What food to give your cat. Which cat food is best: the correct diet for a furry pet

Anastasia Korableva

To ensure complete nutrition for cats, the main types of food are produced - dry and wet. But, unlike dry food, which contains about 10-15% moisture, wet food is more similar in composition to natural food and is considered more physiological. For convenience, the food is available in pouches or canned food and in appearance resembles jelly or pieces in sauce.

The advantages of wet food are convenient dosage, natural consistency and long shelf life when sealed. The disadvantages include the rather expensive cost, lack of protection against the formation of tartar and a short shelf life after opening the container.

To understand which wet food is best to feed your pet, we have compiled a rating of popular brands by class: economy, premium, super premium and holistic.

What is the rating based on?

For ease of ranking, wet food is divided into categories - classes, the most affordable of which are economy and premium. The food is much more expensive - super premium, and the most refined - holistic.

The latter are recognized by veterinarians as the most suitable in terms of balance and nutritional value for feeding cats; food in the economy and premium categories is inferior in price and quality, but their advertising is shown daily on TV, which increases consumer demand.

Veterinarian advice! It is recommended to focus on who is indicated in the manufacturer's column on the food packaging. The fact is that many brands are manufactured in Russia, so it is not advisable to overpay for the declared “French” quality.

The significance of each of the parameters in compiling the rating in descending order (the first positions have more weight):

  1. Product quality(use of raw materials - natural meat or offal, balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, presence of dyes, preservatives and flavors).
  2. Line breadth(breed, dietary, medicinal feed).
  3. Price(one of the most important parameters for the modern consumer).
  4. Veterinarian opinions and owner reviews make the final contribution.

All of the brands listed below are present on the Russian feed market and differ in composition and price.

Wet food rating

Table to jump to a specific food review at the end of the article.

Packaging photo and name Taste Price for 1 piece Link
Fish platter 53 RUR To the store
Beef 62 RUR To the store
Lamb 66 RUR To the store
Cold cuts 55 rub. To the store
Turkey 73 RUR To the store
Meat and fish platter 112 rub. To the store

Chicken 89 RUR To the store
Rabbit 146 RUR To the store
Tuna with squid 90 rub To the store
Chicken 83 RUR To the store
Cold cuts No prices
Chicken No prices

Economy class

The greatest demand is for food of this particular class, and all thanks to their availability and hyperactive advertising. For the most part, such foods contain an excessive amount of grains, cellulose and by-products, the amount of preservatives and flavorings is also too high, and the meat composition does not exceed 5%. The food also contains a considerable amount of thickeners and dyes that are not allowed to be contained in food products (which cat food is not).

Attention! In Russia, supervisory authorities do not exercise strict control over economy-class food producers, which gives a free hand to some unscrupulous producers.

1. Whiskey. The most popular wet food is Whiskas, which created a sensation in the early 2000s with its appearance. At the beginning of its existence, Whiskas food was sold out at lightning speed - the pets had an excellent appetite, and the price was quite suitable for the owners. Only after a while, with the help of veterinarians, did the breeders learn the real truth about the composition of the feed and the negative consequences of its use.


  • Prevalence.
  • Affordable price.
  • High nutritional value.


  • Questionable origin of components
  • Almost complete absence of meat.
  • High content of wheat (allergen).

2. Darling. Economy class food from the famous manufacturer PURINA. It has mixed reviews, the composition of the food leaves much to be desired, which is generally typical for all economy class brands.


  • Smell attractive to cats.
  • The presence of omega fatty acids, which is beneficial for the coat.
  • A varied assortment (two forms of release - dry and wet in the form of canned food).


  • Insufficient content of natural meat.
  • Harmful effects on animal health during prolonged feeding.
  • Presence of flavoring additives and preservatives.
  • Presence of bones and offal.
  • Strong flavors.

3. Our Brand (NM). Food that can be classified as both economy and premium class.


  • Affordable price;
  • Available in almost all stores.
  • The food contains taurine.
  • Wide range of tastes.


  • Quite a poor composition.
  • Abundance of by-products of dubious quality (poultry meal).
  • Presence of allergen products (corn, wheat)

Premium class

Often, the difference between economy and premium food classes is almost unnoticeable; only the volume of meat contained is increased (most often it varies from 10% to 20%). Due to this, the content of by-products in premium is reduced and the amount of grains is increased. The food is of more decent quality, but with a slight difference in a positive direction.

When choosing wet food for a cat of this class, it is recommended to carefully read the labels, because they also contain dyes, thickeners and preservatives.

1. PRO PLAN – the most common premium food produced by PURINA. Presented in sufficient variety, the brand has active adult pets, sterilized individuals and for cats with health problems. Pro Plan contains the optimal amount of fats and proteins, balanced in microelements. It has a wide range of flavors - turkey, liver, salmon, chicken and duck. Full review of the food.

Positive sides:

  • Content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • High quality protein (eggs, chicken).
  • Availability of a treatment line.
  • A varied assortment (canned food, pouches, pates).

Negative sides:

  • Increased content of grain crops.
  • Allergen content.

2. Hill's - food produced by Hill's Pet Nutrition. The medicinal food of this brand, in contrast to the daily nutrition series, belongs to the super premium category.


  • High quality ingredients.
  • The manufacturer provides detailed information about the composition.
  • Extensive assortment (wet food: canned food and spiders).
  • Hills products are available in many pet stores.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Medical series of higher quality.


  • Large percentage of plant proteins.
  • Pouches and canned food are inferior in quality to dry food from the same manufacturer.
  • Possibility of allergic reactions to some products.

3. Happy Cat – quite well-known German-made food . Sometimes food is classified as super premium.


  • Rich in minerals and vitamins.
  • Wide range of flavors (lamb, duck, sea fish, beef, venison);
  • Affordable price.


  • Contains products of questionable quality.
  • Sometimes causes allergic reactions.

4. Royal Canin – French-made food, which began its history in 1967. Now it is especially popular among cat owners in Russia.


  • A good alternative to natural food.
  • Balanced veterinary line.
  • Financial inclusion.
  • Available in almost any store.


  • Everyday food from this brand is of lower quality.
  • Most of the feed sold is now of Russian origin, which has led to a deterioration in quality.
  • Preservative content.

