intensively remove toxins from the body. In addition, the waves produce a light “anti-cellulite” body massage, and if you combine bathing with sports games on the water or just vigorously swim, then Orange peel will melt before our eyes. By the way, iodine, which marine microorganisms are rich in, additionally burns body fat in problem areas.

Regular swimming in the sea will replace your nourishing nail baths and hair masks. After relaxing by the sea, your manicure will be impeccable, and your hair will become thicker and more beautiful (of course, if you protect your hair from the sun). In general, you will come back from your vacation rejuvenated and prettier. Just remember to follow certain rules.

Six rules of the sea

  • Before entering the water, spend 10 minutes in the shade to avoid the sharp temperature contrast between the water and the air.
  • Upon arrival at the resort, for the first few days it is better to swim once a day. Then the number of sea baths can be increased to 2-3 times a day, with intervals between bathing of at least half an hour.
  • Don't sit in the water until you turn blue. Hypothermia can cause colds, bronchitis, cystitis, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you are still frozen, immediately go ashore and vigorously rub yourself with a terry towel.
  • Do not swim immediately after eating - this is harmful to digestion, and do not swim on an empty stomach. This can cause weakness and an attack of tachycardia.
  • When you get out of the sea, don’t rush into the shower - let your skin absorb the nutrients.
  • If staying in the sea is contraindicated for you for health reasons, simply douse yourself with sea water or take foot baths.

By the way

The term “thalassotherapy” (sea treatment) was introduced by the German physician Friedrich Wilhelm von Halem back in the 18th century. Around the same time, the English physiologist Richard Russell published a book about the healing properties of sea water. Since then, doctors began to prescribe sea bathing to their patients, like a potion.

At the same time, for the first time there was a demand for the services of swimming teachers, because before that, mainly only sailors could swim. Since then, Europe has started swimming en masse. The first one-piece swimsuits, which appeared just over a century ago, contributed to the development of swimming fashion. And the first seaside resorts appeared only in the 19th century.

Hippocrates already knew about the benefits of sea water. Externally, he suggested using it to heal wounds, cracks and bruises, as well as to treat scabies and lichens. Sea bathing was prescribed to everyone suffering nervous diseases and joint pain. Steam from sea water recommended treatment headache, and use the water itself (when taken orally) as a laxative.

Unfortunately, sea water cannot be transported: the healing microorganisms living in it die within 48 years. Therefore, without delaying the matter, get ready for the real blue sea. However, before purchasing a trip to the resort, consult your doctor.

The sea and the sun can be dangerous for patients with heart disease, hypertension, cancer patients, people suffering from infectious diseases, allergies to iodine, as well as some skin and especially fungal diseases. To determine if you have an allergy to iodine, take a special test. If your thyroid gland is overactive, vacationing at seaside resorts is also not recommended.

Which beaches are bettersandy or pebble?

It is useful to walk on pebbles barefoot - stimulate on the soles active points that are connected to everyone internal organs. Walk in zigzags: water - land, cool sea - hot stones - excellent hardening. You can lie in the shade and apply hot stones to your lower back. The procedure is called stone therapy.

And it's nice to bury yourself in the sand. Leave only the heart area open. Spending 15–20 minutes in hot sand is useful for osteochondrosis, joint problems, prostatitis and gynecological diseases.

We all know that swimming in sea water is very good for our health. Many of us have vacationed at sea and remember what a wonderful feeling comes from the touch of a sea wave. The skin becomes smooth and soft as velvet, and the body appears healthier than ever.

Today we will try to figure out whether sea water is really good for the skin? And is it worth planning your vacation during the beach season to take advantage of unique properties sea ​​water for health and beauty of the body.

The benefits of sea water

Sea water has the same chemical composition, like our plasma. Hippocrates, known as the father modern medicine, was the first to use this benefit for medicinal purposes.

His creation was thalassotherapy (water treatment), which gained popularity due to its effectiveness. Sea water is used in modern spas, where along with it they also use algae and healing mud.

Thalassotherapy increases blood circulation, replenishing our body essential minerals which are depleted due to various internal and external factors.

How is sea water beneficial for skin and health? It contains the same 84 elements important for life as the human body, which have the same concentrations. These include vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements and amino acids.

An additional benefit of sea water is the presence of living microorganisms in it that produce antibiotics, antimicrobial and antibacterial substances. Thus, touching sea water to the skin is very beneficial. It nourishes it and protects it from bacteria that cause inflammation and other skin problems.

If you don't have the opportunity to go to the sea to relax, try taking baths with sea salt. Our skin has a natural ability to easily absorb elements (trace elements and minerals) similar to those found in our plasma. Therefore, such procedures will not only bring pleasure, but will also have a noticeable effect on the condition. skin and health in general.

Beneficial properties of sea salt for skin

If you have ever visited seaside resorts, you know that they use sea salt for their cosmetic and massage treatments.

Sea salt infused water helps remove toxins from the skin and acts as a natural scrub, stimulating the production of new cells.

Sea water fills the skin with minerals. In particular, magnesium moisturizes it, improving appearance skin. Microelements heal damage, soften irritations and reduce inflammation.

In conjunction with vitamins and minerals, they also help treat many serious skin diseases such as dermatitis, acne, psoriasis and eczema. Potassium chloride has powerful antiseptic properties, useful in treating minor wounds, cuts and abrasions.

Therefore, regular bathing in sea water significantly improves skin texture, increases its elasticity and reduces or heals many other skin imperfections.

Tomatoes grown using seawater have higher levels of antioxidants than those grown with plain water.

Studies have shown that these fruits significantly increase the body's defenses against heart disease. vascular diseases and cancer. But that is not all! Additionally, the level of oxygen in the blood increases and, accordingly, the amount of useful elements essential in the fight against free radicals.

Sea water and the immune system

Sea water has the ability to activate the body's healing mechanism, which opens the pores of the skin, allowing the absorption of sea minerals and helping to get rid of harmful toxins, the source of numerous diseases.

Sea air and fog are full of negatively charged hydrogen ions, which are considered powerful antioxidants. By inhaling them, we help our immune system and overall health (every cell and organ in our body).

Other unique features of sea water

Sodium chloride in seawater relieves pulmonary problems, including colds, flu, bronchitis and sinusitis. A high concentration minerals improves blood circulation.

Sea water can promote psychological and emotional balance. It heals the mind and cures many disorders nervous system(depression, nervousness, anxiety, apathy, etc.)

Magnesium, lithium and bromine found in seawater are exceptional calming elements that have the ability to stabilize and maintain proper levels of serotonin, melatonin and tryptamines in the brain.

Lithium is often used to treat many psychological problems, in particular, bipolar disorder. High content Magnesium in sea water helps reduce stress, relaxes muscles and nerves.

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