5.Animonda– German food from Animonda, whose main priority is maintaining the high quality of its products. The food can be classified as premium/super premium.

Positive sides:

  • Wide range of flavors (turkey, trout, chicken, duck, salmon, shrimp, beef, rabbit, etc.).
  • Fats and proteins of natural origin.
  • The line is designed taking into account the age division.
  • The food is highly nutritious.

Negative sides:

  • High carbohydrate content promotes weight gain.
  • The price of the product is above average.
  • Not available in all stores.
  • By-products included.

Super premium

Food in this class should be considered practically the best: it contains natural meat and grains, and a low content of by-products. The content of harmful substances in food of this class should raise suspicions, so you should carefully read the entire composition indicated on the packaging.

Important! If a super premium food contains meat, there must be an explanation of this component.

1. Leonardo. It should be considered the best brand in the considered line of feeds. Its balance will be the envy of many canteens, because good meat products are used for production and high-quality meat is selected. The food is almost always based on chicken (about 70-90%), the rest consists of additives (seafood, offal, fish oil and fish). According to the recommendations of veterinarians and breeders, Leonardo wet food is best combined with dry food from its series.


  • Natural composition.
  • High meat content.
  • Excellent price-quality ratio.
  • Enriched with vitamins and minerals.


  • A scarce product, difficult to find in regular stores.
  • Due to the abundant meat content, it is not recommended for animals with gastrointestinal problems;
  • Suitable only as an additional diet (treat) due to the unbalanced composition.

Important! A pet that has a mixed diet (dry + wet food) must have the same food class. When combining two different classes (for example, economy and super premium economy), the pet will give preference to the economy class due to the content of special flavors and taste enhancers, thereby worsening its well-being.

2.Applaws– made in Great Britain. Some classify this brand as holistic.


  • High meat content.
  • Lack of by-products, dyes and preservatives in increased quantities.
  • Variety of tastes.


  • Quite a high price.
  • Not available in all stores.
  • Unbalanced composition.

3. Bozita made in Sweden. The food undergoes state control, which can guarantee the absence of substances hazardous to the cat’s health.

Main advantages:

  • Natural meat and fish in the composition, no by-products.
  • Saturation with useful elements, minerals and vitamins.
  • No dyes in the composition.


  • High price.
  • Insufficient decoding of antioxidants.
  • Corn and wheat (possible allergens) are the main sources of carbohydrates.

4. 1st Choice- Manufacturer: Canadian company PLB International.


  • Optimal composition of fats and proteins.
  • The presence of probiotics (provides the pet with excellent digestion and healthy coat).
  • No products containing allergens.
  • The food is certified by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA).


  • High price.
  • Not widespread in regular stores.


Developed specifically for small predators, Holistic is considered a new generation premium food. They contain the highest quality products approved for human consumption. They do not contain harmful additives, dyes or flavor enhancers, GMO products, or plant proteins. Due to its ideal “naturalness,” the price of the food is quite high.

1. Almo Nature – food produced in Europe .


  • High quality ingredients.
  • No dyes, preservatives or flavoring additives.
  • Wide range (the best lines are Rouge Label, Green Label, Legend, Classic).

TO negative the parties include:

  • High price.
  • Not available in all stores.


  • The best varieties of meat and fish are used for production.
  • Protein exclusively of animal origin.
  • Free of allergens, flavors and preservatives.
  • High nutritional value.
  • Prevention of urolithiasis (urolithiasis).

TO negative points include:

  • High price.
  • It is very difficult to find for sale in pet stores; you must place an order online.

3. Grandorf– produced in Italy (MONGE & C. SpA) and Belgium (United Petfood Producers NV).

Basic advantages:

  • Using natural meat.
  • A large amount of minerals and vitamins.
  • No chicken protein ingredient (some cats are allergic to this)
  • Free of soy and grains, hypoallergenic composition.
  • Natural preservatives.

Flaws stern:

  • Not widespread in stores.
  • Very high cost.

Useful video

Wet food review Grandorf in the video below:

To choose the best food for your pet, it is important to understand what it will be used for: as a main diet or a treat. Wet food should not be used as the main dish for a cat, despite its good composition and high meat content.

The best food for a cat is in no way a desire to stand out, no, it is a desire to take care of your pet so that he feels it. Poor quality food can have a serious impact on the health of the animal. Cases of death of cats aged three to four years from kidney stones, cancer, liver failure, etc. plenty. It is worth adding that this is the prime of their powers. The main thing is that experts believe that it is inadequate, low-quality nutrition that is the reason for such statistics.

It is unfortunate that many cat owners, in principle, do not want to understand the composition of food, wanting to choose only what is acceptable to them at a price. In this article we will provide lists of food from which you can choose the one living in your home through trial and error. Don't be confused by the way the question is posed. The fact remains that some animals react negatively to even the highest quality foods. Therefore, you should closely monitor your pet for a month after introducing food from a new manufacturer. If you are satisfied with everything, that is, the cat is gaining weight, its coat is shiny, it is playful and does not shed, then this food is suitable for it. If you think that there have been any changes that are not for the better, if the animal is not feeling well (for example, allergic rashes have appeared, hair is falling out), then it is necessary to remove food from the diet urgently or gradually, over the course of a week, if not everything is so sad .

It's created by professionals for professionals. If your animal gets sick, rest assured that for a speedy recovery, the veterinarian will advise switching him to these foods. The only downsides are the high price and the lack of flavorings, which does not cause such a strong appetite as other foods. These include: Wellness, Innova, Canidae, Orijen, Chicken Soup, Acana and many others.

Super-premium foods are those that contain real meat, no chemicals or dyes, but an ideal ratio of vitamins and minerals, balanced protein: Hills, 1st Choice, Eukanuba, Eagle Pack, Bosch, Iams, Biomill, PRO PLAN . We can safely say that you will find the best cat food among these brands. It is worth noting that the high price of these products will ultimately turn out to be a good saving. The fact is that perfectly balanced, nutritious food saturates the animal twice as quickly as economy-class products, which are much inferior in price to super-premium ones. As a result, one and a half kilograms of food per month is enough for an adult cat.

The next thing I would like to discuss is premium nutrition. The food is cheaper than the previous ones, but is not capable of causing serious harm to the health of the animal. Moreover, they are much more common in a wide network of hypermarkets, meaning they are easier to purchase. These include Royal Canin, Pro Pac, Belcando, Diamond Pet Foods, etc.

Which one can you buy that is not expensive? Such products also exist, but the cheapness in this case is conditional, since these feeds are not balanced, and you will have to spend money on an additional complex of vitamins. The cat will eat this food in larger quantities than the previous ones. So you don’t have to think about saving. These varieties include Sheba, Purina, Friskies, etc.

We have described which foods are best and then I would like to give a list of what should not be included in an animal’s diet under any circumstances. These products do not contain meat, it is replaced by meat waste and millet. The animal is not satisfied and is forced to eat beyond measure. The composition contains narcotic additives that are addictive. These include: Kitekat, Perfect fit, Daling, Whiskas, etc.

On forums dedicated to cats, discussions about what to feed your pet: “natural” or ready-made food, are as intense as disputes between meat-eaters and vegetarians or political debates. However, more and more owners are leaning towards ready-made industrial feeds with a balanced composition, which contains added vitamins and microelements necessary for the animal.

Pet stores offer such a variety of food that it is very difficult to make a choice without understanding the composition. Among the presented assortment there are complete balanced diets and frankly useless nutrition. To help you choose from this variety, here is our cat food rating.

The best economy class cat food

Manufacturers of economy class feeds either do not give a percentage breakdown of components at all, or the amount of meat (not meat and bone meal!) in them does not exceed 4%. It should be noted that the streamlined formulation “meat processing products” means skin, bones, feathers and similar production residues that have virtually no nutritional value. Grains often come out on top, and a seemingly good percentage of protein comes mainly from plant ingredients. Let us remember that cats are obligate carnivores, and the basis of their diet is meat (with the exception of medicinal food). In addition, upon careful study, it turned out that economy-class food turns out to be not at all economical. Thus, the daily norm for one of the widely advertised dry economy foods is 100 g per 4 kg of cat weight, while for food in the average price category it is 45-65 g, and often this portion has to be reduced as the animal begins to gain excess weight . But if it is not possible to feed your pet with at least premium brands, you have to choose the best of what is available.


Lowest price and naturalness
Country Russia
Average price: 201 rub. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.6

The most inexpensive of budget feeds. It costs less than the advertised Whiskas and Kitekat, but the quality is significantly better. The domestic brand produces dry and wet food based on natural ingredients. There is minimal harm, but there is also no benefit - it will not satisfy the cat’s daily biological needs. Granules of different shapes contribute to high-quality teeth cleaning.

The manufacturer produces food only for adult cats. There are many flavors - quail, lamb and rabbit liver, turkey, veal, salmon. There is no unpleasant, pungent odor from the product - the meat aroma is felt, despite the absence of artificial flavors. Only completely healthy cats can be fed on a regular basis, provided that additional nutritional supplements are introduced into the diet. Veterinarians do not recommend giving it to cats with urolithiasis and kidney problems. Lack of food - not sold in all pet stores.


Good wet food
Country Russia
Average price: 26 rub. for 100 gr.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the most popular domestic economy-class wet food. Not found in supermarkets, sold only in pet stores. The food manufacturer itself positions it as premium, but the composition does not reach them. According to experts, only wet food is of good quality - it is made from high-quality by-products and looks like selected stew. They can be given to cats regularly without fear for the health of the pets.

But veterinarians recommend avoiding dry food brands, even if you need an inexpensive option. The composition consists mostly of corn; it is very far from the biological needs of cats. The only advantage of Nasha Marka dry food is that artificial flavors, taste enhancers and other harmful additives are not used. But there is no benefit from it either, so using it as a regular diet is not recommended.

Briefly about how to choose the right cat food

  • The first place in the composition should be meat. And not “protein extracts”, but specific meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, etc.). If the percentages are indicated, and “dehydrogenated” is indicated before the name of the meat component, it means that the dry food contains exactly that percentage of the component. If it is not indicated, it means that this is the amount of raw product, which after processing will decrease by approximately 5 times and may well move to the end of the list. Do not confuse meat and meat/fish meal: the latter, as a rule, is a product of processing non-standardized residues.
  • Cereals can be a source of carbohydrates, but not the first ingredient in the composition. It is better if it is oats or rice, ideally in the form of cereals rather than flour. Corn and wheat flour can provoke allergies, but if the animal is not allergic, it’s okay.
  • Potatoes or other vegetables are a better source of carbohydrates than grains.
  • Soy, yeast, dyes are potential allergens (for animals). However, yeast is often used as a source of vitamins and biologically active substances necessary for the functioning of the immune system.
  • Ideally, the amount of each ingredient in the composition is indicated as a percentage. It’s worse when only the percentages of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are indicated.

The cat should be fed according to the standards specified by the manufacturer. A feature of predators is the lack of a sense of satiety. In some breeds this feature is more pronounced, in others less, but if the cat is not controlled, it will regularly overeat and gain excess weight.


The best composition among economy feeds
A country: USA (manufactured in France or Russia)
Average price: 262 rub. per package 0.75 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the best budget food. It belongs to economy class, but its composition is closer to premium brands. It features a wide range of diets for cats with different needs - active, domestic, kittens, elderly, fluffy, sterilized pets. The composition is opaque, but simple - there are a minimum of harmful additives, but also useful ones. When feeding cats Purina One on a regular basis, it is advisable to give additional vitamins and protein supplements. Fiber and prebiotics are contained in sufficient quantities, which promotes normal digestion and helps avoid diarrhea or constipation.

Some cats develop food addiction to the food, but this quickly goes away when switched to other brands. The protein content is quite high, but most of it is of plant origin. According to experts, Purina One dry food can be made the basis of the diet in extreme cases, when it is not financially possible to keep your pet on more complete brands. Many veterinarians believe that the manufacturer pays more attention to product advertising than to the quality of the ingredients.

The best premium cat foods

Premium food costs a little more, and in some cases, is cheaper than economy-class brands. But their composition is already more nutritious and balanced. In a real premium food, meat products should come first, but the percentage of animal protein will be low. They are safer than cheap advertised brands; some brands even have good lines of medicinal diets. When choosing between economy and premium, you should definitely give preference to the second option.


Balanced diet for cats with bladder stones
A country: Russia. Brand country – USA
Average price: 1400 rub. for 1.5 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

The formulation is designed to dissolve stones in the bladder of cats, and is suitable for the treatment of both struvite and oxalate stones. The manufacturer allows 5 weeks for their dissolution, but the course of treatment to prevent relapses should be at least 6 months. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating cats, with renal and heart failure, hypertension. Increases the volume of urine, which allows you to reduce the concentration of salts in it and dissolve stones. Enriched with vitamins and microelements, a source of glycosaminoglycans has been added, which create the lining of the mucous membrane of the bladder and protect it from inflammation. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that cereals come first in the composition, however, this is allowed for medicinal feeds.

There are other medicinal foods. Regular diets are also fairly balanced, although not all ingredients are ideal for feeding cats. In our country, ROYAL CANIN is considered a good premium food; by European standards it falls a little short of this class. When purchasing, it is better to look at the manufacturer and purchase foreign-made food. An interesting feature is that the brand’s assortment includes an analogue of cat’s breast milk for feeding kittens.


Natural composition with high meat content
Country: Germany
Average price: 165 rub. for 0.4 kg.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The composition of the food speaks for itself: 90% chicken meat, 10% chicken hearts. Added vitamins B, A, D and E. Microelements: calcium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese. According to reviews from owners who bought this food for their pets, there is not much jelly in the jar, most of the volume is filled with meat, which looks like stew for humans. The food contains no dyes, flavors or preservatives. The jar contains 400 grams, which is enough to feed a cat weighing 3-5 kg ​​during the day without using other food, so overall the option is quite economical, despite the fact that it belongs to the premium class. Takes a place in the ranking for the best composition without any additives.

The manufacturer's line includes canned food with other flavors - poultry, salmon, game. Quite good dry food is also offered. Their feature is 90% digestibility due to a carefully selected and balanced composition. Animals are satisfied with a small portion, the output of excrement is significantly reduced. There are completely grain-free diets; all foods contain many useful additives. This is an excellent brand for constant feeding of pets of all breeds and ages.


Good food for overweight cats with urolithiasis
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 1,399. for 1.50 kg.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Combines a hypocaloric diet necessary for weight loss with the ability to dissolve bladder stones. In addition, the manufacturer promises a 10% reduction in pet weight in two months. At first glance, this is not much, but in fact it corresponds to veterinary standards: too rapid weight loss is not good for animals. At the same time, it has a very good composition - 26% chicken, flaxseed, fish oil, carrots. Added vitamins, microelements and beta-carotene. The daily requirement for a 4 kg cat is 45 g, which makes the food quite economical (1.5 kg package). Not recommended for pregnant or lactating cats or growing kittens.

The rest of HILL'S food is also of high quality - regular varieties can be made the basis of a pet's diet. They have a very wide range of flavors. The line also includes other medicinal diets. All of them are balanced strictly for a specific problem, so they cannot be fed to healthy cats - they are prescribed veterinarian. The only drawback is low nutritional value. Even three feedings a day may not be enough - the pet will still feel hungry. The price of all brand diets is quite high - comparable to full-fledged super premium food. So this brand makes sense to use only medicinal varieties For regular feeding, you can choose more worthy options at the same cost.


Best wet food for cats with sensitive digestion
Country: USA
Average price: 71 rub. for 0.09 kg
Rating (2019): 4.9

PRO PLAN is one of the most famous premium foods. The quality is average, but quite acceptable if you combine dry and wet diets. There are no frankly harmful substances in the composition. According to experts, the advantage of this brand is its wide range of medicinal foods. For example, pate for cats with sensitive digestion. It contains 20% turkey, enriched with vitamins A, D, iron, zinc, selenium. A mixture of oils (sunflower and fish oil) are sources of vitamin E. Taurine is also added. It also contains vegetables as a source of fiber.

According to the manufacturer, all components of the food are easily digested without irritating the delicate gastrointestinal tract of a cat with sensitive digestion. A cat weighing 4 kg needs 2-3 cans of this food per day. But you cannot constantly feed your pets with wet food - this will lead to dental problems. One of the disadvantages is the rather high price for such a composition, especially in terms of daily needs.

The best super premium food

Super-premium food is a completely different, more complete and high-quality category. You can safely choose any brand from this segment for constant feeding of your pet, without using fortified supplements. Grains are rarely found in them. As a rule, they are replaced by legumes or potatoes.


High-quality canned fish for cats
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 80 rub. for 0.08 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

Another wet food with a laconic, but therefore better composition. 40% tuna meat, 4% salmon, rice. The protein content is 11%; it also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It contains only 0.3% fat and 1% fiber, which is necessary for normal digestion. The product is completely natural. Judging by the reviews of the owners and photographs of open cans, there are indeed pieces of fish inside. Despite the relative high cost (an adult cat needs 2-3 cans per day), this hypoallergenic food without dyes, flavors and preservatives has rightfully earned its place in the ranking of the best.

Veterinarians have a good reputation for wet and dry food from this brand. The composition of diets is initially aimed at preventing the most common diseases. Dry food consists of 50% meat ingredients. The composition does not contain strong allergens and components that are poorly absorbed by the animal’s body. The range is wide - you can choose food in accordance with the age, lifestyle and physiological state of the pet.


The best food for large breed cats
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 2,151. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

Big cats don't just need more food. Their musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems are under great strain. Often their jaws are not designed for grasping and chewing small pieces. Bosch Sanabel Grand food was created taking these features into account. Mussel flour is a valuable source of chondroitin and glucosamine, which are essential for joints; flaxseed and fish oil supply the cardiovascular system with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cranberries, blueberries, calendula are sources of vitamins and antioxidants. Thus, this food takes its place in the ranking as the best diet for large breed cats.

The manufacturer also has other high-quality foods. The main advantage of the brand is that production is located only in Germany, so the quality is consistently high. The composition of all diets is completely balanced, no additional additives are required. But veterinarians recommend giving this food with caution to pets who have had allergies, since maize and cellulose are added as binding elements.


Wide selection of balanced feeds
Country: Canada
Average price: RUB 1,342. for 2.72 kg
Rating (2019): 4.7

The main source of protein is chicken. In order for the composition of amino acids to be more balanced, methionine, lysine and carnitine are added additionally. Natural vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, acts as a preservative. Sources of carbohydrates and fiber are peas, brown rice, beet and tomato pulp. Also contains flax seed, salmon oil, vitamins, dried mint. Microelements (iron and copper) are added in the form of proteinates - they are better absorbed as part of protein complexes. The daily norm for a cat weighing 4 kg is 60 g.

The manufacturer offers a wide selection of dry and wet food for cats of all ages. There are specialized diets for allergies and for sterilized pets. All feeds have a fairly balanced composition. Veterinarians consider the only drawback to be the addition of sodium bisulfate. Despite the fact that this food additive is permitted in all countries and is often found in human foods, its effect on the animal body has not been sufficiently studied.


The Best Set of Protein Sources
Country: Canada
Average price: RUB 1,787. for 1.8 kg
Rating (2019): 4.9

Contains 70% protein ingredients of animal origin: lamb, Canadian duck, perch fillet, herring, pollock, chicken eggs, lamb and duck liver - sounds like a menu from one of the best restaurants, doesn’t it? Source of carbohydrates - legumes: green and red lentils, green and yellow peas; as well as vegetables and fruits: pumpkin, carrots, apples. Algae and herbs are a source of microelements and antioxidants that normalize digestion. Added vitamins A, D; iron, iodine; probiotic to normalize intestinal microflora, which together makes this food one of the best.

The assortment includes only dry food of the super premium and holistic classes. There is a diet that is 100% meat, but before introducing it into your cat’s daily menu, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. Many diets provide prevention of urolithiasis due to the addition of cranberries.

The best holistic cat foods

The most expensive, but at the same time the highest quality food belongs to the holistic class. They are not allowed to contain cereals, and the amount of meat or fish reaches 80%. By-products and food production waste are not used - only high-quality raw materials. There are hypoallergenic holistic products that do not contain chicken. Many veterinarians believe that only food of this class is as close as possible to the natural nutrition of cats and fully meets their needs for energy and nutrients.


One of the best holistic doctors according to veterinarians
Country: Canada
Average price: 1879 rub. for 1.8 kg
Rating (2019): 4.7

Veterinarians consider Orijen one of the best holistic treatments. The composition of the food can be called unique - each component has a special label indicating that it is suitable for human consumption. The diet is as close as possible to the natural diet of the cat. In this particular food, 85% comes from chicken, the remaining 15% is distributed among various healthy additives - vegetables, fruits, herbs. There are no grain crops in the composition.

The assortment is dominated by food made from several components at once. For example, duck, trout, pork and venison. The garnish is fruits and berries. The manufacturer does not produce any specialized food, since all diets are so well balanced that even sterilized cats do not get better from them. The only drawback, according to cat owners, is that switching to this food is difficult. Due to the vague smell and lack of additional flavoring additives, pets are reluctant to eat it at first. Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to a smooth transition.


Inexpensive VIP-level holistic
Country: UK
Average price: 880 rub. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.7

Inexpensive, but surprisingly high-quality holistic food. Veterinarians speak very highly of him. No grains or gluten are used in any diet. The assortment is very wide - there is canned food, dry food with different tastes. Diets are provided for all age categories.

The composition is optimally balanced, it contains everything that is necessary for a cat’s health - high-quality animal proteins, good carbohydrates, fiber, and various useful additives. A nice feature of dry food is that it can sit in a bowl for a long time without losing its smell or becoming damp. This is convenient if you have to leave your cat alone all day.


Large selection of diets, good range of ingredients
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1,400 rub. for 2 kg
Rating (2019): 4.8

A truly holistic product with 70% animal protein content. It is produced without the use of harmful components - you will not find soy, corn, grains, or artificial additives in the composition. In addition to the Lamb and Rice flavor, there are many other options available. According to experts, special attention should be paid to food for pregnant cats. It has a perfectly balanced composition - the animal is completely satiated, but does not gain excess weight, the intrauterine development of kittens proceeds correctly - they are always born healthy.

In addition to dry food, the manufacturer offers high-quality canned food - in appearance they resemble ordinary stew, but are enriched with additional useful additives. The only option in the range that is not worth taking is a universal diet for kittens and adult animals. The granules in it are very small, so cats simply swallow them. This can lead to dental problems over time.


One of the most popular holistic practitioners
Country: Canada
Average price: 3,350 rub. for 7.26 kg
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Canadian brand's food has been at the peak of popularity for quite some time due to its high quality and relatively low cost for the holistic class. The composition of all feeds is balanced, the protein content is high. The line is represented by a wide selection of flavors, there are wet and dry diets. You can choose the best option taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of your pet.

Veterinarians consider food GO! by true holistic practitioners, they are often recommended as the basis of a regular pet menu. But some experts point to a bad trend - recently the quality has been gradually decreasing, and the price is rising. If this continues, I will have to consider holistic products from other brands.

Not a single advertisement contains the phrase: “Buy our food.” Manufacturers adhere to a different policy - you yourself will buy this product if it is shown “in person”. In the store, everything is even more complicated - the display cases are filled with bags and jars so impressively that most often we buy something that is not what we had planned. And it is important for cat owners to choose the best food that is suitable for their pet. To avoid making a rash purchase, you need to study the features of different foods in advance.

Types of cat food

A cat owner can feed his pet in one of two ways:

  • store-bought (industrial) feed.

Each method of feeding a cat involves several types of food.

Natural food is food for the cat prepared by the owner from good quality products. We are not talking about home-cooked food for people, but about dishes prepared specifically for the animal (taking into account its age, body characteristics, breed and health status).

Industrial feeds are divided into several categories by type and class. The types may be as follows:

  • (in the form of granules);
  • wet food (canned food in the form of pates, jellies);
  • (for cats with health problems);
  • (special treats that do not carry a calorie load).

All store-bought cat food is divided into 4 classes:

  • economy class (these are budget products that contain almost no meat);
  • premium class (they contain natural meat, but also artificial additives);
  • super premium (expensive, practically no dyes, contains a lot of meat);
  • holistic class (the most expensive, up to 90% meat, do not contain dyes or preservatives).

What food to choose for a cat

Pouches are intended for one complete feeding of a cat.

Mixing different brands of food is not recommended. But to feed a cat, you can combine wet and dry food if we are talking about products of the same brand.

Many of my friends leave their cats dry food in a bowl for the whole day (while they are at work) and a full bowl of fresh water. And in the evening they pamper their pets with wet food. Yes, mustachioed pets prefer wet food. But dry during the day is the best option. Firstly, cat owners can calculate the daily requirement in advance and leave everything at once (and the cat will distribute this food over the required number of times). Secondly, dry food is good for teeth. Cat breeders I know who feed their cats pellets never complain about the health of their cat's teeth.

The quality of the food can be determined by its composition. The food should be well balanced - a lot of meat, few carbohydrates. The word “meat” does not necessarily mean pieces of veal pulp or tenderloin from a rack of lamb, but proteins of animal origin:

  • natural fresh meat;
  • dehydrated meat and fish;
  • by-products and processed meat and fish products;
  • bone flour.

When a cat owner asks a veterinarian which food is best to choose, most likely the advice will be the same - the more expensive option. The fact is that veterinarians often encounter cat diseases that arise from improperly balanced food. Dyes, artificial flavors, allergens - all this leads to various ailments. Therefore, professionals are trusted by high-quality food, which simply cannot be cheap.

In addition, one of the veterinarian’s recommendations may be a warning about the diet itself. After all, no matter how good the store-bought food is, the owner of the animal can negatively affect the health of the pet by violating the feeding rules.

Choose among the expensive ones and feed only it; there is no need to dilute or alternate with natural food.

DOCTOR-VeT, forum user, veterinarian


Most often, veterinarians advise feeding pets industrial food.

Experts often advise switching pets to a special (therapeutic) diet. Our family has never had to go to the vet for our cat's diet, but my sister's cat suffers from urolithiasis. A couple of years ago he had a severe exacerbation, the veterinarian said that it was due to a metabolic disorder. Indeed, my sister fed Donut both meat and fish, but he never ate milk or dairy products. A lot of phosphorus accumulated in the body, but there was not enough calcium, so stones formed. The veterinarian recommended that they switch to medicinal food (Urinary) - several brands have such a line.

For a cat who has given birth, I advise you to switch to Hills feeding for kittens, it is higher in calories and will replenish the energy that is spent on feeding kittens and recovering after birth.

Vikki-Vikki, user, veterinarian


According to veterinarians, it is better to immediately discard food if it contains one (or more) of the following ingredients:

  • potatoes (this is a product with a high glycemic index, which means it can lead to diabetes);
  • the liver of any birds and animals - it is believed that it is capable of retaining toxins for a long time, so its consumption is potentially dangerous;
  • soy protein concentrate (it is an allergen; there are cases when soy in the feed is classified as GMO);
  • animal mixture (may contain hair, claws, hooves, feathers) - very allergenic;
  • corn and its processed products, wheat, flour made from it, gluten are allergens;
  • any artificial additives (the letter E will help you detect them);
  • salt in any quantity;
  • yeast.

By remembering this list, you will be able to choose the most healthy cat food, even from an inexpensive series.

Video: Farmina veterinarian's opinion on cat food

Rating of cat food 2019

Economy class feed

The following brands have been the favorite economy class foods for a long time:

  • Felix;

Table: comparison of economy class feeds

NameType of feedThe presence of protein in the compositionArtificial componentsRangePrice
Purina OneDryUp to 34%Flavorings (flavoring additives)
  • for kittens;
  • for adult and elderly cats;
  • for animals with special needs;
  • preventive lines.
200 rubles (600 g)
"Night Hunter"Dry33%-36% There are no artificial additives, as well as vitamins (the food is not complete)
  • for kittens;
  • for adult cats;
  • specialized feed.
70 rubles (400 g)
WetAbout 50%For kittens and older cats (over 7 years old)From 25 rubles
Kitekat7% Not specifiedFor adult catsFrom 14 rubles
Dry28% 56 rubles (350 g)
Whiskas4% Antioxidant BHA
  • for kittens;
  • for adult and elderly cats;
Wet26% Not specifiedFrom 17 rubles
FelixWet15,4% Thickeners and dyesFor adult animals and cats with capricious tastes29 rubles
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • antioxidants.
110 rubles (300 g)

Photo gallery: the best economy class food in 2019

Kitekat is a cheap food that can be found in any supermarket. Although Purina One is an economy class food, veterinarians often recommend it to their patients. Night Hunter cat food is a relatively new pet food brand, which from the first days began to enjoy the trust of customers
Veterinarians and breeders of purebred cats are dissatisfied with the quality of Whiskas, but the animals themselves simply adore this product Felix food is a more budget-friendly option for Purina One

Video: examination of popular cheap cat food

Premium segment products

Popular premium segment foods include:

  • Brit;
  • Pro Plan;
  • Iams;
  • Gourmet.

Table: comparison of the most popular premium foods

NameType of feedThe presence of protein in the compositionUnwanted ComponentsRangePrice
Royal CaninSukhoi42%
  • dyes;
  • flavorings.
  • for kittens;
  • for purebred, adult and elderly animals;
  • for cats with special needs.
From 250 rubles (400 g)
  • preservatives;
  • linoleic acid.
From 50 rubles (85 g)
  • salt;
  • yeast.
Dry32,5% AntioxidantsFrom 260 rubles
Brit34% Brewer's yeast
  • for kittens;
  • for adult domestic cats;
  • for animals prone to obesity;
  • for sterilized or sensitive cats.
WetUp to 33%From 36 rubles
Pro Plan
  • flavoring feed additive;
  • yeast;
  • antioxidants;
  • preservatives.
For kittens and adult cats (including those with sensitive digestion)From 55 rubles (85g)
  • daily food for adult cats;
  • veterinary line.
From 200 rubles (400 g)
ShebaWetUp to 30%- From 15 rubles
IamsDryUp to 45%-
  • for kittens;
  • for adult, aging, pregnant and lactating cats;
  • veterinary line.
From 255 rubles (300 g)
  • for kittens;
  • for adult and elderly cats.
From 85 rubles
GourmetWetFrom 14%DyesDaily nutrition for adult cats (over 1 year old)From 29 rubles

Photo gallery: premium cat food

Veterinarians trust Royal Canin food, as manufacturers offer a wide veterinary line
Sheba is only wet food, but this brand has many lines. The Hill’s brand has many foods with different tastes and for animals of different ages.
Even with a limited number of Gourmet foods, you can choose the right option with the right taste
Pro Plan is one of the products of Purina, which has long been popular among Russian consumers

Super premium food

The most popular super premium food among buyers:

  • Pronature Original;
  • Gina;
  • Bozita;
  • Flatazor;
  • 1st Choice;
  • Bosch;
  • Brit Care;

Super premium foods are harder to find than their cheaper counterparts. Some cat owners have to order them from suppliers (this also guarantees quality). In addition, now you can place an order through online stores, in which case you can receive the goods at home.

Table: popular super premium foods

Photo gallery: super premium cat food

1st Choice super premium food cannot boast of a large number of types Pronature Original food does not contain dyes or flavors Gina super premium food is highly valued by veterinarians for its high quality
Unlike many other high quality foods, cats like Bozita. Bosch products do not contain soy protein; all protein comes from animal products

Holistic segment feed

The best holistic foods, according to cat owners, include:

  • Innova;
  • Almo Nature;
  • Nature Holistic;
  • Barking Heads;

Table: comparison of the best holistic foods

NameType of feedThe presence of protein in the compositionPrice
InnovaDry, wetUp to 50%From 120 rubles (370 g)
AcanaDryUp to 75%From 370 rubles (340 g)
Almo NatureDry, wetUp to 33%From 85 rubles for 70 g
Farmina N&DDryUp to 44%From 410 rubles (300 g)
Pronature HolisticFrom 30%From 340 rubles (340 g)
Gina EliteFrom 32%From 739 rubles (1 kg)
GrandorfDry37% From 370 rubles (400 g)
Barking HeadsDry, wet35% From 110 rubles (100 g)
Go!Dry, wet46% From 120 rubles (100 g)
NowDry31% 250 rubles (230 g)

Photo gallery: popular luxury cat food

When purchasing Almo Nature wet food in a package (for example, 12 cans), their price will be lower. Not all cats eat expensive food such as Pronature Holistic, because they do not contain taste and odor enhancers. Even humans can eat food like Innova. Feed Go! can only be ordered directly from the manufacturer Lesser known holistic foods such as Now can be purchased at premium prices

Food with different flavors

Manufacturers try their best to make food more attractive to consumers and healthier for cats. To do this, recipe developers and veterinary nutritionists create products with different flavors. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary that the food contains exactly the meat that is indicated on the label. Most economy, premium and super premium class products contain flavorings. Of course, some owners understand this trick perfectly well, but what can you do to please your pet?

There are foods with the following flavors:

  • chicken (Whiskas for kittens with chicken, 1st Choice Vitality);
  • beef (Kitekat beef in jelly, Almo Nature Beef&Rice);
  • rabbit (Monge Rabbit);
  • beef tongue (Sheba from veal and tongue, Dinner Menu No. 7);
  • lamb (Acana Grasslands);
  • ducks (Innova Evo 95 Duck, Sheba mini, Monge Duck);
  • turkey (Sheba with turkey in Bechamel sauce);
  • liver (Brit Premium with chicken and chicken liver);
  • salmon (Sheba mini, Whiskas for kittens stew with salmon);
  • tuna (Monge Tonno Del Pacifico Con Salmone);
  • shrimp, seafood (Monge Fantasia Di Mare Con Pollo, Schesir with chicken and shrimp);
  • trout (Sanabelle Adult with trout);
  • anchovies (Monge Anchovies);
  • combinations of meat/fish with vegetables/fruits (Farmina N&D fish and orange, Pronature with turkey and cranberries).

Some manufacturers produce food with “rare” flavors (shrimp, seafood, fruit, etc.)

The best specialized cat foods

Specialized foods are those products whose formulation was developed taking into account the characteristics of cats:

The physical condition of the animal means not only diseases (food still cannot cure them), but also a predisposition to any ailments. Currently, products are produced for mustachioed pets with the following diseases and conditions:

  • diabetes mellitus (Monge Diabetic, Royal Canin Diabetic DS46);
  • urolithiasis (Hill’s K/D or Urinary Care series);
  • thyroid diseases (Hill’s y/d);
  • tendency to be overweight (Monge Obesity, Hill’s Metabolic);
  • skin diseases (Monge Dermatosis);
  • orthopedic problems (Hill’s j/d series, Royal Canin Mobility MC28);
  • prone to dental diseases (Royal Canin Dental DS029);
  • liver pathologies (Monge Hepatic, Royal Canin Hepatic HF26);
  • those recovering from operations (Hill’s a/d);
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or sensitive digestion (Bosch Sanabelle Sensitive Lamb, Go! Sensitivity + Shine);
  • poor appetite or capricious taste (Royal Canin Savour Exigent 35/30).

In many cats, urolithiasis develops in parallel with weight gain; for such animals, Metabolic + Urinary food from Hill’s is suitable

A separate specialized line includes food for pregnant and nursing mothers. It is important that the cat receives many vitamins and nutrients that will be beneficialand to her, and future kittens. Most large manufacturers develop baby food lines in such a way that the nutrition meets the needs of the expectant mother:

The best and most popular

Foods for sterilized animals and fattening cats have similar compositions - this is a low-calorie diet

Video: how dry animal food is made

Is your cat's diet correct? Most owners will not answer this question. Few people think about counting the proteins, vitamins and micronutrients that enter the pet’s body with food. But this is not necessary, because cat food manufacturers have already calculated everything for you. We talked to three veterinary nutritionists about how to feed your cat and how to choose good food for it in the store.

Nigova Ekaterina

Veterinarian-nutritionist at Zoostatus clinics

A proper diet is more important for your pet than it might seem. If a cat consistently does not receive enough protein, vitamins, and microelements that are important for it, then its body is forced to constantly turn on internal regulators in order to maintain itself in a normal state. The imbalance of nutrients will not manifest itself for a long time - the cat will be active and healthy. But as soon as some kind of illness or injury occurs, then, combined with a consistently poor diet, the body will immediately fail.

Dry food

It may seem “frivolous” to most; it is often used as a complement to other, “main” food. However, for a complete diet, dry food and water are sufficient for the animal. If your cat eats this food throughout the day, it will replenish its entire daily requirement of nutrients for health and well-being. True, we are talking about complete food, experts clarify.

There are a number of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and essential fatty acids that your cat must replenish daily. There are daily standards, but it is worth considering that the lower and upper levels are usually indicated. As for the bottom, it was derived from laboratory tests, when the animals were fed different amounts of food and any deviations from good health, if any, were recorded. Based on such observations, the upper and lower levels were established.

It is important that the dry food states that it is complete, balanced or suitable for daily use: only under this condition can it be assumed that the pet will not be left without substances important to it.

– Dry food also acts as a preventative against tartar. The norm is usually indicated on the packaging, it is important not to go beyond it, notes veterinarian-therapist at the Gemini clinic Darina Berezina.

Don't forget to drink. Your cat should always have clean water.

– Cats are animals that came from the subtropics, and, like all inhabitants of semi-deserts, their body is designed in such a way that they have a reduced sense of thirst. It’s one thing when a cat eats a mouse—the rodent has enough moisture and doesn’t need to drink. This is a different case. Therefore, if your cat drinks little, then perhaps he needs to soak the food or replace it with wet food, sums up Ekaterina Nigova.

Roskoshestvo examined samples of cat food from 39 brands. Three of them are of high quality.

Wet food

Wet food (meat pieces in jelly - in bags, jars, etc.) is used more as a treat. Usually it does not contain the daily dose of all useful elements,” says Darina Berezina. – On the packaging of such food you should look for a mention that the food is balanced and suitable for the daily diet.

The doctor also considers it a good sign when the same manufacturer produces both dry and wet food. Often these are the brands that offer complete products.

Ideally, the bag or canned food should include all the necessary components. This is meat (or its processed products), amino acids, plant products (this can be potatoes, corn, etc., but most often such details are not specified in the composition), vitamins K, A, D, E, taurine, iron , copper, manganese, zinc, omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

Galina Chernova

Veterinarian-nutritionist at VetCat clinics

When looking at the composition, pay attention to the ingredient that comes first, since the order of the composition is determined by the percentage of components in the product. So, in our case, meat should come first. Our cats are carnivores that feed on mammals whose meat contains taurine. Unfortunately, cats' bodies cannot store this element, so they must consume it regularly. It is necessary for vision, cardiac activity and other physiological processes,” says Galina Chernova, a veterinarian nutritionist at VetCat clinics.

Food for sterilized cats, active or lazy couch potatoes

Some may suspect that this is ordinary food, but with different labels on the packaging. In fact, we are talking about truly special foods intended for the mentioned types, and such foods differ in composition. For example, food for active cats is higher in calories, since active animals spend a lot of energy, and for lazy couch potatoes it is lighter.

– You need to look at the bag of food for castrated or sterilized animals to see if, for example, it contains L-carnitine. This is a fat burner, which is important for somewhat passive cats prone to weight gain, explains Galina Chernova.

Expensive vs. cheap

– There are several classes of feed. “Superpremium”, “premium”, “economy”, as well as “holistic” (Human Grade) - the quality is as if the product was made for people. In the production of such feeds, technologies are used that make it possible to preserve all the benefits of the ingredients, their digestibility is at least 80%, no by-products, only clean meat. As for the rest, the degree of presence and digestibility of useful components depends on the class,” says Galina Chernova.

And Darina Berezina recommends not to get carried away with cheap food and draws an analogy between them and instant soups like Doshirak. If you eat exactly this all the time, then gastritis will not keep you waiting. Whatever one may say, in the end the cat chooses the food itself. All you have to do is first give her a choice, and then regularly fulfill her preferences.

“If a cat likes the food, she feels good after it, she has no problems with digestion or urination, she is active and has good hair, then it suits her,” says Ekaterina Nigova. – Perhaps some cat will like food that is more expensive, and some will choose cheaper food, there is nothing wrong with that.

The doctor also explains that the classification of feed is rather arbitrary. Of course, the manufacturer understands approximately what quality customers expect from food of a certain class, and tries to meet the declared level, but in fact there are no prescribed parameters that classify food into one group or another. In Europe and America (where feed most often comes from on the Russian market), there are still organizations that certify feed and are responsible for its safety. However, even if you have “holistic” food in front of you, you cannot say for sure that it is made from the best and freshest meat, and not yesterday’s meat. Regarding controversial additives, we note that regulations determining which additives are safe and allowed for use and which are not still exist and the manufacturer is obliged to follow them.

Is it possible to feed cats food from the table?

Many owners habitually reason that if the food they eat is good for them, then it will be good for their pets, and they believe that the main rule in the diet is variety. Nutritionists do not agree with this position and explain that if you additionally give animals some other food, then the cats will not eat their own, which is why they will not receive the daily requirement of the necessary elements. Of course, if you feed your cat from the table infrequently and a little, then nothing bad will happen to it. 5–10 grams of meat (preferably cooked) or other food is most likely not dangerous for a healthy cat.

Is fish harmful?

– There is a theory that it is not physiological for a cat to eat fish, since in the wild it usually does not eat such meat. But in the same way, in nature, cats do not eat rabbits and do not hunt cows, but food from these animals is actively sold, and there is nothing wrong with that, since the food is designed for normal absorption, explains Darina Berezina. – For example, salmon and trout can be classified as high-quality fish, but cheaper fish (capelin, herring, blue whiting) are rather undesirable.

This fish may contain too much iodine and other minerals that cannot be absorbed in such a volume, which causes the formation of stones in the genitourinary system, adds Galina Chernova.

“As for ordinary raw fish, it is not suitable for everyone, there is a lot of phosphorus, little calcium,” says Ekaterina Nigova. – If you are a compassionate citizen and consistently feed street cats, then dry food is perfect for them. It is also advisable to bring water to the animals, although even here they will most likely get out on their own, because in the summer you can drink from a puddle, and in the winter they can eat snow


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